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E-416 VOL. 3 Hubel Prolect on Hvdronower Plants Loaned bv World Bank Songshuling Hydropower Plant in Zhushan, Hubei Province Environmental Assessment Report (Draft) Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences October, 2000 Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized
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E-416VOL. 3

Hubel Prolect on Hvdronower Plants Loaned bv World Bank

Songshuling Hydropower Plant in Zhushan, Hubei Province

Environmental AssessmentReport (Draft)

Chinese Research Academy of EnvironmentalSciences

October, 2000


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PROJECT: Songshuling Hinge Hydropower Plant in Zhushan,Hubei Province

Report: Environmental Assessment Report (Draft)

Consignor: Hubei Provincial Planning Committee

Purveyor: Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences(CRAES)

Environmental Assessment Certification Number:

State Environmental Assessment Certification A No.1001

Person in Charge of the Unit:

CHEN Fu President, Researcher

Chief Engineer: XIA Qing Deputy President, Researcher

Person in Charge of the Project:

ZHANG Yutian Director, Researcher

Technical Examination:

LI Yanwu Vice Researcher

Project Participants:

MAO Wenyong Researcher

SONG Fu Researcher

SU Yibing Vice Researcher

Sun Xueli Engineer

JIANG Hua Engineer

NIE Yihuang Engineer

LIANG Zhenming Engineer

ZHOU Yun Engineer

JIAO Yang Assistant Engineer

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Environmental Report of Songshuling Water Conservancy & Hydropower Pivotal Project, Zhushan, Hube Index


Chapter 1 General ................ 1

1.1. Background .-. 1..

1.2. Categorization of Environmental Assessment & Objective of Report Compilation . 2

1.3. Basis of Compilation .3

1.4. Standard of Assessment .6

1.5. Scope & Time Period of the Assessment .7

1.6. Objectives of Environmental Conservation .8

Chapter 2 Overview & Analysis of Project's Environmental Impacts.. 9

2.1. Project Overview .9

2.2. Analysis of Project's Enviromnental Impacts during Construction Period .24

2.3. Analysis of Project's Environmental Impacts during the Operation Period .26

2.4. Summary of Analysis of Factors in Project's Environmental Impacts .27

Chapter 3 Status Quo & Assessment of Environment .. 30

3.1. Geographic Location .. 30

3.2. Basic Features of Ecological Environment .. 30

3.3. Social Environment Status Quo .. 36

3.4. Major Existing Environmental Problems .. 37

3.5. Assessment of Status Quo of Ecological Environment .. 38

3.6. Water Quality .. 52

Chapter 4 Forecast & Assessment of Environmental Impacts .61

4.1. Analysis of Impacts on Ecological Environment 61

4.2. Reservior Submersion & Migration .. 74

4.3. Forecast of Impacts on Water Quality .. 87

4.4. Forecast on Reservior Water Temperature .. 95

4.5. Analysis on Extent of Impacts by Greenhouse Gases .. 99

4.6. Analysis of Impacts by Silting .. 101

4.7. Analysis of Environmental Impacts by Other Factors During Construction Period .104

4.8. Local Climate .. 105

4.9. Analysis of Project's Impacts on Hydrological Regime .. 109

4.10. Analysis of Impacts on Environmental Geology .110


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Environmental Report of Songshuling Water Conservancy & Hydropower Pivotal Project. Zhushan, Hube Index

4.11. Analysis of Project's Impacts on Human Health ..................................................................... 114

4.12. Analysis of Environmental Impacts on Natural Scenery & Tourism Resources ........................ 117

4.13. Analysis of Impacts on Social Economy ..................................................................... 117

4.14. Impacts on Environment by Project of Power Transmission & Conversion .............................. 119

Chapter 5 Schemes of Soil & Water Conservation ...................................................... 125

5.1. Status Quo of Soil Erosion & Soil & Water Conservation .125

5.2. Forecast for Soil Erosion in the Construction Period .126

5.3. Protective Measurements against Soil Erosion .131

5.4. Monitoring of Soil Erosion .133

5.5. Analysis of Feasibility of Water & Soil Conservancy Scheme .134

Chapter 6 Environmental Risk Analysis .................................................. 1.35

6.1. Risk Analysis of Flooding ........................................................... 135

6.2. Risk Analysis of Earthquakes ........................................................... 136

6.3. Integrated Risk Analysis of Dam Break ........................................................... 137

Chapter 7 Analysis of Substitutional Schemes to the Project ...................................1 39

7.1. Nonperformance of the Project .139

7.2. Analysis of Substutional Schemes of Power Generation .139

7.3. Comparison & Selection of Damsite .140

7.4. Comparison & Selection of Normal Water-Retaining Level .142

7.5. Comparison & Selection of Dam Type .143

7.6. Comparison & Selection of Privotal Allocation .143

7.7. Analysis .144

Chapter 8 Participation of the Public ............................... 1A5

8.1. Overview .145

8.2. Public Participants .145

8.3. Method of Public Participation .145

8.4. Survey Content of Public Participation .146

8.5. Analysis of Survey Results .148

8.6. Issues of Public Concerns .149

8.7. Public Enviromnental Education .150

Chapter 9 Measures & Suggestions of Environmental Conservation .152

9.1. Measures & Suggestions for Protection of Ecological Environment .152

9.2. Protective Treatment Measures & Suggestions for Water & Soil Erosion .152


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Environmental Report of Songshuling Water Conservancy & Hydropower Pivotal Project, Zhushan, Hube Index

9.3. Measures & Suggestions for Environmental Conservation in Submersion & Migration .......... 153

9.4. Measures & Suggestions fro Water Quality Conservation ........................................................ 154

9.5. Measures & Suggestions on Environmental Conservation Against Electromagnetic Radiation byPower Transmnission & Conversion Project .......................................................... 155

9.6. Measures & Suggestions for Environmental Conservation in Construction Period ................... 155

9.7. Measures & Suggestions for Human Health Protection .......................................................... 155

9.8. Protective Measures Against Environmental Risks .......................................................... 156

Chapter 10 Estimation of Investment in Environmental Conservation & Analysisof Environmental Economic Losses and Benefits .157

10.1. Estimation of Investment in Environmental Conservation . 157

Chapter 11 Environmental Administration & Environmental Monitoring .165

11.1. Department of Environmental Administration & Its Responsibilities . 165

11.2. Department of Environmental Monitoring & Its Responsibilities . 166

11.3. Plan of Environmental Monitoring . 166

Chapter 12 Conclusions & Suggestions of Environmental Impact Assessment . 170

12.1. Conclusion of Assessment . 170

12.2. Suggestions . 172


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Environmental Report of Songshuling Water Conservancy & Hydropower Pivotal Project, Zhushan, Hubei Chapter I General

Chapter 1 General

1.1. Background

1.1.1. Progress of Project

Songshuling Hydropower Plant Project, Zhushan County, Hubei Province (Abbreviation:.Songshuling Hydropower Plant), is planned to be constructed at the middle reach of theGuandu River, Songshuling, west of the Jiazhu Village, Zhushan County, Hubei Province.The total investment in the project is RMB 0314 million. The reservoir will have a capacityof 57.5 billion cubic meters, an area of 2.74 square kilometers and a damming length of 19kilometers. The total installed capacity of the power plant will be 50 million watts. Thepreparation for the Songshuling Hydropower Plant Project started in 1991. So far thecompleted preparatory work are as follows:

* From September 1991 to April 1992, Hubei Province Water Conservancy &Hydropower Exploring & Designing Institute did geological prospecting to researchinto the feasibility of Songshuling Hydropower Plant;

In March 1994 Hubei Province Water Conservancy & Hydropower Exploring &Designing Institute completed the research report on forecast of the feasibility ofSongshuling Hydropower Plant. In May 1994, Hubei Water Conservancy Departmentorganized an expert team to assess the report;

In May 1995, Hubei Province Water Conservancy & Hydropower Exploring &Designing Institute submitted the draft designing report for the project of SongshulingHydropower Plant;

In September 1998 and June 1999, Hubei Province Water Conservancy & HydropowerExploring & Designing Institute began the revision on the feasibility research reportrespectively because the project was planned to be loaned by World Bank and becauseof the need for further research.

1.1.2. Progress of Environment Assessment

The assessment of the project's environmental impacts began in 1999. So far the majorprogress according to the domestic procedures is as follows:

In August 1999, Zhushan County Hydropower Development Company entrusted theassessment of the project's environmental impacts to Hubei Research Institute forEnvironmental Sciences;

In December 1999, Hubei Province Environmental Conservation Bureau organizedexperts for technical assessment of The Outline of Assessment of EnvironmentalImpacts by the Project of Songshuling Hydropower Plant, Zhushan County, HubeiProvince by Hubei Research Institute for Environmental Sciences. An official replywas given to the outline in the form of Hubei Environment [1999]206;

In August 2000 Hubei Research Institute for Environmental Sciences completed theassessment of environmental impacts and compiled The Report of EnvironmentalImpacts by the Project of Songshuling Hydropower Plant, Zhushan County, HubeiProvince. In September 2000 Hubei Province Environmental Conservation Bureau


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Environrnental Report of Songshuling Water Conservancy & Hydropower Pivotal Project, Zhushan, Hubel Chapter I General

assessed the report.

1.1.3. Whence of Task

Since the project is planned to be loaned by World Bank, the assessment of environmentalimpacts should fulfill the relevant requirements by World Bank. In response to thesuggestions raised by World Bank in February 20001, Hubei Province Planning Commissionentrusted the consultation for the environmental assessment to Chinese Research Academyof Environmental Sciences, focusing on making supplementation and revisions to the reporton the environmental impacts.

On the basis of the report of environmental impacts submitted by Hubei Research Institutefor Environmental Sciences 2, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences beganthe following work in April 2000:

* Analysis of the major supplementation and revisions to the report according to theWorld Bank's suggestions and requirements for the environmental assessment of theproject. Preparation of the relevant materials after contacting the organizations incharge of the project;

Additional on-site work including exploration of damsite, collection of sample of livingspecies, gathering of additional materials and consultation and surveys of the project inmultiple methods;

Discussion with experts from World Bank about revisions to the outlines3 and thecontent of the report4 and revision to the project's environmental impacts report, incombination with completed additional work

As per the requirements by the domestic procedure of the approval of environmentalassessment and by World Bank, the report after supplementation and revision will besubmitted to relevant governmental divisions and representatives of World Bank in bilingualversions of Chinese and English.

1.2. Categorization of Environmental Assessment & Objective of Report Compilation

1.2.1. Categorization of Environmental Assessment

According to The Guiding Regulations of Environmental Impacts Assessment Technology ofthe People's Republic of China, this project belongs to the Non-pollution eco-category. InWorld Bank's Operational Guide: Environmental Assessment OP4.01, this project belongs to(Category A Projects/Components (a) Dams and reservoirs). The two categorizations aredifferent in expression, but in the assessment of environmental impacts, they can be unifiedas follows:

Identify and define the project's potential impacts on natural environment and socialenvironment and the extent of the impacts;

I Please refer to Suggestionsjo, rhe Envioomental Impoer Assessment Repoet. Appendix B of the Memorandum by Hubei Province Hydropower Project Assessment Teatmin Febuary 2000.

2 This report is developed on the basis of the report submitted by Hubei Rescarch Institute of Environmental Sciences and used a large quantity of data. diagrams and literalcontents in the original report.

3 Please refer to the suggestions foT revising the outline of the repori by World Bank project expet Mr. Scott Hanna on June 22. 2000.

4 Piease refer to the suggestions for revising the content of the report, by World Bank project expen Mr. Scott Hanna om September 2. 2000.


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Environmental Report of Songshuling Water Conservancy & Hydropower Pivotal Project, Zhushan, Hubei Chapter I General

* Assess how the altemative schemes of the project can reduce negative environmentalimpacts by the project and increase environmental benefits;

* Verify the feasibility of various measurements to reduce environmental impacts andProjects for environmental supervision and management; and

* Provide valuable suggestions for further operations of the project (e.g. loan assessment,execution of compensation activities and implementation of the project).

1.2.2. Objective of Report Compilation

The objective of compiling this report is: Identify the positive/negative impacts on thesurrounding environment by the construction of Songshuling Hydropower Plant on the basisof the existing report and supplementation, assess measurements to reduce environmentalimpacts by the project, conduct public consultation, develop plan of environmentalmanagement, draw conclusions to the project's environmental impacts, and provide scientificbasis for further assessment of the project by the local public, relevant domestic departmentsand experts of World Bank.

1.3. Basis of Compilation

1.3.1. Policies & Regulations

The assessment of the environmental impacts of the project of Songshuling HydropowerPlant is based on the following policies:

a) Administrative Regulations for Environmental Conservation of Constructioni Projects,Directive No. 253, State Council, People's Republic of China;

b) State Council's Decisions on a Number of Issues in Environmental Conservation, StateMultigation [1996J31, State Council, People's Republic of China;

c) Notification of Issuing "Regulations on Environmental Conzservation Designing ofConstruction Projects ", (87) State Environment No. 002, National PlanningCommission and Environmental Conservation Commission. State Council:

d) Notification of Reinforcing Administration of Environmental Impact Assessnme'nt ofConstruction Projects Loaned bv International Financial Organi iat ions, Env ironnen tMonitoring (1993) No. 324, National Environmental Conservation Bureau, NationalPlanning Commission, Ministry of Finance and People's Bank of China:

In compilation of the report, the following laws, regulations and guides are referred to:

a) Regulation on Environmental Conservation, People's Republic of China. 1989;

b) Regulation on Water Protection, People's Republic of China, 1988,

c) Regulation on Prevention Against Water Pollution, People's Republic of China, 1995;

d) Regulation on Prevention Against Air Pollution, People's Republic of China, 1996;

e) Regulation on Prevention Against Noise Pollution, People's Republic of China, 1996;


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Environmental Report of Songshuling Water Conservancy & Hydropower Pivotal Project, Zhushan, Hubei Chapter I General

f) Regulation on Land Administration, People's Republic of China, 1999;

g) Enforcement Regulations on Land Administration Law, People's Republic of China,Directive No. 256, State Council;

h) Regulations on Conservation of Basic Farmland, Directive No. 257, State Council;

i) Regulation on Water and Soil Conservation, People's Republic of China;

j) Enforcement Regulations on Plantation Law, People's Republic of China, Directive No.278, State Council;

k) Regulations of Compensation for Land Requisition & Resettlement of Migrants inConstruction of Large/Medium-scale Water Conservancy & Hydropower Projects(1991), Directive No. 74, State Council, People's Republic of China;

I) Notification of Reinforcing Preparations for Manipulation of Reservoir Submersion,Water Regulation (1991)No. 67, Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Water Conservancyand Water Conservancy & Hydropower Planning Head Institute;

m) Notification of Several Suggestions for Reinforcing Operation of Reservoir Migration,State Multigation (1992) No. 20, State Council;

n) Administrative Regulations of Village & Market Town Planning & Construction (1993),Directive No. 116, State Council;

o) Specifications of Planning & Designing of Hydropower Project Reservoir, DLUT5064-1996;

p) Tentative Specifications of Assessment ofEnvironmental Impacts bv Water Conservancy& Hydropower Projects, SDJ302-88;

q) Technical Guidance to Assessment of Environmental Impacts: Non-polluting EcologicalImnpacts, HJ/Tl 9-1997;

r) Technical Guidance to Assessment of Environmental Impacts: Overview, AtmosphereEnvironment, Surface Water Environment, HJ/T2.1-2.3-93:

s) Technical Guidance to Assessment of Environmental Impacts: Soiudl En irininenlt.HJ/T2.4- 1995;

t) Technical Specifications of Assessment of Environmental Impacts bh ElectromagneticRadiation of 500kV Ultrahigh-Voltage Power Transmission & Conversion Projects,HJ/T24- 1998;

u) Guide to World Bank's Work: Environmental Assessment: OP4.01 & BP4.01.

1.3.2. Basis of Compilation

Major administrative and technical basis of compilation of this report is as follows:

a) Official Letter about Entrusting of Consultations for Preparatory Work ofEnvironmental Assessment of Small-scale Hydropower Projects in Hubei Province,Hubei Province Development Planning Commission, March 8, 2000;


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Environmental Report of Songshuling Water Conservancy & Hydropower Pivotal Project, Zhushan, Hubei Chapter I General

b) Reply to the Proposal for Songshuling Water Conservancy & Hydropower PivotalProject in Zhushan County, Hubei Province Planning Commission , Hubei EnergyPlanning (94) No. 691, August 1994;

c) Research Report of Feasibility of Songshuling Hydropower Plant Project, ZhushanCounty, Hubei Province, Hubei Province Water Conservancy & Hydropower Survey &Designing Institute, March 1994;

d) Suggestions after Examination of the Research Report of Feasibility of SongshulingHydropower Plant Project, Zhushan County, Hubei Province, Hubei Province WaterConservancy Department, Hubei Hydropower [1994] No. 235, May 20, 1994;

e) Suggestions after Examination of the Research Report of Feasibility of SongshulingHydropower Plant Project, Zhushan County, Hubei Province, Hubei Province WaterConservancy Department, Hubei Hydropower [1995] No. 466;

f) Reply to the Research Report of Feasibility of Songshuling Hydropower Plant Project,Zhushan County, Hubei Province, Hubei Province Planning Commission , Hubei EnergyPlanning (1995) No. 0854, September 1995;

g) Designing Report of Songshuling Hvdropower Plant Project, Zhushan County, HubeiProvince (Draft), Hubei Province Water Conservancy & Hydropower Survey &Designing Institute, May 1995;

h) Suggestions after Examination of the Designing Report of Songshuling HydropowerPlant Project, Zhushan County, Hubei Province (Draft), Hubei Province WaterConservancy Department, Hubei Hydropower [1995] No. 508;

i) Reply to the Designing Report of Songshuling Hydropower Plant Project, ZhushanCounty, Hubei Province (Draft), Hubei Province Planning Commission , HubeiPlanning Management (1995) No. 0945, October 1995;

j) Supplementary Research Report of Feasibility of Songshuling Hydropower PlantProject, Zhushan County, Hubei Province, Hubei Province Water Conservancy &Hydropower Survey & Designing Institute, September 1998;

k) Research Report of Feasibility' of Songshuling Hydropower Plant Project, ZhushanCounty, Hubei Province (Revised), Hubei Province Water Conservancy & HydropowerSurvey & Designing Institute, Zhushan Songshuling Hydropower Co. Ltd., June 1999;

1) Planning Report of Resettlement of Migrants of Songshuling Hydropower Plant Project,Zhushan County, Hubei Province, Zhushan County Migration Development Bureau,Zhushan County Songshuling Hydropower Co. Ltd., April 2000;

m) Outline of Assessment of Environmental Impacts by Songshuling Water ConservancyHydropower Plant Pivotal Project, Zhushan County, Hubei Province (Version Submittedfor Examination & Approval), Hubei Research Institute of Environmental Sciences,December 1999;

n) Official Letter of Suggestions after Examination of the Outline of Assessment ofEnvironmental Impacts by Songshuling Water Conservancy Hydropower Plant PivotalProject, Zhushan County, Hubei Province, Hubei Province Environmental ConservationBureau, Hubei Environment [1 999] No. 206, 1999;


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Environmental Report of Songshuling Water Conservancy & Hydropower Pivotal Project, Zhushan, Hubei Chapter I General

o) Suggestions for Executive Standards of Assessment of Environmental Impacts bySongshuling Water Conservancy Hydropower Plant Pivotal Project, Zhushan County,Hubei Province, Shiyan City Environmental Conservation Bureau, ShiyanEnvironment[1999]No. 119, December 16, 1999;

p) Report of Environmental Impacts of Songshuling Water Conservancy Hydropower PlantPivotal Project, Zhushan County, Hubei Province, (Version Submitted for Examination& Approval), Hubei Research Institute of Environmental Sciences, August 2000.

1.4. Standard of Assessment

The standards adopted in the assessment are defined by Shiyan City EnvironmentalConservation Bureau on Basis of Suggestions for Executive Standards of Assessment ofEnvironmental Impacts by Songshuling Water Conservancy Hydropower Plant PivotalProject, Zhushan County, Hubei Province, (Shiyan Environment [1999]No. 119). Assessmentobjects not listed in the document are assessed according to relevant environmental standardsand administrative requirements regulated by the state.

The standards, standard classification (categories) and assessment objects are grouped intoStandard of Environment Quality and Standard of Pollutant Emission:

Standard of Environment Quality

a) Quality Standard of Surface Water Environment (GHZB 1 -1999)

The assessment object is the water areas between Longbei River Bend (tail end ofbackwater) in Guandu River Basin to 12km downstream of Songshuling damsite (1 kmdownstream of Guandu River Township), which is assessed by the Classification II ofthe above standard;

b) Quality Standard of Atmosphere Environment (GB 3095-1996)

The assessment object is the construction area, which is assessed by the Classification IIof the above standard;

c) Environmental Noise Standard in Urban Areas (GB 3096-93)

The assessment object is the construction area, which is assessed by the Classification 11of the above standard;

d) Regulations of Conservation against Electromagnetic Radiation (GB 8702-88)

The assessment object is the surrounding of the power transmission & conversionproject, which is assessed by the above standard.

Standard of Pollutant Emission

a) Standard of Comprehensive Emission of Sewage (GB 8978-1996)

The assessment object is. the sewage in the construction area, which is assessed byStandard I of the second classification of pollutants in the above standard;

b) Standard of Comprehensive Emission of Atmosphere Pollutants (GB 16297-1996)


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Environmental Report of Songshuling Water Conservancy & Hydropower Pivotal Project, Zhushan, Hubei Chapter I General

The assessment object is the waste gas produced by new pollution sources during theconstruction period, whose highest emission speed rate is limited to Standard II of theabove standard.

For those environmental factors to which no assessment standards can be applied, thoseapplicable with commonly-recognized limits are assessed by the limits, and others are takeninto comparative analysis according to the status quo.

1.5. Scope & Time Period of the Assessment

The scope of the assessment on non-pollution ecological impacts is mainly deternined bythe ecological integrity of the assessed area and its surrounding environment. As per thecontent of the project, the scope of the environmental impacts assessment of the plannedproject includes areas submerged by the reservoir, areas for resettlement of migrants, theconstruction area, lower stream areas of the dam and areas along the power transmission andconversion project.

a) Areas Submerged by the Reservoir

At the normal retaining water level, the reservoir has an area of 2.74km2 , and the scopesubmerged is from the location of Songshuling dam to the backwater of the LongbeiRiver Bend at the end of the reservoir, covering a watercourse of about 19.0km.According to field survey, when retaining water, the reservoir will affect its upperstreamareas, with its scope expanding to areas with residents, habitat of terrestrial animals andforest zone. Therefore the scope of the assessment is twice the area of the reservoir,which is about 5.5km2. The period of time for the assessment is mainly the projectoperation period.

b) Areas for resettlement of migrants

According to survey data of submersion and migrant examination, the number ofmigrants in the project will be 214. Initially it is planned to have them resettledscatteredly in nearby areas, which are farther from the reservoir and in the sametownships/villages. The scope of resettlement and impact assessment will be about 2.0km2 above the submersion line. The period of time for the assessment is the period ofmigrant resettlement.

c) Construction Area

The scope includes the construction site, the stope, new transportation roads and livingarea for constructors. The land acquired for the project's construction is about IOhm2, ofwhich the area used for construction is about 39.0km2, the area affected by constructionis about 4.0km2 . The period of time for assessment is mainly the construction period.

d) Lower Stream Areas of the Dam and

The scope covers a reach with a length of 12.0km, from the dam site to downstreamGuandu Town. The period of time for assessment is mainly the operation period.

e) Power Transmission & Conversion Project

The scope covers a powerline of about 40.0km from the edge of Zhushan Town to thePower Transmission and Conversion Station. The period of time for assessment includes


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Environmental Report of Songshuling Water Conservancy & Hydropower Pivotal Project, Zhushan, Hubel Chapter I General

the construction period and the operation period.

1.6. Objectives of Environmental Conservation

The following are the major objectives of the assessment of the planned project to controldestruction and to conserve the ecological environment:

a) Water Quality

During its construction period, the project should not affect the functions of the waterbody of the Guandu River. The water quality of the completed reservoir area anddownstream of the dam should not be worse than the present water quality.

b) Soil Resources

The project should limit to the minimum usage ofplowland and woodland. Precautionagainst new occurrences of soil erosion is a focus in the project's construction andoperation.

c) Ecological Resources

TIhe key objects protected are the first tier of plants in the List of Rare Plants on Brinkof Extinction Under Protection in China, the living species which are required to beprotected according to the List of Major Wild Animals Under Protection by the State.and other major bios with economic value.

d) Quality of Life

The key objects protected are migrants and original residents where the migrants areresettled. The objective of assessment will be a living standard no lower than theoriginal standard (including income per capita, residential conditions, medical careconditions and public facilities).


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Environmental Report of Songshuling Water Conservancy & Hydropower Pivotal Project, Zhushan, Hubei

Chapter III Status Quo & Assessment of Environment

Chapter 2 Overview & Analysis of Project's Environmental Impacts

2.1. Project Overview

2.1.1. Project Name, Location & Nature

Project Name: Songshuling Hydropower Plant, Zhushan County, Hubei Province.

Project Location: Songshuling Hydropower Plant Project is located at lkm upperstream ofthe outfall where the midstream reach of the Guandu River, the southernbranch of the Du River, joins its branch, the Yangyu Ravine. Thedamsite is about 40.7k from the joining point of the Guandu River andthe Du River and 74.0km from the edge of Zhushan County. Please seeFig. 2.1.1 for the geographic location of the Songshuling HydropowerPlant.

Project Nature: Newly built

2.1.2. Mission of Project Development

The key function of the Songshuling Hydropower Plant will be electricity generation. Othermultiple functions include diverting water for irrigation, providing drinking water forhumans and live stock, forming a reservoir for fish-breeding and water transportation.

A) Electricity Generation

According to Zhushan County's demand of economic development and the status quo ofpower development, the Report of Development Plans for the Chain of Locks in the DuRiver Basin specified that the development of the region between the Guandu River andthe outfall of the Du River will be in five terraces: Longbei River Bend, Songshuling,Pankou, Xiaoxuan and Huanglongtan (from upperstream to down stream). Thehydropower plant at Huanglongtan, the lowermost tread, has been completed with aninstalled voltage of 150MW in the first period. The project scheme of the SongshulingHydropower Plant is: in the recent period, the project has a normal water-retaining levelof 394.0m, an installed voltage of 50MW, an guaranteed power generation capacity of5.36MW, an annual average power generation capacity of 153.9 million kw.h, an annualworking hour of 3,078h, and the function of self-adjusting with seasonal changes. Withthe unfolding of the long-term plans for the terrace-by-terrace development of theGuandu River, i.e. after the completion of the Longbei River Bend hydropower plant, thenormal water-retaining level of the Songshuling hydropower plant drops to 388m foroperation; when the Songshuling hydropower plant operates alone and jointly operatewith the Pankou hydropower plant in the downstream terrace, the installed voltage at394m and 388m are both 50MW, with guaranteed power-generating capacities ofrespectively 5.36MW and 5.30MW, annual working hours of respectively 3,078h and2,987h and perennial average power generation capacities of respectively 153.9 millionkw.h and 149.4 million kw.h; when jointly operate with the Longbei River Bendhydropower plant and the Pankou hydropower plant, the normal water-retaining level islowered to 388m with a guaranteed power generation capacity of 14.14MW, a perennialaverage electricity generation capacity of 153 million kw/h, and annual working hours of3,059h.


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B) Comprehensive Development

After the completion of the Songshuling Reservoir, there will form a water area of about2.74km2 for fish-breeding and a shipping lane of about 19km, which can improve theirrigation conditions of the woodland and farmlands within and surrounding thereservoir. Meanwhile, it can improve the irrigation conditions of the woodland andfarmland in the reservoir area and surrounding the reservoir, while solving theinconvenience of getting drinking water for residents and live stocks along the banks.The improvement of water shortage and electricity will enhance the development oftownship enterprises in the reservoir area and surrounding the reservoir. After thereservoir retains water, there will form a good regional climate in the reservoir area thatbenefits the growth of commercial crops, thus raising farmers' quality of life.

2.1.3. Project Scale & Buildings Layout

A) Project Scale

Songshuling Hydropower Plant has a normal water-retaining level of 394.0m, amaximum height of dam at 65.5m, a total reservoir capacity of 57.48 million m3 , a fixedreservoir capacity of 25.7 million mi, an installed voltage of 50MW, a guaranteed powergeneration capacity of 5.36MW, an average annual power generation capacity of 153.9million kw±h, and an annual working hour of 3078h, and the reservoir will have thefunction of self-adjusting with seasonal changes.


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Fig. 2. 1. l Location of Songshuling Hydropower Plant


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The project is of middle-scale and the 3rd classification. Of the majormainly buildings tobe contracted, the dam, the water diversion tunnel and the factory building are buildingsof the 3rd classification, the energy-release pond, guiding walls on the banks arebuildings of the 4h classification. The dam, the electric power generation tunnel and thefactory building are designed according to the standard of floods that occur every 50years; the energy-release pond is designed according to the standard of floods that occurevery 30 years; the dam is examined by the standard of floods that occur every 500years, the factory building are examined by the standard of floods that occur every 200years, the energy-release pond examined by the standard of preventing floods that occurevery 500 years from endangering the dam. The total investment of the project is RMB314,339,100.

B) Layout of Buildings

* Diversion Dam

The planned type of dam for the project is a concrete gravity dam. The diversiondam is mainly composed of the sections of the overflow dam, the non-overflowdam, the sand-wash bottom-hole dam, and the energy-release pond. In the recentperiod, the reservoir's normal water-retaining level is 394.0m, and will be reducedto 388.Om for operation after the completion of the upperstream Longbei RiverBend hydropower plant.

The dam is 128.0m long on the top and the section of the overflow dam is 57mlong. The maximum height of the dam is 65.5m. The dam is maximally 52.Om inbottom width, and is 399.5m in elevation at the top. The curve of the weir is theWES practical curve, using a 4-hole 12x 12.5 arc-shaped working strobe. At theentrance is a 12x5m flat overhaul strobe, opened and closed by engines. The sandwash bottom hole is located on the rock bank near the blast-hole of the 'diversiontunnel of the power generation plant, using arc-shaped working strobe and flatoverhaul strobe. The method of energy elimination is the joint usage of the wide-end pire studs and the energy-release pond.

* Diversion Tunnel for Power Generation

The diversion tunnel for power generation is located to the right side of the dam,with a total length of 299.6m. Blast-holes adjunct to the slope and in-hole fork-tubes are used in order to reduce the volume of excavating and engineering.

* Factory building and Converting Station

This hydropower plant is a water-diverting factory building on ground, located onthe tableland at the left bank of the egress of the ravine. The whole factorybuilding is seated on the rock base of wrenaceous shale.

The installation room is on the right of the main engine room. The terrace is364.Om in elevation, 15.Om in net length, and has the same width as the mainengine room. Facilities installed are: rotor of power generator, rotor ofhydroturbine, upper and lower engine racks, etc. Under the surface of theinstallation room are two stories of building, including air-compressor room andturbine oil depot.


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The collateral factory building is on the right of the installation room and the mainfactory building and on the side of the upperstream part of the installation room.The constructions in the backwater area are the backwater platform, withbackwater engine and a transportation bridge; the sides of the backwater strobeexamination platform and the backwater trench are silt-blocking walls of slurry-laid stones, and their underplates, with an elevation of 346.0m, are made ofprotective ramp of slurry-laid stones.

The converting station adjoins the collateral factory building along the hillside,with a terrace elevation of 346.Om and an area of 70x36m. Located on the rightbank, 400m from the dam axes, the station is installed with two no-load surgetransformers, respectively, the three-roll SFS7-40000/1 10 type and the two-rollSF7-31500/110 type transformers. The open-air factory buildings and theconverting station are located on the hillsides adjoining the collateral factorybuilding. According to the Document Hubei Hydropower (94) No. 235 of HubeiProvince Water Conservancy Department and Zhushan County's requirements forlocal electric wire networking, Songshuling Hydropower Plant is connected to 235kV wires, one joining the 35kV main wire of Guandu River, adducting the levelI and level 2 electric power from the hydropower plant under construction onMachang River, a branch of Guandu River, then transmitting the power through a4km-long 35kV wire to Songshuling Hydropower Plant and finally sending it tothe system after stepping it up to I OkV; the other cable is for standby applicationand will used for transmission of electricity for the construction at the LongbeiRiver Bend. There will be 2 11 OkV wires, one connects to the IOkV convertingstation (under expansion and capacitance increase) on the edge of Zhushan Town,and then connects to the system with 2kms of wire connecting to Zhushan, with atotal length of about 40km, the other wire is for standing by.

2.1.4. Hydropower Machineries, Electrician & Metal Structures

With a total installed voltage of 50MW, Songshuling Hydropower Plant is installed with 412.5MW machine sets. The types of the hydroturbine is HLA55YY-LJ-230 and that of thehydroturbine power generators SF12.5-28/5100G, with a fixed capacity of 125MW. Thehydroturbine uses vertical shaft metal scroll case, tuil water pipe and rotates clockwiselooking from above. The power generator is in suspending structure and vertical position androtates clockwise looking from above. It uses airtight ventilation, air-conditioning cooler andstators with annual tubes for fire extinguishment on both upper and lower ends.

2.1.5. Reservoir Submersion & Migration

According to statistics from the Report of Reservoir Submersion & Migrant ResettlementPlans of Songshuling Hydropower Plant, the submersion of the Songshuling reservoir willcover 3 townships of Zhushan County (Guandu, Liulin and Liangjia), 8 administrativevillages, 17 villager groups, 52 households and 214 residents. The index of objectivessubmerged is: 23.05hm2 of plough Land, including 3.45hm2 of paddy field, 512.57hm2 of dryfarmland and 7.03 hm2 of slope land; 25.23hm2 of woodland, including 1.650hm2 of woodsused for timber, 4.97hm2 of woods used for economic functions and 13.3hm2 of shrubberies;1.52 hm2 of homestead, a total of 9888.76m2 of houses, 5.1km of county/township-levelhighroad, 0.85km of tractor-ploughing road, a bridge of about 95m long, a chain bridge ofabout 90m long, 6.25 pole km of cable wire, 4.4 pole km of power transmission wire. Alsosubmerged is a small (2 generators/500kw) hydropower plant on the Mayu River.


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2.1.6. Construction

A) Conditions of Construction

• External & Internal Transportation

Materials purchased externally can be transported first into Zhushan and later intothe construction site. There are 4 main transportation lines to Zhusha: 328km ofrailway from Wuhan to Xiangfan, 292km of highroad from Xiangfan to Zhushanvia Nanzhang, totaling 620km; 605km of highroad from Wuhan to Zhushan viaYicheng and Nanzhang; 722km of waterway from Wuhan to Yichang, 364km ofhighroad from Yichang to Zhushan, totaling 1,086km; 1771an of highroad fromShiyan City to Zhushan. Currently the only road for transportation from Zhushanto the construction site can only be the town/township-level simple highroad viaHongping Town damsite, 74kms from the damsite to the outskirt of ZhushanTown. The total volume of external transportation of construction materials,mechanic facilities and daily necessities will be about 1 12,000t.

Total length of the 10 highroads in the construction site is 10.5km (includingoriginal highroads). The road from Jiazhuyuan to the dam area is the majorhighroad leading to the area and is to be expanded by the standard ofClassification 4. The total volume of internal transportation estimated to be about2,426,400t.

Construction Site

The dam is planned to be located on the river bend of the Guandu River's "S-type"ravine at Songshuling. The river bed where is gently slope on the left and steep onthe right. During the drought period the river is about 40m wide. The riverbed iscomposed of grit. The rock base on both banks of the damsite are exposed to openair and made up of complete rocks. Within 3.5km downstream of the damsite, theravine's reach is all in curves and not suitable for construction, except Bailichongand Yangyugo, where small construction sites can be opened; at Jiazhuyuanreach, 4.0km downstream of the location, is a slope area of about 39.Ohm2 that canbe used for construction.

* Water Diversion in Construction

The planned water-diverting scheme is to use both overflow cofferdam and dam-bottom tunnels.

B) Volume of Construction

The project's major buildings are the barrage dams, the power generation water outlettunnel on the right-bank, factory buildings on the banks, switch station and diversionworks. The excavation volume for the major buildings, the water-diversion works, theconstruction site and the stacking site is about 847,200 m3, of which 89,900m3 are frombackfill and 757,200 m3 from wastes. There will be 23,500m3 of slurry-laid (dry) stones,223,000m3 of concrete and steel reinforced concrete, 14,017m of larry work and 1,023tof metal knots installed.

The waste stacking sites are distributed at the outfall of Liangjiagou in upperstream


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area, Balihe 3.5km from the dam in the downstream area and the tidal-flat area ofJiazhuyuan 4.0km downstream from the dam. After waste backfill, Jiazhuyuan will beused as the major construction site, and small ditches on the right-bank such as Bailihecan be used as small sites after backfilling and leveling, with an estimated area of about27.4hM2. To avoid raising water level by waste stacking, the waste sites will all belocated more than lkms away from the damsite in the lower stream area. The averageheight of waste piles will be about 2.96m. Please see Table 2.1.1 for the balance ofexcavation, backfilling and wastes in the project.

Table 2.1.1 Table of Balance of Excavation, Backfilling & Waste in Planned Project

Excavated Used DisposedItem (incavatedItem (in Cubic) (in Cubic) Jiazhuyuan Bailihe Liangjiagou Total

Dam 326,020 62,430 157,450 34,650 62,480 254,580

Tunnels 15,450 15450 15,450forTransportation

Factory 138,650 27,180 111,470 111,470Building


Water- 87,290 1,150 86,140 86,140transmittingTunnels

Converti 154,900 150 154,750 154,750ngStation

Waterdiv 41.700 41,700 41,700ertingTunnel

Construc 93,150 93,150 93,150tion Site

Total 847,150 89,910 462,500 232,260 62,480 757,240

Note: Unit of data in the Table: m3 , The cubits are corrected into loose cubic according to the type of

materials. The 50,410 m3 of earth/stone in cubic that excavated and used for the dam was used forcoffering the dam. Source of data: Report of Environmental Impacts of Songshuling WaterConservancy Hydropower Plant Pivotal Project, Zhushan County, Hubei Province, (VersionSubmitted for Examination & Approval), Hubei Research Institute of Environmental Sciences,August 2000.

C) Natural Construction Materials


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The clunch-collecting sites are located in Jiazhuyuan, about 3.5km to 4.5km from thedamsite in the downstream area. They are distributed at elevations of 370-420m, withsoil layer thickness of 2.Om in average, and a storage capacity of about 100,00Om 3 . Thequality of clunch meets the need of the project.

The rock-collecting sites are located in Yawutan on the right-bank of the Guandu River3.0km downstream of the dam and about 0.7km upperstream of the outfall of Bailihe.They are distributed at elevation of about 400-500m, Cambrian stringlet shalelimestome, with a storage capacity of about 5 million m

3 . The quality of the rock meetsthe need of the project.

In the stage of feasibility research, in total 11 grit-collecting sites were surveyed, with atotal storage capacity of 1,212,000 m 3

. Of this the No. 9 site at Jiazhuyuan and the No.11 site at Hushanping have a total capacity of 725,000 m3 . In the stage of tentativedesigning, in-depth exploration and experiments were done with the grit in the No. 9and No. 11 sites. Besides the relatively high capacity of clunch in the No. II site and therelatively small size of grit in the No. 9 and No. 11 sites, other qualities and storagecapacities can meet the need of the project.

D) Construction Equipment

Songshuling Hydropower Plant project's major construction facilities are: open-air drill,wind-drills, various excavators, dozers, puddle mixers, vibrating grinds, cranes andautomatically unloading trucks. Please see Table 2.1.2 for the quantities of majorconstruction equipment.

Table 2.1.2 Major Construction Equipment for Songshuling Hydropower Plant

Name Specifications Unit Quantity

drill CLQ-80E1 piece 4

Excavators 1.0-2.Om3 Piece 7

Dozers 59kW, 74kW Piece 6, 5

Automatically unloading 5', 8', 12-20' Piece 20. 25, 8truck ,,1-0

Wheeled loaders E- 12or E-2 Piece 5

Chain shovels Im3 Piece I

Terrent machines 10/25t Piece 2

Elevators 1.5 x 1.5m2 vertical steel Piece 2tower

2xJ3 -l .0 Piece IConcrete plants

0.75m3 Piece 3

Note: Source of data: Report of Environmental Impacts of Songshuling Water ConservancyHydropower Plant Pivotal Project, Zhushan County, Hubei Province, (Version Submitted forExamination & Approval), Hubei Research Institute of Environmental Sciences, August 2000.


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E) Overall Allocation of Construction

* Construction-aiding Facilities

These include grit-materials screening systems, concrete-mixing systems,construction-aiding facilities and systems of wind, water and electricity usage.Due to the narrow landform in the dam area the overall allocation of constructionis in the form of centralizing large facilities and scattering small facilities:besidesthat the main system of the concrete-mixing station is located on the constructionplatform of the converting plant, all other construction-aiding facilities are locatedon the slopes and tidal-flat areas on sides of the highroad's entrance to Jiazhuyuanconstruction site.

* Storage Systems

The concrete storehouse, central warehouse of materials and equipment and theoil depot are centralized along the highroad to Jiazhuyuan; the storage systemsdirectly serving for production, such as concrete work sheds and concrete storagetanks are located on the platform of the concrete-mixing station; the explosivewarehouse is located in Yangyu Ravine, where it is closest to the excavating pointof the dam and in a safest place. The waste backfill sites along the right bankdownstream of the dam will be used for allocating small undertakings andwarehouses in the latter period of construction.

* Facilities for Welfare

The houses and living facilities of Songshuling Hydropower Plant will beconstructed according to the number of 500 people during the peak-time andconcentrated on the hillsides along the Jiazhuyuan highroad.

Wind, Water & Electricity Supply Systems

e Wind Supply

The wind supply systems will be arranged at 3 sites on the banks. i.e.respectively at the left side, right side of the dam and near the tactorybuilding. The total wind supply capacity will he 230m'/min.

* Water Supply

During the peak-time of construction, the total water usage will be about553t/h. The water source will be the Guandu River, where are located 2water pumping stations, 2 water supply pools. The water pumping station onthe right bank of the dam area is located downstream of the outfall of thewater diversion tunnel in the cofferdam, mainly for controlling the waterusage in the dam area with a total water usage capacity of about 430t/h. Thewater pumping station in the administrative area will be located on thecutbank in lower stream at the No. 9 grit supply site, mainly for supply ofwater used in productive and domestic purposes, with a total water usagecapacity of about 123t/h. The water pool will be 385m in elevation andlocated on the rear hillside of the construction area.


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Electricity Supply

The electricity load during the peak-time of construction will be 1,220 kw.Guandu Town now has a 35/10 converting station with a capacity of6x500kVA, which can be used solely for the electricity supply of the projectduring the construction period; a 35kV wire will be stringed from theGuandu Converting Station through the administrative area to the dam areawith a total length of about 4.0kmn. Two stepdown substations will be set upin the dam area and the administrative area to reduce the voltage accordingto production needs, capacity and distance of transmission.

Please see Fig 2.1.2. for the allocation of facilities of the SongshulingHydropower Plant.

Fig 2.1.2 Planimetric of Songshuling Hydropower Plant

F) Overall Rate of Progress in Construction

* Total Time-limit of Construction

The construction time-limit will be three years and seven months, from thebeginning of the project to the completion in installation of the two machine setsin the second quarter of the fourth year which will be ready for initial powergeneration in the end of that July. It will include the completion of all building


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projects, of all installation projects (except that of the metal knots of the spillway),two hydroturbine machine sets, installation projects of electromechanicalequipment. The installation of the remaining two machine sets will be completedin November of the fourth year and the time-limit of construction will be 4 yearsending with the lowering of the floodgate and the beginning of power generation.

Plans of Construction Progress

The official closure for the project is planned to begin in November of the secondyear after the completion of the construction, with a 22-month preparatory period,during which major projects will be excavation for the transportation cavity forgoing up the dam, the excavation of the right and left sides of the dam, theconverting station, the excavation of the concrete mixing station, the excavationof 60% of the intake work, the factory buildings, the buildings for internal andexternal transportation, the buildings for production and domestic usage,electricity for construction, paving of ventilation and drainage tunnels.

There is a 2-year period between the closure of the river course to the seal-off ofthe diversion tunnel, during which the major tasks are the completion of thebarrage dam, the concrete depositing of the factory building of the powergenerator, and the entire installation of metal-structured hydroturbine machinesets and eletronmechanic equipment. It will be about 18 months from the teemingof the base of the dam to the completion of dam construction. According to thewater diversion plan, in the first drought period an elevation of 345m will beleveled out, in the drought period, the dam will be in the peak-time for teeming atthe end of which the dam is required to be raised to 372.08m in elevation; in theflood period, temporary holes in the bottom of the dam and the diversion tunnelwill be used for sluicing of flood, and in the four months from the second floodperiod to April of the fourth year, the concrete depositing of the dam will becompleted. In order to meet the requirement of the project's power generation, theconcrete depositing of the power generator factory building will be finished by theend of the second drought period, with 2 sets of machines installed.

