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Submitted to the Board of Examination

In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements

for Literary Degree at English Literature Department











Jambi, 27 Mei 2021

Pembimbing I : Ulfatmi Azlan, SS.MA

Pembimbing II : Dian Mukhlisa, S.Pd, MA

Alamat : Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora


Kepada Yth

Ibu Dekan Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora




Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb

Setelah membaca dan mengadakan perbaikan seperlunya, maka kami

berpendapat bahwa skripsi saudari: Maisaroh, Nim. AI.160794, yang berjudul

“Speech Acts Analysis of Mcdonald and Wendy’s Advertisements”, telah

dapat diajukan untuk dimunaqosahkan guna melengkapi tugas-tugas dan

memenuhi syarat-syarat untuk memperoleh gelar sarjana strata satu (S1) pada

Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora, UIN STS Jambi. Maka, dengan itu kami ajukan

skripsi tersebut agar dapat diterima dengan baik.

Demikianlah kami ucapkan terima kasih, semoga bermanfaat bagi

kepentingan kampus dan para peneliti.

Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb

Pembimbing I Pembimbing II

Ulfatmi Azlan, SS.MA Dian Mukhlisa, S.Pd, MA

NIP: 198411272011012012 NIP: 198808112015032006



Jambi, 27 Mei 2021

Supervisor I : Ulfatmi Azlan, SS.MA

Supervisor II : Dian Mukhlisa, S.Pd, MA

Address : Adab and Humanities Faculty

State Islamic University

Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.


The Dean of Adab and Humanities


State Islamic University



Assalamu’alaikum wr. Wb

After reading and revising everything extend necessary, so we agree that the thesis

entitled “Speech Acts Analysis of Mcdonald and Wendy’s Advertisements”

can be submitted Munaqasyah exam in part fulfillment to the Requirement for the

Degree of Humaniora Scholar. We submitted it in order to be received well. Thus,

we hoped it can be useful for all.

Wassalamu’alaikum wr. Wb

Pembimbing I Pembimbing II

Ulfatmi Azlan, SS.MA Dian Mukhlisa, S.Pd, MA

NIP: 198411272011012012 NIP: 198808112015032006



ا ها فسا إله وسعا نا لف ٱلله لا يكا

Allah does not obligate anyone beyond his capacity,

(QS. Al-Baqarah:286)1

Allah tidak membebani seseorang melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya,

(QS. Al-Baqarah:286)2

ديدا يصلح لاكم قولوا قاول سا ا واقوا الل نوا اته ا الهذينا اما ها ااي ي

غفر لا يا الاكم وا سولاه فاقاد فاازا ااعما را ا وان يطع الل ما كم وا كم ذنوبا

ظيما فاوزا عا

O believers! Be mindful of Allah, and say what is right. He will bless your deeds

for you, and forgive your sins. And whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger, has

truly achieved a great triumph.

(QS. Al-Ahzab:70-71)3

Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Bertakwalah kamu kepada Allah dan

ucapkanlah perkataan yang benar, niscaya Allah akan memperbaiki amal-amalmu

dan mengampuni dosa-dosamu. Dan barangsiapa menaati Allah dan Rasul-Nya,

maka sungguh, dia menang dengan kemenangan yang agung.

(QS. Al-Ahzab:70-71)4

1 The Mobile Qur‟an (2020), Qur’an and its translation, retrieved from

http://www.ggindonesia.web.id/q1a https://quran.kemenag.go.id/sura/94 accepted on January 25,

2021 on 11:30 am.

2 QS. Al-Baqarah:286 retrieved from https://quran.kemenag.go.id/sura/94 accepted on

January 25, 2021 on 11:30 am.

3 The Mobile Qur‟an (2020), Qur’an and its translation, retrieved from

http://www.ggindonesia.web.id/q1a https://quran.kemenag.go.id/sura/94 accepted on January 25,

2021 on 11:30 am.

4 QS. Al-Ahzab:70-71retrieved from https://quran.kemenag.go.id/sura/94 accepted on

January 25, 2021 on 11:30 am.



To My Father (Alm), Mother, and Brothers



Firstly, the writer would like to say Alhamdullilahirabil’alamin, all praise

to Allah SWT the lord of all creatures, for His Blessing from the starting point of

my study until now the end of my study. After that, Shalawat and salam be upon

to our Prophet Muhammad SAW, hopefully we will get His syafa’at later at The

Last Day. Secondly, I would like to express her deepest gratitude to people who

helped the writer in accomplishing this thesis.

To accomplish this thesis, the writer had been given one great deal to

many people. Thus, the writer would like to say thanks for their contribution, they


1. Prof. Dr. Suaidi, MA., Ph. D as a Rector of State Islamic University of Sulthan

Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

2. Dr. Halimah Dja'far, S.Ag, M. Fil. I as The Dean of Adab and Humanities

Faculty. Dr. Ali Muzakir, M. Ag; Dr. Alfian, S.Pd, M.Ed; Dr. Roudhoh,

M.Pd.I. The Vices of the Dean.

3. Dian Mukhlisa, S.Pd., MA., The Chairwoman of English Literature

Department as my supervisors, thank you for helping me in the preparation of

this thesis, and Chandri Febri Santi, M.Pd., The Secretary of English

Literature Department.

4. All the Lecturers and staffs of Adab and Humanities Faculty, then

contribution and assistant during studying in UIN of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin



5. Ulfatmi Azlan, SS.MA as my supervisors, thank you so much for the time,

opportunity, and knowledge that has been given during the completion of my


6. To my beloved parents, “M. Daud (Alm) and Nurasiah” who always cheered

and supported me all the time, for all their love and attention. I know you will

always pray for my success, there are not enough words to express my

gratitude for everything.

7. To my brothers “Heri Kuswanto and Deden Purnama”, thank you for the help

and support that has been given so far. I am very lucky to have you as my


8. To all beloved friends of ENGLISH LITERATURE 2016 A and B. Thank you

friends for the advice, love, assistance, support, ideas, and extraordinary

experiences that we have made together. I am very grateful to be part of this


This thesis is still far away from perfection. I need some critics and

suggestions, so that I can be better in the future. Finally, the writer hopes this

thesis will give positive contributions for readers, especially for the students of

English Literature Department of Adab and Humanities Faculty.

Jambi, 27 Mei 2021

The writer


Nim: AI.160794



Maisaroh, 2021 : Speech Acts Analysis of Mcdonald and Wendy’s At


Supervisor I : Ulfatmi Azlan, SS.MA

Supervisor II : Dian Mukhlisa, S.Pd, MA

The researcher discussed about the illocutions of McDonald's and Wendy's

commercials. Illocution is a speech act to express something, at the same time it

can be used to do something. Researcher are interested in researching speech acts

in this food advertisement because burger food is not authentic Indonesian food,

but foreign food products can thrive in other countries, this is because of their

good marketing strategy. In addition, the use of unique language is also

interesting, easy to remember, and can give a deep impression to the audience so

that it can influence the audience to buy the products in the ad. The purpose of this

research is to describe the kinds of illocution, and to analyze the function of

advertising. The theory used to describe the type of illocutionary using Searle's

theory, and to analyze the advertising function using theory according to Tyagi

and Kumar. This research is a qualitative research with a descriptive approach.

Based on the formulation of the problem, this study has revealed two findings.

Consists of; First, the kinds of illocutions obtained are that in McDonald's

advertisements there are assertives, directives, and declaratives. In Wendy's

advertisement found assetive, commissive, directive, and declarative. Second, the

advertising function is obtained, namely in McDonald's advertisements there are

informing function, persuading function, reminding function, and adding value

function. In Wendy's advertisement there is an informing function, and an

assisting function.

Keywords : Speech Acts, Advertising Function, Mcdonald and Wendys



Maisaroh, 2021 : Speech Acts Analysis of Mcdonald and Wendy’s At


Supervisor I : Ulfatmi Azlan, SS.MA

Supervisor II : Dian Mukhlisa, S.Pd, MA

Peneliti membahas tentang ilokusi yang ada pada iklan Mcdonald's dan Wendy's.

Ilokusi adalah tindak tutur untuk menyatakan sesuatu, sekaligus dapat digunakan

untuk melakukan sesuatu. Peneliti tertarik untuk meneliti tindak tutur dalam iklan

makanan ini karena makanan burger bukanlah makanan asli indonesia, akan tetapi

produk makanan luar negeri ini bisa berjaya di negara lain, hal ini dikarenakan

karena strategi pemasaran mereka yang baik. Selain itu penggunaan bahasa pada

yang unik juga menarik, mudah diingat, dan dapat memberikan kesan yang dalam

kepada audiens sehingga dapat mempengaruhi audiens untuk membeli produk

yang ada di iklan tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan tipe

ilokusi, dan menganalisis fungsi periklanan. Teori yang digunakan adalah untuk

mendeskripsikan tipe ilokusi menggunakan teori menurut Searle, dan untuk

menganalisis fungsi periklanan menggunakan teori menurut Tyagi dan Kumar.

Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif.

Berdasarkan rumusan masalah, penelitian ini telah mengungkap dua temuan.

Terdiri dari; Pertama, jenis ilokusi yang didapatkan yaitu pada iklan McDonald's

terdapat assertive, directives, dan declarative. Dalam iklan Wendy ditemukan

assertive, commisive, directive, dan declarative. Kedua, pada fungsi periklanan

didapatkan yaitu pada iklan McDonald's terdapat fungsi informing, fungsi

persuading, fungsi reminding, dan fungsi adding value. Dalam iklan Wendy

terdapat fungsi informing, dan fungsi assisting.

