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Spatial population genetic structure reveals strong natal site fidelity in Echinocladius martini (Diptera: Chironomidae) in northeast Queensland, Australia M. N. KROSCH*, A. M. BAKER*, P. B. MATHER* AND P. S. CRANSTON *Biogeosciences, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Qld, Australia Department of Entomology, University of California, Davis, CA, U.S.A. SUMMARY 1. A diverse array of patterns has been reported regarding the spatial extent of population genetic structure and effective dispersal in freshwater macroinvertebrates. In river systems, the movements of many taxa can be restricted to varying degrees by the natural stream channel hierarchy. 2. In this study, we sampled populations of the non-biting freshwater midge Echinocladius martini in the Paluma bioregion of tropical northeast Queensland to investigate fine scale patterns of within- and among-stream dispersal and gene flow within a purported historical refuge. We amplified a 639-bp fragment of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I and analysed genetic structure using pairwise F ST , hierarchical AMOVA AMOVA , Mantel tests and a parsimony network. Genetic variation was partitioned among stream sections, using STREAMTREE TREAMTREE , to investigate the effect of potential instream dispersal barriers. 3. The data revealed strong natal site fidelity and significant differentiation among neighbouring, geographically proximate streams. We found evidence for only episodic adult flight among sites on separate stream reaches. Overall, however, our data suggested that both larval and adult dispersal was largely limited to within a stream channel. 4. This may arise from a combination of the high density of riparian vegetation physically restricting dispersal and from the joint effects of habitat stability and large population sizes. Together these latter may make it more likely that upstream populations will persist, even in the absence of regular compensatory upstream flight, and will thus reduce the adaptive value of dispersal among streams. Taken together, these data suggest that dispersal of E. martini is highly restricted, to the scale of only a few kilometres, and hence occurs predominantly within the natal stream. Keywords: dispersal, downstream drift, freshwater, lotic, Wet Tropics Introduction Evaluating the relative roles of within- and among- stream movement of individuals in a riverine land- scape is crucial to developing a better understanding of stream ecology (Bohonak & Jenkins, 2003). While the dispersal of most fish and other solely aquatic taxa is generally restricted to the water column (with some notable exceptions), through processes such as larval drift or positive rheotaxis, for invertebrates that possess an adult flight stage, movement over land can be just as important in promoting and maintain- ing population panmixia (Bohonak, 1999; Bilton, Freeland & Okamura, 2001). The range and extent of dispersal and population genetic structure present in freshwater invertebrates represents the focus of a considerable literature base. This covers a wide variety of taxa found in diverse Correspondence: M. N. Krosch, Biogeosciences, Queensland University of Technology, 2 George St, Brisbane 4001, Qld, Australia. E-mail: [email protected] Freshwater Biology (2011) doi:10.1111/j.1365-2427.2010.02571.x ȑ 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1

Spatial population genetic structure reveals strongnatal site fidelity in Echinocladius martini (Diptera:Chironomidae) in northeast Queensland, Australia


*Biogeosciences, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Qld, Australia†Department of Entomology, University of California, Davis, CA, U.S.A.


1. A diverse array of patterns has been reported regarding the spatial extent of population

genetic structure and effective dispersal in freshwater macroinvertebrates. In river

systems, the movements of many taxa can be restricted to varying degrees by the natural

stream channel hierarchy.

2. In this study, we sampled populations of the non-biting freshwater midge Echinocladius

martini in the Paluma bioregion of tropical northeast Queensland to investigate fine scale

patterns of within- and among-stream dispersal and gene flow within a purported

historical refuge. We amplified a 639-bp fragment of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase

subunit I and analysed genetic structure using pairwise FST, hierarchical AMOVAAMOVA, Mantel

tests and a parsimony network. Genetic variation was partitioned among stream sections,

using STREAMTREETREAMTREE, to investigate the effect of potential instream dispersal barriers.

3. The data revealed strong natal site fidelity and significant differentiation among

neighbouring, geographically proximate streams. We found evidence for only episodic

adult flight among sites on separate stream reaches. Overall, however, our data suggested

that both larval and adult dispersal was largely limited to within a stream channel.

4. This may arise from a combination of the high density of riparian vegetation physically

restricting dispersal and from the joint effects of habitat stability and large population

sizes. Together these latter may make it more likely that upstream populations will persist,

even in the absence of regular compensatory upstream flight, and will thus reduce the

adaptive value of dispersal among streams. Taken together, these data suggest that

dispersal of E. martini is highly restricted, to the scale of only a few kilometres, and hence

occurs predominantly within the natal stream.

