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_____________________________________________________________________________ Social selectivity of state schools and the impact of grammars A summary and discussion of findings from ‘Evidence on the effects of selective educational systems’ by the Centre for Evaluation and Monitoring at Durham University The Sutton Trust, October 2008
Page 1: Social selectivity of state schools and the impact of grammars · Social selectivity of state schools and the impact of grammars A summary and discussion of findings from ‘Evidence


Social selectivity of state schools and the impact of grammars A summary and discussion of findings from ‘Evidence on the effects of selective educational systems’ by the Centre for Evaluation and Monitoring

at Durham University

The Sutton Trust, October 2008

Page 2: Social selectivity of state schools and the impact of grammars · Social selectivity of state schools and the impact of grammars A summary and discussion of findings from ‘Evidence



Executive summary 3

Introduction and background 5

Findings -- selectivity 7

Findings – pupil intakes 10

Findings – attainment 12

Discussion 13

Proposed ways forward 16

Appendix 18

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Executive summary


This study shows that the vast majority of England's most socially selective state secondary

schools are non-grammar schools. However, England's remaining grammar schools are enrolling

half as many academically able children from disadvantaged backgrounds as they could do.

The research also concludes that the impact on the academic results of non-grammar state

schools due to the ‘creaming off’ of pupils to grammar schools is negligible. Grammars have a

widespread, low-level, impact on pupil enrolments across the sector. A relatively small number of

non-selective schools do see a significant proportion of pupils ‘lost’ to nearby grammars, but this

does not lead to lower academic achievement.

The Trust proposes that a further study be undertaken to review ‘eleven plus’ selection tests to

see whether they deter bright pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds applying to grammar

schools, and urges more grammars to develop outreach schemes to raise the aspirations and

achievement of children during primary school.

It also backs calls for religious schools to consider straightforward 'binary' criteria to decide which

pupils should be admitted on faith grounds, and other ways – including the use of banding and

ballots – to help make admissions to all secondary state schools operate more equitably.

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Key findings


• Only 17 of the England’s 100 most socially selective schools are grammar schools.

• 54 of the 100 most socially selective schools are Voluntary Aided schools (in control of

their own admissions policies), which make up 17 in 100 schools nationally; 54 out of the

100 are faith schools, compared with 18 in 100 nationally.

• The five most socially selective schools in England have Free School Meal rates below

5%, despite rates of around 35% or higher in the local areas from which they draw pupils.

• Comparing the test results of the schools’ intakes with other pupils in the same

neighbourhoods, 50 non-grammar schools are more academically selective than the least

academically selective grammar school in the country. Of these 50 non-grammar

schools, almost half (24) are faith schools.

• Considering the top quarter of academic performing pupils at age 11, in grammar schools

just under 2% of these pupils are on Free School Meals, compared with 5.5% of high

performing FSM pupils in non-selective schools.


• Across England as a whole, one third of the wards in the country (33%) contain at least

one pupil who attends one of England’s 164 remaining grammar schools.

• 80 out of the country’s 150 Local Authorities have more than 1% of the pupils who live in

their area attending grammar schools, compared with only 36 Local Authorities that

actually have grammar schools.

• 161 schools (5% of non-selective schools nationally) lose more than 20% of their

potential pupils to grammar schools.

• Schools that lose pupils to grammar schools are not performing academically any

differently from other schools with similar characteristics.


• On average pupils in grammar schools achieve between zero and three-quarters of a

GCSE grade per subject more than similar pupils in non-selective schools. Different

values of this estimate arise from different, but equally plausible, statistical models and

assumptions, so it is hard to be more precise than this.

• The research suggests that grammar school students take subjects that are on average

about a tenth of a GCSE grade harder than pupils in other schools.

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Introduction and background

England’s 164 remaining grammar schools educate just under four per cent of 11-16 year-olds in

the secondary state school sector1. Yet this small cadre of academically selective schools

continues to provoke repeated debate over their continuing existence.

Few education topics can polarise opinion as today's grammar schools. For some, they remain

the last bastions of a socially divisive system that must be banished once and for all; for others

they are the paragons of academic excellence in the state sector – schools that can genuinely

challenge independent schools in scholarly standing.

