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Soldiers of Light - Vol 29

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Newsletter for Seekers
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Soldiers of Light Wish you a Happy and illuminated New Year! Put the Big Rocks in first The Newsletter for Seekers Once an instructor lecturing on time management pulled out a wide-mouthed gallon jar and set it on the table next to a platter with some st-sized rocks on it. He put the rocks in the jar until the jar was full. en he asked, “Is this jar full?” Everyone said, “Yes.” He then reached under the table and pulled out a bucket of gravel. en he dumped some gravel in and shook the jar and the gravel went in all the little spaces le by the big rocks. en he grinned and asked, “Is the jar full?” By this time the class was on to him. “Probably not.” “Good,” he replied. He reached under the table again and brought out a bucket of sand and dumped the sand in and it went into all of the little spaces le by the rocks and the gravel. Once more he looked and asked, “Is this jar full?” e students roared, “No.” “Good,” he said, and grabbed a pitcher of water and lled up the jar. en he asked, “Well, what’s the point?” Someone said, “If you work really hard you can always t some more things into your life.” “No,” he said, “that’s not the point. e point is: if you don’t put the big rocks in rst, how would you get them in?” ink of the “big rocks” in your life and make sure they go into your jar of life rst. If you spend your time fretting about little things (the gravel, the sand) then you will ll your life with things that do not really matter, and you will never have the real quality time you need to spend on the big, important matters (the big rocks). Extracts from “First ings First” by Dr. Stephen R. Covey Mind Your Seconds SOL Adding Light to Life... Centre for Natural Healing and Meditation A Charitable Institution & NGO (CSR No. N/1505) 262 Sookdeo Issur Lane, Bonne Terre, Vacoas. Tel: 4260586, 4260369 Email: [email protected] Website: www.soldiers-of-light.org Artwork: Licensed to publish by Clip Art © Ron Leishman Colour graphics by Vee Jay It was nearing midnight and soon the countdown would start for welcoming the year 2014. Amanda was trying hard to recall how the year 2013 was spent. She felt that the year had gone just like the past years without any signicant growth. “What went wrong?” she wondered, “I wanted to do many things and even made rm resolutions for progress.” As the clock struck 12, the sky was lled with wondrous reworks. “God, make my life so bright and colourful,” Amanda prayed silently. She felt a sudden peace surrounding her whole being. “You have the power to create it,” a voice from within said, “Only if you mind your seconds.” It was the silent voice of her Master within. “How do I mind my seconds?” she asked, “And why seconds, why not hours or days?” “Because you have very limited time le to achieve all that you should,” the Master replied. “But I am still young and I have many years ahead,” thought Amanda. “at is not true,” the Master continued, “you better make a list of all your routine activities and check how much time is le for your personal growth.” e sky was lled with smoke and it started drizzling. Amanda went to the kitchen to make a hot cup of tea for herself. She decided to obey the Master and started listing her routine. Aer computing meticulously, she was shocked to realize that she was le with hardly 24 minutes a day for her own growth! “And that is why you must have a schedule to follow. Cultivate the habit to do rst things rst,” the Master’s voice was full of compassion, “so that you do not have regrets later.” Amanda realized that apart from her work routine, she never had a schedule for anything Vee Jay Attri
Page 1: Soldiers of Light - Vol 29

Soldiers of Light Wish you a Happy and illuminated New Year!

Put the Big

Rocks in first

The Newsletter for Seekers

Once an instructor lecturing on time management pulled out a wide-mouthed gallon jar and set it on the table next to a platter with some !st-sized rocks on it. He put the rocks in the jar until the jar was full. "en he asked, “Is this jar full?” Everyone said, “Yes.” He then reached under the table and pulled out a bucket of gravel. "en he dumped some gravel in and shook the jar and the gravel went in all the little spaces le# by the big rocks. "en he grinned and asked, “Is the jar full?” By this time the class was on to him. “Probably not.” “Good,” he replied. He reached under the table again and brought out a bucket of sand and dumped the sand in and it went into all of the little spaces le# by the rocks and the gravel. Once more he looked and asked, “Is this jar full?” "e students roared, “No.” “Good,” he said, and grabbed a pitcher of water and !lled up the jar. "en he asked, “Well, what’s the point?” Someone said, “If you work really hard you can always !t some more things into your life.” “No,” he said, “that’s not the point. "e point is: if you don’t put the big rocks in !rst, how would you get them in?”

