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Speaking Goiitest- ‘Unit Rule’ -...

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Speaking Goiitest- MarkgTM):^'S)ay For ChuFii Meet North Idahoans Win Democratic Posts at Convention ( 'ofCSceI<>- ipcclal Meet Ai)oiit Taxes iF i,' 1.I..110. •tr?nilii7FlirT{ip-yuiv iisiirc.” u oti iK Ihc (ilsi anniiiil itiiniiiy Hi till- Kirs'l tiui Niirtliwi'st I'hris- ■oW i-K i'. Kukvw. Ore. plai-e iind 11)0 .scllnll,rslli|> 1.) Uio rocA-rei.i.o, M ‘Unit Rule’ RowtGIoses: Bem^Meet IlarrrWill. t^eolklnn. ■ Dunocrsllc nall.mal con Icliilm Ilcniarralie rniivrj Cllcn Hcalr. Cotur U'Alenc. were elcc(cd Itronan anJ rnmmltlcrM'nman at IIib n Saturilar. Wall wa« rlrctrd to lil< iinlllMmati. .Miw Healy u-c.n U.b ci)m- mrrticld. Twin Knllf. »nd Mm. T. Matt tlallr. Kulu- Mrt. tiallr wltlidrtw Ijcforr cunvcnllnti Oelrtalf* Iirean hallnllnf and Mt>., Summertlrld wllhilrcw when tlir tiUf lurncil for Mlu llcair du(/<ii; tliF prorcM (if catlinc rolcv nt drireatcj, |Klafr'))Iinto>cnEravlnc) Simplot Spud Offer . Refused .by G^oup CA\MWi^l.L, MarcJi 12 (-D-'I'lio Trea5ij/-c’ Va!loy I’o- l;ilo IJiirKaiiiiiijr Jissoi'ialion volol unaniitinilSLv Jo^ay to rt-jL-d an offer of th.‘ .1. II Sim|.Ua c»mi)aiiy f'fr (he 19(10 nolnt.i m<\y. '|-h.‘ Krower.'J had asked SimploL f</r S1.2n m hiindreilwuiirlU-for ’>1) per cent No. I’s and ao^pcr coiil 10 mi'ilco or butlor No. 2'.«. Siniplol Inrneil down Uic Krowor.'s d. SI,171.:. pnr hnmim ij Boy Hurt in Fall Gfi —Roek-Ci-eek-Bridge lo vote ns n bloc, 'flic rc.snluiiQii. fl.t prc.'.ciitrd by Juliti □Insby. Moimiulii Home.—TMoliiiloii eom- mlllce ii-crclury. wm to pcrmll the ili-lrcnlM lo volP nrparnlcly nii the IIMI bnllol nntl be Ixmnd by n m.ijnrlly of llie tlclccalloii on sub- M:ililriU b:OIoU. • KlKht {Iclciialf.i were *cli-cWd friiiii Uic ^ccollU coiiKrc.ulonn] du* irlft. tocli will luve onc-lmlt vulc Driver Fined 87.Ton Third Road Charge A IVIn ^'nll^ man with lao ri'rinu.i ^|xcdln[; convlctlolu wm cnlviiced to 10 diiya In Jail And liied *75 nna costs wlirn lie np- Knn-d before Police JudRS J. O. uniplirry &i(tirdiiy and plcAded iilliy of two Intfflc clinrstJ. Tha 111 ^cnt^llce~u'a.^ withheld pcnd- ii; (utiire Rood bclinvlor. Bwimile D. Whllnktr, 21, rouH lie, Twin I'VvlLi. w.xs cited Monday y city pollcc !or stKcdlnR 40 mile* lif»nr ll LlMt, A l,>veai-.ol(i Twin Falls v.nitli was tak'ti to Manic \ ’alley Memorial liosi)ilal Salimlay aftcnionii afler he siijiiieii ;in Ihi! r:iilroii<i hridKt? over Hock cniek canvoii anil foil nearlv 100 feet lo tjie rock-choked water lielnw. Karl Danieron, of Mr. and Mrs. .Inson Dameioii. liO.'J Fourth avcmie went,.Incurred a fnictiircd left le« and arm and laceralions o f his left H ' in tin arc Lloyd Wtilker. Tv,lii Mnx }laii.vn. C.imn.i; Orahnni, AHn: nalph Utii KnlU; ftiiU Ed J'^vnnliiK, I Mr. Cl.imle Kcllci :o block'of'Miiln avenue’ nonh'" nd Jor oivriillnB ft vclilcle with oL^y miitflcrs. He was lined »50 )r r.pfedlnc and *25 on Ihi muN rr charKe. ' . In cnrllrr court appearancea, Vhll«l!cr was fined t20 by Jeromo e of tlie Peacc Olcn Vlnlnj arch 12. 1D50. nnd JM by t^ tli Jii-Mlec of Uje Peae Five Teen-Agers Get $17 at Point-of Knife W. L. (I^ii) Whit.ntonc. 3!), Kdon, ri'portcd to Jerome nnd Twin F.nlts policc Saturday that lie \vin» .itopiicd cn route homo from Twin Fiilla early .Satitrdnv moriiinn by five tecn-nRcrR who placed ii knife nt liis lliroat and rob- bed him of $17. Whil.HtoiiD nald he left work nt the Roger- Bon hotel early Saturday niorninf: nnd nbout 2:30 a.m. one half mile ca.st of Tipperary corner lie noticed a car with the hoofl up nnd two Kirl-s nnd one youth flnRRcd him ti stop. “They n.iked me to look nt wlint-wns the trouble with their cnr,'” ’Wliitatono paid. • “I frot out nnd looked under the Jiood nnd one ffirl said i will Kti In llip car nnd lr>’ to ■mild rccncnlr^p at'aln wilrt ini, he wnrlLi nt the Jl. titel, tako Ills Kln.w.1 Ixri Pioneer V’s Signals Are Said Strong WASHINGTON, March 12 Plnntrr V spnt b.irk Mron--- nlKnaU toiilchl, lilillcatliig fllKht prrfonnnnce m 11 Jnbbcd .•.iriidlly ihroiiKli the Rca of space Sclciitl.su predicted the bnicli- ball-.il7.e .iphcre wimld be 202,08) from ilie r.'tnii by mldnlnh I ii‘.t>rrTTltpJ5!nK aloiiR'at G.210 mile! [per hour, ■Splirre Slair* Some As rxprctfd, Itic Kartli'ji innRnrt. nltracilon was Mill ^lo^vlns thi spenJ, velocity waj Gridiron^Unit Kids Officials For 7.'5th Year WASIIINOTON. Marrh II CT— Thr Gridiron rliib c;iii] of kl.[dlni; [iiibllc fliii T.l!h n Jiiblli'e dinner • -.oUiei. liiv IBCO r tle.s In r.kl (if both p:il'> Pre.Mrtfnt Euenliower. rirnt Hlclianl M. Nlxc members, mo^t of tlv court, eonKrf.'.ilonal leai liiir.i and ninli.iisador.n « _ofJlir :r-nut Tli;! rlbbln;: dlil n liicliidinR I c.Mtlc prc.Hi[lcntlnl c Thfie wrre nnnp - .. ihc Whltr Hoii'c. "voof l>oy" Il.umphrey, KcnDCdy'* new liulrcul anil wealth, nnd Johnnon'.i "love affatr wlUi Uic WeM, Amoni; the Democmllc liopi'fuU ‘ r:c.seut were Scnv John r. Keii bpliic rdafpd baek U. S ?pace prnbi iiiulnlcd In Inpi ilyrfct Inter by. «!■ liivwllRatlnc .ipnn br«nn lo ivnalyr.e It, Ton* If .steady , JJrllaln’a.liUKe radlotele.icope At Jodri-ll Hank picked up Ptuncer’.i .Mcady wl»J.slUiiK .slcnsl todftv n.i ilirrc jio.ufil acro.M BriLWi One fclentW dc^crill^d Ihc tiny radio in sending slI;naI.^ \Joilrcll Uanl on A control but 1 rceelvcri at Ihi 11! be forwarded K lo be fed Into NASA QUAKK SIMKKH CIIAKI.IISTON • CilAIlUarON, 8, C.. Marcli IL n — A .ill);ht. Mrihquflkc Rhook :harlc,ston iwlay. No major dnm- (!p v,a.i reported. fort: nn, A director for . U-vi said l’:0 of llic on 3:.0 mi-mbcr.i of tlie kchiiii nltend-[Mo ed u ineeltns «t ihr Kroup hcrc_UnUcd Stai and voied . . . the Slmplol offer. He ..aid only 10 per ccnl of the a.'.;.<)Clatlon for the S1.2S demand. The director Mid Ihc mrmbera nitrced not lo Accept anyililnR levi Ihnn $1.3S and would "Ml llebt until npproachcd by Slmplol ' -................... Uiat M per cent of tlie i*otato plantlnK In.tlie , .... ......ip of advl; i'lih Prc:;lclcnl Klr.cnhowrr Anil olhe; icomlni: Eurnpenn kummit confertnc rlca oil the 84-ycnr-old Chancellor's contract ne- I.Or.AX, \V . Vs.. March II in—An t.trance rr«un (ram oiyjrn maska |>rnetralcii Ihrnusti deadly famci lonichl to nllhin 300 feet of where 18 miner* may b* Irapped. Itaymond K. Salvall. preMiIcnl of Idand C’rcrk Coat company, amlled aa lie told ne«»mei -|*ny» (hii Tenlllatinn plan we (old you about has worked." .SHU. Hi fate of Ihf mea nho liave been trapped ilnce early Tuesday morninc remained a myalery. PARIS, March 13 MV-Prlme Mlnlntcr Harold Mac ml Prc.'ldenl Chnrlen de Gaullo held private talk: R.imboiilllet. a pre.ildentlal wltlencB oul.sldo Pnrl.i. illlni I.' nrltiiJn, tocLis notli llic procriJior nnd on Apoke.Miicn were oi) yesterday following' the e ^ftKoor polaloe our TtUcuttef I build the ])oli(l Moroccan Saved; Buried 10 Days,"; Snowy Sontli Has No Real Relief as Yet ATLANTA, March 12 — No tal relief wiij In rI rIi V for mnny iri'ninrc .mow boKucd do«n liell- lo’ copier ir.v:ue opcrnlloii.i In north- iio'«.«l Norlh Cnrollim tod.ny. . The nicrciiry flirted witli the freczlns mark much of the day. nnd n blanket of .^iiow turned much of the land of maKUoUas and dOKWooil Into R New EnRlnnd curd I. '$400,000 B lo w o u t LAKEHUIIST. N, Y., Mnrch 12 W - A navy blimp had n *<00,000 blowout yc.iicrduy when 11s silvery Kn.i bate ripped open on a,hou.selop ns 11 wi.,% landUiR. llip 24 per.-.oiis aboard wcre_u»- huri. 'fhe 7.PQ-2W blimp had bren -£Il_a_i>ltWi CUJak' nK._nilvlon ovrr New iXndon, Conn, A-1 t!ic helium r.1.1 woailicd .11 of llie torn ba? the blimp's ir AclUcd 30 feet lo thr srouiid. liifion lull “.sati.si' . Twin Fall.'i jioliue- rcporled Danioron nnd Iwo winijiaii- idiis, L a r r V' MucKral 1500 Fifth avenue west, nnd Mur- ' Fiftii avenue : Don Piper; Bonneville; •Ko Wnrrcn, Ucar Lake; Kloyd Hue; Lincoln; Hownrd Poll MadLinii'. Elllj Sliawvcr. Jcroi Id Cccll Oretn, Dliwhiii irdiTs ’ playlii? lie iilrdiT brUlsd. Tht o jump froir ........... jcr. lor,t hi; footini: loul fell. Damcron's cimipanloivi hurried to the erei-k And ptfcecdcd 4i pulllnc D.imeron from .Uie wnte onto n, narrow ledRO while an un Identified man noUfled police. City. Dime and county officers .iped to tlie (iccne and Rave first lid before carrylni; the youUi if the cnnyon on a alrclcher. Padgett Case Again Before Idaho Court BOISE, MarclTli'W-Tlie rlfiht r William R, PailKclt lo rrprcr.cnt the Male lilcliway board In ICRnl proceedlnR!! I m been challenRcd niialn by Attorney aenee.M Kmnk J'-lra tlclCKalr. • A1 _ ticQit Oil Jiu y i. luw. e wM (tlvcD 30 demerlls hr JudRO cott and received nn oddlllDn&l ) from JudRe Pumphrey. Lelloy Golble, 50, Burley.- ■I) Tlie sull on JJcnMn'R belinlf wn: filed by. A.v.lslAJit Altorhey Gen- eral Tlioma..! r . Gwllltam in third dl.Mrlcl court. I t clalnu lhai PadK- ell hnd ‘'usurped anil lifirudrd In- rnl," offlci of the . iiey pci tempcrntur RAHAT. Moioci Ulrled 10 dny-i and 11 nlulll cr. ton* of rubble, a Mdroccln irlliquakc-,<iattcrcd Asndlr Subfrecrini; .jwin lOdcirrren In t Li'—I Cnrolinn mounlaln.v wci '"'■|OVemli:lit for llic aiic nrrilnns of Tcnne.'j>cc, --------- iJ liortn ,--coverrd No jhamrd ben.Hnmdoiich. n c"r- employf, o>ve.< his escnpe Oy 10 Ihr fact that he ua.< le kitchen ol his home when the cU.-iAsIer struck. •nirouRhout hl.» lonclv vl«ll In tolal darkne.rs, lie un.^ able to cat nnd drink out of a .Mock of food. When rrscued he wii.s pcrfeclly id complained only of mu<- emen?cnry 1 r.imp,<, caused by lylnu In rr<l. and ci clcd space lor 10 tlny.%. jlhe ilfclfy i' luucli ua.\found In Ihc na-j rnrlun. fluarler of the ‘nje Red Cl TJTimr Wltli heilcopler.i hampered by lew i,now,.Rround parlies Ini' trd rlIori.s lo'hnni: food. Tucl, ind mrdleal help lo xnowbouiid nounluin families In Norlh Cai Charter Night -T .s Ceiehrated By 200 .Lions of llic 1,500 r I.’ ;hl for charier pre.ie wly-for SniiVe n i 1 for m l alive e la.sl Tiicjday. .llanl Roads Good -tly The AMoelaled I'reni . SUie jkollce f.aUl mo-,i IiIkIh In Idaho were 111 Rood winter i InR coiidlllon Salurdny lilRht Local .snow floors were reported from ArJiIon north and on IiIkI i wny.s 20-K, 31, 33, 33 nnd l ‘Jl 1 Wesl YelloKslone, Some flick -spuU were reported at Whlteblrd hill. id been to Join civil ,iid local rc;, Carolina. Papers llellrcred . FllliiR of the wilt cam^ only few hours allcr documenLi which Hen.'.on liad been asked lo produce had been delivered to PadBCtt. Patlcelt ihrn n.sked the slate tu- prcnie court In 'iiisinls.T a motion ruled that Ihe stiii I fro Colly- Lowry, OcorKc Donart. Wa.sh- . .. nberl Mbkumii, Uitah; Jaine.-i InRalls, Jr.. Koolenal; James Koehler. Canyon; Robert t'linnUiK hu^ione, and WlUlnni I’cylon 'iiUcy,, Alelrnales from the northern hal of the stnlc are Charles Kelsen Boundnry; Oliver Davl«. Custer Glenn Bandelln. Bonner. J ob Nich- olson. Ncs Perce; Ifobart Burns Nez Pcrce; John Rasor, KootenftI; i=Ved Holbertr. Cuiyon, and OrrUllt Sclilcttc. Utah, Dclccntes at Inrge will M Sen. Finnic Church. Rep. Graele Pfost. Ueut. Gov. WnilAm Drevlew, Stai Chalrmnn Jolin Walters. Ray Mc- nlchoLs, Clearwater; Harold Col- . Tom Bowe. Nc2 Pcrce. nnd Robert Lenashen. Dan' nock. AllcTTiMc delesales at large am Secretary of Slate Arnold Wil- liams; Nora DavUs. Gem; Charles Herndon. Lcmhl; Hownrd Do'den, Adams; Amy Stcln, .Ada; B, A. McDcvItt, Bamiock, and Gladys Adar Adenauer to Get Support , Diu-iug Yisit WASrnNGTON. March IJ tfl — enriAn Chancellor Konrad Ade* ...\uer will set n rirm p!ed«« from u a . leftdera this week ajnUnit anr eAstern effort to tUtll Soviet Uircata. tosrard West JJcrlla br . offcrlnK fummlt conecsaloni. Bui President Elsenhover and Becrelnry of State Christian A. }ferler. cfflclAts said today.-also ' urse their nRcd ally to osret flodblllty Xor the. western powers In thctr critical debate ot Otrman Issues wllh Premier Ni- kita Khrusciichev next May. AdenAuerl now 84. b dii« hero MondAy nlsht He will spend several hours with Elsenhower at tlie While House benlnlnR Tues- day momlnR, Lnte that alKraoon he win confer with Hcrtcr at ths Wall will RO 0.1 a delcRate at ) AS will Mrs. Bert Miller, natlonnl commlltecwoman. A ll deleRates wlll'hnve one-liAlf vole at the lloniU convention. Party offlclaU said About ISO pcrsoai had Applied for delcsale 5C.11.S. OrlRlnally It waj planned to send only 11 Altemate.i. but this exp.indcd to 24 durlns the convention. The convention atarted In T»m Fslli Friday with the BaUierlnn of delCRntcs and behind'.the-sceni pollllclnir. A .smorRa-ibord was held the court to order Benson to rIvc hendo' politic prior to the offlelni-openlnfr-Saf- , , '“■tiny mornlnc on the conycnllot .1 the rlclit to Mlrc lu own iCRa floor at Ihe Junior high schdSl au- ofnce of dltorlum. AlihouRh the delccAtrs will ro lo During his three days In Wash- InRion he also will talk wltli Vie# President lUchnrd M. Nixon and memben o f the senate foreign- rclaUon-i commlttce. H« will urge upon all hU eon- 'icUon that If li danRcrous to iffcr any concc.islons to Khrush- :hcv for ft Berhn nKreemenl or to display slRM or weakness or un- certainty In Uie facc of Khrush- chev’s threat lo make a teparato pcace treaty wlUj East Gemmny. Adenauer appeared to be In high snlrtH whfJt.he.-lefl. nnnt, ).j- ral. Girl Diabetic, 14, ‘Blacks Out’ For Hour on Insulin Reaction iiiuion, .'iiissouriT Julinson, Texas, Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey, Mfn- tCeMliK^ M ru * ». C»H«a I) . Nancy McKnleht, J4, left dancliiK lu-^on Saturday nfte lire tliir.CjiiDon nnd went shopplns In dow. ‘ Detno. ,Q,vn Tivln Kails with a ' friend 1u A t c *.( u„„v,-nre timt she would spend mote Uiau an hour lale Suturdny -ofjWKKm-rllher-unconsclous uiiftbie (0 remrmber her name .. addre.vi. She is a dlnbeUe who had an laiulln re.-ictlon. ' Nnncy. daushler of Mi , Mrs. WllUam McKnlBlit, 1205 IHcyburn avenue east, was found front yard at J17 Blue LakcJ ulcvnrd north wjicre she lay wn «Jttt..ffalklnj'lroia domn- Yugoslav Quake Rills One Woman BELGRADE, YuRO-ilavla. Marcli ! t.V>-«Aii earlliquHkc of medlui rensih today killed a wdma Id Injured .several penons 1 le Aouihern YurosIav republic of ncedonl.1. Tlie of ihe the Illtle town of Tetovo, 32 mile; weit of Bkoplje. capital of Mace- donia. ------------- ---- . She Lions clUO. Tile occa.slon wa.i In honor the club and It.' 29 cha.rtcr members at Uie Moa-.e lodpe. To.i.Mma.'Ier was Henry U Wills, memb.er of the Tvi in l-'nlls Lions club. The new Lions club ha.s been lioldliiR niectlnRs for about a month and wa.1 fomicd for per.ions who cannot atlend noon lunchcon ses- sloM held by tlic Twin tnills Uons orRanliallon, T Jo.^eph H. Lallmore. pre.ildcnt of the Twill KiUI.s club, called the din- ner m?eUnR lo order nnd the Invo. cation WM Riven by the Rev. Rob- ert Kclm, WIIU Inlroduced (Ustrlct officer! atlendhiK. A roll c.ill of Lloiu clubs WA .Sheld and nrcii clubs were repre.stnied, I,' C. tlvan) Palrlck. Ontario, IcSal II ney ki ^ Uen.'^n hnx ns.srrlvd InsUlc H to newMnejTlhau ihe.cour lol nile that PadBcti h.is Un to^ represent the board U llenuii Clalmf Huly Benr.nn said the il.-i'lc constllU' lion nukes ll the aiiomey Rcner- \ I's duly lo repre.scnt all si.ilc of- llclab and nRencles, He reiter-Aled his conlenUon Ir ;he complftlnl filed yeslerdAy. ll •jsalcl It Is Ihe duty of Uie ntlomcy ral ' nd prnr.ccsile 0 end the suprcn dcfc i nil Hereof In his offlcI.M c J- to .Uic office of ral. lhai Beii-son ts. Intler "be pul Into tlie n ... 1 A..1 to which of the polcnllal' residential nominees the state will ipport. there wm much conven- on lAlk that Sen. JoIin Kennedy, rus,. wn.1 considered a favorite, Tlirce of the top contenders for le presidential nomination had ickcrs on hand In Twin Falls to drum up support for their rcspec- ■".vo candidates. State Sen. Ham Jensen. Nebr., as vi'orklnR In Kennedy’s corner nd expressed belief Uial 15 per ;nt of thttse present at the con-, cnllon favored the War.sachusells Two Minneapolis. .Mlmu-iittor-! neys. Jerry Soderberg, and- Pal J. O’Connor, were working hard for Sen. Hubert Humphrey. Minn. , O'Connor said he ’•ROt the feel-! iR" there Is keen Interest In se- Doctors Oppose BUI to Provide Free Care for People Under Old-Age Laws _ found by Mr.' Chnrle.VG, Browne. IBl Illu Lakes' Ailevard north, and nftc summonlnR nelghbon and Tuln Pall.1 poUee. the uoconwlous Rlr was Uiken to MAglc Valley Me morlitl hospltaC Afler regftlnlnR coniclou.\ne.vs nt tlie.haiplial, Nancy was unab^ tcir police or haipllal person- In Ihe vill«Ke nf Dobl Dol. dis- trict' of Tetovo, A woman was killed in the collapse of her house. This was the only casualty report, ed. Twill l-'all* dociom . - pa-.e Ihe Korand bill and nmentl Ihe s(xrlal security acl by providing free hospital. •before'S“pjii. Saturduy^ii Hel un)lli!nirTW)(Jun\trjiclf~ol^lfi r notlclni iltlals -NKM- on her blouse and (C«alU«.4 .m Tift i. Calni COSTS S!4 MILLION UOLLAnS NKW YORK. Mnrch la (.fl-DlK- glnii. out from under the.I4-lnch ITigtfiail-M a week bro TlilTrTaBr cott UiR city 3>, million dollars. Sanitation ScKvane t I’nd surgical services for per- rllRlble for old nge and sur- vivor beneflt.v 'TTij- til1l.-imo'im-a.t-Hir-47Wn5: IB 8GU1 conRres,s. wn.n Introduccc . I IDS- ' - R.,1.. The bill would provide, certain free medical beneflU for any per- inllUed to reUrement-bcncflU, dependents of persons ellRlble {oi retirement bencflUs. dcpendenu ol pcrson.s cniltled lo dl»ibllliy bene- Ills, but not to the disabled hJm- self. and cerlaln survivors. The chief crlUcIsm leveled at the bill by Uie American Medli nr-di medical coveraRe lo those needing 11 .most, VMedlcal casUs for Iran- .sient and IndlRcnt per.sons are noi iovcred by Lie bill and It would still bfl necessary lor thb group ti l-J-lLll-1 m u ■■ -I..1L-.CT- Ices could select the hospllol, nurs. hiR home or sunteon provided thi IridlvlduAl or ln.stltuUon had.en- Icrcd an agreemcQt with the gov- emment to provide such services; and Is. cerUfled or accredited by the proper agency. " ............................ nr points oul Dr. Paul B. Heuston. spoke.vnen for local doctors, rersons entlUed lo the Ires seir- Maglc Volley Memorial, Gooding Memorial and §t. Oenedlct's'hos- pitals are Kcredltcd In this area. Pertonji Uvlng ouUlde Uiesc com- munltles could not telect Uieti The doctors reflecting the stand taken by tha Amerlcaa Medical, (Cm U iii*4 M I. C*lcsa VilGHLIGHTSin Today's Timcs-Nows Pate 1 - Battle over unit rule clascs Democratic conven- tion here. Church meeting features speech conleat. .Five teen-agers Ret *17 at point of knife. Doy hurt In fall off rail brldRc, Olfl dlftbeilc blacks oul. Doctors oppased to bill giving free care to pensioner!. Pare 3 — Finch trial Jury dl.snif.scd. Paie 4 — Editorial: .-Now It's Uie Korand Bill," Page S •- Type O negative blood souRht for bloodinoblle. Pare C — City commission lo discuss niore 'annexation -plans, Glen ’Taylor still Interest- ed In politics. Page 7 — Nursing course slarted. Page 3.— Khruahchet and de baulle lo match w’lts. Page 10—I'lmes-News Public Forum, Page 11—Gift of unborn baby called off. Page JS—Senator Dwonhak offers help in developing Cassia ski area. avocation becomes full time U-sk. Page IC-Mlnlco wins dbtrlct championship. PsrtHl-Toumament basket- ball results. Psgfl it-Morocco hit by lo- S nnd ay Fealura SeeUw— Niagara Springs recreation area being developed, 'Camp, Fire Glrli mark annlrenor;, fdaho gels turn to fight pesky star-, -^lng»r..................................... 1 river flsb' checked. Duck fi.1
Page 1: Speaking Goiitest- ‘Unit Rule’ - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF201/PDF/...Speaking Goiitest- MarkgTM):^'S)ay For ChuFii Meet North Idahoans Win Democratic

Speaking Goiitest- MarkgTM):^'S)ay For ChuFii Meet

North Idahoans Win Democratic Posts at Convention

( 'ofCSceI<>- ipcclal Meet Ai)oiit Taxes

iFi,' 1.I..110.


iisiirc.” u otiiK Ihc (ilsi anniiiil

itiiniiiy Hi till- Kirs'l

tiui Niirtliwi'st I'hris- ■oWi-Ki'. Kukvw. Ore.

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‘Unit Rule’ R ow tG Ioses: B e m ^ M e e t

IlarrrWill. t^eolklnn. ■ Dunocrsllc nall.mal con Icliilm Ilcniarralie rniivrj

Cllcn Hcalr. Cotur U'Alenc. were elcc(cd Itronan anJ rnmmltlcrM'nman at IIib n Saturilar. Wall wa« rlrctrd to lil< iinlllMmati. .Miw Healy u-c.n U.b ci)m-

mrrticld. Twin Knllf. »nd Mm. T. Matt tlallr. Kulu- Mrt. tiallr wltlidrtw Ijcforr cunvcnllnti Oelrtalf* Iirean hallnllnf and Mt>., Summertlrld wllhilrcw when tlir tiUf lurncil for Mlu llcair du(/<ii; tliF prorcM (if catlinc rolcv nt drireatcj, |Klafr'))Iinto>cnEravlnc)

Simplot Spud Offer . Refused .by G^oup

CA\MWi l.L, MarcJi 12 (-D-'I'lio Trea5ij/-c’ Va!loy I’o- l;ilo IJiirKaiiiiiijr Jissoi'ialion volol unaniitinilSLv Jo^ay to

rt-jL-d an offer of th.‘ .1. II Sim|.Ua c»mi)aiiy f'fr (he 19(10 nolnt.i m<\y. '|-h.‘ Krower.'J had asked SimploL f</r S1.2n m hiindreilwuiirlU-for ’>1) per cent No. I ’s and ao^pcr co iil 10 mi'ilco or butlor No. 2'.«. Siniplol Inrneil down Uic Krowor.'s

d. S I,171.:. pnr hnm im ij

Boy Hurt in Fall Gfi —Roek-Ci-eek-Bridge

lo vote ns n bloc, 'flic rc.snluiiQii. fl.t prc.'.ciitrd by Juliti □Insby. Moimiulii Home.—TMoliiiloii eom- mlllce ii-crclury. wm to pcrmll the ili-lrcnlM lo volP nrparnlcly nii the IIMI bnllol nntl be Ixmnd by n m.ijnrlly of llie tlclccalloii on sub- M:ililriU b:OIoU.• KlKht {Iclciialf.i were *cli-cWd friiiii Uic ccollU coiiKrc.ulonn] du* irlft. tocli will luve onc-lmlt vulc

Driver Fined 87.T on Third Road Charge

A IVIn 'nll man with lao ri'rinu.i |xcdln[; convlctlolu wm cnlviiced to 10 diiya In Jail And liied *75 nna costs wlirn lie np- Knn-d before Police JudRS J. O. uniplirry &i(tirdiiy and plcAded iilliy of two Intfflc clinrstJ. Tha 111 cnt llce~u'a. withheld pcnd- ii; (utiire Rood bclinvlor.Bwimile D. Whllnktr, 21, rouH lie, Twin I'VvlLi. w.xs cited Monday y city pollcc !or stKcdlnR 40 mile*

lif»nr ll

L lM t ,

A l,>veai-.ol(i Twin Falls v.nitli was tak'ti to Manic

\’alley Memorial liosi)ilal Salim lay aftcnionii afler he siijiiieii ;in Ihi! r:iilroii<i hridKt? over Hock cniek canvoii anil foil nearlv 100 feet lo tjie rock-choked water lielnw.

Karl Danieron, of Mr. and Mrs. .Inson Dameioii. liO.'J Fourth avcmie w en t,.Incurred a fnictiircd left le« and arm and laceralions o f his left H ' in tin

arc Lloyd Wtilker. Tv,lii Mnx }laii.vn. C.imn.i; Orahnni, AHn: nalph Utii


ftiiU Ed J' vnnliiK, I

Mr. Cl.imle Kcllci

:o block'of'Miiln avenue’ nonh'" nd Jor oivriillnB ft vclilcle with oLy miitflcrs. He was lined »50 )r r.pfedlnc and *25 on Ihi muN rr charKe. ' .In cnrllrr court appearancea,

Vhll«l!cr was fined t20 by Jeromo e of tlie Peacc Olcn Vlnlnj arch 12. 1D50. nnd JM by t^tli Jii-Mlec of Uje Peae

Five Teen-Agers Get $17 at Point-of Knife

W. L . ( I^ i i ) Whit.ntonc. 3!), Kdon, ri'portcd to Jerome

nnd Twin F.nlts policc Saturday that lie \vin» .itopiicd cn route homo from Twin Fiilla early .Satitrdnv moriiinn by five tecn-nRcrR who placed ii knife nt liis lliroat and rob­bed him of $17. Whil.HtoiiD nald he left work nt the Roger- Bon hotel early Saturday niorninf: nnd nbout 2:30 a.m.

one half mile ca.st o f Tipperary corner lie noticed a car w ith the hoofl up nnd two Kirl-s nnd one youth flnRRcd him ti stop. “They n.iked me to look

n t wlint-wns the trouble w ith the ir cnr,'” ’W liitatono paid.

• “ I frot out nnd looked under the Jiood nnd one ffirl said i will Kti In llip car nnd lr>’ to

■mild rccncnlr p at'aln wilrt ini, he wnrlLi nt the Jl. titel, tako Ills Kln.w.1 Ixri

Pioneer V’s Signals Are

Said StrongWASHINGTON, March 12

Plnntrr V spnt b.irk Mron---nlKnaU toiilchl, lilillcatliig fllKht prrfonnnnce m 11 Jnbbcd .•.iriidlly ihroiiKli the Rca of space

Sclciitl.su predicted the bnicli- ball-.il7.e .iphcre wimld be 202,08)

from ilie r.'tnii by mldnlnh I ii‘.t>rrTTltpJ5!nK aloiiR'at G.210 mile! [per hour,

■Splirre Slair* Some As rxprctfd, Itic Kartli'ji innRnrt. nltracilon was Mill lo^vlns thi

spenJ, velocity waj

Gridiron^Unit Kids Officials For 7.'5th YearWASIIINOTON. Marrh II CT—

Thr Gridiron rliib c;iii] of kl.[dlni; [iiibllc fliii T.l!h n Jiiblli'e dinner • -.oUiei.liiv IBCO r tle.s In r.kl

(if both p:il'>

Pre.Mrtfnt Euenliower. rirnt Hlclianl M. Nlxc members, mo^t of tlv court, eonKrf.'.ilonal leai liiir.i and ninli.iisador.n «


Tli;! rlbbln;: dlil n • liicliidinR I

c.Mtlc prc.Hi[lcntlnl c Thfie wrre nnnp

- .. ihc Whltr Hoii'c. "voof l>oy" Il.umphrey, KcnDCdy'* new liulrcul anil wealth, nnd Johnnon'.i "love affatr wlUi Uic WeM,

Amoni; the Democmllc liopi'fuU ‘ r:c.seut were Scnv John r. Keii

bpliic rdafpd baek U. S ?pace prnbi iiiulnlcd In Inpi

ilyrfct Inter by. «!■ liivwllRatlnc .ipnn

br«nn lo ivnalyr.e It, Ton* If .steady ,

JJrllaln’a.liUKe radlotele.icope At Jodri-ll Hank picked up Ptuncer’.i .Mcady wl»J.slUiiK .slcnsl todftv n.i

ilirrc jio.ufil acro.M BriLWi One fclentW dc^crill^d Ihc

tiny radio in sending slI;naI.

\ Joilrcll Uanl on A control but

1 rceelvcri at Ihi 11! be forwarded K

lo be fed Into NASA

QUAKK SIMKKH CIIAKI.IISTON• CilAIlUarON, 8, C.. Marcli IL n — A .ill);ht. Mrihquflkc Rhook :harlc,ston iwlay. No major dnm- (!p v,a.i reported.

fort:nn, A director for . U-vi said l’:0 of llic on

3:.0 mi-mbcr.i of tlie kchiiii nltend-[Mo ed u ineeltns «t ihr Kroup hcrc_UnUcd Stai and voied . . .the Slmplol offer. He ..aid only 10 per ccnl of the a.'.;.<)Clatlon for the S1.2S demand.

The director Mid Ihc mrmbera nitrced not lo Accept anyililnR levi Ihnn $1.3S and would "Ml llebt until npproachcd by Slmplol '

-...................Uiat M per centof tlie i*otato plantlnK In.tlie

, .... ......ip of advl;i'lih Prc:;lclcnl Klr.cnhowrr Anil olhe; icomlni: Eurnpenn kummit confertnc rlca oil the 84-ycnr-old Chancellor's

contract ne-

I.Or.AX, \V. Vs.. March I I in—An t.trance rr«un (ram oiyjrn maska |>rnetralcii Ihrnusti deadly famci lonichl to nllhin 300 feet of where 18 miner* may b* Irapped. Itaymond K. Salvall. preMiIcnl of Idand C’rcrk Coat company, amlled aa lie told ne«»mei -|*ny» (hii Tenlllatinn plan we (old you about has worked." .SHU. Hi fate of Ihf mea nho liave been trapped ilnce early Tuesday morninc remained a myalery.

PARIS, March 13 MV-Prlme Mlnlntcr Harold Mac ml Prc.'ldenl Chnrlen de Gaullo held private talk:

R.imboiilllet. a pre.ildentlal wltlencB oul.sldo Pnrl.i.

illlni I.' nrltiiJn, tocLis

notli llic procriJior nnd on Apoke.Miicn were oi)

yesterday following' the e

^ftKoor polaloe our TtUcuttef I build the ])oli(l

Moroccan Saved; Buried 10 Days,";

Snowy Sontli Has No Real Relief as Yet

ATLANTA, March 12 — No tal relief wiij In rIrIiV for mnny

iri'ninrc .mow boKucd do«n liell- lo’copier ir.v:ue opcrnlloii.i In north- iio'«.«l Norlh Cnrollim tod.ny. .

The nicrciiry flirted witli the freczlns mark much of the day. nnd n blanket of . iiow turned much of the land of maKUoUas and dOKWooil Into R New EnRlnnd

curd I.

'$400,000 BlowoutLAKEHUIIST. N, Y., Mnrch

12 W - A navy blimp had n *<00,000 blowout yc.iicrduy when 11s silvery Kn.i bate ripped open on a,hou.selop ns 11 wi.,% landUiR. llip 24 per.-.oiis aboard wcre_u»- huri.

'fhe 7.PQ-2W blimp had bren -£Il_a_i>ltWi CUJak' nK._nilvlon ovrr New iXndon, Conn,

A-1 t!ic helium r.1.1 woailicd .11 of llie torn ba? the blimp's ir AclUcd 30 feet lo thr srouiid.

liifion lu ll “.sati.si' .

Twin Fall.'i jioliue- rcporled Danioron nnd Iwo winijiaii-

idiis, L a r r V ' MucKral 1500 F ifth avenue west, nnd Mur-

' F iftii avenue

: Don Piper; Bonneville; •Ko Wnrrcn, Ucar Lake; Kloyd Hue; Lincoln; Hownrd Poll

MadLinii'. Elllj Sliawvcr. Jcroi Id Cccll Oretn, Dliwhiii

irdiTs’ playlii?

lie iilrdiT

brUlsd. Tht o jump froir

........... jcr. lor,t hi;footini: loul fell.

Damcron's cimipanloivi hurried to the erei-k And ptfcecdcd 4i pulllnc D.imeron from .Uie wnte onto n, narrow ledRO while an un Identified man noUfled police.

City. Dime and county officers .iped to tlie (iccne and Rave first lid before carrylni; the youUi if the cnnyon on a alrclcher.

Padgett Case Again Before Idaho Court

BOISE, MarclTli'W-Tlie rlfiht r William R, PailKclt lo rrprcr.cnt

the Male lilcliway board In ICRnl proceedlnR!! Im been challenRcd niialn by Attorney aenee.M Kmnk

J'-lra tlclCKalr. • A1

_ ticQit Oil J iu y i. luw. e wM (tlvcD 30 demerlls hr JudRO cott and received nn oddlllDn&l ) from JudRe Pumphrey.Lelloy Golble, 50, Burley.-

■ I)

Tlie sull on JJcnMn'R belinlf wn: filed by. A.v.lslAJit Altorhey Gen­eral Tlioma..! r . Gwllltam in third dl.Mrlcl court. It clalnu lhai PadK- ell hnd ‘'usurped anil lifirudrd In-

rnl,"offlci of the . iiey pci


RAHAT. Moioci Ulrled 10 dny-i and 11 nlulll cr. ton* of rubble, a Mdroccln

irlliquakc-,<iattcrcd Asndlr

Subfrecrini;.jw in lOdcirrren In t

Li'—I Cnrolinn mounlaln.v wci '"'■|OVemli:lit for llic aiic

nrrilnns of Tcnne.'j>cc, — --------- iJ liortn


jhamrd ben.Hnmdoiich. n c"r- employf, o>ve.< his escnpe

Oy 10 Ihr fact that he ua.< le kitchen ol his home when

the cU.-iAsIer struck.•nirouRhout hl.» lonclv vl«ll In

tolal darkne.rs, lie un. able to cat nnd drink out of a .Mock of food.When rrscued he wii.s pcrfeclly

id complained only of mu<- emen?cnry 1 r.imp,<, caused by lylnu In rr<l. and ci clcd space lor 10 tlny.%. jlhe ilfclfy i' luucli ua.\ found In Ihc na-j rnrlun.

fluarler of the ‘nje Red Cl


Wltli heilcopler.i hampered by lew i,now,.Rround parlies Ini' trd rlIori.s lo'hnni: food. Tucl, ind mrdleal help lo xnowbouiid nounluin families In Norlh Cai

Charter Night -T.s CeiehratedBy 200 .Lions

of llic 1,500 rI.’ ;hl for charier pre.ie

wly-for SniiVe n i1 for

ml alive e la.sl Tiicjday. .llanl

Roads Good-tly The AMoelaled I'reni

. SUie jkollce f.aUl mo-,i IiIkIh In Idaho were 111 Rood winter i InR coiidlllon Salurdny lilRht

Local .snow floors were reported from ArJiIon north and on IiIkIi wny.s 20-K, 31, 33, 33 nnd l ‘Jl 1 Wesl YelloKslone, Some flick -spuU were reported at Whlteblrd hill.

id been to Join civil ,iid local rc;,


Papers llellrcred .FllliiR of the wilt cam^ only

few hours allcr documenLi which Hen.'.on liad been asked lo produce had been delivered to PadBCtt. Patlcelt ihrn n.sked the slate tu- prcnie court In 'iiisinls.T a motion

ruled that Ihe stiii

I fro

Colly- Lowry, OcorKc Donart. Wa.sh-

. .. nberl Mbkumii, Uitah;Jaine.-i InRalls, Jr.. Koolenal; James Koehler. Canyon; Robert t'linnUiK hu^ione, and WlUlnni I’cylon 'iiUcy,,Alelrnales from the northern hal

of the stnlc are Charles Kelsen Boundnry; Oliver Davl«. Custer Glenn Bandelln. Bonner. J ob Nich­olson. Ncs Perce; Ifobart Burns Nez Pcrce; John Rasor, KootenftI; i=Ved Holbertr. Cuiyon, and OrrUllt Sclilcttc. Utah,

Dclccntes at Inrge will M Sen. Finnic Church. Rep. Graele Pfost. Ueut. Gov. WnilAm Drevlew, Stai Chalrmnn Jolin Walters. Ray Mc- nlchoLs, Clearwater; Harold Col-

. Tom Bowe. Nc2 Pcrce. nnd Robert Lenashen. Dan' nock.

AllcTTiMc delesales at large am Secretary of Slate Arnold Wil­liams; Nora DavUs. Gem; Charles Herndon. Lcmhl; Hownrd Do'den, Adams; Amy Stcln, .Ada; B, A. McDcvItt, Bamiock, and Gladys Adar

Adenauer to Get Support , Diu-iug Yisit

WASrnNGTON. March IJ tfl — enriAn Chancellor Konrad Ade*

...\uer will set n rirm p!ed«« from ua . leftdera this week ajnUnit anr eAstern effort to tUtll Soviet Uircata. tosrard West JJcrlla br . offcrlnK fummlt conecsaloni.

Bui President Elsenhover and Becrelnry of State Christian A. }ferler. cfflclAts said today.-also

' urse their nRcd ally to osret flodblllty Xor the. western

powers In thctr critical debate ot Otrman Issues wllh Premier Ni­kita Khrusciichev next May.

AdenAuerl now 84. b dii« hero MondAy nlsht He will spend several hours with Elsenhower at tlie While House benlnlnR Tues­day momlnR, Lnte that alKraoon he win confer with Hcrtcr at ths

Wall will RO 0.1 a delcRate at )AS will Mrs. Bert Miller, natlonnl commlltecwoman. A ll deleRates wlll'hnve one-liAlf vole at the lloniU convention.

Party offlclaU said About ISO pcrsoai had Applied for delcsale 5C.11.S. OrlRlnally It waj planned to send only 11 Altemate.i. but this

exp.indcd to 24 durlns the convention.

The convention atarted In T»m Fslli Friday with the BaUierlnn of delCRntcs and behind'.the-sceni pollllclnir. A .smorRa-ibord was held

the court to order Benson to rIvc hendo' politicprior to the offlelni-openlnfr-Saf-

, , '“■tiny mornlnc on the conycnllot .1 the rlclit to Mlrc lu own iCRa floor at Ihe Junior high schdSl au-

ofnce of dltorlum.AlihouRh the delccAtrs will ro lo

During his three days In Wash- InRion he also will talk wltli Vie# President lUchnrd M. Nixon and memben o f the senate foreign- rclaUon-i commlttce.

H« will urge upon all hU eon- 'icUon that If li danRcrous to iffcr any concc.islons to Khrush- :hcv for ft Berhn nKreemenl or to display slRM or weakness or un­certainty In Uie facc of Khrush­chev’s threat lo make a teparato pcace treaty wlUj East Gemmny.

Adenauer appeared to be In high snlrtH whfJt.he.-lefl. nnnt, ).j-


Girl Diabetic, 14, ‘Blacks Out’ For Hour on Insulin Reaction

iiiuion, .'iiissouriT Julinson, Texas,

Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey, Mfn- tCeMliK M ru* ». C»H«a I)

. Nancy McKnleht, J4, left dancliiK lu- on Saturday nfte

lire tliir.CjiiDon nnd went shopplns In dow.‘ Detno. ,Q,vn Tivln Kails with a ' friend 1 u A t c *.( u„„v,-nre timt she would spend

mote Uiau an hour lale Suturdny -ofjWKKm-rllher-unconsclous uiiftbie (0 remrmber her name .. addre.vi. She is a dlnbeUe who had an laiulln re.-ictlon. '

Nnncy. daushler of Mi , Mrs. WllUam McKnlBlit, 1205 IHcyburn avenue east, was found

front yard at J17 Blue LakcJ ulcvnrd north wjicre she lay wn «Jttt..ffalklnj'lroia domn-

Yugoslav Quake Rills One Woman

BELGRADE, YuRO-ilavla. Marcli ! t.V>-«Aii earlliquHkc of medlui rensih today killed a wdma Id Injured .several penons 1 le Aouihern YurosIav republic of ncedonl.1.Tlie of ihe

the Illtle town of Tetovo, 32 mile; weit of Bkoplje. capital of Mace­donia. ------------- ----

■. She

Lions clUO.Tile occa.slon wa.i In honor the

club and It.' 29 cha.rtcr members at Uie Moa-.e lodpe. To.i.Mma.'Ier was Henry U Wills, memb.er of the Tvi in l-'nlls Lions club.

The new Lions club ha.s been lioldliiR niectlnRs for about a month and wa.1 fomicd for per.ions who cannot atlend noon lunchcon ses- sloM held by tlic Twin tnills Uons orRanliallon, T

Jo. eph H. Lallmore. pre.ildcnt of the Twill KiUI.s club, called the din­ner m?eUnR lo order nnd the Invo. cation WM Riven by the Rev. Rob­ert Kclm,

WIIU Inlroduced (Ustrlct officer! atlendhiK. A roll c.ill of Lloiu clubs WA.S held and nrcii clubs were repre.stnied,

I,' C. tlvan) Palrlck. Ontario,

IcSal II

ney ki Uen.'^n hnx ns.srrlvd InsUlc H to newMnejTlhau ihe.cour lol nile that PadBcti h.is Un to represent the board U

llenuii Clalmf HulyBenr.nn said the il.-i'lc constllU'

lion nukes ll the aiiomey Rcner- \I's duly lo repre.scnt all si.ilc of- llclab and nRencles,

He reiter-Aled his conlenUon Ir ;he complftlnl filed yeslerdAy. ll

•jsalcl It Is Ihe duty of Uie ntlomcyral '

nd prnr.ccsile 0end the suprcn

dcfc i nil

Hereof In his offlcI.M c

J- to .Uic office of ral. lhai Beii-son ts. Intler "be pul Into

tlie n . . .1 A..1 to which of the polcnllal' residential nominees the state will ipport. there wm much conven- on lAlk that Sen. JoIin Kennedy, rus,. wn.1 considered a favorite, Tlirce of the top contenders for le presidential nomination had ickcrs on hand In Twin Falls to

drum up support for their rcspec- ■".vo candidates.

State Sen. Ham Jensen. Nebr., as vi'orklnR In Kennedy’s corner nd expressed belief Uial 15 per ;nt of thttse present at the con-, cnllon favored the War.sachusells

Two Minneapolis. .Mlmu-iittor-! neys. Jerry Soderberg, and- Pal J. O’Connor, were working hard for Sen. Hubert Humphrey. Minn. ,

O'Connor said he ’•ROt the feel-! iR" there Is keen Interest In se-

Doctors Oppose BUI to Provide Free Care for People Under Old-Age Laws

_ found by Mr.'Chnrle.VG, Browne. IBl Illu Lakes' Ailevard north, and nftc summonlnR nelghbon and Tuln Pall.1 poUee. the uoconwlous Rlr was Uiken to MAglc Valley Me morlitl hospltaC

Afler regftlnlnR coniclou.\ne.vs nt tlie.haiplial, Nancy was unab^

tcir police or haipllal person-

In Ihe vill«Ke nf Dobl Dol. dis­trict' of Tetovo, A woman was killed in the collapse of her house. This was the only casualty report, ed.

Twill l-'all* dociom . - pa-.e Ihe Korand bill and nmentl Ihe s(xrlal security acl by

providing free hospital.

•before'S“pjii. Saturduy^ii Hel un)lli!nirTW)(Jun\trjiclf~ol lfir notlclni

iltlals -NKM- on her blouse and (C«alU«.4 .m Tift i. Calni


glnii. out from under the.I4-lnch ITigtfiail-M a week bro TlilTrTaBr cott UiR city 3>, million dollars. Sanitation ScKvane t

I’nd surgical services for per- rllRlble for old nge and sur­

vivor beneflt.v 'TTij- til1l.-imo'im-a.t-Hir-47Wn5: IB 8GU1 conRres,s. wn.n Introduccc

. I IDS- ' - R.,1..

The bill would provide, certain free medical beneflU for any per-

inllUed to reUrement-bcncflU,

dependents of persons ellRlble {oi retirement bencflUs. dcpendenu ol pcrson.s cniltled lo dl»ibllliy bene- Ills, but not to the disabled hJm- self. and cerlaln survivors.

The chief crlUcIsm leveled at the bill by Uie American Medli

nr-dimedical coveraRe lo those needing 11 .most, VMedlcal casUs for Iran- .sient and IndlRcnt per.sons are noi iovcred by Lie bill and It would still bfl necessary lor thb group til-J-lLll-1 m u ■■ -I..1L-.CT-

Ices could select the hospllol, nurs. hiR home or sunteon provided thi IridlvlduAl or ln.stltuUon had.en- Icrcd an agreemcQt with the gov- emment to provide such services; and Is. cerUfled or accredited by the proper agency.

" ............................nr

points oul Dr. Paul B. Heuston. spoke.vnen for local doctors,

rersons entlUed lo the Ires seir-

Maglc Volley Memorial, Gooding Memorial and §t. Oenedlct's'hos­pitals are Kcredltcd In this area. Pertonji Uvlng ouUlde Uiesc com- munltles could not telect Uieti

The doctors reflecting the stand taken by tha Amerlcaa Medical,

(Cm Uiii*4 M I. C*lcsa

VilGHLIGHTSinToday's Timcs-NowsPate 1 - Battle over unit

rule clascs Democratic conven­tion here. Church meeting features speech conleat. .Five teen-agers Ret *17 at point of knife. Doy hurt In fall off rail brldRc, Olfl dlftbeilc blacks oul. Doctors oppased to bill giving free care to pensioner!.

Pare 3 — Finch trial Jury dl.snif.scd.

Paie 4 — Editorial: .-Now It's Uie Korand Bill,"

Page S •- Type O negative blood souRht for bloodinoblle.

Pare C — City commission lo discuss niore 'annexation

-plans, Glen ’Taylor still Interest­ed In politics.

Page 7 — Nursing course slarted.

Page 3.— Khruahchet and de baulle lo match w’lts.

Page 10—I'lmes-News Public Forum,

Page 11—Gift of unborn baby called off.

Page JS—Senator Dwonhak offers help in developing Cassia ski area.

avocation becomes full time U-sk.

Page IC-Mlnlco wins dbtrlct championship.

PsrtHl-Toumament basket­ball results.

Psgfl it-Morocco hit by lo-

S nnd ay Fealura SeeUw— Niagara Springs recreation area being developed, 'Camp, Fire Glrli mark annlrenor;, fdaho gels turn to fight pesky star-,

- lng»r.....................................1 river flsb' checked. Duck


Page 2: Speaking Goiitest- ‘Unit Rule’ - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF201/PDF/...Speaking Goiitest- MarkgTM):^'S)ay For ChuFii Meet North Idahoans Win Democratic
Page 3: Speaking Goiitest- ‘Unit Rule’ - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF201/PDF/...Speaking Goiitest- MarkgTM):^'S)ay For ChuFii Meet North Idahoans Win Democratic


State Legion----^Democratic Leaders Attend GonveiitioiiChief Speaks At Area Meet

---Pou^U*-D Kriiiiirr, Tr.ln rall.i, doparl-

- mriit ecmmantlrr nf-tlic Amrrlcan .to'cl l!i;'Lo;:luii nntl ntix-

■i;:arT'nt ihr Inll tlic mostiiiiiKirUiiii cuncriji o! Lc^ioniialrcJ I . I'l coiivinn- iii'iiplc lint Amcr- liM ir. ihfr-rrcaiiM couniry.ln the

H;iiry Crl|i|iH'. first roiimiaiidcr, iirisciUcd awardj

'S-..T « Jf-ir.'. of CQiititiuow 'iiU-in- b> rhi|) loO.-oi;;c L'aMon nlltl I'. N.

25 years In Li’lclilon CTirini

, rrrrr-H-JriJcticclr . ., Walter i;()-,vtiian; 15 year*.'

Ji; - I)'! J, [J'.itfck. !la!p!l-H. Dllim, Joliii N. Halvcr-K.-*!, Joliii T. Slclle.'jr.'. na> Vliiliiir, Sam YoiiiiR ____

‘i'in v f a i ‘ io n. t'. iiic;iKmorc, fJfjriir 1’. LruciiiKT, l.io Coatc.i, Jluijcri Cc.'ai> , Harry V. Ctlpplii,

C. I'liIliiUT, lU-ri Hartwell, WJlIlaiii K.,Mnc;

uiil'.lu. A. .1. Mtlln. cijrt’ticc O. o-.'tM. l!;tli;ir(l Oicrllfld. Orln. K'.'ltli Slii’Aiiialior amj 'nicron

I ;vi--vc.T ii'.varilr. Mere pri-si-iil* r;l III J.utics H. IJavl;. Calvin R. liariuT. Ham ll.iwl;li», Alva L*. Jii- (iil)ir. D.1IA1 M, KfcH, AllJ'rl New. Muii.i ltuiibv-:n ulul CUN'. Slicp- li.-;il.

A'.v.irdn f< r ticu- mcm-lii'i:; v.iro i;;vLi;, Mr:,, lliuiy Crlp- |j;n, (;r:l vlci' <ifmixiii;irv, jtimiiU';! i\ l.irs.- blrlj;- (lay cal:<; 1;) Cli;ilc- MlT.-U, jxjjI cuiiiiiiancli.'r.. Mn. Aloy;; Hof tiiid .Mr.'. }l. J. i.‘di('l[l, prfjl- diiit.H, carrli'd IIil' cakc.

DiirliiK Itio prufir.im WllUnrn Dirk Hovc hh i)rlzc-ulntilnK j.prrcli, "All AmtTlcan citizen'! rliili!.' iiiulcr lUo Con tl lJIIlm.■•

Beverly Jii.itlcp.r.iiip. iircompan. Jed by Dnrleiic Ybrl:. I^ icliida Os- bnrne. April Johnson, Kalliy AJrn- viv riid J.met •.!e;-',iTsniltli pre.u-m- cd rtvernl tlnlicc liiitnljcrs.

In cliarirc of .nrrani:eMieuls Mr.v Alojx Hof, Mrs. Trrd Carl- tun, Mr.v H. J, Sclielc!. Mr.'!. Jlalpti J3111I11, Mr-v Alma Miller. Mr.v Vic

■ caiiiu

Finch Trial Jury Dismissed; Attorney Announces Retrial “

-|n? vlilch.n ne,v 'Ui'1-tliiIc-\MlLliui;uLai:ruMi..iloci-imv-rJiain;c.•Uel. protjably lalo m April. opinion."x[ Wlifilirr Ihr nir.jorlty ,jutori> l)t. i-ir.fH r>-niiornrv, Crniit U, ”

\AoIri;l dralli — Piiiled today| fnvorril eo!ivlcl:ou on .tlir tttin rn.'iirr, —i-i.- .-.v-.

l.OS ANOEUa. Mnrch.13.' 'lie Iniii:, senfnlional Kliicli li

nl—1\ rasa'of .wburlxvrt

CMf. We «r« convjnMd Ihat thcse!]\prr’ons rliould be put iimlfr the clinrce k’, retunird I

tralid Jiirj —u;lh rrluriird 1 d;riMieni.' rlurKinK murder nna;

srw Ss[■Moiifliy • fur ’Df.' floy. CfiipTnan” AdaiiV', 76, fjinrd lialuralUt ind

“oi! mSiMonday Services Slated forOfficer .

cr.i.sliini; niltt-cllnulx. 'cliamo-•nif-lUiy-nfTef'-elKlil-dayi'orjliUlin.T-niM-rnnrTitnrv

drlibrralion wa.v iin.ible-to decidei —Min not dlN*lo;.cU Ttie wlvliier IJr. H-iJcninrd Htich nlulriiKmlklied llii'm lo k-i'ii li;< pretty inislie.M, Ciirule nYet-l The .'plii ' a It) t,i oil, euldly plolird ftnd calll>u. lyl nnl:l^^ iiujrdr- i li;ir,:e. mtirilei.d 111' MiClalllo Miff. !hl!> eoti'plniry etiarn-.

,'nie Jiiilcr fllM'linrKcil the p.inel lo < im bolh of — ----------ITn n tohW-----------------------

i! . r.'tri.ii'inir-i.i n t/. <>• Hi<‘ Anirrlcftuk. me iri.ii urn end-

:n !rAirrrr-ai-t:H:.Ty-:',r.-iMrJ"b:t-D.'-ijiiil;;e .111- null iiif Male',, eii.pro.vrcutor.s K.li'iil — ‘ Yirri" fit thr mitcomr.'•J <11 D;. WiniM Ihi) like In liaiidli

r. AndicK.' died 1;lirari_p;:,i)i;____

‘nie ii-r'lirn lie conduclrd-e Mule Cli.ipel by

1 I-red N. Wlileli- " “-‘ "''’‘'li' I’l'clflc Orovr eii'il detiiilv <tl». *’> I'*’' It'"'' JolitiMn of ------5 ------- ------------ ■A.JIUI.K ■

i'lie iieallliy ;.ur;;<'oii , hr oke,nf modern tune ivn »ml Mibbed »nei) tlip Jiiryillonnl toiivns; l pnlled. Hvd-lnilfi'd Mlvt'I'reK*! ilarbanv Jeanr-'.-.....1 .V .. 1— -....—i.rr—. —• r...:T.-.l -!.l.l ....