Kata Kunci : Tindak Tutur, Fungsi Iklan, Mcdonald and Wendys




APPROVAL....................................................................................................... i

LETTER OF RATIFICATION ....................................................................... ii

ORIGINAL THESIS STATEMENT .............................................................. iii

MOTTO ............................................................................................................. iv

DEDICATION ................................................................................................... v

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................ vi

ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................... viii

ABSTRAK ........................................................................................................... ix

TABLE OF CONTENT .................................................................................... x


A. Background of Problem .......................................................................... 1

B. Formulation of Problem .......................................................................... 5

C. Limitation of the Research ...................................................................... 5

D. Purpose of the Research .......................................................................... 6

E. Significance of the Research ................................................................... 6


A. Pragmatics .............................................................................................. 8

B. Speech Acts ............................................................................................ 10

C. Types of Speech Acts ............................................................................. 11

D. Kinds of Illocutionary Acts .................................................................... 13

E. Advertisements ....................................................................................... 15

F. Functions of Advertisements .................................................................. 17

G. Review of Related Research ................................................................... 19


A. Design of Research ................................................................................. 25

B. Source of Data ......................................................................................... 26

C. Technique of Data Collection ................................................................. 26


D. Technique of Data Analysis .................................................................... 27


A. Finding .................................................................................................... 29

B. Analysis ................................................................................................... 29


A. Conclusion............................................................................................... 48

B. Suggestion ............................................................................................... 48








A. Background of The Problem

Language is a sound-symbol framework utilized by individuals of the

community to coordinate, interact, and recognize. Language is utilized as a

implies of communication utilized by individuals in antiquated times until

nowadays. In the present era, language use is particularly noteworthy in

advertising media.5 A language is a communication tool created and used by

humans to interact with other people. Communication can be caught on as the

method of conveying messages, thoughts, or information to others by utilizing

certain implies to impact or alter the behavior of message beneficiaries.6

Communication is a person's way of conveying messages to other people in

various ways.

Communicators play a vital part in the communication handle to

convey information or message. Communicators can be people who are

talking, composing, bunches of individuals, daily papers, radio, tv, recordings,

and others. The message or information transmitted through the channel (the

media to communicate the message) can frame a verbal, composed, and

significant. At that point, the message is gotten by the communities and makes

a certain impact that's the result of the communication prepare.

5 Neneng Siti Suaibah Suparman, Ridwan Setiawan, dan Via Nugraha. Aspek Pragmatik

Dalam Iklan Axis Pada Media Audio Visual. Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Dan Sastra Indonesia

Volume 1 Nomor 3. 2018. p 343.

6 Dini Valdiani. Saluran Komunikasi Massa Sebagai Penyampai Pesan Pembangunan

Bagi Masyarakat. Jurnal Wahana, Vol. 1, No. 10. 2010. p 86.


In pragmatic research, the form of language that appears in

communicative events can be the result of a combination of expectations,

messages or meanings communicate with basic circumstances or


In the pragmatic form of speech, the speech is one of the pragmatic

analyses that look at language with a genuine angle.7 Speech is a form of daily

spoken communication, in the form of words or sentences that are spoken or

conveyed to others. Agreeing to Austin, the discourse act comprises of three

measurements are locutionary act, illocutionary act, and perlocutionary act.8

These three dimensions will form a related speech without our prior notice.

Searle classifies discourse act into 5 sorts as common functions such as

assertive, commissions, directives, declarative, and expressive.9

Advertising is any frame of non-personal introduction and promotion

of thoughts, merchandise, or services by specific support to be paid. In the

rule, advertising could be a implies of communication to display and advance

thoughts, products, or services conducted by the Communicator in this case

the company or producer to the communities who in this case publicly,

especially its clients through non-personal media that's mass media.10

7 Neneng Siti Suaibah Suparman, Ridwan Setiawan, dan Via Nugraha. Aspek Pragmatik

Dalam Iklan Axis Pada Media Audio Visual. Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Dan Sastra Indonesia

Volume 1 Nomor 3. 2018. p 344. 8 J. L Austin. 1962. How to Do Things With Words. London: Oxford University Press. p


9 John R. Searle and Daniel Vanderveken. 1985. Foundations of Illocutionary Logic.

Great Britain: Cambridge University Press. p 37-40.


Dian Marhaeni K. Representasi Anak-Anak Dalam Tayangan Iklan Komersial Di

Media. Jurnal Makna Vol. 1. No. 1. 2020. p 3.


Advertising is a message that invites viewers to use the advertised product or


Understanding of speech can be understood through the literacy of the

speech. The literacy of a speech can be understood through what the speaker

believes by what the speaker is saying.11

If what the speaker believes is the

same as what is said, then the words are literally. However, if what the speaker

says is different from what he said, then the speech is not the original speech.

To understand the continuity and quality of the speech, it is necessary to

understand the context behind it. Therefore, in analyzing speech acts,

advertising language cannot be separated from context.

As one of the media used in advertising is the online media, one of

which is YouTube. Ads that are on YouTube can be messages. For each

YouTube site, ads are a major source of revenue. The ads that are on YouTube

are intended for everyone. In pricing, advertising on YouTube is very cheap,

advertising on YouTube can attract more viewers than on television because

almost everyone uses YouTube to watch videos, so if there are ads showing

interesting products in a video to influence the audience to make a purchase

decision. But in advertising on YouTube, most of the time viewers don't click

on ads or avoid ads because they think they're not engaging and interfering

with their views.

The reason researcher is interested in researching speech acts in

advertisements is because the speech in advertisements is included in the

11 Rian Andri Prasetya dan Siti Samhati. Tindak Tutur Pada Iklan Produk Makanan

Cepat Saji Di Televisi Dan Implikasinya. J-Simbol (Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pembelajarannya). 2017. p



pragmatic types of speech acts, besides that the researcher also want to know

the language errors used in the advertisements, researcher are interested in

choosing advertisements on these food videos because what we know is that

food has become As a human lifestyle, burgers are not authentic Indonesian

food, but these foreign food products can prevail in other countries, one of

which makes these products remain successful because their marketing

strategy uses advertising to attract Indonesian people to buy. Besides that, it

also aims to lure the audience to watch the ad and buy the products in the ad.

Besides attracting the audience, the use of unique language is also interesting,

easy to remember, and can give a deep impression to the audience so that it

can influence the audience to buy the products in the ad.

In this study, researcher was interested in reviewing foods and drinks

advertisements found on SN YouTube channel, presented in the form of

video. Food can be categorized as part of a lifestyle. Many entrepreneurs

strive to compete with each other by providing new business ideas after seeing

food as important consumables. Entrepreneurs can advertise their products to

safeguard their business. Such a food advertisement is one of the food menus

available at McDonald's and Wendy's restaurant that originated from the

United States and has many branches around the world including in Indonesia.

These food ads are made by both companies that are airing on YouTube. The

food and drinks at McDonald's and Wendy's restaurants are not Asian food,

but Western food, but many Asian people, especially Indonesians, like these


foods and drinks. The success of the two companies in capturing consumers

cannot be separated from their product advertisements.

There are eight advertisements that are the object of research. Four ads

are advertisements for McDonald's products and four more are products from

Wendys. In the McDonald's and Wendy's advertisements, the McDonald's ad

informs about a packet of burgers that consumers can enjoy for breakfast,

while Wendy's ad attracts consumers' attention by offering affordable food

prices, they can already enjoy burgers. In advertising, speech is very important

to research, because understanding utterances as a whole can understand the

meaning and purpose of the ad. Based on the explanation above, the

researcher decides to determine the title of her research “Speech Acts

Analysis of Mcdonald and Wendy’s Advertisements”.

B. Formulation of The Problem

About the background above, the problem of the research can be

formulated as follow:

1. What kinds of illocutionary acts are contained in the McDonald and

Wendy's advertisements?

2. What advertising functions are contained in the McDonald and Wendy's


C. Limitation of The Problem

Limitation of a problem is used to avoid problems and the

background of the research so that it is more focused and facilitates

discussion so that the research objectives will be achieved. In this study, the


researcher only focused on the illocution in the advertisements displayed on

the SN youtube channel, namely four advertisements from McDonald's

restaurants that aired on 21 July 2020 containing advertisements for burger

food products, 7 July 2020 containing beverage product advertisements, 26

September 2020 which contains an advertisement for spicy chicken food, and

on 1 September 2020 which contains an advertisement for soft drinks, then

four advertisements. From Wendy's restaurant which aired on July 10, 2020,

containing advertisements for burger food products, on May 7, 2019, there

were advertisements for beverage products, on November 13, 2020, which

contained chicken sandwich food products, and on September 16, 2020,

which contained advertisements for cheeseburger products.

D. Purpose of The Research

The following are purpose of the research:

1. to describe the kinds of illocutionary acts contained in the advertisement.

2. to analyze the advertising functions contained in these advertisements.

E. Significance of the Research

The significance of the research is divided into two benefits for a

theoretical and practical where benefits are as follow:

1. Theoretical Benefit

The results of this study are theoretically beneficial. Theoretically, this

research can be used in theory. The theory used in this study could be an

addition to pragmatic theories and as a comparison of theories relating to

pragmatic science. This research can contribute to the development of


language science, especially the development of pragmatic studies on

social media.

2. Practical Benefit

a. For students, the results of this research can be used to add more

knowledge about speech. Students can make this research in addition

to pragmatic theories.

b. For social media, it can be a foothold for ad builders, especially in

video ads.

c. For the audience, it can provide knowledge benefits about speech act

in advertising of Mcdonald‟s and Wendy‟s fast food restaurant.

d. For further researcher, this research can be used as reference material

for similar research.




A. Pragmatics

Pragmatics, as the study of language in use is a young science.

Fifteen years ago, pragmatics was mentioned by linguistic rarely, if it all.

Pragmatic is the system in which context supports meaning.

Pragmatic theories contain reference, deixis, anaphora,

presupposition, speech act theory, indirect speech act theory, the

cooperative principle, and its maxim, conversational implicatures, the

politeness principle and so on.12

Pragmatics as the study of those relations

between language and context that are grammaticalized, or encoded in the

structure of a language.13

Pragmatics is a science that studies the advertiser's meaning

connected with the situation. Leech also explains that pragmatics is

connected with grammar and language utilization is connected with a

certain social situation. The pragmatics connected with grammar is called

praginalinguistics, and that connected with a certain social situation is

called sociopragmatic.14

Pragmatic is the study that concerns to the meaning of language

used or how people actualize its meaning potential as communicative

12 Fitri Novianti1 and Regina Ratna Dewi Maliyani. An Analysis Of Speech Act In

Advertising Of Child Milk On Television. Volume 01, No. 03, May 2018. p 269-270.


