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SPIRITUALITY - Power of Vow- Rev. Tom Sannar

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THE POWER OF VOW An empowering teaching to experience miraculous and positive changes in your life THOMAS CHARLES SANNAR MANUSCRIPT 2003 About the Author Dr. Tom Sannar has been a teacher, a California trial attorney and a minister. He is currently serving as the Co-Pastor of North Coast New Thought Church of Religious Science in Encinitas, California, with his wife Gisela. He has a Doctorate of Religious Science from Religious Science International and a Doctorate of Religious Studies from Emerson Institute. He is the founder of One Heart One Mind Ministries dedicated to the training of ministers, practitioners and teachers worldwide. He has written over fourteen books and publications. A list of additional publications may be found at the end of this manuscript. The author may be contacted by email at oneheart@adelphia.net
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VOW An empowering teaching to experience

miraculous and positive changes in your life



About the Author

Dr. Tom Sannar has been a teacher, a California

trial attorney and a minister. He is currently serving

as the Co-Pastor of North Coast New Thought

Church of Religious Science in Encinitas, California,

with his wife Gisela. He has a Doctorate of Religious

Science from Religious Science International and a

Doctorate of Religious Studies from Emerson

Institute. He is the founder of One Heart One Mind

Ministries dedicated to the training of ministers,

practitioners and teachers worldwide. He has

written over fourteen books and publications. A list

of additional publications may be found at the end

of this manuscript. The author may be contacted

by email at [email protected]

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What is your deepest desire? What is it that you want more than anything else? What is it that your soul longs for? Probably you have been searching for answers for many years. You have tried materialistic solutions and come up frustrated. Perhaps you have read books on enlightenment and found them too esoteric and otherworldly. If you are not interested in escaping this world but want fulfillment now, if you want practical solutions, compatible with modern life, I invite you to the Power of Vow. The following pages will explain its theory and its practice. Once you read about it, understand it and apply it, the longing of your soul will be satisfied. I began writing this book on November 8th, 2003 as I was researching the uses of vows in religious history. I started to experiment, using vows to change unwanted conditions in my life. To my amazement, I obtained almost instantaneous and miraculous results. I was told by my orthopedic surgeon that my left hip had degenerated. To maintain my quality of life, I would need a total hip replacement. He said the operation could be scheduled within ten months. I immediately made a vow that the operation would be completed successfully and soon. Two days later, I received a call scheduling it for November 19th. A total hip replacement is major surgery, so I decided to make a vow that this operation would be a defining moment in my life. I vowed to make great strides not only physically, but mentally, emotionally and spiritually. This operation would become a major turning point in my life and open me to new dimensions in awareness. I made a vow for an extremely successful surgery and fantastic recovery. I also vowed that the book and teaching called the Power of Vow would be revealed to me in such a way that I could clearly and succinctly communicate it to others. As I put these vows into action and reiterated them each day, the outline of this book poured forth from me. I took an inventory of my life to determine what major changes I wished to make. I knew I was discovering the secrets of an ageless wisdom. I applied the ideas of the Power of Vow to my life. I wanted to verify the practical application of this teaching. I wanted to prove its power by my example. The manuscript was published after the Power of Vow was fully tested in my life. Through the consistent and dedicated application of the teaching, I have experienced wonderful results that continue to bless my life on a daily basis. I finished the manuscript of the book by Christmas Eve and published the first copies on December 26, 2003. My surgery was a complete success and I look forward to an active life style. The Power of Vow is a transformational teaching that allows you to experience miraculous and positive changes in your life. It is not about God or religion. It is about your unlimited potential and how you can make that potential a practical reality in your life. As you read

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3and take the time to embody and apply its teaching, you will immediately notice life changing events occurring in your life. The Power of Vow is a primer of practical application. It introduces you to the secrets of transformation. As you begin to practice the specific techniques, you will immediately notice a difference in your life. Events will begin to flow in a synchronous order. You will develop a deeper confidence in your abilities and talents and you will feel supported by the universe in every choice you make. You will make great strides in your levels of awareness. You will find a new way of living, the life of a free, liberated unlimited universal being. A more detailed explanation of the concepts of the Power of Vow is found in Chapter Ten: Questions and Answers. The message of this book is universal. It is meant to uplift. It is meant to bring forward a joyful and prosperous life. I invite you to come, learn, enjoy and apply with an open heart and an open mind. Hidden within the depths of you is the Light. It shines forth in all of its magnificence but is covered over with a substance that blocks it from your heart, your mind, your body and the outer world. The Light is hemmed in by gross matter but is forever shining, illuminating you from within. It kindles the cosmic flame of your soul. How to liberate this imprisoned splendor, by what means to discover the secret of release? "There is a way", the still small voice whispers, "a way of surrender and listening." "I am the beloved", the voice repeats and invites you to speak it aloud until it is believed, "I am the beloved." A mantra forms in your mind and speaks to you. It's true. The Light proves it. Slowly, you feel its warmth and then dimly it touches your soul. Like a journey into a dark cave, the blackness being all until the first glimpse, the warmth, the shiny bit of light, before the illumination bursts forth, blinding you for a moment before you are given spiritual eyes. Unveiled, your heart is pierced, breaking forth into full bloom of love. Unveiled, your mind sees the reigning unitary wisdom behind all struggle and conflict. Unveiled, your body begins to shine and cannot stop. Unveiled, the Light penetrates you completely and for the first time you are free.

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5Chapter One: What Is The Power Of Vow? The Power of Vow is an ancient teaching based upon the energy of light and the vibration of sound. There are seven elements to the teaching. 1. The universe is made up of one basic energy which vibrates at different rates. Higher vibrations consist of thoughts and emotions and lower vibrations consist of form and the material world. This energy is the fundamental substance that creates everything that exists in the universe. 2. The energy of the universe has innate intelligence within it. This universal intelligence has many names. Here it is called Supreme Consciousness. 3. Supreme Consciousness exists within every human being. It is called your essence. 4. There is a causal relationship between thought and form. Thought fueled by emotion creates form. 5. A vow is the sacred promise and commitment to use thoughts and words in a conscious and positive manner. When the words "I vow" are placed in front of a positive affirmation, the affirmation is charged with the energy of the universe behind it. 6. The Power of Vow is a radical teaching because it emphasizes individual dominion and responsibility based on inner awareness regardless of outer conditions. Change begins in the only place it can, in the mind of the individual. 7. The use of the Power of Vow results in liberation and well-being for the individual in the areas of health, wealth, all relationships, and creative self-expression. What Is A Vow? A vow is a sacred and solemn promise and irrevocable commitment to live and act in accordance with certain prescribed agreements you make with yourself. When you unify yourself with the Power of Vow, you speak with universal power. You experience wholeness in your life. You see beyond seeming limitations. You articulate clear and achievable goals. A vow is the unconditional promise to yourself to succeed in your endeavors. Your decision to use the Power of Vow gives you access to the creative power of the universe and implies a sacred responsibility to use that power for good. The Power of Vow is explained in different traditions. In the Hindu, the vibrations of vow are mentioned in the Upanishads. The sacred Om or Aum of the yogi is the same power as the 'Amen' of Jews and Christians. In the Bible, the elements of vow are explained in terms of light and sound. "God said, 'Let there be light' and there was light. And God saw the

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6light, that it was good." (Gen.1:3-4) "And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it." (John 1:5) When Moses asked God his name, God replied, "I am that I am. This is my name for all time; by this name I shall be invoked for all generations to come." (Ex. 3-14-15) "I am" is the vibration of the creative word. The New Testament speaks of the vibration of the creative word: "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God." (John 1:1) Here is the secret of the Power of Vow. Your word has creative power. Previously, you have used your word in an unconscious way. Now you are discovering your authority to invoke your creative word as the Power of Vow. You are invited to consciously and specifically speak your word with the truth of your being behind it. You are invited to take dominion and responsibility for your life. There are simple but important rules in using the Power of Vow. 1. Vows must be positive and life-affirming. To use a vow negatively or for personal revenge contains the seeds of self destruction. A negative vow may demonstrate temporary success but in the long run will produce negative consequences to the user. The motivation behind every vow is extremely important. 2. Vows cannot interfere with the free will of another person. Vows used to convince others to behave in certain ways are self-defeating. Such uses violate fundamental universal laws of free will. 3. Vows must be specific and based on clear intention. Vows, before uttered, should be carefully considered, with full awareness of their consequences. 4. Vows are holy and sacred utterances. Vows must be made with deep commitment and a sense of sacred trust and responsibility. It is not only the words uttered but also the motivation and intent that produce the desired result. 5. Vows are to be used to improve the life of the individual and also to help lift the consciousness of humanity. If a vow has the intention of goodness behind it, it must be good for all people. Some argue that the Power of Vow should not be revealed to the uninitiated because of the tendency to use the information for personal self-aggrandizement. However, in this information age, distortions of the Power of Vow are already readily available. It is important to give a clear and unadulterated explanation of this teaching, shorn of creed or dogma. We have a right to lives of freedom. We have a responsibility to offer a teaching that offers liberation for every individual. It is important to help people wake up from destructive and subconscious tendencies that put the very survival of our planet in jeopardy. Therefore, the Power of Vow is offered with pure motive and clear intention.

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7Our motive is the positive upliftment of all people and our intention is to help people move beyond the duality of good and evil towards planetary peace. The Seven Sacred Vows The teaching of the Power of Vow begins with the Seven Sacred Vows. The Seven Sacred Vows are the vows of an unlimited being. They are based on the vital thoughts of the universe. A vital thought is a thought that is in harmony with the goodness of the universe. A vital thought is more powerful than an ordinary thought because it is supported by more than individual desire. It is supported by the universe. The Seven Sacred Vows hold the key to a successful and fulfilled life. The first step towards personal mastery is to memorize and embody these seven vows until they become an integral part of your daily life. 1. I vow awareness. Awareness is the vow to live consciously in the present moment. It is the commitment to be alive, awake and aware to the now. It is the commitment to listen and be receptive to what is happening now rather than dwelling on regrets of the past or worries about the future. Awareness is also the vow to expand consciousness. By making the simple vow of awareness, you proclaim to the universe that you are ready and willing to begin your journey of personal transformation. I vow to expand my consciousness. I vow to wake up. I vow to live consciously in the present moment. 2. I vow courage. Courage is the vow to proceed in spite of seeming obstacles. Courage means to overcome fear and act with confidence and moral strength. Courage involves the persistence to turn obstacles into opportunities. You may feel the fear of uncertainty, but you have the strength and the determination to do the courageous thing, to rely on your inner wisdom and not to allow fear to deter you. You are a courageous person who overcomes fear and acts upon your inner convictions. I vow to overcome fear and act with confidence. I vow to rely on my inner wisdom. 3. I vow kindness. Kindness is the vow to treat others with deep dignity and respect at all times. Kindness involves a thoughtful and deliberate appraisal of a situation and the ability to empathize with others before acting. Kindness is based on the realization that people have different dispositions and perceive the same events differently. Kindness implies a high regard for the feelings and needs of others. Before you take action, you consider the feelings of others who might be affected. You are kind to yourself and others in word, thought and deed. I vow to treat all people with deep dignity and respect. I vow a high regard for the feelings

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8and needs of others. I vow to listen. 4. I vow authenticity. Authenticity is the vow to be genuine and to come from unique inner wisdom. It is the commitment to be real in every aspect of life. It is the commitment to become transparent. There are no hidden agendas and no ulterior motivations. Authenticity is the vow to take total dominion and responsibility for your life and to rely upon the unique gifts and talents you have been given. You are not phony, duplicitous or compartmentalized because everything you think, feel, say and do, comes from your authentic, balanced and harmonious nature. I vow to become transparent. I vow to take total dominion and responsibility for my life. 5. I vow gratitude. Gratitude is the vow to express thanksgiving for life regardless of conditions. Gratitude is more than a social grace. It is more than a resultant emotion. Gratitude is causative energy. It is a creative force, which acts like a magnet. Whatever you are deeply grateful for becomes your experience. Whatever happens in your life, there is a blessing somewhere. The universe is on purpose and everything that occurs in life has a purpose. By the power of gratitude, you become open to the hidden lessons of life. I vow to express thanksgiving for my life. I vow to bless all aspects of my life. 6. I vow oneness. Oneness is the vow to see through duality to unity. Through oneness you reveal holistic solutions. You see beyond competition to cooperation and harmony. There is always a third creative and holistic force operating behind any process that appears dualistic. When you make the decision to stop judging on the basis of appearances and begin to look for answers that unify and bring people together, you tap into the creative solutions of the universe. I vow to see the unity behind all appearance. I vow to tap into the creative solutions of the universe. 7. I vow detachment. Detachment is the vow to objectively observe behavior without judgment. The Eastern traditions calls this ability "mindfulness." You realize that most people unconsciously react to conditions in life based upon pre-existing beliefs. You consciously decide not to allow your emotional backed beliefs to control your life. You become the creative thinker and the observer who objectively watches what you are thinking and feeling. Detachment allows you to become passionate in the process of living, but detached to the outcome. I vow to objectively observe behavior without judgment. I vow to be positive in my speech. I vow not to express negative emotions. An easy way to embody these sacred vows is to use the acronym, ack-a-god. "ACK"

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9stands for awareness, courage and kindness. "A" stands for authentic. "GOD" stands for gratitude, oneness and detachment. As you embody the Seven Sacred Vows, you are proclaiming to live from these fundamental vows with the power of the universe behind them. These vows will provide you with the foundation for your liberation. Develop the practice of proclaiming the Seven Sacred Vows out loud each day. Speak your vows with devotion, love and deep feeling. Feel yourself being supported by the universe. You will find as you repeat your vows that the words begin to declare themselves in a rhythm and harmony. A- I vow to expand my consciousness. I vow to wake up. I vow to live consciously in the present moment. C- I vow to overcome fear and act with confidence. I vow to rely on my inner wisdom. K- I vow to treat all people with deep dignity and respect. I vow a high regard for the

feelings and needs of others. I vow to listen. A- I vow to become transparent. I vow to take total dominion and responsibility for my life. G- I vow to express thanksgiving for my life. I vow to bless all aspects of my life. O- I vow to see the unity behind all appearance. I vow to tap into the creative solutions

of the universe. D- I vow to objectively observe behavior without judgment. I vow to be positive in my

speech. I vow not to express negative emotions. Why Is A Vow So Powerful? A vow has more energy than a simple declaration or proclamation. A vow has the investment of personal commitment behind it. A positive vow is supported by the power of the universe and is the foundation for manifestation of your deepest desires. You are the author of your life. You are your own authority. What you say about yourself becomes a law unto itself. When you add the Power of Vow to the power of your word, all the ingredients for demonstration are present. You have been given the Power of Vow backed by the power of the universe. Anything you vow and believe about yourself will be accepted by the universe as true. Consider, beginning each day, to use the Prayer of Vow. The Prayer Of Vow

I center myself in the universal flow of good.

I allow the wisdom of the universe to take form through me.

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10I take dominion and accept responsibility for all the circumstances in my life.

I live my life by the Seven Sacred Vows.

I vow awareness, I vow courage, I vow kindness, I vow authenticity, I vow

gratitude, I vow oneness, I vow detachment.

I accept perfect health in my body, perfect wealth in my affairs, perfect love in

my relationships and perfect creative self-expression in my life.

I know this prayer is being answered now and with deep love and respect,

I accept its truth for me.


