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SPiAIU Qj&in£

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SPiAIU Qj&in£<yyi By AKEHH <fc GREEN. dECORAH, IOWA, NOV. 30, 1897. LOCAL ITEMS. —Court begun yesterday. Farmers’ Institute to-morrow. —Clivette-at the Grand to-night. —Cigars by the box at Trzcinski’s. —Get an oyster stew at Daubney’s. —The best oyster stews in the city at Daubney’s. - Calmar Methodists will build a parsonage. —For fine pianos and organs call on P. C. Peterson. —Office rooms to rent. Inquire of E. Rudolph & Co. —Ladies’ felt boxed boots, 98 cents. Smith & Dixson. —Miss Emma (’award visited Cresco friends last week. —Ole Marsh went to Graceville, Minn., on Friday. —To secure good insurance, call on H. C. Reeves & Co. —Mrs. 8. W. Angier has been visit- ing Waukon friends. —Rooms for rent.—Two good rooms at 514 Baker Avenue. 36tf —Hazle’s Headache Capsules are the only safe and sure cure. —Hon. Nels. Larsen, of Hesper township, is in the city. —Table de hote dinners a specialty at Daubney’s restaurant. —Cigars, candies, lunches, fruit, nuts everything at Daubney’s. —Miss Stevens, of Roseville, 111., visited in the city last week. —An elegant line of cigars always in stock at Daubney’s restaurant. —Ladies’ White Bros’. Box Calf shoes, $2.50. Smith & Dixson. —Mrs. G. H. Belding of Calmar, was in the city last Wednesday. —lt. E. Allen and Dr. Rustad were down from Ridgeway Thursday. —Fresh oysters direct from Balti- more at Sinclair’s, West Decorah. —The finest line of choice candies in Decorah at Daubney’s restaurant. —Miss Edith Olson was an over Sun- day visitor at her home in Calmar. —Roy H. Tracy returned yesterday from a few days' visit in Wa’erloo —All kinds of picture frames made to order at Reynolds, Ben Bear Block. 41-3 —Try Anderson’s new Feed Barn at the corner of Washington and Broad- way. 43tf —Mrs. Geo. Heckle and daughter, of Burr Oak, are spending the winter in the city. You want to make a present? Let Trzcinski make a nice hair chain, that will answer. 41-4 t —Rev. P. Garrahan, of Lawler, was in the city last Tuesday, attending the Catholic fair. —J. 8. Holland received a ffnecots- wool sheep Thursday, from the cham- pion herd of America. —Mrs. Frankie Sylvester returned home to Cedar Rapids last Tuesday, after an extended visit here. —Mr. and Mrs. McClaskey and daughter, Miss Mabel, spent Thanks- giving with Cresco relatives. —We will send the Pum.io Opinion from now until Jan. 1, 1899, for $1.50, the price of one year’s subscription. —An advertising car will be here on the B. C. It. & N. tracks Dec. (sth, rep- resenting Stoll’s Hog Cholera remedy. —J. C. Rollins now keeps his cab on the street for the accommodation of the public. A commendable enter- prise. - Miss Lottie Schriver at rived from Elkader last Wednesday, for a Thanks- giving visit with the family of H. Elvidge. —(j. Grunderson, of the Lutheran Publishing House, went to Albert Lea last Wednesday, where he spent Thanksgiving. —A. F. Anundsen and friend, Mr. J. H. Rock rath, Jr., came up from the state universjty at lowa City, to spend Thanksgiving. —Ole Olson and Oscar Bchor, who have been in the employ of H. Prast- mark and A. Peterson, respectively, during the summer, left for their homes in Calmar Saturday night. —We are in receipt of the program of the thirty-second annual session of the lowa State Horticultural Society, to be held in the Horticultural rooms ofthecapitol at Des Moines, Dec. 14, 15, 16, 17. —Some people seem to have the idea that a local newspaper is all written, made up and printed on the day of publication. The idea is a mistaken oke.— Went Union Gazette. All of which is absolutely true. —Are you going to the Pacific Coast this fall or winter? Are you going south? if so you cannot attord to start before finding out what the C. M. & St. P. lty. can do for you in the way of a cheap, pleasant, comfortable uud con- tinuous trip. Call and see S. V. Pot- ter, Agent. —See Clivette at the Grand to-night. —Hair chains made to order at Trz- cinski’s. 41-4 t —Photo Buttons—all sizes at Rey- nolds’, Ben Bear Block. 