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Solidarity Center TU-CapSAT 1 Trade Union Capacity Self-Assessment Tool.

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Solidarity Center TU-CapSAT 1 Trade Union Capacity Self-Assessment Tool


Solidarity Center TU-CapSAT

Trade Union Capacity Self-Assessment Tool

“I see the same training after training, year after year. Why are you repeatedly doing the same trainings with the same organizations?...”


“Show me evidence that you know your training resulted in increased organizational capacity and sustainability for your partners…..”



Evaluating Trade Union Organizational Capacity

Tool Requirements… Matches SC programming (training, mentoring, technical assistance for trade unions)

Can measure progress (positive change) Simple to use Informs funder and SC


What it is NOT NOT a Report Card on partners

NOT a Report Card on SC field offices

NOT sent to funder◦ Scores and justification are kept internal to SC

NOT shared with partners◦ Unless the Country Program Director feels it is


NOT used to assess all components of an organization simultaneously


Pre-Development Process Research and Review of available organizational capacity tools from other

international labor programs and development organizations

Final format based on Institutional Development Framework (IDF) developed by Mark Renzi [MSI] for non-profits

One of 5 OCA tools recommended by USAID Developed with USAID money Author encourages adaptation


Internal Development Process

Simplified the IDF tool Identified standard SC trainings Populated scales with substance Reviewed by SC program staff for review

◦ By both field staff and HQ staff


Components Collective Bargaining and Dispute Resolution

Democracy and Sound Governance

Financial Management

Gender Integration

Organizing and Recruitment

Policy Advocacy

Defense of Workers’ Rights*

Occupational Health and Safety*


Walk Through

Chart Questionnaire Score sheets Summary Report



1. Create CapSAT file for FAWU (partner)*

2. Using Org & Recruitment Component guide, CPD determines baseline score for FAWU

3. At end-year, determine score for FAWU

4. File is kept in SC field office and is confidential

5. Report to funder whether negative score change, positive score change, no score change *

Example: FAWU asks South Africa SC office to train shop stewards in Organizing and Recruitment


TU-CapSATTU-CapSAT: Democracy and Sound Governance Component

Element Start-up

1 Development


Expansion/ Consolidation


Sustainability 4

1. Representation Organization has no real capacity for adequate representation of membership.

Organization has little capacity to adequately represent membership.

Organization has leadership that is partaking of training in trade union principles, bargaining, grievance handling, etc. Leadership has growing capacity to represent membership, but many areas need improvement.

Organization has capacity to adequately represent membership. Leadership has knowledge of democratic trade union principles, bargaining, grievance handling, etc. and has experience in implementing same.

2. Election Process There are no bylaws or written policies establishing democratic election process.

Written policies outlining democratic election process exist; but policies are incomplete and/or are not followed consistently or at all stages.

Written policies outlining democratic election process are followed consistently, but policies are incomplete (i.e., do not ensure that elections are held regularly and with proper notification, and that every member in good standing is allowed to nominate candidates, run for office, and vote for officers of the union in accordance with by-laws and constitution.

Written policies outlining democratic election process are followed consistently, and policies are complete (i.e., ensure that elections are held regularly and with proper notification, and that every member in good standing is allowed to nominate candidates, run for office, and vote for officers of the union in accordance with by-laws and constitution.

TU-CapSAT: Democracy and Sound Governance Component


Administrator Questions TU-CapSAT: Democracy and Sound Governance Component (samples)

1. Representation To what extent is the organization able to adequately represent membership? Has the leadership been trained in trade union principles, bargaining, grievance

handling, etc.? Organization has capacity to adequately represent membership. Leadership has knowledge of democratic trade union principles, bargaining, grievance handling, etc. and has experience in implementing same.

2. Election Process Does the union have written bylaws or written policies establishing a democratic

election process? If yes, are these procedures comprehensive complete (i.e., ensure that elections

are held regularly and with proper notification, and that every member in good standing is allowed to nominate candidates, run for office, and vote for officers of the union)?

To what extent are these policies followed?


Score sheet (example)

1 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.01. Representation X 2. Election Process X 3. Member Orientation X 4. Accountability X 5. Transparency – Decision-making X 6. Transparency – Financial X 7. Service Delivery X 8. Equity X


1st Assessment (Baseline) Date:____1/03/13_____________

Average Score (sum of element scores ÷ # of applicable elements = 1.75

Component: Democracy and Sound GovernanceOrganization:___ABC Union Confederation_______________________________


Score sheet (example)

1 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.01. Representation X 2. Election Process X 3. Member Orientation X 4. Accountability X 5. Transparency – Decision-making X 6. Transparency – Financial X 7. Service Delivery X 8. Equity X


2nd Assessment Date:________1/03/14_________________

Average Score (sum of element scores ÷ # of applicable elements)= 1.94

Component: Democracy and Sound GovernanceOrganization:____ABC Union Confederation__________________


Looking for positive change – not level 4


Date Average Score

Baseline 2/01/13 1.752nd Assessment 2/01/14 1.943rd Assessment 4th Assessment 5th Assessment

Summary of Scores

For comments regarding scoring (reference date of scoring)

Process Review1. The SC TU CapSAT is based on programming

aspects, not an overview of the organization

2. The process reports progress, both of partners’ growth and SC’s program direction

3. Scores establish a baseline and compared on an annual basis

4. Scores are kept internally; only increase, decrease or maintenance is reported to funders


Pros And Cons PROS

• Follows program plans; no interpretation necessary

• Customizable for TU work; authenticized by partners

• Individual component flexibility; linkage with other components


• Does not evaluate entire organization, only an aspect

• Learning curve as with all new tools

• Evaluating multiple unions per program can be time consuming





Thank you
