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Summer 2010 Edition
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THE BEAUTY OF BOSSIER CITY JULY 2010 COLLECTOR’S EDITION IN THIS ISSUE Beautiful Faces Influentials of Bossier City Cyber Innovation Center Shop Villaggio Main Street Beyond Pink & Blue Baby Boutique James Burton Foundation 4th of July Show
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Influentials of Bossier CityCyber Innovation Center

Shop Villaggio Main StreetBeyond Pink & Blue Baby Boutique

James Burton Foundation4th of July Show

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SHEVA SIMS1. How do you see Bossier City and Shreveport in ten years?

In ten years, I see SB as an area where young adults will be proud to call thisdiverse growing area home.

2. Tell me a cause you believe?I believe in encouraging people.

3. How will you celebrate this Independence Day?I will celebrate the 4th of July with my children and expand upon their knowledge ofthe importance of the day and why we celebrate it.

JEANENE DEENExecutive Secretary to Mayor Lorenz WalkerGraduate Texas A&M (BAAS and MSBA)Certified Public Manager – University of Arkansas (APAC)Greatest Loss – Losing to Youngest Mayor in the Nation who appeared on Leno and LettermanBest Little Win – Youngest elected municipal official in the state, as Governor Bill Clinton

was in officeGreatest Lesson So Far – Humble Pie tastes pretty darn good at timesFavorite Story – EverymanFavorite Movie – The Shawshank RedemptionFavorite Song – Nothing I Can Do About It Now, Willie NelsonFavorite Place – With my son Kyle (28), daughter Darby (11), and my grandbaby Annika (2)

piled up on the sofa and laughing at life(4) Goals – Give back to all humanity; pay it forward everyday; write at least 10 books; and

achieve Phd.Definition of Me – Type-AFavorite Word – EnduranceFavorite Color – Green


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TABLE OF CONTENTSBeautiful Faces .................................................................................................Page 4

Refreshment of the Spirit:Wings of God.................................................................................................Page 6-7Beauty of God's Love.........................................................................................Page 8

The Patriot & Politico:Mayor Lorenz Walker ............................................................................Page 11 -20

Cyber Command Center...............................................................................Page 21-24

Beyond Pink & Blue Baby Boutique:The Unique Boutique for Babies and Children..................................................Page31

Discover Villaggio:Louisiana's Newest Shopping, Living, Working Destination ......................Page 36-40

Nicky's Mexican Restaurant:Serving Great Food Since 1979, Buy One Get One Free Enchiladas EveryMonday and Tuesday............................................................................Page 43-44

James Burton Foundation:4th of July Show .......................................................................................Page 46

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Debbie Dillard - Publisher


ART DIRECTORPalmer Publishing & Graphics, LLC


PHOTOGRAPHYTony ReansScot Smith, Smith Photographic Services, Inc.Terry Atwood, Atwood Photography

PRINTINGMidway Press

CONTACT INFOSouthern Hospitality MagazineShreveport, LA 71105Phone:(318) 264-9621Email: [email protected]


COVER PHOTO:Bossier City Mayor Lorenz Walkerand Bossier Skyline Composite


223 years ago today, the General Congressformed by Representatives from the 13Colonies voted to approve the Declaration ofIndependence which dissolved their alle-giance to the British Crown and severed thepolitical ties to the State of Great Britain. Thecelebrations held today commemorate notonly the actions taken that day, but also theresults of those actions - the RevolutionaryWar & its victory that established this newRepublic as a nation and the eventual writingand passing of The Constitution of theUnited States upon which our system of Gov-

ernment is established.The Fourth of July is about celebrating the

birth of this nation and the principles uponwhich it was founded which has given us:Liberty and freedom.

As we celebrate this 4th of July, we needto see the hand of God at work and regain asense of the celebration that should marktoday - rejoicing in what God has done inbringing this nation into being. God has shedgrace upon America!. The only true freedomis in Jesus Christ, the founder of Hope, Love,Peace, and Life: otherwise we are slaves to the

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sinful nature within us. Only in Christ isthere liberty to be righteous. But thatliberty brings responsibility. Through-out this passage Paul kept telling us thatour responsibility was to be obedient toChrist and not return to our formersinful pattern of life. Paul says some-thing similar in Gal. 5:1, "It was forfreedom that Christ has set us free;therefore keep standing firm and do notbe subject again to a yoke of slavery."

Jesus said in John 8:31,32, "If youabide in My word, then you are trulydisciples of Mine; and you shall knowthe truth, and the truth shall make youfree." The truth is that real freedomonly comes through Jesus Christ andobedience to His word. To disobey is tobe enslaved to sin.