41-3 —For any occasion—a box of fine Candies. C. A. Neufert. —Mrs. James Allen has been quite ill, but is now improving. —Daniel Price, of Burr Oak, was among our callers last Tuesday. —Oysters in bulk or cans, always on hand at Sinclair’s, West Decorah. —Frank Young returned Friday from a business trip to Sioux City. —Mrs. Clara Brown was with Mason City relatives during Thanksgiving. —Anyone wishing to take music les- sons, apply at Peterson’s music store. —Mrs. Jane Rotner spent Thanks- giving with Howard county friends. —When you are hungry try one of those fine lunches at Daubney’s res- taurant. —Mrs. H. A. Stark left last Wednes- day for Lenora, Minn., to visit with her son. —Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cameron are the happy parents of a baby girl, born last Tuesday. —W. F. Baker left for Mason City last Tuesday evening for a Thanksgiv- ing visit. —One Minute Cough Cure cures quickly. That’s what you want! E. J. Weiser. —Do not wait until you get a rousing headache, but buy Hazle’s Headache Capsules now. —Men’s Buff’Shoes, lace or congress, $1 at the cheapest shoe house on earth. Smith & Dixson. —Miss Clara Goddard enjoyed Thanksgiving at Madison, Wis., with her brother Fred. —For sale cheap—a good family horse, five years old. For particulars inquire of Geo. Steyer. —The cheapest shoe house on earth. Ladies’ White Bros’. Box Calf shoes, $2.50. Smith & Dixson. —Use Hazle’s Headache Cajxsuies for all aches and pains. They are guaran- teed a safe and sure cure. —Rev. Norris, of Calmar, and Cooney, of Plymouth Rock, visited with Rev. Hawe, last week. —W. C. Wilson, brother of Rev. A. G., and an attorney of Cleveland, Ohio, has been visiting his brother. —C. A. Neufert lias just brought a handsome new hot soda apparatus which will he here in few days. —Switches made to order of cut hair or combings; also some nice French hair switches on hand at Trzcinski’s. —For sale cheap, a thirty-four foot front two story building 211 Washing- ton st. H. F. Barthell Agent. Deeorali, lowa. —Mrs. James P. Kirby, of Albany, N. Y„ is in the city, visiting her moth- er, Mrs. Steward, and sister, Mrs. R. F. B. Portman. —Rev. Mr. Gorrell, of Chicago, who has been holding services in Grace church, has been engaged to remain until Faster. —Rev. Geo. Willett has been visiting his parents here for several days, and occupied the Congregational pulpit on Sunday evening. —Protect your property by insuring with H. C. Reeves & Co., Rudolph Block. They are prepaid to give you all kinds of insurance. —The home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Seavy, of Kansas City, Kas., has been brightened by the presence of a baby boy since November 22. —The American Pulp, Linen and Fibre Co. are new prepared to make all kinds of wrapping pa[ter, and will re- ceive orders for the same. —Lew Halse, of Bluff ton township, will purchase poultry this winter and collect it. Write him at Burr Oak f you have any to sell. 41-2 t —Our Crayons, Pastels, and Water- color portraits, also our Lapera photo- graphs give good satisfaction. Call and see samples. Reynolds, Ben Bear Block. 41-3 —Rev. John O. Haugen, of Manito- woc, Wis., has formally accepted the pastorate of the United Lutheran church, and will come about January Ist. He is a graduate of Luther College and comes very highly recommended. —Calmar is certainly growing. While there the other day we noticed two elegant buildings in process of erection that would grace any town, one a lumber shed for Tenold & Flaske- rud and the other a wagon shop for H. Miller. —Thousands of people are lookiug Californiaward. They want to know' where to go to raise fruit and how’ to travel cheaply and comfortably. For full information regarding these ques- tions address California Bureau of In- formation. Box 572, Cedar itapids, la. —The distinct, unique and captivat- ing features of the evening were two specialty performances. The tlrst was a series of juggling tricks that intro- duced several strikingly beautiful nov- elties, and the other wus an exhibition of the silhouette art, which may liter- ally be said to put all past efforts of that sort in the shade. Clivette is the name of the individual who carries this honor. —Salt Lake Tribune. L. J. ANDERSON, Dealer »n