Cieiii.UiiPii «111 f.Ui)',-

iiiodel ulio biT;'ine lIl^

rai-s. - I 'Iln: liandMimi' MHi;eoii >-l.un•ullld IniK to n llller,ll l. wife's biillel-lii-the-ljiicl; de.

blit Ur. Kllieh'.' altorney Mid hl''w;i' aeeidrnlal. Mlrs Tre;;oII "I'm, terribly .she >\av 1ml ;iii iniio.-i:iit In

r (it tiif'repnrler nf.'ifd.erri. r.-r\-' "I MijijKv-r I nljl, l,n; Ihere'.'

V<!lieMl,ni_ot_ren;,oi|llcl.'.llalir 111' ndilnl, -Vonr-niiTroi— ---

1 indiilli I"I in

liiiljllellu.is un.illeet <i[ the tine.


I I'l liiidiiie lil'v

:1 }3M) |>• i;i.t IJi.Oon i.-lalner

l.lal ,ln- ter a $15,000 ■flie 1

Um-ijlsjppoiiiled." ' . cr. The Maie falleil >1 ihiii di-r, ir[“ij“ii'iipif;r;ili Tirpei.-Mnis oul ol to I.ike c.uf nj llic Jet.

Mb' •I'rrnofl's nlldriiey Mild jllr,e,illou.'ly plolird nnd niillle;. ly: a CJUIlIy lllls -M/.e." hr ;.alil. ( .Ml-v. 'ITe::!);!'! !m urtn nul .ln-- ild iiolhlnK. -Slic jusl cried." lie perloniieil. | Ur. l iiiehs iitKnney, Grant H.irliir.ed, bill nerc fNtitimted iitlid. I Ui.'lrlct Allortu-y J,Vllliaiii il l Cii:iiii-r comiiieiited. "I'ni terrlblyj about JJO.OM..'Uie,c.;ic iva.t.rcturncil.to.6ui)i:-lMcKr.ii;u.w!iL_UI_.«uu:d_:jj'_ivi;_illiayyuuili;iL'.:__________ _________1___________ ‘--- ----- ------or court for n tieiirlnc March IT are oblliialed now U>-Tcliy the' "Ail- you slayliiK »llli It?" ftJinAD TtMta'-N^VS WANT AD.S

Weed Matter Is Sxibject for ZarinJliircau

Attends Parley 13,515 Killed1*1_- ________ _GOODING, March 12-Earl .

Roy,«. J.0I1 of Mr. ntid Mrs, V. M. Uoy.'.e, GoodlMtf. rcprotnlatlvi* to Ihi-stiidenl coiinclt nt Id;iho Si'aic collcKe, I’ocatcllo, b ft tleleKatc to

^JM. Laurence Mooie.

Burley Chamber Will Retain Site.

of Ihe Durloy Chamber of Com- . nicrcc at a Tlimidiij- inorninc t

*lon to have the chamber offlcc .. niJiln nt It.i pre.ieni locnllon In the Valley Ola-w fllore In.McMl of mov- liis lo the city hall when remodcl- Inc there l.t completed.

Tlib nctloii w.1,1 tftken bco.uLic ot ln.viffleleni npiicc nl the city hall. Tlie clianiUer office willthe opposite side of Ihp .........ILi pre.ieni location and iha Crott-n Iloor .Coverlni; jiiorc will occupy lu pre.«nt *paee. Tlils store will liave Its formal openlnR M»n.

Tlie chambcr board voted to buy A new counicr. nt'J? dc/k and .luf- Ilclcnt foldlnR cliAlr.i to hnre nde> QUttte Mstlni: capaelly for board and committee mectlnM. nccordinc to chamber offlclaK TliLi will take place ImnjcdUtely.

ON DIJTV TOUR RUPERT. March 12 — Ernest f

L. Coleman, shlp'n filter melAl* e umllh fireman, «on of Mr. and e Mrs. Louis E. Coleman, route 4. Rupert, Is on a Rlx-monUi tour C with the sevcntli flcel In the Wc.it- a ern Pnelfle aboard the fttloclc tilr* E craft cnnler USS lUnger.

HANSEN, March 12 - Jlarolti Lancn-itcr. county coinml-v.loncr: CeorKc Undeniood and Wnrren Lowery dl.icussf<l tl* proper han- dllnic ot weed and liuecV problems wlthout'Kettlng Into difficulty with Rovcrnment, at the i'nrm Bureau mcetlni; Tliursday evening at the GranKi' hall.

'. O. SLuiRcr Rave the openlni; prayer.- Chnrli's Polueelc reported oil the comity board meetiPK, stat- Inu Ihat Fi»mi Bureau BrowL-rs are sclllnR their o«n clover wid nlfal-

other members. Shlclda •archoaie In Buhl lia.s offered

clean and store clover and alfalfa .icedi.

A parllninent.iry prncedure Rchool will be held nboiit March 23 with Mr.i. John E. llaye.i conduct- Inc the school.. . Robert Pcttycrove krvc the hlRh- Ilchls on the l-'nnn Bureau and reported on the Iduho Power dinner which ho and Walter Shouse Attended ils reprcsentaUves of the }'arm Bureau.

Irvin Kevan Rave n dairy report. Shouso reported a county-wlde po- tjito srowers mcctlnR will be held

sembly whleii ends today oM'Jo Springs, Colo.

'llil-i r,!udcnl conference, bclnK attended by 80 dclcRaten Ironi 3< unlver.',ltle.s and coUckc.i In .19 /itatc.1, Li the second In a nerles'of student mccUrij:i devoled uf national policy.

-i.oncE To'7ft;i;T enoanONE, March 12 — odd

Fellows lodfto will meet nt 8 p. Tuesday at the ibOP.hnll.

f lE S B A D E N , Cemiany. March 12 W1—Tlie federal ma- tl;.tlcal office reporUi 13.515 West Ocrmwi.i were killed In Iraffle accldenl.i l.a« year.

Kpito nn incrcftie of only Mx per ccnt In the number of vclilclca.

More than 400,000 persons were Injured, Ihe'sUittstlcal of­flcc .i.ild. • • *


COIXJMDO.'Ceylon, March 12 (.?• — Prime Mlnl-slcr Solomon Dan- lanialke. who' was - r»a.tslnatetl a.it GeptcmbiT,'Iclt nn c.vt-ito ol 80,000 rupee.1 or 5100.400.

"Magic, Valley's largest and deportment store'

Suited for S p r in g .. .

' ■ ' . “ t. / ; j


Page 4: Speaking Goiitest- ‘Unit Rule’ - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF201/PDF/...Speaking Goiitest- MarkgTM):^'S)ay For ChuFii Meet North Idahoans Win Democratic



irl<l-<IwHroy«l •J;}' mifknr- Iiire u'ould be nn cmiJly vlclo) Krfiitcr irtiimpti lor KhruiJiclifv wDuia be 10 Ko flOA-n In hlstor}' n the Ttiati ttlin- maiJc Ilu/.Mii 111 4uml-puwcr:ul-auiou on KorUi.• 'U- U to IhLVrnd ttiai the nu.-. alnns- nre-brlterrt' to-be-bulletin up ilicir mlwlle itrtnKtli. ll ic fnc Uml Ihry Imve not nllrrrd the otjjpOiivM ot ttidr r-nen- economic tlcvelopnicnt plan Li

detmiiiK mlv.ilc iir'odiicllon. Tlicy ore (IclerrlnK other mill

[KnrtltartJ. Ility h:ivc ctrrrtic

TJjry_hjWf iimin;incr[|_n cut n finned forcr.*.. Ilui otHer. Hiu defciLsc pruKHinui. like mts

.illcs tind nnilnlrcralt protcctlot lalnil U. S.- wrutcslc bojnberfl •tain lop priority,RiL'Jlnn production of

curtailed. A lev of IhfAc subs been Riven to Ecypt. Poland

nnd po.'aflbjy red Ctilira. But tlie RiivJans are now prr.iumrci io be v,orlcins 6ti titomlc enercypo^cffd siibMiarlnea to modernize their blR Ir.'.cl-powrred fleet.•While the Ru.'.'.lans nro build-

Iiif: up thelr'nr/.rnal.'i of iic.v wcn- poiLi, the uorld'x polentlul trouble

Ta.n for cold ttiir pre.sr.ure rc- aln about the /.inir,

nerllii i.1 the iiio.st danKcrous Mi-rn Kiiri)pe, In A la, ibodln and Vlel Nam • aire.t nicn.-iclni; sliua-

ilon, rollottlns aKrci-mpnl birlwccn nurm» and coiiimunLM China on thVir frontin’ dbputM.

d Chlim'.i prr.-JiiiW In the I'lTrtMO'.a strali anil <ia the Ini

Beet Sugar Leader Opi)osiiig Major Overhaul of U. S, Law

"KEW VORK' crrY;'Marc!r. l2-| ^•div^ ■^iiVrKi-hry't'ouinic'iniKbt ' Dr.'pite uncertainties concernlncj urir' ntly iin-d for .drnllns with Cutw’n fiiHirc role in llie »usar. Ca4l;ui,i:i." Shltlcls .*ald, world. cnndltlon.i Jfxlay atc.'iooi ’Hie prrM-iif susar net expires fluid" for a nia)or ovcrhaullnj iif|al the end o[ this year. It regu- the United StafM-fUKnr-proKriiin jUt.* U.s, Misar »uppl:c» by ft »yi-

nCit ai> exten.Uon of the pre.iriitltrm of tii;vrltriliiir qiioliui fnr tdr- ’suKiir nct-nllhoiit any fhan:c5|cisn cnuntnra-nnd domenile pro— ; n\oulil leave onc-lhlrd of our .Ml- diicini; i\r<'a.%. Cuba, lari:e(.t *ln-cur supply Jjnpiirdiifd by a kov-!rIc rf.ipplirr, ha.-i a .fjuoia.eqiir crnment thr.i iipp-nr i-to be t>e-;ul»uta comlnR another i.atflllte nf Sovu-t; lari:c-:.t

TliU nplnlrm Wiu volred nobert H. .Shleld.i, Waf.hhlRtnii, I) !

-nrcildcllt-ffnd_£rt'ernl nnin'.i'P. : ‘

r irly ft fourth i)f r ntedi. Tlie ijuo- t;ren in ellect for

nModntlon*— ^ 'id tln:.la«' ahnuld b«_

I thet the ,Cu-,


iilni!." Hr X

Exlcriiloh of the prc.'ent net without Bucli aiilhorlty » "deprive the rxecullve cl nn

idl'd I iitlniif n hiutl'.l-

J l staiicl.i to rca.son tliat no Kindle orfjiin- Jzailoii l.s In brltpr ])t);;ltjon than tlie Amcc- lean Mcrtlrtt'a.woclalloii to anlli:ipal(! whal ni]i:l)t !iapi)i‘ii to IIk' iiractlcL" of mcdlcl llift Fommi bill were ciiaclcd.

To .•:ct, forth .*;omc of Uic-a.t.iori.ition'.s vlewnolnt.':, we (iiinle iierewllh .several nilf: r ‘'|V!iTi~

“ Tion.? aiui aii.ui'or-'i n u iii uiiu ui h.s” n w rpumphlcts; .. -------- .

-what l.s pollUcal nictilclne? I f till: mca.surt: Jciiowii :ls the foraiid bill l.s eii' acted. It would mean incdlclnc controlled niul ndmlnl.stercd by the federal (jove

■111. I t would mean re«l tape, btireaiicrailc control. lilRh cost.s and Inferior mcdlcal care Further. It would cstabll-sh a .•iy.stem of .so- clallzcd medlcinc for a jarge .scirmcnt of the poptilallon. - , —

but mil to bn\.tli'.i If iluviliv can prevent Jt.■ The entire Middle E.vit Is In-

nut the nio.it jcrlniu trouble of all till', year niny.nrlw In cent Africa, uherr lndcpi'»drncc- ccinilnK nt a sallnp before the i tlve nenplw are ready to ride It

nEriiKSKNT.s c o u .K o r: KINO HILU March 12-l!1111c

Tavlor. son of Mr.-nnd-Mr.v-Ken­neth Taylor, former n'sldent-i. h.i.i been xelected one of five .itudrnlM

Unfleld collci;e. McMlnnvlIU'. •„ to attend the model UN nhm- In April In nrrkeley. C.'vltt. ■Inr. a Junior nt collene, ntteiid- K.liK mu and Olenns FVrry

chf>oU before ninvlnu to WaslilnR- ton with hl.i narent.1,

Gomobile GoesHoppi-r, 2i, V.-10 p. . Friday

■I'd nbdiil •hen the entiiin- T-fourth.s of a on hichwny 2.V

c.lUKhl fire lli mile ea. t of he

Sheriff Kell Mrs, Hopper . toppi'd btcaujc of enslnc trouble nnd dUcovend the motor, located In ihe rear of the ear. wiw hiirninc. The ve­hicle, valued nt SliOO, wa,» dr- ■itroycd before help could bt summoned.

tll'.S'Mm IlopprrV

yi'd. It>roihi-r

inrd by nolicrt

TWO v o i.I'Nt i;kii

JEROME, March 12 - John D JackMn, non of .Mr. nnd Mr:

,clr» lii.tlic ruerto Illcan-quotii 10 .otlicr ar'eiis nurmiilly ,siipplylnR raw \iixar to Ihe norllieast part of th#1 Uiuttd salts. . . . ...... ........■ .Such qunta "di flclt.'," *re now filli'd partly by Ciitm nnd partly by the nuilnl.ind bret nnd rane AUsAr. priKliicrr,',

In ri'tiirn fur civlni; up future rlitlils to I’ucrio Hlcan deliell.i, he said, the dnnic.Mlc beet ,iiiKar pro- diiciT'.Nhmild rcfi'lvc ii ba.iic cjuola Incrca.ie of IM.OOU toiw nnd mnln- land c;ini- i.uiiar producm, 50,000

IlaR ijf Mrs- •r .M.

Attend EventK1.SG.HILJ>. March 12-Mr. imd

Mr.'!. Arthur Oner and the Rev. and .\tr.-.. i{. I. U,irni'!t nttcnded I’ari-ni.s- d;;y at ihi' Cnll.'Re of Ida­ho, C lduill. uhiTi' tlielr dftURh- trr.i, SlKiroii OrriT nnd Annls Uarne.% iirc ftUidtni.i,

Mr,i. C, L. Alwood nccompiinlfil Ihe Rev. and Mr:i, Unrnes to Ntun- |)A to visit her husband who under- ■»,<-nt major .lur i-ry nl the Sunarl-- ■

in lia-.pltal thl.s week.The n:cer;i were Rue.iti of her

tecred for three years of .'rrvice In the regular army, rcportj .Si;t, 1 cl Fr.ink Ka.-.pi'r. army recruiter for, Maplc VnllfT. Thry wlll-Trceire' tlKlil vel■k. of basic tralnlnn at ]-t, Ord. Calll.; thm repuri to the Nike-Hrrcule.i Rile near Olathi naval -air s;atlnn._Ohilhe. Kanj. for KUldrd ml.vlk's InilninK,

"W ho would pay the 1)111 for Forand IckIS' lallon7( You would—and .so would everyone cl-so who pays social ficciirlty taxe.s. Tho.se taNcs are already .scheduled to reach 9 |icr cent of payroll in the ycar-s ahead, niLs mean.s you w ill eventually be paying a tax of $21G on an Income of S'l.BOO a year, with your employer nl-so jiayhiR S210. ^h c Forand ■bill would cut your takc-home pay even ii»ore. by further Increasing the rate of so­cial security taxe.s,

"l.s tlic Fom iid bill ncccs,‘!ary7 No, Health In.stirniice ha.^ made .starllJnR Raln.s In the pa.st 20 years. Durins tha t period, the num­ber of per.sons covered has gone from 12 m il­lion to 123 milllpn. It Is estimated th a t ,(30 per cent of the agctl. needing'nnd wantiiiR liealth Jn-surancc, will have It thl.-5 year: 75 per ccnt by 1905. nnd OD per cent by 1970. Further, voluntary effort at tlie commimlty level Is rapidly developlnR nnd cxpandlnR special facilities for the health care of the aged.

"Would the Forand bill help the IndiRent aRCd w ith the lowc.st lncome.s? No, De.splte Its enormou.’; cost, the Forand bill would not help the indlRcnt, for the-vast majority ot them are not eliRible for social security re­tirement nnd survlvor.shlp benefit.'!. The InaigTTTthrough welfare proRram.s."

In .'iummary, the AMA emphasise.^ Its chief objectlon.n a.s follows: "One of the ftintla- mental reasons why the measure mu.st be defeated is th a t If adapted It *quld^rcsiilt

In poorer—not'betll-r—n c ^ th care for tlie peoiJle of--this country. Tlie objective of every physician is-nnd always ha.*; been— to work toward tho better health of Amer­icans of n il nRe.t.

" I f enaeled, H.R, 4700 would m ean that the federal Rovcnunent would finance the

—lia.'UUi.Ciaro-of-0<\SDI-boii8flclftr4pft-tliro»fllv compulsory rind oar-maTked taxes . . . would control disbursements o f funds. . . would .set

■ tlie rates of compijnsatlon' for ho.npltals, nur.slnp home.';, iihplclans and dentists . . , would audit and conlrol the'records of all Involved . I . and would promiilRntcand en­force standards of medical and hospital care.”

Frnni other .<niircr.\ Interc.'icd prlmarllv In iiaiKiiial rcoiinmy. come uaminw that enaciniei the Korand bill ^\ould nmouni to crcatiii;: -ami

dent even buncr,I.inbilitie.'i Ilf tlitf federal wcla! security sy.\lem m

Btnn l .a SCI bllllnii Uo!Ur.worv,hlch 340 billion di lar;. ma-i be rabrd by future ta.xea. To get a iintl ot how bis tlw.r taxr.t uill have to be. In the 23 ye.' durUii: which the, ^oclal fccurlty nyMcni ha. been operatln»r, ll har, collccteil nbout 70 billion dollars.

So, to payout the benehLi thatconcTe.<a hM already .plrdci'd to ilio.sc now cnvcred, nlmojt five tlnie.i mote t.ixM wlU have to be colli-ctcd thnn ne already have p.-ud—even thnuKh the r.ite hiLvlnclied up over the yeara until it now rcprf.wnui O per cent of laxiible payroll.?.

Therfl facu are worth Uilnkln* nbout rlRht, n. with cTOsrc.-j ngaln Infriled with the clccllon-y

—ltcti-to-lnnTa.r(T-bn;efiti,-prtncipallr In the t'orand bill, '

- If thU bill H ennctcd. the pa>Tol1 lax lmme<llalcly would. Ko up nnother one-half cent on each dollar, 'nnd n

giic.itlon-"Wouldn-t Senator Kefai erea-v natlonnlly." iir.l;.i I»J>II., Yoii;, hr Trnnrv,en vnlley nulhnrlly off ihe, laxpaye );icks Inslrad of .‘ifn.'.alloniillrlni; llir dru-,* prolili ilioiil which hu nciually Ijiiottr. very liitlc?-,

K iT A iiy ii ifs i>Ri (;-AiiMvcr: I Miiill nriil

nnjiwerlnc tliLi que.-ker|i In mind ili ia TVA h . .. . .nntorVi -■•.lulc na the fr . to b« to Tmnmnny mayor,! of

I'lKK AI.AR.M num., March i2—Tlie Duhl flf«--

di'partineni Kti.swcred iv call to the Denny P.iirick runcli Tliursdny

lafti-rnofln when Mr.v Patrick be­came alarmed when' weeU.i. they ;wi:rp bunilnR jilarted to .ipread to I he corral.'. No damaRC wm report- rd. iiie iMiricka live northeast of nuhl in Uio Mountain View dtv trlct. __________

few J'c.iTS,• • * I

n io Pornnd bill Is nn expeMlve npproach to ; problem which Already li-bclnR met to nn Increw ingly Inrge exlent. Under lU provision*, only one'cu. of lour who Mn't poy for medical caro would be cllKlblr. nnyway.

It would bf n lone *trlde to»-ord » completely ... “ elalbt'dnnWlclnc; V llIcirM incaaeJ'U rltflIn ' olth

new problems nnd stnnerlnc txp«nies far bej'oiid the musl fanciful orlRlnsl estimates.

Ev-erj- AmcTic.in should thlnt twice bcforfc accept-; In^ thK newest device to MtUte the rovenotu sp- petite of Qur aprau-Ung burenucmcy in 'Wn.-ailngtan.

Seiini rwl human choril.

nirfd the re.'.|inii;,f* fiJliiK nnd mulntci knous when he hn;

|IIcW>r<I hr

COUHACE AND CONVKTIOV Wlialcver cL'p IiU crlllc.% say of .Si crel.i culture Ucn.son. they mu.'l ntkno.ileilKo hi.-i mi

lailvc cournRC jiiitf conviction. Itepe.iied attack: tliLi veteran cablnct mem niinLMrntlon Imvo left hl.t lnli';:rily unblrmblifd.

Mr. IJilwoil ^ convinccd fhal If fanm r.s cnuUI'ni le Rovcrnnirnt off their back,-, llu-y would ixlju.-

crop prodticlloii to confnrm with ilic law nt nif demand, A.t n riwili, Im bclicrt-.'., nKr; ould be freer nitd hcalthh'r.

(Si thl.-. .1 ntlack in

In the face of iepi>;l the pri'Alilency, VIcc !’re..uti fanti prpKnun.

lit I.ike Intr;would ••oppo.'.e nny pct.Mm"'rf|Mrdlf.-. .ot | filimion-who nttvnra:r::'~.in'tm.':nnniro;;r projrnni for political olijt-cilvcr,."

-ablnpt iiinnDc; coiiiiiry’A aiirlcultiin- i :icp. nnd itctilnK I'loi It l.t Imayoldabli- II I lie co.sllns llir taxr mopollre public

probleiii-s of the Senator ’nt McNnni:In 'arlous part* of

has been fil<^

Not nil Iho.'.o rccommrndatlon.i ncrccment or fccni readily fcaMblc but they dimbt- k'.y tt'Ul bo carcfully conitdrrnl. 'nitrf nre doubts nlreidjr cxpre.'. e<l In ihLi'column, nbimt liw-compultory haalih—intutanw-intol- seeurlty sy.Mfni. And llbcrallMlioii of paymenu h.a. Rono/ftbout A3 fur as present p.'\jroll taxi-.i will rinsnce.

llut rriueh can bn done in'Tmprovins emploj-nient oppotWrfltki for ninture worker.i. many of them' Alior/of retirement ngc. And tlie pjymcni.ny.ucm shMld cncournRo rather than dl-icouraKc worker* frtAbelnc weful After C5. for one of the nt.-xrtllnR flndlnRs is that ntaiiy pcn,ons‘ npproachlnK retlfe- icnl'are tUpportliiK a retired parent...........| ‘Mr. McNamara r.ouiids a w.'Yrnlni! th.it dcMrrc.r ) be.'wldJly heodcd. It l.s: "Let u.i not Ue c.iURht » IJia pltrall'-of rr^jrtllEC our tnilor cltlzm.-; ns rohj^i.-With, ream of IIvlnr lo llirlr credli avB much'to'conirlbutc In term-i

expeilenee."—ChrUUnn SClcnce Monllor.

D r iv e fun'-tastlcl See yo ur loca l au tho rized C licvt;oIct dea ler fo r c ^ )n o m ica l transportation

G L E N G J E N K I N S313-Maih-Avenue-Wesr— -T-win-i-oIIs- ^P-hono-RE-3^033-

Page 5: Speaking Goiitest- ‘Unit Rule’ - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF201/PDF/...Speaking Goiitest- MarkgTM):^'S)ay For ChuFii Meet North Idahoans Win Democratic


Speakers Pose During Christian Church Convention

W. Itnnilntcr.'Nortlnreit Chrlntlan cniltie at Eufcne, Orr>. compara apirllual ilnscr, Mn. Itoia race U'clch. » ¥ ¥ ♦

Talk ContestIs Feature ofChurch Meet

. -...xlle drvclojimcnt prORrnm, Tlip luiichrni) uiii arrnnscd by Mr. niul Mr.-.. Rnnnld Dlnklcy iiikI 'V, iiihI Mr>, Cliiri- Cnnli'j'. In coopcrnlloii with (111- Matt cum|>. lt<; coiiimmcc.

lUlJlc Icclurw by I’rol, Jolitt noosliiKcr. Ilic spwli conlfst niid (IL'ciiwlotu llllcd up (he nCturnooii,An iiIl-convc!iiInn niyMco' bnn-

wnV fciitiircd i>t (i:15 p.m. al ilic Prc.'ljyKTUin cUurcli. Tlie ncv.Unyjl M. Balfotir ntul 0.v:ar A,I!oi)[>cr 'were miultrs of ci mcinlc-1. A p;iKciini wm rIvcii ■•Tlie clmrch iMroucti nil nRM."

NJr;;. Maxine i’.iliiicr will sptalc nn •'Comiiillltd 1« tertc" tit ti wor- Klilp .'.crvlcc nt 8:30 njti, Suiulnj’,

under ttic direction of I’rofes-vir ntxWilnirtr. Dr. AiiMlii will t.ilk on •'Ilc-.spoiu'.lbl<« dlsclplMlilp' the .iccnntl v.orrhlp .'J rvlce n'

Member.i ol Chrl.Mliin Meii'« fel­lowship nnd ClirWliva .Women'* fellowtlilp Vi'llt hold biulnr.'.i «iOM during tlio nfleriioon, nnd lunch will be *cr\cd at 8 p.m. In Uie ehurcli.

New convention officer* will be ln.it4UlcdJit communion scrvlei.i at 1 p.m. Buntlny, ,which willelude Uin foiir'd .......TwIn.FnlLi church ma'.lc.■ Lcclurcs and eroup dLicii.«lon# wcro< lield most of Fridny with a brief bu.ilnc.<J mKllns at 3:30 pjn, At thn tjuslne.w-meetlnir*i mltteo on recommendations chosen to rfpre.wnl the Southern Idiiho churdie.i al »n InlemnUon- al convention in Oclobcr nl LouIa- tlile. Kr, with Ray Beauchninp. Twin rail*: Donald Rom. Jerome, nnd Newell Morsan. Dolne. ftp- pointed a* menibera.

Gridu-on Unit '' ICids Officials

For 75th YearMBOta. campalsnlnR In Wl.i- eonnln.

---Symln(rtaa_and_Sen....... ........DlrkJien. lUlnoU Republican, mftde Ihs Jipeechea for thflr re.ipectlve partlM. Tliclr tnlti were off the record )n accordance with Grid­iron trftdltlon tlml •'reporters nn never present.’ .

n^ubllcan.1 were kidded with i aeene laid In the "peaee and proi- prrlty l^avpl bureau.” Democrats Rot Jo.4lied a* participants In a “blR city rumble" sliowlnR rival eands flBhtlng for Uie prcsldenlltJ

Tlifl debate over military pre- pnredne.vi wan xnllrlud with ■ moclc cloak-and-daRRcr iklt ahow- Jne how central Intelllieneo aup- posedly Rntheri lls InformaUon from ft •‘.■lewer In old Vienna."

Arthur Krock of th# New York Tlme.i. a member for nearly 50 of It* ytntt. told thB diner* the club's purpo.ie. to prevent people from takhiR themMlves loo “ ■ iou.ily, has never thanRed.

comments Introduced the 'concludlnK number, a musical fln.ihback In which the club's so. lol.it and chonis a.mi; excerpts from prldlron hit* of old. liie number ended ' with t melodic furewell to Elsenhower's clshl yenr.n In the White IIoii.w. to the

! of 'Tlie Red River Valley":......... you

soon wilt be Rolnit Where for elRht yean you lived

‘—now and then.You can ROlf without PO'loi; re­

porter*Afiklnir who, why. wheth

• when.

. on Oct. ]S. I9<0, appraximatety 10,400,000 men were reRLitered for U. S. armed forces under the Se- IpcUvo 6er\1c# act.


Service k Hepairs

Phone RE 3-6080--- -iiJTyp»=Knia


lUdlaUtn Ar«-

Type 0 Negative Blood Donors Sought For Red Cross B lb o d fn o b il^ M a rc lr 21

Sjicclal emphasis on cbtnlnlnR a than n year. We want all .Uoiinr.ihiKh number of type O-neRntlvclttho c.m po.s.'ilbly ntitnd the draw- . ..............................., ,bbod doners for tiie March SljUiK nt the American LcKlon h«ll,proRr.mi eo\t.i the ch.iptcr only

‘ the Red Cro.« Cloodmoblle'Miirch 21 to ilo so. but we cs-!s:,lOO anmially. The local chapter 1 Falls Is reported by Dr.jpcclslly want nil dimors nf the 0-]hrj been unable to meet even thl.i

Harvty'Vaii Wlercii, blood pro*i tii'flnlive type lo vi.sli (he blootl-lj.mnll cost for Uic pa.st three year* Kram chntrmiin. In.olnlc this tune." Dr. Viin Wlt'renibic.iu;.e of failure lo meet fund

Dr. Van Wltren reporU Mnec Milil, ,drive K'liils. he ---------------------------------------------------------- -

proRrnm several yearshas consl.itenlly reQiilriKlI

of the rnrer type blood thiinihas been obinlned here. - ----j

"Many of.ihiv.o O-nPKatlve don-, ' have nnt ))rovldi'il blood In

snveral niontJu. and many In

C. of C. Seeks - SpcciaLMect-

About TaxesIndiutrle.s to look upon Idaho n favorably."

Tlie RaUierlnR picked two i divLslon vice president — Perry NeL''on, Pocatello, for r.outlieft3t Idaho and C. E. Schwab, KellnRR, for northern Idaho. Holdover vlcc prcJldc lt. ftrc I. H. Harris. Hurley, for nouthcentral IdaJio' and T. E, Roach. Dolte. for soulhweat Idaho.

E.arllcr. ihn new pre.Mdent ol IdaJio State colleRe, Dr, Donald E. Walker, told tJic chamber that teacliera ere Iho heart of cntlonol InttauUon.

He called for lncrta.ied benefits lor collcRS teachers In his talk hiRher -education in the next 10 years.

"If we are. to outrusli Uie Rus- alani." he wild, "then education Is neceasftrjV’ In fact, he «a'' llonal surx'lvaj may depend education.

Dr. Walker said Uiat In the next decade there will be Inme l:icrea.->eA In e n ro llm en t, that admLvtlon standard* will become lilsher, that there will be lesa tolerance for Uie playboy and more demand for tlie•ell-rounded', student.Ke said many more two-year

limlor collese.i will be establL'he<l nnd many ol Uie cUacnL'lwo-year .ichooLi will becomc four-year in- atltutlons.

Dr. Walker tven mi|K[eiited Uiat colleRe.s may Imve 'to operate around the clock In order to han­dle the lana: Influx-cf'students.

About person* from around the »l«t« attended Uie luncheon at ISC. A direetort meeting was held In the altemoon.

Dr. tf>!ker took over at ISC Peb. I from Dr. Carl.Mnelntosh who nlRned to become pretldent'of LonR Deach ■oollcRs In CAllfnmla. Dr. Walker wa* dean of mudents at San Fernando Valley Bint* Teach- era college In CallfvPla before he Accepted the ISO prc'.tldency.

Abram H. Duff Is Claimed by DeathIfANSEN. March 13-Abram H,

Duff, 18. a retired fanner, died about noon Saturday at MaRle Valley Memorial hospital.

Mr. Duff was born .March 11, 1882. at Ferris, Tex., and came to Idaho In IMS from Lubbock, Tex.

Survlvlns In addition to hl.i wid­ow. Mrs, Neoma Duff, Hansen, an Uiree sons, Robert E. Duff, Wins boro, Tex., and James A. Duff and William O. Duff, both Lubbock; two dauRhten. Mrs. Lula Mae Hallmark. Qresliam, Ore.. nnd Mr.s. Mildred Dennett, aerome; 20 (grandchildren and six Rreat-Rrand* children.-

'Funeral servlus are pendlnR at Reynolds iuneral. chapel.


Ini; made nl the la:.t drnwlnir. when rejldeiiU Rave more than ;!00, plllt. nf blnod. the blood center hiis' irqui'Kt/-d thni Iho coin’munliy ut-i tvnipt ncatn to reach the 2Q0 mark, the blood proRrani chairniiin port.'.

Dr. Vnn Wleren nL'o pointed that the chapter l.s coinllictlllK the cniuial lund drive, n vitnl |ilu In the blood proiirnni.

"Everyone fci-I.i the blood pro- irram Is an Importiint nnd ncccii-

. TfmtntroitOTj-to tho commit- nlty. but whiit they are prone lorRct Is that the fund drive dircctly rclidcd to the bloiicl pi uri.m," he ?ald.

lie repealed that nliliouKh Uic blood proKram ha.s mv ‘

the contlnuan* of the Amcrlc Red CfOM blood program ml Mipport the fund drive, as well to support, tiic blood drawing,'r Dr.

Wleren declared.

Move Planned For Cliessman6AN FRANCISCO. March 13 «1

—Civryl Che.wnan worked wlUj hU attorney today on a new move to s.Ao himself from tlie Snn Quentin Ra.i chamber which he hiui been fendlnit off for 11 years.

Qor. Edmund O. Brown told hisews conference yesterday, " I

tlifoURh with the Cnryl Che.s.wan cA.<vc." mnktnR It definite thnt the cotivlctcd Los AnRclcs sex U-rror- ist-kldnappcr caji't expect a jtub- ematorlal rcprlevo to save hln from lib ninth execution date May

Brown mnted ciie.i.Mimn n re­prieve only 10 lioura before ho wa; scheduled lo die Feb. 19.

Oeonte T. Davis, Clic.wnnn'i chief stlomey, conferred with hLs client St San Quentin and .-uild ft new Irsal motion will be filed next tlon.

Davis save no details but *ald ih# new appeal will present "n fundamental arRUifient,"

Joins Air ForceRobert O- Merk, 11. son of Mr.

and Mrs- W. A. Walters. Twjn Falls, and Ij\wrence E. Andrv.s. 18. xon of Mr. nnd Mrs. W. Andru-s. Jerome.' recently ^-nllsled In the U. S. air force, nceordlnR to fi/SRt. Henry ,0. Per.'on, Iv ln l-'nll* reJ cniltcr~ ----

Meric and Andrus took Uie en­listment ath ftt Ft. DoukIwi. Utah, and .were flown from. Salt lAke City via commercial alrllne.i to San Antonio, Tex., whera tJicy will underi;o basic tmlnlnR.

Court Hasn’t Jurisdiction, —Paper-StatesPOR-I^AND, March 12 tP — A

demurrer filed by nitorney.i for the Ori'cnnlan. PuUlWilnR company yesterday nrRued that stntc clr-

jurt hero lack-s Jurisdiction criminal contempt citation

luikcd aaalnit tho new.spapcr.Lcvl S. McDonald. Indlctcd for p.'vrt In the dynamlllnR of 10

tnick.1 tlml hauled tor Portland's two struck newspaper*, asked the citation on the RroumU that news­papers violated the law,

.\fcDonald’* complaint nllcsed tlic violation came wlien tho news­paper* printed before he nppear- ed before Rtand Jury, hearlnRs the conlent ct slsned statements ac- cu.slns him of a part In tho bomb- ■hr.

The publL'.hlnR company demur-

"do no coriStltute any pre«nt ilanRer of serious nnd Im­minent threat to the orderly nnd ImpsrtinI admlnl.itrfttlon of Jus­tice."

Tlie demurrer said the affidavit by McDon.ild does nnt state suf­ficient facts to require the paper to appear nnd -show why It should not be punched for contempt.

It aL»o S.1I1S the statement.1 were published under the Ruaronteers. — msfny;----------- -— '—

S a v e m o n e y o n

excavating^ jobsl



Regularly $ 6 .50 NOW

for t*a saly


S IN G E R S E W ir fG C EN T E R



RE 3-«J2 — 'nVlS FALLS

A P P L E SFancy Wasbj-ngtoH-DeliciQus-

B R E A P .....2 i4 9 ‘SUNDAY-MONDAY

: h o c o l a t e -c h i p -

COOKIfS 1 D o z e n

TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY--- >'----- -SPICE------------


2 i 5 ‘.STARKIST

TU NA . . 3-89‘40 OZ. PKG .. ■

BISQIMCK . . . 43‘SALAD BOWL, QT. ’ ' '


SHRIMP.. 2c- 79*

North---- RE-3-3344—



Page 6: Speaking Goiitest- ‘Unit Rule’ - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF201/PDF/...Speaking Goiitest- MarkgTM):^'S)ay For ChuFii Meet North Idahoans Win Democratic


Caslro Denies-B i

I I I E x p I o M o i i!I/<VANA, M.ifcli I


(970 RKorldr*!KHAR

(InO KllocjrtlrilKEEP

(Hit KlIocjtiM

____ BL>U*I______

KUX(IJlt K iitcrdai

KTFl270 Kltntjctwl

KART(HM Kllrwrrktl

Former Residents RiUi Hotel, -Gffcr-IIelpfoi'-lVFT-Students

ncwly-dfcof»it<l Yellowslone hotrl in Poeatflio. and bolh for- mrr Tain Falli rcsldcnta, will rIvc Txin Pmlli niudrnlit-dni-cliitnce lor part-Ume- Jobs M ibe hot'' to liflp tffhn earn tlicir wa. thrruBh Idaho 6tJite collrtif. Po-Cflttllo.

}!rvrn bnv< and nnf girl Drr.<fnt.

tfnd the Rrpubllcan eonvfntlon. Mn. SnbaU Is-Ui* clAUitUtcr.-ot Mra. Ilachtl Olwns. Kimberly.-OanltU &od Sabik hare.owned

the YclloKilone hotel for nbwil one yrar. and have /pent more than ilJi.OOOduOnE U>at time for rfmoddlng and modernirlnR Oic

'Danlfli polnta out about 6i

W alksCHARLESTOS.W.Vi-.Mlueh'

he teiu licked the traffic luid puflri/ff problem br rtlkine lo work.-"

He lUkrtcd hooririK the t«o inUej-io Kotk.and.back In )M0. ftfter he bccame »exed with bu5 ier\-tce nnd.BUIoasoblle.pU'klng. problems.

lU had to resort to » l « l on cnlv two oeeasloru — when he overilept. .

Iiulel and atjrnd tme pftri-tm

' coIIrR . Danper «nl-orUie-l.ntir-3r?7ilc bftn made, and the rcdecoratlns and remodellRC jirosram U being

Young European Royalty Has Fgtc

12 Lf—Young.cll'Klble rojalty from ovrr Europe sJa iccd and nirted tlie hours Bttny lonlRht at one of the mou eUborato . baiU ot. modemUnjM.

Stockholm's four bexutUuI youni; prlnces.-es were huteuea to royal SUfsL! from EnRland. Ortcce, Nor- tt-ay. Holland. Druniark, Germany nnd Bulsarlii—nil, like thrnuelvr; .mm.irrlcd.

nte 13 un«rd nrlncf.-j>r.i nnd 1 •lliTlbIc I) a c Ilf lo r pfUicfs wer loiiird by jounx inrniljcr.i <i :5ikrilrn'A elite. All :iiO uuMti \4cr in Uirlr irciis nncl VO'S,

kinii GuMnv VI, Qiirrn'Ixjul;. :ul till- I'.-lnci-,-,NW M;irK(irclh;>; Brliiltla, :13; Dp. lrcr, :u, ain

chrL-tima. 1C, trtreiccl the Kucita

Tli'e YellorsiorieTiotfl lto.'! about S-rooms.And U e<)Uipptd wilii.a

coffee shop and dlnlnE room oaned by Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Qunler; the Oate City iiharmaey owned by Weldon Ilawklnj. and the Wheel club, owned by Bob Allen, rcport-i P a n ir^

Truckers Fined■iFnnvtP 1 —nrt»rr» nf _

tour Jerome eouniyv thjckj wer,e . ,ftntd_mda>'_hy JlMUee of tJir Peace Leo Terrill fc^rlolallons of 4)10 overload. rr<iulr(&ent»-^undrr the frost law. V

Drivers were Jofin EIorrKta «hn W0.1 fined *39 inil cuts lor sn

. Daniels polnL ^ t students frorT«m W ls or T»’ln W l ' county|S,iwn"scrr. and cost.. 5! Interested In workln* part-time Leonard 3 , Boj'd. CIT.70 andthe hotel to help Ret throush col-i^^„_ 3,00 oveni’clRhl,---- - u- fnr « ^lese should be Inlervlrwed fi }ob tiuring the iummer before they EO to collese.

Discussion of

Expansion to

"1 FealTirc'Mcel

-Manager Gets Okay oji Trij) To Unit Show

Txlii liillsellvcominl.'.lDiier.iwll iitiiiiic (li;.i.'ii,'-.iim of nnni-xiitt'ii Itii);K'illf,% iid):iccnl lii llir cU;ihf ri ;:ul:ir iiitrllnK nt 7:30 p.iii

M.iiiii.iy III tilt tlly nail audltni

.siilclil.i luivr bciMi Invited li k1 Inim tlir ncirtliwMt lire; iri.'O by IVuohliiKloti .-‘irrcI. ." i>.iik.t fltrcri. Wlrii-lilnK

I of the I.loiw

«liii tlie I'iidfir f,-(.rl|n ii.voflntlon Iravd Nhovv April t t' 10 n i, MiniirapolLi, .M iiifrllnK of llie Ch:inil)rr of Coni' Mirrcp dtreclofs ftitlny ucxm n: Ihc ItOKtrron’hotfl Dr«ert room.

The r.STA U emiipfwd of ncvei T,cstrru .Ti.ilM ami nrllL-.h Colum. bM in C,miulA.

Groncr ix)lnlfd out the niimbn nf convfiuloiu lii ‘J-wlii 1:hlKhrr thsn provioir.ly |)laiinc<l tor thr IBM Ijiidtjft, niitl Harolt! linvr oltfrrd lt> lurnL'h jicticlU croiip.i lA help nitli rxiicn:C.irr of/m-d li> l;ilK to otlirr.i nboiit dfinilliiK Jcwicli. pncln for thr Kiithfrinnv

A iPiter Inntrcl mrmber.i tn nt- tend tlip anminl Jrronie Chninbcr nf Comiiicrre mrdliiK at 8 pjn. Wednesday nt Jeromr.

■riic rwip dl.-ciU'ciI tlie lIortnil'B nurslnir hnmp proiiinn, niid it w.i.i poinled out thr licallitR hill In niffild Tivlii KnlU county Jia-.pltn! Lv larcrr limn thnt of Hk; iic«- ho.'>nllal or thr rourlhnll^e. Carl Irwlii meiitlonrd It h:i.< brrn ntiitnl the new Canyon county tjur.Unr home for the ncM U rrndcrlnc n comldrmlile wrvlce to that cmin- 1y and nLu> Is a monry-mnklns

,ort;anlntii>ii,; jo.vph McCollum rrporled on the mrcllne nf ilic AKriciiltnrnl

nf !!'>• fl.-.mlvr nf rn'tl-

lL.'C'()nM(lni'tl tor lln ftjtrrrricr \m!I lii- I

1 Twin I-iilL'., Klko. Ely nnd

I till Idaho el llRhtB dWcJlwrri

1 1* Vn:An nRTcrmriil uit

■ower company lor m Kimberly rnnd wil m iiiifhrirlMilnii. n *toniey will n-port re of Cnmmrrclal avoniio. Tlie

Rroiip will dbcu.w the arlrctlon of fbcal rtRent and cnKlnrer for f Aewaire treatmrnt plant bond

. ur aiirt fowrr lln.'*, Bid* will be ri-cclvi'd for drllhm: n city iloinc.M-

■11. A n-.'.otutloii will bi

Tlie Rrmip vnlcil to , as the 19CU nllolment to hn-l-islcrn Orrpon Dr' roiiitcll. the i<ame ntnoi IS.W, 'llir miincir.'? rrnni Ills «i;i be Jiflcl .Miircfi : IPV.

lUhoi the c

Ailililloiial Itni Ilii- city 1. r. city


til be (li.'cuvj'd. Items to be read for apiirovul Incliidr mlnulc'.i of till- previous mrrtlni;. monthly depatuiicntal report.-., bnllillns pcriiili.' prevloiL.ly np- provnl by the Uillhllni; llbprclor iilid llcrmi' appllMtlDiu. prrvlnir.Iy nPDrovi'd by <lriMrliiicnl hiMilv

.-it mir.

insf read a brief (locumriil rrnt to the civil nrroii;uitlr.s hci:uil Matlm; reasons direct nl l.i iirricd between BoL'C. l.AS Vrraj, Kly n 'Ilir orlRiiial appllentlon

nndi' by \V

Glen Taylor Says He Still Eyes Politics

Tbli dally schedule nf leletklon and radio {iroerami Is prescnieil I I a lervlc* is reailefs ef Ui« Tlme»Ne«s. LIstlnfs are furnlihed bj the itatloa. Any cmin ar chiotes should be reported (o tbe lUtlon Ittelf and not the Tlmn-News.

* * * * * * * *

Television LogKLfX-TV,

(Cbaonel 111.

Curtain Is Going tip on Act 3 0|f Senate RiglitsSpectacular

WASHINGTON. March 12 Cfl - he curtain Li ROlm: up for thi

third act of the .icnate's civil rlshl: ixilltlcal epecl;iculsr Kith piuvuRi ■ a votlnit rlsMl.s bill .scheduled at

rlliiin:'he lilllba^trr which enllvcnfd ' M-cnnd act with II.1 practlcallv iMop M-nntr WMlfm nf 15'

hutirs, ^ninutf.< -- wiih Inst Sun' olt _ L-. fndim: .iwilily out 0: Krlpt. I.eadrt.s are aBreed

r will be no more around-lhe' clock «.i.iloiu, I

KOinc bsck of dreary

i,"peechr,s which marketl the mu Ifoin I'cl), 15 to hVb. ete i.t vollni: In the air. brrsnrrnnxlmijto Kftnrc

K)k.i a.' If Uicy will be-the .-.Mry twn-lhlrd.^of llio. e vo! will line up lo end debali

r e ,

•frvVci MIIJ.IIHAK, C.il:f■ y :.ib . '- '" i m’li'if'."

•! ElkoiC'.lcn Taylor, lilohr itir 'vbrn (L'ked If he ;

Texas Firm Will Recover $44,140

BOISE. March 12 tP-DWrlct .ii.(ii;e Merlin S. Youm; Im:!inl the Trxin coiniianl-. uitAlUi;

Seven Tables o f ■ Bridge. Reported'.lEllOME. .Miitfli jy—Kov.

n pl:iy lirrllii-,’ •nicllip Ji-rnihe DupllrntP BiicIk P;i,tiir(!nv (illernncur .'It the ' rpiJc<ipsl church.

North and f.n;ith winner.-: arc'thrir fir.'t M:r; Alicc Ci.trk iinil Mrs. O. H.| I'.iul, IB,

i;i;rh, llrsl; Mr,-.. W. H. Bar- ford.

Idc'.'t Arfd, wllo^e name of hW mcithrr, Dora, |><•11• «,ml. Arod. f. .iiurfyinB y. He and hu wifo e,xpect

itlllrti to' ri'cnvrr i$liU0.13 Irom the .M.He of Idiiho. I Thr Juilrmcnl imiile on a ict niplnlm tiled nbuiit a yrar bko

,, „ ■ u:;iiinM Suta Tax Collector 0. ... ' N' ill 111 ft dmnite over a drficlency r.-iRieni ngalint the firm..iiiuiu

|i;ot coiiiiniif<i credit for federal .1 ".,,1 Ixc"'"'; Iiix 111 111'- l'ro|ii-r manner.

Thr tax collrctor made a dcJlc- l.-iicy a ^r.^^mrnt which the coin- in.ny iwld under prote.M.

Judiie YouiiR-lield that U>e com- ptiiiy wn* correct. He aid, how­ever. rtile ncalmt the cooipany oil a portion of lire complaint

■ ' claimed nn orlsliial oicr-

Stroiig Device Developed for ‘Cancer Figlit’2DMIO PALLS. Mifrdl )2 'P -

Tlie world's f.ironRrst known MHircr of cmicrr-fltlhltlii: camma tiidlatlDn b . jj;>cKc<i Into 15_Mr-y_ cobalt wafer.v 30R. tlmrs a.i r.uiio- aclivc ns the wnie amount of radium.

Stacked one on lop nf the nlhrr 10 form a rod tlie M/r of 11 pencil1;“ Lemhi County towniildS4*lhln point of llt:lu

No SnickeringCHATTANOOGA . Tcnn.,

March 12 tr>—Kor the pv.t few y.iMM the city, with otflcliil .snlckcrlnK. included about S2.t)00 in lis annual budi;ri for .miow

But thU year It w I left 0

Tor;i( r.nnwfaU for tlic winter wr.-. bocj.Ied to 2.5 inchf.i yc.i- tcrday. brlliKlnu it to 20.fi. Just l £ ,laditi-iuidtr till! record.- -

Coiiinil.Viluntr P.it Wilcox er.- t!m,'it«! Miow'reinoval Iiaa cost alKiiit $1(J,000 since I-'i'b. 11.

SPER T Reactor Has Gone CriticalIDAHO PALU5. March 12 i.P —

The atomic cncrKy rnmnili.Mon', .'.econd ^prclaI power excur.'loii lei re.ictor (SPHIT) went critical a the national reactor te.siln-: .'.la. lion in cnstrrn Idaho l;u.t nii:ht.

■Goln't: critical" nieam that 1 controlled chain r r a c t lo n wn irliJrmJ ami .■a-.MiDfd in ili' ilmiilc fuel, thii.' iniitins the H'' actor Into operation.

The reacinr. the :;7tli In nttalr operation at the sprawllni; icacioi lest siiitlun, went critical at lli'i^ pm.

SPERT If is another In n r rle: of atomic to<ili belii« u.vd to provi the ;afi'ty characterwic-s of aiomii

n Svin AJblsMn.

Tlie pyramids of EsyplT wer« bulU from 3000 B.C. to 1800 B.C. The oldejt Li at Bnkkara.

OTOR-YKin iT i3Pn i

RE-OPENINGr for the scoson


FRIDAY March 18th

irrarior.' rither rompleled or under i coiwniciinn. They arc operated 'for the AEC by Phillips Pctroleuni 'company. ________ _________ E B H E

. Il'v.' Develop Museum

them In can Hhicldetl 11

rcli lin-pilal will i). er eoiiliol woil;. n two.loii lead c

•ams known lo niedicliic. IPhilips Petroleum company lia. !

been "baklnK" the wafers for irly tour year.i, bombardUis m with ncutron.i Jailde or nt Ihe fttomtc enerfty . mly.loii:a

of the

allo;i 1 ■ten) Jd.iho.Tlie wafern will replace a lltp•

lent to the lio.'.pital In lfi57. CoM of the ahlpinent U tlB.OOO. {

Atomic cnerKy comml.vilon -of-' flclals wlin iimiourrcril Die .ship- .meat'sahV radium ot the same

would Welch ole hi pound.s jn d cor.t 72 million dollars.

Thr .'ponsorlns Junior Chamber, if Commerce annon n eed tiie :round-brrak:nt: date today.AlthouKli not nil the tuncbi need­

ed tor the project have been col­lected, the JityceeAMld ciiouitU haa

-rsiECT-ta-beem-iroiuihicUb ’

■ader.i arr i.trerlni; thn Jienati toward iK).«lbIe iiccepiancc somi time this month of a hoiue-ap- proved civil rlKtlU bill.

Thu Jikely to be a ure providlntr prlmarily-Ior nppolnted rrtp*£3 In votlmr rlRhU c.-x-se.v iin iirtil-bo^inc pr ivUiop.

ire.servallon of voiins recor<K . provldinti. penalties for ob-

Ktniellon ot court orders In school desesreitatlon.

Tlir hou.ie mlirhl even strike the latter provl.slon. Mnce the ?w.- ote kUled It by a <D to 35 votf Ba.'.utoland, March .ye.Menlay. '.iV—About 30,000 Ba. uto trlbci.me

Simtliern Democr.-\t. In the house " " " ' ’cl Itito Mnseru, capital ot have passed the word lo thrlr BflH'ln.r .imalle.n African protec Dixie collracues in the senate Hint "'rulP. today to r.ep the caroimtlor. U;ey no lonser fear ihrlr bill will Conslanlinr JlerniK

Durinc liLi Ilfrtlme. Andrew Cnr- fKlr Eavr away nearly \ third ot . • bllJ[o(ii; dollar.'.. His oHnte mounted lo lerj tJjja 13 ijflllion

Coronation Held I^_^frican State(ASicnU. Ba.'.utoland, March 12

be smcndcct.»lHi what they I See bo

It I(Itrection IhclcM M" the bill 11

; falU I follow theif 11.1 leadi . ms iilnio.st ctrlaln that npprovc.s' will be clo.<r

to iiir nome vcrilon. Kven though It mlicht have voted <lo;i of the .same provisions, the po.<slbly could be persuade<l

s their paramount chief.

hatvblanket.1 nnd conlithry»came by Jiorsi...............from nil |mrt.i of the counti i-.Tlie trIbiT.njcn suriicd into thr plt.Mi or Knllierlni;. Mouiid ami over flowed ihc road.

Wien Ihe prince arrived, hold' silk top hat and wearUiR


pat Boone . James Ma.son Dahl ■ Deane Baker



Bi:ST I'leliirr IIi:sr Director 1IK.ST .Supp<irtln*

- HI>T Siijiportlns III-ST flnematoR

_mLST_.Stuflnr-tapby tJtlaeU A While)


C i n c m a S c o p E r’ TJU h u »•«> <1 wi javm rt;:y « isij


75e TIL 2:00 IHEN 1.00 CHILD 25c DOORS OPEN 1:00


.;on - 3;M - C;35 - 3;:o

accept'the hnasr propojsls in order coat nnd Mrlped pant-vlcomproniL-e c o j i ^ r e n c e j t o ptjili hLi way in thedaU.'

SUH..MOH.-YUES..WEbCaryC.rant . ToiiyCurtl.s

"O PERATION PETTrcOAT'Mat. St;n,at2p.m.. Wed.. <p.n: AilniMan llilt edficenient <inf; AduUf t)0e—Juniors i: (n Hi r>0o ' Child under II, 2<i


.mJ.i::il Mr-., IMi

. Ha;-Thni Taylor

.startlnit lo

Mrs. Dor.s OsiIiT i'

be held K.iturday.'rjioliil ptay will


I r E A D T I M E S - N E W a W A N T A D 9 ' l

ItJAHO FALLS, March 12 i.r— n!"itiiiTimtpnnimeAnii'Ti.^.i«^

ciaiion reelected Mrs. Harold Henderson, aoodlni:, a.s president

•ndlliK n tiuKeiitioiuhi yealerday, "**

Other offlcer.i elected are M Flojil Trail. Moscn^v, tlrst v pre.sldent: Mr.'. DaJe Buchanr ,

second vice jWesldfnt: Mrs. James Tliunnontl. not e,Ury. and Mrs. M. J. .Msru, BoLse, treasurer.

I Coektoil Hour in the Ca ..^

12 D'RINKS for the PR1G£

of ONE— 5 P .M . to7;P.M .

BOB GEER'S Trophy Room OPEN T IL 1 A M,

TAHK St^HEDlILKR ' BOISE, March 12 iJi-A por­tion ot the RroimAi belonslni; to tlui..iuval-Qrdiiaiicc_pUi'L_in_Pf*cuplln Is bflm: clvrii In 11 ......for park and recreationa sen, Henry Dwor.'hak. U.. Id yesterday. ___ ______

TUESDAY ONLY!5 to 9 p .m .


4 . 3 5 -All You Can Est

Child'i Sorrina

Pon -Fried'................. .


1 :0 0

With Fries end Rolls


1 .8 0

DEPOT GRILL54$, Shoshono $outh

, brings you an add ifipna l



Burui and Allen

Small World 6 . E- Tlieater

Sea 3IuntAllred llitcheock

,Pr-Ba.skeil),\U Meet The Pre.v,


World Championship Oolf Saber of London

------------ priSjKrjn-

Lorett.1 Younc

Lock Up Alaskans


PLUS a' varic lu 'o/ 'clilldrcii's.aficnioon sfiotcs, and

ot couTse.a cholcc of mouJcj ok the laic ahotcj.

Loss T hon 17c a Day! RE 3-2234 .

UoaYiilOoDls Newest' COMjEOYTBMI

iowhwSftw-aowrS>iU[ii*ci»aoiw»5riW i^

Page 7: Speaking Goiitest- ‘Unit Rule’ - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF201/PDF/...Speaking Goiitest- MarkgTM):^'S)ay For ChuFii Meet North Idahoans Win Democratic


Sixtli Oregon L Deiiip JsAfter

Senate OfficeSALKm ! Onv. Marcll —

'I 'n trr-w snothrr oiidtrtirie,-.alter ;i;i, Jo; ilip UciiiDi'Miie jiomiiiii- I;on. I'T OrremtS Ufi. ~-iinle wiit,Illf •l.ltC I'llfllOlB tfiviMon Mild

nrcr-i • Ilf n l);t tiiuMip, llir (llliiv n

uUi-n tlic Ii'! <i( c.iiu'Jil.itcs nln-i- liic Iihiii!

l:iir, J.u'I; ■niuinil-'iill, tllC—c;v;junj=m»rj<r.tf.__________

■ I'ipm rilrc! lir Slail •I,ll:c Ill'll liy mnil, Tliiiiiiiv-

iml Ire u( in Uic iiccD iiiin: oliitv wli.-ii tiic ll't of. Catiilkl.iKv. v,;n roinlilli-d

Tlio xll

. Like,111-'' lioilir HI JiCiiMdr lIUi IJ lui I

I'lc i'iiM' olltic. lie oiirr.ilc.'.I'-l tijiwii.

