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Spillways and Outlet Works - Ganga Institute

Date post: 16-Oct-2021
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Spillways a Spillways a Wo Wo and Outlet and Outlet orks orks Sheela Sheela Malik Malik AP Civil AP Civil GITAM GITAM Kablana Kablana
Page 1: Spillways and Outlet Works - Ganga Institute

Spillways and Outlet Spillways and Outlet WorksWorks

Spillways and Outlet Spillways and Outlet WorksWorks

SheelaSheela MalikMalik

AP CivilAP Civil

GITAM GITAM KablanaKablana

Page 2: Spillways and Outlet Works - Ganga Institute

Spillways and Outlet WorksSpillways and Outlet WorksProvide the capability to release an adequate rate of Provide the capability to release an adequate rate of

water from the reservoir to satisfy dam safety and water from the reservoir to satisfy dam safety and water control regulation of the project.water control regulation of the project.

Outlet WorksOutlet Works –– consist of a combination of structures consist of a combination of structures designed to control the release of water from the designed to control the release of water from the designed to control the release of water from the designed to control the release of water from the reservoir as required for project purposes or operation.reservoir as required for project purposes or operation.

SpillwaysSpillways –– allow release of water downstream that allow release of water downstream that cannot be stored or released for any of the objectives cannot be stored or released for any of the objectives of the reservoirof the reservoir

Spillways and Outlet WorksSpillways and Outlet WorksProvide the capability to release an adequate rate of Provide the capability to release an adequate rate of

water from the reservoir to satisfy dam safety and water from the reservoir to satisfy dam safety and water control regulation of the project.water control regulation of the project.

consist of a combination of structures consist of a combination of structures designed to control the release of water from the designed to control the release of water from the designed to control the release of water from the designed to control the release of water from the reservoir as required for project purposes or operation.reservoir as required for project purposes or operation.

allow release of water downstream that allow release of water downstream that cannot be stored or released for any of the objectives cannot be stored or released for any of the objectives

Page 3: Spillways and Outlet Works - Ganga Institute

SpillwaysSpillwaysGated (controlled) or Ungated (uncontrolled)Gated (controlled) or Ungated (uncontrolled)

Ungated Ungated

are safer (no mechanical fixures that can fail; does not depend on are safer (no mechanical fixures that can fail; does not depend on operator; not likely to be obstructed by debris). operator; not likely to be obstructed by debris).

need a longer length for the same maximum discharge rate; need a longer length for the same maximum discharge rate;

Gated spillways Gated spillways

provide greater control of outflow rate; provide greater control of outflow rate; provide greater control of outflow rate; provide greater control of outflow rate;

initial cost is usually 25% to 30% less. initial cost is usually 25% to 30% less.

Surface Spillways or Orifice/tunnel SpillwaysSurface Spillways or Orifice/tunnel SpillwaysSurface Surface –– discharge via weir equation (function of H^1.5)discharge via weir equation (function of H^1.5)

Tunnel or Orifice Tunnel or Orifice –– discharge via orifice equation (function of H^0.5) so need discharge via orifice equation (function of H^0.5) so need greater head. (common in deep canyons)greater head. (common in deep canyons)

SpillwaysSpillwaysGated (controlled) or Ungated (uncontrolled)Gated (controlled) or Ungated (uncontrolled)

are safer (no mechanical fixures that can fail; does not depend on are safer (no mechanical fixures that can fail; does not depend on operator; not likely to be obstructed by debris). operator; not likely to be obstructed by debris).

need a longer length for the same maximum discharge rate; need a longer length for the same maximum discharge rate;

provide greater control of outflow rate; provide greater control of outflow rate; provide greater control of outflow rate; provide greater control of outflow rate;

initial cost is usually 25% to 30% less. initial cost is usually 25% to 30% less.