and Breeder of Fashionable Bred Trotters and Pacers. FIRST CLASS FEED BARM IN CONNECTION. Horses boarded by day, week or month. Cor. Washington and Broadway Bts. TITANTED-TRUHTWOKTHY\ND ACTIVE geutb»meti or ladies to travel for respon- sible, established bouse in lowa. Monthly Sdo.OOand expenses. Position steady. Refer- ence. Unclose self-addressed stamped enve- ope. The Dominion Company, Dept. Y Chi- ago. 31-18 —See our new line of elegant pipes. C. A. Neufert. —Mrs. Ben Bear accompanied Mr. Bear to Chicugo on Saturday. —Miss Jessie Howe spent Thanks- giving at her home in Fayette. —Will Hunter was down from Ken- sett until yesterday, visiting friends. —Hazle’s Headache Capsules are ad- mitted to be the quickest pain reliever. Try them. —Ladies’ fancy fur trimmed felt slij>- pers, all colors, latest styles, sl. Smith & Dixson. —V r ou can get just what you want and at correct prices at Daubney’s restaurant. —The only complete line of pipes and smokers articles is the northwest. C. A. Neufert. —Mr. and Mrs. J. Htggen, of Mabel, took the train here yesterday for El Carnpo, Texas. —Booklets and also single views of Decorah scenery for sale at Reynolds’ Ben Bear Block. 41-3 —K. Vick and N. C. Qualley ar- rived home from Norway last week, where they have been visiting. —Mr. Krause, foreman of the Nation- al Republican office at Preston, was a pleasant caller last Wednesday. —That lameness, disease of eyes or teeth in your horses, can Ik* cured by Dr. 8. 8. Whitbeck, the veterinary surgeon —Before selecting your Christmas gifts examine the paintings and art- work on display at Reynolds’, Ben Bear Bloek. 41-3 —When your magazine or newspaper runs out we will renew it; it costs no more and saves you the trouble. C. A. Neufert. News Dealer. —Mr. Leßoy Leonard, formerly of this city, and Miss Ella A. Escher, of Philadelphia, were married in Pasa- dena, Cal., on the 15th inst. Congratu- lations. —Beggs’ Blond Purifier and blood maker will assist the digestion, causing new and rich blood to flow through your veins, making life a pleasure in- stead of a drudge. We sell it. Brunt & Parman. •—Mr. C. B. Perry, of Fayette, has located here as general stenographer and typewriter, with headquarters at present at the Bt. Cloud hotel. He is a graduate of the course in stenography and tyi>ewriting at the Upper lowa University. —Miss Gjermoe lias a Hue assortment of patterns and materials suitable for Chrismas gifts at very low prices, and invites the ladies tocomeand see them. Lessons in line needle work given every day. Work done to order. Rooms, 2d floor K. I. Haugen’s store. 40-2 —Miss Allie Hughes, Norfolk, Va., was frightfully burned on the face and neck. Pain was instantly relieved by DeWitt’s Witch Hazel salve, which healed the injury without leaving a scar. It is the famous pile remedy. E. J. Weiser. —Mrs. Mary Bird, Harrisburg, Pa., says: “My child is worth millions to me, yet I would have lost her by croup had I not invested twenty-five cents in a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure.” It cures coughs, colds and all throat and lung troubles. E. J. Weiser. —lt is easy to catch a cold and just as easy to get rid of It if you commence early to use One Minute Cough Cure. It cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia and all throat and lung troubles. It is pleasant to take, sate to use and sure to cure. E. J. Weiser. —Prosperity comes quickest to the man whose liver is in good condition. DeWitts Little Early Risers are famous little pills for constipation, billiousness, indigestion and all stomach and liver troubles. E. J. Weiser. GRAND OPERA HUE. TUESDAY 1. a. mite The Han in BLACK. Assisted by Mdme Clivette In their gor- geous produc- tion or Mirth, Magic AND Mystery. K. I. HAUGEN. There has never been a better time to get acquainted with us than right now. Never at any time have we been able to secure so many great values as on our recent trip to market. Cash never was more powerful. Clip out the price list given below and take the shortest cut to our store. You will find everything here advertised JUST AS ADVERTISED, and TEN BAR- GAINS FOR EVERY ONE MENTIONED HERE. To tell you about all our good tilings would be to tell you about the whole store, and that would take too much of your time and ours. See Our Last Price List: 3 cases of Brints, per yard, 3c Apron-cheek. Ginghams, .. 