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Social Media in your Professional Life

Date post: 15-Feb-2017
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social media in your professional life how to beef up your social profiles
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social media in your professional life

how to beef up your social profiles

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Branding yourself➔ What do you want to be known

for?◆ Think about your major, your

industry, how recognizable you are

➔ Be consistent on all platforms◆ Your content should share the same


➔ Actively pursue 1-2 channels that fit you best◆ Don’t try to be everywhere at once

➔ Think of your presence online as your resume

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Platforms to consider➔ Linkedin

◆ Generate leads, connect with potential employers

➔ Twitter◆ Brand yourself as a thought leader, tweet best practices, use the

90/10 rule

➔ Facebook◆ Mainly used for B2C, need to clean up digital dirt

➔ Pinterest◆ What will people get out of your content?

➔ Instagram◆ Are you a striving professional photographer? Research hashtags so

it’s easy to find you

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Brand Identity● Consistent photo across all platforms● Professional up-to-date headshot, not an avatar● Smile and show your teeth (makes a good first impression,

shows competence, likability, influence)● Head to shoulders or head to waste● Ditch sunglasses● Dress your best, think of your industry ● Consider making a logo● Well-written bio

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Brand Identity Example

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Social Media Bios1. Maximize Character Count2. Show don’t tell3. The more specific and detailed

the better4. It’s ok to brag, just don’t lie5. Make a list of your achievements

a. Experiencesb. Name drop clients you’ve worked with

c. Any certificates or credentials you’ve earned

d. Boards and positionse. Use Keywords

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LinkedIn Example

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LinkedIn● Make your profile compelling● Make it easy for employers to find you!

○ include in your job title if you’re seeking a job

● Keep it simple● Ask for recommendations from past employers, people you


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Making Use of Your LinkedIn Real Estate

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Profile Example

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Now It’s Your Turn!Write a compelling bio

Make profile image consistent

Keep in mind:

● Show don’t tell● Add industry keywords● Include any awards

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LinkedIn EtiquetteHow to increase your connections with alumni and employers:

● When adding connections on LinkedIn, always send a personal message! Never use the generic, pre-written text.

● Talk about the specific time you met, or something you have in common.

● Be patient and wait!● Once they’ve accepted your request, keep them in the loop

by mentioning them in relevant articles/comments.

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LinkedIn Groups1. Find 3-7 industry groups you’d like to contribute to.2. Ask to join3. Post relevant articles with insightful views4. Staying active

a. Comment on articles by encouraging engagement and conversation

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LinkedIn Posts● Publish relevant content

○ Check for spelling errors, grammatical errors, etc.

○ ALWAYS include an image

■ free stock images: pexels.

com, compfight.com, unsplash.com

■ or take a photo yourself!

(make sure it’s good quality)

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LinkedIn PostsExamples of relevant content according to your industry.

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LinkedIn Posts● Check on your stats

○ How can you improve on your next post?

● Be consistent○ Carve out time to post

monthly, bi-monthly,

quarterly… whichever works for your schedule!

● Stay positive! ○ Don’t beat yourself up if

you don’t post

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Last Thoughts● Showcase your talents● Stay positive● Be conscious of what you post● Clean up “digital dirt”● Be patient and consistent