But what does the actual evidence tell us? It was this question that prompted the Trust to

commission a review of the social and academic impacts of existing grammar schools. Previous

reports commissioned by the Trust have shown just how successful grammar schools are in

supplying students to the country's leading research universities2. This success makes it all the

more important to ensure that such schools – regardless of ideological debates over their

continued existence – do their utmost to enroll academically gifted children from all social


The findings presented in this summary report are taken from what we believe to be the most

comprehensive review ever produced on the academic characteristics and social impacts of the

164 grammar schools in England. The Trust would like to thank Robert Coe, Karen Jones, Jeff

Searle, Dimitra Kokotsaki, Azlina Mohd Kosnin and Paul Skinner at the Centre for Evaluation and

Monitoring at Durham University for producing such an extensive piece of work.

This includes an exhaustive statistical analysis of the country’s pupils in the English state sector

from age 11 to age 16, as well as a review of other major studies on the academic performance

of pupils in grammar schools. The researchers have developed new methods to determine the

social and academic ‘selectivity’ of schools by comparing the characteristics of their pupils with

other children in the same electoral wards. It is the first time that the geographical spread of

grammar school intakes has been mapped in this way.

The researchers stress from the outset that this review of evidence relates only to the existing

164 grammar schools in England, and the findings do not relate to the full-scale academic

1 This equates to approximately 125,000 pupils aged 11-16 in grammar schools 2 See http://www.suttontrust.com/reports/UniversityAdmissionsbySchool.pdf

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selection system as existed 40 years ago when grammars made up a significant proportion of all

state schools.

It should also be noted that these statistics relate to the social composition of schools up to 2006

-- before the introduction of the Government's revised Admissions Code, published in 2007, which

impacts on school admissions policies for 2008-09 pupil intakes3.

This analysis only applies to pupils from the ages 11 to 16 – from the end of primary school up to

GCSE level. It does not encompass the selection of pupils at schools at sixth form level and their

subsequent academic attainment at age 18.

By no means will this be the final word on the subject of today's grammars - there are many other

arguments outside the scope of this report that are used by proponents and critics alike. We

believe, however, this work represents a significant contribution to an important debate.

Those for and against existing grammar schools must now accept that the notion of self-

contained selective systems for example simply does not stack up with the facts. Grammars have

a widespread, low-level, impact on pupil enrolments across the sector. A relatively small number

of non-selective schools do see a significant proportion of pupils ‘lost’ to nearby grammars, but

the research suggests that this does not damage such schools, at least in terms of academic

achievement. Others will nonetheless argue that the achievement in non-selective schools would

be even higher if local grammars did not exist.

At the same time the research highlights once again that the country's leading state schools -

whether they select on academic grounds or indeed on faith or other grounds - are highly socially

selective. This remains a key concern for the Trust.

Many of these schools are founded on laudable traditions to serve local communities and to

educate children from all backgrounds. The findings presented here suggest that these leading

schools must ask themselves how much they are currently living up to these high expectations –

and what can be done to make them more accessible to a wider spectrum of society.

3 The Government now requests Local Admissions Authorities to ‘act in accordance with’ the Code not ‘have regard to’ it, as previously. See http://www.dcsf.gov.uk/sacode/ for the latest documents.

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Findings -- selectivity

Social selectivity

Table 1 in the appendix lists the 100 most socially selective schools in England, as calculated by

the researchers. The degree of social selectivity is calculated by comparing the number of

children at a school with Free School Meals with the number of other children on Free School

Meals who live in the same electoral wards as these children, but who attend other schools4.

Unsurprisingly, the overall analysis shows that on average grammar schools are more socially

selective than non-selective schools, which make up the vast majority of schools. However, the

table reveals that the most socially selective schools in the country are not grammar schools, but

a number of non-grammar schools. Of the 100 most socially selective schools, 83 are not

grammar schools5.

Note that the measure of social selectivity used here is not simply comparing the school’s pupils

with other children in the locality of the school – it is comparing the school’s intake with other

children across its catchment area, irrespective of how wide this may be. This analysis is not

simply showing social segregation across schools, reflecting the social make-up of residential

areas. This finding suggests that even within the different areas that exist, somehow the most

socially disadvantaged children are finding their way into different schools to their better-off peers.