Take five minutes at the beginning of each day to remind yourself of the Seven Sacred Vows and pray the Prayer of Vow. Meditate on the wondrous power and responsibility that has been given to you. Practice until the Prayer of Vow becomes a habit like brushing your teeth. Then make the commitment to repeat the Prayer of Vow every evening as you retire. You are now ready to put the Power of Vow into action. You are a sacred and holy expression of the universe. You are meant to give your unique gifts and talents to the world. As you embody the Seven Sacred Vows and the Prayer of Vow, make a decision to add positive vows about yourself and your life. As you make up your own vows, keep them short, simple and specific so you can say them over and over. Feel the power of the universe behind your words. It is not only the words you say, it is the power behind the words that create your reality. Speak words that have a vibration of attraction. These are the words containing vital thoughts. Speak from your heart with dynamic assurance. Before you incorporate specific vows into your daily prayer practice, you may wish to prioritize specific vows and ask qualifying questions. Make sure the vow is important to you and that you fully embrace the consequences of its manifestation. If you are sincere, the vow will surely manifest. Use the material in the next chapter to help you discover and prioritize your vows. Then you will be in a position to specifically use the Prayer of Vow to co-create your reality. Are you ready to make the investment necessary to turn your dreams into reality? Are you willing to persist and work with the Power of Vow each day? Are you willing to embody the Seven Sacred Vows and daily use the Prayer of Vow? If the answers to these questions is "yes" you have taken a giant step towards the accomplishment of your desires. Put the Power of Vow into practice. Work with the process. Persist with dedication and discipline until the Power of Vow becomes a delight. Once you have made the decision

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11and commitment to work with this process, read and embody the ideas of the remaining chapters. Then, observe as you participate in the joyful and dynamic unfoldment of your perfect life.

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12Chapter Two: The Art Of Specific Vows To make specific and meaningful vows you must be clear about the process of vow and know the difference between vows and goals. You must have real clarity in your life for this powerful process to work for you. There are four ways to insure that the Power of Vow is working according to its full potential. 1. Take the Power of Vow seriously. The integrity of your word is of utmost importance. Because you have free will, you have the ability to denigrate the process through negative attitudes and ridicule. When you decide to participate in this process, know your word is creative and sacred. See your life as worthy. Have a deep and devotional respect for the process knowing that you have been given the secrets of transformation. 2. Commit to the process. Commit to the process until it becomes automatic. It has been said, "It takes twenty-one days to establish a habit." Be willing to go through this process. The first step is understanding. The key elements of the Power of Vow are explained in Chapter One. Make sure you understand with your mind before you believe with your heart. Commit to test the process. Begin with one specific vow each day, something simple, a small positive change in your behavior, something you can verify. Make an important and meaningful vow, something you can accomplish in the next 24 hours. At the beginning of the day, as you say your Prayer of Vow, add this specific vow. An example might be "I vow not to express anger with my family today." The vow does not say, "I will not feel anger" but "I vow not to express anger." This simple vow will give you the opportunity to observe your behavior and prove to you that you have dominion over your thoughts and feelings. Gradually add specific vows for each day. Remember to keep them short, simple and measurable. If you slip or make a mistake, immediately return to your vow without judgment. Feel yourself in the constant presence of vow. 3. Know what you want. In order to be successful in the accomplishment of specific vows you must know what you want. Although this seems to be self-evident, many people go through their entire life without asking the question, "What do I really want? What are my deepest desires?" We live in a society where we are constantly being bombarded about what we need or what is expected from us and we rarely have the opportunity to clarify what we really want. 4. Take total dominion and responsibility for your life. Give up all blame and judgment. Give up trying to change outer conditions and other people. Make changes in the inner realm of cause. Use personal vows to change your beliefs, attitudes and motivations. Become first cause in your life. The Difference Between Vows And Goals Each moment you function according to three modes of expression. The first mode is

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13"being." Being is your state of consciousness, your state of awareness. You have the ability to change your "being" through the Power of Vow. This ability does not depend upon outer circumstances but upon your inner intention. Remember the definition of vow: "A vow is a sacred and solemn promise and irrevocable commitment to live and act in accordance with certain prescribed agreements you make with yourself." The second mode of expression is "doing." Doing is action, the action you take as a result of your "being." You can also change your "doing" by the Power of Vow. You are free because you control your "being" and your "doing." You live and act in accordance with your vows. The third mode of expression is "having." Having is the result of "being" and "doing." Most people want "to have" first. They set goals, which are conclusions about what they want to have. They pray to have things. They want to have a relationship. They want to have money. They want to surround themselves with material possessions to make themselves feel good. The Power of Vow is not about "having." It is about "being" and then "doing." If you establish the consciousness of "being" and "doing", the "having" becomes automatic. Goals are about "having." Vows are about "being" and "doing." Goals are about results. Vows are about consciousness which is the prerequisite for results. It is a good idea to set goals. Goals are like guideposts that give your life structure. Goals can help you measure your progress and can help give definition to your vows. But it is your vows that will help expand your "being" and it is your vows that motivate your "doing." There are two applications of the Power of Vow. The first application are vows of consciousness, vows of being. Vows of being are reminders to you about your true nature. The Seven Sacred Vows are examples of vows of being. You will find many examples of vows of being throughout this book. The second application are specific time-framed vows, action vows, vows of doing. A specific vow commits you to an action that can be measured. You either did or did not honor your vow. There is no guess work. You made an agreement with yourself. Did you keep it? That is the only question. These are vows that you will tailor for your specific disposition and circumstance. A vow has independent significance. Nothing has to happen for you to keep your vow. You decide to make the vow. You decide to keep it. This is where your innate freedom arises. What are specific vows that you wish to make each day? One way to guide you in this area is to set strategic goals and ask yourself two questions. "What is the consciousness I need to support me in this goal and what is the specific action I need to take? The Prayer Of Revelation

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14Find a quiet place where you can be alone and uninterrupted for at least 20 minutes. Have a pen and paper available. Imagine there is nothing to limit the accomplishment of your heart's desire. 1. Begin with an open mind and an attitude of expectancy. Become quiet and still. Take a number of deep breaths until you feel a peace and a calm come over you. Focus your attention on your inner knowing and call forth your inner wisdom. Develop your own words and your own way, but say to yourself something like this: "Inner wisdom, come forth into my consciousness now to guide me and direct me. Inner wisdom, reveal to me my deepest desires so that I may fully express myself in this lifetime. Reveal to me all that I need to hear, all that I need to know and everything I need to do to fulfill my potential." Listen in the silence. Stay in the silence for at least five minutes. Practice focusing and being receptive to the universe. Have faith that the answer will come to you in the perfect right way. Do not demand or push. Simply allow the universe to reveal its wisdom to you and through you. There is a Vow of Surrender. Do you vow to know? Do you vow to grow? Do you vow to become? Do you vow to let go? "I vow to know. I vow to grow. I vow to become. I vow to let go." Stay with the process until you have your answer. When you are ready, record the result. Write down as fast as you can all the goals you want to accomplish. Don't censure or edit. Just allow the writing to come. Then qualify your list. After you have written everything you wish to accomplish, go over your list and ask some qualifying questions. How do I accomplish this goal? What skills do I need to achieve this? What information and knowledge do I need? What help, assistance, or collaboration do I need? What resources do I need? Am I willing to commit to the time and energy necessary? Is this something I really value for myself? What are the possible obstacles? How can I change obstacles into opportunities? If the goal is really something that you want, that you value and you believe it is possible, underline the item. Then take each underlined item and group it under one of the following categories. Health. I accept perfect health in my body. Health goals include all that concerns your physical and emotional body, including weight loss or gain, beauty, exercise, sport, healing. Vows that may support your health goals may be the vow not to express negative emotions to others, the vow to work out at the gym today, the vow to be positive in your thought, word and deed. Your health vows arise out of the consciousness of wholeness.

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15I vow the consciousness of wholeness. Prosperity. I accept perfect wealth in my affairs. Prosperity goals include the domain of income, savings, debt payoff, investments, money for purchases, adventures, and indulgences, travel and purchasing a home, car and material possessions. Vows that may support your prosperity goals may be the vow to research a stock, the vow to invest a specific sum, the vow to do some specific action that will lead you toward your goal. Your prosperity vows arise out of the consciousness of financial freedom. I vow the consciousness of financial freedom. Relationships. I accept perfect love in my relationships. Relationship goals include all kinds of relationships; marriage, children, parents, relatives, friends, neighbors, co-workers, bosses, employees, partners, and pets. Vows that may support your relationship goals relate to vows concerning your own behavior. If you want to have love come into your life, you vow to be loving. If you want the right person to come into your life, you vow to be that person. Your relationship vows arises out of the consciousness of love. I vow the consciousness of love. Creative self-expression. I accept perfect self-expression in my life. Creative self-expression goals include singing, dancing, painting, writing, healing, intuiting, inventing, building, designing, acting, producing, filmmaking and other vocations. They include where you want to work, what you want to do, how much income you want to make, who you want to work with, the environment you want to work in, the rewards you want to receive, the amount of independence you want, the contribution to the world you want to make, and the steps you need to take, such as educational training. Vows that relate to your creative self-expression goals are specific vows to take particular action. Your creative self-expression vows arise out of the consciousness of giving your gift. I vow the consciousness of giving. Now, return to your brainstorming list and begin to prioritize your goals. Make sure they are goals you have a passion for and not because they sound good. If you are going to change your lifestyle, your vows must be consistent with your deepest desires. Set up a specific plan, based on achievable goals supported by vows of consciousness and specific action vows. By now you can see that the Power of Vow is the foundation for your success and your freedom. You can watch yourself succeed each day. Your vows keep you on track. Commit to the Seven Sacred Vows and commit to vows of consciousness and those specific vows which support your deep desires.

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16Qualifying Questions To Accomplish Your Vows 1. Do I take complete ownership? The vow must be something that you deeply value for yourself, not to please others. It must resonate with your whole being. It must be right both intellectually and emotionally. Are you willing to put yourself "on the line" for its accomplishment? 2. Am I willing to do what it takes? Are you willing to dedicate the time and energy necessary for the successful completion of this vow now? 3. Do I have absolute clarity? Is the action vow specific and measurable? Will you know when it is accomplished? Will you be able to measure the progress of the vow? 4. Does this vow conflict with other desires? Does its accomplishment coincide and harmonize with the other potential vows? Has the vow been prioritized? Take some time to develop daily foundational vows which support your strategic goals. For example if you have an artistic goal to write, publish, and market a novel you must create foundational and attainable vows. How many hours will you vow to spend in research and writing today? How many hours will you commit to the story line? Every goal should be supported by a vow of consciousness and a personal, specific and daily vow. Here is the key. Complete simple and specific vows daily. Do not make specific vows that last longer than one week because you tend to lose focus. Do not make more vows than you are able to focus on. At the end of each day you should be able to answer the question, "Did I keep my vows today?" When you get into the habit of making specific and accountable vows each day, you find yourself making measurable progress toward your goals. The major reason people do not accomplish their goals is because they do not have foundational vows of consciousness and specific vows to support them. By this time you should have in writing clear strategic goals. Look at these goals and start making daily vows to support them. Allow your life to unfold. Joyfully expect a positive result. Your life is not a concept. It is a process. You get to choose the quality of the process. You have been given all the information necessary to co-create a quality and liberated life. The rest is up to you. At the end of the day, ask this simple question, "Did I act in furtherance of the Seven Sacred Vows? Did I fulfill my specific vows today?" If you did something that did not support your vows, make amends and start again. There is always time for new

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17beginnings. If you continue to violate a vow, then you are not serious about it. Do not make a vow unless there is a deep intention to fulfill it. You may wish to change or reexamine a vow. Then do so and continue the process. So called "experts" of the world have all kinds of reasons why you cannot keep your vows or attain your goals. Do not believe them. Do not give in to their opinions. Listening to people who tell you why you cannot do something creates victim consciousness. For example, you may have a weight problem. Experts may tell you, you have a genetic predisposition to gain weight, that there is nothing you can do about it. Do not buy into their opinions. Although you may have more obstacles to overcome than another person, do not be deterred. People who come out of the ghetto may have more difficulty in attaining financial prosperity than those who come from an upper middle class neighborhood. The ghetto does not prevent success. Only self defeating attitudes prevent success. You may have more negative beliefs to overcome than someone else. You may have had a more difficult childhood. None of that matters. What matters is your vow to persist, no matter what. Start where you are. Persist and keep persisting. As you honor your vows each day, you will gain in faith and confidence. Commitment Vow You may wish to add this commitment vow to your Prayer of Vow each day. "I am focused toward the fulfillment of my vows today. I promise to fulfill my vows and engage in those activities that are in furtherance of my vows." You have read this far. Something inside of you is saying, "yes." You have demonstrated clear intention. You have proclaimed clear commitment. You are committed to work the process for 21 days straight. Now, work the plan. Persist, persist, and continue to persist. Above all, have absolute faith in the result.

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18Chapter Three: Becoming Aware I vow awareness. Awareness is the vow to live consciously in the present moment. It is the commitment to be alive, awake and aware to the now. It is the commitment to listen and be receptive to what is happening now rather than dwelling on regrets of the past or worries about the future. Awareness is also the vow to expand consciousness. By making the simple vow of awareness, you proclaim to the universe that you are ready and willing to begin your journey of personal transformation. I vow to expand my consciousness. I vow to wake up. I vow to live consciously in the present moment. One of the fastest things you can do to wake up is to vow awareness. Awareness reminds you that creation is taking place moment by moment and you live in the now. This vow is about expanding your awareness by waking up. You learn to live in the present moment by listening to others. Levels Of Awareness Awareness is the term used for the different degrees of consciousness. Everything has awareness. The universe is alive. Rocks have awareness; plants have an awareness. Animals have a greater awareness. Humans are aware that they are aware and this level of awareness is synonymous with self-consciousness. There is another level of awareness that is both individual and universal at the same time. This is a level of awareness called cosmic consciousness. Human beings function at different levels of awareness. 1. Mechanical Level. You are aware of yourself as an individual. You are self-conscious but do not recognize that you co-create your reality. You do not recognize the power of the subconscious mind. Therefore, you are a victim of your own embodied beliefs. You are mechanical because you react to life based upon your subconscious programming. You don't realize that your thoughts are creating your reality. You think that you are a victim of circumstances or conditions. Everything happens "to you." 2. Using the Law. You recognize that you are self-conscious and realize that you can create conditions in your life by understanding and using the impersonal laws of the universe. However, because you are still operating from the level of your personality, you use the Power of Vow for your own ego satisfactions. You use the Power of Vow "for you." Your vows are sustained by your willpower rather than the inherent willingness of the universe. 3. Waking Up. You begin to recognize and realize the unity of all life and the inner wisdom

