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Social Networking For Hr Professionals

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Conversations at your fingertips A CHA report November 2009 How HR professionals score as social networkers pass it on media
Page 1: Social Networking For Hr Professionals

Conversations at your fingertipsA CHA reportNovember 2009

How HR professionals score as social networkers


it on


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One-to-one interviews with major employers and consultancies conducted during September and October supplemented by desk research. Social network audit conducted by Pass It On Media over the same period with over 2000 conversations tracked.

www.socialmediatoday.com ; Jeff Waldman, Fusion Point ; Abi Signorelli Ragan Communications ; Leigh Steere, Managing People Better

Report methodology:

With thanks to:

ForewordLike it or not social networking is here to stay, for a while at least. Companies large and small, national and global, from every sector are tapping into the unexpected business opportunities afforded by linking, xinging, blogging and tweeting. Noone really knows where all this will lead or how the sites themselves will make a decent return for opening their doors to us all. But in the meantime, the innovative and imaginative among us are making the most of a sensational new toy.

Web 2.0 is a fluid space where you ride the wave without being able to control its size or direction. It takes imagination and flexibility as well as a willingness to innovate and change behaviour. For many, it appears difficult both because of the technology involved and because of the mysteries surrounding what it actually delivers and how.

In the HR sector, many large employers already use social networks to connect with future staff and build a collaborative culture. Thousands of individual HR consultants network

comfortably on LinkedIn, building relationships with clients, influencer groups, academic experts, and suppliers. But many more remain sceptical and anxious about how it all works and what risks it may carry. Notably, few HR consultancies have jumped on the bandwagon.

Some believe we’d better make the most of it while it lasts. Michael Wolff, author of Burn Rate, which recorded the dot com boom and bust, is not optimistic about the long term: “Social media is based on the internet model. It creates moments of intense enthusiasm, but they do not – cannot – last.”

More likely, as the early adopters make way for more cautious users, social networking will change, providers will change and the environment will mature into something that is quite different to what we know today. But the principle will remain: creating beneficial relationships with people you might otherwise struggle to reach as easily and cheaply.

This report looks specifically at the HR community, at big

employers and the consultancies that serve them. We wanted to understand how well HR professionals and consultancies are embracing this new medium, and how their organisations could benefit from a strategic approach to social networking to build closer relationships with clients and customers, employees and suppliers.

In our view, the momentum is there; the benefits are evident and there is not a moment to lose in joining the revolution.

Colette Hill Chairman

www.twitter.com/colettehill www.linkedin.com/in/colettehill

PS Some of my contacts on LinkedIn contributed to this study, which will be circulated to the wider network of people I have connected to on LinkedIn; I will tweet about it and put a copy on StumbledUpon. The team at Pass It On Media will blog about it and link their blogs back to CHA’s and their websites, optimising our search engine ranking.

Pass It On Media provides online reputation management and monitoring. Its consultants challenge your assumptions and help you connect with your clients and stakeholders to maximise profit. www.passitonmedia.co.uk


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3Conversations at your fingertips How HR professionals score as social networkers A CHA report – November 2009 3

Key findingsFew providers in the UK HR • sector and only some major employers are making the most of the opportunities inherent in social networking. While employment issues are widely tackled, the general public, recruiters and generic players – such as universities or publications – dominate the conversations.

The field is still wide open for • commercial players to get involved in conversations to build their brands, position themselves as thought-leaders and attract staff, clients and interest from influencers.

HR professionals’ nervousness • about embracing social networking is not vindicated by the online content. Work and career related conversations are unusually neutral in tone and in many cases are very positive. Participants share information, work opportunities and career advice openly and there is almost no negative sentiment, something Fleur Hicks-Duarte, managing director of Pass It On Media, finds ‘startling’: “Most consumers use social networks to share frustrations and disappointments. Yet there is very little of that in this context. Given the tensions about job

prospects as redundancies continue, we would have expected to see a lot more anger and disquiet. It may be that workers are too anxious at the moment to stick their heads above the parapet.”