Stephen C Levinson. Pragmatics. Melbourne: Cambridge University Press. 1985. P 9.


Sri Haryani. A Pragmatic Analysis Of English Advertisements A Case Study. Bangun

Rekaprima Vol.03, 2. 2017. p 23.


resource. Pragmatic is the study of language use such as the relations

between language and context that are basic to an account of language

understanding which involves the making of inferences that will connect

what is said to, what is mutually assumed, or what has been said before.15

Pragmatic refers to the utterance expressed by the speaker

connected with the contexts. The utterance in pragmatism is divided into

two, performative utterance, the simultaneous utterance in an act, and

constative utterance, the utterance used to state something. The

performative utterance contains a true value or false value.

The pragmatic study of advertisement always involves text analysis

because advertisement is a kind of text. A text is a complete

communication that has the elements of the sender, receiver, and message

bound with a certain aim, so the analysis used is text analysis. The text

analysis conducted by using a pragmatic approach is called pragmatic

analyses. 16

Based on this explanation, it can be concluded that pragmatics is a

branch of linguistics that studies the relationship between language and the

context that underlies the explanation of language interpretation. In this

definition, it means that to understand the purpose of using our language,

we are required to understand the context in which the language is used.

15 Burhanudin Rais dan Sulis Triyono. Pragmatic Analysis of Speech Acts on The Video

of Prabowo Vs Jokowi - Epic Rap Battles Of Presidency. International Journal of Linguistics,

Literature and Translation (IJLLT) ISSN: 2617-0299. p 151.


Saefudin. Pendekatan Pragmatik dalam Mendukung Kemampuan Komunikasi Lisan.

Jurnal Al-Turāṡ Vol. XIX No. 1. 2013. p 2.


B. Speech Acts

The speech act is the study of the intention speaker meaning when

people use the language performing an act. The speech act theory was

originally put forward by Austin, the idea posed by Austin is that

languages can be used to take action through a constative speech

distinction and performative speech.17

The understanding of the speech act can also be understood

through the continuity and the iteration of a speech. The continuity of

speech can be understood when the meaning of speech (locutionary act) is

the same as the meaning of the speech (illocutionary act), this form of

speech is direct speech. However, when the meaning of utterance

(locutionary act) is not the same as the intention of speech (illocutionary

act), including in the form of an indirect speech. This form of indirect

speech is also referred to as the implication, as it wraps something

(meaning speech) with something else (meaning speech). These

differences can occur when the speech is associated with the context

behind it.

In addition to its agility, and understanding of utterance can be

understood through the literacy of utterances. The iterates of a speech can

be understood by what a speaker is believed to be a speaker. If what the

speaker believed is the same as that spoken then the speech is literal.

However, when the speakers are not equal to what is spoken, the speech is


J. L Austin. 1962. How to Do Things With Words. London: Oxford University Press. p



not literal. To be able to understand the continuity and the straightness of

an utterance is also necessary to understand the context of the background.

Therefore, in analyzing the speech of the ad language can not be released

from the context.18

Based on this explanation, it can be concluded that a speech act is

an act or a speech conveyed by the speaker, which contains action as a

functional unit in communication that considers aspects of the speech


C. Types of Speech Acts

According to Austin, the types of speech acts are divided into 3

types, namely as follows: 19

1. Locutionary Act

The locution is the physical act of speaking. That means that the

speaker composes a sentences in a specific context. The locution

thereby is the grammatical structure of the utterance.

The locutionary act is the act of saying something. So the

locutionary concept is a concept that connects with the sentence

proposition. The locutionary act is a speech act easiest known because

it is not necessary to relate to the utterance context.

18 Rian Andri Prasetya dan Siti Samhati. Tindak Tutur Pada Iklan Produk Makanan

Cepat Saji Di Televisi Dan Implikasinya. J-Simbol (Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pembelajarannya). 2017. p

3. 19

J. L Austin. 1962. How to Do Things With Words. London: Oxford University Press. p



2. Illocutionary Act

The illocutionary is the speech act to state something,

simultaneously it can be used to do something. To know whether an

utterance used is to state a direct or indirect act it must be decided that

the utterance is in this context.

The illocutionary action is a type of expression that indicates

where there is a gap for a verb that explicitly mentions the

illocutionary action that is being performed. Such verbs can be said to

be performative verbs, namely verbs that explicitly convey the types of

speech acts performed such as promise, invite, apologize, predict,

swear, request, warn, insist, and prohibit. Often, however, no

performative verb is mentioned. Other illocutionary acts that can be

identified are word order, stress, and intonation, such as low quality

sound to warn or threaten, possibly used to denote illocutionary


Illocutionary actions can be fulfilled if the speech partner knows

the attitude expressed by the speaker. The way to decide a reader does

the direct or indirect illocution act, it can use the rule as follows,

"where the direct illocution of an utterance is deliberately infelicitous,

an indirect illocution is an act to which the bearer's attention is drawn

by mentioning one of its felicity conditions". The illocution speech act

is very difficult to identify because it has to consider who is the

20 George Yule. Pragmatik. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar. 2018. p 85-87.


speaker and the reader, when and where this speech act become the

illocutionary act. It is the central part to understand the speech act.

3. Perlocutionary Act

The perlocutionary act (or just simply the perlocution) carried

out by a speaker making an utterance is the act of causing a certain

effect on the hearer and others. The speech act was done by the

speaker to cause an effect on the reader by saying something is called

the perlocutionary act. This action is called the act of affecting


If treated equally, the mass media publish several forms of

advertisement. One of them is the advertisement texts in the form of

news. The text of the advertisement is a persuasive text which contains

the illocution and perlocution powers.

Based on this explanation, it can be concluded that speech acts are

divided into 3 types, namely locus acts in the form of suggestions

generated by a speaker, illocutionary acts, in the form of intentions in

utterances, and perlocutionary acts, in the form of effects caused by


D. Kinds of Illocutionary Acts

According to Searle, illocutionary act into five, they are: 21

1. The assertive is point to say how things are. More cumber somely but

more accurately in utterances with the assertive point the speaker

21 John R. Searle and Daniel Vanderveken. 1985. Foundations of Illocutionary Logic.

Great Britain: Cambridge University Press. p 37-40.


presents a proposition as representing an actual state of affairs in the

world of utterance. Some English assertives are assert, claim, argue,

assure, predict, report, inform, admit, remind, testify, confess,

conjecture, guess, state, hypothesize, swear, and insist.

2. The commissive is to commit the speaker to doing some thing. Again,

more cumbersomely but more accurately un utterances with the

commissive point the speaker commits himself to carrying out the

course of action represented by the propositional content. Some

English commissive are commit, promise, threaten, accept, pledge,

vow, consent, covenant, and guarantee.

3. The directive is to try to get other people to do things in utterances

with the directive point the speaker attempts to get the hearer to carry

out the course of action represented by the propositional content.

Some English directive are requested, ask, order, command, solicit,

incite, invite, beg, suggest, advise, recommend, supplicate, entreat,

and pray.

4. The declarative is to change the world by saying so in utterances with

the declarative point the speaker brings about the state of affairs

represented by the propositional content solely in virtue of his

successful performance of the speech act. Some English declarative

are declare, approve, endorse, excommunicate, name, christen, resign,

abbreviate, and bless.


5. The expressive is to express feelings and attitudes. In utterances with

the expressive point the speaker express some psychological attitude

about the state of affairs represented by the propositional content. The

illocutionary forces with the expressive point expressive illocutionary

forces and performatives or illocutionary verbs that name expressive

illocutionary forces expressive. Thus apologize is an expressive since

the illocutionary point of an apology for the state of affairs that P is to

express to the hearer the speaker‟s sorrow or remorse for that state of

affairs. Some other English expressive verbs are congratulated, thank,

compliment, deplore, condole, and welcome.

Based on this explanation, it can be concluded that illocutionary

actions are divided into 5, namely directives, commissions, assertiveness,

expressives and declarative.

E. Advertisements

Advertising is a paid, mediated form of communication from an

identifiable source, designed to persuade the receiver to take some action,

now or in the future.22

Advertising is a key component in launching, marketing, and

establishing the brand share position of many products and ideas in the

competitive global business environment. Advertisement can be used in

many ways to address the particular needs of a company, including forging

relationships with its intended consumers or furthering an ideological

22 Terence A. Shimp. Advertising Promotion and Other Aspects of Integrated Marketing

Communications. South Western: Cangage Learingn. 2010. p 182.


agenda for a target audience. Advertising may be used to advance a

business‟s competitive position, to inform, to persuade, or to sell. It also

may be used to illustrate company values or to showcase a particular

product or brand.23

The language is important in an advertisement, as follows:

"Advertising language is, of course, loaded language. Its primary aim is to

attract our attention and dispose of us favorably towards the product or

service an offer. Advertisers use language quite distinctively: there are

certain advantages in making bizarre and controversial statements in usual

ways as well as communication with people using simple straight forward


The main function of advertising language is to offer products to

consumers, so by using the language in the advertisement the advertiser

tries to persuade buyers of the goods or services they produce. Therefore,

the advertiser will try to delve the potency of language as effectively as

possible to reach the meaning. The excavation of advertising language is

not considered important in what to say but inclined in the direction of

how to say. Thus, the creative strategy in advertising is a step to organize

how the advertising action is to be expressed.

To arrive at the aim of massage, an advertising text demands that

the advertising organizers use interesting, short, and complete languages.

