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Spanish - LinkedIn Coaches Job Seekers Deck

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Top three tips for job seekers on how to leverage LinkedIn - in Spanish.
Los 3 mejores consejos para quienes buscan trabajo Traducción: María Muciño

LinkedIn Recruiting Solutions tagline

Los 3 mejores consejos para quienes buscan trabajo

Traduccin: Mara MucioWelcome! Todays session is about learning the top 3 tips for job seekers to get the most out of LinkedIn. Ill be taking you through examples of what you can do with your own profile and for your organization to get an edge and will leave us time at the end for you to try it out yourself!


Qu es LinkedIn?ms de 300 millones de miembros en todo el mundoLinkedIn es la red profesional ms grande del mundo86% de las empresas en la lista Fortune 100 usan las soluciones de seleccin de personal de LinkedIn para contratar a sus empleados LinkedIn can be an incredibly helpful tool for powering your job search process.

LinkedIn is the worlds largest professional network with over 250 million members worldwide and growing everyday

Our focus is to connect talent with opportunity and its a great place to do that over 86% of the Fortune 100 companies use LinkedIn Talent Solutions to hire! (as of December 2012). 2

Mejora tu marca personal

Ampla y aprovecha tu red

Encuentra y solicita el empleo de tus sueos3 consejos para los que buscan trabajo


So how can you get the most out of LinkedIn for your own job search? Today well walk you through these top 3 tips for someone interested in leveraging LinkedIn to find the right job opportunity. #1: Strengthening your professional brand#2: Building and leveraging your network#3: Finding and applying for your dream job3Mejora tu marca personal

Lets get started!

First lets talk about what you can do to strengthen your professional brand by optimizing your LinkedIn profile.


Optimiza tu perfil2

Pon de relieve tus conocimientos y aptitudes 3

Consigue recomendaciones

Tres pasos sencillos para mejorar tu marcaA complete profile is critical it helps round out your brand/image as a professional and each piece of information you include communicates to the world who you are, what you know and what you care about (and can also make you more likely to come up in searches by recruiters!).

To get started, make sure you take these 3 steps. Well walk through each now.

56Tu perfil: los mejores perfiles estn completos y son dinmicos1

A strong profile on LinkedIn isnt just your resume online, it is a living representation of who you are and who you want to become.

The strongest profiles on LinkedIn are: Complete (and well tell you what this means)Dynamic (theyre more than just your resume copied and pastedthey include a personal summary, headline and your contributions outside of work)Reinforced by social proof (you have at least 50 connections, some of which have endorsed you for skills or written you a recommendation)

How do you get your profile to the All-Star level? Its actually quite simple. So lets get started! Well take a look through each of the key parts of this strong profile. 6

7Tu perfil: una foto y un titular te ayudan a causar una buena primera impresin Convierte tu titular en tu eslogan profesional Con una foto, tienes 7 veces ms probabilidades de que vean tu perfil Personaliza tu URL para que sea ms fcil acceder a tu perfil1

First, add a photo. This makes your profile 7 times more likely to be viewed and helps people see your profile as the real you.

A headline is a short and sweet way to sum up who you are, and what youre looking for. Here is an example of one Job Seekers strong headline that makes a pretty great first impression. Important to note, the key words you use in your headline will be used for recruiters targeted searches, so choose words carefully based upon what you want to do next.

Make sure you customize your URL. This makes your personal link easy to include on CVs and emails, and it makes you easier to find on the web. 7

8Tu perfil: un buen lugar para mostrar tus objetivos y tus logrosEl extracto es tu tarjeta de presentacin: describe tus aptitudes, lo que te gusta hacer y lo que ests buscando *Pista: las palabras clave son muy importantes!Incluye tu experiencia y lo que has conseguido hasta ahora


Now on to highlighting your experience and expertise:Your summary is critically important for Job Seekers its your about me elevator pitch, and also prime real estate for inserting key words that will show up in recruiter searches (i.e. social impact, sales, manager). One tip is to stick to 100-300 words and take a look at some of the keywords used by people in positions that youre interested in.

All of your experiences should be included - You never know which position matches what an employer might be looking for.


El 41% de los responsables de seleccin de personal consideran que la experiencia de voluntariado es igual de importante que la experiencia profesional 9Tu perfil: qu no se te olvide tu experiencia como voluntario!2

Volunteering & social causes are an important part of your professional identity

Employers dont just want to know what youve accomplished at work they want to see the full picture of who you are, what you care about, and how you contribute to organizations.

You can also choose to flag your interest in volunteering your skills or serving on a nonprofit Board two great options for further developing your skills, your network, and opening doors to new job opportunities. 9Tu perfil: consigue validaciones para tus aptitudes y conocimientos 102

Aadir aptitudes y conocimientos aumenta tus probabilidades de aparecer en bsquedas relevantes

Dont just highlight your own skills, get endorsed!