Indeed as Chart 1 shows, you • are more likely to find the tone of posts ‘very positive’ than ‘somewhat positive’, a real reversal of fortunes for web-based discussions.

The busiest days for social • networking about employment issues are Thursdays and Fridays. Little is done over the weekend.

Broadly, the themes covered • are: the working environment & friendship at work, salaries & related issues, how people are feeling, and work/life balance & holidays. There is very little discussion about HR strategy.

The most frequently used • word in Pass It On Media’s HR messaging cloud (which automatically registers the vocabulary used in conversations) is Health – a useful guide to employers considering what to tweet about and to health service providers whose expertise is clearly in demand. The cloud, based on a search for the term HR or human resources, includes no mention at all of themes such as talent management or outplacement. This may be because these themes are not yet well covered on social networking sites.

The key venues for conversation • are message boards or forums, which account for 54%, followed by social networks such as LinkedIn (23%) and blogs (23%).

Tone very negative

Tone somewhat negative

Tone neutral










Tone somewhat positive

Tone very positive

Chart 1: polarity of HR-related conversation

Chart 2: HR messaging cloud

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The venues

Social networking, a catch-all phrase that covers a whole range of web 2.0 activity, is defined by the activities it involves: sharing, conversing, exchanging, following, networking, through a whole range of venue types. The most relevant for the HR sector are:

True social networking sites: • profile-based networking sites. The top five are LinkedIn, Facebook, iVillage, Netmums and UK business labs

Boards/chatrooms: communities • based on bulletin boards formed to cover specific topics, for discussion and knowledge sharing, such as www.changeboard.com

Microblogs: provide and follow • quick status updates in 140 words or less, ie Twitter

Blogs: millions write or contribute • to weblogs

Newsgroups: generally • subscriber based repositories

Social tagging/folksonomies • – social websites where web pages are saved, tagged by content and shared for others to view and bookmark or add themselves, such as del.icio.us

Wikis – collaborative websites • which are edited and added to by all participants, such as Wikipedia

Podcasts/video networks – • specific or generalised networks using RSS to distribute digital media files for playback, such as YouTube

Chart 3: Venue share of conversation

social network23.24%

message board54.10%


The conversations

Almost five million people in the UK talk about HR-related issues on social networking sites. The conversations are dominated by information giving and advice posts, primarily recruitment related. There is almost nothing on strategy, leaving that field wide open to newcomers.

At the moment, a simple way to build profile on social networking sites is to offer expert advice in employment forums such as www.mumsnet.com/Talk and www.cv-library.co.uk. Because there are so many, the starting point is to prioritise the most influential within your field. It is also important to prioritise the topics that enable you to publicise your specific areas of knowledge or expertise.

“The main downside of larger panels is that the interviewers tend to have more time to think about your responses and formulate their questions. It’s quite likely that each person there will have either their own line of questioning…”

“I lost my job in September. It was in the education sector with a well-respected institution… Should I include the fact I was let go in my cover letter, or just leave the gap to be explained in an interview if I get one?”

“I have a Job interview at DWP for A/O post on Monday. I have the preparation for interview paper and I just want to cry. I don’t know where to start…”

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5Conversations at your fingertips How HR professionals score as social networkers A CHA report – November 2009 5

employment success 6.37%

direct advertisement 14.65%

advice requested 11.25%

venue recommended 3.40%

job recommendation 16.99%

HR strategies 1.70%general HR


Chart 4: HR discussions / message share

As an employer you can:

Collaborate with staff in the • development of company policies and strategies, so improving outcomes and employee engagement.

Improve the sense of community • in dispersed teams or the whole organisation by appealing to employees as members of the same hive, with common interests and loyalties.

Tap into the expertise of other • professionals across the globe when conducting research.

Keep track of what is being said • about your organisation and start to add to the conversation.

Identify suppliers. •

Post a job or find a job on • LinkedIn or Twitter.

It is still very early days for social networking. Pioneers and early adopters dominate the field. But it is already clear that a well-planned social networking programme can support a whole range of business objectives.

Just think what you could doAs a business builder, you can:

Strengthen brand awareness.•

Identify and network with • prospects for the long term.