For state secondary schools in England as a whole, only 18% of non-grammar schools have any

faith affiliation, whereas 54 of the 100 most socially selective schools are faith schools. Church of

England, Roman Catholic and other faith schools are all significantly over-represented in the 100

most socially selective schools. Highly socially selective non-grammar schools are more likely to

be Voluntary Aided or City Technology Colleges, to be single sex, larger than average, and

competing for children from the same wards.

4 In 2007, 13.4% of children in English secondary schools qualified for Free School Meals. This measure is used to identify the outcomes of children from poor backgrounds. The usual caveats apply to the use of FSM as a measure of social deprivation in this analysis; there are suggestions that in some schools children entitled to FSM are encouraged not to take them. But it remains the only measure available. 5 The researchers also considered comparing different FSM rates proportionately – but were faced with a number of methodological problems not least how to deal with FSM rates of zero for some schools. But it should be noted that one reason why grammar schools are not at the top of this list is that they are typically situated in areas where the prevailing rates of FSM are below average; the average rate of FSM in wards from which pupils attend grammar schools is 8%, compared with 13% for non-grammars.

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The highest ranked grammar school is number 24, with a 19 percentage point difference in Free

School Meal rate between its pupils and that for neighbouring children in other schools.

Social selectivity of high academic achievers

The researchers also investigated the pupil intakes into grammar and non-grammar schools of

children on Free School Meals from the top quarter of academic performing pupils at age 11. Top

performing pupils were defined as those with a mean score (across English, maths and science)

in their Key Stage 2 tests6 greater than 70 marks (out of a maximum of 93.3) – equivalent to

approximately the top 25% of pupils in that year group.

The results are shown in the following table, alongside the equivalent figures for all school pupils

in the year group7.

These figures show that the ‘raw’ gap in Free School Meal rates between grammar school pupils

and non-grammar school pupils is just over 10%. This is, in large part, due to the fact that only

one in 20 pupils among the top quarter of academic performing pupils at age 11 are on FSM –

and these are likely to pass academic selection tests8.

Yet just considering the top quarter of academic performing pupils at age 11, a sizeable gap

remains. For these high performing pupils, just under 2% of those in grammar schools are on

Free School Meals, compared with 5.5% in non-selective schools. This equates to 337 high

performing FSM pupils at age 11 in grammar schools, compared with 6537 high performing FSM

pupils at age 11 in non-grammar schools. If access to grammar schools was determined purely

by Key Stage 2 scores, at least another 500 high achieving FSM pupils would be admitted.

6 Key Stage 2 tests covering English, maths and science are taken by 11 year olds at the end of primary school in England. The maximum mark for maths and English at KS2 is 100 but for science it is 80. Thus the average KS2 mark has a maximum of 93.3 and minimum of zero. 7 These figures are a “snapshot” using 2006 year 11 pupil data who could be matched to their KS2 marks. 8 The early emergence of the attainment gap between pupils from less privileged backgrounds and other pupils is well documented. In this study just 5% of the top quarter of academic performing pupils at age 11 were on Free School Meals, compared with 12% on FSM overall.

All pupils Top quarter of academic achievers at age 11

grammar non grammar grammar non grammar Total number of pupils 21055 510,236 17304 119,385 Percentage eligible for FSM 2.07% 12.16% 1.95% 5.48%

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Academic selectivity

The degree of academic selectivity at a school was calculated by comparing the Key Stage 2

results of children at a school with the results for other children living in the same electoral wards.

Not surprisingly, the study reveals that grammar schools are on average substantially more

academically selective than non-selective schools. Pupils selected by grammar schools have

Key Stage 2 point scores typically 10-20 marks higher than the average for the wards they are

selected from.

However, there are a number of non-grammar schools that are just as academically selective as

grammar schools. If all schools are ranked by their academic selectiveness, ten of the top 164

schools are non-grammar schools.

The most selective non-grammar school is ranked 56 and has a difference of 17 marks between

its pupils’ average KS2 marks and those of neighbouring pupils who attend other local schools.

The least selective grammar school is ranked 214, with 50 non-grammar schools found to be

more academically selective.

