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Space Clearing with the Five Elements Online Training Workbook Western School of Feng ShuiPO Box 232416 Encinitas CA 92023 (760) 633-3388

Space Clearing with the Five Elements

Online Training Workbook

Western School of Feng Shui™ PO Box 232416

Encinitas CA 92023 (760) 633-3388


Space Clearing with the Five Elements – Online Training Workbook ©2012 Western School of Feng Shui. All rights Reserved.

PO Box 232416, Encinitas CA 92023 (760) 633-3388 www.WesternSchoolofFengShui.com

Part One Introduction

In this training you will learn how to:

Conduct Space Clearing sessions using tools from the five elements of Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water

„Fine tune‟ your five senses

Develop your ability to transmit and receive energy

Recognize that your intention, focus, and awareness are your best space clearing tools; tools you carry with you all the time

In learning to ignore the many jarring sights, sensations, tastes, smells, and sounds in the world, your senses can gradually become numb.

The I Ching* describes your five common senses as your finest helpers in perceiving the seen and unseen worlds and navigating safely through life. When your five senses are finely tuned, they are your constant guides in walking the „Easy Way.‟ Space Clearing includes refining your senses so that your ability to transmit and receive energy, vibrations, frequencies, and thought waves becomes extra-ordinary.


Space Clearing with the Five Elements – Online Training Workbook ©2012 Western School of Feng Shui. All rights Reserved.

PO Box 232416, Encinitas CA 92023 (760) 633-3388 www.WesternSchoolofFengShui.com

*The I Ching, meaning „Book of Transformation‟ is a close philosophical companion to Feng Shui. The I Ching provides the foundation for Feng Shui‟s Bagua Map, described on the last pages in Part Five of this workbook. For recommended translations of the I Ching, please see the Reading List at the back of this workbook.



Space Clearing with the Five Elements – Online Training Workbook ©2012 Western School of Feng Shui. All rights Reserved.

PO Box 232416, Encinitas CA 92023 (760) 633-3388 www.WesternSchoolofFengShui.com

Part Two The Five Elements and the Five Senses

The Wood element is related to:

The sense of Sight


Observations of your surroundings

Clairvoyance = the ability to „see‟ the energy of people, places, and things.

Developing your intuition helps you discern what is vital and what is degenerate in an environment. Spend time in Nature to attune your intuition.



Space Clearing with the Five Elements – Online Training Workbook ©2012 Western School of Feng Shui. All rights Reserved.

PO Box 232416, Encinitas CA 92023 (760) 633-3388 www.WesternSchoolofFengShui.com

The Fire element is related to:

The sense of Touch



Clairsentience = the ability to touch an object and know its history and to feel what has historically occurred in a space.

Enjoy gazing into a fire, indoors or outdoors. Watch the stars. Bask in the sunlight. Stay in touch with Nature, people, and animals. Choose natural fibers.



Space Clearing with the Five Elements – Online Training Workbook ©2012 Western School of Feng Shui. All rights Reserved.

PO Box 232416, Encinitas CA 92023 (760) 633-3388 www.WesternSchoolofFengShui.com

The Earth element is related to:

The sense of Taste



Digestion of food and experiences Do grounding exercises such as yoga, meditation, spending time in Nature, deep breathing, and chakra clearing (see next page). Eat whole organic foods and include the five tastes of sweet, salty, sour, spicy, and bitter in your meals. Include fresh herbs in your cooking. Tune into the Earth and Moon cycles and rhythms.



Space Clearing with the Five Elements – Online Training Workbook ©2012 Western School of Feng Shui. All rights Reserved.

PO Box 232416, Encinitas CA 92023 (760) 633-3388 www.WesternSchoolofFengShui.com

Chakra Clearing Meditation –

The Rainbow Shower

This meditation can be done while standing under the

shower, or by visualizing the colors when

comfortably sitting or laying down.