Keywords: dispersal, downstream drift, freshwater, lotic, Wet Tropics


Evaluating the relative roles of within- and among-

stream movement of individuals in a riverine land-

scape is crucial to developing a better understanding

of stream ecology (Bohonak & Jenkins, 2003). While

the dispersal of most fish and other solely aquatic taxa

is generally restricted to the water column (with some

notable exceptions), through processes such as larval

drift or positive rheotaxis, for invertebrates that

possess an adult flight stage, movement over land

can be just as important in promoting and maintain-

ing population panmixia (Bohonak, 1999; Bilton,

Freeland & Okamura, 2001).

The range and extent of dispersal and population

genetic structure present in freshwater invertebrates

represents the focus of a considerable literature base.

This covers a wide variety of taxa found in diverse

Correspondence: M. N. Krosch, Biogeosciences, Queensland

University of Technology, 2 George St, Brisbane 4001, Qld,

Australia. E-mail: [email protected]

Freshwater Biology (2011) doi:10.1111/j.1365-2427.2010.02571.x

� 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1

habitat types including, for example, caddisflies

(Bunn & Hughes, 1997; Baker et al., 2004; Schultheis

& Hughes, 2005; Pauls, Lumbsch & Haase, 2006;

Smith, McVeagh & Collier, 2006b), mayflies (Bunn &

Hughes, 1997; Hughes et al., 2000; Baker et al., 2004;

Smith, McVeagh & Collier, 2006a), phantom midges

(Berendonk & Spitze, 2006), blackflies (Finn & Adler,

2006), stoneflies (Hughes et al., 1999; Schultheis,

Weight & Hendricks, 2002), net-winged midges (Wis-

hart & Hughes, 2003), gastropods (Miller, Weigel &

Mock, 2006), shrimp (Hurwood et al., 2003), water

pennies (Miller, Blinn & Keim, 2002) and water bugs

(Miller et al., 2002) among others.

In taxa that exhibit significant spatial genetic struc-

ture, discrete patterns can be observed in the parti-

tioning of genetic diversity within and among

streams. In particular, the classic ‘Stream Hierarchy

Model’ describes one such pattern of genetic struc-

turing, where structure is lowest at the smallest

spatial scale (within streams) and greatest at the

largest spatial scale (among river catchments) (Meffe

& Vrijenhoek, 1988). This is an important concept for

studies of many freshwater stream taxa, as stream

hierarchy often plays a major role in the distribution

of genetic diversity in species that possess low

vagility, including some shrimps (Hughes et al.,

1995), fish (Hughes & Hillyer, 2006), mayflies (Smith

& Collier, 2001; Smith et al., 2006a) and caddisflies

(Miller et al., 2002; Smith et al., 2006b). In contrast,

alternative patterns of genetic structure that do not

relate to stream hierarchy have been postulated for

taxa that possess greater dispersal potential (e.g. the

‘patchy recruitment hypothesis’ – Bunn & Hughes,

1997; the ‘headwater model’ – Finn, Blouin & Lytle,


To date, few studies have investigated the relative

rates of gene flow, and thus effective dispersal, among

populations of stream-dwelling chironomid midges.

Chironomids possess a typical insect life cycle – larvae

emerge from eggs laid in a cluster at the waters’ edge,

mature through four instars either as free-living

predators or detritivores attached to stream substrata,

then pupate and emerge as non-biting, winged adults

capable of reproduction and flight (Oliver, 1971;

Pinder, 1986). The duration of each life stage varies

across the family and in different environments;

however, larval duration normally does not exceed

2 months and adult lifespan generally is not more

than 2 weeks (Oliver, 1971). Studies of gene flow and

dispersal in other chironomids from large North

American river systems using chromosomal tech-

niques have hinted at the occurrence of some small-

scale, generally downstream, gene flow and isolation

by distance (IBD) effects among populations (Hilburn,

1980; Werle, 2005). Populations of taxa in the genus

Austrochlus Cranston (as Archaeochlus – Cranston,

Edward & Colless, 1987), which are restricted to

freshwater seeps in Western Australia, exhibit mini-

mal gene flow among populations (Martin et al., 2002).

More recently, a genetic study of the species Echino-

cladius martini Cranston from the north-eastern Aus-

tralian Wet Tropics region revealed several divergent,

geographically endemic, mitochondrial lineages (Kro-

sch et al., 2009). Restricted gene flow was inferred

between adjacent sites <1 km apart within a lineage

identified from the Paluma bioregion. The earlier

study showed that a range of sites within and among

streams would be required to resolve the geographical

range and extent of gene flow among E. martini

populations in the Paluma region and this represents

the focus of the current research.

