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Social Media - How to Move People & Tip the Adoption Curve

Date post: 17-Oct-2014
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Presentation to major accounting & tax providers at AICPA CPA2Biz SaaS Roundtable in NYC on January 30, 2013. Covers three major themes: 1) Social Media adoption can be used to find and connect to early adopters/innovators; 2) A recent Deloitte/Sloan MIT study says business have three years to get "social"; 3) MACPA case study shows how to use social technologies to bend the adoption curve and establish your brand in a meaningful way.
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How to Succeed Using Social Media to Interact with CPAs Tom Hood, CPA.CITP.CGMA CEO Maryland AssociaAon of CPAs Business Learning InsAtute AICPA / CPA2Biz Cloud in Tax & AccounAng ExecuAve Roundtable January 30, 2013
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How  to  Succeed  Using  Social  Media  to  Interact  with  CPAs  

Tom  Hood,  CPA.CITP.CGMA  CEO  

Maryland  AssociaAon  of  CPAs  Business  Learning  InsAtute  

AICPA  /  CPA2Biz  Cloud  in  Tax  &  AccounAng  ExecuAve  Roundtable  

January  30,  2013  

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Tom  Hood  CEO  of  MACPA  &  BLI  

•  Named  Fourth  Most  InfluenAal  Person  by  AccounAng  Today  

•  Top  25  Influencers  in  Learning  &  HR  by  HR  Examiner  

•  Top  25  Public  AccounAng  Thought  Leaders  by  CPA  PracAce  Adviser  

•  Working  on    Learning  Management  with  AICPA/CPA2Biz,    Cloud  Curriculum,  Performance  Management  /XBRL,  Leadership  &  GeneraAons  

Tom Hood, CPA, CITP, CGMA CEO MACPA Business Learning Institute (BLI)


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And  on  our  blog  at  hYp://www.cpasuccess.com  

Download  Today’s  Preso  on  

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What  would  happen  if  we  applied  social  tools  to  learning?    What  kind  of  impact  will  that  have  in  adopAon?    Wanna  play?  

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The  Tornado  Lives!  

CPA  Vision  Story  Map  circa  2000  capturing  the  major  trends  facing  the  CPA  Profession  from  the  CPA  Vision  Project  2011  

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We’re  all  in  the  Moving  Business!  

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Virtual  ConnecAons  –  Real  People  

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Can  We  Bend  the  AdopAon  Curve?  

Adoption of almost everything happens along a bell curve according to Geoffrey Moore. Change and ideas are no different, the key is to tip the odds in your favor and pay attention to

the numbers of people in each level of your organization and within each group.

Inner Circle Bought-in

Informed Leaders I support it

Pragmatists I’ll wait & see

Skeptics Prove it to me

No-Nos I don’t like this

Page 10: Social Media - How to Move People & Tip the Adoption Curve

Finding  the  early  adopters…  On  the  Cover  of  a  Magazine?  

•  BCG  &  Company  –  blogs,  twiYer  •  Naden/Lean  –  blogs,  twiYer  •  James  Carroll  –  facebook,  twiYer  •  Morris  &  D’Angelo  

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Use  Social  Media  to  turn  the  bullhorn  around  

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Three  authors  ReTweeted  this  blog  post  which  menAoned  their  books…  


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InnovaAon  adopAon  =  Social  Networks  

 “The  degree  to  which  an  individual  in  a  social  network  is  connected  to  other  individuals  in  the  network  (actor  centrality)  has  been  shown  to  have  a  major  influence  on  that  individual’s  adop>on  of  business  innova>ons.”                  –  Research  Report  by  AssociaAon  of  American  Medical  Colleges  

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Tipping  the  adopAon  curve?  

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MACPA’s Journey

Tom Bill

#1 Tom & #2 Bill – Jan 2013

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MACPA’s Social Media Map



450 members 4,966 followers

2,049 connections

571 connections

Top 50 Business Blogs - 2011

Top Accounting Blogs – 2009, 2010, 2011,


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Five  Ways  to  Get  started…  1.  Create  your  digital  

footprint  (Linked-­‐In,  Facebook,  Google  +,  TwiYer,  blog)  

2.  Start  listening  (use  google  reader,  Flipboard,  Feedler  and  twiYer  to  start  listening)  

3.  Make  friends  (build  your  network  and  follow  on  twiYer)  

4.  Create  &  Share  (join  the  conversaAon  by  commenAng,  RetweeAng,  and  start  a  blog)  

5.  Recognize  &  Reciprocate  (always  recognize  and  aYribute  other’s  work)  

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Slideshare  –  blog  –  twiYer  Linked-­‐in  -­‐  Facebook  

Social  Media  &  CPAs  -­‐  gejng  an  ROI  from  your  ROA!  hYp://cpa.tc/215    

Social  Media  ROI  from  ROA  -­‐  AICPA  FVS  Conference  hYp://cpa.tc/1q6    

Content  is  king  and  Context  is  the  Kingdom!  