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19within you. The vow of awareness is the vow to consciously live at this third level. Most people do not wake up. They continue to live from their personality. When you wake up, you realize it is time to transcend your personality and live from your unlimited potential. Your personality helped to bring you to a new point of awareness. Now it is time to use the Power of Vow to lift your personality into your essence. Your inner wisdom is the result of universal wisdom of Supreme Consciousness. Use the Power of Vow to allow universal wisdom to flow "through you." 4. Conscious Illumination. The fourth level of awareness is conscious illumination. At this level you live from your essence and are transparent all the time. Up to this point in the history of humanity conscious illumination has been exceedingly rare. It is the experience of the mystic. It is the consciousness of unity and has been referred to as cosmic consciousness. Some artists, inspired scientists, poets, or philosophers tap into this level and create from it. When you decide to wake up you obtain occasional glimpses of this fourth state. The Purpose Of The Power Of Vow Is To Help You Wake Up. Most people are not yet awake. They are identified with their personality They believe they are awake and aware but are actually mechanical. They live according to subconscious programming. They are like machines unconsciously reacting to life rather than consciously responding and flowing with life. Their personalities filter conditions and events through preconceived belief systems. When you were young, your personality helped you to survive. It helped quell existential fears and offered you security and stability, but at a price. The price was the blotting out of your essence, your essential wisdom. In order to protect against seeming threats, you placed walls around your soul. These walls became your ego structure. You became so identified with the walls you forgot your soul. You became mechanical and fell asleep. There are two aspects of you. There is your personality and there is your essence. Your personality is made up of various roles you play and methods you have learned in order to survive in the world. The dominant emotion of your personality is fear and your response to life is reaction based upon perceived threat. When you live from your essence you live from love. Your response to life is unconditional love. The Power of Vow helps you to make your personality passive and to make your essence active. Most people believe they are their personality. They make excuses for why they cannot

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20change because, "that's the way I am." You know you are more than your personality because you are able to observe it. Just as you observe your body, your emotions and your thoughts, you can observe your personality. By stepping outside of your small self, you invite the presence of your essence to attain its rightful place as your real self. At the level of personality, you become what you identify with. You become attached to the material world, your environment, your house, your possessions, your status, your family and friends, your money. If you lose any of these things you feel like a part of you has been taken away. The Power of Vow helps you shift your awareness from the outer to the inner. You realize it is your thoughts that create your reality. You no longer become trapped in events. You begin to make very powerful vows of being: "I vow not to identify with outer things." "I vow to rely on my inner wisdom." "I vow to speak my positive word knowing I am creating my positive life. In order to wake up and become aware you must come to the realization that you have been asleep. Once you have this realization, then it becomes obvious to you that many aspects of your life are mechanical and reactionary. As you begin to wake up using the Power of Vow, you have vivid life experiences, times when remarkable things happen to you. You see with new eyes the great beauty of the present moment. This state of consciousness is your birthright and the birthright of every human being. You are here to wake-up and consciously and continually live at the third level of awareness. You continue becoming more aware by allowing your personality to be subordinated to your essence. You understand the necessity of surrender and humility. You are willing to release your personality so that your unique individuality can shine through. This is the beginning of true liberation. Your Level Of Awareness Attracts Your Level Of Life You attract into your life those things that exist at your level of awareness. For example, you may pray for a loving relationship or you may desire prosperity but if you have not released your negative emotions, they will block your desires. If you hold onto grievances or secret jealousies, you will block your good. You may obtain a result but the result will be tainted. As long is there is no change in your level of awareness, there can be no change in the quality of your life. You may attract different people and conditions to you but the result remains the same. You will continue to make the same mistakes with different people. See awareness as a ladder extending upward. You are standing on one rung of the ladder. You perceive events from your rung and proclaim what you see is reality. It is not reality. It is only your perception of reality. With the Power of Vow, you can begin to transcend

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21the perception of personality and experience a greater awareness. Use the Power of Vow to help facilitate a change in awareness. By speaking the vow of awareness you project a high level of vibration and the universe responds. Reality is not the same as perception. With perception, you filter everything you see through your subconscious beliefs. You live at a certain level of awareness and you call it reality because that is all you have perceived. Just because others verify your perception of reality doesn't mean it is real. If you persist in this work, you will experience another level of reality and then your life will never be the same. Reality allows you to see things as they are. Vow to step up. Vow to expand your awareness. Vow to experience reality. I vow to step up. I vow to expand my awareness. I vow to experience reality. What It Means To Wake Up You begin to wake up when you start to consciously respond to life. You are used to functioning in the dimension of time and space. You already sense that there are other dimensions interpenetrating with the earth dimension. You already know your present awareness is partial. Most of us, during exquisite moments, have touched other dimensions. These dimensions have been discussed and are sometimes called peak experiences. The truth is, you can learn to have these peak experiences on a more frequent basis. Dimensions are interpenetrating and so it is possible to live, move and have your being in this earthly experience while at the same time experiencing a holistic higher dimension. As you vow awareness, you open yourself to the possibility of experiencing a higher non-dualistic dimension. You find yourself making better and more conscious choices. You live your life from the perspective of a higher order of being. You are "in the world but not of it." Observing Awareness It is possible to observe your own awareness and as you learn to do so, you will find that most of the time you do not live in the present moment. Most of the time you are lost in your own mind considering the effects of your perception. But occasionally, you find yourself living in a heightened state of awareness, a state of present bliss. It is possible to expand these brief moments of bliss if you are willing to undertake a deep examination of yourself. You can discover what is keeping you from experiencing the reality of the present moment. You can learn how to dissolve negative emotions which obscure your real essence. Shift your awareness from the outer to the inner. Shift your focus from your body, your emotions and your mind to your essence. You cannot transform anything in the outer. The only thing you can transform is yourself.

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22Learn not to be dependent on any person, place or thing. Nothing has to happen for you to be happy. Look at all experiences this way. Turn from the outer event to inner awareness. Make changes in the only place you can make them, in your mind. Observing Negative Emotions One of the keys to waking up is the ability to observe and separate your true self from your emotional states. This is not easy to do because you have been taught by society to express your emotions. It is typical for you to say, "I am depressed" or "I am worried" or "I am upset." Be aware of these two common mistakes. First, be careful not to use negative statements charged with strong emotion. When you express negative emotions you are actually making a vow that is keeping you locked into lower consciousness. Second, do not identify your essence with the emotion. The source of your emotions is your subconscious programming based upon your past. Events of the past have made you unhappy and this unhappiness is recorded within you, ready to be regurgitated whenever anyone pushes a button than reminds you of the unhappy situation. Separate yourself from your past. It is not who you are. All negative aspects of the past must be canceled. Hold nothing against anyone. Forgive all debts. Let your past illuminate you, never contaminate you. You and I have had unhappy past experiences. Vow to release all negative emotions connected with those experiences. Bless your past as a part of necessary learning. Forgive all those who you believe have harmed you in any way. Forgive yourself. Your past and the people who contributed to it have helped to bring you to the brink of awake awareness. Release energy that you have been using to hold onto past grievances. Be thankful for it all. By changing your attitude and blessing the past, you free yourself. Do Not Express Negative Emotions Everyone experiences negative emotions at one time or another. Some people think they are normal. They are normal at the human level of personality but they are not natural. Negative emotions are unnatural and destructive. They are the product of conditioning that has been passed down from generation to generation. You feel negative emotions because your environment has trained you to feel that way. Society continues to bombard you with negative thoughts and emotions. Newspapers, television and radio are specifically designed to invoke negative emotions, to get you riled up and thus dissipate your energy. Buy into negative emotions and you lose your freedom. Negative emotions can always be traced to dualistic thinking. In order to make real and significant changes in your awareness, make a vow not to

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23express negative emotions to others. This is a key to higher awareness and transformation. This process does not ask you to suppress or repress the emotions. It teaches you to transmute negative emotions into positive energy. I vow not to express negative emotions. I vow to express positive energy. This first sacred vow prepares you for liberation. By using the vow of awareness every day, you are reminding yourself of your true nature and your commitment to live from the goodness within you.

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24Chapter Four: Living Courageously Courage is the vow to proceed in spite of seeming obstacles. Courage means to overcome fear and act with confidence and moral strength. Courage involves the persistence to turn obstacles into opportunities. You may feel the fear of uncertainty, but you have the strength and the determination to do the courageous thing, to rely on your inner wisdom and not to allow fear to deter you. You are a courageous person who overcomes fear and acts upon your inner convictions. I vow to overcome fear and act with confidence. I vow to rely on my inner wisdom. What Is Courage? Courage is your ability to face danger, to overcome fear and to act with confidence and with moral strength in spite of the seeming obstacles. Courage also means commitment. With courage you develop trust. You know what needs to be done for the fulfillment of your life. You may be afraid or uncertain but you know that if you act out of your own inner wisdom, the universe will come to your aid. You have the strength and the determination to do the right thing in your life, to face your fears and move past them. To have the courage of your convictions assumes you have convictions. Do you have deeply held convictions? The word "conviction" means to be convinced. It is the unshakable belief in something without need for additional proof or evidence. At law, criminals are convicted when a jury is convinced beyond a reasonable doubt. Convictions are standards you live by, standards that you are unwilling to deviate from. In the past, we were given our convictions by our society. We accepted them and lived by them and they gave our lives stability. The standards of society are breaking down. Today, the values of society are in chaos. The vast majority of people do not come from families with two parents. Premarital sex is not the exception but is the norm. Drugs are readily accessible. We can no longer look to society for our convictions. Our traditional religious institutions have lost both credibility and moral authority. We need courage to turn away from the chaos of the world and delve into the inner wisdom of our souls to find our real convictions. The Power of Vow will help you to develop and reinforce you inner core of convictions. You will no longer be dependant on the opinion of some church, institution or person. The Power of Vow comes from your inner integrity. You must be true to yourself in thought, word, act and deed. The Power of Vow can not eliminate all of your inner doubts. You will still have to deal with the seductions of a materialistic society. But it will give you the courage to act in spite of these negative elements.

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25 How To Sustain Courage 1. Vow to know the truth behind the facts. Know what is true for you. What is true for you and all humanity is the same. There is no private good. Act in spite of relative facts. You can accomplish your goals in spite of the opinions of society. I vow to know the truth behind the facts. 2. Vow the courage to live your vision. Don't allow others to deter you. Hold your vision and persist. You can expect opposition from the mediocre minds of conformity. Do not surrender your authority. You are the source of true authority. Celebrate when you succeed and don't give up even if others tell you, you are losing. If you are unwilling to risk, you are unwilling to live. Choose life not existence. I vow the courage to live my vision. 3. Vow to confront the source of your fear. Fear is not an external enemy. Fear comes from within you. If you wish to overcome your fear, meet it head on. Take personal responsibility for it and act in spite of it. The first step of courage is to conquer the fear in your heart. Bring your fear to conscious awareness. It is suppressing the fear that gives it power. It is the dwelling on the unnamed fear that results in diffuse existential anxiety which immobilizes you and prevents you from acting. Take charge. Name the fear you are feeling. As soon as you give it a name, it begins to lose its power over you. Claim the fear as your own. Don't try to project the fear by blaming it on someone else. Its your fear. Reframe the fear. Trace it back to the thought behind it. A negative emotion does not exist in isolation. There is always some negative belief behind it. Find the belief and vow the opposite. For example, you may have a fear of public speaking. Name the fear as worry or nervousness. Claim the fear as your own. What is the fear based upon? It could be a thought from your childhood such as "If I speak, they will make fun of me." Reframe the thought, "I vow to enthusiastically give an inspired talk. I feel the warmth and receptivity of my audience." Name it. Claim it. Reframe it. I vow to confront the source of my fear, to name it, claim it and reframe it. 4. Vow a deep and abiding faith. There is a Supreme Consciousness which pervades all things. All that is necessary is for you to maintain your trust and hope even though you live in the midst of uncertainty. Faith is your willingness to take the next action step. Faith is the patience to work through situations without trying to force the results.

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26I vow a deep and abiding faith. 5. Vow patience. Learn the art of patience. To establish the positive vow of courage and a foundational base for you life takes time. Don't be discouraged. Don't give up. You are not instilling an external courage over your fear. Your are revealing an innate courage that is built into your nature. You have the desire. You have the willingness. You have the courage to make a difference. I vow the patience to reveal my innate courage. 6. Vow to trust yourself. The most important courage you can develop is the courage to trust yourself. There is inner genius in every person waiting to come forth. Emerson tells us that we will never discover our true inner power until we put our entire reliance in our own moral constitution. A person… " who lives in deepest harmony with the impulses of his own moral being is, as a consequence, truly good." I vow the courage to trust myself. 7. Know that you are worthy. You are a holy and sacred individualization of Supreme Consciousness. You came to this time and space experience for a reason. You have a right to be here. You have the ability to uniquely express yourself and add your consciousness to the tapestry of Life. Your life makes a positive contribution to humanity. You are learning to love more, to forgive more, to accept more, to laugh more, to enjoy life more. You are worthy and you make a positive difference on this planet. I vow my innate worthiness. An Exercise In Courage The Power of Vow has been developed as a practical tool for day to day living. It is an elegant theory but if it cannot help you to deal with the day-to-day conditions and problems of everyday life, it is useless. Begin this exercise with this vow today: I vow to handle every situation in my life today in a courageous manner. Is there a situation or an event that has caused you or is causing you worry or concern this week? The tendency is to avoid or suppress concerns that make you uncomfortable. Perhaps it is necessary to confront a situation at your business or maybe you need to deal

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27with an abusive relationship. The time for procrastination is over. With the Power of Vow you have the courage to confront the person, situation or event. Remember, if you come from your inner wisdom you will find the moral strength to deal with any situation with kindness and courage. 1. Find a quiet place and center yourself. To prepare yourself, repeat the Seven Sacred Vows and the Prayer of Vow. 2. Identify the condition, situation, or event that concerns you. Be specific and clear. Write it down and classify it. Bring the fear to conscious awareness and state it. "I am afraid that _______ " 2. Be honest with the facts about the condition, situation or event. It is a fact but it is not the truth. The condition does not have independent significance. It was created by someone's thought and action. The condition itself is a relative result and therefore, has no power in itself, except the power you choose to give it. As soon as you bring it to awareness, it begins to lose its power. 3. Turn your attention away from the condition and focus on your inner wisdom. You are now divesting the condition of energy and focusing your awareness on Supreme Consciousness. Now, say these words: I vow to see through the fact of the condition to the truth of my being. I am open and receptive to a creative solution based upon love. I realize that behind the appearance of all conditions is a vital idea desiring to come forth as life. I vow to express greater degrees of livingness and with courage take the following action: 4. Allow your inner wisdom to reveal the perfect right solution. Do not be afraid of the answer. Know that what has appeared to be a crisis is turning into a great opportunity for growth. As you act courageously, know that you are totally supported by the universe. If you need more courage, seek out a person who is trained in this teaching who can help you with your faith and courage. 5. Say "Thank you" to the universe. Give great gratitude and thanksgiving for the realization that you are grounded in your inner wisdom and for the insight that you courageously respond to all conditions in your life. 6. Release and let go. Do not concern yourself with the consequences. You have done your inner work. You have taken specific courageous action. You have declared what is the highest and the best in this situation and now in great faith you allow the result to unfold.