G)Features of Project

Please see Table 2.1.3. for the major features of Songshuling Hydropower Plant Project

Table 2.1.3 Major Features of Songshuling Hvdropower Plant Project

Tvpe Item Target Unit Quantity Remarks

Hydrology The whole basin km2 12502Basin area

Above damsite km2 2447

Year-limit Using the series ofof year-limit of a 35Hydrology hydrology

Annual Perennial averagevolume of annual volume of 1o8m3 18.26flow of flow of runoffrunoff

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Chapter III Status Quo & Assessment of Environment

Type Item Target Unit Quantity Remarks

Perennial average m3/s 57.9volume of Flow

Maximum volume of Guandu Riverflow recorded by m3/s 2590 Hydrology Station,hydrology stations June 27, 1960

Minimum volume of Guandu RiverTypical flow recorded by m3/s 10.2 Hydrology Station,volume of hydrology stations February 1, 1962flow

Maximum volume of Guandu Riverflow in history by m3/s 4760 Hydrology Station,survey 1926

Diversion standard & Year roundvolume of flow m3/s 3260(P=10%)

Maximum volume of Guandu Riverflood recorded (d) io0m3 1.34 Hydrology Station,

June 27, 1960

Volume of Designed volui~e of Damsiteflood flood (d) 0l m3 2.47

Re-exammed volume lm3 3.55 Damsiteof flood (d) li 3 35

Perennial averagetransportation volume 0O4t/a 83.2of suspended load silt _

Perennial averagetransportation volume I Q4t/a 12.48

Silt of bed load silt

Maximum Silt k 1M3 31.8 Xinzhou Hydrologycontent recorded g 3 Station, 1984

Perennial average silt kg/rn3 0.456content

Normal water-Reservoir . m 394.0

Water level retaining level

Fixed water level m 384.0

Reservoir Reservoir area witharea normal water- km2 2.74

retaining level

Capacity of Total capacity 103 0578 Under re-examinedreservoir flood level

Fixed capacity o1m3 0.257


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Chapter III Status Quo & Assessment of Environment

Type Item Target Unit Quantity Remarks

Capacity undernormal water- 108m3 0.482retaining level

Adjusted capacity 108m3 0.225

Backwater Length of backwater 19.0(5%)

Ratio of reservoir Adjusted on a

Ratio capacity 1.23 seasonal basisRatio of volume of % 98.0water used

Maximum volume of m3/s 4353 P=2%

Designed sluice

flood level Downstream waterlevel m 362.78

Maximum volume of 3 P=0.2%Re- sluice m3/s 6270examinedflood level Downstream water m 366.40

__________level m364Volume ofSluice/Wate Adjusted volume of This is the volume ofr Level Adjusted flow m3/s 165.6 flow when the

hydropower plant isvolume of in full actionflow

Downstream waterlevel m 348.8

Minimm .Minimum volume of 4 Volume of flow forMinimumeo flow single generatorvolume offlow Downstream water m 347.2

____________ ~~levelm34 .

installed voltage MW 4x 12.5

Guaranteed powergenerating capacity MW 5.36

Electric (P=85%)

power Perennial average

Profitability generation power generating lO'kw.h 1.539Target capacity

Annual hours for h 3078usage

Water Improve mileage oftransportati water transpiration km 19.0on


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Chapter III Status Quo & Assessment of Environment

Type Item Target Unit Quantity Remarks

Submerged plough 3.45hm2of paddyLand(P=20%) hm2 23.05 field, 12.6hm2 of


Submersion i=2 25.23Woodland

Submersion Submerged houses m2 9888.8

Submersion Submerged highroad km 5.1[LandAcquisition Submerged electricity

transmission cable km 10.65and communicationcable

Migration Migrating population person 214

Land Land acquisition for bM2 10.0acquisition construction

Major Elevation of top of . Concrete gravity dambuildings Water- dam m C r av m

blockingbuildings Maximum height ofbuildings dam i 65.5

Elevation of top of 382.0 Ove damweir mt8.0 Oerfo frmaopo

Sluice Spillway m 44buildings i

Method of energy- Wide-end pire studselimination +energy-release pond

Designed volume of 4/Sdiversion low of diverted water mdiversionbuildings Elevation of bottom m 365.0

threshold ____

Factory building Open-airFactory (lengthxwidthxheight m 51 x 18

buildingElevation of installedmachine sets

Switches/co Area (lengthxwidth) m 70x36 Open-airnvertingplant

Major piece 4 HLA55IYY-LJ-230equipment

Fixed power kwa 12886generating capacity


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Chapter III Status Quo & Assessment of Environment

Type Item Target Unit Quantity Remarks

Electric power piece 4generator

Capacity of single kw 12500machine

transformers piece 2

Cubic of earth and 104m3 84.71Volume of stones excavatedcoubic ofcubic of Wastes 104m3 75.72

stones Back-filling of clunch 104m3 8.99

& grit

Number of person 500Constructio constructors in peak-n time

Number ofconstructors Total number of work 10 46.89

days thousand workdays

Time-period Total time-period of a 4of constructionconstruction

Total investment in 104RM 31433.91project B

Investment in RMB/mInvestment reservoir 4.14

Investment for every RMB/k Fixedkw of hydropower w 4755plant capacity

Economic Costs Costs for power RMB/k 0.13 Normal time-period

generation w.h of operation

Ratio of intemal % 16.59 Pre-income-taxeconomic proceeds

ProceedsRatio of intemal % 16.3 Post-income-tax.financial proceeds


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Chapter III Status Ouo & Assessment of Environment

Type Item Target Unit Quantity Remarks

Loan T Year-limit of loan A 12repayment j repayment

Note: Data sorted according to Report of Environmental Impacts of Songshuling Water ConservancyHydropower Plant Pivotal Project, Zhushan County, Hubei Province, (Version Submitted forExamination & Approval), Hubei Research Institute of Environmental Sciences, August 2000.

2.2. Analysis of Project's Environmental Impacts during Construction Period

2.2.1. Land Occupancy by Construction

The construction site will take up an area. of 39hm2, including lOhm2 of plough land, i.e.paddy field, dry farmland and tidal-flat area, etc. The land occupied by the construction sitewill be used for the hydropower plant buildings, affiliated enterprises, administrative offices,building for livelihood and parts of the infrastructure, with clearings planned for green space.The project's construction will damage the original vegetation and change geography andgeomorphy. Moreover, the change of land usage by turning farmland into construction landwill affect local ecological environment in a short term.

In the construction period, the environment will be polluted mainly in the following ways:reconstruction of the factory area, uncovering of soil layer, excavating of soil and rock,washing of sandy stones, working of construction machinery, transporting of vehicles andentering of constructors. The major pollutants emitted by the construction will be: waste soil& wastes, production outlet water, noise, waste gas, domestic sewage and garbage.

2.2.2. Constructors

The project's construction will take up 468,900 working days, of which 115,300 workingdays for installation, 78,300 work days for machinery operations. In the peak-time ofconstruction, the number of constructors will be 500. Such a temporary increase ofpopulation density may give rise to the infection of epidemic diseases. Therefore, the crowdhealth in the construction area will become one of the key environmental issues during theconstruction.

2.2.3. Building Materials

The major building materials used by the project will be: 64,700 tons of cement, 3,201 tonsof concrete iron, 1,023 tons of steel products, 1,908 m3 of lumber and 185 tons of explosive.The first three building materials will be transported from other places while lumbers will beavailable on site. Therefore, the construction of the project will enhance the development ofrelevant local industries.

2.2.4. Excavating of Soil & Rocks

The total amount of soil and rocks excavated during the construction will be about847,200m3 , of which 757,200m3, or 89.4% will be waste. In the process of excavating andstacking of wastes, the natural scenery will be damaged and soil erosion is likely to occurduring rainy season.


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Chapter III Status Quo & Assessment of Environment

2.2.5. Mechanic Facilities & Noises

The number of mechanic facilities used during construction will reach 86, with 4 truckmixers. The noises will mainly come from immobile resources such as mechanic facilitiesand mobile resources such as vehicles. The sound intensity of the former resource will bebetween 75 and I20dB(A) and that of the latter will be 78 to 96dB(A).

2.2.6. Water Usage & Sewage

During the peak-time of construction, the total amount of water consumed will be about553m31h, of which 430m3/h is used for production in the dam area and 123m3/h is used forproduction and livelihood in the administrative area. The sewage in production will bemainly from the processing systems of sand and stones materials, with an amount of about98m3/h. The sewage outlet by the processing systems of sand and stones materials in thewater conservancy project of Geheyan, Qingjiang had a density of solid pollutant reached22,300 to 28,100 mg/L. The Songshuling project can be estimated to have the averagedensity of the above, around 25,000 mg/L, which exceeds the emission standard defined bythe state. The production sewage, if directly drained into the Guandu River withoutpurification, will lower the local water quality.

If the average amount of water used for livelihood is 0.25m3/person/day, then the averageamount of sewage produced will be 0.2m3/person/day. During the peak-time, the totalamount of domestic sewage will be IOOm3/ day, with densities of COD and BODrespectively reaching 600mg/L and 500mg/L. As a habit of the local villages, dejecta fromthe construction area will be collected for zymosis in cesspits and used by local farmersasfarmhouse manure.

2.2.7. Solid Waste in Construction Area

Construction waste

The project will produce 757,200m3 of wastes, part of which will be used as backfill forthe temporary land of enterprises, and others will be stacked in the waste area. Ifdisposed improperly, they may affect the natural scenery, and even become newresources of soil erosion.

* Domestic waste

During the peak-time of construction, if the average amount of garbage produced is0.8kg/person/day, the total amount of the whole construction area can reach400kg/day.The garbage will provide bredding places for mosquitoes, flies and mice unlesscollected, stacked and soaked.

2.2.8. Fuel & Waste Gas

In the construction period, the total amount of diesel and gasoline used by mechanic facilitieswill be respectively 949 tons and 57 ton, with an average annual oil consumption of 273 t/aand 14.3 t/a. According to A Practical Manual of Environmental Conservation Data,published by the Machinery Industry Press, the amount of harmful substances emitted bydiesel engine cylinders when burning 1 ton of fuel is: CO 28.4kg, Cml,Hn 9.1kg, NO,, 40.8kg,SO2 34.0kg, Soot 3.4kg; the amount of harmful substances emitted by gasoline enginecylinders when burning I ton of fuel is: CO 267kg, CmHn 33.2kg, NO,, 26.6kg, S02 1.34kg,


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Chapter III Status Quo & Assessment of Environment

Soot 1.34kg, Plumbum 0.266kg. Therefore the average annual amount of pollutants from theproject will be: CO 11.57t, CmH. 2.96t, NO, 11.52t, S02 9.30t, Soot 0.95t, Plumbum 3.80kg.

The customary number of constructors on site during the construction period will be around200 and only during peak-time will this number reach 500. The fuel used for livelihood willbe mainly local coal resources burned with self-made stoves to cook three meals a day forthe constructors. In the burning of coal, pollutant emitted will be: Sulfur Dioxide,NOx andsoot, whose emission will be irregular and the pollution will be limited to the area oftemporary livelihood.

2.3. Analysis of Project's Environmental Impacts during the Operation Period

2.3.1. Water Level

The normal retaining water level of Songshuling Reservoir is 394.0m, the backwater level,384.0m, designed flood water level (P[2%), 362.78m, and adjusted flood water level(P[1O.2%),366.4m.

After retaining water in the reservoir, the water level of the natural watercourse will bechanged, raising the water level at the upriver of the damsite. According to the backwaterlevel and the lowest natural water level at the damsite, the lowest water level in the reach ofthe reservoir will be raised by over 37m. The raise of water level and expansion of watersurface will improve the conditions for fish-breeding and water transportation in thereservoir area In the mean time, there will also b changes in the structure of the watertemperature and the aquatic species in the reservoir area. Because of the significant changein water level, distinct ebbing and flooding belts will form on the banks of the watercoursewithin the reservoir area. This will bring about spectacular natural scenery and stablereservoir banks, thus solving environmental problems such as soil erosion.

2.3.2. Reservoir

Songshuling Reservoir has the function of self-readjustment. The total reservoir capacityunder the re-examined flood level is 57.48 million m3, that under their normal water-retaining level is 48.2 million m3, with a corresponding water area of 2.74km2 and abackwater length of 19.0km. The readjustment index of reservoir capacity is 1.23% and theusage index of water capacity is 89%.

After the retaining of water in the reservoir, due to the water-blocking function by the dam,the speed of flow of water from uppersteam will be slowed, causing silt sediment in the riverbed upperstream of the dam and increase in base height of the river bed. At the same time,there will be changes in the way the water flows, lighting, structure of water temperature aswell as speed and volume of flow, causing changes in the living environment of aquatic bios.The increase in retaining capacity of the reservoir will be beneficial to the sedimentation andpurification of pollution, however, the decrease in flow speed will reduce the expansion anddilution of pollutants entering the reservoir. In addition, the weight of reservoir water willchange the volume and direction of pressure on some rocks in the earthcrust, breaking theoriginal force balance, and resulting in environmental geological problems such as landslips,submersions and earthquakes.


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2.3.3. Reservoir Submersion and Migration

Reservoir submersion and migration changes the functions of land, alternating land resourcesand living environment of wildlife in the reservoir area. This will the be the majorirreversible environrmental loss and the price paid for the project. Moreover, there will beimpacts on social economy and lives of residents.

2.3.4. Project Operation

Songshuling Hydropower Plant is a project of clean energy. There will be basically nopollution during the operation period, except for small amounts of pollutants emitted in theoperation and maintenance of the electronmechanic equipment in the factory buildings. Themajor source of pollution will be lubricate and kryogenine in the butterfly valve operationsystem, the bearings of machine sets and speed controllers. The major pollutants leakingfrom the equipment will be petroleum chemicals. Besides, the pollutants from insulation oilin transformers are mainly paraffin organic substances. The maintenance equipment in thehydropower plant, such as lathes, millers and drillers, will need lubricate and kryogenine,leaking small amount of pollutants of petroleum chemicals.

2.4. Summary of Analysis of Factors in Project's Environmental Impacts

Table 2.4.1 summarizes the major factors of environmental impacts by SongshulingHydropower Plant.

Cate Content of Indexes of Project Major Factors of Remarksgory Project Environmental Impacts

Gene Water In recent period: 394m, 153.9 Decrease of area submerged Will beral Level & million kwh/a by reservoir affected by the

Power water-retainingGeneration In future: 388m, 149.4 volume of

million kwh/a hydropowerplants inupperstream

Reservoir Fish-breeding water area: Pollution by fish-breeding Related withUsage 2.74km2 Pollution by wateT management of

trnpollution by wtrfish-breedingWaterway in reservoir: 19km transpiration and water



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Chapter III Status Quo & Assessment of Environment

Cate Content of Indexes of Project Major Factors of Remarksgory Project Environmental Impacts

Reservoir Water-retaining level: 394m, 214 migrantsSubmersio 2 Plough land submerged:n Water area: 2.74km 23.05hM2

Woodland submerged:25.23hm 2

Houses removed: 9888.8m2

Highroad submerged: 5.1 km

Bridges submerged:2

Small hydropower plantsubmerged: 1

Wire submerged: 10.65km

Cons Transporta Extemal transportation Transportation noises and Internaltructi tion volume: I 12,000t dusts highroad inon construction

Intemal transportation area: 10.5kmvolume: 2,426,400t

Constructi Useable area: 39hm2 Plough land acquired: lOhm2 4kmson Site downstream of

the damsite

Excavatin Volume of excavation: Waste 757,200m3 4 wasteg of 847,100m3 Ecological losses in the stacking sitesProject excavation area and waste

stacking sites

Constructi Cement: 64,700 t Transportation noises and Mostlyon dusts; timber chopping in obtainedMaterials Steel: 42,240,000 t local area extemally

Timber 1,908m3

Explosive: 185t

Constructi Clunch material site capacity: Ecological impacts on Extent ofon I OO,000m3 material sites impact isMaterial related to theDrawn Rock material site capacity: 5 actual amountLocally million m3 of material

drawn and theGrit material site capacity: way of drawing1.212 million m3


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Chapter III Status Quo & Assessment of Environment

Cate Content of Indexes of Project Major Factors of Remarksgory Project Environmental Impacts

Constructi 86 machines and vehicles, 4 Machinery noises:on concrete mixing stations; 75-120db(A), transportationFacilities Volume of oil consumption: noises: 78-96db(A)

287.3t/a Annual waste gases emitted:

CO 11.57t, CmHn 2.96t, NO,11.52t, S02 9.30t, soot 0.95t,Plumbum3.80kg

Constructo Normally 200. Pollutants from coal burningrs Domestic garbage: 400kg/d

500 in peak-timeEpidemic diseases

Water Volume of water used for Sewage from production ofUsage in productive and domestic 25,000mg/L in SS: 98m3/hConstructi purposes in the peak-time of Domestic sewage 100m3/d,on construction: 553m3 /h COD and BOD respectively

are 600 and 500mg/L

Oper Water- Normal reservoir capacity: Changes in living Mainlyation retaining 48.2 million m3 environment of aquatic bios functional

of Changes in natral within localReservoirCangs naturaReservoir environment and climate area

Impacts on geologicalenyironment

Equipment Operation and maintenance of Small amount of oil MainlyMaintenan eletromechanic equipment pollutants and noises functionalce within factory



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Chapter III Status Quo & Assessment of Environment

Chapter 3 Status Quo & Assessment of Environment

3.1. Geographic Location

Zhushan County is located in northwest Hubei to the southwest of Shiyan City and betweenthe three mountain chains of Qinling, Daba Mountains and Wudang Mountains. It has a totalarea of 3,587.81km2 between 10933' E and 110°26'E and 31030' N to 32027' N.

The Du River is a level one branch on the south bank of the upper and middle stream of theHan River. It has two branches, the one to its west is the Si River (the main branch) and theone to its south is the Guandu River, which are renamed as the Du River as they join eachother at the two outfalls near Zhushan County. The recommended location of the dam is inthe middle and lower stream of the Guandu River in the basin of the Du River. It is about40.7km from the two outfalls, 1.0km upper stream of the intersecting outfall of theGuandu'River and its branch, Yangyu Ravine, and 74.0km from Zhushan County.

3.2. Basic Features of Ecological Environment

3.2.1. Climate Features

In the basin of the Du River there are Zhushan and Zhuxi County Weather Stations. TheZhushan Station is located at 23.3kms downstream of the joining outfall of the southernbranch and the western branch. The climate materials of the Zhushan Station can be used toreflect the features of climate in the basin of the Guandu River. The climate materials dateback to July 1955 and can be used within a period of 45 years.

The basin of the Guandu River is in the Semitropical Monsoon Region with a mild climateand abundant rainfall. The materials collected by the Zhushan Weather Station during pastyears show that the area's perennial average annual temperature is 15.5 [, with a highesttemperature of 43.40I (on July 20, 1966) and a lowest temperature of -9.90 (on January 21,1956). The perennial average relative humidity is 75%, the perennial average frost-freeperiod is 242 days, the perennial average precipitation is 836.3mm, the perennial averageevaporation capacity is 1384.6mm. Major rainfall types in the basin are cyclone rain andfrontal rain, with a perennial average rainfall of 1097mm. At Liulindian Weather Station,which is near the center of the basin upperstream of the damsite, the perennial averageprecipitation is 1029.9mm. At Jiuhuping Weather Station near the upperstream of theGuandu River, the perennial average precipitation is 1447.0mm. Rainfall in the basin isobviously affected by geographic features, as it is higher in the upperstream than in the lowerstream. Within the basin the maximum precipitation recorded is 2152.3mm (JiuhupingStation, 1964) and the minimum precipitation is 560.9mm (Zhushan Station, 1966). Stormmainly occurs from April to October, especially between July and September. The center ofstorms is in upperstream and midstream of Liulindian and Jiuhupin. Storms usually last forabout 1 to 3 days, but the rainfall concentrates in certain places, forming floods that rise andebb suddenly with high peaks of flow. The high water season caused by storms lasts fromApril to October, and floods are more likely to occur between June and August. At theGuandu Station, the maximum volume of flow recorded is 2590m3/s (on June 27, 1960) andby survey the maximum volume of flow in history is 4760m3 /s (in 1926). The perennialaverage wind speed is 0.8mls with a maximum record of 16.7m/s(ENE). The perennialmajor direction of wind is from northeast.


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3.2.2. Hydrology

The Du River originates from the northern foot of the Daba Mountains, Zhenping County,Shanxi Province, flows northeastward and joins the Danjiangkou Reservoir. It has a basinarea of 12,502km2, a total length of about 354km and a total fall of 500m. The Guandu Riverhas a basin area of 2,961km2, a length of about 26.9km, an average downward slope of4.730woo. It originates from Taizi Township of Dashennongjia, flows through Banquan of theShennongjia Forest Zone, Jiudaoliang of Fang County, and Hongping, Liangjia, Guandu andYukou in the Zhushan region, and joins the Du River at the two outfalls in Tianjiaba Town.

The part of basin that is upperstream of the damsite of the Songshuling Hydropower Planthas an area of 2,447km2, which is 82.6% of the basin of the Guandu River. It has an averagefalling rate of 7.59%o. The runoff in the basin comes from rainfall. The perennial averagevolume of flow is 57.9m3/s. The perennial average volume of runoff is 1,826 million m3/s.The perennial average depth of runoff is 746mm, runoff index is 0.024m3/s/km2.

The designed volume of flow of floods that occur every 50 years is 4,730m3 /s, that of floodsthat occur every 200 years, 5,950m3/s, that of floods that occur every 500 years, 6,760m3/s.

3.2.3. Silt

The Guandu Hydrology Station does not have actual records of silt. In the research of theproject's feasibility, actual records of silt gathered by the Xizhixinzhou Station in 19 yearsand the Du River Zhushan Station in 33 years were used as references (see Table 3.2.1).During the tentative designing period of the project, considering that the vegetation conditionof the Guandu River is better than that of the Si River, 340t/km2 was taken as the erosionmodulo for the damsite, therefore, the perennial average silt transportation is 8327t/a, theperennial average silt content is 0.456kg/m3 . As the silt transportation of bed load iscalculated as 15% of that of suspended load, the perennial average annual silt transportationof bed load is 1,248,000 t/a. The silt mainly comes from the flooding period and betweenJuly and September, the sand transpiration volume is over 90%/0 of the annual capacity.

Table 3.2.1 Features of Silt at Hydrology Stations in the basin of the Du River

Perennial Average Maximum Annual

Silt AnnualName of Area of Volume Transpo Silt Silt Silt Time ErosionStation Catchme of Flow rtation Content Conten Transpor Nlodulo

nt ten , t tation 10 (Year

km2 m31 thousan kg/m3 km/m3 thousand ) t/km2

dtla t/a

Zhushan 9074 170 401 0.746 52.1 1140 1964 442

Xinzhou 4660 85.1 161 0.602 31.8 426 1984 345

Between 4414 85.0 240 0.895 543Zhushan &Xinzhou

Note: The data come from Report of Environmental Impacts of Songshuling Water Conservancy


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Chapter III Status Quo & Assessment of Environment

Hydropower Plant Pivotal Project, Zhushan County, Hubei Province, (Version Submitted forExamination & Approval), Hubei Research Institute of Environmental Sciences, August 2000.

3.2.4. Water Resources

Water resources are rich in the Du River basin and suitable for development of hydropowerplant projects. The total installed voltage of the seven terraces on the main stream and thetwo southwestern branches can reach 1,450MW. A hydropower plant has been completed atthe lowest terrace, Huanglongtan, with an installed voltage of 450MW and a voltage of150MW in the initial period. Besides, hydropower plants will be successively built atLongbei River Bend, Pankou and Xiaoxuan.

In the reservoir area, the conditions of underground water supply, runoff, and drainage areaffected by the nature of rocks in the stratum and the geological structures. The supply ofunderground water is mainly from rainfall. The phreatic water of ventage fissure or carstfissure in the reservoir area is drained into the Guandu River.

According to the permeable features and the composition of the rocks in the reservoir area,the rock layers are divided into the following categories:

a) Ventage permeable rocks

Loose cumulation formed in the forth series, including rock of alluvium and dilurium,and eboulis ordonnes, distributed in the reservoir area, good in perviousness andshallowly buried.

b) Relatively water-resisting rocks

Scraping rocks distributed in the reservoir area, i.e. phyllite, shale, featuring strongweathering stripes and structural fissure permeablilty with a small amount of waterstored in the surface part of the rocks.

c) Carst permeable rocks

Carbonic acid salt rocks, divided into weak carst permeable rocks and strong carstpermeable rocks, the former featuring grey rocks containing quartz and soil withunderdeveloped carst, the latter featuring thin layer of Triassic grey rocks with medium-developed carst. The rocks contain deep underground water and are good inpermeablilty.

3.2.5. Geography, Geomorphy & Geology

a) Geography & Geomorphy

The reservoir area is located on the Guandu River, the southem branch of the Du River.The landform is generally higher in the south and lower in the north. The river flowsfrom south to north. The average slope rate of the river bed is 2.6%o. The height of peakson the banks are between 800m and 1600m, with a relative difference of 500-1000m.The river valley is in the shape "V" or "U", with obvious the fourth grade peeledplanation surface of 1400-1600m, 1000-1200m, 600-890m and 350-450m in elevation.

b) Geology


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Chapter III Status Quo & Assessment of Environment

Bordered by the split of Qingfeng, the stratum in the reservoir area is divided into twokinds of rocks: in the south is Semi-Yangzi Terrain, mainly composed of Cambrian-thetriassic system sedimentary rocks; in the north is Southern Qinling Jialidong fold region,mainly composed of Sinian-Cambrian metamorphous rocks.

The evidence of the geological structures is a series of NNE-EW tight linear drapes andparallel * and * faults, the intensity of the drapes decreasing as it extends from northto south. The majority of fault from north to south, with two groups ofnorthwestward and northeastward fractures. The hydropower plant is located onthe unset-syncline antiformal limb of Songshuling. The oblique length of this unset-down orientation is about 8km, which is the main reservoir section of SongshulingHydropower Plant. Some small-scale compound drapes have developed in the unset-syncline antiformal limb.

The geological structure of the location of Songshuling Hydropower Plant is verycomplicated. In the new stnicture period the two sides of Qingfeng fracture are showntovariance rising, with low-intensity earthquakes. The basic intensity of earthquakes areVII degree according to China Earthquake Intensity Regionalization Chart, 1990.

3.2.6. Status Quo of Soil & Land Usage

a) Soil

In the second soil survey of Hubei Province in 1984, the soil in Zhushan County weredivided into 6 soil categories, 12 subcategories, 30 attributes and 90 types. The reservoirarea is in the south part of Zhushan County. Within this region, the stratums were mainlyformed in the Proterozoic Era, while stratums formed in the Paleozoic Era, the MesozoicEra and the Cainozoic Era are also exposed. The origin substances that formed the soilare characterized by the following features:

* Clunch sediments in the Quaternary Period

* Mainly distributed on the hillsides of low brents under 800m in altitude anddeveloped into soil types of yellow mud, pale yellow mud, etc.

• Sediments of pelyte wear-away

Widly distributed on hillsides, brents and river valleys of different altitudes.

* Neoteric river alluviation

Distributed along the beaches and first-class terraces of the Du River and itsbranches, forming damp soil, etc.

b) Status Quo of Land Usage

The project site is in the south mountainous areas of Zhushan County and covers parts ofGuandu Town and Liangjia Township in the reservoir area and Liulin Township andHongping Township in upperstream. Please see Fig 3.2.1-3.2.2 and Table 3.2.2 forstructures of soil land usage in the region.

Fig 3.2.1 Land Usage in the Reservoir Area and in Upperstream


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Chapter IIl Status Quo & Assesment of Environment

Table 3.2.2 Structure of Land Usage in Reservoir Area & Surroundings

Plough Land

Name Total Dry Garden Woodlan Water Unused OtherArea Paddy Farmlan Plot d Areas

Field d

GuTndu 21555.2 338.6 2481 148.7 15599.0 444.6 2200.7 342.8

LiangjiaTownshi 11393 129.2 1154.3 13.7 5967.5 82.2 2343.1 135.1p

LiulinTownshi 23570.7 65.6 1875 25.4 18632.7 248.3 2438.8 284.9



Townshi 24365.2 62.9 1578 99.3 20342.1 143.0 1960.9 179p

Total 80884.1 596.3 7088.3 287.1 60541.3 918.1 8943.5 941.8

Note: Unit of data in the Table: hm2. Source of data: Report of Environmental Impacts ofSongshuling Water Conservancy Hydropower Plant Pivotal Project, Zhushan County, HubeiProvince, (Version Submitted for Exatnination & Approval), Hubei Research Institute ofEnvironmental Sciences, August 2000.

1.20/0 ~11.3% 1.20/1.2% 0lB .8%


76. 3%

C2Unused 0 Water 7,Paddy -Dry EGarden FWood- BOthersArea Field Farmland Plot land


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Fig 3.2.1 Ratio of Land Usage in the Reservoir Area & Surrounding the Reservoir

There are a small amount of farmland in the river valley zone of the reservoir area, mainlyplanted with crops such as wheat, cole and sweet potato. On low mountains beneath 800m inaltitude, the major types of timber woods are: cedar, masson pines, quercus glandultfera ver,quercus variahilis, Cedrala Sinensis, Chinaberries, Pterocarya Stenoptera, populuscanadensis cv., Paulownia, Chinese Parasol, ulmus parvifolia, catalpa cata, ChamaeropsExcelsa; the major types of commercial woods are eucomnia ulmoides, vemicia fordli,;shrubberies are cotinus coggyria, Mulberry, Fraxinus Chinensis, Ilex Pur-purea,Zanthoxylum Bungeanum, alibizia kalkora, cotinus sinica, phus chinensis, pyacanthafortuneana, etc.; the major tu[es pf grasses are Ferns, Artemisia, etc.; the major type ofbamboo is bambusa. The vegetation rate in the reservoir area along the banksis about 75%.Since the reservoir area is in the upperstream reach of the Du River, the landform here isvery complicated with many carst, cleughs and deep ravines. There are many types ofvegetation and itnerlamination vegetation. The sophisticatedly structured mountainous areais a key habitat of wild animals and plays a decisive role in conserving water and soilresources in the river basin.

3.2.7. Mineral Resources

By end of 1986, more than 50 kinds of minerals have been discovered in Zhushan County at150 mining areas, 13 of them proven to have a reserve classification above D. HubeiProvince's only mining area of Light Tombarthite is here. Zhushan's reserves of Niubium,Silver, Aurum, Vanadium, Uranium and Stone Coal tops the province, while those ofPlumbum, Zinc, Molybdenum and Cadimium are also among the largest in the province.

In the neighbouring Guandu Town near the reservoir there are deposites of Marble andPyrite. No mineral resources worth of mining have been discovered in the submersion scopeof the reservoir.

3.2.8. Tourism Resources

As recorded in the Annuals of Zhushan County, there are no historical relics, modem-daycultrual relic or historic sites within the scope of submersion by the reservoir.At the joiningpoint of Guandu Town in the upperstream and Liangjia Township there is a site of naturallandscape forned by the Lutou Gorge and Songshuling facing each other. Lutou Mountain'saltitude is 1,470m and Songshuling's altitude is 1,250m. The ravine is 5.0km in length, withan average width of abuot 50m, a depth of overlOOm. In the gorge are scenic sits such as"Lutouchu", "Shuangyudong" and "Houtiaoxia".

* Lutou Mountain

Located on the right bank of the reservoir area, it is the main peak of Lutou Gorge. Itseastern side is steep cliffs above the bottom of the gorge. Behind the mountain are thickforests with a cave where bats inhabit.

* Shuangyu Cave

Located in the middle of Lutou Gorge, the cave can be divided into the inner and theouter caves: the outer cave is in the form of a rock house with half of the cave entrance


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submerged by river water of over 10 meter's deep; the inner cave has the size of a room.In the cave, it is warm in winter and cool in summer. Every late autumn, shoals of fishescome here to spend the winter while in spring they return to the Du River for newhabitats.

* Houtiao Gorge

Located at the outfall of the brooks flowing through Lutou Gorge, the gorge is composedof cliffs 20 meters' high with a gap of only 2 meters' wide. It is a habitat of mountainmonkeys.

• Yixiantian

Located in the middle of Lutou Gorge.

Making use of the natural sceneris of Lutou Gorge on Guandu River, in 1999, local farmersinitiated drifting on the Lutou Gorge, attracting many toursts. This has become an importantpart in the development of the tourism resources in Zhushan County.

3.3. Social Environment Status Quo

According to the statistics of Zhushan County's national economic and social development in1998, under the country's jurisdiction are 25 townships and towns, 486 administrativevillages, 3,213 villager groups and a population of 450,900, of which 398,900, or 88.45%,are agricultural population. The population has a b,irth rate of 8.4%/oo, a natural growth rate of0.520/oo and a density of 126 persons/km2. In 1998 the gross national product (GNP) wasRMB 114 billionO90 fixed price[, the gross domestic product (GDP) was RMB 97 millionand the gross revenue of rural economy was RMB 520 million. The total crop production forthe whole county was 209,000 kg/a, the area of plough land for the agricultural populationwas 0.088hm2 per capita, the gross revenue per capita was RMB 2,822, and the net incomeper capita was RMB 1,471.

In the townships and towns of Zhushan County, there are 4,466 elementary school students,with a 1000 enrollment rate among school age children. In rural areas, there are 50,255elementary school students, with a 97.5 C enrollment rate among school age children. In thetownships and towns, there are 1,510 secondary schools students with a 97.2% enrollmentrate among the school age population. In rural secondary schools there are 13,351 students,with a 69.4% enrollment rate among the school age population. In common secondaryschools there are 1,082 full-time teachers. There are 2 county-level medical institutions, 25township/town-level public health centers, I sanitation and antiepidemic station, I maternityand child care center, 1 pharmaceutical testing center, with 542 hospital beds and 1,304medical workers.

Located within or near the reservoir area neighboring Zhushan County are Guandu Town,Liangjia Township and Liulin Township, in whose area of jurisdiction are 8 villages, 17villager groups, 52 households and 214 residents. The total population is 4,678, of which4,674 are agricultural population and 4 are non-agricultural population. The total area ofplough land is 628.87hM2, including 26.74hm2 of paddy field and 595.47hm2 of dryfarmland, with 0.14hm2 of plough land per capita. There are 3505.8hM2of woodland, or0.75hm per capita. In 1999 the net income from agricultural production was RMB 1,356.2per capita. Please see Table 3.2.3 for basic statistics of the reservoir area andtowns/townships surrounding the reservoir.


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Table 3.2.3 Basic Statistics of the Reservoir Area & Townships/Towns Surrounding the Reservoir

Agricultu Plough Wood Income

Num ral Plough Land (hM2) Land Per ncl land Per PerNfame ber Populatio nCapita d Capita Capita

of of n____

Village Grou Pd rPs (person) Total ld FDrmy (hm2/pers 2 (hm2 /pers (RMB/pers

(person) ea y Frlon) Qi) on) on)Ara Field and

Sangp 5 625 61.2 6.73 54.50 0.098 353.33 0.57 1321ing

Yangp 5 374 86.07 2.07 84.00 0.23 380.00 1.02 13630

Puxi 5 675 72.67 4.4 68.27 0.108 1200 1.78 1203

Taoyu 7 655 95.00 2.67 92.33 0.15 1066.07 1.63 1352an

Liuhe 5 396 61.4 0.6 54.13 0.16 92.47 0.23 1338

Dapin 4 537 86.67 2.34 84.33 0.16 76.67 0.15 1465g

I.aozh 4 331 54.60 1.27 53.13 0.17 83.34 0.25 1111U

Tianc 5 1081 111.27 6.67 504.6 0.11 253.34 0.23 1500hiya

Total 40 4674 628.87 26.7 595.47 0.14 3505.8 0.75 1356.24

Note: Source of data: Report of Environmental Impacts of Songshuling Water ConservancyHydropower Plant Pivotal Project, Zhushan County, Hubei Province, (Version Submitted forExamination & Approval), Hubei Research Institute of Environmental Sciences, August 2000.

3.4. Major Existing Environmental Problems

a) Natural Disasters

Zhushan County is in a special geographic location under the control of southem andnorthem climates and has special climate features of "Nine drought years in ten; floodsfollowing droughts". Filled with high mountains, narrow valleys, multiple gutters, thearea is abundant in rocks but short of soil. With its barren soil layer, poor naturalconditions, weak agricultural foundations, the area lacks the ability to fend againstnatural disasters, especially droughts and floods that frequently occur.

From June to July 1998, towns and township of Hongping, Liulin, Guandu and Liangjia


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suffered the severe storms, with the volume of precipitation reaching 85mm. InSeptember, they were again attacked by a rare storm flood, with a rainfall of 118mm. Atthe outskirts of the town, the highest water level of the Du River climbed to 18.17m,with a volume of flow of 4740m3 /s. Plough land were washed away, farmland wasdestroyed. In Liulin and Hongping, 280hm2 of autumn crops were damaged in a disaster-attacked area of 213hm2, causing a loss of 1,170t in production. In the flood, 231households and 615 houses collapsed. On the riverside street of Guandu Town, all 53households and 129 houses were stranded by the flood. The flood also destroyed 74kmof highroad, causing 1,780 collapses on the road (186,000 m3).

b) Frequent Human Activities and Severe Destruction of Forests and Vegetation

Zhushan County is short of plough land and has a low recultivation rate. The localresidents are forced by livelihood to destroy forests for cultivation and farm on drop-offs,causing a vicious cycle of environmental deterioration. In the upperstream areas of thereservoir, there are farmlands on the hillsides, which results in soil erosion, yields littleamount of crops, or none at all during droughts. The destruction of forest resourcesweakens the woods' function in water and soil conservation. The development ofwoodcoal and wooden floor manufacturing in the reservoir area and the upperstreamareas has led to damage in perennial trees. In the construction of highroad andinfrastructure, no attention is paid to water and soil conservation. The random stackingof waste has aggravated soil erosion.

The situation has worsened especially since 1997, when towns and townships in theupperstream areas of the Du River established processing factories of wooden goods,mainly wooden floor, consuming an average 2,600 m3 of timber annually; besides, in thesouthem mountainous areas, woodcoal kilns have been built, accompanied with thechopping of perennial woods and shrubs. The decision-making departments of ZhushanCounty formerly developed wooden-good processing in the southern mountainous areasof the upperstream reach of the Du River, and later made measurements to conserve theforests in those areas, i.e. closing and destroying 24 woodcoal kilns and banning 10small-scale timber processing plants. From October 31, 1999, the plans of timber cuttingwas suspended. From short-term development of timber industry, to closing down of theindustry and passing of relevant regulations, the local government gradually realized thatits ignorance of the importance of protecting the ecological environment while trying todevelop township enterprises had led to excessive deforestation. The pursuit for short-term economic interests affected the long-term ecological profits that the conservation ofthe Du River basin will bring. After all this, the mountainous areas in the southern part ofZhushan are undergoing a period of ecological restoration, especially where tracts ofshrub were destroyed.

c) Shortage in Energy & Power

The domestic energy used by residents in the assessed area are mainly from chopping ofthe coal woods on their private hilly land. Their power usage is not guaranteed, theirlevel of living is low and they have poor conditions of medical care and education.

3.5. Assessment of Status Quo of Ecological Environment

3.5.1. Status Quo of Ecological Environment

A) Terrestrial Vegetation


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Chapter IIl Status Quo & Assessment of Environment

Regionally, Zhushan County's vegetation belongs to the Pan-Arctic vegetation zone andtwo subzones of China-Japan and China-Himalayas. The climate type is northernsemitropical climate. The area is within the transitional zone where the vegetationchanges from north-China deciduous and broad-leaved forests to middle-Chinaevergreen broad-leaved forests. Forests here are mingled forests composed mainly ofdeciduous broad-leaved trees that thrive in warm-and damp climate, and evergreenbroad-leaved trees that adapt to colder climate. The second growth growing after thedestruction of primitive forests are mainly composed of masson pines and oaks. Sincethe Cretaceous Period in the Mesozoic Era, there has been no major changes invegetation and many features that formed in the Tertiary Period or earlier still remain.

The regional factors in the north temperate zone are: Zhushan County is located on thewestem edge of the second terrace of China's overall geographic form, the southmostend of the Qinling geosyncline's eastern end, so the composition of its vegetation is tosome extent affected by those in the Qinling Mountainous areas. The vegetation thusformed are made up of: Huashan pines, Chinese pines, quercus aliena var. acuteserrata,Quercus variabilis, cotinus coggregyia-ver. pubescensetc.

The regional factors of western semitropical region are: in the area of Zhushan Countyare the Daba Mountains and exposures of Wudang massif, with representativevegetation types of Excoecaria Sebifera, Chinese honey locust, Euptelea pleiospermnumetc.

The reservoir area is located in the evergreen broad-leaved woodland zone in thenorthern middle semitropical region. Regionally the vegetation zone is at thecongestion of north and south and east and west, with rich biological resources. Pleasesee Table 3.5.1 for the types of vegetation.

Zhushan County now has 38 types of key nationally protected wild plants, 13 types ofancient, giant or unusual trees. The key nationally protected wild plants such as taxuschinensis, Euptelea pleiospermum, Gingkgo, smooth-leaved Davidia involucrata,cedrela toona, Liriodendron chinense etc., are distributed in mountaineous areas ofHongping in the upperstream reach of the Guandu River, Liangjia and Liulinsurrounding the reservoir, and Santai, Canglang and Wenfeng outside of the assessedarea; the ancient trees mainly are Chinese pines, Camphor, Chinese honey locust,Quercus variabilis, Pterocarya Stenoptera, Sweetgum etc.. all distributed in Canglang,Desheng and Wenfeng outside of the assessed area, the unusual trees are pyruspyrifolia and sumach, with the latter growing on the formner, which are located in thefarmland of Biandanjie, Liulin Township, at the altitude of 1,OOOm. Above the 395.Omsubmersion line in GuanduTown, Liangjia Township and Liulin Township areCephalotaxus oliveri, taxus chinensis, Ginkgo biloba etc.

So far no key nationally protected wild plants or ancient, giant, unusual and rare plantshave been discovered in the construction site of the assessed area.

Table 3.5.2 shows the result of the survey on key nationally protected wild plantresources by Zhushan County Forestry Bureau from 1998 to April 2000 and of thesurvey on vegetation distribution in the areas affected by construction of the plannedproject in November 1999.

Table 3.5.1 Types of Vegetation in Reservoir Area and Surrounding Areas


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Chapter III Status Quo & Assessment of Environment

Location Distributed in Major Vegetation Remarks

Mountains Pterocarya Stenoptera-Davidiawith involucrata-birch grove communityhigh/mediumaltitudeabove 1400m

Cleughs of Albizzia julibrissin -Phoebe boumei-Yangpo 400-1000m lindera glauca communityVillage, in altitudeGuanduRiver, Middle part Chestnut-Zelkovea schneideriand- The gradient is about 300surroundin of mountains Lespedeza spp communityg the withreservoir medium/low

altitude of500-1300m

Forests on Phellodendron chinensis No wild community.hillside of Scatteredly distributed.1200-1800m Average height is about Smin altitude with a diameter below 8cm

Lower part of playcarya strobilacea-Cephalotaxus The gradient is over 30°mountains oliveri communitywithmedium/lowaltitude of600-1400m .

Lower and oaks-Ormosia hosiei community The gradient is 25-35°.middle part

Puxi of low In the outfall of Yuxi Brook isVillage, mounts of a tree of 74cm in diameter,

Vllage,a 350;'50m in 16m in height and 3.1m3 in

Town, altitude volume of single timbersurrounding the Lower and Albizzia julibrissin-Cinnamomumreservoir middle part japonicum sieb-lindera glauca forest,

of hillsides of chestnut - Cinnamomum japonicum600-11 00m sieb-lindera glauca forest, Quercusin altitude variabilis- Cinnamomum japonicum

sieb-Chimonanthus pyaecox forest

Beside alangium chinense-AcanthopanaxGhylls of senticosus community600-1000min altitude

Surroundi Lower part of Distributed with Chimonanthus The gradient is around 300.ng the hillsides of pyaecox-juglans cathayensis-mountain Chimonanthus pyaecox arereservoir 400-10m bamboo groves community, distributed in clusters with aand in the in altitude Chimonanthus pyaecox-alangium closing degree above 0.6reservoir surrounding chinense-juglans cathayensis


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Chapter III Status Quo & Assessment of Environment

Location Distributed in Major Vegetation Remarksarea the reservoir community, Chimonanthus pyaecox-

and cleugh radix linderae-cotinus sinicazone of 400m communityin altitude inthe reservoirarea

Hongping Zhushan Macrophanerophytes such as pinus Belongs to the subzone ofTownship County, armandit, Hemlock, sumach , quercus pinus armandit, mainlyand southem franchetii, Fagus, sassafras tatarinowil, composed of evergreenLiulindian mountains populus davidiana, populus lasiocarpa, coniferous forests andVillage in area playcarya strobilacea, etc. deciduous broad-leavedthe forestsupperstream area ofthereservoir

Within 400m Mainly composed of rhus chinensis-on the right cotinus sinica

Below the bank of thesubmersio reservoir arean line On the left oaks-garcinia mangostana-cogongrass

bank of the communityreservoir area

Along the Zones below Common kinds of trees: quercusbanks of 400m in glandultfera ver, Pterocaryathe altitude Stenoptera, tung oil tree, Excoecariareservoir Sebifera, Fraxinus Chinensis, sumach,area and in wild walnut;the r Shrubs: rhus chinensis, water Ilex Pur-constructi purea, Lonicera japonica, cotinuson area sinica, Pyracantha spp, ajuga

nipponensis, Lespedeza spp;

Vine: multiflora rose, bryony, Lonicerajaponica;

Herbaceous plants: chrysanthemumindicum, Artemisia, ferns;

Bamboo: phyllostachy pubeseen

Project's Major vegetation are farm crops andsoil the main species are paddy rice, wheat,material rice, sweet potato, potato, cole etc.site

Project's Altitude quercus glandultfera ver, quercusrock between franchetii, beech, tung oil tree,material 400-800m Excoecaria Sebifera;site


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Location Distributed in Major Vegetation Remarks

Shrub: rhus chinensis, water Ilex Pur-purea, Lonicera japonica, cotinussinica, Pyracantha spp, ajuganipponensis, Lespedeza spp

Reservoir Mainly farm crops: paddy rice, wheat,area mealie, sweet potato, potato;

Commercial crops: sesame, cole, tea-leaf

Constructi Below 800m Major kinds of trees: masson pines, The IOkV superterraneanon area of Quercus variabilis, quercus power transmission line ispower glandultfera ver, ulmus parvifolia, 42km in length, 102 levels,transition birch, Excoecaria Sebifera, Morus spp, I .2m-1 8m in height andand playcarya strobilacea, Robinia 1 650m2 in area. The 35kVconversion pseudoacacia, Pterocarya Stenoptera, power transmission line isline tung oil tree etc.; 40km in length, 116 levels

Major shrub: cotinus sinica, Pyracantha counted by 12m cement polesspp, rhus chinensis, wild walnut etc.

B) Terrestrial Animals

Animals Species

Surrounding the reservoir and in the reservoir area are inhabited with 35 kinds ofterrestrial vertebrates, of which are 2 kinds of 1" class key nationallyprotected wildanimals: Aquila chrysaetos and white storks; 7 kinds of 2nd class key nationallyprotected wild animals: river muntjac, Naemorhedus goral, goshawk, white-tailedsnipes, Chrysolophus pictus, gray crane, Syrmaticus reevesii. Numbers of speciesof key nationally protected wild animals makes up 10.97% of that of all animalspecies in Zhushan County animals. There are 44 kinds of Hubei's key provinciallyprotected wild animals making up 53.66% of the total number of animal species inZhushan County: 6 kinds of beasts including Mustela rathiah, masked civet, ocelot,small muntjac, Lequs sinensis, Hystrix hodgsoni; 26 kinds of birdsincludingsquawk, Phasianus colchicus decollatus, Mergus albellus, Bambusicola t.thoracica, common tems, egretta intermedia, Streptopelia chinensis, Cuculusmicropterus and vultures etc.; 7 kinds of reptiles including Japalura flaviceps,Japalura splendida, Elaphe carinata, Ptyas mucosus, Zaocys dhumnades etc; 4 kindsof amphibians including Bufo bufo gargarizans cantor, Rana spinosa, RanaHubeiensis, Rhacophorus leucomystax etc.

Due to the shrinking of forests and vegetation, the activity scope of animals arenarrowed down. This, together with the excessive hunting by human-beings, hasled to the gradual reduction in the number of many rare species. Tigers, leopardsand cervus nippon are on the brink of extinction. The existing animals are mainlyroes, muntjac, black bears, Macaca mulatta, boars, foxes, stoats, wolves andPaguma larvata etc. The existing birds are cushats, owls, mynahs, woodpeckers,loriots, cuckoos and throstles etc. No protected animals or rare animals are found inthe area that will be submerged by the reservoir.


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Please refer to Table 3.5.3 for the species and distribution of key nationallyprotected wild animals in areas surrounding and within the reservoir. Please refer toTable 3.5.4 for the species and distribution of key provincially protected wildanimals in areas surrounding and within the reservoir.

Table 3.5.3 Species & Distribution of Key Nationally Protected Wild Animals in AreasSurrounding & Within the Reservoir

Name of Animal Level Scope of Distribution Habitat Living Behaviors

Aquila 1 Guandu, Liangjia, Cliffs, shrubs Feed on snakes and micechrysaetos Liulin

Naemorhedus 2 Guandu, Liangjia, Rock caves, Feed on plants and fruitsgoral Liulin shrubs

Accipiter 2 Guandu, Liangjia, Woods, tree Feed on mice and birdsgentilis Liulin branches

Chrysolophus Guandu, Liangjia, shrubs, treepictus 2Liulin branches Feed on plants and fruts

Swamp in reservoir Woods, tree Feed on grassroots andGrus grus 2 area branches corn

Syrmaticus Coniferousreevesi 2 South of Guandu forests Shbs Feed on plants and seeds

Bubo bubo 2 Guandu, Liangj'ia, Shrubs Feed on insectsLiulin

Asio flammeus 2 Guandu, Liangjia, Shrubs Feed on insectsLiulin

Note: Source of data: Report of Environmental Impacts of Songshuling Water ConservancyHydropower Plant Pivotal Project, Zhushan County, Hubei Province, (Draft), HubeiResearch Institute of Environmental Sciences, Augest 2000.

