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Spanish English Storybook El Pajaro en El Bosque

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This storybook is written in spanish with word by word translations into english. The book offers a fun and easy way to learn spanish vocabulary and sentence structure, and it is suitable for learners of any age. No previous knowledge of spanish is required.
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SPANISH—ENGLISH STORYBOOK EL PAJERO EN EL BOSQUE AUTHOR Mary Miller Atkinson TRANSLATOR Anabel Cañón Published by Kryptic Books at Smashwords Copyright 2013 Rachel Island


    AUTHORMary Miller Atkinson

    TRANSLATORAnabel Can

    Published by Kryptic Books at Smashwords

    Copyright 2013 Rachel Island

  • Cuando (when) Richard-Bird cumpli (fulfilled) cuatro (four) aos (years), se sinti (he felt) tan grande (so big) y valiente (and strong) que (that) un da (one day) se alej (he went off) volando (flying) para ver (to see) el bosque (the forest): no slo (not only) un rbol (a tree) sino todo (but all) el bosque (the forest) verde

  • (green) y enorme (and enormous) con poderosos (with powerful) troncos (trunks) a un lado (on one side) y otro (and the other) y helechos (and ferns) que cubren (that cover) con una gruesa (with a thick) capa (layer) el suelo (the soil).

    Richard vol (flew) sin (without) alejarse (departing) del todo (from everything) y (and) observ a (he observed) su alrededor (his surroundings); pens (he thought): Qu verde (how green) es todo (is everything), qu fresco (how cool)! Qu altos (how tall) son todos (are all) esos rboles (these trees)! Y se sinti (and he felt) pequeo (small) y un poco (and a little) solo (alone), hasta que (until) oy (he heard) la amistosa (the friendly) voz (voice) de un pjaro (of a bird) del bosque (of the forrest).

    Y (and) a quin (whom) vi (saw) Richard, sino a (but) la pequea (the small) seorita (miss) Silver-Eye? La (her) conoca (he knew) bien (well), porque (because) ella (she) y sus (and her) amigos (friends) visitaban (they visited) a menudo (often) su jardn (his garden) en busca de (in search of) exquisiteces (delicacies) para (for) tomar (to take) el (the) t (tea).

  • Buenos das (good morning), Silver dijo (said) Richard, mientras (while) se quitaba (he removed) amablemente (politely) el sombrero (the hat). He (I have) venido (come) a conocer (to meet) el verde (the green) bosque (forest), a verlo (to see it) todo (all), todo (all) lo que (that) puede (can) verse (be seen): como (as) t vives (you live) aqu (here), podras (could you) decirme (tell me) que hay

  • (what there is) para hacer (to do) y adnde (and where) puedo ir (I can go)?

    La seorita (miss) Silver-Eye pens (she thought) unos momentos (some moments), dubitative (doubtfull); No suelo (I dont usually) entrar (enter) al bosque (to the forrest) contest (she answered), al menos (at least) no hasta (not until) donde todo (where all) est oscuro (is dark); porque aqu (because here), a la entrada (at the entrance) del bosque (of the forest), donde la luz (where the light) del sol (of the sun) se filtra (filters) entre (through) los rboles (the trees) y la brisa (and the breeze) agita (stirs) la manuka (la manuka), estoy (I am) muy ocupada (very busy) construyndome (building myself) un nido (a nest) y apenas (and rarely) tengo (I have) tiempo (time) para descansa (to rest).

    Pero (but) ven conmigo (come with me) hoy (today) y vayamos (and let us go) a explorar (to explore), porque (because) nunca antes (never before) he estado aqu (have I been here) le pidi (begged) Richard. Silver se levant (lifted herself up) y pens (and thought): Supongo que (I suppose that) no debera (I should not), dijo (she said) pero (but) creo que (I believe that) lo (it) har (I will do)! Slo (only) se detuvo (she stopped) para limpiarse (to clean) el pico (the beak) y arreglar (and arrange) sus plumas (her feathers). Luego (then) exclam (she exclaimed): Vamos (Lets go)! y echaron (and they left) a volar (flying) uno junto (one next) al otro (to the other).

