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Spirit of the age (Woodstock, Vt. : 1845). (Woodstock, VT ...€¦ · hope ones to ilnil thelr...

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ones to ilnil thelr prcsrnts, tho older hope m THE phlldren cllinbcd hlgher to gct tbolr STIFLING A LEOPARD. rlghtful boloiiKlniTH. nnd nfter the lad-do- r FOR SICK. T THE,RE W'AS A BA! wnn all detitidtd of Its spolls the nazar trees wna strlpped.-Harp- er's NU. IN BETH LEH Tbe Ucasl, Drivea lalo a Cave, Had No Ckaoce For l(s LiiV. LhHbVh- - jrjj72mifi ""Sl 5Kf J ; " " "'jjp'j jKsjyjSl" XXS. MWBIHTTA AVICTlm Uf LA GHIPPE. Mra. Henrietta'A. S. Marsh. 700 W. 16th St.. Ix8 Angelee, Cal., I'reaident Uenevolvnt Ana'ii, writea: "1 felt a ouce tliat 1 had ut last the riglit medicine and 1 kept atcad-il- y iniproviug. Witliiu llnce wvc'Kk 1 wa fully reatoreu, and 1 ain glad tliat 1 gave that truly xi'tat leinedy a trial, 1 will jucver be withont it again." ln a letter duted Awru.it 31. 1904'. Mrs. Marnb saya: "1 have never yet heaid tbe ellicacy of l'vrima uueslioned. We still uue ic. 1 traveled throuuh Ken-ag- tiu-k- and Tennchsec thrcc years whre I found l'eruna doing iU guod work. Much of it is beiiijj nsed liere lso. Ilenrictta A. s. .Mmsli, Address Dr. llartinaii. i'resident of Tbe llartman Sanitariuiii, Columbua, Oliio. Aik Tonr Druggist for Free Peruna Almanao for 1905. About Eatlng. The erroneous notlonn about food have added much to tho complex-itle- s of life and of the household. Women slave away thelr llves to pro-vld- e "three square meals a day" The quantlty and cost of the food .jonsum-e- d by the uverage fanilly in comfort-abl- e clrcumstances are at least twlce what they should be. The inbor wlthin the household ls three-lol- d more than a rlght vlew of llfe demands. Man bolts hls food In great qiiantltfes, pure and Impure wltli no thought of adaptlng IiIh dlet to hls indlvidnal need, tiutil hls orgnnlsm a mass of fermenllng corrup-tlon- , then he gets slck, the doctor nomes In, looka wlse, prescrlhes med- icine and a "nourlshing diet." Long Ulved Pear Trees. The pear tree will contlnue' bearing frult for several centurles. Trees bearing frult In abundance when at least 300 years old are not uncommon. They are much louger llved than the apple, whfoh rarely lasts more than 100 or liiu years. The pear tree also grows much larger tlian the apple and when 200 yenrs old has often the dlmenstona of a forent troe. Now York News. - Feminlne Amenlty. Stella Jack and I are to be mar-rle- Bolla What freak election bets men do make! New York Sun. The dlrectors of the Clreat Western railway (Bngland) are about to Intro-duc- e an Amerlcan englne for thelr long-distanc- e expresses. Ton Mucli For lllin. A, bacbelor one day srt the tabie In bla lonely abode wltb'plates for blin-Bfl- f and an Imaginary wlfe and flve chlldren. He tben sat down to dliie, and as he helped blmself to food he put the sauie n"antity on each of tbe other plates and Rurveypd the pros-peo- t, atlhe samo llmo ccniiputing Ibp cosL He 1r still. a bacbelor.. (.'atnrrli Onnnnl He Curnl W'l'h ArrLicATioNs. nH tlniy oanimt leach the snnt o( the dlnriu-e- . ('atarib - bli'Oil or oon.it Itulloiml dlsiinse. miiiI Iii orili'r fo cure it yoii'milsMiikn luternni Hall'8 Catarrli Onrn ls taken Interunlly, iuul actadlrnotly outbebloo lnud mhcoiHHUrfaun IIhII's CittnrrU Curn ls not a (piack mhilli'iur. t was nrHaorllMid by one of the btwt lysl-tlaU- B lu thls country for ytnrn, aud ls a rK-ul- ar jiresorlptlon. Jt ls c.(,uiiosml of tlm Xtest tonlH knowu. romlilnecl wlth lliti bnsl blood purlflers, uctlug dlwiitly on tli is surfaces. The pnrfis't ooinliliiHlinn of th two InKrtnllenls ls what prodiues siich ouderfnl rpsultsi lu ourlng catarrli. Heud fur testlmoalala, fr?. V. J. OuENEr .t Co., Pr'opK., Tolcdo. O. Sold by druKKlstn, prlci, 75c. a'ak Hall'aFamlly t'llla for roptliailon ThukIU by Kxperlaiioa. "My experleuce wlth sltftis." snja Faruier Slngletree, "ls that. iu gen'-r- al thoy're either mlsleadlu' er Hiiper-lln'- s. When I was to tbe expostlton 1 fp 9igns readin', 'Look out for After a few days' truck witb Viii l"came to Uie cpncluslon tbat they ,waa fully able to look out for tbem lelves." Cleveland Leader. A Oimranteail Cnro Kor f tla. Ttcliing. Hliad, Hleeding or rro'lrnilinst PHm. Hruggistii will refund money. it rnzo Ointment fil lo cure in B to 14daya. SOc. Niasara U worili 1,000,000,000 aa a lomce of clectiicjl powcr. FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN TO COMSIDER. FinsT. The me.dlclne tbat holds tho record for tbe largi-a- i nmnlier of aliso-lut- e otire.s of femnlo lll.i U Tydbt K. Plllktium'a Vegutublo Coinpouilil. It rfgiilutes and ourea dtaeitse of thu fetnale orgauiam 11 s notlilue ele ciin. Skconi). Th Kiat voTuinti of uuil nraterut tttlimiiilaU on U!e at tbe I'luklumi lubor itory ut liyun, Maas., uiauy of whlch ure from tlint- - to tlme pnbli.-dit- by perml-wloti- , to ovldenco of tlut value of I,ydlu K. Plukbam'ri VoRiHttbk' Coinpound and Mrs. PlukbuiuV adviof. Tilil Kvery alling woman ln the Untted States usked to aioept tho followlug Invltatloii. It ls free, will brlng you hcnltb, and muy savo yotir llfe.- - Mr. Plakham'3 Standlng Invltatlon Women siifrtTlnp from uiiy forui of feruale weak new ai e in vlted to pmmpt ly uouiinuuluate wlth Mrs. Piukham, at Ltuii, Mass. AU letturs are rei-e- i cd. opened. read aud atirtwercd by women ouly. From symptoms glven, your trouble mny bc loeated aud tbe nulo.c eat and surest way of n'foveradvlscd Out of the vul volumo of experleuce Mrs. Pluklitt n probably has tho very kuowledo thnt will belp your case. Surely any woman, rleb or poor. ls vt ry foollah lt shu does not tuku iKlvaiitnjX'' of thls geueroiH ofTcr of nssistauco. vas a bab I kno.w thj That ihis and ihai'i in doubt , and, for the lest, That leaincd men vho suicly should knovv bcst I - nl.ini hnw inxthb itciit in.ui Mtr WiH) hvcd nd grew .and loved and hcaled ( M VVhcn Chribtmab tomes 1 bec hini still atistr, Wiping Eatth s tearb away, stilhng hci btrife. J fp-CHILDREN'- S BY ANNA WENrwORTH SEARS. II yes! It was eusj then tn r..iii)ilBU lilltllll lllll'- - I I I thing. Yho, liulecd, eau I refuso to iriunt Martba what she obooses to ank wuen siie llfts her eyes ln that be- - Eeechlng way? I am utterly incapa- - ble of ustng any Judgniem or 101 for l am bo entlrely overrome wlth rapture at the thongbt her when she ls In a b.'Kiilllng mood when her curls make pari.eu-larl- y ndorable little rlnglets on her forebend, and her dlmples, her eyes. everytblng about her Is so Kenerall.v overcomlng tbat I lose reaso'i and yleld, IgnomlnloURly, completely. There was Bobby. too, brlnglnR np a rer guard of peraimslon, so theiv was no hope for uie from tbe lirst. Aly son and dangbter held the tleld. "And we will have all tbe couslns on both sldes," Martha dlctatcd. "And all our frlends, of coui'se," was Bobby's flnallty. "Please lcave nie some room In the house for n few fathers aud motbers.'' I pleaded, beginnlng to reaHzewhut 1 had undertaken when I had sald yes to thelr demand for a bolldny house party of clilldren. Uut wbo Is a motb-e- r to n Bobby and Marlba wbo wutltl not take all tbe trouble tbat the mls-tres- s nf ceremonles lins to take ln plan and executlon for siich an entertaln-ment- ? What Is betler worth whlie than thelr gratltude aud- - upprecla-tlon- We began our preparatlons early In Deceaiboi-- , Jnst nfter we had recelved the acceptances of the cbililren who were to be wltn us for tbe bollda.vs. tncludlug Christmas and New Yeur's, days. I.ncklly our house Is rooin.v and we have all outdoors for a pla.vground. A house pnrty presupposes u cnuntr.v boin". nnd the more country the more fnn. esprclall.v for clilldren. "We must have a place for our vi-r- j own. wbere we can make all the mub and nolse we want." ni.v lyninis cxact-ed- , so we turned one of Mie blg veran-da- s into a play room, lncloslnir It wlth glass at small expense. The sun ponred In all day, but some stpves were there for additlouul heat. We put nial-tlti- rugs on the tloor, liiiug hamnio(-- and swlnging seats ln the cornerH, nnd had all the nieans possilile for ludoor fnn a plug-pon- g tabie uarlor cro (ltiet, darts, u bookcase of selceted bobli.v liorspH, blocks, anil all tbat we co u kl tlml lo niako probabl.v stormy dn.vs (ndurable. lu thls room every mornliiK at II n'elock inllk and blscults were ervel all arouud, nnd every afternooii weak cocoa and cook' les. The "betwpeii meals" were vot-e- lii'tlcr than the regular fiiuctloux. and they tuude a break iu the day's rnutlne. Mut ln pa'slng. let me sny. lest any one eoudenin ni" at tbe sturt ns a person ot smali understandliiK tbat uever. at any tiuie, ral 11 or sblne, were the "party left long onougb to thelr own devices to have unreslrlcted piay develop Into botsteroiisuess, uud bois- - tcrousness eud iu tears ,'as hnppen? too often when tbcre ls no tartful Kiiard-la- n splrit hoverlng