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Social Networking How to Become an Online Extrovert April 2010.

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Social Networking How to Become an Online Extrovert April 2010
Page 1: Social Networking How to Become an Online Extrovert April 2010.

Social Networking

How to Become an Online Extrovert

April 2010

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Why use Social Networking? Facebook Twitter YouTube Four Square Homework for everyone!

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Why Use Social Networking?

Free medium for reaching out to our activists and other people who identify as “green”

Reach out to people who are not on our e-mail lists Update grassroots quickly when needed Cross post action alerts, event announcements,

blog posts, volunteer opportunities, and successes on different sites reaching out to potentially different audiences

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Why Use Facebook?

If Facebook were a country, it would be the fourth largest behind the China, India and the US

Posting News-- Club related and relevant articles, video clips, e-newsletters, and blog posts

Promoting Events Posting Photos from local SC Activities Sharing Action Alerts- grows your e-mail list

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Types of Facebook Pages

Profile Pages: Personal Facebook UseFriends, Family, Colleagues

Fan Pages: very viral, recommended by most “experts” for nonprofits for external brandingNational Sierra Club has a fan page with 53,000

number of fansGroups: more personal, direct messaging to

group members1 MILLION Strong AGAINST the Arizona Immigration

Law SB1070- 418,463 members

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Who is on Facebook? Cumberland Chapter -- frequently posts links to

action alerts and events. Cascade Chapter -- 1-2 links posted almost daily Lone Star Chapter -- super active. Posts are aboutevents, news articles, Sierra Club jobs. Tons of fan"likes" and comments. Hawaii Chapter -- very active page. Posts about

events and articles. Lots of fan "likes" and comments.

Oregon Chapter -- nice blend of news, events, and photos

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Oregon Chapter Wall

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Oregon Chapter Photo Albums

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Oregon Chapter Event

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Use Video to Recruit for Events and Trainings

Using a web cam, The Loma Prieta Chapter created a video inviting activists to attend a training. Facebook “Friends” of the Chapter were tagged in the video to get their attention.

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Convio/ Facebook Connection

In your P.S. or e-newsletter invite activists to join your Facebook fan page or group

Post your action or event on the national Sierra Club Fan page

Post your action alerts and event announcements on your Facebook Page

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Facebook: Getting Started

Initial Startup: Setting up a personal page (1-2 hours) Setting up a Group (1-2 hours) Setting up a Fan Page (1-2 hours)

Follow up Commitment varies Can be shared among multiple staff, and a great use of a

strong intern or dedicated volunteer. 10 minutes per day, but consistent effort needed

Not as content intensive as a blog, so most Facebook updates take minutes to upload.

The challenge is to train yourself to remember to upload content when you come across it.

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Facebook: Getting Started

How do I Get Started? www.facebook.com

What Resources Are Out There to Help? Sierra Club‟s Facebook Analysis


Sierra Club‟s “Top Ten Facebook Tips (plus 5 extra)”


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What is Twitter?

Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service

12 million users, 52% over age of 35 Enables users to send and read messages

known as “tweets” Tweets are text-based posts up to 140

characters Displayed on an authors “profile” and Delivered to author’s “followers”

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Who is on Twitter

KS_SierraClub SierraClubIL SierraClubMN ORSierraClub Sierra_Club Sierra_Magazine SierraClubCA CarlPope SierraClubLive

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Why Use Twitter?

Share action alerts with people who might not otherwise receive them

Direct people to your blog, Facebook page, YouTube video, e-newsletter, photo stream, etc

Share news articles related to your issue Invite people to events Tweet “live” from events like public hearings

and press conferences to create a buzz

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Twitter Rules

140 Characters to work with

Keep it relevant to your follower’s interests Create an schedule for your tweets- should

post at least once a day Include key words about your organization

and issues in your profile description Upload an image to your account

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Recruiting Followers

Use popular key words in each tweet Visit www.hashtags.org to see which words are most

popular in real time Pro: Your post comes up when someone is looking for

#globalwarming Con: Depending upon the popularity of the key word, your

tweet can get lost in the shuffle Retweet other people’s posts. They will likely start

following you after you do this. Follow other people or organizations Include photos and links in your tweets

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Twitter Best Practices

Retweets or RT: Proper “netiquette” dictates you site your

source. Here are three ways to share new information with your followers:

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Twitter Best Practices

Hash (#) Tags Placing # before a

key word brings it up in people’s real time searches for a specific topic

The more interesting and timely your tweet is, the more likely they will check you out and start following you.