Adding skills and expertise makes it easy for your connections to endorse you for your knowledge and strengths, and helps you show up in relevant searches. Just click edit and start adding your skills!

Be sure to endorse the skills and expertise of your connections as well it will encourage them to do the same for you.


Tu perfil: pide recomendaciones para que tu perfil sea ms creble y original Consejos para conseguir buenas recomendaciones:Pide a antiguos profesores, compaeros de trabajo o clientes que te recomienden Recurdales los proyectos que has hecho y los logros que has conseguido Las recomendaciones deberan incluir un amplio abanico de aptitudes, adems de tus puntos fuertes 113

And last but certainly not least in this section: Ask for recommendations.

There are few things that can help your job search as much as someone vouching for who you are and why you should be hired.

Ask some of your connections like former coworkers and clients to write recommendations of your work. Getting a strong recommendation usually requires asking for one, so dont be afraid to make a delicate request. Reassure someone that these can be short paragraphs, unlike the college recommendation format, and can take less than 10 or 15 minutes. 11Ampla y aprovecha tu red

The second big tip is to know how you can build and start strategically leveraging your network on LinkedIn12131

Aade tus contactos actuales (ms de 50)2

Haz contactos nuevos3

Participa en la comunidad de LinkedIn

Ampla tu red de manera estratgica

Your current network includes the people you know, and your future network includes the people youd like to know (because we know youll take our advice on reaching out to build new relationships).

Grow your network by reaching out to contacts to become connections on LinkedIn, but also through a variety of other activities that will strategically grow your network of connections and quickly!

Each of these tips can help you stand out well walk through each of them now.1314

Tu red: aade los contactos que ya tengas como base de tu red1Lets talk about adding contacts. This may sound obvious, but many people forget to connect with the people they already know. Upload your existing address book of contacts so its up to date from Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook or elsewhere with a couple of simple clicks, and search for individuals who might not pop up but you know you want to add.

When someone looks at your LinkedIn profile, theyll see if you and they have any connections "in common. This gives you credibility, when they see youre connected to people they know or trust. There is a "magic" number of connections on LinkedIn and that number is 50. By connecting to at least 50 people that you know (current co-workers, clients, friends and family) you'll increase your chances of getting in touch with people and companies that will help you advance your job search.

First, you want to reach out individually to everyone you already know friends, family, neighbors, former colleagues, former classmates.

You can either upload your contacts from your email account (this is a great way to help yourself remember who you know and youve communicated with already on email), or you can search for individuals.

You should also think strategically about your networking. What industry are you looking to get into, what companies would you love to work for? Look at your current network and assess the that are limiting your ability to access these groups. You can use the search function, or even create an inmap (or visual representation of your network) to examine who you know [ http://inmaps.linkedinlabs.com/ ]1415Tu red: echa un vistazo a la gente que podras conocer que ya estn en LinkedIn2

LinkedIn also makes it easy to add connections by recommending people from your extended network who you may know.

Just look to the right side of your home screen for a few suggestions and click through to see a longer list and start adding more connections! 1516Tu red: pide que te presenten a contactos de segundo grado

2Only have second degree connections? Heres how to request an introduction! One of the benefits of having a network on LinkedIn is that you might know someone in common with the people you want to connect with and that person can make an introduction for you. Exactly as you might do offline.

LinkedIn makes it easy just follow these basis steps:Click through to the profile of the person youre hoping to be introduced to.In the lower righthand corner find out who your mutual connections are and click on the Get Introduced link

When youre requesting an introduction, its your job to make your connection feels comfortable about making the introduction. Be personable, grateful, to-the-point, and make a small ask that is easy for them to say yes to.


17Participa: sigue a empresas para conseguir actualizaciones en tiempo real y para formar parte de su red


Following a company is the best way to act on your interest. Why? Youll receive updates on this companys posts (news, job opportunities, and more)You signal your interest in working for them, making it more likely that their recruiters would find and target you for a job.

Once youve followed the page, there are many ways that you can leverage a Company Page to enhance your job search. When you see a job you like outside of LinkedIn, use LinkedIn to find an in at that company by:Seeing who youre connected to who works there ask them about hiring practices and who you should speak to in the companys HR departmentSeeing your second degree connections who work there request an introduction to that person from your current connectionLearning more about that organization and other job opportunities theyre hiring for (reminder: 86% of Fortune 100 companies use LinkedIn for hiring)Search for companies youve always wanted to work for, and repeat the above!

These screen shots help you see how to search for companies. On the Company Search page you can search for companies in a variety of ways: by location, industry, size and also by how you are connected. You can filter results to include only companies where you have a first-degree connection or broaden your search to include companies in your extended network.

