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SoulFUEL Spark Challenge - Day 6€¦ · attending services, listening to music, dwelling in nature...

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Now that you cozied up to your passions on Day 5 (woo hoo), today’s lesson and assignment is about caring for your spirit. Ahhhh, sounds good right? How do you feel in your spirit? How do you want to feel? What ways work best for you when you want to care for your spirit? The answer is different for everyone. Perhaps you do this through reading religious texts, attending services, listening to music, dwelling in nature or using Law Of Attraction (or manifesting) principles by focusing on your energy. These only represent a very small number of ways one might care for their spirit. For the purpose of today, we will explore a few ways I love that will help you connect to your spirit, or spiritual source, as a means of reIGNITING your Spark, reCLAIMING your Spirit and.... CARE FOR YOUR SPIRIT © Wendy Collier 2018| Wendy Collier Worldwide, LLC | All Rights Reserved

Spark ChallengeDAY 6

Now that you cozied up to your passions on Day 5 (woo hoo), today’s lesson and assignment is about caring for your spirit. Ahhhh, sounds good right? How do you feel in your spirit? How do you want to feel? What ways work best for you when you want to care for your spirit? The answer is different for everyone. Perhaps you do this through reading religious texts, attending services, listening to music, dwelling in nature or using Law Of Attraction (or manifesting) principles by focusing on your energy. These only represent a very small number of ways one might care for their spirit. For the purpose of today, we will explore a few ways I love that will help you connect to your spirit, or spiritual source, as a means of reIGNITING your Spark, reCLAIMING your Spirit and....


© Wendy Collier 2018| Wendy Collier Worldwide, LLC | All Rights Reserved

remembering who YOU are.

I am a big believer in conscious creation. I believe we have FAR more power to create, or manifest in our lives than most of us were taught. Today, I invite you to open to the possibilities that you can affect or impact what is happening in your life at a FAR higher level than you may currently be aware.   When you begin to look at life as happening FOR you rather than TO you, the game changes. This includes the more difficult times in our lives. In fact sometimes, life is happening for you especially through the hard times. It is reflecting back to us what we are feeling and believing deep within. That reflection is a message telling us where we are within ourselves, which helps us reset or redirect our lives and circumstances. We can become more consciously aware of all this and develop a deep understanding that you hold more power than you can possibly imagine. This is where your freedom is realized and freedom = SPARK.  Now that you have cleared some space for your vision to come to life, begun to craft your vision, connect to your core desires, claim your core values and cozy up to your passions, how do you bring it all to LIFE? How do you bring it into your reality so you are feeling it, touching it, and experiencing it every day?

© Wendy Collier 2018 | Wendy Collier Worldwide, LLC | All Rights Reserved

 There IS a way!

You can do this through creating your emotional end points and desires daily as a powerful tool to draw in what you want most in your life. We are doing this already whether we are aware of it or not. The goal now is to become more conscious and directive so we draw in more of the wanted, and less of the unwanted.  If you are ready take this seriously – I know you are (!), I invite you to explore a few tools that have helped me care for my spirit and made all the difference in my life. (Note: I am not an affiliate of any of the following, just a huge fan.)

© Wendy Collier 2018 | Wendy Collier Worldwide, LLC | All Rights Reserved

Flowdreaming is the most powerful manifestation or conscious creation tool I have found. Flow dreaming is a highly creative, active, emotionally-rich audio experience. This process was created by Summer McStravick – one of the founders of Hay House Radio (Louise Hay was her boss).  

You can learn more about this process, and pick up a FREE Flowdreaming Kit here: www.flowdreaming.com. You can also purchase hundreds of other Flowdreams at an extremely low cost or pick up Summer’s book “Creative Flowdreaming” to learn how and why this works. (The principles are rooted in quantum physics.) Having a practice of this empowers you to generate new positive emotional frequencies and vibrations within and around you. These energetic shifts magnetize and attract your desires faster than anything else. This takes practice but today I invite you to consider simply starting.  

A daily, consistent practice of this can change your life.

