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  • 8/13/2019 Solid_Works Simulation 99p


    SolidWorks 2009 TrainingFor

    American Aerospace Engineering LLC

    Prepared by

    John P. Greiner

    [email protected]

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    SolidWorks training outline for American Aerospace Engineering:


    o Day 1 Basic SolidWorks overview

    DimXPerto Day 2

    Moldtools Sheet Metal

    o Day 3 Assemblies

    o Day 4 Design Tables Macros

    o Day 5 Surfacing Lofting Weldments

    o Day 6 Beam Analysis Fatigue Analysis

    o Day 7 Other Simulation

    o Day 8 Motion Analysis

    Goals for Friday May 29:

    Meet and Greet

    Gather example SolidWorks files.Discuss particular issues with SolidWorks or solid modeling.

    Discuss specific Simulation problems and approaches.

    Discusshttp://drop.io/AAEngineering,Password: aae61809

    About Me:

    John P. Greiner

    10 Years SolidWorks Experience

    3 Years teaching SolidWorks Basic and Advanced at both Clark College in Vancouver and

    Portland Community College.

    Senior Mechanical Engineer at Key Knife, Inc. in Tualatin, Or. (7 years)

    SolidWorks Training:

    o Basic SolidWorks, Advanced Part Modeling, Advanced Assembly Modeling, SolidWorksDrawings, Simulation Basic, Simulation Advanced, Simulation Non-Linear

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    Day 1:

    Basic SolidWorks Overview


    Understand basic terminology associated with SolidWorks.Understand how SolidWorks files are associated with each other.

    Understand the difference between Document Properties and System Properties.

    Know how to back up user settings and restore them if necessary.

    Review content that would be covered in a Basic or Introduction to SolidWorks course.


    Dictionary.com defines terminology as the system of terms belonging or peculiar to a science, art, or

    specialized subject. The terminology surrounding SolidWorks, while not difficult, does require at least a

    review to help me communicate with you more

    effectively and vice versa.

    Lets begin with nomenclature for documents I tend

    to use. You will often see something like Tools-

    >Options in my text. In fact sometimes I even in my

    speech I say things like Tools.Options I amalways

    referring to a menu or menu structure in SolidWorks. The

    drop down menu is Tools, the command I am referring

    to is Options.

    While we are on the topic, the piece of the SolidWorks interface depicted is the Menu Bar. On my

    interface, I will keep the Menu Bar Pull-Downs Pinned open for quick reference. The commands to the

    right of the drop down menu are the quick launch. You can completely customize the quick launch

    the same way you customize tool bars, but I will cover that later.

    Figure 1 - Tools->Options

    Figure 2 - SolidWorks Menu Bar

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    The area immediately below the Menu bar is the command manager. The command manager is

    SolidWorks version of the infamous Ribbon popular with the new Microsoft Office. The command

    manager is there to simplify your interface by displaying only the toolbars you need when you can use

    them. The scuttlebutt is that in the next couple of versions of SolidWorks, the toolbars will go away, so

    you might as well get used to using the Command Manager now! The tabs on the bottom of the

    command manager can be added or removed with some pre-sets created by SolidWorks. Additionally,

    any menu you have can also be turned into a tab.

    Figure 3 - Command Manager with Tabs

    The SolidWorks Document window is where all the magic happens. A few items of note are the HeadsUp View Toolbarand the Feature Manager Design Tree. We will be referring to both of these items

    quite a bit throughout our time together. Note the Property Manager, Configuration Manager and

    the DimXpert Manager also located in the same area as the Feature Manager Design Tree.

    Figure 4 - Document Window

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    The final piece of the puzzle then is the Task Pane and the

    Status Bar. The Task Pane contains items like the Toolbox, Design

    Library, CustomProperties, Searchand File Explorer. Usually, I will not

    pin this section open since it takes up valuable Graphics Areaon my


    Enough about terminology, lets get into the meat of

    SolidWorks itself. SolidWorks is a feature-based, parametric solid

    modeling design tool you can use to create fully associative3-D solid


    Just as assemblies are created by putting together individual

    parts, parts are created by assembling individual constituent elements

    called features. When creating a model with SolidWorks, you build

    the model with geometric features such as bosses, cuts, holes, ribs,

    fillets, chamfers and drafts applied directly to the work piece.

    Features are classified as either sketched or applied. Sketched

    features require some sort of a 2-D or 3-D sketch which is then

    converted into a solid by extrusion, rotation, sweeping or lofting.

    Applied features are created directly on the model such as fillets and


    The dimensions and relations that you place on your sketches

    and features to create the model are stored and referenced each time

    the model is re-built or re-generated. These parametric features help

    the user to convey design intent and to make changes to the model

    when needed.

    Figure 5 - Task Pane

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    SolidWorks Files

    SolidWorks uses a complex system of linking and embedding to store data in files. Linking

    involves storing the data in one file and referencing it from another file. No data is duplicated; instead

    the path to the referenced document is stored in the SolidWorks database. When you open a

    SolidWorks file that has linked references, it opens/loads data from each linked document. This is

    advantageous if the file you are linking is subject to change. Embedding is the exact opposite of linking.

    When you embed information into a SolidWorks file, that data is copied from the original location to the

    new file. Updating the source file will have no effect on the embedded data. Some examples of Linked

    data: A drawing file referencing a part or assembly file, an assembly file with multiple parts, an in-

    context part created inside an assembly. Example of embedded data: Design binder files, library

    features, internally stored design table.


    SolidWorks basically has two different types of

    settings, Document Properties and System Options.

    Document Properties apply only to the open documentor template while system properties persist between

    documents. To get to these settings, go to Tools-

    >Options. You immediately see the System Options

    dialog box. Everything on this tab is a system setting.

    These settings are saved to the Windows System

    Registry upon exiting SolidWorks. Some examples of

    settings that are system wide include:

    Default File Locations

    Toolbox Database LocationExternal Reference Behavior

    Backup\Recover Settings

    Collaboration Settings

    Clicking on the Document Properties tab brings up

    the document settings. These setting are stored in the

    open files database. Some examples of settings that

    are document specific include:

    Document Units

    Drafting Standard

    Dimension Arrow Length

    Material Properties

    Image Quality

    Dim Xpert Settings

    Figure 6 - System Options

    Figure 7 - Document Settings

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    As you can see, there are a whole lot of settings available to the user. To customize SolidWorks, you

    could easily spend an hour or more going thru each setting. Knowing that your settings are stored in the

    Windows Registry, not exactly a Fort Knox of security, a back-up of your setting could save you many

    hours of setup and configuration time if for example you get a new computer or you somehow corruptyour user profile. You can export your setting following these simple steps:

    1. Modify all the System Settings you want then close SolidWorks.2. Under Programs->SolidWorks 2009->SolidWorks 2009 SPX.X-

    >SolidWorks Tools you will find a utility called Copy Settings Wizard

    3. The Copy Settings Wizard is very easy to use. Simply click the SaveSettings Button followed by the Next button

    4. Browse to a location to store the registry file. I recommend a networklocation that is backed up regularly. Then click finish.

    To restore your settings simply locate the registry file and double click on it to launch the Copy

    Settings Wizard in restore mode. Follow the simple instructions and away you go. Be sure that

    SolidWorks is not open when you perform these steps.

    Figure 8 - Copy Settings Wizard Locat

    Figure 9 - Save Settings Wizard

    Figure 10 - Select File Name

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    Basic SolidWorks Review

    This section is meant as a review of basic SolidWorks. I have listed the major topics and

    objectives covered in a basic SolidWorks class. If there is anything from this list that you would like me

    to cover in detail, now is the time to speak up!