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29Chapter Five: Practicing Kindness I vow kindness. Kindness is the vow to treat others with deep dignity and respect at all times. Kindness involves a thoughtful and deliberate appraisal of a situation and the ability to empathize with others before acting. Kindness is based on the realization that people have different dispositions and perceive the same events differently. Kindness implies a high regard for the feelings and needs of others. Before you take action, you consider the feelings of others who might be affected. You are kind to yourself and others in word, thought and deed. I vow to treat all people with deep dignity and respect. I vow a high regard for the feelings and needs of others. I vow to listen. We have been taught by our society to seek material solutions to satisfy our desires. Most of us are self-involved. We have been trained to assess others to determine what benefit a relationship might bring. We are always asking ourselves: "What can this person offer me?" "How can I use my time efficiently?" "What can I get out of this relationship?" A kind person has the ability to be with another person for no other purpose than simply to be. A kind person enters a relationship without precondition. A kind person is enthralled by the mystery of the other. Because a kind person continually has an attitude of wonder and awe about life, he sees other people as holy and sacred. How To Practice Kindness 1. Learn to listen. Distinguish between hearing and listening. Hearing is a word used to describe the physiological sensory process by which auditory sensations are received by the ears and transmitted to the brain. Listening is a qualitative awareness and involves interpreting the significance of a communication. It is easy to hear what other people are saying without listening to them. This world is a world of relationships and relationships mean communication. People need other people in order to grow. The presence of loving, fulfilled people in our lives refreshes our inner being and acts as a catalyst for our growth. All of us look for purpose and meaning in life. Listening is a part of real communication. When communication is blocked, we are deprived of basic tools of inner exploration. We

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30compromise our inner creativity by accepting the authority of others. We sacrifice spontaneity and love for stability and security. A kind person is an expert listener. The word listen comes from two Anglo-Saxon words that mean, "I wait in suspense and anticipation for what you are about to say." An expert listener has developed this skill. If we can develop the attitude of waiting in anticipation and suspense we begin to get an inkling of the art of listening. If you are in the presence of an expert listener, you know the person cares about you and honors what you have to say. Listening is not waiting for your turn to talk. It is a caring skill that can be developed through the Power of Vow. I vow to be a good listener. I vow to listen without precondition. I vow to be an attentive and empathetic listener. I vow to understand not only what you are saying but what you are feeling. 2. Learn empathy. Empathy is the ability to sense what the other person is feeling. It fosters closeness, intimacy and mutual respect. A kind person, through the art of appropriate sharing, establishes trust and rapport with others. A kind person relies on his inner wisdom so he can appreciate the feelings of the other person. We might ask ourselves the following questions: Why is the other person behaving like he is? What is it about his situation or disposition that makes him feel the way he does? How can I tune into his feelings without getting caught up in them? Empathy means to care about the situation of the other person and to respond with compassion and consideration. We have been taught by our society to suppress our true feelings. Therefore, we have lost our real power. Feelings lead to love which in turn lead to our inner wisdom. We realize that we are interconnected with others. We share the same feelings, the same hurts and the same disappointments. Empathy leads to genuine affection which is the precursor of unconditional love.

A kind person feels the suffering of another but has the tools to help lift the other out of his suffering.

I vow to be present with others. 3. Practice the art of harmlessness. A kind person has mastered the art of harmlessness. We feel safe around a harmless person

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31because he has nothing to prove. He has no motivation to get anything. He is content in his own skin.

Become harmless in your thoughts, your words and your actions. Observe your emotions so that no emotional attitude can harm another person.

When you are harmless, you cannot be selfish. When you are harmless you are a public light because you come from your inner nature of goodness and you carry an awareness of inclusiveness. Let harmlessness be a keynote of your life. Harmlessness cleanses you of negative thoughts and emotions and opens you to the goodness of universal energy. Harmlessness leads to the transparency of the authentic life. Harmlessness means that you approach every relationship with good will.

I vow to be harmless in all my relationships with others.

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32Chapter Six: The Authentic Life I vow authenticity. Authenticity is the vow to be genuine and to come from unique inner wisdom. It is the commitment to be real in every aspect of life. It is the commitment to become transparent. There are no hidden agendas and no ulterior motivations. Authenticity is the vow to take total dominion and responsibility for your life and to rely upon the unique gifts and talents you have been given. You are not phony, duplicitous or compartmentalized because everything you think, feel, say and do, comes from your authentic, balanced and harmonious nature. I vow to become transparent. I vow to take total dominion and responsibility for my life. You are a unique and special individualization of the universe. There is no one in the entire universe like you. You have special gifts and talents to give to the world that nobody else can give. The universe is eagerly awaiting for you to reveal your talents, your joy and your love. Go to the center of your being and express unconditionally without seeking anything in return. Know your good has already been provided for. Therefore, give of yourself joyfully and completely, rejoicing in life. I vow my unique authenticity. You Are Not A Conformist Remember this Bible quote: “And do not be conformed to this world, but be you transformed by the renewing of your mind.” (Rom. 12:2) This renewing is a continual process of the Power of Vow. You turn away from the conforming standards of the relative world. You turn away from external authority and commune with your inner wisdom. In the long run, you find happiness within yourself. You feel yourself swimming in the inexhaustible substance of the universe. You find and follow your own path. When you please your true self, you please the planet. From the Old Testament we read: “Agree with God, be at peace with yourself and thereby good will come to you.” (Job 22:21) See yourself in the universal flow of life in your own unique and special way. You might ask yourself this question. "Was Henry David Thoreau prosperous and free?" Here’s what he said: “I went to the woods because I wished to live my life deliberately, to confront only the essential facts of life, and to see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.”

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33A free life for Thoreau was a purposeful, meaningful life. He did not live to satisfy physical desires but lived from a sense of inner satisfaction. Each way is different for each person. But as you open yourself to the universe, the way is revealed. Discover your authentic vision and live from it. Everyday ask yourself, " Is what I am doing this very moment serving my vision? Am I making vows that provide the foundation for my vision? Know who you are and do not confuse who you are with your personality, your roles, the way others see you, or your job. You are a person of unlimited possibility. Understand and come from your innate authenticity. Ask yourself the question, “How does an authentic being behave? What are the demonstrated effects of authenticity? What is Transparency? Transparency is a difficult thing to describe and can only be experienced. It means many things. It means there is nothing hidden in your subconscious that prevents you from fully expressing your unique self. It means an integrity of mind, thoughts, feelings and actions. It means there is purity in your awareness. It means there is nothing to block your inner light from fully expressing. A transparent person is fully aligned with his inner wisdom and relies on it continually. Transparency is a state of awareness where you are at peace with yourself, others, your world and your Source. You are authentic and in integrity. You have no secrets and feel a sense of intimacy with those around you. You have come to terms with your past, your family history and your own personality traits and limitations, and you are committed to make the necessary changes that will bring integration in spirit, mind and body. How To Become Transparent 1. Choose to integrate and balance all aspects of yourself. There is a point of Light within your mind Allow it to shine and illuminate your every thought. There is a point of love within your heart. Allow it to pour forth and encompass your every feeling. There is a point of power within your soul. Allow it to flow forth and energize your every action. I vow to shine forth. 2. Become completely honest with yourself. Be not afraid to continually explore your thoughts and feelings. From the Gospel of Thomas Jesus said, "He who will drink from my mouth will become like me. I myself shall become he, and the things that are hidden will be revealed to him. For there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed. And there is nothing buried that will not be raised." You are willing to bring to light all that has been hidden so that it may be revealed. You completely trust that revelation leads to wholeness. Darkness comes to light and there is a

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34great joy that comes from living your truth. I vow complete honesty with myself and others. 3. Become humble. Humility is surrendering your personality desires and relying totally on your inner wisdom. Free yourself from ego pride. Recognize that by yourself you can do nothing, but "it is the wisdom within that doeth the work." Humility is letting go of the small ego attitudes and allowing the universe to fully express through you. With complete humility, you understand that no matter what you know about yourself and others there is always more to learn. Complacency never enters your mind. I vow humility. I vow to allow the universal wisdom to flow through me. 4. Forgive. You realize that you cannot let your unique light shine brightly if you are holding a negative attitude against any person. Be willing to forgive every person who has ever affected your life in anyway. Forgiveness has nothing to do with fault. It has everything to do with faith. You have a fantastic faith that the universe supports you no matter what. You do not forgive for the other person. You forgive for yourself. To hold a negative thought towards anyone takes energy. Holding negative thoughts blocks your inner light. Forgiveness releases energy and allows you to experience higher levels of awareness. I vow forgiveness for all people including myself. 5. Become compassionate. Compassion is your ability to perceive, know and feel the experiences of others and then to encompass them with love. Compassion is not sympathy, it is a deep understanding with both the head and the heart and then the action of comforting and nurturing. Have compassion and forgiveness for the mistakes of others. See the best in everyone including yourself. Respect the brotherhood and sisterhood of all humankind, recognizing that we are all extensions of each other. Welcome and rejoice in our differences. Recognize that different people have genuinely different perceptions, different belief systems. Therefore, do not question the sincerity of other people. Realize that your beliefs are only conceptual approaches towards the understanding of your true nature. Develop a high tolerance for ambiguity and be comfortable with differences. Work to see the possibility of different viewpoints. You become emotionally and intellectually stimulated when you open yourself to different ways of looking at a situation. When you discover a new view, you will feel both exhilarated and humbled. Choose to see others with the healing power of love. Share your love. Reach out and share, for the sake of sharing, for the sake of loving. It may be a hug, a pat on the shoulder or encouraging words of love. Where love is needed make a commitment to be there.

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35I vow compassion. I vow to comfort and nurture. 6. Have faith in the process. Commit to the process of revelation and vow not to rest until all things are revealed. Develop a deep and abiding faith in the process, knowing that behind the shadows, there is light, behind the error, there is truth and behind the sense of separation, there is the transformative power of love. Surrender and allow the process to continue without resistance. I vow to continue the process of personal revelation. 7. Live from a sense of wholeness. The root word for wholeness is the same as the word for holiness and healing. To realize wholeness, commit to the process of healing. Live from a sense of holiness. As the Hassidic masters say, "by becoming holy, we become God's hosts in this world, we become the place within which the divine can rest." Become a host for the Divine Presence, where you are transparent to your source; where your ego steps aside and allows the flow of light, love and power to move through you.

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36Chapter Seven: The Attitude of Gratitude Gratitude is the vow to express thanksgiving for life regardless of conditions. Gratitude is more than a social grace. It is more than a resultant emotion. Gratitude is causative energy. It is a creative force, which acts like a magnet. Whatever you are deeply grateful for becomes your experience. Whatever happens in your life, there is a blessing somewhere. The universe is on purpose and everything that occurs in life has a purpose. By the power of gratitude, you become open to the hidden lessons of life. I vow to express thanksgiving for my life. I vow to bless all aspects of my life. Gratitude Is What Activates Your Power To Create By now you have come to the realization that the best way to change the world is to first change the way you see the world. Instead of reacting to outer events of life, choose to respond to life from an inner awareness of thanksgiving and gratitude. Commit yourself to practice the art of gratitude each day. Gratitude is an inner choice that you make and this choice has nothing to do with outer conditions. As you consciously and deliberately express gratitude, regardless of outer conditions, something almost miraculous will happen. Your circle of love expands. People are attracted to you as if you were a magnet of love and your life begins to flow in harmony. Practice Praise Practice the art of praise. Everyday honor yourself and others. Praise opens the channels of energy and helps things grow. The response to praise is love. Praise focuses your positive energy on others. Praise is the act of recognizing the unlimited potential in others. When you consciously praise your life you infuse yourself with energy that helps you to wake up. Praise and rejoice in your success and the success of others. Bless your physical body and bless your mind. Congratulate yourself when you do a good job, and your confidence will grow. See The Good In All Things Realize that you cannot control many of the events that occur in your life. People say cruel things. People get sick. People die. People leave you. Society labels these events as hurtful, tragic or traumatic. Do not deny the fact of the event. We are not into denial. We are into transformation. The event is part of your life. It happened. Your challenge is to use the event to come from a place of inner power. The way to come from inner power is to vow: I vow this too is for good and I vow to find a positive message for my life from this event.

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37Whatever happens in your life, remember there is a blessing somewhere. Even if you think there is some person who means to harm you, know, regardless of the intention of the other person, the universe means this event for good. Why do people do cruel and harmful things? Because they are afraid and are acting out of ignorance. Forgive them. You have the ability to find the blessing in every experience in your life. For each thing that happens in your life today, say: I vow the blessing in everything. God means this for good. Have you ever started out a day in good humor and high consciousness only to find everything going wrong? You want to scream, "It's not my fault. My thoughts are positive. I feel good about myself. Who is doing this to me?" We all have those thoughts, but if we pause a moment, we realize that we are seeing from only a limited perspective. Behind every appearance, there is nothing but good going on. Don't let the appearance upset you. Remember, it doesn't matter what someone else's intentions are. What is important is your inner attitude. If your intention is for good to prevail, it will. Know that the universe is always blessing you, and you, by the power of your vow, can turn any crisis into an opportunity. I vow gratitude for my ability to find a blessing in all situations. God means this for good. Commit to a vow of gratitude each day. Soon you will find yourself automatically responding to life with great gratitude and thankfulness for living. You will learn to be grateful and give thanks not only for the blessings of the past but also for the good that is about to occur. Promise yourself to use your words in a positive and constructive manner. You have been given the gift of vow. Promise to make your words positive and uplifting. Ask yourself at the end of the day, "Did my positive attitude and positive vows make a difference today?" Sometimes we get the feeling that we are alone and separated from others, that nobody really cares, and that we must meet the challenges of life all by ourselves. The truth is, you are never alone, for the universe is your partner in all things. Wherever you go and whatever you do, the universe is already there, supporting you. Whenever you feel the need to solve any problem make an affirmative vow knowing the power of the universe is behind you. All feelings of loneliness and separation disappear and you flow through the day with grace and ease. If at any time during the day you become worried, frustrated or feel overwhelmed, simply repeat your vow:

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38I vow gratitude and know I am supported by the universe. Your thoughts create your world. Give thanks for the ability to focus your thoughts on what you want. Today, discipline your thoughts with good and positive affirmations, eliminating the negative. Try this exercise: Monitor your thinking. Every time you catch a negative thought roaming around in your head, see how you can turn it into a positive vow. Especially watch thoughts that rob you of your power. For example, you may have the thought, "I'm not good enough, smart enough, wise enough." Turn it around and say: I vow my innate goodness, my knowledge and my wisdom to competently handle any situation today. Are you aware how well your body serves you? Even if you abuse it, it is always reinvigorating itself, waiting to serve and please you. Make a vow to take care of your body so you may express yourself more fully. Let your affirmation today be: I vow a strong healthy body so I can fully express my unique talents. Be Grateful For Time Do you say to yourself, "There is never enough time in the day to accomplish everything I want to accomplish?" Of course, such a statement leads to self-fulfilling prophecy. There is a simple way to make time expand for you. It is to appreciate and enjoy the present moment. Time appears to have an elastic quality to it. Fear, worry, and apprehension have a way of making time condense. Appreciation and enjoyment help time to expand. If at any time today you feel rushed, just close your eyes and say: I vow all the time I need. I am grateful for this precious present moment. Be Grateful That You Can Flow With Life What you resist, persists in your life. To be in the flow of life means to allow all the events of life to flow around you. You don't have control over everything that happens, but you can control your response. When something happens that you don't like, pause for a moment, collect yourself. Release all urges to retaliate or fight back. Pause and observe the programmed reactions from your subconscious mind. Release any negative energy that is blocking you. then respond in a positive way. You are in the flow of life and in a position to creatively respond to all situations.