Of these academically selective 50 non-grammar schools, almost half (24) are faith schools, all

with Voluntary Aided status. The remaining 26 non-faith schools comprise three Voluntary Aided

schools, seven Foundation schools, eight Community schools, six City Technology Colleges and

two Academies.

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Findings – pupil intakes


Nationally, the analysis finds that about 20% of grammar school pupils come from outside the

Local Authority of the school; for some Local Authorities, this figure is as high as 75%. Of the 150

Local Authorities in England only 36 actually have grammar schools of their own, but 80 Local

Authorities have more than 1% of the pupils who live in their area attending grammar schools. A

list showing the number of grammar schools in Authorities is presented in Table 2 of the


Across England as a whole, one third of the wards in the country (33%) house at least one pupil

who attends a grammar school. The widespread nature of grammar school enrolment is shown

diagrammatically in Figure 1 of the appendix.

From this it is clear that Local Authorities do not form neat, self-contained selective systems.

Even talking about a ‘selective Local Authority’ is problematic, since for some apparently selective

authorities more than half their grammar school pupils originate from outside their borders.

Creaming effect

The study developed a way of defining the ‘creaming effect' of any given grammar school on each

non-grammar school - estimating the loss of potential pupils from comprehensives due to the

existence of grammar schools9.

As Figure 2 in the appendix shows, a relatively small number of schools are substantially affected

in this way: 161 schools (5% of non-selective schools nationally) lose more than 20% of their

potential pupils to grammar schools. Three-quarters of these schools are in just four Local

Authorities – Kent, Medway, Buckinghamshire and Lincolnshire.

Just under one-third of the non-selective schools in the country (32%) lose between 0 and 1% of

the pupils they might have had, with a further third (35%) losing between 1% and 20%.

9 The researchers developed a complex method to calculate this cream-skimming effect (detailed in chapter 7 of the full report). The calculation of the creaming percentages is based on the wards in which grammar school pupils live and the proportion of grammar school pupils to non grammar school pupils in each of those wards. The pupils who attend grammar schools are reallocated to the non grammar schools based on their neighbours who attend each of these schools. This analysis does not consider the possibility that some pupils choose between grammars and independent schools – ie moving outside state education altogether.

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Throughout England as a whole only about one-quarter of non-selective schools (28%) lose no

pupils at all to grammar schools.

This far-reaching but low-level impact of selection is very different from the traditional picture of

self-contained ‘selective’ and ‘comprehensive’ areas, with grammar and secondary modern

schools on the one hand, and comprehensive schools on the other.

The study found that there is a general tendency for this creaming effect to impact on non-

selective schools with relatively able pupils. Hence although they may lose some of their most

able pupils, the fact that they have more of these pupils in the first place means that their overall

composition is not unbalanced. The study also finds that schools that lose pupils to grammar

schools are performing no differently from other similar schools in academic terms.

One consequence of this widespread but low level impact is that there is no clear cut-off for

defining selective areas. Self-contained selective systems do not exist in England.

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Findings -- Attainment

A range of statistical analyses carried out in the study suggest that pupils in grammar schools do

better than pupils with the same characteristics in other non-selective schools, with the difference

somewhere between zero and three-quarters of a GCSE grade per subject.

Although these analyses indicate that grammar school pupils appear to make greater progress

from Key Stage 2 (age 11) to Key Stage 4 (age 16) than other pupils, the study also finds that

these same pupils were already making more progress during primary school from Key Stage 1

(age 7) to Key Stage 2 (age 11). This suggests that there may be important but unmeasured

differences between grammar and non-grammar school pupils that are driving the differences in

attainment, and not necessarily a ‘grammar school effect’.

The study also investigated how factors such as the different choices of statistical model, different

assumptions underpinning them and various inadequacies of the available data might affect the

outcomes of the analysis. Given the arbitrariness and uncertainty introduced by these factors, it

was not possible confidently to estimate the difference in attainment more accurately than

‘between zero and three-quarters’ of a grade per subject.

A review of previous studies also found that the weight of evidence suggests that pupils who

attend grammar schools do better than equally able pupils in comprehensives.

