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  • 8/12/2019 Souza Rcf Work



    So Paulo Brazil May 22!"o 2#"$% 2&'(

    Innovation and Sustainability in the Project ofSkyscrapers: A Case Study Focusing an Educational


    SOUZA, R. C. F.

    Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais

    [email protected]


    This paper describes a experiment of proposing the early stages of design of syscraper, !"estioning ho# thosemega$str"ct"res #ill interfere o%er contemporary and f"t"re li%ing and respecti%e "rban scene. A politic andeconomical bacgro"nd framed the context b"t #as also flexible eno"gh to not narro# st"dents& imaginations anddecisions.

    't starts describing the main problems syscrapers in the () th Cent"ry, proposing ne# approaches #ith ne#technologies and programmatic interpretations of those str"ct"res.

    A case st"dy presents three significant pro*ects #hich #ere considered satisfactory as to represent the pedagogicalbias adopted, #hich #as describe as +roblem based -earning

    't ends obser%ing that /)0 of the pro*ects collect d"ring 1 years adopted traditional approaches to pro*ect,despite the scenario described. 't finally s"ggests that ne# research sho"ld tae in consideration not only themod"le, b"t the stages #here the st"dents are, comprising other mod"les that can be highly infl"ential.

    Keywords: architectural projects, skyscrapers, technoloical innovation, sustainable buildins, education to!ards cleanerproduction

    1 Introduction'n the last cent"ry syscrapers #ere considered a challenge as to partae in the "rban scene #ithin themain de%eloped cities in the #orld. Alexander stated that those tall b"ildings #ere transformed into"nhealthf"l str"ct"res 2Alexander 34//, Alexander 34/45, good only to increase the profit of theirb"ilders. According to that a"thor, syscrapers disconnect people from "rban places, negati%elyinterferes o%er the s"rro"ndings, pro%iding more shado#, less s"nlight and o%er#helming "rbaninfrastr"ct"res. To that a"thor, syscrapers mae mentally ill people as they are forced to li%edetached from the social life in the "rban scene.

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    #"$I")ra"ioal *or+,$o- . A!/a0), i Cl)a)r Pro!u0"io A0a!)1i0 *or+


    So Paulo Brazil May 22!"o 2#"$% 2&'(


    'n the last cent"ry syscrapers #ere considered a challenge as to partae in the "rban scene #ithin themain de%eloped cities in the #orld. Alexander stated that those tall b"ildings #ere transformed into"nhealthf"l str"ct"res 2Alexander 34//, Alexander 34/45, good only to increase the profit of theirb"ilders. According to that a"thor, syscrapers disconnect people from "rban places, negati%elyinterferes o%er the s"rro"ndings, pro%iding more shado#, less s"nlight and o%er#helming "rbaninfrastr"ct"res. To that a"thor, syscrapers mae mentally ill people as they are forced to li%edetached from the social life in the "rban scene.

    6hen tho"ght as places to ho"se ser%ices and commerce, syscrapers can be compared to the bigsheds, according to the definition of 7artin a#ley 234485. 9ig sheds also interr"pt en%ironmentalcontin"ity to#ards others meaningf"l places in the city, spreading disorientation and detachment.Therefore, they can be seen as anonymo"s monstrosities in the landscape. :espite big shedsconstit"te inno%ations by the "sage of massi%e amo"nt of comp"tational reso"rces to s"pport itsacti%ities 2a#ley mentioned the proportion of ten comp"ters to each #oring man5 that a"thorclaimed that architects and "rban designers sho"ld change their %isions to cope #ith these phenomenaas to decide ho# contemporary technology co"ld be transformed into a ne# and s"stainable paradigm.

    'n this article it #ill be described a case st"dy foc"sing a teaching experience #ith st"dents of themod"le called +flexible planning, part of the co"rse of Architect"re of Federal Uni%ersity of 7inas

    ;erais by the years ())4 to ()3(. 'n this mod"le the st"dents #ere ased to de%elop cleaner ands"stainable pro*ects of syscrapers near the 7inas ;erais Co"nty co"ncil. The go%ernment hasappro%ed a g"idance "rban plan that #ill be accomplished in 1) years from no# on, aiming the global"rban and ind"strial de%elopment, as sho#n in the fig. 1.

    A proposed

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    So Paulo Brazil May 22!"o 2#"$% 2&'(


    't is noticeable that the plan also contemplates cleaner and s"stainable ind"stries, mainly aero spatial

    and electronic, caref"lly mixed #ith residential and instit"tional areas.

    The st"dents #ere challenged to concei%e ne# approaches in the design of syscrapers considering the(3st Cent"ry technological ad%ances, aiming to change the mentioned conflicts and #ondering #hatare the ne# responsibilities that those mega$str"ct"res bring together. The problem that #ill bedescribed concern the diffic"lties to teach and learn "nder the attempt to create s"ch ne# paradigm,as mentioned, foc"sing on cleaner and s"stainable b"ildings and their process.