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39 I vow the power of non-resistance. Be Grateful For New Beginnings Every day is the first day of your life. No matter what happened yesterday, today is a day of new beginnings. Everything is fresh and new. Release and let go of old patterns and beliefs that have not served you. If you make a mistake, be grateful that you can start over. Open yourself to all the possibilities that life has to offer you today. Forgive yourself and proclaim: I vow today is a day for new beginnings. Use Your Time And Energy Constructively You know when you really feel you have accomplished something. You feel good about it. You have the ability to use your time and energy constructively to improve the quality of your life and that of others. Here are some helpful hints for today: 1. Make decisions. Don't allow indecision and procrastination to rob you of your precious time and dissipate your energy. Go for it! If you make a mistake, learn from it. Don't worry about what others think. Make decisions and act. 2. Stop worrying about past mistakes. You learned! Wallowing in the past keeps you in limbo, keeps you in inertia, and stagnates your energy. 3. Stop worrying about the future. Ninety-nine percent of all the things you worry about never happen. Live now! 4. Do first things first. Your inner wisdom automatically knows how to prioritize. Rely on it. I vow to be organized and I am grateful that I use my time and energy constructively. "

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40Chapter Eight: The Wonder Of Oneness Oneness is the vow to see through duality to unity. Through oneness you reveal holistic solutions. You see beyond competition to cooperation and harmony. There is always a third creative and holistic force operating behind any process that appears dualistic. When you make the decision to stop judging on the basis of appearances and begin to look for answers that unify and bring people together, you tap into the creative solutions of the universe. I vow to see the unity behind all appearance. I vow to tap into the creative solutions of the universe. Understanding Unity Behind Duality From a time and space perspective, it is normal for us to perceive duality. Our existence in this world is part of a continuing evolutionary process. The philosopher, Hegel, pointed out that the existence of any concept brings forth into existence the opposite concept. Thesis automatically creates antithesis. These opposites then interact with each other, resulting in a synthesis. The synthesis in turn becomes a basis for a new thesis which creates a new antithesis and the evolutionary process of life continues. Our existence embodies multiple dimensions which can be integrated into a unitary whole. Our challenge is to look beyond the duality of time and space to the unity that creates all thesis and antithesis. We can observe and even participate in the play of life without getting caught up in dualistic solutions. Jesus tried to explain this when he said, "Resist not evil." What we resist, persists. Exercise: How To Move From Duality To Oneness There is a holistic solution to every seeming problem in your life. To use the Power of Vow for definitive solutions, it is necessary to clearly understand what you believe is the problem from a time and space perspective. What you think is a major problem may not be the problem at all, but unless you are honestly willing to look and define what's bothering you, you will not be able to formulate a specific vow to help you see beyond the duality of the situation. Take a moment to assess your life. Where do you stand this very moment on the following issues? Answer the following questions: 1. Are you satisfied with your physical body and your health? If not, be specific about what you are not satisfied with. 2. Are you satisfied with your relationships? First, take a look at your intimate relationships, then at your friends and acquaintances. Be specific. Write in some detail about what you are not satisfied with.

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41 3. Are you satisfied with your prosperity and abundance? Do you feel that you have enough money to feel economically secure? Are you fearful that you don't have enough? Does the subject of money concern you? Be specific and state why you are worried or dissatisfied. 4. Are you satisfied with your job, with what you are doing, with your creative self-expression? Again, be specific in this area as to why you are not satisfied. 5. Is there any other area of your life that you worry about or see as a problem? It may be a general problem or a very specific fear. Take some time to write it down. Simplifying The Problem Take only one area of your life that you have identified as a problem. If you try to focus on too much, the process can seem almost overwhelming. Take one area at a time. Reduce this one area to a single sentence. Example: The problem is, I don't seem to have the energy to do anything. The problem is, my job doesn't pay me enough. The problem is, I am always arguing and fighting with my spouse. Whatever problem you choose to work on, define it in one simple sentence. Stick to one simple idea. Don't analyze. Simply state the problem. The problem is ________________________________. Align your consciousness with your inner wisdom. Now, take your energy off the problem and focus on your inner wisdom. This may take practice, but the idea is to focus your entire being on your inner wisdom. Begin with this vow: I vow to listen to the perfect intelligence within me that is on purpose and knows the answer to all of my problems. Use this vow until you become totally convinced. If you do not totally believe the vow, the issue is one of faith. Therefore, rewrite your problem statement. Example: The problem is, that I do not have enough faith and trust in the universe. Or, the problem is that I do not have enough faith and trust on my inner wisdom. Use this vow: I vow to have faith and trust the universe. I vow to have faith and trust my inner wisdom. Ask and hang out. Ask for solution. Make a declaration, place a demand on your inner wisdom. Inner wisdom, reveal to me exactly what I need to know, so that I may take action in a creative, loving and wise manner. Now, hang out. Quiet your mind and simply listen. Listen without expectation. Listen for the sake of listening. Listen to be. Know the

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42unifying solution will be revealed to you at the perfect right time in the perfect right way. Your attitude is one of expectancy, but at the same time, detached listening. Spend at least ten minutes in the silence. At the end of the process, even if you have not yet received your answer, just let go in the quiet confidence that the answer has already been given, and in the perfect right time you will become aware of it. Now go about your business of living in total faith and trust. When the time comes, write down what has been revealed to you. Then make specific vows concerning each subject matter. Be honest. If you really don't want to change in a particular area, go to an area where you want change. You have the faith to overcome any obstacle. Keep making your vows and the result is certain.

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43Chapter Nine: The Discipline Of Detachment Detachment is the vow to objectively observe behavior without judgment. The Eastern traditions call this ability "mindfulness." You realize that most people unconsciously react to conditions in life based upon pre-existing beliefs. You consciously decide not to allow your emotionally backed beliefs to control your life. You become the creative thinker and the observer who objectively watches what you are thinking and feeling. Detachment allows you to become passionate in the process of living, but detached to the outcome. I vow to objectively observe behavior without judgment. I vow to be positive in my speech. I vow not to express negative emotions. Detachment is the ability to observe your feelings and your actions without getting caught up in them. Realize that you are not your thoughts, you are not you feelings, you are not your personality, you are the creative thinker and the observer so that you can watch what you are thinking and feeling. The Eastern tradition calls this ability mindfulness. You declare what you want to happen in a situation. You acknowledge that you have feelings about it, but you are not attached to a certain outcome. There is a calm and peaceful place inside of you. Go there and observe your actions as well as others, and don't get caught up in process. Your physical body functions as a unit and is naturally in harmony and in balance unless it gets sick. Your goal is to establish your emotional, mental and spiritual body in unity. Work on developing every aspect of yourself. Be balanced in all ways. Understand the past rigidity of your personality and be willing to surrender it to the higher wisdom within you. This may mean that you will have to leave your comfort zones and move into uncharted territory. A lion behind bars at a zoo is in his comfort zone but he is also in prison. You have to be willing to escape from the prison of your personality. You have to be willing to move into chaos. In chaos there is fluidity and flux. In chaos there is new creative potential. Chaos is a dynamic process that leads to flow. People who live their lives based on fear cannot bear to live in this process and so they seek the stability of personality. People who live in love live in the process of flow. Fluidity and flux lead to flow. And flow leads to the freedom your soul seeks. The Purpose Of This Teaching Is Liberation Liberation is the aim of all spiritual traditions but in this teaching it has a very specific meaning. You must liberate yourself from two traps. The influences of the material world are the first trap. When you are free you no longer allow events or people to trigger you in any way. You realize you cannot control everything that happens in your life. You learn to accept life the way it comes, and then, to creatively respond.

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44 The influences within your own mind are the second trap. By the vow of detachment you free yourself from negative subconscious patterns. You deal with your inner weaknesses with courage. The first liberation leads to the second. Once you are liberated from both external events and internal belief systems, you are free. You no longer waste energy and you begin to live from the higher holistic dimensions of life. Learn is to step outside of yourself so that you can observe yourself. You can actually develop an observer part of you which can watch the different rolls of your personality. In the beginning the observer has no powers and can only watch. The development of the observer is the beginning of something permanent. It begins to have power and can then, help lift your personality into essence. As you learn to observe yourself, you can begin to practice the art of remembering your true nature. You learn to focus your attention on your "observer self" and what is being observed at the same time. As this happens you begin to notice a third force within you and then you learn to court this force until it merges with you and as you. In this teaching, this third force is called your inner wisdom and you court it as you would court a lover. Solomon spoke of the inner power when he said: Wisdom is bright, she never fades. The radiance of Wisdom is overwhelming, beyond ordinary light. Wisdom is the light of lights. By those who love her, she is readily seen. By those who seek her, she is readily found. She anticipates those who desire her by making herself first known. Whoever gets up early to seek her will have no trouble, but will find her sitting at the door. I therefore determined to take her to share my life, knowing she would be my counselor in prosperity, and comfort me in cares and sorrow… When I go home, I shall take my ease with her, for nothing is bitter in her company, when life is shared with her, there is no pain, nothing but pleasure and joy. (Book of Wisdom, Ch.6-7) Self Observation means noticing your own states of awareness. Do not place importance on the events, which are occurring around you. You cannot change these events but you can change your perception of them. You have an inner wisdom that knows the appropriate response to every situation. Rely on it. Learn to court your inner wisdom. Call it forth and trust it. Inner wisdom will teach you to

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45respond with love so that you no longer react with fear. As you learn to observe yourself, you will still feel negative emotions and you will still have the urge to react, but more and more often you will pause and constructively respond. This takes discipline and hard work but if you are committed you see the results. Learn To Self Observe How do you behave when you lose something, an important paper that you must have? Your car keys? What is your mechanical reaction? In situations of external stress, can you put yourself in a position of self-observation? Can you sit down, observe your thoughts, observe your emotions, your movements, your expression, and then become conscious. Everything in your body cries out to react according to your programming. Can you take a deep breath and center yourself.? There will be tension in your life. But if you make a commitment to wake up, you will begin to observe yourself. At first, this observation will only happen occasionally but as you commit to the practice you will begin to experience more moments when you are actually observing your behavior. Persist and don't become discouraged. Stop Leaking Energy You gain an enormous amount of energy just by learning how to save it instead of having it leak all over the place. How much energy do you spend on negative emotions? Be honest. How much of your time do you dwell on the expectation of unpleasant things, bad moods, irritability, anxiety, depression, jealousy, resentment, worry, doubt, fear, self-pity, vanity, prejudices, nervousness, and grievances you have with others? Aren't you ready to give them all up? It is not natural to have negative emotions. You may say, "everyone expresses negative emotions" and "it is not good to stuff your feelings." Negative emotions are part of your personality. They are not part of your essence. And feelings are not the same as emotions. The only genuine feeling is love. Emotions are an excuse not to express love. Make a vow not to dwell on negativity. I vow to dwell only on the positive in my life. Negative emotions are not real. They are learned. And it is your job to unlearn them. This is where your discernment comes in. Suspicion leads to judgment. Judgment leads to separation. By cultivating the art of conscious discernment you use the positive emotion of desire and the ability to see differences. Then you choose without judgment, without negative emotion. You choose the perfect right action for your growth. The most important question you can ask yourself is, "Who am I?" If you think you are a material being only, you will be forever trapped in the world of materiality, craving things

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46to satisfy your life but never becoming satisfied. If you think you are your personality, you are in for a lot of pain because the personality is about placating negative emotions and protecting you. Instead of protecting you, it separates you from others and from life. But if you come into the realization that you are an unlimited being, a unique and precious individualization of Supreme Consciousness, you are on your way to waking up. Then you are ready to ask and answer a second question. "What do I want?" You really want to be free. Initially you desire security, then you want love and acceptance. At some point you obtain the ability to distinguish between the desires of personality and the desire of your true self. Then you realize that the ultimate desire is liberation. You cannot know what liberation is until you have glimpsed the truth of who you are. Then you are ready to explore the meaning of liberation and the many ways in which you can be set free. You are now ready to ask and answer a third question. How do I go about getting it? The first thing that happens is you realize that what you want, you already have. There are two ways you can come into this realization, the way of instant illumination and the way of small steps. Very few people are liberated through instant illumination. For most people the way of small steps works best. You actually measure your progress through the Power of Vow. 1. Start where you are. Make an assessment about the facts of your life right now. Distinguish between the facts of your life and the truth of your being. Look at all of the issues in your life: health, (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual) prosperity, relationships, creative self-expression, ( job, vocation and avocation.) Do not deny the facts. Let them come to the surface of your consciousness, because then you can deal with them. But continue to know that the truth of your being is infinitely more powerful than any fact. I vow to be open and honest in the assessment of my life. 2. Take total dominion and responsibility for your life. You create your circumstances through the power of your mind. Accept this totally and completely because it is the beginning of your freedom. I vow to take dominion and responsibility for all aspects of my life. 3. Give up all blame and judgment. Forgive everyone. Accept your life as it is right now for only through acceptance and non-resistance can you change it. I vow to accept myself as worthy now while I continue the process of growing. 4. Vow to creatively respond to life. Make a vow that you consciously creatively respond to all the challenges of your life with love and that you no longer emotionally react. By

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47setting this intention you will find that you are not caught up in the petty dramas of your life. I vow to creatively respond to life with love. 5. Focus on the qualities of your being, not the outer things of life. Do you want to be more compassionate, more loving, more accepting, a better friend, a better listener? List the qualities you want to work on. I vow to improve my qualities of my being. 6. Observe the way you think, the way you talk and the way you act. Don't resist. Don't judge it. Merely observe. You will find out that your lower personality is not who you are. You will find out that your emotional reactions do not reflect the real you. I vow to observe my personality without judgment. 7. Make a vow to change those things you wish to change. See your everyday life as the workshop of your soul. You can change the way you respond to circumstances by changing your thinking but it takes practice. "We think in secret and it comes to pass, environment is but our looking glass." Make specific vows concerning the qualities of your being. Examples: I vow to be kind and compassionate. I vow to be open and receptive. I vow to become an attentive listener.

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48Chapter Ten: Questions and Answers What is consciousness? Everything is consciousness. Consciousness is all-pervasive. It is in everything and is everywhere. Your individual consciousness exists within and is a part of the universal consciousness. You may call this universal consciousness God, The Higher Power, Universal Essence, Tao or Supreme Consciousness. It cannot be named. It is and is all there is. It is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent. Everything that is, comes from It. I vow Supreme Consciousness within me. What is energy? Everything is energy. Quantum physics has shown us that matter is simply a vibratory rate of energy. Consciousness is intelligent and purposeful energy. Matter is not solid but exists as energy bundles. When you perceive these energy bundles they become real to you. The entire universe is made up of one basic energy that vibrates at different rates. Higher vibrations consist of thoughts and emotions and lower vibrations consist of form and the material world. This energy is the fundamental substance of the universe. I vow to open myself to the inexhaustible energy of the universe. Why do you have access to the energy of the universe? You live inside the energy of the universe and therefore have unlimited access to it. You live and move and have your being in the essence of the universe. You are immersed in creative energy. I vow to flow with universal energy. What is universal wisdom? The fundamental energy of the universe has innate wisdom within it. This wisdom has many names. In this teaching it is called Supreme Consciousness. It is the name for the Intelligence that creates everything out of Itself. I vow to commune with universal wisdom. What is individual wisdom? Individual wisdom is Supreme Consciousness individualizing Itself in every human being. Every person has the ability to live from the basis of Supreme Consciousness. The name for this consciousness in the individual is inner wisdom. Because this creative energy is within you, you can learn to use it to create the life you desire. As you become aware of this tremendous potential within you, you move out of victim consciousness. You discover there is a correlation between the way you think and the reality you experience. I vow to remove the blocks to my inner wisdom.