1. Imagine the pure rays of

the seven colors - red,

orange, yellow, green, blue,

indigo (blue-violet), and

violet - in the water

molecules as they stream

across your body.

Beginning with Red, imagine

the water becoming one


2. Visualize the radiant

light of the Red Ray

bathing the base of your

spine and pelvic area.

Breathe the color into

your body.

Say: "May I be showered

with the radiant healing

light of the rainbow’s Red

Ray, cleansing my first

chakra and balancing me on

every level of my Being.”

3. Imagine the vibrant light

of the Orange Ray bathing

your lower spine and

abdomen. Breathe the

color into your body.

Say: "May I be showered

with the vibrant healing

light of the rainbow’s

Orange Ray cleansing my

second chakra and

balancing me on every level

of my Being.”

4. Imagine the golden light

of the Yellow Ray bathing

your mid-spine and solar

plexus area. Breathe the

color into your body.

Say: "May I be showered

with the golden healing

light of the rainbow’s

Yellow Ray cleansing my

third chakra and balancing

me on every level of my



Space Clearing with the Five Elements – Online Training Workbook ©2012 Western School of Feng Shui. All rights Reserved.

PO Box 232416, Encinitas CA 92023 (760) 633-3388 www.WesternSchoolofFengShui.com

5. Imagine the vibrant light

of the Green Ray bathing

your heart, chest, and

upper-spine. Breathe the

color into your body.

Say: "May I be showered

with the vibrant healing

light of the rainbow’s

Green Ray cleansing my

fourth chakra and

balancing me on every level

of my Being.”

6. Imagine the brilliant

light of the Blue Ray

bathing your throat and

neck area. Breathe the

color into your body.

Say: "May I be showered

with the brilliant healing

light of the rainbow’s Blue

Ray cleansing my fifth

chakra and balancing me on

every level of my Being.”

7. Visualize the radiant

light of the Indigo Ray

bathing your third eye and

head. Breathe the color

into your body.

Say: "May I be showered

with the radiant healing

light of the rainbow’s

Indigo Ray, cleansing my

sixth chakra and balancing

me on every level of my


8. Imagine the vivid light of

the Violet Ray bathing the

top of your head. Breathe

the color into your body.

Say: "May I be showered

with the vivid healing

light of the rainbow’s

Violet Ray, cleansing my

seventh chakra and

balancing me on every level

of my Being.”

Conclude by imagining white light showering upon you

from above, completely illuminating your entire body

and connecting you with your spiritual essence (True

Self, soul, higher self, etc.) Breathe deeply and say

the prayers or blessings that flow from you in the


The Metal element is related to:

The sense of Smell


Mental clarity

Clairnatience = the ability to smell energetic qualities in your environment

Use pure essential oils and scents and avoid artificially scented products. Choose clean, natural cosmetics and cleaning products for your body and environment.



Space Clearing with the Five Elements – Online Training Workbook ©2012 Western School of Feng Shui. All rights Reserved.

PO Box 232416, Encinitas CA 92023 (760) 633-3388 www.WesternSchoolofFengShui.com

The Water element is related to:

The sense of Hearing


Going with the Flow Clairaudience = the ability to hear inner guidance

Eliminate noise pollution. Bring melodious sounds to your environment, such as birdsong and flowing water.



Space Clearing with the Five Elements – Online Training Workbook ©2012 Western School of Feng Shui. All rights Reserved.

PO Box 232416, Encinitas CA 92023 (760) 633-3388 www.WesternSchoolofFengShui.com

Part Three Introduction to Space Clearing

You receive signals all of the time that are interpreted by your body and five senses. When you can clearly receive these signals, you become a Receiver and Transmitter. Send loving intentions into everything you do. Space Clearings and House Blessings are part of many traditions around the world. They involve physically cleaning the space, setting loving intentions, and choosing the clearing and blessing tools that resonate with the participants. Space Clearing honors and embraces all spiritual or religious belief systems and can include the specific prayers, symbols, and rituals that are meaningful to the participants.