Invite potential customers and • clients – or employees – to events.

Support marketing pushes.•

Reach new audiences where • conversations are already taking place.

Drive traffic to your website.•

Keep in touch with the • future candidate pool of undergraduates on Facebook.

Follow thought leaders on Twitter • to stimulate ideas and keep up to date on HR trends.

Use LinkedIn’s reference • section to check out senior hires informally.

Hello, everyone. Just passed 9000 followers - thank you! And for those asking, Virgin is hiring at http://careers.virgin.com ~SirDick

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Six steps to a coherent strategy

Explore the terrain. Audit the sites, review how others are using them, for what business purpose and with what results, and seek the expert view.

Consider which parts of your business should be involved, the HR department for recruitment, internal comms for employee collaboration, marketing for brand positioning, sales for prospecting. Involve them in developing a coherent strategy linked to agreed business priorities.

Recruit your subject experts to the cause: they are the ones with the expertise that will add real value to your posts but they will also be on a steep learning curve unless this style of communication already appeals to them.

Develop a clear strategy, properly resourced for the long term.

Create a push pull approach: consider not just what you want to talk about but also what networkers are already interested in discussing and where so that you become the go-to influencer of discussions.

Evaluate and revise regularly.

Tips for first timers

Take things at the right speed for you and your audiences: don’t rush the faint-hearted. But do start; you need to know what’s going on out there.

Keep an open mind. It’s like shopping at IKEA: you may not come out with what you went in for but you may well be pleased anyway.

Chart 5: Reasons that US executives use social media



Customer service

Sharing work-related project information

Competitive monitoring

Sales prospecting











20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

The stats

Social networks are now more popular than personal emails.

LinkedIn, the professionals’ network has 43 million members across 170 industries; over 80% are university educated, their average age is 41 and their average salary is £75,000.

Facebook has signed up 300 million users in three years.

Upstart Twitter, which only really got going in 2008, is already the third largest social networking platform with 45 million users, three quarters of whom signed up this year.

The UK is close behind the USA in its enthusiasm for social networking accounting for almost 40% of activity according to Pass It On Media.

Almost 80% of UK consumers would use information from blogs and forums to influence their practical and purchase decisions.

The term ‘human resources’ has been used only 13,000 times on Twitter - ever. HR on the other hand has been used a staggering 323,000 times in the life of Twitter, demonstrating that many already find Twitter a useful medium for HR-related posts and queries.

Nearly 80% of students say social networking sites are the key to employers engaging them, according to new research by TMP Worldwide and Target Jobs. Source: Russell Herder and Ethos Business Law, “Social Media: Embracing the Opportunities,

Averting the Risks,” August 6, 2009

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7Conversations at your fingertips How HR professionals score as social networkers A CHA report – November 2009 7

Be patient: it is time consuming in the early days for no immediate reward.

Aim for influence rather than fame – so value not volume. You don’t need thousands to follow you on Twitter like Stephen Fry. You need the right people to follow you.

Don’t try to join everything – you’ll run out of time and enthusiasm. There is no need to join both Xing and LinkedIn – LinkedIn is probably the ‘must have’ site.

Keep the right company: whom you link to says a lot about you.

Develop a clear policy – for example friends only on Facebook, business connections only on LinkedIn. But don’t be narrow-minded: great ideas may come from unexpected places. Invite those you turn down on Facebook, for example, to meet you on LinkedIn or follow you on Twitter.

Similarly don’t join more discussion groups than you have time for and be discerning

– too many are disguised sales meetings. Review the membership list and the quality of discussion before you commit.

Once you have committed, keep up the communication: it doesn’t have to be frequent but it does have to continue.

Conversations on social networks have a different ‘tone’ to others: they are informal, open, often very frank and revealing. Competitors find themselves comfortably collaborating. Think about the implications: if you reveal all on a social networking site, you can’t put the genie back in the box. But if you are too buttoned up, you will not swim comfortably with the tide.

Don’t say anything online you wouldn’t want someone to read years down-the-line. Once it’s up there, it’s up there for good because even if you take it down it has probably been quoted elsewhere.

