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Solidarity: The Occupy Austin Occuzine Issue 2

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  • 8/2/2019 Solidarity: The Occupy Austin Occuzine Issue 2



    Issue 2 Page 1FEB. 28TH

    , 2012


    On February 3rd, 2012 members of Occupy Austin

    met at the Texas State Capitol for a silent protest

    of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012.

    To emphasize the feelings of loss, protestors were

    dressed in funeral attire. With performance art,

    Occupiers showed what life could be like now that

    the government has the power to indefinitely

    detain American citizens on American soil. Later

    that evening, there was a silent march down

    Congress Avenue to City Hall.

    BELOW and RIGHT: Photos by Heather Kafka

    BOTTOM RIGHT: Flyer for NDAA Protest and March

  • 8/2/2019 Solidarity: The Occupy Austin Occuzine Issue 2


    ABOVE: Photo by Heather Kafka

    RIGHT: Photo by Jeeps

    BELOW: One of our youngest Occupiers, gets

    in on the NDAA action. Photo by Lainie Duro

    Above: Occupiers are detained for being terrorists, Photo by John Anderson

    Below: The candlelit march begins, Photo by John Anderson

    Issue 2 Page 3

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    More NDAA Protest Photos All

    photos by Lainie Duro except

    Repeal NDAA sign by Jeeps

    Issue2 Page3

  • 8/2/2019 Solidarity: The Occupy Austin Occuzine Issue 2


    Common Courtesy at Bank of America

    By Nolan Darilek

    I, like many, closed my account with Bank of America late last year.

    Unfortunately, a surprising direct deposit re-opened the account, which

    was again closed with the support of five fellow members of OccupyAustin.

    The alert arrived early one morning, a "courtesy" balance notification

    from an account I'd thought was closed. An Amazon affiliate marketing

    venture had finally paid off unexpectedly, and the direct deposit re-

    activated the account.

    I had also unknowingly been opted into a minimum balance at some

    point during my twelve years with Bank of America. My account was

    thus being charged fees on these direct deposits, which existence was

    unknown to me.

    Finally, and most infuriatingly, my account was only selectively re-

    opened. As someone who is blind, I rely heavily on debit alerts as

    receipts, electronic deposit notifications as pay stubs, and a number of

    other emailed alerts in lieu of paper which must be scanned or read by

    others before being tossed into our landfills. While Bank of America

    opened my account to the extent that it earned them money, they did not

    re-enable anything other than the courtesy balance notification, likely

    only in place to alert me that my closed account would soon be of no use

    to them unless I decided to start puttingmoney in it again.

    Closing the account was luckily rather straight-forward. With the help

    of fellow occupiers, we were able to both get the fees refunded and

    empty the account. I could write about a number of things, from the

    banker's unwillingness to explain how this 30-day window was

    anything other than a vehicle to extort fees, to the teller's unwillingness

    to accept a passport even though it was perfectly fine on several

    occasions in the past. Instead, I would rather focus on a unique aspect

    of this closure that highlights the degree to which this system is


    I occupy for a number of reasons, some usual, some not. There were

    two interactions that stood out for me, one of which I'd missed because

    it happens so commonly to me that it slips into the background of my

    life unnoticed.

    I am used to people's experiences with blindness being defined by

    Helen Keller. This means that I am invariably spoken loudly or slowly

    to, as if hearing loss goes hand in hand with sight loss. At the doors, I

    was greeted by an overly loud call from one of the bankers in the

    lobby. I had assumed that this was because they were used to Occupy

    interfering with their business, but when it was pointed out during the

    post-closure rant session that this person may very well have beenyelling at me because she assumed I couldn't hear, I had to admit that

    was a very likely possibility.

    The second was minor, but huge in its implications. Before the teller

    handed me my final account balance, she spoke of me in...

    Contd page 5

    Below: Artwork byNikaeal Valentina Roe Sainz

    Issue2 Page4

  • 8/2/2019 Solidarity: The Occupy Austin Occuzine Issue 2


    I Cant Afford to Be the HeroI braked as the light changed from yellow to red,

    second in line to turn.

    A raggedy heap

    of dirty clothes

    perched on the guardrail -

    a buzzard scavengerwith a cardboard beak.

    I cocked my head to the side, and shut one eye.

    He disappeared into my blind spot.