You can also refine your search to a list of your target companies or companies hiring on LinkedIn, click on their Careers tab, and then quickly learn about working at that company and view the jobs they have posted.

1718Participa: nete a grupos o sigue a personas influyentes para acceder a comunidades nuevas


Si no tienes claro qu personas influyentes quieres seguir, haz clic en Todos los canales. Puedes escoger a las personas que quieres seguir por categoras, como Impacto social o Grandes ideas e innovacin

Similar to following Company Pages, joining groups and following LinkedIn Influencers will allow you to explore career interests, meet likeminded people, get career advice, and can open the door to other opportunities.

Look at these communities like mini conferences where you can network. Think of the members in the group as your peers in a specific area of interestcontribute your thoughts, advice and expertise on discussions within your groups. Get recognition for your ideas and position yourself as a thought partner. Meet new people who can give you insight into their companies and your job search. Similarly, think of the other Influencer followers as like-minded individuals interested in the same types of information as you.

If youre not sure which groups to search for or join, on the right-hand side of your profile theres a great feature called Groups You May Like. Based on your profile data (which is why its so important that you have a complete profile), LinkedIn will serve you up a sample of suggested groups. You can also search for groups on your own by typing in keywords like Small Business Trends, or Telecom or Fortune 500 Job Opportunities.

If youre not sure which Influencers to follow, you can click on All Channels and choose who you want to follow based on categories like Social Impact or Big Ideas & Innovation.

18Participa: nete a conversaciones o incialas compartiendo contenido interesante o haciendo comentarios 193

Demonstrate your expertise and get noticed by sharing and commenting on content on LinkedIn.

Make it a goal to share or comment on at least one piece of information daily. Two things to do each day to find content youd like to share: On your LinkedIn homepage (once youve signed in), your news feed will include the latest from the groups, companies and Influencers you follow. Scan through and see what snags your interest! Keep an eye out for the inShare button on your daily reads. When you find an you want to share, you can share it right from the article itself via the InShare Link and let your network know you found it valuable. You can choose to share it on your Profile, within specific groups youre a part of, or in a private message to individuals. Add in a comment on your thoughts or main takeaways then hit Share.

All simple and important opportunities to position yourself as a thought leader and information source. 19Encuentra y solicita el empleo de tus sueos

Now that youve built a strong profile and expanded your LinkedIn network, get out there and find your dream job! 20211

Encuentra oportunidades laborales3

Solicita el empleo

Utiliza tu red para obtener informacin y contactos que ayuden a tu candidatura2

Consigue ms informacinWhat many people dont realize is that LinkedIn is not just a networking tool; its also an excellent research tool. You can use LinkedIn to accomplish all of these key steps. Lets look at how.21

22Empleos: encuentra las oportunidades que ms te interesan con la bsqueda avanzada


LinkedIns Job Search tool essentially provides a database of over 300,000 jobs.

Click on Jobs, advanced search and then More options to find open positions by keyword, title, company, zip code, function, industry, years of experience and date posted.

You may also find it helpful to browse the list of jobs you may be interested in that will pop up when you go to this page. They are customize especially for you based on information in your profile (yet another important reason to keep it up to date!).2223Empleos: empieza con ventaja gracias a tus contactos2

El 70% de los empleos se consiguen a travs de la red de contactos

You can easily click on the name of the job to read the full job description, have the opportunity to contact the job poster, view the potential salary range for the position, and even to apply. You can also click through to read more about the organization on its Company Page.

Most importantly, this screen shows you if any of your first or second-degree connections work at this company. Again, return back to the lesson of asking your first-degree connections for their insights as well as an introduction to someone who works there possibly even their hiring manager. Remember: 70% of jobs actually come through networking so find out who you know!2324

Empleos: solicita empleos en lnea de manera fcil y rpida 3

You can easily Apply online through the link or save it for a later search.

And dont forget to follow the Company Page to stay up to date on opportunities and new developments!24

Crear un perfil completoConseguir 50 contactos como mnimoListo? Esto es lo que tienes que hacer:

Seguir a 3 pginas de empresa, 3 grupos y 3 personas influyentes como mnimoInvertir de 5 a 10 minutos al da para consultar contenido interesante, compartirlo y hacer comentarios desde tu pgina de inicioBuscar y guardar anuncios de empleo interesantes

Solicitar empleos en lnea

25So thats it when it comes to LinkedIn 101 for Job Seekers the top tips to help you start leveraging this platform strategically. We hope it leads to many great opportunities.

If youre interested in learning more about using LinkedIn to find a job and upgrades like Job Seeker Premium, sign up for our next webinar at http://learn.linkedin.com/Job Seeker/

25?26Any questions? 26

27On behalf of everyone at LinkedIn, I want to wish you the very best of luck in your efforts. We look forward to celebrating your success!