over a i.unilicr of chlldren to suKgest ilt. Jnst tbe rlgbt moment a new channpl of diverslou and tbougbt. lt was urged upon me to "Ihlnk of tbliiKs to do for every moment" of the parly's stay. and I consldercd II wls-do- In adopt thi- - euggestlon. Wlth n ;nl berlin: of a dozen or more persous under tlft(-e- yfars nf nge fnimallly holds no place, nnd qulet corners and racilltles for uuinterriipted eonverse are not to be tbouglit of. Active busl-nes- s ouly uiakes the liours tty bapplly wlth no druKlii mluuler. "But bow can w do tlilngR topeth-e- wllh so many ngeaV was Martha' ftrst Inkllus tbat there mlutbt be a rlft ln her lute of Joyful antlelpatlon. Bobby was not comfortiiig. "And there must be Just ns many boy IIiIiirs to do as plrl tblngs." he lnslsted,' I snrmWed a "sorap" In pros-pec- t. nnd haxlened 'o ulve vent to some or the scbeines t'uit I had brood- - ed over In tbe small bours of tbe nlsrht. If tbe Idens put In prartlep were not buni m Bethlchem ay lld fulluvNCfb' talcb aud nnc - Ij., PARTIES? all tHitiroly orlgluai, they were so that I iiiust urge them upon the prospectlve glvers of clilldren's house parties, even at tlie rlsk of belng d uiilnvenllve. Wlth small folk II ls better not to iittempt nnrellles Ibat have not been more or less put to tbe test. Tbe outdoor ganies cotne flrst in I thlnk tbat tbe one voted the most fuu was tho hltchliig party. Into a blg slelgb uiade' warm aud wltli butTalo rohes and bot water bags and bot brlcks we tucked Christmas tbe "Iweeuty-wtl'iitles- " wlth trusty .Inbn to drlve anu eiiKlneer everytbina -- the steady horse aud the roule over unl'reiiuented roads and arouud nlirnpt corners. lle nmlerstood Juxt when to slow up and wben to qnlcken Uie pace. Atlncbeil lo tlie slelgb was flrst a blg sled. after tbat one smaller, anil so on tbe lontr. tall of sleds hnld-In- g tbrt'e nnd four occiipnnts, honie iwo glrls and boys, every one laklng turns at belnK on tbe coveted lasl sled ol all. so llkely to upset al tlie corners aud s'plll tbe occiipnnts into a snow drirt. II was niosv excltbiK lo bnye to hold on for dear llfe nnd be whlrled over tlie land. and, when you fell off. bav-In- lo get 011 ag;ln and nver kiinwlnu lusl where 011 were roIiijz: no wonder It was tlmiiKht a FpletulUi arteruoon's n ti iiujI11iii I ' N'exl in pnpnlarlty wa Uie piiper Tbe uiodiis opcrundl was ror 11 persoh wltli a cnod Insllnel for the r the sltunllon to go aluail. lu hls wake blts ol paper. Tbe "pack" of chlldren ful lowed. runnliiK thls way nnd tbat iu searcli for Uie trnll. more often olT than on tlie palb. but cnlled back to It before geltlng loo fnr nway lij lioru and volce. Tbe one who nrrlved flrsl nt the goal at tlils partlrular race recelved as reward a verltable "brush." sllver-linndle- d 11111I useful for reinovlnu dust. At the goal we had Itnprovlsed a "lean-to.- " aud iu front of It burtied a huire boullre. Bnl.-ai- n boimhs tiad hnmi tnitwkrti il rritm llin nifiiinttiliift ln I make a rragraut resliiiK place, aud wblle we roasted apples.'popped corn, and were served to a gala spr'ead froin ten baskets and Immpct-.- s bnuigbt from home. we toldfstorles nnd bad a "wlnler. pifiilc:" But peihaps Ihe liest nr all tbe nnt-do- restlvltles was tbe nuldoor t'.'brlst-ma- s tree. heenp of Its uovelly Thanks to tbe klndl.v sun, whlch sbone gayly on Christmas day. we were nhlc to cnrry out thls, our eberlsbed snr-prls- e. If any one nilssed the tradl-tlona- l features of an ordlnary Cbrist-mn- s tree. be or she dld not reveal It. and no regrets were expreseed Annlnsl a blg growlng 1- 1- n ladder was llriuly brared. The ladder and Iree were gay- ly nttlred lu approprlale dress of Ifolly nnd red trlinmliiKS. Um rung of tbe ladder and Ihe sldes lielns; wnniid wlth wreaths of greeji. nnd to every rnup were fntened bnndles blg nnd lit- tle, white tlie tree was Inden wllh boxes of cnndy. strlnirs of popcorn. tlnsel. and iackages. On to the Inw ruuu of Ihe laddei aouuted Ihi aiuull JX IIOSTON. MiwnniB "AikI that 'ls the Uory or Santa Claus." Hiuersnu-- "lt soenis to me, maramn. Ititrlush-iill- linprobable. IIow can he ralse tbe vust tiiiins necessary to y lilsanmial expensea?" IIAHD LUCK. Mrs. Oraltberly-".- My poor, dear. sood little darllug Freddle haa been niost ouliiigcoiisly defrauded." Mrs. J,iunberlle-"V- hy, bow dld lt ha;.penV" Mrs. Orabberly "For threo wbole tiionths be exerted hltnself llke a little major to attend fonr Sunday-school- a, he has Jnst found out that only of tbcm is tb hare a Cbrlstmas Iree." (lOOD TIIINGS. TOCM The Christmas Tree "It ls strange that chlldren are so green as to be-lli'- lu the exlstence of a BanU C'iaus." 'fhe Clulstmas Candle (sputterlng- - UNKIND, MIss Komln-"W- bat dld your brother (ieoigle glve'you for Christmas, Llz-zle- - Little Llzzie "Manima says sbe 1 afraid he gave me the inumps. A Sacred VmtlvaK Yulctldo bns been held as a sacred festivnl by numberless natlons. Cbris-tian- s hohl Deceinber 2.r ns tbe anniver-sar- y or tbe blrtb of Jesus. Chlna, 'on samo day, celebratcs the blrtb of Buddha, son of Maya. (Seo Bunson.) The Druids lield during the wlnter sol-stl- the restlval of Nolagh. (Hlg-glns- .) "Kgypt held that Horus, son of Isls, was born townrd the eloso of De- ceinber. Greeoe celebrated during tbe wlnter solstlce the birth of Ceres, Bac-ehu- s nnd Hercules. Numerous Indlan trlbes keep Yuletlde as a rellglous fes-tlva- l. (Monler Wlliiams.) Mexlco holds In the wlnter solstlce the festi-va- l of Cnpaerame. (Hlstorv of the In- - Morning dies, Voluiue II., pige ar4.) Porsin at the same perlod houois tbe blrtb of .Mlthra. (tiross.) Kome celebrated on Deceinber 23 the festivnl of "Natalls Soils Invictn." SJcandanavia held at Yuletlde the festlval called Jul, ln bonor of Freya, son ot Odln (Brewer, page 321), etc. HOLIDAY COOKERY. Two cups of ralsed bread dougb, one teaspoonful each of clnnanion, nut ,niog aud salt, oue-hal- f cup of butter, one cup of sugnr, oue cup of mllk, CHRISTMAS OAK1S. one cup of ralstns, tbree eggs, slx cups of Ilour. Let ralse;,pour Into, one large and one smali tln. Wben done, nr iiinge as lllustrated. Iloiigbly lce. Clrcle wlth bolly. Dellneator. Klug' llnron of llref. 'J'be royat baron of beef, whlch nl wa.vs appears cold on Klng Kdward' sldeboard Christmas Day, at Osborne, is liivnrlahle cut from one of tbe bul locks bnugbt at tbe Klng's aiinuul snle of fat stock, early ln Deceinber. Thls vear there will be 4."0 sbeep, 100 swlne aud tblrly bullocks to be sold.-C- bl; cago Chronlcle. THE ARRIVAL 0F TII1 CHRISTMAS DINNER. p 1 IIAD been tlshlnK for a long tlmo withont suecess when n uroup of natlves, souift dlstance upstream 011 tlie opposlte bank, nt- - .ructeii niy attention. niey at tbe bottom of a steep bank, BiiKlnt' nt a spot some twenly feet hlgher up. lt was evldent from thelr gesturcs and thelr cautlous move-ineii- ts that soniethliig unusual was tak-In- g Is place, and, dlsgusled wltli tbe laek or of sport, 1 telzed gludly upon the cjinnce of sometblng nwro exeltlng. Throwlng down my rod, I ciosswl the stream at a shallow spot and Jolind them. I recognlzed two or theni, half naked vlllugers wbom I had heen the day befoiv, leading n little leopard cu'b ls bv a chaln. I bad asked them what they were gdlng to do wlth tlie little clumsy, furry ereature, 110 laiger than n ordlnary cat, for I wlsheu 10 put- - lu bae lt and keep It as a pet. But my hlghest oll'er falled to tempt them, nnd could not dlscover what tbcy waniea wlth the eub. Wlth thesc men were four others. all of sturdy fellows of the ciiltlvntor class, T. lad only ln walst clotb and puggaree, nd each of them was armed wltli n uiiii.11. Iioiiv.v-bumii- oo ve, feet long. tlpped wlth a masslve brass kuob, On the ground-wa- s a great heap 3f the drled cow dung eakes used lor fnel. As 1 lookeil at these I began to have an lnkllng ot what was to hap-pei- i. The surroundlng country was or. n klnd never seen In Englaud. On either lde of tbe stream was a belt, balf a nlle wlde, of barren land, scarred and eamed In every directlon by the beavy aius of the wet senson; a desolate belt, tbe baunt of tho little chlnkara jntelope, tlie jrrny partrldRO and the 5and grouse. The stream Itself, half mpty now, but u foamlng torrent In the ralns, ran In a cbannel carved deep a 11 the fiiablo soll. The bank where we tvere standliiR was tblrly or forty feet Hlgli, and ran' steeply down to tbe wa-ler- 's edge. A number of whltened bones and a few chlnkara borns were Mrewn about the and from n nole balf way up the bank. nt whlch he natlves were starlng intently. came tn overpowcring stench, llke that of he llon house In tbe Zoological Gar- - lens, but many tlmes worse. a One of the men, in answer to my luestlon, told me that the hole was tbe Mitrauce lo a cave, iu whlch n leopard. ivhlch ha: for long baunted the nelgh- - imrbood. Iiad her lalr. Kecently a pair f cubs liatl licen born, and these men. tiaviug wntched the motber leave he ave iu searcli of