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Space Explorers History

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  • 7/27/2019 Space Explorers History




    Californa Institute of Technology Pasadena 3, Califrni

  • 7/27/2019 Space Explorers History


    p wh xp v o


    D Wii a H Pick ing Dict Jt Pusin abaty aifnia Institut fcngy

    Ma n Jn Mdismanding na UA y O d n a n c M i s s i and


    On Janua 3, 958, a 055 p.m. Easen Sandad

    Time, Explorer he Fee Wold's s saellie was placed

    in obi aound he eah. This hisoic even occuedaou seven minues afe he Unied Saes Am's muli

    sage Jupiter launching vehicle began is swif ascent

    fom he Missile Tes Cene (MTC) at Cape Canaveal,

    Floida. Fo pehps he nex v eas, his 30pound

    80inchlong moon is expeced o log abou 375,000 miles

    pe da, ccumulaing new infomaion on condiions

    encouneed ouside eah's amosphee. In apid scces

    sion, ohe Ameican saellies ae now being launched,

    each conaining seveal dieen pes of insumenaion.

    The Explorer pogam was oiginaed and dieced

    joinl b he Am Ballisic Missile Agenc (ABMA)

    and e Je Populsion Laboao (JPL), Califonia

    Insiue of Technolog. Bu much cedi is given o ohe

    eseach goups and indusial subconacos who con

    ibued o his success. Eve eah saellie demonsaes

    he cuen advanced sae of almos all he scienic

    and engineeing disciplines. Pa of he philosoph bac

    of he space Explorer pogram emphasizes he value o

    selecing, whee possible, onl pefomancepoven and

    elaivel simple componens fo incopoaion in complex

    new equipmen Odinail, such a procedure minimizesboh he cos and he ime of developmen and assues

    ssem eliabli and uimae success.

    Thei welve ips dai around he earh bing he

    space Explorers close o he man saellie acing sa

    ions ha ouinel ecod he adio eleme signals

    Sensing insrumens own in he Explorers now give all

    scieniss of he wold accss o val space inormaion,

    increasing hei undesanding o h univese Aso

    nauical enginees ae now sue ha inenal empeaue

    of space vehicles can be mainained wihin saisfaco

    opeaional limis. Fo e s ime, eliable dta ae

    available peaining o micomeeoies ad inesella

    dus encouneed above he eah's amosphee. Cosmic

    a paicle couns ae being allied aound he eah

    a all imes and in all diecions. Eplorer pogams now

    being planned fo he fuure will coninue o conribue

    ieo unnown and unexpeced infomaion o man's

    soehouse of nowledg.

  • 7/27/2019 Space Explorers History


    D W n h v n B a u n chnca Dc AmyBac M Agncy

    D Jack . Fhc h ac Dc J naay


    STAGE 3









    STAGE 4





    Amy p ag aunchng xp a


    Lauhig Vehie

    As eal as Aprl, 956, ocials a boh ABMA and

    JPL had saed h a proven Arm missie ssem, he

    Juper coud read be moded o provde he oce

    vehce necessar o aunch a saelie. Juper con

    ssed o a Redsone mssie as Sage , pus wo higspeed sages made up o clusers o solid-popellan

    moors Sage had an annula cluse o eleven oos,

    and he concenric Sage 3 had a cluse o hee moos

    All soldpropellan moors used wee scaleddown om

    he JPLdeveloped Sergea, one o he Arms suace

    o-surace ballisic missiles Clculaion showed ha he

    addiion o anohe moor, o propel an adiional sage,

    would be more han adequae o pace a signican

    nsrumened paoad in orbi

    Fo obaining addiioal energ, he liquidpopellan

    Redso propulsion ssem had been adaped o use a

    new hdrazine-base uel. The spinsabilized concnic

    clusers o scale See roces could readil be imple

    mened wh a modied me o launch a na saellie

    age Elaborae screening, sorage, and igh ess had

    poved ha composie rubberlie JPL popellan omula

    ons would peom well, even while subjeced to an

    mes he cenriugal sran imposed b apid spinning

    Nose-Coe Re-etry ests

    The rs jupiter es vehicle was compleed and successull igh-esed in Sepember, 956. I reached an

    aiude o near 700 mes and a speed o abou 3,000

    mph, and impaced a a predeermned poin o he

    coas o Arica, more han 3000 mes rom he Floridalaunching se Durng his gh es, he remarable