30 A fairquality yard wide Sheeting, at 3AC A well known Grand (LL) Pepperel K Sheeting, (every intelligent lady knows this brand,) 5c Lonsdale and Emit—bleached .. .. Oc Twill, Erints, 27-inch, heavy and excellent colorings, 8c Cotton Elannel—unbleached 5 C Outing Elannel .. .. .. do do dark colors, 7c quality, .. 5c do do dark and light, 10c sort, .. 8c do do 121 sort, .. 10c Cotton Blankets tan color, beautiful borders, 10-4 size, weight 2$ lbs. per pair, .. .. 45c Do not compare these with the little “rags” gushed to the front by competitors as great argains at the deceitful odd figures, 4#cts. Novelty r>re»ss Goods, by yard or pattern 36 to 40 inches wide, at .. .. 40 to 45c This is less than importer’s cost, today. New F*laid Dress Goods, .. .. 13] to 35c A large invoice in Cotton, half-Cotton and Silk-and-Wool—worth to-day 40 per et. more. Silks for Fancy Work, .. .. 3 skeins for toe “Oripit”Hooks and Eyes, .. 2 doz. for 5c As good as any sold at double the price. (Good 16oz. Kolia Batting, .. .. per roll gc Luclie»’ Underwear, -25 c, 50c, 75c and SI.OO All at anti-tariff prices. Pure Beet Sugar, unrefined, medium brown 25 pounds for Si. oo Our Bulk Rousted Coffee, from 20c up cannot be matched. We understand coffee from Ato Z. Our private brand “Soroso” package coffee at 13c is 3c better than any other package coffee sold. We also control special brands of Baking Powder, Saleratus, Ex- tracts, Starches and Canned Goods, all backed up by our reputation for honest values. A Lot iSingle Wash Bourds, worth 15c .. 5c A Good Nlop Stick, .. .. .. .. 5c “Superl)" Soap, 8 12 oz. bars 35c This brand belongs to the “Associated Merchants U. 8. A,” of which we are a member. It is made for us in 1,500 box lots and divided between the members thus saviug the middleman’s profit, or about 12 per cent. You get oue bar more of “Superb” for each 25c than is possible for any dealer to give of any other braud of soap of same quality, unless lie is willing to throw away his margin. Buy “Superb” and you get your soap at act- ual cost of production, plus our legitimate profit. FUR CAPES AND COLLARETTES. CLOTH JACKETS, By far the choicest line as regards quality, style, fit and finish that was ever brought to Deco rah. Please ask to be shown to our Cloak Parlor as this line cannot be described undeistandingly. Smyrna, Motiuet, and Fur, at our usual low price**. Yarns^^6^>' German Knitting, German- town, Spanish, Saxony, Coral, Angora, ancl Ice Wools*. Ladies’ Silk Lined, Undressed Kid Gloves, The latest aud we think the most practical glove for winter wear, every pair fully war- ranted; price $1.50. The Greatest Shoe Offering of the season. Broken lines of Ladies’ $4.00 $3.50, $3.00, $2.75 and $2.50 Shoes, at $2.00. Mostly small sizes, standard grades in every respect. Come quick! Full stock all kinds reliable footwear. In order that we may show to our friends that we appreciate their patronage, we shall have TWO SOUVENIR DAYS, Friday and Saturday, Dec. 3d and 4th During these two days, we will present a World’s Fair Souvenir Tea Spoon, triple plated, gold lined bowl, exquisite pattern, to the lady representative of each family visiting our store and making a purchase-no matter how small. We in-* viteyou all to visit our store those days as well as any other day, but bear in mind that we cannot afford to give more than one spoon to each family Please remember that no matter w hat you want— no matter where you see It advertised-- no matter w hat price anyone else names, we would like a chance to order that identical thimt for you for the same money, or less. K.I. HAUGEN. 2 ALWAYS GO TO £ 1 ——- £ t Brunt & Parman’s 8 JJj For Drugs and Medicines, U AA For Perfumes and Toilet Articles, I W For Stationery, IT For School Supplies, T? For Tissue Paper, I Tj J? For Pocket Books, For Combs and Hair Brushes, iW For Whisk Brooms, For S|x)nges and Chamois Skins, ! dfi W For Glass and Putty, dfc W) For Paints and Oils, For Fine Cigars, W For Artists Materials.