!ink of the “big rocks” in your life and make sure they go into your jar of life "rst. If you spend your time fretting about little things (the gravel, the sand) then you will "ll your life with things that do not really matter, and you will never have the real quality time you need to spend on the big, important matters (the big rocks).

Extracts from “First "ings First” byDr. Stephen R. Covey



SOLAdding Light to Life...

Centre for Natural Healing and Meditation

A Charitable Institution & NGO (CSR No. N/1505)262 Sookdeo Issur Lane, Bonne Terre, Vacoas.

Tel: 4260586, 4260369Email: [email protected]

Website: www.soldiers-of-light.org

Artwork: Licensed to publish by Clip Art © Ron LeishmanColour graphics by Vee Jay

It was nearing midnight and soon the countdown would start for welcoming the year 2014. Amanda was trying hard to recall how the year 2013 was spent. She felt that the year had gone just like the past years without any signi"cant growth. “What went wrong?” she wondered, “I wanted to do many things and even made "rm resolutions for progress.” As the clock struck 12, the sky was "lled with wondrous "reworks. “God, make my life so bright and colourful,” Amanda prayed silently. She felt a sudden peace surrounding her whole being. “You have the power to create it,” a voice from within said, “Only if you mind your seconds.” It was the silent voice of her Master within. “How do I mind my seconds?” she asked, “And why seconds, why not hours or days?” “Because you have very limited time le# to achieve all that you should,” the Master replied. “But I am still young and I have many years ahead,” thought Amanda. “!at is not true,” the Master continued, “you better make a list of all your routine activities and check how much time is le# for your personal growth.”

!e sky was "lled with smoke and it started drizzling. Amanda went to the kitchen to make a hot cup of tea for herself. She decided to obey the Master and started listing her routine. A#er computing meticulously, she was shocked to realize that she was le# with hardly 24 minutes a day for her own growth! “And that is why you must have a schedule to follow. Cultivate the habit to do "rst things "rst,” the Master’s voice was full of compassion, “so that you do not have regrets later.” Amanda realized that apart from her work routine, she never had a schedule for anything

Vee Jay Attri

Page 2: Soldiers of Light - Vol 29

Mind Your Seconds

else. Besides, when she wanted to do exercise, o#en the body was aching, when she sat for meditation the mind was wandering, and when she wanted to study she felt sleepy! “I think some force is preventing me from doing what I wish to do,” she consoled herself. !e Master responded, rather strongly, “!ere is no other force except your laziness and carelessness that you nurtured for years. !ey have become a mighty force within you which you have to break by creating a new habit to pursue a schedule.” Amanda realized that she cannot a$ord to let another year pass by just like the previous ones, and that the only way to progress is to put an order to her life and be committed to a schedule. “So be it” the Master blessed. Amanda felt a new hope emerging in her heart.

Next day she shared her insight to her best friend Ana. “How did you compute the time le# for your personal growth,” Ana was curious to know. She also experienced a void, emptiness in her life. Amanda shared passionately: “You can do this by listing various activities of the day and marking approximate time you would take for each of them. !en you compute the total time for each activity on yearly basis and divide the "gure by 24 to convert the total hours into days.” Ana was listening attentively. Amanda continued: “For example, if you spend on an average 1 hour per day in cooking, it means you would spend 365 hours per year in cooking. Divide this "gure by 24 and you know you spend approximately 15 days in a year in cooking. Let us work it out again.” Together they started listing the activities and the time they consume.

Average working hours – 6 hrs/day 91 days per year Travelling – 2 hrs/day 30 days per year Cooking – 1% hrs/day 23 days per yearEating, drinking – 1 hr/day 15 days per yearCleaning, washing – 1 hr/day 15 days per yearBath, dressing, etc – 1 hr/day 15 days per yearTV/chat/email – 2 hrs/day 30 days per yearMiscellaneous – 1& hrs/day 18 days per year(Meeting people, visiting places, etc) Sleep – 8 hrs/day 122 days per yearTotal days spent 359 days per year