We will never loose our freedom inmaking mistakes, therefore, it is muchmore important for us to developmoment-by-moment sensitivity to thepresence or absence of God's peace inourselves.

I have a vision and it is shared byJeanene Deen that she so eloquently said“the Pilgrims risked all to come to astrange land, just for the freedom to vowamen to God. Time heals all woundsand Great Britain is our good friend onthe World Stage. The oppressive atmos-phere of control of religion has long-leftas a feux pa the British Mother-landthrough tolerance of religion. God ofthe Old Testament is the same One inthe New Testament – His promise isunderstood in every language. The

presence and absence of God’s Peace isthe reason for Independence. We are oneand many; few and far-between in likesand dislikes; but, we are all God’schildren. This Fourth of July, take amoment of silence and remember thecosts paid are known by our Lord whogave his only begotten Son”. �

The Wings of God...(Psalms: 91)

1 You who dwell in the shelter of the Most High, who abide in the shadow ofthe Almighty,

2 Say to the LORD, "My refuge and fortress, my God in whom I trust."3 God will rescue you from the fowler's snare, from the destroying plague,4 Will shelter you with pinions, spread wings that you may take refuge; God's

faithfulness is a protecting shield.5 You shall not fear the terror of the night nor the arrow that flies by day,6 Nor the pestilence that roams in darkness, nor the plague that ravages at noon.7 Though a thousand fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, near you it

shall not come.8 You need simply watch; the punishment of the wicked you will see.9 You have the LORD for your refuge; you have made the Most High your stronghold.10 No evil shall befall you, no affliction come near your tent.11 For God commands the angels to guard you in all your ways.12 With their hands they shall support you, lest you strike your foot against a stone.13 You shall tread upon the asp and the viper, trample the lion and the dragon.14 Whoever clings to me I will deliver; whoever knows my name I will set on high.15 All who call upon me I will answer; I will be with them in distress; I will deliver

them and give them honor.16 With length of days I will satisfy them and show them my saving power.



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In the beginning, the earth was lushwith beautiful, trees, and flowers, and thewaters were all crystal clean andunpolluted. The skies were clear anduncontaminated, and the earth teemedwith a multitude of wondrous animallife. The fruits and vegetables werepure and loaded with vitamins andunparalleled freshness. Every thing goodfor the inhabitants of the earth wasprovided abundantly, in God's great loveand tender care for all of His creation.All was perfect and breathtakingly,incomparably beautiful.

It's amazing to see God's wonderfullove in the grace of a deer, in the beautyof the rainbow, or by a precious face of anewborn baby. There is absolutelynothing that God did not think of inHis marvelous omniscience andomnipotence.

Everything in this world is a study inGod's awesomeness and ingeniousness, if

we only take the time to look. There areprecious lessons to be learned from everyaspect of our world and everything in it,including his Godly love for us, Hischildren, created in his image!

A world or creation without lovewould be like our entire nature withoutbutterflies, without flowers, withoutroses, without loving partner, withoutloving friends, without beloved childrenof our own. It is the beauty of our entirenature that is a reflection of God's lovefor us all as an example of how we shouldlearn to be to all our loved ones aroundus. Our own life should reflect an equalamount of purity in our divine beingtoward all. Nature is a manifestation ofGod - all beauty and manifold lovingaspects of nature shall help us tounderstand the nature of love to bedeveloped within.

God, being love, has the perfectionof that love which is goodness. He sheds

Light (knowledge) upon those who seektruth and then put the acquired truthsinto practice (justice - good works versusmisdeeds or indifference). One whotruly loves God will act in a way thatdemonstrates a sincere love of God.One must give God sincere worship andhumble himself before Jesus. Service toJesus is through placing into actionspiritual knowledge that has beenobtained. A major part of learning isfocused upon love of neighbor. Thesimple way to accomplish this is to putinto practice the Golden Rule, that is,"Do unto others as you would have themdo unto you."

The corporal and spiritual works ofmercy are of major importance inrelation to serving others in this lifein the service of almighty God. “Godis love, and he who abides in loveabides in God, and God abides inhim.” (1 Jn 4:16) �


By Debbie Dillard

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Craig C. Spohn has twenty years of business experience in the Information Technology field, working in international, commercial

and federal government markets. Currently, Craig is the Executive Director of the Cyber Innovation Center which is a public/private ini-

tiative whose mission is to support research, educational and technological advancement for the cyber mission and to foster collabora-

tive and strategic alliances between governmental agencies, private industry and academic institutions.

