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Some suggestions for WoD Shaman - toile-libre.org

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Some suggestions for WoD Shaman I) Enhancement spec reworked spells II) Restoration spec reworked spells III) Elemental spec reworked spells IV) Talents I) Enhancement Goal of the changes: bring the feeling that the enhance shaman is a totemic warrior using some physical abilities that are enhanced by the elements. 1) The three core strikes : Primal Strike : An instant weapon strike that causes 120% main-hand weapon damage (150% if one-hand weapon). 8s cooldown. Primal Smash : An instant weapon strike that cause 150% weapon damage. 10s cooldown. Note : Primal Smash is used when you wield a 2-hand weapon.. Primal Lash : An instant weapon strike that cause 170% off-hand weapon damage. Replaces Primal Smash when you use two weapons. 10s cooldown. Differences between 2H and 1H/1H : Totemic Berserker (replaces Dual Wield): You may equip one-handed weapons in your off-hand, and all damage done by your left-hand weapon are increased by 35%. Spirit Champion: You have a chance to parry incoming frontal melee attacks. In addition your two-hand weapon can now be enchanted with two elemental weapons. Although Windfury and Rockbitter are still mutally exclusive aswell that Frostband with Flametongue. When you equip a two-hand weapon your weapon speed is also increased by 35%.

Some suggestions for WoD Shaman

I) Enhancement spec reworked spells II) Restoration spec reworked spells III) Elemental spec reworked spells IV) Talents

I) Enhancement

Goal of the changes: bring the feeling that the enhance shaman is a totemic warrior using some physical abilities that are enhanced by the elements. 1) The three core strikes :

Primal Strike : An instant weapon strike that causes 120% main-hand weapon damage (150% if one-hand weapon). 8s cooldown.

Primal Smash : An instant weapon strike that cause 150% weapon damage. 10s


Note : Primal Smash is used when you wield a 2-hand weapon..

Primal Lash : An instant weapon strike that cause 170% off-hand weapon damage. Replaces Primal Smash when you use two weapons. 10s cooldown. Differences between 2H and 1H/1H :

Totemic Berserker (replaces Dual Wield): You may equip one-handed weapons in your off-hand, and all damage done by your left-hand weapon are increased by 35%.

Spirit Champion: You have a chance to parry incoming frontal melee attacks. In

addition your two-hand weapon can now be enchanted with two elemental weapons.

Although Windfury and Rockbitter are still mutally exclusive aswell that Frostband with

Flametongue. When you equip a two-hand weapon your weapon speed is also increased by


2) Those three core strikes are modified by :

Elemental Blessing (passive):

You call the Elements to bless your primal attacks, becoming Elemental Strikes, Elemental

Smashes and Elemental Lashes:

- Primal Strike is replaced by Stormstrike when your main-hand is enchanted with

Windfury and by Earthshatter Strike when it is enchanted by Rockbitter.

- Primal Smash is replaced by Molten Smash when your off-hand is enchanted with

Flametongue and by Frozen Smash when it is enchanted with Frostband.

- Primal Lash is replaced by Lava Lash when your off-hand is enchanted with

Flametongue and by Avalanche Lash when it is enchanted with Frostband.

In addition switching Elemental Weapons now trigger a 0,5s global cooldown only.

Primal Attacks Elemental Weapon

Primal Strike

Primal Lash: dual wielding

Primal Smash: two hand

Windfury: Mono target


Rockbitter: Multi target

Earthshatter Strike

Flametongue: PvE

Lava Lash

Molten Smash

Frostband: PvP

Avalanche Lash

Frozen Smash

3) Detailed elemental strikes, smashes and lashes:

Stormstrike : Instantly strike an enemy with both weapons, dealing 150% weapon

damage and granting you the gift of the Air Spirit : Wrath of the Storm for 10s.

8s cooldown. Cooldown shared with Primal Strike and Earthshatter Strike.

Wrath of the Storm : Increases damage dealt by your nature spells and abilities and

by your Windfury attacks by 10%. Lasts 10s.

Earthshatter Strike : Instantly strike the ground with both weapon, dealing 140%

damage to all ennemies within 8 yards and granting you the gift of the Earth Spirit : Strenght

of the Rock for 10s.

