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Social Studies Quiz Show

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Social Studies Quiz Show. Ethnic & Religious Groups. South & East Asia. Africa. Middle East (S.W. Asia). Environment. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 5. 5. 6. 5. 5. 5. Topic 1 for 1. What is Pan-Africanism? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Middle East Middle East (S.W. Asia)(S.W. Asia)

South & South & East AsiaEast Asia

Ethnic & Ethnic & Religious Religious GroupsGroups



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Topic 1 for 1What is Pan-Africanism?A. the uniting of a continent’s people to fight for

their independenceB. the uniting of a country’s people to fight for

their independenceC. laws created to enforce segregation in South

AfricaD. when one country takes control over another

country and then sends its people to settle that country

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Answer: the uniting of people of Africa (the entire continent) to fight for their independence

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Topic 1 for 2As Europeans colonized Africa, they abused African wealth to their own advantage. Europeans almost never treated Africans as fellow citizens. Furthermore, African societies and cultures were humiliated and viewed as inferior and strange. By the end of WWII, Africans wanted to control their own government and natural resources.

The above paragraph best describes the causes of …

a. apartheid c. colonialismb. nationalism d. slavery

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Answer: nationalism

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Topic 1 for 2

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Topic 1 for 3How did apartheid impact the non-white

population of South Africa? (pick ANY that apply)

Non-white South Africans . . .A. were only allowed to vote if they were educated.B. had to use separate facilities (ex. schools,

hospitals) from whites.C. could not vote at all.D. were moved to poor, overcrowded areas far away

from the cities.

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Answer:1. could not vote at all.2. were moved to poor, overcrowded

areas far away from the cities.3. were moved to poor, overcrowded

areas far away from the cities.

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Topic 1 for 3

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Topic 1 for 4

In 1946 British colonial leaders combined southern and northern Sudan into a single country. The native people of southern Sudan mostly practice Christianity and traditional African religions. Northern Sudan is mostly Arab Muslims. Combining the citizens in these previously separate regions led to the first Sudanese civil war and later caused political and ethnic conflict.

Based on the passage above, what contributed to (caused) civil war in Sudan?

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new political borders

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Topic 1 for 4

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Who does the passage below describe?

He was a member of the African National Congress (ANC), which fought against racism and apartheid. This person also spent 27 years in prison for his anti-apartheid protests. He later became the first black president of South Africa in 1994.

A. F.W. de Clerk C. Nelson MandelaB. Jomo Kenyatta D. Saddam Hussein

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Nelson Mandela

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Topic 1 for 5

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Topic 2 for 1

What is anti-Semitism?

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racism against Jewish people

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Topic 2 for 1

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Topic 2 for 2Which one of these events was NOT

a cause or basis for the idea of Zionism?

A. Anti-Semitism (hatred of Jewish people)B. Holocaust C. Diaspora (Romans kicked the Jews out of

Israel)D. WWI

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Topic 2 for 2

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Topic 2 for 3Which one of the following statements best

describes the current relationship between the Palestinian Arabs & Israelis?

A. The peace treaties signed by the Arabs and Israelis have solved all of their disagreements.

B. The Palestinians have given up all of their land to the Israelis.

C. The Israelis have given back all of the disputed land the Palestinians.

D. Violent conflicts between Arabs and Israelis still happen today over disputed land like the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

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Answer:Violent conflicts between Arabs and Israelis still happen today over disputed land like the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

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Topic 2 for 3

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What effect did the breakup of the Ottoman Empire have?

A. The Ottomans took over the rest of the Middle East.

B. The Japanese took over the Middle East for its natural resources.

C. European countries divided control of the Middle East and created new countries.

D. African traders brought Islam to the Middle East.

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Topic 2 for 4

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Answer: European countries divided control of the Middle East and created new countries

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Topic 2 for 4

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A) Why did the U.S. invade Afghanistan in 2001?

B) Why did the U.S. invade Iraq in 2003?

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Topic 2 for 5** Daily Double **

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Answer:A) Afghanistan – the Taliban was protecting Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda who were responsible for 9/11

B) Iraq – President Bush thought Saddam Hussein was hiding WMDs (weapons of mass destruction) and threatening U.S. oil interests

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Topic 2 for 6

What are the United States’ 2 main interests in the

Middle East?

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Answer: oil & terrorism

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What was the United States’ main reason for helping to rebuild Japan after WWII?

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Topic 3 for 1

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Answer: They wanted to contain communism, making sure it did not spread into Japan from China or the U.S.S.R.

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Topic 3 for 1

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Why did the U.S.A. become involved in the Korean and Vietnam Wars? What was their main concern?

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Answer: They wanted to contain the spread of communism.

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Topic 3 for 2

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A) Why was Gandhi so important to India? What did he help India achieve?

B) What American used Gandhi’s non-violent tactics in fighting for racial freedom in the U.S.?

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A)His non-violent protests helped India achieve independence from Britain.

B)Martin Luther King Jr.

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Topic 3 for 3

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A) Was China’s Great Leap Forward successful? Explain why or why not.

B) What the cause AND effect of China’s Cultural Revolution?

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A) No, it was not successful. It tried to speed up China’s economic development but Chinese workers could not reach the production goals set by the Communist Party. It resulted in a terrible famine & death.

B) Cause – to renew the spirit of communism (after the failure of the Great Leap Forward)

Effect – The Red Guard harassed “uncommunist” people and destroyed anything connected to foreign ideas & old Chinese ideas

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Changes have been made to China’s economy to help the country become economically strong, but changes have not affected every aspect of Chinese life. The protests Tiananmen Square in 1989 demonstrate what about the government of China?

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Answer: China still has a communist government that does not allow its citizens to protest against the government or have as many freedoms as citizens of democratic countries might have.

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Which of these is an ethnic group?

a. Buddhistb. Hinduc. Kurd d. Muslim

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Topic 4 for 1

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Which concept relates to religion rather than ethnicity?

A. Kimba is Ashanti. B. Mustafa follows the Quran.C. Kemal is a nomadic herder. D. Jambo speaks Swahili.

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Mustafa follows the Quran.

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Shara is Arab. Why can’t it be assumed that Shara is Muslim?

A. All Arabs are not MuslimB. All Arabs are ChristianC. Muslims are not Arab D. Christians are not Arab

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All Arabs are not Muslim

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Topic 4 for 3

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Topic 4 for 4What new belief did Judaism


A. animismB. ancestor worship C. polytheismD. monotheism

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Answer: monotheism

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Topic 4 for 4

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The reason for division between Sunni and Shia Muslims is based on the issue of

A. the leadership of Islam.B. the issue of women’s rights within the

religion. C.who should control the natural

resources of the region. D.where the geographic center of the

Islamic world should be located.

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ANSWER: leadership of Islam

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Topic 5 for 1Poor soil and deforestation cause

more land to become

A. useless for farming and agricultureB. unsuitable for building houses C. good areas for cattle farmingD. a better place to raise a family

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useless for farming and agriculture

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Topic 5 for 1

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In sub-Saharan Africa, less than 50% of the population has access to safe drinking water from environmental pollution. How has this shortage of safe drinking water affected sub-Saharan Africa development?

a. increased size of the Sahara b. decreased economic growthc. increased population growth d. decreased the size of the rain forest

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Decreased economic growth

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Topic 5 for 2

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In the Sahel, overgrazing and drought have resulted in a decrease in the grassland region. What is this process called?

A. Deforestation B. DesertificationC. Unequal distributionD. Environmental pollution

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Topic 5 for 3

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Explain why the population of the Sahara is low.

A. limited access to waterB. limited access to oil C. too much oil D. too much water

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limited access to water

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Topic 5 for 4

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Turkey’s dams on the Euphrates initially had what effect on the neighboring country of Iraq?

A. led to an increase in oil export B. decreased available shipping routes from

the Persian Gulf C. decreased the amount of travel on the

respective waterways D. led to the unequal distribution of water

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led to the unequal distribution of water

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