prey, bad earried on the cubs, to be used as a balt to lure her to deslructlon. They kept tbe cubs tor three days, nnd then, when tbe motber must hnve been desperate at the loss ot her offsprlnK. they had watched her go out agaln, nnd lu her ibsence had tled up oue of the cubs tt the back ot tlie cave. It was neces sary to do thls ln order that lh".v mk'ht proceed undlstnrbed wlth thelr opera-llon- for they knew that the leopard would never leave tbe cave wblle hr 11b remniued bound wlthin It. As soon ns. the mnn whom they left to Mh Jhe.cn U'ancetlluijyivej'enort-e- d that the leopard had retnrnedTihey et out, armed as I have described, wlth ihe Intention of tmoklng her out. It was an uusportsmanllke way of destroylng the ereature, but I dld not luterfere, for I was anxious to wnteh thelr proceedlngs, nnd I hnd, moreover no rlfle wlth me. The natlves began by I'ollectlng a large number of beavy stones, whlcli.they hauleil up to the mouth of the cave and began to block lt up. Before they began I peered into tlie hole, but It was pltch dark inside and I could see nothlng. They pro-ceed- to bulld up tbe entrnnce meth-odlcnll- paylng no heed to the con- - tlnuous low growllng froin wlthin. In n sliort tlme they had oulte closed It up, wlth the exception of one hole a few Inches across, and the stones were so llrmly wedged as to be qulte lin- - movable. They next brougbt stlff wet clav from'tliD bed of the stream, wlth whlch they proceeded to stop up the chlnks anrt crannles between tbe stones. ' After thls had been done, the cow dung eakes were brought up. They set Ilre to them one by one, and; nfter blowing uwn them ;tntll they were well allght, they threw them into the cave tbrough the small hole they had left. Theae eakes of fuel will go 011 smoiilderlng for bours, nnd they glve out n great dcal of pungent smoke. Cver a hundred of them were llgbted and thrown Into the cave, 'and tlnally tlie natlves .slopped up the remainlng hole wlth a lump of wet clny, and then sat down to walt. After half an bour or so I suggested that the smoke must have done Hs work. But tbe natlves would not hear of openlng the eave so qulckly; thelr sportlng Instlncts were not snfllclent-l- y developed to allow them to glve tbe leopard tbe smallest ebance to .escnpe. Wlth truo Orlental patlence they squatted ou thelr hams, passlng nround an eartbenware plpe, from tlie sinell of whlch I judged that thelr tobacco was lnrgely. composed of that same mn-terl- whlch they were nslng to smoke nut the leopard. It. was fully tliree hours before they could make up thelr mlnds tbat lt would be safe to open tho cave, and even then I thlnk they only dld so in deference to me. When they pulled down the stones witb whlch they had. flllcd up the hole, great volnines of smoke came pouriug out, rank and ncrld, aiyi it was some tlme before the nir wlthbr iai suf- - licletitly clear to brenthe. Ir aTi.'! nuite cerlaln that nothlng could hvof llved for more tbnn n few mlnutes in such nu atmospliete. None of the na- - llves seemed very anxious to go Into the cave so I voluuteercd to go.In my- - j self. I erawled witb dilltculty tbrough the narrow enfrance, rnrrylng a rope lo liaul out tbe leopard and her eub. Tbe stench wlthin was overpowerlng, and I attacbtHl the rope to the two llmp bndies as uulckly as I could, and hur- - ried out ngnlu, gasfiing for fresli nlr. Wltli cr'les of trlumpli the natlves lald hold ou tbe rope and banled the ler.pard and her enb out Into the sun- - siiinp. She was n llne. hnndsoiue beast. Her" vellow skln, wlth lts deep blact niarkinss. was sleek and iu splendkl londllion; but the natlves lost 110 tlme ln admlring her nppearance. As soou as she nnnenred they fell upon her wlth exclted ertes, and belnbored her Inaniinnte body unmerclfully Wlth ibelr stnves. Flnally, her paws were 'iouihI. and siie was slnug to n pole. .vlth her cub dangllng besido her, nnd 'ter destroyers niarcbed off w.ih her 11 trinmpb, to seek the colleetor and laiui from hlm the reward iiald for Ihe destructlon of danirerous benstv Palt Mall OaKette. STtEL, PASStNCeR CARS. tVnnit HcIiik Hunirnlil by lh Slorr Aloilerik CiiiiiiitnUti For several year steel lielcht ai liave been Iu use lu ihls vouuiry On ceilaln llnt's that cairy ore aud coal siich rnlllug stock Is lu hlgh favor. Ii fnr more durable than Ihe old slylr car. Cbanges are belng uinde ut passenger cars also, ln order to reuder them less llnble to Injury from Ilre at ter a colltslon. For thls purpose a laigi amonnt ot sieel ls Milislltuted foi wond. Tbe Idea Is vnmltig Into I'avoi more partlcnlarl.v ou elictrli: roads. Il said that tlie cars used lu Ihe New York subway are pracllcally tlreproor, nllbouvrh not bulit excluslvi'-l- of steel. .Some of tbe tunnel roads l.ondoii, too, are to in- - ibu eUlpped. A Irtter froin that clty to Tbe lron Age i.N'ew York) says tbat a sensation luts been createil In. the piess been use an order seut to Phlladelpbln by C. Yerkes for 1H0 cars, valued al .f.'ioo,. 000, rer the Baker street and Watei.on iinderi.'roiind electrlc llne, fitttlng 4icro8SLftndon.irpni north, to souIJk ln au lutcrview witn me oiuci ciikmh-ci- . Mr. Cbnninan. the follo.vlng facit- - are glven out: "lu nccordance wllh the ptomlse glven by Mr. Yerkes thai all uiaterial for tbe undeigroinid rall- - wnvs wlth whlch he was connecled should be ordered iu Kngland, we tnet qnr utmost to get the cars timtte neic bPl'ore placlng tlie order wlth Atuer lca. We asked tbe flnn tbat were llkely to do thls klnd of work to scuii In iuotatlons. One of tliem was a l.oeds tlrm, whlch turns out steel wng-on- s and steel trucks. We suppliod them wlth all the necessary partlcu lars of what wo wauted. They talked lot, but when we got down to irek bottom business tliy sald they could not ipiolp. We were 110 more auceess. ful on tbc Contlnent. Tbe (lerinaus even could not snpply us. Tbe fuel is tliat nelther the Biitlsh nor tbe tier-ma- llruis know much about thls class of car, whereas In Ameilen tbey are lurnlng lt out by tbe hundred." Three hundred cars more will be waut- ed for tbe other "tubes," represenling value of $1,.-00,0- "1!," sald Mr. Cbapmnii, "we can get them mado ln Kngland, we will, but If not, we inusl go to Amerlca." These stateincnls are not seriously denled. riatilnc Wllh s Glg. "Flsblng wlth a gig it nlgbt Is great sport along the shoals or tbe Tenuessee Btver," sald Hugh (Jdom, wblle he and a crowd of well-know- n anglers were telllng about what they caught last season. "I never weni lishiug witb a fiig until ! visiteil an old friend of mlne nt Town Creek. At thnt place tho Tenuessee is about two inlles wlde, wlth little lslauds every Imudred yanls. The rlver is lilled wlth shoals at that place and glggiiig ls a favorlte sport among the people livin around there. A gig Is a long slici. witb Ihree wrought-lro- n spenrs on t br- ead of II. Kacb of tbesc little prougs has a beard, llke an ordlnary has to bodonri.ai. UlgUt anu Wllll u uun. xuy uuui ic- so constructed that it has a seat at each ehd and one In the iniddle.' Up tbrough the middle seat an iron rod extends nbont threo feet high. Ou tbe end of thls rod is an iron bnsket, wlth large enough cracks to ailow llght to sbow. The bont is fllled wlth plne wood, and when the expedltlon stnrts a Ilre is bullt ln tlie lron basket Thls will throw a Ugbt for severa' hundred feet over the water. It i one man's duty to keep this tlie burn ing, and It takes much wood. her everytblng ls ready the boat is polec along the shoals and tbe ush ar usually slgbted floatlng nenr tlie tor of the water, where they feed. Thej are drlven as close to tbe rocks as pos slhle, nnd then the glggers east theii mlnlnture harpoons at them. lt takei an expert to land a flsh wlth one 01 these glgs, as the throw must be ac cnrate. One nlght last fall we caugln a boatload of flsh witli glgs befon eleven o'clock. Birmlngbain Age-He- r ald. Thleveiln the Fubllc Mbrarlri. "It scnrcely pays us to prosecutc men aud women we catcb golng ou wlth books utider thelr clothes," salc the superlntendent of an Kast Slde II brarv. "The Maglstrate Invarlablj dlsmisses them wlth a reprimnnd nnc a warning. It Is not ofteiii they suffei even the dlsgrace of bavlug theii names apnenr ln prlnt. In the blg ll braries they have spotters to watel mcn who ask for rare edltlons, but Ii the Einall llbrarles we must depeiid 01 the glrls employed wbo bappen "to de leet a thlef by cbance. If possfble, W( cateh tbe book thlef before he reachet the door aud ask hlm If he has not for gotten to have the volume eheeked ofi at tbe rejrlstry desk. If he is au ou- hand he says: ''I have forgotten my enrd, but I will bring It around "Hc hands back the book and dlsap pears, to reappear at tbat parllculai llbrarv no more for many inoiuns. 