    Introduction to Sketchingo Create a new parto Insert a new sketcho Add sketch geometryo Establish sketch relations between pieces of geometryo Understand the state of a sketch.o Use sketch tools to add fillets.o Extrude the sketch into a solid.

    Basic Part Modeling

    o Choose the best profile for sketching.o Choose the proper sketch plane.o Extrude a sketch as a cut.o Create Hole Wizard holes.o Insert fillets on a solid.o Make a basic drawing of a part.o Make a change to a dimension.o Demonstrate the associatively between the model and its drawings.

    Modeling a Casting or Forging

    o Use the view display and modification commands.o Copy and paste features.o Edit the definition and parameters of a feature and regenerate the model.o Use Up To Nextand Mid Planeend conditions to capture design intent.o Use symmetry in the sketch.


    o Create a linear pattern.o Add a circular pattern.o Use geometry patterns properly.o Create a mirror pattern.o Use the pattern seed only option with a linear pattern.o Add a sketch driven pattern.o Automate the process of fully defining a sketch.

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    Revolved Features

    o Create revolved features.o Apply special dimensioning techniques to sketches for revolved features.o Use the multi-body solid technique.o Create a sweep feature.o Calculate the physical properties of a part.o Perform rudimentary, first pass stress analysis.

    Shelling and Ribs

    o Apply draft to model faces.o Perform shelling operations to hollow out a part.o Create planes.o Use the rib tool.o Create thin features.

    Editing: Repairs

    o Diagnose various problems in a part.o Repair sketch geometry problems.o Repair dangling relations and dimensions.o Use the FeatureXpert to repair filleting problems.o Use the FilletXpert and DraftXpert to add fillets and draft.

    Editing: Design Changes

    o Understand how modeling techniques influence the ability to modify a part.o Utilize all the available tools to edit and make changes to a part.o Use Sketch Contours to define the shape of a feature.

    Configurations of Parts

    oUse configurations to represent different versions of a part within a single SolidWorksfile.

    o Use configure feature to create and edit configurations.o Suppress and un-suppress features.o Change dimension values by configuration.o Suppress features by configuration.o Understand the ramifications of making changes to parts that have configurations.o Use the design library to insert features into a part.

    Design Tables and Equations

    o Link dimension values together to capture design intent.o Create equations.o Automatically create design tables.o Use existing design tables to create families of parts.o Make detail drawings using more advanced types of drawing views.

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    Bottom-Up Assembly Modeling

    o Create a new assembly.o Insert components into an assembly using all available techniques.o Add mating relationships between components.o Utilize the assembly-specific aspects of the FeatureManager design tree to manipulate

    and manage the assembly.

    o Insert sub-assemblies.o Use part configurations in an assembly.

    Using Assemblies

    o Perform mass properties calculations.o Create an exploded view of an assembly.o Add explode lines.o Generate a bill of materials for an assembly.

    Using DimXpet and TolAnalyst

    o Use the DimXpert tools.o Understand tolerance types and features.o Generate tolerance schemes automatically.o Use the TolAnalyst to determine stack ups.

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    The DimXpert software is used to create a fully tolerance model that can be used with

    TolAnalyst stack analysis. The results can also be used for:

    Partner CAM applications

    Partner tolerance analysis applicationsMetrology applications

    Creating dimensioned and annotated drawing views

    The model is treated as an imported body with topological, not SolidWorks, features. It is

    considered to be in an under constrained state unless enough dimensions are added to fully constrain

    the features. Dimensions and tolerances can be added manually or automatically and conform to the

    ASME Y14.41-2003 standard.

    How the DimXpert Works

    The DimXpert treats each part as pure geometry. The geometry is broken down and identified

    as separate features. User selections identify datums and features of interest.

    Tolerance Types and Features

    Using Auto Dimension Scheme, the Tolerance types Plus and Minus or Geometric can be

    created. The Geometric option includes Datums and Geometric Tolerances.

    DimXPert Features

    DimXPert features are used to describe the feature geometry of the part. These features are

    based solely on geometry, no on the dimensions and features that were created in building the part.

    The feature types are listed below:

    Plane features are recognized from planar faces in the model. Multiple related planes may be

    recognized as Width Features or Compound Planes.

    Boss features

    Cylinder features can be recognized instead of a circular boss.

    Fillet Features

    Fillet Patterna collection of fillet features of the same size but disconnected.

    Fillet Chaina connected set of fillets.

    Simple Hole

    Countersink Hole

    Counterbored HoleHole Pattern




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    DimXPert Examples

    Simple Plate

    Model the plate as shown.

    Figure 11 - Plate

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    Check the DimXpert Settings:

    Tools->Options->Document Settings->DimXpert

    Block Tolerance

    A common form of tolerance used with inch units. The

    tolerance is based on the given precision of each

    dimension, so you must specify trailing zeroes.

    Length unit dimensions. Sets up three block

    tolerances, each having a number of decimal places

    and tolerance value. DimXpert applies the Value as a

    symmetric plus and minus tolerance.

    Angular unit dimensions. Sets the tolerance value to

    use for all angular dimensions, including those applied

    cones and countersinks, and angle dimensions createdbetween two features. DimXpert applies the Tolerance

    value as a symmetric plus and minus tolerance.

    General Tolerance

    A common form of tolerance used with metric units in conjunction with the ISO drawing standard.

    General Tolerance is based on ISO 2768-1 Tolerances for linear and angular dimensions without

    individual tolerance indications.

    Tolerance Class. Sets the part tolerance class.

    o Fine (f)o Medium (m)o Coarse (c)o Very Coarse (v)

    Figure 12 - DimXpert Settings

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    Click on Geometric Tolerance

    Ensure the Create Basic Dimensionscheck box is

    checked and the option Chainis selected.

    Click Help for a rundown of each of the settings and

    what they mean.

    When done, click ok to accept the settings.

    From the DimXpert Manager, click Auto Dimension Scheme.

    Since this is not a revolved part, select prismatic and since we are going to

    use GD&T type dimensioning, select Geometric from the settings box.

    Select the Primary, Secondary and Tertiary datums. The primary datum is

    the bottom of the plate, the secondary datum is the short end and the

    tertiary datum is one of the long ends as shown below.

    Figure 15 - Plate with datums selected

    Figure 13 - DimXpert Geometric Tolerance

    Figure 14 - Auto Dimension


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    In the Scope box, select Selected Features and then click inside one of the holes. Notice how

    DimXpert adds a hole pattern since it recognized the pattern of the same sized holes. Next click on faces

    opposite our datum 2 and datum 3. These planar datums will be used to define the length and width of

    our part. Next, click OK to let the DimXpert go to work on your part.

    Figure 16 - Feature Scope

    Expand all the features in the DimXpert Feature Manager. Spend a minute or two reviewing what the

    DimXpert created. Notice that when you click on a feature, it highlights in the Graphics Area.

    Figure 17 - DimXpert Feature Manager

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    Clicking on the Show Tolerance Status button will highlight

    which features are Over Constrained (Red), Under Constrained

    (Yellow) or Fully Constrained (Green).

    On the DimXpert tab of the command manager, locate and

    click the Size Dimension command.

    Figure 18 - Size Dimension

    Click on any one of the large fillets and place the dimension as shown then click Ok.

    Figure 19 - Adding a dimension to the fillet

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    If your Show Tolerance Status is still on, you should see the fillets change to green indicating that they

    are now constrained.

    Figure 20 - Constrained Fillets

    At this point, be sure to save the model. From the Heads Up View Toolbar, select Top view.

    Notice how some of the dimensions disappear. This is because you are now only seeing the dimensions

    assigned to the Top View. Spend a moment cleaning up the dimensions like you would want them to

    show on paper.

    Figure 21 - Top View

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    Do the same thing but with the part viewed from the front.