Be useful and interesting and avoid the overt sales pitch or you’ll find yourself in a group of

one before you know it.

Don’t say anything online that you wouldn’t to someone face to face.

Make sure the corporate you and the private you match up.

If you handle sensitive information, give employees guidelines on what kind of information can or can’t be posted.

Make sure you evaluate formally regularly: how much time is it taking? What is it delivering directly or indirectly? What benefits were predictable? What additional benefits have accrued?

Then adjust your approach, after the early days of experimenting, now you know your way around, tighten up your usage and set very clear objectives so you don’t waste time or go down blind alleys.







12 top HR blogs …and there are more of course so apologies to those we have omitted.







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Join the special interest groups in your field – leave them sharpish if members spam you with sales messages.

Invite your contacts to events, ask them for their input to your projects, and consult them on their areas of expertise.

Give back by participating in discussions. The more you give the more you gain.

Start your own discussions and keep up the conversations with those that participate constructively.

Monitor the questions section and offer answers where your expertise matches.

Send your news to your contacts and show an interest in theirs.


Take time to build followers. You won’t get big results at once. Be patient.

Become a valuable source of information.

Keep your tweets relevant to your positioning and your followers.

Promote your twitter account in your email sign-off.

If people follow you, reciprocate (but not slavishly).

Check out who those you follow follow themselves. Maybe you should follow them too.

Don’t let your page go out of date – worse than not having a page at all.

Keep your account clean. Block users who are irrelevant and spammers.

Stick to the subjects you want to be known for – if you want to promote your credentials as a recruiter, don’t be tempted to tweet about the winner of X Factor.

DDIworld RT @artpetty: Why do we develop our first time leaders by "sink or swim" approach? The risks and costs are too high!

HRweekly RT @NatalieRHarris: Classy advice for grads from Jim Knight MP on the #Workthing+ blog: http://bit.ly/uIr64


Open Questions sorted by: Degrees away from you | Relevance | Date

What are your biggest concerns about how your employees use social media? Do you worry about what they will say about their work? Their colleagues? That they will spend too much time on social media sites during work? Or do you worry about something completely different?… 4 answers | Asked by Liza Barry-Kessler 14 hours ago in Labor Relations, Personnel Policies | Open Looking for Organizations who can help us staff salesforce requirement. We are looking for resources who have hands on experience with salesforce.com as Tech Lead or developer. …Please feel free to call me at…

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9Conversations at your fingertips How HR professionals score as social networkers A CHA report – November 2009 9

A change of approach at Badenoch & Clark

Managing director Neil Wilson started the first blog at Badenoch & Clark in response to employees’ request for more information and insight direct from the top. Blogs by other directors quickly followed. However, Alison Smith, head of internal communication at the recruitment firm, found that they were used really only as a broadcast tool, eliciting little feedback from employees.

“I’m not sure that is a criticism though: the blogs were designed to put everyone in direct contact with the senior team, which they have done - very well. The level of debate that is generated as a result of a blog post is determined by two factors: the topic and the style of communication.”

Inevitably, Smith also found that blogging works best when the blogger is comfortable with the medium. She cites Group Marketing Director Andy Powell who enjoys throwing down the gauntlet to have open and frank debates.

Badenoch & Clark also uses professional network LinkedIn. Its LinkedIn group is a shop window on the firm; all employees are invited to join and consultants actively encourage new contacts and candidates to join, to share insights and opportunities. “It’s valuable without a shadow of a doubt.”

Its corporate Twitter fulfills a similar purpose. Primarily a hub for candidates it is open to anyone who may be interested in the scope of its work or the talent agenda generally. Twitter is particularly effective as a marketing tool, driving traffic to the firm’s websites.

New beginnings at MyNewJob.me

Having built and sold psychometrics specialist PSL, Richard Alberg has embarked on a new venture

Case studiesand has launched it using social networking. MyNewJob.me provides practical support to employees facing redundancy. Alberg has exploited the power of social networking to identify clients, find business partners and build awareness of the site. He blogs regularly to keep in touch with his large network of established contacts. He uses Twitter to identify others interested in the sector – early conversations have led to partnerships. LinkedIn has produced both expert advisors and people who have joined the company.