    " #he Proble$ and the %ethodThe debate concerning the characteri=ation of #hat is Science and #hat is Technology @ maing cleartheir similarities and differences $ has the essential problem of not gi%ing an explication on ho# the

    %isible form of Technology $ the artefact $ comes o"t from the relation of a #ide %ariety of approachesin Sciences 2Taahashi ())45. For instance, in the hysics Sciences 2eirce 34)15 the goal is todisco%er f"ndamental principles of an nat"ral phenomena, probably re!"iring a different type ofcreati%ity #hich is more related to the conception of hypotheses to be tested by an experiment, andlater, necessarily to be ref"ted by ne#er hypotheses, as defended by opper 2opper 34(, ())(5.Technological inno%ations, ho#e%er, do not ha%e principles to g"ide the man"fact"ring steps, forinstance, there is no pre%io"s correlation to one in p"tting together elements as electroniccomponents, principles of electromagnetism, and no#ledge abo"t mo"lding plastics materials in orderto create the telly, for instance. 9y the reasoning abo%e, teaching architect"ral pro*ects sho"ld as forcreati%ity in the matter of Technology of Constr"ction more than in the design of formal aspects of a9"ilding, neither in the interpretation of its f"nctional re!"ests.

    Therefore, o"r problem #as "sing the early stages of design of syscrapers to reach principles to apro*ect g"idance in order to achie%e cleaner and s"stainable b"ildings. That #o"ld demand a research

    Fig &: rospection of in%estments in the m"ltimodal corridor

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    So Paulo Brazil May 22!"o 2#"$% 2&'(


    of ne# technologies, e%en some anno"nced by the speciali=ed media b"t not ready to "se yet. 'n doingso, it #as expected that this process #o"ld re%eal the main diffic"lties that the st"dents #o"ld ha%e.Those diffic"lties and the criticisms and reflections abo"t them #ill be fig"re here the concl"sionssection.

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    So Paulo Brazil May 22!"o 2#"$% 2&'(

    The syscraper has (? floors #here research concerning hydroponics is de%eloped. 't has also anexperimental greenho"se dedicated to research plants disease and other greenho"se #hich researchno hydroponic farming. Since the main b"ilding is a centre of research in hydroponics, there is also a%isitor&s center, #ith resta"rant, stores, exposition hall and m"ltimedia room there is also an analysiscenter, #ith labs 2researching #ater, soil, genetic and others5 that can s"pport the comm"nity as #ellthere is a loading area and a #areho"se. :"e to o"r c"rrent technology today #e see fortechnological s"pport to b"ilt en%ironmental friendly to#ers and s"stainable b"ildings that create

    synergic infl"ences #ithin their en%ironment.

    9eyond s"stainability, in this pro*ect the st"dent #as concerned of a research process that incl"de theb"ilding itself as an experiment to c"lti%ate hydroponics. 't is *"stified considering the massi%e amo"ntof potable #ater demanded by any traditional agric"lt"re and a giant si=e of lands "sed to c"lti%ate. 'fattention #as not paid on those bigger farms, #e #ill de%astate o"rs forests in the behalf of anexpansion of agric"lt"ral areas.

    A lot are being spent in order to get these inds of b"ildings s"stainable. 9"t this one is not to t"rnother b"ildings more s"stainable, it is to t"rn life more s"stainable. 6e see food as something that hasalmost no impact on the planet, b"t the tr"th is that agric"lt"re "ses lots of nat"ral reso"rces. A goodpercentage of all potable #ater is "sed for agric"lt"re, and #e may also say that lots of forests are

    being de%astated. Bere in 9ra=il, the bo"nds of the Ama=on rainforest are being p"shed by bigfarmers.

    All the technology "sed in this b"ilding is de%eloped and ready to "se. That means that the pro*ect isnot a prognosis of a technological state in the f"t"re. Three concerns #ere explored in the architect"ralsol"tions> all spatial elements #ere planned to permit plants to gro#n better, #ith light, #ater andtemperat"re.

    3.2. *ertical allot$entThis b"ilding #as designed trying to sol%e many problems initially mentioned that affect tallb"ildings. 't #as concei%ed as a ho"sing enterprise, called here as +allotments #hich is a reference

    to the 9ritish allotments created to s"pport the citi=ens since the Second 6orld 6ar. 't alsostim"lates differentiate occ"pations by their inhabitants 2see figs. bello#5.

    Fig +: The firstb"ilding #ill ser%e as a prototype. A map of the city centre of 9elo Bori=onte sho#ssites #here next %ertical farms co"ld be b"ild since those sites are near strategic h"bs of distrib"tion.

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    So Paulo Brazil May 22!"o 2#"$% 2&'(


    Fig ,: :efining allotments #ith an non deterministic occ"pation> commerce and ser%ices #ere alsoplanned in special floor. The metallic str"ct"re #as chosen to cope #ith the %ariety.