Rainforest assemblages in this region are consid-

ered to have remained relatively stable during the

dramatic fluctuations in climate that have driven

biotic evolution across the Australian continent since

the mid-Miocene (Truswell, 1993; Martin, 2006) and

particularly in the Wet Tropics during the Plio-

Pleistocene (Nix & Switzer, 1991; Kershaw, McKenzie

& McMinn, 1993). This suggests that any genetic

structuring observed among E. martini populations is

likely to have arisen as a consequence of intrinsic

physiological or behavioural factors, rather than

extrinsic environmental factors. Overall, the Paluma

region of north-eastern Australia represents an ideal

model system for investigating the geographical range

and extent of tropical aquatic insect dispersal.

Our sampling design was informed by results from

Krosch et al. (2009) and greatly expanded the intensity

of sampling of E. martini populations within the

Paluma region to include sites both up- and down-

stream from the original sampling localities, in addi-

tion to a site on a separate stream in the same

catchment. By employing such a finely detailed

sampling design, population genetic structure within

and among stream channels was assessed. In the light

of previous evidence, we expected that patterns of

genetic structure among E. martini populations would

conform well to the ‘Stream Hierarchy Model’ (Meffe

2 M. N. Krosch et al.

� 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Freshwater Biology, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2427.2010.02571.x

& Vrijenhoek, 1988) with some gene flow occurring

within a stream via downstream larval drift, but with

little gene flow evident among streams. Sampling

E. martini populations in this region at greater geo-

graphical intensity (i.e. multiple sites along a stream

reach, multiple streams within a catchment) and with

higher sample sizes per site was expected to provide

greater resolution of genetic diversity within and

among sites. This sampling design could have

resulted in lower inferred genetic divergence among

streams than previously observed by Krosch et al.

(2009), thereby questioning their interpretation of

limited gene flow among headwater streams. We

anticipated that the data generated here would permit

more informed inferences regarding the evolution and

life-history traits of this taxon and would furnish the

most detailed knowledge of fine-scale population

genetic structure in any chironomid to date.


Study sites

The two sites of Krosch et al. (2009), located on Little

Birthday and Birthday Creeks in the Paluma region of

northeast Queensland, Australia (sites 1 and 6, here;

Fig. 1), were used as the focal point for the sampling

design employed here, with samples collected from

additional sites along adjacent reaches of both streams.

Previous DNA sequence data from sites 1 (n = 21) and

6 (n = 22) are accessible under the GenBank accession

numbers EU670019–EU670033 and were supple-

mented with additional sampling from these sites in

this study. In total, we sampled four sites along Little

Birthday Creek and four along Birthday Creek (with

one downstream of the Birthday Creek Falls and three

upstream, to assess the effect of this potential dispersal

barrier on population genetic structure). Site 9 (Lat.

Fig. 1 Geographical location of sample sites. Site numbers follow Table 1.

Spatial population structure in E. martini 3

� 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Freshwater Biology, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2427.2010.02571.x

18� 58¢22¢¢S, Long. 146� 09¢23¢¢E) was at the confluence

of Little Birthday and Birthday Creeks (henceforth

referred to as the ‘Confluence’). An additional stream,

Echo Creek (Lat. 18� 59¢30¢¢S, Long. 146� 09¢23¢¢E),

which joins with Birthday Creek approximately 3 km

downstream of the Confluence, was also sampled as a

reference point and to improve the geographical

resolution of the sampling design. The altitude of

sample sites ranged from 750 to 850 m above sea level.

Sample collection

We sampled in September 2008 and 2009 using kick

sampling with a 0.9 mm · 0.3 mm funnel-tapered

polyester sweep net and by removal by hand of entire

leaf packs from riffle sections of each stream site. Bulk

samples were strained through a series of sieves to

remove coarse particulate organic matter while retain-

ing chironomid larvae. Sorting of bulk samples,

species identification and sample storage followed

procedures outlined in Krosch et al. (2009).

Genetic procedures

Total genomic DNA was extracted from larval tissue

using the Qiagen DNeasy� extraction kit (Qiagen,

Hilden, Germany), following the manufacturer’s

guidelines. A 639-bp fragment of the cytochrome c

oxidase subunit I (COI) gene was amplified using

universal invertebrate COI primers LCO1490 (5¢GGT



AAT CA 3¢) (Folmer et al., 1994), and the PCR protocol

is detailed in Krosch et al. (2009). The COI gene was

used for this study as it is fast evolving and universal

primers have been developed, thus rendering it an

optimal marker for intraspecific population analysis

(Avise, 1986; Moriyama & Powell, 1997). Total PCR

product was purified using an UltraClean� PCR

Clean-up kit (MoBio, Carlsbad, NM, U.S.A.) following

manufacturer’s guidelines. Purified PCR product was

amplified using a standard ABI Big Dye� Terminator

v.3.1 (Applied Biosystems, Melbourne, Australia)

sequencing protocol and products were cleaned using

a standard isopropanol precipitation protocol prior to

sequencing at the Griffith University DNA Sequenc-

ing Facility (Nathan, Australia). All new sequences

were deposited in GenBank (accession numbers


Data analyses

Cytochrome c oxidase subunit I sequences were

aligned and edited by eye using BIOIOEDITDIT version

7.0.5 (Hall, 1999). Tests for sequence saturation (an

indicator of potential homoplasy) were conducted by

calculating the mean ratio of transitions to transver-

sions in MEGAMEGA version 4.0 (Tamura et al., 2007).

