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Software Versioning with Bitbucket and Eclipse

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p. 1 Software Versioning with Bitbucket and Eclipse Huseyin Ergin

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Software Versioning with Bitbucket and Eclipse

Huseyin Ergin

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Software Change

• Whenever a product is maintained, there will be a version.

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Staged Model

p. 4

Versioned Staged Model

• Used with software that has a large user base

• Evolution is the backbone of this process

– Evolution produces versions

– Versions are serviced, phased-out, closed down

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Versioned Staged Model

p. 6

Firefox Version History

p. 7

There’s A Problem

• How do we keep track all of these versions?

– Backup folders?

– What if the project is very large?

• What about pushing bug-fixes into multiple versions?

• Collaboration?

– Manually merge changes?

– Disallow parallel work on the same files?

p. 8

We Were All There!

p. 9

Solution: Version Control

• Project tracking– Who did what

– When were artifacts created/removed

– Provides complete evolution

• Collaboration– Easy sharing

– Guarantee of synchronization

• Protection– Data loss

– Bad/undesired code

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What Gets Versioned?

• Text

– Truly versioned

– Differences between versions can be shown and documented

– Line by line tracking

• Binary (non-text)

– Each version must be completely stored

– No line by line granularity

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Version Control System

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Repository a.k.a “repo”

• Stores all data associated with a project

• Centralized

– Canonical copy is stored on the server

– Easy to tell if you’re up to date

• Decentralized

– No repo holds the official copy

– Quick setup time

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Trunk & Branch & Tag

• Trunk: Main body of the program

• Branch: A copy of the trunk made at the time of branch

– Major revisions, experimental features, prototyping

• Tag: A stable release/milestone of the project

p. 14

Diff & Merge• Diff produces a patch file that identifies what

changes the programmer made in the file.– Comparison of the new and existing file

• Merge takes original file and patch file– Merges the changes in the old file, thus creates a new


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• Automated

– Often works, but may not be available

• Semi-automated

– Requires some input on what changes to keep

• Manual

– Tedious and error-prone

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Checkout/Update & Commit

• Checkout: copies a file from a repo to local storage

– Programmer changes the copy in local, not the repo version

– Protects the code in repo until it’s ready to be merged

• First time: Checkout

• Then: update to getchanges

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Checkout/Update & Commit

• Commit: Writes the modified file back to the repository

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• Generally handled using diff and merge

– Diff creates a patch of changes between the repo version and local version of the file

– Merge applies the patch to the repo version

– Repo is now up-to-date

• Commit tracks the changed files as a new revision or version of the file.

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• Prevents the marked file(s) from being committed to

– Useful when:

•making critical updates

•merging may be difficult

•Exclusive access is required

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• Happens when programmers work on same files

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Resolution of Conflict

• Options:– Merge files using semi-autonomous or manual


– Clobber the upcoming changes

– Lose your own change, get the new file and make your changes again

• A BETTER PRACTICE: Always try to work on separate files– Separate source codes into files

– Virtual Paradigm Projects into different files

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VCSs in the Wild

• Centralized Decentralized

– Subversion --GIT

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• Mature VCS, released in 2000

• Native support for binaries (previously CVS didn’t support)

• Easy to use

• Have to be connected to server to commit

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• New, 2005

• Distributed

• Repo everywhere

• NOT have to be connected to server to commit

• We use GIT for this semester

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p. 26

GIT Terminology• Clone

– Same as checkout but also creating a repo for your local computer (distributed, remember?)

• Fetch– Check if anything changed in remote repo

• Stage (or Add)– Approve changes to be committed

• Commit– Same meaning but only commits to local repo

• Push– Applies the local commits to remote repo

• Pull– Same as update, gets the changes from main repo to local repo

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Workflow Summary

• Starting a project

1. Clone

• Working on a project

– Get changes of your team members

1. Fetch to peek

2. Pull to get

– Submit your changes to remote repo

1. Stage to verify your changes

2. Commit to put it to local repo

3. Push to put it to remote repo

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• Eclipse has already support for GIT

– http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/eclipse-ide-java-developers/marsr

• Bitbucket account

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Setup Eclipse Git

• Window > Preferences– Team > Git > Configuration

• Add two new entries– user.email = your bitbucket email– user.name = your bitbucket username

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• File > Import > next

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Clone – cont’d

• Clone URI > next

p. 32

Clone – cont’d• URI: for try

– https://bitbucket.org/hergin/cs200tryout.git

• Copy/paste your URI to the URI field. Host and repo path will automatically be completed.