Subject choice

A series of studies has indicated that some GCSE subjects are more difficult than others10. The

researchers found that grammar school pupils tend to be entered for the more difficult

qualifications, though the overall difference is not huge: grammar school students take subjects

that are on average about a tenth of a GCSE grade harder (on all Key Stage 4 qualifications) than

those in other schools.

This picture is complicated by the fact that more able pupils in any school are more likely to be

entered for harder subjects. Nevertheless, even after adjustment for this tendency, pupils in

grammar schools still enter slightly harder subjects.

10 The latest paper on this topic develops a new way of assessing subject difficulty based on a ‘Rasch’ model. There is a consistent finding that STEM (science, technology, engineering, maths) subjects and languages are harder than others. Relative difficulty of examinations in different subjects. Report for SCORE (Science Community Supporting Education), July, 2008. Available at http://www.cemcentre.org/documents/news/SCORE2008report.pdf

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This study shows that England's 164 grammar schools remain highly socially exclusive

institutions. A major reason for this is that so few pupils from poorer backgrounds -- those on Free

School Meals for example – are among the highest academic achieving pupils leaving primary

school at age 11. This means that they are far less likely to be equipped to pass academic

selection tests (the ‘eleven plus’) designed to identify children who are capable of benefitting from

a grammar school education.

However, this can not explain why the Free School Meals rate at grammar schools among the top

quarter of highest achieving pupils at age 11 is half of that for non-selective schools. Grammars

are not enrolling as many academically able pupils from less privileged backgrounds as they

could do.

What the study is unable to ascertain is exactly why this is the case. This can only be due to two

possible factors. The first is that pupils from less-privileged backgrounds do not apply in the first

place (or do not remain at the school having been selected). There could of course be many

reasons for not applying to grammars: there may be no grammar school within reasonable

traveling distance of their homes; parents may not want to send their children to an academically

selective school on principle; families, or primary school teachers, may believe that grammars are

‘not for the likes of us’.

The second possible factor is that schools’ selection processes are socially biased in some way.

The researchers also suggest that the selection procedures, including the ‘eleven-plus’ tests,

deployed by grammar schools to distinguish between pupils warrant further investigation. Could it

be that these selection procedures disadvantage pupils from less privileged environments – even

though such pupils may have the academic potential to succeed in grammar schools?

The debates over selection procedures are documented in detail in the report11, but one key

question concerns how accurate tests are in identifying the potential of children to do well

academically at later ages. Previous studies have concluded that tests are not wholly reliable in

this respect. Based on the results of these studies and assuming that the top 25% of academic

achievers at age 16 should have been those who had gone to a grammar school, the researchers

estimate that about 78% of pupils go to the appropriate school for their ability, leaving around

22% wrongly allocated (half of whom failed but should not have, the other half whom passed but

should not have).

11 This can be found in the report in Chapter 2.2.1

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Other questions meanwhile relate to the uni-dimensional nature of selection tests – the

assumption that ‘ability’ can be summed up by one mark in one type of examination – as well as

the practicality of distinguishing between many candidates when marks do not vary considerably

between pupils. Another concern has been expressed about the timing of tests – for example,

does the practice of organising tests on Saturdays, outside normal school hours, alienate children

from less supportive backgrounds?

Non-selective schools

Yet the more surprising finding of the study in many ways is that a large number of non-selective

schools are more socially selective than grammar schools. For some 50 non-grammar schools

this means that they are also more academically selective than the least selective grammar


How can it be that a non-selective school can have a 30 percentage point difference between the

Free School Meals rate in the area from which it draws its intake and the rate for the pupils it

actually enrolls in the school? It is not difficult to offer some possible explanations. Half of these

highly selective schools are in control of their own admissions policies (Voluntary Aided schools)

and half use criteria to determine the faith of children as part of the school’s faith status.

This combination of faith based and distance to school criteria (for oversubscribed schools) leads

to stark gaps in the social composition of pupils enrolled at the school compared with that of

pupils in local wards. It should be stressed here that this social division occurs across the entire

catchment area of the school - however large that area may be. The method used by the

researchers compares every individual pupil at the school with other pupils living in the same

area or ward as they do.