Tajima’s D tests of neutrality were estimated both

for each individual site and across the total data set

using coalescent simulations in DNASPSP version 5.0

(Librado & Rozas, 2009) to determine if sequences

were evolving neutrally. Gene diversity (equivalent to

expected heterozygosity) and the population param-

eter, hp, were calculated using ARLEQUINRLEQUIN version 3.11

(Excoffier, Laval & Schneider, 2005) to estimate

genetic diversity within sites. A haplotype network

was constructed using a method of statistical parsi-

mony in TCS version 1.21 (Clement, Posada &

Crandall, 2000) with a connection limit of 95%.

Several different methods for partitioning genetic

variation among sites were implemented to explore

the range and extent of within and among stream

dispersal. Exact tests of genetic differentiation

(P < 0.05) based on haplotype frequencies and con-

ventional among-site FST indices (P < 0.05) incorpo-

rating the Tamura-Nei model of evolution (Tamura &

Nei, 1993) were estimated in ARLEQUINRLEQUIN. Hierarchical

analyses of molecular variance (AMOVAAMOVA: Excoffier,

Smouse & Quattro, 1992) were computed in ARLE-RLE-

QUINQUIN based on FST estimates. AMOVAAMOVA allows the

pooling of data to test particular a priori site groupings

(for example, under the ‘Stream Hierarchy Model’),

while statistical significance was obtained through

1000 random permutations. Corrections for multiple

tests were not undertaken here, in accordance with

recent concerns regarding their suitability for ecolog-

ical data in which the statistical signal in the data is

often subtle and thus potentially obscured by over-

conservative alpha corrections (see Cabin & Mitchell,

2000; Moran, 2003; Garcia, 2004).

In continuous populations it is possible that, even in

the absence of barriers to gene flow, the level of

connectivity among populations will decrease as

geographical distance increases, referred to as ‘IBD’

(Wright, 1943). Such effects were examined by testing

the null hypothesis of no correlation between geo-

graphical and genetic distances among sites. Adult

flight and larval drift hypotheses for dispersal were

4 M. N. Krosch et al.

� 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Freshwater Biology, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2427.2010.02571.x

tested using both straight-line (Euclidean) and stream

distances among sites, respectively. Geographical

distances were estimated using the 1 : 100 000 topo-

graphical map for Ingham produced by the Royal

Australian Survey Corps in 1986. Mantel tests (Man-

tel, 1967; Smouse, Long & Sokal, 1986) were imple-

mented in ARLEQUINRLEQUIN to test for correlations between

log10-standardised geographical distance and FST,

while statistical significance was obtained through

1000 random permutations.

The software package STREAMTREETREAMTREE (Kalinowski

et al., 2008) was used to infer the relative genetic

distance represented by each stream section based on

a matrix of pairwise among-site FST indices. This

algorithm considers the pairwise FST estimates

among all sites connected by a given stream section

and assigns a genetic distance to the stream section

accordingly (Kalinowski et al., 2008). Statistical sup-

port was provided by calculation of the R2 coefficient

of determination – an estimate of the ‘goodness of fit’

of the data to the STREAMTREETREAMTREE model. This algorithm

can be used to infer groups of genetically related

populations and test hypotheses about potential

effects of possible instream barriers to gene flow,

such as waterfalls.


In total, 169 new individuals were sequenced from a

total of 10 sites, in addition to the 44 individuals

available from the previous study of Krosch et al.

(2009) (Table 1). In combination, this resulted in a

total data set of 213 individuals, representing 58

unique COI haplotypes. The ratio of transitions to

transversions was 3.697, which suggests that sequence

saturation has not yet been reached and, thus, the

observed genetic diversity is an accurate representa-

tion of ‘true’ diversity (Arbogast et al., 2002). Mea-

sures of within-site genetic diversity suggested that

populations were highly diverse (Table 1) and Tajima’s

D tests of neutrality were non-significant for the total

dataset (D = )1.68918, P = 0.1000). When tested sepa-

rately, however, two sites (1 and 10) produced statisti-

callysignificantresults (Table 1).Thismaybebecauseof

large negative Tajima’s D values driven by an excess of

low-frequency haplotypes, possibly indicating recent

population expansions (Excoffier et al., 1992).