Table 3.5.3 Species & Distribution of Provincially Protected Wild Animals Surrounding &Within the Reservoir

animals Name Scope of Distribution Habitat Living Behaviors

Mustela rathiah 0 Guandu, Liangjia, Woodland, grass, Feed on fishes, frogs,Liulin farmland mice and poultry

Meles meles Guandu, Liangjia, Shrubs Feed on fruits and riceLiulin

Arctonyx collaris Guandu, Liangjia, Shrubs Feed on fruits and riceLiulin


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Chapter III Status Quo & Assessnent of Environment

animals Name Scope of Distribution Habitat Living Behaviors

Guandu, Liangjia, Evergreen orPaguma larvata Liulin Liang a, deciduous broad- Feed on wild fruits

leaved forests

Felis bengalensis Guandu, Liangjia, Thick forests in valleys Feed on mice and birdsLiulin

Guandu, Liangjia, Feed on weed, fruitsLequs sinensis L. . Shrubs, grassansedLiulin, and seeds

Hystrx hodgsoni Guandu, Liangjia, Thick forests Feed on mealie, wheatLiul'm and vegetables

Ardea cinerea . . . . Feed on fishes andrectirostris Guandu, Liuli Swamps in mountais insects

Phasianus colchicus Guandu, Liangj.ia, Sh Feed on seeds, fruitsdecollatus Liulin rubs and insects

Mergus albellus Du river Around the river area Feed on fish

Bambusicola t. Guandu, Liangjia, Shrubs Feed on fishes, cerealthoracica Liulin grain and insects

Streptopelia chinensis Guandu, Liangjia, Farmland and village Feed on weed, fruitstigrina Liulin and rice

Temcuculus Guandu, Liangjua, Shrubs Feed on insectsmicropterus Liulin

Egretta intermedia Guandu River's Above paddy fields Feed on insectsbranches

C. Canorus Guandu, Liangjia, Shrubs Feed on insectsLiulin

Picoides hyperythrus Guandu, Liangjia, Shrubs Feed on insectsLiulin

Guandu, Liangjia, Beside farmland,Hirundo rustia Lili farmouse Feed on insectsLiulin fammhouses

Hirundo daurica Guandu, Liangjia, Beside farmnland, Feed on insectsLiulin farmhouses

Passer rutilans Guandu, Liangjia, Beside farmland, Feed on insectsLiulin farmhouses

Black-naped oriole Guandu, Liangjia, Shrubs Feed on insectsLiulin

Lanius tigrinus Guandu, Liangjia, Beside farmland, Feed on insectsLiulin farmhouses

Lanmus schach Guandu, Liangjia, Beside farmland, Feed on insectsLiulin farmhouses

Crow Guandu, Liangjia, Shrubs, tree branches Feed on insects and


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Chapter III Status Quo & Assessment of Environment

animals Name Scope of Distribution Habitat Living Behaviors

Liulin cereal grain

Pie Guandu, Liangjia, Shrubs, tree branches Feed on insects


Japalura flaviceps Guandu, Liangjia, Shrubs Feed on insects

LiulinJapalura splendida Guandu, Liangjia, Shrubs Feed on insects

LiulinElaphe canrnata Guandu, Liangjia, Shrubs Feed on mice and frogs


Ptyas mucosus South of Guandu Shrubs Feed on mice and frogs

Zaocys dhumnades Guandu, Liangjia, Shrubs Feed on mice and frogsLiulin

Bufo bufo gargarizans Guandu, Liangjia, Swamp, farmland, Feed on insectscantor Liulin farmhouses

Rana spinosa Guandu, Liangjia, Shrubs,brooks Feed on insectsLiulin

Rana hubelensis Guandu, Liangjia, Near water area, Feed on insectsLiulin farmland

Phacophorus Brooks of Guandu Farmland Feed on insectsleucomystax

Note: Source of data: Report of Environmental Impacts of Songshuling Water ConservancvHydropower Plant Pivotal Project, Zhlushan County, Hubei Province, (Draft), HubeiResearch Institute of Environmental Sciences, August 2000.

Features of Distribution

Horizontal Distribution

] Animal species adaptable to the water area and its surroundings

* Animal species living and reproducing in the water. Surrounding thereservoir and in the reservoir area are animals of the tailed order of theamphibian class. The living history of the species is completed in the water.Mostly the animals stay in water, only going onto the banks for shortperiods; in additional the Trionychidae family of the reptile class mainly inwater besides reproducing on the ground.

* Animal species reproducing in water and living both in water and onground. Surrounding the reservoir and in the reservoir area are Animals ofthe tailless order of the amphibian class. The frog-shaped animals shouldreproduce in water, but for physiological needs, during the day they feed onground in places near the water so that they can return into the waterconstantly to supplement water lost on ground by vaporization and also tofeed.


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Chapter III Status Quo & Assessment of Environment

Animal species living and feeding in water. These are typical natatorialbirds in the pelilcan order and wild goose order. They inhabit in the wateror along the bank. The birds in the crane order are typical wading birds.They wade in the shallow waters or swamps to feed on aquatic bios such assmall fishes and shrimps. According to on-site exploration, these animalsare distributed in the Guandu River basin of the Du River.

ElAnimal species living in forests, farmland, and residential zones.

These include many species and large numbers of birds, beasts and reptiles,which make up the majority of animal species in this area. They mainly live inthe large scope of shrubs, grassland and farmland and form complicated foodnetworks with the vegetation. Most of the birds and reptiles such as snake arenatural enemies of pests and mice that feed on forests and farm crops and playan important role in biological control. Rodents such as the mice family and thevole family are important accompanying animals of the human being. Theirscope of inhabitation and activity mostly overlaps with that of human beings.Some species have the behavior of living both in houses and fields. Somespecies are harmful to forestry and agriculture, such as Rattus norvegicus andHystrix hodgsoni. They steal a large amount of grains. potatoes, sweet potatoes,fruits and medial herbs and burrow to store the food for winter. In addition, someinsect-eating mice are transmission sources of some epidemics originating fromnatural resources.

Vertical Distribution

I Vertical distribution of heterothermic animals

Amphibians and reptiles are heterothermic animals, depending on outsidetemperature to adjust their body temperature, therefore, most of the speciesprefer to live in warm places of low altitude.

Among the amphibians living near the reservoir and in the reservoir area areRana hubeiensis. Animals of the toad family are the prevailing species.distributed in low and medium mountains and water areas: the polypedatidfamily, the hylid family and forest frogs are mainlv distributed in low hills andwater areas; Rana spinosa are distributed in the high-altitude zones.

Most species of the reptile animals live in hills of medium-altitude, but theElaphe carinata, Zaocys dhumnades and Pallas pit viper are the prevailingspecies and distributed at all altitudes.

Vertical Distribution of Homeotherms

Birds and animals are homeotherms. They have a complete system of bodytemperature adjustment and production/radiation of heat, so their bodytemperature is not controlled by outside temperature. They mainly inhabit inzones covered with forests where they can easily find food resources and hideaway from human interference. As a result, they widely distributed and havefeatures of vertical distribution.

C) Aquatic Creature


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Chapter III Status Quo & Assessment of Environment

With reference to historic data and the results of on-site survey conducted in May 2000at the damsite of Songshuling Hydropower Plant, the status quo of aquatic creatures areanalyzed as follows.

1 Phytoplanktons

According to survey results of the late 1970's, phytoplanktons in the Han River and itsbranches are mainly Chrysophytax species, followed by Chlorophyta. It is discoveredin the on-site survey of Songshuling Hydropower Plant that 2 phylums of pelagianalgae reside in the water body at the reservoir damsite, i.e. Chrysophytax andCyanophyta. There are 6 kinds of Chrysophytax and I kind of Cyanophyta. Most of thephytoplanktons are Chrysophytax with tolerance to cleanness. The quantity ofChrysophytax, 78 1,000/liter, makes up the majority of that of phytoplanktons. Of theChrysophytax, the species largest in quantity are Navicula bory and Cymbellaceae,making up 70% of the total quantity of algae, as shown in Table 3.5.4.

Table 3.5.4 Phytoplanktons at Songshuling Hydropower Plant Reservoir Damsite

Species Quantity (104/liter)

Cyanoph Dactylococcopsis Hamsg 1.42 1.42yta

Melosira varians Ag 2.84

Navicula Bory 29.82

Chrysoph Cymbella Ag 25.56 78.1ytax Nitzschia Hass 5.68

Achnanthes Bory 8.52

Gomphonem_ Ap 5.68

Total 79.52

2 Zooplanktons

Zooplanktons of Zhushan County mainly are Protozoans, Rolifera, etc. Thezooplanktons at Songshuling Reservoir damsite are composed of Protozoans andRolifera (Table 3.5.5). Protozoans are Centropyxis aculeata and Centropyxisaculeata bolonga, Rolifera are in 4 kinds, such as Eachlamis pellucida, MonostylaSp, Notholca Sp, Keratella cochlearis. From the composition of zooplanktons asabove, in the reach at Songshuling Hydropower Plant damsite, the zooplanktonsare mostly species with tolerance to medium and low pollution and are few inquantity--Protozoans are 140/liter, Rolifera are 240/liter, and the total is 380/liter.Therefore it is known that the water body contains little organic pollution.

Table 3.5.5 Zooplanktons at Songshuling Hydropower Plant Reservoir Damsite

Species Name Quantitynumber/liter

Centropyxis aculeata 80Protozoan


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Chapter III Status Quo & Assessnwnt of Environment

Species Name Quantitynumber/liter

Centropyxis aculeafa oblonga 60

Euchlanis pellacida 75

Monostyla Sp 75Rolifera

Notholca Sp 15

Keratella cochlearis 100

Total 380

3 Zoobenthos

The major zoobenthos in Zhushan County are, mollusk and aquatic insects etc. AtSongshuling Hydropower Plant damsite, the zoobenthos are composed of the aquaticinsect Siphlonurus, the crustacean Caridina and the mollusk Hippeutis, as shown inTable 3.5.6. They are mainly species with tolerance to pollution and the quantity ofmollusk is the highest. The total quantity is fairly small at 320/m2.

Table 3.5.6 Fracture Surface of Zoobenthos at Songshuling Hydropower Plant ReservoirDamsite

Species Quantity (nubmer/m2) Volume (g/m2)

Siphlounrus 40 1.40

Caridina SP 40 3.92

Hippeutis Sp 240 7.68

Total 320 13.00

4 Fish Resources

In Guandu River's main stream are the following common fishes: Cyprinus carpio,Ctenopharyngodon idellus, Carassius auratus, Hypophthalmichthys molitrit,Parabramis pekinensis, Prlteobagrus fulridraco, eels, Misgumus anguillicaudatus,Squaliobarbus, Siniperca chuatsi, catfish, Elopichthys bambus, Xenocrypris andSpanish mackerel. Since 1959, dams have been build successively in Danjiang inthe Hang River basin and Huanglongtan in the lowerstream of the Du River,blocking the tunnel for migratory fishes.

The Du River is the major river in Zhushan County, with abundant fisheryresources. There are over 40 fish species in Zhushan County at present, majorlyfishes of the Cyprinoid family: such as Cyprinus carpio, Carassius auratus,Hemibarbus maculatus, Hemibarbus labeo, Hemiculter leucisculus,Pseudorasboraparva and Abbotina rivularis; home-farmed fishes are Ctenopharyngodon idellus,Hypophthalmichthys molitrit, Aristichthys mobilis, Megalobrama terminalis etc.;in addition there are Siniperca chuatsi of the Serranid family, Parasilurus asotus ofthe catfish family, Misgurnus anguillicaudatus of the loach family, Prlteobagrus


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Chapter III Status Quo & Assessment of Environment

fulridraco of the Monopterus albus of the Monopterus alba family.

D Other Aquatic Biological Resources

In the Du River basin, besides fish, there are Trionychidae, shrimps, crabs,chelonians. Amphibian animals distributed locally are megalobatrachusdividianus, which are the 2nd class nationally protected animals. However, becauseof frequent human activities and excessive hunting as well as inadequateconservation of aquatic creatures, the quantity of aquatic resources has reducedsignificantly. Since 1959, as the construction of the Danjiangkou Reservoir andHuanglong Reservoir, blocked the migration tunnels, migratory fishes such as eelshave decrease greatly in the local area.

3.5.2. Conclusion of Ecological Status Quo Assessment

A) Terrestrial Vegetation

* According to initial statistics, surrounding the reservoir and in the reservoir areaare 241 families, 920 genuses and 2,273 types of vascular bundle vegetation. Ofwhich are 108 families, 344 genus and 988 types of arboreal plants and shrub.Many of these are important to the persistent economic development of ZhushanCounty because of their edibility, medical usage, industrial value and functions forenvironmental protection and water conservancy. In the reservoir area, except thescattering wild Chimonanthus pyaecox, other plants are nornal species. All keynationally protected wild plants are distributed in mountains of Hongping, Liulin,Liangjia and Jiuhuashan Forest Farm that are outside of the reservoir area.

* The vegetation in the reservoir area and surrounding the reservoir are rich indiversity. The obvious vertical distribution features are: in the high mountain area,the vegetation are mostly evergreen broad-leaved and coniferous mingled forests;in the second high mountain area, the vegetation are mostly evergreen broad-leavedand coniferous mingled forests; below the low mountains, the vegetation aremostly evergreen broad-leaved mingled forests.

* According to the reservoir regional survey, this area belongs to metamorphic rockzone with most soil among the slates and shale. Therefore, the types of vegetationis few and the community structures are simple. Since the assessed area has beendeveloped long ago, the vegetation is mainly shrub and grass with scattereddistribution of commercial forests. Here the natural vegetation has been replacedby second growth shrub, grassland or farmland and some green parts have beenreplaced by gray parts (buildings and roads).

Generally it can be concluded that the human interference into the natural systemin the area has become a major conflict between human beings and the nature.Such a evolution has gradually developed into a reverse eovlution, featuring thechange from forests to macrophanerophytes, to shrubberies, to bushes, to meadows,to artificial vegetation, and to barrens. In the low mountain zone, besides some fewtall macrophanerophytes around farmhouses, the number of macrophanerophytes isvery small in other parts of the assessed area, which are covered mostly byshrubberies and grasses. The key reasons of forest destruction in the assessed areaare: excessive wood-chopping to obtain timber or materials for burning woodcoalor deep-processing of products (such as wooden floor); excessive cultivation of


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woodland to obtain plough land that reduces woodland area and damages livingspecies. Currently the vegetation in the assessed area are still in the slowrestoration period after artificial destruction, so it is still poor in functions ofcontrolling and improving environmental quality. The green land in the area is on adecline in amount and not evenly or connectedly distributed.

B)Terrestrial Animal Resources

1st class nationally protected animals: golden vulture Aquila chrysaetos, distributed inGuandu, Liangjia and Liulin Township surrounding the reservoir, mainly inhabiting oncliffs among mountain forests and shrubs, feed on snakes and mice, sometimes also harmpoultries in the farmhouses, often seen by farmers hovering above the mountains.

2nd class nationally protected animals: in places with good vegetation along the banks ofthe reservoir, the footprints and dejection of river muntjac can often been seen. Theanimals, about 20 in the whole county, inhabit in shrubberies of the steep mountains.Naemorhedus goral, about 100 in number in the county, are found in steep mountainscovered by vegetation surrounding the reservoir. They inhabit in rocky caves in summerand migrate from the mountain peaks to the woods in winter. Farmers in the reservoirarea and surrounding the reservoir can often see goshawks, red-belly eagle, white-tailgull, gray crane hovering and feeding in the sky, which are barely affected by hunting.However, due to hunting, Syrmaticus reevesii and Chrysolophus pictus have alreadydisappeared from the reservoir area and can only be occasionally spotted in mountainssurrounding the reservoir.

Provincially protected wild animals: common animals are mostly masked civet andocelot, distributed surrounding the reservoir and active in think woods of mountainsabove 400m in altitude; around farmhouses in the reservoir area and the river valley livesmall muntjac, Mustela rathiah, Lequs Sinensis and badgers, which are active in humanresidential areas, cliff openings and mountain caves. Surrounding the reservoir and in thereservoir area, due to increase in population and cultivation of land, there are excessivedeforesting of vegetation, deterioration in ecological environment, and decline in speciesand numbers of key protected wild animals.

The common birds are squawk, gray-bosom bamboo partridge Bambusicola t. thoracica,Mergus albellus, Phasianus colchicus decollatusOtotaling 27 species distributed in thereservoir area and surrounding the reservoir.

There are 4 kinds of reptiles including Elaphe carinata, Ptyas mucosus, Zaocysdhumnades and Pallas pit viper; there are 4 kinds of amphibians including Rana spinosa,and Rana Hubeiensis. Due to sales of snakes, the resources of Zaocys dhumnades andBungarus multicinctus are seriously damaged, resulting in reduction in number and sizeof the snakes. For eating and selling needs, frogs are captured in large quantities yearafter year, causing a decline in number of all kinds of frogs. The large-sized frogs livingin mountainous areas, such as Rana spinosa, are now rarely found. In the early 1970's,large megalobatrachus dividianus were often seen by villagers living nearby to beinhabiting, growing and reproducing in rivers of south Guandu Town and Liulin andHongping. By the end of the 1980's, human-beings were driven by economic interests togo hunting for the animals in the mountains, significantly reducing the resources ofmegalobatrachus dividianus. During the enviromnental assessment, it was known fromadministrative departments of forestry and fishery, in recent years, Zhushan Countymade relevant regulations for wildlife conservation as per the destruction of local


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Chapter ill Status Quo & Assessment of Environment

biological resources. The regulations especially prohibite the hunting or deforesting ofnationally protected wild life. During on-site survey in the reservoir area andsurrounding the reservoir, the villagers surveyed all know that megalobatrachusdividianus is a 2nd class nationally protected animal. Occassionally smallmegalobatrachus dividianus can be found in the mountain brooks of Hongping Town,upperstream of the Guandu River. But few people go hunting for them. Nomegalobatrachus dividianus is seen or caught in the downstream reach of the Guanduriver in recent years.

Common wild animals: common animals are boars and badgers, found sometimes nearfarmland and farmhouses in the reservoir area. The common small-sized animals,especially rodents, are rising in quantiy because of strong adaptibility to environmentand high rate of reproduction. For example there are large numbers of Lequs Sinensisand boars which are harmful to vegetables, wheat shoots, mealies, sweet potatoes andeven cause disasters; the major birds are crow magpie, mynahs and sparrows, which areoften seen surrounding the reservoir and in the reservoir area. The special species ofchelonian and Trionychidae are hunted for in large quantities due to their high price andpopularity in the market, so there are very few in the wild.

Surrounding the reservoir area, the species and numbers of terrestrial wildlife is at a lowlevel, with some of the species already extinct. No protected rare animals are found inthe reservoir area.

C) Aquatic Creature

The river bend of the main stream of the Guandu River, southern branch of the Du River,is mostly grait or sand. The water is limpid with few organic substances, so the pelagianalgae contains are mostly diatom with few other kinds of algae. The composition ofpelagian algae's species have the features of the algae in rivers of mountainous zones.The water is low in nutrition volume and good in quality. Since there are no towns alongthe banks of the reservoir, the residents' domestic sewage is not directly emitted into thewater body, so there are not much organic substances except the small amount ofnutrition brought in by surface runoff. As a result, there are few species and smallnumber of zooplanktons and zoobenthos.

Songshuling Hydropower Plant is located the Du River branch Guandu River midstream.From data obtained from field surveys and provided by the local institutions, of thephytoplanktons in the aquatic ecological environment of Songshuling, the dominantspecies is the diatom with tolerance to cleanness. Of the zooplanktons the major speciesare tolerant to medium pollution and little pollution.The low quantity of phytoplanktonsand zooplanktons indicates the superior water quality of the Guandu River atSongshuling. Particularly, the dominant species of zoobenthos are also species withtolerance to cleanness and in low quantity, showing that the water of Songshuling isclean and the pollution is low.

The fishes mainly are common species of Cyprinus carpio, Ctenopharyngodon idellus,Carassius auratus, Hypophthalmichthys molitrit, Parabramis pekinensis, Prlteobagrusfulridraco, eels, Misgurnus anguillicaudatus, Squaliobarbusand Siniperca chuatsi. As perfield surveys with residents on the river banks, they do not have the habit of fishing.Only occasionally during flood periods do some people go fishing at the quantity ofabout 2kg/d, mainly catfish, Squaliobarbus, etc.


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Chapter III Staus Ouo & Assessment of Environment

3.6. Water Quality

3.6.1. Status Quo & Assessment of Water Pollution Source

A) Point Source Pollution

Above the damsite of Songshuling Hydropower Plant are all mountain areas. Limitedby natural conditions, living and transpiration conditions, the local towns, townshipsand their enterprises are underdeveloped, therefore there are basically no point sourcesof sewage directly drained into the Guandu River or grouped sources of domesticsewage above the damsite.

B) Non-point Source Pollution

According to the on-site exploration and survey, the non-point sources of pollution inthe Guandu River basin are mainly from surface runoff. Pollutants contained in surfacerunoff are mainly from soil erosion and pesticide and chemical fertilizers used inagricultural production. Please see Table 3.6.1, which is a statistical illustration of theapplication of pesticide and chemical fertilizers in towns/townships in thereservoir areaand around the area during the past 3 years.

Table 3.6.1 Application of Pesticide & Chemical Fertilizers in Towns/Townships in & around ReservoirArea in 3 Years

Application Volume (t) Application Rate (tlhm2)Townshi Year Ploughp/County Land (hiM) Nitrogen Phosphate Pesticide Nitrogen Phosphate Pesticide

Fertilizer Fertilizer Fertilizer Fertilizer

1996 1701.11 272.4 36.2 1.27 0.160 0.0213 0.00075

Liulin 1997 1701.11 280.2 51 2.1 0.165 0.0300 0.00123Townshi 1998 1701.11 283 51.8 2.1 0.166 0.0305 0.00123

Averag 1701.11 278.5 46.3 1.82 0.164 0.0272 0.00107e

1996 1371.48 358 35.3 1.2 0.261 0.0257 0.00087

Hongpin 1997 1371.48 229 38.9 1.24 0.167 0.0284 0.00090gTownshi 1998 1371.48 248 45 1.51 0.181 0.0328 0.00110pI

Averag 1371.48 278.3 39.7 1.32 0.203 0.0289 0.00096e

Liangjia 1996 1127.21 245 29 1.05 0.217 0.0257 0.00093Township 1997 1127.21 280 32 1.18 0.248 0.0284 0.00105


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Chapter IiI Status Quo & Assessment of Environment

Application Volume (t) Application Rate (t/hm2)Townshi Yp/County ear Nitrogen Phosphate Pesticide Nitrogen Phosphate Pesticide

Fertilizer Fertilizer Fertilizer FertilizerIPloueh

1998 ~r* 9 yn) 281 37 1.29 0.249 0.0328 0.00114

Averag 1127.21 268.7 32.7 1.17 0.238 0.0290 0.00104e

1996 2423.8 50 18 0.2 0.021 0.0074 0.00008

1997 2423.8 57 16 0.21 0.024 0.0066 0.00009GuanduCounty 1998 2423.8 60 20 0.23 0.025 0.0083 0.00009

Averag 2423.8 55.7 18 0.21 0.023 0.0074 0.00009e

Note: Source of data: Report of Environmental Impacts of Songslhuling Water ConservancyHydropower Plant Pivotal Project, Zlhushan County, Hubei Province, (Draft), HubeiResearch Institute of Environmental Sciences, June 2000.

Even though the application rate of nitrogen fertilizers here is far below the nationannual average of 430kg/hm2 l, the rate is still quite high in townships exceptGuanduTown5. With soil erosion at the hillsides, part of the pesticides and chemical fertilizersenter the Guandu River and becomes non-point source pollution to the waterenvironment of the river.

3.6.2. Monitoring & Assessment of Status Quo of Water Quality

A) Assessment of regional water environment

Hubei Province's monitoring network of water environment has established twomonitoring fracture surfaces at Shiwan and Shagou on the outskirts of Zhushan Countyalong the Du River, which are taken charge of Zhushan County EnvironmentMonitoring Station. Please see Tables 3.6.2 and 3.6.3 that list the monitoring results ofwater quality in the past three years.

Table 3.6.2 Monitoring Results of Conventional Water Quality of Fracture Surfaces at Shiwan, ZhushanReach, Du River

Monitoring Item

5 Data from leachine experiments conducted by foreign countries show that the leachine rate of N0 3-N isabout 10% when the area applied with fertilizers is below 150km per hectare, and the rate is about 20%when the area is above 150km.


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Chapter 1II Status Quo 8 Assessment of Environment

Low High Low High Level Low HighFlow Flow Perio Flow Flow Pero Flow Flow LevelPerio Perio d Perio Perio Perio Flod Flod Periodd d d d d Period Perod

pH Value 8.0 8.3 7.9 8.0 8.2 7.9 8.2 8.0 7.8

Solid 18 25 10 16 27 8 26 128 8

Overall Solidity 1.2 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.2 1.2

Dissolved 7.9 8.6 9.2 7.9 10.1 12.6 9.4 8.9 9.8Oxygen

Hypermanganat 1.32 1.1 1.06 1.32 1.1 0.78 1.2 1.21 0.95e Index

Five-DayBiochemical 0.8 0.75 0.75 0.8 0.81 0.71 0.95 0.84 0.66OxygenDemand

amonia 0.03 0.02 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.06 0.05 0.02 0.04

Nitrite Nitrogen 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.002 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004

Nitrate Nitrogen 0.40 0.41 0.40 0.40 0.35 0.40 0.40 0.44 0.40

Volatile Phenols 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001

Cynaide 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001

Arsenic 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.003 0.004 0.003 0.003 0.003

Chromiumb" 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.004 0.002 0.004 0.004 0.004

Plumbum 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003

Cadimium 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005Cadimium 5 5 5 5 5

Total ColiformBacterial 50 3200 790 700 9200 8600 790 124000 8450Colony

Note: Source of data: Report of Environmental Impacts of Songshuling Water ConservancyHydropower Plant Pivotal Project, Zhushan County, Hubei Province, (Draft), Hubeiresearch Institute of Environmental Sciences, June 2000.

Table 3.6.3 Monitorv Results of Conventional Water Quality at Fracture Surfaces at Shagou, Zhushanreach of Du River

Low High Low High _ High LevelMonitoring Items Flow Flow Level Flow Flow Level Low Flow Leveo

Perio P. Peiro Flow Perio PerioPerio Pero d dPeno Perdo d Period dP ___ d

pH Value 8.1 8.2 7.9 8.1 8.0 7.9 8.2 8.0 7.7


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Chapter III Status Quo & Assessment of Environment

Low High Low High High LelMonitoring Items Flow Flow Level Low Flow Level Low Flow Level

Monitorin tem erFow Flrow Perio Perio Perio Peiro Flow Perio Period d d d d d Period d d

Solid 20 27 15 20 26 9 30 128 8

Overall Solidity 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.4 1.2 1.2

Dissolved 7.9 8.5 9.3 7.9 19.5 12.6 8.8 8.9 9.8Oxygen

Iypermanganate 1.52 1.22 1.11 1.32 1.18 0.83 1.6 1.24 0.96Index

Five-DayBiochemical 0.60 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.82 0.74 0.75 0.84 0.64Oxygen Demand

amonia 0.03 0.04 0.06 0.03 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.03 0.04

Nitrite Nitrogen 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.002 0.007 0.004 0.004 0.004

Nitrate Nitrogen 0.40 0.41 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.44 0.41

Volatile Phenols 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001

Cynaide 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001

Arsenic 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.003 0.004 0.003 0.004 0.003

Chromium6+ 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.004 0.002 0.003 0.002 0.002

Plumbum 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003

Cadimium 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0005 0.000 0.0005 5 5 5 5 5 ~ ~~~~~~5 5

Total Coliform 3500 16000 16000 700 15000 1600 790 12400 14000Bacterial Colony 0 0

Note: Source of data: Report of Environmental Impacts of Songshuling Water ConservancyHydropower Plant Pivotal Project, Zhushan County, Hubei Province, (Draft), Hubeiresearch Institute of Environmental Sciences, June 2000.

The results of monitoring show that the water quality is good in the Du River reachalong the outskirts of Zhushan County. Except that the index of total coliform bacterialcolony ometimes exceeds the standard, other index of water quality can all meet thestandards of II class water areas in GHZB 1-1999 Environmental Standard of SurfaceWater Quality. The main reason for the excessive index of total coliform bacterial


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Chapter III Status Quo & Asessment of Environment

colony is emission of domestic sewage at the outskirts of town.

B) Monitoring of status quo of water quality at damsite.

Allocation of positions for fracture surface sampling

In order to learn about the original water quality before the implementation of theproject, 4 fracture surfaces are monitored, from the 500m downstream of Laomatou onthe Guandu River (at the joining point of the Machang River and the Guandu River) to500m downstream of the dam in Guandu Town (Table 3.6.4).

Table3.6.4 Fracture Surfaces for Monitoring the Original Water Quality at Damsite

No. of Fracture Location of Assessed Fracture Surface RemarksSurface

# ~ 500m downstream of Laomatou, Guandu Background fracture surfaceRiver

2# Songshuling damsite on Guandu River Controlling fracture surface

3# 500m upperstream of Guandu Town on Controlling fracture surfaceGuandu River

4# 500m downstream of Guandu Town on Controlling fracture surfaceGuandu River

Note: Source of data: Report of Environmental Impacts of Songshuling Water ConservancyHydropower Plant Pivotal Project, Zhushan County, Hubei Province, (Draft), HubeiResearch Institute of Environmental Sciences, June 2000.

0 Monitored items and analysis method

The items for monitoring are determined according to the status quo of the waterarea, the future functions of the water body and the features of environmentalimpacts on water quality by the project. Please see Table 3.6.5 for items andmethods of analysis.

Table 3.6.5 Monitored Items & Analysis Method of Water Quality

Monitored Items Analysis Method Standard of Methods

Water Thermometer method Techniques of Water and SewageTemperature Monitoring & Analysis

pH Value Glass rheophore method GB 13195-91

Suspended Solid Percolation-weighing method GB 11901-89

Overall Solidity EDTA titration method GB 7477-87


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Chapter III Status Quo & Assessment of Environment

Monitored Items Analysis Method Standard of Methods

Dissolved lodin measurement method GB 7489-87Oxygen

Hypermanganate Acid hypermanganate potassium method Techniques of Water and Sewageindex Monitoring & Analysis

Five-Day Dilution & inoculation method GB 7488-87BiochemicalOxygen Demand

Total Phosphorus Molybdenum blueness colorimetic Techniques of Water and SewageContent estimation Monitoring & Analysis

Total Peroxosulfuric acid potash-ultra-voilet Techniques of Water and SewageNitrogenous spectroscopical luminosity method Monitoring & AnalysisContent

Ammonia Solidum-reagentspectroscopical GB 7479-87luminosity method

Nitrite Nitrogen Spectroscopical luminosity method GB 7493-87

Nitrate Nitrogen Phenolic diasulfoacid spectroscopical GB 7480-87luminosity method

Volatile Phenols Post distillation 4-amino phenazone GB 7490-87spectroscopical luminosity method

Cuprum Diethyl spectroscopical GB 7474-87luminosity method

Plumbum spectroscopical luminosity method GB 7470-87

Zinc spectroscopical luminosity method GB 7472-87

Cadimium spectroscopical luminosity method GB 7471-87

Arsenic Diethyl spectroscopical GB 7485-87luminosity method

Fluoride Ion choosing rheophore method) GB 7484-87

Feces Coliform Multi-tube zymosis method Techniques of Water and SewageBacterial Colony Monitoring & Analysis

Note: Source of data: Report of Environmental Impacts of Songshuling Water ConservancyHydropower Plant Pivotal Project, Zhushan County, Hubei Province, (Draft), HubeiResearch Institute of Environmental Sciences, June 2000.


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Chapter III Status Quo & Assesment of Environment

• Sampling Techniques, Time-period & Frequency

Sampling techniques: as per Techniques of Water and Sewage Monitoring &Analysis

Time-period & Frequency of Monitoring: Twice during the drought period betweenNovember and December 1999, with an interval of 15 days.

• Monitoring Results

Please see Table 3.6.6.

Table 3.6.6 Monitoring Results of the Water Quality of the Guandu River

No. Item Unit 1# 2# 3# 4#

Water 9 97 9.6 9.6Temperature

2 pH Value mg/L 7.7 7.7 7.7 7.6

3 Suspended Solid mg/L 17 14 12 1 1

4 Overall Solidity mmol/ 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5

5 Dissolved Oxygen mg/L 9.1 8.7 8.6 8.7

6 Hypermanganate mg/L 0.91 0.90 0.89 0.89Index

Five-Day mg/L7 Biochemical 0.82 0.81 0.79 0.79

Oxygen Demand

8 Total Phosphorus mg/L 0.032 0.027 0.025 0.025Content

Total Nitrogenous mg/i. 00 .8 .8009 Content 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08

10 amonia mg/L 0.016 0.015 0.015 0.015

11 Nitrite Nitrogen mg/L 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003

12 Nitrate Nitrogen mg/L 0.66 0.66 0.65 0.64

13 Volatile Phenols mg/L 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001

14 Cuprum mg/L 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005


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Chapter III Status Quo & Assessment of Environment

No. Item Unit 1# 2# 3# 4#

15 Plumbum mg/L 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005

16 Zinc mg/L 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04

17 Cadimium mg/L 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005

18 Arsenic mg/L 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004

19 Fluoride mg/L 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31

20 Feces Coliform piece! 780 800 940 1100Bacterial Colony L

Note: Source of data: Report of Environmental Impacts of Songshuling Water ConservancyHydropower Plant Pivotal Project, Zhushan County, Hubei Province, (Draft), HubeiResearch Institute of Environmental Sciences, June 2000.

C) Assessment of status quo of water quality

Assessment Standard

The assessment of water quality in the Guandu River basin is conducted on basisof the standards of II class water areas in GHZB 1-1999 Environmental Standardof Surface Water Qualitv. Please see Table 3.6.7 for the standard values.

Table 3.6.7 Standard Environmental Values of Guandu River

Water Quality Unit Standard Water Quality UJnit 1 StandardIndex Value Index Value

pH Value 6.5-8.5 Nitrite Nitrogen mg/L 0.1

Dissolved mg/L 6 Cuprum mg/L 0.01Oxygen

Five-Day mg/L 3 Plumbum mg/L 0.05BiochemicalOxygen Demand

Hypermanganatei mg/L 4 Zinc mg/L 0.1ndex

amonia mg/L 0.5 Cadimium mg/L 0.005

Total Phosphorus mg/L 0.1 Arsenic mg/L 0.05Content

Volatile Phenols mg/L 0.002 Fluoride mg/L 1.0

Nitrate Nitrogen mg/L 10 Feces Coliform [I/L 1000Bacterial Colony


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Chapter III Status Quo & Assessment of Environment

Note: Source of data: Report of Environmental Impacts of Songshuling Water ConservancyHydropower Plant Pivotal Project, Zhushan County, Hubei Province, (Draft), HubeiResearch Institute of Environmental Sciences, June 2000.

* Method of Assessment

The items are assessed with the Method of Rate of Reaching Standard thatrequires a 100% rate of reaching standard for dissolved oxygen, chemical oxygendemand, volatile phenols, amonia, cyanide, total hydrargyrum, arsenic, Plumbum,Chromium6 ' and Cadimium, and 80% reaching the standard for all other items.

* Assessment Results

At the 4 positions monitored, the pH value, dissolved oxygen, hypermanganateindex, five-day biochemical oxygen demand, amonia, nitrite nitrogen, nitratenitrogen, total phosphorus content, fluoride, volatile phenols, total arsenic,cuprum, plumbum, zinc and cadimium are assessed according to the standards ofII class water areas in GHZB 1-1999 Environmental Standard of Surface WaterQuality, and the 100% reach the standard. The feces coliform bacterial colonyindex at No. 1, 2, 3 monitoring positions 100% meet the standard, while that atNo. 4 exceeds the standard 0% reaching the standard. By analyzing the aboveindex, the water quality is good from Laomatou, Guandu River to the upperstreamreach of Guandu Town, with all monitored index reaching the standard of waterquality in II class water areas. Affected by emission of domestic sewage, themonitoring position in the downstream reach of Guandu Town has an excessiveindex of feces coliform bacterial colony, while all other index meet the standardof water quality in II class water areas.


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Chapter IV Forecast & Assessment of Environmental Impacts

Chapter 4 Forecast & Assessment of Environmental Impacts

4.1. Analysis of Impacts on Ecological Environment

4.1.1. Analysis of Impacts on Ecological Environment During Construction Period

A)Impacts on Terrestrial Vegetation

The construction of the hydropower plant will result in the decrease of some secondgrowth vegetation and green-land and the expansion of exposed ground. Theuncovering and excavation of surfice soil during the construction will bring newchanges to the ecological environment and permanent destruction to the growingvegetation and its living environment. Within a short term, part of the vegetation in theconstruction site will be seriously damaged. In particular, the excavation of the soil androck material fields will change the location of the original vegetation. Major species ofvegetation impacted by the construction are:

* Macrophanerophytes: quercus variahilis, tung oil tree, Ulmus parvifolia,Pterocarya stenoptera, paper mulberry;

- Economical woods: tung oil tree, Excoecaria sebifera, etc.;

Shrubbery: rhus chinensis, cotinus sinica, Ilex pur-purea, Lonicera japonica,Albzzia julibrissin, pyacantha fortuneana, ajuga nipponensis, etc.;

* Grass : wild chrysanthemum, wormnwood, fems, etc.;

• Bamboo: phyllostachys pubescen;

* Farm crops: paddy rice, wheat, mealie, potato, sweet potato, etc.;

* Economical vegetation : cole, sesame, etc.

The vegetation impacted by the construction is composed of common species living ina broad scope and superior in adaptability. The construction's impacts on the commonspecies is short-term and does not affect the reproduction and conservation of thespecies. In the particular regional, the greenland area will decrease and the vegetation'sgeological distribution will be partially changed, however; the greenland's ability incontrolling and adjusting environmental quality will not alternate much. This is becausethat the scope of construction is relatively small; except for the complete destruction ofvegetation by partial excavation and occupation of buildings, most of the land used forconstruction can be leveled and backfilled to restore the regional vegetation with acombination of natural and artificial efforts. As the construction comes to an end, it candiversify the unitary structure of regional vegetation before the construction, enrich theforest resources and improve the ecological environment of the construction area.

Since there are no nationally protected rare wild vegetation or ancient/giant trees, theywill not be affected by the construction.

B)Analysis of Impacts on Land Resources

.61 .

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Chapter IV Forecast B Assessnwnt of Environmental Impacts

The unfavorable environmental impacts by the construction activities are mainly thechange in the function of land. As the construction making progress and the excavationof soil and rock material fields extending its scope, the functions of the originalfarmland, woodland and mountainous land will be changed, turning them fromcultivable land to construction sites or material fields. Moreover, in a short-term theexposure of construction site will hamper the growth of vegetation, causing a reductionin the quantity of vegetation in the regional environment and changes in geologicalallocation of material fields in which mountainous land is turned into plain land or lowhilly land. According to field survey, in the construction field the land usage rate is low,the number of vegetation species is small, the production of farm crops is low and thelikelihood of attacks by drought and floods is high. In the limitation of geographicenvironment, it is difficult to develop agriculture or forestry in the area and to increasethe land's productivity. Since the construction does not change the function of a largearea of land, it will not affect the green-land's ability in controlling and adjustingenvironmental quality.

The construction can also bring favorable impacts to the environment where the naturalenvironment and vegetation are in poor conditions. For example, the building of rockmaterial fields excavates and levels the original low-quality mountainous land or shoalso that the ground surface is improved for cultivation. With suitable measures such asbiological engineering, the original production structure of agriculture and forestry canbe adjusted for developing economic sectors.

C) Impacts on Terrestrial Animals

Within in the scope of the construction area grows second growth vegetation, mostlylow shrubbery and grassbush. The wild animals here are mainly hares, weasels, hog-nosed badger and mice. Due to intensified human activities and strong noises made byvarious machines during the construction period, birds and beasts will be running awayfrom their habitats. However, this will be just a temporary phenomenon. As soon as theconstruction project comes to an end, some birds and beasts will retum. Besides havingtheir activities limited by the construction, the animals will not be affected much. Withthe progress of the construction, activities such as the entry of constructors andmachines, the excavation of the soil and rock material fields and the layout of otherconstruction sites and dormitories, the present living environment of wild animals willbe destroyed and the animals in the region will be forced to move to other suitableenvironments to inhabit and reproduce. During the construction period, the quantity ofanimals in the region tends to decrease, but as the end of the period, the wild animals'scope of activity can get some improvement with the implementation of restoration andconservation measurements. The construction activities will not have obvious impacton the structure of animal species of the animals in the region.

D)Impacts on Natural Scenery

In a short-term, the regional natural scenery and landform will be unavoidably changedby project excavation, waste stacking, road construction and operation of affiliatedenterprises. The woodland, farmland and barren hills in the scope of construction willchange in functions. The original mountainous area will be turned into a large-scaleconstruction site with allocation of construction buildings and roads.

From the overall surface layout of the construction site and the distribution of the soiland rock material fields, the vegetation will be damaged by excavation and temporary


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Chapter IV Forecast & Assessment of Environmental Impacts

land occupation, especially the excavation of soil and rock materials. As the quantityand area of excavation increase, the destruction of original vegetation will beintensified and the area of exposed land will expand.

Since most parts of the construction area are river valley shoal and construction fieldsbuilt by waste backfill, new artificial scenery will be formed after the construction. Thenatural scenery of the reservoir area will be improved with the artificial restoration ofvegetation in the construction area and plantation of omamental woods.

After the completion of the project, new artificial scenery will form at the damsite andin the downstream of the dam. With its large scale and good social benefits, thehydropower plant will bring new opportunities of tourism development for theimpoverished mountainous areas of Zhushan County. Therefore the unfavorableimpacts on the natural scenery will be short-term. The new scenery built on the basis ofnatural scenery with the construction of the hydropower plant will greatly enhance thesustainable development of Zhushan County's local economy.

4.1.2. Analysis of Impacts on Ecological Environment in Operation Period

After the completion of Songshuling Hydropower Plant, a large reservoir will form in theSongshuling area on the Guandu River, a branch of the Du River, covering an area of 4,1 10Mu and containing 57.48 million m3 water. The original ecological environment of mountainbrooks and rivers will be turned into the ecological environment of a ravine and artificiallake. As water condition is changed: slowed speed of flow, enlarged water area andrelatively still water body that are divided into layers, there will be evolution in the aquaticecological system. In order to make a comparison, taking the Huanglong Reservoir in thedownstream section of the Du River as an analogy reservoir, a survey was conducted onaquatic.ecology and an estimation was made on the evolution trend of Songshuling's waterbody on basis of the status quo of Huanglong Reservoir.

A)Impacts on Terrestrial Vegetation

After the reservoir retains- water, the direct impact on the terrestrial vegetation in thisarea will be the irreversible submersion and disappearance of the living environment ofthe vegetation. The vegetation thus affected by submersion is composed of specieswidely distributed in the low-altitude regions of the reservoir area. They grow as thenatural result of the long-termn evolution of the ecological system. Impacted by artificialdevelopment, the diversity of living species within the submersion area is poor withweaker resistance to reverse evolution and lower productivity. After the development oflocal economy and the change in regional climate brought by the completion of thereservoir, more favorable conditions will be offered to the renovation, growth andsmooth evolution of artificial forests in the reservoir area. All the forests affected bysubmersion are common species that can be found in areas above the submersion line.Distributed at different altitudes and adaptable to different environments, the specie willnot disappear or become extinct due to partial submersion.

Since a damp living environment will be formed surrounding the reservoir, communitiesof vegetation preferring humid environment will grown on shallow beaches on the bankof the reservoir in replacement of the submerged community. This will make a morecomplete vertical ecological structure. Artificial plantation and transplanting will alsoenrich the species surrounding the reservoir.


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Chapter IV Forecast & Assessment of Environmental Impacts

The assessment issue of whether the operation of the project will affect the diversity ofliving species is based on protection of the integrity of ecological systems and the list ofkey nationally protected wild plants. Most of the vegetation in the reservoir area areartificial second growth, the remaining natural forests are distributed in areas above400m in altitude, of which there are no species in the list of key nationally protected wildplants. Except for unavoidably submerging some comnmon species, the operation of theproject will not affect the integrity of the regional ecological systems. The advantageousconditions such as investment in project construction can also be made use of for therestoration and development of ecological systems so as to increase the diversity ofliving species and the integrity of the ecological systems.

B)Impacts on Terrestrial Animal Resources

On basis of the assessed area's landform, distribution of vegetation and impacts by theproject, impacts on the terrestrial animal resources are mainly as follows:

Water area and ravine zones of the assessed area

After Songshuling Reservoir retains water, the living environment of wild animalson the banks and in the ravine zones will be submerged. These animals, such asLequs sinensis, hog-nosed badger, Mustela rathiah and mice will be forced to moveup to a new living environment. This is because that there has been sudden tidingand ebbing of floods in the mountain brooks, the original animal species arealready accustomed to this way of migration. However, the water-retaining of thereservoir will stablize the water level so as to make a stable living environment freefrom floods for the animals despite submerging their current habitats under 394min altitude. On that account, the impacts of the submersion of the project is shortterm while the stabilization of living environment during the operation of theproject will be long-term. With the expansion of water surface and the changes ofecological environment along the banks, animals will find it easier to feed and therecan be an increase in the species and quantities of animals in the area. For instance,after the completion of the reservoir of Xuan'enlongdong Hydropower Plant, thewater surface expanded and the environment became stable, attracting newlymigrated species such as the key nationally protect wild animals mandarin duckand Mergus albellus.

* Low hills, farmland and shrubbery bushes

Since there are few residents and small farmland along the banks of the assessedarea, most of the animals here are species that are adaptable to farmlandenvironment and human interference, such as weasels, hog-nosed badgers, boars,hares, rodents, pies, swallows, crows and frogs, etc. The submersion ofmountainous land, farmland and migration of residents will all reduce the area ofthe animals' living environment in the short term. It is estimated that the quantity ofmice will rise while that of the species adapted to living in shrubbery bushes willdrop, with a minor change in species structure. With the formation of the newenvironment, the animals will restore to a new balance.

C)Impacts on Aquatic Creatures

Impacts on phytoplanktons


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Chapter IV Forecast & Assessment of Environmental Impacts

From the distribution of species and quantity of phytoplanktons in HuanglongReservoir, several features are discovered:

The phytoplanktons in Huanglong Reservoir are composed of 5 phylums and 14genuses, more diversified than those at Songshuling damsite. This indicates that theslowed speed of flow and the accumulation of nutrition in water after theconstruction of the reservoir are favorable for the growth and development of thephytoplanktons. The number of cleanness-tolerant species such as Diatomeae tendto decrease, showing the change in aquatic ecological environment is favorable forthe development of phytoplanktons that thrive in stable waters.

There are also changes in the quantity of phytoplanktons. That of Huanglongreservoir can reach to 2.4-2.5 million/liter, which is 3 times of that of Songshuling's795,200/liter. The quantity of phytoplanktons in the surface water (0.5m) is largerthan that in the bottom water (20m) in Huanglong Reservoir, as shown in Table4.1.1.

Table 4.1.1 Phytoplanktons in Huanglong Reservoir

Quantity (104/liter)Species

0.5m 20m

Cryptop Cryptomonas Ehr 11.28 2.82hyta Chroomonas Hansg 33.84 2.56

Gymnodinium aeruginosum 2.82

Pyrrhop Ceratium hirundinella 2.82hyta_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Peridinium Ehr 2.82

Dinobryon Ehr 90.24

Cyclotella Sp 78.96 73.32

Chryso Fragilaia Sp 11.28phytax Nitzschia Hass 2.82

Navicula Bory 2.82

Sueneaesmus Mey 39.48

Chlorop Scenedesmus bijuga 22.56hyta Sphaerocystis Chod 19.74

Schroederia nitzschioides 2.82


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Chapter IV Forecast & Assessnwnt of Environmental Impacts

Quantity (104/liter)Species

0.5m 20m

Total 256.62 240.96

From the above analysis, the initial conclusion is that the completion ofSongshuling Hydropower Plant will result in the increase in both species andquantity of phytoplanktons, the former estimated to double while the latter todouble or triple, with a large quantify in surface water than in bottom water.