8s cooldown. Cooldown shared with Primal Strike and Stormstrike.

Strenght of the Rock : your strenght becomes so great that your autoattacks cause

some seismic waves that deal an equivalent of 10% of the damage they deal to your main

target to a maximum of three secondary targets. Lasts 10s.

Lava Lash : You charge your off-hand weapon with lava, instantly dealing 200% of

that weapon's damage to an enemy target and spreading your Flame Shock from the target

to up to four enemies within 12 yards. Grants also you the Gift's Fire Spirit: Heat of the

Flammes for 10s.

10s cooldown. Cooldown shared with other lashes.

Heat of the Flames: increases damage done by Flametongue, your fire spells and by your Fire Totems by 10%. Lasts 10s.

Avalanche Lash : You charge your off-hand weapon with ice and snow, instantly

dealing 200% of that weapon's damage to an enemy target and spreading your Frost Shock

from the target to up to four enemies within 12 yards. Grants also you the gift of the Water

Spirit : Will of the Ice for 10s.

10s cooldown. Cooldown shared with other lashes.

Will of the Ice: increases damage done by your Frostband and your frost spells by

10% and increases all damage you done to targets slowed by your Frozen Shock or your

Frostband Weapon effects by 10%. Lasts 10s.

Frozen Smash: You charge your weapon with ice and snow, instantly dealing 170% of

that weapon's damage to an enemy target and frozen the ground in 12 yards area for 10s,

slowing ennemies within. Grants also you the gift of the Water Spirit : Will of the Ice for 10s.

10s cooldown. Cooldown shared with other smashs.

Molten Smash :You charge your off-hand weapon with lava, instantly dealing 170% of

that weapon's damage to an enemy target and dealing X fire damage (approximately the

equivalent of 5 ticks of Fire Shock) to all other ennemies within 12 yards. Grants also you the

Gift's Fire Spirit : Heat of the Flammes for 10s.

10s cooldown. Cooldown shared with other smashs.

4) Other passives :

Mastery : Enhanced Elements : Increases the effect of your Wrath of the Storm,

Strength of the Rock, Will of the Ice and Heat of the Flames by X%.

Wildspirit Weapon (passive) : Each time you deal damage with an Elemental Strike,

an Elemental Smash or an Elemental Lash, you have a 25% chance to be able to use its

Primal form for the next 4s without triggering a shared cooldown.

Note : for example after using Lava Lash, Lava Lash has a 25% to be replaced by Primal Lash

for 4s and using Primal Lash during this effect will not trigger the cooldown it shares with

other lashes.

5) Gameplay

In the case of monotarget PvE, the gameplay is more or less the same as in live, only with the

addition of the Wildspirit Weapon proc.

Otherwise, Stormstrike and Lavalash may be replaced by other abilities, depending on the


II) Restoration

Goal: making the mastery more potent for WoD, creating a “save tank” CD, and adding a

new “iconic” spell to the shaman arsenal (because currently the smallest healer arsenal).

1) New Mastery

Reworked Mastery : Deep Healing: each time you heal an injured ally, the potency of your

healing spells are increased for 6s by up to 20%, based on the health level of the target.

Example: with a mastery of 20%, if you heal someone at 30% health, your healing will be increased

by 20%*70%=14% for 6s or until you heal someone with a lower health.

The difference with live is that’s not the current target health that will interact with your mastery but

the most injured of the targets you healed the last 6s.

2) New spells

Ancestral Healing: you summon an ancestor of the target, healing the target for X and

by an additional amount equivalent to 30% of the damage he sustained during the last 5s.

You cannot summon an ancestor of the same target during 15s.

1,5s cast time.

Note: the target will receive a “curse” like after being shielded by Power Word: Shield, but

just in the eyes of the caster, not for the other shamans.

This spell is used in critical situation and set perfectly with the shaman play style. It is more

efficient and powerful than Healing Surge or Healing Wave if the target was heavily

damaged the last 5s, but not otherwise.