The different methods for partitioning genetic

divergence within and among sites produced gener-

ally consistent results. Exact tests of differentiation

and estimates of FST suggested that the three streams

sampled were significantly different from each other.

Sites along a particular stream reach did not differ

significantly from other sites along the same stream,

but in most instances were significantly different from

sites on other streams (Table 2). The most down-

stream site along Birthday Creek (site 8) did not differ

significantly from any other site except site 1, whereas

its equivalent site on Little Birthday Creek (site 4) was

significantly different from sites 5, 6 and 7 on Birthday

Creek and site 10 on Echo Creek. This may be an

artefact of low sample size at site 8 (n = 7). The

Confluence site (site 9) was slightly less divergent

from Birthday Creek than Little Birthday Creek, while

site 10 was significantly different from all sites except

8 and 9, implying some degree of movement between

these sites. The overall FST for all populations was

0.10302 (P = 0.0000). Hierarchical AMOVAAMOVA tests with

sites from each of the three streams partitioned into

separate groups and the Confluence site as a fourth

Table 1 Population genetic summary statistics

Site Sample size Tajima’s D D P-value hp Gene Diversity No. of Haplotypes

1 24 )1.55696 0.04200 3.09728 0.7101 ± 0.1006 10

2 23 )0.58991 0.32400 4.12662 0.8696 ± 0.0505 11

3 23 )0.84465 0.20700 3.99622 0.8814 ± 0.0498 12

4 24 )0.62995 0.30900 3.32869 0.8370 ± 0.0546 10

5 18 )0.51349 0.30900 4.06581 0.8627 ± 0.0609 9

6 31 0.52479 0.75800 4.68223 0.7720 ± 0.0618 12

7 20 0.86896 0.84900 4.59623 0.7421 ± 0.0705 7

8 7 )0.10732 0.47600 4.04046 0.9048 ± 0.1033 5

9 24 )1.25623 0.10200 3.35691 0.9239 ± 0.0382 14

10 19 )2.34963 0.00000 2.63054 0.8772 ± 0.0737 13

Values in bold are statistically significant.

Spatial population structure in E. martini 5

� 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Freshwater Biology, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2427.2010.02571.x

group, indicated that the majority of variation was

present within sites (86.58%), while variation among

groups was only 13.21% and among populations

within groups was very low at 0.22% (Table 3).

Mantel tests of isolation by log10-adjusted distance

were significantly different from the null hypothesis

of no correlation between geographical and genetic

distance among sites for both stream distance

(R = 0.543, P = 0.001) and Euclidean distance

(R = 0.475, P = 0.003). This result was mirrored when

the most geographically distant site, Echo Creek (site

10), was removed for both geographical distance

measures (stream: R = 0.073; P = 0.000; Euclidean:

R = 0.464, P = 0.011). Taken together, these data

suggest that gene flow both within and among stream

channels may be limited by geographical distance

among sites.

Partitioning of genetic distances to each stream

section followed expectations based on pairwise FST

estimates (Fig. 2); however, there was only moderate

support for the fit of the data to the STREAMTREETREAMTREE

model (R2 = 0.708) (Kalinowski et al., 2008). This may

be because of the inability of the STREAMTREETREAMTREE

algorithm to account properly for non-stepping stone

patterns of differentiation or for highly differentiated

populations, both of which can result in the underes-

timation of genetic distance between sites (Kalinowski

et al., 2008). The stream sections that were assigned

large genetic distances were between sites 1 and 2, 4

and 9, 10 and 9 and 8 and 7, respectively. The stream

section between sites 8 and 7 corresponds to the

location of the Birthday Creek Falls, an obvious

potential barrier to upstream gene flow. Similarly,

the stream section that separates site 10 from all other

sites was quite long (c. 12 km), which could have

contributed to the generally high genetic differentia-

tion among sites. The genetic distance assigned to the

stream section between sites 4 and 9 probably reflects

the relative genetic closeness of the Confluence site to

Birthday Creek compared to Little Birthday Creek,

implying some impediment to movement between

sites on Little Birthday Creek and all other sites. The

high genetic distance assigned to the stream section

connecting site 1 and all other sites possibly results

from the non-stepping stone pattern of FST estimates

among Little Birthday Creek sites, but may also

Table 2 Conventional FST estimates among sites

Values in bold represent significant pairwise comparisons (P < 0.05). Values boxed in solid lines represent among site FST estimates

within Little Birthday Creek (sites 1–4) and Birthday Creek (sites 5–8); values boxed in dashed lines represent FST estimates among the

two creeks. Pairwise comparisons which produced significant exact test estimates (P < 0.05) are denoted by an ‘*’.