Tlicic n:p live oilier U>r lllf Uciiiucriillc DflmRlatlim i;ii- i;icc lor llu- .>r,ilr iMltd by llic «lralli WcUnrrilay or !ii n. Hlclinnl L- Nnibcrntr,

UUIoir Cxprflrd l» U'ln NVlllHTinr's wliliw :i;)i),-.iri-(l to

Ijf II ihou-iii lor ilii- Ui'inoc iu;intlliitlull. Hit ujijnilH'itl.'', < piifiillvc pollllc il lilikiiuwii.-:.Ukr, coiiiiiy Jiiiliit Harry Kinvlcr, I’rlntvlllc; It. I. Cimn, I.aku'Grovi'; Wllllnin Murphy, 1‘orlliind. and n;ink'l Cox, ii eprinKlltld clce- trlcinn.

•IliiTe sre flvp carnlliI.ilM for l)}c JjcfjiiWjMfi Fornicr aor. Elmo'Smlili,. an AlDariy imbtl.shfr, mipcnrnl n virtuiil c islHly to Min ilip nnmlniiiloti,

Also In tlic G01» race lire GeorfTcAltvnlcr, n I’crtbiiil jiulillc ......Iwiicclor: R; 1’. Cool:, a Silvcriou lurkry Ktowcr; Let'U'.slli;. n iill- vcrioii dralL’innii, n'nd 'riioiiiKS KHliini. » t’orllaiia r<-al

Senator Has ‘Little Failh^

I I I PrimariesWASinNGTON. March 12 «1 —

Sen. E-tU'S Kcfnuvcr. D.. Tenn.. nn old hand nt the ba liu'-M, Mid to- •<liy lie dom'l tliliik 6tn. John P.

__K'.’nili'di-. D - r u n cincli thpnL-mixrriiilc prc.ililciuial iioinliiu- lloii In the prlmnriij.

Kcfniivcr, wi cxiwlcnced h.n ftt wlniilnR prhmrlM iind Ioi.Iiik prc.iltlL'nild! nomlmUoav .itlll ix;- IlrvM Ihi: bcil way lo nm for prc.n- Idem U ii) set out niid niccl llie

_ voters at Uic.croiiroiUa.-Uc.wanlj a n.iilnnal primary’ lo i>lclc tioii dcIi-KSlM.

Kpf!\nver Mtd In nn Interview that, a.1 they Mom!, primaries nrr too few ftiHl too hiconeliulvc hoth

cnUon-dcIc*Rotes ihcy jtlecl mid In llwlr p.iy-

' ehoIoRlcal topAct.Kennedy b banUlnji on his show-

InR In the pflmarlM ,io rIvc him the bout needed for nn early nom- Inntlon. Bui Kefniiver volcud doubt It will work out that way.

"f don't tlilnlc Miybody 1$ BOInK lo Kct to lllf convention this ycnr with enouRh votc.1 towin the nomi­nation." Kefnuvcr wld, "Senator Kennedy's cliareen depend some­what on liLi »howln« In Wl.won.'.ln.

•'Uiit even If he T,ln.i r.11 ,of tlie prlmnrle.', (hit .illl] u'oiiUtn'i nec- c.uarlly tncsn thiil h» would KCt tJie nomlnallon.''

Mrs. Roosevelt’s L ife ‘'fhicatened’DflADENTON-. nn.-Mnrch 12

W — A heavy Rutird of ^latc troopers nml r.heriir.' dcputif'.'! »urrnnnded Mrs. r rn n k l li; Iloo.'icveli la,\t nlRht after nnonyninun te lephone c Ihrenlctied to Jclll hcj*

Tlie lat# pre.ilrtjrif.? widow hero to ntldrc.'.i ft-Dcmocrntlc party rally. \

llie call WM recflvcd at. .Uii de.'k of a yacht club, where tin;- mfctlnc wa. held. ^

.Mr.i. ■ Roosevelt riLv:llKCd tlic _ Soviet Unloii'.t .challcnce to the

United BtateA for mi hiiur, Olflcrr.i tlien e.- ;orl(d her to nn tindl;.-

-New Year-Long Nm-sing Coui'se Starts Here

Marlijn Dean. left, recljlrred nurse, Inntniett Enther Werner.'^ hospital, klthouth becatwe in tnttruelor could not be obtained tlie Flier, and «'l1lljm Srifrer Twin l-all». of fundamental durlnj 4 cour*« wai not held the pait two year*. The 15 person* reeUlcrcd In one.year nur»lnr eour»c which brcaii Monday at Mfljle Valley .Mt- the courte »pend part of <ihelr tralnlnj In the eliiuroom, and aro morlal linipllal. Thli la the elchth coune (o be conducted at Itie paid for (ho remalninc part while worklnr. (SUff photo-engraTlng)

Eighth Course for Licensed Practical ' Nurses Under Way at Hospital in T.F.

•Ilie.elKhlh coune lo be held Mx weeks of IralnlMK ha.-i pai.\ed, lor llccti.scd practical niir. ea at,two hours a'diiy v.ill be «pcnt In Miip.tc Valley Memorial ho!^pltaI the clauroom and six hbf;;;vn n «ctk ni:o ai Ihe hosjiltiil. In.ilructed by Mnrllyn Dcnn, roKU- — arniif------------------ -

The .slmleliU .

Tlioinpson. Mrs. Cliarlcs S»lter-

Rhlle, Mrs. Owen Ncwbrj". Mrs. Oi'orKe Moorchouse a n d Mr«. Robert llobblcr, all Twin Falls.

rive humlri-d hoiir.i i

MOflE TRAtNTNG SKT J-ILKR.March I2-AlrmnnStan.

Icy D. Melton, ton of Mr. nnd Mrs \Vllllam Melton. Filer, h u pleted hl3 Initial course of U.S. air

:orce baslb military tralnlnR. Ife

has been selected to attend ttie technical tralntns course for radio

alnlenanca at Kecslerair foree'base. Miss.

Court Action Cnrbing New Negro MovesI»y The ,\.mrlalfd I’rfv.'

-'rhe-conibliHiiiiiti- i(f-i»«in-i actiiin niul Mem w.<iiitiu'.v by thorlllr.t apprati-il chetktd' for a tliil of NcKio piol.Al

Ihe South,

n^iitll lo I he tSulith' C,>U>) stair h u r at Culmtibl.i and Monl*;oiitriy, Ain., ii Ncaio lUt

h:ivr ni:rml racial. piotoUaiiU rtluia U

nail A>knl Al SVw^nilr.ir.', Ihr U, .S. flflh fciilt cmiil Ilf appr.iLs ordered

the D.ilLi.', Tr,<;.-.tcli(K.l bo.ird Killliiilt IV pbn lo dr.M'i;iri;:ite

Aiisiiii«jUjom -0 Nmro Mid while sIiKli'nl.s prolr.'.led .'rjirenalloii poll-

rn ;il till' L'nlvi't.Mlv of Ti'xas. Moiitrmnc'iy £ U rnjiy_Jud!;P ii;:nir Uic riiliil ji-.'tniLiy Noj:Toudi-ul.t nl'AIabainn Atate'dellbrr- :<-ly di'fli'd a ban nRiim.M dcnion-

fitriiiloiLilV-'day. lie hfJft'thc ban hu liih "In vk-w of Ihn crItiiMl rarlal .illtialion wlilch ,i--i m «mr city."

Sludcnii I'laed Thirty.itto Miidi'iitA und a icr student were lined and isis each on charKCS of dl.virderly

conduct nnd lallurc to obey nn of­ficer. All the students posted WOO appeal bonds.

Trial of five Nejrro ntiidcntj st prcdomlnnntly Necro Phllanflpr Smith .Collette, UtUo nock. Ark. wa.1 set lor next Tliursday a week after they were arrwled during lunch eoimter demoiutratlon.' jnje prolejtlne UnlvcrsllyofTex- iu< rodents promised to continue thclr demonstrations Indefinitely. Tlicre nrs about 200 Negroes anions iho university's 11,000 students.


Mientnldi'ii and ollierj arc t,c(;l-ilercd_lor.Ui the clus«room. and about IJOO

le oiie*yc.ir courjc, houH In the clinical dtpartmcnU .

nj.yMTomrT.ifc. a^k lanr hbs- pllii! iidiiilnI.Mrntor, sa id .'.tudciit.t arc itlvui a Jlnal.

ir',c'. were eoridiicli'd nt Uic'i'X.Tmlnatlon and then state bo.irr .lillul nevcn con.H'cutlve y c i . r . v l ' “'‘'y P"-'*

but for the )i;i!.t f*o ye.ira im i'"'-' ^'Uffdcnt Rrndc.i, they, ln.Mriictor could not be obl4lned.i"‘“ ’‘ccnw fof

- .................... . iDnictical ntir'.pn lor Idaho.UiirtnK the flrjt tlx weeks of the,

3ur;.c, the !;tudcnt.i will bo In! la.M four holiis a day for five!ny.r-ff-wicKraiia"iirc--------

U. S. Schools Top Europe’s, Official AversALBUQUERQUE, March 12 -

An-offlclfll-of ihe Nstlonal-Kduea- tion association luijs nonbere In Europe are tho schools u i^Mcl as In Uie Untied Slates.

Dr. Karl If. Bcms. awlstant ex­ecutive secretary, field opcratlom, NBA. made the itatement today nt a meeting of tiie smitliwMt rrKlon- al conference of. Uie national ganlzatlon, ,

Tlio conference concludM Uirte-day mtellnit today,

Berna wild European school bulldlnK.1 are not as kckxI n« tlio.'-,c In the United SUHe.i. alUioUKh .'chool coa«ructlon Im been a ma­jor entcrprL c there because,many were dc.>iiToycd In war, '

He nlM> s.ild Ui« tools of eUuca- tlon, includhiK fext , llbrnrlm'and vocallonnl sliop,?. nre Inferior to ■‘lose In thU nation.

Tlic nallnnal official said old

pnictlcal )Studcni.i enrolled In the coume

are ri'qulred to be between the arte *”of”!0"nnri“&0“nnd“iTiu?it“b®‘ln* i:ood hrallh. If they are under 2S ycar.i of nt:e. they must have had

Icn.'.i two years of lilRh school, but pvr/ons over 25 "jears of ace havt lo have cornpli'lrd th? elehthKr.TiMk.

Pre;i'ntly enrolled In the couree arc. Joice..Irnie Baker, Mnluv;. Mrs, Milton Ulrtch, Jt-rome; Mrs.; Adrian Tolk. Mrs. Edward Sllll-! Inr.v F/.ther Werner and Mm,' I'hllllii B, Breniien. nil Filer: Rita necvc.i, Mr.i. John Coates and' Mrn;UftcL_llcndcrian.-ttIL-Bulil.! and WUllain Scllres, Mrs. Ouy

struetlon prosrnnu.One L-. called the "year of d c

clston" tndltlna. Ho said al the end of the JourUi Rrade, puplLi....'t take tcsij to decide tijctr

:atlonaI future, and 20 per cent cli6f,en to Ko throuRh a cur.

rlculuiu w/ilch enipha.' rrs Inn- RunKc.n. mathemstlci and science,'

Idaho Firm Fined ..$50 for MislabelsCHEYENNE. Wyo, Mareli 12 lit

—WyomlnK’a deputy commUsioncr of nRrlculture, O. If. EnRcndorff, said todsy an Idnho druR firm hna been fined J50 for sclllnit c.im- phoratcd Jlnament marked as >r oil,EnRcndorff s.-\Id the firm, Slauer

Wholmle company, Idaho Falls, pleaded Rullty to Improper label' inc of a druR.

A lienrlnR has been held In L.in- der after Mrs, Ocoree McNary, Riverton, said r.he drank p.irt of a iwO'Ounce bottle she thought con« talned c.«tor oil.^*Thff*boltleMftrfcx CAfltor oil bottled nnd distributed by National DUtrlbutor.'* nnd Coa.M Empire, both S.’ilt Uike City. These flrois L Mlrd public wamlnp *evcml weeks-Aco to the effect that sr of the bottles had been mlslabi accidentally.


LDS Plans for)'. Hospital OK’dPHOENIX March IS — A bill

p^rmlttlnu sal# of 2i3 acres of stato h(»pllAt farmland to tlie Mormon church Li headnl for n Joint leRWfltlve conference com­mitter, folloalnR (b p.xvjiRe ycR- terday by the ArWjila state senate.

Tlie sennte ameniled the mea.-,- ura lo put the'money In the pcn- eral fund. Tlio liouie ver.<ilan had It rarmarked for Ui» hospital buIldlnR fund.

Tlie LD3 church wanta tJie land for ft four-year eollese In I’hoenlx. Estimates of the ' land’.i value ranse from- JBOO.OOO to one-half

' million dollars.

Guard Will Work On Forest Roads

BOISE, ^^lrch 15 HVOov. Hob- eri E. Smylle said loday Uie Idaho army national Ruard ha.< been Au­thorized to utlllio lis enRlnecrlnp tinlU In tiie constnictlon of ea-item Idaho forest roadt.

— - 3myll8-Mirt-unibi-of the l<5th_engineer group will con. tnict or

Improve Bbout"6!i mile.< of'Vdnd In tlio ttclnlty of Palisades daiii In Caribou national forest as part of ll4 nnnusl tralnlnit In June.

Plans Clinics,________ Ta’ln Fnll5_MunldDnl_y.^omcn!g.

Golf a.uoclatlon will open sea.ion Activities with ft four-week scs-. *lon of clinics, ». |.The .flnt clinic will be conduct­

ed at 10;3J a.m. March 31. and- cimtlnuo for the next ihrec.Tlum- ■ itny momlniri. Daily loumnment.\ will be eonductc for those not Bttcndlne the clinics.'' I

WORLDYcousffeo/i—Tpul COLCM CIKClt 'of lOWO N h W b





1. Cnn n lieariiiff los.s be corrcctcd witliout

Iciiic or aiirpcry o f nny kind?

2. How can a hcnriiifr los.s nffeuL your Iio.ilth?

3. Will n iicnriiifT loss ever “ go nwny by ilsclf?”

J . How can you tell i f your chiltl ha.- a hearing


5. Just how Roo(i a r c hearing aid.t that aro

Avatlnlilo today?

A leading doctor answer.n these and hundreds of otlicr questions about hearliii: Io.m and deafness In a new FREE booklet available without co.' t or obllKatloni

Come ill or write for i/our copy today.



-- nc 3-34M^coiutico/l

ISONLloyd's Jewelry ^ Country Cobbler






Sollinp out to the bare walls! Jewelry,

dinmonclR, watchc.s, chinn a l co.sl,

-cost nnd-be low cost for the

quickest possible t o t a l sellout to

make way fo r the “New Lloyd’s"!

Price SmnshinR Jubilee lo <Kct ac­quainted prior lo our Grand Opening

in Tw in F a lls l Shoes piciccd a t ran* -<Iom-frflni-other-^o-unt-r-y-€obbler

Slore.s rind belnfr sold a t n fraction

of the ir true worth I



On Sale Monday Only 10 a.m . to 12 Noon

Ladies' a n d M en 's

WatchesMany style* from whieh to' choose, m iy luaranteed. Htrular 29J0 ■nd 49.M only. 12

O ne Table





CpUNTRY^OBBtER138 i^l40 Main_Ave. North


. _Xwin_EoIlsL

Page 8: Speaking Goiitest- ‘Unit Rule’ - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF201/PDF/...Speaking Goiitest- MarkgTM):^'S)ay For ChuFii Meet North Idahoans Win Democratic


Memorial for NQul)cr<fcr Is ^SlaWT(7n ay

Three Girls lo Itcpre.seiit Twin Falls - Doctors Here pj)osiiig Bill

For Free Car<?

Siimv Blocks Higlnvay Into Atlanta

prcscin vol- Mii.ititc proKraniJ.

I luivr-tiii'iKliiljlc iirniTrr'A l:i M!|>plyitir HD':pitai anri sicHno;.; DfiiffiiA for prr.'.oiix ov(f C5," Dr, Jiciiilon tic- Cl:ircil.

•'■cntly. « per cctil nl U, fi. clll/ •n mri- t i ;irc covff«| by vul- ;u:il;iry hcallli Itmtraiicr. Dy 13C5, lilc AMA jmt cciit ;vill

covcfi’d aii^ Ul) piT cciil by 1970.

SIfmnriul dtlvr. » liravlly Iravrlf.l Iriirk rmilf Ini.) .Ml.inU, Cij.. « .nowfall «hJch Irfl llir iu«rmfnl Ion illppcfv for llif hie vfl.lrlr- Tlie Klalird truck nrarrtl c^iiirr^ r^u^cd a Irafllr Jjiii rxtriidlne I

'riday by a (Irflnch fllmli thf Jilll III forwound liXo ihe dUUnir. (Al' Kirc

•n)P tld>-i:iaii{.) iirriu'

liilcr:i.nin:i;il iiiijmi tninorrdw. lunl Oicii lo the Ryn:iir(ii:tii' li cnri uiiiUt pdlicc

Transport Group Slates Program


rriipgnciil predict 111'-

hillion do||;.r:. th flr.M hvi»jr;ir.v Alter llMl tllc Cft'

iild rbf a:i inori; proplp brcoiii :iblc lor .socifti M-cuniy Ucin-fil: 'llic Aini-ric.'.ii iK'inilc nnd coiirl lii'.v have conic in rxfHTl nr.

deninrid thp best mccllrnl esrc :: the luirlil—aiid Uiey iirc Ki'tiliii: i tlir()ui:li the free rn::rpruc y5-. t<Mi ami ilirn\ii:li (rei- clioiee of iloctor.s ami mstlluilon.'i,"

“ ™U.S; ControlOf Envoy in U.N. Blasted

Mrs. Bell Named To Cook Contest

jMiine .mrllltr,Kyrhi|:;i1u>ok. Thr T»lM 1 .-iiivlllary clKisr tin

Irft, C!rcir{ina Kainn and Kliarnn M.itsudi. nlio were cliniirn In Bllrnd• JiiMc S In 11 at (he rollrse of Idaho. Ciililnpll, Innk nvrr (hr 10j9 CIrN' Male «cra|i< j IK lilch whnnl l.n.iilly rliuse 10 sirh a« famllUJtti. hiid tlic. Amerlrau l.«ilnn ■ three tlrli. Ollirri «111 be chn-irn nhnrlly. Slelllrr ii Hip eranddauthtcr nt

I Sweden h.vi provecl ly than iimlclpaled t»:id : coiinirle. i\re bi'KlimliiKto bacb. under llie lilnli ca I'nimem-coiilrollDd proji

IlUiiU March U’—Ml Bull Ha.\ iiuniUtaleld in Ihe Biilil Cralli;r in thi' ’ coiiie.-a iluni:;; liiu iiiiil

WAsniNaTos, March 12 f.-.-1»' I.UIC depatliiii-iil kcii>. '

iJloi^lo '1"'V'OICII to MTVC the r

........ ........................... .of ...CMl-l They said It would be better to l" '" " ' '" ’'Ihose'iillow the U.S. delccation n tlitlr leeway tor iicROllalloii. .

SUIe Deiiarlmrnl lllainrd Clement J. 7.ablocki,

the Ml' Ml-1,


liinchi'ij. •tmi ItllDr. Hi-iLMon di'Clnrctl, Ujn; United Nnlloiu, two cuni;re.Hi.-|“' ‘' “

Socialirril nieUlcllH.- In IJrllaln'r.ien delcKatw salil loilny. ''>•-* ... I,.. I . . I ..... *i>». .t.l 1,. ............. . . . , .........

thiir Bell iind Mrs. To:ir.McBr(«iiii. M/i, E.irl Pirlliixer. coiirle.sv ehair- mi>n. reporlecl nn the iLMt .-he made lo !i. A. reler;.oii at

Setfhaptcr of ihc

ld,ilio Ouldixir iw.'.oclatlnn will iiiMl TiiiMlay in Itic club home iiD.'lli i>f ihe *nir{ clul).

beeniuaimfd oiid ;> inovlc. "We ArcAll .SVl;:IitwI;.." wiil (JC . IlOftllMi”ubc'i!i are urj;f<l to ftUcnd a:ul briii;: a friend. ■ Relrc. h- iiunts will be served by the


il nii'ctiiiK lii's been tched- by iTie Pa-UlliL r.fnrMiirchl!

-ho Motor IrnlL'ipiiri ciiiirir'!. rrroH- .'MalMiila h tlie daiishter tif Sir. and .'Mr«. Ted .Mnlnuila. iSlalf jilioto-ensravliis) iilsed n.% one of thr biil .tnnilliiK I t i; k entcrtalnmenl Kroiip. In Idalm. ___

“1 l i r e c -p e le j] f a te s -N a ii ic ( l '(trftm nt Wi-ndell Man-h I’l;

Kcmietli Kiirlrler, initiiai; director, will brlnn the -ID.nieniber eliorw to .'oiitliern Idiihn for thrlr first local npjwamnri' <if the veitr. Tlie ehnral Rroiip will "

• xlety of niiniber;. In their procrMni ■ Includlnfr .idlos niid inl.Nriiincntn!

nirnibera.Members of the chorai ....

• ploye.1 of motor tran.'sport c'oinpan- Jca of liolso nnd vicinity niid-Vlve tlielr llmr nii<! tnlent. for llie ..'n- tertalnmeiil at local mrtllonconih-. der Uie sponsorship of niin-i>roJit orBnnlMtions.

Ticket,? will be sold by the dpcin- •orlns orKnnl7j>tloni ns a luntl- nlilnit project.

Committee on arrnnRcmenLs eonaiita of Di\ve Lane. Ooodlnc aranM: J . If. neenmn. Wcnrtoll Orttnae, nnd Mr*. Melvin 6lU.ion,

—Orohnr«l-Vni!er-OmnF:f.—An—ntf*vanes jiile of tlekcl.i for tlie event will be eonducietl by the Pomona Onuieo inombcrs of the county


Red China Women Are Taxi Drivers

TOKYO. March 12 m — Radio Pelplnc repori.i mofe than 300 women In the red Chinese cnplti tre belnc tmlned m tftxl drlvere.

Women nko work lu bus nnd trolley drlvtrs. nnd HO women nl- ready are llcenacd tnxl drivers In Pelplnj. the braidcnst (lald.

It quoted H-sii Kucl-chih. n Pel- plnif woman Jinck driver, n.% rayinR, •Taxi drlvlnit aiiJla a •woman."

of thtt.Anu'rlfan L'Cliili Innndimrrs tlii' Ihrre HI 'dcli'iMten-Iro:n TiMn !•'

.■ liauin .Mat;.iidn.Sieliler and (!riirnlim Kali

■nm thrt'f trliN were rhan 10 eandldatc-1 picvliui.sly ; bv the hlch ,'chc:ol fafllllv. r iih will atU'iiil' SyrlniM Oiriv

.Itinc :■ to II m the Collect­or ]dahi>. CahlArll.

Mrs, Krajnrr tin- three ulrb ch(v,i'n fill (inly part of the quota nllotteil to the hlnh ;.<'hi>ol forOltl:,' Ktate, (111(1 iniite will lie ^elected In About HI dayi alter all iippllcn' tlons arc In, Olhrr caiulldtite.%

•ryi ni:e. Carolyn Ureck- ::..i«l-Orrin,- >iHi'-lle-&.'vy,

Janiuc .S!iiil!i.'.\l,i.-Ji>rit- Yo.-k nnil Lu_ry Yorl:,

|)iiii.'nrs of Ihe Afflcrlcan Lfiilon ^u\lli;iry projec.t ine thi-

ehil). 'IVentieih Crnturj' club. nuslnM iitnl' Pri)fi-MlonaI. \Yinnm luid Uie Baroplombt club.

State Conference•. chalniianjTc.ihour.c of iho AuKH'.t Moo

;lliary.!aiie wa,\ n nitmbcr of the Pep club ilurlni; her .wpliumore nnd Jiiiilnr

'lili:hjyears. member of the studente«un- -aiine.cll. lUliire Teaehers of America,

]Clrl,V ifiiKiic j.ianiliiiK •n frtjm;antl nnit prcsltlent of GlrL-.’ leKU ;i'lectc(I ln her Junior year. She Ls aclive 1

Thi'|llic Mt;lhodLM Yoiitli KelUiHjlilji. ML. Slcttler, i:r;i!iddaui;htcr of

Mr, niul Mrs. E, K Stettler. tc.irhinK scco iu l Rrndi.- SuiicUy whool clivw nt thu I'lrsl Prcjbylc-' rlan church. She wa.s sophoinnrc :|RM vice pre.ildent, U GlrLi'lMKiic sU-vndinc chnlriunn. member of ihe Pep club nnd t’ fA. Job'. Daush- ters ptuil honored queen, f.tudciit council member In her sophoniHre at)(l-Juntor-ynu«-and-|>;u't.'

NKW YORK, Mairh 111 (.‘ un. d,i\i I;r~'riic lull moiin (cmk nil a uclnl. copjH-ry-rul today ali::4I a,ili. <ESTl ari It wa;. to- lallv eclliv.ed bv the earlli's ^hadow f(ir nn hniir nnd :'5 mimttcj.

’Hie ecllpne, Wllleh ilile in all piirl.i of th^ve.Uern htiiibylicri:. weather pcrnUttliiK.

Llie flr.1t coniplele lunar

A loW tcllp;.c ocrur%,v the K;irih inovc.t bctwieli iiuii nnil the nionn. c,' , thu; creat flfJl.OOO,000-mile, coi fdiapcd shallow.

Rescue Reported

Awards Made I In Conference

W.:..nnM Jame/:0.yulton. U,.' I'n, .'UKKi-Mcd that Ihe »tate depart nient or "the machinery ns such' niay.hav

lit T)i--ni!.eii.t!:ca nt tnc mMting.--

in the Paeiric or ihe flr.'t •jiaper todiiy.

Tim Aiteca wcr» tops In rllual- L.ll= kllllr.,;s. In one ceremony i.rar , am” exp nMexico City a f<;w Mere Amcrlc.ui i.-ullirs

M!.v, Katon 1, the .h.u^hter-of

fercncc'conchidetl liere tod.ay xvlth workshop .se-'sluns nnd the iiQunceinetit uf Bwardf.

or America, prejcntcd Ihe nwarils to winners of competition In the distribution field.

t'irst-plncc winners were Altlon Cook. Itliilio I-'ivil.i, public cpeak- Ins; Steven Eichinelcr, idnho I'alLi, boy.H Job Interview; Burhsra

■ Falls. Rlrls Job- In- tervlew; James WnRncr. Lewiston. RdvcrllsliiK Inyoiit; Monte Vnn Si:e.- Lewl.slon, window judRlnB; Onrbarft BtirRln, Idnho rnlLs, i ales demonstrMloiiy" L in d a Uirson,

----- ---------- -

announced tlir ii

.............yfnr-for“mtr coreTnment'sMsllure;^-j°-j^-’‘i - ^ “ *' to .Nupport I. cmidiaHte for the :,c-| ‘ f

t , ™c-'iiimiKnliii; for tliclr candldalel'^*''’' - n"d Donald'clven by,.Wi. Ulanchc SmlUi. Mr.c..inpalK i.k for tljcir candidatt, ^ backward !.pclUm,- bee was'an.l Mn. Am.,Id Tnnnler nnd Mri.

Iconducted between Ihr women nnd .Marle'ta Laccy served rctresh-wlth Ihe women ns wln-!nienls.Zablockl and Kullon. fnrelKn tif-

tair.-. coininiltec member, ^ervtd oil the U.S. dele;;atiun.to the U.N. iieneral av.emlily.'.e.'jlon Sept. 15- Dec. IJ, 105!).

DclalH riirckrd. Too "We Were unfavorably Imprc.’iS'

rd by tlie decre of cuiiWol exer' ci;.ed by Hie Mate dcpartmi-ni ovei the U.S. nmbav.ailor , , . nnd the pernianent mlv.loii." Zabluckl nnd rulton wrote In n report I coniinlttee.

'Not only policy but aI*o pro- cedurftl questlon.i ivre mlmitely; dealt with In olficlal position pa>; pers prepared In Wn.ihlnKlon. Fur- titer, everv dcpariure from nntlcl-

nienui. no mnttrr how trlUnl. nn-!

Mr. nnd Mr.i, Curtis Ea. participated In ihe sophom Junior ^lunt ns.«mblle.i nnd the chaiiKe iLwinbly during her Junior j-e:''’. She b n member of Uic Pep club. S1:I club luid I-’uiure Teach*

of America, nnd Li active in ■copal church nctivllles. She .

Chaplaiivaif Job'.i Daufthlcrs nnil CirI.s' li'acue Maiidiirs'ehalwiaii, She play,', the piano nnd orcan, and ■studied SpaiiWi 1,1 -Minimer .ichonl

■ I

Page 9: Speaking Goiitest- ‘Unit Rule’ - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF201/PDF/...Speaking Goiitest- MarkgTM):^'S)ay For ChuFii Meet North Idahoans Win Democratic


Burley Gives WariiiiTjf for "Rackel Sales

Ii;;ilLEY, l:-A Mjriiliij:'v.i< t'ivcil U)C?I l>y llifiH.ulri- . Chiir.ber-.uJ Ca:ii:uticci

•■Ily-by'iilshi"' .miImiiphi .. . Ulld .clllicjll..'Aci'cl

i:rT(l Id Ijrcomp ncipinliitrd «i:h IViilrv.-. G itrn liivrr o:clli;;iiiVe.

I'vr C’tltplnillM xvrrr rrrrivrd V.Pi-iC. sl.ltcs llic

I Mich ;i r:inl in Ilir Ivvo ni'-lialf \iMr.s .-■lif lirnl aorlt- r till- r1iiiiiil)i-r.

' pro!<Ttr(l by Iliir-

c:v Imwhrr^ 'lllDci,nnrt tnrvicnf vpntwro

Ilf mrrcliHiKlisp, tioi li.ulm: bpcn irqijc\lcil or liivllrd 1 ft do o by ihp iKMirr or ricciii).i!il, fur Ilie

(if MillclllliK order:, fertile .ilr n( iiiioil.i. wiirc% luid iiicrclmii-

<livr tr; <1 i'tliirrd lo lip n llIll :lIlC(' .iiid piiiii.-.liiiblf ■< Midi niiUiicc

nrdiiinlico carnp. iii:i;/linuin /liics Icitalini: SIKI niid cuiU ol pro-c-n'dlii:::;.

Ui.'t yciir llic cliimibcr \\u rc- l)ol; lbll• for tlio fi'dcr.il flrmt of

a iiinj.irliiD nulc.smnn wlin Intpr uj» nrrciUrd-unit cun/Iclcd uii ii.iri'oilc-i c/iiirc.c.

Fabian Antille Dies^Age85JEROME. Mnrch 12-I■ lblcll B.

Aiillllp. 85. retired fnrmcr who tnd lived In, Made Vnllcy jilnce 1013,

Hlver Convalp.-pcciil cCiiicr ntler leiiKlliy Illne-vv

.Mr. Anlllle wiw born In SivlUcr- ..Jn iid ll..lB75..comlnc.t<i/mtr-

Ic.i ivlth lil.% wife, nnd n foster dntiRliier In 19U. Me u'n.i it mtni- brr of SI. Jcro'me'g C.ilhollc eliurch.

Sur>-lvlnR In ndclltlon lo lilj vlcl- ox. MO ft dauKhlcr, Mra, Prcd Ml- lar. Wendell, and one *isier. Mrs. /[Irlcnnc Warin. Swltstrlnml.

no.v>ry'-wlll be fccllKl at . . . . pin. Sunday ftl liitf'Crlppiii In- SfTal’clirtpcl. Retiultm maw « bn eclcbr.itcd at 10 ftjn. Monday Kt. Jerome's C.Tlliollc church by the Rev. Ucrnard .McUrlde. In lieu of flottcr.i. donations mny be made

' lo the Catholic Woimen’a Icnjut of St.. Jeromc'fl church. Klnnl rltea nlli be held In tlic Jerome

, lery..

Khrushchev Will Match WitsWith De Gaulle During Visit

— l».‘S»lSr'Mfirrh-J?-'.»'-----^Sovkl..................................Premier Nikita Khrushchev, *ho

l.iees toush talk Kttli Rux*•Miin humor, Is mntchirii: uiis here iirixi ueek uiih the iltarp mind B»d—Iron—diitiiliy -o{- Prftldenl Clinrle.% cle Gnulle In a preliminary lo ihr Mny 16 Mimmlt ineeilnR. Hf j mouV-'iria-^nM --- - 'IlifMlay, Itlieydttiirf tho\r

Phones Repaired After Car-Grash

DUflL£V. March 12—Wllllnm D.Ibhed lone beforf-Hu^.l. b«»me of » n»tlon-.TJiey u-m .show him t h e b u i e a relc-riches of Fmnce-lt* mines. olllPl'oi'e TelfKmi.h compriny.!drii<v.ll.N. ileel plmil.s, fnbrlc mills uiyn'ifpand cultural, ueallh. ill'f "•• Khnuiichp#.-hov.#vfr, --- , •

country ulth resources w enor- >'>ne dLil.-inee- .e ,op ,n j- tn B 5- fB ll» liu a iu p «d- v- rhe ^

j rcp.iircd by

Dinner PlannedBHOSHONB, March 12-A .pol-

luck dinner «klll be htld at 1 pjii. Monday at the MemorliU hall for members of the Ainerlcnn Lrclon pmtrttiB'auxlIlirj- ana hcl^part

IliLi event MU tie lo commemo- rule llie Lesion's annlvcrwio' S.wlred At the end of World ui

Abwlute sero ho* been fUed at —<S0.« dffree* Fahfenhelt. In the­ory. nUsolute zero Is reached whea nil'molecular motion eeiHies.

1.. ihe evniInK ttlirn a lelephonP

. (rotiblpnme J.' .ue ullli -n,e doinlnftnce of Klirii5hchcv!'“ l%";“,r .JI.P »hlch rver .ince World!i,l itir Soviet Unio:, t, mnlcheri m^? -II stood like a »lieclerj,sct -if not In lor.n by the domt- ''

coiidliollon — Ihe quesllon'. of, Cnniany. I

Ni'Uher iiKMo''fniv nnr in P.iriihffc miicli. ejjirciatluii tfiiit

ti^o Aiatr«iieii, o ,op[K)»edL -- ;ii;-tcm|n-r;iment. will make sreat

' pro;:ri-.vs in 'cu I !J llielr illlfcr-

wltti j

m TO -

for tile Jellerson I^fA at 8 jin i.'^Mr. -.,.d Mr.. W i ls o n - B o jc s

re Hn clmrRe-cf the pro.


. FishingCanada Trip Described

_ n i n ^ Y . March_ 12 ^Movlej^ taken of t\v6 C.inn'dloh (IsIiInK trip.1 were shown by Clinrle Skattcs durlnit the Uon.i' lunchcon meet- hiB Friday at Cousin Roy's,

SkncK* flew with pernon* from Ball Lake City ivnd Idaho r'alli hLi flr:.t trip to L.ikc I iRounc ... norllipni Sa.il:atchcwnn nni! li.it year Dave l-'cn.slermnktr. Tom llo. witrth and Phil Pnyne. all Burley, went with him. It takea from elsht to 10 hours flylnR time Co re,ich

>'lhls remote orcA, rtnd tJiey have to check with customs officers at Great I-’alls. Mont, Tliere Is only ' )e road that leads lo Uils eamp,

hey fljhcd for nothern pike, lake trout and walleye pike while tliere.

Tlic population Ix 70 lo flO per cent Indians and they are the only onc.s .(0 remain tiiere durlni; ihu winter. The c.iblns In which ttie

they ate family atyle. niclr kuuui « cre Indiana.

Phil Payne was hLi Rucst for,tin mcellnK.

Auto Windshield Broken by Horse

BURLEV. Mnrch J2 - A hor.-.e owned by Wlllaril Cranncy, O.ikley.

hit by the rlRht Klde of the windshield of a 1069 Kord driven by Kenneth Martin, 17, Oakley at a:l5 p.m. l^lday 12 mile.'' ^outh of

■TirTFWTiliniwayTrTlie animal, n. yearllnjr mare val-

ued At $1B0, had a broken lee and had Co bo destroyed. Sheriff Le> Page Ljxylon « ld . It wiw one of ft Kroup of seven hor.iu croMlnj the hiRhway but the only one wlileh was struck. —

Damace to the car was esCImsted at $175. Neither the driver nor his pa-Mcncer, Lee Daccman, Id, Oak­ley.-■wTcnnJurrdrBitimiannToiacd being cut by flylnu In follow- liiR Accepted cra*h procedure t-iUKht In drlvInK tralnlni; clavies by ducklnir down on the floor, ult- nc:.vcs said.

r.;ii(I. ■ ” _________________The (wo le.iders met'brlt/ly onte

bc'fnie, in wartime Mokow Dec. 10,' 1D.I4, The Krencli Kovtrnrnenl ritilte evidently l.t coins lo tr)‘ to wjftca. Uie soviet leader . wltli chunn piled on i o thick that, if he .'.ubiiilt.'( to It all and survives, that in llsclf will be »n achieve-.

The proerain for enlerlainment ntid for SI tour aroimd the ruun- t;y Ir. a i.ccret olIlclnlly..l)Ut ra- i:: r-biau'r prep;inillons arc under w.ty In a dozen clllci,

Khru'lichev wnrOTtnKen on a' tour of chateaux whose owpers’ heai'.s were lopped off In a bloody revolution 120 year*- before '.the bloody revolution tli»l,^tn«biiht conimunLsLs to power in Hussla. But tlio chateau eountry Is so beauU/uI IJiat 6iil/ an Iron man would not be moved by It.

French leaders openly expect Khrushchcv to.be Impressed by this and other rejtlons of a coun-| try whose clvllliatlan was esCab-|

hDwtT m ihe'Uniird Stairs oti •!Prliiir Minister Harold Mntmlllan' l-'i'her luild Acrvice w;is not af-'in Britain.;__ . . ___ Ifpcted In AltJloii a.t first reporlrd,

lYench official* expect Khrll^h•l chcv to launch his stroni;«t .-iil- thnt yr.mcp hin developod slncc tack on the close a.-'soclatlon b<-lnie nar of lliiklni: O'Tmiiny to the tween this country and West aer-]\Vf I lndii.sl|l;illy nnd mllll.irlly by

n... f.,i. w . ..r—, .>n)l/-vllrrnllr.^uml_rr;»-nrf._

•NVWVXNVVO« --------

s e r v i c e '

PHILCO Piclurc Tubes- -- ond-pofts,------—

All wntk KUnranteM.

pfioncD! 7D: .Main .North. HE 3>GH<

ROBERT J. BOWER,Nnmcd Dircclor of AKcncics fnr Uic

American Homo Mutual Life Insurance Company

<a Irii'al reserve Life liuvurance Comiinny) nt a meellnj: held At the home olflcc here. In lloiv. .*50111 Hawkins. Pre.sklcnt of the American Home Mtiiunl Life Insur.mce company, said the company Is cxpondlns Its faculties and territories In tJic near future.

Mr. Dower has been a rfildcnt nf Idaho for the past four years, seri’lnu a. territorial mannKer for that period. Ills M years' experience In the ln.iur.ince buslnr.vi will be an asset Co Uie American Home Mutual Llfo Insurance Company as welUs lo tJielr policy holders. •

Mr. Hower’u ld (hal (he eompiny lias apenlncf for acenta as welts a r ‘ General AcenCs In nearly all Ihe Idaho lerrllorlei. Interested pennni phone Mr. Hower (4-HOI) BoUe, or wrlla P. 0. nox 807, Dolse, for appolalmeat.


ABOVE COSTEXAMrtEf Tills nylon bed daveno complete with matchlni; chair, s tu rdy hardwood frame.

$ l i l A O O


w ith old le t M A T C H IN G C HAIR




iimty who have been named delecales (o (lie SyrliiRa Girls' state at Callece of Idalio. CaldtrelU Their parents are .Mr. anil .^Ini. Itny Morse and Mr, and Mrs. Joe lliileomb, all Klmlierly; Mr. nnd Mnt II. WUeman. Hansen, and Mr, and Mf«. Joe Staslny. Mur- tiOWi, TJie tlrU'are'spansofed 'ly Ihe Klmlirrly Ainrrlc.in I.pRhin' auxiliary. I'iiinerr rlub and Kimberly, Hansen nml tlir Murtauch I'TA. Alternates are .Merla Gtcnn, Kimberly: Anlla lllUiurlli, Han­sen. and.Karen Lincoln, .Murtaugh. (^ taff ensravlncl

D^atli Claims James Adldns

James E. Adl:lns. 84. a retired farmer, died Friday nt Mairle Vnl­lcy Memorial hospital, where he had been a patient a month.

Mr. Adkins was born Dcc. 20. 1875, 111 CwJ county. Mo. He mar­ried Mary Woods. Jan. I. HNH, at Fox, Ore.. nnd they moved to Twin......... !H . lOig.Hewasamem-

ie First Baptist cliurch Jicre.

Surviving be.'.ldes his nidow four, r.on.1. Elmer H. Adkins. Robert ‘ArAdt[itvi'Afiai,loydD. Adkliw, all T»'ln Palls, and CjTlI L. Adkins, Idaho Falls; three grandchildren and three Kffnt-Brondchlldren; a brother, E. I . Adkins, Shoshone, and two sLsteM, Mrs, Cora Conser, Kimberly, And Mrs, Bello Rice, Portland.

Services «'1I1 t>e held at 3:30 pjn. Monday at White mortuary chapel by Uie Rev. Ernejt Ila.vicl- blBd, Final rites will bo held at Sunset Memorial park. T2ie family lURftests contributions to the First Baptist church memorial fund.

Judge’s Grandson Slays Babysittersliu.STLN’OTON, W. Va. ^f«^ch

12 Oti —A KUn.liapjiy Rr.md.'.cnj of a hlKhly rcnpecled told po­lice bluntly todiy he killed youni: bnby. ll!cr.l w h o w watchInK hLi two yoimc.'.lcrs nfler he returned home from ii drtnktng bout.

Asked why he )>hot Ihem. he didn't have an answer,' except — “It Ju.’.t happenPd."

Henry Clny Wnrlh bi charped with lat.tlly wuundiiiK L li id n Qualls, 12, nnd her cou;.:n Penny Qiiati.TrwrirL^nnRhfuiiiie-nicy took care of Wartli's two ehlldrcn.

•Td Blve aiiythlnc-ln tJi# world If I knew why." .Mid Warth.

Chile Man DiesNE:W Yoruc, Mareti 12 WWBen-

Jninln A. Cohen, Chilean diplomat and n former undcrfecrcWry of tlie United Natloiw, died today In Doc- tar:e.jio< l>lwl,-H»-would-have-l>een

I next Friday. ,Cohen had served In the U, N, I ii.ulstant Bccretar}'. Rcneral In

charKC of Uie department of public Inlormatlorj and Inter a.i under- secretao' In charce of the tnistee- riilp department.


3)^ H O U R P A IN T



FILER. March i:-Ttm E. Ho. «h.iw. Twin Falls, wa.? rmcd s: . . co.-,t.-i I'rld.’iy by Justice of Uic Peace V. A. AlIMn for failure

display ti front license plnt«. Ho was cited by State Patrolman lUehard Bums,


Fm P!fk.ii[. & pelnfry

Time Shop


—Slate Auditor Sid Lambourne lo- nlRht announced he l.i a eindldate for the Rep


Lawn Sprinkling SystemCham pion Brass


.Pops up when pressure is on ond w ate ring.Grass doesn't h inder th e ir cfflc icncy.

.M ow rig h t overT

PHONE RE 3-4466 FOR FREE ESTIM ATE , . . Hovo in ito llcd now . . 1 before watering tim e.

Vern ThomasP lum bing & 44cating

Reasons You Should Select

MAICO HEARING AIDPRO V EN PERFO RM A N CE— Yon clon’t buy an "iin-

knowii” when you select n A lCO luti. MAICO nitls

hftvc been recpirnized fo r superior quality for over 22 yenrs, Bnckcd'by the InrgesfcnRinocrlnp In

■ th e industry, nnd ranked nmonp the tol)-3.In pro­

duction, the name M AICO is your nssuranco of

8:00 A . M ... You’re off and rolling with famous Fuller

Tnrrrirtr T.ftfffv l P.ninf n n y tvh ich _ tvay.

This paint slides on smoothly, quickly,

evenly—with never a lap mark.

10:00. A . M .Over half through alrcadyl FulIer'Inte^

rior Latex docs tJie job t^viccas fast as old-

time paints. And tlierc's no’'painty” odor.

11:30 A . M . .You’ve a beautiful new room, rich in col- .

or beauty that will last for years! Fuller

Interior Latex dries to touch in minutes

. . . rinses neady from roller or brush un-

(ftr the water tap i . . costs no more./

Choose from 216 decorator colors at your

Fuller dealer now.-:------ •


TOOf Fuller Semi-Gloss In-

, terior Enamel is ideal for

- kitchens, woodwork and

— baths. Dirt-whisks-off-with-

adarapcloth.Try i t h

- T W I M - F A t t S - H E A R I N G 7C1 NT£l"Our Word ifrn t Be Heard'

iM iTHcdhcr------ 3-733^



Page 10: Speaking Goiitest- ‘Unit Rule’ - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF201/PDF/...Speaking Goiitest- MarkgTM):^'S)ay For ChuFii Meet North Idahoans Win Democratic


Times-News Forum — Voice o f the Reader.TJii cat to Democratic Way of Grandmothei' ol' 'Highway District Didn’t Ask

JJfc Seen in Annexation Law Eids- on Project, He Asserts- . ...... .„„M ...... A p p i t C l . l l l S .-IIH a „ » r ,T lm r ,.» „ ,v ............................ p,,,„ I,..-

I, 28 clrculiilloiI IlH' T«iii CDiimv ulirrc tlir v.ork 1> d

•Mria li;is Lon-.advcr:i5rmri>t of (1 c;>irr>T ){ pl[>e aiiU coin-.111'' I-ikcs jDiilh p:

Farm Real Estate: Rising Market Values

CrfXwGE IN'DOLLAR VALUE OF FARMLAND'rciccnioje.: No». 'J! le »<»• W


-.Kfuil iliiTTcluT liail la.-;

: Man (-icarc d ol Cliarges, l)iit_!l Reports on EvideYice in Casej

of tilt prciiiL-nl ’ (nlVinHiiK'-.-, Bfiior.iKi', Wiifrr. lire piotcc rlr. J »m iiiic lliiil .v.iiii- of >-mi u'liu luvr r<• l(lc'(l In llip eily fiir

Resort Music Director Hea])‘s . Lavisli Praise on Local Play


InK, «iul cxclilrence. the Dtl.'llntil<- urn diiclloii ()f."Atiiilr O ft y ... . ftt tti8 JllPr lilMli .• liool. Since-I feel tlint tlip 'Iltiip.i-Ncws' rrvlci of llio slinu’ did nn liindvrrtcn dl.v.cTvlft: by iifKlcrilDir lo ri-cni; nl;o i.oine oj Ihc hIkuv'.i riiir iwilnl which iliv.eiYe crriil. crfilll. I would llko. to Icll you Jiiy <>liliilon. Incl- (leiitiilly, oiiLvtdo of iiclUiK n-' oni of llireo JmlRM who miidp |irc lliiiliiiiry ca.M rccoitimdidiillnnx. 1 Imd no coiincclloii whniovcr with the xhoK- nnd ihls IclU-r i.t entirely my o« n Idea.

JlftvliiR mlwd Inst ycnr'i pro- duelloii of Cnroujcl, I wiis quite unprcpnrcd for the level of w e l knee In this yenr'n cliort. TIic.m itnndnrd.i for mensurltm, Ijy lln wny, are nol n *pecliil sei rc.scrved fur aiimieur—i>ro<liictloii.i. 1 om bfltiK no nioro kindly (or bllndi tlinn 1 am when I Juilse prodm lloivt on Brondwfty or nnywhe; •else. If 1 iioiinrt ovcrbonrd, eve cnthtinlnAtlc. It’a bcenu» I nm .

— mipri

nilTlic' flr;.t surprL c I cot nt "An- '.••• .... llip ............UclliK

.......rl.in n!y^el/. nnd n vlolnitlyIntiTcMf^ Uroadivny mii;.lcnl buff, I ’m well ncqunlnti-d with the for Annie, both Irotn Uio printed piiBo nnd from hnvIiiR tceii Met- m.in M Annlo In New York. I also havo lao LP’s of tho with Merman and ono wlU» Mary Martin.

Whni WAS the surprise about the overture? Well. It wn.i plnyed with more awnreocM of the basla cftar- acter ot Uie sons* tlian nny oUitr lime Z^c heard It plnyed. Tlie

• ovenur® ahould set Uio mood for tho entlr# iiliow.-as well m Rive -you a flr.it lUten to tho sonKS. On tlwt memomblo nlRht In Filer, tlio humor, custlne.u anil forth-rlchfnf^j /if th«s yt'frnlorth inimedlateb-. without relylnj on Inter JjtIcs to convey the mcj- MBc. Trombono slurs and similar tcchnlqiie.1 .*.ct up a mood of fun and llKhtne.vi, Tlieyre in the or- che.'.trn!lon, yes. but they need t{ be recocnlred for whnt they are.

Tills i3 a terribly rare commodi­ty. I'm not at all aure tluit the bc.1t man on Broadway, Lehi EnRcl, could do as well a*, done at "Annie- Iti.it Snturday.

_ The violins durUiK the overture needed to be RiroiiKcr nnd nion accumto (ttlilch^v iis nUo trui

_tlirQDsl»ut-tRr^,w>-nnd-thi,.XBOdv Intonntlon-TVns fometlnif.-

ulopiiy, .but the mcnnlnf? of the sonta wn.n crj-.ital clear, 'm u h»s noihlnK lo do with the orchi tlon. ahlcl; even hnd .•.omo mlsstnff. but It does li.ivc lo do wiih a conductor's nbllily to irans- 1.1 le iioiM from tlio printed'iiaKe. throuRh tlio orclicstrft, Into an a curate,- mennlncful. • ImnKlnatM re[>re--icnlnt!on of whnt the Mti nu'iin In the Mion-. Mr. Berlin w In i;ood hnnd.i hi Kllcr tlmt nlclif

In spllo of mu.slcliia\ who'ucre mwtly iinfiimlllKr with rMow work the o^he.Mrul accojnp.inlmcnt w.is i.ne. Jlcrc'a why; The necompnnl* nient went alons with tlio sltiRcr; It wrLva a conipfthiff force will' ^\hlch tho preiuined solout miui keep up. Ask any .MnRcr how often )i(T finds a punL^i who u«om panle.i ttcll, even more ofa scarcity aniom; conductorr;.

When the curt.iinj opened after tho ovprture,'! wn.% fliibberRMted' ncaln. I had nudltloneri. the.-.e em m j^lf, but the dlrCctoi trna-.formed them. He ninde teuri look like profe.vinnals. lie hnd nw*n^l;,hP(t"«m8''of-'tlib rouKhest JoUi a iheater man' run into: ho knit to-,;cilier ^ a t w r c.v,t nnd a profc.vJonnl I

''.-DraKwiiHnaiDfd, .itar;.’ Knt '.ble*:


No Eitra C

) had llle plciiM

nlllccnt, but I h:ul expctti'il ,tI <llilii't expect licT to l)P be than Ktliel Mrhniiii, thniii;h, tiio pjirt-wiiicir'ls tunre cm: fiy nMocisti-d with Menn;in tliiin iiiiy nilier. But Mnrv nhowrd a .vcnr.l- Ilvliy, a .ftubtiety of clmticicr dc'llnKiilon. tlmt ^^-^n;ln can’t nppr(i;ich. In addition .i Iia h^s Moniinn'3 bm.vi nnd diction, a liively antldflto for Mary M;iritn’/i loo-lrcquent eloylMK Mvectnc.-kS. .Marj- Walkrr'.i mntiy-krviHl jwr* Inyal wn.t a Rcm. Anil the m.ike-up nmn for her eyes,

Cccnu.ie Mennan nluiiv.i IwW.iII belriR the most Importiint per*3n on sl.iRe all the time, her jxHir

lendlns man; H ay Middleton, didn’t, stand a chance. })l■c.'Ul■e Marj' Wnlker Is a 1cm cKcilstIc per- fonuer. Roger Vincent wics alloive<l

oom to do a much better Jnb Mlddleion did. And tlio p<xir

Hollywond sUtvio that they used for FTnnk In tho movhi version nhould undcr.itudy Mr. Vincent. 1 exited Hocer'4 perfonnnnee to 1)0 tv'.'hTtTlf-iroodm;—to-R-ij—the

he doc.i from the han the [wpular

flpld. but tlicro wa.-sn’t a wuodi'n moment In It,

Unlike Mlildleton. he w.vs com­pletely believable. Credit acaln to the director aa well n.i lo RoRcr hlnwlt. . .

I'm not polns Into the excellence of otlier roles except to.mention n

nderfully pudRy Indian chief, a'V- of lunlllnK (ye.-i, who could

believe It?) danclnc Blrls who actually looked as thnuch they wero enJoylOR what they were doing, a hotel .keeper with rare itivRo presence, a trohop-type Dolly (played by Mrs. Vernon llediier who, thoURh ln.iufflclrntly prepare<l. stepped Into the role sliort notlCB and did a nio.tt co rSeiuTOToloWrnliJ'AhlireTTCniTirtrm brother. Jake.

Tills last-named role by a younc man who tt ea-iy to undetnt.-ind <I was In the back of the auditorium nnd Roi every word he wildt, and nrvrr .viundtd like a child rrcitiiiB line.'.

0 wns fine. If you think flndliiR Rood child actorJ-1 cii.sy. look at

the liny number of them on Mnse acrrcn. or try to find one. Kind-

Inc Dldlo HodKP-1. for livst.ance,•ai tlio blpRc.-.t c.v.tlnR problem ith Mu-ilc ,M.in.

_iVhuc_L.'________________them all? Mnrj- Li a New York ....Ilort nlio Is Ihero thnnk.i to.the IwrsplcAclty of'an Idaho; temporary .vholnatic penni the E.r%t. Maybe othm nt'c.froni plac

But hoivcme I’ortcr c.in mi much t.tlenl be lyhiR fnllow around hero until the Dllettante.i diR It up?

Thflr perceptlvcnp.'.i and bMv- er - and hard work have my heart­felt tliank. . I don't . ee how ihpy . . . . ip wllh anyihUis thu flood for next year, but I cert.ilnly hope Itiey try. Well done, and on-

ibreaklnK. I li-ariird wme thlnijs :irl tiill’tn.it rVrl'y niiui In the k'Klsliiture I ilieui NhcniUl l:iio«'; ihe almo.<it Ilmltit Ic evl-'powi-r of the |)ollcc at time ol a

IreM. their Inlluence over olh.. Kimberly liy'ofdelals. Judfici i»nd projccullns imlici-. I «ii.\ altorney. comji.ircd lo the puny iiiul llvi-.itock'effori.i of a clil/en; their ability to J ;.tojipc'd-iii<'|ii>ak»-il{i!ir opinions previOUover

drunk.- lU- all oUier.n, to the di-irliiient of the {liiibtrly po-jclti/c-n.iiy lo ihp I know ho'*- to make laws and K ive me llicimimy of inliio are on the books.

|Tlie Idaho'liquor law h among 1 aiui taken Inimedlatrlv lo tlii'ilhcni. I can sec the need of i

hi^iltal. by Mr, C.irr mid turneil |>rotcctlon for the people. \V< over to Dr. Wilhird ClaiK. on dinyiknow the corrupllve Influence of thiTi- tiir police aorl;. He explained power on those who cxcrclse U my rli;!it.i and I luld him niy ob-Jwc inu.M curb it.J<Tti(iii.<t I.) the iwliri' i.ikini; my| Ilnvlte anyone else who fecL hlaxlu-oiiir.irv 'q.llli- flllti.iU»ieiiil-!|-. helnc hiini.wed In- pnlipe Ivfi-a-i.r - ................... . — •• -■ ■ ■'"'■'■nncr----------- --

Krdcap f.tatlon i



I'ly mid he wmilil Klve|juslly clmrKrd or Jailed or who bc- iiihuliiu: wiilkini; the lleves maiiuf.-uiturcd evidence h.-u !-f.»i-ih,-MK.Tch.-coor- been used-by police RRalnn hlm-ln

court lo write lo me nt box D7, , Ma.-.elton,

.......... . . ..............., I would abo like to heir fromdrr the Inlhieiire of nl- who have been convicted

opinlim he hii.t lieliL*<-’‘-"“‘-''‘ H'O’ could not afford the ,' in spite of all pre.vMires Trice of Jll.Mlce. forced to .Mlbmlt

U],i.'earch without :lonel'»l'r- •

Tii]h Da lIlc.w n; Profe.'-Monal Womch’s cliib wlili lo exprc.ss npprcclatlon lo all wlia In any way helped to make tli Idaho products dinner a tucceM.

■nils Is our annual project t publlclie Idaho producls nnd help alse funiU for a .wholnrslilp lo iluh .school Kirl from uur ow community.