Ancestral Resolve: For the 12 next seconds, you ask the ancestors of the target to

prevent him to join them. All damage he takes create instead a negative shield, that can only

be reduced by heals. At the end of effect, the remaining negative shield unleashes the


3min cooldown

3) Gameplay

Riptide on cooldown, Healing Wave as filler, Ancestral Healing if the target was heavily

damaged, Healing Surge in other critical situation, Healing Rain for packed party, Chain of

Heal for heavy party damage.

III) Elemental Goal: Elemental Combat is this name of this spec. Elements are 4 : earth, fire, air, and …

I forget the last. Can you help me? Oh yes, water of course! So the goal is to bring a frost

spell to this arsenal and the feeling that this spec is centered on the balance of the 4


1) New Frostnature spell

Frozen Rock Throw: You summon a rock that you freeze to make it unbreakable and

launch it on your target, dealing X frostnature damage to him and to all other ennemies

within 4 yards of its path.

2,5s cast.

Note : FRT deals roughly an equivalent of a Lightning Bolt damage. You use it to built Water

Power (see below) or when a column of ennemies is in front of you.

2) New resource:

The new resource is composed by the 4 elemental powers and are generated by spells of the

respective school:

Nature Power is provided by Earth Shock and Frozen Rock Throw. Maximum 3


Fire Power is provided by Flame Shock and Lava Burst. Maximum 3 charges.

Water Power is provided by Frost Shock and Frozen Rock Throw. Maximum 3


Air Power is provided by Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning. Maximum 3


3) Consuming the Elemental Power charges:

Elemental Balance: When you have at least one charge of each elemental power,

Lightning Bolt is replaced by Elemental Burst. In addition if you generate a charge for an

Elemental Power that has already 3 charges, you have a 30% chance to gain instead a charge

for another Elemental Power.

Elemental Burst : Harness and direct the raw power of the elements towards an

enemy target, dealing 4372 to 5079 elemental damage.

2,5 cast time, consumes a charge of each Elemental Power.

4) New mastery

Elemental Overload: each time you gain an Elemental Charge, you have a X% chance

to also gain a charge for another Elemental Power, likely the one which the least charge


V) Talents :

15 tier: Defensive tier: 1) Stone Bulwark Totem 2) Astral Shift and

3) Nature’s Guardian, no modification.

30 Tier : Movement tier :

1) Wolf’s Dream: You leave your body to become a truly invisible Spirit Wolf. For 4s

you are concealed from sight, your movement speed is increased by 70% and all threat is

cancelled. Your actual body can be targeted and attacked during the effect but is transferred

to your location at the end of your lupine dream. Using an ability or a spell cancels the

effect. Usable while stunned or asleep. 1min cooldown.

2) Ghostly Travel: Active. You instantly travel to the enemy or friendly target and

activate your Ghost Wolf form. 30 yards range. 45s cooldown.

3) A Ghost Wolf Never Dies: After using a spell or an ability that would normally

cancel your Ghost Wolf effect, you remain between your actual body and your Ghost Wolf

form for 8s, permitting you to keep all beneficial effects from your Ghost Wolf form for this


Note: W’sD is powerful but risky, and in PvP can easily cheat your enemy while you are

stunned/asleep. GT is good if you want a great mobility. AGWDD permits you have a better

mobility while attacking/healing.

45 tier: CC tier

1) Fozen Power and 2) Earthgrab Totem, no modification.

3) Static Shields: When you are attacked in melee while having an Elemental Shield

active on you, your enemy is stunned for 2s. This effect cannot occur more once than 45s.

Note: FP good for one target, ET for multi targe, SS is less efficient but passive.

60 tier: Primary role output tier

1) Elemental Mastery: Your next nature spell with a base casting time less than 10s

becomes an instant cast, and your haste is increased by 30% for 20s.

2) Primal Elementalist: Enhance your Earth, Fire and Storm Elemental totem, as in

live (Storm Elemental is now a baseline spell).

3) - Restoration: Earthmender: You can now protect three allies with your Earth

Shield spell.

- Elemental and Enhancement: Master of the Shocks: you can now cast two times a

Shock spell in a row of 8s, and your Shock spells trigger now a global cooldown of 0,5s only.