    Figure 22 - Front View

    Click File->Make Drawing From Part. Before dropping a view onto your page, make sure the

    Import Annotations, DimXpert Annotations, Include items from hidden features and Auto-start

    projected view is checked. Then drop the Top and Front views onto the sheet.

    Figure 23 - View Palette Settings

    Figure 24 - Free Drawing

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    Week 1 Assignment:

    Pick a single part file and use the DimXpert to fully define your part. Create a drawing using only

    DimXPert dimensions.

    *If Allowed, upload your part and drawing to thewww.drop.io/AAEngineering. (This way I can

    answer specific questions based on your models.)

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    Day 2

    Mold Tools


    Know how to locate and identify the Mold Tools in SolidWorks 2009Understand how to use the existing mold tools.

    Walk thru a simple mold tool design.

    Like almost everything else, the Mold Tools toolbar

    has been given a tab on the SolidWorks command manager.

    Most users will have to right click on the command manager

    and check next to the Mold Tools icon in order to see the

    Mold Tools tab.

    After showing the Mold Tools tab, click on the tab to

    show the toolbar. Having an open part that contains

    features will set most of the mold tools as enabled as shown


    In order to be efficient with the mold tools, you must first understand a little something about

    injection molds. Molds are made up of a core and a cavity that when sandwiched together allow for the

    exact thickness of plastic to be injected into the mold creating the desired shape. The core duplicates

    the inner surface of the model while the cavity duplicates the outer surface. Ensuring that the part will

    eject from the mold once it has dried is half the battle when it comes to designing molds. I will guide

    you thru a simple example using the SolidWorks Telephone file.

    Figure 27 - Telephone File

    Figure 25 - Enable the Mold Tools Tab

    Figure 26 - The Mold Tools Toolbar

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    Once the file is open, the first step is to check the part with the draft analysis tool. We are trying

    to verify that each of the surfaces contain sufficient draft. In this part, the direction of pull is normal to

    the TOP plane, so go ahead and select that plane. This defines the direction of movement of the mold

    during the part ejection

    process. We want the

    white arrow to point up as

    shown to the right. Set the

    draft angle to 0.5 and

    check the face classification

    check box. The green faces

    indicate positive draft while

    the red faces indicate

    negative draft. The yellow

    faces are the faces that we

    need to be concerned

    about since these are the

    faces that will prevent our

    part from ejecting from the

    mold easily. Clicking the

    green check box

    maintains these colors

    without adding a feature to the design tree. An Undercut analysis can be performed the same way only

    it indicates trapped areas which prevent the part from leaving the mold. To add draft to this yellow

    surface, click the Draft button on the mold tools

    or features toolbar. Again, select the top plane

    as the pull direction, but flip the direction so

    that the arrow points down. Next select the

    Parting Line option and set the angle to 1.

    Right click on the outer edge of the yellow face

    and click Select Tangency. This should select

    the entire perimeter of the part on the yellow

    face. Click the green check to add the draft.

    The entire yellow surface disappears.

    Figure 29 - Draft Analysis

    Figure 28 - Adding Draft

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    Now that we have taken care of the

    draft, the next step is to account for shrinkage.

    Click the Scale tool from the command

    managers mold tools tab. Expand the Solid

    Bodies folder and select the solid body Draft 2.

    Set the Scale About to Centroid and the Scale

    Factor to 1.05. Click ok to increase the overall

    size of the model.

    The Parting Line tool checks draft and

    adds a parting line which is used to create the

    cavity and the core. Click on the parting line

    command from the Command Managers Mold

    Tools tab. Set the pull direction

    by selecting the Top Plane as we

    did before. Ensure the white

    arrow is pointing up and not

    down into the phone. Set the

    angle to 0.5 and click the Draft

    Analysis button. This selects the

    edge around the part where the

    draft switches from Positive to

    Negative. Since we have already

    done a draft analysis, just click

    OK to create the parting lines.

    In order to cut the

    tooling block into a cavity and a

    core, SolidWorks needs two

    complete surfaces free of voids or

    holes. We use the Shut-Off surfaces button to close up all the thru holes in our part.

    Figure 32 - Shut Off Surfaces Command

    Figure 30 - Scale the Part

    Figure 31 - Creating Parting Lines

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    All of the thru holes appear in the edges box. Make sure Knit, Filter Loops and Show Callouts is

    checked then click ok. A new surface is created that is coincident with the existing surface, but contains

    no holes.

    Figure 33 - Shut Off Surface

    Parting surfaces extrude from the parting line and are used to separate the mold cavity from the

    core. Select the parting surfaces tool, set the distance to 10mm and check Knit All Surfaces and click OK.

    Figure 34 - Parting Surface

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    Next, create a parting plane parallel to the rectangular surface with an offset of 20mm as shown.

    Figure 35 - Parting Plane

    With the new plane selected, click the

    Tooling Split button. Make Hidden Lines

    Removed from the view toolbar then draw the

    rectangle shown here. Exit the sketch and

    switch to an isometric view when done. Select

    Interlock surface with a draft of 3. Set thedepth in direction 1 to 90mm and the depth in

    direction 2 to 70mm. Change back to shaded

    with edges, then click OK.

    Right click on Tooling Split 1(1), selectBody Properties and change the name to Core.

    Re-Name Tooling Split 2(1) to Cavity. You can

    create parts from the bodies by right clicking

    on each body and selecting Insert Into New


    Figure 37 - Tooling Split Rectangle

    Figure 36 - Tooling Split Parameters

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    Sheet Metal


    Refresh (As Needed) on specific Sheet Metal Features

    Converting a Solid Model into a Sheet Metal Part

    Often, it is easier to create a solid model in context of an assembly then convert that part to a sheet

    metal part. Take a look at these two examples:

    Figure 38 - Heat Shield

    From the Sheet Metal toolbar, clickConvert to Sheet Metal. Next, select a

    face to be the fixed face. Then, set the

    material thickness and the bend radius.

    Finally, select the edges that represent

    the bends in the part. When done, click


    Figure 40 - Converted Part

    Figure 39 - Convert to Sheet Metal

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    Other times, we may need to convert some volume shape into a sheet metal part.

    Figure 41 - Solid Part to Sheet Metal Part

    to Flat Pattern

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    This section is meant to be a refresher course on sheet metal modeling using SolidWorks. Listed

    below are the Sheet Metal commands. After a quick review, an example can be done on any feature or

    features you would like to see demonstrated.

    Base Flange

    Convert to Sheet MetalLets you specify the thickness, bends and rips necessary o convert a

    solid part to a sheet metal part.

    Lofted BendAllows you to loft together two separate open profiles as a sheet metal part.

    Edge Flange

    Miter Flange

    Hemadds a hem to a linear edge.


    Sketched BendCross Break



    Forming Tool

    Extruded Cut

    Simple Hole





    No BendsRolls Back a sheet metal part containing Flatten-Bends and Process-Bends to show

    the part with bends removed.

    RipRips the corner of a solid part for use in changing the solid part into a sheet metal part.

    Insert BendsCreates a sheet metal part from an existing part.

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    Day 3



    Motion ManagerTop-Down Assembly Modeling

    Advanced Mate Techniques

    Large Assemblies


    Motion Manager

    The Motion Manager is a tool used to create animations from SolidWorks parts and assemblies.

    It can also work with Photo Works to produce photorealistic animations to add visual impact to

    presentations and documents. Additionally, the Motion Manager is used to perform simulations with

    Cosmos Motion.

    To start access the motion manager, click on the

    Motion Study tab at the bottom of the SolidWorks interface.

    This brings up the Animation Timeline and Motion Toolbar.Figure 42 - Motion Study Tab

    Figure 43 - Animation Timeline

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    Lets start by creating a simple animation of an

    assembly that has an exploded view. For these types of

    animations, we use the built in Animation Wizard.