Space Clearing with the Five Elements – Online Training Workbook ©2012 Western School of Feng Shui. All rights Reserved.

PO Box 232416, Encinitas CA 92023 (760) 633-3388 www.WesternSchoolofFengShui.com

Why Clear A Space? Space Clearing can be very beneficial in ushering out unfortunate experiences and welcoming in fortunate experiences. These include: Illness, trauma, an accident, argument, divorce, foreclosure, or death Marriage, graduation, new home or construction, new baby, arrival of guests, & seasonal celebrations



Space Clearing with the Five Elements – Online Training Workbook ©2012 Western School of Feng Shui. All rights Reserved.

PO Box 232416, Encinitas CA 92023 (760) 633-3388 www.WesternSchoolofFengShui.com

Each of the Elements has related Space Clearing Tools

The Wood element is represented by: * Herbs, such as sage and tobacco * Natural Essential Oils * Flowers, leaves, and fruit * Natural incense

Items associated with Wood: * Basketry * Cloth made from plants, such as cotton or linen * Things crafted from wood * Vertical shapes * Items in blues and greens



Space Clearing with the Five Elements – Online Training Workbook ©2012 Western School of Feng Shui. All rights Reserved.

PO Box 232416, Encinitas CA 92023 (760) 633-3388 www.WesternSchoolofFengShui.com

The Fire element is represented by: * Burning of herbs and salts * Candles * Prayers and affirmations

Items associated with Fire: * Statues, photos, and art of people or animals * Things derived from animals (feathers, leather, shells, etc.) * Triangular and conical shapes * Items in red tones



Space Clearing with the Five Elements – Online Training Workbook ©2012 Western School of Feng Shui. All rights Reserved.

PO Box 232416, Encinitas CA 92023 (760) 633-3388 www.WesternSchoolofFengShui.com

The Earth element is found in: * Ceramic objects * Soil, clay, or sand * Consuming special food or drink

Items associated with Earth: * Square or rectangular shapes * Items in yellow or earth tones



Space Clearing with the Five Elements – Online Training Workbook ©2012 Western School of Feng Shui. All rights Reserved.

PO Box 232416, Encinitas CA 92023 (760) 633-3388 www.WesternSchoolofFengShui.com

The Metal element is found in: * Salts and minerals * Rocks and natural crystals * Bells, chimes, and gongs * Singing bowls made of metal

Items associated with Metal: * Things made from stone or metal * Circular shapes * White and pastels



Space Clearing with the Five Elements – Online Training Workbook ©2012 Western School of Feng Shui. All rights Reserved.

PO Box 232416, Encinitas CA 92023 (760) 633-3388 www.WesternSchoolofFengShui.com

The Water element is represented by: * Water infused with prayers * Water infused with essential oils * Harmonious sounds or music

Items associated with Water: * Items made of glass or crystal * Mirrors * Asymmetrical shapes * Black and dark tones



Space Clearing with the Five Elements – Online Training Workbook ©2012 Western School of Feng Shui. All rights Reserved.

PO Box 232416, Encinitas CA 92023 (760) 633-3388 www.WesternSchoolofFengShui.com

Part Four Space Clearing Preparation

Set your Intention for a positive outcome

Nourish yourself well before a Space Clearing session

Spend quiet time in Nature & do daily grounding exercises

Do energy-sensing exercises

Clarify your intention for each Space Clearing session - Are you there to help calm or invigorate the space?

Call in your unseen Helpers and the Helpers of the people and place you are working with

Call in and/or wear protection when you feel to do so

Carry a snack and water with you

Bathe or Shower before and after a Space Clearing session

Enter into Space Clearing only when you are feeling strong and balanced



Space Clearing with the Five Elements – Online Training Workbook ©2012 Western School of Feng Shui. All rights Reserved.