Impacts on zooplanktons

Comparing the zooplanktons at the Songshuling Hydropower Plant's damsite and inHuanglong Reservoir (Table 4.1.2), it is known that there are respectively 13 and 9kinds of zooplanktons in the surface and bottom water of the latter, both exceedingthose of the former. In addition to protozoans and Rolifera, Huanglong reservoircontains M and , which are not found in Songshuling. The quantity ofzooplanktons is larger in Huanglong, too. And the species and quantity ofzooplanktons in the surface water are both more than those in the bottom water inHuanglong.

From the species composition and the quantity of zooplanktons in HuanglongReservoir, it can be estimated that the zooplanktons in the future SongshulingReservoir will increase both in species an in quantity, the former estimated todouble and the latter to increase by I or 1.5 times.

Table 4.1.2 Comparison of Zooplanktons at Songshuling Damsite and in Huanglong Reservoir

Huanglong ReservoirSpecies Songshuling Surface Bottom

water Water

Centropyxis aculeata 80

Centropyxis accsleata oblonga 60

Protozoa Tintinnopsis Stein 75ns

Difflugia limnetica 75 75

Askenasia volvox 75 75

Rolifera Euchlanis pellucida 75

Monostyla Sp 75

Notholca Sp 15

Keratella cochlearis 75 155 50


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Chapter IV Forecast & Assessment of Environmental Impacts

Huanglong ReservoirSpecies Songshuling Surface Bottom

water Water

Conochilus Sp 25 75

Keratella Valga 5

Polyarthra trigla 50

Diurella stylata 20

Bosminopsis deitersi 1 1

- Daphnia longis I

Cyclops strenuus I

Mesocvclops leuckarti I

Microcyclops Sp I I

Total 380 485 403

Note: The unit of data in the table is number/liter.

Impacts on zoobenthos

The zoobenthos in Huanglong Reservoir are mainly made up of larva of *, theaquatic insect, ephemerid, and . Compared to the zoobenthos atSongshuling damsite, the species are the same, but the zoobenthos' requirements forwater body are different. In Huanglong Reservoir are Limnodrilushoffmeisteri and Pelopia Sp, which can tolerate water environment short of oxygen.The reason for their appearance is that the lack of oxygen in the reservoir bottomwith deepened water body is not suitable for zoobenthos that like to live in watersrich in oxygen, resulting in the disappearance of some Caridina Sp and the molluskHippeutis Sp from deep water. Since the water in Huanglong Reservoir is stillclean, these zoobenthos can still live in the shallow water, such as areassurrounding the reservoir and at the end of the reservoir. The quantity ofzoobenthos in Huanglong Reservoir is 1,520/ m2 , 6.9 times of that of theSongshuling section, indicating that there is an increase in accumulation of organicsubstances in the bottom of the reservoir, which is beneficial to the growth ofpollutant-tolerant species of zoobenthos (Table 4.1.3).

Table 4.13 Zoobenthos in Huanglong Reservoir on the Du River

Species Quantity Quantity of bios(number/M 2) (g/m 2 )

Pelopia Sp 1360 3.4

Ephemera 40 1.8


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Chapter IV Forecast & Assessment of Environmental Impacts

Species Quantity Quantity of bios(number/M2) (g/n2)

Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri 120 0.144

Total 1520 5.344

From the above analysis, it is known that, in the deeper water body after thecompletion of Songshuling Reservoir, there will be an increase of organicsubstances and a lack of oxygen in the deep-water area. The species of somezoobenthos tolerant to lack of oxygen, such as and will increase.The zoobenthos preferring water rich in oxygen can continue to live areassurrounding the reservoir or at the end of the reservoir.

Impacts on bait bios

After the completion of the planned project there will be significant changes inreservoir water temperature, volume of flow, speed of flow and water level. Thischange in water environment will directly or indirectly affect the growth of aquaticcreatures.

After water retaining of Songshuling Reservoir, the original quick-flow waterenvironment will be replace by slow-flow water environment. As a result, moresediment will be formed on the reservoir bottom by silt from upperstream, thewider water area will receive more sunshine, and the water body will be nourishedby the submerged mountainous areas, farmlands and vegetation. The accumulationof nutrients facilitates the growth and reproduction of phytoplanktons, especiallyscenedesmus obliquus, diatomeae and dinoflagellates, whose numbers will risesignificantly. The growth of phytoplanktons and saprophytic bacteria willcorrespondingly enhance the growth of zooplanktons, predominantly rolifera, Mand M. With the constant changes in quality of riverbed, the zoobenthos' livingenvironment will also be improved. The original sand and grit riverbed will becovered with silt, resulting in a larger amount of organic substances. Except

, , species such as water rainworm, spiral shells, shrimps and clams willgradually thnrve in the shallow waters of the reservoir, whereas in the middle of themainstream at the entrance of the reservoir, the species of zoobenthos will decreasedue to the severe lack of oxygen in the bottom water. Similar to the situation of theHuo River Hydropower Plant, there will be large-sized river mussel, spiral shells ingreat quantities along the banks of the reservoir after it retains water.

The volume of water will decrease in the downstream reach of the dam with greaterdensity of nutrients, resulting in increase of ulothrix genus, spirogyra genus andDiatom in the Chlorophyta phylum.

Since the Guandu River lacks resources of advanced aquatic vegetation, it will stillbe difficult for aquatic vegetation to grow even in the improved naturalenvironment after the reservoir is built.

* Impacts on fishes resources

After the reservoir retains water, most of the fishes originally living in the GuanduRiver can continue to grow and reproduce in the reservoir area. The few speciesthat can not adapt to the new environment will migrate to the branch rivers. There


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Chapter IV Forecast & Assessment of Environmental Impacts

will be no big impacts on the original species and resources. Artificial fishery willdevelop--the species of Ctenspharyngodon idellus, Cyprinus carpio,Hypophthalmichthys molitrix, Aristichthys nobilis, Carassuas auratus will increase.The number of fierce fishes will grow year by year.

The Songshuling pivotal project's damsite, hydropower tunnel is allocated in theriver bend of the natural watercourse. The hydropower tunnel is about 299.6m inlength and its ventage is about 200m from the dam. As required by the project, thedownstream reach will have a slow and small flow of water except during thesluice period. This may cause a reduction in natural reproduction and quantity ofthe fishes living in this section of the river. In some parts, the riverbeds will beexposed and the fishes will lose their living environment. Since this section of theriver is going to be permanently occupied by the project, it has been arranged for inthe land planning of Zhushan County. In addition the original amount of fishcaught in the natural condition was small, so the project will have little impact onfishing in this area. After the completion of the project, a fishing area of 2.74km2isgoing to be formed, producing a much larger quantity of fishes than the naturalfishery production in the original mountain brooks and rivers. As long as artificialfishery is developed reasonably, the favorable impacts will far outweigh theunfavorable impacts.

According to the water-retaining plans and banking-up procedures, the closing ofthe sluice gate and banking-up of the project will be conducted in two steps: fromNovember of the fourth year, three bottom-holes in the dam will be closed by thesluice gate to enable blocking of these holes, when the reservoir does not retainwater and the tunnels near the bank will be used for sluice; at the end of Novemberor the beginning of December of the fourth year, the diversion tunnel will beblocked to allow a volume of flow of 22.4 m3/s, which is the average 5 volume. Inthe middle of December the reservoir will retain water up to the backwater level,the first set of machines will begin to produce hydropower. It takes at most 19 daysto retain water in the low flow period even in the driest month. Analyzing from theplan of water retaining, the initial time-period for the reservoir to retain water isvery short. However, since this will block the water from upperstream andcorrespondingly reduce the volume of water in downstream, the livingenvironments of aquatic creatures and fishes will be impacted in a short term. Theconfluent branch river lkm from the dam in downstream flows into the GuanduRiver at a speed of 0.1-4m3/s (0.3 m3/s on average), so it can relieve the possiblebroken flow in the initial period of water-retaining by the reservoir that may impactaquatic creatures and fishes resources.

The Songshuling Reservoir can be divided into several layers based on differentwater temperature. The temperature of water sluiced through the backwater tunnelin spring and summer is higher than that of the water in the river, possibly holdingback the oviposition and reproduction of fishes. But as time goes by, the fishes willgradually get accustomed to the water temperature near the dam, or they maymigrate to farther water areas in downstream to oviposit and reproduce. Therefore,the low-temperature sluice water will not have obviously unfavorable impacts onthe reproduction of fishes.

An over-saturation of dissolvable gases in water body may occur when some large-scale water conservancy project in the sluice process, causing deaths of fishes dueto dissociated bubbles in their blood vessels or some tissues, a phenomena called


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fish bubble disease. It is generally believed that fishes (especially immature fishes)are prone for bubble disease when the gas saturation rate reaches 115% or higherand nitrogen is the major gas that causes deaths. Survey shows that this project isrelatively small in scale. A new narrow-slot energy-eliminating method is adoptedbecause its requirements for the water mat under the dam is low, washes off ashallow delve and does not significantly increase the gas saturation rate of thewater body. The 4-hole sluice dam can decrease horizontal volume of flow. Thecombination of the wide-end pire studs and the energy-release pond can effectivelyeliminate energy. Besides, the density of naturally grown fishes is low in the river.All these reasons indicate a small possibility of causing fish bubble disease.

Impacts on fishery production

After the completion of the dam, the upperstream and the downstream sections ofthe Guandu river will be separated, blocking the migrating tunnels of major semi-migrant fishes in the area (there are no migrant fishes living in this part of thebasin). For fishes that used to migrate, grow, oviposit and reproduce betweenupperstream and downstream, their ecological conditions will be destroyed andcannot be well recovered in a short term, resulting in a short of supplement tocommunity resources of fishes. Therefore there will be a certain extent of decreasein the production of natural fishery during the first 2-3 years after the completion ofthe dam.

In order to minimize the loss in fishery production caused by the blockage of thedam, the protection of fishery resources in the downstream part of the dam shouldbe reinforced, in addition to the development of fishery in the reservoir. A certaincapacity of water in the downstream section should be guaranteed, and a balanceshould be maintained between sluice and power generation, so as not to causebroken waterflow and dry-up of riverbed in the downstream section. It is suggestedthat during the reproduction period of fishes (Table 4.1.4) there should be severaltimes of larger-scale sluice to form artificial peaks of flow and to raise the waterlevel downstream of the dam, so as to meet the fishes need for higher water leveland to help with their reproduction.

Table 4.1.4 Living Behaviors of Relevant Fishes in Guandu River

Species Living Behaviors Feeding Behaviors Oviposition Areas ofConditions Distribution in


Cyprinus carpio Ground fish. Active Omnivory. Oviposit from All waterin soft and loose Immature fish feed April to May, systemsriverbed and aquatic on plankton; spawn aregrasses. Adaptive to mature fish feed sticky,various environments on spiral shell, clinging to

small clam, larva aquatic grassof insects andaquatic grass

Carassias auratus Adaptable to various Omnivory. Feed Oviposit from All waterwater bodies. Like to on aquatic grass, March to systemslive in aquatic plankton and August, the


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Species Living Behaviors Feeding Behaviors Oviposition Areas ofConditions Distribution in


grasses, shallow benthons spawn isrivers and lakes. sticky; _

can alreadyoviposit,strongreproductivity

Ctenspharyngodon Living in medium Feed on aquatic Oviposit from Water Systemsidellus and lower water grass March to June of the Yangtse

bodies in upperstream River, the Zhuof rivers. The River, thespawn sinks. Heilong River

Hypophthalmichth Living in upper water Feed on Oviposit from Water systemsys molitrix bodies phytoplanktons April to July in in plains of

and some flowing water. eastem Chinazooplanktons The spawn


Aristichthys Living in upper water Feed on Oviposit from Water systemsnobilis bodies zooplanktons and April to July in in plains of

some flowing water. eastem Chinaphytoplanktons The spawn


Megalobrama Live in lower layer of Immature fish feed Oviposit from Lakes in theamblycephala water. Live in open on plankton, May to June. medium/lower

water district of mature fish feed The spawn is stream of themuddy bottom and on aquatic grass sticky and Yangtse River;with submerged cling to can also beplants aquatic grass repotted

Megalobrama Living in Immature fish feed Oviposit from Water systemsterminalis middle/lower water on zooplanktons, April to June, in plains of

bodies mature fish feed need flowing eastem Chinaon aquatic water and invegetation Heilongjiang


Onychostoma sima Live in rivers with Feed on algae Oviposit from Mainstreamfast waterflows and April to May, and branchgrits on the riverbeds. in fast streams ofActive in the bottom waterflows upperstreamlayer of water and shoals of Yangtse River


Silurus Soldatovi Live in bottom layer Creophagy; feed Oviposit from Water systemsApril to June. in Heilongjiang


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Chapter IV Forcast & Asessment of Environmental Impacft

Species Living Behaviors Feeding Behaviors Oviposition Areas ofConditions Distribution in


of water on fishes The spawn is Province and. sticky south China

Siniperca chuatsi Live in rivers and Creophagy; feed Oviposit from Widelylakes on fishes and May to distributed in

shrimps August, need Heilongjiangflowing water Province and


Anguilla japonica Originate in seawater; Feed on fishes, Oviposit in Water systemanadromous migrant shrimps, spiral seawater from the Liangliving in mud caves shells and insects River to thein fresh water Hainan Island

and marinedistricts

Hemiculter Live in upper layer of Omnivory Oviposit from Mostly inleucisculus flowing or still water May to July. waters in the

along the bank The spawn is plains ofsticky eastem China

Monopterus alba Often stay in mud Feed on aquatic Oviposit from Freshwatercaves creatures, aquatic June to August areas

insects and smallfishes

Misgumus Small-sized fish Feed on Oviposit from Widelyanguillicaudatus living in bottom of invertebrates and June to August distributed

water algae

Pelteobagrus Live in slow-flowing Feed on small Oviposit from Widelyfalridraco water near banks of fishes and aquatic May to July distributed

nvers or in lakes insects

Squaliobarbus Live in middle/lower Ominvory. Feed Oviposit from Live in waterparts of slowly- on algae, aquatic May to July. areas other thanflowing water vegetation, small The spawn northwestem

fishes and aquatic sinks in water, andinsects Oviposit in southwestem

aquatic grass Chinanear the banksof branchrivers, andhatch whiledrifting withwaterflow


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Chapter IV Forecast & Assessment of Environmental Impacts

Species Living Behaviors Feeding Behaviors Oviposition Areas ofConditions Distribution in


Abbottina Live in waters near Feed on Oviposit from From theRivularis sandy and rocky zoobenthos May to June Heilongjiang

riverbeds River to the LiRiver

Pseudorasbora Small-sized fish Oviposit from Widelyparva living in deep water April to May distributed

Hemibarbus labeo Live in middle/lower Feed on Oviposit from Distributed inlayers of water of zoobenthos, May to June regions otherfast-flowing lakes but insects and their than Qinghai,rarely enter the lands larva, and mollusk Tibet and Inner


Hemibarbus Live in middle/lower Feed on larva of Oviposit from Distributed inmaculatus layers of water; aquatic insects, April to June; regions other

immature fish like to shellfish, eggs stick to than Qinghai,live in water body on rainworm and aquatic grass Tibet and Innersandy bottoms of small fishes Mongoliabranch rivers

Note: Data quoted from Taxology of Vertebrates (ZHENG Zuoxin, Agriculture Press, 1982) and ChinaZoological Illustrations (ZHENG Baoshan, Science Press, 1987)

The increase of the quantity of fish species living in fast flowing water in themountainous area will be limited by the changed structure of fishes after thereservoir is built. However, water retaining in the reservoir will provide favorableconditions for natural and artificial fishing in the reservoir area, such as a widewater surface of 2.74km2. If these conditions are made use of in a scientific wayaccording to the characteristics of fishery in mountainous areas, the short-termlosses in fishery caused by the project will be well compensated by the long-termand sustainable favorable impacts brought by the forming of a reservoir-type fishdistrict. Therefore the project's impacts on the fish resources of the Guandu Rivercan be considered as the evolution process of a damaged ecological system undercertain circumstances during which the damaged ecological system can recoverfrom the displacement status caused by inferences and gradually its structure andfunctions can be harmonized and developed.

Since the water area after the completion of the reservoir will expand to 5,718 Muwith a total capacity of 57.48 million m3 , plankton, benthon and aquatic vascularbundle vegetation in the water body will increase in species and quantity, providingricher baits for the fishes. As a result, the quantity of fishes befitting large waterareas, such as Hypophthalmichthys molitrix, Aristichthys nobilis, Cyprinus carpio,Carassias auratus, catfish will also increase. The production of fishery will risegreatly. As the average production of natural fishery in mountain valleys is about 5kg/Mu, the production of Songshuling reservoir will be over 29,000 kg. If 0.3%ofthe reservoir area, i.e. 17 Mu, is used for net-pen fish farming and since the average


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production of net-pen fish farming in the local region is usually 50,000kg/Mu, theannual production of net-pen fish farming in Songshuling Reservoir will be860,000 kg. The total production of natural farming and net-pen fish farming willamount up to over 890,000 annually.

Water-retaining of the reservoir will create favorable conditions for fishery in thereservoir area, so the building of the project will be a proactive measure forresource updating and optimizing and will play an active role in enhancing thedevelopment of fishery in the reservoir area. However, while developing fisheryand fish-farming in the area, special attention must be paid to the problem ofeutrophication of water quality brought by over-development of fish-farming,especially when doing net-pen fish-farming in the reservoir sinus areas. Thereshould be strict control of the density of fish farming, the application volume ofartificial baits and organic fertilizers, so as to prevent the eutrophication in the totalamount of nitrogen and phosphorus in the reservoir. Therefore, the water quality ofthe reservoir after the development of fish farming should stick to the standard ofenvironmental quality of the Class 1I surface water.

a Impact on resources of wild species and special aquatic products

The Andrias davidianus is a 2nd class key nationally protected wild animal. As itusually inhabit in brooks, bank caves and carst caves between 400m-800m inaltitude, it and its habitat will be affected by the rise of water level after theconstruction of the dam. It is known through surveys that no Andrias davidianus orspecial aquatic products such as tortoises and trionychids in the mainstream of theGuandu River in the assessed area. With their strong adaptability to the ecologicalenvironment, these animals will have a wide area for reproduction after thecompletion of the reservoir.

D)Impacts on scenery

After the completion of the pivotal project at Songshuling, due to changes in level ofwater, width of river and speed of flow, there will also be changes in the natural sceneryalong the banks of the reservoir area, especially in the scenery near the reservoir. Thescenery of steep cliffs in the river valley will be weakened by the smaller ration ofhorizontal and vertical distance. But there will be no obvious impacts on the naturalscenery since there is no major natural tourism scenery in the reservoir area and theextent in rise of water level is small compared to the height of mountains along the river.The artificial scenery, composed by the pivotal project, 66.5m at the highest, and variouslarge-sized buildings, will make a spectacular scene combined with the natural landscapeand can help in the development of local tourism.

4.2. Reservior Submersion & Migration

4.2.1. Summary of Reservior Submersion & Resettlement of Migrants

The construction of Songshuling Hydropower Plant is a key project of Zhushan County, anda project of hope for the people of Zhushan to get rid of poverty, so it has received closeattention and vigorous support from the County CCP Committee and the CountyGovemment of Zhushan County. When Hubei Province Water Conservancy & HydropowerSurvey & Designing Institute was doing the initial designing for Songshuling HydropowerPlant, the institute conducted a detailed survey on the submersion and migration in the


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Chapter IV Forecast & Assessment of Environmental Impacts

project with the assistance of Zhushan County Bureau of Water Conservancy and ZhushanCounty Hydropower Development Company. Due to reasons in the progress and expenses ofthe preparatory work for the project, the project was suspended. In November 1999, ZhushanCounty CCP Committee and the County Govermment entrusted Zhushan County Bureau ofMigration to send a team of professional personnel to conduct a second survey onresettlement places of migrants in the project. In April 2000, under the guidance of EastChina Institute of Water Conservancy & Hydropower Exploration & Designing, ZhushanCounty Bureau of Water Conservancy and Zhushan County Hydropower DevelopmentCompany again formed a investigation team to conduct the planning for migrant resettlementof the Songshuling project. Supported by Zhushan County Hydropower DevelopmentCompany as well as officials and migrants in the towns, towns, townships and villages of thereservoir area, the team re-examined the data acquired in the surveys in 1995 and 1999. Theteam also conducted on-site survey and siting to investigate on each index of actual objectsto be submerged. On the basis of the survey results and relevant regulations in Regulations ofCompensation for Land Requisition & Resettlement of Migrants in Construction ofLarge/Medium-scale Water Conservancy & Hydropower Projects and SD 130-84(Tentative) Specifications of Management & Designing of Submersion by WaterConservancy & Hydropower Projects issued by the former Ministry of Water Conservancy& Electric Power, and the Planning Report of Resettlement of Migrants of SongshulingHydropower Plant Project, Zhushan County, Hubei Province was compiled in April 2000.,

The indexes of actual objects to be submerged are surveyed in categories of rural area, townarea, industrial/mining enterprises and professional facilities. The objects of survey includethe population, the houses and their affiliates and compositions, land, highroads, bridges,ferrying docks, high-voltage power-transition wires, communication wires, broadcastingwires and industrial/mining enterprises' facilities and equipment, etc.

According the actual status of Songshuling Hydropower Plant, the submersion lines are asfollows: the submersion line for farmnland and gardening land is the backwater line of floodsthat occur every 5 years; that of rural residence, enterprises and professional waterconservancy facilities, the backwater line of floods that occur every 20 years; that ofwoodland is the normnal water-retaining level; that at the end of the reservoir is the horizontalextension of the section within 0.3m of difference in water level with the same frequency.The fixed scope of submersion involves the 3 towns/townships of Guandu, Liangjia andLiulin, 8 villages, 17 groups of villagers, 52 households and 214 people. The acquired landinclude 21.07hm2 of farmland, 25.23hm2 of woodland, 1.52hm2 of homestead, 9,889m2 ofdismantled houses, 397 scattered fruit trees, 1,891 trees of various kinds, 5.1km highroads ofthe township/county level, 0.85km of tractor road, 4.4pole/krn of electrical wires, 6.25 polekm of optical cables, 2 bridges, I small-scale hydropower plant and I Guoce Gate. Pleasesee Table 4.2.1.

Table 4.2.1 Table of Major Index of Actual Objects Submerged

No. Item Unit Total Including

Guandu Liulin Liangjia

Administrative villages 1 8 4 3 1

2 Groups of villagers 1 17 9 6 2


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No. Item Unit Total Including

Guandu Liulin Liangjia

3 Households Househol 52 26 22 4d

4 Population Person 214 107 100 7

5 Land hM2

1, Land with records hM2 21.07 20.10 - 0.97

Paddy field hM2 3.45 3.45

Level land hM2 11115 11.43 00179

Slope land hm2 6.03 5.23 - 008

2, Land without hm2 1.98 1.71 0.3 -


3, Woodland hM2 25.23 25.03 - 0.2

4, Land occupied by theproject and its hM2 5.32 5.34 - -


5, Homestead hm2 1.52 0.51 0.91 0.09

6 Area of houses , 9888. 3319.66 5941 628.376 31.6 54 2.

7 Scattered trees

1, Fruit trees Tree 397 361 14 22

2, Trees of various kinds Tree 1891 1491 400

8 Waterconservancy/powerplants and facilities

1, Hydropower plant I I 1

2, Power wire Pole km 4.4

9 Optical cables for Pole km 6.25communication


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No. Item Unit Total Including

Guandu Liulin Liangjia

10 County/township km 5.1highroads

11 Tractor roads km 0.85

12 Liangjia Bridge m 95

13 Chain bridge m 90

14 Ferrying dock I I

15 Guoce Gate I 1

16 Other facilities Airing ground, stocks, wells, water towers, toilets, stove, walls,tombs, water taps, cable television, telephone, cellar, etc.

Note: Source of data: Report of Environmental Impacts of Songs/huling Water ConservancyHydropower Plant Pivotal Project, Zhushan County, Hubei Province, (Version Submitted forExamination & Approval), Hubei Research Institute of Environmental Sciences, August 2000.

4.2.2. Plans for Migrant Resettlement

A)Principle of resettlement

According to the actual status of the reservoir area, the resettled migrants will be mainlybe engaged in agriculture and forestry and other industries such as farming, livestockbreeding, processing and transportation. Local natural resources will be made full use offor development of migrants so as to ensure long-term social stability.

The migrants will receive compensation and complement in the former stage and supportin their production in the latter stage utilizing local resources of farming, specialproducts and forestry. They are encouraged to convert slopes into terraces and dry landinto paddy fields, so as to improve farmland quality and immigrating conditions andenhance productive potential of local agriculture. Based on the local and personalconditions, the secondary and tertiary industries such as tourism, transportation and fish-farming will be developed in the restructuring of industries and rearrangement ofproduction. By doing so, the living standard of the migrants can be raised up to or exceedtheir original living standard.

B)Target of Migrant Resettlement

According to the economic status quo of migrants in the reservoir area, and in referenceto the "Ninth-Five and "Tenth-Five" development plans of Zhushan County, the target ofeconomical development in migrant resettlement in the reservoir area of SongshulingHydropower Plant is planned as follows:

An average 660kg per capita of crops;


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* An average RMB 1,600 per capita of net income among migrants;

* An average 40m2 per capita of housing space;

* Improvement in public infrastructures, social welfare, external transportation, post& telecommunication, medical care and education of children.

C) Initial plans for migrant resettlement

214 people now live below the submersion line of Songshuling Hydropower PlantReservoir and another 60 people have their farmland submerged. Counted by the presentpopulation, 276 people will need resettlement by 2001, including 14 people of the non-agricultural population. The plans for migrant resettlement are made as follows, throughthe careful investigation and research by Zhushan County Bureau of Migration, theanalysis by officials at the township, village and group levels, and sampling of villagers'opinion in door-to-door interviews:

* Agriculture sector

The farmland and woodland will be rearranged in the villagers' own groups. Slopeswill be converted into terraces and dryland into paddy field to improve the structureof soil and quality of land. 123 migrants will be resettled in this way.

* Commercial and service sectors

According to the migrants' locations in the reservoir area and their professionalskill, some migrants who were originally engaged in the commercial and servicesectors are encouraged to continue with their professions. 20 migrants will beresettled in this way.

* Tourism

Tourism and transportation industries will be developed taking advantage of theunique spectacular scenery of Lutou Gorge. 10 migrants will be resettled in thisway.

* Fish-farming

After water retaining of the reservoir, net-pen fish farming will be to develop in thewide water area. 8 migrants will be resettled in this way.

* Enterprises

Making full use of the rich bamboo and wood resources, the villages andhouseholds are encouraged to set up medium/small-sized processing enterprises fordeep processing and elaborate processing. 15 migrants will be resettled in this way.

* Resettlement in the original location with protection measurements

The 3 administrative villages, 6 groups of villagers, 22 household and 100 peoplein Liulin Township involved in the submersion are located in Laomatou (the OldDock) whose major economic income comes from commerce, service, food and


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drink industries. At the will of the villagers, they will stay in their original locationsprotected by dykes and flood-blocking walls.

D)Plans for reconstruction of submerged professional facilities

Relevant departments will be responsible for the moving and reconstruction ofprofessional facilities that are to be submerged, as follows:

* Reconstruction of highroads

According to the actual situation of the reservoir area, 3 sections (8.288km) ofclass-four highroads should be reconstructed to guarantee and restore externaltransportation from the reservoir area. These roads include 2 sections (6.414km) ofhighroads leading to Zhushan County and a 1.874km highroad at the LiangjiaCement Factory. In total there are to be constructed 3 new bridges of 60 m in clearspan and 136m in length and a new tunnel of 280m. The reconstructed highroadswill be 8.5m in width of road base and 6m in width of road surface.

• Reconstruction of tractor road

2 sections (0.85km) of tractor roads will be reconstructed at Villager Group l,Sangping (the starting point of drifting in the Lutou Gorge). A new 1.5km tractorroad will be constructed from Puxi Village to Laomatou.

i Bridges

The Liangjia Bridge has been included in the reconstruction plan of the highroads.The submerged chain bridge in Puxi Village is planned to be replaced by ferriesand a stock.

e Power wires

4.4 pole km of 220V low-voltage wire will be restored.

* Optical cable for communication

6.25 pole km communication wires will be restored.

* Guoce Gate

A Guoce Gate will be reconstructed at the township government of LiangjiaTownship;

* Mayu River Hydropower Plant

The original staffs of the plant will be economically compensated and transferred toSongshuling Hydropower Plant.

E) Estimation of investment in the impacts by the submersion in the reservoir area

The unit price in the estimation of investment is the price level of 1999. The year fordesigning the management of reservoir submersion is temporarily decided to be 2001.


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The increase rate of crop production is counted based on the 1.5% rate of 1999. Pleasesee Table 4.2.2 for the estimation of investment in submersion

Table 4.2.2 Estimation of Investment in the Impact of Submersion in the Reservoir Area ofSongshuling Hydropower Plant

No. Item Unit Quantity Sum (RMIB 104)

1 Compensation for land 225.17acquisition and migration

I Compensation for land hM2 23.05 157.23acquisition

2 Woodland hm2 25.23 53.43

3 Homestead hM2 1.52

4 Land occupied by the project hm2 5.34and temporarily occupied byconstruction

2 Scattered trees Tree 2288 3.63

3 Compensation for houses and 69.97their affiliated buildings

I Houses m2 9888.76 66.66

2 Affiliate buildings 3.31

4 Infrastructure 19.80

5 Transpiration fee for moving 4.06

6 Compensation for water Building/ 1/1000 450.0conservancy and hydropower kwplants

7 Compensation for low-voltage Pole/km 5.0 5.0power wires

8 Cost of restoration of reservoir 77.05banks and transportation

Tractor road km 2.35 7.05

Bridge m 95 47.0

Chain bridge m 90 13.5


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No. Item Unit Quantity Sum (RMB 104)

Ferrying dock 1 3 9.0

9 Cost of reconstruction of km 8.5 255.0highroads

10 Other facilities (Guoce Gate) 1 1 2.0

11 Cost of clearing up of reservoir km2 2.74 14.21bottom

12 Cost of safety measures in the 292.34projects

13 Other costs 91.2

14 Fee for standby 328.74

15 Total investment in the project 1888.19

Fixed investment included 1715.39

16 Other taxes 264.76

Note: Source of data: Report of Environmental Impacts of Songshuling Water ConservancyHydropower Plant Pivotal Project, Zhlushan County, Hubei Province, (Version Submitted forExamination & Approval), Hubei Research Institute of Environmental Sciences, August 2000.

4.2.3. Analysis of Environmental Capacity of Migrant Resettlements

Environmental capacity of population is the quantity of population a specific region canaccommodate in a long-term and with stability under certain productivity level, livingstandard and demand for environmental quality. The banks of Songshuling Reservoir aresteep and rugged with little population. The harmonization in the relationship betweenpopulation and environment can enhance local economy and social development andimprove both social productivity and regional environmental quality.

A)Analysis of population capacity

The submersion by the project involves 3 towns and townships, 8 villages, 17 groups ofvillagers, 52 households and 214 persons. Among these are 4 villages, 9 groups ofvillagers, 26 households and 107 peesons of Guandu Township, I village, 2 groups ofvillagers, 4 household and 7 persons of Liangjia Township, and 3 villages, 6 groups ofvillagers, 22 household and 100 people in Liulin Township. On basis of the population in2000 and the growth rate of 5.2Yoo, by 2001 there will be 276 migrants. In 199 the totalpopulation in the above-mentioned 8 villages is 4,702, of which only4.6% are migrantsto-be, so the migration and resettlement have small impacts on the population capacity ofthe region.

Of the 276 people needing resettlement, 100 people of Liulin Township will stay in their


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original residences protected by dykes and forest-blocking walls, so their livingconditions will basically not change with the construction of the project. The actualnumber of migrants is 176. They will be resettled within the scope of their own towns,townships and villages. After integrated analysis and overall consideration of the statusquo of the regional economy, its potential for development and its impacts by the project,the following principles must be followed in choosing the location for migrantresettlement so as to make room for the migrants' future development: willing andwelcoming original residents of the resettlement area; more than sufficientenvironmental capacity of the resettlement area; ascertain distribution of land resources;convenient transportation, well-equipped infrastructure and complete social servicenetwork; convenience for migrants' production, no more than 2km away from theirproduction sites; security. Each resettlement point will hold 2-3 households of migrants,so there should be no major unfavorable impacts on the population capacity as far asarrangement of production is concerned.

The plans for resettlement is completed on the basis of the opinions of officials at thetownship, village and group levels and of the migrants themselves, who on the wholemake up 4.6% of the total population of the villages involved. The plan accords with thewills of the migrants and the actual local situation and is easy to manipulate, thereforethe submersion and migrant resettlement will not cause heavy pressure on the populationcapacity of the reservoir area. Please see Table 4.2.3 for the details of submersion andpopulation resettlement.

Table 4.23 Comparison of Details of Submersion & Population Resettlement for SongshulingHvdropower Plant

Towns & Administrativ Total Migrating Population fortownships e villages population population production Remarks


Sangping 629 The migratingVillage population makes

up 4.6% of theYangpo 376 16 15 region's total

Guandu Village population. TheTown population for

Puxi Village 679 39 76 productionresettlement makes

Taoyuan 659 4 28 up 3.7% of theVillage total population.

Liuhe 399 89Village

Liulin Daping 540 7Township Village

Laozhu 333 6Village


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Towns & Administrativ Total Migrating Population fortownsp eroduction Remarkstownships e villages population population resettlement

Liangjia Tianchiya 1087 7 10Township Village

Total 4702 216 176

Note: Source of data: Report of Environmental Impacts of Songshuling Water Conservancy HydropowerPlant Pivotal Project, Zhushan County, Hubei Province, (Version Submitted for Examination &Approval), Hubei Research Institute of Environmental Sciences, August 2000.

B) Analysis of Holding Capacity of Land

The land is an important environmental factor and production material, so themeasurement of sufficient environmental capacity for rural migration should be based onthe sufficiency of useable land to compensate for the submerged farmland withoutdeteriorating the ecological environment.

Construction of Songshuling Hydropower Plant project will have certain impacts on theregional land resources by submerging 22.7hm2 of farmland and 25.23hm 2 of woodlandowned by 2 towns and townships, 5 villages, 11 groups of villagers. Table 4.2.4 lists thechanges in farmland and woodland before and after the land acquisition in the 5 villagesof the reservoir area.

Table 4.2.4 Table of Changes in Farmland & Woodland Before & After Land Acquisition in theReservoir Area

Average farmland Average woodlandAdminist Agricultu Migratin Remainin Remainin per capita (hM2) per capita (hM2)

rative ral g g .gvillages populatio populatio farmland woodland Before After Before After

n n (hmi) (hm2 ) acquisit acquisit acquisit acquisition ion ion ion

Sangping 629 50 56.67 348.67 0.097 0.09 0.565 0.555Village

Yangpo 376 16 82.63 375.33 0.229 0.22 1.016 0.998Village

Village 679 39 64.59 1192.57 0.107 0.095 1.78 1.756

Taoyuanl 659 4 91 1063.73 0.144 0.138 1.627 1.614

aVillage 1087 7 110.3 253.13 0.103 0.101 0.235 0.233


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Average farmland Average woodlandAdminist AgricultuN Migratin Remainin Remainin per capita (hmI2) per capita (hm2)

rative ral g g gvillages populatio populatio farmland woodland Before After Before After

n n (hnM2 ) (hrn2 ) acquisit acquisit acquisit acquisition ion ion ion.

Total 3430 116 405.19 2333.43 0.124 0.118 1.045 1.031

Note: Source of data: Report of Environmental Impacts of Songshuling Water Conservancy Hydropower Plant PivotalProject, Zhushan County, Hubei Province, (Version Submitted for Examination & Approval), Hubei Research Instituteof Environmental Sciences, August 2000.

From the table: in the 5 villages impacts by submersion, the average amount of farmlandper capita before land acquisition is 0.124hm2, that after land acquisition is 0.1 18hm2,and the decrease per capita is 0.006hm2. Even after acquisition of farmland, the average0.09hm2 of farmland per capita in Sangping Village, which is the least of the 5 villages,still exceeds by 0.002hm2 the average 0.088hm2 per capita owned by all agriculturalpopulation of the County. The average amount of woodland per capita before acquisitionis 1.045hm2 and that after acquisition is 1.03lhM2, only decreasing by 0.014hm2 percapita. From the above statistics it is known that the region is comparatively rich in landresources and the villages have sufficient land capacity for the resettlement of allmigrants. In addition, 53 migrants will be engaged in the third industry such ascommerce and tourism according to the plans of migrant resettlement, therefore, themigration in Songshuling Hydropower Plant project will not result in environmentaldeterioration caused by new farmland.

Zhushan County is currently implementing the responsibility system of (the contractresponsibility system of returning farmland to forestry), i.e. assigning production tasks ofreturning farmland to forestry to towns, townships, villages and groups. The tasksinclude retuming farmland to forestry and grassland, converting slopes to terraces,taming mountains and leveling ground, closing mountains to grazing and fuel-collectingto allow growth of forests, prosperity in green environment etc. The measurements aremainly compensation to villagers by the state and the local govemment. Villagers whoreturning farmland to forestry and grassland, closing mountains to grazing and fuel-collecting to allow growth of forests will be compensated with crops and jobs, to ensurea stable living standard. The migrant resettlement in the reservoir area of SongshulingHydropower Plant can be combined and integrally arranged with the retuming farmlandto forestry, converting slopes to terraces, prosperity in green environment projects in thevillages and groups. Some of the migrants can work in forestry and focus on completionof the fixed task of forestry production. In this way, the difficulty in migrant resettlementof some areas caused by the decrease in land can be relieved.

4.2.4. Environmental Impacts by Migrant Resettlement.

A)Impacts on the land resources in the reservoir area and their usage

According to Special Report of Relation between Quota of Farmland Occupation byNon-agricultural Construction and Extension of Land Occupied by Various Non-agricultural Construction Including Urbanization and Occupation of Farmland byNew Non-agricultural Construction Programs in Overall Planning of Land Usage inZhushan County, Hubei Province, the index of land taken up by Songshuling


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Hydropower Plant project has been included into the index of the key land taken upby the project in Zhushan County's overall plans of land usage. The index of landusage in the plan is 300.Ohm2, of which are 90.Ohm2 of farmland and 210.Ohm2 ofnon-farmland. Songshuling Hydropower Plant actually acquires 279.34hm2 of land,of which 274.34hm2 will form the water area and 5.34hm2 will be temporarily orpermanently occupied by construction, including 23.05hm2 of farmland and25.23hm2 of woodland. The land used for construction of Songshuling HydropowerPlant is smaller than the index in the plan either in total area or in farmlandacquisition, so the construction of the project fits the requirements in OverallPlanning of Land Usage in Zhushan County, Hubei Province and will not bringobviously unfavorable impacts for the local land resources.

B)Impacts on soil erosion

Migrant resettlement for Songshuling Hydropower Plant project has two majorimpacts on soil erosion:

* Since the water-retaining of Songshuling Hydropower Plant will submerge theresidences of 30 households in Guandu Town and Liangjia Township, thesehouses should be reconstructed. In order to maintain a living standard no lowerthan the original standard for the migrants, the plans of migrant resettlementrequires that the reconstructed houses be 36.5m2 per capita in area and 43.5m2

in average homestead. Then the land occupied by the reconstruction of houseswill be aboutl.53hm2. The original landform will be converted by land levelingand house construction, the integrity of the original vegetation and land surfacewill be destroyed and there will be a certain amount of waste soil and materials.Without proper soil conservation measures, the construction will lead toerosion of waste soil and materials and soil erosion of the destabilized landformbecause of the destruction of water conservancy facilities.

* After the reservoir retains water, 2 sections of highroad need to bereconstructed in different location. Since the new locations of the highroadswill be 394m above the submersion line where the hills will be over 25° inslope, the projects will be high in difficulty and volume of construction,producing large quantities of waste soil and materials and damaging theintegrity of the original vegetation and land surface. Without effective waterand soil conservancy measures, there must be soil erosion along the highroadsin heavy rains or storms.

C) Impacts on social economy surrounding the reservoir

From the situation of the 8 administrative villages in the reservoir area, the level ofeconomical development is low. In 1999 there were 4,674 agricultural population,628.87hm2 of farmland or 0.14hm2 per capita, 3,505.8hm2 of woodland or 0.75hm2

per capita and the average income per capita was RMB 1,356. The majority ofvillagers are engaged in farming, which does not fit the land structure of woodlandand grass-covered mountains surrounding the reservoir. Meanwhile, the poor basicconditions, lack of energy and backward transportation and communication allgreatly limit the development of industrial and agricultural economy. Please seeTable 4.2.5 for the basic situation of the administrative villages impacted by thesubmersion in the reservoir area.


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Table 4.2.5 Table of Statistics of Administrative Villages Impacted by Submersion in ReservoirArea

Towns A Average Woodla Average Average& Adminis Agricultur Farmland famad n odad Income per& . ~~~~~~~farmland nd woodland icm e

townshi trative al pc. per .i capitavillages population (hm') per ca2

ps (hm ) (m) (hm )(RMB)

Sangpin 625 61.2 0.097 353.33 0.565 1321g

Guandu Yangpo 374 86.07 0.229 380.0 1.016 1363Town Puxi 675 72.67 0.107 1200 1.78 1203

Taoyua 655 95.0 0.144 1066.7 1.627 1352n

Liuhe 396 61.4 0.15 92.47 0.23 1338LiulinTownsh Daping 537 86.7 0.16 76.67 0.15 1465ip

Laozhu 331 54.6 0.17 83.34 0.25 1111

Liangj'ia TianchiTownsh 1081 111.27 0.103 253.34 0.235 1500ip ya

Total 4674 628.87 0.14 3505.8 0.75 1356

Note: Source of data: Report of Environmental Impacts of Songshuling Water Conservancy Hydropower Plant PivotalProject. Zhushan County, Hubei Province, (Version Submittedfor Examination & Approval), Hubei Research Instituteof Environmental Sciences, August 2000.

The major favorable impacts on the social economy surrounding the reservoir bysubmersion and migration are: extemally there will favorable conditions: such as theinvestment in migration, the forming of electric wire network surrounding thereservoir, the restoration and development in projects of transpiration, waterconservancy, energy and communications, the profits brought by watertransportation and the introduction of science and technology; intemally, there willbe proper adjustments on the industries and their internal structures. In agriculture,some farmland will be submerged by the reservoir, slopes will be transformed intoterraces in the resettlement of agricultural population, low-productivity farmland willbe converted, water conservancy facilities will be complemented, forestry will bedeveloped with great effort, grass on barren mountains will be made use of and thewater area will be developed. In combination will the projects of forestry productionresponsibility and protection of natural woods now under implementation inZhushan County, these improvements will result in a more reasonable internalstructure of agriculture, featuring a moderate decrease in the proportion of output byfarming, a significant increase in the proportion of output by forestry, a stableincrease in those by stockbreeding, sideline industries and fishery. Such would


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reinforce agriculture's position as the basic industry. For the secondary and tertiaryindustries, forestry, special local product, stockbreeding and processing will bedeveloped with the adjustment in agricultural structure. The implementation ofmigration and reconstruction will provide opportunities for the industries of buildingmaterials and construction. Meanwhile, the improved quality of reconstructedinfrastructure such as highroads, bridges, power and communication wires will helpthe growth of the tertiary industry surrounding the reservoir, such as transportation,post and telecommunication, food and beverage, commerce and tourism.

The unfavorable impacts are mainly a certain extent of losses in economicalresources surrounding the reservoir caused by submersion. Besides a large quantityof land resources, there will also be highroads, bridges, power wires, communicationwires and hydropower plant. In a short term, the economic production and income inthe area surrounding the reservoir will drop and there will be limits on economicaldevelopment. Therefore, the migrant resettlement and reconstruction of professionalfacilities in the reservoir areas should be considered for implementation in advanceso that a new order of social economy will have formed by the time of thecompletion of the project.

D)Impacts on migrants' quality of life

The submersion and migration of Songshuling Hydropower Plant involves 276people in Guandu Town, Liangjia Township and Liulin Township, most of which areagricultural population. In 1999 the villages' average net income per capita wasRMB 1,111-1,500, mainly coming from farming and stockbreeding that is closedrelated to farming.

Migrants from the villages will lose their original farmland due to the submersionand will be temporarily out of reliable economical resources . At the beginning oftheir resettlement, their living standards will be greatly impacted and they will needto be compensated to maintain normal livelihood. After the completion of theresettlement, with their experience and skills accumulated in years of farming, themigrants engaged in farming will enjoy stably rising living standards provided withfarmland and improved land quality and immigration conditions. The migrantsengaged in stockbreeding and forestry will have the wvater and woodland resources.but their economical income will be affected by multiple factors such as the outlookof the industry, the level of management and technology and the competition inmarket. Therefore, when resettling these migrants, enough emphasis must be put onthe introduction of technology, management and human resources and the scientificmethods of stockbreeding and forestry, so as to significantly improve the migrants'living quality.

4.3. Forecast of Impacts on Water Quality

4.3.1. Forecast of Capacity of Pollution Resources

In the Guandu River basin, the mountains are high, the slopes are steep with many gutters, andthe natural conditions and transpiration conditions are too poor for the development of large-scaleindustries. Currently there are basically no industrial enterprises in the reservoir area andsurrounding the reservoir, so there is no industrial pollution. Since the Guandu River does notflow past market towns, there are no concentrated resources of domestic sewage. Most of the


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domestic sewage produced by villagers along the banks is used for immigration of farmland, sothere is little amount of sewage and pollutants finally emitted into the Guandu River. Since theriver's smallest volume of flow can reach 10.2m3 /s, the sewage-runoff ratio of river water iscertainly below 1: 3000, therefore, in the upperstream section of the Guandu River above theSongshuling damsite, there are basically no point source of pollution. It is also shown in themonitoring of water environment during the low flow period that the water in Guandu River has ahigh environmental quality, with each of the monitoring indexes of water quality reaching thestandards of Class II of water area in GHZB 1-1999 Environmental Standard of Surface WaterQuality at the rate of 100%. Limited by the natural and economical conditions, there are no majorplans' for developing industrial economy in the Guandu River basin area upperstream of thedamsite, as in Zhushan County's economical development plans. Moreover, the country has beenincluded in the national program of natural forest protection, in which the key task for theGuandu River basin is to forbid deforesting at the river source and on steep slopes of highmountains within the first level of mountain range on the banks. Additional tasks include closingmountains to grazing and fuel-collecting, artificial forestation, artificial updating of naturalforests, establishment of forest zones for waste conservancy, protection of rich biologicalresources, improvement of ecological environment and natural scenery and gradual formation ofa protection zone of natural resources. In conclusion, in the operation of the reservoir, the emittedsewage will not have obvious unfavorable impacts on the environmental quality of Guandu River,so the assessment does not include quantitative forecast of point sources of pollution.

In the geological structure of the Guandu River basin, the ground surface is mainly composed ofexposed rocks and thin soil. Most of the soil is semi-filemot soil, categorized into paddy rice soil,damp soil and purple soil, etc. Along the riverbed are steep cliffs. The vegetation in the rivervalley is mostly shrubbery bushes. There are excessive deforesting in Hongping and Liulin inupperstream of the reservoir area. The rainfall usually concentrate in months from June to Augustand storms occur every year. These factors in combination cause a certain extent of soil erosionin the region. Therefore, non-point source of pollution will be the major pollution source in thebasin.

