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Social ontology: Understanding Public Orgainisation

Date post: 22-Nov-2014
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Social ontology – particularly its leading concept, collective intentionality –provides helpful insights into public organisations. The paper sets out the some of the limitations of cultural theories and takes as its example of these the group-grid theory of Douglas and Hood. It then draws upon Brentano, Husserl and Searle to show the ontological character of public management. Modern public institutions – such as advisory organisations and service delivery agencies, including schools and universities – are expressions of human collective intentionality. Public institutions are natural structures that emerge from our evolutionary ancestry as cooperative animals and enduringly display all the features of that ancestry. The central concept within these institutions, as a phenomenology reveals, is cooperation.
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Understanding public organisations: collective intentionality as cooperation Social ontology – particularly its leading concept, collective intentionality –provides helpful insights into public organisations. The paper sets out the some of the limitations of cultural theories and takes as its example of these the group-grid theory of Douglas and Hood. It then draws upon Brentano, Husserl and Searle to show the ontological character of public management. Modern public institutions such as advisory organisations and service delivery agencies, including schools and universities – are expressions of human collective intentionality. Public institutions are natural structures that emerge from our evolutionary ancestry as cooperative animals and enduringly display all the features of that ancestry.
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Understanding public organisations:collective intentionality as cooperation

Social ontology – particularly its leading concept, collective intentionality –provides helpful insights into public organisations.

The paper sets out the some of the limitations of cultural theories and takes as its example of these the group-grid theory of Douglas and Hood.

It then draws upon Brentano, Husserl and Searle to show the ontological character of public management. Modern public institutions – such as advisory organisations and service delivery agencies, including schools and universities – are expressions of human collective intentionality.

Public institutions are natural structures that emerge from our evolutionary ancestry as cooperative animals and enduringly display all the features of that ancestry.

The central concept within these institutions, as a phenomenology reveals, is cooperation.

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Understanding public organisations

- collective intentionality as cooperation

Rober t ShawThe Open Po l y techn i c o f New Zea land

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How to expla in inst i tut ionsPsychological theoriesCultural theories

Grid-groupSocia l ontology



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W h a t c a l l s f o r a n e x p l a n a t i o n ?

1 P s y c h o l o g i c a l t h e o r i e sFo c u s o n t h o s e w i t h i n – r o l e s , p o w e r, i n p u t s - o u t p u t s

2 C u l t u r a l t h e o r i e sFo c u s o n i n s t i t u t i o n s – k i n d s , d y n a m i c s ,r e l a t i o n s h i p s , s t a k e h o l d e r s , e v o l u t i o n o f o r g a n i s a t i o n s

3 S o c i a l o n t o l o g yP h e n o m e n o l o g yC r e a t i o n o f m e a n i n g

How to explain institutions

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A c u l t u r a l t h e o r y

C h r i s t o p h e r H o o d ( O x f o r d )

“Grid/group cultural theory captures much of the variety in current and historical debates about how to organize in government and public services, because it offers a broad framework for analysis which is capable of incorporating much of what is already known about organisational variety.

“Application of a cultural-theory framework can illuminate many of the central analytic questions in public management.

E x p l a i n s f a i l u r e sN e w P u b l i c M a n a g e m e n t ( n e o - l i b e r a l e c o n o m i c s )F o u r w a y s t o u n d e r s t a n d p u b l i c m a n a g e m e n t :H i e r a r c h i c a lI n d i v i d u a l i s t i cE g a l i t a r i a nF a t a l i s t

Grid-group theory – its use

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Ruth Benedict Patterns of Culture , 1934Mary Douglas

Socia l anthropology“A start for this will be to construct (yes, I mean

construct, fabricate, think up, invent) two dimensions. ... I use ‘grid’ for a dimension of individuation, and ‘group’ for a dimension of social incorporation”(Douglas, 1982, p. 190).

Grid-group theory – its foundation

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People take on roles or att i tudes in accordance with the ir inc l inat ions on the d imensions of : Group (bel ie fs about the bonds between people) & Grid (be l ie fs about how people take on roles in groups) .

Grid-group theory – its foundation

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1 . H e g e l1 8 0 7“ W a y i n w h i c h k n o w l e d g e a p p e a r s ”

2 . F r a n z B r e n t a n o1 8 7 4 P s y c h o l o g y f r o m a n E m p i r i c a l S t a n d p o i n t

“Every mental phenomenon is characterised by what the Scholastics of the Middle Ages called the intentional (or mental) in-existence of an object, and what we might call, though not wholly unambiguously, reference to a content, direction upon an object (which is not to be understood here as meaning a thing), or immanent objectivity.

“Every mental phenomenon includes something as an object within itself; although they do not all do so in the same way. In presentation something is presented, in judgment something is affirmed or denied, in love loved, in hate hated, in desire desired, and so on.

3 . H u s s e r lT h e o r y o f n t e n t i o n a l i t y

‘Intentionality’- origins

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I n t e n t i o n a l i t y i s a f e a t u r e o f c o n s c i o u s n e s s : “ d i r e c t e d n e s s o f t h o u g h t ”T h i n kF e e lT o u c hH a t eH o p eK n o wU n d e r s t a n d

O r g a n i c a p p r o a c h : I t i s “ p r i m o r d i a l o r i g i n a r i n e s s ” w h i c h p r o v i d e s u sw i t h i n s i g h t s i n t o t h e o n t o l o g i c a l s i t u a t i o n o f t h e a n i m a t e o r g a n i s m .

E g o a n d a l t e r e g o ( w h i c h m a y b e s h a r e d w i t h a n o t h e r h u m a n b e i n g ) T h i s s h a r e d o v e r l a y c o n s t i t u t e s a s a “ m u t u a l t r a n s f e r o f s e n s e ” .

R e c e n t e n q u i r e s t h a t b u i l d o n H u s s e r l :

1 , M e t h o d o f p h e n o m e n o l o g i c a l r e d u c t i o n → S h a w ( l o c a l g o v e r n m e n t , d e m o c r a c y, d e c i s i o n - m a k i n g )2 . C o n c e p t o f i n t e n t i o n a l i t y → S e a r l e ( c o l l e c t i v e i n t e n t i o n a l i t y, c o o p e r a t i o n , i n s t i t u t i o n s )


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My projectThe essence o f local government

Be wi thEl iminate categor iesThat which you cannot e l iminate

Phenomenological reduction

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A lead concept is collective intentionalityJohn Searle

The construct ion of socia l real i ty (1995) Making the socia l world: the structure of

human c ivi l izat ion (2010)

Social ontology

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Sear le ’ s method: Based on exper ience / reflect ion

Organic foundat ion & cont inu i ty

Unified account : One wor ld : f ac tsSoc ie ty, ins t i tu t ions , ind iv idua l s , language

I in tend / we in tend

Co-operat ion

Collective intentionality

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Institutional facts / background / capacities

X counts as Y in a Context

Collective prior intentions / intentions in action

Human institutions = structures of constitutive rules (typically not conscious)

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