However, a major reason for the social selectivity of the schools must lie with the behaviour of

parents and pupils themselves. Pupils from poorer backgrounds may be less likely to apply to

these schools, and, perhaps, are less likely to be regular church-goers or to be able to produce

evidence of their commitment. Meanwhile half of the most socially selective non-grammar schools

are non-religious schools, using distance from school criteria for their admissions: assuming

schools are adhering to admissions criteria, the only explanation for the differences between

school and local populations of pupils must be that the pupils and parents from less advantaged

backgrounds are less likely to opt for these schools. Again this may be due to a perception that

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these leading schools ‘are not for them’ or simply that they do not believe they stand a good

chance of getting in.

Moving the debate forward

These findings make problematic arguments that academic selection among the 164 grammars

should be abolished on the specific grounds that they are the most socially divisive schools. If

‘comprehensive’ schools in the current system are themselves often even more extreme in their

social selectivity than grammar schools, then this by itself would not appear to be a solution to the


Indeed as the researchers argue ‘social selection, with academic selection as a by-product’, as

appears to be occurring within the comprehensive system, may be deemed by some as less

palatable than ‘academic selection, with social selection as a by-product’ as seems to be the case

within grammar schools.

The study also finds little evidence of significant 'collateral harm' - at least academically – suffered

by other schools because of grammar schools. A relatively small number of non-selective schools

lose significant numbers of pupils because of grammars; however, the researchers find that these

schools are just as likely to be performing well academically, given their intakes at age 11.

It will also surprise many that grammar school pupils come from a third of the country's wards; the

idea of grammars being relevant only to a few areas where selective education operates does not

bear up to the evidence. The findings reveal a low-level but widespread impact on England's

school system. As the researchers stress, self-contained selective systems do not exist in


While debates over the continuing status of a small cadre of grammars will no doubt continue

(without a likely resolution), the Trust believes that, given the evidence presented here, much

more focus needs to be applied to ensure that all leading state schools are more socially


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Proposed ways forward

For the purposes of this report, we are putting to one side the many other broader questions of

how to raise academic standards across the state school sector as a whole. Here we concern

ourselves simply with one key challenge highlighted by this study, likely to remain with us for the

foreseeable future: how to ensure that the country's leading academic state schools -- both

grammar and non-grammar -- benefit children from all backgrounds.

We believe the Government's Admissions Code, introduced in 2007, is a step in the right direction

in this regard - but it remains to be seen what impact this will have in practice. A key challenge

will be how the local admissions forums and the national adjudicator monitor admissions patterns

in schools and enforce the Code when it is being broken. We also believe that choice advisers12

and the extension of free school transport to lower income families will help.

The Trust has advocated the use of admissions ballots - in conjunction with other criteria - as a

more equitable way of allocating places at oversubscribed schools13. In light of these latest

findings we also propose the following:

Review academic selection tests

A study should be undertaken to investigate whether the selection procedures deployed by

grammar schools disadvantage children from less privileged backgrounds, and develop ways to

reduce social bias if it does exist. This analysis suggests that intakes of academically able

children on Free School Meals could be higher. Also, it is estimated that nearly one in four pupils

are wrongly selected or not selected by admissions tests, if judged on how reliable they are in

choosing the pupils who become the best academic performers at age 16.

It is claimed that coaching and practice only have a limited benefit for the verbal reasoning tests

used by the schools. Yet extensive coaching by private tutors operates in grammar school areas

just for this purpose. Some schools also supplement verbal reasoning tests with subject tests that

are even more likely to highlight previous achievement rather than raw potential among pupils.

Another issue to consider is whether such 'eleven plus' tests are an opt-in or opt-out for pupils in

an area - and how families are presented with this choice. One would at the very least expect the

examinations and their results to be as transparent as possible.

12 Independent advisers help families who find the admissions system difficult to understand or, for one reason or another, do not engage with the process. 13 See http://www.suttontrust.com/reports/BallotsInSchoolAdmissions.pdf

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Develop outreach activities

We believe that more grammars should consider low cost outreach activities to encourage more

pupils from less privileged backgrounds to aspire and apply to grammars, and also, in doing so,

help to boost the academic achievement of children during primary school14. The Trust is

currently commissioning an evaluation of the Curriculum Enrichment Project it has supported for

the last five years at Pate's Grammar in Cheltenham. The programme involves weekly afternoon

classes at the school for talented pupils at primary schools in the less advantaged area of town

which surrounds Pate's, to boost achievement and also encourage them to consider applying to

the school at age 11.

