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Sowing the seeds of success preparing senior leaders as change leaders

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Sowing the Seeds of Success: Preparing Seniors Leaders as Change Leaders February 23, 2005 Omaha Organizational Development Meeting
  • 1. Sowing the Seeds of Success: Preparing Seniors Leaders as Change Leaders February 23, 2005 Omaha Organizational Development Meeting

2. Overview

  • Review how change affects people and how they behave
  • Discuss the unique situation of being a manager under these circumstances
  • Identify what to do and what not to do
  • Discuss your issues and concerns

3. The Reality of Change Good News

  • Challenge
  • Excitement
  • Opportunity

Bad News Predictable Problems Associated with Change 4. Predictable Change Problems Power Anxiety Control 5. AnxietyWhat are People Asking Themselves?

  • What happens to me?
  • Will this help or hurt me?
  • How worried should I be about this?
  • What should I tell my family?

6. PowerWhat are People Asking Themselves?

  • How can I protect myself (and my organization) from this?
  • How can I distance myself from this until I decide on the politically correct position to take?
  • What can I do to ensure Im as well off as I was before?

7. ControlWhat are People Asking Themselves?

  • How do I keep things going so the business isnt adversely affected?
  • How do I keep my people motivated during all this uncertainty and confusion?
  • How do I keep my attention on the right things
    • Operational priorities?
    • Servicing the market and customers?

8. How Does the Organization Respond and Fight Back?

  • Rational arguments (complete vs. correct)
    • Sounds weak to me, on what is it based?

9. How Does the Organization Respond and Fight Back?

  • Rational arguments (complete vs. correct)
    • Sounds weak to me, on what is it based?
  • Look for someone to blame
    • Whos behind this anyway?

10. How Does the Organization Respond and Fight Back?

  • Rational arguments (complete vs. correct)
    • Sounds weak to me, on what is it based?
  • Look for someone to blame
    • Whos behind this anyway?
  • Things slow down, productivity lagshall talk
    • Whats your take on all of this?

11. How Does the Organization Respond and Fight Back?

  • Rational arguments (complete vs. correct)
    • Sounds weak to me, on what is it based?
  • Look for someone to blame
    • Whos behind this anyway?
  • Things slow down, productivity lagshall talk
    • Whats your take on all of this?
  • Factions form
    • You agree with us, dont you?

12. How Does the Organization Respond and Fight Back?

  • Informal leaders emerge
    • Which one of us is going to tell them what a bad idea this is?

13. How Does the Organization Respond and Fight Back?

  • Informal leaders emerge
    • Which one of us is going to tell them what a bad idea this is?
  • Determine what the decision makers really think
    • Do you really buy this stuff?

14. How Does the Organization Respond and Fight Back?

  • Align with perceived power structure
    • How are you? We havent talked in awhile! What are you up to?

15. How Does the Organization Respond and Fight Back?

  • Align with perceived power structure
    • How are you? We havent talked in awhile! What are you up to?
  • Appeal to relationships
    • How about a game of golf this weekend? (Were friends, youll take care of me, wont you?)

16. The Dilemma for Leaders Leaders Are Affected by Change and Expected to Lead Change 17. Whats the Typical Impact of Change on Managers?

  • Conflicting loyalties and emotions
  • Feeling uncomfortable and uncertain of the right things to do
  • Feeling incompetent and not equipped to help others
  • Under pressure to provide better answers
  • Having to rely on the process

18. Whats the Easy Way Out?

  • Publicly endorse change yet privately condemn it
  • Deny responsibility for whats occurred
  • Change only what you say, not what you do
  • Hedge, play a game of wait and see
  • In the end, this strategy hurts both the leader and the entire enterprise

19. What Should Leaders Do?

  • Consciously choose to be part of the change
  • Keep focus on the opportunities of change
  • Commit your personal support
  • Expect support from one another
  • Treat the realities of change as issues to be managed
  • Model a confident and constructive view of change

20. What Should Leaders Do? (Contd)

  • Look for chances to provide direction and definition
  • Help others understand why change is necessary
  • Acknowledge what people are experiencing--give them opportunity to express it
  • Create dissatisfaction with the status quo
  • Build opportunities for participation in planning and implementation
  • Provide as much information and clarity as possible

21. Power, Anxiety, and Control* Mercer Delta Intellectual Capital Power Anxiety Control 22. Summary

  • Change produces both positive and negative consequences
  • Predictable problems: anxiety, power and control
  • Change affects leaders in unique ways
  • Successes and failures suggest possible actions