    Pasaron (they passed) volando junto (flying togther) a los erguidos (the upright) y altos troncos (and tall trunks) de los rboles (of the trees), junto a (next to) los helechos (the ferns) que crecan (that grew) cerca de (close to) la cascada (the waterfall), a travs de (through) plantas (plants) trepadoras (climing), encima de (above) la maleza (the undergrowth), por lugares (to places) que eran (that where) nuevos (new) para los dos (for them both); pero que (but that) eran (were) especialmente nuevos (especially new) (y un poco (and a little) extraos (strang)) para (for) Richard, que exclam (who exclaimed): Qu distinto (how different) de todos (from all) los jardines (the gardens) que conozco (that I know) junto a (next to) la soleada (the sunny) baha (bay)!

    Entonces (then), mientras volaban (while they flew), oyeron (they heard) de pronto (suddenly) el comienzo (the beginning) de una cancin (of a song), cuyo (whose) eco (eco) resonaba (resounded) como el de (like that of) una campana (a bell) dorada (golden) en un rbol (in a tree) fresco (cool) y lleno (and full) de hojas (of leaves). Silver se pos (placed herself ) en una rama (on a branch). Richard exclam (she exclaimed), escucha (listen)! El seor Bell-Bird (Mr.

  • Bell Bird)) est cantando (is singing). Qu voz (what voice) tan bella (so beautiful) tiene (he has)! Acerqumonos (Lets get closer).

    Y (and) Richard Bird sigui (he followed) rpidamente (quickly) a Silver hacia la espesura (into the bush), donde crecen (where they grew) muchos helechos (many ferns) grandes como rboles (big like trees) y flores (and flowers) como las mini-mik (such as the mini-mik), matipo

  • (matipo) y clemtidas (and clematis), blancas como nubes (white as clouds) y brillantes (and bright) cuando cae (when it falls) sobre ellas (over them) la luz (the light) del sol (of the sun) que se filtra (that was filtered) desde el cielo (from the sky).

    Pero (but), dnde est (where is) Bell-Bird? dijo (said) Richard. Ha terminado de cantar (he has finished singing) pero no ha volado (but he has not flown). Te (you) mostrar (I will show) dnde est (where he is) respondi (she replied) Silver-Eye, y vol (and she flew) hasta un rbol (to a tree) de fucsias (of fuchsia). Buenos das (good morning), querido (dear) Bell-Bird! dijo (she said).

    Bell-Bird estaba suspendido (was suspended) de una rama (from a branch) y beba (and he was drinking) nctar y (nectar and) (quin sabe (who knows) cmo poda (how he could) ser (be) tan rpido! (so fast) ) con un movimiento (with a movement) rpido (fast) se puso (he placed himself) cabeza (head) arriba (upright).

    Querida (dear) seorita Silver-Eye (Miss Silver-Eye), no se te ve (you are not seen) mucho (much) ltimamente (lately) dijo cordialmente (said cordially) Bell-Bird, y (and) quin es (who is) el pequeo (the little one) que viene (tha comes) contigo (with you)? Con su sombrero (with his hat) y sus plumas (and his feathers) marrn (brown) rojizas (reddish) imagino (I imagine) que vive (that he lives) en la ciudad (in the town)!

    Es (it is) Richard-Bird dijo Silver-Eye (said Silver-Eye), y luego (and then) le explic a (she explained to) Bell-Bird por qu (for what) haban llegado (they had come) hasta all (to there) y adnde (and to where) queran ir (they wanted to go). Eso est (this is) muy bien (very good) pero (but) saben una cosa (you know something)? dijo Bell-Bird (said Bird-Bell), sealando a (pointing to) Richard con la cabeza (with the head) primero (first) deben conocer a (you must meet) los habitantes (the inhabitants) del bosque (of the forest). Es ms (whats more) agreg (he added), an ms entusiasmado (even more enthusiastically), creo que (I believe that) deberamos (we should) darle (give (him)) una fiesta (a party) a Richard (to Richard)!

    Hurra! grit Silver-Eye (cried Silver-Eye), qu divertido (how fun)! Y dicho (and said) y hecho (and done), los tres comenzaron (the three began) a preparar la fiesta (to prepare the party). Primero (first), Bell-Bird busc (looked for) su bolgrafo (his pen) y escribi (and he wrote) un anuncio (an announcement), claro y conciso (clear and concise), en la hoja (on the leaf) de un rbol (of a tree): "Habr (there will be) una fiesta (a party) a las dos (at two) y media (and a half) en la hondonada (in the hollow) de (of) Bell-Bird, y estn (and you

  • are) todos (all) invitados (invited).