“So you see, we are le# with 6 days a year,” Amanda continued, “and this means we have hardly 24 minutes a day for our own growth!” “Wow,” Ana exclaimed, “that means we have to mind our seconds!” “Exactly,” Amanda said, “and mind you, we have not counted the days we spend in sickness, doing nothing.” !ere was silence for few moments. “But,” Ana broke the silence, “how do married people with children manage to participate in spiritual retreats? How do they "nd time for holidays? And from where do they get time to go out for shopping and frequent outings?” Amanda did not know what to reply. She became still, looking for an answer from her Master within. “!ere are many who seem to be spiritual and enjoying lives at the same time,” the Master responded, “they manage to "nd time for leisure by ignoring many responsibilities and shunning fundamental obligations.” Amanda thought the message was for her. “!e majority of them,” the Master continued, “are trying to "nd temporary outlet to let go of the stress and forget the inner void and frustrations. So while most of them choose shopping, outings and television as a means to mask their inner realities, some choose spiritual retreats and meditations.” “You mean it is a spiritual entertainment for them?” Amanda quipped. “!at’s right,” the Master replied, “but it is good that at least they are engaged in positive entertainment!”

Amanda shared her insight with Ana. “O my God, you are talking about my life,” Ana responded, “I thought I am spiritual, but I now realise that I attend retreats and meditation programs simply as a means of escaping from my fears and insecurity.” Amanda thought it is no di$erent for her. “It is true,” the Master was quick to respond, “and this approach will not lead you to lasting happiness. You will continue to wallow in useless emotions because you will not have true inner satisfaction that comes only from inner growth.” Amanda was in deep contemplation. “But what is wrong in enjoying life?” Ana suddenly shook her. “I mean how is it possible to live monotonously doing

Page 3: Soldiers of Light - Vol 29

Mind Your Seconds

Dr. Masaru Emoto is a Japanese author and entrepreneur, best known for his research that human consciousness has an effect on the molecular structure of water. Dr. Emoto discovered that crystals formed in frozen water reveal changes

ZKHQ� VSHFL¿F�� FRQFHQWUDWHG� WKRXJKWV� DUH� GLUHFWHG� WRZDUGV�them. He found that water from clear springs and water that has been exposed to loving words shows brilliant, complex, and colourful crystal patterns. In contrast, polluted water, or water exposed to negative thoughts, forms incomplete, asymmetrical patterns with dull colours. The implications of this research create a new awareness of how we can positively impact the earth and our personal health. Rice experiment:

In this experiment, Dr Emoto placed portions of cooked

rice into two jars. On one jar he wrote “Thank you. I love you.” and on the other “I hate you. You fool”. He then instructed school children to say the labels on the jars out loud everyday when they passed by them. After 30 days, the rice in the container with positive thoughts had barely changed, while the other was moldy and rotten.

You can reproduce the Rice experiment at home. Take 2 small glass jars with lids thoroughly washed. Put cooked ULFH�LQ�HDFK�MDU�WR�¿OO�URXJKO\�TXDUWHU�RI�WKH�MDU�DQG�FORVH�WKHP�WLJKWO\��2Q�WKH�¿UVW�MDU�\RX�PDUN�D�PHVVDJH�ZLWK�D�positive intent (I love you, etc). On the second jar you mark a message with a negative intent (you’re crazy, etc). Place the jars in the same room at some distance from each other. Each day, spend a few moments to feel the intent on each MDU��$IWHU�VRPHWLPH��\RX�ZRXOG�VHH�WKDW�WKH�MDU�WKDW�UHFHLYHG�EDG�LQWHQW�ZLOO�EODFNHQ�DQG�URW�TXLFNO\�

Vegetables, fruits and beverages can be charged with positive vibrations such as prayer or good feelings before they are cooked or consumed. This will have a positive impact in your health and wellbeing.

The Hidden Messages in WaterDr. Masaru Emoto


Water that has been exposed to the words

“you make me sick. I will kill you” typed on paper

pasted on bottle.

