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Social Media: It's All About Relationships

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Social media presentation to members of the Virginia Society of Certified Public Accountants (VSCPA).
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Social Media: It’s All About Relationships Tina Lambert, CAE, VSCPA Vice President VSCPA Northern Chapter September 15, 2009
  • 1. Social Media: Its All About Relationships Tina Lambert, CAE, VSCPA Vice PresidentVSCPA Northern Chapter September 15, 2009

2. What the heck is Web 2.0 & social media? 3. BlackPlanet.com,Flickr.com, Reunion.com, aSmallWorld,Bebo , Blue Dot, Bolt, Broadcaster.com, Buzznet, CarDomain, Consumating, Couchsurfing, Cyworld, Dandelife, DeadJournal, DontStayIn, Doostang,Ecademy, eSPIN,Facebook, Faceparty, Flickr, Flirtomatic, Fotki, Friends Reunited, Gaia Online,Geni.com, GoPets, Graduates.com,Grono.net, Hyves, imeem, Google, Infield Parking, IRC-Galleria, iWiW,Joga, Bonito, Last.fm, LibraryThing, LinkedIn, LiveJournal, LunarStorm, MEETin, MiGente.com, Mixi, MOG, Multiply, My Opera Community, myYearbook, Netlog, Nexopia, OUTeverywhere, Passado, Piczo, Playahead, ProfileHeaven, Pownce, RateItAll , Reunion.com, Searchles, Sconex, Shelfari,Soundpedia, Sportsvite, Studivz, TagWorld,TakingITGlobal, The Doll Palace, The Student Center, Threadless, TravBuddy.com, Travellerspoint, Tribe.net, Vampire Freaks, Vox, WAYN, WebBiographies,Windows Live Spaces, Woophy, XING 4. The Social Media Landscape 5. SOCIAL MEDIA IS AN UMBRELLA TERMTHAT DEFINES THE VARIOUSACTIVITIES THAT INTEGRATE TECHNOLOGY, SOCIAL INTERACTIONAND THE CONSTRUCTION OF WORDS, PICTURES, VIDEOS AND AUDIO.http://www.wikipedia.org 6. More simply put: Social mediais people havingconversations online. 7. The conversations are powered by Blogs Online Chat & Listservs RSS Widgets Wikis Social Networks Social Bookmarks Message Boards Podcasts & Videocasts Video Sharing Sites Photo Sharing Sites Virtual Worlds 8. Why should I care about Web 2.0 & social media? 9. Is Social Media a Fad? Socialnomics.net (Qualm) 10. SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES ARE MOST POPULAR SITES NEXT TO GOOGLE AND YAHOO AHEAD OF PERSONAL E-MAIL. 11. Social Media Usage is Exploding!75% of all Americans have joined a social networking site (MySpace, Facebook) > 99% of 18-24 year olds7 million users > 1,382% increase in one year > largest age group is 35-49200 million blogs in 2009 > 77% of active online users read a blog > 45% have started their own blog 12. Social Media Usage is Exploding! YouTube has 100 million videos (65,000 newvideos per day) > 83% of internet users watchvideo clips 39% of internet users subscribe to anRSS feed 55% of internet users have uploadedphotos online 13. Social Media Usage in the Workplace69% of businesses allow employees to use social media for business63% use social media to build and promote their brand61% use social media to improve communication and collaboration REALITY: ITS A MOBILE WORLD>>> 14. Social Media is a Business Changer Social media is changing the business ofemployers, long-standing industries,marketing and communications People trust the opinions of other people asmuch as, or sometimes more than theexperts and definitely more thanspokespeople RELATIONSHIPS ARE CRITICAL TO TODAYSCOMMERCE>>> 15. ITS NOT A FAD. ITS A FUNDAMENTAL SHIFT IN THE WAY WE COMMUNICATE. The old communication model was a MONOLOGUE. A >>> B 16. The new communication model is a DIALOGUE. AB 17. So lets converse What are the benefits ofNETWORKING? If you are on OR set up aFacebook, name one thingyour network be surprised tolearn about you? Do you have a success storyfrom online networking?Have you identified anychallenges? 18. SOCIAL MEDIA HAS BECOME A FUNDAMENTAL PART OF GLOBAL BUSINESS AND WILL CONTINUE TO ALTER THE CONSUMER EXPERIENCE. John Burbank, CEO of Nielson Online, March 2009 19. By 2010, MILLENIALS/GEN Y-ERS will outnumber BABY BOOMERS. They already wield $350 BILLION/ YEAR in direct spending power. 20. Meet your FUTURE EMPLOYEES.Over 64% of students in grades K-12 are online and accessing the internet regularlyDownloading music is #1 recreational activity by middle and high school students 21. What are some of the advantages of Web 2.0 & social media? 22. Old way New way Controlled Transparent/open Organized Inclusive Exclusive Authentic One sided Vibrant Product-driven Consumer-driven Only 14% of78% of people trust people trust RECOMMENDATIONS ADVERTISEMENTS.of other consumers. A >>> BA> B 23. Some more ADVANTAGES Cheaper than traditional media Stickier than traditional media Viral nature Highly interactive Highly visible Global Can quickly change, morph and respond to environment and feedback 24. And more ADVANTAGES Enhance your professional networks and competency Get information faster and in more digestible formats Connect to other CPAs Connect to other business colleagues Connect to your professional associations 25. The NEW MATHSocial Networking (OLD) +Social Media (NEW) ------------------------------------------------------------ =A change in the way we BUILDRELATIONSHIPS 26. Perceived BARRIERS Fear of the negative Legal Time Return on investment Measurement 27. Overcoming BARRIERS The negative conversation ishappening WITH you orWITHOUT you Direct response in crisis Start slow and build monitor at the very least Set goals for followers,friends, etc. Set goals/plans for socialmedia tool you are using 28. How do I get on the Web 2.0 & social media train? 29. A. Listen Immerse yourself in conversations Visit social sites to observe Ask your coworkers, kids who B. Participate Remember its a dialogue not a monologueC. Getting Started Set up a profile Friend 25 people you know Begin to converse 30. D. Traffic Signs Privacy: Customize what the public and your 'Friend' lists can see about you (professional v. personal)> Create Friend groups> Edit privacy settings Etiquette: Once youre riding the social media highway, remember to obey common internet traffic rules of thumb Policy: Obey or set company guidelines for participation 31. How is the VSCPA involved in Web 2.0 & social media? 32. New MULTIMEDIA & ONLINE OFFERINGS to enhance membership > RSS > Podcasts > Blog (CPACafe.com) > Microblog (Twitter.com/VSCPANews) > Photo sharing (Flickr.com) > Video, Videocasts (YouTube. Coming Soon!) > Social networking (LinkedIn, Facebook groups) > Online communities targeted to different practice areas, including e-mail listserves > And more! Visit Social Media section of www.vscpa.com 33. CONNECT with me/us Tina Lambert, CAE VSCPA Vice President, Member & Public Relations Phone: (804) 612.9416 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.vscpa.com LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/tinalambert www.linkedin.com and search for Virginia Society of CPAs Facebook: www.facebook.com/TinaLambert1 www.facebook.com and search for Virginia Society of CPAs Twitter: www.twitter.com/TinaLambert www.twitter.com/VSCPANews 34. THIS CHAPTER MEETING IS A SOCIAL NETWORK. How do you stay in touch & nurture relationships with your NETWORKS? 35. THANK YOU very, very much!