1 ui majorlty of book thleves do not stea iiovels. They go after works of refer ence. almanacs, year books and suel thlngs that niost of them probab!. need In thelr business, bur cannot nf ford to buy. That Is why sticb vol umes nre nalled down In many llbra rles. I have aclually knowu a womnr t) get away wlth a clty dlrectory un der her cloak." New York Press. Shnkript-are'- f Falhrr. Dr. Furnlvall wrltes to tbe Westmln ster Gny.ette: 'The unlucky mlsprinl of one letter ln your 'Llterury Note and News' of Monday makes it appeai that the 'merry-cbeek- t old' .glover Jolin Shakespeare 'dareut have crackt jesst wlth hls humorful son Will ntl any tlme,' whereas Plume aftvrwardf Archdeacon of Itochester and foundei of the Plumenn Profesorship of As tronomy at Cambridge wrote tbat th father 'darest' (or 'durst') have sc crackt hls Just witb hls son at any tlme. An Interestlng sliort llfe ot Plume, by Mlsx C, Fell' Smilh, Is lu Vol. III of the Sunnlement to the "Dlctlonnry of Natlonal Hlograpby.' "I hope Dr, Audrew Clark's dis covery of thls tmlque record of the appearauce c'. old John Sliakespeare nnd what bc sald of hls son will lead all folk who have the ebance of seelns slxteenth and seventeenth ccntury MSS. to read them carefully tbrough 'In the hope that sometblng about Shakespeare may occur In them. Sure ly some note about hls Sonnets nnd hls Dark I.ady must be lylng hld ! soniewhere," i 'J 1 Wm M rs. Rosa Adams. niece of the latc General Roger Hanson, C. S. A., wants every womari to know of the wonders accomplished by Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. ' Dbab Mrs. Pinkham: I cannot tell you wlth pwand luk what yood trii 111 pecullar to the sex, extreme Uaaltude and that U gona fcellnf . I would rlae from my bed in the morniny feelioir more tlred than wben lwnl to bed. but before I had uaed two bottlea of Lydla h. Plnkbsm Ve table Con pound, I began to feel the buoyaney of my J ni . rV""" been able to do before, so I eontlnued to bcalth. It ls inded a boon to aick Youra very xruiy, juua. hoha Autai, oiv uee I I heartUy Any women tlio are txoublert frlt or palnful menteuatlon, weak-nea- s, lcucorrhtta, dlsplaoement or ulcer-atlo- n of ihe veomb, that bearlng-dow- n fcellnsr, lnflainmntlon of the ovarles, back-ach- e, general debility, and neryoui pro-tratl- on, should know there i. one teled and true remedy, Lydla E. Plnkhan' Vegetable Compound. Ko other medicine for womcu has reo'elved uch wide-spre- ad nnd unqualified indorsement. No other niedlolne has such a record of femaleoure. " Dkab Ik. I am rery pleased to recoirmcud Lydla E. Plnkham'i Vege- table Coiupouuu for womb and ovarien dlfflcul-tle- s from w hiih 1 have been a sufftrer for yer. was the only medicine whlch ts all benefliial, aud within a week after 1 started te ue lt. there neaa great change my feellnga and looke. I uted lt for a over three months, and at tha end of that tlme I suffered no pain themenatrual perlod. nor was I troubled with those dUtien.rif palns whlch compelled me to go bed, and 1 have iot had a bince. Thia ia a year 1 .i.,nr tinun u Viln nn bnd. and take a for I flnd that lt "tones up the system and keep. m feeHnff strong7and I never have that tlred out feellnff any more. SrtaFnly thlnk that every woman ought to try rand mdilne. for lt would prove lts worth. Youra very truly, Misi Euil DAMFOBTH, 801 De Soto St., ifemphis, Tenn." FREE MEDICAL ADVICE TO WOMEN. holtate to write t Mrs. Plnkham. She underiitand you?case perfertly. and trcat you with kindness. Her adTlce free, anS the addresa Lynn. Brass. No woman ever regretted i.i. niuon hAi. nnd uhM linji helncd thousanda. proauee ia onini prove thelr ftbnlte geiiuhieneM. """ """""" ' - II we oaanot rortnwitn $5000 JtKTTeteiUmoiaaa, wluaU will Automatic Stokers for Locomotlves. A labor-savln-g devlce recently test-e- d by a' commlttee of the Amerlcan Uallway Master Mechanlcs associa-tlo- n consists of an automatlcstoker for locoraotlve boilers, by means of whlch the eoal is I'etl mechanlcally from the tender to the flre-bo- The devlce lcsted, whlch was considerably smaller than would be used on a mod-e- high speed passengeV locomotlve, vas found to work satiHfactorlly and showed an economy of not less than 7 percent ln the amonnt of fnel d over stoklng wlth good, hand labor. A large-slz- e passenger locomotlve requlres some 9200 pounds of coal per hour, and It Is thought that a Btoker of such capaclty worklng at siiuicient speed cnn be constructed 011 thls pattern. The appllcatlon or this Idea or automatic stoklng, now found in many boller rooms, to a loeomotlve is qulte Important, Inasinueh it wi'l enable the rireman to render udjll tlonal assistauce to tlie enlgneer or to lake hls place in case of accident. whereas hls chler concern at present Is to feed- the flre-bo- wltli sufflclent regularlty to malntaln the requlred steam pr'essure. Harper's Weeldy. Telegraph and Telephone In Japan. Until 1877 there was no publlc tele- phone servlce ln Japan. The flrst clty systems were lustalled in Toklo and Yokohama 1890, and these were followed shortly by othws, until the at the end of1901 there were 179 pubilc statlons"; wlth 25 clty systems and 25,000 subscrlbers. At the same tlme 25,000 other persons were telephone servlce. The telephone and telegraph In Japan ls of the most mod-er- n type, as progress elsewhero is followed closely. The rapid develop-men- t of these two aits is character-l.e- d by the followlng statlstles, show-In- g the number of telegrams sent for dlfferent years: In 1871, lfl.nofi;. In 1881, 2,580,000; in 1891. I.C74.0ik), and In 1901, 10,221,000. Electrical He-vle- - In "Soslety." Butler Here are the ollves. ma'arn. Mrs. Lakeslda Yes, John, but you haven't put any tootliplcks on the ta ble to eat them wlth. Town TopicB. T Cer 11 Colil ln n Put Tak Lni.iliw llromo Ouinine Tablets. All driiKRUlH refand nioney if it failn to E. W. Grove's iwgnature is on bov. 'iSe. P.ri. bke Loiuloii. !.- Jcst'itin tlie tbca-tr- fur llu- - nnnir' Ii.iMm. BEST FOR palnt after eatine, llver traable; ekin U until w reHoid to Prftct women and reeommena ik ui a., Pikkham: 1k at ln little at to nearly will will is KORFEIT as In " " . t. ........ .... A ..W Try It. Have you ever tried tho blesslng of a constaut thankfulness? Not or when It stilts you, but every day, and all day long? If nol, begln at once, and the next tlme you feel disheartencd or discoutenteil, of getting irrltable and corn- - plalnlng, just look long and gratefully on your blcsslngs, and put ull grley-nnce- s behind your back. A French klng once sald: "If a clvll word or two will make a man happy, he milst be a churl indee'd who would not glve them to hlm." We may say of thls klndly tcmper that it ls HKe llgbtlng another man's candle by. one's own, whlch loses none of its. llght by what the other galns. Candldate's Card In Sandwlchei. R. C. Bowman, Democratlc candi- - date for constable ln Argentlne, is tbn owner of a lunch stand ln that clty. A smalf boy manages tbe stand, selling sandwiches, bot tamales and other eitables whlch tempt the e of the hungry pedestrlan. When-eve- r a sandwlch is aold and the pr-chas- attempts to take a large bte a hard substance is encountered. The customer lnvestlgates and flnds a small card wlth the lnscriptlon: "B. C. Bowman, Democratlc candl-dat- e for constable." Kansaa Cliy Star. A London weeldy offers a S50 prlze for the answer to the questlon: "Has a wasp elght fegs?" NE52 T'TJp ' na:lyeu.' . Vo,ftno:ae day1' ai.-u-t hr. Kiian Ort Nervdlloitoi-n.-.i'trialljoci.dJu- J trealisefr JDr.ll.U. KtiMJ.l.tO . W)l Archdt.,lalla.,Pi. Tlie cardine famino. off the foast at Brit-tau- wbieli iiun extended over neveial years, proniife lo be lelirved by unliual c'Hlfhei tliU yrar. , J 1.0 not bel evn I'iso's Cure for l tor ougliiuadooldi. -- Joui t'.IioTEB.'friulty SprlngH, luu, Keb. 15, 1WJ. A Swisa eloi'kiuaker has devied a watcli nliioh calU out Uie limir by meaiu ul minute plionogr.ipliie attarhiienl UHiuOreat Engllah Ramady I BLAIR'S P1LLS Safe.Sm.lrlKti. 600. al DBU0OIST8. r Mt Wfau tt, 1 aioiM-oHN.w.meRRis- . IHZfel wN Wnalilnntou. D. SuccessfuTly Prosecutes Olalms. ia cmi nir, is hojuuicbiiuk vism., ur luii- PATENTS ........... ' iv..aii.Mnii n n idtict t rM.Varni lo. lltgltMi rat. THE BOWELS and dlMtnen. Whtn your boweta doa' aaeve QUARANTEBD CURE fbr alt bewel Iroabln, appendlellla, MlleniaeM. bed Wteth, bU blood, wlnd on the itoraach. blotd bowel. foul moath, headecbe, IndlfMtloa, pimpU, mIIow rcfuiariy yon u-- bick. vuimujj.uuh more pono uu bii oxner oiHltn ofjaT t taru chronle llmeoM and lonr rn ot (ufferinc, Nb nutter what alla you, etart ttUof CASCARBTS today, for you wflf ntver get Well andUtay wll until you nt your bewtU rtfht Take our dvlc, atart wlth CaKarctt today Under abeelute riaraatM to cnre money refunded. The eeoolne m tabltt tumped C C CJ Never aold In bulk. ampWaad booklet free. Addre Stetllng Remedy Company, Chleago New York. 9
Page 1: Spirit of the age (Woodstock, Vt. : 1845). (Woodstock, VT ...€¦ · hope ones to ilnil thelr prcsrnts, tho older m THE phlldren cllinbcd hlgher to gct tbolr STIFLING A LEOPARD.