Energetic debates at E.ON UK

Power company E.ON encourages online conversations to tackle tough issues such as the: future of coal, the use of nuclear energy and employee diversity. Tom Crawford, head of internal communications and engagement, believes that encouraging colleagues to join in discussions has already improved retention rates, productivity and employee engagement:

“We light small fires to stimulate debate among our colleagues. The discussions that then take place are completely honest and open and we learn much from them. It allows us collectively to ask difficult questions and air our worries about controversial subjects. Colleagues have a real sense that they can influence where the business is going. I am massively supportive of this approach, it has driven a real culture change at E.ON towards greater collaboration, openness and trust.”

Crawford cites a diversity debate that led E.ON to engage directly with the gay and lesbian marketplace, marketing its services at Nottingham Gay Pride and beyond. The debate has also resulted in a clarification of how E.ON defines diversity, taking it beyond the typical minority groups. A high-potential employee with

multiple body-piercings and tattoos has just been promoted – good news for him and for the organisation.

E.ON marries the online and offline discussions: its online conversations about the future of energy shaped offline events with a panel of experts and invited guests from inside and outside the organisation.

“It’s an extraordinarily powerful way to make 18,000 scattered colleagues feel part of an intimate community, to give a personality to the organisation and to make everyone feel they can play a part in shaping things.”

Storming success at Dell

Dell’s social media platform, EmployeeStorm, culls ideas from its business units and fosters discussion among employees.

Its worldwide community of more than 80,000 employees post and discuss ideas on topics ranging from product upgrades and innovation to critiques of company policies, facilities improvements and benefits. Ideas submitted are then routed to the right departments for consideration.

Communications and leadership team members can join the discussion, keeping posters abreast of the status of the ideas they submit.

Dell has implemented nearly 200 of the 10,000 or so ideas that have been posted on IdeaStorm in under a year.

Building links across the globe

Government organisation UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) helps UK-based businesses succeed abroad and overseas companies succeed in the UK. Its integrated

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approach to social networking builds strong links with its community of businesses across the globe.

As part of a small team, online communications manager Kate Sbuttoni has created a 2000 strong LinkedIn group to bring together current and potential customers, partners, consultants on trade and investment, sector specialists and other experts. They share information, seek advice, make connections, launch initiatives and participate in events. She also has plans to create special interest sub-groups, such as the life-sciences group of healthcare, biotech and pharma stakeholders.

“It makes sense to talk to people where they are already networking rather than expect them to volunteer to come to your web site.”

UKTI’s Twitter feed has 2800 followers and Sbuttoni believes it is key in demonstrating the government department is agile and collaborative rather than slow and cumbersome as many might expect it to be. It also helps the organisation reach beyond its own database to customers that might have missed it altogether.

“Twitter has 45 million users across the globe. So it’s a phenomenal place to do build connections.”

Sbuttoni uses Twitter to assess UKTI’s reputation: “99% of comments about us are positive which is very motivating. We can also spot the 1% that aren’t and nip any problems in the bud.”

The key, argues Sbuttoni, is to integrate all the channels: “We will launch a story through Twitter, create a discussion group on LinkedIn, provide a video about it on YouTube, and supporting photos on Flickr, all of these referencing each other and referring the viewer back to our website. I estimate that all this delivers around 500 extra visitors to our website

every month, with Twitter and LinkedIn featuring in our top 5 traffic referrers.”

#UKTI_events Attend IPSEF and find out about prospects in the international schools and private education sector http://bit.ly/Naseg

#UKTI_events Meet HR contacts from Geneva-based international organisations http://bit.ly/jjgHG

Becoming a Virgin Twit

As director of internal communications at Virgin Media, Abi Signorelli pioneered social networking to build a sense of community across the organisation’s 100 UK offices. Last year Virgin became an early adopter of Twitter for internal communications when it invited employees to become Twits. By Christmas Signorelli held the first ‘Twitmass’ to bring together friends who had built relationships for a celebration of collaboration at Virgin Media. “A year later several hundred regularly connect, collaborate, innovate and generally have a bit of fun.”