• Enter your bitbucket user name and password > next

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Clone – cont’d

• No change > Next

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Clone – cont’d

• If you want, you can set a directory for your local repo > Next

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Clone – cont’d

• Import existing projects > Next

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Clone – cont’d

• Should see a project here! > finish

p. 37

Clone – cont’d

• Now you have imported your project on remote git repo to your local computer

– You should see it in Package Explorer

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GIT Perspective

• Many git commands can easily be handled using git perspective in eclipse

• Windows > Open Perspective > Other

– Git > ok

p. 39

Change Between Perspectives

• Easily change between Java development perspective and Git perspective on top-right of Eclipse

• Or the same menu as in previous slide

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GIT Pespective

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• Add a new file / change some file content

• See the addition or change in Git Staging view under Git Perspective

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Stage – cont’d

• Drag and drop whichever changes you want from unstaged changes to staged changes area

• Write a commit message about the change

– Messages are useful while looking at the history and understanding what happened before in the repo

• Commit and Push to directly push it to remote repo

• Commit to save the changes in your local repo

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Commit & Push• If you click commit & push, you will see this screen

• The change is applied on remote repo– Meaning other team members can fetch or pull this


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• If you clicked just commit

– You will not see a confirmation popup

– But you will see an up arrow just at the end of the project name

•Meaning you have “commited” but “not pushed” changes

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• Right click on the project name and clickpush to upstream to put changes to remote repo

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Push – cont’d

• If push is successful, you will see this popup

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Push – cont’d• If other members pushed some changes before you,

you will get this error.• In order to avoid this one, you should pull these

changes first.

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• Right click on project name > Fetch from Upstream

– To see other’s changes (Peeking only)

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Fetch – cont’d

• If anything is added, you will see this popup

– And another number with down arrow in project name

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• In order to get the changes you just fetched, right click on project name and click Pull

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Pull – cont’d

• You should see this confirmation popup

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• You will always end up with conflicts!

• If you don’t work on the same file, GIT handles the conflicts for you while you pullthe changes

p. 53

Conflicts – cont’d• If other team member changed a file

– “staged”, “committed”, and “pushed”

• Then you changed a file,– “staged”, “committed”, and tried to push

• Of course you can’t. Warning!– You should pull first.

• And when you pull: “Conflicts”!

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Conflicts – cont’d

• And conflicted files will be in staging area.

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Conflicts – cont’d

• Right click on any conflicted file

– And open it using merge tool

p. 56

Merge Tool

• Will open the conflicted file side by side with conflicting changes in red if it is same lines.

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Merge Tool

• Or it will just show the differences in the files

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Merge Tool – cont’d

• You can get the remote change to your local copy.

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Merge Tool – cont’d• Then save the file.• Stage it and continue either:

– Commit and push or– Commit

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Conflicts – cont’d

• If you solve all conflicts using merge tool and stage them.

– Your project name will reflect this as “Merged”:

– Now you can push.

p. 61

Conflicts – Final Remarks• Best strategy:

– Try to avoid conflicts instead of solving them later because merging is tedious and error-prone task.

– Every now and then, before working on a project, pull first and keep synchronized with the remote repo.

– Push frequently!

• The best way is to work on separate files.• Keep in mind: conflict management is easier in

text files.– Binary files are not possible to merge, so you either

choose to keep the remote copy or your copy.

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• All these features are available via command line.

• There are other tools, but we will stick with eclipse’s own git manager.

• All your commits and source codes are available online under your team’s repo.