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Twitter Best Practices

Hash (#) Tags… Continued Creating a Buzz in Illinois

When EPA held a major clean air hearing in Chicago, volunteers and staff organized to tweet during the hearing, intentionally using #bigpolluters in each post. This created a real time buzz among each person’s followers and drew attention to the hearing. Reporters are among their followers.

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Twitter Best Practices

Good Tweet

Provides Context; Links to Article; Uses #key word; Exciting! What words will be exchanged?

Room for Improvement Tweet

No context; Link could be spam

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Twitter Best Practices

Shorten web addresses: http://bit.ly/ allows you to create an account to

track who on Twitter is retweeting your post A long web link like

http://www.coolcities.us/fullStory.php?storyID=158&mode=view is shortened to http://bit.ly/aQjpYM and allows you to use more characters to write an interesting post

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Convio/Twitter Connection

Invite people to follow you on Twitter Ask people to tweet your action alert or event

announements Post your event/action on the Sierra_Club

account Tweet your own alerts, events, and e-


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Twitter Pros and ConsThe Pros: Free and easy to use Great for rapid information sharing, can be “viral” Can help promote web content Great communication tool with local press Authorizing multiple staff/volunteers spreads the workload Can be integrated with Facebook Status Updates #tags are used to create a following and promote a certain topic within

the communityThe Cons: Takes time to learn the “lingo” and build network Success is dependent on frequent “tweeting” Does not replace blogs or Facebook pages Horrible fundraising tool Posts have short shelf life

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Twitter: Getting Started

What’s the time commitment? Initial Startup: ½ hour (establishing account, find folks to

“follow”) Learning the system and the lingo (plan to spend a few hours

reading some tutorials and reviewing the “tweets” of others). Maintenance: “Tweeting” takes only minutes a day, but you’ll

have to train yourself to maintain your account frequently.How do I get Started? www.twitter.comSierra Club Resources http://action.sierraclub.org/site/PageServer?pagename=


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Why Use YouTube?

Second Largest Search Engine in the World Central place to store your videos Provides html code to embed video on your

website or in Convio e-mails Autoshare with Facebook and Twitter Can upload a video or record from a web


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YouTube: Getting Started

Create your own channel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NykI2cJ9o80&f


Use popular key words so people find you Upload videos from events, volunteer and

staff interviews, etc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SzSwnbxb9TY Videos can be no longer than 10 minutes

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Sierra Club Channel

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YouTube: Getting Started

What’s the time commitment? Initial Startup: 1 hour (establishing account, creating

your channel’s look) Time required to upload video varies Maintenance: Upload quality videos as frequently

as you make themHow do I get Started? www.youtube.comSierra Club Resources http://


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Four Square


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Four Square 275,00 Members, available in major cities Allows you to find your friends and your friends to find you at

events and businesses People check-in by phone

Users can leave a comment for their friends Links to Twitter and Facebook account to let friends outside your

Four Square network know your location Offers rewards to people who visit the most places or frequent

places most often Earn points by checking into a “venue” Become “Mayor” by visiting a venue the most often Earn Badges for repeated checkins to a type of location

Brunch badge: 4 Saturday / Sunday checkins before 1pm

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Four Square Uses

Post volunteer opportunities and allow people to check in via Four Square

Invite people to events Direct people to a local business that may be

running a fundraising special for you Direct people to a green local business

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Four Square Tools

Four Squared www.foursquared.com Guide: Introduction to Four Square


How to use Four Square for Event Planning http://www.tradeshowinsight.com/2010/03/a-practical-guide-to-creating-foursquare-events/

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Homework- Beginners

Create accounts for the sites you think would be most useful for your work

Take some time to explore the site- I recommend Facebook as your launching point

Visit the Chapter facebook and twitter accounts to get a sense of how people use these resources

Revisit this presentation to find ideas that will advance your campaign

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Homework- Advanced

Create accounts for the additional sites you think would be most useful for your work

Take some time to explore the new site Visit Chapter and National Sierra Club featured in

presentation for ideas Update your Facebook account and Twitter feeds

with alerts, articles, etc Test Four Squared for an event

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Homework- You Own Social Networking!

Create a Social Media Outreach CalendarExample: Illinois Sierra Club Blog: 1 blog post a week, more as needed Facebook: 2 to 3 posts/ week with timely pictures

and video (pull from YouTube when available) Twitter: 1 to 3 tweets/day, with at least one

interactive link (article, video, action, etc) YouTube: 1 to 2 edited videos/month

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Social Networking Questions?

Marie Bergen- Eastern Region [email protected]

Stacey Kawakami- Central Region [email protected]

Ashley Allison- Chapter [email protected]

Colleen Sarna- Clean Energy Solutions [email protected]

Cara Longpre- Social Networking Guru [email protected]