SPiAIU Qj&in£<yyiBy AKEHH <fc GREEN.

dECORAH, IOWA, NOV. 30, 1897.


—Court begun yesterday.Farmers’ Institute to-morrow.

—Clivette-at the Grand to-night.

—Cigars by the box at Trzcinski’s.—Get an oyster stew at Daubney’s.—The best oyster stews in the city at

Daubney’s.- Calmar Methodists will build a


—For fine pianos and organs call onP. C. Peterson.

—Office rooms to rent. Inquire of E.Rudolph & Co.

—Ladies’ felt boxed boots, 98 cents.Smith & Dixson.

—Miss Emma (’award visited Crescofriends last week.

—Ole Marsh went to Graceville,Minn., on Friday.

—To secure good insurance, call onH. C. Reeves & Co.

—Mrs. 8. W. Angier has been visit-ing Waukon friends.

—Rooms for rent.—Two good roomsat 514 Baker Avenue. 36tf

—Hazle’s Headache Capsules are theonly safe and sure cure.

—Hon. Nels. Larsen, of Hespertownship, is in the city.

—Table de hote dinners a specialtyat Daubney’s restaurant.

—Cigars, candies, lunches, fruit, nutseverything at Daubney’s.

—Miss Stevens, of Roseville, 111.,visited in the city last week.

—An elegant line of cigars always instock at Daubney’s restaurant.

—Ladies’ White Bros’. Box Calfshoes, $2.50. Smith & Dixson.

—Mrs. G. H. Belding of Calmar,was in the city last Wednesday.

—lt. E. Allen and Dr. Rustad weredown from Ridgeway Thursday.

—Fresh oysters direct from Balti-more at Sinclair’s, West Decorah.

—The finest line of choice candies inDecorah at Daubney’s restaurant.

—Miss Edith Olson was an over Sun-day visitor at her home in Calmar.

—Roy H. Tracy returned yesterdayfrom a few days' visit in Wa’erloo

—All kinds of picture frames madeto order at Reynolds, Ben Bear Block.

41-3—Try Anderson’s new Feed Barn

at the corner ofWashington and Broad-way. 43tf

—Mrs. Geo. Heckle and daughter,of Burr Oak, are spending the winterin the city.

You want to make a present? LetTrzcinski make a nice hair chain, thatwill answer. 41-4 t

—Rev. P. Garrahan, of Lawler, wasin the city last Tuesday, attending theCatholic fair.

—J. 8. Holland received a ffnecots-wool sheep Thursday, from the cham-pion herd of America.

—Mrs. Frankie Sylvester returnedhome to Cedar Rapids last Tuesday,after an extended visit here.

—Mr. and Mrs. McClaskey anddaughter, Miss Mabel, spent Thanks-giving with Cresco relatives.

—We will send the Pum.io Opinionfrom now until Jan. 1, 1899, for $1.50,the price of one year’s subscription.

—An advertising car will be here on

the B. C. It. & N. tracks Dec. (sth, rep-resenting Stoll’s Hog Cholera remedy.

—J. C. Rollins now keeps his cab onthe street for the accommodation ofthe public. A commendable enter-prise.

- Miss Lottie Schriver at rived fromElkader last Wednesday, for a Thanks-giving visit with the family of H.Elvidge.

—(j. Grunderson, of the LutheranPublishing House, went to Albert Lealast Wednesday, where he spentThanksgiving.

—A. F. Anundsen and friend, Mr. J.H. Rock rath, Jr., came up from thestate universjty at lowa City, to spendThanksgiving.

—Ole Olson and Oscar Bchor, whohave been in the employ of H. Prast-mark and A. Peterson, respectively,during the summer, left for their homesin Calmar Saturday night.

—We are in receipt of the programof the thirty-second annual session ofthe lowa State Horticultural Society,to be held in the Horticultural roomsofthecapitol at Des Moines, Dec. 14,15, 16, 17.

—Some people seem to have the ideathat a local newspaper is all written,made up and printed on the day ofpublication. The idea is a mistakenoke.— Went Union Gazette. All ofwhich is absolutely true.

—Are you going to the Pacific Coastthis fall or winter? Are you going

south? if so you cannot attord to start

before finding out what the C. M. & St.P. lty. can do for you in the way of a

cheap, pleasant, comfortable uud con-tinuous trip. Call and see S. V. Pot-ter, Agent.

—See Clivette at the Grand to-night.

—Hair chains made to order at Trz-cinski’s. 41-4 t

—Photo Buttons—all sizes at Rey-nolds’, Ben Bear Block. 41-3

—For any occasion—a box of fineCandies. C. A. Neufert.

—Mrs. James Allen has been quiteill,but is now improving.