    sensiiv o a new JPL phaseloc radio eceive ssem,

    caled Mcolock was demonsaed This mcrowave ss

    em raced a n 0-miliwa ansmer o he ocal

    horzon, amos o missile impac.In subsequen ess, he 70-oo-long Juper missiles

    successul compleed hei eenr ( RTV) mission. For

    he rs me, i was ghproved ha a correcl shaped

    and consruced nose cone coud proec a warhead rom

    damage b he inense aerodnamc hea generaed above

    Mach 8, when a missie reeners dense ar. One o hese

    een cones was erieved b he US Nav om e

    Alanic Laer, on November 7, 957, hs RTV cone was

    shown o a naionwde eevson audience b Pesiden

    Eisenhower On he nex da, Secear o Deense

    McElo uhoized Majo Geneal Medais an oco

    Pcerng o go ahead wh he proposed modicaion o

    Juper and o aemp an IGY saellie launching

  • 7/27/2019 Space Explorers History









    Sateite Costrutio

    ihin wo monhs afer he ocia decision o proceedhad been made, he Eporer saeie, incuding he

    fourhsage soidpropean moor, had been fabricaed

    and was being esed under vacuum, refrigeraion, hea,

    and vibraion environmens b JPL. A componens were

    proved o be read for na assemb we ahead of

    a sefimposed hreemonh consrucion schedue. The

    Naiona Academ of Sciences IY insrumenaionassigned o he rs experimen had been modied b

    JPL engineers o inside he cindrica Eplorer


    Dnamic baance was achieved b precise machining

    and b counerweighs Spare highspeed roce cusers

    ( Sages 2 nd 3) were si avaiabe from he earier

    RTV ess Maaignmens of heav roaing assembies

    ad been ep wihin ess han 000 inch. Since he




    xs and shwng ayad numn

    muisage saeie vehice aeo weigh had o be abou

    000 imes he paoad weigh, ever added ounce ha

    o perform a needed funcion. u where possibe, dua

    or ripe ssems were used o nsure overa reiabii,

    despie he weigh penaies


    Exerna, he Eporer saeies consis of wo mainpars; rs, he 33inchong insrumen comparmen, or

    paoad, and second, he 7inchong fourhsage moor

    case hese are herma and eecrica nsuaed from

    each oher Eporer has four urnsie anennas, whereas

    Eporer has no exerna anennas. Two in ans

    miers and seven ransducing insrumens are housed n

    Scle w o e oe ble ve ee re o pe 10 of bocre

    SM RAY







    he paoad comparmen. Is ouer she consiss o a

    2inchong sainesssee nose cone and a 2inchong

    sainesssee cinder, 6.25 inches in diameer.

    In orbi, he emperaure excursions of he ouer she

    are severe when he saeie goes from fu sunigh o

    fu earh shade A saisfacor range of nsrumen opera

    ing emperau res ( 3 o 0 F ) is, however, acieved

    b mouning a eecrica devices on rigid paics for

    insuaion from he exerior mea and aso b seecive

    absorpion of sunigh. For his purpose, eigh equa

    spaced auminum oxide sripes of preccuaed 0.625

    inch widh are amespraed enghwis aong he ouside

    of he insrumen housing and nose cone. These whie

    ceramic sripes reec a higher percenage of he suns

    infrared radiaion han does bare see. A baanced reec

    ivi heps reven aernae overheaing and freezing

    of eecrica eemens when he Eporers are, respecive,

    in exposed and in shaded secors of her orbi

  • 7/27/2019 Space Explorers History


    Intn akag a

    by f Explrer




    Transmitters. Inside Explorer he 85pound pa

    oad assemb consiss of seven miniaurized sensing

    ransucers, wo siiconransisor ransmiers, and heir

    mercr baer power supplies The higherpower rans

    mier radiaed 60 miiwas coninuous a 0803 mega

    cces for approximae wo wees I weighed abou wo

    pounds wih is four eemeering osciaors and was

    powered b one and onehaf ponds of baeries Four

    27inchong braided anenna wires are ached o he

    brosgass reinforced pasic ring o which he forh

    sage roce moor case is permanenl fasened

    Signas from his highpower uni were recorded b

    h prfessiona and ameur radio operaors around

    e word when he saeie was above heir local orizon

    Four dieren audio ones were elemeered simua

    neous b he highpower uni hrough ampliude odu

    aion of he carrier frequenc Eiher a sepwise or

    gradua pich change provides informaion abou e

    saeies environmen (see Table on page 6)

    Microlock. The lowerpower ransmier n Explorer

    radiaed on 0 miiwas a 0800 megacces This

    uni elemeered coninuous much he same informa

    ion as did he highpower uni However, because of he

    lower power consumpion and arger baer supp, i

    6 ps