    Y (and) Silver-Bell la (it) cogi (she took) en su pico (in her beak) y vol (and she flew) por el bosque (for the forest) buscando a (looking for) los otros pjaros (the other birds) para darles (to give them) la noticia (the news)...

    El seor Bell-Bird exclam (Mr. Bird-Bell cried): No hay tiempo (there is no time) que perder (to lose)! Tenemos (we have) muchas cosas (many things) que preparar (to prepare). Y Richard y l (and Richard and he) volaron ajetreados (flew busily) de un lado (from one side) a otro (to the other), ordenando (ordering) y limpiando (and cleaning) el lugar (the place) para la fiesta (for the party) en el rbol (in the tree) de fucsias (of fuchsia). Y cuando (and when) terminaron (they finished) con eso (with this), prepararon (they prepared) la mesa (the table) con tarros (with jars) de miel (of honey) y cuencos (and bowls) con roco (with dew), y frutas (and fruits) y bayas (and berries) de todos (of all) los colores (the colors). Lo (it) decoraron (they decorated) con hermosas flores (with beautiful flowers) y hojas (and leaves) de helecho (of ferns). Les (them) llev (it took) horas (hours), y justo (and just) cuando terminaron (when they finished) regres (returned) Silver-Eye, que dijo (who said): Se lo (it) he dicho (I have said) a todos (to everyone), y todos (and everyone) dijeron (said) lo mismo (the same): estn deseando (they are wanting) venir (to come) y estarn (and they are) muy contentos (very happy) de conocer a (to meet) Richard en el rbol (in the tree) de fucsias (of fuchsia).

  • Y los tres (and the three) esperaron (waited), y se preguntaron (and they wondered) quin sera (who would be) el primero (the first) en llegar (to arrive); y a las dos (and at two) y media (and a half), de repente (suddenly), escucharon (they heard) desde el verde bosque (from the green forest) el rumor (the wir) de alas (of wings) que todava (that still) no se vean (could not be seen), y vocecitas (and little voices) que hablaban (that talked) y rean (and laughed). Y en un minuto (and in a minute) llegaron todos (they all arrived) volando hasta (flying to) el fragante rbol (the fragrant tree) de fucsias (of fuchsia);

  • y en menos (and in less) de lo que (than that which) canta (it sings) un gallo (a rooster) haba empezado (it had started) real y verdaderamente (really and truely) la fiesta (the party). Y qu fiesta (and what party) ms esplndida (more splendid)! All estaban (there they were) todos los habitantes (all the inhabitants) del bosque (of the forest); tanto los grandes (from the big ones) como los pequeos (to the small ones). Y Richard (and Richard) los (them) conoci (he met) a todos y a cada uno (each and every one).

  • Comenzar por (I will begin with) Morepork; es muy sabio (he is very smart) dijo Bell-Bird (said); mira (look at) sus ojos atentos (his attentive eyes)! Y luego (and the) est (it is) Kingfisher, que es (who is) muy apuesto (very handsome), con su chaqueta (with his jacket) azul (blue) y su chaleco (and his vest) amarillo (yellow). Y Paloma (and Pidgeon), a quin (who) queremos (we like) especialmente (especially), que es (who is) grande (large) pero gentil (but gentle).

  • Y Tui (and Tui), que lleva (who wears) un abrigo (a coat) amarillo (yellow) con corbata (with a tie) blanca como la nieve (white as the snow), y Shining Cuckoo que viene (who comes) del otro lado (from the other side) del mar (of the see) a visitarnos (to visit us) en verano (in summer).

    Y tambin (and also) Weka y Kiwi, y Pukeko, vestido (dressed) de rojo (in red) y azul (and blue), que ha venido (who has come) desde el lejano (from the distant), lejano (distant) pantano (swamp) en el que (in which) vive (he lives) para unirse (to join us) hoy (today) a nuestra fiesta (at our party).

  • Pero (but) interrumpi (interrupted) Silver-Eye, no debemos (we must not) olvidarnos de (forget) los pequeos (the small) Gorriones. Te (to you) los (them) presentar (I will present) tan rpido (as fast) como pueda (as I can): ste es (this is) Fantail, y estos son (and those are) Whitehead y Rifleman.

    Y la pequea y gris (and the small and grey) Seorita Riro Riro que canta (who sings) dulcemente (sweetly), y el Seor Miro. Y as (and this way) siguieron (they continued), hasta que (until) al final (at the end)

  • Richard conoca (knew) a cada pjaro (each bird) como a un amigo (as a friend).