So, thank-i-hcaln lo nli buslne; flrm.1, farmers and Individuals wlio bouKht tickets lo the dlnm ' 'Honn

arK fonnrd the nplnloi

thW fx.lnl. Uie police had ;liiin: «ron^:. They were iiil.stak- 'in their emieltLiloiv'. but entl* il to their opinions, luti'iul of behiK rele.wd or iniiHl with Romo le.' vT Improper

drlvlMK. I WI1.1 tiiken to J.iil ond rckn.'.etl on ball. Tin- cmc w.ij moved. ai;iiln.it ni'y will, from Klm- lierly where I was charned lo Twin Kills. Dis. Clivrk and J. \Voo<l;.on Creed, who »lr.o had been pn mrornu-d tho prckwiillnc attorney that tlu-y would not be on his sldi ■Jn court, hut In «plte ot the poveri; of lib cft.-'e. Mr. D.MIelicn forced

to trial. • ..O.-.rrtestlfied-fn-ihe-"!''’

wlihout-due pfoce.M. Somc- thins.can he done. '

JOHN HOHNHOilST (Ifftielion)

‘ Reunion SetJCTIOME, March IJ-'nio Je-

onie hlRh scliool nr-iduallnR class if 1025 Ls plannhiR ntlaw reunion \UB. 20 nnd 2J. ll ic Rfoiip need? the nddre.isM of Alice Brookbank, Myrtio Downey, Edith Elll.v Ven­ice Keatlnft, Josephine Mandl, \Vayn« Melnser nnd Edwin Wo-


BPW Tfi-anks All WhoHelpedMake Event Successful

Editor s-Ncns:

L'.ter tniilcr, and Omiir D, Punkeit, Hurley. {S and co;,t.i, failure lo reif-

ter four-wheel trailer,Tlu-y uerc cited by Sc.ife PairoJ- en Hoy Tlioina.s, D. V. Il«yc<j and

Mahln Snyder.

GOODING, Mat Bruce. Caldwell; Male rector, told iiieinbers dull that ftitenilance nc'A' niemter. had been-: and the niecllnKA were coi properly durliiK the rexular nicctlnir thW week nt ihc stop c;

The IlllUCt'


ClirUtciuen han received an In­vitation to be ft charter member of Old Fallhlul lodce AF and AM at \Ve. t Ycllow.stoiie. 'Ilie lodKC was Insiltuletl !-\b. 12 nnd li anil- Mrs, Christensen went t We.'t Yellowslonc I

JOSIE .MAY JONES (Chalrjnfm,

............. Courtesy Commlilcey

Attend Clinic•JEROME. Mnrch 12 _ irMial avis, director of the Jerome

band, nnnounccs four member* of tho band arc parllclpathn; In the all-state band concert clinic In HoLie this week-end, j .

Davis acconipnnled tlie students to Boise, Students and the Instru­ments they play Include Marilyn Emerfon. trombone; Jay.inn Tllby, French horn; Anna MnriP Grant. La.'« clarinet" nnd Carol D. Snod- griui. . French horn. — \

Bethany lodse In Slin,'.hone.

Gary Runyon In the nb.sencr of I’resldcni Milton Builer. Ociic Heed was ndded to Uic Ibt ot nom­inees for director.•Ed Mlntun was accepted a,s a

new member of the club. It wiui an- nounced tliat tlie local club niem- bers will play nsaltv l r i ’A Mu- deiiU in tlie donkey ball Kaiiir at the high «chool Walne.'diiy evc-

wlll be elected nt thrnine.


Factory F rcih Kodachromc PricQt Includc Processing.(and II t: for 35

. S3.M. 3/H.V-g mm. mar..........s m ViO.%

(ijpeclfy indoor or ouldooriJ5 mm 20 ei|i. .m l;----S, f.ir ................... ........ Sfi.3.1Your order and iiroce\sed film

llirrUllSKl) i’CKlTAlD R.iil'.f;ii-iion or money back

PU TN A M ond COMPANYr. f>, Iirix I'orlland cr,

C701 OreK

Is your cor USING OIL?

Hove in rhcckcd on our


; McRILL Auto Repair

Phoni RE 3.4845

cvldencp r-.viitlallv i crpt I tlbpiit.'d hLi opiim.n I W.-LS drunk. .Mr. Paul Corder and 1 dif­fer radically i>n whnt look place. Since Jurlr.s will not knowlnitly

. ct Innocent men, I found my- .self freed by tlio law. but I doub.

lun ever free of the Implications 1 arrest for dnink driving brlnR; But for ft couraKeous doctor,

mluht have been convicted.I have had a lot of cxpcrlencr In •winalUnc, very little In law

Dilettante Group Thanks Everyone

Ttie Dllettnnie Group of Maslc Vnllcy wU->hM lo thank tho public

crcat .\upport In helpliii;1 year'.'i production, "Anni

Your Gun," a succe.-.r.Mr. Tofflenilre and hLi

staff of llie TlniM-News, the Salt Uke Tribune nnd the radio ic(!l 'IcvLslon stations a great deal;

Without their, help, the -pa. .niiiK of Ihc "vofd" would have ' yond our mean.s.

Tlie priKluctlon of a niiulenl..hfther it be "Carousel,’'

..p«rtoniiftm*Pi-i/»-iv-Mn>;-l-m vtJate^ilo Valley project. IliLs year, KJS ................■•’opie, comhiK from many pirw

Made Valley, took nn active In thr .Macinc o; "Annie Get

Tlio Stftlu# of Liberty U 305 feet, n# Inch from the foundation of

the pedestal to tho toreh.


ardlJOHN D. LISTEfl <Mu.slcal Director)

(Sun Valley)

•l1iesL-“i)tuple worked Iniiir. h.ii hour.-i. many of ihrm rrcelviiin li llo aeknoivlcdKCi

the Rroup who,sc work and devutn efforts made somethlni; prcat.

DAVID H-MEAD (l>re.-ildenii

Hearing Set sBUIUiEY. March IS-Hearlnc o fV

prote.vj on the proposed Norihl^ C. ?sla rural flro dL-iirlcl will bc;> held »t 10 ft-m. Monday at theM Ca.ula county courthoase. g

lUclisrd Smith, ntlorney for the cw dblrlct. Mid If no prolesw are

mad^ at the he,arlnR, the notleo ot election tflll be ptjbllshed.


Boiler & Furnaco \

s e r v i c e j

JOHN LAIB-kScrviccfiwn

Phono RE 3-4466

Yern Thomas& HEATING j;

? knowlnit the where- if-theso-people-ls-miced-

niact .Mrs. Derllm Ncnves. 1. phnne EAst <-228S,

Contact tho Times-News Farm Sftlo departmenl for compicto advertl.sinK coveraRt of your farm sale: hand bills, nen.spaper

.20.000).-idvanctt_ ono special low

rate. Every sale listed In this Farm Calendar for 10 day* be­fore salo tline nt no cut.

S U R P L U S S A L E S01 vs. Covemninit. NOW any one «n buv DIRECT from U.S. r-ivrmmeat Surplui Depoti iat yountU or lor rei-ale. Can. Jenn.

. Tnicki, .\Iotnrc>cle«. TIrn. Tiibe«. TcnU, Furniture. Slioei, ClnllilnR. Ilanlwire, Hadios, T.N’.s, Tool«, Ty-pewriters, and thoiiundj of nllier llpmi at * fraction of the co<f. Save Dealer nrofitj. For l»l of liun- uieili of U.S. Covemmmt Surplus Drpnts locaird In evrf>- .Sl.il- tailoverjrM. will, rfOcr<li.re IlAw TO UU J'. »I'o l'"w lo rilL'K

lo-SUIU’LUS SALI-S, lloi 931. Dept. yj.

M ARCH MMr«. Krma Tajlor

Advertisement, March 1I>12 Klaai and Klaa*—Aucllon.tert

M Anoi i-iChuck rellerson

Advertisement, March Il-ll I.ar>en and Citinborouih-

_ .. Auctioneers

MAUC!I 15Harrey I’fluthoeft '

Adrrej;isement March 11-12 iiaytnfd-rhllllp*—Auelloneer

MAlEri IGl.ou!> J. llaie

Adverthement, March 13-11 KUai and Klaat—Auctlooeer*

M A R c i i nJernmr Annual .Machinery Sale

AdTerthemrnl March «, 11 and IJ Klaas and Klaas—Auclloneeri

.M.vluin 17Clare II. fVatson

Ad\:frtlvmrnl. Mareh 15-18 Kmrn and (idlnbnrouih^

M A IlC ll IS,C. (i. VanWlnkli • and Nelthbon-

t»e Duffek—Auetloaeer erlUemenl, March Ifi-l?

M A R C H 21Andrew (ieltlrr

AdvfrtlMment March ill-IR Joe nufrek..Aucllone«r

M aTi O I 21' ■Howard Ilumphrlci

Adverlfsetpent. .Mareh 22.a EdlnbDroucU.,2tui I.areen —


Twin Fails Aufo PartsKim berly Rood " Highwoy 30 Eoit

Oxygen-Acctylcnc W eld ing Supplies

Lease Cylinders

Dealer for Industrial A ir ProductjuCo.*

W H I CH O N I \^ i l l Be BEST Foil'Your"Use?

There's A Volkswagen Made to Fit YOUR Needs!







HERE THEY ARE! . .TAKE YOOR CHOICE!Younp-Mnn. Business man. Family man, Chief . . . For the ladles, youti>:.slcrs, or for that

second family cilr . . . or you may choose the Roomy station wapon (scats 9) and take the

neifrhbors alonp for that week-end to the mountains . . . Yes even for business use, we offer

a selection of cither .the Panel Delivery or “Kombi" to fit every type service iieed.

I f you haven’t driven a VOLKSWAGEN-stop in; for_a_frcc demonstration, you’ll, like what

you see and the way it rides . . . PLUS that economical Price. . . ^

® McKENZIE Motor™ ; " 351 M o in East RE 3-5226'


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Church Avers Newest Wheat PlanTlIopeful

• BOISE. Mwch 13 Ht-Stn.f'rank Church. D.. laid today & wheat-.iUbllUitton program- .... iniroductd In the stn»t< "holdj

~r*aVpromUe of brtnglnK-nnwper. Ity &nd lUkbtlllr to Idaho wttrni Rroveri by brlnElnK « rcAxoniiblc bslance bct«Kn supply vid de< miuid."

urniicn u one or the spoiuors of• the bill, An Identic*! mfMurc. Jit

(laid In A mnuEc from Wa.shlnit> (on. h u been Introduced in the

.hniye, with J3 jpowor*.••Key Jealure ot Uie plan," he

inR. Lhroush allatnie:iu inr:\surtd in t>usheLi, imirud of In ncn In prw nt whe.M proitrinis,

"U Li <le.iinilrd lo lilt uhcst _pricM _^ p.irlty

uTiIyTfind pcnnit orderly reduction of ..MirpliM.i now stored'te the Con'jmodlty Credit corpor*Uon.

"Our .-itucllr* Indicate that this pliui uiii Mve ncsrly 400 mlUlon dollnr.i nnnu.illy in 4lor»«e cost* nnd About 22S million eacli year In *uppori payinenti"

'llie Idnhi) Democrat /aid the new plnn. if approved by consreM (ind the President, “could pnve the ttiiV for flniltar pollclfA with re- /ip<*cfto oilier IjMlc coiiunnilltirV

East German Girl’s“Black”' Stockings OK

BERLIN March 12 t l' — Oabl lus won the rlRht lo wear bUtk /ilocltlnM BRUln.it ihe entrenclicil opposition of ft factory biiroau- crncy In communLit Tm i nerllii.

TIic ^tory of the liadie ot the ftlocklnR.*. V.M told today by Nctie.' Deuir^hlnnd! llie offlcinl newj- paper of conununLii Ea.rt Cier- nisny.

Olrl Ii IS0:»bl li 16. She wotlu In ..

lory that tnnlic.< c.ible In Koeprr

“We’ll Start Whole New.Buildiip!”

—nrrt.-off-hef-l(mf, blond -hnlr.-Onljl

lo -utftT.fc biack xueMtr, black .^klrl and black *tockin[:.v

'I'he commimW cadrc* nt the factory took a dim view of tliLi RCtup—black aloeklngj, partlcu- larly. TliLn wa* llie garli of the boursroU Kcstrrnera, they iiald.

Plrsl the f»clor>’‘* communiil youth omnnlrJillon called lier on UiB tairpet.,Slic .UIII shor.cd up In! blnck. ’I1ien Ihr factorj’ lioiL'e arenn publhhea her-picture with crltlcnl comment Jroin comradei.

Crillclim CrKklteJ When iip;v.i of tlie orniiment

renchcd Neue.i Deul«hlantl It is­sued a bla.'il cnlllled "Much Wind About Ulack Btoel(tnf;ii."

While no devotee of wch fune­real npparel, Neur.t Deiit.whland obMrvcd archly Ihnt Oabl h more (tntl fnctor? than the nrtlclc that

inM crltlclr.cd her,Oftbl 1.1 tar from n parnRon of

j^-ooinniuiiW-vlrlue.-hmreirerrNnir.T Deut«hland complain,? nhe dor.Wt mix wllli ftny of-the youni; work-

. *1 er.<t. She doMn't cultivate her mind •>”lb y readlnc ROod book*, golns lo

theater. c(c.- .-•-V-l In.tlcttcl of, wdrrylne about her

-dmenlnl nttltude. the newnpnper anld. nil her erltlti were talklnK

• - .7 nbout was Gabl’* -iIocklnrA It ad- : vised tliem to pay more attention

to her mind *t«I IfM to her leni.------------

i Mrs. Bauscher to Head Camas Club

u'urld th.-vl pr»b;ibly ulIl be de- bated for monttu!.

Tile we.nern“ )lim. liammercil out In difficult barRiilnlnR In Wiuh- Incton r.ncl ParLi, ua.t Riven final ipproval by the. NATO council ear­lier tod.iy in (he Krcnth capital,

11ie plan acrcL-d upon by the United StfttM, llrllaln. lYiuice, Canada and Il.ily. the five wcJt- ern repre«entatlviM to the dlaar- mamenl talk.'i. c;ilb for thcje three main nlaRea;

1. creation ot an Inteniatlonal

orgnnlrjtlonal meeting held

OUiCT cftlcen tWetnJ nrt Mrs. Arland A.ihmead, vice pre.nldent, Mrs. Hobcrl O. Ncwhouie. Mctc- t.irj^-treosurer; Mr*. Burk Neeley. proRrnm chairman; Mr*. Sten I-'rost«n. on. cAnipalsn acllvltle.t: Mr*. Uoyd Dnrron,. member.ililp chalrmftn iwd Mm. Hebert Froi' tcnson, public relations, '

Mr.v William Detweller. Hazel- ton. Republican national eommlt- teewoman. and Mr*. H. II. Bevlng- ton, BoL'.e, ttnte prrildent of Uie Idaho Feileratlon of Republican

. Women, lualated with the ontanl-_II__11.. .m. -I.,;. •t—tnllon of the n«* club.

Plan.'* were made for «’RUe»t day meetlnR April 8 at the home of Mra. Barron.^ -

Cubans to Notice Batista Uprising

HAVANA, March 13 « (— A day. lone proRram U *cheduled tor tO' morrow (Sundfty) to commemorate the third annlversarj- ot an abor­tive uprlslnR flsalnit ex-rre*ldent PulRcnclo BnUita while he *1111 held office.

It will include ft Kpeclal ma»» outside thfl Prc.Mdentlal pnlace ajid ccmetcry' dbaervancii . —

OfllclnU said workers dent nillltia memberi. In Uielr black nnd blue unlfomu, wltl.tal^ p,irl .-

Tlie proffram-wlll mark the ... nlverxary of ai\ attick on the Pre*- Identlfll palace March 13, IC37. In Ahlch obout 40 attackers'and i ernl palace ituftrdi were killed.

Gloom Thick For Trapped Men in Mine

LOOAN. W. Va.. March, 12 If - Olooni as tiilck a.i Uie acrid tmi'kethat ' has'-kfpl 18'. coir'minrrji prlAoner since la t Tue.vWy Jiunc over the little communlly'of llol- dm to<iay.

Hopei that thr IB misht be rescued lud *cnrrd tw a brief lime

makmhtlt vrntilatlHii »y»-........at would blow 'nut Itlr

wnokr and lumr.'v from the rmoiil- (ImnR lire In the I.'Jaj;dCrffk Cool cmurgL' ' “

Alexander Store Officers to Meet

B im iry .. March^ l2-M:in*Krrs of Alexander cluthlntc sloro «ill hold thPlr biannual dinner tiirrt- InK at 12;30 pm. Sunday at Nrl- son’* cafe ultli Jiiinrs W, Sniilh. rpcenfly relirrd Burley store m-in.

Airliner Has Trouble but Lands Safely

cunt ol.h<mor,-........- ‘' j iilf^p/'calm' abb;ifd“ an"iilrl[nerSmith c.-uiip to Burley from Tu In crammed. wlUi-Amerlcoa service

■'.......... and Uielr families flylnjthe AtlAntle today,

tar. 100 feet or u> the bin DC®

n»n Kalli-But-Sflff.., _ . ........

ford L. Wilson, slate mine* chlrf. un.ible lo hide Ills mien.->e dlsap- lipinlmrnl. dL-cloned the *ysiem wawrt cleariiiK Ihr air. It v,ouUI hftTt “to “ br *TieT,irtiped.'‘ *l"hat jf b rould t.-ike unill sometime to- Hiorrow (Sunday).

Then he and company otflclali went b.-ick tosiart over acaln,

•nie 18 uere cut off Tuesday morning when » small rotksluie behind them uiapped an elecirtc cable and iKniiert some iiinbi'rs Tlie timbers in turn Ignlled the

P;iIU ln l533 lUiJ bcciwne'muniiirrr of tlil,< store in 1313, lie iv;

tc \.il.ey .0. flopped tluough the sky before

T-ime of llhnvj.-., | once'more and resumed theirDon l)nin;i.v |> r, rnl iiiaiiager r>I haul. The remainlnK ensine ro.ir'

ll\f' UwJty *\>wr, cawt \\t\t l5om,prt uwlrwly with a cracked eylln- tiic. •l-amj;3lla.aLo.-e- ln.l-'clirujr>’-|<let.-'pie-'pllot-nHrked-H-outTt?!

I lint* Tuananns fr<nii Ih^ “ cJi:liUl(.'ri'9jti.OrrK<'ii,«nd_l<l.''lioi

invflinR from Nea York to Krankfurt. • Ui't, as Bst. Harry , Thomas Mid luter, there wa4 nopanlr.; . • Jolt Wakn rauenrer* .

"S^iii* of .ii* wnk<- up-abruptly - iifirr thr Jolt.’' s-ild Tliomas. West Point. MM.

'Tlirn ap looked IhroUBh tha window and m * Uie motionlessprop. ____ _ __ _ _‘ "Jlverynhe brliait'ed adihlrably-^ '

Auce of tbe.cliUdrcu.ciCA pUyed — durlna the rmerurncy.*

souiheiisicrn Id;ihoii d lp therltv epidemic inml lo'•;i, reports tho disttlcl l\cAlilv Th«eiuiTeJ)ecu.iio.dcjiiJu. ofllfliili atld.-..

,1. .. . I? I ’Hien the plane, operaled bywlll-»i!.’iid are 1 rrsidrfit Alexan-! ^.iKncan Overseas Nalionsl air- d.T himmis. Vice ITe.vdent lllll ji^ped on for 700 milt* and,inun.s and nnLMirrr Ni.thaii I.t safely at-8hannon’.

A l Tlie jlanf_earrled.8Qji?fWfnj!ersrtlrrnnrtrr^stnmvai wtnDllsftrmii nndTTcrew of 13

airport official dricrlbed'lloL'.c 111 in')!.

within mlnuleiv—Im blocked off nil elfortj to reach Ihe men.

What chance Is tliere that the 'l8 are *tlll olive?

It depend* on whether the wall, or bulkhead, ulilcli the igobvlMt*- Iv built between Ihemnelve* and Ihe fire, has been suttlclent lo keep out the pol.nonou.t .woke, i

Slate TripKIMDERLY, Miireh 12-Mtm-

hrrs of the IMture Duslhe.-ui U.id- rrs nf Anirrlca at Kiniherly h!?h ,'.rho<d >v|li take n fieltf'uip Tiirf- drvy at the Mounliitn Hoiiip alrbJJC. Tlie hu, will ie^vc _nl 7 a.m.

.Meniber, of tile second year typ- Inii rl.w also will ntleinl. .Mrs, Donald DIrU sponsor.

TV Service

It »,lll.VI« .sonnel with wives and i

.M c A T t P

CONCRETEColonia l Concrete

Phono RE 3-5500S & H Green Stomp*,


For ih c ColloriQ Sofflower P foduft^C ARE NOW AV AILAB LE a /

Security Seed & Supply140 - 4rh Arenue W cit Twin Fall*


E a s h W e s t G a tlie r in G e n o v n Disease-IncreaseyFor Disarmaineut Coiifcfencc

GENEVA. March 12 — Til World nenlth orfmniHtlon reporu' isyphllb 1* liicrea.-,InK al n disturb-

GENEVA. March 12 m-Drle.,dliirmamenl nsmcy to erntrullrel*"'' V''™* ' ““" ‘ f'” -->te.< of the North Alluntlc-Tr.'jiiy. all rrcord.i of aniw ivnd liooiw|' Hie annunl report of the orunnl-

powers and Uie Soviet bloc as-'paw.'.vd by all natlotvi. |*«tlon 'o the United Nations *,iidaemblcd in Oencv.a today for n 10-i 2. AKrccmcnt of nil n.itlon.n In- c;ti'.’, nation dlsamianieni conterciicc^volvcd to .nop m a k ln n iiuclenr optnliiff Tuesday. Tlje two blocsj\ffHpon», Klwlonable mtvtcrlal broiiKhl rival plan.i lo dl.Mnn thejhwid would be converted

Giving Away Of Baby Will BeCaUedOff

CHARLESTON. S, C., March 12 (jO — A chlldleiJi South Cnrnllna couple won't, ndopt an Eiii;|l.'<h- woman'.' unborn baby.

Too much publicity, ."tald lappy Mrs, Wilbur Prescott, North

Charle.ston.Plaitf for the adoption went

awry when a U.S. vl.u lor Yroiine Moore, Luton. EnRlnnd. vtis with­drawn.

She planned lo come to the United State.'' Uil.s week, have her

»hv In mld-Acrli.^nnil thrn offer _J2l£_| for-adoption lo the Prescolts, sjoc uol An up.v:l Mrs, Prc.icoU r--vld rhc

talked by telephone with Mr*.Moore in Enciand nnd they agreed to call off th« Adoption.■ A spokewnan for the American embv-iy In London snid when the TlTA was first (tranted. the U,S. Rovcmment did not re.illze Mrs.Moore intended lo have her child

I the United Slate.i. \Mrs, Moore and heiNiu*bftnd

said they deeldcd lo rIvo nway the baby— their fir.st — because they

too old to cnrc for n youni;

Movies ShoTO at Grange Meeting

WENDELL, March l2-Joe Hull, Qoodlnc bounty ncent, fhowed colored tnovle.s 'on Idatw f « U\e Friday cvcninR nicetlnff of Or­chard Valley OrnnKP. Tlie program

0.1 nrrnnKcd by Mrs, Joe Zellfr.s,

Fivo mmbers volunteered to donate bloSU for the Red Crou blood bank March 23.“ nicy nre Mr. and Mrs. Joe Zeller*. Melvin Olli'on, Elmer Ypunc and Harold Bown'^ Marvin Lowry . . . , pointed publicity chairman. Paul Cline wa* appointed to replace Vem BaiimRiirtner as GranRC iruurance aecnt, Ray Lnncaster* wa* laiUlled a.-; steward, •

BefrcshmenLs wer» aer\'ed by Mr. and Mrs. Mark Strickland and Mr. and Mra. Rjiy Lancaster.

(or-pcoce programs. UnofllcUilly, it wx? reported that or. pnn of tlil.i »t.i«e the United Sliilcii will cut It. armed'force.s to 2,100,000 mi-n I Ihc Soviet axrec* to do the r.;init

3, Ajrreement to end productioi of nucieor wcnpon,-. mid biillls i mL'sllM for milllary u.'ir. Evi ■ luolly.-the-amiles uf nil .nation; would be cut to tflc lowe.M Jcvti needed for aecurily.

Soviet Deputy t'Drelcn Minister Valerian Zorin, arrlvlnu rnrllcr i llie day as the head of the Soviet bloc, announced the rival* plim wiil bc.b^donmmlnc-Nl)(UivKhn)s . cheu's proRrnm for vi’orld dlsor- moment. _ ...

Khrushcliev unfoI<lcil his plan lost^pl^mber In a •pec-clt b(.-fore the Unlled Nations Rcneral os- Kmbly, It calls for total abolition of national military forcc* Mid staff.s over a four-yi-ar period.

Tor llie flr.U time l;t*H years of fniltle.M neROtlatlon.1 to reduce the blc poiver*’ amis and armed forcc.1. £ ii!l and West will be rep- rt.ivnied In equal •uuinbcrs. On the East side, besides, the Soviet Un-

Poland. Cr.echoslov.akla. UulRarla and Rotnanla.

E,nch side'* plan contaias nu­merous prnvlsloas repeatedly de- Krlbed o.i unaccrptable by the other.


Iht IliM ol Ihe contnence. Most wf.'tern ob. rH'er.". "s.iid they believe little projreM Ls likely be­fore the bis lour summit In P^Li opens May JO,

AltliouRli Berlin nnd German unification are the prlncip.il con­cern ot Ihejiimmlt cnnfercnre, tlie tour chiefs ot government arc .-iure

.(IL cit.'.s the two rivttl dl:-irma- cnt plans.If an aiipro.Tch to a comprornl;:e

plan can be devlsi'd i>t the r.um- niit conferenee. It miiy help the Oenev.i talks tn'A'arVl M-rlnn. ne- Koilatlons ol n first Mep to world dliukrmamuii.

Tokyo has.tlie world’s larftfcst population. Tlte figure, set Auk. I. 1&59. U 9.100i3B. ....... ........


w itc iic U a ft h e c lin k b • JOHANNESBURG. South Africa,

March 12 l ^ A declinc In witch­craft In Africa luv» become a boon to South Alrlcn^* medicine cxport- er.s, accordhiR to a report lo the Sales ManaRcr* awoclatlon, Jo. hannesbure.

Sp read tho

g o o d now s

by lo n g d is ta iic o

Hiw,iowti lONc Dimncc uu s

Now, lor only 51.75 ei ieit, you con cnil ony-htie la Ihe <ou/'tfy, r>cr|ir Atoiloor Ha»o:i,ond lolk

miijfri of lliQ nIoMii-imtoiion'lo-iloCoa t on Sunday (plm federal (

• -lo«l. So pitk vp your phone ond enjoy—;«oll; enioy—o ling dii-toncc call. How obml lcn!ghl!

Mountftln 8UU »TfllephonB

will find it in the G O U R M E T BAR

Renember.HL Folrlck with lifts from “The Auld Bod*


A SS O R T M E N T .



'**Ma^'VnUeyti Mott Intereitind S/ore”



• .25 Ycori of luc-

cettful dendufl

manufacturing in-

' lu rci your lotis-

' {action.

• For your convcniencc we arc able to do most Denture Kcpairs in.less than V/i

. hours.— - ......... —

• If^costs nothing to come in and discuss your denture problems. —

• Opbn D o iiy 9 a .m . to 5 p.m. or

by A ppo in tm en tDRIVE UP — PARK ~ WALK IN

McDOW'S "rE5J881*F itc T ^ '^ tm o ro — In fho Okoy Shopping Center'

shop here!

COFFEE 2 . 1.39Ibf.

Reg. or Drip Grind

M A G IC LAKE N O . 303 C A N S


SOUPS :----- GLOSE-OUT--------- - ^ ^ - n i


SHRIMPa 1 0 oz. pkgs.

RIB STEAKSTender, W ell Trimmed

Choice m m r U. S. Beef


SHORT RIBSFresh, Tender

Meafy SPECIAL . . .

Choice Graded U.S. Beef


R I|G S 9 8 c-189■ m ^ ^ r BOUND EDGES






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Page 13: Speaking Goiitest- ‘Unit Rule’ - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF201/PDF/...Speaking Goiitest- MarkgTM):^'S)ay For ChuFii Meet North Idahoans Win Democratic


T.F. Music Club ■ Program to B e '

By Junior Clubs


— u'lir present Ihc prosr.uii for llic T*lii Kalb ^h; lc dul> nicctini! ill 7:30 pjn. Muiulny al the fpi-'copnl Cliurch

...of llif AfCfn.'lon ji.irWi hall.,,, Jlcprisniicd on llic progrnm

• be Hie Meiiiorlnl,Mithrriiti-Junior Miuic clul), MonHiiMldc Junior Itliyttim club. SI, KdniirU’* Junior Muaic club, Dlckcl B -Line ..^ut), IJticoIn Junior MujIc club. Wiih- Itiglon Junior Nott.v'Harrlyan Mcl- oily club. Junlur JUkIi n:i(l Ilic Senior lUsli Slutienl Mu- Mc club, /

Gfi' iofv will K^ui4‘ Bcnuite.- __conlion: pay Bulclltfc, Carolyn

Konk, Dobby lliomiuoii and Lu> llirr Tliom^nn, piano; Robcrl Nora mill Hober; Colner, elnrlncl; Jane Kllni'Slictt'. Jnncl WiLwn iintl Ann

• WllllainJ, violin, anil Ftrd Dabtfcl. ciiriipi.

Voca! wlai oil) be prr.tenled by Marllu F.llpra nnd EllMbcth Jft- cob.'rn. A solo ilaiice will t>e done by Sandr.i O’Octl and a ballet imiiibcr will be given..by Judec Card, i’anifln Warner, Holly Smith nnd OlnKcr Welli. A -iirUiR nunrtct, Jana Myer.v Wnrrm D.He.%. Don­ald Hodmnn and Clieryl Schow. al-

• Ml U-scneclulcd,

Mrs, Dean Tells Of Hawaii Tour

rlio.M-n as prol-, ::il Jny-C-EltMi

LouIb Mulllner, Mrs, C, K. Hen-1Monii:iy rvinini: ui the liunic of' nlnK, Mn. Elva Illuani’r Biiil Mr^.'Mr* Slcvp _ 'r. N. Btowell, _■ j Other oflirrM' urr Mr^; Uobrrii— Initiucljotu—lij£plllow_inaKliia;^-*'’i >l<'''..P''''ldi'ni; .Mfs,_Wnynr]

Mr.i LeRoy Crala will «cIconie dlrecteiJ\by Mrs. Val Balc*!'‘ ',‘ '''''- ‘ ■•rreuiry; Mr,v Arden'the ; u « tT D u d t Stroud man. Moric dW lor. uho »l.v> lrd.«''«^-'‘in l^-surer nn.I , Mr,,

m i bt n .m w r. 11, , rromi” »i« W“- s . » mInclude «>Io.i by Kathy Clark anil Subject of the Ir.vMin wits wiirty 'V'mutroinrsirr—P).nt.nn,' rinrit [>iinil< nt ti,rI lirceautlon.Mn mediclnc and l l^u^c.I C o i r anil Mr.v Dale

Jay-C-Etirs will hold in amiuni fuhion Khow at S p,ni. Tuesday In the Jerome lilsli «chc«l aud it^ ium.- Caauala. iDomacar_-JUU<?

lU and cliildren’d apparel will ahottt). ..

'Karen.mompjon School of linnccinoio lU'nis.will prr.icnt two number*, llic] ..The nnn«n|_ annlvcrjary pflrl Qulen Babe quintet will pre. cnt

Mrs. Lionel Dc-in rtlated lilKh- llRht.< of hrr trip to llanall for Uie I'asl Noblit Qraiid. club Tliur;;day nlKht at her honie. Slin HrectPd her Ruciti In a Uuu Muu and wllli "Alnlift.* I

While In IlBuall she vlilted llie' t’aclfle cliaptcr of the Uebvknh lodne. She dc.M;ribcd the • lOOI- temple (here, told ol a fllcht around an active volcano and of the le.ty of Uie people.

Mrs. Carrie Modlln., prc.ildent eondiiclfd the buslne. s mectlnc 'llie thouRht for llie <lny wo.n Klven by Mrs. Dean. Plant were nmde

Oamfs were illfcclcd by Mrs.C, Johnton and Mn. J . C. DoolU' tic, nrfre.ihmcnti werc'/erved by

. Mr.i., Ooldls Clinpmnn. Mrs. A., D • Smith. Mrs. E. D. Hatsfi-Id and

Mrs. Dfsn. *¥ *

Travels Related ' By Mrs. BurdettJEROME. March 12—JJrs, Frank

Durdctt waj gucAt tpeaker for the Clrlo club Tuesday afternoon at the American LcRlon hall. •

Mrs, Durilett, who recently made a fVlp around the world, covered hrr trip from Slnuaporc to Calcut­ta l'ue»diy. Mtmcntoca of the u ip ifl-'o were displayed. Mrs. O.icar Fort and Mr*, c. E, Harder In charge of the program.

Mrf, Francis Boyd, vlca presi­dent, conducted UiemcetlnR.Mcni' bcr.i .dIseujMd various ideas Tor i

■ project.T)ie tea (able vas cenlerc<I

Betty Lou Cox To Wed KistleV

HLEU. March l':-Tlie enRflne- meni of Betty Lou Cox. dauRhtcr of Mrs. Edna Cox, and the late Bl- ward Cox, Rler, to Ivan A. ilkd Kisller. Tu’ln t'aILt, U nnnounci-d by her mother.

Tlie brldf-to-be Li a 1057 Rrad- uate of Filer hlch ixhool and llie Central Technical liuitltule ' Hollywood. Calif.

KlJtler was graduated frnm Flier ihlKh school in 1053 and w-ns d i charred from the paratrooiw.i . 1D57, lie Is enKBced In truci;lni:: for the Pacific Intfniioiuitaln K.t-|

Annual Fashion Show Slated by Jay-C-Ette Unit

Work Meet Held By LDS Society

A t Area Parle■JEROME^Xlarc^^^■3~^cro^ITe^roS^l«Ic^-JOCIc^y~TU^^<JIl>-^«^Jn~-rlOO0^^C!^^r4l'l> 1

Jcy-C-Ette Club Picks NewChief

t- Area Parley\vn-'

Meet for WorkL.MO. March i:-Qulltlns v

doiif at tlir aM-d.iy work nicrllili: ■' nf iiir Itcllcf MClety Turwlny with ^ .Mrv l.rn Durfec In cliarse.

11 out hon- many catules a ,>Air dwt ediitalnsf Tlitn cut number by iOO anil you »hould- ..,.,,.1.4 A ,. ..I.

Spring Event Is ■ Slated for Girls

inK of daminn Him Uu.t Mrrk. ’'Hie Dukr-1," T«ln Kall.v, will provlile ;inii3lc. "A Summrr I’l-^e' v,ill_ be

' " 'c .Z "m rr W«^- ADS 1 include Karen Miller, i i io f .....

.1 rnrrlcd out In table

...) 8ri;ciAu.-iT».

Mirlaiii ^iU'Kpl;:htr ilenir.iHw.

lEnlr dvto «U1 b, b, ‘ A , " ' I >»•»

I Oulnoiiij: <>f(lfrr. Include . Ml* 'itiilKht. proldpiil; Mr.', •ni'unpMm, 'vkr prr.Mdrni; Mr.'i, John.son. »ec-

[thUiK, .I Mcmber.v al.w plaimrd for ii Ulm. ibrr party I<i lif h''ld .\Iarrh IH at

inrt i h e S % ? o n S be served under direction ofi Mr.v Cri.M was appointed chair-

Jerome Appnrcl. Idaho Depart, nient store. J. Cr Penney.Com­pany, McOlll’s and nngwairs.

Myrna Craig and Barbara Me- cham are Rcncral chairman. Mrji, 01b Andersoi). Mrs, Wally Page, Mr.i, UnVerc Gooch, • Carolyn ^ lnma. hnd Mr.i. LcHny CraiR are commlttec ehalnncn. After the fashion show- brldKC and pinochle will be ployed. Tlcket-i are bvhII. able from Jay-C-Ette* or may be purcha.'cd at the door.


•RICHFIELD. Alarch 12-Home I tlie Ilellef society


1 Mr.i. C, A. Johnson. Mr.i, Johnson ,,ind Mr.i. Vern Thorn?* offered [prayers, TJie Relief society, annl- iver.iary will be observed Tuesday after Uie llt^ralure levvotr.

>i- H- *, llie garnet Is the birth stone for

npersons born In the month of Jan- |uary.

will be served under direct the society. Commlttce.i for Uiat

Tuesday lo make final plain. ■•'Off'' ‘'5'' ••r.l- ......... I.. 'IV.tX V

!ilQicrj_ftiIl-.bi.-inaile fur diincc j r1iT/'r;iMnn.-. I l n i f . . r»lib .u.U [appointed chalmiiin ot the le< frr.\hmenti.

Mrs. K. Pollard Selected Leader

ennvrntlon In ’IVln K.ilLi. Mrmber.i voted to prr.senl onr

key w'omnn award and two ^park- plu[T owiiril.1 durlnc the Iri.stalln- tlon ineellnR In Aprll- . Mr.\. Crl-'.t and Mr.i. i'ro.schcr vnliinterred lo ahop for putient.s at the Slate. lubrreulo.ils ho.ipital

Ette unit at a mcctliiK 'rutNd.iyidurini: the ninnlli at .the Roiicrson liolrl. I .m„, fTauhrr reported a profit

Other officers arc Mrs, Nell Hoi- of from the valeiillne card lenbeck, first vice prcjident; Mrs. uic eiiu IixIkc. Mt-niberr.J.unes Maynard, second vice l>res-lpi„,„ii„g [q attend the .'Uite con- Idriit; Mrs, Robert Richards, sec- vf„nm, viill decide on a uiiHonn rt-lary: Mrs, Robert Tlckner. irtii.i' urcr, and Mrs. Wayne Durnell, ro' porter. Members to *er\'c n. th( board of directors ure Mr.i. Duane Bcrpa, Mrs, Conrad Lar.ion, Mrs.Tlioinas Moore and Mr.i. Darrvll ORden.-

Mrs. Mark llopklns corned a

Mrs, David Dlnttnu Irs. Uhind Barne.i,Plans lire under way for the

stntc Jaycee-Jay-C-Etto tlon hero In May.

there.Ktnnelh Cook, speech teaclicr

the hlKh school, prcscnli'd colored slides and a talk on Samoa,

Quesw were Mr.v Reed Ve.vlal and Mrs. Harold LaCrolx. Ho.stc.ws were Mrs. Gale Dalby anif Mrs,

“ ' ‘-.C'rl.’t, Tlie next mcetltiK will be member, a«est.i{j,rj|i ^prU i at the'home of Mrs,


Tftclvf-year-old Joel MonlRoin- ery. Denver, was winner of the na­tional spelllni; bee contcsl In 39&0.

Buhl Jay-C-Ettes ’ Elect New Chiefnum ., March I2-Mrs. Donald

Roberl.i «as elfttrd- prrMdent nl the local Jay-C'Ette.i al a meelini; Wednr.iday eveiilnK In the civic rixHiis. Mrs, I’at Hwiillton Is the retiring prr.slrifnt.

Other new ofllcers Include Mrs Ormond Smith, vice president; Mrs. Jame.i Aujlln. tfcrclary. and Mrs. Leo Turner, tre.uurer. Named lo the*txiird of directors are Mrs. James Creed, Mrs. James IlttMell. Mr.i. JuiLun Crowder and Mrs. Ru-'jcl Mason.

Rug and Furniture


TROY NATIONALLaundry & Dry Cleaners

Evangelistic-Service— —

MARCH 13 thru 20-8 p.m.T h is is on'oufstonding C hris tio n M us lcc l g roup / • y o u 'l l cnioy hcoring l l ic m p lo y in g the organ, p ia no , xylophone, boss vio l, acco rd ion end guitor. REV. JOHN W. BULLOCK, locol pastor, speaker



Church of the NozareneJEROME

^ r e ^ - e f^ 3 U fQ 4 m ia M fh to g e ih e r s .

Were M eantW Go Places! .

Here to show you the M agic Fashion

Formula . . . the key to

looking your .loveliest.-Miss..Kerem_ w ill personally help you coordinate

.your wardrobe

to get many new outfits

w ith just o few

.Koret o f Californio


Tuesday, March 15, in thethe M ayf^r sportswear dipt:

.<;kw it in a d a yNo wftW jeam»l Sew. jtralRlit-

Rway. add bell — presto! You're ' ready to go anyu here In tltla aleek.

sllmmlns sliealh. Nonow dtrapa accent tanned amu. Choose ftllk print, cotton or linen.

Printed ’PatKm 9175; Mlaeaalzes 10. II, H. 10.18...............3S yard.1 39-Inch labrlc.

Send 33 ccnla (colru) for thl ■ palt«m — add 10 centi for cneh

patlern lor Jlr.il-cla/j tnalllnR. Send to Marian Marlin. c/oTlntcs- NeK'5, I’litlern Department. 332 WeM 181h»tlreet. New York 11, a. y. Print plainly name, addresa With Moe. jlze and atylo number.

Just oull Bis nev lOOO-Sprlns and Summer l>allern caUiloi; In vivid, full-coloii. Over IW smart

' rrylfi , , all aliei", . . all occn* .lions. Send nowl Only 2S cents.

'Carbon King CooTUtah Slack— oil Treated $1475 per ton— Delivered

Jntermeuntoln Fuel Co. . RB a-6«i


to lucky ladies attending thispremier show ing o f fashiojs......to make a n e w y o u every day!


completely washable!

^ a i^ ^ a in d l i o p

F r o o . . .

A booWct on Imu- tn l)c .1 • lir.st c1jis.s trftvelor on a

"lliird class — budRct—

i wilhsome ' asidc-i for Uio'

RirhvJiownnla • lo return . with moro . than a s u n / tan ... ■






You 'll bo fresh as a daisy . . . and so.cool. . . h

these 100% mercerized coi^ons by, Lowensteln.

Crease resisfont, little ironing ri6edod, wosh by

hond or'mflchirie. Belts feature.Velcto s6of.".

Page 14: Speaking Goiitest- ‘Unit Rule’ - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF201/PDF/...Speaking Goiitest- MarkgTM):^'S)ay For ChuFii Meet North Idahoans Win Democratic


Xil-nijhlfr nf :<tr. anit rKr..' UaniM l.ammi-r:,. Ix.liN nii n|>l>ll'1tfrcl .|tilU Mo.lc ti.

Ins (lip (IMP lirr i:rrat-i:r;iniliiinllirr. liatr I!n\i Ktlly. U maklME, .Mrs. Krlly,.«lii> «;i» ;in jr.irold III Drcriiilirr, plrrrs i|ullt liipn nil <U)', rrrry itny. Slir li.is'In^l Irark ut llir niiinUrr n( c|iilll top tlir' li.i\ plrml. lull rnli account for luuro,tli:tii !>0 iif the "l.iinr Sl:ir" ji:itlrrn micIi »Iir U Iiiildlnc iii Jirr l.iii, isiaff ptiolii-rntravlno ' ' r

Avocation of T. F. Woman Now Fills All Her Time

nic‘ liniiliy of Mr.v K:ilc Ho;. Ki-:iy cojiipiL'.i-s a full liaio Joli, Mrs, Ui-lly. wlio «ns 90 \cMrx <.lil liiUciiLJiilji.'.', picfrn (|UlH liip.1

. (Vity(l;iy. Her f.iiiillv .'Jiys f.llp tldi.i t ilu- iiMt. HI r;it. ob.’.crvf Sim-

iiml c(i to rhuii'h.M:.>. K' ltv wiirkctl vip iintll four

>iMi» ii.'.ii inkini; ciirc ot 'Vlilcrly v.Driicn'' In ilii'lr luimr

niul he rlicv.r n iiinlclillii: IjlVrHilrl Mr.i, Ki-liy makes all llii: toix-. oi

ihe M'ulrii! niiicliiiu', byiiu- oiii .Hi' tiny iiiirc. Ill till' ii.itiirii ami pin nliii; Uni. The plicn-- hip iicitcliii

■voiily tho liijw iipiir.ir nliniv.


>lr. m:>l .ifr.. I

Social Calendar

irs. Dcnn*-': I -.vp, KliMbr'h aril, iifii'; jm iM'tuiivi;■I 7:30 pm,

If. V- If. Irilled Iton/w club v.ill of.'

IciT.-. al ■: p.tn. Silllil.iV iil .lhi:. iDUi-rMiii hiilrl pliu- rnoiu. Mnii-. iLTs iiml luimit.i iirp iiivUliI.

•V Jf- ¥Anintim cI.l-i nl Hit l''irst llapM-.;

1 '. al I!lr I’roli-s- oratory, fiho

CioodlllK lllKll JiinK'r cnllrt:!.-.

, ...........ul ilie UnlvcrMtyf.aliri'iici-, Sv\y wa;.

li-il' Iroiii S«v>'.i' nilU- o hik'li I:|)hral!ii, and WcIkx col-

llri p, m- b f!iili!(iji-d •«»f(inifi:cl<ir lor tlicf .Soiitlicriv Pft- Vltlc ralli-nad mil of Oi lPll.

oUiMon uill mi'cl nl I pm, Mondivv lo vjrw slio-,v:i !iy Col, niu!Mr.!. W. C. Ki'llfHll. JUilil, which tht v loi'U mi i> lr:Ul ride I;i.M ! mir i:i I'.io priniUlve nrc.-i,

•Y- ¥SliOStlOM-: — MithodlAl Wom-

cn'a SixMcty (if Cfirl'llnu Scrvlccv.lll mri't ny ll p|». Wfllllt^tl^V III':hM ln’iiir or Mr,'. John •Hiomn* •Ai'l, .Mir- IMin KiiIkIH

1 -nr.A r rv;t fr.ir;< nf t!lp| liinilic;- (jiult to;v. ,'hr lia. pir.-i',!, I:!i: c.iii accniml lor :i;orc

;,n of inp •'I.orir.Ki.''r" pat. ttrn .m.iJf iti llic I'ajl 10 yinr,' •lln-.M- hhp c.-iri ri'cnil ljccaii.\e o: Clli. (0 her four children, H Krai'il' children. 27 Rrcnt - Krnndchllilrfu. llirrc Krrni - crcril - Krnndclilldren. n few friends ntid other relative.'. Blie cays,:.he sllU.owcs somo of her Kfi'iulclilWri'n n fiulll. -

•nio jKillcrn name de.'crlbes Uic qulIt, & larKo nhiRlc flnr miide of liimdreili of imnll dlnmonrt-.iliivpcd jilecM,

'.Vine i'.iiclt.- ,Ml 1.'UroUeii tjtar"

yellows nnd bnnvii

r.f :iie Wouiai of

rfAGn£.\tAN> . tr rc'l ::-.\fra. irvp Wlnlsiir lisPt! Ihp theme,

"iJi.'.ccrnmpiit’' (or the uor.' hlii' .n-rvtcp nt Hr- till-day uork mi'ft-j Ini: of Ihp l-’5'dfll;» clul) Wrdnr.sdayl

hi‘ Kt'orKanlri'd I.DS rliiireh.l k:ivp Hip Ihi-nic tiil and tlic

.'crlpuirp rpaillnn, |Mr.v IJaiia Cillmori’ re.iil n poem,

•iJeniunibiTlni; T.’iy l-\ilih." Tp.i. om-ls wcrir pmlJrolderi'il for the

bari.ir to be held In the fnll, Mr.-..| Gilmore, prwldeiit, conducled the

Inc, Mfs. Nijlltr .Melntire pr«-: sentoil the openUiK priviT nnd Mrs. Nellie Moycs, tliu clojlnj. ;

Tlio nieclliiK ui'Xl wtk will be‘ eld nl the cinirch ixnd ttie’prnjcci‘

will bi: mnkUiK fonni riibliiT lloucr -' A polliick hincheoii waj fcrvctl.



Iiivitntions nnd


Pcrsoualltcd Uccejilion ncctviorl

Free SiimplM on rcnucat'

Tlic I l i lh of Idaho'

n u c j t ^

A Henry I-tecarili!;anWP~'-r-

—tumc (loin?; llic moitt>t for your »]iccial aflernooo-

Bji/iraxancejilJje dress, n cojilourtilTlicslTi

Iiipliliglited Iiylsilsii lacc npjiliquc; tiieirnart

cardigan nl>o cnrichcd Iiy lace. LovelyPcsanlo

fabric (577» rayon/-J3% cotton) in sand beige,

bluebcll.Toscjiink, mint, foam while. S i:« 10-20.



I .•.h;ul,-.-. Ofl'"nil ■

\Viivi'" In o-'.c nijil whlSf; ft dmiblL’ 'Irbh Chain" In pink nnd wlilic; I ■■Wfddlni: RlnK" with bhie. nt«1 I "LoK Cabin."When Mip nin.'( out of pattprii.'

ir bocnuiM tired of ihp wmc one.', .■OiD <le.'lKru licr owti. She nb.o dnw thli lo iillllro blL3 of niaicrlal. Not otic Inch Li wnstfd.

Her currcnt project 1j ninklnR nn iippllQue fiulll'lii ft iiillp desicn. She U doini; tlili on Ihe . owitiK machine. loo,

Mrs. Kelly was bom In Krnlucky ■sjxul..............................

n:ncn of the Mon>e will ,*.p(m- n fiulilon .'liow at "ini' p.m.

^^le.'lby. A buffet .vipper will be ■rd. TIckels nmy be jmri-h:i'id

!f- !i-MS nnil Sclul) will mrct nt Rpm,

Wcdne.Mlay nl lhr limiin of Mr.'. NclllP I’Iprcp. l-'lorc-i'.cp Poluitir, cotln:y'■px[fn lon home i':;pni, will be Kue.1 t .ipcakcT.

I'cl nt fiI>iii.-J'liiif~U>^^Uitiiio;uc of Mrs, Willlani McConkey, Mrs. J, W. Jciin’.'. Jr.. will pri'r.i'nt the le.won,

Couniry \V<>man's ctuh will nicft at J p.m. Wednc.'.day nt llic liome of .Mrs. u JI. Miller. |

V -Y M IY-WlvcM will nipel at (1 p.m. on

TliP.Mhiy Ht thp Y VCA■fo.-. a lrv./iiil in niaklr.u pla.illc flower.'. One'!.! ire wplcimic,

I’rinirosr Vc'hi'k;>!i Indf;'' will npii n; a p.m, 'hiiMl.iv .i;

HebL'l:aIi.ilOOl’ Hall. All

T T r lrm R i , of the MO.V.C V.111 mill n! It Monday at !hc litiinc-o; .M:.-.. 1 Darker. I33i; Klo-pn;:i nvpimrDlxli- U-.l».r;.' will demo;:,', tlsc of prc>[wT co,,iue;'.i\'.,

Pl^nI!l of Ihr v,-!ll ItrprdKfiiin priv plilPd "lIUMlay liv nnd Mr,i. Claliiipl Nuiilo f..: flnn ftrl.l dcparlnielit nf ■nvonlii'tli Centiiry eliib. ’ nici'llnit will be held nl 2 pn the YWCA.


______________ "The lonf7, long lin e " is the line o f'foshion forTI19 *t.ir cfiti bo mnrifl In two

to i l eoiors and l.tkes nlwut tour yards of mntcrlnl for the slnrl t<nf the same nniount for the back- r:otir,d. Tlic quiekf.il she rvti liiadi' ono waa In two days, nnd lidded ns nn Aftprthoiisht, "nnd two nlrht.*.."

Wlicn one U tn tlw mnklni; for B.nu-mbcr of lipr family or n frlnid 11 crcRtr.i ft lot of Interest for thni piTson. A i;raniL'on even sprclllnl tlmt ho wanio<l two parllnilnr colors, maroon mill icmy, Ir nnd thalnfter tlio stnr w.is piQoed

pnihle town- She lived In the WnIJn v.illey Iroin JIW3 ijhd)

1BH when she came to ’I'lvin l-'.ilLi the first tlmo lo live. She llvn)

, , SI, Antlinny from 191B lo lO:!!! when ihe muriied to 'nvlii F,ills

luTfl ;.ho hM mnde her lionii- Miicr,

Alivays active nnd llklns the out­doors, Mrs. Kelty has to kei'p bn.'.y. Sho occa.ilonally IL'teii.i to the ra­dio. but doesn't Ilka itlevL'lon.

Sh» lau(!hlDt;ly ki>-» her Jivmlly wnnt.i her to kive up JcwinR. Wlint her fnnilly means U for he

KHO.SllONi: .- Cnli inrcl at " p m, IVIdny iiiorl.il h.ill for a pro;;;;

the new docodc. N o tic c the bios-piping Ground Ihe collo r; ihe im portanl patch pockets; the jaunty splils Qt lower jacket sides,

• W ear i l alone or w ilh the boltCd sk irt; it 's Q stunner in diogonal weave I009o '• wool D iogo.,

i f o r a crisp fresh spring look


Care^O'PYour ChildrenBy ANGELO PATRI •

Ottm U ihen '«id ma'Mert Wend s-IIJ nod i:n<1ef);a:id-ahocked nnd bewildered, to dls- insly, conifortlnsly. Tliii wL'n ndul' cover tlut Uie child In' th# hoifcie will smile nnd kindly tell lier n

• has bcon illsplnced by r strnnKpr, stOT of her own lnni;.n:;ii px- » new i>erronallty Uint U all edffcj j>orlence nnd sJie Is relieved lu'id and covered wUh prlcklc.i,

"WhaievtT li.is Kottcn into him

__ ;Vtil«yaJi-S*irvlc#-«ii!ld r.f-11|,Mpllirvlui church win nipc «; j p.m. 'Vedne.id.iy ni :h» hn:ii>' n . t . Kcruiflh McVfy, Ua 'ivir:


Wiy no*, hfr nio:her? Tli# nio.- nicnt slie bcn-in her storj'. she would,detect tlie startled look

yoiitii: to think of such

penpd durmi; .the day.>j):ne!lnipi •j.c wl.'hed he'd not I *3 much r>T be more indcpcndi Bui now ive can count ourselvej lucky If he teils us iinyilitnK,"

Tl1.1t h;ippr:is. In io;:ie CM■Is woriio than others, this wi; drawul

• of II.-I.. ............................... ......,mental disi.'cM, Tlu-.ic yrunu peo-|so-''® "'I'o .'tandi Ifl n father’.'

-pie ore Ur.ev by dwlres, \ihhc.i,ll’'Jce such n.i i mnii te.iclier,T ldea.1 of behavior, felir nnd .f^nlly 'friend, or an iniclc.

tlilnK.v Tlic mnihcr fn.'neti the Rlr: wa-t telllnfr her tha uiui t]ilnklns of such things niidi nerded help on them, in ’s^he s.ima wIth'Uie boy. A'.. of ndole.'.cent chlldrrn. Tart, 'nT the s.ima with Uie boy. At

li-pliyr.iciil-(!ix'«mI..r(.-|ifiri Uil.' tline. he needs his IaUicr..nr1 . 1 , I n1nr ■«-twii (A

wonder ns to tlieir luliire. Much of their confu.'.lon leaves thrni JcM, ?fc{ice tiie « aJJ of si:t i ■ "But look. Jle l.-Uki lo n friend of Diirs who lives down lie (jocs to sec her nfter r hool

_iind.talksJrttli’_lo-l - .........ho Is s.ife wlUi Ji doesn't lie. tn}lt to iL,

nccnujo ho Is too close to you

In whom tie caji confide, open Ills mind to. b« llstended to wiili- ou: shock or itlanit am} be-c forted nnd knowlnRly ndvUed,

Parent.1 who linve st.iyrd thtlr children throufih .thc years of hifnuy, chtldliood,-and nowJiwlo- lp-secm« need not fm thnt’ tliclr children hive turned ffom Licm, They will return, when ilib

held nt !l:3o''n,m. . t Triif flub. The |i r Tlrket-i will bP 11 1. <li>or, l{p,vrv;»;ii.i'.; wMi Mrs. Uelth n wooil 3-ntaj-or ia:.h\oix!_3.Mll. 1

Howl i\:id illftMnm cl!at 1J;.10 pm. We home of .Mrs. Hoyn n

Ipotlnrk hinehccn. ’nn' ■provide rolli anil c lire vl<rd to briny 1

■* * V SliaSHONK-Mt :

be pre^pn:rd for iiir w if ly nt 2 pjn. ’1 ;

¥ * SlfOSlIONB - I.I11C

No. Hr. Order of iii incpt nt B pnJ.•■J1Il•.

Isonlo temple. A e.'be held.

v r ’ A jOBi,

- .s/ w.* ..1'^ ..... .Lkkl.*.. 1.1nnd therefore emotionally Involvedlover. mniure ' and appreciative with you. Tile outsldcr-frlend Is Ju.it now. be patient, rot M Involvtd. Either .ihlc Is c.-ir- ryim: no re.-.pc.isiblflly for Uieoiher. lioth feci free lo talk out -- - v.tliclr.fpcUnRs knowliiR nobody wUl 'bi! Jiiirt no molter what Is wld.

. A Filrl can-lell her best friend— either a- Rlrl her otto o„

• ndult — exactly how .ilic' feels •Bbout that boy who -'doj^n'l even

r-BHHXr-mrr-nVCTc,-’-nlid liow ‘sliehiincapiile Wishes lie would stop and speak - ' ■ to her la the hoU M Uiey "

J>X?Lsl!harrili.-. ,...........t the innt into

rounds_ before sUclni; nwny the find and re.Tiovlnr iha “rvrA -

T .•T'_ DauKlilcrj £>£__UV_Amr;lfanJ5ct.


TIME SHOPOrphetiin Qldc, RE 3-1428

A.P.D4VU 'IlD.YounB

There 's nothing

like a blouse . . . in bandbox

w h ite o r do inty p cstc ii

. . . to fop your suits end

s k ir t l. Our choice includes

o w onderfu l variety of

new season styles.

ttylp illustrated


_open a 30-^ay a c c o u n t

the PARISVst the rear_c)ilmncc_off the metered parlchr} \ot'_

Page 15: Speaking Goiitest- ‘Unit Rule’ - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF201/PDF/...Speaking Goiitest- MarkgTM):^'S)ay For ChuFii Meet North Idahoans Win Democratic


Aide Is Installed A t Jerome Meet O f Area LAPMJKHOyiK, Lr-1

lind Hudfnn. Duiil, Iniinllfd! f.f. Icfl (Vide to the vlcp prolrtcm, vlicli CoUax No. 13. I.nillrs Aiixll- l:iry i’nirlarcivs ni'-t lliljv. 'fk St - thr- iinli.