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The  conversaAon  conAnues…  


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Top  10  Tweeters  –  AccounAng  Today  

@rfchambers  /  @theiia  @taxgirl  @gregkyte  @gabrielleluoma  @retheauditors  @jenniferwarawa  /  @sage  @evananerd  @ACFE  @IRSNews    

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Case  Study  –  MACPA  Beach  Retreat  

The  next  three  slides  show  the  way  you  can  use  social  media  to  engage  a  broader  audience  and  create  a  resource  for  parAcipants.      1.  Post  preso  on  

www.slideshare.net  2.  Embed  it  and  other  

resources  and  links  in  your  blog  post  

3.  Tweet  it  out  and  use  the  @name  of  people  menAoned  

4.  Let  the  conversaAon  conAnue!  

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TwiYer  during  the  event,  slideshare  &  blog  post-­‐event  

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Tip  the  adopAon  curve  with  social  media  (the  MACPA  way!)  












California  Acct.  &  Bus.  Show   PSTECH   CCH  Listening  Event  

Social  Media  Metrics:  Amplifica>on  

MACPA  InnovaAon  Summit  

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SAll  not  convinced?  ROA  not  ROI  

Top  #’s  for  last  2  weeks:  Reach  157,631  Impressions  133,151  

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Five  Ways  to  Get  started…  1.  Create  your  digital  

footprint  (Linked-­‐In,  Facebook,  Google  +,  TwiYer,  blog)  

2.  Start  listening  (use  google  reader  and  twiYer  to  start  listening)  

3.  Make  friends  (build  your  network  and  follow  on  twiYer)  

4.  Create  &  Share  (join  the  conversaAon  by  commenAng,  RetweeAng,  and  start  a  blog)  

5.  Recognize  &  Reciprocate  (always  recognize  and  aYribute  other’s  work)  

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And  remember…  

Tom’s  Top  two  rules  of  Social  Media:    Rule  #  1  –  It’s  not  about  you.    Rule  #2  –  Don’t  take  yourself  or  social  media  too  seriously  (Ben  Zander’s  Rule  #6)  

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•  Cloud  •  Mobile  •  Social  •  Value-­‐added  •  CollaboraAve  •  Big  data  

What’s  Next?  Social  Business?  You  have  3  years  at  most!  



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Tom  Hood,  CPA.CITP  CEO  Maryland  Associa>on  of  CPAs  Business  Learning  Ins>tute  (443)  632-­‐2301  E-­‐mail  [email protected]  Web  hRp://www.macpa.org  Blog  hRp://www.cpasuccess.com  Blog  hRp://www.bizlearningblog.com      

Follow  me  on:  

ü   TwiYer:  hYp://www.TwiYer.com/tomhood  

ü   LinkedIn:  hYp://www.linkedin.com/in/tomhood  

ü   Facebook:  hYp://www.facebook.com/thoodcpa  

ü Plaxo:  hYp://tomhood.myplaxo.com  

ü Slideshare:  hYp://www.slideshare.net/thoodcpa  ü Youtube:  hYp://www.youtube.com/thoodcpa  

ü Second  Life  avatar  name:  Rocky  Maddaloni  

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If  you  need  help  

BLI  program:  Social  Media  Strategy  &  Quick  Start:  Developing  and  ImplemenAng  a  Social  Media  Strategy  for  CPA  Firms  &  OrganizaAons    


Let  Bill  Sheridan,  NaAonal  Thought  Leader  and  architect  of  MACPA’s  award-­‐winning  social  media  strategy,  be  your  trusted  guide  to  help  you  jump  start  your  social  media  experAse.    In  seven  tele-­‐coaching  sessions,  Bill  will  guide  you  through  creaAng  a  social  strategy  and  hands-­‐on  coaching  to  get  you  up  and  running  fast!  

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Ten  things  to  know  about  Social  Media?  1.  Thought  Leadership  (Jody  Padar  example)  

2.  Engagement  with  more  member/customers  and  shared  insights  (AICPA  Leadership  Academy)  

3.  Real  Time  Focus  group  4.  CommunicaAon  and  connecAng  your  

organizaAon  (MarrioY  Story  &  MACPA  CFO  Conference)  

5.  MACPA  uses  of  social  media  6.  The  Power  of  Blogging  7.  Case  Studies  (ConnecAng  to  Thought  Leaders,  ConnecAng  to  

Members  –  Books,  MACPA  Beach  Retreat  &  NE  CPE  Conference)  

8.  Top  Ten  (Social)  Learning  Technologies  9.  Risk  Management  10.  It  is  bigger  than  you  think  –  Social  Business  

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MACPA  Social  Media  Policy  


•  Based  on  social  media  best  pracAces  

•  Tied  to  MACPA  Vision,  Purpose,  and  Strategy  

•  Includes  CPA  Code  of  Professional  Conduct  


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Recommended  Reading  •  The  Corporate  Blogging  Book  by  Debbie  Weil  

•  Crush-­‐It  by  Gary  Vaynerchuk  •  The  Whuffie  Factor  by  Tara  Hunt  •  Here  Comes  Everybody  by  Clay  Shirky  •  Social  Media  Strategies  for  Professionals  and  Their  Firms  by  Michelle  Golden  