    Y entonces (and then) Bell-Bird dio la seal (gave the signal) para comenzar (to begin) el festn (the feast); y pronto (and soon) todos hablando (all talking) a la vez (at the same time) estaban (were) reunidos (reunited) alrededor de la mesa (around the table). Richard Bird se senta (felt) lleno (full) de orgullo (of pride) al mirar a (looking at) su alrededor (his surroundings), porque (because) saba que (he knew that) esa fiesta (this party) la daban (they gave it) en su honor (in his honor), en lo profundo (in the depth) del verde (of the green) y oscuro (and dark) bosque (forest).

  • Y luego (and then) todos comieron (everyone ate) hasta hartarse (until full) y cantaron (and they sang), y hablaron (and they talked), y bromearon (and they joked) hasta que (until) el sol (the sun) comenz a (began to) desaparecer (disappear) por el oeste (in the west). Entonces (then), de repente (suddenly), todos sintieron (everyone felt) la necesidad (the need) de descansar (to rest). Riro estaba (was) demasiado (too) cansada (tired) como para cantar (to sing), Rifleman se cubri (covered) la cabeza (the head) con un ala (with a wing) y

  • Paloma ya (already) iba por (was on) su decimocuarto (his fourteenth) cabeceo (nap) cuando (when) Silver-Eye exclam (cried): Creo que (I believe that) Richard y yo (Richard and I) debemos (should) regresar (return), porque (because) tenemos (we have) un largo (a long) viaje (trip) hasta la baha (to the bay).

    Richard mir a todos (looked at all) los pjaros (the birds) y dijo (and said): Verdaderamente (truly) no encuentro palabras (I cannot find words) para expresar (to express) cunto (how much) me ha gustado (I have liked) el verde bosque (the green forest) y cmo (and how) les agradezco lo (I thank you) increblemente amables (incredibly friendly) que han sido todos (that you have all been) conmigo (with me). Y, por supuesto (and, of course), tengo que darle (I have to give) especialmente las gracias (special thanks) al querido (to dear) Bell-Bird, que ha sido (who has been) un anfitrin (a host) amable (polite) y genial (and genial)...

    Y despus (and after), con un gorjeo (with a chirp), se alej (he went off) volando (flying); y Silver-Eye tambin (also) dio las gracias (gave thanks) y parti (and departed) detrs de l (behind him).

    Los dos (the two) volaron (flew) con rapidez (quickly) a travs (through) del bosque (the woods), sintindose contentos (feeling content) de que el otro (that the other) estuviera all (was there) porque detrs de (because behind) los rboles (the trees) surgan (surged) negras sombras (black shadows) y las ramas (and the branches) se agitaban (were stirred) con la brisa (with the breeze) de la tarde (of the evening).

    Pero (but) Richard se senta feliz (felt happy), y su corazn (and his heart) estaba lleno (was full) de orgullo (of pride) mientras pensaba (while he thought) en todos los amigos (on all the friends) que haba hecho (that he had made) aquel da (that day), desde que (since) se haba marchado de (he had left) su casa (his house) en la soleada baha (on the sunny bay). Y cuando llegaron (and when they arrived) al final del bosque (at the edge of the forest), Silver-Eye se despidi (said goodbye) de l (to him) y Richard vol solo (flew alone) el resto (the rest) del camino (of the way), hasta que (until) lleg a casa (he arrived at home;) y entonces (and then) tuvo que (he had) admitir que (to admit that) se senta (he felt) terriblemente cansado (terribly tired) y que (and that) se alegraba de estar (he was happy to be) en su cmodo (in his comfortable) y clido (and warm) nidito (nest).

  • Despus (later), cuando la oscuridad (when the darkness) empez a caer (began to fall), se oy (it was heard) desde la distancia (from the distance) el canto (the song) lquido (liquid), claro (clear) como una campana (as a bell) dorada (golden) que sala (that came) del rbol (from the tree) de fucsias (of fuchsia); era (it was) Bell-Bird cantando (singing) su himno vespertino (his evening hymn) en el bosque

  • (in the forest) verde y oscuro (green and dark).

    Pero (but) Richard no oy (did not hear) cantar a (sing) Bell-Bird, porque (because) ya estaba (he was already) durmiendo (sleeping) con la cabeza (with the head) debajo del ala (under the wing).
