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Spectrum Forecasters STEM Survey Report Third Quarter 2013 Requested by: IEEE Spectrum Report Prepared by: IEEE Strategic Research
Page 1: Spectrum Forecasters STEM Survey Report -- FINAL · Table 3 Present and Future of STEM Professionals and Students Reasons Too Few Just Right Too Many Number of STEM professionals






Page 2: Spectrum Forecasters STEM Survey Report -- FINAL · Table 3 Present and Future of STEM Professionals and Students Reasons Too Few Just Right Too Many Number of STEM professionals





Page 3: Spectrum Forecasters STEM Survey Report -- FINAL · Table 3 Present and Future of STEM Professionals and Students Reasons Too Few Just Right Too Many Number of STEM professionals

Abstract&)The!purpose!of!the!Spectrum!Forecasters!STEM!Survey!was!to!predict!what!will!happen!with!STEM!(Science,!Technology,!Engineering,!and!Mathematics)!fields!in!the!future.!195!individuals!from!the!IEEE!Spectrum!Forecasters!Panel!were!surveyed!using!a!self?administered,!online!questionnaire.!Results:!!Nearly!all!(9!out!of!10)!respondents!would!encourage!students!to!pursue!a!career!in!STEM!fields.!!Methodology&) )Operating&Unit:&IEEE!Spectrum!Requester:!!Harry!Goldstein!Purpose:!!To!predict!what!will!happen!with!STEM!fields!in!the!future!Data&Collection&Started:!!20!June!2013!Data&Collection&Ended:!!10!July!2013!Sample:!!470!individuals!from!the!IEEE!Spectrum!Forecasters!Panel!Response:!!196!–!Response!rate!of!41.5%!Margin&of&Error:!!±!5.4!(i.e.,!one!can!be!95%!confident!that!the!true!answer!lies!within!±!percentage!points!of!the!finding)!

Key&Findings&!There!were!182!complete!responses!to!the!survey!and!14!incomplete!responses!(i.e.,!those!who!opened!the!survey!but!did!not!finish!it),!for!a!total!of!196!responses.!The!response!rate!is!41.5%!and!the!margin!of!error!is!±!7.0;!meaning!one!can!be!95%!confident!that!the!true!answer!lies!within!±!7.0!percentage!points!of!the!finding.!!Note:!!Unless&noted,&all&means&for&scale&variables&were&derived&using&a&5Ipoint&scale&in&which&1&is&the&lowest&possible&score&and&5&is&the&highest&possible&score.!!Pursuing)a)Career)in)STEM!!More!than!nine!in!ten!respondents!(92.8%)!said!that,!if!a!student!came!to!them!seeking!advice,!they!would!encourage!or!strongly!encourage!the!student!to!pursue!a!career!in!STEM.!Just!2%!of!the!entire!sample!(n!=!4)!would!discourage!such!a!pursuit.!!When!prompted!for!reasons!to!pursue!a!career!in!STEM,!just!under!nine!in!ten!respondents!(87.7%)!stated!that!the!work!was!interesting!and!stimulating.!Over!three?fourths!(76%)!said!that!a!career!in!STEM!gives!people!the!opportunity!to!make!a!difference!in!the!world.!On!the!other!end!of!the!spectrum,!just!over!one!in!five!(22.2%)!responded!that!a!career!in!STEM!provides!good!job!security.!For!further!information!on!reasons!to!pursue!a!career!in!STEM!and!respondent!support!for!each,!please!see!Table!1!below:!! !

Page 4: Spectrum Forecasters STEM Survey Report -- FINAL · Table 3 Present and Future of STEM Professionals and Students Reasons Too Few Just Right Too Many Number of STEM professionals