Besides, the sentences should contain persuasive meaning, and the

23 Mary Alice Shaver, Soontae An. The Global Advertising Regulation Handbook.

London and New York: Routledge. p 1.


meaning should be communicative. In other words, the text of advertising

should have hidden power that can flatter the readers. So, advertising texts

should contain not only a locutionary act (informative) but also an

illocutionary act (to do something), perlocutionary act, and obedience of

the cooperative principles.24

Based on this explanation, it can be concluded that advertising is

any form of message or promotion of objects such as goods, services,

business premises, and ideas conveyed through the media at sponsorship

costs and shown to the majority of the public.

F. Functions of Advertisements

According to Tyagi and Kumar advertising is valued because it

performs five communication functions:25

1. Informing

Advertisements make consumer aware of brands, educate them about

features and benefits of using products, and facilitate a good creation

of a product‟s image. Because of its ability to reach a big number of

consumer with relatively low cost, and its effectiveness in

communicating, advertisements facilitate an introduction of new

brands, increase demand for existing brands, and increase awareness of

consumer to a brand. Advertisements also help existing brands to

educate people about new benefit of their existing products.

24 Sri Haryani. A Pragmatic Analysis Of English Advertisements A Case Study. Bangun

Rekaprima Vol.03, 2. 2017. p 26.


C. L. Tyagi, and Arun Kumar. Advertising Management. New Delhi: Atlantic

Publishers and distributors. 2004. p 18.


2. Persuading

An effective advertisement can persuade consumer to try the products

and services being advertised. Sometimes, the persuasion can influence

primary demand (create new demand for specific products from every

brand), but most of the time, it will influence secondary demand

(demand for a specific product from a specific brand).

3. Reminding

An advertisement will keep a brand “fresh” in consumer‟s mind.

Advertisement will help the brand to come up the consumer‟s mind,

and finally make them buy the product.

4. Adding value by innovating

Advertising gives more value toward goods or services by influencing

consumer‟s perception. Effective advertising will give an image that

the product is more elegant or give more prestige compared to its


5. Assisting other company effrots, e.g. assisting salesmen, identifying

company product packages and by delivering sales promotion such as


One purpose of advertising is to assist companies in their efforts in

marketing communication process, such as lottery, voucher giveaway,


Based on this explanation, it can be concluded that advertising

functions as an access to provide knowledge to consumers so that they are


aware of the company's products, in addition to providing enticements to

the general public to try products advertised by the company and to

provide added value to products and influence consumer perceptions.

G. Review of Related Research

Speech acts have been analyzed by other researcher from several

universities and institutions. There are some research stories related to

speech acts, they are:

Firstly, Pika (2017)26

, a student of State Islamic University of

Makassar, wrote a thesis entitled The Illocutionary Act Of Television

Advertisements “Mobile Network Operator” (Pragmatic Analysis). This

study aims to find out the sentence type of utterances performed by the

advertiser in “Mobile network operator” on television advertisement, and

to describe direct and indirect illocutionary acts are performed in “mobile

network operator "on television advertisement. This research used a

descriptive qualitative method. Based on research results finds that the

types of sentence that appear on the fourth commercial advertisements

those are Kartu As- Cak Lontong Nyalon, Kartu As- Kepoin Fb Pake

Paket 500, Kartu As- Paket Mingguan Bikin Kenyang Internetan and

Telkomsel Kartu As- Cerita Asikin are declarative sentence, imperative

sentence, and interrogative sentence.

Although the type of sentence that mostly occurs ar declarative and

interrogative sentence. The direct illocutions that mostly appear in this

26 Pika. The Illocutionary Act Of Television Advertisements “Mobile Network Operator”

(Pragmatic Analysis). State Islamic University of Makassar. 2017.


analysis are stating and asking. The others are informing, suggesting,

answering, ordering, approving, complaining, offering, suggesting,

commanding, explaining and committing. While the indirect illocutions

that mostly appear are informing, complaining and stating. The others are

offering, convincing, answering, comparing, advising, requesting, opinion,

thinking, threatening, surprising and hesitating.

Secondly, Sri Haryani (2017)27

, Lecturer at the Faculty of

Language and Culture, University of 17 August 1945 Semarang, wrote a

journal entitled Pragmatic Analysis Of English Advertisements A Case

Study. The aim of the study is to find out how persuasive goals of the

advertisements are expressed through the language. The analysis focuses

on the illocutionary act and the application of cooperative principles in

English advertisements. This paper consists of the theoretical background

of pragmatics and the pragmatic analysis on English advertisements.

The results of the research shows that: (1) the English

advertisement persuades customers by providing information in the form

of a report which implies an offer of products of goods or services; (2) the

advertising texts studied in the discussion contains the kinds of

illocutionary act and the cooperative principles; (3) the illocution power in

the words of the English advertisement has the kinds of direct illocution

and indirect illocution; and (4) the obedience and deviation of the

27 Sri Haryani. Pragmatic Analysis Of English Advertisements A Case Study. Journal

Bangun Rekaprima Vol.03 No. 2. 2017.


cooperative principles occur in the advertising to propagate the products

and services advertised.

Thirdly, Lutfiyaningsih Naufalina (2017)28

, a student of State

University of Yogyakarta, wrote a thesis entitled A Speech Acts Analysis

Of Bon Appétite Food Advertisements. The researcher mainly describes

speech acts used in Bon Appetite food advertisements by identifying the

types of speech acts, and figuring out the speech act patterns in the

advertisements. This research was conducted by using a descriptive

qualitative method. The data were collected from Bon Appetite published

in March to May 2016 which were in the form of words, phrases, clauses,

and sentences. After being collected, the data were analysed based on

speech acts theory by Austin. Data trustworthiness was achieved through

triangulation. The findings of this research reveal two important things.

Firstly, from 30 data, it is found that statements serve as the highest type

of locutionary acts which are aimed at providing information of the

products, commisives serve as the highest type of illocutionary acts which

are aimed at offering the benefits of the products, and to get the readers to

expect something serve as the highest type of perlocutionary acts which

are aimed at giving impact to the readers. Secondly, there is Statements-

Commisives-Expect as the most frequent pattern used by the copywriters.

28 Lutfiyaningsih Naufalina. A Speech Acts Analysis Of Bon Appétite Food

Advertisements. University of Yogyakarta. 2017.


Fourthly, Ari Arfiah Hardian (2017)29

, a student of University Of

Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara Medan, wrote a thesis entitled

Locutionary Act Of Fashion Advertisement (Pragmatic Analysis). This

study deals with Locutionary Acts find in fashion magazine‟s Script. The

objectives of this research were to find out the meaning and effect of

Locutionary Acts. This study was conducted by applying descriptive

qualitative method. The data were derived from Bazaar Harper‟s Magazine

edition July 2007 and online time magazine. After the find of the

utterances meaning in the magazine. Then the writer found the effect of

the researcher. the effect based on the Bazaar Harper‟s Magazine edition

July 2007 and online time magazine the audience can to known the effect

of the locutionary act of fashion advertisement. therefore the audience

action the fashion based on the magazine. This showed the magazine can

help the audience to know more of the advertisement especially in fashion.

Fifthly, Fitri Novianti and Regina Ratna Dewi Maliyani (2018)30


student of IKIP Siliwangi, wrote a journal entitled An Analysis Of Speech

Act In Advertising Of Child Milk On Television. The aim of this research is

to describe the type of act of illocutionary and to analyze the most

dominant illocutionary function produced in the advertising. This research

is a descriptive research. The subject of this research is child milk

advertising on television namely Bebelac 3, Nutrilon Royal 3, and

29 Ari Arfiah Hardian. Locutionary Act Of Fashion Advertisement” (Pragmatic Analysis).

University Of Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara Medan. 2017.


Fitri Novianti1 and Regina Ratna Dewi Maliyani. An Analysis Of Speech Act In

Advertising Of Child Milk On Television. Volume 01, No. 03, May 2018.


Pediasure. The object of this research is a form of act illocutionary

functions contained in advertising speech. Data acquisition uses note


Based on the analysis, the researcher get conclusion that the types

of act illocutionary found in child milk advertising on television are

declarative, representative, expressive, and commisive. In a child milk

advertising on television, illocutionary function shows dominance

representative and commisive. In the representative, this indicates the

presence of a statement and affirmation. Moreover, in the commisives, this

indicates the speaker give the promise to the viewers.

Of the five previous findings above, this study has similarities and

differences between the five researcher. Firstly the research conducted by

Pika (2017) both research the types of illocutionary in advertising, the

difference is only that the object of research in this study examines

advertisements on cellular network operators. The second study conducted

by Sri Haryani (2017) examined illocutionary actions, which differ only in

the object of study, in this study examining advertisements in English.

Thridly studies conducted by Lutfiyaningsih Naufalina (2017) both

examined speech patterns in advertisements, which differed only from the

object of study, in the study examining Bon Appetite food advertisements.

Fourthly studies conducted by Ari Arfiah Hardian (2017) both examine the

action of locus, which differs only from the object of research, in this

study examining the fashion magazine script. Fifthly studies conducted by


Fitri Novianti and Regina Ratna Dewi Maliyani (2018) both studied the

types of illocutionary action, which differed only by the object of research,

in this study examining children's milk advertisements on television,

namely Bebelac 3, Nutrilon Royal 3, and Pediasure.




A. Design of Research

This research is qualitative research with a descriptive analysis

method. According to Sugiyono, penelitian kualitatif adalah data yang

berbentuk kata, skema, dan gambar.31

According to Arikunto, penelitian

kualitatif adalah penelitian naturalistic. Istilah “naturalistic”

menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan penelitian ini memang terjadi secara

alamiah, apa adanya, dalam situasi normal yang tidak dimanipulasi

keadaan dan kondisinya, menekankan pada deskripsi secara alami.

Pengambilan data atau penjaringan fenomena dilakukan dari keadaan

yang sewajarnya ini dikenal dengan sebutan “pengambilan data secara

alami atau natural”.32

According to Moleong, metodologi kualitatif sebagai prosedur

penelitian yang menghasilkan data deskriptif berupa kata-kata tertulis

atau lisan dari orang-orang dan perilaku yang diamati.33

According to

Sugiyono, metode analisis deskriptif adalah statistik yang digunakan

untuk menganalisis data dengan cara mendeskripsikan atau

menggambarkan data yang telah terkumpul sebagaimana adanya tanpa

bermaksud membuat kesimpulan yang berlaku untuk umum atau


This study pays close attention to every salient phenomenon that

occurs during the investigation of data on McDonald's and Wendy's fast

food advertisements. This study also provides an adequate description of

the factual data of the phenomenon and provides a logical and rational

31 Sugiyono, 2019. Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Pendekatan Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan

R &D. Bandung: Alfabeta. Page 3.