Mriiilif^rs drcldrd lo rnii'rlljiilf La-iiie-iiQiiie.projtci Iui:cl.-:xi.liclo i Imlld nn cxlciwiw oii"tlir Home o:i llic Hta, Caldtti ll. ftncl n:

Date Announced Mystery Fathers -Are Revealed at ■Party for Bethel

Jjjne Circled

ciitloii pftit pn-.iidrnty inivcl luiid,

were mndc /(ir i Joint pic- r'l" nf 'nil nufiifi nrirl nmHInn-. If.''iiil)iT‘%' /rc)fn“ l’ucni''iro',~nilpn't,

—Gosidtoti.nal-i'licz-lo.Lo-Iidd-Uilx -__lumiutT—Ta.j.mriU.'AiU’c-iliincd Ui -

Iji- m-iu 111 nir:iit)iTs. Mr^:'William Jrvirll. .I<'riiiiip. |irnlil-':il. roiuliicl. rd llir iiifclliii:.

Mr.i, RIclKcuny pl.nycd m'vimI pi- t\nn inloj ivnd ^bvc hiimoruut rcliflmif. Mr«- Drrlln Nr Itobcrt Jnct'on nnd .Mrs. William llopklti.i, nil Jcroiiif. witc lm.M<-.'

■ Tti8 nrxi mtcllni; l.i iilntnl for April 4-ia tTip Twin r,MH lo o r lull. Mf/i. Wnlic nml Mm, VI. oli\ RnlnM will be llir Jiwc*.«s.¥ ¥ *Styles Are'TopicFor Roll'Answer!l-;i3EN. MiirrM l:’-"SIyli’!i wpllkpl

Ix'.'t” wiui till- Mil call topic lorj Rii-'xoll I.iiic clul) biW-llii-s< .ifr.'loti ltd «y Mr.s- I-'rrtjik| Mtilclcr. prcMilfiit, ulifn It met on! Wccliir.Mlny nUiriiooii, Mrs, i/:rny ncliwnll WM honlos.

Mm, Asnri lltim. Jrrnmt eniihty MHT.-.I01J Jirimc nsrm, ua^ Inlro-

.dtin-fl liy Mr.i. Clyde Ka. frinoii, pmifrniii clinlnnsii. ..

Mr. . ltiir,'t Rave n i.ilk ftnriflinw. rd rx;iiiiplrs of .svnllirlic nnd Jiiil* iiial (iibrlc blttid.v Slic'nhn r nmin'ci'd thi: Imiiii- dcmoiWMl cliib.n dl.itrlcl mcctini; v.111 be Jicid March 31. bcKltlllltiic nU0;3fl n.iii.In Jerome. Anyone Interested Ja InvKcd,

•nir wliUf flcplinnt gift gent

Theme, Banquet Discussion Mark; ChapterMeeting K'nM.Sm S T " "3

MAIlV KI.I.KN SCIlESlKL ISurr entravlnE)^ .-i. ^

Miss Schem'el Is Engaged to Wed

JEHOMK. Msrfh 12 - Mr. nnd Mrs. I'raiik Schciiirl nnnntmee the riiKHHftiiriil (if Itlrir dnuKhlrr. Mary Kili-ii. to Paul Hralty. non 01 Mr. iind .Mr,r Kmut Itentty. Norlli I'lalU', Ncbr.

Mbi Sfhrtiic! 1* tv Kriiduntc of JiTomc liUli tcliool nnct Klivho ,Stale coll«!c. PocaUOIf}. Slift l.i ft ■pliyjlcnl riluc.Hloii in.itnicior nt I'allon. Nrv, Her flniicc Is In Hie navy Klatloticd AC Pnll'in. He I.1

ittdrkInK In ilic tibpcnsary. i The couple plan lo marrlf Af.'irclt :o •'■■■I'St. Patrick's church

. t'allon. * *Richfield Group

Sponsors DinnermCHKIELD. March l2 - ^ ib l lc

dinner wnssponioredDy thfe Amcr- ........... -}• W<dnc.ii

-In.. ' >..11

I'.ilLt. 11 CiirM. .Mr Wnller ’ ,inati ;il'‘0 «ns n 1 I-<'*trr Johansen.. Olrls'

n."fr<''hnicni*v.iTci.crvi'dl)ythc-"''li' chniniiwi, \vm In charRe of-I-- li. i4Wi-(ni(l-co-Jio»Uu^Mtt,-KiiA-

** V #Otieli CliatfleTii. Mrs, Binnley Wey- inanl. Mr.i,' Jerry DavLi iind Mrs. Ilay. Vnden,

Servinit wetlaie.i, HonnL .......... ..................Ilrnwn. Maxlnff Drhr. S.indrn Chi*l- fleld nnd Pliylls Hcldennan.

>(• ¥ *

Practice SlotedJEtlOME, Miifch 12—Announce-

intni of a commlttff meellnic lo be Iield for rltunl prnctlcc Tuesday St the Moosfl-liorno-wiui inftdc Rl Iho reRUlfir mc'ctlnn of the Women of tlio Moom Wedne-vlnjr evening, Mr.i, Diiftnn Hcsiler, senior renent. cnndiictert the mecUnc..

nireilns will be helrt Mrniber.s rteclded In cnnlrlbiilc April r> witii .\Jk, Dick Handy ns tIO Inward Ihc expdi.'.e nf .vendlnc liiislr'.-..s .iiid Mta, Cleo Anibrwc n\ a d'-le aie in OIrLV .Hate. Mr. . n>-h(vi[r,M. noli cftll »lll be aboul J, W, NIchol.son »nd Mrs, IMul Ka.stcr onil a plant and leed «x- Broiishton v,er* welcomed u new

Games Highlight Parley for ClubJF:RO^rE. .Mnreh 12 — Sprlns

cainr.i were featured M Uie meet- Ins of the Ooldi'n nod clitb Wed- ni'.iclay.nt the home of Mm. 'rank Me-'xmuer. Mr.i. Jerrj' Hoover wa.i ft.'.ilMalll ha'iler.v

Mr*. I.yio Lower, pre.ildenl, con­ducted the mtellng. Mm. Noel Ownrtney wiu m urieit. Mrs. Furl* Kandy ftnd Edna Blroiid won hwU

head iJbK-i:piid''(l the

of the belhrl ftlilch »a.N roiidiiclrd by Marla Hn«ke.'. lionorcil qiimi.

Commlltre.i were appoinlrti for the queen's <Jsnei> to be hrlil on April 2, .

Chairmen fire K.nol IxMoyi and Ruby nraekell, rffff,'hinrni.Jean Hen.ilee. entertainment: Dnn. na and Unnny Topr. tlrkei.i; Naiiry Maventniiip, advcr!i\lnit, nnd Kay Staro' and Hiane lllinav pral-Ts.

inlimunn will be l„ ld at ihc k.V:. -nmm-.m annomice the r... next rcKular inerllni; will, a prac-: [,„ir ,i,.„Khlcr, t'ran-lice at 1 p.in, Mond,ny. New My;.-;{.,,., (y ■niwivu K-an %jn 01 lery d.ntli' namr\ will be iln.wii, ^ j,,

Hefreshniciiw wefi' .scrvi'd by Kay Blarry, M:u'la Hawlii-.i, Liirk Cnrlaon, "Ann Dodne,Slarrj’,Mrs, Ben Carkon,

Mis's From Filer To Marry Egon

l'll.!;il, March 12-Mri'ftnd Mr

Donations Slated Review Is GivenDUm. MarcH' 12-Con!rlbmlons 1 llir heart nnd Ited Cro‘-> fiiniU

he Hrlji-knh

e Dfln Sljni* Phi epiiveii-l

riN O rfiLr t l a y eb

BHOauONE. March n-Ocl)0

n r n H o x / n i i l l Pl'iocW*- 'net ‘ hli week i t arO r U Q K ie y ^ lU D nifc »mi Mri. Bhlrler MltcheU

OAKt-n'. Marfh 12-"My Alirn in liostcM, PrUeJ were received by cnrn- the bnolc reviewed by'Mrs. A. r. Onelfln. Mrs, Tom Plea.

KWF-MrsrMrlnn Paskell forlhe Ulrr-.Mrt. IU*.Oo:dllI ary club Wednf-'day cvenlnit at IhejJ. E, Roe Uer.

in pincK-hlr'honif of Mrs. EnnU Mathew*, li Mrs.; Tlip women al'o worked >

ncsdny niKht,. Tlie ba.iInr.M nirelinc w, ductcil bV-Mrs. JoiDu lilaur. pru.Idem, Roullne rrporis fneludrd a cliy council rrpori by Mrs. Rlch-1 ard Scon, she nnnotinced ihe irl- TT' anrtlns /uacnine « chapter h-ounder'ii day barKiuel I* f‘* *'"- tn hf hflH «p-il in t'<« Ttirf.rh'ih. and lhal Sisma chapier rlll be re- ipon.ilble for. Ihe procram.

ifrtbyllon w.vi approved for

Mrj. niaier conriucled a review tor tjc tnken tiy ihr iix new-

plrtlcrs. . —Report of the iiomlnailni!

tnlltee wai Riven by Mr*, Uonard Officer, will be elecled *l xt meeilns. March a . u aURKe.ited by Mr.i, Mich­

ael Snmiic that a penny auction be held at th« next meellnii. Mrs, R.U Tfa.iley was appointed auctlon- rrr, Tlie nieellns will be held nl the honTV of Mrs. Neal Makln with Mr,i. Gordon Thomas and Mrs, Le- land Payton as eo-hMteue*. Mm.Vnuk will be In charge of the pro-

I'or the cultural procram Mr*.Payton i;ave n talk on drama: Mrs.IlUKh Kanncr on jratory. and Mr,i.Reynold Houk on *peech, Mrs.Saniac Jicr\-'ed as a model lo lllus- traie poInU In Mrs. Houlf* talk. '

Mrs, Farmer and Mrs; Vauk told of atiendlnK

:hftni rc£civcd hlth at wlioopn and Mr.i. Vera Uurknidorl, low. i llam Muyes K>ve the .'ecrelary'a _ llb'trMcs were Mrs. A. V, Kmllhjiort lor Mrs M. W. Cranney, ‘ and MlMi'n Kihcliilr. j '['h'' meellnK 11


m ;-in';y MalnrcaJn'li 1» employed JodK, aublnl.by Mr;., E, K. i? ''''•'‘"'fnjiher by the Idaho

iVn Cirko ii ‘lil;Tn"™n’UdtialVof \vlk Van ................................................................ .J ■ „ emivi-r hlch school. H. C., and the week spoawcd by Judse J, Dean

G' f j . 1. h- 1 Unlvcnlty of Wa.shlnKloii, Me Is Mosher for interejled women,jjitte r Pictures M llode by WomenHKYnURN, March 12 - ' 4 , i '.'iMinK

1-inc IJLiek iliricii'd Ihr maKlni; of kIIIUt plcluiri 111 Ihc fir.-.t ward llt'llel -wclcty nll-d;iy work and buslnm mecllni: 'nn sday.

Mr.i. Oeofue Hcllewell. Mr.i. Jack McCardell. Mrs. Mark Allen nnd ao ScovllJierved the noon dinner,Mrs. Jamc. 5ouUiprn Rave the

■u'lv |iri'» m iMi.i' in

Unlvcnltyemployed liy Pacific Fruit and Pro- Among diifi' .t ; ni.m.icer of Ihf nieetific ae'iJic

In Twin Kall,i, '

pre.ieiil at the lonie of JJr.i, Rob-

■ crt L.ntham were Mrj. Carol Wyllle, belHK miKle for a June ,pon.w)r; Mri, Jack Ilydrr, a for-

r member, and Mr.i, A, W, Dnrtds, uoiil. Mrn. Scott wail ci>-hn.Me.s.i.

Meets Two DaysOAKU:y . March 12-Mrs, Rita

Illatirr, ward work dlrectar. wa.i In cliartru of (iiillllnK fe.vlons Tue-iday and Wcdnc.iday for ihe'Relief

nicdlcliie.i r ...............................Ule f.fcoii(l unril nuillni;.

Mr.t, Vcrdi'iie Sloildant utiper- Vlscd .Uie:malslns.-Qf- uUlLtr-plc- ture.i; ,Mr,i, Hay nallcy dlreclcd quIlllnR^and maklni; corduroy sofa pillows and Harbnra wa.i In 'cliargfr book blnriliiR.Mm . Beth Dnlrd Rave a upeelal

le.won cm euttini: and fuunu n dre.vi.

Mrs. Wilfred WHeox. Mrs, Otl.i Orion and .Mrs. Sniithcrn served the dinner.

ALMO. March 12t-Mrs, IJonnrd nrackenburj’ held aqullujm bnn nt., her home Tuoday and Wedne.idny.

On 'nip.’tl.iv after a noon lunch- 111, .Mr.v IlliitUT prwnted a les- ui on hiiriirds In the hnnie, Mrs, lio;imi_Cl(irk. Inl . aUtEitlOlOIlJi -.1 practice, Jennie Cranney. a.i

prc.ililrnt, conducted the meeilnR,

♦ *

Bridge PlayedIIEYBUIIN. March 13-Mra, Earl

Kellson was hoateu to the BD club deuert-brld;e party Wednns-

Two table* of cards were In play with Mrs.-Walter lloLien wlnnlns hiRh prliei Mrs. Amos Jordan, low, nnrt .Mr5.„0ri'£e.Blxlcr. prlie. Tlie place of the next in InR will be announced later.

Dr. H. Fred FischerANNOUNCES

The Relocation o f His Office

Litsh, vih'fliit stockinz shades..}

Frofn stm-clrcnclied Hawaii^.snmrtest of

fashionfible resorts...comes llio jeason’s

loveliest stoclcing colours. Beauliful shini*

mcring shades Inspired by this tropical

island paradise. Slieerporadiseforyourlegs.

Page 16: Speaking Goiitest- ‘Unit Rule’ - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF201/PDF/...Speaking Goiitest- MarkgTM):^'S)ay For ChuFii Meet North Idahoans Win Democratic


M I N I C O S P A R T A N S C O P F I R S T D I S T R I C T H O O P C H A M P W N S H I PN e w C h a m p s U s e R u M i i i i g - G a m e t o

iMiiiicfrPlaycrs Dis|)]ayTli¥t Tropliy Award


U t a h S t a te B e a ts V il la n o v a 7 3 - 7 2 I n O v e r t im e T i l t

N’EW VOIIK, Mai'di 12 (,T )_'C .y. free llinnvs li.v lill!' M;ix I’l'i'i'v with si‘Vi‘ii sL'futuls Icl'l ii nvi;rliitn‘ ;

inviluUtiiiiilAUIla4iwa-at-.\ladi^<n»Jtoi)-l)rot)icr aft.

Sum Slith, fired in i bclwccn them as S V(?ntiin'—winning i

Ktraijrlil uamo — c

•sIioIa, rlliiuitril im r 11(1 pcrliwminr,' Mirc.|i.irk('il fio

niinir.'y w jili a T:!-7

.(JanUii .Iqila;

U '(nlJllyl’' twrrii-..! J~C J

Iti h:ii

luy.tlnip Unit Iht.s ivj.i im!

(ILHrlrt lind. \Vc,Iiicm1;iv iilitiK In-M of Itin .•(•.-.•icft fni>,irllv rrt)-A(l p.ilil Iti Jii.l

• llltlc limn- llinn Jl.'KKi and llii.; iifil Inrliidr. ihi- Miuii'iiL-cli.a ninrtp ni ilic varina r-rhonl wliifli p irtlrlpivUnt;. t'Hriirliutiiurchool.U Riven llckri.i tr> fdl bf. foro llifi j.tiukiilA IiMVn lor tin Runif, Illfrcbj- cllinliiiitlni; ci'ii

‘ sldcToljIp ciinitr.'.tUm nl ibc kjih iiiulum lx>x iiJllrM.

l'rl<!ny nlrtil's cmwil was t\ liumlrrd off tbe bit? Wednr.vlii

TIi8 {our-*»nlnr »tarlfm^i(r^be nmly frnwltrd fiiurlh dl«tHct trlplr A liaokrlhall cb.imphin >liiilrn Sp.irlnnv illopbr llir triipUy lliry iilfknl up aJlrr tliil.lirrlng llulil SH-Si ITld;.)’ i.Icbl. I'rcmi Ifft

I tti havr 111 mu VillalinV. r In

B I^on McnridB, DtrrcII nicknon, 0*17 Andfmon and GeraM »rr». The SparUn>i »trc IG-i (or (be >»son an.) :o.« orcralL talf pbolii-rnnraviiici

Hie fdiirib ()il;illrr biJKfll, can l.ftb bit on IV jiimj> nhni from llii- Ini- llinuv bni- nlid Hiihl b.irk Into conirntlf7n — but oniy iinnifiilarlly.Miiiico wf!it bsclt to lt.1 ninnlnK

'.ir.iiiiht withoiil (I liiMh ccMcbp.i

briirliMuiid MiniJi)ynl I I tb.' rii.-

tlll.fll):il,-., plliai mihl. xv.i.t,clM'jii 1 p.ii

....................J-fiiialKnniB SPldoin (trniv.i — in iiny

_ Kuimfinifnt rnrsomr ri'n-'>ii.Til# totirnnniriil fnllmvcd <ni( If.-.

UMl.i! psirprn. nUoiit. tlir only drv|. nllon from 111'* umi.iI r<nir. i- bcmi; tbnl tbP lavnrile wnil. Ahv:iv;. tlierf’s A Jil(;bly.r('i:;ir<Ifd tcMni Ibnt' cnmw ihroiiRh. lluld, And n«rlf5\ wblcli lud iiotbiiik- bill problpim wllli Cifvxiini; (Hirlii;r ibc pruMin. r.imr up with 11 rliilrb vie- (nrj- tb.it put til'- .' •nntor pn U\c sideline ncnln tliL'i j'c.xr,

Lonklnc bark. 11 nitfht havr bpcn ditffrcnt If tbr ••br.';t l;ild plnn.1 of miff nnd mrn. rtr." lindn't .ilfpiiril^ln. Uli


B m i o mAlley CMr. dctisiti'il .S|iil:cn 3-1:

:oail ilimnrrn <li'fi':ilrd i‘ ■aiil;r. -l-l); Oiill. rl>.illn .Icfi': Iai;li- lUwIrrs;!-!'. iiml !'iri-b:.: fIcMird .' trll;.' om.-, ;i.i.Hi?li mmvKlinl rnmp. ArcM'l:, ir>n:.lilnli mdividn:)! M'lrll;\rd HInr.r, 4n;i; bli;li ■•cr;■nm Kimip, na.nl Runnrrs, li;h lianiliMp icivm unmr. J! .imiit.-r», CU9; bli;ti Immllcup V •rb'r Hoad Ilumirrs. IfilH; 1 :r.iich ifiim wrlp.'. Rosd Hum

Mt'M .Sappblrr I,iHini;c .T.l, illi:b imllvldiial iiamr.

213: bl!;!i irallvl.liial

; 5-IU Mill!.

I'lKlidn* Do I^acur .t<’d I.Icniuv-

t''ltinl:liA drfi'iiiud

ind I..' I lUdilli'

tn Clin

:i'(I W:

■, .stiikri :i-i; i*-r'r. iicfc im.T,-, H.»; AilUln-;-;ial

n iu Huppy 4 3-1: Inrhi tlPrt-Hlnhmdi -i

ftc’ f! 'I'iir -i

Mijnllc Signs,

Expccis No

P()|)ularity.ST. i’i:ren.siu;no. pi.i. Mnrrh

of Ihff Matii:l.\1 uiu uua brou:li' lu.l.

• ufck nnd Hip fourth <ti;. <>iily otin In Ibr 1•pl.iynff tiark forrr:p<'ndli

Th.1l rxir:\ Vd'ks <t. Twin KnlLi 1(v.p Ilarl Sin

. Tho

; Jiiilv I-rc-in dcf-':ilrd Dr. rnd Rtilli 'lUn.-bton 3-1: Clvdr nnd i;va l!<wa :|dcf.Mli-(l Karl nmt Kit. I'ct-'t.-i.ti

and Il;ilvb nnd Marian CilU ; trllf .-.1)111 \lth nni. tind I.ir. fird-

rb liidlvlibial canii-. Vrm nid-, lilKb liuilviibmt -•.rricvi.

1 !!ldillr, (;i7; blsli srnilcli 1 uamr, Vrrn A; I.<-;,bri illdrtlr,

tm:ll ll.iliillrap tnwn Kmnr,1 mill t.f.'.b.l Illildlp, 4-11.; bich

baiutkap train wrb-.v ViTii nml I.'v.lia Hlildlr. Jl:2; bl:;b .■.c.-ilcti tram r.rrlr.v-Vcrn nnd U':.bn HI<1- tllcJ

Ij-.'.brv IJlilille fi.ppi'il tiUli «oi rn> K-ainr «ltb l;i7. ^tr llan C Iclti*. liliilMviinian^ .M'ric,-. y. Itli !■

llti:li \vimi.-n tm». I

.Sliltli'y McCii

Slilrlry Me

xin ](obiTl.-

Cliaiigc in

Skyline Looj)

Is Coiisidercd

talk ( LMllKn.

• .n;.'.!on or llio drciilfs ntli- Ittlc- ctlrL-ctnr.i will be durlnc the NCAA mccttnc In Snn FmiicLv:o March 17. IB iind It).

p'rr In no wtiy dl.w.tliflert .... tbe Ekyllnc confercncc."

I’ct(0!cD^vld of UNM. "And ttjcre iUUn«-»p«clfio-about-ft-ncw ninit, either. Rut «u're look-

Tilt; . «l»ay.i ealltri

winiijTllrsl rxjtmd cnme. ni.idc n|) ni ’iKbt-poinl, (Irflcll nnil flnntly .ii'ii Hie Knme Into overtime on Wlilic' rtboimd Ko;d,

aeoriie Il.ivcllnt: of tbe Wlldcat.i pullnl Vlllnnova Into a '0.69 lend I llic (CXtriv perlncl befori- Ulali Iiitr rccovcred nnd pul 11 11 way. . Joe Worlticn. Hie only .nib Ulnb

Si.atc'n Iriiti men iwcd, ullpptd In in unmolcMcd '

■ I’blln.W VOiilC. >ClinmlHTlain

. tn'-W.irrinrs tiantledlv reMroti- tbe Nallomil lla'.krtball n;.w>datlcn rccord twok n.s be tbnirrd iir riKlit of Uii

.'iM.M-d todny by tbe

•Total po|nl. 2.707. hlRhrM nvr; IK'-, :i7.fi: fb'ltl KO.d.'i fittcniplr:.3ll: firld Koah I.rnred. i,«;. : fr<tlirna nllempK oai;

e Shue,

itoriim- f.i>M;a.s()ii. five:' retwimds. J.gil lx)iinds p<T :nm. ninst litM played, tied with G<IDelroll. 3,3.in.

Dob Coiwy nnd Bll! niiwell of Bo.Mon nnd F.lKln Baylor of Mltv ntni>oll.i nlr.o hiid a bnnd In Hit rccQj-il wnn.iUlnK.

Cou^y crentrd n new ft*sl.it.i £tAndAii!.QL:O.S..pur-i;amo.oa-7t& !Ct(ipr.. ^u •.l-ll ret nn indlviduiil aime record of .M rebound.i wblle Haylor'.'i fit jioint.i !<nia;.b«l Jm m itv blKh of 63 for A i.bigli

made I f Cornol Qftcn, a Jiiuky.C-ioot,.4- icli .loplioniore from lUcbmonil.

Calif.. led Utah Slate with Jii poiiitj nml Kilt tbe AckIc.i ftrr-t field Koat of (he overtlnie before foullnk’ out with 1:48 rvninlnlm;.

WiUe. * JumpbiK Jack Bopho- lorc. jcofcd 27 tioUit-i foc....VlI-

lanovR nml Dick Kambiskl lind 17.Pesky I'rovldenco (urnwl third-

deeded EL LoiiU Into a ftimbllni; i;lani In n nlKlii Ranir for n 04-63

,[victory nnd Jomed nIlcTnr«n «l liter ULUl SUto lii (hn fi-llllflniil:. Jlltr flronK Dayton crvislicd »oii. MiooiinB Temple 72-51 bclilntl. OnO- n«R(:ent)Urfc nnd I-Yank Criic.

• n.S .Hut. JJ. Vltlirni. TJ Duh. i. rcfivfiii viiunu.* f«rtprip

V I t;«W|,ll. ■ —

■.'Tp.inr.ltill —•Davlil .'aid he plunned to lonl;1 nny nml nil meeting nil

. „ n propo;,(;d reallitiiinenCfftilcrn KllooLv LI.'TIIKUAN TOI.'IINF.Y SI;T

Or«'son Stnte. Wiv.hlnRton Stntc EDEN, Mnrrh J2 —The Mnclc nd Orrcun of the J>plli-up Pn- Vnlley l.tiiliernn ntbletlc ennfer-

rlfic CO.VM confcrencp have bern cnee basketball toiirnnmrnt will be mrntlnned In rffUlcnmcnt. Ulk heln Manh 1» .K Filer hiKh r.cbool

,!th (li# Skyline' ’....................

hntayed '

ildbtpweek-end. n iP lanky r.foot, 4-n wnlnr nitcbt bavr .•pellnl ibeVI forenee nnd thr Hriiiti.' e.'iiM h: clnehed n -Matn tniiriiey lifith 1

_ii>TT Strom; w.i. fellitl.

.'?lli:, the;.p thiii!:-. oiilv nilili d the uiiprc-dlcta[ile'li-.:fn'il of 1 ..1

- nsmpnl.''......Ttilbl playeil Bi>i>l li.ill tbe fl

week-entl, i:.ke.v in •>barpnr.'.i" vaned n bll pjk! th

Till' Yaiiker Mmmer ni.ide .miitl'.lm; .•.talnneiit Kinl.iy niter Deiinimnn-i di'Ie ileil role-, nalaiit; a ST.IHH) fi.iv cut in Mctimn'IbitNlinl.^ defiviteil .‘ pnrli-i-< H:.ir fi;r.,(K)n. Tb" -i’.-.i.<'ni-<ilii r.'n-i<:i<i.ll)u,.iir-. tint Siii» n

hln Dalbis lli)riie TlUir:.rlny Mirht er 4-0. '1 nime to term.-. with nenerall llii;li Individual tame. IV C..1 iiaKiT • fJei'riiP WeI.-A FYtdny121t!; hii;li indiudiial s.-ii.’., imiis niter n t«n-mlnuir

DliiU,WybiiiUiK. Colorndo SWle U.. New

:lro nnd beiiver. Arlrnnn mid mia Ktatp of Tempc ii^o lir 1 mi-nllnned. nlonc with the Fnrc9 nciitlcmy.

(Jets First WinI MinaiOURSE. March 12 W —

r,rar Oiii, n 2-year-nld tllly,i...«lui>r.fr-*ml-Hbn -

ih IirM victory n.i an Aui tacp horse owner today.

Out, rid.len-by-Aiii'tmltn-s eki-y. Nellie Sellwood. a:11: lllf) pound::, .scored victory over n field of 26 lir.vt division nt tbe

dte.s nt KlcmniRton.

with the Ilr^l Knme bcKbinlnK aI 1:30 p.m. TbiTo will bo no mltnii- nlon clianie.

there's never

been a motor

to match it!. .

7 5 hp¥ - 4S T A B F U T E

A nor aclirrvnncnt In tizzUngfpKtl AJiil power, lucooipau, tinootli-ninnlnR V-4 .tnRind (Irlivcn a wlioppin;; 73- bpi lu fin-iUm Jrutream Drive liiifa lliroiiKli llie waltr with roimlS«Wrf.'«...T«houx* full seamiirt cxxiUdI lor (be

~ino>l fM yMT »td iMfar


Named to SquadKANSAS CUT. March 12 '.IV

Tlie Nntlonsl n-'.-ioclnilon of Inter colleslnte Atbletle.% bn.i nnnicil tlic flr.it two memlien of lt. lO-mru Obinplc trInU bn/.ketball .<iriund— Jncklo Moreland. Loublnnn Poly­technic In.itlHite. nnd Zelmo Desty, Prnlrle View A tind M.

New 1960 M odeli ’

SHOWBOATS!-Tho niccsf diiploy

in tho vallcyl

CoQSf Guofd Approved


BUD & MARKMorino & Tacklo

ijuil.irli . In-

t .Mickpv roiilit.' inv:’

: hlith



G E R M A N M A D EGorniony''. prppy, prccision-lHlilr car, Opel is big on ccon

pmy. U|) 1 0 30 miles per gollon of fcguiar-grcdc gor., Tokcs

juM 3 . <iua;ir.. (or infroqiicnt oil ;chongos. -Costs Icsj-to •

cporotc. I'lirjh rc'.ole voluc.

pill with iTpd Kimkp :•

jYoiimr':; n:ili-y 3-1 .1 lli::li Ituliviibiii: K.iti',. ,. ll'<l>.'il.-., lliH; bi;:b Imliv;

rie', Ortie i!ol,nt.s, .-fiatcll J.'.mi i:amp. Home :n ; hiph l*Ani«PnT>-ui**. IClinke Arrncy, KM: bb;b 1


r.imtty, in'cds ri’.teriry to run; fourth dwtrlci

\ food (lav tbai y other players

I When be> bnt. the Yankee. nrt cold cliih."

year Mantle bntted only .:H5, hit 31 bnmeruiis nnd drove in only 7. runs. Tbe Vnnkee* flii- l.'btcl third.

; Salmon, Steelhead ■ Run Is Increased

l*OHTM^U. March 12 IT) - , -nie mlnrn ' '

.U.iii, H»;i

of nnd

Hunt Leases EyedBlakr,nUSS.M-ircb I2 -CI1

Jerome, ciu-.rii RjKike on the problem of Cabfi.. Ill.l hunllns le.i.\e\ 111 till' of tbe nil.si ROifiimi Cun ' ' this week nt Uie home o! Mr, Mn. Herbert l ‘.ilier..on, * v

—-TJio iip*i.m(S‘Hn!i.will.,bP

ip tbp_CoUimhla river jncrca.'.ed in iMa. tbe corfM '

ittiticcrs rp[>otird today.In rek-.'umK re.Milu of lu losn r.h eoiint, tbe corp.i said a lota!

of M4J79 .Mlinon nnd steelhead' moved pa.1 t Ilnnncville dnm dur- bi(T the year.. Tliftt exci'edrd tlie DonnevWc cniiil In Hip previon.i year by' o.oon, nml wa.1 more Ilinn 0 0 ,000

: tbe {

J_KEAnjlMM-Ni:W3-WA.'rr^DS 456,735.

llip Heelbpad-.wlmnn count de- elliiea fit McNary d/un. In 1058 It

lb6_ prevloiu j'caf

yton pli ked a .'i-l!-l r.plit. N.iomt Mi'CIiiln and Ib 1 7.alim wire bo'.Uen? of Ibc ivre'K nnd .Mainme Mejer copped l/'i'ie of ibo month nward with n inj.

I10WI.AI)II(IMK Cummerrbl I.r.ienp

Kendrlrk Oil <lefeati (| D.imslti: 4-11; Cliil) -na" (li-feated Miurii GI.IS!! 3-1: Jiome Hairien d.fe:,i,-, KnmtbT Heally 3-1; K.ldv.i IVil; erj' defeated Hean Groueri .l-l ivnd Tlllesell Miituf.< defealcd Pa. rl.itan Laundrj- 2’i-f’i.

IllCt...in£llvidual tamr._ Jndm Murray. 2:2; hmmnaivnniar rle.i, -Klilon Mtimr.Rcratcll te.ain Rnmr. - !)34; hlKh‘handicap team cariH'. Kendrlrk Oil. 085. lilKh hanUJCi'P

trltt. Kendrick OH, 2H3J. r.itch tffim serie.T. Kcadrick

on, 2(rr9. . : . . Ijuwler of the month for Vel.rii- T wax Ibll JJradMinw. llouler of le week lind n C07. Itex Wood

iwkpd Aj,i-6-D » p i l t . -------

• ?I.igle‘n i i I.r»Kur Turl .Club defeated I I ib Part-n

<-0| T. P. MortUaO' (Jcfcatcd May-

AMERICAN STYLEmiih' of live nts fini'.-with plenty of bend room, plen 11, too. Opel’:! ebalr-bi-i-Kbt ncnt.i the tbe driver n belli imirol. contoiireil biek.i nre exUcmcly comfortAble. '

TH IS IS OPEL;W jccj delivered in Twin Folli-fuliy equippe^.--_____ 1 -


®2l 54=“ N *2459. Fresh srock juU received. Como in and try iH


A distlnct^o nnt] dlsllnctly new breed . . . the new

. n-lRht-Ycar" cloilics. Soft-lcmpo colors and ncarly-H-elRhtlc'.s

fabrics arc uadltlon.illy Kuppcnliclmcr tailored for the ven-c anti vii.ility

lliat .sct.s-you ap.irt In .iny sctiinR. Sclcct yours from our

------------ 7:-----complete sclcctlon. We, nnd Kitppenhclmcr arc ' —

• ' dedicated to your^omfort.

Suits ffom $90 Sport Cpats from .$55

' SHIRLEY-MENDIOLA 'DSESS RIOHT— Ion pii lock youf b«>l you do youc biil


Page 17: Speaking Goiitest- ‘Unit Rule’ - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF201/PDF/...Speaking Goiitest- MarkgTM):^'S)ay For ChuFii Meet North Idahoans Win Democratic



^arnes, Buffington and~ Cincinnati, NYU jHomedale Tops Wendell Brewer Pace Wolves’ Win; Qhio State and For Regional AA Title;

eats yallpy V ikings__SnO S llO N K , March 12— Th«

___ dfdL'H-juriL-m Ui!■Iiirod fastlefoni Wolves, tlie

11 ctiampiotisliiii lij tla-ir t;rov.'in^; list »f trophit'.H The Wolves, iiafo>l..liv Uic

iouhilinc 111 I'ii-inniiirtifs aiiil~R!ni(li^nfrulsi'i- tilm <iTiii‘h- hittuur

Tho fa lifc r

.Salmon IlivtT iif lU^'nins. Casllefonl ami (Iraiiil View will ativancu hi llu' state Icniniiimuiil. o.\|)e;;lfd to Ik? lidrt ivl aoodini! n « l «.Tek-cnil.

Ca.-,llcfnr{l acvcr irAllrd-la liir c;imp us B.uiirs slsrlcrt rcil hnt nnil joaiKl ullli .IJrCttcr to tloiiiliiiilc I’lr l):icl:botir[ls7

Only tome lirllU.mi fr« throw fliooiliig by Orniid virwkrpt llic Wolvi’S Iroiil luriilnn Ihr iisitte In- 10 s rotii l!i ilip lt l hair,■ n.irnrs hit rli;tit poiiii

mill UudliiKioii c'hipiH-a of llie rxtra.1 m llic WoIvi lain « J5-S Irail.'Hitn a r Iiiriird 10 llip frrr Iliro'.v i..irfv Unrri5. Jati; Ji-ii

X lllltllth' t

u»_The Auoriaifil iTrM _ _ * ' ' C A I.D W E l.L . March 12 (SiK'cial)— W endell ami Valli'y. Iho district J class AA rcp-(Jolilb'n nuars. Cinyiiiiiati, Ohio S late am i rciscnlativi's, liolli went dawn to ilefeat to in ^ h l in tin* tiistrii't :M rcKiimiil I'tiu'offs here.

......... f'l'" '"1 ~r'' " ' n T' *''■'•■'■1 i-f r - Hrini>-d:ili\.tioiiiivi'd Wctiilpll n5.n77nr (m V clin im m m ^n ira irdlCuiu inilk-ir luvay i i r l W................................................................. ........................................ .NOAA■TJ’^'^^tethali tournainent 'viitiiiiii;__)V}:'i".li:»IJaaL-ft:w.niiiml-efi-tu drop Valley - K U a a . - i l o i n o t l , t i e , Itinh iii lii'iKliLiiiid «u in lit.~*

rami View -IH-ll). Ilnw rm an look third idiice w ith a como-froni-bVlciuiminoiismtw iji KiniTc5rSlinil'r1.’rrtilj.'ht..ratlfflniiit stirtodniad'Ju .st tuo im idr .sliiff frir W m le ir io haiiilk-wllliv.iil-lhc-iiilhiintiioi'cit-iiervlci’ a-of ■----- - cvtTV On'A'iD) thjval lo w liiji.- lhfir .sl;ir Jim .Srhcd, Sdii."' '----------------------------------------

White Sox Top Reds 4-3 in 15 SA s Grapefruit Season Opens "

. ny Tlie AunMatrd r m i'I'ho Chirajro While Sox. who won :i5 o f 50 one-ruii Karnes Insl year, openc irtlnr cx-

l.Mia limiiiu- luo racii, i .s(.;y<(iti toiiav with another one-riin victory. This time they bent the Ciiicinnnti

fii'-ifilim i” l-'i.iiiiiiiiHH Ijefore :!,:!72 a t I’aymi park in Sanisota. Fla. .loe Hicks, rookie•' * .................. :outfielder up from Indin^iaiioiis, broke up the .slniKKlc with a Ijiises-lontJod .single o ff

' IJoul Suncliez in the bottom' of the 15th. The Sox^ 'o t

Kiiiil but Jliii AnckrMi (1 on n >ini|i Miot ana L.-\rry 5 i>lck«l

±;, Tlioinas. thn.'e-polntrlfty<'nrtfliilcltl>’ n d t lc r t l j^ 3 1 g 0 g

I Jnj-iip.Hiiffinclon c.unp ihrnurh w

K n-l)ound shot lo Mfctch llir J( In nUiff nnlnU ngaln hut la '

^ o l tiic Bi-cona I

; J h h i|) Recordiiml Ornnd VIcv Irrc llin

1* laltdme ItJd to ?J-24. -.Hiilm»-lhe-Uilfil<iiitir«'r vpt'iKsI, CM'ttpfonl'.i "Uli: Bs" »riit lo work iicaln. IhlffliiKlon, lirrwfr and Iiiirac.i Mored nlaio.rI nt ull! ((I.iiir mi|iile. ivlid Cn-Mlcloid cnii <iiii or'Klie flurry \>itli ii 10-poUit I'llur, t-Ho In lllf Jounll pi-rlod, (ir.init View cltBcd (o wlthla nve

More VullSimtW iilt ti fr<c throws npd West Rot ft field

ItncermAii. ulilch has been iKili'.NS llirouKlioiil ilif toumnmcnl \rnr. cixUKht Jlrc behind, a. full finirt prpM nnd. nnihed.40mc_of i;« old form-In ovcrhnullni: Siilm- oil lilver. tlilrd district dmmplonK.

MIckcy nicc. Bob Bcemnn nnd nnn PrlncllB provided the opcnliii; punch for Uia third dlnlrlcl M It rushed ftwy lo ft stvcn-polal IrAil In tlie first Qunrtcr and Mill

- - hKrt *!x polnls »t halfllme.As the (iccond hnlf opentd.- Hn-

srnimn complcUly bottled up----julaion_IUvci:_aJllj_ft_full_c«irt

while sophomore Ken 5c- Cnmmon and junior Mike Mnson

. oiled up their shooUnitSilll U WAS ft Jump (hot by non

Znyrr thiit puslicd JinBcmmn in front for Uio first Ume-31-30. llicn Kber hit snd Mason ndilcci ft iMrcc-polnt piny. Prwion hit Jii.it before the biiKtr nnd HnRcr- mmi hnd » slx>polnt hulce Rolnc Into the flnftl period, U Bce-wwed bplwecn four nnil iilx p t\io minutes before McCivniinoa uncorked two Ionic Jump stioi* nnU the PlralM coasted In.

II.Ifrmn* u ’fl ipViV ^ i" " 14 '

I 15 iV. hnvc 111) M'l i;o:il, I'm Rnlili; t on jiiiiiplni; nnd winnlnK,' world record brenker Joliii'

rrlJar't !>•< S«r« fir.M VI- «. Il.c.r... .

ri«» fcfipric>;ii>f.tn>T< It

! ChlCHK


■ •nioiiiim. « 10-ycar- uiitvrr.Nlty Mplioiiiorc. iniiin iittmcllon In tl rrliiy.i and lie didn't < nnyoniv In Ihe capacity 10,000 1 0 the luttrnailon tlicaicr Krldny nlElu. 11c nmrk of ^ fret. 2 ‘i tachi

•'I fi'lt real Kooii," luild Tliomft.''. "I niuM have. othcru'Uc I think 1 wnuld liKve done It. 6urc, I've tried It before but It. Mnylie I dlil belter In practice. 1 doa t know.”

Thoinnn, who' Jeverely Injured hM left foot « year ano In a movlnr elevator nnd hud to underRo pln-v tic Runterj- nnd skin Em(Li. now has clenrcd .icvwi feet or bctlci In hLn Iilu 11 meets. In the nn- tlonnl AAU meet Iwt Tnnnlli, he broke All previoiii reconls with1.toot.,2.incireffu;i:-............

Tliomn.1 played it cool Friday nfKhtrHr-lOTM-ileit-iip.by-JuinptnK Klx fret n couple of times nnd t ien

He tried 8 feet, i Ineliea nnd failed nnd then sueeeded. By tlio tlmo tlio bnr reached 0 feet.

Incltcs h» ran out of compe­tition,

Thomnn then ajkrd to hi ,nr raued to 7 leci. i; Inch. A hush ciune over the crowd. Tlioii

>ver but Ills h.md ellppctl the bar nnd It fell,

:oi\il ftUeiiipt ROOd. Tlio:a«.i n.\ked-lo hnvp tlie bar ilaced at 7 feet, 2'j Incjiw. ARaln le mt;» e(l on hU firs't Attempt:

Aflrr n Aliort rc,'.!. TlionlM loped towards the bnr wllh n deltrtnlned elforl imd cli-iirrd ..

'Hie crowd let out ft thundcrou-s r«rt-, tln'n-wcnt-*llent when the

r Aald itie lielr;hl had I< •.uri'd. Another Kinr wen

loaded.keep Darrell Spencer led the Si. I/)ui.s

Cnrdlnulji lo it D-l victory New York Yankees.

---- jj.—'nio-(>liorltirU)t>. who-wnBo.-,toiTrj from San l-'n.nclsco <mHni! the

.Iiiniincd Ulrre Mnclrs drove in two run^. . .

VlncKtir Upnd MlJcll. wlnnlni; pllchrr, nilowed only one f.inKle

Russian-U. S.

Ski Scries LdoIvS Possible

DF.NVER, March 12 (iTI-A homC' ic ski fterirs betweeiu^hii jinJ_mwlA »tm seems r


ft l.f lp .<»lMinU l(. It ft irf t


Bl{ie. Lakes Men Begin Qualif3'ing_

Men Kotfen beniin quallfylns Saturday for Uie Blu« Lake.i Coun­try club best ball chsniplnnnhlp The qualifying • round must.- b« ronipleted by March 26, when there will be a special events din-

liie Blue Lakes Men's Oolt as- . Roclntlon win hold Its "kick•.atC

breakfast March 20,The women opened their Rolf

reason nt Blue Lakes Tuesday with ' n blind partner, lull handicap, tourney.

In D lie for first place, with nine-hole scores of 3t. were Elwa


three riin« in the first ninff. They did i l in tfieir ttsual manner, two of the runn r.corlni; n.i n result of brnie: loaded walks nnd the other coir

ro.vt nitrr A1 Sinltll wns h Hitch, al-o with the basi

liiiilnKS, Tlie YaliUce: held to elitht hiU by Mlrxll, htur p Lanv Jnck.'<oii uiiti Ttn;i K»nr. 'Hie ilnltlinore Oriolc.i made the

mo.st of ftvp hits B,i they opened' victory over Uie I’ltls-

burith Plrali'S.•Dip plrnU• nlsff Innt the ser--

lee.i of ainn Ctnioll tor .in indef- period, 'Pie outllcldfp. ac­

quired 111 n v.lnler deal with St. Louls. injured W.' rlcht hand when he crashed into the rlRhtflcld wall maklnc n fpcctaciilar catch , of Brooke noblcwnn's drive In Ihe Ilr.'.t Innlnir, a preliminary Inntlon !.howed_ no f.crlous fracture ul an X-ray wr.i orflprrd,Tlic Kiinxas City Athletics made

DolT'ElIIotfK~nr^t-Tnaj(n—Itapue manARerlal nppcarance n wlnnlnR one by defeathifc the world cham' pton Los Ancclcs t>o<lRcra 8-4. ‘ Rookie outrielder Leo Posndr

drove in three runs with a slnKle nnd & double oa n Intc-lnnlnK re­placement to lilahllRht the Atiilet- ic.s' 13-hlt ntlnck nRalnst three ol tho Dodsers" best, pitchcrs — Don Dry.sdiUf. Johnny Podres nnd Iloi • CralR.Hooklo Ken Wallers Mnmmed

ninth Inning double to score Alvin Dark wllh the wlnnlnR run lor" the Phlladclphln PhlllU-s in n 3-1 vic­tory over Uic Mllwnukco Braves.

Dark, maklnu his first appenr- nce with the Phll.i after belnR

tradfd by the ChlcaRo Cubs, sot in base to open the bottom of Ihe ■ilnth when Ron PIcRcTn rookie pitcncrr^wr-him-wth-iht-bali; Dark moved’ up on a sacrlllce by

anoUtcr nwcomcr, Bobby Del Orcco,

Tlie Detroit Tlcer*, (aklne ad- I'anume of some wlldnp.'-s on thi [inrt of WuslilnRlon's rookie pitch­ers, defeated the Senators fi-fl,

A] Knllne hnd a ba.ies*empty lioinerun for Detroit and VViye Ttironebern’ hit n thrce-mn WiisC tor the aeiialof

Tlie Boston Red Sox defeated Uie ChlcnRo Culxs e-4 behind the hlttlnk' of. Jerry Mallett und Jhimp<iff_nrfi'ii^

Ernie Uanfci. tlio Ciib.x' uresilia-'.lblllty. ,• Victor Andreev, president of the

, US.SK .Sltl federation, made Uie |l>r»i>u>jil.at u.clliiiiiir durlnc..tl>^Olyniiiia wlntiT Ramrs.

Alloil C, Mi'lvllle. Salt Uke City, president of the Nntlonnl SKI a»* foclatlon. said' today the nisocln- tlon 1.1 .itiidylnK’ tli*-ldea of Rft- tlr, * a.' ibtance from the U.S. i-tate <lr|xij-unri)t for the dual meets, •

llc.^ald ihtfavioclnilon will a'^keli-uT'uVcv Vcre'ltisufliclcni to keep , filial dccWon nboi,i.%ctkliic sue i!„ j. i-Vnnclsco OlanU fromw .1 In ^

Cleve!ft»d.i Rocky Colavlto got three of the homers, but one didn't count, OliuiLs-mnniiRer Bill KiRney birw tlie whbtle on him

,fflr batUni; out of turn and. the I circuit clout was nullified. Other I Indian homers were b>' Vic Poer, Gene Leek and Johnny Temple.

;hort-itop. hammered tt ctudtnR n two-run lion flvc-liuiliiRs lie . played.

Kookic outfielder Mallelt nnd Hensue r.ophoni fielder, drove in two. runs apiece for the . winner, Mallett hit bases-empty homer In the slxUi innliiR,

C kivland six

Under, the plan di«:u.Med by NSA t.fflrlals. the Soviet Unm would C5:ne here next year, the Unltei States team would ko to Ku.ula In IflCU for a dual meet prior world akl •championships ai iiioiilx, France. t

Diith A-'pen and Steamboat SprhiRs have offered to tUige the two-nntloii meeUi In thU countrj', Arpen-<!»~wf»-«uiUd lor alpine ski evint.v-^ownhlll and slalom—and. teamboat SprlnRS lor nordlc con-' ■;.uv—juniplnK nnd cro'-s-country United SUtes.ikltrs..usually, are

r.tronncr In Uie alpine evenu wlUle nu;jlnns excel In nordlc

Evansville Gets NCAA'Little’Title

EVANSVILLE.. Jnd, March 12 on — Host Evanwllle today ruled Li klnu of NCAA small coIIcrc dl- 'hlon basketball for the second

liiirothy Ha-slem and Amy Lou Uoddi, Tlilrd place went to Mrs. Al WesWrpen'and Sadie Tliomp- M)n. wlUi 33. and fourth went t< MyrUe Peterson ftnd ITan Reed wiUi 33S. "

Bob Zawoluck. class of IDS

lyn with 1,781) polau ,

Tlio Purple Aces ovenihehnfd little Chapman coiletce, OmnBC. CalU.. DO-CS' in Uie cliamplonshlp cnmo Friday nldjil before a wildly cheerlns throng of e.oofl In Rob- erLi Municipal stadium.

Tlic three-day Itnale drew

LocalBowmeh To Host Archery Tourney Today

Ot-Yo-Kw.a bowmen will conduct their -annunl Indoor- InvlUtlonnl nrcliery ahoot at 1 0 ajnr today" In

■ Ashworth RaraRe bulldlnR. announced the Rroup’s

monthly meetlnR;Jim Mlddtetoti. pre.sldent, mid

Ihe shoot U open to all arclu He addrd refiUtrallon-wm-lit c<. ducted from 0 to 10 a.m, Troplile.i will be Rwnrded to hlfti scratch score and Ute lop three places In liandlcap events will receive med-

i*Is_'he croup announced plans for n iimsRe sale sometime In May.

Jay Bartlett repotted a work party has been formed to renovate the outdoor shootlne cour.ie.-

Mlddlcton rcpoi ted on bis same archery liunLi la.<t fall nnd

loial of 27,030 . fans despite ihetiined tentative plarw for this yi........... . — « conditions »lnce|hunt.v

li»ncB_tncreivsfl_ o(! .,Thc_itat9 lournwncnt will ut T lu i 7car. -jheld uljr.a and 3 at Sun Valley.


. fMn.nllllon)

IT nlirkfrol


ililrrf pl.f.)


^ NATHmL «0W nr l.RACL'n

■ iic"lr«I*"». ’c1il«ci"# •

>;ciii.r'i S,,r„

NCAA ItuiosM TDltrn

. ...... .... -'-:Mmi-Cassia: Bowler.;Gets All-Events Lead

attle.^Wasli, It will iv.-iume ,Thur,Mlay ti I h f

f'it.s jiatiiinal t i t le ; llioti^'h he played and madedi'fcii; next Fi Pranclr,eo n;:ain-.t Cinclai Mld' • • l rimmploii.v

Cincinnati mnved Into t Iinah liy puittns on a Lite tii overcome KansiLi W-71 hntt.in. Kans. Ohio Sc

11 Iioint.x,. Ihc.pd him thill

1 nally, with ft ^P,„l.:iil» knee liur:

t Uut

■lui.i For l!<>ined,>le. It , , , . , 1 .Mniiiihl victory .ifir •ill|.,:openinR Kame thLs

nu NVU thra.Mied Duke 7 - 1 - ' IVarlpr nnd Rodney Le. lle Irdl^'-'f’J’j! , ,Charlotte, NC. lUi'^ Miwnrdiilescorltw-with-irFacli.jeHtahll.sh her.<«cll r

much he hftd looi ■ „ . .[ G'. Prue.-<.s. Mini-Ca.‘<.'iin Rowling' as.-^ociation, moved into

iis Us :uii!lho lead in the all-events hamlicai) event of the Idaho State BowliiiK' toiiniameiit hero Saturday (iuriiiK tho

.0 Kuna.I,;i*k-eii<l

Tlie niK O had to i-arry Ihi’ c lire lo,id for Cincinnati Blnci- ll

................... cenliI'aul lIoRue, wa.1 lianwruni: by fouls most ol tlip way. ^lttlnR

all but sU firat.half und playing CDUtloui ly III llie second period,

Tlie wore chanKrd hand; times before the Bi'arcnts' finally took commnnd. It appeared an up-

• WHS In the mnklntc when Knns. nhe.vl 42-40 nt halltlmr, inov to n 57-51 lead mldivay In tin

second JiJilf.RobertMn led Cliiflniiall back

scorhiR irpoint.< In a n-potn: idy -Rrtnd by ihe Bearcats that

broke KansnV morsle. , .

Ith theill-11 alter ;he first period, Kuna' IlMdUiR by two paints at the hall and a lIlKlc jxiliil after three quarters,

n itn In the final stanr.a, Kunn imslied out to u :i-l-3Q U-iid anil ilarlaii Hiorntun hit aIx str»lRht ■poifjM Inr the Citre'Tiffinruia' 1 0 0 much for Vnllcy to make up Hint late In the Riin


.'I'rch, the SoutherLilcm confr-r- ertcf stnndard-brariT, trailed 41' 3t> at halfllme and could find ni .olutlon. for' the BIr Ten champi' in.V sl;te, speed and stamina.Jerry Lucas, Miowtni: why he

vas picked n.1 an AIl-Aincrlca. scored 25 pohit,i to pace the win­ners. ScorlnR honors of the same, lioacvcr, went to Tech's lloRcr Knl-ier with 27,

in the Eastern finals. NYU found -Duke's- rone deleiiw - no particular problem ns Coach Lou Ro.'.ilnl's Violets bansed awny. in the first half, hltllns 15 nt 2'J lihots. featured by some Miarp corner shooting by 0-Ioot. 5-lncli Al Braden,

In con.nolatlon Rnmes Utah Vat Santa Clara ro-Bl. West VlrKlnlti out.v:orcd St. Jn.neph’s of Philadel­phia 106-100. Western Kentucky dropped Ohio University 07-87 n-‘ DePfluLnLClifCflgo.ilcfc8l<d_?5J 07-01.’-

Gooding Shooting, Club^Organized

OOODINO, March I2-Tlic final ,,.-Ranl7j»llonal m ee ilnR of the Gooding Trap club was conduct«I Thursday al the OhllnRler imp- house east of-here.

Officers Include Ilobert Mcycr. president; Kenneth ohlliiRcr. vice president; Steve Baicmnii. sccre- Uttj’-UeniunT, and Jioberl HertJ. Bernard Egeler, Cal Bateman, di­rectors.

Officials have set a shoot len- lUvcIy for March 27 nnd future

;4ioots are planned for every other|

fl 1-1 t|..W»„

Perfect GamePOMONA. Calif.. March 12-

Mltchel! KllllnKer.<.fornirr Twin P.ills rr.'ildrnt. rolled his second 300 Kiime of the sea-win here

•me son of Mr. mid Mrs. No- blr-KilJlnprr B now p,ic«n?-j 183 ftvernRC. I

Parry O’Brien

Sets Indoor

Shotpiit Mark

.ii»r ....•.............

Nir.ttl, -n..H ifl » »7

Eddie Kn.sko. Cincinnati Infield- baited JC9 BRMnst St, Lfljili

last season. Ho formerly played for the Cardinals,

The prc.sldcnt' reports RutsLs Invited to tlie shooLs nnd shells may be obtained from tlio secre­tary al tho clubliouse.




Wrestling. WorkouftpreceedlnR the matches

7 P il. to 6 P.M. Public Invited to watch or participate, CUff Thiede will

be irlnl horso

W ToajtfNow two week voeotioni or overnighf fiihing Iripi ore simple, «a»y and fun . . . for the whole fomily.In a Vltio Liner Coach, mom hai oil the convenisneet of a pbiit molel, children con always keep warm

.and . dry, and dad can haul hit boolor hit horte * trolier with eoie. Vitio tinars ore greot for ellhe'r ' fiinirrier excunlons or winter skiing faunlt,'

. G len G. Jenkins(I Avenue"W Mt- RE 3-3033

Tlie blRgest 'Wrtstllnj: Card ever presented In Tft-In FalUl

Girl Wrettlori and 2 Tag Teom -Bouti 1st M AIN EVENT




(World's only bald-headed Olrl Wrealler)

PEGGY A llen(The Red Haired Beautyj 3rd M AIN EVENT

Chalierige Tag Tcom


vs.b il l MELBY ond

DANNO MCDONALDWresUlng TV intennew ai e;J5 p. m, every Tuesday over KLIX Sponsored by-VFW Pest 2IU. Tickets on Sale at Red'i Trad­ing Post. 21S Shoshone S, Wray'i Cafe and Twin Falls Cigar Store.Blngtlde SlJD - Generer>1.0t

SlQdenl 7Je ' ^hUdra tip le U..fiOe .

f comiietitioii. Site liad a net 1.G87 to the sole fi'adcr am i sulvinK the problem

of the tha'e-way lie in the

ufivr Jfi.st u'cok'cfitl’d openiiijr Kanie.s.-

Lorce Womack. Rtxburg, look first iihico In scratch all-cventa with 1,511,1 Chad's of Pocatello remained tho UcjdiT In the te.-un event with ;i.-23.JXl,2't. aolsc. Saturday mov- ccf Into a tie for jwoiid-plnca team wlih NorUwlilo dub. Jerome. *t -.710-

Cliiulc Klioppe, Rexburg.-took _ vcr the scratch team IcndersHlp .'lih 2,«3, replaclnif Snake lUver

•f^out Piirm, Buhl, which had2J71, . ----- ----------- -

I'uur week-ends of play n~ ■ mill In tiie tournament.I; Bramon, Boise, took over first

place in both scraleh and liandlcap sUiKle play S,iturdny when ahe put-

BiK I’arry O’Brleti broke bL world Indoor 10-pound shoi{Ji»t~jccDrd wltli-*-trm(«n*loMit-)K>ftv«-of--M feet, 6 Inches tonlKlit In the ninth nnuKl Journal tmck Ramrs,

TliB burly welgliUnan.who has •on his sjieelftlty In the last two

01>-mplcs sent the shot soarlni: in a record fllRht In hl.i fifth itlempt. I t shattered hLi old mark or 62 left. I ’>lnclici iel In Nev York last year.