75 tier: Off-spec output tier

1) Ancestral Guidance : For the next 10s, 40% of all damage you deal with your direct

damage spells and abilities is copied as healing to up to 3 nearby injured party or raid

members, and 40% of all healing you done with your direct healing spells is copied as

damage to up to 3 nearby enemies. 2 min cooldown.

2) Voodoo Sacrifice : You sacrifice your main advantages to increases your efficiency

in other areas :

- Elemental: Magic damage dealt decreased by 20% but healing done increased by 50%

and mana cost of healing spells decreased by 30%.

- Enhancement: Melee damage dealt decreased by 20% but healing done increased by

50% and mana cost of healing spell decreased by 90%.

- Restoration: Healing done decreased by 20% but magic damage dealt increased by


Last at least 10s, and then until you cancel the effect. 30s cooldown.

3) Totemic Steadiness:

- Elemental, Enhancement: Increases the healing done by your Stream Totem by 25%.

- Restoration: Your Searing Totem deals 100% more damage.

90 Tier: Utility tier

1) Windwalk Totem: Summons an Air Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster for

6 sec, granting raid members within 40 yards immunity to movement-impairing effects and

increasing their movement speed by 20%. 1min cooldown.

2) Spirit Totem: Summons an Air Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster for 20s

that provides a conduit between this world and the spirit world. Allies can use the totem up

to 10 yards to get a stealth effect concealing them from sight for 8s and removing all their

threat. The totem has 5 charges. Stealth ends when attacking or using a spell or ability.

1,5min cooldown.

3) Big Bad Voodoo Totem: Summons an Air Totem with 5 health at the feet of the

caster for 8s that causes all damage your allies take to be re-directed to you. 50% of the

damage you take through this effect becomes instead a negative shield that absorbs healing.

The Totem is destroyed if you reach 30% or lower health. You cannot be protected by

another Big Bad Voodoo Totem or other immunity effects while yours is summoned.

3min cooldown, 30 yard range.

100 Tier: Enhanced Totem tier

1) Totembringer

Instant. The next Totem you summon will instead be set on your back for all its duration as a

Great Earth, Water, Fire or Air Totem, preventing it to be targeted and destroyed. Your Great

Totem will perform the same role and effects that the summoned Totem with the same

duration. While your Great Totem is set on your back, Totembringer becomes a special

ability that you can use a maximum of 3 times. The special ability depends on the element of

your Great Totem (see below).

1 min cooldown.

Totemic Smash: Earth: You raise your weighty Great Earth Totem and crush violently

your target, stunning him for 3s. If the enemy is permanently immune to stuns, he deals

instead 15% less damage to you for 3s.

Totemic Smash: Water: You strike the ground with your purifying Great Water

Totem, a line of water propagates in front of you up to 30 yards, healing all allies within 4

yards of its path.

Totemic Smash: Fire: You strike your enemy with your fiery Great Fire Totem, dealing

fire damage to your target. If you are not in melee range, you launch your Totem with a 2s

cast time.

Totemic Smash: Air: You strike all enemies at 8 yards in front of you with your swift

Great Air Totem, dealing them nature damage and knocking them down.

2) Totemic Mastery: Your totems are enhanced and cause also additional effects

when destroyed by an enemy, depending on their elements.

- Fire Totems : +8% fire damage, enemies destroying them take X fire damage.

- Earth Totems : +5s duration, enemies destroying them are stunned for 4s

- Water Totems : +4% healing, when destroyed by enemies your totems heal all nearby

ally by an amount of X

- Air Totems : +20% range, enemies attacking them are silenced and disarmed for 4s

3) Totemic Projection (reworked): Your active totems are duplicated to the specified

location with their remaining duration. Totems with a cooldown longer than 1min are just

relocated to the specified location.

1min cooldown

Note: Totembringer is powerful and very efficient if you use it on cooldown, and prevents

your favorite totem to be destroyed. Totemic Mastery adds passive effects to your totems,

probably less efficient but don’t require hard skill. Totemic Projection is useful and efficient if

you use it correctly and on cooldown.

Raghnar, Dalaran EU
