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Sonia Gandhi

Date post: 29-Nov-2014
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Documents on Smuggling of artifacts from India and depositing into an account in Cayman Islands. The documents show the letters to Central Govt Minister as well as court documents directing CBI (Central Bureau of Investigation) to investigate the case. When Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi (Sonia Gandhi husband) were Prime Ministers, not a day passed when the PM’s security did not go to the New Delhi, or Chennai international airport to send crates and crates of Indian antiques and other treasures, unchecked by customs, to Rome. Air India and Alitalia were the chosen carriers. For organizing all this, Mr. Arjun Singh first as CM, later as Union Minister in charge of Culture, was her hatchet man. Indian temple sculpture of gods and goddesses, antiques, pichwai paintings, shatoosh shawls, coins, and you name it, were transported to Italy to be first displayed in two shops [see Annexure-16] owned by her sister, Anuskha alias Alessandra Maino Vinci. These shops located in blue-collar areas of Rivolta[shop name: Etnica] and Orbassano [shop name: Ganpati] did little business because which blue collar Italian wants to buy Indian antiques ? The shops were there to make false bills, and thereafter these treasures were taken to London for auction by Sotheby’s and Christies. Some of this ill-gotten money from auction went into the bank accounts of Rahul Gandhi in the National Westminister Bank and Hongkong & Shanghai Bank, London branches, but most of it found it’s way into the Gandhi family account in the Bank of America in Cayman Islands. Rahul’s expenses and tuition fees for the one year he was at Harvard, was paid from that Cayman Island account [see Annexures-17].
Page 1: Sonia Gandhi

Documents on Smuggling of artifacts from India and depositing into an account in Cayman Islands.

The documents show the letters to Central Govt Minister as well as court documents

directing CBI (Central Bureau of Investigation) to investigate the case.

When Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi (Sonia Gandhi husband) were Prime Ministers,

not a day passed when the PM’s security did not go to the New Delhi, or Chennai

international airport to send crates and crates of Indian antiques and other treasures,

unchecked by customs, to Rome. Air India and Alitalia were the chosen carriers. For

organizing all this, Mr. Arjun Singh first as CM, later as Union Minister in charge of

Culture, was her hatchet man.

Indian temple sculpture of gods and goddesses, antiques, pichwai paintings, shatoosh

shawls, coins, and you name it, were transported to Italy to be first displayed in two

shops [see Annexure-16] owned by her sister, Anuskha alias Alessandra Maino Vinci.

These shops located in blue-collar areas of Rivolta[shop name: Etnica] and Orbassano

[shop name: Ganpati] did little business because which blue collar Italian wants to buy

Indian antiques ? The shops were there to make false bills, and thereafter these treasures

were taken to London for auction by Sotheby’s and Christies.

Some of this ill-gotten money from auction went into the bank accounts of Rahul Gandhi

in the National Westminister Bank and Hongkong & Shanghai Bank, London branches,

but most of it found it’s way into the Gandhi family account in the Bank of America in

Cayman Islands. Rahul’s expenses and tuition fees for the one year he was at Harvard,

was paid from that Cayman Island account [see Annexures-17].

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In a nutshell …

UN’s declaration of Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday on Oct 2 as the International Non-

Violence day is commendable. However, instead of a true Gandhian delivering his

message of peace & non-violence, Sonia Gandhi who is not a representative of

Gandhian values is chosen.

Sonia Maino Gandhi is NOT related to Mahatma Gandhi. She is attempting to

misappropriate his name for political mileage and international legitimacy.

She is known to be vindictive and undemocratic. Her party uses various mechanisms

such as tax raids, direct threats to subjugate opposition. (‘Know your Sonia’ by Dr.

Subramanian Swamy).

Due to her party’s pro-terrorist policies, India has second highest number of terrorism

victims after Iraq. Her Govt. is requesting clemency to Afzal Guru, the mastermind of

attack on Indian parliament. In pursuit of Muslim vote banks, it created soft borders &

turned a blind eye towards Islamic fundamentalism.

Her respect for human rights is best explained by her decision to make a prime instigator

of the anti-Sikh riots (that burnt alive 3000 Sikhs) a key central government minister in


Her party has shown religious intolerance towards 900 million Hindus by blowing

up Rama Sethu, an ancient Hindu heritage monument. This is similar to Taliban

blowing up the Bamyan Buddhas.

Gandhi is an embodiment of Hinduism with deep respect for all religions. He called

religious conversions the deadliest poison that lethally destroys cultures of the world.

Since Sonia came to power, there is a crusade to Christianize India, at the behest of

international missionary enterprises.

Her husband Rajiv and son Rahul are alleged to have received payments from KGB.

According to Schweizer Illustrierte, Rajiv has a secret Swiss account of 2 billion dollars.

Her son Rahul projected as next Prime Minister of India, was also detained by FBI with

large unaccounted cash at Boston in 2001. (‘The State Within a State’ by Yevgenia

Albats, Swiss magazine Schweizer Illustrierte 11/1991, Indo Asian News Service).

Her party was involved in the UN Oil for Food Scam that helped Saddam Hussein.

She was involved in numerous scams, scandals and controversies. Before entering India,

she was an au-pair with modest means. Since then, she and her family members amassed

millions through questionable means. (Researched articles with proof by Dr.

Subramanian Swamy at http://janataparty.org/sonia.html, ‘Know Your Sonia’ by

India First Foundation)

Page 8: Sonia Gandhi

Why the protest?

This protest is not against any

party or person. It is against

the attempt by Ms. Sonia

Gandhi to usurp Mahatma

Gandhi’s name and legacy

for political mileage and

international legitimacy.

Ms. Sonia Gandhi policies

and actions are opposite to

the principles and philosophy

of Mahatma Gandhi. In

thought, word and deed they

are poles apart.