OeorRC Kcer. the speedy Ja- mnlean carrylmr the colors of the

nlvcrslty of Illinois, won th(> 100.

Hayes Jones, the Ea.-,tcrn Mlch- .,1m university fln.ih,. continued his domination of lDr>0 Olympic Rold medal winner Calhoun while capturing tho SO-yard lilglt hurdles. - •» z'

Junes equalled Uie meet record if 0.1 second.1 In defeailng Cal- loun for the sixth stralRhl time in tlie winner board circuit, 'ilii 1B5B winner. .Wllllo May, ChlcajjO, trailed Citmottg


for 5S3 ftoratch and C&3 handicapWlalC _ _____________________■Dfrnlcc~Evan.i. Pocatello, wliom le replied n.n the lender, waa

iccond witli MO and Vivian Qrore, Mlnl-Carjla Bowling association,

.in third with 024.In doubles. Arthclla Warrea and

Put Hnyden, Mlnl-Cassla. tookorcr Ihe haiidic.ap lead with 1.104 from Qrace Gray and Alma Wataon, Twin I'alls. whose 1.182 kepi Uiem In second place. Tlie Twin Falls tciini held Us scraLeh lead with l.Wl.-Thlrd-ln handlcap-doubles- a.1 D. OilllnKs and w. Slane, Je- mie. with 1.171.Scrntch winners In each touma-

nyjit-dlvblon are awarded troph­ic , Handlc-ip winners are award­ed trophies nnd cash prizes while si-cond and Uilrd places In handi­cap events are awarded only cash prizes.

The Philadelphia PhUs will con- Unut on A working />greemeat bailt wlUrtlic'Biifrold'and’Dci'TIOlne*" lennu Uils year.


backed by a bond

BONDED BUYWe have a good leleclion of Cot-buill mochlnet wilh performance guoronteed In wrlling and backed by a bond of up to $10,000. Thli bond *

---- ajjurersttilsfoctory-perfonnonco-ohjH'porti----for a tpeclfiod period.

CERTIFIED-eUY Thlt sofe'buy covcrs units of any make, In good condition. We'll guarantee lolltfaclory

performonce In writing.

BUY AND TRXTWj co/rici .o wriltcn ■'money-,bock'’ ogreemenl.



$6750t. H. C TD9 TXACTOI. Wide gauo* S leUir riac (lomt, IB*-- ImcM. ouoidj ond lo;o» I'oni ijlcu. Iisoctcn uto.oM hydiouHs fcutldoier. tfotlof lnip«tcd end itpaittd o» Mtdcd- Undttcortloo# ^ood wim newju^vili >»ncti. Iiem l-l-<4-) Ctriified Dvy,

5U Series. 16* Irecli.

r, hodee ond tcci bor ..........}66SD

;«ATUmu.i D2 7»Aaot. v.:* jnuot¥>onVco>s gusrd, largt Icllen, IijVlt, cir

. •statiing engin*. Aiere hydiouHt onale ds «omblnoiion, liem J.N52 OonJed Bwy -

I ' . • • tATtHPllUK Q4 TJAaOlt. \r,Ji govjt; 7U itrtei.' 16’ trocVs. ©uotdt, laigs (died, lljhu ond »!eti/le iioflei en caielln# jioning •nglna. Mojtef cWttVtianiWiPori end rellen ubuili. Ii«n,

---- j ..... ....

CATIimUklt otaooo Oltstl INCINt. CompleH with radiator end Inclvdin’o flywheel, Mounied en iVld>. Cnilit tnglnt Inipeclied,'' volvt. Qtound. now jinji'gnd icd bMMijt. Iim l-MtJ OrtlllK#

...... • - , I — r IJ7J0

AtnHoitno CAntriiut pt*m


Cott/plllof Trecw Cs.


■aii ;i

Page 18: Speaking Goiitest- ‘Unit Rule’ - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF201/PDF/...Speaking Goiitest- MarkgTM):^'S)ay For ChuFii Meet North Idahoans Win Democratic
Page 19: Speaking Goiitest- ‘Unit Rule’ - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF201/PDF/...Speaking Goiitest- MarkgTM):^'S)ay For ChuFii Meet North Idahoans Win Democratic

■ In_This_Sicllon -

rDoB liclpa Mailman . . . L ifo in Mnfric Valley . . . S t. Pa tr ick ’s Dny

SonjT . . . Farmers Get Boxcnrs . . . Duck Soup . . . M agii: Valley

Po rtra it. . . Salmon R iver Surveyed . . . Tips on Rafsintr Potatoes.____ A Pcgionol Newspopcr S e ^n g Nino Irrlgotcd Counties



Joins in Anniversary Observance•'illrllKljlv v,eck”

r Otil», M,.rrli 13 l<: iivi'iubiirA »I

TTi:i-mrmamiiMr -nn-s -CTOTp— ri;D <tiu*. iliiii.Mti citii) iiicinbcin ati(l nil (til- iKtiill Initlcrs of thr vniioua croup. I

Tlif Ciiilip ^up v,'nstoniiia 111 imo by 1)1, iiiul Mt.rl I.iilhrr ll.iLx'v (iiilick, II In-'

intiiillvr >i'iiiA of Ilir iirKiUll.'tv- '•II iiiaiiv Ic.idins rcluctilois nml iKliior iH'ciplc cuiilrilJillrd

- SUrIr(Mlrrr*’fM‘ ^an'AcciiitliiiK 10 MI^. .liiMu's V.in- I'liu-iik, rM'i'iiIlvi* dlrrclor ol llic '

cdiiiiril. Ilir flr.l CdliniI IhU n: .> Jo:

Kltaer AnnJi and Luil Drexler. both Twin ralli. »UnJ by one of the picnte tiMei «l Ihe Marara Sprinp rrcreatlon atea In (he Snake n im canjon louth of Wendell. The area hai been lereled. corruialed, and leeded with blueirau. Tablet liare been prgvlUed

or prcimUed by i I llie bulldine >lle> forjilenle Hreplacta hare been itaked nut and foniitrucllcin will betli *non. Memberitlilpf are belnr Mid lo pay for a iprllikllnc aritem. (Staff pliolo-enpatlnr)

New Recreation Area at Niagara Springs Result of Cooperation

Tlie Nlatnrft Sprlns* reereiitlon nre^ I* n eliuile example of what cnn be done by community, or rnliifr. Inier-communlty eoopcrn-

For the put fe«r month* mem' —bm-or-tne"M»8le^»lley recren:

tion council have hacked and due ftt the Mrease ewt of NlnBurn /iprtnga. Tho fnilti of their labor* nre readily letn by /inyon« who hns vLilted the place rcecnlly.

Ton. of old dead nnct dytnft np- p!e trees have been remored; The l!\nd has been graded. comjRated n'nd leeded nlUi blue graAi, ready

for the BrowlnB Jcawn.'A new circular rond ha.i been conilrucled and Bravcled Broiiiitl the oui.ildc of the area. An elabomle IrrlRft- tlon dllclj ayslem has been atructert,

TJje irriRallon ditch uses water from the spring. CXilverls have been InHalled to carry nin-ofr water. PlACM liave been staked out where picnic fireplaces will be con­structed, Tlie boat ramp Into the river hw been started. Tlcnlc tables nna flnrpUccs for the nrcn have betii promised by civic and Club .sroups tUroughc.t the valley

ftnd will be cot«lnicteil In llie future. About the only ihlnR the men ni'cds lo make It one of the nio.st nltrflctlve picnic areii the rcKlon Is *ome uaim weaUierto a

All of the work hti been dons by volunt«er workers using equipment volunteered by n mjTlad of com- munltlex. counties. buslnei.«!s and covcrnmcntal o rga n iza tion s ihrouchout the.valley. Lud Drcx- Icr and Elmer AnnLi, bolh Tft-ln Fulls, of the jncmberslilp commll- tec of the council, r^Llmale more than 100 persons have contrlbuled

ihclr enenile.i In mnklng thepn.'Mble.

"Tlie. dfRrec of public Interc.'l 1 ihw place will determine the mount ot development hcrt,-

Mj's.... .. short lime tha council will

begin iclllns memberahlps. Tlie money will be turned back into de> vclopincnt of the picnic circa. Tlie memberships will bo t l for Indl' vidiials nnd U for croups. Bolh men not« that persons who buy membcrshlpa aren’t nctually Riving tlielr money nwny. but are Invest-

:il ullicc. milirr lhi<ii nn' ai(M council. TliL line of Iftrrailir.M Rioup in ihi.i p.irt of ihc coiniiiy.

'llii* charirr Ii>r lliL' council, ttliich iiii-iiit|c» ihc'tonnti' nnd ihi: ?:(lrn nrr.i. wn.i rrcclved tu 1030. ■Ml'. Viiiidelib.irk nolr.s tnniibrr- ship In iMr council ifiiclitd a rec­ord 1,150 Insl ,Mny.

Dt'foir llie council rrci'lvol 111 chartfr-Uicrc were many kiuup.' thruuKliout the nrra Ilial, IlkD the nrlKlnnl Kioup, npeniteil dlrcclly 111 ol Ilir n;illnn.il offlrr.

Help In t'clrbrallnn'Uufini! •'Blrllidiiy ucck'’ tlir

local dri.'.. like RirU nil over Ihr country, will crlrbrats llie ii,i(lnnnl I'ct pf iinii.uition~ln" riXttrent-

flie ttiTk olflclnlly-starts on£un(Uv.-~Oi>_Out__d:iy,_Church-Siiiidi.y. the frliU will nil nlttnd lie church of ilieir cliulcc uiih lii'lr Icadri's, Tliey ulll p.'tmd <u I Krnup and wcnV cailunics.All Ilir different group.% will ot)>

^rve the wrek's evoiiLv starting vlth the Blue UlrcLs, girls 7 to 11 years old. Tlielr proBram Is de siRiied 10 Rive .Ihrm their flr.st group espcrleiice and n foundation for ndult llTine.-

Ilie.Cainp Fire Olrl.v the Inler- iiiedlnie group, are 10 years old lirough Junior high school age.

Hiclr progrnm Is ba.-«d on the .'cvcjrcrall.s—home, outdoors, crea­tive nrU, frontier of aelcnce. busl-

. Jiport.1 and Rninea, ivn'O cUl- r.enahlp.

lletlgneil for Older Olrl< Horltnn club members iirc ninth

grade MudcnU throuRh h iRh Kliool, n ielr program airewes pcr- fonalKy development,, socUl^adT Jiiiliiienl. grtemiriR' iand'^rsonni hygiene, exploration of vocations and community service.

Mrs. Vandenbark notes ehurch activity on fiundny tics In with Ihc flr,'t point of the Camp Fire Olrl law, “Wor.ih!p Ood," The law slate-i, "A Cnmp Plre Olrl-Rov-

herself by the law of the Cnmp .Flro Olrb, a working pat-

Thei« two Camp Plre Glrlt are Kelllnc ready for Ibe rallier-daufhler box loclal dinner tnarkinc “Klrlbday week' at 7 p.m. U'edneiday at (he Twin Kalla high «ehool cafrlerla. Meals will be taken to Ibe banquet In ilie boxes the glrlt decorate. Thew tno glrk memi.ert <if tlie I-Iitla Koda Camp' KIre group, are Carol .-Marlin, left, daughter of i Jr. and Sirs. Halph Slarlln, and Marela Catlenon, dautbler of Mr. and Mrs, James Cuttmon. (Staff phnto-engravlng) •

teni lor a rich, full llie: Worship Ood. seek bcnuty, Klvc sertlce, pur­sue knowlcdRe. be trustw-irthy, hold on 10 health, glorify work, be happy."

Durlnt the ••Dlrtliday week" thn girls wUl be encournged to wear jhelr_co5tuiiie.i;,io_ftcliDol.N3nKllm? during tlio week. On Wednesday there will be a fnthcr-doughter box social at 7 p, m, at the To'ln FallA high school cafeterlfi. Meals will

taken to Uie banquet In special ce.i the girls will decorate. All

three different group.1 will attend (lio banquet; Tliere will be a short program,

Mrs. Vandenbark notes tfie pur-

]>o.%e of the' banquet l.t 'to give fathers nnd daURhtera a chance for fcllowahlp. She notes there nre many opportunities lor fiithcra nnd wiin lo rft UiKcllier. and lliLs ly|K' of lunction Rivc.i tin- fiiihcrs iinU daugtitera a night out tOKclhcr, ,Tlie iHui'UiclJs.llit-lnslinalorjjroJ; cct of tho week.

During the week, tlie different ffTVUps Will display objects sym- bollxing the organization’s work In Uie various store windows In downtown Twin FalLi, One window will contain ltera.1 fenluriMR the SOUi ailnlvcrsary of Uie Ciunii Firc GlrLi, • •

Mrs. Vandenbark paInt.i‘out Uie

Jubilee year actually starts on March 17, which U founder’s day. '17iv entire year iias been declared Jubilee year nnd the Rlrls will c.arry out various proJwU".,

IJiU Jubilee year project will actunlly bo oUscrvvd fc.- two and uuu-lial{-yuArt,-{or-Uio-RlrlS'hi)V»— been worltlni; on the Reneral proj* ect for a year nnd one-half. Tao"' of the subject Uiat have been emphasized during Ute jubilee year project are rccreaUon areas and wildlife. TIio theme of tha project Ls 'Tlio world around her” and the motto-is. "She cares: do you?" llie object of the project

(C<ii>Mnli>d an Zl. Caloaa l»

Former Type

Butchers for

70’s PlannedNtW YORK, March 12 iiP.-Rp:

iiiciiiljer old Schult?., your friendly ■ IlcicliliQrliQDi! buldifflii tlir Inng

"hue .ipion?.Sflmlu nnd ll1ou nnd. of neigh.

Iinrhood buiclifi.’i like him pa.-.'cd firtm llie Amriic.in .'ccne Just be­fore Woild «*r 11, ihe big ^uiicimafhpt i\’nve .'pread ncrorvS


r .-III ilghi. nm II

nulchrr lo Ilrlurn

I for

a.-, rnvblonrd bya lop Indiisirial dr.Mcn Him, old Sihiilij; will- be liarl; nt ihe jnnie old aland, wleUI-

t flf.ivcr, telling you

ThousaW^of Starlings Consume Tons, of Garbage Daily at T>vin Falls Sanitary Fill

--n i.V,-. Kflil li'.cl.rv, mn'yb'r"tluiiwing m lli(i-.e Kf.ips lor the

____J.i..’'’"'-'." biHlcn'-Df-.iodologUts,riniiiinii*,!.". public oiiinlon poll-

ni.Trkri snnlv.n.\ nnil other .'•lirci.ih-M:. Ill bring thr old roriier liuichd- li.uk out nl thf jmsi nnd nUinl; liiin down Mjiinrely In lo- iiiorriiu'!; siipennarUei.

In a yrjr-loni: *iurty commls- Miined by llir .Suiicrmni'kct m.itl- iiilr. Rlituh i>'tirf.\ciib 70 per cent "f Ihe ii:'llon> ctocrry clinlru, the n.i\uinnd l/'cuy rorporallon look a (:!v.c look at JSO siorrs »iaic.\ brlore blurprlntlng .-.tore or ih* fuliirr.

So Cu'lomer-Uyallr Tlie lc. ellrcllers lound what

I11.M hoii.'civlves'have known all ■alou:. itiai the modern .luperinnr- kri. (ir.'nitr li,< one-.Mnn sliopplnR ( onvtnlence.s. li.is not liupirrd the kiiul (it cur.iomer loyally thai ex- Isird In Ihe old neighborhood fiorr. IllnginK a bell and waltlnj ai n iiilv window for'llir butcher 'o nppr.u 1.1 no.uib^Uule for w.Uihiii'; old .Sclmllz uerk while

' i)!ytng him nlih riucstlons atMut • which Is the best cut and how to

Ro about cooking It.In the course of the ......._

Ji,\ychologlsl, Dr. Herbert Krug- nian, gave lioawwlves a blank Piece of paper and a.sked them to drnor ihelr Idea of the aupermar- k£l.oI-Uie-future.-Nliie-out of-10 gave the most.ipace to Uie meat department.

Working on the theory that sep­arate departmenia are easier to flilil than separate' Items, the store of tlie 70's win be a neatly laid out collection of neighborhood stores

. from the aO’s, Tlicre will be a sep­arate meat department, wltli the btiiclier In plain vieu- at his chop­ping block, aeparate bakery, delt- cateuen, produce, cosmeiies and household goods departmcnls,-«ll arranged In semicircles for eaify broKiinK and virtually eliminating today’s long .aisles of stacked Boodj. .

Thouundt of lUrllncf Hk from the debrli at Ihe Twin Falls tanllary fill, cattle feeden (hroufhout the sUte. CUy Crawford. Kolie^dittrlet ageDt et area. lo ................. — •• • problem In l^e Nampa-Cald- known to enniume'more than fUe tons of reject French fried patati

in the noUe valley, Crawford aayi the atarllngs have been ■'......................... 'more than fUe tons of reject French fried patatoea a day.trouble In the Durley (Staff pboto-engrBvIng)

Now It’s_Idaho!sJ'urn4o Eight --- —Stalemate War Against Starlings

For years residents of eastern and mlddlcwcstcm slates have fought a stAlemale'^ar with the haughty. • nauglrty and nervous lOarllnRS. And now It seems It is Idaho's turp.'la tha pasr lew years they have

fcedlou in Magic Valley have drau-n xonslderable attention of llvcstoeic feeders, who lose tiuna- rcds of dollars a~day because of the blrtis' voracious appetites and

One Burley cattle feeder ejll- maies the birds are costing liim aboul )3S0 per day.' According to-Owen tills. Twin Falls, bssbtant dUtrlcl agent of

the bureau of sport fisheries und wildlife, the starlings first made nn appearance In tills part 'of Uie country abotil 10 years ago. They were first noileed In the 'higher elcvauons and-would- mlsratc ]o lower elevations la winter. Now, j

he s.-iys Uie lilrds have Increase In numbers and are becoming quite common Uiroughouf Uie slate, maklngift.nultance.ofihomtclvcs.-

llls office first received com- plnlnis about Uie birds' misdeeds In Magic Valley when they Invaded fruit orchards-a year or »o ago. Cherr)- growers appeared to be (he hardest lilt ot all. Tlie noisy, gre- garlous birds, that travel In flocks Mmellnics numbering Ui the Uiou- sandi, seem to have an appeilie for cherr>'».^ut they like reject

toes and’lnvnde stock feed lota, to eat cattle feed and pester catUe.. Everything they do seems de- slened-it«alnst-man - and - htv Imals. In ieedlots they not only r it lneredib7e ambunls of food—sor ~ Umes lining iha feed bunktrs ... the thousandi they spoil w>iat Uicy don't eat and Uiey. annoy tne fattening cattle.’ Tliey perch on their backs and peck away at grubs, sometimes .pecking'to deep Uiey pierce tjie hide. Injure Uie loin, and cause the animal to coiutanUy move about the lot, losing weight with each move. Ttils annoys cat­Ue, which in ium annoys fecdart.

Hardly anyone Ukcs slarllngs— WfUi the. exception, of course, of other slarlln8.i. Accordlnc.to Ellts. Uiey more ln-Jar8*-Uock»-£rcwi.Uia.;:. roosting place to the.occuatomed feeding area, m Magio VoUey Uie Durley area seems to have Che blg> Rest problem! Ellis attributw.thu — to two reasons—Uiere Is a good deal of poUU) procejulng oeUvlty . Uiat area and it la nearer Uie - rootling arena on Snake river'll* - lands. . -

Since many methods of scaring a«'ajr the .tenacious, birds have- talled, SUls saya the prvblim baj-

(C«Uai>4 «a ran Sir M t«a 1) .

Page 20: Speaking Goiitest- ‘Unit Rule’ - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF201/PDF/...Speaking Goiitest- MarkgTM):^'S)ay For ChuFii Meet North Idahoans Win Democratic

v / ---------


Bi otlicrs All Become Attorneys ' Greatest Song for St. Patrick’s Day Written for Show Far From Ireland

Parley NotedSHOSHONE. March IJ —Polalo

sruAm of Lincoln coiinty tre uUciicl u jieeiliiit tt me

h-I'OUDSllCl.tO. M.ir.tJ'.i'-Miiliy.i ii;. l.r Lr.Iiid in hiT, lifJlrl room hrrr, Cir-i; CiMir ulll t)f }:cpi,:ix.iXc In' t i.iiiiti'.M (it II prtriy (Inti:UU llulit UlC buiU'uiui bckiv..--

A.1 ilic jj.iilj liiicr .•'iitJ I'n

Iruublc Uir Llir i:n:mirl«117cd Miilllni! IrlMi rjtj.

r AttiT Itip bis parndc In New Yori; fill'd Mii;i into 11 b;ir nr rc.'.iinirnnt

I' r . 1 l;ii Ilf rrtirslimcnt. m>jii- -.tr.or b;t: loaic .hoiiicilck. lUbt:- . i;;.in \uii;i t;ii aruilinl) '■wtiiii null Arc-siiillliin." r •: lliul sonif." Gnifr

1 iilllioiincc ul:li QUIft {iriilr

n,i ft liJnckt:icc i hU Ilr.-t !ri:.li i< inmic Inll.

Sonu'tiiiK.s 01

lij m ;iii EiiKllili

•usKsted lotnfililns, *bou’- ma>be Irlsti cya. but noi. lie in- &n:«d. nio-.tirr’-i fSf’ . Hr 'iiii tcilh

, :i sunc Iltlt. jaltiiouEli latrr lie .nicl’l ............ .. ........ _ --IiBd .1 ircmciid()ii.Njii’. i“ Orajitc hall ;Mocliri'c.' I li,icl Iruli “"“1 .Tuc.'fl.iy ni "•mdi 1- A. Ollleilf.(jT.v The If ': iM»y.” •prc.'.irtcnt & the WiiKo’Poliito bar-

clorlc ttlirn OwII let: (MiiiinK nVichUlon, ulll cx|ilmn

lush liftd

tllfJCilitl .ill il)c fonrs. Other cjJlcd ill DuwdcTi lUic liob oI "Aljljif-.' Irish

Ito.M-’ l;mir. Kor "lilc O' Drcariu" he hln-d Krnr^l Ball and GrorKC

n new .soiu 'iritliiit trnm tliac li.id Ju.'.t tiinicd out "Till

talked them cm: askct! one or tiirr Jor him on the u Yelojie coiitaincil "When iruh E> which he had <l;«hid olt

mi rr II bloody linr," wnulil llie uoiimlfd relort, -:iiiic.

t ,I Icajn Jh;a lovcb balliui.-•-c!(i'Tiiotnrr.ri:nDr?------

IrDiilciillv. both of Ihciil

-:'lli.:"5a.;ci-, u! Ihe Ur-' -rt T.il^ Cold." A 2’j iiilllion sale hit.• Ii:;ll, V.hi) dm llic IIlU'lc, wiuh(2_rtijn_C.lrvt|:iim.o;.ni-nii:in p:ir- fiiL'; Gr»t/,.ilic lyr^ci;!, «ni born hi N'l-u- YiirLr Tuy iif laiilch mid

oiy.•*.1% Milllin In j;H3 for n

unci V Olcoll -•.ho,.- calli-U "I.-.lc :jiimii;;. ' OktKI Ihi'll u.i.s [hr

AUotil* NlclMin. Iftl. aitrt Norman Slel»in. linlh JJufley, »re two iif (he lU Mini of Iho lale Ilf. A. y. 0. NIetiun, <»al*1ry roiintry ilocliir. (II ot whom.became lawyer*, .S'nmian MeU/in. .votni*r«l <il llie doctor'! »on», !• Caola rmiiity liroierulliit alliiriifj. One of llie hrntbrr*-->ellcc» In Nrw Vnrk CUy.

rl nnollirr. Oscar .VlflMin, i> a»\iil»nt lecrelary of commerc

A^iStelC VALLEYAll for one, (Uid one fur nil' wcrp the wordN I ojten remrmber m

faUicr javhiB." iU lc i UUilLtY atlciriley Aduiih Nielfiun. eldest «f si Aons of the liite Dr. A. K O. Niibon. «cU kliuwil OAKLfV couiilry rioctor of the eaify 100(1':.. All Mx (if (lie (Mctorx smw became fnwjriit. As a lad he rrmi-nibefs ills fiilher siiyiili; "Sliiy tiinelher and they ■can't whip yoii." Pcrhajn llmt l.n whv'ftll r.liidleil ln«'. but nliolher ten- wn 1-1 becaim' they ;.aw too nuiili of ihe lilr of ft country doctor inthoiic iliiyi l« .•.lud.j' iiicdlclnr,'.------- —Nielson snkl. •'Kallicr lohl xix 'Soi.|„r(>, nl^ wife w».i first eoiiiuellor

le will wiccccd U iiniithcr Iail:..'"|i„r Hip Jint Prlinnry Dreanlrntloii*nie brothpfs are all IjIk

npd, nla^l of them iirc .ove feel t.HI, When the yomiK were tllll nl lioine ihey wdiilit clmllenKC nny of the yoimi; nroiind to n bnskctbiill Kanic, 'nii'y niny have lost some n

Adonli recclvctl lib AD deCTrc •“ ■troiirBInnroVtniliU'rrslly'aliiriit"

' tended Harvard hiw iciiool, Diirhii: hLi last year In collccc he the Juria <loctora dn;ro Stanford, lie married tliu former Jane Ander*on w’ho is u dc,'j;i.... ant of the curly ploiircr Liillnii- lyn# family. Her srcat-Krnndfath- rr alaricd the fir.it Sundny school In the Wm i. nccordini: to Nlch.on, niey havo two . oIls and ft {lauEh- ter,

Horton NlHson Is an altoniey at New Yorlc Cliy, iind wa.i tiutiii' mental In helplm: .Mbs Idaho, Ta­mara Aahliy. KCt biicl; her lati haU When she iittciulcil the Miv, America pftRL-;i,nl la.il fall. He at­tended Stanford university. Co. lumbliv university. New York; University of Utah, and received Ills law deKree from OrorRc Wn.Mi- Ington university. Warannclnn.

_B..C.-UUJlrsl.>'ciLri-of-.! In medicine, hut Jic btrr

lurned lo law. JIc Is mnrrlcd but lias no children,

Dyron NleLmn died In 105<, IJe- •fore his death he worked for the McOrftw Construction coinpaiij-. ChlcaRO, and wax the man tn charRa of ttio Rovcmmen: opera- Hon of Oenevn Steel pinnt. He married VlrRlnlft Story. Kreul- EranddauKhter or the late Joseph Bton\ Justice of the U. S, bu- preme court. He attendfd the Unl>. vrr.'lty of Idaho and was Kriiduat- ed from the National Law Kchiiol. Vr'ashlhRtoii. D. C. He hiid a son

' and daughter.

Leo NleLion Is in Nft.-Oivllle, Tcnn.. and l.i preMdrnl of the Tenne.isee Valley railroad wiih of- Tices In Nn.ihville and Philadel­phia. He attended Stanford

-tuar -pnnCeorse Washlnttton , law rchool. He was »ecretnt5’ and chairman of the boarfl of the reconsliMctlon 11-

- niuiCB corporation at Washlnuton, XI. C.. for some years. He l.i mar- ried and has two dauRhtcra and a

:t Of the U&-*iid director of the budKet. He Is married and has ft daufihter and a .ion. He aho Js a Oeorse Washltylon law school sraduate.

— The younRfst of the doctor'*' sons Is Norman Nlebon. Cft- sla

‘ county prosecutlnc attorncj-. He. -.tM,.attendod-GeorRc-Vr'n.‘ihlt>K(on

university. He served four.jearj —In-lhe-army-nrid •Rns-ln-thr-flr?rf

nirbome division to ro luto bnitte• Tind waj amom: the flr.vt 0 .

soldiers to ro to Australlii, -After his discharge he obt.iliicd his Jaw deRree from the University of UUh.

Normnn married the former Lu- tille Hatch whose father until re­tirement/wn.i-district mannKfr of AmalRam.ited SuRnr coinjiany, Tliey have a dauRlitcr and three

Normal Khool,one lime, and all have the .......middle name. HniRlU. their uioth- er'i maiden name.. Tlie Durley attorneys staled that Ihfir maaa«t_th«-4ormcr-Loulsn|

U5S church which .Marled iit t'iirmlnRton, Ulnh. the lanyer.i noted.

'Ilie lawvers' father hnd blond hiilr. blue ^ .1 He c-mic from Cnpenhnsen. Dcn- niiirk. to llinh when he

irkea oii me niii rond. hcrttrrt-ihccp and wti Rrad- uKltVrrrblirBrlRlmm ■VouiiR uiil-- viTslty when he wli Ifl, He tauslit Ulck.i academy, nobitrir. and cnme lo OiikU-y as principal of the Ciu- ■ila .Stake atntlcn>)'.

H<r married In 1S97 anci decldcd to become ft doctor and ao.1 Rraii' uated from the Unlverxlty <if Illl'

hi 19M. He abo .Muilled laa' bi-fore lii'coiiiliii: a doctor. At thli time he liiid. t'w);

He tnuRhr sclinnl for Mr raonth.< of the year and ttcnt lo collrxe Jnr-

: mnntlii until rcceivini; his de rr. His brolhrr, Airxaiiiler. doctor In Kjihralin. Utah, nie* iittoriii'y.'.' fallirr practiced

. 'dlclne nroiiiid Oaktry and Hi mirroundlriK country until' hi death In October. 1929. "Kather

ily Cl when he died, but he had lived ft truly dedicated life •- lili work," they Aalil. ^'aHiuLwas.whal j'ou nilsht.cMl

country *i]Ulrp, He had t' rnnche.i and farm animal.v I'

hr Ifwi money in thi*. but hi' purp<wp w,v 10 keep lu boys busy with rcKtilnr farm cliorei. He hnd all kinds of farm anlmalt Includ'

va Roat. Shetland pony n.i wcl Mddle hor.w. theep. chicken.i I cotts." the older atlayiey

t-MLv'We had n elrriis pony at

time, and wlial tun we lisd with him, ^C-p would, be rldlns alonit havinRiiTjiR lime, when all of a .^udden. hr would stop dead'still,

u."i«ally endpcl iiji on thr Rround."' Nunnan recivlli with a ainlle,

Tlie elder Nielson had one'of the first ears In CnMla county. 11

hiRh, wheeled chaln-drlve hide. b;it he never learned to drive

inonthi he u. ed i horses, ,

wa.1 ■ tliB sons' Job lo have thCKe hor.iw nnd bugRy reaili' for him when he had lo go on a call. He wore a lur coat, slieep-.ikln lined boot.i, had ft l.ip robe and had a charcoal heater In the buKKy. It .leemed their father wns tone all ' the time. Only, a few tliiie.s they remember him belnit at home for meal.v even* on special holidays, the youiiRest lawyer relate.v

Tliey Imd a lan:c home and there n.i one room that wns a:

>:ciicy room.-Tho-house-wi locked nnd olten the boys

-viipeone shnklHR them hr the middle ofthe-nlKhr.-^-kinR^herr

fatiier was," AilonLi .iildi —Hl.i'fBther-openert an office In hurley in 1327. In IDOfthe boys

ide Icc cream for the plurinncy, "We cut-.-lce from the trservolr anti stored. It in cednr'liarl: du.1t, Icc was harder to come by In thase days." he acids.

Vlc;m,v lor one ninn’ii mir year iinil wi-iit to .•■c.inc medical c-o:ii-;c e:ich yr|ir. 'llir yount:i-.M Inuyrr slati'.i that when he wn.n a siiiall boy he acconipnnied his father un a biisines.1 trip to' I’orilund where he s:uv milk in boitlr.i lor the dr.u llinc, "I didn't know It came that way," he rrcallrd,

WTiiJf ihf.M- i'fiunj: ijien Kttt In colk'RC. eitcll helped the olhrr financially.

Both IJurliry attorneys h.ive been actlvc In civic affairs. Adimu was both city nnd praseculliic ney, prr.-.ldciil of Itotnry and Knife nnd I'ork clulw, comuianrier •' Hie Amrrlcnn LfKlon hi thr I, stnke pre.'ldcncy iinrt reclplfht the Hoy Seoul liver beaver attard.

Nornmn hn.i hern' hiy nilcirtiey. belonRs to ihe Lions club, tcvenUi ward bishopric, civil Ueten.’c

M'liIlliieliMl c<

I lii-ii a

rr been t h;uT

Iiiilrhiiian ujui lias

cIropcTii ol lii:.li bitiod III his bacl;. Iircniud.

C.Mff iv i:ciini: cm : i now, a pI•y. IxHincy biuih ol a lad who .Mill writi's .M>nirs. nio'.tly of n ri:Il|;iou.i luitiire ihiv.r cliiy.i. and kcm from $7,001) to $U,UOO a ye;ir In ASCAI- ft'u and icL'urdiiii: luyaltlcs Irom hl.n iili-thiic Irisli hit.

Tliele wrip rlnic.-. In the par.li when .St, I’airlck'i day held no-

ir nnd; III a .MiiiM u! ii'illes that i-xtolled

ll;i- virtues o( IrI.'h country life, t.'iiclrr lull's like "Haro' of Unlly- morr," *-M!ivournecn" and "Tlie lhait Cl! I'ailcly Whack" llie.ic but'illc rwiiance.-. played to p.ick* cd liiiuvi.v ucHvv. Ihe country for moie than ihrcp decade;., mainly oil the slreiiRlii of the older appeal.

Hu;:ul.Uily hand.sonie dtmcd wltii a rich tenorrciit w,v; billed a.i TTi................Rills’ dellKhl." bec.aute of Ihc iiuiiibi'r of hearU'.lck linmlitrunt la.v.r.i who sttooned to liLi por- trayiiLs of Ihe brave bucko back' home In Ihe suRarloaf hat. the Raudy ^'rmi jackct und the.- ruflip*cullAicd ililiti-.'.:^ I

f'nv .'u,ipecled he was born N. Y.. Marte<l out in show hu.ilne.'.i

Hull wiL\ a leiul piiini': in a vaudeville huii.se, (il:ilf >mia .smiles in.inaRir ol a cutlery linportuiu firm.

soncs iiiteriMUled into Ihe ,p|ot. "When Irt-sh j:>'cm Arc SmllliiK," the blR comuiercl.ll nuniber, \i,n.i Ihe lasl lo be written. Gralf vivid­ly recalls how ihis came about.

•'f W.V1 ri'cuperatlns from an ap­pendicitis operation when .lomeoiie down lit the office spread Ihe ru­mor lhai I wa.1 dylnK." he said, •'My mIcs foice was on the vence' of (|uitiln>; ,'.u 1 called a meethiR to show them I was on the mcncL We no sooner gol started than julle Nvilmiirk. telephoned to a.sk iibuut the final .ionic for the~QT(!&tl Rhiiw. I trcewed thesUlf rneetlnR until U iliai nlRht and hurried up lo Wlimark'.i., ‘ Olcotl wa.1 aJready there. He

the Wiuiiiu'k he :i

.. hfyinpily I hL' .s.iltJ stall, of ciuittlne srd

j • - MH.\?il.KAl)K!t -

I ID A H O STATE.COLLEGE. • , . March. 12—lieveriy Redman, Albl- biuilliif:, j„|, U'cn named MnKle.\dcr of

‘' ‘•'^lph»i;hi Omo,;a Aorority here.

fast, aithouiih I'vr published,mote, than 400," Graff admits, "I1;\II did ihe-music nrsfmommK.-Wr-miiy; have changed u word ur t«o to fit' Tng-mflodrrh.ut-ir^.i:Traar-for;uJiflir w putafternoon. Ji h

Olcott ilopiH- number a: record of but

tTtlT10 be." Ile .slio'.v ullli Ihel eaiiii' out \ii!h a; t, failed lu ealch'

"In le.M than Ihiee’years." says Graff, "11 was dead. sUme dead. Then a funny thint h.ippeiied. They besan slnRlnR ;i over in Ire­land tnd the ImmlRraiits brouitlil it back with them. I was a-staii- LsVtd one day.to hear some Irbh workers .■dncjjic ii on Hie deck ol the ColIcRp^’pint i.N'.Y.) lerry.

concerts atid made a rccurdiiii; of It, All of a sudden wc h;id on our hand.1."

Late In the 30'a llie sour almost died a second death, but it revlred by flie popularity ol Major Bowes nmateur hour on radio. Every Irish tenor with prctcntloni of belnR anoUicr Juhn McConnadi /nvar/iiJjJy chaic "When frlsli L'ycs Are amlllnR" for his blR chance.

1 "You know every Irishman, par- 'tlcula.'ly on St, I'atrlck'.i day, re- enrcls hlin/.elf, as a Rrcat tenor. . :uhriner lif is nr not, 'ir-itLETV' 'iflves him the ciiancc to show off a :lutln.~wiilmiir'mnk'itiK n fool of .fiimsetl (III the IiIkH nules. Maybe llint’s wliy It's lasted all'the.’c years,"

'.Vot everjliody can iie Morton Duunoy or John McCormack, but at 4 o'clock In the morntnR ■ lot of u.iMike to think; we are, 'When Irish Eye.i Are Smiling' helps fos­ter tlie delusion."

SeptonictnnuoB I moK


jnAT•(■ho lawyer thread still h.usn'

broken in this family (or AdiniK" son, Gordon. Ls now. in pre-lrw school at .Stanford nnd plnivi enter Jlarvard law .school.

Mrs. Burdett Is Chamber Speakei;SHOSHONK. March. II — Msyor

Myrtle C, nurdeit reported on ihe recent Alrcndc mccUm: at Ilol^f. for the Chamber of Cnmmrrccl mcctliu; here llil.i wtc-'k.

She said much of the! cmiferrnce a.1 devoted lo ineiiai of reform

laxM. nitlhodi of combattlni! I Hatlon and prevention of feder.il encroaclimcni upon siate.s' Ror— ment.

.S11.1.W—tcporltd-llUmaia .lale.imen arc InvadlnR Idaho tnwiu

ml ilea'dlnR romract.i for mercliandlsc an(l .lervlce may ' consiimer.i more tlian they nrc to understand they will cost,

Supl. Ralph Vlller.i reported fed­eral nld to .v:liooLi may re/ult '- dictatldn by'federal .Milhorlllfs lenehinn mclho<l,i and. types of texlbook.1. "»■

Mrs. Kious Wins Pencil I'or Talk

KlLEIl,' March 12-Mis. Wayni Kloui won the blue pencil with i speech. "How law abldUiR are rc7' at the Filer Toa.itmLstre.'s club ineellnR this v,cek.

Other speaker.i wxre Mm. Dtiane Sham, whc spoke on "llie eaio'

y pay. ment,-'

Mrs, Harry Sharp wa.i table lop- lc.1 mLitre.vi; Mrs, Arthur Clillders, toa.it4nlslres.i. nnd Mr.i, D. D. Ulne, parliamentarian.

Orammarliin wa.i Mr.i. J^erelt Uonnlchsen. who,al,v> was ha'lew In acldlilbn lo Mr.i. Reuben Uer

Report on CalvesSHOSHONE. March'12-Ilfport a the —Methodist—Mfn>—elHti- unecl calvc.i wa.i Riven by Wil­

liam Kcmer r»t the club's nieftlnc hpia-nrtne'nome'ofnay.f.oj-cr Ihti week, Kcrner reporiedRTOwth of-thc-enlvca.—;----

Members of the club made pUiu I a.vilst with the McNee farm sale.

Tile next rneetlnR will be tield April 3 at the C. W. Gla.iby home.


Halslit, was "beautiful, tnlentedl nnd a real aristocrat,- she was a alnRer andJnlerMtcd.la drumfttlts. She had wanted to go on the staKtl but her lallier "wouldn't hear of It."

"Our father would have acted In qullf_the eppn-.lli- f>.r Ifone of us had wanted to do this., he would have done all he could to help us." they commented.

Mrs, Nielson look an active part In community life nnd Bnng nnd

_P!ai'cd_fpr_niaitf-ncr,nlum..-Shc belonsed to Uie 70'ers orRanlz-i- Uon and believed In confonnlnR to, certain rules, and made her sons; do the same, they said. She died I reb. I. IJ55. _• I

Mrs. NIeUon'a father. Horton B. I Ilalsht. was aent to Idaho by Ihe LOB church..to colonize the area around Oakley. He moved Ills family In 1881 to Oakley where he had built t lofc home.. H# became president of the Cfts- ala stake of tlie church when the stake enlended' from -Botse, Hai­ley. andPocatello lo Brlshain City, Utah. He was a farmer,.jitockman ud 'h iid ^ .general nerchandlsei

Avoid Disappointment

At .Claude Brown's you see

i]___yo ur.c h o ice .o lc a rp e t in g - h iid —

out on the f lo o r ju i= t a s it

w ill look in your own hon ie , . . choose

— from-.Magic-V-tillcy-8-largcs;t-an(l-mo.‘;t—

complete se lections. . . g u a r a n te e d low ­

est pricGS.

Avail yourself of expert advlcc..


Claude Brown's

^ ^ G H IG K -E N -Q F -T H E -S E A i ' F R O Z E N :

T u n a S '" '




A ssorted F la v o rs '— Large Frosted 2-Laye r


8 9 '

Morrell's Frontier




M KTTwin Falls

Page 21: Speaking Goiitest- ‘Unit Rule’ - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF201/PDF/...Speaking Goiitest- MarkgTM):^'S)ay For ChuFii Meet North Idahoans Win Democratic

•SU N DAY . M ARC H 13, lOGO ■t im e s ->:e w s , t w in .f a l l s , id a h o PAGETWENTY-ONB

Projects Designed to Malie Gii'ls Aware of World

TIitM itrlf work on C«mp Hre OIrli cowiu. Ai the flrl* rteclve lionon within (he croup, Iht; » n add terUIn btadt to the xowni. Jran Sumner, dauKliUr nr Mr. >ncl Mn. Oeorie A. Sumner, le/l, anil JohnlU Che«nr}’. ilauchtcr nf Mr. and Mri. Charlea Cheine^. dltcuu how to add Ilie beaili lo >Uu Chcftne 'i jown. Looklni on

are Janet Murray, Spokane, director of rerlon tlx of Camp Fire .CIrli. Inc., and Linda llatxreld. dauclKer of Mr. and Mr*. Kuiene lUUreld. Mlu1>uniner l> a member or the WlkoU Camp Flrt Girl noHP- The olhrr two cirli are tnembera or (lie Tanda croup, (lilalt phelo-enrrarlnc)

1,200-Member Camp Fire Council Here Joins in 50th Anniversary Observance

nil. tn niiiku tliciii nil (lie worUr.i ncllvllk.i,

To cnrr>' out ilil^ .ihcmc Uic 1.1. !., n.i;KllLi in Ihli

mdpnljle workI liAVc clone c :i bc!>“t^yliig i:

Results AreTold — ForPcnmanship• SllOSHO.NE, Mnrch 12—Qradt* luvc liPtii reiiimrcl lo Mta. EWe Anderson'* nlxlh RriKjrr.i on r tional prnmiuuhlp iMt In Fi ar>-.

__ 0»t or 38 In Ihe cliw 23 pn-wdnml tt'ill KCl ppnnmiv;hlp-berilll- catr.'i. ’nic ollirr 13 viill rci, lin- jiiovcmrnt cerllllc.'vtc.''.

Gmtims wns rtnnf by « n.allonnl _ hnard- and *uKKcUlonK-wor* givfn

Inr wajs In Improve writllic."nif crndp .ichool here hiui bftn

liu’ufd lo partleipi»ie In a nnllonnl lu-liool-wldp conlr,-!t next May and ir Vj prr ccnt of Die chlMrcn will ruirr, t ic ^chool ulll be ellslble.

A.'i ftfll ft.1 Iheli' cnmp. Tnwaknnl. in Ihe Muih hill'. Tliey have plaiiled floftcr.v sUrute. nnd ircea in dllfercnl lociil p:irlcs. worklnc imdcr Ihe xupcrvlMon of Ernest Crsntr. »iupcnntcndtill''or' pivr& nnd recrcntlon. Mr.t.' Vnndenbnrk .■<ny« Ihcy will nccelcrale lliclr pro* ■EHim---------------------...... ........... . . . ........ .......^ .sumiiKT.

Tlicy Intend to plnnt lOO lodRC. Iftrin pine irew nround the enmp m ilie iouth lilIU. The forwt wrv- Ice hnfi offered to supply the-ireea.

In (TddTilon 10 ilie work plans, the Rlrl.t nLio )mve concentrated on v.'lldll{e xluUy. They have made hriuh, jihetter.Y lor blrd.n, bird

house* Axict feeder. and mndc field lrlp.1 lo fi'h hntclicrle.' and same farnw. Tlify Imvc clone llil.i on wcek>end.v after tcliool nnd durlnc the lummcr.

81I0SII0NE, March 12-Mlckcy SiuriieolC North Sho.'Jione, Li em­ployed on coiisinictlon.M nn Indi­an re.^nntion ^chool nl Chlnie, AtiLUIt-wcn[_Uiere.A- month

Banquet Set-■ SHOSHONE. \!ixrch 12—Tlie an­nual t'nnnerV nleht bsnquet *pon- .lorcd by- the Chnmbrr of Com­merce will be held at Tiao p.m. niuisdAy Bt the Lincoln Khtxil catclerla.

Tlie prMram will be Riven by hlEb Khoor nwlc cIdum. Membcra of Ilie commlltee nre W. E. OroMC. nnlph Vlller.i. Chalmer Mnrtln and Ward AJllI, .

I t you havo a nortgogo oti your

iTomo,. tlio bnnk .hsj U s shore o f th o

investm ent In su red . But t h i s o n ly

p r o w t 's t l . 0 bank I Uako =uro tho u n - '

m ortE 06fiP "''> ’ « f ' ’»“ '' ^ hooo — tho p a r t ,

you■ vo .o lrooaypM a f o r - 1= f u l ly i n ^ r o d .

C a l l u s today f o r a co o p lo lV p ro p o r ty

in su ran ce checkup. I t ' s ^ . f r e e !


EaUt)lUhe'd IMS -iMaranci Ii Onr Daiinet**;:03 Shoshone Street Fj>at Dial RE 3-lMI


and expccis to b^ home about June.

Mr. and Mrs. Hoyd Hall and daughter, Daker. Ore., art vlsIUng Mr. and trs. T. V. Strunk.

Mass Celebrated ForE. McjlobertsSHOSHONE. March 12-Putieral

Mcnobcrta by the llev. John Cit.'by.

Active pallbearers were TliDniaj BclUii, Joe Broylr.i,'Robcrl Had- rtndcwilinin-moma.'ronrTOchard Uniimann and Joe Pat;o.-i|;a.

Honorary pallbearers' tere A. P, . m ati. umir-30Jmsnjir"Annur Hall. Fmnk stsAnw. E..C. Jlahn nnd Chaliner Mafiln.-

MiUilc fas by .ihe church clmlr

K-inW. •Ln.ti riles were held In the Sho-

..'hone cemciery.


Grange Holds

Birthday Fete

For King Hill

Fishery Workers Have Hazardous Project

..GLEHNS. rEORY. M.irdl i2 - Wllllnm Rcdlker. Veter,iiij of For- tlcn War* departmeni eommiindfr. and Homer Jnrvls, iintlnnnl depuly chief of aiaff. were Ruest jpe.ilifr.? at the annual birthday dinner of the local VFW post nnd auxlll.ir)' thLi week.

Rcdlker auinmnrlr.ed sdvnncfs mitde by the local imlt.A, nollnR Uiece were ?3 members uhcn the posl'ortianlzcd-ln lD37. Now bershfp'ln the pcul l. 121 nnd the auxlllnry, which wn.<> becun xvlth member3.in 1939, now ha. 70,

In 1D!C n Cootie pup lent, 'mi lionor rteRree. wa.'i alnricd. U.'.Iuk the motto. "Honor the dend by helping the llvhiK." Ilie Rroup tponsor.-i ynulh nctlvllle.t.

Tlie Oleniu Ferry poU has ranked hiRli ench year In co: nUy ser\'lce. ihe ilcpnrtmtnl tnnnder a■lcl. lie nUio dlscu-ued les- Intlonr " ■ ■ “ 'Jar^'lj stre-vied the Importance

of memberahlp. Redlker attended the mid-wlnter conference 1 WaahljiKion. D. C.. durlnn which two mllllon-dollar memorial wi dedlcftted nenr the capUol.

Mrs. Zoc. lIuJI. past departmeal prc.ildent. told of the cancer pro* nrarn spoR.v>rcd by the auxiliary. Last year 432 persona wfre helped by this proRTnm. Tlie nuilllary aUo spon.ior» nn e.viay conlMt In the liiRh school cncli year, slie Mid.

auests m the banquet Included Mr*. Redlker nnd Colvin Bernard, dcpitrtmm^ safety . dlrcclor, and Mr*. Bernivrd, Emmelt.

Introduced by the local com­mander,-Larry ERU-vjuIra, were'Iloy Lawrence, sixth district Command.

ind Cltiudo Sheaffer, deparl- . chief of staff: one member.

U'hltewater haxardi mieh a i Tanpan falli on Ihe middle fork ofrihe Salmon river are numeraui to (Mipry Hnrken uliA la»t aummertetan eohllnulne »tudy of cutthroat (rout lo let dat» on populalloa trriid-,, LarvrM nnd mlcrallon. Arrau- pnlnla tn one of i«o flih and came department b«al« nted la make »Ix trip* friim Indian creek downilream tn moulh of middle fork an main Balmon rlrer, Elibt IrlgiH are planned llilt year to lac more rutthroat and other flih apeelea. Anclen''are orced to return Jairlag!! from all flah raucht In Ihe mlddlefnrk because Ihe (UcceH or failure of tbil iludjr will de> penil on their roopcrallon. (FUh and came deparlmenl phnlo-^Uff .enjrarlncJ

* * * * * * * * * * * i,

Fish-Experts Join “Tourists” on TripThrough Heart of Big Primitive Area

fly JIM ST'llMlUU!)Idalin l-'lih nnd Came A\>nclatlon

Niiicly-iwo boat.i ciirryliiK S fir.hcrim-ii Ilonti-d IhrouKh I

utcut lieiirt of Idaho's nUlllii l‘rlnililvt area lii;,i July. Thai the biR month for whit? watvi

ii(lUlotk,-l>ut-nU- ummvr-iunH-trou April throuRh September tlio ir,if- flc over Uie 100-mlle cxpaaic of the middle fork of Uio Salmon river was reminiscent of mimeroai boallnR re.iorls nround Hie _cn' Sunday nflernoons.

Six of tlio trips down Uio mid­dle fork to lt.1 confluence wlU> the "River of No Rcli/fn" were mndc by workers of the fish and game department. Tlicse men were i ' lnscii: l|lve to thrills Incl'dental shooting the many rapld. In their rubber raft.',—or lo the terrific fl-ihlnB.

Trtp* for FUhInc In fn.ct, ftshhiR for' cutlhroat

trout wa.t the purpose of Uic trips from Indian creek downstream te the mouth of the middle fork.Tliey' flew In wltJi their deflated raft.1 nnd oiliei; gear. Six dny«

mander*. Rol>erl Slnu, Charles Grow, Claude Sheaffer, Hale Clark, ncdlker and Ralph Hall.

Mrs, Albert Rice, presldcnl of the auxiliary, ihnnked the pan for the dinner and introduced Mrs. aeorgc Hiomas, department nubtanc con- duelre.is: current officers atiendlng and two charter member*. Mr*. Jane Shrum and Mrs. J, F. Doyle, mlnlnture boucluel-i of flows -The- toblea Ji'crc -decoraled-ulOi made from bottle caps and small plastic soldiers. The decorntlng


trucks picked them up on the main Salmon jlver nnd they started oil ivcr naaln.Durlni; the season they caucht

:fi9 cutthroal trout. 205 ralnbow ind 231 Dolly Varden. These fl.ih vcre Jaw-tnKRed and rele.i.ied w the start of n coiitlnulnR study to flct Information ' '

range- hc»ll. A -Cauli county speaker wlU Ulk on weed control, Refreshmenu will be served. .


ORDER-GRAMPleoso Uso Pencil— ink will blot!

MAIL TH IS ORQERto th« TUnes-Newi Classified Ad de- parlmenL P O Box 800, Ta-ln F lla, Idaha Ads may be cancclled u soon as results are secured, You pay only • for actual number of dnVi &d Is pub- Idhed.

•— •


10 Words .


__-l_Doy— 5c per word

per day

' * 3 Days4e per word

per dsy*

6 Dayi3c per word

per dsy

1 Month. 3o pe» word

per day*

ClouiftuaUon of A d__________

Please ruo above Classlflejl_Ad T

la the Tbnes-News bectnnlns_

OPleaM SenJ.Statement


ful antf on« word la aub >p<e«. »;»th treup of nambtn « l»u*rt tounU 4> on* wort. Pul mr am*, xldrni a«d/er phai» gunbir -U rour ad unUu reu «ani a Tli)i«k

bei-'.ounbtr. Oo> aunUr raunfi.a. tU. .orda. Tk. rat '.t

In recent years, there have been lany compltilnia Irom RUldcs, out-

filler* nnd Aomo spuri.'mcn Umt Uic iroul flJhery on ihc middle fork of the Salmon river u'tu (IccUnUiR tniildly, Simp.'.on saVs. llIc l'a^cd use of the river by par-ilrs h**<Increased Uie catch of fl.ih Uiroughout the full length of the river.

Fish Are TaciedThe fish arc tagged for Ihe____

reason migratory v;aterfowl and oUior. wildlife spcC’fcS, -Including deer and antelope, are tagged. The date and place of Uie tamilng recorded. Then the *ucee« or f

of the system Is up Jo the sport*me , If—nnd that's ra big. one—Uie hnglers return tags from lliY'-fah 'thcy catch, reeord.1 soon ean bo compiled that will show what Is hoppenlng lo middle fork cutlhroal populations as Uie result of Increased fishing prewure.

DaU yeeded First Wtien enough data are gnlliered

to determine what Is happening K Middle TOrk cutthront. the depart­ment will take whatever steps ap­pear neces.uiry to perpetuate the resource. According lo Simpson, "We do not have enough Informa­tion yet to properly manage this flsherj'. However, we Intend to

build up enough facts to sliow how the fish populations

trcnd.1, harvest and mlgrnUon. Eight similar trips are scheduled

he department thls-year-from flri.1 week In April. Uirough

about Sept. 25, according to .James

standing up undee the Increased anRllng prc.«ute," ,

Should the facts nhow too much flshliiR Intensity,' several Uilnga mli;hl be d^ne. Tlic.\e cbuld be shorter Kca.-(ona, smaller bag and poMcsjlon limits, restrictions i ' trpes-ef-flahlnir-searrand-of

Slmp.1011 says Ihe ( uiuurpasjiei^ aa .a food fbh a

and others."”” utthr^t Isfbh flSd l« •

throat In hatcheries. It Is native to Idaho and has done veil la anrnjorlty of waters.- ..............

CutUiroat can be distinguished from other trout by Uie red slash on their underJaw, which led m small boy last summer to tell a conseri'ailon officer that he and hi* daddy nertf catching 'Uiem fish Uiat got Uie sore necks."

Plan SmorgasbordSHOSHONE, MorchTJPAnother

smorgasbord dinner li planned by the local LDS Church tor Frldaf, March 23.

to 1 0 pin. at the church recreation hall.

The publlo Is Invited. The project Is to raise funds for the church and dinner will be prepared bjr the Re- Uef society.



- U N U S U A L '

F IR E P L A C E S ...IVe can screen IhemI

I W h a t e v e r its bIzb I o r B h B p e , wo c a n

s u p p l y c u s t o m b u i l t s c r e o n s f o r y o u r f i r e p l a c e . ' • W i d o ' s e l e e t l o n

• o f s t y l o s and flnlshoa.


RE 3-5^77


Spring House Cleaning

"'"HOOVERConvertible 65

DELUXE Modef 66

TRADE-IN ALLOW ANCEFor your eld Vacuum Cleaner — Your Trade-In'

Con be your down payment.



Twin Fails-Buhl-JeromQ

Page 22: Speaking Goiitest- ‘Unit Rule’ - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF201/PDF/...Speaking Goiitest- MarkgTM):^'S)ay For ChuFii Meet North Idahoans Win Democratic


Rail Cars Provide Fine Storage Sj)ace, but Bog Down in Mud Magic Valley FARM NEWSi

By Som Roicn

“ Roufr"27”HQnJcn, Phonc~GA;ffcl«J'3-S910~

Idaho Egg Producers Caught

111 Cost S<}nec2e, Lag in Bsc

u;rcl liy M.ili

....Ksk prtxIuciTj lire iccnimi; ft ■

low price of 32 ccms Jor, . ,Ihfir AA cKfir., and ilic ''drop uniil Jtiiie u n;if:id of to. smi diij.i-k:!, in lln-''’ Maiu .mil tlirin. Cosls for priKliic-iii;: :i llifii ^lllp Ilitin tifif si'il n

ftrr f.itliii.itrd ai L‘'i (' lU."!. a crrnirr profit Sli.iii t ’m f>n our dozen, even ulicn the prlcc own only brc iiisr of n f.uiliy'

; to lluir own proplf. Ycl Id:»llo will Uictcin rtir.o:i;s they rion'l «uiii niid buy (iinli to Ibe delrlinenl of .cli.u\kU.ci;Qiiuiuy.I

they make tlicir ccK ftOfk for ilinn.'

1-lst u-itilrr the itllatl l was jn bad tli.U ^u;nc prcxlucers old tlicir tayiiiK (or brnller i rAtlii-rttinii niti up lilKii (c<!d bllli.