We also believe that there is much for grammars to offer in terms of particular academic expertise

to help pupils in nearby non-selective schools, for example in GCSE or A-level subject choice and

university applications. Collaborations would support academically able pupils at key decision

points during school, at 14, 16 and 18.

Consider binary indicator for faith schools

We believe where-ever possible school admissions should be as simple and transparent as

possible. We would support recommendations made previously15 that religious schools should

consider straightforward 'binary' criteria to decide which pupils should be admitted -- perhaps a

signature from a religious leader to demonstrate commitment to a particular faith. An alternative

would be simply for faith schools to be open to any family who wants their child to be educated in

line with the tenets of that particular religion.

Fair banding

Fair banding – whereby schools are required to admit equal proportions of pupils from each band

of ability - has been used successfully in some areas already; the Government’s revised

Admissions Code introduces greater scope for it to be used more widely.

Review of parental attitudes

While some research has been carried out in this area, we believe more work could be done to

understand the choices made by parents in relation to secondary schools. Could more advice and

information be provided for parents to enable them to make more informed and strategic choices?

14 Some have argued that the Admissions Code explicitly rules out schools taking into consideration the background circumstances of children that might lead to under achievement at 11. 15 See for example Religious Schools in London: School Admissions, Religious Composition and Selectivity?,by Rebecca Allen, at the Institute of Education, and Anne West, at LSE

Page 18: Social selectivity of state schools and the impact of grammars · Social selectivity of state schools and the impact of grammars A summary and discussion of findings from ‘Evidence



Table 1: 100 most socially selective schools Key: VC Voluntary Controlled; VA Voluntary Aided; Fo Foundation; Co Community Ac Academy;

Ot Other; CE Church of England; RC Roman Catholic; M Mixed; B Boys; G Girls


k: S


l se




ol %



% F






% F







e st










ol s

ex m


1 4 43 38 N VC CE M 2 0 36 36 N Ot No M 3 5 37 32 N VA Ot G 4 3 35 32 N Co No M 5 3 34 31 N VC CE M 6 3 34 31 N VA CE G 7 10 38 28 N Co No M 8 11 37 26 N Co No M 9 35 60 25 N VA RC B

10 15 38 23 N VA CE B 11 4 26 23 N Co No M 12 13 35 23 N VA CE G 13 32 55 22 N VA RC G 14 15 37 22 N VA RC B 15 13 35 22 N VA Ot M 16 13 35 22 N VA RC G 17 2 24 22 N VA CE G 18 9 29 21 N VA RC G 19 8 28 20 N VA RC G 20 16 35 20 N VA RC G 21 13 33 20 N VA RC B 22 9 29 19 N VA RC M 23 17 36 19 N VA RC B 24 8 27 19 N Ac No M 25 3 22 19 G VA Ot G 26 9 27 18 N Co No M 27 7 25 18 N VA CE M 28 5 23 18 N VA RC B 29 6 24 18 N Co No M 30 16 34 18 N Co No M 31 3 22 18 G VA Ot G 32 7 25 18 N Fo No M 33 14 32 18 N VA RC G 34 19 37 18 N Co No B

Page 19: Social selectivity of state schools and the impact of grammars · Social selectivity of state schools and the impact of grammars A summary and discussion of findings from ‘Evidence