PO Box 232416, Encinitas CA 92023 (760) 633-3388 www.WesternSchoolofFengShui.com

Part Five Space Clearing Tools

Assemble your own Space Clearing Tool Kit, selecting items that represent each of the five elements. To begin a Space Clearing session, find a central location in the home/building to arrange your Space Clearing altar. Encourage participants to contribute to the altar by adding their sacred objects, statuary, stones, fresh flowers, shells, photos, etc. Begin your Space Clearing session by going around the room clockwise and breaking up stagnant energy by ringing bells, clapping, and/or chanting. Invite participants to voice what they would like to clear from the space. Then, bless the space with smoke, aromatherapy, prayers, singing, soft bells, etc. to reset fresh harmonics. Invite participants to voice their blessings for the space. Space Clearing can be done room-by-room or floor-by-floor. For more information on the Bagua Map, please see the last pages in Part Five of this workbook. In rooms with doorways, you can „seal the room‟ after blessing it by making the infinity sign just outside the door with your hand or one of your space clearing tools. This symbolically seals the blessings in and any non-cleared energies out of the room. After Space Clearing, complete your session by having tea, a snack, or a meal with participants, taking the time to digest and celebrate the experience.


Space Clearing with the Five Elements – Online Training Workbook ©2012 Western School of Feng Shui. All rights Reserved.

PO Box 232416, Encinitas CA 92023 (760) 633-3388 www.WesternSchoolofFengShui.com

You can also place a candle/flower offering plate that includes items representing the five elements in each room (or area), symbolizing the clearing and blessing of the space. These are traditionally left for 24 hours, and then put away.



Space Clearing with the Five Elements – Online Training Workbook ©2012 Western School of Feng Shui. All rights Reserved.

PO Box 232416, Encinitas CA 92023 (760) 633-3388 www.WesternSchoolofFengShui.com


Space Clearing with the Five Elements – Online Training Workbook ©2012 Western School of Feng Shui. All rights Reserved.

PO Box 232416, Encinitas CA 92023 (760) 633-3388 www.WesternSchoolofFengShui.com

The Bagua Map Arranging an environment to hold happiness in place is the primary goal of Feng Shui, and one of the most intriguing tools we utilize is the Bagua Map (see Illustrated Bagua Map). Many people discover that their challenges in life are directly related to the Bagua areas in their homes that they dislike, don‟t use, or are cluttered. It‟s also a very useful tool when building or remodeling a home.

Your Home’s Bagua Map

To map your home, begin with a bird‟s-eye drawing, such as a blueprint or footprint sketch. Include everything that‟s attached to the house, such as a garage, porch, or deck.

Place your drawing so that the front door is at the bottom of the page. (see Illustrated Bagua Map).

Draw a rectangle around the drawing that includes every part of the home inside it.

Divide the rectangle into nine equal sections, like a Tic-Tac-Toe board, and label the nine squares of the map accordingly.

When your home is a simple rectangle, you‟ll find that all of the Bagua areas are located inside your house. If your home is another shape, such as an L, S, T, or U, you‟ll find areas located outside the structure of your house. Clarifying Points:

1. Don‟t be concerned about interior walls. Depending on your home‟s layout, Bagua areas can span part of one large room or several small rooms.

2. If your home has more than one story, partial or full, the map of

the main floor will translate up to a second story or down to a lower level.


Space Clearing with the Five Elements – Online Training Workbook ©2012 Western School of Feng Shui. All rights Reserved.

PO Box 232416, Encinitas CA 92023 (760) 633-3388 www.WesternSchoolofFengShui.com

3. When your front door is built on a diagonal, you‟ll have to make a call as to which way to place the map. Often, it‟s the direction you see first when opening the door.

4. When your front door is recessed, you may be entering your

home through the Health and Family, Center, or Children and Creativity areas. If your front door is recessed all the way to the “back” of the house, turn the map to fit over the main body of the house.