—Daniel Price, of Burr Oak, wasamong our callers last Tuesday.

—Oysters in bulk or cans, always onhand at Sinclair’s, West Decorah.

—Frank Young returned Fridayfrom a business trip to Sioux City.

—Mrs. Clara Brown was with MasonCity relatives during Thanksgiving.

—Anyone wishing to take music les-sons, apply at Peterson’s music store.

—Mrs. Jane Rotner spent Thanks-giving with Howard county friends.

—When you are hungry try one ofthose fine lunches at Daubney’s res-taurant.

—Mrs. H. A. Stark left last Wednes-day for Lenora, Minn., to visit withher son.

—Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cameron are thehappy parents ofa baby girl, born lastTuesday.

—W. F. Baker left for Mason Citylast Tuesday evening for a Thanksgiv-ing visit.

—One Minute Cough Cure curesquickly. That’s what you want! E.J. Weiser.

—Do not wait until you get a rousingheadache, but buy Hazle’s HeadacheCapsules now.

—Men’s Buff’Shoes, lace or congress,$1 at the cheapest shoe house on earth.Smith & Dixson.

—Miss Clara Goddard enjoyedThanksgiving at Madison, Wis., withher brother Fred.

—For sale cheap—a good familyhorse, five years old. For particularsinquire of Geo. Steyer.

—The cheapest shoe house on earth.Ladies’ White Bros’. Box Calf shoes,$2.50. Smith & Dixson.

—Use Hazle’s Headache Cajxsuies forall aches and pains. They are guaran-teed a safe and sure cure.

—Rev. Norris, of Calmar, andCooney, of Plymouth Rock, visitedwith Rev. Hawe, last week.

—W. C. Wilson, brother of Rev. A.G., and an attorney of Cleveland, Ohio,has been visiting his brother.

—C. A. Neufert lias just brought ahandsome new hot soda apparatuswhich will he here in few days.

—Switches made to order of cut hairor combings; also some nice Frenchhair switches on hand at Trzcinski’s.

—For sale cheap, a thirty-four footfront two story building 211 Washing-ton st. H. F. Barthell Agent. Deeorali,lowa.

—Mrs. James P. Kirby, of Albany,N. Y„ is in the city, visiting her moth-er, Mrs. Steward, and sister, Mrs. R. F.B. Portman.

—Rev. Mr. Gorrell, of Chicago, whohas been holding services in Gracechurch, has been engaged to remainuntil Faster.

—Rev. Geo. Willetthas been visitinghis parents here for several days, andoccupied the Congregational pulpit onSunday evening.

—Protect your property by insuringwith H. C. Reeves & Co., RudolphBlock. They are prepaid to give youall kinds of insurance.

—The home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H.Seavy, ofKansas City, Kas., has beenbrightened by the presence of a babyboy since November 22.

—The American Pulp, Linen andFibre Co. are new prepared to make allkinds of wrapping pa[ter, and will re-ceive orders for the same.

—Lew Halse, of Bluffton township,will purchase poultry this winter andcollect it. Write him at Burr Oakf you have any to sell. 41-2 t

—Our Crayons, Pastels, and Water-color portraits, also our Lapera photo-graphs give good satisfaction. Calland see samples. Reynolds, Ben BearBlock. 41-3

—Rev. John O. Haugen, of Manito-woc, Wis., has formally accepted thepastorate of the United Lutheranchurch, and will come about JanuaryIst. He is a graduate of Luther Collegeand comes very highly recommended.

—Calmar is certainly growing.While there the other day we noticedtwo elegant buildings in process oferection that would grace any town,one a lumber shed for Tenold & Flaske-rud and the other a wagon shop for H.Miller.

—Thousands of people are lookiugCaliforniaward. They want to know'where to go to raise fruit and how’ totravel cheaply and comfortably. Forfull information regarding these ques-tions address California Bureau of In-formation. Box 572, Cedar itapids, la.

—The distinct, unique and captivat-ing features of the evening were twospecialty performances. The tlrst wasa series of juggling tricks that intro-duced several strikingly beautiful nov-elties, and the other wus an exhibitionof the silhouette art, which may liter-ally be said to put all past efforts ofthat sort in the shade. Clivette is thename of the individual who carries thishonor. —Salt Lake Tribune.

L. J. ANDERSON,Dealer »n and Breeder of Fashionable

Bred Trotters and Pacers.FIRST CLASS FEED BARM IN CONNECTION.Horses boarded by day, week or month.Cor. Washington and Broadway Bts.