ones to ilnil thelr prcsrnts, tho older

hope m THE phlldren cllinbcd hlgher to gct tbolr STIFLING A LEOPARD.rlghtful boloiiKlniTH. nnd nfter the lad-do- r

FOR SICK. T THE,RE W'AS A BA! wnn all detitidtd of Its spolls thenazartrees wna strlpped.-Harp- er's


Tbe Ucasl, Drivea lalo a Cave, Had No Ckaoce For l(s LiiV.

LhHbVh- -

jrjj72mifi ""Sl 5Kf J; " ""'jjp'j




Mra. Henrietta'A. S. Marsh. 700 W.16th St.. Ix8 Angelee, Cal., I'reaident

Uenevolvnt Ana'ii, writea:

"1 felt a ouce tliat 1 had ut lastthe riglit medicine and 1 kept atcad-il- y

iniproviug. Witliiu llnce wvc'Kk 1 wafully reatoreu, and 1 ain glad tliat 1 gavethat truly xi'tat leinedy a trial, 1 willjucver be withont it again."

ln a letter duted Awru.it 31. 1904'. Mrs.Marnb saya: "1 have never yet heaidtbe ellicacy of l'vrima uueslioned. Westill uue ic. 1 traveled throuuh Ken-ag-

tiu-k- and Tennchsec thrcc yearswhre I found l'eruna doing iU guodwork. Much of it is beiiijj nsed liere

lso. Ilenrictta A. s. .Mmsli,Address Dr. llartinaii. i'resident of Tbe

llartman Sanitariuiii, Columbua, Oliio.

Aik Tonr Druggist for Free PerunaAlmanao for 1905.

About Eatlng.The erroneous notlonn about food

have added much to tho complex-itle- s

of life and of the household.Women slave away thelr llves to pro-vld- e

"three square meals a day" Thequantlty and cost of the food .jonsum-e- d

by the uverage fanilly in comfort-abl- e

clrcumstances are at least twlcewhat they should be. The inbor

wlthin the household ls three-lol- d

more than a rlght vlew of llfedemands. Man bolts hls food In greatqiiantltfes, pure and Impure wltli nothought of adaptlng IiIh dlet to hlsindlvidnal need, tiutil hls orgnnlsm

a mass of fermenllng corrup-tlon- ,

then he gets slck, the doctornomes In, looka wlse, prescrlhes med-icine and a "nourlshing diet."

Long Ulved Pear Trees.The pear tree will contlnue' bearing

frult for several centurles. Treesbearing frult In abundance when atleast 300 years old are not uncommon.They are much louger llved than theapple, whfoh rarely lasts more than100 or liiu years. The pear tree alsogrows much larger tlian the appleand when 200 yenrs old has often thedlmenstona of a forent troe. NowYork News. -

Feminlne Amenlty.Stella Jack and I are to be mar-rle-

Bolla What freak election bets mendo make! New York Sun.

The dlrectors of the Clreat Westernrailway (Bngland) are about to Intro-duc- e

an Amerlcan englne for thelrlong-distanc-e expresses.

Ton Mucli For lllin.A, bacbelor one day srt the tabie In

bla lonely abode wltb'plates for blin-Bfl- f

and an Imaginary wlfe and flve

chlldren. He tben sat down to dliie,and as he helped blmself to food heput the sauie n"antity on each of tbeother plates and Rurveypd the pros-peo- t,

atlhe samo llmo ccniiputing IbpcosL He 1r still. a bacbelor..

(.'atnrrli Onnnnl He CurnlW'l'h ArrLicATioNs. nH tlniy oanimtleach the snnt o( the dlnriu-e- . ('atarib -bli'Oil or oon.it Itulloiml dlsiinse. miiiI Iii orili'rfo cure it yoii'milsMiikn luternniHall'8 Catarrli Onrn ls taken Interunlly, iuulactadlrnotly outbebloo lnud mhcoiHHUrfaunIIhII's CittnrrU Curn ls not a (piack mhilli'iur.

t was nrHaorllMid by one of the btwt lysl-tlaU- B

lu thls country for ytnrn, aud ls a rK-ul- ar

jiresorlptlon. Jt ls c.(,uiiosml of tlmXtest tonlH knowu. romlilnecl wlth lliti bnslblood purlflers, uctlug dlwiitly on tli is

surfaces. The pnrfis't ooinliliiHlinn ofth two InKrtnllenls ls what prodiues siich

ouderfnl rpsultsi lu ourlng catarrli. Heudfur testlmoalala, fr?.

V. J. OuENEr .t Co., Pr'opK., Tolcdo. O.Sold by druKKlstn, prlci, 75c.a'ak Hall'aFamlly t'llla for roptliailon

ThukIU by Kxperlaiioa."My experleuce wlth sltftis." snja

Faruier Slngletree, "ls that. iu gen'-r- al

thoy're either mlsleadlu' er Hiiper-lln'- s.

When I was to tbe expostlton 1

fp 9igns readin', 'Look out forAfter a few days' truck witb

Viii l"came to Uie cpncluslon tbat they,waa fully able to look out for tbemlelves." Cleveland Leader.

A Oimranteail Cnro Kor f tla.Ttcliing. Hliad, Hleeding or rro'lrnilinst

PHm. Hruggistii will refund money. it rnzoOintment fil lo cure in B to 14daya. SOc.

Niasara U worili 1,000,000,000 aa alomce of clectiicjl powcr.


TO COMSIDER.FinsT. The me.dlclne tbat holds tho

record for tbe largi-a- i nmnlier of aliso-lut- e

otire.s of femnlo lll.i U Tydbt K.Plllktium'a Vegutublo Coinpouilil. Itrfgiilutes and ourea dtaeitse of thufetnale orgauiam 11 s notlilue ele ciin.

Skconi). Th Kiat voTuinti ofuuil nraterut tttlimiiilaU on

U!e at tbe I'luklumi lubor itory ut liyun,Maas., uiauy of whlch ure from tlint- - totlme pnbli.-dit- by perml-wloti- , to

ovldenco of tlut value of I,ydluK. Plukbam'ri VoRiHttbk' Coinpound andMrs. PlukbuiuV adviof.

Tilil Kvery alling woman ln theUntted States usked to aioept thofollowlug Invltatloii. It ls free, willbrlng you hcnltb, and muy savo yotirllfe.--

Mr. Plakham'3 Standlng InvltatlonWomen siifrtTlnp from uiiy forui of

feruale weak new ai e in vlted t o pmmpt lyuouiinuuluate wlth Mrs. Piukham, atLtuii, Mass. AU letturs are rei-e- i cd.opened. read aud atirtwercd by womenouly. From symptoms glven, yourtrouble mny bc loeated aud tbe nulo.ceat and surest way of n'foveradvlscdOut of the vul volumo of experleuceMrs. Pluklitt n probably has tho verykuowledo thnt will belp your case.Surely any woman, rleb or poor. ls vt ryfoollah lt shu does not tuku iKlvaiitnjX''of thls geueroiH ofTcr of nssistauco.

vas a babI kno.w thj

That ihis and ihai'i in doubt , and, for the lest,

That leaincd men vho suicly should knovv bcstI - nl.ini hnw inxthb itciit in.ui

Mtr WiH) hvcd nd grew .and loved and hcaled

(M VVhcn Chribtmab tomes 1 bec hini still atistr,

Wiping Eatth s tearb away, stilhng hci btrife. J



II yes! It was eusj thentn r..iii)ilBU lilltllll lllll'- -

I I I thing. Yho, liulecd, eauI refuso to iriunt Martba

what she obooses to ankwuen siie llfts her eyes ln that be--

Eeechlng way? I am utterly incapa- -

ble of ustng any Judgniem or 101

for l am bo entlrely overromewlth rapture at the thongbt

her when she ls In a b.'Kiilllngmood when her curls make pari.eu-larl- y

ndorable little rlnglets on herforebend, and her dlmples, her eyes.

everytblng about her Is so Kenerall.vovercomlng tbat I lose reaso'i andyleld, IgnomlnloURly, completely.

There was Bobby. too, brlnglnR npa rer guard of peraimslon, so theivwas no hope for uie from tbe lirst.Aly son and dangbter held the tleld.

"And we will have all tbe couslnson both sldes," Martha dlctatcd.

"And all our frlends, of coui'se," wasBobby's flnallty.

"Please lcave nie some room In thehouse for n few fathers aud motbers.''I pleaded, beginnlng to reaHzewhut 1

had undertaken when I had sald yesto thelr demand for a bolldny houseparty of clilldren. Uut wbo Is a motb-e- r

to n Bobby and Marlba wbo wutltlnot take all tbe trouble tbat the mls-tres- s

nf ceremonles lins to take ln planand executlon for siich an entertaln-ment- ?

What Is betler worth whliethan thelr gratltude aud- - upprecla-tlon-

We began our preparatlons early InDeceaiboi-- , Jnst nfter we had recelvedthe acceptances of the cbililren whowere to be wltn us for tbe bollda.vs.tncludlug Christmas and New Yeur's,days. I.ncklly our house Is rooin.v andwe have all outdoors for a pla.vground.A house pnrty presupposes u cnuntr.vboin". nnd the more country the morefnn. esprclall.v for clilldren.

"We must have a place for our vi-r- j

own. wbere we can make all the muband nolse we want." ni.v lyninis cxact-ed- ,

so we turned one of Mie blg veran-da- s

into a play room, lncloslnir It wlthglass at small expense. The sunponred In all day, but some stpves werethere for additlouul heat. We put nial-tlti-

rugs on the tloor, liiiug hamnio(--

and swlnging seats ln the cornerH, nndhad all the nieans possilile for ludoorfnn a plug-pon- g tabie uarlor cro(ltiet, darts, u bookcase of selceted

bobli.v liorspH, blocks, anil alltbat we co u kl tlml lo niako probabl.vstormy dn.vs (ndurable. lu thls roomevery mornliiK at II n'elock inllk andblscults were ervel all arouud, nndevery afternooii weak cocoa and cook'les. The "betwpeii meals" were vot-e-

lii'tlcr than the regular fiiuctloux.and they tuude a break iu the day'srnutlne.

