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soical corporate responsibility

Date post: 06-Dec-2014
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2. BUSINESS IS THE COLLECTION OF PRIVATE, PROFIT-ORIENTED ORGANIZATIONS. SOCIETY IS A BROAD GROUP OF PEOPLE AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS, INTEREST GROUPS, A COMMUNITY, A NATION. BUSINESS AND SOCIETY INTERRELATE IN A MACRO ENVIRONMENT AND IN MANY OF OTHER WAYS. 3. Youthare the power of any nation, it is thetime of globalization and youth is breakingall the barriers between society and oldculture to create a world of togetherness. Now youth are becoming interprenurer andin their busy hectic life schedule they arefeeling the need of society. 4. Nowa day we are thinking about linkages and possibilities not before past 10 years, this is only happened due to some massive corporate scams which threatened the root of the society, mind of society and business are also loosing their images. some scams and tragedy are given below- 5. On December 3, 1984, poisonous gasleaked from Union Carbide India Limited(UCILs) pesticide plant in Bhopal, whichkilled thousands of people. After a long long time court gave judgmenton this case as only two year prison. Ispenalty of killing thousands of people isonly two year prison? 6. Enron Corporation was an Americanenergy, commodities, and servicescompany based in Houston, Texas. When ENRON got bankrupt it causes ahuge social damage of employment of22000 working staff, as enron is furtherknown for willful corporate fraud andcorruption. 7. One of the ever biggest scandal in INDIAwas Satyam scam.SATYAM is one of thebiggest It software company of India wasfound app. $1 billion fraud. It also create a bad effect on society ascorporates are loosing their images insociety. 8. Afterhaving such huge scams businesswants to retain their image in the society. So in place of earning a huge revenuefrom business, corporates wants togenerate social capital. To generate social capital they spent someamount of their profit in the welfare of thesociety. 9. Neithergovernment, nor charity, has been able to solve the worlds hardest social problems -- poverty, hunger, ignorance, and environmental degradation. But a new approach has arisen that gives hope that there are new ways to deal with old problems. Its social entrepreneurship 10. After giving a part of their profit for thewelfare of the society, what the businessget in return from the society? Business get the social capital in return ofthe profit. Social capital is basically the value ofsocial relationship and the role ofcorporation to get some economic result. 11. Globaldiscourse basically belong to theinternational relationship. Massive corporate scandals generate themismatch between the society and thebusiness. We need some global discourse to solvethis type of mismatch. 12. Social Construct is something that isnt,necessarily, inherently true in nature. In 1898 white citizens of Wilmington, NorthCarolina, resenting African Americansinvolvement in local government andincensed by an editorial in an AfricanAmerican newspaper accusing whitewomen of loose sexual behaviour, riotedand killed dozens of black women. 13. Race as a political construct that cannot beoverlooked, yet race as a biological realityjust isnt so. Religions in and of themselves are man-made organizations based on commonbelief systems. They are often tied intopolitics. 14. Apollo Tyres: In association with 36 NGOs, the tyre company launched Apollo Tyre Health Care Centre in October 2000 to provide general and sexual health services for truckers and transport communities at large. 15. Infosys:The Infosys Foundation in the past provided considerable financial assistance to war widows. It has also been involved with construction of a super speciality hospital in Andhra Pradesh and reconstructing a school in Karnataka 16. Wipro:The Azij Premji Foundation run by the Wipro chairman is working on providing elementary schooling to thousands of underprivileged children. It believes in partnering to guarantee learning in school. 17. As Indias kissan Company, ITC has takencare to involve farmers in the designingand management of the entire e-Choupalinitiative. ITCs Agri Business Division, one of Indiaslargest exporters of agriculturalcommodities, has conceived e-Choupal asa more efficient supply chain aimed atdelivering value to its customers aroundthe world on a sustainable basis 18. Four years ago, Reliance Industries Ltd. launched a countrywide initiative known as Project Drishti, to restore the eye-sights of visually challenged Indians from the economically weaker sections of the society. This project, started by one of Indias corporate giants has brightened up the lives of over 5000 people so far. 19. Itrespects cultural differences and findsthe business opportunities in building theskills of employees. A concept whereby companies decidevoluntarily to contribute to a better societyand a cleaner environment 20. NGOs have been working as integral partsof civil society and a social entity sincegenerations. NGOs play an important role in social andeconomic movement in Nepal, thegovernment behaviour is not positivetowards them. Lots of criticisms,comments, discussion and argumentshave been done on the governing systemand behaviour of NGOs. 21. Over 80 universities around the world teach social entrepreneurship and social enterprise, many of which have dedicated centers to further the study of social entrepreneurship (among them: Harvard, Oxford, Stanford, NYU, Columbia, UC Berkeley, INSEAD, etc.) Barack Obama presidential campaign also mentions social enterprise as part of its platform. 22. Socialethics are a very complex subject, and there cannot be any parallels drawn in the way different people must behave. But it does pay to be responsible for the society we live in, and endeavour to make a better place to live in. 23. social ethics are typically driven by individualmorals that determine right or wrong. - Islamic women covering their faces or theirhair. As a matter of course, this is a practicethat is dictated by the religion they choose tofollow, but in circumstances where terrorismhas the world in its grip, is it a violation ofhuman rights to ban the wearing of burqaswhen the question is one of national security? 24. Businessethics are actually understood to be"principles and also standards with regards toconducts in the world of enterprise". Doing social responsibilities in the locality thatthe firm is located, will show the communitythat the firm cares. Examples might includefollowing local ordinances, helping in cleanand green campaigns and planting a treeprograms. 25. Twonation theory of India and PAKISTANbecomes three nation theory as a result ofBANGLADESH shows a big example ofbusiness ethics. Oil policies is the main conflicting point ofUSA and Muslim countries. It is also a niceexample of business ethics all over theworld. 26. SUBMITTED by-Ashutosh Singh Roll. No- 2011028 Sec-A Submittedto-MR.AVIJIT CHAKROBORTY(COURSE COORDINATOR)