Crystal of water that has been exposed to playing of

Healing Music “Hado”

meditations and listening to discourses?” Amanda transferred the question to her inner Master. “No, you have to live intensely, celebrating life,” the Master answered, “but the key is moderation. So while change is necessary, it is important not to lose focus on your inner growth.” Amanda shared this with Ana. “But people of the world are happy doing what they are doing,” Ana quipped, “they seem to be truly celebrating life in their own way!” Now the Master seemed to be listening to Ana as well and started replying directly through Amanda. “Do not forget that you are a spiritual being and not a physical being,” the Master responded, “and no matter how great physical pleasures are, you, the non-physical being, can never be satis"ed with them. It is very temporary.” “You mean physical pleasures are unnecessary?” Ana asked. “I am not asking you to be a sage for whom physical pleasures are not necessary. All that I am suggesting you is to have a balance in everything. !e most important purpose of human life is to learn and to evolve spiritually. !is must be kept in focus.”

!e weather suddenly changed and the rain started pouring heavily, as if the heavens were happy that Amanda and Ana were transformed forever. !ey hugged each other with great joy and took a "rm resolution to follow a schedule, and, most importantly, mind their seconds.

Page 4: Soldiers of Light - Vol 29

!e year 2014 is the year for ‘greater service.’ !e focus of the year will be on subtler services that involve transformation of gross and lower energies to subtler and higher levels of energy, both at individual and at planetary levels. To be a part of these Global transformations, our sense organs have to be puri"ed and made subtler. !is involves puri"cation of especially our eyes, ears and tongue – the ‘sense’ organs that have become ‘nonsense’ organs for many – so that they can be used for greater service.

Your eyes are the windows of the soul and are windows to the soul as well. Whatever you see a$ects you, the soul; and people whom you look at can be subtly in'uenced with the quality of your thoughts and feelings. Hence, watching serials or movies full of deceit, violence or lust

will contaminate you and make you feel agitated and restless. Similarly, envious or spiteful look can make others depressed, even sick, and the bad karma comes back to you in the form of depression and disease. !erefore purify your eyes so that they can constantly spread purity and power. Condition your eyes to ‘see and not see’ at the same time. !at means seeing only the goodness in people and not allowing their weaknesses in'uencing you, but responding to them in an appropriate way, while creating a powerful positive image of the person. For example, if you see someone very rude and self-centered, create an image of the person being very kind and loving – like the Buddha, Christ or Kwan Yin. Initially it may be di(cult, but with practice it becomes natural for you not to be in'uenced by the negativity in others. A time will come when your eyes would naturally register only the goodness in others. And that will be the beginning for greater service.

Ears are the doors through which both positive and negative energy can enter, thereby either strengthening or weakening you. What you hear can a$ect your well being. Gossips not only cloud your reasoning, it makes you incur negative karma. Hence train your ears to ‘listen and not listen’. Make them "lter and let in only wholesome words and reject the rest.

Another area for puri"cation of ears is to be neutral to praise and defame. If people praise you, do not be elated. If they speak ill of you, do not be depressed. Yes, you need to know the opinion of people in so far as feedbacks are concerned, but beyond that be indi$erent to the opinions of others, for opinions do change.

“Before the voice can speak in front of the presence of the Masters, it must have lost the power to wound.”

– Master HilarionAs your spiritual energies are getting stronger, what

you speak tends to manifest. !e Masters compare the harsh words of ordinary people to a small spank from a

stick. But the harsh words of a spiritual practitioner, the Masters say, are like a sword that can in'ict deep wounds, and can leave a permanent scar. Surely the karmic consequences are much severe in this case. So it is not unusual that many spiritually advanced people undergo much pain and su$erings because they sometimes lose control of their tongue.

Puri"cation of the tongue also includes cultivating liking for subtler foods. Ensure that at least 30% of your food intake comprises of fresh salads and fruits. It is time to cultivate the habit for re"ned things so that your sense organs are prepared for subtler service.

Purify your sense organsLook BeyondOnce, a King le# the palace in the early

hours on a visit to a neighbouring state. A#er this the guard of the King’s chamber wanting to rest saw that there was nobody around and slept on the King’s bed. Later the Queen happened to pass by and thought that the King had cancelled his tour and was resting. It was still dark and without a thought she also slept, not knowing that she was resting with the guard. It so happened that the King felt unwell on the way and returned to the palace. He was shocked to see the Queen and the guard together on the bed and in a rage took out his sword to kill both of them. At that very moment he remembered the advice of a saint who told him to ‘think before an act’ and ‘act but never react.’ Luckily he stopped and later came to know what had happened.