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    So Paulo Brazil May 22!"o 2#"$% 2&'(


    Fig -: Eertical allotments> st"dies abo"t occ"pations. rospection of ho# families #ith different si=esand needs co"ld occ"py the floors 2technical st"dies5 and %isions of the ambience and formal aspects

    for the #hole b"ilding intended by the a"thor.

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    So Paulo Brazil May 22!"o 2#"$% 2&'(


    3.3. *ertical AerotropolisAerotropolis are ne# "rban form placing airports in the center #ith cities gro#ing aro"nd them,connecting #orers, s"ppliers, exec"ti%es, and goods to the global maretplace. They aim to offerspeed, agility and connecti%ity #ith the main h"bs all o%er the #ord. 'n this case, the t#o a"thors

    decide p"tting the airport in the top of the city, instead encaps"lating it s"rro"nding it by the city.They considered mo%ing the act"al airport Tancredo Ge%es to a frontal position #ith the Co"ntyCo"ncil.

    Fig .: Eertical airport and aerotropolis. A scheme in the right "p corner sho#s the position of citycentre, Co"nty Co"ncil and the old airport.

    Fig 1/: Eie#s of the Eertical airport and aerotropolis. Schemes sho# the b"ilding process stages andthe f"nctional occ"pation by floors.

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    So Paulo Brazil May 22!"o 2#"$% 2&'(


    The aerotropolis has a interlaced str"ct"re of composite material 2carbon fiber, glass fiber pl"smetallic str"ct"re5 creating the giant col"mns, inside #hich it is placed the others spaces needed.Since the planes r"na#ay are disposed as to conform holes in the str"ct"re, it #o"ld be possibleocc"pying "nderneath the b"ilding #ith s"pporti%e ho"sing, commerce, hotels, distrib"tionscentres among others. Those str"ct"res are connected #ith the rest of the co"nty by t"be or

    & Conclusions7any other pro*ects co"ld be incl"ded here as to o ill"strate the attempted of creating ateaching foc"sing on cleaner and more s"stainable b"ilding process. 9"t those examplescan be described o%er a pedagogical bacgro"nd from #hich they help to clarify someimportant aspects.

    't #as obser%ed that less than 1)0 of the syscraperHs pro*ects coped satisfactorily #iththe challenges introd"ced in the three le%els, d"ring 1 years> the economic bacgro"nd,the challenges in the "se of ne# and sometimes not clearly defined technologies and theability to go f"rther traditional programs to the b"ildings. 7any of the /)0 dedicated theirprograms to traditionalIcon%entional mixed "se, eeping the sense of a old ed"cational

    pro*ect training. So, in the range of /)0 #ere plenty of pro*ects depicting commercemixed #ith hotels and ser%ices, all of them taing in consideration the act"al state of theproximity to the Co"nty Co"ncil. Rarely a pro*ect accepted the fact of being accomplishedin the period of 1) years. So there #as an inertial force in the imagination of the st"dents,blocing their creati%ity.

    'n terms of a pedagogical strategy and its didactical reflex, it #as considered the processno# #ell no# as roblem$based learning 29-5 #hich is a st"dent$centered pedagogy27cJeachie ())5. The st"dents learn abo"t a s"b*ect thro"gh the experience of problemsol%ing. St"dents learn both thining strategies and domain no#ledge. The goals of 9-are to help the st"dents de%elop flexible no#ledge, effecti%e problem sol%ing sills, self$directed learning, effecti%e collaboration sills and intrinsic moti%ation. Gormally problem$based learning is a style of acti%e learning.

    So, #oring in gro"ps, st"dents identify #hat they already no#, #hat they need to no#,and ho# and #here to access ne# information that may lead to resol"tion of the problem.'t #as #hat happened mainly in the decisions of str"ct"ral and other material they sho"ldchoose. Aerona"tic co"rse and the Centre of Technology of 7inas ;erais offered thems"pporti%e lessons in class as to gi%e them appropriate po#er of decisions.

    'n 9-, the role of the t"tor is to facilitate learning by s"pporting, g"iding, and monitoringthe learning process. The t"tor m"st b"ild st"dents confidence to tae on the problem,and enco"rage the st"dents, #hile also stretching their "nderstanding.

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    So Paulo Brazil May 22!"o 2#"$% 2&'(


    ) 0ibliografy

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    Uni%ersity Teachers. CA. 6ads#orth., 9elmont.a#ley, 7. 234485. Terminal Architect"re $ essays in art and c"lt"re. -ondon, Reation 9oos.eirce, C. S. 234)15. MA :etailed Classification of the Sciences.M Collected apers 3> 3)8$3((.opper, J. R. 234(5. Con*ect"res and ref"tations the gro#th of scientific no#ledge. Ge# Kor,, 9asic9oos.opper, J. R. 2())(5. The logic of scientific disco%ery. -ondon Ge# Kor, Ro"tledge.Taahashi, R. B. C. 2())45. A estr"t"ra do conhecimento tecnolNgico do tipo cientfico. 9elo Bori=onte,