Mut ln pa'slng. let me sny. lest anyone eoudenin ni" at tbe sturt ns aperson ot smali understandliiK tbatuever. at any tiuie, ral 11 or sblne, werethe "party left long onougb to thelrown devices to have unreslrlcted piaydevelop Into botsteroiisuess, uud bois- -

tcrousness eud iu tears ,'as hnppen? toooften when tbcre ls no tartful Kiiard-la- n

splrit hoverlng over a i.unilicr ofchlldren to suKgest ilt. Jnst tbe rlgbtmoment a new channpl of diverslouand tbougbt.

lt was urged upon me to "Ihlnk oftbliiKs to do for every moment" of theparly's stay. and I consldercd II wls-do-

In adopt thi- - euggestlon. Wlth n;nl berlin: of a dozen or more persousunder tlft(-e- yfars nf nge fnimalllyholds no place, nnd qulet corners andracilltles for uuinterriipted eonverseare not to be tbouglit of. Active busl-nes- s

ouly uiakes the liours tty bappllywlth no druKlii mluuler.

"But bow can w do tlilngR topeth-e-

wllh so many ngeaV was Martha'ftrst Inkllus tbat there mlutbt be arlft ln her lute of Joyful antlelpatlon.

Bobby was not comfortiiig. "Andthere must be Just ns many boy IIiIiirsto do as plrl tblngs." he lnslsted,'

I snrmWed a "sorap" In pros-pec- t.

nnd haxlened 'o ulve vent tosome or the scbeines t'uit I had brood- -

ed over In tbe small bours of tbe nlsrht.If tbe Idens put In prartlep were not

buni m Bethlchemay

lld fulluvNCfb' talcb





all tHitiroly orlgluai, they were sothat I iiiust urge them upon the

prospectlve glvers of clilldren's houseparties, even at tlie rlsk of belng d

uiilnvenllve. Wlth small folkII ls better not to iittempt nnrelllesIbat have not been more or less put totbe test.

Tbe outdoor ganies cotne flrst inI thlnk tbat tbe one voted

the most fuu was tho hltchliig party.Into a blg slelgb uiade' warm aud

wltli butTalo rohes and botwater bags and bot brlcks we tucked


tbe "Iweeuty-wtl'iitles- " wlth trusty.Inbn to drlve anu eiiKlneer everytbina-- the steady horse aud the roule over

unl'reiiuented roads and arouudnlirnpt corners. lle nmlerstood Juxtwhen to slow up and wben to qnlckenUie pace. Atlncbeil lo tlie slelgb wasflrst a blg sled. after tbat one smaller,anil so on tbe lontr. tall of sleds hnld-In- g

tbrt'e nnd four occiipnnts, honie iwoglrls and boys, every one laklng turnsat belnK on tbe coveted lasl sled olall. so llkely to upset al tlie cornersaud s'plll tbe occiipnnts into a snowdrirt.

II was niosv excltbiK lo bnye to holdon for dear llfe nnd be whlrled overtlie land. and, when you fell off. bav-In-

lo get 011 ag;ln and nver kiinwlnulusl where 011 were roIiijz: no wonderIt was tlmiiKht a FpletulUi arteruoon'sn ti iiujI11iii I '

N'exl in pnpnlarlty wa Uie piiperTbe uiodiis opcrundl was ror 11

persoh wltli a cnod Insllnel for ther the sltunllon to go

aluail. lu hls wake blts ol

paper. Tbe "pack" of chlldren ful

lowed. runnliiK thls way nnd tbat iusearcli for Uie trnll. more often olT

than on tlie palb. but cnlled backto It before geltlng loo fnr nway lijlioru and volce. Tbe one who nrrlvedflrsl nt the goal at tlils partlrular racerecelved as reward a verltable "brush."sllver-linndle- d 11111I useful for reinovlnudust.

At the goal we had Itnprovlsed a"lean-to.- " aud iu front of It burtied ahuire boullre. Bnl.-ai- n boimhs tiadhnmi tnitwkrti il rritm llin nifiiinttiliift ln I

make a rragraut resliiiK place, audwblle we roasted apples.'popped corn,and were served to a gala spr'ead frointen baskets and Immpct-.- s bnuigbt fromhome. we toldfstorles nnd bad a

"wlnler. pifiilc:"But peihaps Ihe liest nr all tbe nnt-do-

restlvltles was tbe nuldoor t'.'brlst-ma- s

tree. heenp of Its uovellyThanks to tbe klndl.v sun, whlch sbonegayly on Christmas day. we were nhlcto cnrry out thls, our eberlsbed snr-prls- e.

If any one nilssed the tradl-tlona- l

features of an ordlnary Cbrist-mn- s

tree. be or she dld not reveal It.

and no regrets were expreseed Annlnsla blg growlng 1- 1- n ladder was llriulybrared. The ladder and Iree were gay-

ly nttlred lu approprlale dress of Ifolly

nnd red trlinmliiKS. Um rung of tbeladder and Ihe sldes lielns; wnniidwlth wreaths of greeji. nnd to everyrnup were fntened bnndles blg nnd lit-

tle, white tlie tree was Inden wllhboxes of cnndy. strlnirs of popcorn.tlnsel. and iackages. On to the Inw

ruuu of Ihe laddei aouuted Ihi aiuull

JX IIOSTON.MiwnniB "AikI that 'ls the Uory or

Santa Claus."Hiuersnu-- "lt soenis to me, maramn.

Ititrlush-iill- linprobable. IIow can heralse tbe vust tiiiins necessary to y

lilsanmial expensea?"

IIAHD LUCK.Mrs. Oraltberly-".- My poor, dear.

sood little darllug Freddle haa beenniost ouliiigcoiisly defrauded."

Mrs. J,iunberlle-"V- hy, bow dld ltha;.penV"

Mrs. Orabberly "For threo wboletiionths be exerted hltnself llke a littlemajor to attend fonr Sunday-school- a,

he has Jnst found out that onlyof tbcm is tb hare a Cbrlstmas



The Christmas Tree "It ls strangethat chlldren are so green as to be-lli'-

lu the exlstence of a BanUC'iaus."

'fhe Clulstmas Candle (sputterlng- -

UNKIND,MIss Komln-"W- bat dld your brother

(ieoigle glve'you for Christmas, Llz-zle-


Little Llzzie "Manima says sbe 1

afraid he gave me the inumps.

A Sacred VmtlvaKYulctldo bns been held as a sacred

festivnl by numberless natlons. Cbris-tian- s

hohl Deceinber 2.r ns tbe anniver-sar- y

or tbe blrtb of Jesus. Chlna, 'on

samo day, celebratcs the blrtb ofBuddha, son of Maya. (Seo Bunson.)

The Druids lield during the wlnter sol-stl-

the restlval of Nolagh. (Hlg-glns- .)

"Kgypt held that Horus, son ofIsls, was born townrd the eloso of De-

ceinber. Greeoe celebrated during tbewlnter solstlce the birth of Ceres, Bac-ehu- s

nnd Hercules. Numerous Indlantrlbes keep Yuletlde as a rellglous fes-tlva- l.

(Monler Wlliiams.) Mexlco

holds In the wlnter solstlce the festi-va- l

of Cnpaerame. (Hlstorv of the In- -


dies, Voluiue II., pige ar4.) Porsin atthe same perlod houois tbe blrtb of.Mlthra. (tiross.) Kome celebrated onDeceinber 23 the festivnl of "NatallsSoils Invictn." SJcandanavia held atYuletlde the festlval called Jul, ln

bonor of Freya, son ot Odln (Brewer,page 321), etc.


Two cups of ralsed bread dougb, oneteaspoonful each of clnnanion, nut

,niog aud salt, oue-hal- f cup of butter,one cup of sugnr, oue cup of mllk,


one cup of ralstns, tbree eggs, slx cupsof Ilour. Let ralse;,pour Into, one largeand one smali tln. Wben done, nriiinge as lllustrated. Iloiigbly lce.

Clrcle wlth bolly. Dellneator.

Klug' llnron of llref.'J'be royat baron of beef, whlch nl

wa.vs appears cold on Klng Kdward'sldeboard Christmas Day, at Osborne,is liivnrlahle cut from one of tbe bullocks bnugbt at tbe Klng's aiinuul snleof fat stock, early ln Deceinber. Thlsvear there will be 4."0 sbeep, 100 swlneaud tblrly bullocks to be sold.-C- bl;

cago Chronlcle.



p 1

IIAD been tlshlnK for along tlmo withont suecesswhen n uroup of natlves,souift dlstance upstream011 tlie opposlte bank, nt- -

.ructeii niy attention. nieyat tbe bottom of a steep

bank, BiiKlnt' nt a spot some twenlyfeet hlgher up. lt was evldent from

thelr gesturcs and thelr cautlous move-ineii- ts

that soniethliig unusual was tak-In- gIs

place, and, dlsgusled wltli tbe laek orof sport, 1 telzed gludly upon thecjinnce of sometblng nwro exeltlng.Throwlng down my rod, I ciosswl thestream at a shallow spot and Jolindthem. I recognlzed two or theni, halfnaked vlllugers wbom I had heen theday befoiv, leading n little leopard cu'b lsbv a chaln. I bad asked them whatthey were gdlng to do wlth tlie littleclumsy, furry ereature, 110 laiger than

n ordlnary cat, for I wlsheu 10 put- - lubae lt and keep It as a pet. But my

hlghest oll'er falled to tempt them, nndcould not dlscover what tbcy waniea

wlth the eub.Wlth thesc men were four others. all of

sturdy fellows of the ciiltlvntor class, T.lad only ln walst clotb and puggaree,nd each of them was armed wltli n

uiiii.11. Iioiiv.v-bumii- oo ve,

feet long. tlpped wlth a masslve brasskuob, On the ground-wa- s a great heap3f the drled cow dung eakes used lorfnel. As 1 lookeil at these I began tohave an lnkllng ot what was to hap-pei- i.