Suharsimi Arikunto. 2013. Prosedur Penelitian: Suatu Pendekatan Praktek. Jakarta:

PT. Rineka Cipta. Page 11-12.


Lexy J. Moleong. 2017. Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif. Bandung: PT Remaja Rosda

Karya. Page 3.


Sugiyono, 2019. Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Pendekatan Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan

R &D. Bandung: Alfabeta. Page 31.


interpretation based on relevant theories. The researcher investigated the

types of illocutionary contained in the advertisement, and the researcher

investigated the advertising function contained in the advertisement.

B. Source of Data

According to Sugiyono, obyek penelitian adalah sasaran ilmiah

untuk mendapatkan data dengan tujuan dan kegunaan tertentu tentang

sesuatu hal obyektif dan reliabel tentang suatu hal atau variabel


The object of this research contains advertisements displayed on

SN's youtube channel, namely food advertisements at fast-food

McDonald's and Wendy's. SN YouTube channel is a YouTube channel

owned by a commercial account that has received permission from the

product owner to remarket its products without violating the rights of the

agency and creator who created the ad.

According to Sugiyono, sumber data penelitian dibedakan menjadi

2, yaitu sumber data primer dan sumber data sekunder.36

The data source

in this study is a secondary data source obtained from four advertisements

from McDonald's restaurants that aired on 21 July 2020 and 26 September

2020 which contained food product advertisements and on 7 July 2020 and

1 September 2020 which contained beverage product advertisements, and

four advertisements for Wendy's which airs on July 10, 2020 and

November 13, 2020, contains Food product advertisements, and May 7,

2019, and September 16, 2020, contains Beverage product advertisements.

The data is contained in words, clauses, phrases, and sentences. The data is

an illustration provided by the advertiser.

C. Technique of Data Collection

Without a data, the researcher cannot do the research. To get the

data, researcher uses a technique or more. Sugiyono stated that “Teknik

pengumpulan data merupakan langkah yang paling strategis dalam

35 Sugiyono, 2019. Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Pendekatan Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan

R &D. Bandung: Alfabeta. Page 7.


Sugiyono, 2019. Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Pendekatan Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan

R &D. Bandung: Alfabeta. Page 9.


sebuah penelitian, sebab tujuan utama dari penelitian adalah

mendapatkan data yang akurat, sehingga tanpa mengetahui teknik

pengumpulan data peneliti tidak akan mendapatkan data yang memenuhi

standar yang ditetapkan”.37

In compiling the data, the researcher used fast food advertisements

on McDonald's and Wendy's. Researcher not only collected data using

purposive sampling technique, but also selected and classified them

according to certain classifications. According to Sugiyono stated

purposive sampling adalah teknik penentuan sampel dengan berbagai

pertimbangan tertentu.38

The data collection technique methods are as


1. reading and note taking food advertisements,

2. determining the selected advertisements,

3. choosing food advertisements in English to investigate,

4. taking notes to the raw data,

5. making and fulfilling the data sheet, and

6. cross-checking the advertisements as the final step.

D. Technique of Data Analysis

After collecting the data, the writer analyzes the data. In qualitative

research, the data analysis is the process of searching and arranging the

data systematically. Technique data analysis are used to answer the

formulation of the problem in analysis data. According to Sugiyono stated

teknik analisis data adalah proses mencari data, menyusun secara

sistematis data yang diperoleh dari hasil wawancara, catatan lapangan,

dan dokumentasi, dengan cara mengorganisasikan data ke dalam

kategori, menjabarkan ke dalam unit-unit, melakukan sintesis, menyusun

37 Sugiyono. 2019. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R&D. Bandung: PT

Alfabet, p 224.


Sugiyono, 2019. Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Pendekatan Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan

R &D. Bandung: Alfabeta, p 234.


ke dalam pola memilih mana yang penting dan yang akan dipelajari, dan

membuat kesimpulan sehingga mudah dipahami oleh diri sendiri maupun

orang lain. 39

In this research, the researcher uses descriptive analysis because

this research is descriptive. The way researcher describe and analyze data

obtained from fast food advertisements from McDonald's and Wendy's to

find out the answer formulation of the problem that has been formulated.

The research has several steps in analyzing the data so that this research

can be carried out more specifically, the steps are40


1. Identify

Speech acts in fast food commercials from McDonald's and Wendy's.

2. Classifying the data

Furthermore, the researcher classified the data into data sheets based

on the classification of the two research objectives.

3. Analyze, describe, explain

The author analyzes, describes, and explains data in fast food

advertisements from McDonald's and Wendy's.

4. Make conclusions

After all, data has been analyzed, it is described and described in

research, the author will make conclusions from the research.


39 Sugiyono, 2019. Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Pendekatan Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan

R &D. Bandung: Alfabeta, p 243. 40

Sugiyono, 2019. Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Pendekatan Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan

R &D. Bandung: Alfabeta, Page 244.




A. Finding

In the findings of this study, the researcher collect, classify and

identify data, then look for illocutionary kinds and functions contained in

advertisements, understand illocutionary kinds and advertising functions,

analyze illocutionary kinds and functions and draw conclusions based on the

results of data analysis.

From the results of the study, it was found that the kinds of

illocutionary in McDonald's advertisements were assertive, directive, and

declarative. In Wendy's advertisement found assertive, commissive, directive,

and declarative.

It was found that the advertising function in Mcdonald

advertisements contained an informing functions, a persuading functions, a

reminding function, and a adding value function. In Wendy's ad there are an

informing functions, and a assisting function.

B. Analysis

1. The Kinds of Illocutionary

In this study, the researcher examines the kinds of illocutions

proposed by Searle which are divided into five kinds, namely directive,

commission, assertive, expressive and declarative. There are 4 kinds of


illocutionary kinds contained in McDonald‟s and Wendy's

advertisements, which are as follows: 41

a. Mcdonald’s

1) Assertive

Datum 1: Believe me we’ve seen a lot of mornings and eating

the small bits of cheese stucked to a mcdonal’s wrapper42

The advertisement above is an assertive type of informing,

the ad explains that Mcdonald's has a variety of food menus for

the morning, one of which is a burger food product. The

advertisement explains that the burger pack has a slice of cheese

in it which adds to the enjoyment of eating it.

Datum 2: our new mcdonald's spicy chicken mcnuggets are just

the right amount of spicy a small to medium sprite types of


41 John R. Searle and Daniel Vanderveken. 1985. Foundations of Illocutionary Logic.

Great Britain: Cambridge University Press. p 37-40. 42

Duration 00:00-00:08 minutes. 43

Duration 00:00-00:07 minutes.


The advertisement above is an assertive type of assure, the

ad explains that McDonald's new food product is the spicy

chicken McNuggets. This spicy chicken McNuggets food

product is suitable for consumers who do not like the excessive

spicy taste because the chicken nuggets are processed with the

right spicy taste but not too spicy. But if consumers like spicy

taste, McDonald's also serves sprite drinks to add a spicy taste

when eating spicy chicken McNuggets.

Datum 3: but if you get the mighty hot sauce it's a napkins of for

foreheads now types of spicy this came from mcdonald's types of

spicy because our spicy chicken mcnuggets breaded in tempura

and made with cayenne are just the right amount of spicy unless

you remember what i said about the sauce44


Duration 00:10-00:27 minutes.


The advertisement above is an assertive type of informing,

the ad explains that McDonald's also provides hot chili sauce as

a complement to eating McNuggets 'spicy chicken, not to forget

that they also provide napkins to wipe consumers' sweat due to

the spicy taste when eating. The advertisement describes the

ingredients in managing the Spicy Chicken McNuggets, which

consist of just the right amount of spicy tempura bread flour and

bird's eye chilies. This is what gives rise to a spicy taste, and is

added with a spicy sauce that adds to the spicy pleasure.

2) Directive

Datum 4: is the right way to start a morning45

The advertisement above is a directive type of

recommendation, The ad explained that McDonald's

recommends consumers who want breakfast. Breakfast with a

burger from McDonald's restaurant is the right decision to start

the activity in the morning.

Datum 5: uh let's get a mcflurry after this types of spicy46


Duration 00:09-00:12 minutes. 46

Duration 00:07-00:09 minutes.


The advertisement above is a directive type of inciting, the

advertisement explains that McDonald's also has another

beverage product called Mcflurry, an ice cream drink product

with vanilla cream on top, which consumers can enjoy to get rid

of its spicy taste.

Datum 6: or save day or a large ice coffee for this to do list47

The advertisement above is a directive type of

recommendation, the advertisement explained that a new,

affordable beverage product from McDonald's, namely iced

coffee so that consumers can choose to drink at McDonald's.


Duration 00:10-00:13 minutes.


3) Declarative

Datum 7: everyone is moments48

The advertisement above is a declarative type of declare,

the ad explains that this drink from McDonald's can complement

your moments of togetherness.

b. Wendy’s

1) Assertive

Datum 8: a tomorrow that says BAE can not bake at we’re

fresh eggs rain like opportunity goodness is spread and the

frosty is key note and right now tomorrow brings even more like

a honey butter chicken biscuit for just a dollar ninety-nine no

matter what tomorrow is looking good49

The advertisement above is an assertive type of informing,

the advertisement explains that if consumers cannot bake in the


Duration 00:08-00:09 minutes. 49

Duration 00:05-00:28 minutes.


morning, Wendys provides food for you to consume in the

morning, without having to bother you to bake in the morning.