5. If you need help, consult an Essential Feng Shui® Practitioner at

http://www.westernschooloffengshui.com/practitioners.php Assessing Your Bagua Profile

Look at each area of your home and determine:

What do I like/dislike about the space?

What do I like/dislike about the things there?

What memories and associations are held in place by these things?

Do I feel comfortable and safe?

Is it organized?

How does it correlate with the associated Bagua area?

What specific improvements or enhancements can I make? This can be a very revealing process! The objects you surround

yourself with are “environmental affirmations” that can hold positive or negative impressions and conditions in place. You may find that areas correlate with what‟s working - or not working - in your life. For instance, many single people discover that the Love and Marriage area of their home is anchoring their singleness in place. Romance blossoms in their lives when they remove items such as art depicting solitary people or furniture that triggers memories of an unpleasant love affair.


Space Clearing with the Five Elements – Online Training Workbook ©2012 Western School of Feng Shui. All rights Reserved.

PO Box 232416, Encinitas CA 92023 (760) 633-3388 www.WesternSchoolofFengShui.com

“Missing” Areas

When a Bagua area is located outside of your home, lighting, special plants, water features, garden furniture, or sculptures can be aesthetically combined to upgrade the space. Or, a deck, patio, or room addition may be the perfect choice. The goal is to define the area with “beauty marks” that are both appealing and in scale with your home - and your budget. Personalizing Your Choices

Choose items and designs that relate to the Bagua area you‟re working with. For instance, a Love and Marriage area that‟s outdoors can be enhanced with two trees or plants that flower, bear fruit, or have a special growth habit or quality you enjoy; an intimate bench or table-for-two; or garden embellishments displayed in pairs, such as candles, statuary, and flowerpots. Indoors, the same “twosome” theme applies. The Bagua Map can encourage positive changes and enhance the quality of your life. Design your home to hold happiness in place, and remember, the more your choices please you, the better!

Learn much more about this transformational tool in our Bagua Map Online Training: http://www.westernschooloffengshui.com/courses.php The Bagua Map is also covered in detail in Terah Kathryn Collin‟s The Western Guide to Feng Shui, Room by Room, and her other books on Feng Shui, available in libraries, on Amazon, and at: http://efsgallery.3dcartstores.com/


Space Clearing with the Five Elements – Online Training Workbook ©2012 Western School of Feng Shui. All rights Reserved.

PO Box 232416, Encinitas CA 92023 (760) 633-3388 www.WesternSchoolofFengShui.com

Part Six Final Thoughts

Call in your invisible Helpers as well as the Helpers of all participants and their spaces, asking that whatever needs to be cleared is cleared; whatever needs to be taken note of is correctly taken note of; and that you are guided to facilitate the Space Clearing in a way that meets everyone‟s needs for the highest good of all concerned, lasting for as long as it needs to last. You can visualize a sacred circle of intention around the space being cleared. This can include acknowledgment of the four directions, North, South, East, and West. Ask that everything that enters into the circle be of good intention, blessed, and filled with love. All Space Clearing is done with loving intention! Follow your intuition and check in with your client if you intuitively feel the timing isn‟t right.



Space Clearing with the Five Elements – Online Training Workbook ©2012 Western School of Feng Shui. All rights Reserved.

PO Box 232416, Encinitas CA 92023 (760) 633-3388 www.WesternSchoolofFengShui.com

Space Clearing with the Five Elements Final Assessment

Please mark the incorrect answer to each question and email to WSFS at [email protected]. Upon satisfactory completion of this assessment, you will receive a Certificate of Completion in Space Clearing with the Five Elements. 1) The Wood element is represented by:

a) Intuition b) Bells c) Clairvoyance d) Green

2) The Fire element is associated with:

a) People b) Animals c) Triangles d) Mental clarity

3) The Earth element is associated with

a) Grounding b) Physicality c) Clairvoyance d) Ceramics

4) The Metal element is represented by:

a) Circles b) Squares c) White d) Natural crystals

5) The Water element is associated with: a) Flowing shapes b) Mirrors a) Rocks b) Clairaudience


Space Clearing with the Five Elements – Online Training Workbook ©2012 Western School of Feng Shui. All rights Reserved.