Table 3 Hierarchical distribution of genetic distance within and among groups of Echinocladius martini populations

Source of variation d.f.

Sum of





of variation Fixation indice P value

Among groups 3 46.69 0.29043 13.21 FSC = 0.0025 0.0000

Among populations

within groups

6 12.015 0.00478 0.22 FST = 0.13423 0.43988

Within populations 203 386.517 1.90403 86.58 FCT = 0.13206 0.00098

Total 212 445.222 2.19923

6 M. N. Krosch et al.

� 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Freshwater Biology, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2427.2010.02571.x

indicate a potential instream barrier to gene flow.

Genetic distances assigned to each stream section did

not relate to stream gradient, for example, the two

sections separating sites 2, 3 and 4 (the steepest across

the study area) and the three sections between sites 5,

6 and 7 and 8 and 9 (the shallowest across the study

area) were all assigned minimal or no genetic dis-


The haplotype network presented in Fig. 3 revealed

additional shared and unique haplotypes compared

with the earlier study (Krosch et al., 2009). The more

geographically intensive sampling of the current

study revealed four very common (n > 30 individu-

als) haplotypes shared among sites and an additional

11 shared haplotypes present at lower frequencies

(n £ 6). Two of the four common haplotypes (1 and 3)

were shared across all three creeks at relatively similar

frequencies. The network showed a starburst radia-

tion pattern of haplotypes from Haplotype 3, and this,

combined with its widespread distribution across

sites implies that this may be the ancestral type

(Castelloe & Templeton, 1994; Clement et al., 2000).



3 21











0.065 0.001 0.000 0.102

Little Birthday Creek

Birthday Creek

Echo Creek

Fig. 2 Schematic representation of the

genetic distance assigned to each stream

section (values in italics); i.e. genetic

distance of 0.102 assigned to the stream

section between sites 1 and 2. Values in

bold indicate stream sections assigned

large genetic distances. Direction of

stream flow is indicated by arrows.

Fig. 3 COI haplotype network shaded by creek of origin with the Confluence separate. Sizes of nodes and pie segments are pro-

portional to haplotype frequency. Small, unshaded circles represent unsampled hypothetical haplotypes. Haplotypes are numbered


Spatial population structure in E. martini 7

� 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Freshwater Biology, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2427.2010.02571.x

Interestingly, all but two haplotypes sampled from

Echo Creek (site 10), with the exception of Haplotype

3, were linked directly to this common type, im-

plying colonisation predominantly by individuals of

Haplotype 3 followed by subsequent diversification.

In contrast, Haplotype 2 was highly restricted in

distribution and occurred only in Little Birthday

Creek and the Confluence site. Similarly, Haplotype

4, while recovered from all sites, occurred at much

higher frequency at Birthday Creek sites than at

all other sites, implying some degree of historical

restriction but with limited movement away from the


Visualising the geographical distribution of shared

haplotypes among sites provided a different perspec-

tive for determining patterns of gene flow (Fig. 4). No

apparent relationship was evident between the loca-

tion of a given site along a stream and the comple-

ment of haplotypes present, i.e. upstream sites

generally resembled downstream sites genetically.

The exception, as mentioned earlier, was site 1, which

lacked the otherwise widespread Haplotype 3; this

haplotype appeared to decrease in frequency with

increasing geographical distance from the Confluence.

As expected, observed frequencies of haplotypes at

the Confluence site indicate that this site possessed a

mixture of haplotypes from both Birthday and Little

Birthday Creeks. The distinct differences in the

distributions and frequencies of the four common

haplotypes shared among sites imply that individuals

in Little Birthday and Birthday Creeks may not

readily intermix, but that some degree of movement

among streams has occurred over time. The majority

of low frequency shared haplotypes were present at

sites along the same stream (e.g. Haplotypes 24, 31,

35) or were shared between individual sites on either

Little Birthday or Birthday Creek and the Confluence

site (e.g. Haplotypes 9, 43, 54, 55), indicating move-

ment along the stream channel. In contrast, Haplo-

types 51, 52, 42 and 44 were shared among sites on

separate streams and thus provided distinct evidence

for occasional dispersal among streams.


The results presented here conformed largely to our

expectations that contemporary gene flow in E. mar-

tini is restricted among sites sampled on Echo,

Birthday and Little Birthday Creeks. The improved

sampling depth and intensity of this study has

revealed clearer geographical patterns of common

endemic haplotypes that dominated Birthday and

Fig. 4 Schematic representation of the

frequencies of COI haplotypes which are

shared among sites in accordance with

Fig. 3. Haplotype numbers follow those in

Fig. 3, and the size of pie segments

represents the proportion of sampled

individuals that possess a particular


8 M. N. Krosch et al.

� 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Freshwater Biology, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2427.2010.02571.x

Little Birthday Creeks, overlain by widespread ances-

tral haplotypes shared across the three streams.