The advert also depicts a burger composition consisting of fresh

eggs, and honey butter chicken biscuits, which can be enjoyed

on a cold morning, this burger can be had for just one dollar


Datum 9: mmm he's got a wendy's frosty yeah and right now

they're only 50 cents50

The advertisement above is an assertive type of informing,

the advert explains that Wendy's cold drink is being sold by

Wendy's restaurant for 50 cents.

Datum 10: introducing wendy's new pretzel bacon puff

cheeseburger nothing will distract you from the pretzel bun and

beer cheese51


Duration 00:00-00:07 minutes. 51

Duration 00:00-00:07 minutes.


The advertisement above is an assertive type of informing,

the advertisement explains that Wendys' new food product,

namely the bacon puff cheeseburger pretzel. The advertisement

describes a bacon puff cheeseburger pretzel food product, which

consists of pretzel bread and cheese beer inside.

2) Commisive

Datum 11: Tomorrow it can only be better with wendy’s


The advertisement above is a commission type of

guarantee, the ad explains that Wendy's guarantees that with

breakfast at Wendy's restaurant, consumers' breakfast will be



Duration 00:00-00:05 minutes.


Datum 12: we got you53

The advertisement above is a commission type of promise,

the ad explains that Wendys also guarantees that the drink will

always be available at the restaurant, so customers don't have to

worry about running out of these drinks.

Datum 13: and get wendy's rewards54

The advertisement above is a commission type of commit,

the ad explains that Wendy gives gifts to lucky consumers for

purchasing food products from Wendy's.

3) Directive

Datum 14: the 50 cent frosty is back55


Duration 00:00-00:08 minutes. 54

Duration 00:13-00:14 minutes. 55

Duration 00:09-00:10 minutes.


The advertisement above is a directive type of inciting, the

ad explains that Wendy's has a cold brew product for only 50


Datum 15: grab it now in wendy's two for five56

The advertisement above is a directive type of inciting, the

advertisement explains that food products sold by Wendy's can

be obtained for only 5 dollars, only with that price consumers

will get 2 classic chicken sandwiches that can be enjoyed



Duration 00:12-00:15 minutes.


Datum 16: download the app to order ahead57

The advertisement above is a directive type of

recommend, the ad explains that Wendys advises consumers to

download the Wendy application to place food orders directly,

without the need to queue at the restaurant.

4) Declarative

Datum 17: not even all the comments on the pick you posted of

your pretzel bacon pug cheeseburger58

The advertisement above is a declarative type of declare,

the advertisement explains that not all similar products that

consumers see and comment on social media are products of

Wendys, namely bacon puff cheeseburger pretzels.


Duration 00:12-00:13 minutes. 58

Duration 00:07-00:12 minutes.


2. The Advertising Function

In this study, the researcher examined the advertising function

proposed by Tyagi and Kumar.59

There are 5 advertising functions

contained in Mcdonalds and Wendy's advertisements, which are as


a. Mcdonald’s

1) Informing

Datum 18: Believe you me we’ve seen a lot of mornings and

eating the small bits of cheese stuck to a mcdonal’s wrapper60

On advertisement 1, this McDonald's advertisement there

is an informing function contained in the ad, which is in the

sentence "Believe us, we have often seen the morning and eaten

a small piece of cheese stuck to a McDonald's wrapper" in that

sentence the McDonald's advertisement informs about the food

products it sells. McDonald's informs the composition of its

burger food which consists of slices of cheese and then

59 C. L. Tyagi, and Arun Kumar. Advertising Management. New Delhi: Atlantic

Publishers and distributors. 2004. p 18. 60

Duration 00:00-00:08 minutes.


packaged in a package to ensure the hygiene of the food


Datum 19: this coat could be the first one you're having at

McDonal's again this iced coffee could be the first one at the

same old time and this slushie could be the first one they're

having with friends61

On advertisement 2, this McDonald's advertisement, there

is a persuading function, the sentence in the ad says that a drink

from McDonald's can be your first helper to spend time, namely

iced coffee, and a drink that can be enjoyed with friends, namely

slushie, with these drinks you can spend your time at here.

Datum 20: a small to medium sprite types of spicy62

On advertisement 3, this McDonald's advertisement, there

is an information function, in that sentence, the McDonald's


Duration 00:00-00:12 minutes. 62

Duration 00:04-00:07 minutes.


advertisement informs that to add to the spicy taste of buyers,

McDonald's also provides drinks that can add to the spicy taste

of buyers, namely small to medium sprites.

2) Persuading

Datum 21: is the right way to start a morning63

On advertisement 1, this McDonald's advertisement, there

is a persuading function, namely in the sentence "is the right

way to start a morning" in that sentence McDonald's tries to

persuade consumers with sentences that can convince consumers

because by consuming food products from McDonald's,

consumers' breakfast will be guaranteed, consumers will be to

start activities in the morning with enthusiasm and cheerfulness.

Datum 22: uh let's get a mcflurry after this types of spicy64


Duration 00:09-00:12 minutes. 64

Duration 00:07-00:09 minutes.


On advertisement 3, this McDonald's advertisement, there

is persuading, the sentence of the ad, McDonald's tries to

persuade consumers to consume additional beverage products

from McDonald's, namely mcflurry, these drinks can reduce the

spicy taste of buyers after eating the latest product, namely spicy

chicken McNuggets.

Datum 23: or save day or a large ice coffee for this to do list65

On advertisement 4, this McDonald's advertisement, there

is a persuading function, in that sentence, McDonald's tries to

suggest to buyers that beverage products from McDonald's are

affordable, so you don't have to worry if your money runs out,


Duration 00:10-00:13 minutes.


besides iced coffee from McDonald's can accompany customers

who are busy working.

3) Reminding

Datum 24: our new mcdonald's spicy chicken mcnuggets are

just the right amount of spicy66

On advertisement 3, this McDonald's advertisement, there

is a Reminding function, in that sentence, the McDonald's ad

tries to introduce a new food brand from McDonald's, namely

spicy chicken McNuggets.

4) Adding value

Datum 25: try something new on your next visit like our icy

blue mini made slushies67


Duration 00:00-00:04 minutes. 67

Duration 00:17-00:22 minutes.


On advertisement 2, this McDonald's advertisement, there

is an Adding Value Function, in that sentence, McDonald's is

promoting the latest product from McDonald's that visitors can

try, namely, a beverage product called icy blue mini made


b. Wendy’s

1) Informing

Datum 26: Tomorrow it can only be better with wendy’s

breakfast a tomorrow that says BAE can not bake at we’re fresh

eggs rain like opportunity goodness is spread and the frosty is

key note and right now tomorrow brings even more like a honey

butter chicken biscuit for just a dollar ninety-nine no matter

what tomorrow is looking good tomorrow also available today68

On advertisement 5, this Wendy's advertisement, there is a

function of informing the food products it sells, namely burger

products with egg layers, and informing the composition of the

food content which consists of honey butter chicken biscuits, as

well as informing the price of the food products it sells.


Duration 00:00-00:30 minutes.


Datum 27: wendy's didn't start the chicken wars they just ended

them with wendy's new classic chicken sandwich nothing beats

this classic grab it now in wendy's two for five69

On advertisement 7, this Wendy's advertisement, there is

an informing function because the ad informs the latest food

product it sells, namely the classic chicken sandwich, and

informs the price of the food product it sells. For current

purchases, Wendy's informs you the price, which is only 5

dollars, the buyer will get 2 classic chicken sandwiches.

Datum 28: introducing wendy's new pretzel bacon puff

cheeseburger nothing will distract you from the pretzel bun and

beer cheese not even all the comments on the pick you posted of

your pretzel bacon pug cheeseburger70

On advertisement 8, this Wendy's ad, there is an informing

function, the ad informs the food product being sold, namely the


Duration 00:00-00:15 minutes. 70

Duration 00:00-00:12 minutes.


bacon puff cheeseburger, which consists of pretzel bread and

beer cheese. Wendy also informed that there are already many

copies of Wendy's products, but to get authentic food products,

buyers can immediately place an order at Wendy.

2) Assisting

Datum 29: download the app to order ahead and get wendy's


Datum 29

On advertisement 8, this Wendy's ad, there is an Assisting

function, in this sentence, Wendys suggests that buyers can

download the Wendy application to place food orders, and

Wendys tries to attract buyers' attention, by giving gifts to lucky



Duration 00:12-00:14 minutes.




A. Conclusion

From the explanation and analysis of this thesis, the researcher

concludes that there are kinds of illocutionary in Mcdonald advertisements

were assertive, directive, and declarative. In Wendy's advertisement found

assertive, commissive, directive, and declarative, and it was found that the

advertising function in Mcdonald advertisements contained an informing

functions, a persuading functions, a reminding function, and a adding value

function. In Wendy's ad there are an informing functions, and a assisting


B. Suggestion

The researcher would like to provide some suggestions for other

future researcher who will be doing research on the same topic about Speech

Acts. First, researcher hope for this research can contribute to future

researcher who want to do anything research on speech acts. Second, other

researcher can analyze usage speech acts in various other situations, such as

in the learning process, television programs, and other objects of study.