A) Forecast on volume of fertilizer application

Analyzed from relevant data, the volume of fertilizer application in the reservoir areaincreases annually. Since this volume is related to the fertility of soil, the type of crops andthe level of productivity, the least favorable angle is taken to forecast the volume of fertilizerapplication in the third year after the completion of the reservoir (2007). using the indexincrease method to reflect the impacts on water quality by the changes in tertilizerapplication.

X = XO *(I +

In the formula: X0 -Basic annual volume of fertilizer application, tla;

X-Forecasted annual volume of fertilizer application, t/a;

u-Average growth rate of volume of fertilizer application, using theaverage growth rate from 1994 to 1998 in Zhushan County, i.e.2.8% for nitrogen fertilizer and 0.53% for phosphate;

to-The benchmark year, 1997;


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t-The forecasted year, 2007.

The average volume of fertilizer application between 1996 and 1998 is used as thevolume of application in the benchmark year of 1997. From the above formula, theforecasted volume of application in the reservoir area in 2007 is calculated. Please seeTable 4.3.1.

Table 4.3.1 Forecast on Volume of Fertilizer Application in Reservoir Area

Type of fertilizer 1997 2007

Nitrogen fertilizer 825.5 1,090.2

Phosphate 136.7 144.1

Note: Unit of data in the table: tla. Source of data: Report of Environmental Impacts of Songshuling WaterConservancy Hydropower Plant Pivotal Project, Zhushan County, Hubei Province, (Draft), Hubei ResearchInstitute of Environmental Sciences, June 2000.

B)Forecast on run-off of nutrients in the soil

In soil erosion, nitrogen, phosphorus, and dissoluble organic nutrients in the soil can runoff into the reservoir area and affect the water quality. According to SDJ 302-88,Tentative Specifications of Assessment ofEnvironmental Impacts by Water Conservancy& Hydropower Projects, SDJ302-88, the forecast formula is:

E=aSNP +bcdF N,

In the formula: E-the total volume of nitrogen and phosphorus running off from thesoil into the reservoir;

SN. p-the total volume of total nitrogen and total phosphorus entering thewater body and the soil, calculated by multiplying the total volume ofrun-off soil into the reservoir and its total nitrogen and totalphosphorus content;

a-The ratio of nitrogen and phosphorus entering the water body, respectively30% and 5%, with he consumption ratios of nitrogen and phosphorusalong the way of 70% and 95%;

b-The average content of nitrogen and phosphorus in fertilizers. On average,the standard fertilizer contains 23% of nitrogen and 15% of phosphorus;

c-The rate of non-utilization of fertilizers by crops. The rate for nitrogen andphosphorus are respectively 70% and 85%, with the utilization rates being30% and 15%;

d-The run-off rate of fertilizer entering the soil and the water body. Fornitrogen it is 30% and for phosphorus it is 5%;

FN,p-The total volume of fertilizer application.


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It is known from the survey data of soil in Zhushan County that the average content oftotal nitrogen in farmland soil is 0.125% in Guandu Town, 0.162% in HongpingTownship and 0.147% in Liulin Township (at the time of the survey the LiangjiaTownship was not established yet), then the average content of nitrogen in soil of thereservoir area is 0.142%. that the average content of total phosphorus in farmland soil is0.067% in Guandu Town, 0.075% in Hongping Township and 0.086% in LiulinTownship, then the average content of phosphorus in soil of the reservoir area is 0.076%.

The total volume of soil running off into the reservoir will be calculated by multiplyingthe perennial average erosion modulo of 340t/km2 at Songshuling damsite and theflowing area of 2,447km2 in the reservoir area, i.e. 832,000 t. From this the total volumeof nitrogen and phosphorus entering the reservoir area (including the run-off rate offertilizer and the run-off rate of nitrogen and phosphorus in soil). Please see Table 4.3.2.

Table 4.3.2 Total Volume of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Entering Reservoir Area in Soil Erosion

Index 1997 2007

Run-off rate of nitrogen (t/a) 401.79 414.57

Run-off rate of phosphorus 32.49 32.54(t/a)

Note: Source of data: Report of Environmental Impacts of Songshuling Water Conservancy Hydropower Plant PivotalProject, Zhushan County, Hubei Province, (Version Subnmitted for Examination & Approval), Hubei Research Instituteof Environmental Sciences, August 2000.

4.3.2. Forecast on Water Quality in Operation Period

A)Forecast on eutrophication of reservoir

The Dillon Model is used in assessment since it takes into account the ratio ofwaterpower washing and the remaining ratio of nitrogen and phosphorus and can beused for the forecast of nitrogen and phosphorus in different types of reservoirs.

[PI L(1- R)


In the formula: [P]-the density of phosphorus/nitrogen in reservoir water, ing/mr3 a;

L-the capacity of phosphorus/nitrogen entering the reservoir, in g/m3.a;

H-the average depth of the reservoir, in m;

R-the remaining ratio of phosphorus/nitrogen, calculated with theexperience formula based on Dillion's statistical analysis of largequantities of data;

R = 0.426 * exp(-0.27 1Q,) + 0.574 exp(-0.00949Qi)


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In the formula: Q,-the waterpower load, m/a, (Qi=Q/A);

Q-the annual volume of water entering the reservoir;

A-the surface area of the reservoir.

pw-the waterpower washing ratio, 1/a, calculated by the followingformula:


In the formula: Q-the annual volume of water entering thereservoir, in m3/a;

V- the capacity of the reservoir, in m3/a.

Please see Table 4.3.3 for the value of each parameter. Please see Table 4.3.4 for theforecasted density of nitrogen and phosphorus in the reservoir, based on the data inTable .4.3.3.

Table 4.3.3 Parameter of Forecast on Eutrophication of Reservoir

Item Q(m3 ) V(m3

) A(m2) H(m) R | Qi R

Value of 18.26x 1 0.575x 10- 2.74x 10-3 21.0 31.76 666.42 1.03 x I 0-3parameter o-3

Note: Source of data: Report of Environmental Impacts of Songshuling Water ConservancyHydropower Plant Pivotal Project, Zhushan County, Hubei Province, (Version Submitted forExamination & Approval), Hubei Research Institute of Environmental Sciences, August 2000.

4.3.4 Forecasted Value of Density of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Reservoir

Index 1997 2007

Total density of 0.220 0.227nitrogen

Total density of 0.018 0.018phosphorus

Note: Unit of data in the table is mg/L. Source of data: Report of Environmental Impacts ofSongshuling Water Conservancy Hydropower Plant Pivotal Project, Zhushan County, HubeiProvince, (Version Submitted for Examination & Approval), Hubei Research Institute ofEnvironmental Sciences, August 2000.

Based on surveys in some north-American lakes, Carlson raised the experienceformula between the density of chlorophyll a and the total volume of phosphorus(TP):

Inchl = 1.4491nTP- 2.442


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In the formula: chl-the content of chlorophyll in the water body, in mg/m3;

TP-the content of TP in the water body, in mg/m3.

By this formula, it can be estimated that the density of chlorophyll a in the reservoirat the level of 1997 was 5.73 mg/m3 and the density of chlorophyll a in the reservoirat the level of 2007 will be 5.73 mg/m3.

In the introduction of the Manual of Water Environment Capacity6 , Seirgensewraised the determination standards of the extent of eutrophication in lakes, from theaspect of lake ecology. Please see Table 4.3.5.

Table 4.3.5 Determination Standards of the Extent of Eutrophication in Lakes

Type of trophic Chlorophyll a Total Phosphorus Total Nitrogencondition

Extremely scarce 0.01-0.5 <1-5 1-250nutrients

Scarce nutrients 0.0-3.0

Scarce-mediumnutrients - ~~~~~5-10 250-1000nutrients

Medium nutrients 2-15

Eutrophication 10-30 500-1100

Extreme 30-5000 500-1500


Note: Unit of data in the table is mg/m3 . Source of data: Report of Environmental Impacts ofSongshuling Water Conservancy Hydropower Plant Pivotal Project, Zhushan County, HubeiProvince, (Version Submitted for Examination & Approval), Hubei Research Institute ofEnvironmental Sciences, August 2000.

Judging by the above standards, under the situation that the volume of fertilizerapplication increases by index while the soil erosion rate remains the same,Songshuling Reservoir will belong to the type of medium nutrients at the levels offertilizer application of both 1997 and 2007. Since Songshuling Reservoir is a deep-water reservoir with a large volume of water exchange annually, so it will not beeutrophic in a certain period.

In Table 2 (Specific Standards for Controlling Eutrophication of Lakes andReservoirs) of GHZB 1-1999 Environmental Standard of Surface Water Quality, thestandard values are listed in Table 4.3.6.

Table 4.3.6 Standard Values of Specific Items in Lakes & Reservoirs

Item Category I | Category II Category III I Category IV I Category V

Tsinghua University Press. ZHANG Yongliang. LIU Peizhe


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Item Category I Category II Category m Category IV Category V

Total phosphorus 0.002 0.01 0.025 0.06 0.12(oPo)<

Total nitrogen5 0.04 0.15 0.3 0.7 1.2

chlorophyll as 0.001 0.004 0.01 0.03 0.065

Transparency (m)2 15 4 2.5 1.5 0.5

Note: Source of data: Report of Environmental Impacts of Songshuling Water ConservancyHydropower Plant Pivotal Project, Zhushan County, Hubei Province, (Version SubmittedforExamination & Approval), Hubei Research Institute of Environmental Sciences, August2000.

Assessed by the above standard, the water quality of Songshuling Hydropower PlantReservoir can meet the Specific Standards of Water Quality in Category III of WaterArea. The result of assessment accords with Seirgensew's determination standardsof the extent of eutrophication in lakes, i.e. after the completion of SongshulingHydropower Plant, the reservoir will remain in the type of medium nutrients and willnot become eutrophic.

B) Impacts on other water quality index in the reservoir area

After the completion of the reservoir, the operation of the reservoir will not produceany pollutants but will impact some hydrological parameters such as speed of flow,volume of flow, water level and water depth, etc.

There are very few sewage pollution sources along the banks of the reservoir area.The natural conditions and transpiration situation are not suitable for industrialdevelopment. The major pollution sources of water in the reservoir area and theupperstream area of the reservoir are seston, and nutrient like nitrogen andphosphorus brought into the reservoir area by water and soil erosion. The impacts onthe reservoir's water quality by nitrogen and phosphorus have already beenelaborated. As for the seston, its density before the construction of the reservoirchanges with the volume of rainfall: in rainy seasons, especially when there arestorms and mountain floods, the density of seston in the river water is very high,whereas in normal conditions, the density is not high; the seston density after theconstruction of the reservoir will decrease by some extent, especially in heavy rains,since seston carried by the water will gradually subside onto the bottom of thereservoir where the speed of water flow will drop and the depth of water, willincrease. Therefore the quality of water environment in the reservoir will be betterthan the natural water quality in the Guandu River, after the completion ofSongshuling Hydropower Plant. All water quality index will meet the standard forClass II of water area, while eutrophication index such as total phosphorus, totalnitrogen, and chlorophyll a will meet the standard for Class II of water area.

It is estimated that there will be no environmental impacts caused by dissolution ofheavy metals after the construction of the reservoir. The reasons are as follows:

The geological exploration of the project shows that the base rocks in thereservoir area are mostly torbanite and carbonate petrofabric, in which there


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can not be heavy metal in the form of trace;

* No heavy metal mining resources have been discovered in the reservoir area;

* No pollution from heavy metals has been found in the monitoring of the currentwater quality of the Du River. Because of the erosion of limestone in the banks,the pH value of the Guandu River is between 7.6 and 7.7 and that of the DuRiver is between 7.8 and 8.2. Even if the rocks do contain heavy metals, themetals will be dissolved by the alkalescent water body.

In conclusion, the impacts by pollution of heavy metal from the base rocks do notneed to be taken into consideration.

C) Backwater's impacts on water quality of the downstream section of river

Since all the water quality index will not be changed much by the construction ofSongshuling Hydropower Plant reservoir, except seston whose density will remainthe same in low flow periods and decrease a lot in high flow periods, so the sluicebackwater from the reservoir will have no unfavorable impacts on the water qualityof Guandu River's downstream section. After the completion of the reservoir, the siltthat can directly join the downstream section of the Guandu River with surfacerunoff will be mostly blocked in the reservoir area and become sediment on thebottom. In this way, the density of silting and seston in the water body of the GuanduRiver's downstream reach can be reduced. Therefore, the construction ofSongshuling Hydropower Plant can have some favorable impacts on the waterquality in the downstream reach, which will meet the standards of Class II of waterarea in GHZB 1-1999 Environmental Standard of Surface Water Quality.

4.3.3. Analysis on Impacts on Drinking Water for Towns

There are no established towns along the banks of the Songshuling reservoir area. Themigrant resettlement for the hydropower plant will only involve 116 people in 5 villages and10 groups in Guandu Town and Liangjia Township. In the reservoir area are high mountainsand sparse population without centralized sources of domestic drinking water. Therefore, theconstruction of Songshulig Hydropower Plant will not have impacts on the water sources ofdomestic drinking water in the reservoir area.

The damsite of Songshuling Hydropower Plant is about 74km from the watercourse passingthe outskirts of Zhushan County, between which are established towns and townships suchas Guandu Town, Yukou Township and Tianjia Town, respectively located at lOkm, 20kmand 56km from the dam on the banks of the Guandu River. But the towns and townships arestill some distance away from the river, making it inconvenient for the residents to obtainwater, so Guandu River's water has not been used for dnnking. The national project of"Drinking Water for Residents and Livestocks" conducted during the "Eighth-five year"period already solve the problem of drinking water for these areas and major source is fromspringwater in the mountains. Therefore, the construction of Songshuling Hydropower Plantwill not affect the supply of domestic drinking water of Guandu Town, Yukou Township andTianjia Town. As for Zhushan County located 74km downstream of the damsite, its sourceof domestic drinking water comes from the Du River through the Zhushan Tap WaterCompany, whose designed productivity is 5 million t/a on an annual basis and actually


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productivity was 3.6 million t/a in 1998. Since the downstream reach of the Guandu River isfar away from the damsite, its water quality will not be affected obviously by the project.Moreover, the monitoring results of the water environment of the Du River from 1997 to1999 also show that all monitored index, except total coliform bacterial colony, meet thestandards of the Class II water area in Standard of Surface Water Environmental Quality. GB3838-88. In conclusion, the construction of the hydropower plant will not have unfavorableimpacts on the quality of water supplied by Zhushan Tap Water Company and the water ofthe Du River after sterilization will absolutely meet the requirement on domestic drinkingwater.

4.3.4. Summary of Water Quality Assessment

There are currently no large-scale industrial enterprises along the banks of the reservoir area.According to the migrant resettlement plans, there will not be any programs for developinglarge-scale industry in the area. The hydropower is a clean energy source and thehydropower project basically produces no pollution. The forecast on water quality shoes thatthere will not be major changes in the water quality index, except that the density of sestonwill significantly decrease after the construction of the reservoir. The water quality in thereservoir area and in the river reach downstream of the dam will still meet the standards ofClass II of water area in GHZB 1-1999 Environmental Standard of Surface Water Qualityand requirements of water supply for productive and domestic usage. By 2007, the year theproject is planned to be completed, the water of the reservoir will belong to the type ofmedium nutrients and will not become eutrophic.

4.4. Forecast on Reservior Water Temperature

4.4.1. Structure of Reservior Water Temperature

Distributed in a reasonable way, there are three major water conservancy stations in Guandu,Xinzhou and Zhushan and more than 20 rainfall monitoring stations in the Du River basinupperstream of Zhushan County. The stations have hydrological data of actual records datingback to 1958, but do not have actual records of water temperature. The distribution structureof water temperature in the reservoir is affected by multiple factors, such as sunlightradiation, size of reservoir, volume of flow and temperature of water entering the reservoir,silting, location of the water-collecting outlet and the scheduling and operation of thereservoir. There are two types of structures: the layering type and the mixed type, judging bythe index of times of exchange in reservoir water, or Froude's Density Fr. The assessmentuses the coefficient method7 to for judging the structure of water temperature in SongshulingReservoir.

At the normal water-retaining level of 394m, Songshuling Reservoir has a total capacity of57.48 million m3 , a perennial average volume of flow of 75.9m3 /s, a perennial averagerunoffvolume of 1,826 million m3 , thena=31.77>20. According to the principles of structure ofwater temperature, the structure of water temperature in Songshuling Reservoir is the mixedstructure.

7 a= Perennial average runoff volume /total capacity of reservoir.


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4.4.2. Forecast on Reservior Water Temperature

A) Surface water temperature

The planned damsite of Songshuling Reservoir is located near 31057' N. Similar to thatof air temperature, the geographical distribution of the reservoir water temperaturefeatures a decrease from south to north corresponding the change in latitude, so theaverage monthly water temperature of surface water in the reservoir can be calculatedwith the latitude interpolating method. Please see Table 4.4.1 for the results.

Table 4.4.1 Average Annual Surface Water Temperature in Reservoir

Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Average

Tepe. 7.8 7.1 9.5 16.0 21.3 24.8 28.9 29.3 24.4 20.4 15.4 10.4 18.0

Note: Unit of data in the table is 0. Source of data: Report of Environmental Impacts ofSongshuling Water Conservancy Hydropower Plant Pivotal Project, Zhushan County, HubeiProvince, (Version Submitted for Examination & Approval), Hubei Research Institute ofEnvironmental Sciences, August 2000.

B)Bottom water temperature

Tlhe mixed-structure reservoir is a equal-temperature reservoir, i.e. the water temperaturein the reservoir is evenly distributed at any time of the year. The gradient of watertemperature is comparatively small. The bottom water temperature changes with thesurface water temperature. The annual temperature difference can be as high as 15-24Eand there is an obvious exchange of heat between the water body and the bottom of thereservoir. Generally speaking, this type of reservoir is poor in the ability of self-adjustment. The normal water-retaining level of Songshuling Reservoir is 394m and thedepth will be 54m. Using the latitude interpolating method, the annual average watertemperature at the bottom of the reservoir is about 12.5 E.

C) Vertical water temperature in front of the dam

Based on domestic records, Northeast Hydropower Exploration and Designing Institutearrived at the formula of calculating the water temperature in each month:

Ty =(TO -Tb) exp(-(Yl/X)) )+Tb

15 m2

n =- +-m2 35

40 m2

m 2.37(1 + 0.lm)

In the formula: T0-the average monthly surface water temperature of the reservoir, in [;


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Tb-the average monthly bottom water temperature of the reservoir, in E;

m-the month;

y-the depth of water in front of the dam, in m.

Since there are some differences between the bottom water temperatures of a mixed reservoirin each month and the annual temperatures, some calculation is needed. According to theformula recommended by Specifications of Planning & Designing of Hydropower ProjectReservoir,, Tb can be calculated (Table 4.4.2). Then the above formula is used to calculatethe vertical distribution of water temperature in front of the dam, with results shown in Table4.4.3.

Table 4.4.2 Annual Average Temperature on Surface & Bottom of Reservoir

Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Average


temper 8.3 8.3 8.3 10.3 10.3 16.2 16.2 16.2 16.3 14.3 14.3 11.1 12.5aturein 0

Note: Source of data: Report of Environmental Impacts of Songshuling Water ConservancyHydropower Plant Pivotal Project, Zhushan County, Hubei Province, (Version Submitted forExamination & Approval), Hubei Research Institute of Environmental Sciences, August2000.

Table 4.43 Estimated Vertical Water Temperature of Reservoir in Front of Dam

Water Monthdepth 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1 7.8 7.1 9.5 15.9 21.0 24.6 28.8 29.3 24.4 20.4 15.4 10.4

2 7.8 7.1 9.5 15.7 20.5 24.4 28.6 29.2 24.4 20.4 15.4 10.4

4 7.8 7.1 9.4 15.1 19.5 23.7 28.0 28.8 24.3 20.4 15.4 10.4

6 7.8 7.1 9.3 14.6 18.4 23.0 27.1 28.2 24.1 20.3 15.4 10.4

8 7.8 7.1 9.2 14.0 17.4 22.2 26.1 27.5 23.8 20.2 15.4 10.4

10 7.8 7.2 9.1 13.5 16.4 21.4 25.0 26.5 23.4 20.0 15.4 10.4

12 7.8 7.2 9.0 13.0 15.5 20.7 23.9 25.4 22.9 19.8 15.3 10.4

14 7.8 7.3 8.9 12.6 14.7 20.0 22.8 24.3 22.3 19.4 15.3 10.4

16 7.8 7.4 8.8 12.2 14.0 19.4 21.8 23.2 21.6 19.0 15.3 10.4


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Water Monthdepth 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

18 7.8 7.6 8.7 11.8 13.4 18.9 20.8 22.1 20.8 18.5 15.2 10.5

20 7.8 7.7 8.6 11.6 12.9 18.4 20.0 21.0 20.1 18.0 15.1 10.5

22 7.8 7.9 8.5 11.3 12.4 18.0 19.3 20.1 19.4 17.4 15.0 10.5

24 7.8 8.0 8.4 11.1 12.0 17.7 18.6 19.3 18.8 16.8 14.9 10.6

26 7.8 8.2 8.4 10.9 11.7 17.4 18.1 18.6 18.2 16.3 14.8 10.7

28 7.8 8.2 8.4 10.8 11.4 17.1 17.7 18.0 17.7 15.8 14.7 10.7

30 7.8 8.3 8.3 10.7 11.2 16.9 17.3 17.5 17.3 15.4 14.6 10.8

32 7.8 8.3 8.3 10.6 11.1 16.8 17.0 17.1 17.0 15.1 14.5 10.9

34 7.8 8.3 8.3 10.5 10.9 16.7 16.8 16.9 16.8 14.8 14.4 10.9

36 7.9 8.3 8.3 10.5 10.8 16.6 16.7 16.7 16.6 14.6 14.4 11.0

38 8.0 8.3 8.3 10.4 10.7 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 14.5 14.4 11.0

40 8.1 8.3 8.3 10.4 10.6 16.4 16.4 16.4 16.4 14.4 14.3 11.1

42 8.2 8.3 8.3 10.4 10.5 16.4 16.4 16.3 16.4 14.4 14.3 11.1

44 8.3 8.3 8.3 10.4 10.5 16.3 16.3 16.3 16.3 14.3 14.3 11.1

46 8.3 8.3 8.3 10.3 10.4 16.3 16.3 16.3 16.3 14.3 14.3 11.1

48 8.3 8.3 8.3 10.3 10.4 16.3 16.3 16.2 16.3 14.3 14.3 11.1

50 8.3 8.3 8.3 10.3 10.4 16.3 16.2 16.2 16.3 14.3 14.3 11.1

52 8.3 8.3 8.3 10.3 10.4 16.2 16.2 16.2 16.3 14.3 14.3 11.1

54 8.3 8.3 8.3 10.3 10.4 16.2 16.2 16.2 16.3 14.3 14.3 11.1

56 8.3 8.3 8.3 10.3 10.3 16.2 16.2 16.2 16.3 14.3 14.3 11.1

58 8.3 8.3 8.3 10.3 10.3 16.2 16.2 16.2 16.3 14.3 14.3 11.1

60 8.3 8.3 8.3 10.3 10.3 16.2 16.2 16.2 16.3 14.3 14.3 11.1

Note: Unit of data in the table is O. Source of data: Report of Environmental Impacts ofSongshuling Water Conservancy Hydropower Plant Pivotal Project, Zhushan County, HubeiProvince, (Version Submitted for Examination & Approval), Hubei Research Institute of


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Environmental Sciences, August 2000.

4.4.3. Sluice Water Temperature

The water temperature near the downstream reach of the dam is basically the same as thewater temperature of sluice from the reservoir. The latter is related to the functions of thereservoir, the altitude of the water-collecting outlet, the way, period and volume of sluice.From the data of perennial water temperature in completed domestic reservoirs, the watertemperature of sluice corresponds well with the water temperature at a certain depth, i.e. 15to 20m, in the reservoir, and with the altitude of the water-collecting outlet. Therefore, thecalculation of the water temperature of sluice from this reservoir will use the watertemperature at the depth of 20m in front of the dam as the reference value. Please see Table4.4.4 for detailed values.

The backwater of Songshuling Reservoir will be drained in the Guandu River through thehydropower factory buildings and will arrive at Guandu Town through a lOkm-longwatercourse. As Songshuling Reservoir belongs to the mixed type, the water temperature ofits sluice is different from that of the layering type. Generally speaking, the watertemperature of sluice in autumn and winter is higher than that of rivers in a natural condition.While the water temperature of sluice in spring and summer and the annual averagetemperature are higher than that of rivers in a natural condition. Consequently, there will besome impacts on the average monthly and annual water temperature in the reach of theGuandu River from Songshuling to Guandu Town. Specifically, during the cooling periodand low-temperature seasons, the water temperature in the downstream reach will be higherthan before the construction of the reservoir, while in high-temperature seasons, the watertemperature in the downstream reach will be lower than before the construction of thereservoir. The overall situation is a more balanced annual water temperature in thedownstream reach, a decrease in the differences of the highest and lowest average monthlywater temperature and a lower average annual water temperature than that of rivers in anatural condition.

Table 4.4.4 Forecast of Water Temperature of Sluice from Reservoir

Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 Average


temper 7.8 7.7 8.6 11.6 12.9 18.4 20.0 21.0 20.1 18.0 15.1 10.5 14.3ature

Note: Source of data: Report of Environmental Impacts of Songshuling Water ConservancyHydropower Plant Pivotal Project, Zhushan County, Hubei Province, (Version SubmittedforExamination & Approval), Hubei Research Institute of Environmental Sciences, August2000.

4.5. Analysis on Extent of Impacts by Greenhouse Gases

The greenhouse gases in the reservoir area mainly come from the following 3 sources:

* CO2 emitted by vegetation's respiration action at nighttime;


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* CH4 and CO2 emitted by farm crops in paddy fields due to fertilization;

• CH4 emitted by organic substances in soil submerged under water.

After the construction of the project, the former two sources will decrease due to submersionand the emission of greenhouse gases will be restrained in the reservoir area. This includes21.07hm2 of farmland and vegetation, a 3.35% decrease from the current 628.87hm2 and25.23hm2 of woodland, a 0.72% decrease from the current 3,505.8hM2.

The organic substances in the soil submerged by the reservoir can be dissolved into methane(C14). The production of methane in the natural environment is a complicated process,mainly including the acidification and dissolution of organic substances, and their products'further transformation into gases. The following conditions are a must in the production ofmethane:

* Sufficient organic substances to provide nutrients for anaerobic bacteria and methanebacteria to reproduce;

* Suitable conditions such as the lack of oxygen, acidity, temperature and humidity; and

i Comparatively stable living environment for bacteria, etc.

Analyzing the on-site data and survey results, its can be estimated that the production ofmethane in Songshuling Reservoir is on a low, declining level. The reasons are as follows:

* Since there is a lack of farmland resources in the area, besides farmland, woodland andgarden land, most of the land submerged by the reservoir are rocky cliffs containingvery small amount of soil with rich organic substances;

* The alakalescent water body is a drawback for the survival of anaerobic bacteria;

* The upperstream reach of the reservoir area is shallow natural watercourse and does notcontribute much to the production of methane; the low bottom water temperature of themiddle/downstream reach of the reservoir area restrains the activeness of anaerobicbacteria;

* Since no more fertilizer will be applied to the submerged farmland, woodland andgarden land, there will be no sources of organic substances and the conditions for theproduction of methane will be destroyed.

Currently there are no better quantitative methods for assessing the volume of methaneproduced after the submersion of the reservoir. According to domestic research results onemission of methane8 , the emission rate of methane by paddy fields is between 0.028 and1.352g/(m2 d), and 1994 accounts for 31.02% of the statistical rate of emission (Figure4.5.1).

8,Status Quo of Methane Emission in China, ZHANG Renjian, etc., Studies of Climate &Environment, 2nd Issue, 4th Volume, June 1999.


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Figure 4.5.1 Contribution Rate of Methane Emission Sources in 1994, China

No statistics about reservoirs is included in the types of emission sources, so obviouslyreservoirs have smaller effects in producing methane. Even if estimated in the sameconservative situation as the statistics of paddy fields, the maximum of average methaneproduction in Songshuling Reservoir is still far below the level of 0.028g/(m2-d), and thetotal volume is smaller than 0.077t/d, much smaller than that of a fire-power plant of thesame scale. Moreover, even though a small amount of methane are to be produced at thebeginning of the reservoir's operation, the conditions for producing methane will graduallyvanish after some time, significantly reducing the volume of production. In addition, theclearing up of the reservoir before water-retaining will further weaken the conditions formethane production. Consequently, the environmental impacts of greenhouse gases producedby Songshuling Reservoir can be left out.

4.6. Analysis of Impacts by Silting

4.6.1. Characteristics of Silt

There are no data of silts recorded by Guandu Hydrology Station located near the damsite onthe Guandu River, so the records by Xinzhou Hydrology Station in the Si River basin and theZhushan Hydrology on the Du River are used as references to analyze silting problem inSongshuling Reservoir. In the initial designing period, the actual records of silt by ZhushanStation in 33 years from 1961 to 1993 and by Xinzhou Station in 1 years from 1975 to 1993were collected for analysis of the characteristics of silt in the section between Zhushan andXinzhou. The Guandu River originates from the Shennongila Forest Zone with goodvegetation and the Si River originates from the Daba Mountains with poorer vegetation.Please see Table 4.5.1 for characteristic values of silt.

Considering the vegetation along the Guandu River is better than that along the Si River,smaller characteristic values than those at Xinzhou Station are used for Songshuling damsite.If the erosion modulo is 340t/km2 at Songshuling, then the perennial average suspended loadsand-carrying volume is 832,000t, the perennial average silt content is 0.456kg/m3, and theperennial average bed load sand-carrying volume is 124,800t. The results show that theGuandu River is a river with little silt, taking into account the impacts on silting by humanactivity in the reservoir area. However, since the water area upperstream of the dam is largeand the reservoir capacity is comparatively small, silting will affect the reservoir's length ofoperation, so the silting problem in the reservoir should be emphasized and coordinated.

Table 4.5.1 Table of Characteristics of Silt at Hydrology Stations in Du River Basin


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Chapter IV Forecst & Assessment of Environmental Impacts

Perennia Perennia Maximu AnnualArea of Perennia Maximu m Time of avnrag

catchme voaver avrg average m silt annual occurren erageName of nt volume sand- sl cotn sadce erosionstation nt of flow carrying Silt content sand- ce module

content carrvingkmrm3I so 04t1 kg/mr kg/M3 volume 1 (year) t/kM2

MI/S t/a ~~~~~~~~~04 t/a

Zhushan 9074 170 401 0.746 52.1 1140 1964 442

Xinzhou 4660 85.1 161 0.602 31.8 426 1984 345

BetweenZhushan 4414 85.0 240 0.895 543


Note: Source of data: Report of Environmental Impacts of Songshuling Water ConservancyHydropower Plant Pivotal Project, Zhushan County, Hubei Province, (Version Submitted forExamination & Approval), Hubei Research Institute of Environmental Sciences, August 2000.

4.6.2. Silting in Reservior

A)Silting in the reservoir

Similar results were arrived at in calculation of Songshuling reservoir's annual averagesilting volume using the methods of sand-blocking rate and rate of reduced reservoircapacity by sediment. Since the reservoir will be installed with sand-discharging hole, theresult from the sand-blocking method is more reasonable, so the initial designed siltingvolume is calculated by the method of sand-blocking rate, with results shown in Table4.5.2.

Table 4.5.2 Results of Estimation in Silting Volume of Songshuling Reservoir

Year-limit of 20 30 50 Perennireservoir aloperation years years i'ears average

Silting volume of the 788171953.0year (104m3) 780.8 1952 39.04

Note: Source of data: Report of Environmental Impacts of Songs'huling Waler ConservanciHydropower Plant Pivotal Project, Zhushan County, Hubei Province, (Version Submnitted forExamination & Approval), Hubei Research Institute of Environmental Sciences, August 2000.

B)Altitude of silting sediments in front of the dam

In the initial designing using the Method of Reduction in Experience Area to calculatethe conformation of perennial silting and the locations of silting sediments in thereservoir, it is estimated that the altitude of sediments in front of the dam in 20, 30 and50 years' time are respectively 355.60m, 359.70m and 366.20m.


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C)Conformation of silting sediments

Based on analysis with multiple discriminants, it is determined that the siltingsediments in Songshuling Reservoir will be in a strip form vertically and at the samealtitude horizontally.

4.6.3. Impacts of Silting

A) Impacts of silting on the functions of the reservoir

The above results indicates that: in the reservoir's 50'h year of operation, the sediment infront of the dam will be 366.20m in altitude, while the altittude of the bottom of thehydropower water-diverting tunnel is 362.00m, so certain sand-discharging measuresshould be taken so as to prevent silting from covering the tunnel.

Based on the operational features of Songshuling Reservoir, sluice drainage bottomhold will be used to discharge sand and the operation method of will beadopted. The method is: during non-flooding periods, the reservoir will retain water forpower generation without sand-discharging, while in the flooding period of July andAugust, the used water and sluice flood will be used for discharging sand. The bottomof sand-discharging hole will be 355.00m in altitude. The perennial sediments will beconcentrated in the middle and front sections of the dam, which is a favorable conditionfor sand-discharging, especially with used water and sluice flood. Since the volume offlow in the hold should meet the requirements of sluice, sand-discharging andemptying, it is designed to be 200m3 /s after overall consideration. With the operationalmethod of sand-discharging in flooding period, the reservoir can remain in normaloperation and bnrng due profits.

B) Impacts on sediment-washing in river reach below the dam

Songshuling Hydropower Plant is the second stage of terrace development in the DuRiver basin. After completion, the project will block a large quantity of silt every year,not only reducing the amount the silting in downstream reach of the Guandu River andin Huanglongtan Reservoir, but also can wash away some of the silt already in thewater course, providing a favorable condition for the development of watertranspiration and fish-breeding the downstream reach.

C) Impacts on the old dock of Liulin Township

The Old Dock (Laomatou) is located at the end of Songshuling Reservoir's backwater,with 3 administrative villages, 6 groups of villagers, 22 households and 100 people,including 10 people of non-agricultural population. Convenient in water and landtransportation, the area contains many commercial, service, transportation and repairingbusinesses attracting many merchants. According to surveys of the households, in 1999the total income of the 22 households was RMB 607,840, with an average of RMB6,078.4 per capita. After the water-retaining of the reservoir, the increased depth ofwater will slow down the flow from upperstream, causing the silt carried by the waterto form sediments at the end of the reservoir, raising the level of backwater. The areawill then be gradually covered by silt. If considered with the standard of floods thatoccur every 20 years, by the reservoir's 20d' year of operation, the area will becompleted submerged. Protective measures against floods will be taken to slow downthe submersion of the area, based on the wills of villagers and repeated comparison.


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According to the landforTn and geomorphy of the region, Zhushan County WaterConservancy and Hydropower Designing Project Team drew the following plans afterexploration:

* The protective measures against flooding are: building a dyke in Laomatou, with atotal length of 432.8m, a height of 13.529m (the top is 404.5m in altitude) and abase width of 4.8m.

* The volume of work is: 15,809.5m2 of 75-slurry-laid stones, 1171.1m2 of150concrete, 12,226.6m2 of E. The total investment of RMB 2,923,400 hasbeen included in the cost of submersion and migrant resettlement of the project.

The above measures taken, the area can be guaranteed not to be submerged by flood in50 years.

4.7. Analysis of Environmental Impacts by Other Factors During ConstructionPeriod

4.7.1. Impacts on Atmospheric Environment by Construction

Songshuling Hydropower Plant mainly impacts the quality of atmospheric environment inthe dam area and the surrounding in the following aspects: large quantities of stive and raiseddust produced by the excavation of major project base, the cement mixers, the driller and theexplosions; smaller quantities of pollutants emitted by machines burning diesel and gasoline,such as carbon monoxide, hydrocarbonized compound, NOx, sulphur dioxide, soot andplumbum, etc. It is estimated that the annual amount of pollutants from the project will be1l1.57t of carbon monoxide, 2,96t of hydrocarbonized compound, 11.52t of NOx, 9.30t ofsulphur dioxide, 0.95t of soot and 3.80kg of plumbum. The number of constructors normallywill be around 200, and will be 500 during the peak-time. Their domestic fuel mainly comesfrom the local coal resources, burnt in self-made stoves for the 3 meals a day. The pollutantsfrom this will be mainly sulphur dioxide, NOx and soot emitted in the form of originalsource. The construction site is located in Zhuyuan in the upperstream reach of the GuanduRiver where there are no industrial enterprises or town/township enterprises. The fewscattered households of villagers use wood coal as domestic fuel and basically produce nopollutant into the air. Combining the actual situation of the planned project and the volumeof pollutant emitted from the construction area, it is estimated using the analogical methodthat the dust raised by transportation and the small amount of vehicle offgass in theconstruction of Songshuling project will have some unfavorable impacts to the air within asmall scope of the surrounding area. The pollution will stop at the end of the project,therefore the waste gases from the construction will not impact the surrounding air qualitymuch.

4.7.2. Analysis of Impacts on Water Quality During Construction Period

From the analysis of the project it is known that the major pollution on water quality fromthe construction area is the sewage from washing the sandrock material processing system,with a volume of 98m3/h (0.027m3/s). The density of seston in the sewage is about25,000mg/L, so the volume of emitted seston will be about2.45t/h, which, if directly emittedwithout any processing, will far exceed the Class I standard of Standard of IntegratedEmission of Sewage (GB 8978-1996). The domestic sewage emitted during the peak-time ofconstruction will be about I 00m3, with the densities of COD and BOD respectively reaching


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600mg/L and 500mg/L, so the volume of COD and BOD will be respectively 600kg/d and50kg/d, which, if directly emitted, will exceed the Class 1 standard of Standard of IntegratedEmission of Sewage (GB 8978-1996). Since the construction will be normally implementedduring the low-flow period or level period when the volume of flow is comparatively smallin the Guandu River (from the records of Guandu Hydrology Station, in the typical low-flowyear (85%) of November 1978 to March 1979, the average volume of flow was 17.8m3/s)and the dilution capacity will also be small. Consequently, if the production and domesticsewage during the construction period is directly drained into the Guandu River, the waterquality of the river will be greatly affected and in some part of the river downstream of theconstruction area, the water quality may even exceed the standards of Class III of water areain GHZB 1-1999 Environmental Standard of Surface Water Quality.

4.7.3. Environmental Impacts by Construction Noises

The noises produced by the construction of Songshuling Hydropower Plant can be roughlycategorized as: fixed, constant noises from drillers and construction machinery; mobiletransportation noises and short, regular explosion noises. The noise sources are characterizedby the strong intensity of noises, the wide geographical distribution and comparativeconcentration.

The machinery used in the construction will make noises of about 75-120dB(A), mainlycoming from excavation of soil and rocks, processing of sandrock materials and mixing ofcement. The noises are intensive and lasting, so they will greatly affect the on-siteconstructors. Since the administrative offices and the living area is further away from theexcavation site, the noises in construction will have smaller impact on these areas, afterbeing weakened by the mountains and vegetation.

The explosion noises are from the excavation of major project bases and the rock materialsites. The noises are at a fixed intensity and lasts only a short period, so their impacts onconstructors, residents and animals (which may be interfered or scared) can be decreased oravoided, as long as the right choices are made on the method and intensity of explosion, thetiming and the protections.

The transportation noises are mainly from the engines and horns of vehicles. The noise ismobile and can affect the constructors and residents along the highroads. There are very fewresidents and no school or towns in the construction area, the speed of vehicles is slower andthere are few people on the move. With these factors, the scope and extent of impacts bytransportation noises will be smaller than those of the construction machines.

4.8. Local Climate

4.8.1. Characteristics of Climate in Reservior Area

The Songshuling Hydropower Plant is in a region of semitropical monsoon mountainclimate. Due to the varied landforms and complicated small-scale climate environment, theclimate here have the following characteristics: The rainy season are in the hottest season ofthe year and there are few frigid days. The area is often attacked by disasters such droughts,hails and storms. Geographically the middle part is the warmest, the northern part is warmand the southern part is both colder and more humid. There is a very obvious vertical zonestripes of air temperature when the temperature changes with the altitude, the difference inannual average temperature is 0.550/lOOm (in summer it is 0.60/lOOm, in winter


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0.450/lOOm, and in spring 0.5F]/100m). The climate differs greatly between seasons,January is the coldest month of the year, December is the second coldest, while July is thehottest month and August is the second hottest; the air temperature begins to climb inJanuary and the increase becomes more rapid after February until reaching the peak in July;the temperature quickly drops in September and arrives at the lowest point in January of thenext year. The hottest temperature during the day was 43.40, the coldest was -9.90. In thepast years, the number of days when the lowest temperature is below 00 was 47.6 days,smaller than that of neighboring counties, which is a favorable condition for farm crops tosurvive through the winter.

The volume of sunlight radiation in the reservoir area changes in a single-peak curve. Thetotal annual volume of radiation is 4,079,700 kJ/m2. July has the largest monthly volume of510,000 kJ/m 2 and December has the smallest of 188,100 kJ/m2. The volume of radiationdiffers with season, too: in spring it is 1,137,000 kJ/M2, in summer 1,471,000 kJ/m2, inautumn 853,000 kJ/m2 and in winter 619,000 kJ/m2.

The annual average sunshine hours in Zhushan County is 1,650.4hr, with a daily average of4.5hr. The annual average percentage of sunshine is 37%, distributed in the followingformat: the area with the highest percentage is the outskirts of Zhushan County near the towngate; the percentage decreases to the north and the south, at a slower speed in the north thanin the south; there is little difference between the percentages in the middle part and thewestern part. Zhushan's hours and percentage of sunshine are both smaller than those of theneighboring counties.

The seasons are divided clearly by changes in climate, but the length of the seasons aredifferent. In climatology, when the air temperature is lower than 10F, it is winter; whenhigher than 22F, summer; between 10F and 22F, spring and autumn. According to thisstandard, the spring in the reservoir area is from March 21 to May 31, a total of 72 days, thesummer is from June 1 to September 15, a total of 107 days, the autumn is from September16 to November 20, a total of 66 days, and the winter is from November 21 to March 20, atotal of 120 days.

The frostless period is one guaranteeing factor of the safe growth of farm crops, which inturn is a key factor for a good harvest. Observation on the frostless period is limited to areaon the outskirts of town near the town gate. From experience, it is known that the frostlessperiod shortens by 7 to 9 days when the altitude rises by lOOm. It is then calculated that thelength of the frostless period in Guandu is 199 days, in Liulin, 181 days, and in Hongping,154 days.

The volume of precipitation in the reservoir area, distinctively impacted by the summermonsoon, is the smallest in winter at 46.3mm, the highest in summer at 366.6mm, in spring,277.1mm, in autumn 266.0mm. The total annual volume is 956mm.

Aridness degree is a standard to classify water resources and is closed related to the changesin temperature. By aridness degree the reservoir area is a semi-humid district and Liulin andHongping in the upperstream area are in a humid district.

The perennial average vaporization volume is 661mm, and that in the reservoir area is439mm.


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4.8.2. Analysis of Impacts on Local Climate

After the completion of the reservoir, the increased water level and water area will havedifferent impacts on climate factors in the local region, such as air temperature, precipitation,wind speed and humidity. In comparison with the impacts under the large-scope climate, theimpacts on these factors by the construction itself can be small. However, there will still besome corresponding changes in the climate of the reservoir area and the surrounding. Thefollowing is an analysis of the project's possible impacts on climate factors.

A)Air temperature

After the water-retaining and operation of Songshuling Reservoir, the underlaying surfacein the reservoir area will change from wavy land to smooth water surface, leading togreat changes in its physical nature, namely, the absorption and radiation of heat willdiffer a lot, changing the heat condition of the underlaying surface. The reservoir becomesa still water surface from the original natural watercourse, so the surface watertemperature will be increased at a higher speed. Meanwhile, the original river was at thebottom of the valley and received little sunshine radiation. After the water level rises, thehidden visual angle decreases, and the water surface will receive more sunshineradiation, so that the average temperature of the water surface will be significantly higherthan the temperature of the surrounding land. For the about reasons, the average annualair temperature will be higher after water-retaining.

B) Precipitation

After the water-retaining of the reservoir, the wavy land will be replaced by smoothwater surface, weakening the dynamic raising action of the ground and the verticalmovement of air. Therefore the distribution of precipitation in the reservoir area will bechanged, i.e. the volume of precipitation will decrease a little in the reservoir and alongthe banks and will increase a little in the area surrounding the reservoir which is somedistance away from the banks. However, the extent of increase and decrease will besmall, only about 0.3-0.8%, so the small changes in precipitation brought by the projectdoes not impact the reservoir area much.

C) Wind speed

Under circumstances without impacts from local winds, the shape and nature of theunderlaying surface is a key factor that affects the changes in the speed of winds in airnear the ground, by having different types of friction on the airflow. The water-retainingof the reservoir will greatly change the shape and nature of the underlaying surface,mainly its roughness, length of the windy area, the hidden visual angle at the bottom ofthe valley and the ratio of the width and the depth of the river valley. Since these factorshave different affects on winds from different directions and at different locations, thewind speed after the completion of the reservoir will be changed to different extents.

Based on relevant research, the following formula can be used to express the changes inwind speed after the airflow passes the water surface in the river valley:

V- = a - b * exp(-cx)u


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In the formula: u-the speed of wind passing the water surface(m/s);

v-the speed of wind that has passed the water surface;

x-the length of the wind area, m;

a, b, c- pararneters relevant to the shape and nature of the underlaying surface.

After calculation, it is known that the speed of wind increases 20-25% on average afterthe water-retaining of the reservoir.


After the water-retaining of the reservoir, the increased water surface and water bodywill result in an increase in total volume of vaporization. An high-humidity area willform in the center of the reservoir and decreases with the increase of distance to thebank. Since the average relative humidity surrounding the reservoir area is now 76%,which is already quite high, therefore, the impacts on humidity by the reservoir will notbe much in scope or in extent. Since the volume of vaporization is higher in summer, theincrease in humidity in summer will also be higher than that in winter.

E) Fog

The occurrence/disappearance and changes of fog mainly depend on the changes infactors such as humidity, air temperature and wind speed. In regions with water areas,such as the reservoir, the air is more humid near the ground and above the water surface,facilitating the forming of fog in suitable weather. However, since humidity, airtemperature and wind speed are mainly affected by the large-scope climate, while thereservoir does not change the local climate much and the original climate in the reservoiraTea will not change much. The completion of the reservoir has dual effects on theforming of fog: on one hand, the higher humidity in the air increases the chances of fogs; on the other hand, the faster wind decreases the chances. Therefore the situation of fogsin and surrounding the reservoir area will not be distinctively changed.

4.8.3. Analysis of Impacts on Local Climate

After the water-retaining of the reservoir, there will be a significant reduction in disastrousclimates such as extremely high or low temperature. The conditions of irrigation and heatingfor agricultural production will be improved. The higher air temperature in spring andwinter, prolonged frostless period will all be favorable for the growth of commercial cropsthat prefer moderate weather. The cooler summers and faster wind will to some extentrelieve the harms of high temperature in low-altitude river valleys and improve the livingenvironment. The higher volume of precipitation will modify the hot and dry weather,helping farm crops to grow.

However, the increased humidity in summer will have unfavorable impacts on the lives ofresidents. More foggy days and thicker fogs will bring difficulties to water transportation.The higher annual average humidity and smaller difference between the humidity in summerand winter will speed up the growth and reproduction of morbigenous bacteria and harmfulpests. The reduction in precipitation along the banks of the reservoir area can intensify heatand droughts in summer.