I'lril liydroflrtiric pl.iiit In ihc Middle Wr.-.l na\ bulU in Oraiul Rapid.'.. Micti, in lE8t.

no linttnm’ rorcrd thin tnir tnirk-pultlnc a r«1Ir<i.iil frriclil I U'tlllartr'iitraje firm unulh i>r Iluniirn. Thli frrlflil rjru>*

Old Rail Cars Ai-e Being Bought for $ fVariety of Uses on Farms in Valley § I"''--• ’ . ‘ ^^ Alfalfas... Clovers... Insecticides ^

I V c (live S&II Green Stam ps ^

A good buy (or yaiir fonii. If youiftom Anirrlcan 'lllL1 n.i soon n.i can Ecl It,' Li a frelRtil cnr Imin nenthcr nnd tliuc p<-niil>.'<. iho Union Paclflc'nallrwid com- Hnlpli WrlRlit. T«-m Pnlls. U.P. puny. tr.iffte nscnl. wid llic price for n

dtornKf, n frclclit cnr. chcnpcrlfirsl of tlie yew niid now ilic prtceIfinn R cram Innk lui^lin.i n ioct^MM .______>_________

••-yerjAtlllty/IfLVnol- IKc bSf-loi'V^j railroad tlie car.s nt Po. InB lltni to pill 0(1 n farm, lint.c.ilrllu but viu'li ynir fcwrr arc larmcrs linvc nrvrr bern known ln|av.iUniiix. („ arnKT.s or oiluT buy- prnce a lilRhrr value on nr.\tlie(l«U*. Wrldil -vild, -llK' c.ir.v arc coti- limn on iillllty. (Innnnl for frclicht iim- wIh'U tlu

Tlilrtfcti o,f these frclBhl cars Uiidmlniciiiri' iicikcnx, bin iirw luve been purctiiui'ii from ttiu r.<TI*4«jM Are practiiMllv Uulc;.triiL-ilbIc. rond company by Wllllnm Suviisc, Tlic r»i!i are 40 or 50 fc<a in Kimberly, nnd will br bronKl>lllrtii:lh and havi- about 'f Kio niblc

fm r>f j.p;irc to the lop of tile .Mcrl ^

0 i,500 bii.Olfl. of rraln'

Continuous HayllaiiJiiig Gets

Rid of Large Stacks in ValleyHny linulliiK hiu been cHnilnu*|Conip;iny, Kiins.i.i City. Mi>.

ous to Nevada anil Iho Oolne vnllCy, I Accorilliii; to tlie roinpnny, l!irle trtickerx, nnd It wimid

be turd to find n Inrcc alack ^ It In tile vnllcy oI 1(X) toiu or more.

Tljcro 1* no sliortnge of'liny but th9 larito fltJieka h.ive been pur- chaaed. ______ ____ ________

tirrblflde Li sprnyed on aprtnR hf U, barley nnd MiKiir bei't fields t the f.Me of onr-half pound of

active Carbyne ppr^ncrf nnO ran 1)0 appllea wllU-a wnnilftrd fann

Prices (or flr.H nnil arennd ei tlnir liny unj rrportrd at s:4 prr ton, nnd third cuttlni: u reported roIiir (or }2< up 10427.

Straw inov'cmrnt nlfio Increased ' aoms nlih the wet wrnther and.aloppy (cetlynrdj. UiilU late this.................................winter, little Jtriiiv wa.i iisei! ih rhejUnllcd Siat .s and Caniitlft on morr

.yards but ilnce the wei wiows anil than aiOO tcjl plol.i aiid hn!! been raln.1, manure pllra have been Rf.inted trlul npprovnl by the U S.

i‘ thi'in IiTiil rl

n T-lor-

uni(ifil .■.trui'tiiri'.Onrc tliev nrr arnuisrd h<- r\-

ii'cli hi: will havi' a .siructiiir that III tx' iiKirr (lui.il)li' than pr.ir:i>

cully aiiy^ lii 'r l.lnn lie rnli biiv.

Higher Price for Retail Pork for SpriiiK Expected

WASIUNOTON. March i: nTP- ■nie_iicricullutC'_ilcparimcnL_prc-

Imr nf Jippllcntlon I.'(Iiirlnr dlr!.i ri-liill pork prlrr< prob.iblv i-Iim( .'t.ice of tlir wild oar’xvlll rl.'i' iibfivr Invt yean Icvl'Ia In

pl.ini. nnrntnlly from four to nine tin-.'.prim: .mil iivcr,ire hlchrr ih.m ilay.'i iillcr tlie weed citicrKc.i from In in.'iS for Ihr full vrar.

- below 1D55

Savnse will \w the 13 ^lorlm:. Kraln. .btuu .ur-cquipmciii...He lia.i .Millie plain on liow in n ranKe tlicm lo thry will Kive h: mii.'ilnmtn use on hi.', farm ;.mi<h Iian--.rn,

plarr tlic-m In n cinlicliliiil llir olhir ni.<. I .

make a loiu: shf:;rr.oiiL of tlimi

S E G U R IT Y -------------«SEED & SUPPLY CO. ^

. ^ Across (rom Young's Dairy RE 3-1101 ^

the irround.Tl'ic entnpSny reporl.i llie lirrbl-

•cd ln.1t .Minimcr lii'llie.

e RUd bcUillns pRTtHMSW Ot SiJSlClrtUVtf...................... . — If the uprny eontrol.iw chcmlea! to fluhl Mid outs wtlhom hflrlliiR .sirini: wheal nnd

In Rtnln flcldn U comlnR on tlie|li.irlcy, mid doe.mit ca't too nincli, market tjils spring on’ a llmltedilt may limit the jitiirdy weed thi*l

' b»«ls. Ihas affcctert aome row crop ny;

Pork prlciM I' Irvdv

Tlic dcp.'vriairiil k prici's <lurlnc ima hUiP.'.: n in.'iD..

The department fiireca:.! red ,iri\l produdtin Uils yrar iil

lilt oatsjBIS,000.000 [Miuiidj, up from !hr f-'- ■ tlmated 27.4un.w0.000'puuiid.i pro-

diierd In 1959.The ncenry Ntlmale.i pntillry

njrat prixlilclioii ill lUilO al 11.43,• lone 000,000 poundi, comp,ired wiiii tlij'J

'nrodnctloii <if fij75.000.00n twuiids.

S A V X T J M E L S A V F W Q R K ! S A V E M O N E Y !

WITH...THIS Wedmi Difch Master


•i _

7 Constniclcii of hi>:h tciibilc .Uccl .‘muI <liii:lilc iron f»ir jji'catcr .strciiRth niui loijRcr life.

■j( ]'‘it.s on any Iritclor with.n 3-iioii]t hitch :::ivinK lime nnil labor

•jV De.sijrncd to do n jnli nit yoiir farm llia t tiiilil now coiild'oiiiy lie done \ • by It man w ith n sliovcL ' ' ' '

Mnko.i n ditcli 21" to -lO’ wiiic nnd -IS" deep. It is di'i\L'n by r.T.O, making: it iu)s.sible to clcnn muddy or dry ditchcs. /'

•jf Cmitrol.s (ii.sclmrRC(i dirt Icavinjr it evenly .iju'cad over the hatik • or dischurRcd up lo 50 Tcct in the field.

■jt’ Moss aiui wccd.<» cait.se no problem, in tnany case.<i water innv bq.■" left in tiip ditch and moss, ailc^anti wced.s romovod in one .simple

operation, • ' ;

Tlie Westerii Ditch Master is U N C O N DIT ION ALLY GUARAN- • TEED. ^ ____________• r ________ ______. .

For Further Informalion


farmer's Implement Mfg. Co.

■Ilic ciittlni; rhlM-1 pniiit nnd the pe :latt^ shaped niiiRi of ACMK H iK li^ccd Corruitft. tor.i molds n\jmooth.wnlI,

_flrm,,cl'xl-frfc cornisatc.Umt ix i-aMiT tf> IrrlKHir, kIvm uni­form dtntrimttion or water nmi rut.i diiwii ^oll era lotr from old ni (' I h n d .i enontinwsly. ACMK 1.1 tile dr.U^n of niod- crn farmlnij and Krcnier profit (or JarnitM.

ACME H igh Speed Corru-

gaiors show you ihc woy lo

g r e o t c r profits bccousc

foster corrugating speeds

ore posiible! They cut down

M te r waste! They cu} do>vn

erosion! They don't “ gum

up !” -Thcy don't cover im*

■portont—seeded ■’a rtorw irtr

loose dirt!

SAVES T M E S A t ^ E s m m e r

SAI/ESW/)TERAt riKht nbove . you e . a jmooth «nll corriiKate M O l^ KP lo itmtir for pcr(ecf'wntet .iHVliiK. work* XJU1HK trrlcntlon, Hy comparboii. nt lei shown corrili;ate made , ,

Hirdltiiipy >iltnvcl' • Ino.e fiiiK covcrcd ^ecd lied and .sub­ject to ,harmful ern.Mon watrr wa.ilr. •




GOODINGj Tractor & Imp.'

W ogner'i Ine,

Jerome lmplcm'cn( Co.


Buhl Implement Co.Dana Implctncnl Co.•Volley Tractor & Imp.

BURLEYBurley Truck & Troctor •

Casslo Eqtmuncnf Co,'_Chisholm Mothers

Idaho Impletncnt, Co.Roberts Implement Co.Mosse^-Ferguson, Inc.

WENDELL Z it lo u ^o to rs , Inc.

OAKLfY Smith' Brothers

ACMK lllch i>peed CornicaUri ait made by ttie maker* of AC^E PoUto nnter*. ACME Hllterllp i’otato and Beel Chain, Heat TrtatfiJ siotl Shanks. Twl Hat Ctimpi. Stde Ualte Teeth. Sn< i.

Kramn. anil other (juaUi; Varm Produrt*. - • - -

TWIN FALLS MeVey's, Iricorporotcd Twin Falls Tractor & Imp. Wosh Ford Troctor lesser Equipment Co.

D & W Sales

HAZELTONMcVcy'*, IncDrporotedHazclton Hardwore


JEROME —M & M Equipment Bishop's, inc .

RUPERT Comeron's, Inc.Koylo Implement Co. Minidokg Equipment Mtn. Stot'c* Implement Trovino & Johnson


|:o*: M

i±ki I

PATCO HOMESJ3iy®_7. u nipxe liylng_aLaJower_cost SEE—„




AuctjoiTSAtH12 Mile.s from Shnshniie on (he Shtt.shonc-Richfield JliKhway lo the Mnrlcy Cro-sa inp, then One M ile North tt> the lir s l ero-s.s road nntl one-hnlf East.

WEDNESPAY, MARCH 16-^MJNt-H-^inRrounds-hy-Iiichftclrf-Gntnfrt-


in (JiHid Shape

ly j l JO H N DEK Itlv n TItACTOU

w ith Han;;-iin I'ltiw, in (inoil



TOR with lU-an Cutter, C ulti­vator, Uuck Hake anti I ’low

.Mantn-e Loader for John Deere B trac­tor

Heati ('utter for .Tolin Deere B tractor Bean Cutter for Allis-Chalmer.s tractor John Deere N o .li Mower

John Deere Siib-Soilur John Deere.Jlanimcr Miil lU C Tumloni six-fool disc

John Deere Krairi drill, 12-liole with -seeder / ■

David Bradley Side rake w ith hean^ex- ten.sion and dual rubber /

TIIC BcH iil)lim tef " 'IHC Tumble plow, IG-inch nn rubber Foldinfr Steel harrow. ;i-3Cction

Cbattin Ditcher

Kvcr.sman land levcler on rubber I’ liii.sphate drill

Jlydniulic Farm IIu'iul, nKuinted oii old Koril truck, u I.hd have iiecessacy nt-- tachment.i for it lo be mounted on Iractor

Two eorrupntors for Iraclor

.Two dump nikes - .. . •Two manUre .ijireader.s Valley Mottnd corriiKator

WiiKon nnd rnek, rubber tired Bobsled feed whkom and rack . •: I'our-horse fresiioSlip scraper ---Roll-Over scraiier

Side rnke. horse tlrawnRoller Mill on .skids w ith .sacker

Hydraulic Ham for motlel A tractorChopiied hay wajton w itfi falHC end gate

MISCELLANEOUS1,000-Buihel iteel sranary 4 b/ IB cattle feed biyik • ^

Set o( hAmeM BiKcktmlth tool*Atjd Many, Many otlier amnll Items


LOUIS J. BASE, OwnerKLAAS & K LA A S . AucUonccrs ----- - THEO-B.-BHUSHrClcrJr

Page 23: Speaking Goiitest- ‘Unit Rule’ - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF201/PDF/...Speaking Goiitest- MarkgTM):^'S)ay For ChuFii Meet North Idahoans Win Democratic


Expert Reviews Valley Snow RecordsMagic Valley

FARM NEWS— By. Som_R^Jcn

' Rou^e 2, Honton, Phone GAWield 3*5910

Egg Production Increases Three

Per Cent in ’59

g faiH y n f 228J g a m a in T h re e JC o u n tie s

moor ih*n j?ie i t u pnduetloa et 60,103.000,000. •

Tlie dfparimtnt elllni»l<i lh« iiuiiibcr of Inytri in J9S0 nt 304 mllllnn. compared ullh 301 mllUos liv 1058.

WASlllNOTON. Miirrh "IJ ‘irr f"'* «kb production per- ll ir iiKrlciillurc drparliiirm hi.' duriiij im j a u 206 tfSM. rulliimlrtl lOSO-rtff produeflon63,<01.000.000 CRKS. Itirtc perjrnlllii 1558._________________

SPECIAL i-4'<-+++++++*++*++++++++++++++++++<

I B R Q I L F R C H i r i ^ < ; fG iv e s T ip s f o r R a is in g S p u d s in A r e a I

Morlan Nel»on. Wolte. mow lurrey ■upen'ltor for Ihe Columbia bwln, coei o»«r M»rlo Valley mow rtparla eumplled tince March 1.' NeUon uid Salmon (racl farmcri are amoiie llie ftir In (he Nor(hweil who attempt (o uie moo and water forecaid with any kind of preclilon to determine their (arm operatloni. (Slatr photo-en{r&Tin{)

Annual Water Forecast Meeting for Salmon Tract Farms Is Set April .1

Salmon ti

HoIm'. .MiDw survey supervisor tor the Columbia lj».5lrr. dl.vu.vi wAlcr pr<Ki|>cct.i lor tile conilnn Acn.ion.

Mostly on the b;u\W of hi* report t many Snlinon tract fanner* will

mill prvcblon to ihclr fDrmlnii j>l;ins for ihe tcaton.

I^uil yenr on the »lrenRtli.of »nn».' Riirvcys. tliMe same fnrmerd rcduccd ihelr IrriRntcd cropland by lwi>*ihird.i u'liat they can crop in n tiomml wntcr year.

Nclf.on luvys inten.ie interest Is dliown by snou,- survey* and water forecast!! In otiier placc*. by Indus-

~'lry-M-well u-A^riculture.- 'orelRn nation* nlAO wnni to Icsrn how niakfl tiielr own njrveyi.

.. . . ln(‘ four time*(U does nRricuiture. In industry 120 people use one acre*foot of water whereas only . ono and one*half people use the same qunntlty In acrlculture. He thinks this points toward tlic future when competi­tion for water will be even keener tlmn now.

With the population ‘'explodjnit’' all over tlie Klobe. farm lands are lncrea.MnK in value and water con- sen'Atlon is bccomlns more Imper* nllve.■ At tile l.i.it we.ilem snow confcr-' rnce. Nelson s«ys selentl. ts and technicians were present from more than 30 natlotu. Includlnti

’ Au. trAlla. Japan, Pakblan.

Syria. All Imve been .wndlUR delr- Raies since 1050 to study snow sur­vey methods In'tlie Northwest.

How to calculate the water con­tent of snow and how much of that water Is absorbed In Uie soli, how 10 predict (Insh fliyids, haw to de- trrmlne the IcnRth of a water jea- Aon and how to ll. e forecast In- fnrmatlon on fnnns

ers of water from Lake Tahoe h endles.1 lltlKntloiig because no c predicted the runoff from the « ter. hed each .icnson, Tltey mt sured snow dcptl) but no one h mcaiured.thc water conlcnl in the snow, ills work ended some of Uie I lawsuits,

Ni-lson citc.'f another claulc llluA- Itratlon of tltc value of the snow survey method In Utah in 1834. oni of the driest years on record. Tliat spring Oeorrc D. Clyde, lernor of Uiuh but.an enKltieet then, ntlvl'icd rwichcrs not to lock the cates on their resehrolrs to drain tlicm. Me told themmeasuremcnts-ludicat«d..iL..shortaRc bccntue water conttiic InUie snow was low o]id Die to ll.....do'.

Nelson notea eom# of the men believed Clyde and tome dIdn'L Tlioso men who didn’t believe the report said unleu reservoir cates were opened the country would be flooded when the snow melted • • tJiB mountains. When tlie in melted, reservoir# weren't ovi ftowlnir. even with lost year's hold-, « r supply.Another clusle ease of the value

_[ ahow surveys and forecasts is found In the Twin PalL soil con­servation district, said Nelson, Fanners here use- the forecasu with more precision than in any ottier area l>c knows about in the Columbia bastn.

h^ommlly. 35.000 acres can, be .......................... i_Uii

evcO'one wimt.i answrrcd with pre- cL'ion. he note.'.

Nelson reports pioneer work In -ttiLTflcld-was done 50 ytars nno on

Ml. na^c in Nevada by Dr. J. E, ■"ci^iT'TTmsfBTOTTir’cmiKicsr

InnRuases and a mountain climber. Dr. Church had otaen'Cd many i

Salmon trttcl but Inst sea.wn farm-1 pul only r.!.000 acres of their

productive land under IrrlRAtlon, Karni Income dropped dlsa. trously.

Paradoxically, some of those farmers who did cut dow number of acres they cropped last year werp at)le to, make end.s meet only becaiue they cut down while lose who didn't ran into troufcle. Tlie fanner who didn't pay ot-

tentlon to (tie foreco. ts and plant­ed twice or even three times ns nmch-land a.i lie had water..for. showed a laree loss,

ir~liefounil Unit tu wum n-plenrot ti Eround. pre-lrrlRate it and ihen seed it, only to find he had

abandon It to weeds later, incurred w.-uiteful'expcnsc of MO to *CD

, 1 acre. This flKure was arrived at after the do' J'cnr In 1D54. the dri­est year on Uie salmon tract la-44 year.v

l-'nrmer.s aUo found by wiisUnR water In pre-trricatlni: abandoned lands, he had <cut himself short wheri* his crops were' golnir to be finished and harvested,

Tlie farmer who used the fore- costs did much better.

On the basbi of water forecasts he cxpecled only 2i of an acrc fool of uTiter for each thure he owned In th# Salmon River Canal company._ln_a,_nonni>l_ycar,_hc eoufd expect 4S0 acre-fect of wnter and with it he could farm 300

(ucceufuliy. Out with foreeasU low. he calculated he'd receive phly 233 acre-feet of water for his crops.

He decided he’d havi enough water to raise crops on only 100

so he layed off the hired He picked his best fields and

planted ivll of it to wheal and pea*. When he could. he-lrrlRated llRhtly

lidd of Rrnu for seed and got crpp, The sroas was Uiere to help

lake up the t la » In Jusl suchdry year. ---n.

At the end of the season, his ca culiillons were so accurate he had

>;o<)t of water lefl undelivered at his heodeate.'

In addition id holdlnn down «■ pcnses on his crop land, '

rcpalr'Jffclies in Ile ianfir cotuervB waicr; he killed

weed.'' thirsty for water all *ea.Min. dry cuUlvatlUR them and spraylnc wherever he taw ihe need. liad he wanted 'to hr could have fUed' checkRates. cemented ditches and. leveled lund better for future years. With Witter as tlRhl a.i 11 ims. he! had the time to get the land in shape with water conservatioa practlecs.

Tlie Idle land also received a rest 1, it couid\ priKluce-J}Ctlcr.:.wlital

the time tame. If he hadn't used ihe'wiiier fuicc*ust,‘ hcTnlnht'.. lo.st money heavily In.Mead of hold, ins his own.. . .

.pf ih.Minliloka county rMrii. loii ui'.iiU, prr roi ut » rt'ult of II . tu(ly nl pr(Hlurtiim tiuclv \|ir.icllcr.% on 'J'JB l:iiiiis 111 Mliililii- Inrt t;ri k.i. CiisMii and ruM Jnonie coiiii- Tliliiv ,................. .. .tJps. ;<ir M>;iir (ithiT tiiw cicip and only jiUmlnns. '

nie sludv poinl.t /lui tiuit m-1- il prr cr'iii lollimnl iilJiilfii. 01 tlip „( the jihnthicj nindr ntier Xdom. If ever, will one Rood pnxiur- 3B i;ro«iTs who yU'lifs j;l 250 Jm,j. i proiiucrd iiO Mck.\ or bet-:* lion practice fover up tin- b.id il- r.uk.-. or liritiT, all but fu u rv d [,.r, «hile liUh )lcld.\ came from t

■■■" Il ld. planted Iflore or aftrr May 1510 June 1

lie coiirliided the fields Unit had' no days or more ol active r lime- and h:ul other favoiiiblr priiuliiR coiKllttons hiid plenty ol

reach their yield poieiiliai.

-RAt5m"OUR~OWN~BROfLTR5~?N~60~D~ATSrwith~~frarlmrMot i.lanmiR hadanrllfct’j . ' bLUbh S HI-LNtkOiV Or t^UhllNA bRUILbK MAbH,'

X - 'ir ; : ,; :: ;- ' Xn\ ';;;Rn.'u inr.hra;^ ‘ «d?/.l ? a spccld deol on Chlcks ond Feed . . , .rdcrs r^ust

fcillortc-d pnt.ito<-.vusp over the modentely rarly;J

<■ j •, all but fu u rv d [,

Cattle in Valley Nearing End of Quarantine Time

Dy the end of IhLs week all loii fr itne.-i liricl.'' In Hir liDnliTiiii:

ot cattle Quaranllnrd Inr .,c;iUI<\'.

lrc.M»ni m .oMlKi'nU.l m'ltS ' '' ......|should be cleared, says D.r. K. 11 jjr. it;;vril -.aid CalKiirnla iilsnj Ikard. Ooodlwc. /rdcrnl velerlnar- "U’Jk'/j «r iMvrian in Magic Valley, |dippi-<l luid n-h-u.'fd frfflu

He said more than :o lots ot cat- tii»' ;iU hrrcL out of WvDiiiin!; luid lie iiad been brousht into Miii;IC;Oickoii lllIc• t('d nrni.Mliry will re- Valley from scablcs-lntcswd areas,IcMc ihclr prficm rrMrlt'loii} on of Orefion and H’yomlnR, ' (Ciiale for l(iiinc<Kiifr

Dr. Ikard says no scabies wasi IIorit Watrncr, WnRiicr Un'.Mock found In any but rcRUlalloiu and iTrucltiiiK comp;viiv, repnrtcd ship-’ California restrictions slipulalrd'nirnt of cattlc ti> C;illfornli has Uiey would have to be dipped-or;dropped olf coii-'.idcrjibly from ihu cold spmyed as a precaution. Soinu i area .Mnce the outbreak ot scablej ■Dnnore-iors-tinie“ fr6iiri{nn«TT''wn.T-rcponcd-juiirnr'

Globe Seed & Feed Co.Truck Lano Twin Falls RE 30373

Bean l)ealers Expect to Make Purchases Again

several bean flealers..............the opinioli last week they may be back on the market soon to pur- cliiwe benns froni Jocitl Rro«-er.<.,

Tlie lull resulted from an over­abundance of purchased beans In tlie warehouses. Tliey reported Ute market Is becomlns incre.-UTinnly actlviT

Buyers for exports were reported bucklnit at some of the price.s, ond In California buylns came to an almost copiplete stop as March 7aaseisments fell due......................

Lulls of this MHire come at any-. . . . lime, but Uie/selllns sea. Dn ha.nl weeks nRo.

•RWl'M mn]lLll.t ; i l , iiuirs- Bmltli.' BcanRrowerg Wareh a.-.MCliitlon, ■' The marketer colored commer­cial bcacT looked Rood, excepthiR red.s, said Clco Darthj MaRli Valley Dean company. Many proce.wors are u-slns more and more commer­cial beans for canninK to suit n

Ide vKrleiy of tujics.Jusl what the prICQ will be when

they Ro back'on iha market.* they but they expect, clianRc from two

The sliidy showed fertlliJ.er pio- KMni.i arc ofirn cover-ups to com- liriisaic lor some oUler-poor V"c- Her, Tlie report sliowed an averai;r nt 142 pounds of available nltroiu'n used by :28 KWers and 74 pounds of avall.tble phosphate.

Of tlio.w who obtained :50 sacks r more. 32 eiower.i

/our used 'mis indicated to him that at

leaM this much nliroRen Li needed for hiRh yields. But a review of tho\e who cot le.v) thai) 200 sacks per acre allowed .that while this.

forlOWCOSta n d B I G


amount of ititrogen Is necd^nt is no Ruarantee ot a hltth yield. Two- thirds of this croup also used 120 pounds of available nltronen or; more, and sUlI hit below the 300-: .vuk mark. I

lie said, -nie dale of the first: IrrlRatlon n-as the 'tnosi deflnltel

New Firm for Contract Bean

Business Is Looming in 1961KIMBERLY. March 12 —MaRlcpartinent, brokers, and' handles

Rralns tor mtUlnR and animal feeds well;B.n Bll-lypes ot-bewui.---He reports Bill Ray, Tw'ln Pall*. Ill be back as fleldman for th impony Uiis year.

Turkey Growers W a r n e d ^ Crop Would Cut Price

WASHINGTON. March S lUPD —ARrlculture Secretary Ezra T. Benson warns turkey (growers that another record crop this year ccwld push prlcf.s down after mid- —

He based the warnlnc on port IndlcallnR that producers In­tend to raise 6 per cent mof turQkey.i this year than In 1950,

Valley Bean company. ..— ..... . .tUlatc-of-BerBcr-and-Plate-eSm- pany. Inc., San Francisco, may en­ter the contract bean bustneu dtfr- Infc the 11)01 farm season.

CIeo.3artli. manaRcr of Uie Kim­berly «nrelioose. said the company wwt* to put oul some snap beans this season but decided It was too late to convert plani facilities In time for Uils harvest. .

The comp.w still will partici­pate In commercial bean varieties, pea* and uralns and has no Inten­tion to compete In tha bean seed enlerprl.se with oUier local coiitracl bean companies.

. the contract bean Tlctles will be similar to those iian- dlfa'ljy the older tlmis. but others will bcMJJfereni because the “ kets i»re rn>juiolher part^ Unltrd f}late.O>«llU)0lnts 0

He adds the new parent company

Minidoka Gounty-Agent-GrivesTipson— Early fetipn in Killing Alfalfa Weevil

RUPERT. March IJ-Whlle alf­alfa aphids doA’l emerge unlll lata April or May in a nonnal season, alfalfa weevil* will emer*s t a.vthe first buds and shoots nltalfa crown start srowlnR: wsms

—W.—O.—PrifSt.-Minldokft-eoonty BRCnt.

Usually the weevil comes out ot hibernation, (he first weeks In March, said Priest, when they feed for a week or 10 days, then mate and lay eRcs In the center of Uie new stem at Uie ba.se ot Uie plsnt.'“To control these Insects, farmers

should spray Ihelr alfalfa fields be­tween the'tlme the adults emerjie and before they start IsylnR Uteir rRcs. 10' s nonnal sprinf this is

between March 10 and 30. or when the first shoots are about an inch nd a half lonK.Now that heptachlor Is banned

from u.se, the best alternate spray Is dleld’rin. Prlesl said, and it 1* Just-.AS-«tr*olivo.~lt Is-applKd at the rate ot four ounces of aetuol dieldrln In enouRh water to jet cood ground, cover bn an acre of ground. Since the succe.-s of the chemical control method

tha pea aphid reported In hay fields la.st year, he said Uie la^ time they were reported In damoR- ins numbers In thU area ww in Uie'1023 Rrowlns season. The be*t method to control Uiese Insects is to lek-thein so into wlnler.on dry. alfalfa fields. Last fall. Uie fields

as dry and cla.ie cropped as they could cet. he notes.

that at least 30 sollons of water should be used with the chemical |

As for the alfalfa aphid, whiqh Is not the some destmcUve la«ci as

S A V E S 2 0 ” w':*:

POWER BLADE S41V|• M» danjiregi tkoln-a# «rWp,_

llct «f grab. ’• Cutibvlea«llnllr-ial*pewir.

Iitd bletf* el IM

Formers Notice!


SEED and


For the Caltona Sofflower

Products Go. ' -




SEED AND SUPPLY1 4 0 .4»h Avenu# W eit

Twin Folli




8tarl‘'the Aceds ot slow Rrowlng annuals such as .Lobelias, Zin­nias. MarlR,oldji. Petunias, As­ters, Heliotropes, Salvla.i and -Aseratums now In boxes or pots In hotbeds or In the hoii.te.Soil for seed flau should con-“ tain plenty of compost to make it IlKhl. Mix 11 In the followltiic. proportions;-one-Uiird' sand. one-Uilrd peat ma*J. and one-

TlifraTfenrden-ioll;----------Just as soon as the soil dries out and is easlly'Vbried plant your Sweetpea. . Peas, Red Po­tatoes. Onion Sets; In fact, all the early hardy crops as men­tioned previously.We can expeel the elovcr mile to make Its annual appearance

. as soon 0.S the daytime temper­atures Bet above SO*. This little brown elRht^cRRcd insect Is

•harmleSii to man and animals, but nevertheless Ls a nulfSance during lu miRratlon as It flnds~ its way Into baUitubs and wasli- baslna. For its control spray Uie lawn a few feel back from the house and (he shrubs with a mitlelde or with Kelthane. We have boU) and can rIvo you proper dlrecUons,


Stsrc your tutieroiw begcnlnf atid cloxlnla.s Indoors now. We have directions for beconla cul­ture for^jyone Interested. For A beautlt^ndoor flower try an amarj’llis. Thjse bulBt 'are In

Fertilize your lawn with Secur- Rro. Tills has been mixed not for a wide area of the United Sutes but for our own MorIc Valley and we Ruarajiiee satis­faction. Do 11 now while danger of buminR U at a minimum and r>u are not busy with garden- ins hecea.iiUes.Brins your si rdeninR problems to Security Seed. We will be Hlad to help you. and with no obllgftUon.


— Across Prom Youns's Dairy - We Cite


yield," - I

All Uie Rrowers who jat 250 sacks itrmort wnteretf their polsio /lelds wimin 45 days ot Uie plantlnR date, while ft third ot-tho<e who waited more than 4S flays to irrlRate got> the low yields. |

The amount of seed used didn't; have iwi much bearlnR'on the har-

yield ns he expected, said Priest. I

In the hlRh yielding group, only; ne-fourUi of Uiese used more

than liOO pounds of teed lo the' while two-thirds used bc- UOO nnd 1,500 pounds, and' St used even le.u.than 1.300

IMjiuids, IIn the )ow-yleldinR group, a good'

percentaRC planted more than 1.500; I>ounds. Uie bulk planted between! 1,300 and 1.S00 pounds, no factor In itself for ROOd yields.

He also found no relation.shlp be- lweca.-U^ .number-1...............

you can’t b e a t fhel M T E R I f l i n O I I A L * B - 2 7 5 D I E S E L

a v a il a b l e WITH



★ liiR E C T M ^^^




and Uie yields c^Uined In the fields. I

'In chccklng all thesa records,"; Prlesl .said, "It Is not possible U> pick out any one or two praetlces ' which will guarantee a hlRh yield.; It also Is irapoulble to pick out a' single Rood practice that will com* pens.-ite for the lack of a good; over-nli Job on all of Uie pracUcu involved In Krowlnjj potatoes." :

He InslsU Uie whole Job must follow Uie best procedures to geli maximum, prolltable yields. '

MoJch your paymenlj fo your incomo with


McVIYSInc.McVoy's Valley Equlpmont/lnc.


.! firmulated hr — ' ~ ^ 6 r l h w e s l

soils ■

® W i i

F k t l f l CGolden Harvest FERTILIZERS

You mal^e the best fenilN

zee buy when you chooje

P ac ific Cooperatives

Goliieit liarieil brands...

e ither dry, s im jile or

liquid. .

And you get the best in

feriiliter know-how and

SERVICE iro n the m«t

i/$ Ibe Circle P Iruckt.'

Sure si^n


Fertilizer a<0?n7WTniTTifFIH i

M E M B ta t PAC IF IC



Phone RE 3-5671

Before you buy a JiaiTow...

SEE AMAZING NEW NOBLE AT YOUR MITCHELL DEALERS!All-new 3-poiht draA\T)ar gives pinpoint control of t in e .“

depth . . . -harrow cultivates, weeds and thins sugar

liects in one smooth operation!

rreelM adjastznent kll Rives Uie beet' grower hairline control of depth adjustmenl . lets him set

Unes for the exact depth needed de« ■pending on soil and sise of beet' plants. (See inset In photo.)

gli;Polnt auipenslon for h » r r o « tecUon* insures that harrow will re­main absolutely flat In all positions.

No tilUng trom front to' back.


Dfomqutsf Atenat

Caltlodl. Tel. B-3E»

Fsmoui N'eble 'UTc-AcUsn'* Teeth available In 11“ and Iff’ length*. *niese' are Uie teeth that were so

successful in tests on sugar beets in southern Idaho In 1»S. Zxtn length

•Hows later use In crops.Three, four or flve-secUoti drtvbar and harrow„combInaUons available. Offset tandem saug# wheels option­al, ramous Noble quality built Into

all parts.

HEAD o rr ice :- m 8. E. Alder. Portlandi-Ofeien •---

Page 24: Speaking Goiitest- ‘Unit Rule’ - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF201/PDF/...Speaking Goiitest- MarkgTM):^'S)ay For ChuFii Meet North Idahoans Win Democratic

P A G E TW EKTV-FOURSU N D A Y rM A RC H - lS rl969-

lu d Urexltr, lf». >i»l Ktmrr AnnU'Maitcl iit llic )i»r of lltr eonxlructlon. At the tap nr tlie raTnp U ■ iiarkinc aparc. Tlip boat ■t (he cnriirr of (lie rccrtullun area. (Staff pliol(i>eiicravln()

Community Cooperation Gets Results In Niagara Springs Recreation Area

(■eorce (lluil) Taylnr. Ttiln Kalh l>n«tman, pones with •Toeo,” who lirlotiKo to Mr. n»J Mr<u DolclK ('. Mltrh:icl. 1C05 Kimberly Unad. on Tajlofa nmle. Kcir the past t«o years "ruKu" liaj folloutU •

. .P >: •krdItiry j

Ailiiln (iml UrcxUir wrrr i•trll!h' 1(1 (Mil •> llli-clliu; 111,

Bill} tjy the illrfctm-.i ot the t ell.

'flip liipniriK of nil j)tr!;oi the Tain Knllj nren mtrrr-,t«l In tlic eimiicir. iirojpcis hns cnllpd Bl B p m.. Wcillicr.ilrvy IVln P«11v<-Hy-lmll.-;II jirr.'on liilfrMtfcl In thi' proj- CIS nrc- rllRlblc lo ntlcnrt, bntti

liii1lvl(liinl< nnd rpprcr tlVP» of tiny IfXic*. rilih rj^rm i

hopfcl Hint nil jrrffliiis.w

Klmcr Annh, a member of the mtmbtmblp commlllec of tlir • Maelc Valley rrrrralinn eounell. »Uncl-i liy the larje Irrljatlon illleh cnnitructeil by voluiilcer labor a l (he .Masara .Sprinri rtrrratlon area. The <lllrh takes naler Irnm the hprlni;* and ulll provlile nater* for irrltatliie the picnic area. (Slatf photo-encravlnt)

SMPrinnn,-pf<’*iinpntr'rafiis"T; miT.'. vice- (in'jilrn:; Mrs. Oofdiin Sclirucdcr. .\ccfciHry. niicl Mrs, Olio Sclil,i;ii;c', Iri'n.Miirr.

Ilii'.ioll II,ill and R. W. Wll.ion encll rave n brief inlK lc> iicfiuaint I);irtuls nnd vL ltnr,s nn open lioiuc Midi Mxi hrld\,l!i coiijunellorr

l»il)l(c rccrraiioii iirrn, 'Ulh ilir. iiicrlini:,:i |j Uiilll for tlif public Hi'frc.ihniciil.s utTe mtvi-iI In Il\r

and >Ml| nhMiy,-i bo i)|icn li>, tlic;Ilbri>ry Ilk'I;tbU-.N dccoKlrd tii [lUbllc, Whrllicr » I>rr.Min biWi—U-Ulie St. I’ iUlrk's motif, ,;inniirr lii|i In ilir coiiticil lu.i n o l -------------- ----- 'niP niiillnmn-ciininc relMloii- slidcariiiK uii.uUo U.WJ the arcft. U ! r ’ |* C . • . In'-’ . ‘I'p o' tti(.-;ia-.t•ni bt free to ihc public. i 5 C t S J">'c I»r-mi.iiy jrars

Hcorou* Kheclule meetlnc Taylor aitU foIlo«ln«.-l*loi araunil J route, Tbe'Uoj lia* mlwtil •ilcllverlnj- Ihc mall only once In tha past lun yeari. (Staff phnto-entravhic) _______________________

Dog Not Only Likes Mailm an, He Helps “Deliver” Mail Around Route in City/

‘Iv in 1'nll.s niallin.in and ■r.il iKKR'h hiivp bro'iii' and cMjuyod n v, arm

;,lilli tor IIk* two yti OOODINO, March IJ-.\Ir-v H. ThP niiillnian la CJ.tikc lUiidt

Can(!crH. Flclehur, CiooUliie, clinlmian of thf sixlh illMrlcl of the Anicrlc; Cancer sncldy. Jrtalio ilivt.*,lon, which incluilM DlulnV. CMnos, ■Jncoln-iunl QoocUiiK counUcs.

Tiiylor. wbo ha.s worked hi ihr'luiicli Twin- I-'iillr. [xvilofflcc i.lncp 1337.Tlic pooch Is -PoKo," a 4-ytir-oUl cloi: ot mixed litrunKr,

noiincr.« nn nll-diiylor pxpciitlvp nfficrr.< nnd worl(cr,s; nny drx: ttiUlip lirldat the CItxKlinK Grange

mp lliiill Moiuliiy,ivliii Tlie merlini: »vill bt'Rln at 0 am,

cleel rrpVfsfniniivpx nnd cxprr-v'' '*"' fiil'lrnilnn nnd n cotlte Ihe dfntrfj of thrir uroiips ai welconiB will be i;lvrn bynicrllni:^ • J-if'd'tr and the liivoraiinnl

The majnr purpor.e or the Wed-1 ” ">•'1' Cifldwell, Wendell. ; npjday nieritnK will be In jiltat.ol Dr. M. V. KlinKler, CioodliiR. will lucccMor lor ClmtlM Dniit:herty.l!'f|'‘'‘‘ >>’» ol llic .-.oclely.mllrecior In the raincll f,wn thcr^ prwam.s of theTwin t-nllj nreii who recently covered by A. C, Jn-

- cob'on. DoUe. cxewilve dlreclor,Mwl of the etiminunlllM hi llie l"'''' "1!? -'moiie or no; to

vntlry have Pleeled directors to Hulhutlonnl re-i Iitylor appioaehe.s the Inlrr.Mcllun liiloniialioii abcitilreprrsfnl thtm on the council, 'Vor.Ory. I’<i-|on Main avnmr i-ii.M, I>»t;u .iiLs inlMr. and Mt;;. Mltcharl opci:Is Ilie'hojtp ot council incnilicr,v|'^"'v“' fcpir-.cnlalUe. tt|II|ii Mnileulc .^lol on. Ih-- eciiinr,iKrcni;rr.', snrviKr mid Kental Miopthat all ronimunliies will i,n\C|"'’l’”

Ihrouirh i’loneir Squuro.rand .'crnlcliM iind walks In the Si'conil avcniii? .■•omii, imdlffoiil ilcor, altini: Hj, titim :^rlc ruek liiiit- fi> Biien:i Vi.Mu;llonir." \

.HII.TI. Mrs. Mltrhnr; till- rniitlncnall%-^)urlnj I.inuli [fiillowcd tlo.'i-ly e^ch il;i\V SI

’llu'y (hen deliver ini I3hic L;ikc.s:adclr. a ptr.’iou coiilil .llmo:. iiiih and return

Uy IhLs tlniiivKr plelc.i him np

Inler.-.cciloii iibnul 11:30 ■roKo” v a lu al the cornrr

• liile T:iylor cals, Al i p. rn. Tay-

thfit Is tilwny,s on tiie ro. cha.ilns birds or cnls."

Taylnr tells nn nnecdote lhal It- likslrntcV'POKo'.s" devollon to duly.' Onj> dny. «onie months nRo, "I'oRQ"

nnr*-clinslnK nround In some btsLsh on Kimberly j road, near EMlisntl drive. He fluMictl n phenuint out ot ihr b^ll^h i>nd chased It ncrost the road. He wns lill by n cnr, noliilnK . erlQlLs. but lie was lame. He iUU' flnl.'.hed out the route and even showed up for "woik” the ncxl day.

•ilch whrn "I’uro" ;.cralchi's on “I’oko'’ look liLs Ilrsl /;lclc leave Ihe door. lie is never more thnli In the nildfllc of January. Mt.s. five mlniiti'N early or Intp, iMltchacl ;.:iys he had some wrt of •

Mr;;. Mltchae* .■.ay.s. -rve nlwny.i sickness ihiit pul him out ot cr -

irainlnK *chnol(ubly Ihr_licl>-Uay..l'roKo".follou.a-p.-ob.jlu;-U-bacl;-at.-Uie—laUiitcUoj). iold.iu lim'-M"' Mlin buy 'I’oro'

I’oRo. and tln’y delh liolh. side;, of Klinbrrly Ho.id

irly Iti the nornliii: ntllo l^i.illand DrUTr Tnyloi’. nnd Ills home tit 1605 Kimberly Uividl''i'.)S(>';." loulp ends <m Third nvp-

d hcads-/fir Klve-Point.'; e.xM, !mic en,-;i, ny then It Is nild-aftcr-

,o:;t complicated .•.cliecliilc.ii HiRs attriiipts.j o:

r.. Mr. and

He mopeimlwlon for nround llic .'hop didn't wnnt to Icnvr nl nluht.


dUlK IMrs. U'A'iKlil Mtlclinel, at Ihe nnrllii'a;l corner oI f I■o:nl. < a;a aboiil fl n. in. He ; douii nl a mnllbux there and v; for Tnylor.

(ioes to Meet Mailman 111 tlxc mi'anilme 'niylor

the pusloftlce iii'tlliiK ready lu hi.' route. About 10:30 n

T.>yIor aird hi;; liPlp'T hcnd lor llie i>a-,tollice. When ihey cPl to llic corncr of J5econd strctt nnd Miiln nveiiiie north. Ju\l acras (lie VfiTl trom the pa'tiiffice, •'I’oco" lakrs Ills leave nnd kop.s liLs invn wny, n ils routine b folloivid each

.Mri. Miirhiirl fllh In rernalnlni:

Tnylor fay,', he .ii;d Ihe dof- ,irc od fr|cnd.', ]t all ;,lariid nbnut o year,', nno whi n "I’rui'

Jii.M a pup. fie u;.ed “lofrnnl porch of the lioiir.c. Kach day nhen Tayltir drUvercd the mail, he would pel the pup, , .

'Al Ilrsl he dlilii’l RO too far on r route. He would f-ec me ncrow

Uie .'.I b:ucl:.i.wllh

tlipy mir;;c{i him there for'a: and the nexl dny he wns on hn’ rrind to roeovefj:, nnd was back on the job the tollowlnc day.

, ‘T oko" Is a ROod worker. .i.t hlf irccord indlcatc.-i, hul he U nlnio.M .... '-reahms in hw devotion t-duly. Mo^t persons keep Uirlr. workhiK lime to jt five- or slx-dsy week. Not "Poko." He works r.cvei) days n week, and neither sleet, nor ;.now, nor dark of nlRht ulll 4tny

nnd walk scver,il iia i fur-benrlnc courier from his but I I'liev's he re- aclf-appolnted rounds.

iinis piiliit.' out' that ihr ?<u Klirincs ptojeel is Just tl

first nl many lui'ii rpciratlnni.. ,. ,, , „ ,, ,projecls til Ibis area. If Ihc pioj- ‘ ‘'I'« i Is U. »u. >ier the needs of nil HolMnwr,Ihe propIp In the vnliey becomf^rulv a valley-wide jiroj

He nolfs Ihnt the .Mlcce; the NiBRma SprhiKs projeci proof ibsl such intcr-cominunlt coopcrnllon ts fully po;~slblr.

In adcHllon lo clectinK a le placement tor DaiiRlierty, Annls

I .-.oiiicllmc.s in Ihe sticct. wlierr iieici I-uiicli eiiterinlnnunt will be »,e»ri net a i:oi>d look clown Mam

.skit -uiidrr tlir dlrrclion of .Mr.s, slrcc:. Sonietiine.s cai,-,Kank iiUiiir, Cioodinil. * [r,werve to nil.\s him. Wiiu—ATnrniraiTisn?!—r.rnn—liri^tTToyWi' c,Viiiiit; lliep.Ill, anil epcn Id llir public wuii|i:cl.' up to nircl him, Tli

nltend, covitIus | day bt ;;l

il Ktcnnil "Jihortly iifU'

iiiv Ini 'ijand I

'■ Wendell. Other .panel will Up Dr. li,

‘■•'■•Oo.xhni;; Ur, OenrKc WLSlIIi M...I tir n ».«..|

.......................n'KUc I’oinis cnnd IJr. Robcri K. Holtlrcn. the maildoK

Hnlse, I ,\l;i!n avrniir

K.vaclly a .Vialeheri oil llio di

.r :ind •PoKo" dehvrr tbe^Vrli'i him 111 . the mall, T;iyliu. e.',;iin:il.-.v b,icl; of Ihe .sll'; wiilks nboiit emu: iiilh". li.uiil wc rks and

>rkiiiR d.iy. Fioni iiit;

iillred he \u-s iiiKiInK oiil on qnliel Suiidiy.s. holidays nnd even dur- a bit ol ihp roiile :,u he Mnrted | ln« Tnylor’s day off nnd on his va- meeilnK me. dtan at I-'lve rolnl;. cntloiLs."PoKo" appears nl the mall-

Ibiix III r;ve Pnlnts en.st. He walls ,•'1 dim’l l:no'.v nhy hr ;.tnrlrd,fo!-j,fur hours for Taylor and Uien re­

in |ln«'ini; mp. Hr hiis never been n'lnrns home,3 o’clock ejirh day.T.Ml affectlnnatc ilo,-;. JI .Mein.', hel Mr;;. .Milcharl says "Poko'' U m-

.»I I look I'l eac:h|lcrls hr has a )ob.lo.d.. andjie 'unlly uiillhn: .^!_ih(L^QrimLjacli_ iibout Uinr lor;jun iollnv,,i me aliiiii: e;icii day." jsunday inornlnK. both when they

rnrr of Kpciind n

ilnirch nnd when they re--Potto'l T;:ylor ;ays be liiisol the *liop.|0ui of ilip w.iy i» b-lriend n .......

rid hr i:<ie;i lii,thc:lmi -I’oiio" Ju.'.i penl ii> feel nj Tayhir has MoppeiUt the corner 1 wlu-re iny hur,- r.rn-.r of dulv alwiil Ihe II. s, mall, on holiu;iy.s and Sundays nnd seen

for do.;.[ "lie mind;; pie,'' T.iylor M.y;;,tlhr doc.ii wiirrl.s T-.ylor that Uie In Uio I■ crcNlfallpn if I'lu di;j.at

deilvfI ralilinir Ilie c.i.'lil tied wlih him. I make tive mlnule-. brlorc.nie when he Ir. 'aUIi me. We';

i;el.s 'up, yawnr. tt;iys Kollcii ,il(iiix ucll, He'i i

' nfnilil he will be lilt by n cat : al- 'nie;.'. lie Ju;,t teclj he lin4 i du^ t(j do," he ,!ys,

Almo -NewsAf.MO. Miirch 12— .Mrs, ,

Wel>b. and children,. I’ficntelln, vWiim: hfr parents, Mr. and Mi.s, Leo DurleP.

.\lr. anil Mrs. Dalton Taylnr dnucliKfj, Delta, Ulah, visited her parent.’, Mr. nnd Mr;,. Howard Urackenljury, Tliey went to Malad'


Idaho Gets Its Turn to Fight Hordes Of Starlings That Have Stymied U.S.

_reachrcl ihe point where li L- "dent n redurlioi: In numbe

Ihr buds i.ecnn to be mi ni10 the problem.

Till.-, l.s done bv mkIi niclluxls ns hvc llap^ aiid jioi'.on;, "Our bureau Is vitally liilere;.led' ui lielplni; .wive tlii.i pioblem. nnd we al.so arc respon'.ibic Tnr pro- IcctliiK benellcial aninml hie,"

He notes the SQvrrnnieni is ex* pcrlmcnliiip wiiii <liHerein nicih- otJs of deallnR with ;,!aIlln^^, in, the near future tl hopes lo i;ivc nomc relief to the itarlyiK problem,

'• nnd nt the s.imc time i;ivc .vunie protMllon lo other Iornl^ «{ ben-

--- -en c im - lifc .------;--------He reports cerUihi polMin.? under

experiment show promu.c of cup- Inu Ti'lth the problem, bul Kiiir. wailis t)inl somti of (he comnier- cjol polaons are extremely deadly

> nnd ihould be used only by rx- ' pericnced personnel. _■»

11 J.1 Ellis* rccommendn’Uon th.it nn>-one wllh a BtArUne problem

' flrsl contact his county-oscnt.aiid have the county asen( ootU? his office. He will be Rlad to work wlUt am-one In solvlne a ttarlliig

■ problem. “Our' wildlife research -- depnrtroent Is contlnuaUy worktaB

-on tills'probjem. and In a ihorl time , we expccb co have (omo

nieilind nt dcnlini: with the locnl : problem."|\ For many year.s man has battled iSiariiiiRs, and u.Minlly tolillle Hie birds have plaRurd ciutern !,cal;Ocird cltlc.'. ])rnctlcally ^^iiKe they ;,ei Joot on this contnienl. The jiiirhnK is not i» native, he Is nn InimiRrant. or nn troporl.

Sonic nulhorllics plnce the blame for iMe -mllliom of sUxrlliiRs on the blrd-lovinR shoulders of the "Amcriciin ‘Acclimntlzatlon aocI-

,ciy." which out ot ;,hcer goodnc.sj hnported nlxmi CO EnKllih Atar-

',linR;, In IBOO nnd relensed them In Cenirnl park, New York city. ^Yotn UiU-mcu«cr—Iloeli- Uic-stirimcs Have pnHayed their numbers Info II natii;n • spiiniiiiiR... (ted - entlnR, ftiuade-despollinR Ktoup of fenth- cred outlaws.

Some ca.'.tcrn cities reivlly suffer from the blrd.s. In \VnshlnRlon, DC., liiere are so mniiy stnrllnRj licy h;>v«, prnetleiiUy crested their ittn burenii nnd In some »reaa U -s' nol uncommon to we wary pcde.'.trlans c n r r y ln c Umbrellu alons tree-lined sldey.’alk4 In open iur.ihinc,

Pmctlcally ' every method has

been tried to disi'oiirnKn Ihe birds from .rociUni: on. public bulldinBsab'd in'ic:,ldctitial arcoj. Two

headed owl elfcKie.-i, rxpluduiR bombs, dusl bomb.v. »tink bomb',, Roman cniidle.v ItchiiiR powder, supersonic noUe.s. rlcctilc shock nnd many other liieihods hnvr been UJPd to scnntr the birds and deter them fiuin their rcnular hnunU. SoineUmrs the niethbdr.

ork, bul more often Ihe Inrll^|;s return after a brief abspiire.

Birth Noted. MAOtflMAN, March Ii> - Mrs. GeorRc Lemmon hn-s- ret*.jrncd home slier vWtlnR her brother-ln- inw uid.sutcr. Mr. nnd Mr.sr Lornn Npff. KMa 6prinns.-wli.>-nrr-pnr- enb of a dauRhtrr burn l-'eb. IIC. Mrs, Neh Is the former Doris Win- iRsr.

Verna Lee Ixitl, . ludpnl nt Uni­versity ol Idalio, .Ma'cow. visited her p.uenu. Mr. nnd .Mr.v Vrrn Lott, nnd her broiher? Kent, who

Jujl returned from nn LDS ml.\slon in the North Cci«ral states. She ailended the colIcRe mu.sle clinic in Boise 'nuirsday, Friday and Saturday nnd will re­turn lo Mti'iiJw from there.

Oelrolt. In adAlUan lo bciiiK. Uic world’s auloniobllr capital, is the pit.center ol Uie United SUici. .

Page 25: Speaking Goiitest- ‘Unit Rule’ - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF201/PDF/...Speaking Goiitest- MarkgTM):^'S)ay For ChuFii Meet North Idahoans Win Democratic


Principal Ingredient for Custom Dish MAGIC VALLEY PORTRAIT ,

[Hazelton’s Dqctor Markin Year Practicing- Medicine in Idaho Regions

U. S. Amj^Puts Out Manual

Tciiijjg GI How to Pick WifeW A S J IlN a T O N , Miirdi

iNE.M—Tile Ua. tvfjny Ims. |iul'tl i;n ft m'liiiMi (dll C2 :iiiw 10 pick n ttltr. II If

■'riili arrnnsfmcnt." Mlclniii MtbfMtory.

.iK/.vJcd •It drlayj lUc mar-

yeur. Dr. S, Hopper. H;irrlUm. will eeltumte hW som-ycnr a.i n '(inic-- llelns physlcinn in Iilnlwi »i;il 31 of U>o:.c yc-nr* lie llll lim i llic only prriiiuiienl lo jinc-Ucc 111 (Hr ibzrliaii nrta.

medieluc lii 1010 iii Cninbrnli:i' WKl Hm b«u‘ a country dotlof Mncc. He iir.irticlK:; in »

'Liiinll ri;rnl cpiiimuiil'.Y liCL

jinft cf llu' Inmlly nnrt rviiry pii- tlPlil's problati, nicdlwl or uliirr- wlcc. brculiici t)iu tiuclor'j Itm,

r. Hopprr, .■> luitivc born on liU lanii in

Middle V.illcy, -Ik fliiUlifd iiublic seliool At Cniiil>rld;-c niid Uien pei-»nai]fd by tliff fninily pliv.'.iojii to BO lo mcdiral selicol. Ik at­tend tbe JIllv 'r. lly ol Si. Louii, imduMln!! Ill 1010...

-Relumed lo Cmnbrlcltf ' 3Ip rrliinied li)iinedlnlrl,v to

CHinbriilRe nnd ntnitfd |ir;>ctirlni;. Tinirs .wcrf hnril l"r ncountry rir>r(ofrlft'llmr- ' ■ "

N-11% b

Tom KdIo, Twin Kalla. linlJt duckj he U c«ttlnr Tttij lo turn Inla “duck Mup' and 'almond duek.* rn«l liecamlnc Iradlllonal m»U In IhU area. For aboat 20 yean >ume re«Uuran(a have prepared Ihs ►Iicelftl orlenUt menU from wild duek* broiijht la them by area huiilera. (Slaff pliolo-eniravlnji

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Taste of Shoshone Resioent Leads to ‘Duck Soup’ Tradition in Magic Valley

A Made Vitllcy lood tradition Li the re.vilt of n iniin's inNtc for (luck soup, f.o 111 the pii.il few yc.ir.n duck soun hm bccomr i.omrwluiiot nh liWltntlon nl iwr. cslf.s in , ................

-Ta-m-milvnnd-Stiwhont;.----- [tlie-rMinurnnla-wore.ftxlnBducfc*AccordlhK to Erne.U and TIu>mns by the Ihouuinri*.

Kolo. Tvi’lii FnllJ, nnd Dill H;itn, •'

(llnnnrs in tlic early 1940'a. Soon llie cnfen .prepared Uie meaU for liunlors. Jumlly (troiip'. and liirRcr friiiemnl am) bun I itrouivi. Cy live or »lx. years

Sho.ihnne. the diick «nup dlnni-r.s liAve been popular with area peo* plp fop about 20jenrL.

Tlie diniier.i out f>t Ilie Ir- rcKuIar duck dinners the hie S. Okl. Slioilione, ii.ied lo prepare for IiLi frleiidi. Ern»l Koio .lays Okl ii;>cd to Inlk luintcr.i nul o( a liiitcli of <luck-i, borrow llie Koto lnftthPM rcat.iurniil kltclicii, uhen llicy were jttlll In Sho.'.lione, and prpp.ire a va:.l duck dinner for hln frli'iidi.

•llie fame cf Okr* dl rprend nnd evenmnlly liuniers .lirouKhi iheir wild tixck. to the ic.inurnnt nnd aikrd the ownera lo prepare dlnner.i fur them. i l iicce.varj’ for huniera lo supply the

-ilucki hfcatue-feitauranu-cana ndverllM, prepare or sell dliinen runtalnlni; meat from Rame innLn or Ulrds Ul1lr !l Ihe Iiunlers supply the tneal. ror thal renMm the fame of the duck dlniiera liiLf i.pread entirely by word of, mouth.

' Now"tht PC.1 la 111 u II t H prpp;ire llioii.iiincl{i of ducks each year,

f^ne.it Koto say.i Okl i.liirled hix

liriicat nnd Tliomw Koio any Ihcy prepared about litX) ducka In Uie winter moiillu of 1D57 )B58,

Bill nnu . Sliaihone. anys aboul I.OM clucks arf prepared Oiere’on nn nvcrase year, wllli uroupj varj'lnif In alie from a amall fnm- lly cruiii) to Uie amuial Slio.ihone Mn::onlc lodge duek wup dinner, where 150 to 300 ptnoii.i are fed.