Before serving as the Executive Director of the CIC, Craig was the Director of an Information Technology Consulting Group for a

Shreveport-based technology company. Prior to returning to Shreveport-Bossier, Craig was with Science Applications International Cor-

poration, a large defense contractor. At SAIC, Craig served as Vice President for Middle East Business and coordinated SAIC’s Saudi

Arabian business activities as General Manager of the Saudi Joint Venture.


Craig and his wife, Stacy, have a son, Sam, and two daughters, Caroline and Sarah-Catherine.

1. How do you see Bossier City and Shreveport in ten years?

The economic engine of the State of Louisiana

2. Tell me a cause you believe?

Try to find a way to say yes

3. Fifteen minutes of fame...when was yours?

Still looking

4. How will you celebrate this Independence Day?

Relaxing and grilling with the family

5. You are a: Motivator, Teacher, Leader, Mentor, Coach, Counselor, or..

Sounding board, uplifting and friend.

1. How do you see Bossier City and Shreveport in ten years?We will be competing in the global markets in many fields. Respected for good business practices and providing jobs for our

citizens in many diversified fields.2. Tell me a cause you believe?

There are many good causes, but to me, we as parents, and leaders have an obligation to do a better job of teaching good strong values andprinciples to our children as well as helping them understand that what we do should always make a positive difference for the common good of all.3. Fifteen minutes of fame...when was yours?

As administrator of the 9-1-1 system, I worked among people who performed heroic deeds everyday, but that was not part of my job. I wasnot on the front line saving lives and property, but, one day a young mother came through the front door tears streaming down her face and holding herbaby boy close to her chest. She told me he was not breathing and that she was not a bad or hysteric mother. I could tell that for some reason shethought that I would assume she was over re-acting to the situation. I took the baby from her cuddled him and called the paramedics. With help onthe way, I looked her in the eyes and quietly said " I know you are not over re-acting, it's going to be OK. I hugged her and she calmed down. In thosefew minutes, I was able to help for her baby and to reassure a frightened mother. She came back later, told me the baby was fine and that I was herhero. I really didn't do anything special, but it turned out to be what she needed. By the way he is a fine healthy young man today.4. How will you celebrate this Independence Day?

With my family5. You are a: Motivator, Teacher, Leader, Mentor, Coach, Counselor, or..

I hope I am a little bit of all of them.

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Happy Independence Day! As youguessed, the cover of this edition ofSouthern Hospitality takes a patrioticspirit, influenced by a great local citizen.He came out of Fair Park High School[Shreveport]; went up the ranks in themilitary [Air Force]; and, over the River[he] landed in Bossier City. MayorLorenz “Lo” Walker is that person.

No story can have a starting pointwithout the writer’s insight of the subject’shistory; learned from Professor TomWagy of Texas A&M-Texarkana whoteaches the class: History of the VietnamWar. On this rare and rainy day in June[KSLA reported 1-2 inches of rain – ararity for this time of year], I begin tocompose what you are about to read.This edition of Southern Hospitality notonly covers Mayor Walker; a tribute toBossier City and Barksdale Air Force Baseis a result.

Debbie Dillard, Publisher of South-ern Hospitality, made an initial visit to

ask Mayor Walker of interest to be on thecover. Debbie saw the Mayor’s influencesof a military past in photographs, com-mendations, and relics displayed in hisoffice. She realized to convey a storyabout Lo Walker, without the military,just is not possible. Just as Bossier Cityand Barksdale have a foundational bind-ing of community; so does Lo Walker fitinto the mix. His frame of reference ismilitary (Barksdale). His home is BossierCity via Shreveport. His job is workingfor Bossier City’s populous.

Practical knowledge reminds me of areference in the Bible where building ahouse on sand will lead to failure. I amholding this reminder close to the belt, asI share the story of The Patriot andPolitico – Mayor Lorenz Walker. To gaininsight of the Mayor, a tumble in theweeds [saying from my Arkansas roots] ofBarksdale and Bossier City history isrequisite; not optional. Here are somefascinating facts I mined from wonderful

northwest Louisiana sources:• I am amazed to learn the meaning

of Shed Road stems from 1870when a nine mile road cover wasbuilt; thus, ‘Shed Road’ is thename.

• I am amazed to know the GoldenSpike was driven by a woman, Julia“Pansy” Rule, right here in BossierCity. Ms. Rule was the only womanto be granted that honor (July 12,1884).

• I am amazed Buddy Roemer[Louisiana’s Governor Past] wasonly sixteen years of age whenrecognized as the Valedictorian ofBossier High School in 1960 (theyear I was born). By the way, Mr.

Roemer’s is one of the most wonderfulconversations I had writing this article.He loves this area.

Comments of Buddy Roemer areworth sharing in this composition. Theyare words from a man far-reaching,

Written By: Jeanene Deen, Executive SecretaryOffice of the Mayor, City of Bossier City

Just as Bossier City and Barksdale have afoundational binding of community; so

does Lo Walker fit into the mix.