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49 What is self-consciousness? Self-consciousness is the individualized essence of Supreme Consciousness. As a self-consciousness being you have the free will and the ability to choose beliefs, thoughts, feelings and actions. These choices create your reality. You are Supreme Consciousness manifesting at your level of awareness. I vow positive thoughts and actions in my life. What is awareness? Awareness is the term used for the different degrees of consciousness. Everything has awareness. The universe is alive. Rocks have awareness; plants have awareness. Animals have a greater awareness. Humans have self-conscious awareness. There is a higher level of awareness called cosmic consciousness. It has been said, "The universe sleeps in the mineral kingdom, breathes in the vegetable kingdom, moves in the animal kingdom, awakens in the human kingdom and fully lives in the kingdom of cosmic consciousness. I vow awareness. I am alive, awake and aware. What is the universe? We live in a universe of energy. This understanding is the key to all personal and individual power. The physical universe is simply a manifestation of the universal energy. It is a material effect of a universal cause. There is only one universe vibrating as things you can see and things you cannot see. It's all energy taking form. Your body is universal energy, your feelings are universal energy, your thoughts are universal energy. I vow the unlimited energy of my body, my feelings and my thoughts. What are the two modes of individual consciousness? The first mode is called the "subconscious creative mode." The second mode is called the "conscious analytical mode." You have allowed the subconscious mode to control your behavior. As you learn to take dominion and control over your subconscious mode, you are no longer a victim. You learn to use the Power of Vow. Your conscious mode chooses an idea. Your subconscious mode receives the idea and acts upon it as if it were true. I vow dominion and control over all the conditions of my life. What is the function of your conscious mind? The function of your conscious mind is to unify with the unlimited energy of the universe and take dominion and responsibility for your life. The Power of Vow teaches you how to use your conscious mind to access higher thoughts and build a foundation of positive thought. I vow higher thoughts and build my life on a foundation of positive thought. What is the function of your subconscious mind? Your subconscious mind has two

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50functions. It is a creative medium. It accepts the conclusions of your conscious mind as final. Your subconscious mind will accept whatever idea it is given as true and then will act upon that idea to bring it into reality. The second function of your subconscious mind is that of a storehouse. It stores all the thoughts and beliefs it has received. Many people live mechanical and predictable lives because they choose only ideas that have been previously stored in the subconscious mind. When you wake up, you constantly absorb new ideas and are open to the unlimited ideas of the universe. I vow to focus on beliefs of goodness. Why is your subconscious mind so powerful? Your subconscious mind is the greatest power known to humanity because it is the gateway to the universe, the source of all power. If you allow your subconscious to run your life, you become its slave. It runs on auto pilot. If you learn to direct it, it becomes your servant. The question is who will direct it? I vow to direct my subconscious mind for the greater good. What is the relationship between your subconscious mind and the universe? Your subconscious mind is the Supreme Consciousness of the universe operating at your level of awareness. You can access the unlimited creative potential of the universe. The Power of Vow teaches you to wake up and consciously use the power of Supreme Consciousness. I vow to wake up and consciously use the power of Supreme Consciousness. What is a thought? Thought is the basic unit of the energy of self-awareness. The basic unit of gravity is called a graviton. The basic unit of light is called a photon, the basic unit of electricity is an electron. The basic unit of self-awareness is thought. A thought is a vibration of energy existing in the sea of universal energy. Not all thought is creative. All thought is potentially creative. Thoughts arise and dance in and out of awareness. Most thoughts amount to no more than minute energy vibrations in the universal fields of energy. But if a thought is observed, it begins to develop mass, and the potential for demonstrating into a thing. I vow to observe and focus on positive thoughts. What gives thought reality? Thoughts do not exist until you observe them. In quantum physics, a subatomic particle exists only in potential until it is observed or measured. All of the thoughts in your mind only tend to exist until you give them your attention. You get to choose what thoughts will exist for you. You can choose thoughts of empowerment or thoughts of dependence. You control your destiny. I vow to use my mind in a positive way to bring positive conditions into my life.

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51What makes thought creative? The duration and the intensity of the vibration of thought makes it creative. Thought is a vibratory energy similar to the energy of light or electricity. Every thought has a vibratory pattern. Vibratory patterns tend to resonate with similar vibrations and this resonance is the beginning of the creation process. Thought is the foundational energy for the creation of all form. I vow to change my circumstances by changing my thought. What gives thought intensity? Feeling gives thought intensity. Feeling is the fuel that gives thought vitality. It does no good to have positive thoughts if they are not accompanied by positive feelings. To fuel your thoughts with intensity, you need to respect your mind, your feelings and your body. I vow to nurture positive feelings about myself. What gives thought duration? Intentional focus gives thought duration. With focus the thought vibration will attract additional energy unto itself. The thought will become "thick" and "thick thought becomes a thing." With intentional focus, you attract the necessary energy to produce a tangible and visible reality. When a thought is allowed to grow as an idea in subjective mind, it begins to attract to it substance, until it can be seen as a material. Because you cannot actually observe this process taking place, you tend to believe that things have an independent reality. Actually they are the product of thought attracting to itself undifferentiated substance and taking form. I vow to focus on positive thoughts. What is the relationship between thought, feeling and form? Thought fueled by feeling creates form. There are three centers of energy within every person. The first center is called the head or thinking center. The second center is the heart center or the emotional center. The third center is called the gut or the action center. Thought by itself will not create until the thought is fueled with the energy of feeling. The body is triggered by the feeling or emotional center. Subconscious beliefs stored in the body are coupled with deep emotion. The energy of emotion is like jet fuel and triggers the body into reaction before the thought center can consciously intervene. A person who is controlled by the emotional center is said to be mechanical. He does not choose his life consciously but allows his emotion-backed beliefs to control his life. Therefore, the first task in the waking up process is to gain conscious control over the feeling or the emotional center. I vow to consciously monitor my thinking and choose only positive thoughts. How does the creative process work? The creative process takes place in your mind.

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52You conceive of an idea. You fuel the idea with feeling, desire. You focus on the idea until it becomes real to you. The idea is now planted in your subconscious mind. You vow that the idea is real for you. You release the idea to the universe and allow it to unfold. I vow I am healthy, prosperous, loving and giving. Who is at cause? You are. As you totally accept this truth, the rest is easy. I vow to be cause to my life. Who controls your subconscious mind? You do. But the thoughts and beliefs stored and accepted by your subconscious mind will automatically run your life if you allow them to. These beliefs are the product of what you have accepted about yourself up to now. You can change these beliefs by taking conscious control of your life and vowing new thoughts. This means you are accepting new agreements about yourself. You can choose to consciously direct your subconscious mind or allow yourself to be controlled by previous programming recorded in it. If you learn to observe your behavior, you will see that the vast majority of your responses to situations comes from automatic programming. It is good to turn over repetitive behavioral tasks to the subconscious mind. But often, you unconsciously react to situations, rather than consciously responding. To wake up means you are beginning to take conscious dominion over your life. To know when to consciously respond, and when to go on autopilot, is a great accomplishment. I vow to take conscious dominion over my life. How does the Power of Vow work? The Power of Vow allows you to access the subconscious creative mode of your mind. This does not mean going into an altered state of consciousness. You consciously and deliberately make specific and sacred agreements with yourself and you honor these agreements each day. I vow to honor my sacred agreements each day. Why is the subconscious mind a servant? The subconscious mind is responsive to your conscious will. You become aware that your subconscious mind has unlimited creative power because it is the power of the universe individualized. Through the Power of Vow, you can become the master of your subconscious mind. Because your subconscious mind is the servant of your conscious mind, the unlimited creative power of the universe is available to you. I vow to use the unlimited creative power of the universe. What is the greatest obstacle to the expansion of your awareness? The greatest obstacle to your expansion in awareness is fear. Fear is the great immobilizer. Fear prevents you from acting. Anger, worry, regret, and other negative emotions are simply

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53manifestations of fear. You develop thoughts of separation based on fear. These thoughts prevent you from experiencing oneness. Your personality keeps you in separation. When you learn to commune with your inner wisdom, the fear disappears and you experience unity. The choice in every situation is love or fear. Faith is the opposite of fear and when you can release the energy of fear and turn it into the power of faith nothing can stop you. You become a mind that lives in faith, not a mind that lives in fear. I vow to respond with love in great faith every moment. What is your personality? Personality is formed through the inner tension and the dynamic interaction as you interact with your environment. Through this interaction you begin to form your self-concept, your personal sense of self. You think you are your personality. You begin to wake up when you come to the realization that you are more than your personality. Now you have a choice. You can continue your life as a machine, or you can choose to begin your journey to wake up. You can choose to free the personality, to lift it up and place it under the direction of your inner wisdom. The Sufis have a nice way of saying it. They say, "Let go of your preconceptions, and accept your destiny." I vow to accept my destiny as an unlimited universal being. What is essence? Essence is your inner wisdom. It is your immortal and eternal true self. It is your unique individuality. The purpose of the Power of Vow is to help you rediscover and live from your essence rather than your personality. I vow to live from my essence. What is your soul? Your soul is the vehicle that carries your essence. The soul has the ability to identify with essence or to identify with personality and the outer world of effect. As your soul identifies more with essence, you begin to wake up. The soul is said to be double faced. The upper face gazes at Supreme Consciousness and the lower face looks down informing the senses. The upper face is in eternity and has nothing to do with time. The lower face is in time and space. When your soul identifies with the material world, it sees itself as separate and apart. Your feeling of separation leads to fear. You develop a personality to protect yourself, and thus you experience greater separation. But you can learn to quiet your mind in order to listen to your inner wisdom. I vow to quiet my mind and listen for my inner wisdom. What is individuality? Your individuality is the result of the differentiation of Supreme Consciousness. The only way the universe can express in a personal way is through you. You are not here to merge into the universe. You are here to individualize the universe.

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54The more you open to the universal, the more uniquely you express your individuality. I vow to live my life from my unique individuality. What is the cause of fear? The cause of fear is the feeling of isolation and separation. This feeling occurs because you identify yourself with external material world instead of your inner wisdom. The Power of Vow helps to remind you to identify with your essence and live your life from the inside-out. I vow to live my life from the inside-out. Where is the cause of worry? Where does worry come from? It comes from the identification of the world of effect. It comes from focusing on the outer rather than the inner. The literal meaning of worry is tearing, twisting, choking and strangling of life. Worry affects all aspects of life. It shows up in body posture and even the sound of our voice. The muscles become tense instead of relaxed. As you develop the ability to watch your thinking, you notice how much time you spend thinking about negative things. Worry drains your energy. Make a commitment to end worry. Work on all three levels, the physical, the emotional and the mental. Do not allow yourself to dwell on negative thoughts or emotions. Work on keeping your physical body loose and in shape. Worry is wasting today's time, cluttering up tomorrow's opportunities with yesterday's troubles. I vow to release all worries and live in the present moment. What is the cause of depression? Depression is habitual worrying. Worry long enough and the body gets used to it. Your personality feeds off the energy of depression. Notice that depression can take many forms. It always begins with fear. "I'm not good enough. I don't measure up. They don't like me." Depression leads to self-criticism and to resentment. "They don't appreciate everything I do for them." It can lead to feelings of tragedy, feelings of doom. The point is that all depression is dis-empowering and will lead you away from your inner wisdom. A person who has been in this state for some time may even develop physical symptoms. A doctor may even name a disease and give a diagnosis. There is no truth to it. All depressions can be released by releasing negative energy. I vow to release all negative energy in my life. How do you identify with your essence? Begin each day with conscious intention. Practice the Power of Vow every day. Review the Seven Sacred Vows until you understand, believe and have faith in them. Vow the kind of day you wish to experience and that is the day that will manifest. Practice the Power of Vow until it becomes habitual. Live consciously.

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55 I vow to live consciously and practice the Power of Vow each day. How do you live from your essence? Become a conscious chooser. You are the master of your own existence, and you get to choose how perfect and how beautiful that existence is to be. You choose by taking dominion and responsibility for your life. There is no other way. You are more powerful than any circumstance of your life. Each day you get to choose. Do you choose to be a master or a slave. You are the author and co-creator of your life. The present is yours to enjoy. The future is yours to create. Adverse conditions are only opportunities for greater growth. Assume the full status and responsibility of an unlimited being. You cannot expect to access universal power if you keep affirming negativity. I vow to be more powerful than any condition in my life. How do you live from your inner wisdom? Refuse to become a victim by allowing yourself to be subject to the thoughts or actions of another person. Live from the space of your own authenticity and you come from the space of conscious and loving response. Say and do kind things. Come from your inner power and not from outer result. Let others find their own way to the truth of their being. They are acting from their level of consciousness and it has nothing to do with you. You can only lead by example. Therefore, refuse to take the actions of anyone personally. What other people think and do has nothing to do with you. Creation begins in your mind. But unless feeling is put behind the thought, the idea remains in potential. Accomplishment involves a threefold recipe. Conceive of the idea, believe it and immerse it with deep desire. We try it out until our action becomes automatic. Mold, Magnetize, Move. Manifest. It is important for you to honor your feelings because feelings don't lie. By recognizing a feeling you can always trace the feeling back to a thought. Let your feelings lead you to a subconscious belief. Allow the belief to come to the surface where you can change it. Always stay open to the new. Everyone is your lover or your teacher. Never prejudge a person. Have no preconditions to your listening. Learn to listen to all the voices that come to you and you will be amazed where the best information comes from. People who you previously thought had nothing to teach you will, all of a sudden, say profound things. You are an unlimited universal being. Live your life as an example of a universal being. I vow to be open and accepting to all without judgment. What is the importance of intention? With intention you learn to observe your thoughts, your beliefs, your feelings and your actions. You ask yourself, "What is my intention?" What is your intention in thinking the way you are thinking? What are the consequences of

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56thinking the way you are thinking? What is your intention in believing what you believe? What are the consequences of believing what you believe? What is your intention in feeling what you are feeling? What are the consequences of feeling what you are feeling? What is your intention in doing what you are doing? What are the consequences of doing what you are doing? I vow to meet every situation in my life with positive intention. What is the importance of purpose? Purpose gives you a sense of meaning and direction in your life. Because the universe is on purpose, your life is on purpose. You cannot know the entire purpose of the universe but you can begin to glimpse the purpose of our planet. You are here to learn how to love in relationships so that you can help bring peace to our planet. You are in charge of only one thing, your own life. That is why your motive and intent must be pure. By practicing the Power of Vow your purpose will be revealed to you and you will learn to develop strategic goals to accomplish your purpose. Behind your goals you will establish foundational vows. Begin with the Seven Sacred Vows and you will begin to tune into your deepest desires. I vow that my purpose is revealed to me. Where is the solution to every problem? The solution to every problem begins and ends in your own mind. No matter what the difficulty, no matter who is affected, you have no client but yourself. You have no one to convince but yourself. Once you are convinced, you are convicted. Once you are convicted the results automatically follow. This is an exact scientific statement in accordance with every system of metaphysics in existence, and no permanent results are ever secured in any other way. I vow I am convicted of positive good flowing in my life. How do you find and live your unique purpose? Ask to become aware of your potential. Focus your intention and set strategic goals. Use the Power of Vow to build a foundation. Vow to live for a great purpose. The purpose of life is to live more fully, continually growing in awareness. Your purpose is to live the best life you know how, every moment. Never give up. Live the process and allow the mystery of life to live through you. I vow to live for a great purpose. What is the power of your desire? Your desire has power. In order to express your true desire, you must be aware of what you want. Vow to have your deepest desires revealed to you. Live from your deepest desires. Ask yourself the question, "Is what I am thinking, believing, feeling or doing in furtherance of my purpose, my deepest desires?" Be a creator