TITANTED-TRUHTWOKTHY\ND ACTIVE” geutb»meti or ladies to travel for respon-

sible, established bouse in lowa. MonthlySdo.OOand expenses. Position steady. Refer-ence. Unclose self-addressed stamped enve-ope. The Dominion Company, Dept. Y Chi-ago. 31-18

—See our new line of elegant pipes.C. A. Neufert.

—Mrs. Ben Bear accompanied Mr.Bear to Chicugo on Saturday.

—Miss Jessie Howe spent Thanks-giving at her home in Fayette.

—Will Hunter was down from Ken-sett until yesterday, visiting friends.

—Hazle’s Headache Capsules are ad-mitted to be the quickest pain reliever.Try them.

—Ladies’ fancy fur trimmed felt slij>-pers, all colors, latest styles, sl. Smith& Dixson.

—Vrou can get just what you wantand at correct prices at Daubney’srestaurant.

—The only complete line of pipesand smokers articles is the northwest.C. A. Neufert.

—Mr. and Mrs. J. Htggen, of Mabel,took the train here yesterday for ElCarnpo, Texas.

—Booklets and also single views ofDecorah scenery for sale at Reynolds’Ben Bear Block. 41-3

—K. Vick and N. C. Qualley ar-rived home from Norway last week,where they have been visiting.

—Mr. Krause, foreman of the Nation-al Republican office at Preston, was a

pleasant caller last Wednesday.—That lameness, disease of eyes or

teeth in your horses, can Ik*cured byDr. 8. 8. Whitbeck, the veterinarysurgeon

—Before selecting your Christmasgifts examine the paintings and art-work on display at Reynolds’, BenBear Bloek. 41-3

—When your magazine or newspaper

runs out we will renew it; it costs nomore and saves you the trouble. C.A. Neufert. News Dealer.

—Mr. Leßoy Leonard, formerly ofthis city, and Miss Ella A. Escher, of

Philadelphia, were married in Pasa-dena, Cal., on the 15th inst. Congratu-lations.

—Beggs’ Blond Purifier and bloodmaker will assist the digestion, causing

new and rich blood to flow throughyour veins, making life a pleasure in-stead of a drudge. We sell it. Brunt& Parman.

•—Mr. C. B. Perry, of Fayette, haslocated here as general stenographerand typewriter, with headquarters atpresent at the Bt. Cloud hotel. He is a

graduate of the course in stenographyand tyi>ewriting at the Upper lowaUniversity.

—Miss Gjermoe lias a Hue assortmentof patterns and materials suitable for

Chrismas gifts at very low prices, andinvites the ladies tocomeand see them.Lessons in line needle work given

every day. Work done to order.Rooms, 2d floor K. I. Haugen’s store.


—Miss Allie Hughes, Norfolk, Va.,was frightfully burned on the face andneck. Pain was instantly relieved byDeWitt’s Witch Hazel salve, whichhealed the injury without leaving ascar. It is the famous pile remedy.E. J. Weiser.

—Mrs. Mary Bird, Harrisburg, Pa.,says: “Mychild is worth millions tome, yet I would have lost her by crouphad I not invested twenty-five cents ina bottle of One Minute Cough Cure.”It cures coughs, colds and all throatand lung troubles. E. J. Weiser.

—lt is easy to catch a cold and just aseasy to get rid of It if you commenceearly to use One Minute Cough Cure.It cures coughs, colds, bronchitis,pneumonia and all throat and lungtroubles. It is pleasant to take, sate touse and sure to cure. E. J. Weiser.

—Prosperity comes quickest to theman whose liver is in good condition.DeWitts Little Early Risers are famouslittle pills for constipation, billiousness,indigestion and all stomach and livertroubles. E. J. Weiser.




miteThe Han in

BLACK.Assisted by



In their gor-geous produc-tion or




K. I. HAUGEN.There has never been a better time to get acquainted with us than right

now. Never at any time have we been able to secure so many great valuesas on our recent trip to market. Cash never was more powerful. Clip outthe price list given below and take the shortest cut to our store. You willfind everything here advertised JUST AS ADVERTISED, and TEN BAR-GAINS FOR EVERY ONE MENTIONED HERE. To tell you about all our goodtilings would be to tell you about the whole store, and that would take too much of yourtime and ours.

See Our Last Price List:3 cases of Brints, per yard, 3c

Apron-cheek. Ginghams, ..