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widely traveled, and globally aware. Roe-mer states, “I came to school from tenmiles out of Bossier [Scopena], so BossierCity holds a special place in my heart. Ilived at Taylortown and coming toBossier City was a big deal. It is good tocome home to Bossier City. I havemanaged to live all over the world, andmy memory of growing up in this areawill place Bossier City up to comparisonwith anywhere in the world. I love thisarea.”

As I read the Centennial Edition ofa local newspaper, the articles led me to

the term ‘re-invention of Bossier’. This isthe survival method of life; if we live, wechange. The Red River is proof that aslong as the current is moving, thesurrounding lands come alive. BossierCity is on the move. Mayor Walker says,“The Red [River] is one of our mostunder-appreciated resources.”

And so it goes, “Change is the Lawof Life,” a quote from President John F.Kennedy, restated in an interview withMayor Walker some years back, whichis ever-so-fitting when assessing currentgrowth patterns of Bossier City:The Boardwalk, CenturyTel Center,Bossier Parish Community College,Cyber Innovation Center, StirlingProperties, and Villagio… the list keepsgrowing.

One of the most fascinating facts isthe 280% population increase from1950-1990! The Census figures for 2010should prove far above 300% growth forthis area. This fact of growth is only thewelcome reality of elected officials whohave/had vision in unison with active

northwest Louisiana civic leaders. Noman is an island; so when Debbie Dillardasked me to write this article, the Mayorrequested but one promise from me:“Give credit where credit is due - the CityCouncil (past and present) and theMayors before me. Through this balanceof Mayor and Council comes proper,precise, and protective footing for the fu-ture. The combination of leadership andaccountability is a team effort.”

Here is what Southern Hospitality[SH] Publisher, Debbie Dillard, foundout from a sit down visit with MayorWalker, June 4, 2010:

SH: What does Mayor Walkerenjoy most about living?Walker: “…I love coming towork! I enjoy what I do very muchand feel very blessed to not feel it isa job.”SH: What are your goals for yournext term?Walker: “Continuation of theNational Cyber Research Park andemphasis on public safety…it is


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important for our citizens to feelsafe where they live.”SH: Which achievements are youmost content (proud)?Walker: “I am so proud of ourAdministration and City Councilworking together in concert…and…bringing the War Veteranshome to the region.”I lived through a time where young

men and women returning from Viet-nam were not given proper ‘returninghome’ welcome. For each Veteran of thattime period, to this very day, I make apractice to say a welcome home andThank You. To all men and women of

the Armed Forces abroad, and to thoseheroes living among the northwestLouisiana family, thank you. I am hon-ored to work with and appreciate one ofthose heroes every workday; I am theMayor’s Executive Secretary.

As a young man from Shreveport,Louisiana, Lo Walker gained a world ofleadership knowledge from a militarycareer spanning more than thirty years.Mayor Walker’s life reflects a one-worddescription: Integrity. I read his defini-tion of ‘Integrity’ in a 1996 article wherehe says, “…It [Integrity] is just basicallydoing the right thing at the right time,even when no one is watching.” This

sounds simple. This is the commonsense of Lo Walker.

Mayor Walker is a proud Alumni ofFair Park Class of 1951 in Shreveport,Louisiana. He entered Louisiana Techand graduated with a BA in 1956.Entering ROTC to gain a $21 permonth pay increase, which was muchneeded, led Mayor Walker to an accom-plished career, retiring as a Colonel fromthe United States Air Force. He attainedan MBA from Auburn University duringhis years of accomplishments in theacademic realm.

The need for more earnings for heand his family, and a calling to serve this

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Nation, led Lo Walker to gain rank andcommendation of medals, stars, andbars such as two Legions of Merit; twoDistinguished Flying Crosses, 13 AirMedals and a Bronze Star. He has ‘many’more awards and decorations.

From location stations all over theworld, Lo Walker never forgot his rootsof Shreveport and Bossier City. As amember of the Air Commandos, MasterParachutist, and a Command Pilot,Mayor Walker has 5,450 flying hours,391 combat hours, and 294 combat sup-port missions. He came home; so manydid not from his generation.