Surface Spillways or Orifice/tunnel SpillwaysSurface Spillways or Orifice/tunnel Spillwaysdischarge via weir equation (function of H^1.5)discharge via weir equation (function of H^1.5)

discharge via orifice equation (function of H^0.5) so need discharge via orifice equation (function of H^0.5) so need greater head. (common in deep canyons)greater head. (common in deep canyons)

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Types of Surface SpillwaysTypes of Surface SpillwaysTypes of Surface SpillwaysTypes of Surface Spillways

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Types of Surface SpillwaysTypes of Surface SpillwaysTypes of Surface SpillwaysTypes of Surface Spillways

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Types of Surface SpillwaysTypes of Surface SpillwaysTypes of Surface SpillwaysTypes of Surface Spillways

Page 7: Spillways and Outlet Works - Ganga Institute

Orifice SpillwaysOrifice Spillways

Generally are Generally are construcedconstruced for large flowsfor large flows Have submerged inletsHave submerged inlets Usually controlled with Usually controlled with u.su.s. guard gates and an internal . guard gates and an internal

gategate Could have uncontrolled Could have uncontrolled u.su.s Could have uncontrolled Could have uncontrolled u.su.s 2 inlets should be required for each tunnel2 inlets should be required for each tunnel Trash racks requiredTrash racks required Aeration Aeration d.sd.s. from inlet must be provided. from inlet must be provided Require detail hydraulic analysis and often model Require detail hydraulic analysis and often model


Orifice SpillwaysOrifice Spillways

for large flowsfor large flows

. guard gates and an internal . guard gates and an internal

u.su.s. gate. gateu.su.s. gate. gate2 inlets should be required for each tunnel2 inlets should be required for each tunnel

. from inlet must be provided. from inlet must be providedRequire detail hydraulic analysis and often model Require detail hydraulic analysis and often model

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Drop Inlet (morning glory) spillwayDrop Inlet (morning glory) spillway

3 flow regimes3 flow regimes

1.1. Crest control Crest control –– weir equ; open channel flow d.s.weir equ; open channel flow d.s.

Drop Inlet (morning glory) spillwayDrop Inlet (morning glory) spillway

weir equ; open channel flow d.s.weir equ; open channel flow d.s.

Slide #Slide #88

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Drop Inlet spillwayDrop Inlet spillway

2. Tube or orifce control (medium heads)2. Tube or orifce control (medium heads)

Drop Inlet spillwayDrop Inlet spillway

2. Tube or orifce control (medium heads)2. Tube or orifce control (medium heads)

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Drop Inlet Drop Inlet SpillwaySpillway

CVEN 4838/5838 CVEN 4838/5838

3. Full pipe flow 3. Full pipe flow (high (high heads); jet heads); jet flow in orificeflow in orifice

CVEN 4838/5838 CVEN 4838/5838 Slide #Slide #1010

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Drop Inlet Drop Inlet spillwayspillway

Page 12: Spillways and Outlet Works - Ganga Institute

Energy DissipationEnergy DissipationCommonly, a large spillway flow with even a moderate Commonly, a large spillway flow with even a moderate

head develops high velocities, i.e., large kinetic energy. head develops high velocities, i.e., large kinetic energy. Such flow is destructive to the d.s. channel; the energy Such flow is destructive to the d.s. channel; the energy must be dissipated. Typical energy dissipation must be dissipated. Typical energy dissipation techniques include:techniques include:

Stilling Basins (hydraulic jump basins)Stilling Basins (hydraulic jump basins)Stilling Basins (hydraulic jump basins)Stilling Basins (hydraulic jump basins)

When the approaching flow is super critical, blocks or When the approaching flow is super critical, blocks or sills are added to force the flow into the subcritical sills are added to force the flow into the subcritical regime.regime.

Energy DissipationEnergy DissipationCommonly, a large spillway flow with even a moderate Commonly, a large spillway flow with even a moderate

head develops high velocities, i.e., large kinetic energy. head develops high velocities, i.e., large kinetic energy. Such flow is destructive to the d.s. channel; the energy Such flow is destructive to the d.s. channel; the energy must be dissipated. Typical energy dissipation must be dissipated. Typical energy dissipation

Stilling Basins (hydraulic jump basins)Stilling Basins (hydraulic jump basins)Stilling Basins (hydraulic jump basins)Stilling Basins (hydraulic jump basins)

When the approaching flow is super critical, blocks or When the approaching flow is super critical, blocks or sills are added to force the flow into the subcritical sills are added to force the flow into the subcritical

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Submerged BucketSubmerged Bucket