Train your eyes to look beyond the obvious. A confused mind o#en makes you wrongly interpret all that you see. And if what you see turns out to be correct, take proper action while creating a positive thought about the person or people involved. Remember, reaction makes you weak, whereas actions with discernment bring power to all.

The Lion with abad tooth

A trainer of wild animals was proceeding for a show with one of his favourite lion which he had trained from the time it was a cub. In front of the huge audience the lion suddenly turned around and attacked the trainer violently, biting his leg. He could have died from the deep, infected wound but fortunately recovered a#er surgery and months of medical support. When he was in the hospital, he wanted to know what could be the cause of provocation for the animal that has been so close to him for years. Later he came to know that the lion had a bad tooth and being unable to bear the ache it had expressed that way!

People are o#en like the lion with the bad tooth! You need to listen empathetically to be able to know what they are telling. So rather than simply reacting, adding more pain to you and to others, take a moment and respond in a "rm, positive way that will help the person.

Vee Jay Attri

Your feedback [email protected]

Page 5: Soldiers of Light - Vol 29

How we

do it?

�� Exhibition camps�� Workshops�� Interactive



�� Daily good karma�� Be a Karma

Ambassador�� Inspire others


�� Small good deeds�� School and

regional activities�� Social media


Learning outcomesUnderstand and re-discover the power of our thoughts & words z The laws of nature z The hidden cause z The different types of Karma z Petty actions, mighty reactions z Good, kind and cheerful actions! Why? z�Smart ways to work-out your karma z Suffering and challenges: Why? z Does God punish? z Short-cuts won’t help! z The Universal philosophy of Karma without barriers. z Understand the root cause of Health, Financial, Relationship and Emotional Crises. z ... and many more

K)*+) A,)*-.-// P*01-23A non-religious, non-pro!t, volunteer-based organisation

262 Sookdeo Issur Lane, Bonne Terre, Vacoas, Mauritius.+230 57315681, +230 59456121 (Mauritius) | +91 9554177189 (India)

[email protected] | www.secretso4arma.org



"e Karma Awareness Project (KAP) is an initiative to educate our children and the youth about the fundamental laws of life and how even our small actions a$ects our lives and our destiny. "e mission of KAP is to empower our children and the youth with moral values and guide them for a better, stress free life – free of deceptions and delusions.

KAP Workshop for students at GD Goenka School, Lucknow, India

KAP workshop for teachers at Career Convent Girls College, Lucknow

KAP Exhibition at Lucknow Public Collegiate

KAP Workshop for class X - XII at Career Convent Girls College

KAP Exhibition at Lucknow Public Collegiate

KAP Workshop for students atModern Green Valley Public school

Page 6: Soldiers of Light - Vol 29






NEW EMPOWERMENT PROGRAMSWomen’s Meet: Every Wednesday (9:00 – noon)

Youth Club: Every Saturday (3:00 – 4:45 P.M)Healer’s Training: Every Sunday (9:15 – 11:15 A.M)

HEALING SESSIONSAll days except Tuesdays. Please call for appointments

Donation: Rs. 300 for 3 healing sessionsRs. 100 per additional healing session

YOGA FOR ALL1st & 3rd Sat: 2:00 P.M-3:30 P.M Wed: 6 :15-7 :30 P.M


FULL MOON: Jan 16, Feb 15, Mar 16, Apr 15, May 14WESAK: Feb 8, Mar 8, Apr 12, May 10, June 14

EVENING MEDITATIONS 55:00 6 6:00 P.M7Mon: Mrityunjaya | Wed: Twin Hearts Meditation

!ur: Gayatri | Sat: Twin Hearts Meditation!ur (3 - 4 P.M): Meditation on Lord’s Prayer

MORNING MEDITATIONS (9:15 - 10:30 A.M)Mon: Mrityunjaya | Wed: Gayatri

Sunday (6:30 - 8:00 A.M): Twin Hearts MeditationARHATIC YOGA MEDITATIONS

Wed: Arhatic Yoga Level 1/2 (6:30 - 7:45 P.M)!ur: Arhatic Dhyan (6:30 - 7:45 P.M)

NOTE: For AY Level 1/2 & Arhatic Dhyan, please do your exercises and BT on your own. !e meditations

will start at 6:30 P.MFri: Meditation on the Soul (5:00 - 6:00 P.M)