Colonel Walker (retired) tells of oneleg of his military career starting with thepossible destination of Cuba; a re-route toVietnam; then tour duty in Mali (Africa);and back to Vietnam. As I read the his-toric data of Vietnam, I now understandhow this ‘all-over and back scenario’ wasfueled by the escalation on the fronts inSoutheast Asia. Names like Farmgate,Jungle Jim, Special Forces, and SEALS

began to merge and paint a picture of thepast. I learned ‘scouring for pilots’ with alot of experience took place in 1961. LoWalker was one of the chosen pilots. Iread where the pilots of Vietnam wore noID markings or insignia. I was shocked toread some questions asked of youngWalker in the selection interview forthe reactivation of the Air Commandos(Jungle Jim Project):

1. Are you willing to fly old obsoleteaircraft?

2. Are you willing to fly combat?3. If shot down and captured, are

you willing to be disowned byyour government?

What were the answers from 1stLieutenant Walker? Yes. A mission ofteam work will always be the perfectstorm. This is my quote and notplagiarized.

Lo Walker received (2) DistinguishedFlying Cross medals. Word for word, it isunjust to change one word of the pressreleases honoring Col. Lorenz Walker:

Night Mission, November 14, 1967C-47 Aircraft Commander

“…he braved both intense enemy firefrom the ground and heavy incomingfriendly artillery fire to drop flares to illu-minate a group of friendly forces awaitingrescue…”

January 30, 1968C-47 Commander

“…provided flare illumination tosupport ground units during TET Offen-sive landing on a closed, mortar-targetedrunway to resupply his aircraft to fly 4harrowing sorties…”

(Note: From 1966-1967, 50% lossrate of pilots were experienced from the


“Who wouldjump out of

a plane?”

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flying “Thud” flying harrowing sorties.)When first coming to work for the

Mayor, I mentioned my Uncle, Lon“Babe” Young, was a Paratrooper back inthe day between the Korean and SoutheastAsia engagements. He [Mayor Walker]looked over his glasses and very quietlyasked, “Who would jump out of a plane?You got ‘a worry and wonder about thosefolks.” The Mayor was smiling all the timewithout one mention that he himself wasa Master Parachutist with 66 jumps inplaces like Germany, France, and Libya!

The American Politician ChaunceyDepew, who died in 1928, lived well intohis nineties. Few of Mr. Depew’s state-ments (quotes) have lived into present dayusage, although, one is quite fitting for Lo

Walker, Barksdale, and Bossier City…“The first step towards getting somewhereis to decide that you are not going to staywhere you are.”

From my current research, BossierCity is no longer the infamous ‘BossierStrip’, due to progressive leadership forchange. The Chief AdministrativeOfficer of the Mayor, Lynn Austin, askedme once if I knew Henry Brown and theimpact for change he made over time? Ido now.

In talking with people of the Shreve-port – Bossier Community, one of themost profound comments about MayorWalker is quoted from Eric Barkley ofCenter Point Energy:

“When I think about Mayor Lo

Walker, the first thing that comes to mindis that he is a true gentleman. Withoutfail, I have always seen him treat everysingle person he encounters with dignityand respect. His self-effacing humor andlow key style have served him well in hisleadership role. We can all look to him asan example of how to live life with aservant’s heart – in his service to our coun-try with the Air Force and his many yearsof service to the community. Bossier Cityhas flourished under his leadership andwill continue to do so. And, Barksdale AirForce Base has no greater champion.Finally, and most importantly to me, Iknow he loves God and seeks to lead hislife in a manner that brings honor to God.We are very fortunate to have Lo Walker.”

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Wow. The subject of Mayor LorenzWalker, retired Colonel – USAF is a wel-come topic to area leaders and citizens ofnorthwest Louisiana. He has built astrong foundation in both realms ofpolitics (public service) and military(government service). Mayor Walker toldme that his work ethic, management style,and persistent dedication ‘to a good cause’came from his military influences.

To benefit Bossier City is job one forMayor Walker. I turned internal, onemore time, to get a statement of findingsfrom the Mayor’s right-hand-man, LynnAustin, who was asked to list his Top-TenGood Things about Bossier City:

1. Low Crime Rate2. Great Public Schools3. Affordable Housing4. Inter-Governmental Cooperation5. Favorable Tax Rate6. Great Recreational Opportunities7. Excellent State Representatives

and Senators8. Quick Response to Citizens

9. Diverse Economy10. Multi-Modal Port Facility

Lynn was asked for a ‘Hope forTomorrow’ wish; what will he wish for?

His answer is I-49 Extension(north). His reasoning: “To supporteconomic development via InterstateHighways from a north to south and eastto west passage through Shreveport andBossier City, where goods and servicesmust flow with ease, is a must. The

markets within 4 hours of Shreveportand Bossier City are Houston, Jackson,Little Rock, Dallas, and Baton Rouge.I-10, I-20, and I-30 have grown thisnation. It is time for I-49 and I-69!”