    The first step gives you options to rotate,

    explode or collapse your assembly. Note that explodeand collapse are not available if you have not created an

    exploded view. Choose Explode and click next.

    The Animation Control Options dialog lets you

    specify how long it will take for the explode to occur and

    what time to start the explode. For this example, I will

    go with a three second explosion that begins at 1 second.

    This will give a full second of animation before parts start

    moving around. Click finish to have the wizard modify

    the Animation timeline.

    The animation timeline now runs from 0 to 4

    seconds. The Diamonds represent keys which indicate

    something is either beginning, stopping or changing how

    it moves. Repeat the above steps but this time choosing

    the collapse option. Leave the duration at 3 but change

    the start time to 6.

    You may also animate using

    Move and Rotate. Start by

    moving the slider to a point in

    time where you want your

    animation to begin, right click on

    the component to create a key.

    Then move the slider to a new

    point in time. Right click on the

    part you want to move and

    choose Move with Triad. Use the

    triad to re-position the part. You can also right click on the part and choose Show Rotate Delta XYZ Box

    which will assist you in rotating the part while you are moving it. For instance, to show a nut threading

    onto a bolt or a screw threading into a tapped hole.

    Figure 44 - Animation Wizard Step 1 of 2

    Figure 45 - Animation Wizard Step 2 of 2

    Figure 46 - Modified Animation Timeline

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    Alternately, you can animate using Basic Motion. In a basic motion animation, you apply gravity,

    contact, springs, dampers and motors to your assembly and observe the behavior. The basics of the

    animation are the same as above. Note that this is not a simulation, this is only showing basic motion. A

    simulation must be run using Cosmos Motion.

    Top Down Assembly ModelingTop down assembly modeling has become much easier with the introduction of virtual parts in

    SolidWorks 2008. A virtual part is a part file that is stored within the Assembly database. It can later be

    extracted to a separate file and used in other assemblies. To create a virtual component, simply click

    Insert->Component->New Part then select a face or plane for the In-Place reference. A virtual part

    works exactly like any other part except that it can only be referenced by the assembly it was created in.

    Figure 47 - Inserting a Virtual Part

    To export the virtual part to its own part

    file, simply right-click on the virtual part in

    the feature manager and select the option

    Save Part(in External File).

    To Break or Lock the references linking

    the new virtual part to the assembly, right

    click on the virtual part and select open

    part. At the top of the feature manager in

    the virtual part, right click and select List

    External Refs The external references

    dialog box appears giving you the

    opportunity to either lock all or break all

    external file references. Remember thatonce the references are broken, they

    cannot be Automatically restored.

    Figure 48 - Save to External File

    Figure 49 - External References

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    Advanced Mate Techniques

    SolidWorks 2009 has several advanced mate options for assemblies. The advanced mates


    Advanced Mates such

    o Symmetrico Widtho Path Mateo Linear/Linear Couplero Limit Mate

    Mechanical Mates

    o Camo Hingeo Gearo Rack Piniono Screwo Universal Joint

    Additionally, SolidWorks also provides for Smart Mates and Smart Components as well as Active

    Dragging and mating from within the Assembly Drawing area. A note about mates in SolidWorks, mates

    should be used sparingly. The more mates in an assembly, the larger the assembly file and the greater

    the chance that it will become corrupt or broken.

    Figure 50 - Advanced & Mechanical Mates

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    Large Assemblies

    Working with large assemblies in SolidWorks requires a strategy to minimize the time required

    to load and edit the components in the assembly. There are several different strategies offered using

    lightweight, hidden and suppressed components.

    Lightweight Components offer reduced file sizes on open to increase speed. They must be fullyloaded to perform some operations. A lightweight component can:

    o Speed Up Assembly Worko Keep Mates Intacto Maintain Placemento Keep Orientationo Be Moved and Rotatedo Be Displayed in Shaded, Hidden Line or Wireframe Modeso Have their edges, faces, or vertices selected or mated to.o Have Mass Properties or Interference Detection performed on them.

    Light weight components cannot be Edited

    or Show its features in the design tree. To

    load a component as light weight, simply

    right click on the part and select Set to


    BEST PRACTICE: Set your system options so

    that components in assemblies are loaded as

    lightweight by default. This way you will

    automatically reap the benefits of working

    with lightweight components. On those few

    occasions when you want to open an

    assembly as resolved, you can always clear

    the Lightweight check box on the File, Open


    Figure 51 - System Options->Performance

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    Large assembly mode is used to invoke a set of options based on an assembly with the minimum

    number of components. The threshold for the number of components is user defined. When

    opening an assembly with Large Assembly Mode active, the software checks to see if it qualifies

    as a large assembly. If so, appropriate settings are chosen to make the large assembly faster.

    o Automatically Load Components Lightweighto Do not save auto recover infoo Hide all planes, axes, sketches, curves, annotations etc.o Do not display edges in shaded mode.o Suspend automatic rebuild.

    Figure 52 - Large Assembly Mode

    Selective Open option allows components to be selected, hidden and not loaded into memory

    prior to opening. It makes extensive use of Display States. When opening a large assembly, clickthe Quick View option. Next hold down CTRL and select the components that you need to

    work with. Click ok and the parts not selected will not be loaded. A new display state is created

    which you can re-name for later use.

    Figure 53 - Quick View Option

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    SpeedPak is new to SolidWorks 2009 and is used to create a simplified configuration of an

    assembly without losing references. A SpeedPak configuration is a subset of the parts and faces of an

    assembly. Unlike regular configurations, where you can simplify an assembly only by suppressing

    components, SpeedPak simplifies without suppressing. Therefore, you can substitute a SpeedPak

    configuration for the full assembly in higher level assemblies without losing references. SpeedPak

    configurations must be manually updated when changes occur to the assembly.

    To create a SpeedPak configuration, right click on an existing configuration in the configuration

    manager and select Add SpeedPak. Select the faces and bodies you want to be selectable in the new

    configuration, then click Ok. Optionally, select Remove Ghost to further increase performance.

    Figure 55 - Finding SpeedPak

    Figure 54 - SpeedPak Properties

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    Day 4

    Design Tables


    Creating a New Design TableBest Practices and Common Mistakes

    SolidWorks design tables enable the user to rapidly create a family of parts based

    on a well defined model or assembly. Design tables are especially useful when you need

    a part that is exactly like a previous part, only with a dimensional change like hardware,

    motor mounting frames and other generally Purchased parts. You must have

    Microsoft Excel installed on your computer to use SolidWorks design tables.

    To create a design table, start with a fully modeled part. Go to Tools->Optionsand enable the Show Dimension Names option then click OK. Next in the browser

    tree, right click on the Annotations folder and ensure the Display Annotations and

    Show Feature Dimensions are checked on.

    Figure 56 - Show Dimension Names

    Figure 57 - Annotations Folder

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    At this point you should be able to see all of the dimensions that you created to

    make your part. By default, SolidWorks names the dimensions D1, D2..etc. in each

    sketch. Since D1 doesnt really mean anything to us unless we are looking at a sketch or

    a part, I recommend re-naming the dimensions. In the example provided, I am using the

    diagram and chart below to generate a configured chain. I therefore name the

    dimensions in SolidWorks the column name from the table to make creating the design

    table easier.

    Figure 58 - Diagram and Table fromwww.hzpt.com

    To re-name a dimension, simple click on the dimension then change the name in the Property Manager.

    Figure 59 - Re-Name a Dimension

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    Figure 60 - Before and After Naming the Dimensions

    Once your dimensions are named, you can go ahead and create the

    design table. Click Insert->Table->Design Table to bring up the Design

    Table Property Manager. From the property manager, we have several



    Blank Creates a completely blank design table. To finish the

    design table double click on each dimension and it will

    automatically be entered into the proper column in Excel.