Sun: Kundalini Yoga (6:30 - 8:00 A.M)

ARHATIC YOGA MONTHLY RETREATSLast Sunday of every month 6:30 A.M - 4:00 P.M

Jan 26, Feb 23, Mar 30, Apr 27Program:

6:30 A.M: Exercise followed by BT, Kundalini Yoga, Special Blessings, Tibetan Exercises; 8:40 A.M: Breakfast (will be provided); 9:15 A.M - 10:15 A.M: Self Healing; 10:20 A.M - 12:30 P.M: Exercise, Dhyan Meditation &

in-depth study of Golden Sutras; 12:30 P.M: Lunch (will be provided); 1:30 P.M - 2:30 P.M: Presentation on select

topics; 2:45 P.M - 4:00 P.M - Exercise, BT for speci"c weaknesses, Meditation on Soul

HEALING CAMP AND EXPOSITION Feb 22, 23 – Flacq Mar 22, 23 – Rose Belle


3 sessions as perstudent’s availability3 sessions as perstudent’s availability

Reiki for ChildrenApril 16, 17 9:00 A.M to 3:00 P.M

Age: 9 yrs to 13 yrs




(Last Batch) Level 3 Feb 15 Feb 22, Mar 1, Mar 8

Karuna Reiki®Level 1 & 2

March 22, 23 9:00 A.M to 5:00 P.M


With an objective of enhancing healing skills and sustain motivation for practice, the Centre now o$ers only Integrated Courses for Reiki and Pranic Healing®. So if you wish to learn Reiki, you need to register for BOTH Reiki Level 1 and Reiki Level 2. Similarly, if you wish to learn Pranic Healing®, you need to enrol for the 3 Levels namely: Level 1 (Basic Course), Level 2 (Advanced Course) and Level 3 (Psychotherapy Course). !ere will be enough gap between the Levels, and also extensive NURTURING SESSIONS for each Level.

WORLD WESAK MEDITATIONWednesday, 14 May 2014

Special Blessings & Meditation with Great Invocation

Soldiers of Light Yearly subscription: Rs. 50/- By post: Rs. 90/- 10 years subscription: Rs. 500/- By post: Rs. 900/-

INTEGRATED REIKI ENGLISH NURTURING SESSION Reiki 1 Jan 18, 19 Jan 25, Feb 1, Feb 8 Reiki 2 Mar 1, 2 Mar 8, Mar 15, Mar 22 Reiki 1 Feb 8, 9 Feb 15, Feb 22, Mar 1 Reiki 2 April 5, 6 Aprl 12, Aprl 19, Aprl 26 Reiki 1 Mar 8, 9 Mar 15, Mar 22, Mar 29 Reiki 2 April 5, 6 Aprl 12, Aprl 19, Aprl 26 Reiki 1 April 12, 13 Aprl 19, Aprl 26, May 3 Reiki 2 June 7, 8 June 14, June 21, June 28 INTEGRATED REIKI CREOLE NURTURING SESSION Reiki 1 Feb 12, 13 Reiki 2 Aprl 30, May 1 Reiki 1 Aprl 2, 3 Reiki 2 Aprl 30, May 1

INTEGRATED PRANIC HEALING® COURSE LEVEL 1 (Basic) + LEVEL 2 (Advanced) + Level 3 (Psychotherapy)

BATCH COURSE/DATE NURTURING SESSION Level 1 Feb 1, 2 Feb 8, Feb 15, Feb 22 Level 2 Aprl 5, 6 Aprl 12, Aprl 19, Aprl 26 Level 3 May 18 May 25, May 31, Jun 8 Level 1 Mar 1, 2 Mar 8, Mar 15, Mar 22 Level 2 Aprl 5, 6 Aprl 12, Aprl 19, Aprl 26 Level 3 May 18 May 25, May 31, Jun 8 Level 1 Aprl 12, 13 Aprl 19, Aprl 26, May 3 Level 2 Jun 7, 8 Jun 14, Jun 21, Jun 28 Level 3 July 13 July 20, July 28, Aug 2

PRANIC HEALING® Basic Course (Creole)Feb 5, 6 Apr 9, 10

ARHATIC YOGA PREPARATORY LEVEL 1 (Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul)

Feb 16 9:00 A.M to 5:00 P.M

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