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57of circumstance instead of a creature of circumstance. Live from the attitude and the conviction that you are greater than any circumstance in your life. Focus on what you desire. Vow the reality of what you desire. Concentrate on what you want to become. In order to have, you must first "be." By communion you will come into contact with Supreme Consciousness. Process is the out-picturing of your being. When you are in the consciousness of being, the doing and the having automatically follow. I vow to live from the consciousness of health, prosperity, loving relationships and creative self-expression. Speak words of being, not words of having. Words of being are words that grow awareness. Speak the words that describe the qualities of an unlimited being. Once being is established, the having comes automatically. The most powerful words of being are, "I am". By proclaiming "I am" you are proclaiming your essence, your unique individuality, your universal birthright. I vow I am the consciousness of an unlimited being. How do you acquire the power of the universe? You do not acquire the power of the universe. You already have it. You only need to reveal it within you. You commune. You go within. You quiet your mind. You relax and you let the power come through you. You don't make anything happen. You speak your vow and then allow it to be fulfilled through you. I speak my positive vow and allow it to be fulfilled through me. What is the cause of the conditions in your life? The conditions in your life are the result of your habitual or predominant mental attitudes. These attitudes are the result of belief systems you have adopted that are stored in your subconscious mind. Because this mind is creative you can change negative attitudes into positive ones. I vow to release all negative attitudes and dwell on the positive. What is the cause of your world? The world without is a reflection of the world within. The conditions, events and people in your outer life have been attracted to you because of your inner awareness. When your hair gets messed up you don't comb the mirror. Decide what kind of person you want to be and commit to the process with dedication and discipline, and you will be that kind of person. I vow to act with dedication and discipline to reveal my unlimited nature. What is the secret of your creative power? The secret of all power, all achievement, and all possession, depends upon your method of thinking. The most important thinking is how

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58you think about yourself. Stop seeing yourself the way you have in the past and start seeing yourself the way you can be. You are an unlimited being and you are meant to live from the Seven Sacred Vows. I vow to live from the Seven Sacred Vows. How do you approach your creative power? You must first, "be", then "do", then you will "have." Power is about consciousness. Success is about consciousness. Prosperity is about consciousness. Establish the consciousness first and the rest will follow. Vow to be the person you want to be. Vow the positive qualities of this person. Act is if it is so and it will be so for you. The Seven Sacred Vows are the vows of an unlimited being. I vow the positive qualities of an unlimited universal being. How do you arrive at a consciousness of being? To arrive at a consciousness of being, you must know who you are. To know who you are you must have some kind of concept of your real identity. In order to have a concept you must believe certain things about yourself. In order to believe certain things about yourself, you must have accepted certain thoughts and embodied those thoughts. The Power of Vow allows you to accept the truth about yourself and build a foundation for your own authenticity. I vow to build a positive foundation for my authenticity. How do you behave? How you behave depends on how you think about yourself. You have accepted certain opinions about yourself. Now, through the Power of Vow, you can change those opinions. By accepting new agreements about yourself, you change the way you see yourself. Begin to think of yourself as an unlimited being of great wisdom rather than a limited human being. I vow to be an unlimited being of great wisdom. How do you come to think of yourself as an unlimited being? You find out how unlimited beings behave and you behave like that, until you become that behavior. Act as if it were so and it will be so. You may say that you don't know how an unlimited being behaves but you do know. The qualities of an unlimited being are built into the very fabric of your nature. They are made manifest through the Seven Sacred Vows. You are a unique and individualized expression of Supreme Consciousness. You have been given a unique light and you are meant to shine. When you allow yourself to shine, all the qualities of an unlimited being are revealed to you. You will also be attracted to others who exhibit the qualities of an unlimited being and you emulate those qualities. I vow to be a unique and individualized expression of Supreme Consciousness.

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59How do you begin to change your behavior? The first thing you must learn is how to control your thoughts. If you become quiet and simply observe, you will notice that thoughts just seem to come from nowhere into your awareness. You can actually observe them drift in and out of your mind. You then discover that you can consciously focus on certain thoughts and can ignore others. You begin to understand that you have the power to choose what thoughts you will focus on. This understanding is extremely important because you learn that the thoughts you focus on tend to out-picture as your reality. You can determine the outcome of your life by taking dominion over your thinking. Who is in charge of your life? You are. The way you take charge of your life is to take charge of your thinking. Then you learn to take charge of your feelings and your body. I vow to focus on positive thoughts and feelings. How do you use your focus? Focus on what you want, not what you don't want. You do not achieve peace by saying that war is bad. You achieve peace by becoming peaceful. You do not achieve wealth by hating poverty. You achieve wealth by becoming abundant. You do not achieve love by despising hate. You achieve love by being loving. You do not achieve anything by affirming the opposite. You achieve by focusing on that which you desire. Concentrate only upon those things, which you desire for yourself and others. I vow to focus on the good and concentrate on those things I desire. How should you deal with other people? Build up always. Never tear down. Build up people. See their good points. Emphasize the highest and the best. Focus on these things and the lower and the least will disappear. Build up what you want; that is how you overcome and remove what you do not want. I vow to always build up and never tear down. What is a vital thought? A vital thought is a thought that is in harmony with the goodness of the universe. A vital thought is more powerful than an ordinary thought because it is supported by more than just individual desire. It is supported by the universe. I vow to focus on vital thoughts. What are the distinguishing characteristics of a vital thought? It has the principle of the universe behind it. There is a principle of mathematics, but none of error. 2+2 always equals 4. There is a principle of health, but none of disease. There is a principle of truth, but none of error. There is a principle of light, but none of darkness. There is a principle of abundance, but none of poverty. Just as darkness can only be defined by the absence of light so a negative thought is one that deviates from the principle of goodness. A vital thought is in principle with the universe. A negative thought violates principle and can

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60only be supported by human consciousness. I vow that my thoughts are in harmony with and have the power of the universe behind them. Why is a vital thought powerful? A vital thought is thought filled with universal energy, and energy is power. If your thought is in alignment with the universe, it is a vital thought. If it is not in alignment with the universe your thought needs human will power to sustain it. Eventually you will tire, you use up your will power and everything you have created out of human thought will fall apart. But if your thought is a vital thought, the universe will sustain it. Then you get out of the way and let the result flow through you. I vow thoughts that are supported and sustained by the universe. How is thought creative? Thought arises in mind. When a thought combines with feeling and deep desire, the thought becomes a thing. Thoughts need energy to manifest. This energy can be supplied in a number of ways. Some thoughts are called vital thoughts because they are positive and have the power of the universe behind them. A negative thought is not a vital thought. It can only manifest by an act of human feeling and will. A vital thought is a thought based on the goodness of the universe. Universal goodness has the love of the universe behind it. A negative thought does not have the universe behind it. This is a profound secret. When you align yourself with the vital thoughts of the universe and get all your human negative thoughts out of the way, the result is automatic. I vow to align with the vital thoughts of the universe. How does a thought possess vitality? In order to possess real vitality, a thought must be impregnated with love. Love is the glue that holds the universe together. You access love by unifying with your inner wisdom which leads you to vital thinking and vital feeling. I vow to unify with my inner wisdom and produce vital thinking and vital feeling. What is the way to think? Develop universal thinking, universal seeing and universal action. Allow everything you think, see and do to come from a universal base. Your outer life and your inner life become one life. What you create in mind today, you demonstrate in manifestation tomorrow. I vow universal thinking, universal seeing and universal action. What is the difference between thoughts and words? Thoughts and words are not the same. Words are thought coated with language and sound. Words are sound and sound is vibration. Sound increases vibration. Use words carefully to attract by vibration those things you want in your life. Vibration creates resonance. If your words are harmonious,

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61you create pleasant conditions. If your words are discordant, you create uncomfortable conditions. I vow that my words are in harmony with vital thought. How do you live from love? Love everybody. Your learn to love the essence of each person, regardless of their actions. The law of the universe is love. Let others judge. You did not come here to judge. You came here to love. With love, you transcend personal conditions, you transcend personal opinions, you transcend personal deeds. Love brings you into right relationship with everyone and everything. Embrace the world, the whole world. Vow to love life, all life with all the power of your heart and soul. Love even those who have mistreated you. When you do this, you are free. I vow to attract loving people to me. I vow to love even those who I think have mistreated me. The world is better off because I came here to love. What is true power? True power is the result of integrated consciousness. It is a power that comes from a personal harmony of thought, feeling, intention, words and deeds. Another name for this harmony is authenticity. Once you have established this integrated consciousness, then the outer results are automatic. All worry and fear are gone. You live from the consciousness of unity. The Power of Vow helps you establish true power. I vow to continually come from the consciousness of true power. How do you establish true power? You lift up your personality into your essence. You come from your unique authenticity. You create out of your inner wisdom. You begin to consciously train your mind. You make positive vows about yourself. You become a detached observer of your behavior and the behavior of others. I vow to establish my true power every day. What is the law of attraction? Thought patterns will gravitate to other thought patterns of the same or similar vibratory rates. This is a result of the law of attraction. The law of attraction will certainly and unerringly bring to you the conditions and experiences in life that correspond with your habitual, predominant, mental attitudes. The universe supports your beliefs and thoughts. The universe always proves you right. If you make vows to attract positive conditions in your life, the universe conspires to make those conditions a reality for you. I vow positive thoughts which attract other positive thoughts. I vow to be a positive person who attracts positive people to me.

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62What is the will of the universe? There is no specific will of the universe for you. You create your own destiny. But there is a generic will of the universe for goodness and love. Therefore, it is the will of the universe that you be healthy, wealthy, happy and wise. The universe wants you to be fulfilled in every way. This happens automatically unless you prevent it through negative thinking. I vow to immerse myself in the goodness and love of the universe. What is your relationship to universal will? You are here to individualize the will of the universe. You access greater not lesser individuality when you align with universal will. Universal will is always for the highest good. Universal will does not resist, it transforms. Universal will is never aimless or negative. It is always positive and purposeful. You have been given the wisdom to know the truth of your being. Enter into the harmony of the universe and act as a channel of wisdom. Live from your highest point of view. Live from the deepest point of view of your soul and you help uplift the planet. I vow to live from the highest point of view. I vow to live from the depths of my soul. I vow to help uplift the planet. What is the purpose of a vow? A vow is a sacred agreement you make with yourself. A vow is a consciously chosen set of words that supports the will of the universe for you. It is a positive sentence formed in the present tense. By using the Power of Vow you integrate your conscious and your subconscious mind. Use vows that open your mind, vows that heal your heart, vows that nurture your soul. One of the strongest vows which you can use is, "I vow the will of the universe be done through me.” I vow the will of the universe be done through me. What gives the Power of Vow its power? The Power of Vow is extremely powerful because it is a sacred agreement you make with yourself. Based on a vital thought, it has the power of the universe behind it. This means it is not the words you speak but the soul power behind the words that make the difference. Soul power is the inner power that comes from your inner wisdom. It is hidden in the vow. A vow with soul power creates. To access soul power do not speak until you listen. Hear what you need to say and don't speak until you know. When you communicate this way, you communicate vital thoughts from your authentic self. I vow to listen before I speak. How do you open yourself to the Power of Vow? To receive the Power of Vow be willing to let go of anything that blocks the flow. Let go of everything that is not serving you. It takes energy to hold resentment and hate. When you use energy to support negative memories you do not have the energy to transcend limiting beliefs. Forgive all those who need to be forgiven, even yourself. "If it blocks the flow, let it go." It has been said, "You

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63know you have forgiven someone when the person has harmless passage through your mind." Desire everyone including yourself to have harmless passage through your mind. I vow that all people have harmless passage through my mind. What is the purpose of feelings? Feelings are the fuel for thought to take form. All feelings are sources of attraction. Fear begets more fear, anger, more anger and love, more love. Desire is a feeling and is the mental equivalent of gravity. It draws things together. When your desire is in harmony with the desire of the universe the proper mixture of thoughts are drawn together. As what you fear comes to pass, what you love also comes to pass. I vow to love and bring loving relationships into my life. Why do you desire for others what you want for yourself? When you think negatively about another person you attract that negativity to yourself. You can't afford a negative thought about yourself or anyone else. The golden rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”, is based on the law of cause and effect. That law says, "what you give out, you get back." Give in order to receive. Do your best for others and you plant the seed for your fulfillment. Giving creates a vacuum for a grateful receiver. Find a way to create for others what you desire for yourself. If you want more prosperity, find out how to help others to obtain wealth. We become prosperous by making friends. We enlarge our circle of friends by being of service to them. I vow the greater good for all people and all circumstances. What is the importance of listening? By training your mind to pause and listen before you speak you develop the practice to think from your inner wisdom. When you do this you will hear what your inner wisdom has to say. Vow to pause and fully listen to others before responding. Listen for the message behind the words. Be present with others. Pause and pay attention. I vow to pause and fully listen to others before responding. How do you predict the future? The way to predict the future is to create it. Trust the creative process. Make a decision to commune with Supreme Consciousness and co-create a miracle. You are that miracle. I vow to create my own future. Where is the power to change your life? The power to change your life resides within you. In fact that is the only place the power can reside. Who controls the substance of your thoughts, your feelings, your imaginations, your dreams? You do! Make a vow to listen to your inner guidance. As you learn to consciously observe yourself and listen to your inner

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64guidance, you discover that you already have the power to change your life. I vow to listen to my inner guidance. What is giving? What is receiving? Giving and receiving are the same thing. The way to receive freely is to give freely. Giving is the act of making an unconditional present to someone. Although the gift may appear to be a physical object, the gift is always part of yourself. You cannot give part of yourself with strings attached. Life itself is the great gift-giver. It is constantly offering its gifts for you, eternally giving of itself to you. "The gift of life has already given." You need only recognize it. Observe how nature gives and emulate that giving in your own life. Realize that the universe, of which you are a part, is infinitely giving to itself. Be in the flow with the giving of the universe. Giving and receiving are like breathing. Do not judge who may be worthy of your gift or how it may be received. You own nothing. You are simply an instrument, a channel of the giving and receiving of life. Be an open channel. Know that all gifts are meant to be given freely with no strings attached even though the giver may not know this. Accept all gifts without judgment. I vow I am ready to give and I am worthy to receive. I vow to be a cheerful giver. I vow to be an expectant receiver. How can you access large amounts of energy? You cannot afford to harbor a negative thought against anyone. Negative thoughts trap energy and keep you stagnant. Let go of all blame, all hurt, all regret. When you do, you begin to access greater amounts of creative energy. The only way to manifest lack is to hold something against someone else. Give up all thoughts of offense, revenge, of being injured, of self-justification, of needing to defend yourself against others' expectations, of the unfairness of life, of others receiving some unearned advantage. Joy breeds joy and sorrow breeds sorrow. When you hear of someone's good fortune, think "Good for them! The universe is blessing and prospering them, and I bless them also!" When you see yourself as worthy, you see all others as worthy. It is your purpose to build up and not tear down. You do this with a respect, awe and reverence for all people, for all life, including your own.