Table 1 Why Pursue a Career in STEM

Reasons Percent

Interesting and stimulating work 87.7%

Can make a difference in the world 76.0%

Good training for any future career path 49.7%

It is your passion 45.6%

Good pay 40.9%

Good job security 22.2%

Other (please specify) 8.2%

!Respondents!were!also!asked!about!specific!areas!in!STEM!that!they!would!recommend!students!pursue.!Engineering!was!the!most!frequently!mentioned!by!respondents,!with!an!emphasis!on!electrical!and!biomedical!engineering.!Computer!science,!computer!engineering,!and!technology!were!also!frequently!mentioned!fields.!Asked!about!specific!areas!they!would!not!recommend!to!students,!most!stated!that!there!was!no!single!area!they!would!not!recommend.!A!few!respondents!mentioned!avoiding!pure!sciences,!and!others!suggested!avoiding!mathematics.!A!full!report!of!these!findings!is!available!in!the!Appendix!below.!!Avoiding)a)Career)in)Stem))Those!who!would!not!recommend!a!career!in!STEM!(n!=!13)!were!asked!follow!up!questions!to!explain!why!they!would!advise!against!it.!The!most!frequently!cited!reasons!for!these!opinions!centered!around!the!economic!side!of!a!STEM!career,!including!poor!pay!(46.2%)!and!poor!job!security!(46.2%).!Most!respondents!(61.5%)!selected!the!“other”!response.!Elaborating!in!this!area,!respondents!cited!offshoring!of!jobs!as!one!reason,!and!the!individual!qualities!of!a!potential!student!(e.g.,!one!respondent!said!“[N]ot!everyone!is!meant!for!the!STEM!field”).!For!further!information!on!reasons!to!avoid!a!career!in!STEM!and!respondent!support!for!each,!please!see!Table!2!below!as!well!as!the!appendix!for!specific!comments:!!Present)and)Future)of)STEM)Professionals)and)Students))The!next!set!of!questions!asked!respondents!about!the!representation!of!STEM!professionals!and!students!across!the!world!and!in!their!country.!Respondents!consistently!stated!that!representation!was!too!low;!across!each!of!the!four!categories!presented!in!Table!3!below,!more!than!six!out!of!ten!stated!that!there!were!too!few!STEM!professionals!and!students.!) )

Page 5: Spectrum Forecasters STEM Survey Report -- FINAL · Table 3 Present and Future of STEM Professionals and Students Reasons Too Few Just Right Too Many Number of STEM professionals

)Table 3 Present and Future of STEM Professionals and Students

Reasons Too Few Just Right Too Many

Number of STEM professionals around the world 64.7% 19.3% 16.0%

Number of STEM professionals in my country 72.7% 10.6% 16.6%

Number of students pursuing STEM college degrees around the world 62.9% 18.5% 18.6%

Number of students pursuing STEM college degrees in my country 73.5% 9.0% 17.4%


Table 4 Severity of "Too Few" STEM Professionals and Students

Reasons -3 (Most Severe) -2 -1 (Least


Number of STEM professionals around the world 9.4% 15.5% 39.8%

Number of STEM professionals in my country 19.4% 26.1% 27.2%

Number of students pursuing STEM college degrees around the world 9.0% 17.4% 36.5%

Number of students pursuing STEM college degrees in my country 21.3% 29.2% 23.0%

!!!!!!!!! !

Page 6: Spectrum Forecasters STEM Survey Report -- FINAL · Table 3 Present and Future of STEM Professionals and Students Reasons Too Few Just Right Too Many Number of STEM professionals




Page 7: Spectrum Forecasters STEM Survey Report -- FINAL · Table 3 Present and Future of STEM Professionals and Students Reasons Too Few Just Right Too Many Number of STEM professionals


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Page 8: Spectrum Forecasters STEM Survey Report -- FINAL · Table 3 Present and Future of STEM Professionals and Students Reasons Too Few Just Right Too Many Number of STEM professionals


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Page 9: Spectrum Forecasters STEM Survey Report -- FINAL · Table 3 Present and Future of STEM Professionals and Students Reasons Too Few Just Right Too Many Number of STEM professionals


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Page 10: Spectrum Forecasters STEM Survey Report -- FINAL · Table 3 Present and Future of STEM Professionals and Students Reasons Too Few Just Right Too Many Number of STEM professionals


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Page 11: Spectrum Forecasters STEM Survey Report -- FINAL · Table 3 Present and Future of STEM Professionals and Students Reasons Too Few Just Right Too Many Number of STEM professionals

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Page 37: Spectrum Forecasters STEM Survey Report -- FINAL · Table 3 Present and Future of STEM Professionals and Students Reasons Too Few Just Right Too Many Number of STEM professionals

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Page 38: Spectrum Forecasters STEM Survey Report -- FINAL · Table 3 Present and Future of STEM Professionals and Students Reasons Too Few Just Right Too Many Number of STEM professionals

!!! !IEEE Spectrum Forecasters – STEM Survey

Thank&you&for&your&participation&in&this&survey.&&STEM&is&a&term&used&by&governments,&educators,&and&researchers&to&refer&to&Science,&Technology,&Engineering,&and&Medicine.&&The&future&of&STEM&is&in&the&forefront&on&many&conversations&now&so&we&would&like&your&input.&&We&are&interested&in&your&thoughts&about&the&future&of&STEM&and&whether&you&would&recommend&a&career&in&STEM.&& For questions related to the survey, please contact:

Marc Beebe Director, IEEE Strategic Research 445 Hoes Lane Piscataway, NJ 08854, USA +1 732 565 5891, phone +1 732 981 9515, fax [email protected] !


Survey Notes: - Orange Text are notes only for survey coding, and will not be shown to participants

- Text highlighted in purple are notes or headings to help us understand the survey, and will not be shown to


- Highlighted text are gaps that need filling in

&!1. If#a#student#came#to#you#for#advice,#would#you#encourage#or#discourage#him#or#her#to#

pursue#a#career#in#a#STEM#field?#!!!!!Why$Encourage$!![Next#questions#to#those#that#give#a#rating#of#4#or#5#in#Q1]#2. Why#would#you#encourage#someone#to#pursue#a#career#in#a#STEM#field?##(Please#select#all#

that#apply.)# Interesting&and&stimulating&work& Good&pay& Good&training&for&any&future&career&path& Can&make&a&difference&in&the&world&


1! 2! 3! 4!