PO Box 232416, Encinitas CA 92023 (760) 633-3388 www.WesternSchoolofFengShui.com

6) Ideally, my five senses are: a) Honored b) Finely tuned c) Ignored d) Always helpful

7) Refining my five senses helps me:

a) Be aware of the energetic qualities of a space b) Be smarter than other people c) Transmit and receive energy d) Navigate safely through the world

8) Space Clearing includes:

a) Setting loving intentions b) Clearing all of the furniture out of the space c) Physically cleaning the space d) Choosing the tools that resonate with the participants

9) Space Clearing can be very beneficial in ushering out:

a) Illness, b) Divorce c) Prosperity d) Unfortunate experiences

10) Space Clearing can be beneficial when welcoming in: a) A new home or construction b) An argument c) A new baby d) Seasonal celebrations

11) To represent Wood, your Space Clearing Kit can include:

a) Sage b) Copper bowl c) Natural Essential oils d) Flower petals


Space Clearing with the Five Elements – Online Training Workbook ©2012 Western School of Feng Shui. All rights Reserved.

PO Box 232416, Encinitas CA 92023 (760) 633-3388 www.WesternSchoolofFengShui.com

12) To represent Fire, your Space Clearing Kit can include: a) Shells b) Candles c) Dried Leaves d) Feathers

13) To represent Earth, your Space Clearing Kit can include:

a) Glass vase b) Ceramic bowl c) Yellow cloth d) Square dish

14) To represent Metal, your Space Clearing Kit can include:

a) Natural crystals b) Brass container c) Circular picture frame d) Bamboo sticks

15) To represent Water your Space Clearing Kit can include:

a) White pouch b) Crystal bowl c) Black fabric d) Glass bell

16) When preparing to conduct a Space Clearing session:

a) Set your Intention for a positive outcome b) Do not eat or drink anything c) Call in your unseen Helpers and the Helpers of the people and

the place you are working with d) Bathe or shower before and after


Space Clearing with the Five Elements – Online Training Workbook ©2012 Western School of Feng Shui. All rights Reserved.

PO Box 232416, Encinitas CA 92023 (760) 633-3388 www.WesternSchoolofFengShui.com

17) To begin a Space Clearing session: a) Find a central location in the home/building to arrange your

tools and make a Space Clearing altar b) Encourage the participants to contribute to the altar by adding

their sacred objects, statuary, stones, fresh flowers, shells, photos, etc.

c) Make sure there are no children in the space d) Invite the participants to voice what they would like to clear in

the space 18) Space Clearing sessions often include:

a) Going around each room or area clockwise and breaking up stagnant energy by ringing bells, clapping, and/or chanting

b) Moving at a very quick pace through each space c) Blessing the space with smoke, aromatherapy, prayers,

singing, soft bells, etc. to reset fresh harmonics d) Inviting participants to voice their blessings for the space

19) Space Clearing sessions can be completed by:

a) „Sealing the room‟ after blessing it b) Having something to eat and drink with participants to digest

and celebrate the experience c) Placing a candle/flower offering plate in each room or area d) Taking all of the fresh flowers with you

20) All Space Clearing is done:

a) With loving intention b) Only on sunny days c) For the highest good of all concerned d) With your invisible Helpers as well as the Helpers of all

participants and their spaces

Name Date Email Phone


Space Clearing with the Five Elements – Online Training Workbook ©2012 Western School of Feng Shui. All rights Reserved.