“ “


A fairquality yard wide Sheeting, at 3ACA well known Grand (LL) “ “

Pepperel K Sheeting, (every intelligentlady knows this brand,) 5c

Lonsdale and Emit—bleached .. .. Oc

Twill, Erints, 27-inch, heavy and excellentcolorings, 8c

Cotton Elannel—unbleached 5 C

Outing Elannel —“

.. .. .. 5°do do dark colors, 7c quality, .. 5c

do do dark and light, 10c sort, .. 8c

do do “ “ “ 121 sort, .. 10c

Cotton Blankets tan color, beautiful borders,10-4 size, weight 2$ lbs. per pair, .. .. 45c

Do not compare these with the little “rags”

gushed to the front by competitors as greatargains at the deceitful odd figures, 4#cts.

Novelty r>re»ss Goods, by yard or pattern36 to 40 inches wide, at ..

.. 40 to 45cThis is less than importer’s cost, today.

New F*laid Dress Goods, .. ..13] to 35c

A large invoice in Cotton, half-Cotton andSilk-and-Wool—worth to-day 40 per et. more.

Silks for Fancy Work, .. .. 3 skeins for toe

“Oripit”Hooks and Eyes, .. 2 doz. for 5cAs good as any sold at double the price.

(Good 16oz. Kolia Batting, .. .. per roll gc

Luclie»’ Underwear, -25c, 50c, 75c and SI.OO

All at anti-tariff prices.

Pure Beet Sugar, unrefined, medium brown25 pounds for Si. oo

Our Bulk Rousted Coffee, from 20c up cannot bematched.

We understand coffee from Ato Z.

Our private brand “Soroso” package coffee at 13c is3c better than any other package coffee sold. We alsocontrol special brands of Baking Powder, Saleratus, Ex-tracts, Starches and Canned Goods, all backed up byour reputation for honest values.

A Lot iSingle Wash Bourds, worth 15c .. 5c

A Good Nlop Stick, .. .. .. .. 5c

“Superl)" Soap, 8 12 oz. bars 35c

This brand belongs to the “Associated Merchants U.8. A,” of which we are a member. It is made for us in1,500 box lots and divided between the members thus

saviug the middleman’s profit, or about 12 per cent.You get oue bar more of “Superb” for each 25c than ispossible for any dealer to give of any other braud of soapof same quality, unless lie is willing to throw away his

margin. Buy “Superb” and you get your soap at act-

ual cost of production, plus our legitimate profit.


By far the choicest line as regards quality, style, fit and finish thatwas ever brought to Deco rah. Please ask to be shown to our CloakParlor as this line cannot be described undeistandingly.

Smyrna, Motiuet, and Fur, atour usual low price**.

Yarns^^6^>'German Knitting, German-town, Spanish, Saxony,Coral, Angora, ancl Ice Wools*.

Ladies’ Silk Lined, Undressed Kid Gloves,

The latest aud we think the most practicalglove for winter wear, every pair fully war-ranted; price $1.50.

The Greatest Shoe Offering

of the season. Broken lines of Ladies’ $4.00$3.50, $3.00, $2.75 and $2.50 Shoes, at $2.00.Mostly small sizes, standard grades in everyrespect. Come quick! Full stock all kindsreliable footwear.

In order that we may show to our friends that we appreciate their patronage, weshall have TWO SOUVENIR DAYS,

Friday and Saturday, Dec. 3d and 4thDuring these two days, we willpresent a World’s Fair Souvenir Tea Spoon, tripleplated, gold lined bowl, exquisite pattern, to the lady representative of eachfamily visiting our store and making a purchase-no matter how small. We in-*viteyou all to visit our store those days as well as any other day, but bear inmind that we cannot afford to give more than one spoon to each family

Please remember that no matter w hat you want— no matter

where you see It advertised-- no matter w hat price anyone

else names, we would like a chance to order that identical

thimt for you for the same money, or less. K.I. HAUGEN.

2 ALWAYS GO TO £1 ——- £

t Brunt & Parman’s 8JJj For Drugs and Medicines, UAA For Perfumes and Toilet Articles, I W

For Stationery, ITFor School Supplies, T?For Tissue Paper, I Tj

J? For Pocket Books,For Combs and Hair Brushes, iWFor Whisk Brooms,For S|x)nges and Chamois Skins, ! dfi

W For Glass and Putty, dfcW) For Paints and Oils,

For Fine Cigars, WFor Artists Materials.