5!! ! !


! Spectrum Forecasters Panel Variables from database:

! Standard Demographic Variables

Page 39: Spectrum Forecasters STEM Survey Report -- FINAL · Table 3 Present and Future of STEM Professionals and Students Reasons Too Few Just Right Too Many Number of STEM professionals

Good&job&security& It&is&your&passion& Other&(please&specify)_____&&&

3. Which#STEM#area#would#you#recommend?##

4. Are#there#any#STEM#areas#you#would#recommend#staying#away#from?##!!Why$Discourage$

[Next#questions#to#those#that#give#a#rating#of#1,#2,#or#3#in#Q1]#5. Why#would#you#not#encourage#someone#to#pursue#a#career#in#a#STEM#field?##(Please#

select#all#that#apply.)# Work&not&fulfilling& Poor&pay& Lack&of&career&growth&opportunities& Cannot&make&a&difference&in&the&world& Poor&job&security& Poor&return&on&college&investment& Other&(please&specify)_____&

6. Which#of#the#broad#STEM#areas,#if#any,#would#you#discourage#a#career#in?####&&

7. Are#there#any#STEM#areas#you#would#recommend#someone#pursue?##&&

[Remaining#questions#to#all]#!#8. Some#people#believe#that#there#will#be#shortages#of#STEM#professionals#in#the#future#or#


!! 62!




1! 2!Too!many!


! ! ! ! !

Page 40: Spectrum Forecasters STEM Survey Report -- FINAL · Table 3 Present and Future of STEM Professionals and Students Reasons Too Few Just Right Too Many Number of STEM professionals


! ! ! ! !

!! 62!



1! 2!Too!many!


! ! ! ! !


! ! ! ! !


!!9. What#is#the#highest#level#of#education#you#have#attained?#

Some&college,&but&no&degree& Vocational/technical&degree/certification&(less&than&a&Bachelor’s&degree)& Bachelor’s&degree&or&equivalent&& Master’s&degree&or&equivalent& Doctoral&degree& Other&(please&specify)____&

#!10. Indicate#all#of#the#fields#in#which#you#hold#a#degree.#(Please#select#all#that#apply.)##

Business&or&Finance& Biomedical&engineering& Computer&engineering&& Computer&science& Electrical&or&electronics&engineering& Industrial&engineering& Law& Library&and&Information&Science&

Page 41: Spectrum Forecasters STEM Survey Report -- FINAL · Table 3 Present and Future of STEM Professionals and Students Reasons Too Few Just Right Too Many Number of STEM professionals

Materials&science& Materials&engineering& Mathematics& Mechanical&engineering& Medicine& Physics& Systems&engineering& Other&(please&specify)____&

!11. Have#you#ever#held#a#job#in#a#Science,#Technology,#Engineering,#or#Mathematics#(STEM)#

field?# Yes& No&

!12. Do#you#currently#hold#a#job#in#a#Science,#Technology,#Engineering,#or#Mathematics#

(STEM)#field?# Yes& No&

!![Next#question#to#those#that#say#“Yes”#in#Q11,#but#“No”#in#Q12]#13. Why#do#you#no#longer#hold#a#job#in#a#Science,#Technology,#Engineering,#or#Mathematics#

(STEM)#field?##(Please#select#all#that#apply.)# Retired& Unemployed& Found&better&paying&job&in&another&field& Found&more&interesting&or&stimulating&job&in&another&field& No&job&available&in&my&major&or&discipline& Other&(please&specify)_____&&


!!Demographics$#14. Which#one#of#the#following#categories#best#describes#your#current#employment#status?###

Private&industry& Educational&institution&(public&or&private)& Public/government& Nonprofit&institution&(non^educational)& Full^time&student& Self^employed& Unemployed& Retired& Other&(please&specify)____&


Page 42: Spectrum Forecasters STEM Survey Report -- FINAL · Table 3 Present and Future of STEM Professionals and Students Reasons Too Few Just Right Too Many Number of STEM professionals

15. In#what#country#do#you#reside?# 16. If#we#are#interested#in#following#up#with#you#about#your#responses#to#this#survey#may#we#

contact#you#directly?# Yes& No&

[If#“Yes”#to#above,#get#next#question]#17. What#is#your#contact#information?#(Note:''If'you'choose'not'to'provide'us'with'your'contact'information,'all'of'your'responses'to'this'survey'will'remain'completely'confidential'and'only'reported'in'aggregate.)'


18. If#you#have#any#additional#comments#regarding#the#topics#in#this#survey,#please#indicate#