    Auto-Create SolidWorks queries the model and any created

    configurations. It then adds any changed dimensions directly to

    the design table upon creation.

    From FileAllows the user to specify an Excel document to use as

    the design table.

    o Link to FileKeeps the design table saved external to theSolidWorks File

    Edit Control:

    Allow Model UpdatesTakes any changes made to the

    SolidWorks file and updated the values stored in the design table. This can be

    very dangerous!

    Block Model UpdatesForces changes to design table dimensions to occur in the

    design table. This is the preferred method.

    Options:I generally leave all of these boxes checked. These options control what

    SolidWorks does when you open a design table.

    Figure 61 - Insert a Design Table

    Figure 62 - Design Table Property


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    Click OK to create the design table. Since I had only one configuration created, the Dimensions

    dialog box comes up. Hold down Shift and click on the dimensions you want controlled in the design

    table, then click OK.

    Figure 63 - Dimensions Dialog Box

    The SolidWorks interface now changes to look like Excel. Additionally, an Excel Worksheet is

    opened up in the drawing area of SolidWorks as shown below. This appears to be one of the most un-

    stable ways to use SolidWorks. For some reason, I have had SolidWorks crash on my whenever I try to

    work in this mode.

    Figure 64 - Excel/SolidWorks

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    Click in the drawing area to close the design table. Then go to the Configuration Manager, right

    click on the new Design Table and select Edit Table in New Window. This will open Excel so you can

    work with the design table separately from SolidWorks. Occasionally the Add Columns and Rows

    dialog box will appear. This is SolidWorks attempt to notify you of changes to the model since the last

    time the design table was opened. Just click OK so you can take a look at the design table. (If the

    design table does not open fully and SolidWorks is blinking in your Windows Taskbar, click SolidWorks to

    reveal this dialog box. You cannot edit SolidWorks or the Design Table while this box is open.)

    Figure 66 - Edit Table in New Window

    Figure 65 - Add Rows and

    Columns Dialog Box

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    Now it is a simply a matter of typing in the values from our source to Excel. The first row is

    simply a reference back to the SolidWorks file. The second row is a list of all the dimensions or

    properties that the design table controls. All the following rows are simply data used to update the


    Figure 67 - Excel Design Table

    SolidWorks reads the design table from top to bottom left to right. It continues reading until it

    hits a blank column, then it goes to the next row. It then continues reading until it hits a blank row. We

    can use this to our advantage. You can add notes, pictures or equations to the right of the design table

    as long as you leave a blank row between your calculations and the area SolidWorks will read. To

    generate the created configurations, simply close Excel.

    The dimensions controlled by the design table turn pink. Since I set the option to Block ModelUpdates you cannot change the values from SolidWorks, you must open the design table to modify the


    Figure 68 - Design Table Controlled Dimensions

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    The table below shows what exactly can be controlled from design tables. (This is the Summary of

    Design Table Parameters from the SolidWorks help.)

    Parameter Syntax

    (header cell)

    Legal Values

    (body cell)

    Default if Value is Left Blank

    Parts only

    $configuration @part_name configuration name not evaluated

    $configuration@feature_name configuration name not evaluated

    Parts and Assemblies

    $comment any text string empty

    $description any text string configuration name

    $partnumber any text string configuration name

    $state@feature_name Suppressed, SUnsuppressed, U


    dimension@feature_name- or -dimension@sketch_name

    any legal decimal value for the dimension not evaluated

    $hw-size any value listed in Sizein the Hole WizardPropertyManager

    smallest hole size available

    $parent parent configuration name property is undefined

    $prp @property any text string property is undefined

    $state @equation_number@equations Suppressed, SUnsuppressed, U


    $state@lighting_name Suppressed, SUnsuppressed, U


    $state @sketch_relation@sketch_name Suppressed, SUnsuppressed, U


    $user notes any text string not evaluated

    $color 32-bit integer specifying RGB (red, green,blue) color

    zero (black)

    $sw-mass any legal decimal value for the mass The calculated value of mass in the MassPropertiesdialog box.

    $sw-cog any legal decimal value for the coordinates ofthe center of gravity, in the format x, y, z

    The calculated value of mass in the MassPropertiesdialog box.

    $tolerance @dimension_name See Tolerance Keywords and Syntax inDesign Tables.

    NONE, or for a derived configuration, thetolerance value of its parent.

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    Assemblies only

    $displaystate display state name For new configurations, DisplayState-1. For existing configurations,

    the name of that configuration's mostrecently active display state.

    $fixed Yes(or Y) for fixedNo(or N) for not fixed (floating)

    Not fixed (floating)


    Resolved, RSuppressed, S



    configuration name The name of the configuration that isactive when you create the cell.

    NOTE: If the component uses a

    derived configuration, and the valueis left blank, the configuration usedis linked to its parent.

    $never_expand_in_BOM Yes (never expand)No (allow to expand)


    Best Practices and Common Mistakes:

    Keep the part and the design table simple.

    Limit the number of configurations to around 50. If you need more, start a new file.

    Dont be afraid to lock down some data in the design table using Excels lock worksheet


    SolidWorks does not tell you when a value in the design table is changed!

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    Record a Macro

    Edit a Macro

    SolidWorks Application Programming Interface (API)

    Assign a Macro to a Button

    Recording a Macro

    Recording a macro in SolidWorks is simple. Right click on the toolbar region and select the

    Macro toolbar. Press the red record button then do something in SolidWorks. This record is

    not like recording on a VHS tape or a DVD. The macro recorder only records actions within

    SolidWorks, time is not recorded. Once you have completed your task, click the Stop

    button on the same toolbar. A dialog box will show up asking you where you would like to

    store your newly recorded macro.

    To view/edit your macro, click the edit button then browse to the macro file you just

    created. Click open to see the SolidWorks VBA interface. A sample macro is shown below as

    it was recorded by SolidWorks.

    Figure 69 - Load

    Macro Toolbar

    Figure 70 - Sample Macro

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    Ok, time to talk code. For those of you that have no idea how to program, Im sorry, but here I

    go anyway. For some reason the recorder does not use the proper declarations when recording a

    macro. First off, you should always have the setting Option Explicit at the top of the code. This

    requires you to declare a variable before trying to use it. Second, you will notice that the recorder

    declared the variable swApp and part as object. While this works, it makes debugging and modifying

    more difficult. I recommend changing the declarations of swApp and part as shown:

    Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks

    Dim Part As SldWorks.ModelDoc2

    This declares swApp as a class type SldWorks and Part as a class type ModelDoc2 which is what

    they are. This gives you more direct access to the methods and members of the classes while modifying

    the code. Additionally, this will speed up the macro during run-time since the code is not wasting the

    step of converting a generic class Object to a class SldWorks. The SolidWorks API is well documented

    under Help->API Help.

    To assign a macro to a button, first right click on themacro toolbar and choose customize. Click on the

    Commands tab then select Macro from the list on the left.

    You can drag the New Macro button down onto the macro

    toolbar which will then launch the Customize Macro Button

    dialog box. The tooltip it the bold lettering shown in the

    bubble when you hold your mouse over a button. The

    prompt is some sort of short description of what the button


    Clicking on the button with the three next to it will allow

    you to browse to your saved macro file. Once done, simply

    click OK twice. Thats it; you now have a new button

    which will run your custom macro. Optionally, you can

    create a new graphic and assign it using the choose image


    Figure 71 - Customize Macro Toolbar

    Figure 72 - Customize Macro Button

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    Macro Ideas

    Toggle document units between Inches, Millimeters or Dual Dimensioning

    Toggle between ANSI and ISO drafting Standards.

    One button print 8.5 x 11 paper.

    One button print 11 x 17 paper.