Additionally, the Confluence site comprised a combi-

nation of haplotypes from both adjoining streams,

implying that dispersal is mostly restricted to along

the stream channel. The general pattern of significant

differentiation among streams notwithstanding, the

pattern of low-frequency haplotypes shared among

stream reaches implied limited gene flow mediated by

among-stream adult flight, since upstream movement

of larvae would probably be restricted by stream flow.

Whether adults fly overland or along a stream

channel, however, cannot be determined. Thus, the

mitochondrial data presented here suggest that con-

temporary dispersal of E. martini females in streams

in the Paluma region is largely, but not completely,

restricted to within natal stream channels.

Such a high level of differentiation among geo-

graphically proximate streams is a relatively unusual

pattern for aquatic insects with an adult flight stage.

Generally, such taxa exhibit some limited exchange

among neighbouring streams over time, and thus,

genetic differentiation is consequently greatest among

more distant streams or at the broader subcatchment

or even catchment level (Bohonak & Jenkins, 2003;

Hughes et al., 2008). Nevertheless, overland move-

ment of adults is often rare. While some studies that

have attempted to quantify adult flight directly

suggest that winged aquatic insects are capable of

lateral movement over distances equivalent to that

between Little Birthday and Birthday Creeks (<2 km –

e.g. Jackson & Resh, 1989; Kovats, Cibrowski &

Corkum, 1996; MacNeale, Peckarsky & Likens, 2005),

many trapping surveys have demonstrated that

lateral dispersal of individual adults is restricted to

distances substantially less than those among sites in

the current study (Collier & Smith, 1998; Griffith,

Barrows & Perry, 1998; Petersen et al., 2004; Winter-

bourne et al., 2007).

Quantitative data for adult flight distance in chir-

onomids are available for two species that inhabit

ephemeral pools in Africa and suggest that individ-

uals readily disperse several 100 m from the home

pool to escape diminishing resources and avoid

inbreeding and that females appear to be better

dispersers than males (McLachlan, 1983, 1986). In

contrast, the data presented here suggest that, while

dispersal away from the natal area may be evolution-

arily important for taxa inhabiting ephemeral sys-

tems, the same selective pressures may not apply to

chironomids that inhabit the comparatively stable,

permanent streams in the Paluma region. Moreover,

the dense riparian vegetation typical of these streams

may also act to restrict adult chironomid flight to

along the stream channel and limit overland dispersal

among streams (Collier & Smith, 1998; Delettre &

Morvan, 2000). On the other hand, indirect evidence

suggests that E. martini adults exhibit swarming

behaviour during reproduction (McKie & Cranston,

2005). This phenomenon is thought to promote wide-

spread dispersal because of the resulting potential

increase in genetic diversity in the parental gene pool

(Downes, 1969). Thus, restricted dispersal among

populations of E. martini in the Paluma bioregion

may be driven by a combination of high density of

riparian vegetation, relative habitat stability and large,

genetically diverse populations that together may

select for limited dispersal.

The relative importance of up- and downstream

movement of individuals within a stream channel has

been debated widely under the banner of the ‘Stream

Drift Paradox’ (Hershey et al., 1993; Anholt, 1995). The

observations that upstream populations of aquatic

insects do not rapidly go extinct, despite the signif-

icant loss of larvae through downstream drift, and of

an upstream directional flight bias in some taxa, has

prompted some researchers to suggest that upstream

flight could be of selective advantage, and is a

compensatory mechanism that maximises population

persistence upstream. This has been dubbed the

‘colonisation cycle hypothesis’ (Mottram, 1932; Mul-

ler, 1954, 1982; Hershey et al., 1993; Williams &

Williams, 1993; Winterbourn & Crowe, 2001). Several

empirical investigations have attempted to resolve

these arguments and have demonstrated that numer-

ous biotic and abiotic factors exist that can influence

the rate and extent of downstream larval drift and

compensatory upstream movement (e.g. Benson &

Pearson, 1987; Flecker, 1992; Williams & Williams,

1993; Kerby, Bunn & Hughes, 1995; Jackson, McElravy

& Resh, 1999; Connolly, Crossland & Pearson, 2004;