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a. Mcdonald’s

1. Believe you me we‟ve seen a lot of mornings... and eating the small bits of

cheese stuck to a McDonald‟s wrapper is the right way to start a morning

(aired on 22 July 2020)

2. this coat could be the first one you're having at McDonal's again this iced

coffee could be the first one at the same old time and this slushie could be

the first one they're having with friends whatever this order is for you will

be here to take it try something new on your next visit like our icy blue

minute maid slushies enjoy a small one for two bucks or take a soda break

with any sized soft drink for just the dollar (aired on 7 July 2020)

3. our new Mcdonald‟s spicy chicken mcnuggets are just the right amount of

spicy a small to medium sprite kind of spicy uh let's get a mcflurry after

this kind of spicy but if you get the mighty hot sauce it's a napkins of for

foreheads now kind of spicy this came from Mcdonald‟s kind of spicy

because our spicy chicken mcnuggets breaded in tempura and made with

cayenne are just the right amount of spicy unless you remember what i

said about the sauce (aired on 26 Sep 2020)

4. that idea soda so modern drink drink from Mcdonald‟s everyone is

moments I preach or save day or a large ice coffee for this to do list (aired

on 1 Sep 2020)

b. Wendy’s

1. Tomorrow.. it can only be better with Wendy‟s breakfast a tomorrow that

says BAE can not bake at we‟re fresh eggs rain like opportunity goodness

is spread and the frosty is key note and right now.. tomorrow brings even

more like a honey butter chicken biscuit for just a dollar ninety-nine no

matter what tomorrow is looking good .. tomorrow also available today

(aired on 10 July 2020)

2. mmm he's got a Wendy‟s frosty yeah and right now they're only 50 cents

the 50 cent frosty is back so if you need your frosty fink's we got you

(aired on 7 May 2020)

3. Wendy‟s didn't start the chicken wars they just ended them with Wendy‟s

new classic chicken sandwich nothing beats this classic grab it now in

Wendy‟s two for five (aired on 13 Nov 2020)

4. introducing Wendy‟s new pretzel bacon puff cheeseburger nothing will

distract you from the pretzel bun and beer cheese not even all the

comments on the pick you posted of your pretzel bacon pug cheeseburger

download the app to order ahead and get Wendy‟s rewards (aired on 16

Sep 2020)


a. Kinds of Illocutionary

Table 1

McDonald's Advertisement 1

No Datum Utterance




















Datum 1

Believe you me

we‟ve seen a lot of

mornings and eating

the small bits of

cheese stuck to a

mcdonal‟s wrapper


The advertisement

above is an assertive

type of informing, the

ad explains that

Mcdonald's has a

variety of food menus

for the morning, one

of which is a burger

food product. The


explains that the

burger pack has a

slice of cheese in it

which adds to the

enjoyment of eating



Datum 2

is the right way to

start a morning


The advertisement

above is a directive

type of

recommendation. The

ad explained that



consumers who want

breakfast. Breakfast

with a burger from

McDonald's restaurant

is the right decision to

start the activity in the


Table 2

McDonald's Advertisement 2

No Picture Utterance



















Datum 3

this coat could be the

first one you're

having at McDonal's

again this iced coffee

could be the first one

at the same old time

and this slushie

could be the first one

they're having with



The advertisement

above is a directive

type of recommend,

the ad explains that


recommends beverage

products from

McDonald's, namely

iced coffee and slushie

drinks that can be

enjoyed with friends.

Datum 4

whatever this order

is for you will be

here to take it


The advertisement

above is an assertive

type of predict, the


explains that whatever

beverage products are

ordered, consumers

will come to


Datum 5

try something new

on your next visit


The advertisement

above is a directive

type of recommend,

the ad explains that

McDonald's offers a

new product from

McDonald's, for

consumers who

deliberately spend

time on McDonald's

like our icy blue

mini made slushies

enjoy a small one

for two bucks


The advertisement

above is an assertive

type of informing, The


explains that the latest

McDonalds product in

Datum 6 question is icy blue

mini made slushies

that can be enjoyed

for only two dollars.

Datum 7

or take a soda break

with any sized soft

drink for


The advertisement

above is a directive

type of recommend,

the ad explains that

visitors who want to

visit or just have a

drink, McDonald's

also has soft soda

products of all sizes

Datum 8

just the dollar


The advertisement

above is an assertive

type of informing, The


explained that

McDonald's products

can be obtained or

purchased for as little

as one dollar.

Table 3

McDonald's Advertisement 3

No Picture Utterance



















Datum 9

our new mcdonald's

spicy chicken

mcnuggets are just

the right amount of

spicy a small to

medium sprite types

of spicy


The advertisement

above is an assertive

type of assure, the ad

explains that

McDonald's new food

product is the spicy

chicken McNuggets.

This spicy chicken

McNuggets food

product is suitable for

consumers who do not

like the excessive

spicy taste because the

chicken nuggets are

processed with the

right spicy taste but

not too spicy. But if

consumers like spicy

taste, McDonald's also

serves sprite drinks to

add a spicy taste when

eating spicy chicken


Datum 10

uh let's get a

mcflurry after this

types of spicy


The advertisement

above is a directive

type of inciting, The


explains that

McDonald's also has

another beverage

product called

Mcflurry, an ice

cream drink product

with vanilla cream on

top, which consumers

can enjoy to get rid of

its spicy taste.

Datum 11

but if you get the

mighty hot sauce it's

a napkins of for

foreheads now types

of spicy this came

from mcdonald's

types of spicy

because our spicy

chicken mcnuggets

breaded in tempura

and made with

cayenne are just the

right amount of


unless you

remember what i

said about the sauce


The advertisement

above is an assertive

type of informing, the

ad explains that

McDonald's also

provides hot chili

sauce as a

complement to eating

McNuggets 'spicy

chicken, not to forget

that they also provide

napkins to wipe

consumers' sweat due

to the spicy taste when

eating. The


describes the

ingredients in

managing the Spicy

Chicken McNuggets,

which consist of just

the right amount of

spicy tempura bread

flour and bird's eye

chilies. This is what

gives rise to a spicy

taste, and is added

with a spicy sauce that

adds to the spicy


Table 4

McDonald's Advertisement 4

No Picture Utterance



Analysis A















Datum 12

that idea soda so

modern drink drink

from Mcdonald's


The advertisement

above is an assertive

type of report, the


explains that modern

beverage products

from McDonald's are

inspired by soft


Datum 13

everyone is moments


The advertisement

above is a declarative

type of declare, the ad

explains that this drink

from McDonald's can

complement your

moments of


Datum 14

I preach


The advertisement

above is an assertive

type of informing, the


explains that the new

beverage product from

McDonald's is a

modern drink with an

appetizing soda taste


Datum 15

or save day or a

large ice coffee for

this to do list


The advertisement

above is a directive

type of

recommendation, The


explained that a new,

affordable beverage

product from

McDonald's, namely

iced coffee so that

consumers can choose

to drink at


Table 5

Wendy's Advertisement 1

No Picture Utterance



















Datum 16

Tomorrow it can

only be better with

wendy‟s breakfast


The advertisement

above is a commission

type of guarantee, the

ad explains that

Wendy's guarantees

that with breakfast at

Wendy's restaurant,

consumers' breakfast

will be better.

Datum 17

a tomorrow that says

BAE can not bake at

we‟re fresh eggs rain

like opportunity

goodness is spread

and the frosty is key

note and right now

tomorrow brings

even more like a

honey butter chicken

The advertisement

above is an assertive

type of informing, The


explains that if

consumers cannot

bake in the morning,

Wendys provides food

for you to consume in

the morning, without

biscuit for just a

dollar ninety-nine no

matter what

tomorrow is looking



having to bother you

to bake in the

morning. The advert

also depicts a burger


consisting of fresh

eggs, and honey butter

chicken biscuits,

which can be enjoyed

on a cold morning,

this burger can be had

for just one dollar


Datum 18

tomorrow also

available today


The advertisement

above is a commissive

type of guarantee, the

ad explains that

Wendys guarantees

that customers don't

have to worry about

running out of their

burgers because these

bugs are available

every day at the


Table 6

Wendy's Advertisement 2

No Picture Utterance



















Datum 19

mmm he's got a

wendy's frosty yeah

and right now they're

only 50 cents


The advertisement

above is an assertive

type of informing, The

advert explains that

Wendy's cold drink is

being sold by Wendy's

restaurant for 50


Datum 20

the 50 cent frosty is



The advertisement

above is a directive

type of inciting, the ad

explains that Wendy's

has a cold brew

product for only 50


Datum 21

so if you need your

frosty fink's


The advertisement

above is an assertive

type of informing, the

ad explains that if a

consumer wants a

fresh and cold drink,

Wendys provides him

with the consumer's

desire to consume a

refreshing cold drink.

Datum 22

we got you


The advertisement

above is a commission

type of promise, the

ad explains that

Wendys also

guarantees that the

drink will always be

available at the

restaurant, so

customers don't have

to worry about

running out of these


Table 7

Wendy's Advertisement 3

No Picture Utterance



















Datum 23

wendy's didn't start

the chicken wars

they just ended them

with wendy's new

classic chicken

sandwich nothing

beats this classic


The advertisement

above is an assertive

type of informing, the


explains that Wendys

has a new food

product, namely the

classic chicken

sandwich, this food

product is different

from other food


Datum 24

grab it now in

wendy's two for five


The advertisement

above is a directive

type of inciting, the


explains that food

products sold by

Wendy's can be

obtained for only 5

dollars, only with that

price consumers will

get 2 classic chicken

sandwiches that can

be enjoyed together.

Table 8

Wendy's Advertisement 4

No Picture Utterance



















Datum 25

introducing wendy's

new pretzel bacon

puff cheeseburger

nothing will distract

you from the pretzel

bun and beer cheese


The advertisement

above is an assertive

type of informing, The


explains that Wendys'

new food product,

namely the bacon puff

cheeseburger pretzel.

The advertisement

describes a bacon puff

cheeseburger pretzel

food product, which

consists of pretzel

bread and cheese beer


Datum 26

not even all the

comments on the

pick you posted of

your pretzel bacon

pug cheeseburger


The advertisement

above is a declarative

type of declare, the


explains that not all

similar products that

consumers see and

comment on social

media are products of

Wendys, namely

bacon puff

cheeseburger pretzels.

Datum 27

download the app to

order ahead


The advertisement

above is a directive

type of recommend,

the ad explains that

Wendys advises

consumers to

download the Wendy

application to place

food orders directly,

without the need to

queue at the


Datum 28

and get wendy's



The advertisement

above is a commission

type of commit, the ad

explains that Wendy

gives gifts to lucky

consumers for

purchasing food

products from


b. Functions of Advertising

Table 9

Mcdonald’s Advertisement 1

No Picture Utterance















g v






Datum 1

Believe you me

we‟ve seen a lot of

mornings and eating

the small bits of

cheese stuck to a

mcdonal‟s wrapper


In this McDonald's

advertisement there is

an informing function

contained in the ad,

which is in the sentence

"Believe us, we have

often seen the morning

and eaten a small piece

of cheese stuck to a

McDonald's wrapper"

in that sentence the


advertisement informs

about the food products

it sells. McDonald's

informs the

composition of its

burger food which

consists of slices of

cheese and then

packaged in a package

to ensure the hygiene of

the food product.