Austin commented that the Barks-dale and Bossier City symbiotic rela-tionship is another reason to push for thehighway developments. He states,“Some 900 families are flowing in andout of this area on periodic locations ofduty at the Base…most of those arecitizens of Shreveport or Bossier Citymunicipalities. The savings for everyonein this area to benefit is my motivationto continue to work with the Mayor andrealize those Interstate goals.”

Transportation development for thearea is at the top of the Mayor’s list ofthings to do. I-69 and I-49 are para-mount motivators to the future better-ment of northwest Louisiana businessesand citizens.

My finding’s from filtering throughfacts reveal there is an unbreakable link

‘…what isgood for

Bossier Cityis good fornorthwestLouisiana’.

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between Barksdale Air Force Base,Bossier City (Bossier Parish), and theformative influences of a young manborn the same year of Barksdale AirForce Base, Lorenz Walker. MayorWalker’s connection to Bossier City andBarksdale is concrete.

The Village of Bossier City was notyet two decades old when the develop-ment processes to secure Barksdale AirForce Base inside Bossier Parish werestarting to take off. “Barksdale Field”worked as a ‘Push-Pull’ effect to BossierCity. From the first construction in1933 to the present, influence of theBase in relation to the City spurredgrowth patterns, especially during the1950- 1990 span when Bossier City wasknown as the “Fastest Growing City inLouisiana.” This same title is acclaimedfrom 2000 through 2006. Since thedisasters of Hurricanes Katrina and Ike;Baton Rouge is holding current title.

Mayor Walker believes the stronginvestment figure of more than $50million matched by the State to buildthe Cyber Innovation Center in BossierCity reassures his belief of ‘what is good

for Bossier City is good for northwestLouisiana’. One of the most excitingpositive developments is Global StrikeCommand on the horizon as one of thenext major influences for this area.

Co-professional, peer, and civicleader, John Hubbard of AEP-SWEPCO, believes the tenacity of LoWalker on the field of economic devel-opment is the fuel to future opportunity.John submits the following:

“With 80 percent of Louisiana’spopulation (vote) below I-10, NorthwestLouisiana has always had to be tena-cious, smart and strategic in its efforts togain support for important local initia-tives. Bossier City Mayor Lo Walker hascertainly demonstrated those qualitiesand shown he can be successful inaddressing competitive issues on alllevels - local, regional, state, andnational.

Mayor Walker surrounds himselfwith an excellent regional team thatenjoys great support from Bossier Parishofficials. This very capable team wasvery successful competing against thebest our nation has to offer by landing

the Global Strike Command at Barks-dale Air Force Base. The team’s vision tocreate the Cyber Innovation Center hasalready paid dividends with more successexpected in the future.

I am honored to call “Lo” a friend. Ialways gain great insight during discus-sions with him on local, state and na-tional matters. He loves Bossier Cityand Northwest Louisiana. His legacywill be one of exceptional accomplish-ments, many still to come, while per-sonally being quite humble andgrounded. His quick wit is onlysurpassed by his great instincts and de-sire to achieve. With all the challenges,opportunities and difficult decisions thathave come his way, I find him very up-beat and approachable. His faith andcaring nature (and maybe his wife,Adele) seem to keep his priorities inorder.

SWEPCO has a history of a strongand successful working relationship withBossier City officials. Lo Walker isexceptional to work with on every front.With favorable utility rates beingparamount in recruiting economicdevelopment projects, we have had thepleasure of working closely withMayor Walker and local economicdevelopment officials with very success-ful results. I wish all the best andGod’s speed to the Honorable MayorLorenz Walker!”

The end of my epistle is short andsweet – direct and to the point:Southern Hospitality’s word game results ofLo Walker as queried by Ms. Dillard:

SH: CitizenWalker: “My Boss”

SH: BudgetWalker: “Never enough money”

SH: BureaucracyWalker: “Slow down ofprogress, but a necessity (still existsfrom within)”

SH: TechnologyWalker: “Wave of the future;take advantage of it” �

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Founded in 1967, Bossier ParishCommunity College has been the premiercommunity college in NorthwestLouisiana for over four decades. Enroll-ment has increased from 101 students inthe late 60s to over 5,500 students in2009-10.

A member of the Louisiana Commu-nity and Technical College System(LCTCS), BPCC is located on 71 acresin east Bossier Parish. The collegecampus–which was completed in Decem-ber 2004—is comprised of four classroombuildings, student center, administrationbuilding, health and physical education

complex, performing arts theatre, andathletic fields.

Bossier Parish Community Collegeoffers 70 academic programs that rangefrom allied health and computer science tocyberspace and fine arts. BPCC alsomaintains strong transfer agreements with

four-year universities so students caneasily transfer academic credits.