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4.9. Analysis of Project's Impacts on Hydrological Regime

4.9.1. Impacts on Hydrological Regime in Reservior Area


Before the construction of the reservoir the Guandu River is a natural seasonal river andprecipitation is the river's major supply of runoff . Due to the various climate factorsthat form precipitation and other geological conditions that affectrunoff, the river hasa changeable volume of flow, which is different within the same year and betweendifferent years. At the damsite the perennial average volume of flow is 57.9m3/s, whilethat in low-flow period is 26.1m3/s. Songshuling Reservoir does self-adjustment withseasonal changes. After the water-retaining of the reservoir, the volume of waterflowing into the reservoir will still be the original natural volume of flow, but thevolume of water flowing out of the reservoir is related to the scheduling principles ofthe reservoir. The details of the volume of water flowing out of the reservoir is listed inthe analysis of runoff in downstream reaches of the damsite. On the whole the annualtotal volume of water flowing into and out of the reservoir is basically balanced.

B) Water level

The water-retaining of the reservoir distinctively affects the water level. Before theconstruction of the reservoir the section of river at the damsite is a natural watercourse.Its lowest recorded water level is 330.7m (the altitude of the Yellow Sea) by GuanduHydrology Station with a corresponding volume of flow of 10.2 m3/s. Its highestrecorded water level is 336.7m (the altitude of the Yellow Sea) by Guandu HydrologyStation with a corresponding volume of flow of 2,590m3/s. From the above a curve canbe made to show the relationship between the water level and the volume of flow at thedamsite. In the natural condition, the water level of the Guandu River rises as thevolume of flow increases and drops as the volume of flow decreases, and overall theextent of change is 7m.

After the completion of the reservoir, the rangeability of water level will be betweenthe backwater level of 384m and the normal retaining water level of 394m. The highestwater level in flooding period will not exceed the designed flooding water level of395.1m, the reservoir area. With the same year, the rangeability of the river's waterlevel will increase to above 10m. related to the retaining capacity of the reservoir.Please see Figure 4.8.1 for the curve of relationship between reservoir capacity andwater level.

C) Speed of flow

From the landform of the riverbed, the scheduling method of floods and the siltingsediments, it is analyzed that the speed of flow will significantly change in the riversection of the reservoir area. In analogical surveys, the average speed of flow in theriver section at the end of the reservoir at normal water-retaining level will be about 2/3of the river's flowing speed in the natural condition, and the flowing speed in front ofthe dam will be just 1/40 of that in the natural condition. During the non-floodingperiods when the reservoir is at the normal water-retaining level, the flow of water inthe whole reservoir will be slow.


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4.9.2. Impacts on Hydrological Regime in Downstream Reach of the Dam


The operation of Songshuling Reservoir basicaily has no impacts on the annual runoffvolume in the downstream reach of the dam. The reservoir mainly adjusts and balancesthe distribution of runoff within the year. After the completion of the reservoir, thetendency of changes in the average monthly volume of flow along the downstreamreach is as follows: the volume of flow in high-flow periods does not differ much fromthat before the reservoir is constructed; the volume of flow during low-flow periods ofhigh-flow years and level years will increase by some extent; the volume of flow duringlow-flow periods of low-flow years will increase distinctively.

Figure 4.8.1 Curve Showing Relationship Between Water Level & ReservoirCapacity of Songshuling Hydropower Plant

B)Water level

The water level in the downstream reach of the dam is affected by the volume of sluicefrom the reservoir. At the re-examined water level of 398.21m of floods occurring every500 years, the volume of sluice is 6,270m3/s and the corresponding highest water levelin the downstream reach is 364m. At the re-examined water level of 397.30m of floodsoccurring every 200 years, the volume of sluice is 5,530m3/s and the correspondinghighest water level in the downstream reach is 363.5m. At the re-examined water levelof 395.10m of floods occurring every 50 years, the volume of sluice is 4,353m3 /s andthe corresponding highest water level in the downstream reach is 361.4m. Please seeFigure 4.8.2 for the curve of the relationship between the water level in the downstreamreach and the volume of sluice from Songshuling Reservoir.

Figure 4.8.2 Relation between Volume of Sluice from Songshuling Reservoir andWater Level

4.10. Analysis of Impacts on Environmental Geology

4.10.1. Stability of Reservoir Banks

A) Stability of the banks in reservoir area

The Guandu River lies in a valley in landscape orientation, flowing in a direction verticalto the direction of rock layers, which is a favorable condition for the stability of slopeson the banks. Within 3km upperstream of the dam are 4 accumulations from collapses ofslopes, distributed between 350m to 460m in altitude, 40-15m in width and30°-40° innatural slope. The back edge is in the shape of an armchair, stacked by a mixture of hugelumps, rocks and clunch. The top is thin and the bottom is thick. The underlying stratumis powdery torbanite and the ambitus is stripped limestome. The comparatively softunderlying stratum is formed by ruptures and fissuring cuttings to unload burden underthe action of gravity and is in a stable condition. At I.1km upperstream of the dam is alandslide formation, distributed between 360m to 440m in altitude, 40-lOOm in widthand 15°(upper) -45°(lower) in natural slope. It is in the shape of a semi-oval, gently slope


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at the top, level in the middle and bulgy at the bottom. The surface is a mixture of clunchand macadam of 2-3m thick. The underlying stratum is powdery torbanite of 5m thick,with intensive squeezing, bending and loosening and some parts are superterranean. Thelandslide formnation is a shallow layer of base rock landslide. On the side along thehighroad, part of the stack has collapse in rainfalls due to artificial digging of soil and iscurrently in a stable condition. After the water-retaining of the reservoir, the changedhydrogeological conditions may cause some small landslides on the front edge of thelandslide formation. Between 400m and 1300m downstream of the damsite are 2dilapidation formations of the same type as the dilapidation formations in theupperstream and is in a stable condition. In parts of the banks along the head of thereservoir are small-scale dilapidation and cumulation of scores of cubic meters incapacity, caused by ruptures and fissuring cuttings to unload burden, which does notimpact the operation of the reservoir. The end section of the reservoir is composed ofscrapings in a gentle slope. There are no large-scale landslide formations. Some small-scale formation of creep exist in some parts, but they are all located above 400m inaltitude in a small scope and do not have impacts on the bank of the reservoir.

B) Stability of banks along the base of the dam

Stability of the rim of the damsite

(Cit)stripped limestome and E(Csl) are exposed in thedamsite area. The rocks are of medium to thick structure and hard quality, and thesurface is comparatively complete. It is located below the altitude of the top of thedam. The rocks are slightly weathered and the base rocks are exposed. The naturalslope of the rocks is 50°o75°. There are no special topographical problems thatimpact the buildings in the project.

The slope on the left side of the dam extends from south to north, inclining to theeast. The average slope is 50°. The slope is comparatively complete. The form of theterrane: the strike is 80°-90°, leaning to northwest or north, with a incidence of 600.The rocks in the core syncline has a gentle incidence, bending towards the west (theinternal of the mountains). This can be helpful for the stability of the side slope. 4groups of fissuring have developed in the side slope. The main structural surface (thelayer of rock and the frissuring J,) is vertical to and parallel with the side slopes,which is also favorable for the stability of the side slopes. The intersecting lines ofother structural surfaces are all located outside of the area of danger, therefore theside slope on the left of the dam is stable.

The slope on the right side of the dam extends from south to north, inclining to thewest. The incidence is 65°-75. The form of the terrane: the strike is 900 leaning tothe north, the incidence is 600 and 4 groups of fissuring are developed. The mainstructural surface (the layer of rock and the frissuring J,) is vertical to and parallelwith the side slopes. J, inclines to the intemal of the mountains at a steep slope,which helps with the stability of the side slope. The intersecting line of J2, J4 and So,J4 is within the area of danger, but J4 is not developed (the frequency takes up 3%)and is small in scale, so has little impacts on the stability of the side slopes. In theconstruction of highroads leading to the construction site, the side slopes will beexcavated and the slope will be 750, when the side slopes will still remain stable.

Stability of side walls and percussive pit


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The side-walls on both banks are composed of stripped limestome. The surface isslightly weathered. The obtained ratio of the rock core is above 85% and the rocksare comparatively complete. The side slopes are as stable as the slopes on the side ofthe dam. A unloading fissuring has developed along the river in the wall on the rightside and parts of it has collapsed. If this is cleared away in construction, then thewalls on both sides will be stable.

In the percussive pit, the grit stone layer is 10.0-12.70m thick, exposing strippedlimestome and powdery torbanite. The powdery torbanite can easily be washed awayby water and its ratio of washing (the value K) is 1.2-1.5. In designing, the force ofthe bottom waterflow should be eliminated so as to maintain the stability of thepercussive pit.

C) Stability of the slopes on sides of the power generation tunnel

The power generation tunnel is located on the right bank of the damsite. The tunnel isabout 299.6m in length. The direction is 59°. The entrance is 367m in altitude and theexit is 350 in altitude. The stability along the tunnel is assessed in three sections:

Section One: 0+000-0+165 section, composed of (C,sn) stripped limestome, ofthe Class II of lithosome. The lithosome here is of good quality and iscomplete or comparatively complete. The rocks that form the walls of thetunnel are stable, except that the slope of the rocks in the core syncline isquite gentle, so there may be water dripping down from the top of the tunnel.During construction of parts of this section, attention must be paid to clumpsfalling from the top of the tunnel.

Section Two: 0+165-0+280 section, composed ofi (Cisn) powdery torbanite of thinor medium thickness. The layer of the rock is the major factor that keeps thestability of the tunnel. The tunnel is in the core anticline where the incidenceof rocks is gentle that may harm the stability of the tunnel. The direction ofexcavation can move slightly towards the downstream to dig through the coreanticline so that the tunnel will exit on a slope of reverse direction, which canhelp with the stability of the side slopes.

Section Three: This section is exposed. The bottom and the side walls are powderytorbanite. The top and near the river-bed are Quaternary-period looseaccumulations of 4-8m thick. If in excavation the ratio of slope is maintainedbetween 1:1.2 and 1:1.5, then this section can also stay in stability.

D)Stability of slopes on sides of the hydropower generation factory building and the switchstation.

The hydropower generation factory building is based on powdery torbanite of 4-8mthick. The upper part of the stratum is talus material of 0.6-1.5m thick; the lower part iselluvium made up of yellow clunch mixed with stones. In parts of the layer are collapsedrocks and huge lumps. The natural slope is 18°-25°. The rocks are poor in integrity.

On the steep cliffs on the back edge develops a group of steep-incidence unloadingfissuring which is vertical to the direction of the slope. In some parts of it, collapses ofrock may occur. For the safety of the factory building, the dangerous rocks must be


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cleared away from the steep cliffs during construction.

The switch station is located in the downstream reach of the factory buildings in a flatand open location above 270m in altitude. The covering layer is 2-6m thick (thin on theslope land on the back edge and thick on the side along the highroads). If based on thebase bank, the ratio of Quatemary-period excavated side slope will be 1: 1.2-1:1.5, whichdoes not impact the stability of the reservoir banks.

4.10.2. Transudation of Reservior

The reservoir area can be divided into two section according to the nature of rocks in theexposed stratum. One section is the end of the reservoir, which is the upperstream part ofLutou Gorge; the other section is the head of the reservoir, which is from Lutou Gorge to thedamsite.

The end of the reservoir is about 9km in length, composed of rocks that are comparativelystaunch, so there will not be transudation in this section.

The head of the reservoir is about 8km in length, composed of carbonatepetrofabric(permeable petrofabric) and scraping petrofabric (comparatively water-resistantpetrofabric), but there will not be transudation in this section, either, because:

The Guandu River lies in a deep valley and is the lowest benchmark surface of drainagein this region, the Yujian Underground River of Lutou Gorge is also drained into thereservoir.

• The Guandu River develops from south to north, vertical to the terranes in the reservoirarea, which extends from east to west. The carst develops along the terranes, so thespring water will be drained into the reservoir even if the carst is fully developed.

• In the 8km long head of the reservoir, the intensively permeable petrofabric, limestomeis in Lutou Gorge, about 2km in length. The rest 6km near the damsite are composed ofslightly permeable petrofabric and comparatively water-resistant petrofabric. The water-resistant petrofabric limits the development of carst in dissolvable rock (soluble rock)and prevents reservoir water from leaking out.

* Underground water is most active in ruptures, but most of the larger ruptures in thereservoir area develop in a vertical direction to the river and are piezotropy ruptures. Nocarst caves or underground rivers are found to develop along the ruptures in the banksof the reservoir. The Qingfeng Fracture Zone on the left bank cuts through the reservoirarea and extends to the downstream reach. The rupture is 403m in altitude at Liangjia,which is higher than the reservoir water level of 394m. No carst caves are found alongthe Qingfeng Fracture Zone opposite the outfall of the Bailihe River in the downstreamreach of the damsite. At the altitude of 520m where Qingfeng Fracture Zone and baserock meet is a spring, flowing at a volume of 2.5L/s, which is a Quaternary-periodventage spring on the surface weathered layer of the fracture zone. Since the altitude ofthe spring is higher than the reservoir water level, reservoir water will not leak into thedownstream reach along the Qingfeng Fracture Zone. In the Bailihe River andYangyugo Gouge in neighboring valleys on the right bank, where the F23, Fllo, Fl08and F,02 fractures pass by, the water level of the neighboring valleys is higher than thatof the reservoir. It is not found that water from the neighboring valley drains into thereservoir along the fractures, therefore reservoir water at the right bank will not leak out


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along the fractures either.

4.10.3. Earthquakes Caused by the Reservior

Songshuling Hydropower Plant project is located in the Semi-Yangzi Terrace Zone to thesouth of Qingfeng Fracture Zone, a deep and large fracture zone with deep bases, which hasbeen active for a long time. Beginning in the west at Chuanchengkou, it extends eastwardthrough Chaoyang, Zhongba, Fangxian, Qingfeng and Manaoguan to the southem edge ofthe Nanxiang Basin, forming the border of the Qingling Geosynclinal Drape Zone and theSemi-Yangzi Terrace Zone. Qingfeng Fracture Zone's overall strike is in the northeast-eastor approximate east-west direction. The sections are in a curving wave inclining to the northat the angle of 40-75°. The north part reversely thrusts to the south and is piezotropystructural surface. The main fracture zone is composed of rubblerock, mylonite andstructural massive petrofabric, with a width of 30-150m. In the early Paleozoic stratum onthe southem side of the fracture zone are a series of tiled reversely thrusting fracture in theapproximate east-west direction which is parallel with the major fracture zone, destroyingthe integrity of the tight linear drape, in the Paleozoic stratum on the southern side of therupture and forming a compound fracture zone of 2-10km in width. Since the NeotectonicsCampaign, the two sides of the rupture are both raised, so the intensity of the still obviousdivergent activities has distinctively decreased. The southern side of the rupture has risenmore greatly than the northern side and the extent of rising weakens from west to east.

In history there has been over 20 earthquakes in Zhushan County, Fang County and YunCounty. It is estimated that 3 of them are of the 7h magnitude and all others are of the 6'hmagnitude or lower. The earthquakes mainly occur along the fracture zone. In the Map ofDistrict Division of Earthquake Magnitude in China, by National Earthquake Bureau in1990, the region belongs to the VII Degree District. After the completion of SongshulingHydropower Plant, the pressure of reservoir water can affect the Qingfeng Fracture Zone tosome extent, but since the capacity of the reservoir is comparatively small and the waterlevel in front of the dam is not high, no earthquakes of a certain magnitude will be caused.The hydropower plant has protective measures against earthquakes of the VII degree in basicmagnitude, so there will not be unfavorable impacts on the security of the dam.

4.11. Analysis of Project's Impacts on Human Health

4.11.1. Impacts on Human Health during Construction Period

Songshuling Hydropower Plant will take 4 years to construct and 468,990 workdays. Theaverage number of constructors during peak-time will be 500 with the highest number at625. During the construction period, the population density will be high in the constructionsite and constructors will consume a great amount of physical power. If the current low levelof medical care, poor domestic service facilities and low living standard are not improved,flies, mosquitoes and rodents will thrive in the construction area. If the source of drinkingwater and the drainage of domestic sewage are not properly arranged for, there can beepidemics of bromatoxism and * epidemics which are related to the sanitation of food anddrinking water, and of entomophilous epidemics and epidemics with natural resources,which are related to the living environment.

4.11.2. Impacts on Human Health during Operation Period

The major impacts on human health during the operation period will be mainly epidmics


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infected from water, entomophilous epidemics, epidemics with natural resources, andendemic diseases.

A)Epidmics infected from water

Epidmics infected from water, such as the bacterial dysentery, the virus hepatitis, thetyphoid fever and the paratyphoid, etc. are mainly caused by unsanitary drinking water,food and bad hygienic habits. Most of the villagers drink water directly from wells orsprings, which can cause epidmics infected from water without sterilization by heating toa high temperature. At the beginning of the reservoir's operation, if the farmland, houses,garbage, toilets and tombs submerged in the bottom of the reservoir are not completelycleared away, there will be an increase in the number of pollutants and bacteria in thewater body. In addition, with the slower flowing speed, the water will be weak infunctions of dilution and self-purification. So in a short term the infection rate ofepidmics infected from water will increase. However with the implementation ofclearing-up of the reservoir bottom, the reservoir will have better ability of self-purification. The changes in hydrological conditions will also be favorable for thepurification of water quality and the decrease of bacteria, thus decreasing the infectionrate of epidmics infected from water.

B)Entomophilous epidemics

In the reservoir area the entomophilous epidemics are mainly the epidemic encephalitisB, the malaria and the filariasis. The infection of the epidemic encephalitis B, the malariaand the filariasis are related to the density of infectious mosquitoes living in water andthe diseases occur most in the thriving season of mosquitoes. Since the farmers in thereservoir area live poor environment, neighboring livestocks, with resources and ways ofinfection. After the reservoir is completed, mosquitoes will find their habitat in theshallow water areas along banks, especially in front of the dam, at the end of thereservoir and in the river bend, where the water flows slowly and grasses and algaethrive. In areas surrounding the reservoir, mosquitoes can inhabit in the depressionsfilled with water due to the raised underground water level after the water-retaining inthe reservoir. In the construction area are the pits formed bv rock/soil excavation and treeuprooting, which will be filled with water and provide a habitat for mosquitoes, if notleveled on time. For the above reasons, during a certain period after the construction ofthe reservoir, the infection rate of entomophilous epidemics can increase in the area.

C)Epidemics with Natural Resources

The epidemics with natural resources are the epidemic hemorrhagic fever, _, therabies and the measles, etc. The epidemic hemorrhagic fever and are mainly spreadby . M and excretion of pigs, etc. The rabies is spread by dogs. The infectionof these diseases by human-beings is from contact. The reservoir will submerge somebarren mountains and farmland and destroy the burrows of rodents, forcing them tomove to the surrounding areas and increasing the density of rodents in the area. Somehogpen will also be submerged, if the excretion is not cleaned, it can cause pollution ofwater quality and epidemics of relevant epidemics with natural resources.

D)Endemic diseases

Regional diseases that have harmed the health of people in Zhushan are: the endemicstruma, the endemic , the fluorosis etc. the endemic struma is mainly caused by


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lack of iodine in the enviromnent. In serious epidemical areas it is accompanied byanother disease caused by lack of idoine-_. In 1965, Zhushan County Sanitation andAntiepidemic Station conducted a county-wide survey and discovered that the infectionrate of the endemic struma in mountainous area was 79.72%, that in secondarymountainous areas was 77.6% and that in valley and tableland was 64.76%. From 1980to October 1981, a mass survey and treatment of the endemic struma was conductedcounty-wide, with a survey rate of 97.64% and a cure rate of 95.6%. In 1985 theprovincial assessment and check team of the preventive and curative effects of theendemic struma cognized that Zhushan County has reach the basic standard ofcontrolling the endemic struma, by the Central Endemic Disease Office. has been anepidemic in Zhushan County for a long time. Since 1969 the disease has been preventedand cured. In 1976, 3,854 cases were found and all treated. Besides 150 deaths, 1,320patients were cured. In 1986, 1,464 cases were found, including 90 new patients, 32patients moving from outside of the county and 1,524 patients who were not cured in1976. The infection rate is highest in Wenfeng and Desheng and that of Yishui and Leiguis the lowest. The proportion of male and female patients is 2.3:1. No patients of theendemic struma and M and been found in the reservoir area.

After the completion of the reservoir, the iodine content in the drinking water source inand surrounding the reservoir area will not change, so the project does not have obviousimpacts on the endemic struma and -.

From 1983 to 1985, Zhushan County conducted a county-wide survey on fluorinesources and diseases caused by excessive fluorine. 168 water samplings were picked indifferent locations and examined. No water with high fluorine content was found, but 4samplings from Huangli, the surburb of the county and the outskirts near the town gatecontained fluorine exceeding the standard. 29 samplings of stone coal from 15 locationswere sent to provincial institutions for examination. The result was the fluorine contentwas between 340 and 2,030mg/kg. In the survey, no typical kaschin-bech diseasepatients were found in the county, but in some areas the infection rate of is high,corresponding with the distribution of stone coal. There are 37 villages where theinfection rate of dental fluorosis among 8 to 15-year-olds was higher than 30%, mainlyin the suburb of the county, the outskirts near the town gate, Baofeng, Leigu andCanglang, of which the average infection rate was 42.55%/0. The fluorine content in theair, soil, crops, vegetables, tea leaves and food from animals is 2 to 10 times of thenormal standard, so the morbidity of the endemic fluorosis is comparatively high inZhushan County. The major cause is the high fluorine content in the drinking water ofsome areas. The reservoir area of Songshuling Hydropower Plant does not have a highfluorine content. However, as more and more residents are using coal instead ofwoodcoal, the reservoir area will also be impacted. After the completion of thereservoir, the fluorine content in the surrounding region will not be changed and therewill not be direct impacts on the endemic fluorosis.

In migrant resettlement of Songshuling Hydropower Plant project, the areas with highinfection rate of the endemic struma, _ and the endemic fluorosis should be avoided.The consumption of iodine-added salt should be promoted and changes in designs ofstoves to decrease the fluorine content should also be enforced, as precautions against thespread of the endemic struma, the endemic M and the endemic fluorosis among themigrants.


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4.12. Analysis of Environmental Impacts on Natural Scenery & Tourism Resources

After the completion of Songshuling Reservoir, the natural scenery along the banks,especially the scenery near the banks, will change with the higher water level, larger width ofriver and slower speed of flow. The higher water level will decrease the proportion betweenvertical distance and horizontal distance. The landscape of steep cliffs and narrow valleyswill not be as spectacular as before. With the water-retaining in the reservoir, the water levelwill rise in the Lutoushan reach in the upperstream of the damsite, submerging the ShuangyuCave, reducing the relative height of the peaks and slowing down the speed of flow. So therewill no longer be the conditions for drifting. Instead, there can be some appropriatedevelopment of tourism in the reservoir, making use of the terraces along the Guandu Riverbasin. With the operation of Longbeiwan and Pankou hydropower plants, respectively in theupperstream and the downstream reaches, a shipping lane will be formed along which moretourists can be transportation to the natural tourism sites on the Guandu River and itsbranches. Moreover, since Songshuling Hydropower Plant is a medium-scale plant, moretourists will be attracted here to view the spectacular large-scale buildings such as the damand the factory buildings.

4.13. Analysis of Impacts on Social Economy

4.13.1. Profitability of Power Generation

The nrch water resources in Zhushan County tops the counties of Shiyan City and HubeiProvince. The total capacity for development is 966,000 kw. The 23 hydropower plantsalready built in the county have a total installed capacity of 2 1,000 kw, a total annual powergeneration capacity of 46 million kw.h and the power usage capacity is 65 million kw.h, sothe capacity that have been developed is less than 3% of the total capacity. So far the localpower network in Shuyan City and Zhushan County have been formed, but the hydropowerplants are small in scale and poor in self-adjustment. The basic situation of powerconstruction of the city as a whole is a lack of both electric power and peak-adjustedcapacity. Therefore, to meet the need for electric power by national economic development,the development of local hydropower industry must speed up. After the completion ofSongshuling Hydropower Plant, the installed capacity will be 50MW, the guaranteed powergenerating capacity will be 5.36MW when operated alone, the perennial average powergenerating capacity will be 153.9 million kw.h and the annual hours in usage will be 3,078h.The advantages of the project are comparatively less investment, fewer losses fromsubmersion, convenience in construction, short construction period and quick effectiveness.The construction of the project will relieve the conflict between demand and supply ofelectric power in Zhushan County. With the terrace development of the Guandu River andthe completion of the Longbei Sinus Hydropower Plant in upperstream that will increaseSongshuling project's guaranteed volume of power generation and annual generatingcapacity, Songshuling Hydropower Plant will play an even more important role in ensuringpower supply for industrial and agricultural production in Zhushan County, the overcomingof poverty and achievement of prosperity of the impoverished mountainous areas and thesustainable development of national economy.

The major costs for power generation by Songshuling Hydropower Plant include deprecitionfee, reparation fee, cost of materials, salary and welfare of staff, cost of maintenance of thereservoir area, amortisation fee, expenses on interest and other costs, etc. The operationalcost of power generation refers to all the above costs excluding deprecition of fixedassessment, amortisation, and expenses on interest. It is calculated that the operational cost


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of the hydropower plant will be RMB 5,702,000, the total cost of deprecition will be RMB14,338,000, the expenses on interests will be RMB 26,451,000 in the first year of operationand will be in depression annually afterwards, and the other costs will be RMB 1.2 million.Then in the first year of operation, the hydropower plant's power generation cost will beRMB 46,492,000.

The hydropower plant's perennial average power generating volume will be 153.9 millionkw.h. If 0.2% is consumed by the plant itself, the total power supply from the plant will be153.6 million kw.h. If 8% of this is lost in transmission, then the total power supply will be141.3 million kw.h. During the loan-repaying period, the price of electricity transmitted tothe power network will be RMB 0569 /kw.h, and after the loan-repaying period, the pricewill be RMB 0.387/kw.h. Therefore, during the loan-repaying period, the annual income byselling electricity will be RMB 80.4 million and after the loan-repaying period, the incomewill be RMB 54,681,000. Deducting the annual power generation cost, deprecition andexpenses on interests, during the first year of operation, the annual profit from powergeneration will be RMB 33,908,000 and in the following years the annual income will beRMB 34,643,100, which will be considerably high economical profitability.

4.13.2. Profitability of Irrigation

Songshuling Hydropower Plant project involves Liangjia Township and Guandu Town. Inthe Report of Land Usage Planning in 1996, by the end of that year, the two towns andtownships have a total of 3,551.Ohm2 of farmland and 23,343.18hm2 of woodland. However,soil survey results show that the farmland in Zhushan County are thin in solum and poor infertility and irrigation ability and 55.25% of the farmland are low-productivity farmland.After the completion of the Songshuling Hydropower Plant project, the water level in frontof the dam will rise from 340-350m to 394m, and the reservoir will retain 48.2 millionm3 ofwater all through the year. This will changed the unbalanced distribution of water capacity inthe Guandu River and improve the irrigation conditions for farmland and woodland along theriver in the reservoir area.

During the implementation of the irrigation program, attention must be paid to the problemsof water pollution and silt sedimentation caused by erosion of soil, fertilizers and pesticides.

4.13.3. Profitability of Transportation

According to the initial designing report of Songshuling Hydropower Plant, in the short term,transpiration through the dam is not considered. The transpiration here will be short haul inthe reservoir.

Before the construction of Songshuling Hydropower Plant, the water level of the GuanduRiver changes with the volume of flow from upperstream. During low-level periods whenthe volume of flow is very small, the water level is too low for sailing boats, while duringhigh-level periods when the volume of flow is big, the water level will be raised, but thelarge volume of flow and fast flowing speed make it dangerous for small boats to sail.Therefore the transportation conditions before the construction of the projects is not good.After the water-retaining in the reservoir, however, the comparatively stable water level, theslower speed of flow will be suitable for short hauls in the reservoir.

In the project design of Songshuling Hydropower Plant, on the left bank of the dam and tothe left of the spillway there is a building for ships with a cargo volume of 30t to passthrough the dam. Upon the completion of the hydropower plants at Pankou and Longbei


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Sinus, a 200km watercourse for transportation will be formed from Jiudaoliang inShennongjia to the town gate of Zhushan County and to Huanglong Shoal in the downstreamreach. Since water transportation is more economical than other ways of transportation, thecondition of transpiration in Shiyan City will be greatly improved, enhancing the regionaleconomy.

4.13.4. Profitability of Fish-breeding

Songshuling Reservoir with its large area and long backwater distance provides suitableconditions for fish-breeding. Natural fish-breeding will be the major form of fishery in thereservoir, aided with artificial breeding. There should be strict control on the density of net-pen fish-farming and the application volume of artificial baits in reservoir sinus andintersecting areas, so as to avoid pollution of the water quality and impacts on the normalfunctioning of the reservoir. Meanwhile, the species of fishes should be diversified withmultiple kinds of commercial fishes, so that fishery of the reservoir area can develop in ahealthy, virtuous circle.

4.14. Impacts on Environment by Project of Power Transmission & Conversion

4.14.1. Overview of Project

According to the initial designing report of the project, a step-up converting station will beconstructed at Songshuling Hydropower Plant, adjunct to the collateral factory buildingalong the hillside. The terrace will be 364.Om in altitude and 70x36m in area. The station isinstalled with two no-load pressure-regulating transformers, respectively, the three-rollSFS7-400001 10 type and the two-roll SF7-31500/11 0 type transformers. There will be 235kV wires, one joining the 35kV main wire of Guandu River, adducting the level I andlevel 2 electric power from the hydropower plant under construction on Machang River, abranch of Guandu River, then transmitting the power through a 4km-long 35kV wire toSongshuling Hydropower Plant and finally sending it to the system after stepping it up toI IOkV; the other cable is for standby application and will used for transmission of electricityfor the construction at the Longbei River Bend. There will be 2 1 lOkV wires, one connectsto the I lOkV converting station (under expansion and capacitance increase) on the edge ofZhushan Town, and then connects to the system with 2kms of wire connecting to Zhushan,with a total length of about 40km, the other wire is for standing by.

The power transmission and conversion project will add a new converting station (i.e.Songshuling Converting Station, installed with one SFS7-40000/1 10 and one SF7-31500/l 1Otransformer). There will be two 35kV wires of about 4km in length and two I IOkV wires ofabout 42km in length. According to domestic and international research results, powertransmission and conversion projects under IOkV in voltage generally does not produceelectromagnetic radiation, so analysis is only done on the environmental impacts ofelectromagnetic radiation by the new converting station and the 42km-long I lOkV wire.

4.14.2. Impacts of Electromagnetic Radiation by Converting Station in Analogy

The Environmental Monitoring Station of Huangshi City, Hubei Province conducted on-sitemonitoring on the converting station of the city's I lOkV power transmission and conversionproject. The project is located in the city of Huangshi, using transformers of 2x3l5kVA,


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with a frequency of 50HZ. At the time of monitoring, one transformer was working. Pleasesee Table 4.13.1 for the monitoring results.

Table 4.13.1 Monitoring Results of Intensity of Electric Field in Environment by ConvertingStation in Analogy

No. Monitoring Intensity of electric fieldo. locations 5m lOm 1i5m 20m 30m

I Northwest of the 10.8 12.1 - -converting station

2 North of the 10.7 11.7 11.4 11.1 12.2converting station

3 Northeast of the 12.2 9.8 10.3converting station .

4 East of the 11.1 10.2 - -

converting station

S Southeast of the 11.0 11.9converting station

6 South of the 11.5 11.3 -converting station

7 Southwest of the 11.6 10.8 10.2 -

converting station

8 West of the 10.8 - -converting station

Maximum value 12.2 12.1 11.9 11.1 12.2

Note: Source of data: Report of Environmental Impacts of Songshuling Water ConservancyHydropower Plant Pivotal Project, Zhushan County, Hubei Province, (Version SubmittedforExamination & Approval), Hubei Research Institute of Environmental Sciences, August2000.

4.14.3. Environmental Impacts of Electromagnetic Radiation by the Converting Stationof the Planned Project

On the basis of the analogical survey, the possible impacts of electromagnetic radiation bythe planned project is estimated and analyzed, after adjustments in capacity using themaximum value in the analogical monitoring, according to the construction scale of theconverting station. The mode chosen to estimate the intensity of the compound electric fieldis:

E= EI+E E2 + + E2

In the formula: E-the intensity of the compound electric field, in Vim;


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El, E2.. .E11-the intensity of every single electric field, in V/m.

Please see Table 4.13.2 for the estimated environmental intensity of the 71500kVAtransformer in the project.

Table 4.13.2 Estimated Value of Environmental Intensity of Planned Project

Distance of relevant Intensity of electric field of the Intensity of electric field of thetransformer (m) project in analogy (V/m) planned project (V/m)

5 12.2 19.7

10 12.1 19.6

15 11.9 19.2

20 11.1 17.9

30 12.2 19.7

Note: Source of data: Report of Environmental Impacts of Songshuling Water ConservancyHydropower Plant Pivotal Project, Zhushan County, Hubei Province, (Version Submitted forExamination & Approval), Hubei Research Institute of Environmental Sciences, August2000.

In normal circumstances, the intensity of electric fields by overvoltage wireways iscomparatively small, so most countries have not set standards for this. The national hygienicstandards of the former Soviet Union regulated that the highest intensity of electric fields inresidential area is 0.5V/m. The intensity of electric field within 5-30m surrounding theconverting station is estimated to be within this standard.

Technical Specifications of Assessment of Environmental Impacts by ElectromagneticRadiation of 500kV Ultrahigh- Voltage Power Transmission & Conversion Projects, HJlT24-1998, issued by National Environmental Conservation Bureau recommends that 4kV/m isthe assessed standard for the intensity of working-frequency electric fields in residentialareas. This is higher than the standard of the former Soviet Union. Therefore, the intensity ofelectric field of the converting station in the project is also within the range of the abovetechnical specifications. Moreover, within 500m from the converting station there are noresidents or other enterprises, therefore, the converting station of the planned project will nothave electromagnetic impacts on the surrounding environment.

4.14.4. Analysis of Environmental Impacts by 110kV Power Transmission &Convertion Wires in the Planned Project

A)Modes of estimation

According to the method of No.36.01 Work Team, International Conference of Large-scale Electric Network listed in Technical Specifications of Assessment of EnvironmentalImpacts by Electromagnetic Radiation of 500kV Ultrahigh- Voltage Power Transmission& Conversion Projects, HJ/T24-1998, the Method of Equal-effect Electric Charge isused to calculate the intensity of working-frequency electric field under the high-voltagepower transmission wire. On every unit length of conducting wires, the amount of equal-


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effect electric charge is:

Ul 1 222 * Q,

U 2 221 )22 2

2n * Q 2

_Un _Al An2 .. Ann- -Qn

In the formula: [U]-the monostichous matrix of voltage between the conducting wiresand the ground;

[Q]- the monostichous matrix of equal-effect electrical charge on conductingwires;

[A]- the phalanx with n orders (n is the number of conducting wires) composedby the electric potential derivatives of the conducting wires .

The Matrix [A] is a result of the Mirror Image Principle, the induced electric charge onthe ground can be replaced by the mirror image electric charge corresponding with theconducting wires on the ground. i, ....... stand for actual conducting wires that areparallel to each other; i'........ j' stand for their mirror images. The quotiety of electricpotential derivatives can be expressed as:

A.= I In i" 2 rco Ri

12= L'

A ji

In the formula: Eo-the air dielectric constant, s0 = 36L x 10-9 F I m;

h,-the height of the conducting wires from the ground, m;

RI-the radius of the power-transmission wire, in m;

L1j- the distance from conducting wire i to conducting wire j,'in m;

L'ij-the distance from conducting wire i to the mirror image of conducting wirej, in m.

With the volume of equal-effect electric charge of every unit length of conducting wires,the intensity of. electric field in the any point of the space can be calculated by thePrinciple of Supraposition. The subvolumes, E, and Ey, the intensity of electric field atpoints (x, y) can be expressed as:


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Ex =____ (x-x- _= ___Ex= 2,zs~ ZQ L 2 2

Ey= 1 m Y _ -Yiv

In the formula: x1,yi-the coordinate of conducting wire i;

m-the number of conducting wire.

B)Parameters of estimation

The I lOkV power transmission wire of the planned project is a superterranean wire oniron towers, above 12-18m above ground according to different landforms. In theestimated the minimum height is 12m and the distance between wires is 4m.LGJ-185conducting wire is planned to be used. The circuit is made up of triphase alternatingcurrent wires. Two wires are installed, one for power transmission and the other forstandby.

C) Estimated scheme

The plan is to estimate the working-frequency electric field 30m and 50m away from thecentral conducting wire, Im above ground.

D)Estimated results

Please see Table 4.13.3.

Table 4.13.3 Estimation of Power Wires' Working-frequency Electric Field

Intensitv of working-frequenc electric field (V/m)Distance from the centerNo. of conducting wire (m) Ex | E

I 30 5.31 41.43 41.77

2 50 0.30 13.95 13.95

Note: Source of data: Report of Environmental Impacts of Songshuling Water ConservancyHydropower Plant Pivotal Project, Zhushan County, Hubei Province, (Version SubmittedforExamination & Approval), Hubei Research Institute of Environmental Sciences, August2000.

From the above: the intensity of the electric field within 30m along the sides of the I lOkVpower transmission and conversion wires of the planned project is 41.77V/m and that within50m is 13.95V/m. Both correspond with the standards, of 4kV/in for working-frequencyelectric fields in residential area, recommended by Technical Specifications of Assessment ofEnvironmental Impacts by Electromagnetic Radiation of 500kV Ultrahigh-Voltage PowerTransmission & Conversion Projects, HJ/T24-1998, and of 0.5kV/m. for working-frequencyelectric fields in residential area, with reference to the national hygienic standard of the


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Chapter IV Forecast & Assessment of Environmental impacts

former Soviet Union. Since there are few residents and no concentrated residential areasalong the wires, the working-frequency electric fields of the wires will not have unfavorableimpacts on the living environments of the residents as long as the wires are built beyond 50maway from the houses.


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Chapter V Schemes of Soil & Water Conservation

Chapter 5 Schemes of Soil & Water Conservation

5.1. Status Quo of Soil Erosion & Soil & Water Conservation

5.1.1. Status Quo of Soil Erosion

According to analysis of aerophoto and remote sense data, combined with data of land usageand water/soil conservancy in Zhushan County during the recent year, the total area of landin Zhushan County is 3,585kM2,of which 1,013.17 kM2, or 28.3% of the total area, do notsuffer obvious soil erosion, and 2,571.83 kM2, or 71.7% of the total area, suffer from soilerosion. Of the land with soil erosion, 892.08 km2, or 34.7% of the erosion area, suffer froma slight extent of erosion; 638.23 kM2, or 24.8% of the erosion area, suffer from a mediumextent of erosion; 973.93 km2, or 37.9% of the erosion area, suffer from a high extent oferosion; 52.0 km2, or 2.0% of the erosion area, suffer from a very high extent of erosion;15.5 kM2, or 0.6% of the erosion area, suffer from intensive erosion. The average erosionmodule is 6,579t/km2.a. Water and soil erosion prevails in all towns and townships of thecounty and is most severe in Pankou, Tianjia, Pailou and Damiao.

The perennial average sand-carrying volume is 803,000t in the Guandu River basin in thesouthem mountainous area of Zhushan County, with an annual erosion module between 600and 1,000 t/kM2, on average, 836 t/km2. Geographically, the strata is composed of sericitequartz schist, mica schist, _ . The majority is quartz schist. Except _ ,other rocks are soft, dissolvable and prone for weathering. The farmland are mostly on thebanks along the river and covered with natural vegetation. The total area is large and thedensity of population is small. The annual volume of rainfall is high and the rocks are notstrong. The farmland suffer from a slight extent of soil erosion.

5.1.2. Status Quo of Water & Soil Conservancy

Since 1998, the State Council decided to reinforce the construction of ecologicalenvironment in the Yangtse River basin by eliminating flooding disasters, increasingvegetation. It was required that the deforesting of natural woods be stopped, that mountainsand hills be closed to grazing and fuel gathering in order to facilitate afforestation, that grainplots be retumed to forestry and that the protection of natural woods be strengthened.Located in the basin of the Han River in the upperstream and midstream reach of theYangtse River, Zhushan County was included in the plans of nationwide protection projectof natural woods in 1999. As in the plan, for the Du River basin in the southem mountainousareas of Zhushan County, including Hongping Township, Liulin Township, LiangjiaTownship and Guandu Town, the major task of the protection project is to forbid deforestingin the origin of the Du River and on the steep slopes of high peaks within the first range ofmountains along the river. Meanwhile, the project also includes closing mountains to grazingand fuel gathering, artificial forestation, artificial enhancement of natural updating of forests,establishing a water resource conservancy zone, protecting the rich resources of biologicalspecies, improving the ecological environment and natural resources, and gradually forrninga natural resource protection zone in southern Zhushan County. The project will beimplemented in two steps: from 1998 to 2000, the main activities are reducing deforesting ofnatural woods and transferring staffs in wood cutting and processing industry to otherpositions; from 2001 to 2010, the main activities will be changing the line of production,fostering reserve resources and restoring economy in forest zones. The implementation of the


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project will increase the coverage rate of forests in the upperstream reach of Songshuling andreduce soil erosion in the reservoir area.

At the same time, from 1999, Zhushan County began to return grain land to forestry. Thetasks of forestry production were assigned to each town, township, village and group so thatthey can be completed as soon as possible. Grains and jobs are provided to villagersoriginally engaged in woodcutting and related work as a form of relief to their livelihood. Itis estimated that in the whole county, 22,800 hm2 of farmland will be returned to forestry,4,000 hM2 of farmland will be retumed to forestry, 8000 hM2 of slopes will be converted toterrace farmland, 28,100 hM2 of barren mountain land will be improved in quality, 75,300hM2 of mountains and hills will be closed to grazing and fuel collecting. Also, 21.8% of thetotal land in the whole county, or 30.4% of the land with soil erosion, will be brought undercontrol. The controlling of soil erosion, combined with the project of protecting naturalforests, will put and end to the severe soil erosion in the county and bring about a virtuouscycle in the protection of ecological environment.

5.2. Forecast for Soil Erosion in the Construction Period

5.2.1. Area of Damaged Water & Soil Conservancy and Forecast for Measures ofWater & Soil Conservancy

Please see Table 5.2.1 for the area of disturbed landform and damaged water and soilconservancy during the construction of the project.

Table 5.2.1 Table of Area of Damaged Water & Soil Conservancy by Construction ofProject

Type Item Feature of landform Area(hm')

Cons Construction site of Dam Exposed, complete and hard 9.87tructi major buildings Factory base rocks, basically without 6.55

on ac and vegetation. No soil land willarea be occupied.of converting

proje stationct Power 0.19


Production and Construction River shoal and slope land -

residential area in buildingsJiazhuyuan


Internal Highroads in Exposed base rocks, farmland 4.57transportation construction on slopes and river shoal


Material sites Rock material Rocks and slope land 0.36sites


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Type Item Feature of landform Area(hm)

Soil material Farmland on slopes 5.4sites

Grit material Alluviation of riverbed, 15.0sites without vegetation

Waste stacking site Liangjiagou Gouge washed by water 2.50

Bailihe Gouge washed by water 5.62

Jiazhuyuan River shoal and farmland on 6.6slopes

Subtotal 55.35

Migr Moved and reconstructed houses Paddy field, terrace, slope 0.48ant Professional facilities land, woodland, shoal, 16.0

resett farmlandleme Subtotal 16.48


Total 65.09

Note: *Jiazhuyuan production and residential area is to be built on the waste site of Jiazhuyuan, so the disturbed area will notbe recounted. Source of data: Report of Environmental Impacts of Songshuling Water Conservancy Hydropower PlantPivotal Project, Zlzushlan County, Hubei Province. (Version Submitted for Examinationt & Approval), Hubei ResearchInstitute of Environmental Sciences, August 2000.

5.2.2. Waste Soil, Waste Rocks, Waste Grit: Volume & Distribution

A)Project construction area

Songshuling Hydropower Plant Project is made up of the cofferdam, the powergenerating tunnel on the right bank, the transportation tunnel, the factory buildings andthe converting station, etc. The total volume of soil and rock excavation is 847,150m3,the volume of backfilling is 89,900m3, and the rest 757,240m3 are waste, in the form ofwaste soil shelling off from the surface of the hills and lumps and slags of rocks fromexcavation.

The average thickness of the solum in the clunch material site is 2.0m. In the excavationof the clunch material site will be 5,060m3 of natural cubic of soil (or 6,730m3 of loosecubic of soil), of which 4,300 m3 will be used in the construction and the remaining 760m3 (or 1,011 m3 of loose cubic of soil) is the waste soil shelling off from the surface ofthe material site and will be used for backfilling after the completion of excavation at thesite.

The rock material site is located at Yawutan in the downstream reach of the damsite, atthe altitude of 400-500m. It is composed of stripped limestome ofabout 5 million m3 in storage capacity. The construction will need a total of 20,180 m3 ofrock materials. With the ratio of 1:3.5 between the volume of excavated rocks and the

.volume of useable rocks, it is estimated that 6,700m3 of waste rocks will be produced.


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For temporary stacking of the rock materials, 1,00Om2 of land will be leveled, using thewaste rocks, so basically no waste will be dumped elsewhere.

11 grit material sites have been surveyed in the research period of project feasibility,with a total storage capacity of 1,212,000 m3 . The No. 9 site at Jiazhuyuan and the No.11 site at Hushanping have a total capacity of 725,000 m3. No. 9 site, the top choice, isadjunct tot the highroads on the right bank and has a capacity of 500,000 m3 . In theinitial designing, the volume of artificial excavation of grit materials is about 450,000mi3 , of which is 345,000 m3 of grit * needed by the construction and the remaining105,000 m3 of waste grit will be used for leveling the grit material site.

The 93,150 m3 of waste grits produced the excavation of the production and residentialsite at Jiazhuyuan will all be dumped at the waste-stacking site at Jiazhuyuan.

B)Migrant resettlement area

The reconstruction of houses for migrants will damage 0.48 hm2 of water conservancyarea. If the ascent is 20°, the volume of excavation will be 8,700 m3 , and if 50% is used,the volume of waste will be 4,350m3.

C)Reconstruction of professional facilities

According to onsite exploration, the average ascent of highroads to be reconstructed isaround 250, and the initial estimation of excavation volume for the construction of thehighroads is about 139,600m3. If the 20% is used for backfilling, then I 1,700m 3 will beproduced.

The area occupied by the reconstruction of power wires and optical cables is small andmost of the excavated soil and rocks can be used for backfilling, leaving 42.6m3 ofwaste.

5.2.3. Total Volume of New Water & Soil Erosion Caused by Construction

The waste produced by the planed project are mostly soil and slumps/slags of rocks. Sincethere are high and steep mountains along the banks of the construction site, the wastestacking site can only be located on river shoal or gouges on the branch rivers. According todata gained by monitoring of soil/water erosion in southern China, the erosion rate of wastestacked on hillsides is about 40% and that of waste stacked on banks of river is about 50%.

A)Waste Stacking Site

In Jiazhuyuan waste stacking site is around 462,500m3 of waste stacked on hillsides, ofwhich about 185,000m3 will be lost in erosion; In Liangjia Gorge and Bailihe Riverwaste stacking site are respectively 62,500im3 and 232,300m' of waste stacked on banksof river, of which 50%, or a total of 147,400m3 will be lost in erosion. The total amountof waste lost in erosion from the above three stacking sites will be 332,400m3. At aspecific gravity of 1.9t/m3, the total volume of erosion will be 631,600t.

B)Material sites


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Chapter IV Forecast & Assessment of Environmental Impacts

At the clunch material site will be around 1,Ollm3 of soil shelling from the surfacesolum. If the average erosion ratio is 30%, then the possible amount lost in erosion willbe 303.3 m3 and counted on the specific gravity of 1.7 t/m3, the total will be 515.6t.Since the original vegetation will be completely destroyed by excavation of the site, anexposed terrace will be formed which will suffer from a medium extent of erosion as perthe Standards of Classification & Grading of Soil Erosion (SL 190-96). If the averagesoil erosion intensity is 5,OOOt/km2.a, 102t of soil erosion will be caused. In total therewill be 617.6t of soil lost in erosion from the clunch material site during the constructionperiod.