DiiUi the lVln-KnlU nnd Sho- flionc cafe ouncrs say the duck SOU]) Rcx'on .itarn .ihortly nfier duck fcca.ion opens and tn.it.i until parly ^prlnii. Emeai Koio aays the public Kcncrally rejatrls the din­ner M » ttlntcr-type meal nnd when the weather hreak.i. the duck aonp ' Ini/ln'elf declines. By April ■uck_aouo dinnerj are rarf. . ,Erl>^ Koio explAlna Uiat duck.1.

unle.ti ihey are prejiared for the frceser propetly. won'i keep In n freezer for a loiiR [tcrlod. For ihai rca.non moM perr.ou have their dnclc Koup illnnert elthor durlnn lli.c duck teuion or .iliurlly after it

V is m SI.STKIt OAKLEy. March l2~Mr.i. Percy

Rnillli vWleil her.ibter, Mrji, M. M. siicppJicxd. .wiio l5_ft_paticni ai_Si; I.ukca fKwplUJ. Bolae.

ot tile chorge for the meala li for aervlces. In former days lh« Kota broitiers used to take Ute diicbi nnd hnve them clraiied nnd prc pared for the kllchtn. Kow. be cauic of.Uic nmount.oLdLcka.pre? pared eoch winter. Ihey illpulatc that Uie ducks mu.il be eleaned nnd rc.idy for the kltchcn when Uiey get them.

Tlie nclunl d'lnnerx. In both Sho-Mione nnd Ta’ln Knlli, coiulti or-JiJmond duck nnd duck jsoup. Tlie almond duclt Li boned duck meal thal Is deep fat fried. Tills

Chinese dish. Tlie dusk soup Japanese dish and Uke.i about

six hours lo prepare.Duek meal Is bofted nod then

Rround up with celery, onions, carrots, burdock rool and various splcc*. Tom Koto, who Is the chef, says it Utkes nboul eight duek.i to prepare enouRh soup for 10 per* i.oai. The amount of ducks needed for almond duck depends on appt- tlles.

....... lAU: II.SDIIK BKAI.KnTD.1S Tr.ftnr .llU H-11 jJ, Mn.,„

I.H>J UTiiutnnil Cltnall. MlvlU

Erneu and Thomas Koio bolh nte tills Is a slack llmc for most

bu.iliiP.Mt.1, Including realaurnnts. and the duck soup dinners they prepare or^a Iwosi (o biLilnp.'..'!.

_^iice Uiey d ^ 'l aetually Mil nil {}jff Inffred/enlj ofUje meal, aioil

D O O R BU ST ER S■ _-------------- --------------------

MON.-TUES.-W ED.36 Inch Width


J S I N T lA ll FJrit Quolity 100?b Cotton — A iiirted

wcih 'n ' woor iabrlet — SaJJd eahrt and prints.

Full Bolt Values to

-7-9e Yard 3 3 ‘^ 4 # YARD

By Bob Tucker

March 31st Ls the iradlllonal firaE day'of Sprine. Tlie weail>- er doe.iii't alway-rnRre* . . . but Uie arrival ot itiLi new sea&on U a siRnal of warmer days to come. It's a time when hoiise< wlVM Marl to ttifnk of sprlns cleanlnR.Here's n succestlon for'llioso of you who already have Uifl Brse to put ybUrliouwlh ordrr at ihe end of winter. Many o( the UihiRS you aie during the cold wenther are put nslde come Bprlnit, Your heavy wool blon- ketji will soon be tlianjpd Tdf lighter welKht blankeu. You'll, probably awltch to a summer welsht bedspread, loo, Dcfore putUns these heavier ihlnss away, bring them to us for t UiorouKh deanlnp and moUi- prooflnc. you'll be sure Uiey'll be ready to u.ie again In the Fall.And while you're doing your spring cicnnlns. don'l forget those curUlns and draperies. Our ex|wrl denning can fresh­en uiem up for spring's new.

-loolc-of-eojor and-brlghtneM,— For ever>-thlng'Hlial needs to be cleaned, you’ll find our ser\'lce prompt and reliable, Cnll us now for quick plcku{ and de-


: - Bob Tucker’s FIVE POINT c i p h e r s ' |


Uaig N. ' ’ RE'j.JJJt

bobilecl durUi; the firhl lliirc ypiir-l of 111* prnctlcp. In llmve <lnys i.t soinpllmr. look nn rntire day Id nnikp one cull.

Durlii; tliu:.i: d.iy.i lip h;ul some rnther iryliie and Munrilmc.i tun-

ihy cxppripiicrr, while mnklr.u c.ills ioii p;iUciir.s in the WcK country. Dr, Ifopjier profj.ilily ninrte itne of the niuM nnu.uinl c.illi In Ihc hl - lory of Jdflho mrrllcliip ^l)onb' nticr liP bcftnii |iiiicllclnK. A iimn wn.i )1ot iiccldeiilully nl n r.awmlll i& inile.1 iiorili of Ciimbrldne. 11

Ihr winter nnd Ihc only tiinlip lilt cnll. bec.Mi.'C.of

. ., .i-s by milromrhiiiidc.ir, .so he piled on tlip hnndcnr by hlm- r.elf .itid pumped Ihc car throuKh the cold to the mininK cniiip.

He irentod Ihc miin anil pumped he car bnck through Ihe cold lhat

tbnn Joncp,_ Another ihue he punijied Uie cnr ib nnoilfcf pallcnt la the sa«p area, Dr. Hopper Iniighs luicl Asys those cnUs were probably Ihe longhejl he mnde In 50 years of prnctlce,

llecalli »;arly Car Another experience In the bnek-

woo<Li wfts aggravnt Inn.-bul-fuiiny In reirospcct.'In 11)13 he abandoned the team and saddle liorxe and bought a Ford model T louring ear. It was » sood car, but had nn an- noylnif habit of QultUng on Uie In­clines. . . .

One time he swung wound a cor- -cr in n cauyon and started up a (Sharp IpcIIne. Ifnlfway up Uie Mil llitrchTilnc quli.‘ It sputtered and stnrted coitsilnK bnckunrd toward the ennyon rim. Dr. }Joppcr lound himself in n pretftrlous position. The hill was so steep the hand

)jri't. of caiu.\c. M»niml 16-11. 'Hie lii’utilp 1-. the army says iiiaVy." luiO, ■;rrir% Vll-ch.ir-;ii.i fl: iiri.-iir.u.i.:<', tli.ll people thlnlc rr gultlnnce <1lM-U'.Mnn tunlr.s- ot iu,iir:,ii;c‘like Mum c lll tlUl•Ill)Il on "«hflt''k mill." -IVIiiri' ChiiMiiltii: Vh'M Ihe^ hat <!o I iiuc my.'ell." "ironp 'ilirpliu: ijr.uiiv.'.«ln-wnkent from mg," 'Ihe. Koldra nili-" and hrr tr; iii.-i--:iii(l U\;y il;le olt on

lliii I ilii* \ uhirh IIC.l /li.-il.l -iipplv I.i Dll' suriir' I I.-, .i;iciil to liuiny;

— '^v;impnrnirTTtnr-mnn.ii-. m ........yr.:r. lor M'liu- of Ihr apiill.iia-c., aiKi Iilri.-, hrr m:il!icr lin'V '

•Uui." ■■•.lih tlir iiuiinial. “thpve a cnli'h. Niiiii' ol u:. !i a 'Prliice

and u'> o;ip fipr m;ir.

I‘alii;iI10ii' or Txi-lli-il •'iiouvli. ^iucli ,Uit 1- 111. liii.illili'.'.N lodny

• I-. !.h<- rciulv Id i;I\p )ip brliri r.ni'cil 'lin nnd Ir<Ml.';l a clillil.' ”'

• Uoc-.-. I lie ;.rr the |c),ill'.luif.s <i| oblh.alliiK yniir .••al;irv li>r jr;ir% im 'r;irily cxlpudr.l tu'ilii'?''

IJ.irfl fhP iliic? shi- rxliiw,!-'Kiiiil? 1% she n po.ir iKimcm.ikir.',

IjUoi'j dhp drink iiia iiiiic!i? Due:.'♦ slip govMp? Is MiP loo U0..NJ? I:, :lie| .^^5^1Il ll? IX 'hr prr.sonalK (Mrelr v , •'♦ I nnd iiiilldy? Is she loo intce.Mrd. J .

....... ...... ........................J'-IK'-The mnnual warm i!t;il lll■ iilr IhP Ihlng'i lh.ll I'O'lirr nn- r?n who pre niUi.ipiiy «llh llir

•llir nniiy iva iiirliidint: llip Ilif hHil<yim:nii,

that "nil to rddliig da\

♦ iil if hHii<yim:nii. n yomin m:ui i ♦ a 'yntmg luiniiin aie iiiually <ni♦ 'ihnr lir.'.I lirhaMor. U;'■nl •lllI >

,* 'a ;c alinfU nlwav- riiliii nnd siiii-i j iy . liacli b willing lo nilrpl hts ’ l(Fpn’ pntl opiiiloMi for llie lienefilj/.,


1 cjIIcU 'In- ’ Id’.p' h not y. leave you

1 1 Aon'l Inst ■. If a cauple

un-N ;it till-, iioini they will iiU;ii)ly rind ili.i! the fxcitcmenl > 1 ,vU ijiry rciilly fliiirrd" fiip'iirniv n1 nke II,clear 1 1 U r iiinrJn';'- '•.M,irrla;e Is here to ly," r.nv'i the mnnunl, "Nearly all

.... (! mix or plan toer or Inler." . . vilf IJ Increasing

yi-ar," . . . "A llfrllme among li.vrd iinpr; Is far iiicfernble lolone-

^ Iv nmi'tl*-." .. . " 1 1 II only Ui mar- , r.iiKP tlial foclrty Miiclloiu the ' u:p I'f irxinl tacultlrj nnd Uie '|,bi:ili of fhlldren." - ‘I Non fur .•?•<; Thp nrmjr »nys thnt .

«lrl •-n . wfll as nien—aho have 'Hud lUlcll spx rrlailnni before

mairlnup nrr ponr r.iks. Dut Hist ulrL' who Ie:ir s?x. or don’t

iihiil ■'•bout, nrr piKirImarrlaKc r

Dll. 8, IIUi’i'EIt

ot llip other.'I'lic ymnij l.iily Is iilllliig __________________

lo n bnr.ebnfl-Kiinie evrn ft s f ic ^ •

Semor CitizenswiniiiK lu want cverT^whllil'aiitl wl.ili ot hU iiitoiulpil brliliv

- "Attir. tlip honrynuHm, th< pie slnrtn lo fnce Ulc renlllln of married life,

Tliprp nre n Kood mnnv dnngers 111 thejp millllr.s. in Ihc ainiy inamiars view:

It wnrn* about the Jirobltms

"Fete Set Friday.nURLEY. M;irch 13-'nie first

acUvliy for .'.ciilor citizens of Cas­sia coiiiily. sponsored by Uie Sorop. llmLM clut). will be held at 7:30 p.m. I'Tlclay at Ihe Odd Felloas hall, It wn.1 revealed at tlie club hinchcon this w’eek »t Nelson’*

brnke wouldn't hold ihe couldn't RCl out and place n tock Dehma-the-renr wheel,-or-UjB-cnr would plunge Iq Uie ennyon. Tlie only thine he could do wns siL,|n Uie cnr with his foot on Ihe brake. i He remembers It well, for he did ihlx for over four hours before help wMved,

Tlie bnckwoods people nroundi CambrldKC «’ero fascinated by Ihej

One Ume he wns supposed- lo, meet a younR boy nt n certain point .so.the boy could guide him to IV ranch nnd an Injured person. Tlie boy was nt Uie appointed spot. He got In the car and they drove

.... located, Tlic boy lonla-d'around nnd ahecpWily ndniliu-d Uiey wero furUier from the ranch than they hnd been lo begin with. He explnlned, "Tills car Roei r.o fast.-I R0t lost," ;Tlicy turned around and found the rnnch.

DurliiR World war I Dr, lIopRpr wn.i aUnehed lo the Drillsh army near Vlmy lUdge, Krnnee. He wns with Uie Illth field nmbulnnci- corps. He entered Uii> itrmy- a» a neulcnant and wns dLiclinrKed in IDID as a capUln nnd returned Cambrfdiie.

Moved lo Haiellon In 1D29 He practiced there nnd nt Home-

dnle until 1920, Money got scnrce In Ihe area and since doctors arc jioineilnirs the lant ones lo be paid,I he decided If he were Rolng ic mnke a living he had lo move. H< was persuaded lo move (o Hozellon

• which liiul no doctor. Since Uien Ihe has been Uie lown'a only doctor Ito inke up permanent residence in ' Haiellon.

Except for some bouLs wlih the hospluil hlm.ielf, Dr. Hopper h.-us prnetlced medlclnc consinmly In Uie Eden-Hiirellon nrea nnd has delivered, hundreds of babies In Uie 'area. Many of the flr.il bable.i he delivered Uiere nrc parents now.

he first moved'to Hnzellon he recalls rond.s were iioi what Uiey nre today and even then he

■k—famlly-ot—n-hlKher- ibrnckel than the young i... .

II notes that a lack ot money cniiseA many. iiewlyve^ to live

rnn the stop sign nt Tlppemh’ ncr and slammed Inlo his cnr, pul- imjl-nim tn the hospllal-for. tlinn ft month.

He lauRhs arid says, "After awhile you get to you can uther side of It,"

Tills hn.in’t niowed him down and _ . .. .Dr. Hopper..still puls plenty.o!brought' nbout bccau e of ihelnilles on his car dally. Aside from

of d6ctoff. Another j office calLi In HaMllon, he usually ehnj)«p he /lulc* b lltr rnpld mn*r.5 two trips dally to the hcapl- chaniie In liu'dlcal-M'knce. Al-1 t4ils In Jerome and Twin Palls, Uiimgh he has nlways thouKhl gen> | In addition to his work, he has eral prncUcc ihe nia-.L InicresUijg strved on the Hnielton vlllaRc ot all types ot medical prncllce. he I board, been mnsler ot the Etlen

otts It keeps a doctor busy tnkliig Masonic lodge, nnd li eurrenily a :irc of hLipallenLi nnd keeping up Lion and vice chntrmiui ot St. Den* •llh the new technlqups In nietll-ledict's ho.ipllnl board. Hetne,_____________________ vice cliftlroioH when the hospitalBut Dr. Hopper has found t!me|*‘'“ '^“*“ -

patlcnis In the Wendoll nnd Twin Falls ho.ipltals. An 18-hour dny was not uncommon nnd It really l.m't now. but he notes Uiat one of the blg.clinnnfs he has seen In n Jlte- time of prnetlce is that tokiay tlip patient coine.i.lo the doctor, rather Uian vice ver.w.

•N'otea Cbante In War He says World war II wns 're­

sponsible for this change In Uie DDllcnt-doclor relationship. U n u

nwny from his pracUce. least

.. .. poji-Brnduale course Ifumedl cine during the year. Later this month he is attending n course In Ban Fnincisco. '

Dr. Hopper has hart hls share of time In hcopltnls. In 3938 he was uiiconsclou.1 tor three months nfler.

nccldenl caused ^ when a hor.ie ran ncro.'s the road <■

In the summer, when the treslh- • nnd n busy rural prKilee per­

mit, Dr. Hopper Is not adverse to catchlnff a few trout In the n tftln#.

.-Am'one.CO.or.older J.ij»fleome to ntiend ihLi event nnd lo bring lius- band nr wife recardlcii of «ge.

Entertainment Is planned and rerrc.ihmcnts will be served. Oen- erat chalnnen nre Mrs. RuUi'Mar. sliall. Mr.s. E. C, Stephenson and Mrs. Rottn Payne.-Ne»t rrgular meeUng of the club ’ will be held Wednesday, March 23.

Miss Kuykendall . Selected % G lub-PcKtry*TCuylccndall was elected

prvnldcnt of the Twin palls Junior filoclcrnlsers Tliurndny at the homo[ Uie lender, Ivan Oamand.OUicr officers nre Lance Lln-

eoln, vice president; Mike Oreer, r«crctary; Christina Bledsoe, trciusnrrr; Sieve Coiner, reporter, nnd Jimmy Kuykendnll, song lead-

■Reffcshmcnls wertf“ ttlTM~6y~ Robert an d Slutron Oamand. lirUUno aiedsoe^as admitted as new member. The sext meeUnt 111 be held March 34 i t Uie home

Lancc Lincoln. •'

■ This is the way to relax. . . to see Ihc sccncry in comfort and luxury ...a l low cost! .

rhric’i no tipftlfnce liU l/4»clinj on t l;'n.oa Tjcific DomfUnff. .

' Pul iwrxlf 1ft liiii pitniir: Tlir wu nrp»l»*iil vo'i txi;in lojfln. You tjn, «iifich out in

_ louf own comfonitllc IMItmn nr Cratli tfCBm. inixUtioiit \iiil llir l‘niti(r{jr, V llh jU toll iniil>C.' fitd loom, bcKijjri jnd nusninti.

Iluntn'^ Vmi' r nevft Uiicil Ulirr f«od I And' imijine h'n* mutJi fun It irirt enj'pylhe puunj Krn'ry from llie lop 1c\tl of * Doifte C>r,

rjflfic'* Mnfti|»y.ihru.ThiiiiJjy I'jmllr Tarri Enjoy ihlt picjtme »~in, .Sir.|> in »iiJ icc ymi l.'ninn t'lcilic ilctrl Jctnt. Hr'll uli.lly ri;ure ih>

lin ilic mny nilirr »lijnl>i;» of iiiln irl<'tl lilt Rjil T»»Wl Ciedil Cifd «nd jiSl

or llcili Rfnl-A'Cir tti

• Siveyouf.eif, .mejmir+invttTM'tlilifcnl' fvif, rrltiing wiy — on i U, T, Domcliner I

lAtfir fnirki it I'a iMt •


ml filiM. >N ym MmN Unisa Pxi&e R






He's r iR h t! You, loo, enn mnke the beat invc.stment

o f,your life ! Pul the money you’d othcnvisc flpcntl i

" h i t or m iss" inlo a savings account here, nnd before

: you realize it— you w n save ciiough to s tart buying

a h o m e o t - y o i i r o ^ ^ ^ M ^ ^ . . . .,

SEE U S r . . LHj^flclp uoii pliin it right. :

Tbe O.VLV Ssvlnp and Loao AoocUllon la Msglc. Vallty

^ whose' AeconnU are INSUHED

— H S . T i ? *


bcforf you invest"*



.S L N o ;- ‘ThaSaW na» Corner"— RE W 22 J ;

Page 26: Speaking Goiitest- ‘Unit Rule’ - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF201/PDF/...Speaking Goiitest- MarkgTM):^'S)ay For ChuFii Meet North Idahoans Win Democratic


t , ;

Page 27: Speaking Goiitest- ‘Unit Rule’ - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF201/PDF/...Speaking Goiitest- MarkgTM):^'S)ay For ChuFii Meet North Idahoans Win Democratic



Byliidustrials In Past WeekNKW VOnK. Mnrch* V: m-li'i-

iIiLNtii.nl sinrKs broke below OOC |.--rl 111 t!lr D3«

—Major-]^ers-of Americans Tabulated




•- 90,604


Little Pleasui-es Make-Tliis

Great World for McLemore



•I II Jnun o • from fha-Miiff r.i I Clrlil bchlnil a

JCANCERk 1 254^426 r



of 3,I0(M)I3 flmrr:

• Q [ n


<Sraphtrt. ahnre, by numhtn rf il >. as Urlrrminril hy final ctali'ror (lie ; r. tlriikr^ »ml nccidfiilwfor '2H >ra« Ir orn pulilic heallli Krrriec'i natlnniil office

iilrril ihniiuiiil, srr (lir nallim'o tnnjnr I ul>r lo (hr “l>U f<iur"-»iMrl illwaw. c I. btcuu%e or rr><]rnilc. The <la(

nlliir.-ircl c:i C.1 (111 (sovir;

n otitUyu for iirUi'iiciir.iicr ftiiil rxpansion mlRti hfi n new hicli In 1600, .

Money t.urd n bit Juts nnrt llicr • Icmcr bsnkcr.V nccepinncM, com incrclnl pnpcr ntiU Ilie nniouiii 111

. irmr.ury pays lot lls ulinrl leni borroivmir. WmUut v,h» blameil li )>:<rt (or tlif nionry KlluAllon nni )' Itkewhc a factor In a yc:>r ici-yivir t!:p In CiirloaUliiw, a iitmll. rr iliiin j.:lictliilcil r!.v In mili

'p-.ii, ft {Icellne In retail mIm, mu in coiisirucllon. .

IJnnkers and ecoiiopilM. sr'nifral- ]y liehl Uial the year uoiild be Rond one for buatiir.vi even If n tip to ihe /orcciv.-,la jnwle cnrll by .lonie wurces.',' ;

j)£_ eajler,........-.rnl ttitrve.

but b.inkcr.i saw no lel-iip m prea. rttre on llie money market. VS. frnvernmciit bancb rose /nr a lime niid tlicrc wai a belter ui.irHet for cnrporate bontla Irom time lo time, All eorporailort bond avera^ei ex­cept IncliiMrlaLi r«c on the Reelc.

I.ea<lersh|p Incked the caliber Wall Strtft like/!. Naliis corpora* Mon. the mmi ncllre iMue. hail a tiirtinvrr of G<0.600 /ilinrc.'k-ff.iir per ccnt of nil the trndlns. It ro.ie 3S to :o\. nie company li a hoi- low jiipll with aucis equal lo ii nroimd *17 a share. The Impctm for lLi demand e.-une Irom nolhlni; more than nimor* ineludlnir i Ihftt 11 mistit merRB with a bool " mnker.

TJio «even top luues In volume Ijnd ti toiiU turnover of l.m.ooo

• nhnrr,i or 12.H per cent of.all the _txadlCE-done.cn-Um.mftTket.

At the close Friday, the Indu.v trim overage wft.i at C05.S3. off 3-01 from the previous week but iif n.5B polnlA from Ihe low. nail; flnl.ihcd nl H3.17 up JJ<; utlllllci 80.:a off 0.3S. and Ci jilrKk.i :00.0!! nrr 0L2. TlifAe Averaoet ihoweil ]n.vie» from n year *ro of 5,60 for ttic InduilrlaUv 20iT for ihe ralbi: (!.!)(! for Ihe utilities and 10.65 for the GS Luue.1.

At the lows set on TiifAday, t Ion* or-the week. IndusirlnU w(Kt ihelr lowc.li sInce-Peb. 19. 1059. *■ rallA gince Sept. Ifl. 10S8, and the fli jitocks In thr three Dow-Jon nverftKtv iince Dec. 2< JOSS.

At the lnwf.1t levels Indwtrl- h nK ahoweil a decline of OOJO point iiom Uie hlftli seiJan.S.

■Beport Given

On Activity of

Guard iatlnnof Kuard.vnen from

Maclo Valley hnve bcea ordered lo ^iictlvc duly torsFt monih-i.

Ilicy are noberi n. Howard. Jloijert C. We.-iver and William D, StrolberK. all troop K, ihlrd re- cnnnnivaiice .iqiindroii, Hulil; Hor-

— m v . iiPivMee. jo O O v r------I.. i'nVk.1, Iroop I, Oood'

Starting Youtli OutM)n Right.

Tract Difficult, Boyle FiiulsIly UAt nOYLE

NHW YORK. Mnijsh 13 (.I'-ili1.1 never ton cnrly \i .................«'lth tt-orthwhlle upprcclattoii ur th 1 life.

:hlld;I mleh

•clentloiis tmrenl tft- :hLi hnd irle.i to do

ftomellilni; about' II.But—.IS every parent kni>»r.-ll

s e.iMtr to bi-nd a crowbar Uian t ts to bend thr mind or will of a ifowltTR child. It 1* fflilrr lo pick up (julcksllver wlih chopjtlck*.

my dnUKhler. 'naey Ann, WHS C months old I decided It was •mc-r«o-l>eKiii-leiifli^it-lier-llie r.it,-precepts deslRned to mnl er.’ a finer and nobler woman. ■Tliere Ls more tfl'this uor inn Ju.1t tyliiK around all dny piny pen sucking milk out of

bollle." I told her, "Ifs lime you little thoushl to the (i

,■ beeomlni:.'I well have been lalk- le wall, Triicy went on

;ier carelc.i* lhoUKlillr.« way, lIvliiK only for today, paylnR no need la tomorrow’.

On her first blrllulny inry 1 took h( ' '

Busiijess During Weeli

“Tug-of-War”NEW VORKr March 13 1^— A

1 the biLiln

Drni.-. of plM.Miir. bfc^usc trw peculiar jile.Liure-'

■fir i“x.->mpler-l knnw nl frv

:hi-st of pliiUil silver.

• 1 hsvr thrhtRrt«f' fl.rtr-n«d ihr fel- nw iiUmiiMde K»cs one bit veil, the plwurc 1 Kft 'vimlcl

> hc;ir "Lool:,

lMf>l JU.lt I

tall:.a hcnri: 1. lower

ralti, Ifji

r tf! InnK

craiT tiIj the time to be KCltlnB re the MrURRle. What are yoi to do about 11?"

•'OluR !'■ exclaimed Tracy. lier-r>mall-(lBt«-tlke-rnmpui' buds.

When sheher tt

lUK-o--worlil this wett.

On Dili->.ide were tho.ie-dl by II ili-cIlnlnK stock iiiarke tliiin expected automobile sales r failure of buslnr.MC.i to build vcntorlM ftt the anUclpsted r.tU

On tJie other were Iho.ie who , .itllt confident tUat IDCO will be cxcclleni buslne.vi year.

L.iyot(s and short work we. were ordered In the automobile diyitry a!^ dealer .iupplle.i ihre _ en'cH to s'urpoaa last'summer's peak of DK.OOO.

aiie Indu-itry sold <83,000 Febni.oT)', up 15 per

r you harr-ehenlfd y<iur;.flf i e. I should have Roitrn only Its back and you have i


In. Wheat Ai-c-jSi;

Up for Wecl

pleaMire. lnt>. Oh, , when ym: h i_«ith-03:dlflta:ail hiK Ihe carl reck- ;n Kri In the en.i1i fthopper wlin ha

,• the milk

BRO luid 1 0 per c t from


; liulU. (Kvkm t

me Qiili."You’re clvlng Ih# child Insom­

nia," she ln.ilsted.When she was 3 I had onothn

heart to tienrl talk with my dnunh- tr/ nnd told her It was high lime unce and for all, that she had l< decide what she wanted to make of licrscU.

••1 want to be Little Bo Peep. DaddjV f.he chirped.

’•Cut out the Mother Ooose prai tie. kJd." I Rraled. "No ^hlld of mine Is KOlnc to mountainside looklnR (or Jgfftnut-

n'oplnB sfie mlRht develop ....5 lnlerc»t_in.nrl,.l_loi5C(l_BWay_licr I. cotbrlric book and’Rave her n “

copy or."World Mfljterplece, PalntfliR." She ate It up. In

■t days. All but Uie hard cover..- When she wa.s i i bepan playlnfr , Beethoven on the phonoRrnph.

At the first ihance, she broke the tecordlnii. put on a rock "n’ roll record — and besan lo shimmy.

At i the announced she w’aa i;o> Ins to be ft ballerina; This turned out lo be Just n p.-isslnR fancy. At B she was obdurately Mir

0 would be . nurse, nnd bai , mankind.

n Tracy Ann will be 7 day we had nnolher sobrrj'

; dl*<us.ilon of Ihe future, and 1 lold • I finally

Jununry.n ils week's producUon «

mated at ISi.OOO cars, up fi W’cek’a 13B.S13 which w’ss curtailed bcc.iaie of bid weatlier.

Tlie steel industrymalntnli eekly production at an esllmikled

02.0 per cent ofcapftclly but the Tade mneailne Iron Age w>ld mill•111 have to cut down Into the t er cent rnnRc by May or June be ause orders are slowing. Sieelmaklnu furnaces poured 11

110.000 tons In Februarj-, r record for the month. t

Snow’storms and cold weathci took ftnoLlier co>lly swipe ftt busi­ness, Retail trade dropped 9 lo 13

porUllon was hampered sonat opening of con.itruc* « delayed. Auto salca w’cre

. . chlldl.ih . what she really w

"I know what

nnd decld< intcd to be. .

wear IlpsUsk-) nnd Uilck black snck.i,” she s. W, "And there's an other rea.'>on. Tcen-nRer.i can di aiiylhlng they want to," .

A parent can’t win — nnd hi might as well (jult trying.

On the bright sidi ient reported that

-xpect lo spend a record37 billion dollars tills year en-ne> plinti and equipment. This would be a H pei ccnt Increase over 1059.

Secretary of Commerce FTeder- ick II. Mueller called It "Uie mo.it rcveallnR economic measuremei so fur" and n bolster to hLi earll< prediction of rising prwpcrliy.,

Dr. Jnme.v J. O'Leary, director ol econoUilc research for the Uie in- 'surance Awocl.Mlnn of Amerlen. :rorccnft a lOCO.'RroM nallonal pro- •diicllon of 510 billion dollm. 1

as 179 billion In 105S.Pre.ildent 8. Clark Delse of th

fiTnlf ftf Iia ii,n S***ying with his predtcUoii of a roo< buslnes.1 year Bllhoiigh "over-al buAjne5.ijj,s_not__[ItvcloplnK_a. Wmiiy" as nnllclpnted.

Briefly . nmund . the hiulne.i •icene. AmetJean—Can -company mnllfd It-i annual rtport h cult dough conlalner lo jtti

CHICAOO, March 1! 1TO-N( by-futtiresndTnncrtl-nearlra ei,UiLf week on the Chicago board of trade. Other graltu were mo.«ly firm.

Compared with la.U week, whea vas up ■, ton .; corn off >L to ii|• : oata up 10 in : rye unchanRCi 0 lip ^ : soybe.in.1 off 'i to up ^

and lard unchaiigetl lo up M pol:With recelptii cut dnwh becw

of adverse weslher and lwd,rc condltloni; there was little selll preatire ln ihe marktU Tlie culd

c'nther brouRht wlUi It a demand )r ten! Rrains.Nearby wheat futures sulfcreil

shnrp drop Thunday when dcln lotlces on about i.SOO.000 bitsli- Kcre paiifd. But the week's 1 was generally higher. Com-

..... jlal houses bought deferredcontracts. Ca.ih wheat at

for the ltd and 3 to 3 cenu

Exporter* wrre BOllvc^n v ales were mtde lo India. 1 in. Norway, Britain, the < cnt nnd Turkey. AddlUonal »* was expected on Mondny.Deferred com -fifttjres... lield “

.steady, but the nearby nionihs nd- vancer. Umlied receipt--!, small buylnK by elevators and comnicr- :hil houses nnd iv firm spot bnsl.i ilded corn. Spot corn advanced l!i

cenU.- « were slrong In the nearby

rong In llie distant months. Talk Uiat late winter wheat would delay spring plantlnR brought on coimnlAslon hoaie buying.

Rye futures followed the lead of wheal. The market met some Jltjiil' dutlon early In tlie week.

Soybeans were quiet and mo,‘.Ily Ilmi.- Tlie advance was maliily-due lo-Mn*U-upturiu4ft-

pald for.— I a Krent world. folk.v I t Is

thc-httic-pleni'iirfs lli»t-miiko Joi happlnc.si. Like only half stnnd-

ip v.hen someone liai lo paw o get to his aeiit In ihe movli opplng nl n red light so tha your car-Li In ih^ |H-de-itrliini’

Gee. It’f Mil to be ftllve.

CiassifiedWANT-AD RATES,

cr»lll h.i t«ti>




DeVof. htfldc, t-ra-troop.-Jerome: Bruce Hall, ti'oop M. Huperl; Verl !I, T.iylor,

“ irroi. U. Burley, and JuTnQlTVVlVc, tinop L. T«-ln F a l lu i* ^

Spec, 5/cl Clayton D, Tliorne, troop O. Burley. Is ailendlng a iinii.cnmmlulonrd oflicen acade­my .school at FI- LewU, Wash,

' .S, Sgl, Bill Wer.T. howltrer b.iilcry.H.nicy. will leavf !u>on for Kt. Uw-I.'. lo .-(iicnd a luriel artillery iiialn- tciiance course.- >. noi* D. Sheppear< , hendtiuarter's

troop. J< . ■ ......t-ft staff serseanir-nnd-Oenrge n; Woodall, troop G, Burley. ha.i bci promoied to speclnlbt fifth cla.'vj

Honor StudentRUPtoT. March 12-Rcld Wen-

K'T. son of Mrs, Lauretta Rupert, has been named '’honor atiident" of the fall term *t Jack- pon Biulne.v college, J4ck.ion, Mich., where he Is taking 111 accounting.

WcnRcr was graduated from Mlnlco high school in 1957 and thl.i ,l,’i his sccond year at the Jsckson c college. He U Ih-Jng with his I "

1 III, l.m

r S ' S

iHlf rf klih

InifV ‘'mIuImV”' hfltfjr'I il-l"

iralrrt fullr ftlft.l

Hi! i:.;i.j:Vto'iv-I” id.7. 1__ih-i. __a? t!i:kUM

MM 11,. jn.;i.:i.mnr

00. null ' /holr'.'

> inrl trm Iciiili liic’li

nl,; ':c.( mx.1

I':''':' M|K fW(.

• nd(nr aiin.ltrd

uililir • r.d (..miTfr:

IO.OW:.M. .iinil.rd

‘“'V'hi,limU itMdr :h.r «ti .Wn

.rhn> .l.u'chur II

Twin Falls MSrUets

(Ma QSMlni

; Fink Is Reelected Board ChairmanKINO HlLU-Ma'reh-13-Wesley

Fink. King ,11111, was reelected :hslmian of Uie Crnnge Supply itorc-At Cleiuis Kerry.atHid uniiu- i! stockliolder.i meeting Tliur.idny

Jlalph Tliompson. Glenns Terry, as elected director for tliree rar.t. Hnk'.i term also runs three

Lynn Sherman. manaRcr." gave the audit report, Fr.nnk Jones re-

.. . the Sh(v\hone Whole.inle Supply board of directors nieeUng

cld there. •Herbert Edward.*!, county agent,

showed k film, -Union Pacific Uor. l7fln," and-spoke on dairy sanlia- lion ahd ln.itcllclde.<

. .., .served by the Kin* mil Grange home economics com- mltlee. Mrs, Sherman. Mra, Cecil Dott and Mrs. William C.ili

Howell Movement Played at BridgePlayers Duplicate Bridge club

met Friday at tlie YWCA. playing the Howell movement.

Winners were Mrs. Hugh B ind Larry Johnson, first;Urry'Johnson and Mrs, fi. o. Mc­Call, second, and Mrs. Erma Scott ind Mr*. B. R. Tillery, third.The Junior division met Thura.

day. plsylng Uie Howell tnovement. Mrs.-Snnft Scott and-Mr .-Dunean Munn w«e first: Ntrs, Karen Diiw. on nnd Mrs, w. J. King, second, md Mn. lUsa Sinclair and Mn, Oeorse W. Prasltr. third.

Shoshone Visits'-'SHOSHONE. March 13 - D. L. Col«-*nd ClarencB Oole. Dlscoe,

•e TlslUnj Mr*. Roy Dau. Mr. and Mta. Jack' Christensen

arrived'home this w’eek from i visit in Las Vegas and Phocnln,.

" '. and Mrs. Walter. Schmldt- ir#.»wuni In Nevndii..,

tention of Its 90.000 shareholder.v HURties Tool compwiy plans lo build a *22 00 hellcoplerrclieapesl' ow’ls M O m Japan's nuto Indus- y expecu tn produce 300,000 cars iLi year. :Union Pacific Rallrwd compnny •dered 1.395'jie\v cnrs'ntTi-cosror i million dolInr.i. Sales of E. I.

Du Pont de Nemours and company c-Nceeiled two bllilon dollars In 1050

Zenith Radio eorporallon-wli|-ft3k-the-gorerw» mcnt for permission lo make a of pay lelevjslon.

OOl.VO AUROADEDEN. March 12-Mr. and Mrs.

Randolf Martens. Seattle, Wn.<Ji„........ relatives here mcludlns

hi* mother. Mrs. Lena M.irtens. and . her parents, Mr. .nnd Mrs. Ralph McCauley, before embarking for AfRanlstan where they will be employed for ihe next two years conatruciroi ......................

Cruelty Charged JtaJDlvoree^CaseSuit for divorce charging me

rnielty was filed In district c Friday by Mrs. Oraca E, Rader " against Ouy M. Radtr.—Tliey were marrl ' '1950. at Elko, Ner.

Mrs. Rader reqiieils. equltftble ill3lrlbulloa_DL«.il..nn(l perjonnl . property. She Ij repre.iented by - UiaJlrnujfJlMJK)mjiniUlni)ioiiL _

EndsTraining"PAUL. March 12-Tliree marlni rlvales from Paul hnve coniplele< ^cruU training at S.on Dlegc

Calif.They are Dennis H. Glenn, sot ; Mr. nnd Mrs. Ilalvor H. Glenn

Leonard R. Trumbull, son *arsj i and Mrs. Leonard R. Trumbull, and ' Fred R. Wrlgley, son.of •• Mr*TLaV<rrB. Wrlglfyr



For Sale-Real EstateFarms - Homes — Acreages

Tlili 40 Acres Is only about 1 mile from the Clly llmlU of Tw’In Falls, has a very good attracUve 3 bedroom home all modem. Just recently remodeled. Must be seen lo be appre­ciated nl only «2.000, ve^ reasonable termi. r.OOOiO down lo Uic right party, or will uke a home In irade if it it- deslrable to t ge seller.

An altraeUve older 3 bedroom home, loated right off Kimberly Road at 113 Elm Street, 3 full lots, twm for a nice Molet.'Shotm by appolntmtnt only at tlt,SOO.OO.

— We-hnve aM'bBHroom ltnturrhome on Uofite-Vljta-Di It J28.500, This home has cveryihlnj.





MAURICE KLAASOffice Phone RE 3-3553









BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES------- iTi! L, ..U w.iu U i---


___________ STOKt- .r.d d i i r 'All»Tilrm.nl *nj C~>.l ^t.l l»... ,


I.ibriiry As.ststant

W aiilcd ! •

for public sen’lcB work In the

TW IN FAl.T.S ___


College degree irqulnll. Llbuiry experience preferred. DclnlLi can be obtained from the li­brarian. Salary dependant upon education and experiences.

■ HELP WANTED— MALE~lArm hind. J*ti(

.-.m. IrHrillnc.


for Leaflo

: S 2!L

KOK LEASE OR S A L Eh'nrlr nrw i wem ot/ifii bulldlnc

fVn frl, Um I« Cllr Jloofinc loci


--GE.M-55TATJ3 R EALT YPhone RE 3-5330


BUliJn *h». "iljor


il .......

■ a wllh jtiKhsnicd Knowl#dr«.

JIM sh ru m 'conoco SERVICE-

Phone; Bus. lOOI

Ulenns Idaho ~


Experlonecd Mnn

i ’i a r d ^ sjgK ^ - ,



AwtV WoSi.


r, k^xleom*.

t ll chin. ul lb. a.

\\'rIte-Box C-10

c/o fimcs-JJcws


»M now tddint lod Ur*»rtnlltn u htul U<r(It>«r 'M».r •prlni kuiItiHi. ilrrr U roar opiwflunllr lo ili

Ap'Hlcsnti Riutl b« er«r Ir** tra»l. tej hix leoj Mtti; rtvvrd.

w.tu or »hon« Jwk Adtmi. P.O,

hnl and »aur^ I

NICK oaa reoo •ptnntsL AdoHa 2U lU Avmn-Eut. un la* m't49 • ■ A.rtM.Honb I p.a.


■ M i a a i i i

Page 28: Speaking Goiitest- ‘Unit Rule’ - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF201/PDF/...Speaking Goiitest- MarkgTM):^'S)ay For ChuFii Meet North Idahoans Win Democratic


Page 29: Speaking Goiitest- ‘Unit Rule’ - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF201/PDF/...Speaking Goiitest- MarkgTM):^'S)ay For ChuFii Meet North Idahoans Win Democratic



Market Place of

M agic V a lle y


mmm RE 3.0931



. S A L E !


Page 30: Speaking Goiitest- ‘Unit Rule’ - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF201/PDF/...Speaking Goiitest- MarkgTM):^'S)ay For ChuFii Meet North Idahoans Win Democratic

T IiM E S -N E W S , T W IN F A L L S , ID A H O SU N D A Y . M ARC H 13. lOCO

Wood lliver’s Sfoiilcrs Set

JuUurc Plans

J Iiri’.Mlfl'lKl.ll AV..WI <111 llinr ILii;.

I.loytl Knii';linr!, Nc'.v .Hiiiii.s'NJ„ ii.illoii;il rciiiivvtiljlivi-Die- yi-iiillV tilllcMl ......"l!n>’V;“ l;i!r,’‘-rTplniMrti -«hn 1—1 1 1 '

iiic.ui.' lo Iillik" L'li'.c'i.i/c' IIcliliVi Iiir Illr ill'.* Iii.-t. Kr jiiniilcil oill llic I.Do Inmji N’i>, 1!K) l-. llir i illy wiili 100 [ii r rcnl MiljM-rliiliDti'

I'l'llcnoii;;. Ilio urnnal iiii-cIliiK. jCiil). Scuut ami K\[i(ortT Inilci;. liHil M'p.iMlr \w)rk-'.lA-P',' Itca.NM'iiililii'ik', \\y Ki'i’iiii MM !i

1)5- Mlll:ir,l .Mtiriini, CiiriT. (Ibtrii::, otdrrr. Tlir tiliii c!i’iiiciii%lriilc'il Ilii:

inrilnxt of nriifl* rl;il ir.->i>lralli)ii. DiitlnK llir i:S iiilmiir.i II tmii: lu view riie tllm rc- JfcJtiliiNiM Vrvecl by Mr.v Jtick Allfcd, Gniincil, Cub Seoul Ipailcr.

AmonB llifl 63 prfxcnt were Riis- *f1l Kellry. SliMtionr. Wood Hlvcr ctL'lrict iidrnncriiicnt clinlrin:ui; Mark Pnttrrjon. Bellevue, riktrlci iMlnlnc officer; Wlllnrd Dnker. nrlEhborliood coinniLs.-iloner, niid

.. Larry Hull, dlatrlcl offlctT.Tlio April 13 dWrlct nieeUriK will

. be held nl Shaihonc.

SKKVK8 OCT KINK nunLEY, March n — Joe . E,

BirmiM, <2, Hurley, is Rcrvltiit time 111 llio clly Jail In lieu oC n iliio lor Uvloxlcatlon Itvlcd by Police

mieil by a Hiirley polleo officer.


Hoi'o Your Brake*,

^ ^ 1^ AN Y CAR

O n ly

BRAKfcS •--------• null»IH<.hwb,

bf«kf lifttnc. r<'iv wflL«, olindffi. AiM fliml. .

• fjonl V in rfi

• I’fwuion idjusl

ON YOUR 50th FOUNDER'S DAY MARCH 17,19I0 -1960

and thanks to the dedicated women who lead our local Campfire Girls


Ti'VTnu' -jitwiir rrcrs n (Imvfts niul blnl-, •

To make frluiids

T he ’ Com p Fire Girls, through their local leaders m oke av a ila b le To'

every girl, regardless of race or creed, on active, purposefu l program

tho t insures'0 , happy girlhood, on in te lligent womanhood. A Jove of

country, a capac ity for fun and friendship , on interest in skills and

■ 'hobbiesro'love o f the out-of-doors, and o p r .i.d e in - h a m e "a n d 'fa m ily

com bined in o ^ ro g ro m that gives purpose and enthusiasm to Com p

Fire Girl activities! ' • ■

LApparel for Blue Birds

T-sliirl. liven in your most Nylon and' Vicarn Sweater.

Tho Campfiro G(rI»_Livo Their Molto: _

"GIVE SERVICE" Campfire Girls Apparelnclivc moniciit.s, Ihifi li.inl-

wciirInK nhirt is knit lo f it of

two ply conilied cotton, with

iiylon rcinforccil ncck ribbing.'

WhiCc. w ith Blue Bird Hcrccn-

— e(i-on-fron(.-.Sizy«-?^10-12-l-l—

• •. ?I.R5

Sliorfs. Tlicy’re so comfort­

able. you'll s|ioii(l practically

the whole flinnnier' in your

smart, tnilorcii shorts of San-

forizctl cotton twill. No-droop

cu ff, elastic wcUbinR in back

to f it and a haiuly button-

down iiockcl in front. Fast

color navy or white. Kmblem

on leK. Si/.cH 7-8-10-12-11.

Von’ll InuKh nt .lack Frost in

tlii.s co7.y cardiRnn— and wlien

wuHhcd, it pop.H back into

Hhape w ith no blocl^intr. Camp

I'irc Red or Navy, w ith Blue


jrro.sRrain fncinKS on front.

Sizes 8-10-12-M. S1.95

.Skirl. If your heart is set on

cotton. thi.H "M arvel Sheen”

fikirt IS really a marvel— fits

like A dream w ith the ela.ntic

in back and side zipper,- and

t!ie .set-on pocket i.s embroid­

ered with n cheerful IMiie

Uird. Sizes (iX.7-8-l().12-M.

AltcrnJilc Skirl. Free niul

CardlK'in Jiickcl. A m c r r

Blue Uinl is M'l'ccncil i)ii tme

_ o f jjic jw ckc ls of llii.s.knitted

CDttim cardi'niin— slir know.s

siie’ll never lie chilly liecau.-io

the insicie is'Vn' warm ami

fii'ocy. j*r(i»iy whiii' only.

Wai-lialilc. Sizes 8-lli.l2-M.


BALANCEl«>lh front

1395*«s:;.=A U T O M O T IV E


Fiirestone■ .110 M a in S.

RE :J-58il

.Shoulder Uhk. l-iKr iiiari* cian's to)i hiil, you can |iul in:tny tiiiiif.'. into lliii l>ac

lliat pi'opli'. hUI he aiiiitzi'di lU'd pliislic vviih adjustal)!i- straji. stnmir chi.']), fiUi'd w ith a coin Imliler jimi niirrnr.;

$2.2.') phis 2.'lr tax

.lactinard • l)c.> i(;n .T- S liirl. '\'ou’ll be a fine advertisenuint fur tlie Mhio llird'< in tiiis

„bri^ 'h l. I'olorfiil T-shirt. 1‘ast- color cotton knit in ,)iu'(|iiard ilcsijrn witli •'Illuc liird” kn it­

ted into Vl'c stripe.- , llc/i. w liiic .Hid blue (one color

C()nil>‘fiiiilion (inlv). Sizc.' S-IO-

.‘Mispendcr?". .Nn wni'vlinjr or

stluiKKlinjr to kei'p your skirt .straight— just sna)) on these

— rrij^rcd-won!-suspenders'amr adju.st the .sliric clips to your

.lize. White felt lininir. ».ic . Stretch Anklels. .All the time

you arc a Blue Bird these .socks will fit—they stretch as 'yo ii ■j'row'.Size.s 7',^ to and 0 ',i lo 101-.. 75c

that is) in your crease-resist-’

ant rayon ffi'''iH‘‘tino skirl

with its elastic l)ack.aiid siilc

zipper. Dhie Ilird enibruidercd

on tal), roDMiy set-in, siilc

liockCL.„Navy....Sizea (>.\'-.7-3--

10-12-1 l< j ■ $l.:)(l

nioiiHC. S )) a r 1.1 i 1) K white

—tTtfTn?" . !— sTinTiTiznfbl'oiid-"

• cloth with iia emhroidercd

nine I5ird on the imckcl. Size.'

(I.'<.7.S.I0.12-]1. _

Cap. This jaunt>’ cap will p i

to your liead— it's tnade of

cotton Iwill itiiil lias the Blue

Bird einlilcni in fnm l to watcii

where you arc ^'I'iiik'. Sizes 21-

22-2:!. KDc

Holler Hal. Wear it ui>, wear

it down—a smart colton twill

hat wiili cniivii reinforccd liy

tape stitched hrini and tape

band to defy the i>rcezos. Bhie



V ^ e v e n

Honor.' rnny be Mriie<! in ?.cvrn {liviJinni of nvtlvltlM. A bfad Li awarded for tad) lioiiiir ranifil; for 10 Muall beiwL-,, a larKf one b kIvcii,

IIO.MK—n.tine liniinr beads, ilic flniiir licliiK .'ynibolie <i[ Uie flume of ilie henrlli. lOrnilKei, Under Homi> Crafl. Ihere arc ;icllvitiei In Ilie fol- lowlliK cnteKurlfM IlAsim.Tllly. Cookliix, M('ini-|il.iniilii[;. MnrXelliii;.

rood l)rf^rrvallnI1 . Child r;irc nml llotne mirMi;K. ln^l riul, 0;inlcnUiK. • . lldtiifiiiaklni:, C,irr of jirl.v. _____ ^ _______________

01;t1)(10US—Rio»n hoiinr bc.id', broun hrlliK vllll) lllc nf epnli. l.-cp trunks aiitl ttoml.v Under llin n ,iji tlirrc nrr ihr IiiUuauis c'.itc;:oni'M

JIiKc.i iiiict tniiiplni; (rip5, (;,')iiipfirc niciib aiul fiic^. Kiimiiliii; tkilLi iiii-

cliKtiiii; kiKil-ijins', injikiiiK nrllcle;. frnni iiaturr m.'irrial.'., fNplnrins, Mudy cpf ivild lifr, and ciillecUiiK sj)e. iinri!s of iialMrr nbjccl.s. Cimr.erva-

i;on of wild life. irfes, etr. vciy l;ni)<iil.'iit.

-.Cl:l-\XlVi:.AIlT.S-arern lionor br.'ids. iir.'fn lir;m; vynil)i.lir o' iie.ilK'H >nd siowliis lliliim. Calrnoiic.i; CciUicliur.N, li.imlci.ifLv fliitliidmi: fevilOK: niaktUK room nccrvnrlr.': Imlld.iy ' iiiuimiiit-'-' niicl Kill;.; jinper and iwokm.ikliic c;;ifls; plioloKrnpliy; v.c.r. Iii;;''ninl Iw-krlrv; kllll- tlii;:. cioclietiiii imil linlid nrt ; liMlli' difnr;i:i(in: chiv niiHleliiii,'

--- nnti-pnirrr>"Tna“m;;~^Tr!n5i-orJ:msri'‘a:!ir:. liU'iir annnTt.il crart.=:).Ciriillvr (le. ll;ll p» «ell n.\ llr.iwinn iiOil ji.ili/ilit ,iir liirllliled^nul hImi

(iraioiilir.-., miiMr, dnncini:. Miiily nf .mil » i ilcis, niicl iiichlli'cliirr.

•.MiilKilir of tlip -••ky wtilrli ri;, Cati'»iirl(M •h.ivfl, nlr-ici'.c-. imeiitioiiA 'iiicliidiiiR

•mil liisr/.. tcplaciliJ fn'ucel

li.iiuv.i, C.ilfcorifM PulJic

; Moi'aiioiiM, jdli iccliniciiK's;

ri!ONTIi:itS—Blur Honor Ir';k.s, 'litur b.’iii-.: e:;IciiilN lo linv lioii/oiis aiKl new fion: plamw, iif.itlirr, ladlo and rtiMmiiiliir.t Ifanllni; luili .'kilh aa cliainiin'C blo»n

na. l cr . fie.i; Mi.ichlnej; experinienix in

»L\SINt:s.S—Y<llow liiiimr brad.', yellow fur' apitoatiinir: enrnliiv; saviiiK. kim^ of \\<i:

pracllcts; biiylax ttllh' utsdoin.

'Sl'OUTS A.S'll (:.\sii;s-llcd Oonor brad'., ct<l for trd tlicfks. iicllon and

- ilKor.’c.i;esorle. ; a ll.kiiiili o( i;i.iiirr.-(in’d oiiidoor rprirf.-, t\\ ati'hrry, baj.rball. lioricli.iik rldini;, r’Aiitiiiiiiik', bo.itnie, ulnler lti:i'

CITI/.lvNSIIll'—ni'd, ftliltp and blur lionur br.ids. <nir nmioiial tnlnr.i.

Calf iorle.s: -My KiiiiUly"; ''My Qiiinp I'lir C.ioup and Oilier rnend.v";.•'My Srliool"; "My llelisioii'; "Our Tomi", 'Out SMie and Coiiniiy ": •O-.ir World";

Gojd-Taned Watch. This «qiiWte wnich Is H precision instnimenl made by tlie fitmous Time* Com­

pany. Coidea numcraU, hnnd-i nml emblem on face. Sweep iiecond liand. RcnDtne black kutTde band.

—|ihntk“ rc.iWnninictiutIfrillj“ boxetl~ for Riri-elvlnK, wliti emblem on box. One year gtmranlee.

m s plus $1.00 \ix

.Slioulder Oar. Evcryttiinir nl hand

ulUi ihls roomy navy pla.'Mic brls with Jold-back. flap. Adju.-,table firnp, .iturdy cla^p, coin lioldcr and

mirror. $2.50 pliu Ue Ux

Coperv niue T-ShIrL An excliislvt Camp Fire de.itca — T-.Onil ivllli emblem In dark blur with a red flame. Its reinforced uitli nylon nl neekb.ind nnd taped .Mioiilden • lo keep It nlwny* In Kood Minpe.fliif fimilM*;! rollrm SL-/'- a tfl _1^1. 1C. Ifl. ji.r.j

Ntckcrehlef Slide.. Sllk-Ul:e rnyon cord slide Iti nnvy, red or gold. 10s

ninu.e. TaUorcd~'«'hlte innforlred cotton broadclotli bloiue, expertly

_cut_lO-lU...wlLli-cmblcni. bcftutllully__embroidered on pocket. Slze B. .10, 12. H, 10. $2J0 ’

Alternate Kklrt. Slnc-nloni;, xvlnc- nlonK In llils cu.iy rayon Rabardlno skirl vvttli side ripper, cmbroldcred- tab nnd cul-ln pocket. Crease.re- slsuat. Navy Size.: 7. 8. 10, IJ, U.

10. ISJ5

Skirl. Actlon-frce iwlnc skirt In

sanforir.eil ".Marvel Sliecn" ttltlv

side 7.1|)|ier nnil emblem embroid­ered on jct-bn pocktl. S to 7, 8. 10.12. M, Ifi. K.73

Anklets, ^ncclally >elnfor:<d wllli

Size.s 21-22-2'!.

\'cstec. An embroidered Blue

Bird takes his proud stand on

'the flap^wcket o f this .smart,

fitted -we.skil 'of '•.Marvel-

Sheen” _\vi^ t 'am pT rre red

front, nnvy back and button

closing. Sizes GX-7-8-10-12-

M . • S2.11.1



. Carnp Fire and Blue . Bird iSirls

Anklcl.s, It ’? really d ifficu lt to

poke your'toe out of these

sturdy Durene anklets — '

they’re rcinforccil n t heel nnd

toe willi nylon. Emblem knit--

ted In cuff. Sizes T'/o-S-Sl-j-

0-91,0-10. . ,50c ■

' r ■ '



Hfll, No moie pup-out bloases ur_ tnbted ualslbands ulien >ou .spun lliK neai ii.ivy wcbliinc belt nnd (lie fmba.'Cd rmlilcm really .siaiid.i out on 1 1 1 ' nirkel-iilaled- bell buckle si:w :i-. ’Sc ’, :s", 30 ', ar. soe

IlMd Srarf. "N<it a liatr onl of

pl.ice' Mill ceriainly apply lo you wlieii y*ai «earyour »p.iikliiii: wliiir wn.shnble rn\on lie.id ;r:.irf, tVliiKcd end,'. 3:'-x3j '. Jl.:.-,

Itiillcr lUi. The .\tllclifd bilm of thn lial alluus y<ai lo we.ir It rl •

rrni dUfeienl ways — almaM like linvuiR three halS'In one! Navy col-

. ton twill Hiih tape relnforcemeiiis. Camn n if fmbltm at fronl, Slie»

:i, : i jl.Dti

T-SUIrt. K,s.'y 1 1 1 T-.ililri Ihal's a

wonder for spuru. While knitted combed cotluii v,itli Camp Fire ein- blrrii 6crecned‘ on fronl and'nylun rrintiiiced ncck. SUes 10', IJ. M, 16,IS, SO. • Jl.G]

.SHfairr._Yoii'll look ns pretty as a

priiicM- in your lovely nylon and \ic.iia cnriliKan. uhlcli never need' to be blocked. CrosEraln factiiss on figni to hold them In slinpe. Wa.sh-

able, fajl-rtr 'lng. Red or navy. SIte.i

10, 15, H. 18. c ^ i - »4-3S

Short*. Snappy 'sliorta. with ctiffs

Uiai won'l droop. Whltr or nnvy cotton twill »lth zipper at cenicr bnck. buttoned t>eti and bullon-flap pockct. rmbtrm on lec. Sizes 8. 10, > 13, u . IS. $:jo ’

neanle. Perched on your curls, It's a

knockouti So light you hardly know jTJU’re wcnrlnK It. U’» made of wool

fell richly embroidered wlih iho Fire emblem. Sizes 31, 32.

23. SJo,

Neckerchief. Bright ted cofton wltll caibroldered emblem. ' TSo

uylun nt hi-rt and tue, ilie:

nnklrt.i Imvc emblem;, k| ciilf.Sir

knlltlil liu I, loTr, II. M

Slrrlrli Anklftx *nic Camp Tirf

emblem i.\ jiiuininfiuly di;.iila>cc on Ilie cuff of rhr:r ;.littrh sock.*.

<'ardl;an Ja.-kel. You’re rljihl tn

.«lili Uui ,Mi.iii;lil-Ui;c-javkU— thnt l.s SCI w.u'm iii;d (omtt)iTlal)lf.

KnllU'd rolltin wilh fleecy In.rlili', ne.M nrckb.-iiid. hullom'd (lont and sel-'in pockcl.'.. Suit ivime onlv, Small-airi'.v 10 lo l::. .Mrdlum-si7r

M. Uii:e-.si;T.s in lo id. :,ns'


PO y o u ?


<i ■