Connolly & Pearson, 2007). Overall, however, there is

much diversity in the extent, frequency and duration

of downstream larval drift and upstream adult flight

in various aquatic taxa, and it is thus unlikely that a

single response has evolved in all taxa in all aquatic

environments (Brittain & Eikeland, 1988; Malmqvist,


Spatial population structure in E. martini 9

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Chironomid larvae represent an important compo-

nent of drifting aquatic invertebrates in temperate

systems in the northern hemisphere and often make

up a significant proportion of the total drift (Benke,

Hunter & Parrish, 1986; Schreiber, 1995) – up to 85%

in some streams (Bishop & Hynes, 1969). Further-

more, members of the subfamily Orthocladiinae can

constitute a large proportion (up to 91%) of drifting

chironomid taxa (Williams, 1989). Mean diurnal drift

density can reach close to 400 individuals per cubic

metre, though nocturnal densities up to four times

greater have been recorded, and mean upstream

compensation can be up to 56% (Elliot, 1971; Wil-

liams, 1989; Williams & Williams, 1993; but see

Benson & Pearson, 1987; Schreiber, 1995). In similar

fashion, invertebrate drift in Australian rainforest

streams is often dominated by chironomid larvae,

sometimes comprising up to 25% of all individuals

(Kerby et al., 1995). It seems evident, therefore, that

chironomid larvae readily enter the moving water

column and that downstream drift may play a major

role in their dispersal.

Our data provide strong evidence that dispersal of

E. martini populations at Paluma is dominated by

downstream drift within the stream channel. The

Confluence site possessed the highest number of

shared haplotypes (9), four of which were shared

with only one other site along either Birthday or Little

Birthday Creeks. The apparent accumulation of

genetic diversity at the Confluence site is most likely

to reflect the historical diversification of haplotypes

within individual stream reaches driven by restricted

gene flow, followed by subsequent downstream drift

by larvae, possibly during periods of high rainfall

(Shaw et al., 1994; Congdon, 1995; Hughes et al., 1995;

Hernadez-Martich & Smith, 1997). Furthermore, hapl-

otypes shared among sites in the same stream imply

that movement has been largely restricted to within

the natal stream channel.

In contrast, haplotypes distributed across streams

provide evidence for past movement of individuals

among streams. One plausible explanation is that

individuals of a particular haplotype may have

drifted downstream as larvae, before emerging as

adults and flying upstream along a non-natal stream

channel (MacNeale et al., 2005). An alternative expla-

nation is that adults have dispersed overland among

sites; however, this appears less likely given the

apparent overall lack of headwater exchange among

upstream sites. It is currently unknown whether

E. martini larvae are capable of positive rheotaxis

but, given the propensity for downstream drift in this

taxon and in the family as a whole, it seems more

likely that any upstream movement occurs via adult

flight. There is little evidence, however, for regular

compensatory upstream flight, as upstream sites

along both creeks do not possess the same overall

complement of haplotypes as those further down-

stream. While some rare haplotypes may have been

overlooked through random sampling effects, this

nevertheless implies that, while the loss of individuals

from upstream populations to downstream drift is

certainly an important factor influencing the popula-

tion dynamics of Paluma E. martini, upstream popu-

lation sizes must be sufficiently large such that

individuals avoid inbreeding even in the absence of

regular immigration from adjacent populations.

The pattern of generally restricted dispersal among

adjacent streams observed here suggests that the

potential for E. martini to recolonise streams may be

poor. This means that catastrophic scouring events,

such as severe flooding, may result in local extinction

from which E. martini populations are slow to recover.

Extrapolating from this, coupled with its apparent

preference for cool, shaded, upland streams, the

potential for E. martini to recover from local extinction

across an entire catchment or rainforest patch is likely

to be significantly lower than from a single stream and

it may take many generations of chance migrants to

recolonise such habitat post-disturbance. If so, this

finding is particularly important, given the already

highly fragmented state of eastern Australian rainfor-


Future studies should aim to cover additional sites

from neighbouring catchments within the same hab-

itat patch (where possible, given the difficulty of

access because of dense rainforest) to compare pat-

terns of genetic structure and test for gene flow among

catchments. Genetic structure among populations

inhabiting more open forested temperate regions of

Australia could also be investigated, using a similar

sampling design to this study, to allow comparisons

between temperate and tropical regions with respect

to the influence of riparian vegetation density and

relative habitat stochasticity on dispersal within and

among streams. Fast-evolving and bi-parentally inher-

ited nuclear microsatellite markers could be incorpo-

rated in future, to compare and contrast with the

10 M. N. Krosch et al.

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patterns of genetic structure reconciled here based on

maternally inherited mitochondrial data. Such mark-

ers would permit testing of hypotheses about more

recent, small scale movement within and among



MNK undertook this study as part of his PhD research

and expresses his sincere thanks to Dr David Hur-

wood for technical advice and assistance in data

analysis, Vincent Chand for laboratory assistance, Dr

Steve Kalinowski for assistance with the STREAMTREETREAMTREE

software package, Litticia Bryant and Ben Krosch for

assistance sampling, and the Evert and Marion Sch-

linger endowment to PSC for funding support.


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