    Auto-Fill Custom/Document Properties

    One Button save as eDrawing, PDF, Step, Iges.etc.

    Create a better interference checker using the Combine feature.

    One click Pack and Go

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    Day 5



    Create a WeldmentCreate a Weldment Profile

    Break a weldment up into sub-weldments.

    A weldment is an object made up of several parts welded together. Although it is really an

    assembly, many prefer to represent it as a single part for BOM purposes. To achieve this, weldments

    are modeled as multibody parts. A special Weldment feature is inserted at the top of the tree which

    designates a multibody part as a weldment.

    Most weldments consist of 3D-Sketches and Structural Member features. The 3d sketch is

    usually the center of a frame, but can also be the

    outside or inside by simply changing the pierce point

    on the profile sketch. Lets start by creating the 3D

    sketch seen here. This is to create an evaporator

    support weldment.

    Use the Structural member C Channel to create

    the first part of this weldment. ANSI 5 x 6.7 C channel

    to be specific. Once you have selected a horizontal

    line, click the Locate Profile button in the property

    manager and position the sketch as shown. This way,

    the 3D sketch you created becomes the inside top of the

    support structure.

    Now select the other three lines and clear the Apply

    Corner Treatment check box. This gives a nice rectangular

    box made of C Channel.

    Figure 73 - 3D Sketch of Support Structure

    Figure 74 - Structural Member SketchLocated and Rotated

    Figure 75 - C Channel Frame

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    To create the first leg, use 3 x 3 x

    0.25 A1 L Angle. Orient the sketch as

    shown here. If you dont have a 3 x 3 x

    0.25 angle iron profile, you will have to

    create one. Browse to your SolidWorks

    installation folder and look for the Data

    folder. Under the data folder is the

    weldment profiles. The structure under

    weldment profiles is the structure found in

    the property manager of the weldment.

    Browse to Angle Iron under Ansi and open

    the 3 x 2 x 0.25 file. Save it as 3 x 3 x 0.25

    then modify the sketch as required. Re-

    save then go back to your weldment and you

    should see the new profile in the property

    manger drop down.

    Weldment profiles are saved as SLDLFP

    files. The easiest way to create a new one is to

    modify an existing profile and save it with the

    new name. Be careful since the dimensions in

    the sketch are used in the properties of the file

    to set the size. This size is then read when its

    time to make a cut-sheet.

    Next, add a reinforcing plate to the leg as shown

    below. The material is thick.

    Figure 76 - Angle Iron Leg

    Figure 78 - Weldment Profiles Folder

    Figure 77 - Leg Reinforcing Plate

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    Now add a sketch on the back side of the reinforcing plate as shown below. This will be the

    length of the angle brace. Add the angle brace as shown using the structural members command.

    Figure 79 - Sketch and Weldment for Support

    Add a foot pad to the leg as shown. The thickness is .

    Figure 80 - Foot Pad

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    Mirror the leg components with respect to the front reference plane. Create two cross braces

    connecting the two legs. One brace is located on the inside of the leg, while the other on the outside of

    the leg geometry. Extrude the braces to a thickness of .

    Figure 81 - Cross Braces

    Use the hole wizard to create a clearance hole for a 7/16 bolt thru the two cross braces. Then

    mirror both legs about the Right Plane.

    Figure 82 - Mirrored Legs

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    Using the hole wizard once again and starting on the selected face below, create more 7/16

    thru holes as shown.

    Figure 83 - Hole Wizard Hole Locations

    Before clicking ok on the property manager to create the holes, check the feature scope. Check

    selected bodes then select the ones shown below. Once done, mirror the bolt holes across the right


    Figure 84 - Hole Wizard Feature Scope

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    Lofting enables the user to create features that are defined by multiple cross sectional profiles.

    The system constructs the featurea boss, a cut or a surface featureby building the feature between

    the sketches. Lofts interpolate face geometry between the profiles.

    Creating a Heat ShieldStart with the sketches provided. Note that none of the sketches are 3D. The first step is to loft

    the elliptical section to the semi-circle.

    Figure 89 - Lofting Sketch

    Initiate the loft command then select the two vertexes shown. SolidWorks tries to merge the

    two shapes as quickly and efficiently as possible. To get the desired shape open the centerline

    parameters box and click the arc connecting the two sketches as shown. Set the start constraint and

    end constraint to normal to profile then click OK to build the feature. This forces the feature to hold the

    shape of the sketches for a little while before beginning its conversion to the alternate sketch.

    Figure 90 - With and Without the Centerline Selected

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    Next we need to make a sketch on the semi-circle face and convert the entities of the underlying

    sketch. Right click on the arc and select Split Entities then click the arc two times to create 3 co-radial

    arcs. Add the construction geometry to constrain the arcs as shown.

    Figure 91 - Convert Entities, Split Curve and Constrain

    Next create a loft from this new sketch to the square. The additional points that were created in

    the previous step are used to help normalize the loft. Again set the start and end condition to normal to

    profile and select the centerline arc.

    Figure 92 - Second Loft

    Creating these two lofts has created several surface artifacts. To clean up these artifacts, begin

    by selecting all the good faces in the model. Once done right click and select Invert Selection. This

    ensures you get all the artifact surfaces.

    Figure 93 - Selecting Artifact Faces

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    From the surfaces toolbar, click delete face and check delete and patch then click ok to clean up

    all the artifact surfaces.

    Figure 94 - Cleaned up Model

    Use a face fillet to fillet the top face to the side faces as shown. Apply a radius of 25mm to both edges.

    Figure 95 - Face Fillets

    Add a standard 25mm and 55mm fillets to the edges shown.

    Figure 96 - 25mm and 55mm Fillets

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    On a plane located 100mm above the bottom sketch the following rounded rectangle then

    extrude the sketch up to next with a 5 draft.

    Figure 97 - New Sketch

    To finish the part, add a 12.5mm fillet around the new boss feature at the intersection with the

    existing lofts. Then shell the entire part with a wall thickness of 2mm.

    Figure 98 - Finished Part

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    Understanding Surfaces

    Introduction to Surfacing

    Understanding Surfaces

    In SolidWorks, solid bodies and surface bodies are very nearly the same. This is one of the

    reasons it is so easy to use them together in advanced modeling. To understand their differences, and

    their similarities, it helps to know what exactly it is that constitutes a surface or solid body. Solid and

    surface bodies are made up of two types of information Geometry and Topology.

    Geometry describes shape. Something can be flat or warped, straight or curved. A point is a

    specific, unique location in space.

    Topology describes relationships. For example:

    The inside versus the outside of a solid. This is defined by the face normal.

    Which edges meet at which vertices.

    Which edges form the boundaries of which face.

    Which edge is the common boundary between two adjacent faces.

    In a solid body, every edge is the boundary between exactly two faces. In a surface body, we

    can have edges that bound only one face. This is why you cannot create two squares that share exactly

    one edge as a single solid body since the edge would be shared by four surfaces. When SolidWorks

    builds solid models it is really automating a lot of surface modeling tasks by creating surface bodies and

    assembling them to form a closed volume.

    All surfaces in SolidWorks can be described by a parameterized mesh of curves. These are called

    iso-parameter or U-V curves. The curves along one side of a four-sided surface are the U curves. Those

    in the perpendicular direction are the V curves. The parameter is the number representing the position

    along the length of the edge between 0 and 1. You can see the U-V mesh by using the Face Curves


    There are several classes of surface geometry used in SolidWorks. Algebraic surfaces can be

    described with simple algebraic expressions. Ruled surfaces are surfaces where every point on the

    surface has a straight line that passes through it and lies on the surface. Developable surfaces are a

    subset of rules surfaces, and can be flattened without stretching the surface. NURBS (non-uniform

    rational b-spline) is a surfacing technology widely used by CAD and computer graphics software. NURBS

    surfaces are defined by parameterized U-V curves where the curves are splines, and the surface is

    interpolated between the splines.