35 2 19 17 G VA Ot B 36 6 23 17 N Fo No M 37 4 21 17 N VA CE B 38 2 19 17 G VA Ot M 39 31 48 17 N VA CE M 40 1 18 16 G VA RC G 41 14 30 16 N Co No M 42 19 35 16 N Fo No B 43 5 21 16 N VA CE M 44 10 26 16 N Co No M 45 24 40 16 N Co No M 46 13 28 16 N VA RC M 47 9 24 16 N VA RC B 48 18 33 16 N VA No M 49 9 24 16 N VA RC B 50 25 41 16 N VA RC M 51 16 31 15 G VA No B 52 2 17 15 N Fo No M 53 5 20 15 G VA No M 54 3 19 15 N VA CE M 55 6 21 15 N Co No M 56 0 15 15 N Co No M 57 17 32 15 N Fo No M 58 9 24 15 N Ac No M 59 1 16 15 N Fo No G 60 21 36 15 N VA No B 61 0 15 15 N Co No M 62 5 20 15 N Co No M 63 10 25 15 N Fo No M 64 0 15 15 N VA Ot G 65 0 15 15 G VA No G 66 0 15 15 N Co No M 67 8 23 15 G VA RC B 68 2 16 15 G VA No M 69 2 16 15 G Co No B 70 7 21 14 N Fo No M 71 4 18 14 N VA CE M 72 6 21 14 N VA CE G 73 3 17 14 G Fo No B 74 1 15 14 G VA No B 75 5 19 14 N VA CE M 76 3 18 14 N Co No M 77 8 22 14 N VA RC G 78 11 26 14 N Co No M 79 9 22 14 N VA RC M 80 21 35 14 N Co No M 81 3 17 14 N VA RC M 82 22 36 14 N VA CE M 83 16 29 14 N Fo No M

Page 20: Social selectivity of state schools and the impact of grammars · Social selectivity of state schools and the impact of grammars A summary and discussion of findings from ‘Evidence


84 7 22 14 N Fo No M 85 1 15 14 G Fo No M 86 6 19 13 N Co No M 87 9 23 13 N VA RC M 88 1 14 13 N VA CE M 89 11 24 13 N Co No M 90 10 23 13 G VA RC G 91 4 17 13 G Fo No B 92 0 13 13 N VA Ot B 93 19 32 13 N VA RC G 94 22 35 13 N VA Ot B 95 4 17 13 N Co No M 96 8 21 13 N Fo No M 97 7 20 13 N VA RC M 98 1 14 13 N VA CE M 99 2 15 13 N VA RC M

100 4 17 13 N VA RC G

Page 21: Social selectivity of state schools and the impact of grammars · Social selectivity of state schools and the impact of grammars A summary and discussion of findings from ‘Evidence


Table 2: Numbers of grammar schools in Local Authorities

State schools

Local Authority






y m







Kent 33 47 21 Lincolnshire 15 31 19 Buckinghamshire 13 21 0 Birmingham 8 0 68 Trafford 7 11 0 Gloucestershire 7 0 37 Medway 6 10 4 Wirral 6 5 11 Warwickshire 5 11 21 Sutton 5 0 9 Slough 4 6 1 Bexley 4 5 8 Southend-on-Sea 4 4 7 Lancashire 4 2 79 Essex 4 0 77 North Yorkshire 3 3 37 Torbay 3 0 5 Plymouth 3 0 14 Barnet 3 0 17 Kingston upon Thames 2 8 1 Bournemouth 2 6 2 Wiltshire 2 4 23 Poole 2 3 4 Telford and Wrekin 2 1 12 Reading 2 0 6 Calderdale 2 0 13 Bromley 2 0 17 Redbridge 2 0 16 Walsall 2 0 18 Enfield 1 0 16 Stoke-on-Trent 1 0 16 Kirklees 1 0 24 Wolverhampton 1 0 18 Liverpool 1 0 31 Cumbria 1 0 42 Devon 1 0 36 Totals 164 178 730

Page 22: Social selectivity of state schools and the impact of grammars · Social selectivity of state schools and the impact of grammars A summary and discussion of findings from ‘Evidence


Figure 1: Grammar School Attendance by Ward

This map is based on data provided through EDINA UKBORDERS with the support of the ESRC and JISC and uses boundary material which is copyright of the Crown, the Post Office and the ED-LINE Consortium (see UKBORDERS at http://edina.ed.ac.uk/index.shtml).

Page 23: Social selectivity of state schools and the impact of grammars · Social selectivity of state schools and the impact of grammars A summary and discussion of findings from ‘Evidence


Figure 2: Creaming in Secondary Schools

Page 24: Social selectivity of state schools and the impact of grammars · Social selectivity of state schools and the impact of grammars A summary and discussion of findings from ‘Evidence


This map has been produced using data from National Statistics / Ordnance Survey. Extracts are

Crown Copyright and may only be reproduced by permission (see:

