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Sociocultural factors in SLA

Date post: 23-Jul-2015
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S ociocultural Factors by : Niki S . S ayang (2013610013) Muf at icha Edogawa (2013610019)

Sociocultural Factorsby :

Niki S. Sayang (2013610013)Mufaticha Edogawa (2013610019)

I n t he pr ocess of language lear ning, many f act or s f avor

t he success.One of t he f act or s is

sociocult ur al. Social f act or s and cult ur e or cult ur es have close r elat ions wit h language.


Cult ur e is t he ideas, cust oms, skills, ar t and t ools t hat char act er ize a

given gr oup of people. (Br own- 1994)

StereotypeI n a cult ur al

exchange, we r ealize t hat all aspect s of t he cult ur e will be

mixed wit h our cult ur e, bot h posit ive and negat ive cult ur e.

So, one' s view of cult ur e t hat makes it

dif f er ent . I f someone holds closed (close - minded) t hey

will not be able t o accept t he

dif f er ences of t heir cult ur e. And t hings like t hat causes a

' st er eot ype' . St er eot ype depict s

t ypical of member s of t he public.


Gar dner (1979) st at es t hat a linear r elat ionship exist ed and

t hat at t it udes inf luenced mot ivat ion t hat in t ur n inf luenced


Accor ding t o Fr eeman and Long (1991),

t her e ar e sever al ot her f act or s t hat also inf luence t he

at t it udes and mot ivat ion of lear ner s t o lear n t he language.

-Par ent s-Peer s

-Teacher s-Et hnics

Accult ur at ion is t he pr ocess of modif ying t he at t it udes,

knowledge, and behavior by adding new element s t o t he

cult ur al backgr ound of a per son, r educing some exist ing element s,

and r ear r angement s (r eor ganizat ion) element s ot her

element s (Bar r y McLaughlin, 1989)


Getting Culture ShockCult ur e shock is a common exper ience in second language lear ner s in bot h cult ur es. I t means t hat lear ning a second language lear ner s in a new place wit h a new cult ur e as well.Cult ur e shock can also be somet hing posit ive as cr oss cult ur al exper ience so lear ner s become awar e of t he development , lear ning, and change t hat happened t o t hem.

Cultural Distance“Dist ance” is obviously used in a met aphor ical sense t o depict dissimilar it y bet ween t wo cult ur es. I t could mean social dist ance bet ween r ace, social class, sexualit y or et hnicit y.

Culture in the ClasroomCult ur e in t he classr oom af f ect st udent s in r eceiving and applying t he language, t he suppor t of classmat es can help speed up t he pr ocess of lear ning int o success. Wat ching movies, list ening music, and appr eciat e lit er ar y wor ks in t he classr oom can be t he best way t o do.

Language Policy and Politics

The r elat ionship bet ween language and societ y cannot be discussed f or long wit hout t ouching on t he polit ical r amif icat ions of language and language policy. Vir t ually ever y count r y has some f or m of explicit , “of f icial,” or implicit , “unof f icial,” policy af f ect ing t he st at us of it s nat ive language(s) and one or mor e f or eign languages. Ult imat ely t hose language policies become polit icized as special int er est gr oups vie f or power and economic gain.

Sociocult ur al f act or s ar e closely r elat ed in t he pr ocess of lear ning a second language and f or eign language. By r ecognizing t he complex r elat ionship language t eacher s can design t r eat ment s what t he st udent s in t he class, bot h in t er ms of appr oaches and t echniques.

Teacher s also can pr ovide insight t o t he st udent s about t he impor t ance of under st anding t he cult ur e of t he t ar get language user if t hey want t o mast er t he language well and r eached t he advanced level. Then, f act or -f act or also explained t he act ual sociocult ur e. Such as, f r om st er eot ypes t o gener alizat ions, at t it udes, second cult ur e acquisit ion, social dist ance, cult ur e in t he classr oom, language policy and polit ics, also language, t hought , and cult ur e.