Signorelli, now an independent consultant, is passionate about the positive impact of social networking: “It humanises people who work remotely from you at whatever level. This makes it particularly suitable for the distant senior team. The leader who blogs, tweets as he goes about his business and provides podcasts so his voice can be heard directly becomes real and approachable for everyone.”

Frank conversations at RM

The educational IT supplier RM is consulting with staff on changes to its car policy using Microsoft sharepoint,

proprietary networking software. The company wants to reduce its carbon footprint and encourage greater care of its fleet by employees: two options are a cap on CO2 emissions and an excess on insurance premiums. The subject has inevitably attracted vociferous interest from employees; but it has done so without jamming email in-boxes or hard drives.

HR manager Deb Self also believes the feedback will be more valuable to RM:

“Social networking is an informal activity in which people are invited to be spontaneous, open and brief. Those who may feel awkward and dumbstruck in a townhall meeting or daunted by official correspondence are relieved to be able to communicate discreetly and quietly online, anonymously or openly as they prefer. So the output is much richer for us.”

RM uses the same Microsoft tool for a wide range of topics from its Green Team initiatives – open to all – to its annual salary review planning, open only to managers.

Blogging is used as a collaborative means to behaviour change. CEO Terry Sweeny blogs regularly to encourage improved performance and productivity. Blogs about RM in the US remind staff of the company’s global reach; a recent blog about the scourge of jargon encourages RM’s techy employees to communicate in plain English, enhancing their relationships with customers. The blog attracts weighty responses on the issues it raises, seeding debates that continue offline and raising awareness across the business.

Twitter is used to keep in touch with the teaching community, to swap education-focused news and articles.

And, finally, RM uses LinkedIn with great results as a recruitment tool. Its recruiters join relevant groups and

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11Conversations at your fingertips How HR professionals score as social networkers A CHA report – November 2009 11

SummarySocial networking is becoming established as a versatile business tool.

Social networks provide easy access to new customers, clients and opinion shapers across the age range, from junior to senior.

Commercial players are proving slower than publishers and academics in seizing the lead.

The opportunity is still at an experimental stage so there is an element of trial and error in developing strategy. It is a matter of having a go, learning and adapting.

Once involved it is vital to keep clearly focused on the objectives of any programme and to evaluate its impact regularly so as not to become distracted by the myriad possibilities on offer.

Avoid addiction!

update their status regularly with specific recruiting intentions that yield good results at every level.

Self again: “It is all a matter of trial and error, then more trial. Our recent efforts at networking on a site for expat workers yielded little of interest. So we left despite our real need to keep abreast of the issues since so many of our employees join from abroad.

“But using social networking in these many different ways is essential to a company like RM which works in the IT sector, develops leading edge IT for schools and needs to attract a constant stream of new graduates from a wide range of related disciplines. They are hardwired for online conversation and would be baffled if they couldn’t talk to us that way.”

Blog it

Talent consultancy DDI, software companies Kenexa and Taleo, and job board CareerBuilder.com all successfully use blogs to build their brands, promote their expertise and sell their wares. See their sites at

www.blogs.ddiworld.com www.blog.kenexa.com www.taleo.com/talent-management-blog.php www.careerbuilder.com/jobseeker/blog

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CHA—the insideout communications specialists

CHA was set up in 1993 and works with organisations to help them take the very essence of their business to the outside world. An expert in the HR and workplace field, we create dedicated communications campaigns for major employers, HR and technology consultancies and organisations campaigning on workplace issues.

The rise of social networks has rapidly changed people’s ability to access information from a wide range of sources. Therefore in today’s world it is even more important to make sure your organisation is communicating effectively and consistently both internally and externally.

For further information about this report, please contact Colette Hill on 020 7580 7025 or [email protected]

For copies of our earlier reports, Worthwhile Work, Dream Jobs or Talking In The Dark please visit our website, www.chapr.co.uk

CHA Network House 5-11 Mortimer Street London W1T 3JB

Telephone 020 7580 7025 Email [email protected] Website www.chapr.co.uk