The surroundlng country was or. n

klnd never seen In Englaud. On eitherlde of tbe stream was a belt, balf a

nlle wlde, of barren land, scarred andeamed In every directlon by the beavyaius of the wet senson; a desolate

belt, tbe baunt of tho little chlnkarajntelope, tlie jrrny partrldRO and the5and grouse. The stream Itself, halfmpty now, but u foamlng torrent In

the ralns, ran In a cbannel carved deep a11 the fiiablo soll. The bank where wetvere standliiR was tblrly or forty feetHlgli, and ran' steeply down to tbe wa-ler- 's

edge. A number of whltenedbones and a few chlnkara borns wereMrewn about the and from nnole balf way up the bank. nt whlchhe natlves were starlng intently. cametn overpowcring stench, llke that ofhe llon house In tbe Zoological Gar- -

lens, but many tlmes worse. a

One of the men, in answer to my

luestlon, told me that the hole was tbeMitrauce lo a cave, iu whlch n leopard.ivhlch ha: for long baunted the nelgh- -

imrbood. Iiad her lalr. Kecently a pairf cubs liatl licen born, and these men.

tiaviug wntched the motber leave heave iu searcli of prey, bad earried on

the cubs, to be used as a balt to lureher to deslructlon. They kept tbe cubstor three days, nnd then, when tbemotber must hnve been desperate atthe loss ot her offsprlnK. they hadwatched her go out agaln, nnd lu heribsence had tled up oue of the cubstt the back ot tlie cave. It was necessary to do thls ln order that lh".v mk'htproceed undlstnrbed wlth thelr opera-llon-

for they knew that the leopardwould never leave tbe cave wblle hr

11b remniued bound wlthin It. Assoon ns. the mnn whom they left to

Mh Jhe.cn U'ancetlluijyivej'enort-e- d

that the leopard had retnrnedTiheyet out, armed as I have described,

wlth ihe Intention of tmoklng her out.It was an uusportsmanllke way of

destroylng the ereature, but I dld notluterfere, for I was anxious to wntehthelr proceedlngs, nnd I hnd, moreoverno rlfle wlth me. The natlves began byI'ollectlng a large number of beavystones, whlcli.they hauleil up to themouth of the cave and began to blocklt up. Before they began I peered intotlie hole, but It was pltch dark insideand I could see nothlng. They pro-ceed-

to bulld up tbe entrnnce meth-odlcnll-

paylng no heed to the con- -

tlnuous low growllng froin wlthin. Inn sliort tlme they had oulte closed Itup, wlth the exception of one hole afew Inches across, and the stones wereso llrmly wedged as to be qulte lin- -

movable. They next brougbt stlff wetclav from'tliD bed of the stream, wlthwhlch they proceeded to stop up thechlnks anrt crannles between tbestones. '

After thls had been done, the cowdung eakes were brought up. Theyset Ilre to them one by one, and; nfterblowing uwn them ;tntll they werewell allght, they threw them into thecave tbrough the small hole they hadleft. Theae eakes of fuel will go 011

smoiilderlng for bours, nnd they glveout n great dcal of pungent smoke.Cver a hundred of them were llgbtedand thrown Into the cave, 'and tlnallytlie natlves .slopped up the remainlnghole wlth a lump of wet clny, and thensat down to walt.

After half an bour or so I suggestedthat the smoke must have done Hswork. But tbe natlves would not hearof openlng the eave so qulckly; thelrsportlng Instlncts were not snfllclent-l- y

developed to allow them to glve tbeleopard tbe smallest ebance to .escnpe.Wlth truo Orlental patlence theysquatted ou thelr hams, passlng nroundan eartbenware plpe, from tlie sinellof whlch I judged that thelr tobaccowas lnrgely. composed of that same mn-terl-

whlch they were nslng to smokenut the leopard. It. was fully tlireehours before they could make up thelrmlnds tbat lt would be safe to opentho cave, and even then I thlnk theyonly dld so in deference to me.

When they pulled down the stoneswitb whlch they had. flllcd up the hole,great volnines of smoke came pouriugout, rank and ncrld, aiyi it was sometlme before the nir wlthbr iai suf- -

licletitly clear to brenthe. Ir aTi.'!nuite cerlaln that nothlng could hvofllved for more tbnn n few mlnutes insuch nu atmospliete. None of the na- -

llves seemed very anxious to go Intothe cave so I voluuteercd to go.In my- - j

self. I erawled witb dilltculty tbroughthe narrow enfrance, rnrrylng a ropelo liaul out tbe leopard and her eub.Tbe stench wlthin was overpowerlng,and I attacbtHl the rope to the two llmpbndies as uulckly as I could, and hur- -

ried out ngnlu, gasfiing for fresli nlr.Wltli cr'les of trlumpli the natlves

lald hold ou tbe rope and banled theler.pard and her enb out Into the sun- -

siiinp. She was n llne. hnndsoiue beast.Her" vellow skln, wlth lts deep blactniarkinss. was sleek and iu splendkllondllion; but the natlves lost 110 tlmeln admlring her nppearance. As soouas she nnnenred they fell upon herwlth exclted ertes, and belnbored herInaniinnte body unmerclfully Wlthibelr stnves. Flnally, her paws were'iouihI. and siie was slnug to n pole..vlth her cub dangllng besido her, nnd'ter destroyers niarcbed off w.ih her

11 trinmpb, to seek the colleetor andlaiui from hlm the reward iiald for

Ihe destructlon of danirerous benstvPalt Mall OaKette.


tVnnit HcIiik Hunirnlil by lh SlorrAloilerik CiiiiiiitnUti

For several year steel lielcht ailiave been Iu use lu ihls vouuiry Onceilaln llnt's that cairy ore aud coalsiich rnlllug stock Is lu hlgh favor. Ii

fnr more durable than Ihe old slylrcar. Cbanges are belng uinde ut

passenger cars also, ln order to reuderthem less llnble to Injury from Ilre atter a colltslon. For thls purpose a laigiamonnt ot sieel ls Milislltuted foi

wond. Tbe Idea Is vnmltig Into I'avoi

more partlcnlarl.v ou elictrli: roads. Il

said that tlie cars used lu IheNew York subway are pracllcallytlreproor, nllbouvrh not bulit excluslvi'-l-

of steel. .Some of tbe tunnel roadsl.ondoii, too, are to in- - ibu

eUlpped.A Irtter froin that clty to Tbe lron

Age i.N'ew York) says tbat a sensationluts been createil In. the piess been use

an order seut to Phlladelpbln by C.

Yerkes for 1H0 cars, valued al .f.'ioo,.

000, rer the Baker street and Watei.oniinderi.'roiind electrlc llne, fitttlng4icro8SLftndon.irpni north, to souIJk lnau lutcrview witn me oiuci ciikmh-ci- .

Mr. Cbnninan. the follo.vlng facit- -

are glven out: "lu nccordance wllh

the ptomlse glven by Mr. Yerkes thaiall uiaterial for tbe undeigroinid rall- -

wnvs wlth whlch he was connecledshould be ordered iu Kngland, we tnetqnr utmost to get the cars timtte neicbPl'ore placlng tlie order wlth Atuerlca. We asked tbe flnn tbat werellkely to do thls klnd of work to scuiiIn iuotatlons. One of tliem was a

l.oeds tlrm, whlch turns out steel wng-on- s

and steel trucks. We suppliod

them wlth all the necessary partlculars of what wo wauted. They talked

lot, but when we got down to irekbottom business tliy sald they couldnot ipiolp. We were 110 more auceess.ful on tbc Contlnent. Tbe (lerinauseven could not snpply us. Tbe fuel is

tliat nelther the Biitlsh nor tbe tier-ma-

llruis know much about thls classof car, whereas In Ameilen tbey arelurnlng lt out by tbe hundred."Three hundred cars more will be waut-

ed for tbe other "tubes," represenlingvalue of $1,.-00,0- "1!," sald Mr.

Cbapmnii, "we can get them mado ln

Kngland, we will, but If not, we inuslgo to Amerlca." These stateincnlsare not seriously denled.

riatilnc Wllh s Glg."Flsblng wlth a gig it nlgbt Is

great sport along the shoals or tbeTenuessee Btver," sald Hugh (Jdom,wblle he and a crowd of well-know- n

anglers were telllng about what theycaught last season. "I never wenilishiug witb a fiig until ! visiteil anold friend of mlne nt Town Creek. At

thnt place tho Tenuessee is about two

inlles wlde, wlth little lslauds every

Imudred yanls. The rlver is lilled wlthshoals at that place and glggiiig ls a

favorlte sport among the people livin

around there. A gig Is a long slici.

witb Ihree wrought-lro- n spenrs on t br-

ead of II. Kacb of tbesc little prougshas a beard, llke an ordlnary

has to bodonri.ai.UlgUt anu Wllll u uun. xuy uuui ic-

so constructed that it has a seat at

each ehd and one In the iniddle.' Uptbrough the middle seat an iron rodextends nbont threo feet high. Ou

tbe end of thls rod is an iron bnsket,wlth large enough cracks to ailowllght to sbow. The bont is fllled wlthplne wood, and when the expedltlonstnrts a Ilre is bullt ln tlie lron basketThls will throw a Ugbt for severa'hundred feet over the water. It i

one man's duty to keep this tlie burning, and It takes much wood. hereverytblng ls ready the boat is polecalong the shoals and tbe ush arusually slgbted floatlng nenr tlie torof the water, where they feed. Thejare drlven as close to tbe rocks as pos

slhle, nnd then the glggers east theii

mlnlnture harpoons at them. lt takeian expert to land a flsh wlth one 01

these glgs, as the throw must be ac

cnrate. One nlght last fall we cauglna boatload of flsh witli glgs befoneleven o'clock. Birmlngbain Age-He- r


Thleveiln the Fubllc Mbrarlri."It scnrcely pays us to prosecutc

men aud women we catcb golng ou

wlth books utider thelr clothes," salcthe superlntendent of an Kast Slde II

brarv. "The Maglstrate Invarlabljdlsmisses them wlth a reprimnnd nnca warning. It Is not ofteiii they suffeieven the dlsgrace of bavlug theiinames apnenr ln prlnt. In the blg ll

braries they have spotters to watelmcn who ask for rare edltlons, but Ii

the Einall llbrarles we must depeiid 01

the glrls employed wbo bappen "to de

leet a thlef by cbance. If possfble, W(

cateh tbe book thlef before he reachetthe door aud ask hlm If he has not forgotten to have the volume eheeked ofi

at tbe rejrlstry desk. If he is au ou-

hand he says:

''I have forgotten my enrd, but I

will bring It around"Hc hands back the book and dlsap

pears, to reappear at tbat parllculaillbrarv no more for many inoiuns. 1 ui

majorlty of book thleves do not steaiiovels. They go after works of reference. almanacs, year books and suelthlngs that niost of them probab!.need In thelr business, bur cannot nfford to buy. That Is why sticb vol

umes nre nalled down In many llbrarles. I have aclually knowu a womnrt) get away wlth a clty dlrectory under her cloak." New York Press.