Online courses have gained popular-ity in recent years. The College offers over100 online programs each semester sostudents enjoy the convenience of non-classroom learning.

Bossier Parish Community College:

It’s About You

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Dress Provided By: Bella Amore' Weddings & Ballroom, Dress Designer:Casa Blanca - Ivory Satin Corset Gown Embelished with Delicate Crystals and Mini Pearls, Modeled by: JoAnna Wilson.

Come Check Out Our Newly Renovated 4000 Sq.Ft. Grand ballroom & 1500 Sq. Ft. MeetingRooms! If You Are Having A Party, WeddingReception, or Just A Meeting, We HaveSomething For All Occasions!

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11001111 CChhiinnaabbeerrrryy DDrriivveeBBoossssiieerr CCiittyy,, LLAA 7711111111

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WWeeddddiinnggss aanndd CCoorrppoorraattee EEvveennttss

Always A Little Something Different

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Beyond Pink and Blue Baby Boutique is a baby, toddler&children boutique that offers unique and one-of-a-kind clothes,gifts, and accessories, located at 2159 Airline Dr., (Bossier City).We place special emphasis on person to person customer serviceensuring that our customers needs are always our first concern.Our personal goal is to exceptionally accommodate our customersand retain them as long-term customers.

We are proud of what Beyond Pink and Blue Baby Boutiquehas accomplished. The retail store carries unique and stylish babyand children's clothes and accessories from name brands includ-ing Peaches-N-Cream, Bailey Boys, Rosalina, Kissy Kissy, Re-member Nguyen, Petit Ami, Moo Boos, Haute Baby, Little Divaand One Posh Kids.

We feature a wide variety of boy's and girl's clothing rangingfrom preemies to girls 6x and boy's up to 4T. Parents and rela-tives can share their affection when decorating a nursery, withplush blankets and a wide variety of custom made message frames!

Our Forest Creations custom frames are a reflection of thewords we seek to best express our encouragement, hope, laughterand gratitude to those we love. “Our vision is to celebrate fami-lies and their memories that matter most."

You'll find both basics and special occasion clothing, customframes, nursery furnishings, books, toys, and plenty of accessoriesfor your little prince or princess. Check out selections of our newspring arrivals including New Orleans "Who Dat" bloomers andboxers, and a wide variety of LSU gowns, shirts, outfits, and tu-tus! Don't forget our fashionable children's shoes and custommade bows and headbands to complete your little girl's outfit.

A baby shower is a fun and meaningful way to celebrate anew addition to the family. At Beyond Pink and Blue Baby Boutique, we strive to bring you the best and largest selection ofbaby shower gifts including a one of a kind birthday cake knifethat you can have as a keepsake for your baby's first birthday! Gift-wrapping is free with any purchase! Moms to be can alsofind beautiful gifts as we offer a Baby Registry and we can also de-sign a baby shower basket just for you!

There is no other industry we would rather be in than the onethat celebrates the beginning of new life. We strive to give the bestpossible service so we may get to know our customers as well asthe children. We look forward to making Beyond Pink & Blueyour favorite place to shop! Thank you for visiting our store.Please be sure to join our mailing list, so we can keep you "OnTop" We look forward to working with you! We are passionateto make it just that! �

The Unique Boutique

for Babies & Children

Peaches-N-Cream • Bailey Boys • RosalinaKissy Kissy • Remember Nguyen • Moo Boos

Petit Ami • Haute Baby • Little Diva • One Posh Kids

Preemies • Girls up to 6x • Boys up to 4 T

2159 Airline Drive • Bossier City, LA 71111(318) 752 - 9192

• Wide Variety of LSU Selections: Gowns, Shirts, Outfits, Tu-Tus (girls & boys)• Custom Made Bows to Match All Outfits

• Forest Creations Custom Frames• New Orleans Who Dat Bloomers, Boxers• Hand Make Baskets for Baby Showers• Baby Registry • Birthday Cake Knife

…From Their 1st Birthday To Their Wedding Cake!• Free Gift Wrapping With Any Purchase!


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Best ExtendedStay HotelSHM 2009

Rodeway Inn & Suites3033 Hilton Dr.