There will be about 6,700m3 of waste from the excavation of the rock material site,mainly used for leveling of the site. If the erosion rate is 40%, the site will lose 3,680m3

of waste, or on the specific gravity of 1.9 t/m3, 5,092t. 0.36hm2 of water conservancyarea will be destroyed by the excavation of the site. The exposed land will suffer from aintensive extent of erosion, as per the Standards of Classification & Grading of SoilErosion (SL 190-96). If the average soil erosion ratio is 8,000tAkmn.a, 115.2t of soil willbe lost in erosion and the total amount of soil erosion from the rock material site will be5,207.2t during the construction period.

The small waste grits are very likely to be lost in erosion, so the erosion ratio isdetermined to be 100%. In initial calculation, 10.5x104m', or 19.95XI04t with thespecific gravity of 1.9t/m3, of grits will be lost in erosion.

C)Domestic garbage in the construction area

In the construction period 234.5t of domestic garbage will be produced and stacked onhillside. With a erosion ratio of 40%, another 93.8t of waste will be lost in erosion.

D)Migrant resettlement area

For the 114 migrants to be resettled in an average housing area of 43.5m2 per capita. atotal of 0.48hm2 of water conservancy area will be destroyed. The resettlement areas arein level terrace. The waste produced by excavation is usually used for heightening offoundations--villagers in mountainous areas have the habit of laying the foot of wallswith cobblestones. The front top of the houses are leveled and used for bleacheriesduring harvests. The time-period of moving and reconstruction is short in villages. Forthe need of production and livelihood, in the same year of moving, villagers plantvegetables, fuel woods or commercial woods around their houses in the same year theymove into the new house. If 40% of waste produced by excavation of house foundations,1,740m3, or 3,306t will be lost in erosion.

The average ascent of reconstructed highroads is around 250 according to onsiteexploration. It is estimated that the volume of soil and rock excavated duringconstruction of the highroads will be about 139,600m3, on a 20% usage rate forbackfilling, a total of 11 1,700m3 of waste will be produced. If the waste is stacked onhillsides, with a 40% erosion ratio, 44,700m3 will be lost in erosion, or 84,800t with aspecific gravity of 1.9t/m3. The 16.Ohm2 of water conservancy area damaged by theconstruction of the highroads will suffer from a high extent of soil erosion, as per theStandards of Classification & Grading of Soil Erosion (SL 190-96). If the average soilerosion ratio is 8,000t/km2.a, it is estimated that 5,120t of waste will be lost in erosion


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Chapter IV Forecast & Assessment of Environmental Impacts

and in total the construction of the highroads will cause 49,800t of erosion.

If calculated by the erosion ratio of 40%, of the waste produced by the reconstruction ofpower wires and optical cables, 17.04m3, or 32.4t with the specific gravity of l.9t/m 3,will be lost in erosion.

It is estimated that a total of 930,300t of new soil erosion will be lost in the constructionperiod. Please see Table 5.2.2.

Table 5.2.2 Estimation of Volume of New Soil Erosion Caused by Project

District Volume of erosion (t)

Waste stacking site 631600

Clunch material site 617.6

Construction period Rock material site 5207.2

Grit material site 199500

Domestic garbage 93.8

House reconstruction 3306

Migrant resettlement Highroad reconstruction 89928.1area

Power wire & optical cable 32.4


Total 930285.1

Note: Source of data: Report of Environmental Impacts of Songshuling Water Consscrianci HMdropower Plant PivotalProjecl, Zhushan County, Hubei Province, (Version Submittedfor Examination & Approval), Hubei Rescarch Institutcof Environmental Sciences, August 2000.

5.2.4. Harms of Soil Erosion

In the construction period of the Songshuling Hydropower Plant. the new excavated sites andlarge amount of stacked waste will destroy the original vegetation and water conservancyfacilities, intensify soil erosion in the construction area. The possible harms of soil erosionare:

A) Intensified flooding disasters

The construction will produce a large quantity of loose waste soil, rocks and grits that are to bestacked in gouges. Washed by storms, the waste will directly be drained into the watercourse,become sediments, heightening the riverbed, decrease the water-passing section and intensifyflooding disasters in the region.

B) Impacts on the normal construction and operation of the hydropower plant project

In not duly handled, the waste soil, rocks and grits produced in the construction of


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Chapter IV Forecast & Assessment of Environmental Impacts

major buildings, affiliated enterprises, warehouses and material sites may enter theconstruction site in soil erosion and will affect the progress of construction.The wastedrained into the reservoir area will decrease the capacity of the reservoir and shorten itsfunctional period. The waste drained into the downstream reach of the dam will raisethe backwater level, both impacting the effectiveness of power generation and puttingthreat on water conservancy projects in the downstream reach.

C) Destruction of ecological environment & pollution of water body in the river

The nitrogen, phosphorus and other harmful substances contained in the land exposedby excavation may be washed off by storms or floods and enter the water body togetherwith sands, polluting the reservoir area and the downstream rivers and damaging theaquatic ecological environment.

5.3. Protective Measurements against Soil Erosion

A) Material sites

To avoid washing-off of the stacked waste soil on the surifical solum, at the beginningof excavation of Jiazhuyuan soil material site, a 200-mr2 clearing at 370m in altitudewill be used for stacking the excavated waste soil. When the designed excavation depthis reached, the waste soil will be backfilled into the ditch. When excavating theremaining parts of the material site, the surface waste soil can be stacked on parts of thesite which have already been excavated. In excavation, soil ridges will be piled up nearthe drainage ditches to prevent rainwater from overflowing. The stacking area ofsurface waste soil should be covered by straw mats or nylon fabric to protect againstthe washing of rainwater. When the excavation is completed, the surface waste soil willbe backfilled and recultivated to become farmland. Main workload: 464m' of soilbackfilling.

To avoid collapses and landslides in the rock material site, before excavation, drainagesystems will be built according to the landform to block runoff from the slopes. In thearrangement of construction sites, 1,000m

2 of land should be leveled up in the rockmaterial site for stacking rock materials, which are to be transported. The waste rocksfrom excavation can be used to fill up the depressions in the ground. After excavation,the site will be restored into woodland.

B) Waste stacking site

Waste-blocking walls will be built in Jiazhuyuan waste stacking site for soil and waterconservation. First, 40cm-thick layers of pure concrete subplates will be paved andembedded in the ground so that they are at the same level as the land surface. On thesubplates waste-blocking walls will be built with slurry-laid stones. 1:1.5 revetmentswill then be built on the walls, which are 40cm thick, composed of 10cm-thicksubcrusts of grits and 30cm-thick layers of dry checkerwork. Drainage holes will bedug in the middle and bottom parts of the slurry-laid stone walls, at an interval of 2-3mfrom each other in the form of the Chinese character "0". The drainage holes will be0.15cmxO.15cm in section with a gradient ratio of 3%. After the waste are stacked, 7drainage ditches of slurry-laid stone will be built on the surface of the waste stackingsite, vertical to the waste-blocking walls and revetments, at an interval of 150m. Total


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Chapter IV Forecast & Assessment of Environmental Impacts

workload: 960m3 of concrete, 1,750m3 of slurry-laid stones, 3,240m3 of drycheckerwork, and 1,1OOm3 of subplate.

Bailihe rock-stacking and soil-blocking dam is built 20m upperstream of the outfall ofthe Bailihe River. The top of the dam is 380m in altitude and lOm in width. The damwill be 23m high and the side-slope ratio will be 1:5.0. The revetment is 40cm thick,composed of 10cm-thick of grit subcrusts and 30cm-thick of slurry-laid stones. Themeasures for energy eliminating under the dam are energy eliminating ridges and slots.The energy-eliminating ridges are built by sidestep-shaped iron rebar cages with a side-slope ratio of 1:1.5. At the bottom of the ridges are the energy-eliminating andwashing-protective slots of 200cm thick and 2,000cm long, composed of a 50cm-thicksubcrust of reinforced concrete at the bottom and a 150cm-thick block of rock.Drainage ditches will be built along the sides of the rock-stacking dam in the form of"V" which are 100cm wide on the bottom and 100cm in height, with a side slop ratio of1:1.5. In normal circumstances, the drainage ditches on the sides will drain water;during storms, the protected dam surface will allow the water to flow past. Moreover,to stabilize the dam slope, drainage holes must be dug in the revetments. Totalworkload: 240m3 of concrete, 25,970m3 of slurry-laid stones, 8,300m3 of subcrusts and780m3 of rebar cages.

The upperstream waste stacking site is located in the Liangjia Gorge, a branch of theGuandu River on the left bank in the upperstream reach of the damsite. The major typesof waste is waste rocks. The gorge where the site is located parallel to the watercourseand is long and narrow. Since the site is within the reservoir area, so there is no need toconsider its stability under washing of water, after the water retaining of the reservoir.Instead, the protection against soil erosion from the site during the construction periodshould be considered. Liangjia Gorge waste stacking site is about 25,000 m2 in area(SOOm long and 40-60m wide). The average thickness of stacked waste is 2.5m and 3levels of revetments will be built. The revetments are 40cm thick, composed of 10cm-thick subcrusts and 30cm-thick stones. Main workload: 2,100 m3 of dry checkerworkand 700 m' of subcrust).

C) Permanent highroads

Permanent highroads include highroads leading to other areas, into the construction siteand up to the dam, totaling 10.5km in length. 3500 trees will be planted on one side ofthe roads at intervals of 3m.

D) Administrative area of production and residence

The administrative area of production and residence are located in Jiazhuyuan, 4.0kmdownstream of the damsite on the right bank on the inner side of the highroads. Thehouses will take up an area of l0,00Om2 with a building area of 6,000m2. About 200trees are planned to be planted in this area and about 2,000 m2 of greenswards are to betransplanted between houses. Main workload: 200 macrophanerophytes and 2,000 M2

of grassward.

E) Migrant resettlement area

The submersion of the reservoir involves 8 villages and 114 migrants. The migrants


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Chapter IV Forecast & Assessment of Environmental Impacts

will be resettled to work in agricultural and forestry production. As for location ofresettlement, the migrants will mostly be moved to areas further away from thereservoir in the same village and group, while the rest will move to villages of theirrelatives and friends. Protective measures must be taken against soil erosion caused byhouse construction, which takes up a total area of about 4,800 m2 . In leveling of housefoundations, waste will be produced, which must be backfilled into depressions,covered with soil and planted with trees and grass. Workload: 230 trees and 200m2 ofgrass.

F) Recultivation measure in the project

The rock material site is located in Yawutan along the Bailihe River, a branch of theGuandu River on the right bank. The waste rocks from excavation in the site can befilled into depressions. After the materials are excavated, the site will be restored intowoodland. Workload: 200 macrophanerophytes.

Jiazhuyuan waste stacking site is located at Jiazhuyuan, 4.0km from the damsite on theright bank of the Guandu River, covering an area of I O.Ohm2. The waste stacked will beleveled for construction. After construction, it will be covered with soil and plantedwith greensward. Workload: 1 O.Ohm2 of greensward.

5.4. Monitoring of Soil Erosion

A) Allocation of monitoring points

To effectively and holistically monitor the soil erosion, its harms and the effectivenessof various protective measures, in the construction area and the impacted areas, 8monitoring points are allocated in temporarily occupied areas, such as Bailihe wastestacking site, Jiazhuyuan waste stacking site, clunch material site, rock material site,excavation area of the dam, of the foundation of the factory buildings, and the concretemixing systems, as well as the reconstruction sites of highroads, based on thecharacteristics of soil erosion in the construction site.

B) Monitored items

The major factors that are related to soil erosions under monitoring are: rainfall volume,landform and geomorphy, types of vegetation, survival rate of forestation, rate ofclosing, coverage rate of vegetation and water conservancy facilities, etc.

Monitored items of soil erosion volume: volume of soil erosion, damage rate of waterconservancy projects and facilities, etc.

Effectiveness of water conservancy projects include the following monitored items:protective effects of various water conservancy projects, effectiveness for improvingecological environment by water-retaining and soil-conserving, and control of soilerosion.

C) Monitoring method

The main method is fixed-point monitoring, aided with spot-checking monitoring and


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comparison monitoring. The specific monitoring method and frequency are in referenceto relevant standards.

D)Monitoring period

From the preparatory period of construction to 1-2 years after the completion of theproject.

5.5. Analysis of Feasibility of Water & Soil Conservancy Scheme

The assessment result: the project' Water & Soil Conservancy Scheme holistically analyzesthe status quo of soil erosion and water conservancy in the project area, elaborates on factorssuch as the water conservancy facilities and area of water conservancy that can be damagedin the construction and the volume of waste and soil erosion caused by the project, andframes protective measures against soil erosion in the project, on basis of the characteristicsof hydropower plants and the industry standard, i.e. the Technical Specifications of Water &Soil Conservancy Schemes of Projects Under Development & Construction (SL204 E 98) andthe Technical Specifications of Integrated Treatment of Water & Soil ConservancyGB/Tl6453.1-16453.6-1996. The engineering and biological measures against soil erosion,raised in the project's Water & Soil Conservancy Scheme (official version) are feasible andcan be used as the secundum for designing the project.


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Chapter VI Environmental Risk Analysis

Chapter 6 Environmental Risk Analysis

6.1. Risk Analysis of Flooding

6.1.1. Characteristics of Flooding

Songshuling reservoir is located in the basin of the Guandu River, the southern branch of theDu River. The basin covers an area of 2, 447.0km2 above the damsite at Yangyugou, whichis 19.6% of the total area of the basin. The Guandu River basin is in the semitropicalmonsoon zone with a moderate climate and abundant rainfall. According to the records ofobservation at Zhushan Hydrology Station, the perennial average air temperature is 15.5 LI,the highest in history was 43.4]D (July 20, 1966), the lowest in history is -9.9 l(January 21,1956). The perennial average comparative humidity is 75%. Perennial length of frostlessperiod is 242 days. The perennial average volume of precipitation is 836.3mm. The perennialaverage vaporization volume is 1,384.6mm. The major types of rain in the basin are cyclonerain and frontal surface rain, with a perennial average rainfall of 1,097mm. At LiulindianHydrology Station upperstream of the damsite near the center of the basin, the perennialaverage volume of precipitation is 1,029.9mm. At Jiuhuping Hydrology Station, theperennial average volume of precipitation is 1,447.0mm. The volume of rainfall in the basinis distinctively impacted by geographical locations. The recorded highest volume ofprecipitation in the basin was 2,152.3mm (at Jiuhuping Station in 1964) and the smallest was560.9mm (at Zhushan Station in 1966). Storms are concentrated from April to October in theyear, especially from July to September. Geographically the rainfall is concentrated in theriver's middle and upperstream reaches in Liulindian and Jiuhuping. Storms usually last for Ito 3 days, but the concentrated rainfall often cause floods with high peaks of flow that flowand ebb drastically.

The floods are caused by storms, mainly cyclone rain and frontal surface rain. Typhoonstorms rarely occur in the basin upperstream of Zhushan, except for once in 1975, so thefloods in this area is lower in intensity as compared to floods in other basins.

The flooding-period is from April to October and floods occur most often from June toAugust. The highest volume of flow recorded by Guandu Hydrology Station was 2.590m3/s(on June 27, 1960). The highest volume of flow surveyed was 4,760m3/s(in 1926).

6.1.2. Risks analysis

According to the Standard of Classification & Designing of Water Conservancy &Hydropower Pivotal Projects (SDJ 2-78), Songshuling water conservancy and hydropowergeneration pivotal project is a medium-scale, level project. The dam, water-diverting tunneland the factory buildings are Class 3 buildings. The energy-eliminating pool and guidingwalls on the banks are Class 4 buildings. Therefore, the dam, the power-generating tunneland the factory buildings are built according to the standard of floods that occur every 50years. The energy-eliminating pool is built according to the standard of floods that occurevery 30 years. The dam is re-examined according to the standard of floods that occur every500 years. The factory buildings are re-examined according to the standard of floods thatoccur every 200 years. The energy-eliminating pool is re-examined according to the standardthat the dam will not be threaten by floods that occur every 500 years. The designed volumeof peak flow of floods that occur every 50 years is 4,353 m3/s and that of floods that occur


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every 500 years is 6,270 m3/s. The dam is a concrete gravity dam.

In allocation of the water conservancy project, besides the spillways, the drainage bottomhole will also be used in floods that occur every 500 years, at a sluice speed of 200 m3/s.When Songshuling Hydropower Plant operates alone, the beginning water level foradjustment will be the normal water-retaining level of 394m. When it operates together withLongbei Sinus Hydropower Plant, the beginning water level for adjustment will be thenormal water-retaining level of 388m. When the coming volume of flow is small, the sameamount of water will be drained through the water gate so as to keep the water at the normalwater-retaining level. When the coming volume of flow exceeds the amount that can bedrained when the water gate is completely open, the water level in reservoir will rise to thehighest flooding level. During floods that occur every 500 years, the sluice bottom hole willbe opened to let out the flood at 200 m3/s. In this joint operation, the principle for adjustmentto floods at Songshuling is that the backwater at the designed flooding level and the re-examined flooding level can guarantee the safety of the dam and the factory buildings of thehydropower plant.

Based on this principle, it can be ensured that while completing the pivotal task, the dam willnot be in the risks of being f or damaged by the flood even in floods that occur every 500years. However, in floods even more forceful than those occurring every 500 years, theproject can be endangered. However, the possibility is very small for floods to flow over thedam or even cause the dam to collapse, impacting the downstream reach, judging from thecharacteristics of flood controlling and the facts that the peak flows in the basin last for ashort time and that the water-blocking building in the pivotal project is a concrete gravitydam at 399.5m in altitude.

6.2. Risk Analysis of Earthquakes

6.2.1. Overview of Earthquakes & Geology

Songshuling Hydropower Plant is located in the Semi-Yangzi terrace zone south of andadjunct to the Qingfeng Fracture Zone. The regional geology is very complicated. During theNeotectonics period, the Qingfeng Fracture Zone , with occasionalearthquakes of low magnitude. The basic magnitude of the earthquakes in this area is the VIIDegree as per the Map of District Division of Earthquake Magnlitude in Chlina, 1991.

Songshuling Reservoir's highest flood peak is 45m, and the backwater reaches the LongbeiSinus. The reservoir, 19km in length, runs across high mountains and deep valleys. Thesection between Longbei Sinus and Lutou Gorge is the end of the reservoir and between theentrance and the damsite is the head of the reservoir, 8km in length. The rocks are carbonaterocks of the slight carst rock level, in which are many exposures of water-resistantpetrofabric of powdery torbanite. Due to the high mountains, deep valleys, great water bodyand long distance between neighboring valleys, the surface water and underground waterboth drain into the Guandu River and the carst is not developed, so the reservoir water willnot leak out. The banks at the end of the reservoir are composed of sand-shale of mediumhardness and poor resistance to weathering. In some parts there are loose accumulations andcreeping transformations at higher altitude and in a small scale, which do not affect theoperation of the reservoir. The banks of the head of the reservoir are composed of hard rockssuch as limestome, stripped limestome and dolomite. The base rocks are exposed and thevalley are mostly in the landscape orientation. The lithosome covers a large scope, with high


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overall stability. The river valley at the damsite is narrow and steep in the landscapeorientation. The dam base is composed of second class of lithosomes and strippedlimestome, of high hardness and integrity, which is suitable for the construction of concretegravity dam.

6.2.2. Risk analysis

From the choice of the damsite, the facilities and the quality control system of construction,there are the following characteristics:

The construction scheme adopts many dam-reinforcing/stabilizing measures, for example,since the dam base is composed of slightly weathered rocks, specific designing is done onthe part of excavation, side slopes, anti-transudation, the avoidance of squeezed fragmentalzone of the dam's axis on the left bank, etc. However, after the reservoir retains water, therocks in the earthcrust of the reservoir area will receive different intensity and direction ofpressures that destroy the original force balance. This may cause earthquakes in some partsof the area, resulting in damage of facilities, failure in normal operation, fissures in the damand even collapse of the dam.

The project is located in the semi-Yangzi Terrace Zone south of the Qingfeng Fracture Zoneand is adjunct to the Qingfeng Fracture Zone. Earthquakes at the damsite and in surroundingareas are low in both magnitude and impacts. There are few geological conditions forintensive earthquakes that may endanger the dam, even though the possibility ofmicroquakes does exist and parts of the area may collapse. Therefore, the projects is incomparatively small risk of earthquakes.

6.3. Integrated Risk Analysis of Dam Break

So far tens of thousand of reserviors have been constructed worldwide and hundred of damshave had accidents, of which about 35% are floods overflowing the dam. For example, theBanqiao and Shimantan Reserviors of Henan Province both had soil-built dams, withcapacities of respectively 492 million m3and 91.8 million M3 . and the height of the dams arerespectively 24.5m and 25m. On August 8, 1975, under the attack of floods that exceeded thereserviors' designed standards, the dams were overflowed with respectively 0.45m and0.37m of floodwater and finally collapsed under the flow of respectively 78,100 and.20,000m3/s.

It is commonly agreed now that flood can endanger dams of water conservancy plants.About several in ten thousand reserviors have encountered such dangers, in two forms, i.e.overflow of dam and collapse of dams afterwards. The risk of the former is not high whilethe risk of the latter is extremely high. The chances of risks is closely related to the type ofthe dam, i.e. soil-built dams are most likely to be collapse under overflow of excessive flood,rock-filled dams with concrete surface can also collapse after overflow, and concrete gravitydams generally are only encountered with overflow of flood.

Of 700 accidents of dams of different types, 6% are caused by earthquakes (including 2%cases in which the earthqu: s were induced by the construction of the dams). Theearthquakes' destructive impa, on the dams are mainly fissuring in the dam and damage offacilities, and there are no reports of earthquake-induced dam collapsing. For example, theXinfengjiang Reservoir of Guangdong Province (the dam was 105m high and the reservoir


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capacity was 11.5 billion m3) was a concrete dam (hollow inside) at first, and after its water-retaining in 1960, small earthquakes suddenly began to occur frequently. Then the dam wasconverted into a gravity dam (filled inside) and reinforced according to the VIII Degree ofEarthquake Magnitude. On March 19, 1962, all the affiliated facilities in the hydropowerplant was damaged in an earthquake.

The characteristics of earthquakes-induced accidents are: earthquake-induced dam accidentsoccur with a far lower probability than flood-induced accidents; in addition to structuralearthquakes that can cause accidents, earthquakes induced by construction of reservoir canalso cause accidents, which makes up about 1/3 of all earthquake-induced accidents; theresults of earthquake-induced accidents are mainly fissuring in dam and destruction offacilities, leading to misfunctioning of the projects, which are far less harmful than overflowand collapses by floods.

In conclusion, on basis of the principle of scheduling protective measure against floods, itcan be guaranteed that, while the pivotal project functions normally, there will not be therisks of flood overflow and dam collapse even in floods that occur once every 500 years. Theplanned project is not under the risk of damage by intensive structural earthquakes andreservoir-induced earthquakes. By strictly carrying out the anti-earthquake designing schemeand reinforcing quality monitoring and examination of materials, the designed anti-earthquake standards of the buildings can be ensured so as to the risks.


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Chapter VI] Analysis of Substitutional Schemes to the Project

Chapter 7 Analysis of Substitutional Schemes to the Project

7.1. Nonperformance of the Project

One of the substitutional schemes of the project is nonperformance. It is generally believedthat noilperformance of the project will not bring impacts on the ecological environment andthe social problem of migration. However, this will cause the following results:

* Suspension of the plan of hydropower resource development in the basin by 2005.Influence of the construction progress of hydropower plants in the upperstream LongbeiSinus and downstream Pankou. Limit the healthy development of the local society andeconomy by impacting the development of power generation, flood prevention, watertransportation, aquatic farming and tourism.

* In the impoverished mountainous areas where the project is planned to be constructed,the local people are already looking forward to the construction, which they think of asa effective means to get rid of poverty and achieve prosperity. The cancellation of theproject may cause social conflicts. The people will demand that persuasive reasons begiven, which do no yet exist according to the assessment results of environment,society, economy and techniques.

* From the aspect of environmental conservation, the unfavorable impacts caused by theproject are acceptable. Without the project, the already unprotected natural ecologicalenvironment will still face deterioration in quality and shrinking in size. The destructionof vegetation, soil erosion and natural disasters will still be out of control.

* The nonperformance of the project will limit the improvement of local living standards,so the people will continue to make a living by utilizing natural resources in anunorganized way, such as burning brushwood as a fuel and hunting for animals as afood, which will leave the ecological and environmental issues unsolved.

This hydropower project makes use of the river's potential energy without producingpollution. It has distinctive social, economical and environmental effectiveness. Byappropriate designing and arrangement, the ecological environment can be conserved anddeveloped and the migrants' quality and ways of living will be improved. Therefore,nonperformance of the project is not recommended.

7.2. Analysis of Substutional Schemes of Power Generation

Shiyan City is rich in hydropower with a potential capacity of 896MW, but the existinghydropower plants are all small and most of them are built on rivers of runoff where thecapacity of hydropower sharply differs between high-flow and low-flow periods. In order toform a unified power supply network in Shiyan City, the construction of key hydropowerplants must be enhanced. According to the plans of hydropower development, SongshulingHydropower Plant will have good adjustment function and can be used as the keyhydropower plant of Shiyan City for peak-adjusted, adjustment of frequency and standby ofaccidents. If the hydropower plant is not constructed, a firepower plant with the samecapacity should be built in Songshuling. The following is a comparison of such a plant withSongshuling Hydropower Plant:


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A) Installed capacity

Songshuling Hydropower Plant will have an installed capacity of 50MW, a perennialaverage power generation volume of 153,900kW.h. Since the hydropower plant and thefirepower plant differ in loss of electricity during transmission and usage of electricityby the plant itself, the capacity and electricity generation volume of SongshulingHydropower Plant are respectively multiplied with the coefficients of 1.10 and 1.05,resulting in a substitutional capacity of 55MW and a electricity generation volume of161.6 million kW.h;

B) Total investrnent

Estimating from the total investment of the newly built49MW firepower and energy-saving project of Wuxue City Firepower Company in 1997, the unit investment in thefirepower plant will be RMB 6,826,000/MW, and total investment will be RMB375,430,000, while that of Songshuling Hydropower Plant will be RMB 314,340,000.

C) Energy consumption

If the energy consumption of the substitutional firepower plant is 368g/kW.h, then theannual consumption of standard coal will be 59,467t;

D)Pollutant emission

If the substitutional firepower plant uses Pingdingshan coal whose phosphorus contentis low and heat productivity is high, and electrostatic aspirators with an efficiency of99.5% will be used for treatment of pollutants, the plant will still let out2,448.96tla ofSO2, 382.45t/a of soot and 77,742.6t/a of ash.

From the above analysis, the Songshuling Hydropower Plant is replaced by a fire powerplant with the same capacity, then there will be an additional investment of RMB61.09million, an additional consumption of 59,467t, of standard coal, and an additional pollutionof 2,448.96t/a of SO2, 382.45t/a of soot and 77,742.6t/a of ash. In the 50-year operationperiod, Songshuling Hydropower Plant can save 2,973,400t of standard coal and avoid toemit 122,400t of SO,, 19,100t of soot and 3,887,100t of ash. Therefore, the construction ofSongshuling Hydropower Plant can bring better environmental impacts.

7.3. Comparison & Selection of Damsite

The dam section of the planned project covers the 6.0km from Lutou Gorge to Yangyugou.In the planning period of the basin and the research period of the project's feasibility, 5damsites were chosen and compared, respectively at Songshuling, Sishuihe, Liangjia Bridge,Liangzhan and Yangyu Gouge. In the research period of feasibility, an integrated analysiswas conducted to compare the sites of Liangjia Bridge and Yangyu Gouge, in engineeringgeology, index of hydropower, losses from submersion, waterpeak, workload and powergenerating profitability. Yangyu Gouge was then recommended and unanimously approvedby the assessing experts. Since the two damsites are close to each other and similar ingeological environment and social conditions, they are basically the same in the conditionsystem of environmental impacts. The other characteristics were elaborated on during thefeasibility research and initial designing of the project. The following is a comparison


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between the characteristics of the two damsites:

Landform and geomorphy

The two damsites are both located at the "S"-type bending of the watercourse withsteep slopes, narrow "U"-type river valleys and exposed rocks. The standard altitude ofriver water is 350-352m, the water depth is 3-5m, the valley width is 40-150m, thepeaks on the banks are around 800m in altitude and the slopes are above 3050° inascent. The vegetation are in good condition on the banks. Under the strong erosion, theterraces are not distinctive. At the damsite of Liangjia Bridge, the perennial width ofwater surface is 38.8m, the water level is 352.5m and the grit scree on the riverbed is10-I 7.5m thick. At the damsite of Yangyu Gouge, the perennial width of water surfaceis 40.0m, the water level is 347.5m and the grit scree on the riverbed in 4-12.Om thick.

• Geology

Both damsites are based on stripped limestome of high hardness, little transformationand good overall stability. About 50m downstream of the damsite of Liangjia Bridge isan exposure of torbanite, so the downstream reach is weak in anti-washing ability. Inaddition, the paraclase at the damsite is quite fully developed, with instable lithosomeduring excavation. The exposed terrane at the damsite of Yangyu Gouge is _powdery torbanite, medium-thickness stripped limestome and Shilong Cavemedium-thickness _. There are no major ruptures in the damsite area and the banksare stable, providing good conditions for dam building.

* Area of coming water and waterpeak

Besides the water flowing from the damsite of Liangjia Bridge, the damsite at YangyuGouge also intercepts the waterflow from the Liangjia River, with an increased 75km2

of rainfall. Roughly the waterpeak is 4m higher than that of Liangjia Bridge damsite,and other hydropower index increase correspondingly.

* Workload and Profitability

The hydropower Plant at Yangyu Gouge damsite will generate 11.2 million degreemore of electricity than that at the Liangjia Bridge damsite on an annual basis, with aslight difference in total investment and amount of farmland and farmhouses undersubmersion. The submersion at Yangyu Gouge will additionally include a newly builtsmall hydropower plant on the Liangjia River (with an installed capacity of 1,000kwand an annual power generating volume of nearly 4 million degrees). Moreover, 3.0kmof highroad will need reconstruction from Liangjia River to the neighboring townshipand villages. Though the Yangyu Gouge project will cause some more losses insubmersion, but it is still superior to the Liangjia Bridge project in that it will generatemore electric power.

In conclusion, neither damsites at Liangjia Bridge or at Yangyu Gouge will cause majorenvironmental problems that restrict the construction of the project. In the initial report of theproject, Yangyu Gouge is designated at the damsite. Except for a greater loss in submersion,the project at Yangyu Gouge is superior to that at Liangjia Bridge in all other factors such asenvironmental profitability and environmental geology. The hydropower plant will help with


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Chapter Vil Analysis of Substitutional Schemes to the Project

the development of local economy.

7.4. Comparison & Selection of Normal Water-Retaining Level

The principle of choosing the normal water retaining level for Songshuling HydropowerPlant are: to fully utilize hydropower energy and not to submerge the Cement Factory inLiangjia Township and the Hydrology Station at Laomatou (the Old Dock); when theLongbei Sinus Hydropower Plant starts operation, the normal water retaining level atSongshuling Hydropower Plant can be stored to 388m, so as not to affect the facilities of thedam. In the feasibility research period, comparison was made between three schemes ofnormal water retaining level, respectively, 385m, 388m, and 390m. The finallyrecommended normal water retaining level was 388m, which was approved by thesuggestions of assessment on the feasibility research report. On the next stage, furtherdemonstration will be performed in combination with the requirements of transportation andthe normal water retaining level of 355m at the Pankou Hydropower Plant to research on thepossibility of raising the normal water retaining level, at Songshuling. Therefore, in theinitial designing of the project, comparison is conducted among the recommended 388m andtwo other schemes of 392m and 394m.

From the aspect of dynamic energy and economical profitability, when the nornal waterretaining level rises from 388m to 392m and to 394m, the installed capacity will berespectively 37,500kw, 45,000kw and 50,000kw; the annual power generating volume willbe respectively 12,860kw.h, 14,370kw.h and 15,390kw.h. The investment margin andintemal profitability rate will be both higher than social currency rate, so the scheme arereasonable functionally and economically.

The designing results of hydropower energy in the initial designing stage show that: whenjointly operating with Longbei Sinus Hydropower Plant and when the normal water retaininglevel is 385m at Songshuling, the power generating effectiveness of Longbei SinusHydropower Plant will basically not be decreased; the nornal water retaining level is 388m atSongshuling, there will be a 2m overlapping with the backwater level atLongbei Sinus, andthe annual power generating volume of Longbei Sinus Hydropower Plant will be decreasedonly by 1.40 million kw.h, while correspondingly the annual power generating volume ofSongshuling Hydropower Plant will be increased by 129 million kw.h. In addition, when thenornal water retaining level at Songshuling is stored to 385m from 394m, the structure ofwater conservancy buildings will be changed and the implementation will be more difficult;on the contrary, when the normal water retaining level is restored to388m, there will not bechanges in water conservancy buildings and other facilities. In this way, the hydropowergenerated by Songshuling Hydropower plant can be increased without unnecessary losses.

From the aspect of reservoir submersion and migrant migration, the higher the normal waterretaining level, the greater the losses. According to statistics in re-examination and survey ofsubmersion by Songshuling Hydropower Plant, conducted by Zhushan County MigrationBureau in 1999, the submersion of Songshuling Reservoir involves 5 villages and 10 groupsin Guandu Town and Liangjia Township of Zhushan County. The major objects to besubmerged are: 116 residents under the 394m submersion line will be migrating; thesubmerged land include 7.7hm2 of farmland, of which are 2.1hM2 of paddy field and 5.5 hmof dry farmland 2; 3.64 hM2 of woodland, of which are 0.53 hm2 of timber woods, 1.29 hmn2

of commercial woods and 1.82 hM2 of second growth; 214.3 hM2 of barren mountains andland; a total 3,508.5m2 of houses; 6.5km of highroads, a bridge, a chain bridge, 4.5km of


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Chapter VII Analysis of Substitutional Schemes to the Project

optical cables, 1.5km of low-voltage wires, a small hydropower plant (Mayu River) with 2power generators/500kw. From the above, it is known that the losses by submersion even atthe normal water retaining level of 3 94m is small compared to other hydropower plants ofthe same type.

After the completion of the Songshuling Hydropower Plant, the protection against floodswill be focused on protection of the safety of the dam and the factory buildings, since thereare no important towns in the downstream reach of the reservoir; at the norTnal waterretaining level of 394m the backwater will be in Longbei Sinus, based on the principles thatLongbei Sinus will not be submerged by floods that occur every 10 years and with 20-yearsilt sedimentation.

After the completion of the Songshuling Hydropower Plant, the backwater in the reservoircan be used for short haul transportation. According to the water level features and watertransportation environment in the reservoir, a ship-passing building is obligated for shipswith a cargo volume of 30t. Upon the completion of the hydropower plants at Pankou andLongbei Sinus, a 20km watercourse will be formed from Jiudaoliang to the outskirts ofZhushan County and to Huanglong Shoal. In addition, the water area of the reservoir can beused for developing fish farming, irrigation and providing drinking water for humans andlivestock.

In conclusion, through the overall analysis in the initial designing from aspects ofeconomical and submersion losses and transportation and breeding profitability, 394m isrecommended as the recent normal water retaining level at Songshuling Hydropower Plant.In the later period, when the plant jointly operates with the Longbei Sinus HydropowerPlant, the normal water retaining level will be 388m.

7.5. Comparison & Selection of Dam Type

During the research period of feasibility, specific comparisons between concrete dam andgravity arch dam. The construction of an arch dam is complicated and needs larger volumeof excavating, smaller volume of concrete and sophisticated technology of sluice throughlarge orifice. In particular, in flood-adjusting experiments, the maximum volume of sluiceflow is 6,270m2/s in floods occurring every 500 years and that in floods occurmng every 50years is 4,353m2/s. Such large volume of sluice is difficult to find a solution for technically.Therefore the gravity arch dam is not recommended. The advantageous conditions forbuilding a concrete solid gravity dam at the Yangyu Gouge damsite are: the peaks on thebanks are steep and high; the rocks extend in a direction vertical to the riverbed inclining tothe intemal mountains; the slopes are stable without narrow mountain pass: the river valleyis narrow (the perennial width of the water surface is only 40m). The riverbed stratum in thedam area is composed of complete, slightly weathered stripped limestome. Four-hole arc-shaped watergates cover the whole riverbed in the flood-overflow section of the dam. Theweir is 382.Om in altitude at the top. The average excavation altitude in the riverbed in337.0m. The average height of the flood-flowing dam is 45m and the maximum height of thedam is 65.5m. From the aspect of environmental geology and engineering technology, thesuitable type of the dam is the concrete solid gravity dam.

7.6. Comparison & Selection of Privotal Allocation

The river section at Yangyu Gouge damsite is in the shape of a reversed "C" and the


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Cbapter VII Analysis of Substitutional Scbemes to the Project

landforrn here is ideal for the location of a water-inducing pivotal project; at the ridge of theturning is a straight section of 150m in length and the adjustable scope of the axis of the damis 30-40m. Two drilling lines were made in the scope, the upper line and the lower line.Geological exploration shows that the geological and engineering conditions are basicallythe same along these two lines. At the normal water retaining level the workload will beslightly increased while the backfilling volume increases correspondingly. The mountain onthe right bank of the upper line is comparatively thick and the entrance of the powergenerating tunnel is too near, so that the seepage flow bypassing dam is comparatively short.For the above reasons, the lower line is the recommend dam line.

Allocation scheme of the lower dam line pivotal project: at the normal water retaining levelof 394.0m, the top of the dam is 399.5m in altitude, the dam base is 334.Om in altitude at thelowest. The maximum dam height is 6.5m, and the maximum width of dam bottom is 52.0m.In the flood-overflow section of the dam, the weir is 382.Om in altitude at the top. The curveof the weir surface is the WES practical curve. The grit-washing bottom hole is on the rightbank near the entrance to the power-generating water-diverting tunnel, which is located onthe right bank near the right end of the dam. The factory buildings and the converting stationare located on the open terrace on the right bank in the downstream reach, about 400.Om tothe axis of the dam.

From the comparison of the two schemes, the lower line scheme is more favorable than theupper line scheme both in allocation of pivotal project and in environmental geology. Theschemes do not differ much in damaging natural scenery and in forming new soil erosion.

7.7. Analysis

In conclusion of the above, comparing with other schemes in damsite, type of dam, axis ofdam and pivotal allocation, Songshuling Hydropower Plant cause smaller losses bysubmersion and more distinctive economical benefits, while meeting the basic condition ofthe reasonability of the project in geology, construction and allocation. There are no obviousenvironmental factors that limit the construction of the project. From an environmental pointof view, the project's schemes in location, type of dam, normal water-retaining level andpivotal allocation are basically feasible.


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Chapter VIII Public Participation

Chapter 8 Participation of the Public

8.1. Overview

Songshuling Hydropower Plant project is a construction project of larger scale in ZhushanCounty. It involves many environmental factors and lasts for a long time in construction. Theproject's social, economical and environmental effectiveness is closely related to publicinterests and has aroused public attention. In order to extensively collect the public's opinionon the construction of the project and on environmental problems of common concem, sothat the project can have overall and long-term effectiveness, different formns of publicparticipation was organized during the assessment of environmental impacts to listen toopinion and suggestions of people from all walks of life and of social bodies and to reinforcethe feasibility of the project. Meanwhile, publicization was promoted via the media.

8.2. Public Participants

8.2.1. Residents in Assessed Area

The public surveyed in the assessment area mainly natural villages and groups of villagers inthe reservoir area and surrounding the reservoir (i.e. Zhushan County, Guandu Town,Liangjia Township, Liulin Township and Hongping Town), residents of the resettlement area(the original residents in the production and living area of resettlement migrants) and otherresidents within the scope of impacts (including residents in the upperstream reach of thedam, in the unsubmerged areas in the reservoir area and in the downstream reach of the dam,as well as residents living near the hydropower plant who do not need to move).

8.2.2. Social Bodies & Scientific Research Departments

* Administrative departments

Zhushan County's Government, Planning Committee, Agricultural Committee, EconomicalCommittee, Environmental Conservation Bureau, Statistical Bureau, Forestry Bureau andSanitation & Antiepidemic Stations, etc.

* Political bodies

Zhushan People's Congress, Zhushan People's Political Consultative Conference, democraticparties and the Women's Federation in towns and townships of the reservoir area.

8.3. Method of Public Participation

8.3.1. Participation of Ordinary Residents

Zhushan County Hydropower Development Company did an onsite brief introduction of theproject. The assessment unit, Monitoring Station of Zhushan County EnvironmentalConservation Bureau, and Zhushan Forestry Bureau then answered questions from thepublic. In the end the public are asked to write down their actual opinions and advice in theTable of Survey in Public Opinion on the Pivotal Project of Songshuling Water Conservancy& Hydropower Plant.


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Chapter VIII Public Participation

8.3.2. Participation of Authoritative Departments

In the onsite exploration, the major survey method was interviews and forums held by theassessment unit and the local department of environmental conservation to listen to thegovernments at different levels and their functional departments for their attitude towards theproject, their advice on the plan of migrant resettlement, andtheir opinions on environmentalimpacts.

8.3.3. Participation of Political Bodies

The participation of political bodies was in the form of forums, interviews and consultationsto listen to the People's Congress, People's Political Consultative Conference and massorganizations' opinions on the project and its environmental impacts and to learn about thepublic's attitude towards the project through these organizations.

8.4. Survey Content of Public Participation

100 public survey tables were distributed and 87 were collected, at a collection rate of 87%.The tables were distributed to governments, People's Congress, People's PoliticalConsultative Conference in the areas involved by the project, including the submersion area,the migrant resettlement area, the upperstream and downstream of the dam and surroundingthe reservoir, as well as officials, residents, teachers and students in related areas of ZhaigouVillage, Wolonggang Village, Changshaba Village and Jiahe Town. The residentsparticipating in the activities are from different age groups, genders, professions andeducational levels. The public participation of the environmental assessment is representativeof an extensive public. Please see Table 8.4.1 for the statistical results of public participantsin the survey.

Table 8.4.1 Statistics of Structure of Public Participants of Survey on SongshulingWater Conservancy & Hydropower Pivotal Project

Nu Gender Age Educational level Professionmbr

erof Pri Seco Tec Dipi

Item peo Mal Fem Und 30-5 Abo mar ndar hnic oma Far Offi Othpie e ae er y e y y al and me cil rsur 30 50 scho scho scho abovvey ol ol ol eed

No. of 87 65 22 37 47 3 12 36 10 29 28 43 16people

tron 100 74.7 25.2 42.5 54.0 3.5 13.7 41.3 11.4 33.3 32.1 49.5 18.3

Note: Source of data: Report of Environmental Impacts of Songshuling Water Conservancy Hydropower Plant PivotalProject, Zhushan County, Hubei Province, (Version Submitted for Examination & Approval), Hubei Research Instituteof Environmental Sciences, August 2000.


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Chapter VIIJ Public Participstion

The content of public participation survey includes 9 questions such as the degree ofunderstand and opinion of the project, positive and negative environmental impacts by theproject and attitude to migration. The results are written in the questionnaire. After learningabout the overview of the pivotal project of Songshuling Water Conservancy & HydropowerPlant, the public made serious analysis to the pros and cons, benefits and losses of the projectwhile raising questions conceming the environmental and other issues. Please see Table8.4.2 for the statistical results of the public survey.

Table 8.4.2 Statistical Results of Public Survey on Songshuling Hydropower Plant

Questions Opinions Number of Ratio(%)people

Yes 87 100Have you heard of the Songshuling Hydropower Yes_87____

Plant projectO No l I.15

Agree 87 100What is your attitude toward the project?

Disagree 0 0

Significantly enhances 76 87.4sustainable development

Improves the ecologicalenvironment of the reservoir 58 66.7area

What positive effects will the project have after Improves the living standard 71 81.6completion? of people in the reservoir area

Increase workingopportunities for people of 68 78.2the reservoir area

Improve the transportation in 58 66.7the reservoir area

Migration 47 54.0

What negative effects will the project have? Submersion of land/forests 22 25.3

Intensification of soil erosion 7 8.0

Willing to migrate 8 1 93.1

Unwilling to migrate 2 2.3

What's your attitude towards migration and youropinion on migrant resettlement? Moving to nearby places

further away from the 42 48.3reservoir

Moving to other places 36 41.4


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Chapter VIII Public Participation

Questions Opinions Number of Ratio(%)people

Impacts on .living 123.environment 12 13.8

What new environmental problems will the Destruction of ecological 11 12.6migration cause? environment

Over-cultivation of land 17 19.5

Dense population 32 35.6

Inconvenient transportation 43 49.4

What major environmental problems are existingin the area you live?

Natural disasters 42 48.3

What is your advice on the project? Number of people giving 87 100advice

Note: Source of data: Report of Environmental Impacts of Songshuling Water Conservancy Hydropower Plant PivotalProject, Zhushan County, Hubei Province, (Version Submittedfor Examination & Approval), Hubei Research Instituteof Environmental Sciences, August 2000.

8.5. Analysis of Survey Results

From the results in Table 8.4.1, it is known that the actual number of people surveyed was87. 74.7% were male and 25.2% were female. In age structure, 42.5% were under 30,54.0%were between 30 and 50 and 3.5% were above 50; in educational level, 33.3% receiveddiplomat or above degrees, 11.4% were from technical secondary school, 41.3% were fromsecondary school and 13.7% were from primary school; 32.1% were farmers. 49.5% wereofficials and 18.3% are from other professions including teachers, doctors and self-employedmerchants. The people in the areas involved by the project are all from the Han nationality.The public survey basically reflects the attitude and opinion of residents at different ages,with different educational level and in different professions.

* 100% of the people surveyed advocate the project;

* 66.7-87.4% think that the project will improve natural and social environment;

* 81.6% think that the project can raise the living standard of people in the reservoir area;

* 78.2% and 66.8%, respectively, think that the construction of the project can increaseworking opportunities of the people in the reservoir area and that it will improve thetransportation in the reservoir area;

* Migration is thought of as the major negative impact of the project, but 93.1% of thepeople surveyed are willing to migrate;

* The opinions are scattered as to new environmental problems caused by migration. The


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Chapter VIII Public Participation

proportion of people thinking of the dense population is larger;

It is thought that the major environmental problem are inconvenience of transportationand poor ability of fighting against natural disasters, which corresponds with the localresidents' eamest expectation that the project can improve the above weaknesses.

Respectively 54], 25.3% and 8.0% of the public surveyed believe that the possible negativeimpacts by the projects are migration, submersion of land and forests, intensification of soiland water erosion in the reservoir area. As for how the migrant issue in the project should besolved, 93.1% of migrants involved are willing to move, of whom48.3% would like to moveto a place in the same village further away from the reservoir while 41.4% would like tomove to anther area. The public thinks that the project will bring more positive impacts thannegative impacts. In the survey, two, or 2.3%, of the migrants involved are unwilling tomove, and another 8% of residents are indecisive on the spot and would like to discuss withtheir families. However, as for whether to implement the Songshuling project, the interestsshould still be put on the whole situation above everything else. 100% of the peoplesurveyed gave their suggestions. Moreover, residents living under 394m in altitude andaround the reservoir are all willing to contribute to the construction of the project.

In November 1999, Zhushan County CCP Committee and County Govemment held aworking meeting on construction of the pivotal project of Songshuling Water Conservancy& Hydropower Plant. Participants of the meeting reached an unanimous agreement that theconstruction of the project will bring significant benefits to the development of the richhydropower resources of Zhushan County, the enhancement of the sustainable developmentof national economy as well as the absorption of foreign investment. The above shows thenecessity and importance of the project and the understanding and support from the localgovemment and the public.