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    Introduction to Surfaces

    Starting a surface model is the same as a solid model. Begin with the sketch below and use a

    surface extrude to extrude a surface 90mm from a mid plane.

    Figure 99 - Base Extrude Sketch

    Next, the following sketch is revolved using the revolved surface command.

    Figure 100 - Surface Revolve Sketch

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    Create an offset plane 10.5 mm in the negative Y direction parallel to the top plane. The

    following sketch is first created then the fit spline tool is used to create a single spline to the profile.

    Figure 101 - New Sketch and the Fit Spline Command

    On the Right Plane, sketch the following, then use the fit spline tool again replacing the lines and arcwith the spline.

    Figure 102 - Profile Sketch

    Using the previous two sketches, create a swept surface.

    Figure 103 - Model with Extrude, Revolve and Swept Surfaces

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    On the front reference plane, sketch the following geometry then extrude it with a surface

    extrude. Use an up to vertex end point and select the vertex from the first surface you created.

    Figure 104 - Separate Surface Bodies created Simultaneously

    Using the trim function, select the surfaces shown and set the trim type to Mutual. Next select

    the purple faces shown below to be removed.

    Figure 105 - First Surface Trim

    Use the mutual trim again to trim the previous surface and the swept surface. This time, keep

    the purple section shown below.

    Figure 106 - Second Surface Trim

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    The third and final mutual trim will require removing the purple faces shown below.

    Figure 107 - Final Surface Trim

    Figure 108 - Finished Surface Cuts

    Add 3mm fillets to the bottom of the surface body as shown.

    Figure 109Fillets

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    Finally, click Insert, Boss/Base, Thicken and set the thickness to 1mm

    Figure 110 - Finished Part

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    Day 6

    Beam Analysis


    Setting up and running a static analysisDifference between Static Analysis and Beam Analysis

    Apply Loads and Restraints

    Understanding Results

    Setting up and running a static analysis

    Lets be clear, this is not a course in FiniteElement Analysis! Determining when to run a

    Simulation on a part or assembly and what loads and restraints are appropriate are best left to the

    engineer. What I will cover is how to properly set up and run a simulation in SolidWorks and how to

    determine if the solution you have come up with is good enough or if more refinement is required. Lets

    begin with a 3D sketch of a table which I will then use the Structural Tools option to apply a crosssection.

    Figure 111 - 3D Table Sketch

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    I used ANSI 3 C-Channel and 2 x 2 square tubing to create my table. I then added clearance

    holes for bolts as shown below. I will not add the bolt, washer or nut to the assembly because it

    would add unnecessary complexity to the mesh which will increase the time required for analysis.

    Figure 112 - Bolt Hole Locations (1/2" Clearance Hole)

    Now we are ready to start setting up our analysis. On the Simulation tab, click study. In the

    property manager give the study a name and select Static.

    Figure 113 - Create a new Static Study

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    Because this is a weldment, Simulation automatically converted

    our study to a beam study. A beam study greatly simplifies the calculation

    time because SolidWorks takes advantage of the constant cross sectional

    area. Right click on the table folder to apply a material to all the

    components. I chose to use Alloy Steel as my material from the

    SolidWorks material database. Next, right click on the Joint Group and

    click edit. Depending on your default settings, you may see something

    like this where each corner is defined by multiple joints. Each of the

    purple or green dots on the table represent a joint SolidWorks has added

    to the assembly. In this case we only want one joint per corner. To fix

    this, toggle on the Treat as joint for clearance less than and set the

    value to 3. Click Calculate to update the joints on the table. When

    done, click Ok to accept your changes.

    Figure 115 - Joint Groups before and After with Property Manager

    Figure 114Materials Applied

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    As a general rule, you want to apply as few restraints as possible to your model. The more

    restraints you add the more Stiffness you add to the matrix. Since a table generally sits on the ground

    I will use the Referenced Geometry option when restraining my table. Notice how the animation at

    the top of the property manager applies a visual representation of the restraint. Next, select the joints

    at the bottom of each of the legs. These are the joints that we will be applying the restraint to. In the

    next box, select the bottom face of one of the legs as a reference plane, then ensure the normal to

    option is turned on at the bottom. This restraint adequately resembles the actual restraints a table may

    see sitting on the floor.

    Figure 116 - Restraining the Legs

    Click OK to apply the restraints. Next add a fixed restraint to just one of the 4 legs.

    Unfortunately, this is required when performing a beam type analysis using SolidWorks Simulation.

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    Lets assume that this table is holding a 5000 lb piece of equipment with its center of gravity

    exactly positioned in the middle of the table. Right click on External Loads and select Force. Click the

    Beams button then select the top four beams as shown in blue below. Select the top face of one of the

    beams as the reference plane, apply a normal force of 5000 lb.

    Figure 117 - Adding a Load

    Meshing a beam analysis is fully automated by SolidWorks. Right click on Mesh and choose

    Create Mesh. To run the analysis, right click on the name of the analysis and click Run.

    Figure 118 - Finished Mesh

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    Double clicking on the results files gives the following two charts.

    Figure 119 - Worst Case Stress

    Figure 120 - Displacement

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    Right click on results and click Define Beam Diagram to create the Shear-Moment plot below.

    Figure 121 - Shear Moment Diagram

    Lets take a look at the same table run as an assembly instead of a

    weldment. This time, when the Simulation is created, it is not a beam

    simulation. Again, apply material Alloy Steel from the SolidWorks materials

    library. Since this is an assembly, we have to consider connections. For this first

    pass, treat the table as a welded frame and leave the connections to their

    default setting of Bonded.

    Apply similar fixtures to the bottom of the table, do not apply the fixed

    restraint. Apply the same 5000 lb load to the top of the plate using External


    Figure 122 - Static Analysis,

    Bonded Contact

    Figure 123 - Load and Restraint Applied

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    Mesh using the default settings. You will notice that this mesh takes significantly longer to

    create than the last one. Save your file, then Run the analysis as before. I had to change my solver to

    the Direct Sparse method in order to get my simulation to solve. This simulation takes longer to solve

    than the previous but also gives more detailed results.

    Figure 124 - Nodal Stress (von Misses)

    Figure 125 - Total Displacement

    So, the real question is, which one is correct? The answer is, as one may put it Yes. Both

    simulations are correct given the method with which they were solved. According to SolidWorks, if the

    length of the member is greater than 10x the cross section length, the beam method is more accurate

    and faster.

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    Go back to the previous study and change the Global Contact to No Penetration. Right click on

    Contact and select the Bolt option. Select the circular edge of the thru hole on the C-Channel as the

    reference edge for the bolt head and the circular edge on the far side of the leg as the nut reference

    edge. Since the bolt size is , set the head size to 0.866 and the diameter to 0.5. Set the material to

    Alloy Steel and the torque to 1440 lb-in. Note that the torque is Inch Pounds and not foot pounds.

    Before clicking OK, click the pin so you can re-use the settings on all the bolts.

    Figure 126 - Adding a Bolt

    Click OK and select the next bolt and so on until you have defined all 8 bolts for the assembly.

    Re-Mesh the assembly and run the analysis again. This run should take much longer to process due to

    the additional solving of the contact and constraints.

    Figure 127 - Von Misses Stress Using Bolts and Contact

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    Figure 128 - Displacement Plot Using Bolts

    As a general rule of FEA, the displacement plots are more accurate since they are calculated

    directly from the stiffness matrix. The stress and strain plots are then derived from the displacement


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    Fatigue Analysis


    Run a Fatigue Analysis

    Running a Fatigue Analysis

    A fatigue analysis can only be run once a static or non-linear analysis has been completed. To

    start a fatigue analysis click Study->New Study then select Fatigue and give it a name. The first thing

    that we must do is apply some sort of an S-N curve to our material. In the static study, right click on the

    parts folder and edit the material. Change the material source to custom defined, then pick the Fatigue

    SN Curves tab and click on Derive from material Elastic Modulus. While this is not perfect, it is a

    reasonable guess for a standard material. Do not use this method on exotic materials or composites.