    I had a brief philosophical discussion with


    about how easy it is

    for the fed

    to dismiss the hungry,

    as I fiddled with the change in my armrest.

    35 cents was all I could spare,

    and 35 cents seemed embarrassing.

    So, I pretended I didn't care,

    turned, and gave him nothing.

    ~Wendy Darling

    Contd from page 4

    third person, despite me standing practically right in front

    of her. "He's going to have to sign...you're going to have to

    sign," she rapidly corrected, and I'm glad that she did. But it

    wasn't fast enough.

    I am all too used to being dehumanized by others' speaking

    past and around me. This is especially bothersome when it

    is done by someone who has just taken money from me.

    My takeaway is that I am tangible enough to hand someone

    money, but not so human as to engage in conversation orinteract intelligently. It angers me that I am only valid as a

    vehicle of money to some, and I wish I could convey to the

    many with able-bodied privilege who have rushed to defend

    this conduct over the years how fortunate they are not to

    face this subtle treatment by so many "well-meaning"


    Regardless of how able you are, regardless of your gender

    or skin color, this DOES happen to you every day. Your

    bank takes your money, invests it in companies whose

    practices would likely horrify you if you knew them. It

    thrives on your largess while hitting you with fees for the

    privilege. Meanwhile, it forecloses on homes, lies to loyal

    customers and drives them into the streets with thought for

    nothing other than its bottom line. You too are being

    dehumanized by your bank. It may not be as blatant as what

    I and other disabled people face regularly, but it is there,

    and will continue unless you take a stand against it. If the

    teller hadn't corrected herself, I would have called her on it

    and ask that she speak TO me rather than about me. The

    banks are NOT correcting their behavior on their own, so

    now it is up to you to call them on it.


    Top Left: Claire

    Hirschkind holds a poster-

    size photo of the

    aggressive treatment she

    endured during her Feb.


    eviction at the Feb. 9th

    Austin City Council

    meeting. Many others

    joined her with photos of

    excessive police presence

    over that weekend.

    Photo by Heather Kafka

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    guns make great lovers

    baseball bats too

    knives are one night stands of bloodlust and frenzy

    but as always fun

    brass knuckles and nunchakus

    kinky and exotic

    leave nothing for imagination

    machetes are for virgins

    whose innocence

    invites unknowingly its own massacre

    throbbing bodily

    flesh at the tip of a sadists whip

    bombs are for the lonely

    pornographic rich

    yet when it comes

    to seductions cardinal thread

    nothing titillates like a nuclear warhead

    ~ Michael Sadler

    Top: Photo manipulation by Wendy Darling

    Above: Artwork by Tomas Fierro

    Below: Painting by Shaida Alizadeh-Moein

    Issue 2 Page 6

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    Haikupyfacebook frustration

    there's nothing better to do

    hey folks! let's argue!

    proposals galore

    but we don't have a quorum

    It's time to table!

    haters drive by and

    from windows shout, "get a job"

    no balls to face us

    Idea for Occuhaha comes from Kat Freedom.

    Haikus and photo memes by Wendy Darling.

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    Issue 2 Page 9



    Occupiers from Austin gathered in

    the Pecan Grove Picnic area of

    Zilker Park on February 12 th, 2012to celebrate community with a

    potluck picnic. The intention of this

    potluck was to introduce the existing

    Occupy Austin members to any new

    members interested in joining us in

    fighting for the rights of the 99%.

    This was a fun, family-friendly way

    to share a little Occupy Austin love

    with the community.

    In addition to the feast, Occupiersengaged in discussions, wrote thank-

    you notes to supporters, danced and

    had an OccuPie Eating contest.

    When the inevitable police officer

    showed up, Occupiers continued

    with the spirit of community by

    offering the officer food, and a

    Keep Austin Occupied t-shirt.

    All photos this page by John Anderson

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    Issue 2 Page 10

    Top: Group photo by Lainie Duro

    Above left: Photo by John Anderson

    Above right: Photo by Kat Freedom

    Left: Photo by Lainie Duro

    Send submissions for the

    next issue to:

    [email protected]

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    Issue 2 Page 10

    Top: Group photo by Lainie Duro

    Above left: Photo by John Anderson

    Above right: Photo by Kat Freedom

    Left: Photo by Lainie Duro

    Send submissions for the

    next issue to:

    [email protected]