8.6. Issues of Public Concerns

The public opinions indicate special concems on the following issues:

1 ) The general public, especially the residents of the submerged area, is concerned on howthe migrants will be resettled for living and working. With the construction of theproject, 214 migrants will lose their current houses and farmland, leave the places theyhave live for years and start a new life. The migrants are concemed whether they canhave enough living materials and whether their living standards will drop. They hopethat the govemment will effectively implement the migrant resettlement plans. They alsohope the construction the project can actually boost the local economy and improve theeducational, working and medical care conditions for the farmers in the reservoir areaand surrounding the reservoir.

2) Most of the public expects a certain extent of pressure on the lives of residents due to thedecrease in land resources after the submersion of some farmland by the reservoir. Theyhope that the minimum amount of land can be occupied by the construction, that enoughattention can be paid to the conservation of ecological environment and water and soilconservancy, that the usage rate of land can be increased, that the living and workingenvironment of the migrants can be improved. They hope to eliminate unstable factorsand minimize the project's unfavorable impacts on the living quality and environmentalquality of the residents.


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Chapter VIII Public Participation

8.7. Public Environmental Education

Public Environmental Education mainly addresses to the project constructer of hydropowerplants, the future reservior management staffs and the different people living around thereservior.

The Environmental Impacts Report is an important govemment autherized document as wellas a report of the project loaned by World Bank. The environmetnal measures stated in thereport aim at protecting the ecological environment in and surrounding the reservior. Thefuture reservior management bodies and the residents will benefit from the social andeconomic prosperities and the improvement of living standard resulting brought by thereservior construction. Therefore; these people should shoulder the responsibility ofconstructing the water quality and ecological environment in and surrounding thehydropower plant. Since the Hydropower plant is built in the remote mountainous areawhere the education level of the residents is rather low and their environmental awarenessneeds to be enhanced, it is extremely significant to implement environmental educationcombined with this project as follows:

8.7.1. Strengthen Environmental Awareness

T he environmental regulations promulgate by the government and the World Bankenvironment requirements should be publicized to the concerning communities, such as l

* Give environmental regulation education to the project purveyor and the leadersgoverning the reservior area. Let them know that the project will bring significantdevelopment to the local economy. If the project were wrongly managed, there wouldbe great damage to the environment and would restrict the project expected beneifts

* Make the concerning communities realize the significance of protecting the reserviorenvironment and enhance their environmental protection awareness in the constructionand operation of the hydropwer plant, aquiculture and tourism exploitation

* Establish rules and regulations concerning reserior environmental protection

8.7.2. Standardize Environmental Activities

Considering the present education level and social quality of the reservior residents, weshould adopt commom and effective measures to standarize their environmental activities,such asE

* Compile simplified handbooks on reservoir environmental protection for local farmersand standardize the environmental activities of the literate farmers including volunteerlyprotection the ecological environment, not destroy vegetations nor kill amphibians andbirds habitat in the reservior.

* Publish throwaways on reservoir environmental protection; standardize environmentalactivities and enhance the environmental protection ability of the illiterate farmers.

* Combining the new characters of the reservior, organize experts to teach the farmstechnichal know-how on aquiculture, soil erosion protection, eco-agricuture, reasonable


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Chapter Vill Public Participation

fertilization, water quality protection, vegetation combustion restriction and not litteringetc.

8.7.3. Impeach the Activities of Environmental Destruction

In addition to environmental monitoring teams, we should call upon the local people toimpeach and report the people and activities that violate the reserior environmentalregulations. Awards will be given to those who promptly hold back the destruciton activitesand warning, punishiment or even fines will be given to those who cause the destruction.Destruction activites includeC

* Activities that violate environmental regulations or severely destroy the constructionenvironment and the surrounding eco-system;

* Activities of littering waste gas, clinker, garbage or other kind of solid waste toimproper places;

* Activities of combusting waste tyres, building materials or any other kind of wasteduring the construction;

* Improper management of explosive materials and improper treatment of the garbageafter explosion;

* Activities of discharging garbage or sewage that hasn't been treated;

* Activities of wantonly wood-lopping, vegetation destruction, cultivation of the slopeingfield or catching wild animals during the process of construction and migrationsettlement


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Chapter IX Measures & Suggestions of Environmental Conservation Measurements

Chapter 9 Measures & Suggestions of Environmental Conservation

9.1. Measures & Suggestions for Protection of Ecological Environment

1) Draw up layout for the ecological environment in the reservoir area and migrantresettlement area. Reinforce the development, utilization and conservation of water,land and biological resources. Protect human health. Improve environmental quality.Increase living standards for migrants. Realize sustainable social, economical andenvironmental developments the reservoir area and the areas impacted by the project.

2) Prevent storms from causing mudflows by building protective walls for foundationsbackfilled with waste soil, rocks and grits from excavation in the construction area.Clear out construction sites during and immediately after the construction, cover thesites with soil for planting, or level up the sites unsuitable for planting to createfavorable conditions for natural vegetation. Plant greensward, trees and waterconservancy woods on new solum in the dam area.

3) In the operation period, in combinations with the development of protective woodsalong the Yangtse River and the Han River and the protection program of naturalwoods in Zhushan County, the existing bank-protection and water-conservancy woodsshould be conserved. Along the banks in the reservoir area, the farmland on slopessteeper than 250in ascent should be returned to forestry and more efforts must be paidto artificial affroestation. It is suggested that vegetation be planted in the bank-protection, water-conservancy and fuel-supply woods near the origin of the Du River,as required by the plan of natural wood protection project of Zhushan County, so thatthe ecological structure in the reservoir area can be restored to the condition of lowproductivity before the construction, that the forest coverage rate in the reservoir areacan be gradually raised and that a truly virtuous circle can be built in the ecologicalenvironment.

4) After the water retaining of the reservoir, the water resources in the reservoir area canbe utilized to develop breeding of aquatic products. Species and small fries of fishesthat are adaptable to the mountainous environment can be farmed in sinuses with smallexits and large area of ebbing and flooding. These commercial fishes includeCtenspharyngodon idellus Cyprinus carpio, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix andAristichthys nobilis etc. In the recent period, development of fis-farming should be firstin the form of natural breeding and later in the form of natural breeding combined withartificial breeding, so that the productivity of fishery can be increased. The density ofnet-pen breeding should be strictly limited and artificial baits should be appliedappropriately. While artificial fish fanning is developed in the reservoir, theecologicalenvironment of the reservoir area should still be carefully conserved.

9.2. Protective Treatment Measures & Suggestions for Water & Soil Erosion

During the construction of the project, besides implementing the engineering and biologicalmeasures designed by the report of water and soil conservancy, the following measures aresuggested by the assessment:

1) Engineering measures of water & soil conservancy


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Chapter LX Measures & Suggestions of Environmental Conservation Measurements

During the construction period, the waste soil, rocks and grits from excavation ofmaterials and construction sites should be stacked in sites as planned rather thanrandomly. The waste that cannot be utilized should be stored at designated wastestacking sites according to the requirement of the water conservancy scheme. Intransportation of materials, measures must be taken to prevent clunch and rockmaterials from falling off the transportation vehicles and causing soil erosion. In sitesof affiliated enterprises, waste-blocking walls should be built immediately after thewaste is used for backfilling, so as to prevent landslides and mudflows. Thereconstruction of highroads in the reservoir area should be conducted according to thespecification of highroad construction. The solid waste produced in the reconstructionshould be transported and stacked in designated sites and should not be stackedrandomly or dumped into the river.

2) Biological measures of water & soil conservancy

In the operation period after the construction, the construction sites in the dam areashould be clear up immediately. The clunch material site should be restored tofarmland; the rock material site should be used for planting' the construction sits aroundthe damsite should be planted with trees and grass. The fresh solum should be coveredwith greensward of the fast-growing low creeping species of grass. The water-conservancy woods above the submersion line should be planted with trees of highcommercial value and adaptation to local environment, such astung oil tree, oaks, etc,according to the biological protective treatment measures raised by the plan of waterconservancy project of Zhushan County. In zones in higher altitude, the current forestresources should be protected, aided with the measure of closing the mountains tograzing and fuel collecting. The focus of development will be on commercial woodsand timber woos, so as to decrease surface runoffs, conserve water sources and preventnew soI erosion.

9.3. Measures & Suggestions for Environmental Conservation in Submersion &Migration

1 ) The family-planning policy should be strictly carried out so as to control the growth ofpopulation and increase the quality of population.

2) The concept of ecological environment conservation should be enhanced in theeconomical development of the reservoir area. According to the actual situation of thereservoir area, migrants will be mostly resettled to work in agriculture and forestry,making full use of the rich natural resources locally. To raise the quality of farmland,the conversion of slopes into terraces and dry farmland into paddy field is encouraged.Meanwhile, the industrial structure will be readjusted appropriately by developingthesecondary and tertiary industries such as tourism, transportation, fish-farming, etc.

3) On the basis of house reconstruction, the environmental sanitation facilities, such asfuel-saving stoves, toilets, hogpens and trash dumps should be constructed with theinvestment in migrant resettlement. The living environment of humans and livestockshould be separated so as to control the infection of regional epidemics and diseasesinfected from natural resources. In order to help the migrants restore their livingstandard to the current level and higher, efforts must be taken to solve the temporaryshortage in fuel wood, decrease the atmospheric pollution and harm on human health


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Chapter IX Measures & Suggestions of Environmental Conservation Measurements

by burning of coal and control wood-cutting in fuel woods--commercial woods, fast-growing fuel woods and timber woods will be planted around the farmhouses and inscattered places in the farmland. In this way a virtuous circle will be formed in theecological system in the mountainous villages.

9.4. Measures & Suggestions fro Water Quality Conservation

1) In the sewage from the base ditch, the seston content and pH value are both high and theparticles of rock and soil are likely to subside, it is suggested that the sewage producedduring the construction period be purified by stewing and subsidence, in analogy to thesewage processing techniques adopted in the construction of Geheyan HydropowerPlant. The modicum of sewage for maintenance of the base ditch with high pH value,after dilution by water in the base ditch, can be drained into the downstream reach of theGuandu River. Since the sewage produced by grit processing systems contain pollutantsof a unified type and easy to subside, simple subsidence pools can be used to purify thesewage so that the density of seston can reach the Class I standard of Standard ofIntegrated Emission of Sewage (GB 8978-1996). Meanwhile, as regulated by Method ofAdministration on Collection of Waste Emission Fee in Hubei Province (Directive No.86, Hubei Provincial Government, September 15, 1995, the construction unit should alsosubmit waste emission fee and standard-exceeding waste emission fee to the localauthoritative departments in charge of environmental conservation. (If the sewagedrained reaches the above standard after purification, only waste emission fee is needed;if the sewage is drained directly without purification, or does not reach the abovestandard even after purification, then both waste emission fee and standard-exceedingwaste emission fee ear needed.)

2) There is not a large amount of domestic sewage in the construction area, however, theresidents in the surrounding areas obtain their drinking water from wells or springs, sothe water resources for productive and domestic purposes should be away from thesewage drainage exits, so as to ensure the quality of water supply. The domestic sewagein the construction area will be fermented in septic tanks into organic fertilizer for thefarmers.

3) According to the regulations in Methods of Clearing of Reservoir Bottom, the feces andother wastes from cesspits, livestock pens, dunghills and trash heaps on the bottom of thereservoir under the submersion line should be transported out of the reservoir and theplaces should be sterilized with quicklime. The tombs built within the past 15 years, orcontain bodies of patients who died of epidemic diseases, should be moved out of thereservoir or burnt; the tombs built more than 15 years ago should also be sterilized withquicklime. The woods and scattered trees in the submersion area should all be choppeddown and transported out of the reservoir, leaving no more than 0.3m long of trunksabove the ground. The farmhouses and buildings in the submersion area should all bedismantled or blown up. The underground buildings such as wells and ditches should befilled up and covered. The clearing of the reservoir bottom should be completed 3months before the water retaining.

4) Reduce surface pollution: the administration of fertilizer and pesticide application andthe treatment of soil erosion in the upperstream area should be reinforced. Scientificmethods of fertilizer application will be adopted according to different types of soil,different seasons and crops, so as to improve the soil's fertility and decrease the erosion


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Chapter IX Measures & Suggestions of Environmental Conservation Measurements

of fertilizers, pesticides and soil.

5) Enhance the control on water quality in the reservoir during the operation period.Encourage the fish-farming mode of natural farming aided with artificial farming.Strictly control the density of fishes and the application of artificial baits, so as to ensurethat the water quality of the reservoir reaches the standards of Class II of water area inEnvironmental Standard of Surface Water Quality.

6) Well develop the designing for environmental conservation in the construction periodand the operation period. Establish a full time administrative department in charge ofenvironmental conservation, which will determine the target of water qualityconservation in the reservoir area, manage the water quality by course of the law,conduct monitoring of water quality on a regular basis, find out changes in water qualityand provide reliable evidences for the reservoir's long-term and efficient operation.

9.5. Measures & Suggestions on Environmental Conservation AgainstElectromagnetic Radiation by Power Transmission & Conversion Project

The converting station and the power transmission wires should not be built near places likeresidential areas, telecommunication and navigation districts, schools, hospitals andsanitariums, etc., so as to avoid impacting human health and interrupting telecommunicationand navigation.

9.6. Measures & Suggestions for Environmental Conservation in Construction Period

1 ) When transporting powdery materials such as cement, the materials must be contained insealed tanks, which should be regularly examined and repaired. The highroads in theconstruction area should be under strict management and maintenance. Water should beregularly sprayed on the roads to reduced dusts.

2) Dust extraction facilities should be installed with concrete mixing systems, drillers,excavators and pulverizers of grits and rocks. When possible, the facilities should workin a damp condition. The vehicles running on gasoline should use plumbum-freegasoline so as to reduce air pollution.

3) The construction and operation facilities should be installed with low-noise machineryand equipment if possible. The working of high-noise machinery and equipment shouldlast as short a time as possible; the machinery should be equipped with tremulation-eliminating seat mats and soundproofing devices, and the operators should be equippedwith personal anti-noise devices.

4) The administrative and living areas should be constructed according to the plans,avoiding the high-noise source and leeward direction. The construction area and the damarea should be covered with green-land, so that the constructors can have a good livingand working environment.

9.7. Measures & Suggestions for Human Health Protection

1) Establish and complement the sanitation and antiepidemic organization to monitor and


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Chapter IX Measures & Suggestions of Environmental Conservation Measurements

administer hygienic work in the construction area and the migrant resettlement area andto be responsible for the prevention and monitoring of endemic diseases and epidemicdiseases.

2) Before constructor enter the construction site and the migrants move to the newresidences, the places should be sterilized and cleared of rodents, mosquitoes, acaridanand cigala. Constructors from other places should go through physical examination toensure that they do not get infected with local epidemics and that those already infectedbe treated and segregated.

3) Sanitary planning of migrant resettlement must be made in combination with the actualsituation of the reservoir area. The sanitary facilities in the resettlement area should beproperly arranged. The cotes of poultry and livestock should be located far away far thehouses of residents. Cesspits should be covered up. Breeding areas of infectious animalsshould be segregated. Natural sources of epidemics should be controlled and reduced insize. Protection of drinking water resources and control of water sanitation should beenhanced. Reporting and controlling of epidemic situation in the reservoir area and themigrant resettlement areas should be strictly carried out so that effective measure can betaken on time to avoid and control the infection and spread of diseases caused by theconstruction.

9.8. Protective Measures Against Environmental Risks

1 ) In the process of location choosing and project designing, various factors should be takeninto consideration as to whether they can cause dam collapsing, so that the damsiterecommended in the designing is guaranteed to be comparatively safe. Making use of theexisting network of earthquake monitoring and forecasting, the monitoring, forecastingand research of earthquakes and other geological disasters in the reservoir area, such aslandslides, storms and floods.

2) Regulations must be followed during the construction period, such as the monitoring ofthe stability of side slopes and reservoir banks. The backfilling of important parts shouldbe arranged in an appropriate season if possible, so that the quality of construction can beensured, reducing the risk of bank collapses due to earthquakes.

3) In the operation of the project, the scheduling of protective measures against floodsshould be strictly implemented. Retaining over-standard amount of water in the reservoirto generate more power is forbidden.

4) The observation and maintenance of the project should be enhanced with an alarmingsystem of dam safety so that potential risks can be discovered and handled in time.


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Chapter X Estimation of Investment in Environmental Conservation & Analysis of Environmental Economic Losses andBenefits

Chapter 10 Estimation of Investment in Environmental Conservation &Analysis of Environmental Economic Losses and Benefits

10.1. Estimation of Investment in Environmental Conservation

10.1.1. Principle of Investment

According to related laws and policies issued by the state and the actual situation of theSongshuling Hydropower Plant project, the following principle of investment inenvironmental conservation are made:

a) Principles of "Whoever produces the pollution is responsible for treatment; whoeverdevelops the area is responsible for protection."

The principle is used to determine the investment items of environmental conservationand to provide guidance to the sharing of investment when necessary.

In economical assessment, the cost of protective or remedial measures aims atmaintenance of the environment or restoration to the ecological environment beforeconstruction. It is also a benchmark of the effect assessment of the project's impact, so itshould not be used solely and negatively for calculation of losses.

b) Principle of "restoration of function"

The amount of investment on environmental protection measures within the extent thatthe investment is just enough for maintaining or restoring to the ecologicalenvironmental functions before the construction, i.e. only for eliminating theenvironmental impacts by the project.

c) Principle of "nonrecurring compensation"

In the assessment, the losses by the different extent and revolution of environmentalimpacts by the project will be unifiedly converted into the value of nonrecurringcompensation.

10.1.2. Classification of Investment Items

According to the Specifications of Enivironnmental Conservation Designing of Projects UnlderConstruction, in this report the special environmental conservation items refer to thefacilities, equipment and monitoring methods for the reduction and elimination ofunfavorable impacts on the ecological environment by the project, mainly includingenvironmental conservation in construction (including water conservancy measures),protection of water environment and environmental monitoring etc. This does not include theinvestment on environmental conservation from other resources, which are related tocompensation for land submersion and engineering protectior he latter, such as migrantresettlement, clearing of reservoir bottom, compensation for suomersion of land and forests,environmental geological engineering measures (including protective measures againsttransudation of reservoir water and earthquakes cause by the construction of the reservoir


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Chapter X Estimation of Investment in Environmental Conservation & Analysis of Environmental Economic Losses andBenefits

and the stabilization of reservoir banks), are respectively included in the investment inmanipulation of reservoir submersion and migrant resettlement and the cost of protectiveengineering programs, and not counted into the special investment of environmentalconservation.

10.1.3. Items of Investment

tJsing the price level at the end of 1998, estimation is conducted on the items of investmentin the determined environmental conservation programs.

1) Environmental conservation in construction

The construction will have impacts on the water quality, atmospheric quality, soundenvironment and human health in the surrounding areas. The excavation of constructionsites and material sites and the stacking of wastes will damage the vegetation and causeadditional soil erosion. These impacts will be tackled with environmental protectivemeasures (including water and soil conservancy measures) at the total cost of aboutRMB7,761,200, of which the cost of environmental conservation in the constructionperiod is a nonrecurring investment while the operational cost and other costs arecounted on a 4 year basis; the cost of equipment and facilities for environmentalmonitoring in the construction area during the construction period is included in theinvestment on environmental monitoring equipment and facilities and not recountedhere. The cost of environmental monitoring in the construction area during theconstruction period is counted on a 4-year basis. Please see Table 10.1.1 for theinvestment in environmental conservation.

Table 10.1.1 Estimate of Investment in Environmental conservation in Construction

No. Item Remarks Cost of Cost of Totalconstruc operatio

tion n

Protection of water 2 sand-sediment pools ( are to be 120( 4.0 I 6.0(quality: disposal of constructed respectively near the gritsewage from washing material processing systems on the rightgrit materials and the left banks, each costing

RMB60,000 for construction andRMBO.5/a for operation

Toilets and septic tanks 4 toilets with septic tanks, each costing 6.0 3.2 9.2RMB 15,000 for construction andRMB 1,000 a year for operation

Oil separation facilities Oil separators to be installed 5.0 1.5 6.5

2 Atmospheric A watering car will be purchased for the 10.0 4.0 14.0protection construction area at the price of

RMB 1 00,000 and will cost RMB20,000 ayear for operation

Reduction of dust on 7.3 7.3the roads


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Chapter X Estimation of Investment in Environmental Conservation & Analysis of Environmental Economic Losses andBenefits

No. Item Remarks Cost of Cost of Totalconstruc operatio

tion n

3 Protection against Sound arrestors at point sources of 3.0 2.0 5.0noises intensive noises and personal insulation


4 Processing of domestic Cost for cleaning: RMB I 0,000/year 5.0 4.0 9.0sewage

Garbage burying ground: RMB 50,000each for construction

5 Human health. RMB20,000/year

cost of sanitary RMB I 00/person.a, 20% of 500 8.0cleaning and physical constructors during peak-time will beexamination of picked for examination 4.0 12.0constructors in theconstruction area

6 Protection ofconstruction sites:restoration of wastestacking site andconstruction site; water 661.12 661.12conservancy measuresand monitoring ofvegetation alonghighroads, aroundresidences

7 Administration of RMB30,000/year for staff salary and 12.0 12.0environmental administrative costsconservation inconstruction

8 Environmental 24.0 24.0monitoring inconstruction period

Total 776.12

Note Unit of data in the table is RMB 104. Source of data: Report of Environmental Imnpacts of Son gshzulitig Water

Coonservancy Hydropower Plant Pivotal Project, Zliushani County, Hubei Province, (Version Submittedfor Examination& Approval), Hubei Research Institute of Environmental Sciences, August 2000.

2) Cost of establishing department of environmental conservation

Including the RMB200,000 construction fee of office building of the environmentaladministration department (including building for environmental monitoring), and theRMB1100,000 for purchasing office equipment for the environmental administrationdepartment, totaling RMB 300,000.


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Chapter X Estimation of Investment in Environmental Conservation & Analysis of Environmental Economic Losses andBenefits

3) Cost of environmental monitoring equipment and facilities

Including RMB 100,000 for purchasing a environmental monitoring vehicle (also used asthe vehicle for environmental monitoring) and RMB 300,000 for buying environmentalmonitoring instruments, totaling RMB400,000.

4) Spending on scientific research of environment

The Songshuling Hydropower Plant project does not have distinctive unfavorableimpacts on the water quality in the reservoir area and the downstream reach of the dam.But RMB 100,000 is-needed to conduct research on the development of multiplebusinesses in combination with the water quality condition and on the protection ofwater resources.

5) Operation costs of environmental monitoring

The cost of environmental monitoring dunrng the operation period include the costs ofthe monitoring of water quality, human health, environmental geology (stability ofreservoir banks, transudation and earthquakes) and silt sediments in the reservoir, etc. Atotal of RMB 7.5 million is needed (RMB 150,000 annually) in the 50-year operationpenod of the project. The costs are included in the administrative cost in the operationperiod and excluded from the investment into environmental conservation in the project.

10.1.4. Investments in Special Environmental conservation Programs

The investment in environmental conservation of Songshuling Hydropower Plant is the totalof the above (1)-(4) items, i.e. RMB 8,611,200. Please see Table 10.1.2 for the estimatedinvestment.

Table 10.1.2 Estimation of Investments in Special Environmental conservationPrograms in Songshuling Project

No. Item Investment (RMB 104)

Environmental conservation of construction area 776. 12

2 Construction cost of environmental administrative 30organization

3 Cost of equipment for environmental monitoring 40

4 Cost of scientific research for environmental 1 5conservation

5 Environmental conservation of submersion area 4.5

Total 861.12

Note: Source of data: Report of Environmental Impacts of Songshuling Water Conservancy Hydropower Plant PivotalProject, Zhushan County, Hubei Province, (Version Submittedfor Examination & Approval), Hubei Research Instituteof Environmental Sciences, August 2000.


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Chapter X Estimation of Investment in Environmental Conservation & Analysis of Environmental Economic Losses andBenefits

The total investment in the project is RMB 314,339,100, of which RMB 8,611,200, or 2.74%of the total investment, is the investment on special environmental conservation programs.Inthe designing of the working drawing, the investment in environmental conservation shouldbe distinctively listed in the general estimate of project investments and should be used forthe specific purpose of environmental conservation in the project.

10.1.5. Analysis of Environmental Economical Profits & Losses

Domestically there are currently no unified specifications for the analysis of environmentaleconomical profits and losses of water conservancy and hydropower plants. The assessmentincludes a simplified analysis of environmental economical profits and losses of theSongshuling project, on basis of the current data and making an estimation with theOptimized Equal-effect Substitutional Method and shadow price in the Specification ofEconomical Assessment of Water Conservancy Projects (SC.72-94) ( hereafter theSpecification) . The clause in the Specification regulates that "Remedial measuresshould be taken against unfavorable social, economical and environmental impacts by waterconservancy projects; the negative profits of impacts that cannot be recovered should becalculated. " Since water conservancy and hydropower plants involve multipleenvironmental factors and the extent of impacts on many of these factors can not bequantified or expressed in the form of currency, these factors are not analyzed quantitativelybut explicated qualitatively. The amount of compensation for submersion, migration andspecial programs is determined by the Designing Report of Songshuling Hydropower PlantProject (Draft) and Planning Report of Resettlement of Migrants of SongshulingHydropower Plant Project. The project's investment in environmental conservation, such asthe cost of environmental conservation in the construction area, the cost of the research onprotection of water environment, is calculated according to the content of work and includedeither in the losses or the profits. The analysis of economical profits and losses are calculatedin two methods of ecological economical loss-profit value and ecological economical loss-profit ratio, under two kinds of conditions, the fixed and the dynamic. Table 10.2.1 lists theresults.

Ecological economical loss-profit value= (Total value of ecological and economical profits)-(Total value of ecological losses + Total cost of development and construction)

Eco log icalEconomy Pr ofit - LossRatio =Total ValueofEco log icalEconomv Pr ofiTotal ValueofEco log icalEconomyLosses + CostofDevel,

Relevant parameters and calculation condition are as follows:

Price: the price level at the end of 1999;

Social currency rate: 8%;

Period of calculation: Including the construction period (4 years) and the operation period(8 years).


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Chapter X Estimation of Investment in Environmental Conservation & Analysis of Environmental Economic Losses andBenefits

Table 10.2.1 Analysis of Environmental Economy Profits & Losses of SongshulingHydropower Plant

No. Environm Nature of environmental Fixed Current valueental impacts

factors Profit Loss Profit Loss

I Local climate Slightly improved =

2 Water quality Scientific research on protection and 010 Iimprovement of water quality

3 Water No distinctive impactstemperature

4 Environment In some areas landslides andal geology collapses may occur and must be

guarded against; transudation of *

reservoir may result in unfavorableimpacts

5 Silting in Silt from upperstream is blocked andreservoir become sediment in the reservoir

area, improving water quality indownstream reach

6 Land Irreversible impacts by submersionresources of farmiland, gardening land and 225.17 225.17


7 Terrestrial No distinctive impacts on terrestrialcreatures animals in the reservoir area;

permanent damage on terrestrialvegetation under submersion line

8 Aquatic Little impacts on current aquaticcreatures creatures. 2.7km of water surface 800 155.36

formned by water-retaining canproduce 40t of fish annually

9 Migration Compensation for moving andreconstruction of houses and 69.97 69.97affiliated buildings

10 Reparation Including compensation forfor submersion of small hydropowerprofessional plant, highroads, chain bridges, 1593.05 1593.05facilities optical cables, power wire and

Guoce Gate

I I Special Investment in environmentalinvestment in conservation in construction period,environment fee for exploration and designing of 861.12 861.12al environmental conservation,conservation construction cost of environmental

conservation organizations, cost of


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Chapter X Estimation of Investment in Environmental Conservation & Analysis of Environmental Economic Losses andBenefits

No. Environm Nature of environmental Fixed Current valueental impacts

factors Profit Loss Profit Loss

monitonng equipment, scientificresearch on environment andenvironmental conservation in themigrant resettlement area, etc.

12 Environment Including monitoring of atmosphere,al monitoring water quality and noises in thein operation construction period and water 750 145.65period quality, human health,

environmental geology, siltsediment in the operation period

I13 Power Increase power generation capacitygeneration and profitability; improve quality of 204567.1 4271 8.51

power supply system

14 Irrigation

15 Other Other costs in the project excludingdevelopment compensation for submersion and 3100o.37 27366.89costs in the migration and special investment inproject environmental conservation

16 Total 205367.1 34517.68 42873.87 30271.85

17 Economicalprofits and 170849.42 12602.02losses

18 Ratio ofecologicaleconomical 1:5.95 1:1.42profits andlosses

Note: Source of data: Report of Environmental Iripacts of Songshuling Water (onservancy Hvdropower Plant PrvotalProject, Zhushan County, Hubei Province, (Version Submitted for Examnination & Approval), Hubei Research Instituteof Environmental Sciences, August 2000.

From the estimation of environmental economical profits and losses in Table 10.2.1, it isknown that the projects' environmental economical fixed profits and losses are respectivelyRMB 2,054 million and RMB 345 million. In the fixed profits, the profits of powergeneration is the greatest, making up 99.6% of the total fixed profits, and profits of fish-breeding is in the second place; of the fixed losses, the greatest loss is in the development ofother programs in the project, making up 89.8% of the total fixed loss, followed bysubmersion and migrant resettlement (including land submersion, house moving andreconstruction and compensation for special programs, making up 5.47% of the total fixedloss. The fixed loss-profit ratio is 1:5.95.

The project's current value environmental economical profits and losses are respectivelyRMB 429 million and RMB 303 million. The net current value of ecological environmental


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Chapter X Estimation of Investment in Environmental Conservation & Analysis of Environmental Economic Losses andBenefits

economy is RMB 126 million, with a current value loss-profit ratio of 1: 1.42.

The above calculation results do not consider environmental impacts that are difficult to becounted quantitatively. However most of these environmental impacts are favorable impacts.Therefore, even if they are not considered, the environmental profits of SongshulingHydropower Plant still exceeds the environmental losses and the loss-profit ratios of bothfixed and current value environment are smaller than 1. In addition, the ecologicalenvironmental economical net current value reaches RMB 126 million. All these factorsindicate that the construction of the project is feasible in environmental economy.


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Environmental Report of Songsbuling Water COnservancy & Hydropower Pivotal Project, Zhushbn, Hubei

Cbapter XI Environment Administration & Environment Monitoring

Chapter 11 Environmental Administration & Environmental Monitoring

11.1. Department of Environmental Administration & Its Responsibilities

Based on relevant regulations by the state and the features of the project, the project'simpacts on regional environment in the construction and operation periods should beregularly monitored so as to discover problems and adopt protective measures on time, tomake full use of the favorable impacts and to protection the ecological environment in thereservoir and the surrounding areas. Therefore, a unified environmental administrative andmonitoring organization must be established for the project, in which 1-2 staffs will beresponsible for the environmental monitoring during the construction and operation periodsand support the administrative departments of environmental conservation, waterconservancy and land usage at different levels to ensure the performance of environmentalconservation. The organization's specific responsibilities are:

A)Following national and local policies, laws and regulations on environmentalconservation, carry out promotion and education on environmental conservation toreinforce the environmental concepts of people in the reservoir area and surrounding thereservoir.

B)Focus on protection of water resource and water quality in the reservoir and reinforceenvironmental administration in the reservoir area; organize and implement water qualitymonitoring in the operation period; take precautions against and tackle with waterpollution; organize and carry out scientific research on protection and usage of thereservoir's water environment.

C)Formulate environmental administrative regulations for the project and standards ofenvironmental quality in the reservoir area: establish environmental monitoring system,authonrze environmental monitoring plans and organize implementation ofenvironmental monitoring plans; compile annual action plans for environmentalconservation, file and edit data of monitoring and submit reports on condition ofenvironmental quality.

D)Organize and implement environmental conservation plans in the project, supervise theimplementation of protective measurements against factors unfavorable to theenvironment.

E)Coordinate and handle environmental disputes and accidents, take precautions againstpolluting emergencies in the project.

F) In the construction period, on the environmental administration and monitoring in theconstruction period, ensure that the constructive activities can be carried out inaccordance with environmental protection principles, organized monitoring on theconstruction environment.

G)ln the operation period, supervise the implementation of environmental conservationmeasures, organize execution of environmental monitoring plans, keep abreast ofchanges in environmental factors within the scope of impact by the project, discover ontime hidden environmental problems, raise measures of control, guarantee the fulfillment


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Chapter XI Environment Administration & Environment Monitoring

of overall target of environmental conservation.

11.2. Department of Environmental Monitoring & Its Responsibilities

Environmental monitoring is the basis of environmental administration and the scientificsecundum for conducting scientific research on environmental conservation and pollutionelimination. In order to make full use of the human resources and scientific equipmentalready possessed by the local departments and to cut costs, the task of environmentalmonitoring will be assigned to the relevant local departments, such as environmentalmonitoring stations, hydrology stations and sanitation and antiepidemic stations at themunicipal or county levels. The project's department of environmental administration willbe staffed with 1-2 professional technicians in charge of organization and implementation ofmonitoring. The construction unit can also buy monitoring instruments on water quality andorganized their own department of water quality monitoring and analysis at their ownexpenses during the construction period, so as to facilitate the execution of control on waterquality in the construction and operation periods and the research on preventive treatment ofwater pollution. The major responsibilities in environmental monitoring are:

a) Based on the characteristics of each phase during the construction and operation of theproject, conduct monitoring on the environmental factors in the construction area, thereservoir area and the relevant areas under the dam.

b) Carry out monitoring and investigation on pollution and keep track of polluting accidents.

c) Forecast for climate data related to the reservoir area, such as air temperature, wind speedand humidity, etc.

d) Collect and analyze daily monitoring data on a regular basis, keep files of monitoringdata and report to authorities concerned on time.

11.3. Plan of Environmental Monitoring

11.3.1. Environmental Monitoring in Construction Period

A)Monitoring of water environment quality

* Water quality monitonng

• Location of section

To reflect the condition water quality of the Guandu River reach in theconstruction area, two monitoring sections are located respectively in theupperstream and downstream reach of the construction site, the upper one atI Om upperstream of the border of the damsite and the lower one at 2kmdownstream of the border of the damsite.

* Monitoring items and methods

Including water temperature, pH value, seston, hypermanganate index,volume of oxygen needed for 5-day of biochemical activity, petroleum, feces


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Chapter XI Environment Administration & Environment Monitoring

coliform bacterial colony. The items are monitored in methods regulated byGHZB 1-1999 Environmental Standard of Surface Water Quality.

* Monitoring frequency

Monitored three times annually, respectively in the high-flow, low-flow andlevel periods.

Monitoring of sewage drainage exits

* Monitoring point

Sewage monitoring points are set up at the sewage drainage exits of theprocessing system of sand and rock materials on the right bank, the base ditch,the concrete mixing station, and the domestic sewage drainage.

* Monitoring items

The monitoring items in production sewage are pH value and seston. Those indomestic sewage include seston, volume of oxygen needed for 5-day ofbiochemical activity, volume of oxygen needed for chemical activities andfeces coliform bacterial colony.

* Monitoring frequency

Monitored three times annually, respectively in the high-flow, low-flow andlevel periods. More times of monitoring may be added during peak-time ofconstruction.

B)Atmospheric monitonng

* Monitoring item: TSP

* Monitoring frequency: Monitored twice annually in winter and summer, eachlasting for 5 days.

* Monitoring points: 3 sampling points are set up respectively at the base ditch, theconcrete mixing system and in the administrative and residential area.

C)Noise monitoring

* Monitoring points

To learn about the construction noises' impacts on the surrounding soundenvironment, 3 monitoring points (sensitive points) are set up respectively in thedamsite construction area, the excavation and processing area of rock materials andthe residential area of constructors.

* Monitoring time and item

Respectively in the day time and the night time, equal-effect sound degree Alq, in


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Chapter XI Environment Administration & Environment Monitoring

dB(A); in the noise-sensitive area, the monitored items are backgroundenvironment noise and construction noise in the day time.

Monitoring frequency

At least 4 times annually, i.e. once every season.

D)Human health examination

The constructors' physical health will be regularly examined by the local sanitary andantiepidemic departments on basis of requirements by hygienic authorities.

11.3.2. Monitoring in Operation Period

A)Hydrological observation

Hydrology observation stations will be set up at the Songshuling damsiteand Laomatou(the Old Dock) at the end of the reservoir to observe water level, water temperature,flowing speed, volume of flow and silt content, etc. according to the requirements by theSpecifications of Hydrological Tests.

B) Water quality monitoring

* Allocation of monitoring sections

* Monitoring sections will be set up respectively at the end of the backwater in thereservoir (Longbei Sinus), in front of the dam (Songshuling), and at 500m in thedownstream part of the backwater. Each section has two verticals on the right andleft and at the position of 0.5m on each vertical allocates a sampling point.

* Monitoring items and methods

Water temperature, pH value, hypermanganate index, seston, dissolvable oxygen,total phosphorus, total nitrogen, petroleum chemicals, feces coliform bacterialcolony. The monitoring method is the same as that of water quality monitoring inthe construction period.

* Monitoring frequency

Twice annually, respectively in the high-flow and low-flow periods.

C) Observation of terrestrial animals and plants

3 observation points are set up in the construction area, at the damsite and in thereservoir area for examination of degree in restoration of terrestrial vegetation and forprotection of wildlife.

D)Aquatic creatures

At the end of the reservoir, a monitoring point is set up for monitoring once every seasonand four times annually. The sampling method and monitoring items are in accordance to


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Chapter Xi EnvironmentAdministration & Environment Monitoring

relevant regulations of conventional monitoring.

E) Observation of human health

Spot tests of human health and sampling survey typical diseases will be conducted inthereservoir area and the migrant resettlement area.

F) Environmental geology

The earthquake station network set up by Shiyan Earthquake Bureau and ZhushanEarthquake Office will be used for monitoring of earthquakes in the reservoir area,strictly abiding by the requirements of Specifications for Earthquake Observation andTechnical Specifications for Network Monitoring of Earthquake Telemetering issued bythe National Bureau of Earthquake.

According to data of geological exploration, the focus of exploration and monitoring willbe the unstable transformations on the bank slopes to obtain their geological structuresand geometric parameters, and to conduct analysis of their stability. For importanttransformations, both surface and intemal monitoring systems will be allocated tomonitor and forecast on their changes during the construction period and the operationperiod.


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Environmental Report of Songsbuling Water Conservancy & Hydropower Pivotal Project, Zbusban, Hubei

Chapter XII Conclusions & Suggestions of Environmental Impact Assessment

Chapter 12 Conclusions & Suggestions of Environmental ImpactAssessment

12.1. Conclusion of Assessment

1) Songshuling Hydropower Plant generates electricity using hydropower resources,provides clean energy to the impoverished mountainous areas in westem Hubei Provinceand basically solved the conflict between lack of electricity and shortage in supply. Thecompletion of the project will change the unbalanced volume of flow in the GuanduRiver, improving the conditions for irrigation of farmland and woodland and fishbreeding. When the plant jointly operates with the hydropower plants in Longbei Sinusand Pankou, water transportation can connect Jiudaoliang in Shennongjia and the towngate of Zhushan County. The major function of the project is power generation,combined with irrigation, water supply, water transportation and fish-breeding. Thehydropower plant will bring distinctive social and economical benefits to adjustment oflocal industrial structures, improving production conditions and raising people's livingquality. Compared with firepower plants of the same scale, the plant has better

2) The atmospheric quality, water quality and sound environment of the planned project'sarea is in good situation. Pollutants produced during the construction period of theproject, such as sewage, waste gases, stive, noises and solid wastes, will concentrate inthe construction area and the operation positions and have short-term impacts on parts ofthe area.

3) The landform and water conservancy in 65.09km2 of area will be disturbed anddestroyed during the construction period, with an additional 958,900t of soil erosion. Inthe operation period, an area of 2.74km2 will be submerged by the reservoir. Theexcavation in the construction period and the water retaining in the operation periodbring unfavorable impact on the ecological environment, permanently damaging theliving environment of animals and vegetation. The favorable impacts are the increase inthe species and quantities of plankton and zoobenthos in the reservoir, of fishes that liketo live in slowly flowing water and still water, and of animals that grow in swamps in thereservoir area.

4) The submersion and migration involves 276 people in 3 towns and townships, amongwhom 214 people will be moving to other places. The migrants will mostly be resettledfor agricultural and forestry production, both in concentrated and scattered allocation.This fits the wills of migrants and the actual local situation. The resettlement of migrantswill not put much pressure on the capacity of population and land in the reservoir area.The investment in resettlement and the formation of electricity network will bringfavorable impacts to the production and livelihood of migrants. The major unfavorableimpact is the short-term inconvenience for the people in the area.

5) The major pollution source in the reservoir area is the surface source of pollution. Thereare basically no drainage of industrial and domestic sewage. It is estimated that by 2007the reservoir will be have a medium level of nutrients and the reservoir will not becomeeutrophic. During the operation area, the water quality in the reservoir will be better thanthat of the Guandu River in the natural condition. Besides that the index of nutrients,such as total phosphorus, total nitrogen and chlorophyll a, will reach the standard of the


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Chapter XlI Conclusions & Suggestions of Environmental Impact Assessment & Assessment

Class III water area, all other index will meet the Class II of water area. The constructionof the reservoir will not have unfavorable impacts on the water quality of thedownstream reach of the Guandu River, which will meet the standard of Class II of waterarea in Environmental Standard of Surface Water Quality. There are no concentratedsource of domestic drinking water supply in the reservoir area and the downstream reach(above the county). The drinking water mainly come from spring water in mountains.The construction of the hydropower plant will not impact the domestic drinking water inthe reservoir area and downstream of the dam.

The Du River is short of sand. The average perennial silt sediment volume during theoperation of the reservoir will be 390,400t/a. The altitude of sediment in front of the damin 20, 30 and 50 years will be respectively 355.60m, 359.70m and 366.20m, meeting therequirement of designing.

6) The geological structure in the reservoir area is comparatively stable. There are no large-scale landslide formations and no conditions for transudation of water out of thereservoir. The area is VII-degree zone in earthquake magnitude The construction of thereservoir will not cause earthquakes of a certain magnitude that endanger the dam andthe reservoir. According to the principle of scheduling of protective measures againstflooding in the initial designing report, while completing the task of the pivotal, therewill not be risks of floods overflowing above the dam or destroying the dam, even infloods that occur every 500 years.

7) During the construction period, the construction site will be concentrated withconstructors. In poor-quality living environment, there may be epidemics of influenza,becteria dysentery or virus hepatitis. After the water-retaining of the reservoir, withliving environment submerged by the water, rodents will migrate to higher places andmay increase in density in parts of the area in a short term, causing an increase inincidence of epidemics spreaded by rodents. In the ebbing area of the reservoir may formnew breeding places for mosquitoes. After the joining of new residents, the resettlementareas of migrants will change in conditions of production and living. There will be aperiod of time for adaptation to this new situation during which migrants may be infectedwith relevant epidemics.

8) The intensity of working-frequency electric fields within Sm of the hydropower plantand 30m along the power transmission and conversion wireways will be smaller than therange of electronic field intensity in residential areas by recommended the nationalhygienic standards of the former Soviet Union and Technical Specifications ofAssessment of Environmental Impacts by Electromagnetic Radiation of 500k VUltrahigh- Voltage Power Transmission & Conversion Projects, HJ/T24-1998, so thesurrounding residents will not be impacted by electromagnetic radiation.

In conclusion, the construction of Songshuling Hydropower Plant project will have bothfavorable and unfavorable impacts on the local ecological environment. From holistic andlong-term interests, the benefits overwhelm the harms both in scope and time. The projectwill supply a large quantity of clean energy to facilitate the sustainable economicaldevelopment in Zhushan County and to bring distinctive social and environmentaleffectiveness.

In construction of the reservoir, original vegetation will be damaged by land occupancy,


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Chapter XII Conclusions & Suggestions of Environmental Impact Assessment & Assessment

excavation, backfilling and road building, causing a temporary change in the function of landin parts of the area. The submersion of land and living environment of animals and plantsand the soil erosion on newly excavated land will be new ecological problems. Theunfavorable environmental impacts by the project can be avoided or reduced throughfinancial and technical investment and suitable engineering, biological and administrativemeasures. Assessed from the point of view of sustainable development, the project is aproduction of clean energy on basis of natural resources, in harmony with environmentalcapacity and in accordance with national industrial policies. Therefore from theenvironmental angle the project is feasible.

12.2. Suggestions

1) Protection of land resources

In compliance with the Code of Land Administration, People's Republic of Clhina, theconstruction unit should occupied the minimum possible amount of farmland in theconstruction period and gradually restored the occupied land to the original condition tocompensate for the losses by occupancy after construction.

2) Implementation of migrant resettlement plans

In compliance with the number of migrants due to the project as surveyed in the Reportof Reservoir Submersion & Migrant Resettlement Plans of Songs/huling HydropowerPlant, Zhushan County, the expenses for migrant resettlement should be used as plannedto improve the migrants' production conditions and living standards.

3) Implementation of water & soil conservancy scheme

In compliance with the Report of Scheme of Water Coniservanicy in SongshulinigHydropower Plant Project, the water and soil conservancy measures should be carriedout in combination of the implementation of the Project of NatlJral Woods Protection inlZhushan County. Deforesting will be forbidden in the upperstream reach of the Du Riverand cultivation of slope steeper than 250 is also banned. Step by step the farmland onthese slopes will be returned to forestry and grassland. The slope land under 25° inascent will be converted into terraces so as to cultivate on the same altitude and toincrease productivity.

4) Reinforcement of environmental monitoring

The environmental conservation measures should be strictly carried out during thedesigning, construction and operation periods of the project. Departments ofenvironmental conservation administration and monitoring will be established andimproved in functions. The enviromental protection system and the standard of pollutantemission should be enforced. With the above actions, the regional ecologicalenvironment quality will be improved and the sustainable development of regionaleconomy will be guaranteed.


Page 181: Songshuling Hydropower Plant in Zhushan, Hubei Province ...documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/... · impacts by the project, conduct public consultation, develop plan of environmental

Environmental Report of Songshuling Water Conservancy & Hydropower Pivotal Project, Zhushan, Hubei



1) Impacts on Ecological Environment by Dam Construction on the Yangtse River, FANG Ziyun,Scientific Research Institute of Yangtse River Water Resource Protection;

2) Impacts on Vegetation by the Project at the Three Gorges on the Yangtse River, & ProtectiveMeasures, ZOU Jiaxiang, etc., Sciefic Research Institute of Yangtse River Water ResourceProtection;

3) Impacts on Terrestrial Vertebrates (Mammalia & Birds) & Rare Animals in the ReservoirArea by Dam-building at the Three Gorges on the Yangtse River, LU Songgen, etc.,Zoological Research Institute, China Academy of Scienceand Technology;

4) Ecological Environmental Issues in Dam-building at the Three Gorges, Yangtse River WaterResource Protection Bureau;

5) Impacts on Wild Animals & Rare Animals in the Reservoir Area of the Project at the ThreeGorges, Yangtse River Water Resource Protection Bureau;

6) Overall Assessment of Impacts on Ecological Environment by the Project at the Three Gorges,WANG Chaojun, etc., Sciefic Research Institute of Yangtse River Water Resource Protection;

7) Report of Environmental Impacts by the Midline Project for Diverting Water from the South tothe North, the Sciefic Research Institute of Yangtse River Water Resource Protection,February 1996;

8) Taxology of Vertebrates, ZHENG Zuoxin, Agriculture Press, 1982;

9) China Zoological Illustrations, ZHENG Baoshan, Science Press, 1987;

10)Status Quo of Methane Emission in China, ZHANG Renjian, etc., Studies of Climate &Environment, 2"d Issue, 4"' Volume, June 1999;