At first, try just 10 minutes a day, 5 days per week. Do this first thing in the morning, before distractions, demands and your task list come into play, to have the greatest impact in your life.  The morning is THE very best time to create the momentum you want rather than waiting for momentum to happen to you. You will expand into more time as the habit becomes as natural as eating breakfast every morning. It will become something you absolutely crave. I heard for decades how important yoga and meditation were for overall well-being, peace, health, happiness, success, and manifestation before ever actually doing it. Often when we hear something that often, we tune it out but we don't actually reap the benefits until we make these incredible tools a consistent part of our lives. Now, I cannot imagine going without these daily practices in my life. Start small if you need to. I did. As with anything, just take one step at a time. 

© Wendy Collier 2018 | Wendy Collier Worldwide, LLC | All Rights Reserved

Yoga. I also recommend yoga to help you shift your emotional and spiritual energy. A great resource you can do from home is www.gaia.com. Love this site! There is a free trial then it’s only $9.95 a month for unlimited yoga classes and meditations - all levels and with practices ranging from 10-90 minutes. The classes are categorized very specifically, based on your current needs. The teachers are excellent and the videos are top notch.

Meditation. http://www.chopracentermeditation.com/ is a great resource.  Also, the app "Insight Timer" (I use this one every day!).

Just 10 minutes each morning can make a

world of difference.

© Wendy Collier 2018 | Wendy Collier Worldwide, LLC | All Rights Reserved

Gratitude journaling is another key tool to use to consciously create and direct your life. What we focus on grows. If we notice all the good we DO have, right now, more comes to us. Play with this. In fact, Try trusting that the more grateful and appreciative you are for all the “little” things, the more good comes into your life and then see what happens. Thank God/The Universe/Source when you notice the good. As you grow your gratitude and appreciation, your life will explode with incredible experiences! 

To start this daily practice, I suggest putting a journal on your nightstand by your bed to write in before you go to sleep. Commit to writing down at least three things you are grateful for, that you recall from your day. Anything goes (e.g. sun streaming through the window in the morning, birds chirping, hot cup of tea you loved, call with a friend, cuddling with your beloved pet, etc.) You may notice you can’t stop writing once you start ☺. Then allow all those good feelings about what you were thankful for remain in your mind as you drift off to sleep. Feel yourself smiling as you close your eyes remembering the wonderful things that came to you that day. This will powerfully affect your subconscious as you sleep. ... you bring so much more to the world. The more you shine, the more those around you do too. It's contagious! We need more light, kindness and love on our world and in doing this kind of internal energy work, you - gorgeous soul – are adding more of these delicious ingredients into all of our lives.   

As you overflow in heart, mind and SPIRIT... 

© Wendy Collier 2018 | Wendy Collier Worldwide, LLC | All Rights Reserved

Business strategies and the how to’s of making money doing what you love are important. However, if your dominant energy or vibration isn’t high and consistently in the space of love, peace, generosity, gratitude, trust, happiness, joy, optimism, compassion, the results of your efforts suffer significantly. I hope you can trust me on this. You can, bit by bit, navigate more and more away from low vibration emotions (e.g. anger, hate, jealousy, skepticism, negativity, bitterness, grief, sadness, guilt, shame) and into gorgeous high vibration emotions, no matter what your current circumstances. It's simply a mental habit that can be changed. THIS is where your power lies, in your ability to shift your state so you can attract what it is that you want, into your one precious life.

That is caring for your

spirit.Which of these are calling to you today?

© Wendy Collier 2018 | Wendy Collier Worldwide, LLC | All Rights Reserved

Keep it up.

You're doing great!You are one step closer to your SPARK.

Copyright Protection & Disclaimer This publication is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international,  federal, state and local laws.

All rights are reserved. Please do not distribute this in any way. Please do not sell it, or reprint any part of it without written consent from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review. When doing this, always include a link to www.wendycollier.com.

Please note that much of this publication is based on personal experience and anecdotal evidence. Although the author has made every reasonable attempt to achieve complete accuracy of the content in this Guide, she assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Also, you should use this information as you see fit, and at your own risk.

Finally, use your own wisdom as guidance. Nothing in this Guide is intended to replace common sense, legal, medical or other professional advice, and is meant to inform the reader. 

Remember to always use the hash tag #sparkchallenge to get credit for your awesome work and be eligible for one of the BIG awesome prizes. 


Commit to doing at least one of the activities above TODAY and then after you have completed the activity you chose, POST in the                                                                                                                     to celebrate and tell us all about it. With that, also tell us which of the activities above you are committing to doing for the next 30 days. Then, do it!

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