PO Box 232416, Encinitas CA 92023 (760) 633-3388 www.WesternSchoolofFengShui.com

Western School of Feng Shui™ Recommended Reading List Books by Terah Kathryn Collins: The Three Sisters of the Tao; Essential Conversations with Chinese Medicine, I Ching and Feng Shui Terah Kathryn Collins. Hay House Publishing The Western Guide to Feng Shui for Romance Terah Kathryn Collins. Hay House Publishing The Western Guide to Feng Shui for Prosperity Terah Kathryn Collins. Hay House Publishing The Western Guide to Feng Shui; Room by Room Terah Kathryn Collins. Hay House Publishing Home Design with Feng Shui A-Z Terah Kathryn Collins. Hay House Publishing The Western Guide to Feng Shui; Creating Balance, Harmony, and Prosperity in Your Environment

Terah Kathryn Collins. Hay House Publishing

Adventures of a Feng Shui Detective Valmai Howe Elkins. Woodley & Watts Archetypal Acupuncture, Healing with the Five Elements Gary Dolowich, MD. Jade Mtn. Publishing The Architecture of Happiness Alain de Botton. Pantheon Ask and It Is Given Jerry and Esther Hicks. Hay House Publishing Attracting Perfect Customers, The Power of Strategic Synchronicity Stacey Hall & Jan Brogniez. Berrett Koehler Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui Karen Kingston. Broadway Books The Code of the Goddess, Sacred Earth Feng Shui Oracle Carol Bridges. Earth Nation Publishing Creating Sacred Space with Feng Shui Karen Kingston. Broadway Books The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity Catherine Ponder. DeVorss & Co. Feng Shui at Home Carol Soucek King. St. Martin’s Press Feng Shui Chic Sharon Stasney. Sterling Publishers Feng Shui Design Sarah Rossbach and Lin Yun. Viking Feng Shui Directory Jane Butler-Biggs. Watson-Guptill Feng Shui For the Soul Denise Linn. Hay House Inc. Publishing Feng Shui Made Easy William Spear. HarperCollins Publishers The Five Spirits, Alchemical Acupuncture for Psychological & Spiritual Healing Lorie Eve Dechar. Lantern Books A Guide to the I’Ching Carol K. Anthony. Anthony Publishing The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes, 5th Ed. Theodora Lau. Harper & Row Healing Yourself the Cosmic Way, Based on the I Ching Carol K. Anthony & Hanna Moog. Anthony Publishing The Healthy Home Workbook Kimberly Rider. Chronicle Books Hidden Messages in Water Masaru Emoto. Beyond Words Publishing A Home for the Soul Anthony Lawlor. Clarkson N. Potter Publishers House Thinking, A Room-by-Room Look at How We Live Winifred Gallagher. Harper Collins How to Grow Fresh Air Dr. B.C. Wolverton. Penguin Books I’Ching – The Oracle of the Cosmic Way Carol K. Anthony & Hanna Moog. Anthony Publishing Interior Design with Feng Shui Sarah Rossbach. Arkana Books A Little Book of Pendulum Magic D.J. Conway. The Crossing Press A Pattern Language Christopher Alexander. Oxford University The Philosophy of the I’Ching Carol K. Anthony. Anthony Publishing The Re-Enchantment of Everyday Life Thomas Moore. Harper Perennial Sacred Space Denise Linn. Ballantine Books The Secret Life of Inanimate Objects Lyall Watson. Destiny Books Sell Your House Faster with Feng Shui Holly Ziegler. Wiley Press A Soul in Place Carol Bridges. Earth Nation Publishing Space Clearing Denise Linn, Contemporary Books Space Clearing A-Z Denise Linn. Hay House Publishing Spirit Gardens: Rekindling our Nature Connection Minnie Kansman. Devas Publishing The Timeless Way of Building Christopher Alexander. Oxford University Press Traditional Acupuncture: The Law of the Five Elements Diane M. Connelly, Ph.D., M.Ac., T.A.I. Inst. What Color is Your Slipcover? How Discovering Your Design Personality Can Help You Create the Home of Your Dreams Denny Daikeler. Rodale Publishing