    Figure 129 - Material Modifications for SN Curve

    In the Fatigue study, right click on loading and select the Add Event button.

    Set the cycles to 100000 and select the proper loading type. Click OK, then right

    click on the study and select Run. It should not take very long for you to get results.

    Figure 130 - Fatigue Event

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    Figure 131 - Total Life

    So how accurate it the Fatigue Plot? In my experience, using the Derived S-N curve the Total

    Life plot is usually within about 30%. I suspect that with more accurate S-N data this could be improved


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    Day 7

    Other Simulations


    Provide an overview of the other simulation types available using SolidWorks Simulation

    Frequency Analysis

    A quick refresher on un-damped systems:

    Every structure has the tendency to vibrate at a natural or resonant frequency.

    Each natural frequency has a mode shape that the model assumes when vibrating at that


    With no dampening, resonance could theoretically result in infinite motion destroying your


    The natural frequencies and corresponding mode shapes are dependent upon the geometry,

    material and support conditions of the model.

    If a design in subjected to dynamic loading, static studies cannot be used to evaluate the

    response. Frequency studies can help to avoid resonance in your design. They are also required to

    form the basis for evaluating the response of linear dynamic systems. Real models have an infinite

    number of natural frequencies, however, generally we only need the first few modes for most


    To demonstrate, lets consider a tuning fork like the one below. Create a new Frequency using

    SolidWorks Simulation.

    Figure 132 - Tuning Fork

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    Set the material to Alloy Steel (SS), fix the small end then mesh the part.

    Figure 133 - Fixed End Fully Meshed

    Right click on the study name in the browser tree andselect properties. In the frequency dialog box, set the number

    of frequencies to 5 and the solver to Automatic. Note that if

    you apply a load to the tuning fork, you must use the Direct

    Sparse solver. When done, click OK to close the dialog box.

    Right Click on the study name and select run. The

    analysis should be pretty quick. Double click on each one of

    the displacement plots to show the respective mode. Notice

    the frequency displayed at the top of the window. Animate

    the displacement plot in order to visualize exactly what isgoing on.

    Figure 135 - Tuning Fork, 5th Mode of Vibration

    Figure 134 - Frequency Dialog

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    If no restraint is provided, then SolidWorks solves for the ridgid body modes of vibration. The

    first six modes correspond to the six degrees of freedom, so adjust the number of modes to calculate to

    11 or more and re-run the study. The model must be restrained for linear dynamic studies.

    Figure 136 - Mode Shape 7, 1782 Hz

    Dynamic Analysis

    Static studies assume that loads are constant or applied very slowly. Because of this

    assumption, the velocity and acceleration of each particle of the model is assumed to be zero. As a

    result, static studies neglect inertial and damping forces. For many practical cases, loads are not applied

    slowly or they change with time or frequency. For such cases, the Dynamic Analysis is required for more

    accurate results. Linear dynamic studies are based on frequency studies and therefore a frequency

    study must be completed before setting up a linear dynamic study.

    Using the tuning fork: Create a new study and name it Dynamic_1. Select

    Linear Dynamic as the type and set the option at the bottom to Modal Time History.

    (Use Modal Time History when the variation of each load is known explicitly and you

    are interested in the response as a function of time. Use Harmonic Analysis to

    calculate the peak steady state response due to harmonic loads or base excitations.

    Use a Random Vibration Analysis to calculate the response due to non-deterministic

    loads.) You can duplicate the material and the fixed constraints by dragging the

    material from the frequency study to the new Dynamic_1 tab. Repeat by dragging the

    Fixed constraint down to the Dynamic_1 tab.

    Figure 137 - Linear

    Dynamic Study

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    Apply a 50lb load to the end of the tuning fork as shown below. Under the Variation with time

    box, choose curve then edit to bring up the Time Curve dialog. I want to simulate flicking or hitting the

    tuning fork. Once you have entered the values below, click view to see the graph then click ok twice to

    apply the load to the model.

    Figure 138 - Defining the Load Time Curve

    Right click on the Results Options, then click Ok to accept the defaults. Copy the mesh from the

    Vibration Analysis as was done before. Run the analysis. On my laptop, this analysis took about 5

    minutes to complete. In order to create a graph of the response we need to locate a node in our mesh.

    Right click on the mesh and show the mesh. Right click on mesh again and select probe. Change the

    advanced option to node then select the tip of the part to identify a node. Remember the node

    number, for my model, it is node 537.

    Figure 139 - Identify a Node

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    To create a graph of the system response, right click on Results and choose Define Response

    Graph. Depending on the complexity of your mesh, this could take a few minutes to open up. Locate

    your node in the all nodes list, then for the Y axis, choose displacement, URES and inches. Click ok to

    see your graph.

    Figure 140 - Displacement Response

    You can right click on this chart to customize its appearance or click File->Save at the top of the

    chart to export the data as a .CSV file which you can then import to Excel. You can use this method to

    export the Accelerations and Velocities as well.

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    Linearized Buckling Analysis

    Slender models tend to buckle under axial loading. Buckling is defined as the sudden

    deformation which occurs when the stored membrane energy is converted into bending energy with no

    change in the externally applied loads. Mathematically, when buckling occurs, the stiffness becomes

    singular. The Linearized buckling approach solves an eigenvalue problem to estimate the critical

    buckling factors and the associated buckling mode shapes.

    For this analysis, I am using a 1 x 1 x 60 long steel bar with 4 Circular plates

    that are 0.25 thick on each end. The material is Alloy Steel (SS) from the SolidWorks

    material library. On the top, I create a split line offset from the centerline of the part to

    ensure buckling occurs. This is where I will apply the load.

    Create a new Simulation Study, name the study Buckling and select the Buckling

    Analysis then click OK. Fix the bottom and apply a 100,000 lb load in the split line area

    created above. Mesh the part, then right click on the study and select properties.

    Figure 142 - Split Line Sketch and Location

    Set the number of buckling modes to 5 and the solver to Automatic. Click ok, then run the


    Figure 143 - Buckling Properties

    Figure 141 - Slender


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    Again, use the animate feature to visualize each of the 5 modes. You can get the critical load

    factor from the information at the top of each plot.

    Figure 144 - Buckling Mode 5

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    Thermal Analysis

    A thermal analysis calculates the temperature distribution in a body due to Conduction,

    Convection and or Radiation. In each of these mechanisms of heat transfer, heat energy flows from the

    medium with higher temperature to the medium with lower temperature.

    Our tuning fork is held between two surfaces at constant temperatures. The temperature at thebase of the handle is 0C while the temperature at the opposite end is 100C. Determine the Steady

    State temperature distribution of the tuning fork.

    Create a new study name Steady State Heat Transfer and select Thermal as the type of study.

    Copy the material from one of the previous studies. Right click on Thermal Loads and select

    Temperature. Select the bottom face and enter the temperature of 0C then click Ok.

    Figure 145 - Bottom Face Fixed Temperature

    Repeat these steps with the top two faces setting the temperature to 100C. Mesh and run the

    analysis to produce the output as shown.

    Figure 146 - Steady State Temperature Distribution

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    Now that the tuning fork is at a steady state condition, the temperatures are flipped such that

    the 0C Face is now 100C and vice-versa. Determine the temperature distribution at 2, 4 and 6 seconds

    after the switch.

    In order to leverage what we have already done, right click on the Steady State Heat T