Bossier City, LA 71111Phone: (318) 747-2400

Fax: (318) 747-6822www.southernhosthospitality.com

Best Luxury Corporate

HotelSHM 2009

Quality Inn & Suites2717 Village LaneBossier City, LA 71112Phone: (318) 742-7890Fax: (318) 742-7891www.southernhosthospitality.com

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Best CorporateHotel

SHM 2009

Microtel Inn & Suites2713 Village Lane

Bossier City, LA 71112Phone: (318) 742-7882

Fax: (318) 213-6316www.southernhosthospitality.com

Best BudgetHotel

SHM 2009

Howard Johnson Inn1984 Airline DriveBossier City, LA 71112Phone: (318) 742-6000Fax: (318) 742-4615www.southernhosthospitality.com

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Voted BestMexican

Bossier CitySHM 2008


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Elias Sifuentes left his home inMonterrey, Mexico forty years ago,making his home first in Los An-

geles where he worked in a couple ofrestaurants. By the end of 1966, he wasready to go elsewhere and took a jobwith Houston’s Mexican Patio Restau-rant. It was at that point that he beganthinking seriously about the food busi-ness, maybe having a restaurant of hisown. “I started working there and vi-sualizing what I would do if it weremine, but I wasn’t ever dreaming this,”Sifuentes admits, looking around hisoffice on Bossier City’s Airline Drivefilled with memorabilia gathered overthe past two decades.

It was a job with Pancho’s (whichis based in Houston) that transferredhim to Bossier City in the late Sixties.This summer Elias Sifuentes will be celebrating twenty-five years as proprietor of the seven Nicky’s Mexi-can Restaurants in Shreveport, Bossier,

Minden, and Springhill. The years atPancho's were somewhat rocky, definitely disenchanting, so much sothat Elias had to look forother work to supporthimself and his family.He took a job with theCity of Bossier, startingat the bottom as agarbage man. His onlyregret today is that henever got to drive thetruck. During that timehe applied for andlanded a job at GeneralElectric, where heworked on the line. In 1979 he left GE andnot long afterwards became reacquaintedwith Nicky Ponce. Thetwo men began a Mexican eatery calledLa Margarita, “Suddenly though itclosed, and I was unemployed; Nicky

and I both were unemployed,” In August of 1979 both men startedNicky's Mexican Restaurant along

with co-founder ThomasEason. Three years later,Elias bought out Nicky.With speaking very littleenglish at the time that he left Nicky; Elias and Thomas Eason metthe challenges of therestaurant business.

Later on ThomasEason retired and EliasSifuentes became the soleowner of Nickys MexicanRestaurant. Elias hasmanaged to bring usseven Nicky's MexicanRestaurants with greatquality and service. Today

Elias is joined by his son Johnny Sifuentes to continue the legacy ofgreat food and service. �

Nicky’s Mexican

Restaurant,a Legacy ofGreat Food,Quality and



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4th of July Show� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

I just have four words for you - July -Fourth – Shreveport, Louisiana.

This year’s Independence Day Festi-val will be on fire (and I don’t just meanthe temperature). Shreveport native andRock-n-Roll Hall of Famer James Burtonwill be rockin’ the riverfront with his fa-mous guitar sounds. You will hear a col-lection of tunes that span Burton’s career.James has played with countless artists in-cluding Elvis, Ricky Nelson, John Denver,Brad Paisley-just to name a few. He hasbeen recognized globally for his musicalstyle, including a 2009 Grammy win, a2010 Louisiana Legends award, and Gui-tar Player Magazines’ 2010.

James was fortunate as a child that hisparents supported his love of music. Hisparents sacrificed to purchase his first gui-

tar. Throughout the years, he has encour-aged his children and their children in thesame way. His family has traveled all overthe world and has performed with him onmany occasions. Since the age of 14,James Burton has been inspiring kids andadults to pick up their guitars and makemusic. After decades of mastering hissound, that tradition continues today –with one notable difference-now he actu-ally provides the instruments.

“When you give a child a guitar-yougive a generation a guitar”- James Burton

The James Burton Foundation hasprovided thousands of guitars and musicalinstruction to kids in schools, hospitals,group homes, and to our veterans whohave fought, unselfishly for our country.Knowing that music provides an outlet for

expressing yourself, James put his wholeheart into his foundation. James is a kindand humble man, who is seeking only tointroduce his love of music to a differentgeneration. There is no greater rewardthan seeing the faces of the kids when theyreceive their guitars. It is for that reasonthat the foundation never has a shortageof volunteers.

The 4th of July concert will not onlyshowcase James’ work, but also the kidswho have benefited from his foundation.Under the direction of music teacher,Diane Woodward, the kids from A.C.Steere Elementary, Youree Drive MiddleSchool, Caddo Middle Magnet, andCaddo Magnet High will accompany Mr.Burton and his band with a fantastic ren-dition of “America the Beautiful”. Thekids have been rehearsing all summer andare ready to share the stage with Mr. Bur-ton. We hope everyone will come out andsupport the kids.

When you add Rock N’ Roll legendJames Burton, deserving kids, and one ofthe best firework shows around, you justcan’t beat fourth of July in Shreveport. Seeyou there!

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