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Spirit of Success - westerndupagechamber.com · Spirit of Success Awards Entrepreneurial Spirit...

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Page 1: Spirit of Success - westerndupagechamber.com · Spirit of Success Awards Entrepreneurial Spirit Award o Less than 3 years old Innovative Spirit Award o Creative and innovative improvement
Page 2: Spirit of Success - westerndupagechamber.com · Spirit of Success Awards Entrepreneurial Spirit Award o Less than 3 years old Innovative Spirit Award o Creative and innovative improvement

Spirit of Success


Entrepreneurial Spirit Award

o Less than 3 years old

Innovative Spirit Award

o Creative and innovative improvement to product or service

Legacy Spirit Award

o Business that has been run by the same family for two or more


Giving Spirit Award

o Philanthropy as a clear and visible policy of the business

Successful Spirit Award

o Recognizes success of business

Mission Spirit Award

o Recognition of not-for-profit organizations for their valuable

contributions to meeting their mission and vision in the


In addition to the above awards, all applicants will also be considered for the

following recognition. A single business will be chosen among all candidates.

Tom and Pearl Marziani: Enduring Spirit Award

A demonstrated spirit of excellence, contributing to their industry,

business and community over an extended period of time; minimum

of 20 years.

Page 3: Spirit of Success - westerndupagechamber.com · Spirit of Success Awards Entrepreneurial Spirit Award o Less than 3 years old Innovative Spirit Award o Creative and innovative improvement

Entrepreneurial Spirit Award;

The Entrepreneur represents the best of the spirit of American business. They take risk,

often with an innovative solution to a problem that they believe will both help others and be

profitable. These leaders are hands on and commit every bit of their time, talent and

financial resource towards the business. The business must be less than three years old

(provide detail).

Applicants for this award should tell the story of what compelled them to follow an

entrepreneurial model, how they started, what they learned and how they achieved success.

Photos, articles, website or other materials should be provided in an easily followed format

to make it easy for the judges to get the best impression of the business and the owner(s).

Innovative Spirit Award:

Often the difference between a business that succeeds long-term and those that

simply disappear is the ability to reinvent themselves. Creating an innovative

improvement to product, service or even a marketing concept can elevate a

company and keep them at the top. Remember when baking soda was only used in


The winning applicant will demonstrate how they transformed their business using

any or all of these tools to increase market share, profits or growth. This can be

square feet of facility, number of clients, monetary measures, marketing responses

or social media; when social media numbers are used you must provide measurable

evidence of business improvement.

Legacy Spirit Award:

While this award will be presented to a business that has been run by the same

family for two or more generations, it is important to note that the winner must also

demonstrate the transfer of management between the generations.

The President or CEO position or responsibilities must have been transferred at least

one time. This does not mean that the founder(s) are not present but that the day to

day operation and management decisions are no longer made by them.

In addition, the application should provide a history of the beginning, changes over

the years and how the transfer of ownership/management took place. The applicant

may present information on what has been preserved from the original company i.e.

location, logo, name, slogan, etc.

Industry data should accompany the application which will give judges a glimpse of

how the company responded to changes over the years. Technology, equipment,

training, methods of product or service delivery and even competition all illustrate a

culture of striving for excellence while preserving the family legacy.

Page 4: Spirit of Success - westerndupagechamber.com · Spirit of Success Awards Entrepreneurial Spirit Award o Less than 3 years old Innovative Spirit Award o Creative and innovative improvement

Giving Spirit Award:

Philanthropy as a clear and visible policy of the business is something many of our

members embrace. During prosperous years a company may decide to share a

portion of their profits through charitable giving and the beneficiaries of such

generosity are thankful.

The commitment of a business to include charitable giving into their business as a

policy, no matter what the business climate, creates a culture of benevolence that

truly becomes part of their DNA.

The giving spirit award is intended for those that have continually supported causes

over many years and during varying economic times. Giving is not limited to financial

support. Volunteering, serving on a board position for a not for profit organization,

and encouraging employees to give is equally important.

The award will be presented to a company that demonstrates their continuous

support of charitable works, support for employees to also give of themselves to

charitable causes and the open acknowledgement of their policies.

Examples may be: matching donations, paid time off to participate in charitable

projects; company initiatives for service work; team or individual employees that give

time, skill, and other support.

Successful Spirit Award:

The Chamber of Commerce has but on purpose, to support business. It is to this end

then that the Successful Spirit Award is presented to a business that has achieved success

and has done so at the highest level. The criteria for this award is to demonstrate a superior

success rate in your particular area.

If you are in logistics or healthcare, auto repair or real estate, contractor or manufacturer or

sell retail more widgets than anyone else, this recognition is for you.

Mission Spirit Award:

Not-for-profit organizations and institutions play a pivotal role within our communities.

Their contributions fill the food pantries, shelter the homeless, deliver nutritious meals to the

elderly and provide eye glasses to those in need and so much more . They are in education

and social services, and we all are the beneficiaries of their success. They represent the

very best of our communities and make them places that people want to work, live and raise

a family. This award celebrates those that make a difference in our lives.

Tom and Pearl Marziani: Enduring Spirit Award

A demonstrated spirit of excellence, contributing to an industry, business and

community over an extended period of time; minimum of 20 years.