Shnkript-are'- f Falhrr.Dr. Furnlvall wrltes to tbe Westmln

ster Gny.ette: 'The unlucky mlsprinlof one letter ln your 'Llterury Noteand News' of Monday makes it appeaithat the 'merry-cbeek- t old' .glover JolinShakespeare 'dareut have cracktjesst wlth hls humorful son Will ntlany tlme,' whereas Plume aftvrwardfArchdeacon of Itochester and foundeiof the Plumenn Profesorship of Astronomy at Cambridge wrote tbat thfather 'darest' (or 'durst') have sc

crackt hls Just witb hls son at anytlme. An Interestlng sliort llfe otPlume, by Mlsx C, Fell' Smilh, Is lu

Vol. III of the Sunnlement to the"Dlctlonnry of Natlonal Hlograpby.'

"I hope Dr, Audrew Clark's discovery of thls tmlque record of theappearauce c'. old John Sliakespearennd what bc sald of hls son will leadall folk who have the ebance of seelnsslxteenth and seventeenth ccnturyMSS. to read them carefully tbrough

'In the hope that sometblng aboutShakespeare may occur In them. Surely some note about hls Sonnets nndhls Dark I.ady must be lylng hld

! soniewhere,"

i 'J 1


M rs. Rosa Adams. niece of the latc GeneralRoger Hanson, C. S. A., wants every womarito know of the wonders accomplished by

Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.' Dbab Mrs. Pinkham: I cannot tell you wlth pwand luk what yood

trii 111 pecullar to the sex, extreme Uaaltude and that U gona fcellnf . Iwould rlae from my bed in the morniny feelioir more tlred than wben lwnlto bed. but before I had uaed two bottlea of Lydla h. Plnkbsm Vetable Con pound, I began to feel the buoyaney of my J ni . rV"""

been able to do before, so I eontlnued tobcalth. It ls inded a boon to aickYoura very xruiy, juua. hoha Autai, oiv

uee II heartUy

Any women tlio are txoublert frltor palnful menteuatlon, weak-nea- s,

lcucorrhtta, dlsplaoement or ulcer-atlo- n

of ihe veomb, that bearlng-dow- n

fcellnsr, lnflainmntlon of the ovarles, back-ach- e,

general debility, and neryoui pro-tratl- on,

should know there i. one teledand true remedy, Lydla E. Plnkhan'Vegetable Compound. Ko other medicinefor womcu has reo'elved uch wide-spre- ad

nnd unqualified indorsement. No otherniedlolne has such a record of femaleoure.

" Dkab Ik. I am rery pleasedto recoirmcud Lydla E. Plnkham'i Vege-table Coiupouuu for womb and ovarien dlfflcul-tle- s

from w hiih 1 have been a sufftrer for yer.was the only medicine whlch ts all benefliial,aud within a week after 1 started te ue lt. thereneaa great change my feellnga and looke. Iuted lt for a over three months, and at thaend of that tlme I suffered no pain themenatrualperlod. nor was I troubled with those dUtien.rifpalns whlch compelled me to go bed, and 1 haveiot had a bince. Thia ia a year

1 .i.,nr tinun u Viln nn bnd. and take afor I flnd that lt "tones up the system and keep. m

feeHnff strong7and I never have that tlred out feellnff any more.SrtaFnly thlnk that every woman ought to try rand mdilne.

for lt would prove lts worth. Youra very truly, Misi Euil DAMFOBTH, 801

De Soto St., ifemphis, Tenn."

FREE MEDICAL ADVICE TO WOMEN.holtate to write t Mrs. Plnkham. She underiitand

you?case perfertly. and trcat you with kindness. Her adTlcefree, anS the addresa Lynn. Brass. No woman ever regretted

i.i. niuon hAi. nnd uhM linji helncd thousanda.proauee ia oniniprove thelr ftbnlte geiiuhieneM.

""" """""" ' -II we oaanot rortnwitn

$5000 JtKTTeteiUmoiaaa, wluaU will

Automatic Stokers for Locomotlves.A labor-savln-g devlce recently test-e- d

by a' commlttee of the AmerlcanUallway Master Mechanlcs associa-tlo- n

consists of an automatlcstokerfor locoraotlve boilers, by means ofwhlch the eoal is I'etl mechanlcallyfrom the tender to the flre-bo- Thedevlce lcsted, whlch was considerablysmaller than would be used on a mod-e-

high speed passengeV locomotlve,vas found to work satiHfactorlly and

showed an economy of not less than7 percent ln the amonnt of fnel d

over stoklng wlth good, handlabor.

A large-slz- e passenger locomotlverequlres some 9200 pounds of coalper hour, and It Is thought that aBtoker of such capaclty worklng atsiiuicient speed cnn be constructed 011

thls pattern. The appllcatlon or thisIdea or automatic stoklng, now foundin many boller rooms, to a loeomotlveis qulte Important, Inasinueh it wi'lenable the rireman to render udjlltlonal assistauce to tlie enlgneer or tolake hls place in case of accident.whereas hls chler concern at presentIs to feed- the flre-bo- wltli sufflclentregularlty to malntaln the requlredsteam pr'essure. Harper's Weeldy.

Telegraph and Telephone In Japan.Until 1877 there was no publlc tele-

phone servlce ln Japan. The flrstclty systems were lustalled in Tokloand Yokohama 1890, and these werefollowed shortly by othws, until theat the end of1901 there were 179

pubilc statlons"; wlth 25 clty systemsand 25,000 subscrlbers. At the sametlme 25,000 other persons were

telephone servlce.The telephone and telegraph

In Japan ls of the most mod-er- n

type, as progress elsewhero isfollowed closely. The rapid develop-men- t

of these two aits is character-l.e- d

by the followlng statlstles, show-In- g

the number of telegrams sent fordlfferent years: In 1871, lfl.nofi;. In

1881, 2,580,000; in 1891. I.C74.0ik), andIn 1901, 10,221,000. Electrical He-vle-


In "Soslety."Butler Here are the ollves. ma'arn.Mrs. Lakeslda Yes, John, but you

haven't put any tootliplcks on the table to eat them wlth. Town TopicB.

T Cer 11 Colil ln n PutTak Lni.iliw llromo Ouinine Tablets. AlldriiKRUlH refand nioney if it failn toE. W. Grove's iwgnature is on bov. 'iSe.

P.ri. bke Loiuloii. !.- Jcst'itin tlie tbca-tr-

fur llu- - nnnir' Ii.iMm.


palnt after eatine, llver traable; ekin

U until w reHoid to Prftctwomen and reeommena ik

ui a.,











" ". t. ........ .... A ..W

Try It.Have you ever tried tho blesslng

of a constaut thankfulness? Notor when It stilts you, but

every day, and all day long? If nol,begln at once, and the next tlme youfeel disheartencd or discoutenteil,

of getting irrltable and corn- -

plalnlng, just look long and gratefullyon your blcsslngs, and put ull grley-nnce- s

behind your back.A French klng once sald: "If a clvll

word or two will make a man happy,he milst be a churl indee'd who wouldnot glve them to hlm." We may sayof thls klndly tcmper that it ls HKellgbtlng another man's candle by.one's own, whlch loses none of its.llght by what the other galns.

Candldate's Card In Sandwlchei.R. C. Bowman, Democratlc candi- -

date for constable ln Argentlne, is

tbn owner of a lunch stand ln thatclty. A smalf boy manages tbe stand,selling sandwiches, bot tamales andother eitables whlch tempt the e

of the hungry pedestrlan. When-eve- r

a sandwlch is aold and the pr-chas-

attempts to take a large btea hard substance is encountered. Thecustomer lnvestlgates and flnds asmall card wlth the lnscriptlon:

"B. C. Bowman, Democratlc candl-dat- e

for constable." Kansaa CliyStar.

A London weeldy offers a S50 prlzefor the answer to the questlon: "Hasa wasp elght fegs?" NE52

T'TJp ' na:lyeu.' . Vo,ftno:aeday1' ai.-u-t hr. Kiian Ort

Nervdlloitoi-n.-.i'trialljoci.dJu- J trealisefrJDr.ll.U. KtiMJ.l.tO .

W)l Archdt.,lalla.,Pi.

Tlie cardine famino. off the foast at Brit-tau-

wbieli iiun extended over neveialyears, proniife lo be lelirved by unliualc'Hlfhei tliU yrar. ,

J 1.0 not bel evn I'iso's Cure for l

tor ougliiuadooldi. -- Jouit'.IioTEB.'friulty SprlngH, luu, Keb. 15, 1WJ.

A Swisa eloi'kiuaker has devied a watclinliioh calU out Uie limir by meaiu ulminute plionogr.ipliie attarhiienl

UHiuOreat Engllah Ramady I

BLAIR'S P1LLSSafe.Sm.lrlKti. 600. alDBU0OIST8. r Mt Wfau tt, 1

aioiM-oHN.w.meRRis- .

IHZfel wN Wnalilnntou. D.SuccessfuTly Prosecutes Olalms.

ia cmi nir, is hojuuicbiiuk vism., ur luii-

PATENTS ...........' iv..aii.Mnii n nidtict t rM.Varni lo. lltgltMi rat.


and dlMtnen. Whtn your boweta doa' aaeve

QUARANTEBD CURE fbr alt bewel Iroabln, appendlellla, MlleniaeM. bed Wteth, bUblood, wlnd on the itoraach. blotd bowel. foul moath, headecbe, IndlfMtloa, pimpU,

mIIowrcfuiariy yon u-- bick. vuimujj.uuh more pono uu bii oxner oiHltn ofjaT ttaru chronle llmeoM and lonr rn ot (ufferinc, Nb nutter what alla you, etart ttUof

CASCARBTS today, for you wflf ntver get Well andUtay wll until you nt your bewtUrtfht Take our dvlc, atart wlth CaKarctt today Under abeelute riaraatM to cnremoney refunded. The eeoolne mtabltt tumped C C CJ Never aold In bulk. ampWaadbooklet free. Addre Stetllng Remedy Company, Chleago New York. 9