Datum 2

is the right way to

start a morning


In this McDonald's

advertisement, there is a

persuading function,

namely in the sentence

"is the right way to start

a morning" in that

sentence McDonald's

tries to persuade

consumers with

sentences that can

convince consumers

because by consuming

food products from


consumers' breakfast

will be guaranteed,

consumers will be able

to start activities in the

morning with

enthusiasm and


Table 10

Mcdonald’s Advertisement 2

No Picture Utterance















g v






Datum 3

this coat could be the

first one you're

having at McDonal's

again this iced coffee

could be the first one

at the same old time

and this slushie

could be the first one

In this McDonald's

advertisement, there is a

persuading function, the

sentence in the ad says

that a drink from

McDonald's can be

your first helper to

spend time, namely iced

they're having with



coffee, and a drink that

can be enjoyed with

friends, namely slushie,

with these drinks you

can spend your time at


Datum 4

whatever this order

is for you will be

here to take it


In this McDonald's

advertisement, there is

an informing function,

in that sentence,

McDonald's informs

that, all the products

you order, all of them

are at McDonald's, you

can directly visit

McDonald's and place

an order.

Datum 5

try something new

on your next visit

like our icy blue

mini made slushies


In this McDonald's

advertisement, there is

an Adding Value

Function, in that

sentence, McDonald's is

promoting the latest

product from

McDonald's that

visitors can try, namely,

a beverage product

called icy blue mini

made slushies.

Datum 6

enjoy a small one for

two bucks


In this McDonald's

advertisement, there is

an informing function,

in that sentence,

McDonald's informs

that the icy blue mini

made slushies can be

obtained for only two


Datum 7

or take a soda break

with any sized soft

drink for


In this McDonald's

advertisement, there is a

persuading function, the

sentence in the ad says

that buyers can spend

time at McDonald's, by

consuming McDonald's

soda drinks, these

drinks are available in

all sizes.

Datum 8

just the dollar


In this McDonald's

advertisement, there is

an informing function,

the sentence in the ad

says that a small drink

can be obtained for only

one dollar.

Table 11

Mcdonald’s Advertisement 3

No Picture Utterance



Analysis In











g v






Datum 9

our new mcdonald's

spicy chicken

mcnuggets are just

the right amount of



In this McDonald's

advertisement, there is a

Reminding function, in

that sentence, the

McDonald's ad tries to

introduce a new food

brand from

McDonald's, namely

spicy chicken


Datum 10

a small to medium

sprite types of spicy


In this McDonald's

advertisement, there is

an information

function, in that

sentence, the


advertisement informs

that to add to the spicy

taste of buyers,

McDonald's also

provides drinks that can

add to the spicy taste of

buyers, namely small to

medium sprites.

Datum 11

uh let's get a

mcflurry after this

types of spicy


In this McDonald's

advertisement, there is

persuading, the

sentence of the ad,

McDonald's tries to

persuade consumers to

consume additional

beverage products from

McDonald's, namely

mcflurry, these drinks

can reduce the spicy

taste of buyers after

eating the latest

product, namely spicy

chicken McNuggets.

Datum 12

but if you get the

mighty hot sauce it's

a napkins of for

foreheads now types

of spicy this came

from mcdonald's

types of spicy

because our spicy

chicken mcnuggets

breaded in tempura

and made with

cayenne are just the

right amount of

spicy unless you

remember what i

said about the sauce


In this McDonald's

advertisement, there is

an information

function, in that

sentence, the


advertisement informs

that buyers will get hot

sauce and napkins

which serve to clean the

sweat of buyers after

feeling spicy when

consuming spicy

chicken McNuggets.

McDonald's also

informs the

composition of spicy

chicken McNuggets,

which consists of a

layer of breadcrumbs

with tempura, and

added with chilies, so

that it can add a spicy

taste when consuming


Table 12

Mcdonald’s Advertisement 4

No Picture Utterance















g v






Datum 13

that idea soda so

modern drink drink

from Mcdonald's

everyone is moments

I preach


In this McDonald's

advertisement, there is a

function of informing,

in that sentence,

McDonald's informs the

innovative beverage

products it sells, namely

soft drinks that can be

enjoyed by customers.

Datum 14

or save day or a

large ice coffee for

this to do list


In this McDonald's

advertisement, there is a

persuading function, in

that sentence,

McDonald's tries to

suggest to buyers that

beverage products from

McDonald's are

affordable, so you don't

have to worry if your

money runs out, besides

iced coffee from

McDonald's can

accompany customers

who are busy working.

Table 13

Wendy’s Advertisement 1

No Picture Utterance















g v






Datum 15

Tomorrow it can

only be better with

wendy‟s breakfast a

tomorrow that says

BAE can not bake at

we‟re fresh eggs rain

like opportunity

goodness is spread

and the frosty is key

note and right now

tomorrow brings

even more like a

honey butter chicken

biscuit for just a

dollar ninety-nine no

matter what

tomorrow is looking

good tomorrow also

available today


In this Wendy's

advertisement, there is a

function of informing

the food products it

sells, namely burger

products with egg

layers, and informing

the composition of the

food content which

consists of honey butter

chicken biscuits, as well

as informing the price

of the food products it


Table 14

Wendy’s Advertisement 2

No Picture Utterance















g v






Datum 16

mmm he's got a

wendy's frosty yeah

and right now they're

only 50 cents the 50

cent frosty is back so

if you need your

frosty fink's we got



In this Wendy's ad,

there is an informing

function because the ad

informs the beverage

products it sells and

informs the price of the

beverage products it

sells, which is 50 cents.

Table 15

Wendy’s Advertisement 3

No Picture Utterance















g v






Datum 17

wendy's didn't start

the chicken wars

they just ended them

with wendy's new

classic chicken

sandwich nothing

beats this classic

grab it now in

wendy's two for five


In this Wendy's

advertisement, there is

an informing function

because the ad informs

the latest food product

it sells, namely the

classic chicken

sandwich, and informs

the price of the food

product it sells. For

current purchases,

Wendy's informs you

the price, which is only

5 dollars, the buyer will

get 2 classic chicken


Table 16

Wendy’s Advertisement 4

No Picture Utterance















g v






Datum 18

introducing wendy's

new pretzel bacon

puff cheeseburger

nothing will distract

you from the pretzel

bun and beer cheese

not even all the

comments on the

pick you posted of

your pretzel bacon

pug cheeseburger


In this Wendy's ad,

there is an informing

function, the ad informs

the food product being

sold, namely the bacon

puff cheeseburger,

which consists of

pretzel bread and beer

cheese. Wendy also

informed that there are

already many copies of

Wendy's products, but

to get authentic food

products, buyers can

immediately place an

order at Wendy.

Datum 19

download the app to

order ahead and get

wendy's rewards


In this Wendy's ad,

there is an Assisting

function, in this

sentence, Wendys

suggests that buyers can

download the Wendy

application to place

food orders, and

Wendys tries to attract

buyers' attention, by

giving gifts to lucky



a. Mcdonald’s

Mcdonald‟s is the largest fast-food restaurant in the world that started

in 1955 in California, United States. With a superior product in the form of a

burger called Bigmac, Mcdonald‟s until now has thousands of restaurants

spread across more than 100 countries, one of which is Indonesia.

Mcdonald‟s first entered Indonesia in 1991 by opening its first restaurant in

Sarinah, Thamrin. In 2009 PT. Rekso Nasional Food (RNF), which is a

subsidiary of the Rekso Group, signed a Master Franchise Agreement with

Mcdonald‟s International Property Company (MIPCO) which gives

permission to operate all restaurants under the Mcdonald‟s brand and open

new restaurants throughout Indonesia. Until now, PT.RNF has opened more

than 200 Mcdonald‟s outlets spread across various cities in Indonesia which

are supported by more than 14,000 employees throughout Indonesia. PT.

RNF through Mcdonald‟s Indonesia is always fully committed to providing

the best service for customers, presenting the foremost quality food, and

providing great benefits to the people of Indonesia. Mcdonald‟s Indonesia

received the first Halal Certificate from the LPPOM Indonesian Ulema

Council (MUI) in 1994 and became the first fast-food restaurant to

receive a Halal Certificate in Indonesia.

b. Wendy’s

Wendy‟s was founded by Dave Thomas in 1969 and named after his 8

year old daughter. When Dave opened the Wendy‟s restaurant in Columbus,

USA, he opened the door to a new standard in quality food. Dave developed

an innovative method to prepare made to order burgers, allowing the staff to

quickly serve high quality food on a daily basis. When everyday people sort

through all the „spin‟ there is one quick service restaurant that is „A Cut

Above‟ that‟s Wendy‟s. we stand for honest food, higher kind of people.

People that belive this is My Wendy‟s. we do it Dave‟s way and we don‟t cut

corners. More then 6,500 stores in over 29 international market. To day

Wendy‟s ranks among the world‟s top restaurant brands. In 1991, Wendy‟s

opened its first store in Jakarta, Indonesia and after then on 2012 Wendy‟s in

the acquisition by CT Corp. Wendy‟s currently operates more than 40 stores

in 12 cities in Indonesia such as Jakarta, Solo, Yogyakarta, Manado,

Semarang, Bandung, Palembang, Surabaya, Balikpapan, Makassar, Bali,

Malang and following other cities. Until now, Wendy‟s has a lot of amazing

foods and become part of food lovers in Indonesia. Wendy‟s we offer a

balance meal at the same time ensuring the standard of our quality is not

compromised at all time. Our beef patty at imported 100% Australian beef, on

top of burgers we have alternative like our Wendy‟s signature Baked Potato,

Wendy‟s world famous Chili and some local favourite like Potato Pie and rice

meals variants.