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65 I vow to build up and never tear down. How can you learn to trust yourself? Everything you need for happiness and success has already been given to you. All you have to do is let it unfold through you. The key to mastery is to acknowledge the essence which lies within you. Commune with your inner wisdom until you have come to the clear realization of what you want. Then make a vow of your desires in clear and specific terms. Let go and let the universe handle the details. Letting go means to live from the center of your being. When you trust your inner wisdom, you release all anxiety and worry. You have a job to do. You are to declare your intention of what you want and how you want to live. The universe has a job to do. It is to see that your intention is carried out. Trust the process. It is your job to take dominion and responsibility for your life and let go and let the universe handle the rest. If you have trouble with trust and releasing to the universe then vow to have more trust. I vow to trust my inner wisdom. What is the result of focus? By focusing you do not become diverted from your task. Your task is to learn how to take dominion and responsibility for every aspect of your life and to respond to life in loving and creative ways. In every situation you encounter ask, "How can I creatively respond to this situation with love? What is the most loving thing to do here and now?" In every situation there is something to learn. In every situation there is something to love. If you start judging, blaming or worrying about a situation you are leaking energy. There are no problems to be solved, only solutions to be revealed. Focus your energy in revealing, not in defending. People spend a lot of energy in defending a point of view, feeling they are under attack. As you learn to come from your inner wisdom, you realize there is nothing to defend. Living from the Seven Sacred Vows, you free up a tremendous amount of energy that can be used to access greater states of awareness. I vow to focus and respond with love. When do you escape the responsibility of your own freedom? When you pretend that you are a limited finite being you escape your own freedom. You are an unlimited infinite being. You have created forms and conditions to escape the responsibility of your own freedom. It's time to wake up. It's time to take dominion. It's time to start living your life as the infinite being you are. When you blame yourself or others, you temporarily deny your power to change. No one is preventing you from being or having whatever you want except you. Responsibility is the opposite of blame. Take responsibility now.

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66I vow to take total dominion and responsibility for my life. Why is it important to seek guidance from Supreme Consciousness? Before you pray or take action always seek guidance. Why? Because the awareness of Supreme Consciousness is unlimited. Contacting the unlimited awareness of the universe gives you unlimited power. When you have aligned your consciousness with Supreme Consciousness, you have transcended the limitations of your personality. Personality uses will power. Supreme Consciousness expresses universal power. Commune and seek guidance first. I vow to seek guidance from Supreme Consciousness. How do you obtain your heart's desire? Learn to ask. The universe will give you your heart's desire if you know what you want and ask for it. The Power of Vow is true prayer. True prayer never doubts, but knows implicitly that your request is granted. The universe provides everything to make your life full and complete, but you must first ask. Receive from the universe. Don't try to get things from people. Ask for your heart's desire and the universe provides because the universe loves you, supports you and wants the best for you. I vow to ask the universe for my heart's desire. What is the purpose of the past? Use your past to illuminate you. Your past has a purpose. It is to illuminate, not contaminate the present. You can learn from the past when you understand that nothing in your life has happened by accident. There is a reason and a purpose for everything and you can learn and grow from all events. Bless your life and all of your life because it has brought you to this moment of insight. I vow to bless my life and all of my life. What is the purpose of adversity? The purpose of adversity is to grow. Whenever you find yourself in any adverse condition, remember you will not come out of it until you grow out of it. Think constantly of that which you desire, and you will grow into it. I vow to grow out of adversity and into goodness. Why is co-creation important? You do not create with the Power of Vow by yourself. It is not your ego or your personality that is creating. You are creating in partnership with the universe. Co-creation is the result of communion with Supreme Consciousness. By learning to meditate and commune with the universe, you receive intuitive guidence. The universe supplies information for your conscious mind. You accept this information and restructure your subconscious mind by the Power of Vow.

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67 I vow to co-create my life with Supreme Consciousness. Why is communion critical? Take time to achieve stillness and enter into the silence to commune with Supreme Consciousness. Being "at cause" is being in harmony with the universal and natural laws. This is attained in stillness and silence. As you listen, new vows are revealed to you. I vow to listen to Supreme Consciousness in the silence of my soul. Why is the silence important? Prayer is answered in the silence. The most beautiful prayer is not uttered in words but is felt in the depth of your being. The source always finds the appropriate channel. Enter the silence. Experience the omnipresence of the universe. Commune with Supreme Consciousness. The purpose of the silence is to deepen the awareness of your universal life. I vow to commune with Supreme Consciousness in the silence of my own soul. Why is expectation important? Expect the result before you see it. Believe that your desire has already been fulfilled and its accomplishment will then follow. "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Faith is expectation at its deepest level. I vow to expect the best. What is true wealth? Wealth is an effect of awareness, of a willingness to be more. You are a participant in an abundant and expanding universe. To partake of this abundance, recognize your unity with omnipresence. The law of abundance states: "Everything replicates after its own kind." Decide what you want and claim it as your birthright. Your abundance and prosperity are built into the very fabric of your being. Abundance is a constant willingness to allow the universe to act through you. Demonstrate your abundance by giving, by being of service. True wealth is allowing yourself to be the channel whereby the infinite manifests the possibilities of its expression through you. True wealth is being abundantly able to contribute more. True wealth is about creative freedom. Wealth is service. Be of service and attain wealth. I vow to open myself to the abundant wealth of the universe. Why is abundance natural? The universe deals in abundance. Abundance is a natural law of the universe. There are billions of grains of sand on a single beach. There are billions of snowflakes in a winter storm. There are billions of seeds in springtime crop of new plant life. Examine the galaxy you reside in. There are billions of suns, billions of planets. Examine the universe. There are trillions upon trillions of suns and billions of galaxies.

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68The natural flow of the universe is toward increasing abundance. Abundance is your nature. I vow the nature of abundance in all my affairs. How do you develop the consciousness of prosperity? Don't try to get things to be prosperous, but develop the consciousness of prosperity and all things will be added unto you. Consciously feel that everything that you need or desire is already there for you. I vow to claim my prosperity which is already there for me. From what are you liberated? You are liberated from negative conditioning that you received in early childhood. You are being liberated from the unconscious reactions of your personality. When you are free, you are expressing your unlimited individuality, rather than your human personality. I vow to live from my essence as a free and unlimited being. What is the result of living from within-out? You become transparent. You allow your body and your mind to become so transparent that the light of wisdom shines through you and illuminates the world. The "within" is the only source of life. If you choose to live the outer personal life, you will use up your energy and whither away. If you choose to live from the inner life of wisdom, you flow with the inexhaustible energy of the universe. I vow to flow with the inexhaustible energy of the universe. What are the seven results of our failure to wake up? 1. We misidentify the source of our power. We give power to outer conditions, to the physical world, to our emotions and our thoughts rather than our essence. 2. We engage in dualistic thinking. We engage in moralistic dualism, good and evil, right and wrong, black and white and no shades of gray. We see the male and the female in dualistic competition rather than unitary androgyny. We see class warfare between the rich and the poor and racial dualism. We separate and analyze people rather than bringing people together. 3. We practice diversionary activities. Because we are not in touch with our essence we are frustrated. We leak energy. Real energy is suppressed, siphoned off or trapped. We have no personal vision or purpose. We succumb to the lethargy and the law of entropy. We look for status through recognition, sex, money, and consumption. We are bored. 4. We are deluded by materiality and the secular world. We lose our sense of morality and

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69values because everything is relative in the secular world. 5. We become conformists. We are unwilling to change because it causes pain to move out of our comfort zones. We look for pat answers and accept superficial solutions in an attempt to soothe the agony of our soul. 6. We are controlled by negative emotions. We experience, guilt, shame, wounds, scars, sickness, betrayal, deep seated fear and pressure cooker anger and we are told that it is healthy to express such destructive emotions. 7. We live vicariously. We are afraid to live the authentic life. We vicariously live through sports, games and pseudo-heroes. What are the seven results of waking up? 1. We connect with our true source of power. We begin to live our lives from the inside-out. We use the Power of Vow with the awareness of inner wisdom. 2. We experience the oneness hidden behind the appearance of duality. We experience the merging of our masculine and the feminine energies. We understand analysis but experience synthesis. 3. We are committed to our personal vision. We engage in those activities which further our vision and empower us. We live by the Seven Sacred Vows and our specific personal vows. 4. We realize our thoughts and actions create our reality. We live by the innate morality of our inner wisdom. Our thoughts and actions express the goodness of the universe. 5. We realize we are unique and sacred individuals. We do not seek approval or validation from the world because we come from our own sense of self-worth. We know we are innately worthy. 6. We vow to express positive emotions only. We realize the damage inherent in negative emotions and consciously decide not to express them. We come from love and not fear. We build up and never tear down. 7. We live the authentic life. We come from the inner power of wisdom. We use the Power of Vow. The universe continues to sustain and support our deepest desires. We stand strong in our integrity. We live with the license of a higher order of being. How then shall you live? How then shall you live this mystery in the most fulfilling way for yourself, individually, for others, for your society and for your planet? Be willing to

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70live the mystery. Use the Power of Vow, do your best each day, love your life and surrender to the process. Life is not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be lived. I vow to live the mystery of life with love. What is the ultimate answer? You can learn, you can understand. You can believe. But in the end it comes down to the moment by moment decision to come from love rather than fear. Choose love. "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard the splendor which has been prepared for those who love God." I vow love.

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71Chapter Eleven: Summary Of Vows Listed below are all the vows that appear in the Power of Vow. Use these vows to help you form your own specific vows. It is important for you to write your own vows that resonate with your own individuality. Vows For Authenticity

I vow to become transparent. I vow my unique authenticity. I vow to shine forth. I vow complete honesty with myself and others. I vow humility. I vow to allow the universal wisdom to flow through me. I vow to build a positive foundation for my authenticity.

Vows For Awareness

I vow to step up. I vow to expand my awareness. I vow to experience reality. I vow to wake up. I vow to live consciously in the present moment. I vow awareness. I am alive, awake and aware. I vow to expand my consciousness. I vow to wake up and consciously use the power of universal mind. I vow to be awake. I vow I am unlimited. I vow to continue the process of personal revelation. I vow all the time I need. I am grateful for this precious present moment. I vow the power of non-resistance. I vow today is a day for new beginnings. I vow to be organized and I am grateful that I use my time and energy constructively. I vow to live my life from my unique individuality. I vow to live my life from the inside-out. I vow to release all worries and live in the present moment. I vow to continually come from the consciousness of true power. I vow to establish my true power every day. I vow to live from my essence as a free and unlimited being. I vow to flow with the inexhaustible energy of the universe. I vow to live from my essence.

Vows For Communion

I vow Supreme Consciousness within me. I vow to open myself to the inexhaustible energy of the universe. I vow to flow with universal energy. I vow to commune with universal wisdom. I vow to quiet my mind and listen with my soul. I vow to be a unique and individualized expression of Supreme Consciousness. I vow to listen to my inner guidance. I vow to seek guidance from Supreme Consciousness. I vow to co-create my life with Supreme Consciousness. I vow to listen to Supreme Consciousness in the silence of my soul. I vow to commune with Supreme Consciousness in the silence of my own soul. I vow to listen to my inner voice. I vow to ask the universe for my heart's desire.

Vows For Courage

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72I vow to overcome fear and act with confidence. I vow the courage to live my vision. I vow to confront the source of my fear, to name it, claim it and reframe it. I vow the patience to reveal my innate courage. I vow the courage to trust myself.

Vows For Detachment

I vow to objectively observe behavior without judgment. I vow not to identify with outer things. I vow to improve the qualities of my being. I vow to observe my personality without judgment. I vow to be open and honest in the assessment of my life. I vow enlightened reason as my awakening tool.

Vows For Dominion

I vow to take total dominion and responsibility for my life. I vow dominion and control over all the conditions of my life. I vow to be cause to my life. I vow to take conscious dominion over my life. I vow to focus on positive thoughts and feelings. I vow to always build up and never tear down. I vow to focus on vital thoughts. I vow that my thoughts are in harmony with and have the power of the universe behind them. I vow thoughts that are supported and sustained by the universe. I vow to align with the vital thoughts of the universe. I vow to focus on the good and concentrate on those things I desire. I vow to meet every situation in my life with positive intention. I vow I am convicted of positive good flowing in my life. I vow that my words are in harmony with vital thought. I vow to create my own future. I vow to take total dominion and responsibility for my life. I vow my own reality. I vow to change my circumstances by changing my thought. I vow to honor my sacred agreements each day.

Vows For Freedom

I vow to know. I vow to grow. I vow to become. I vow to let go. I am focused toward the fulfillment of my vows today. I promise to fulfill my vows and engage in those activities that are in furtherance of my vows. I vow to express greater degrees of livingness. I vow the unlimited energy of my body, my feelings and my thoughts. I vow to direct my subconscious mind for the greater good. I vow to use the unlimited creative power of the universe. I vow to accept my destiny as an unlimited universal being. I vow to live from my essence. I vow to live consciously and practice the Power of Vow each day. I vow to be more powerful than any condition in my life. I vow that my purpose is revealed to me. I vow to live for a great purpose. I vow I am the consciousness of an unlimited being. I vow to live from the Seven Sacred Vows. I vow to act with dedication and discipline to reveal my unlimited nature. I vow the positive qualities of an unlimited universal being. I vow the will of the universe be done through me. I vow the greater good for all people and all circumstances.

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73Whatever is happening, the greater good prevails. I vow unity and harmony in my life. I vow liberation. I vow I am an unlimited being. I vow true genius in me.

Vows For Goodness

I vow my innate goodness, my knowledge, and my wisdom, to competently handle any situation today. I vow to focus on beliefs of goodness. I vow to be a clear channel of unfolding goodness. I vow to grow out of adversity and into goodness. I vow the goodness of my soul. I vow to immerse myself in the goodness and love of the universe.

Vows For Gratitude

I vow to express thanksgiving for my life. I vow to bless all aspects of my life. I vow this too is for good and I vow to find a positive message for my life from this event. I vow the blessing in everything. God means this for good. I vow gratitude for my ability to find a blessing in all situations. God means this for good. I vow gratitude and know I am supported by the universe. I vow to bless my life and all of my life. I vow to expect the best. I vow to bless my life and all of my life. I vow to expect the best.

Vows For Kindness

I vow to treat all people with deep dignity and respect. I vow a high regard for the feelings and needs of others. I vow to listen. I vow to be a good listener. I vow to listen without precondition. I vow to be an attentive and empathetic listener. I vow to understand not only what the person is saying but what the person is feeling. I vow to be kind and compassionate. I vow to be open and receptive. I vow to become an attentive listener. I vow to be present with others. I vow to be open and accepting to all without judgment. I vow to listen before I speak. I vow that all people have harmless passage through my mind. I vow to pause and fully listen to others before responding. I vow forgiveness for all people including myself. I vow compassion. I vow to comfort and nurture. I vow to objectively observe behavior without judgment.

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74Vows For Love

I vow the consciousness of love. I vow to creatively respond to life with love. I vow

to respond with love in great faith every moment. I vow to embrace and love all people.

I vow to attract loving people to me. I vow to love even those who I think have mistreated me. I vow to shine forth with the eternal flame of love. The world is better off because I came here to love. I vow to love and bring loving relationships into my life. I vow to creatively respond to all situations with love. I vow to live the mystery of life with love. I vow love.

Vows For Oneness

I vow to see the unity behind all appearance. I vow to tap into the creative solutions of the universe. I vow the consciousness of wholeness. I vow the power of One Mind. I vow to know the truth behind the facts. I vow a deep and abiding faith. I vow to see through the fact of the condition to the truth of my being. I vow to see the unity behind all appearance. I vow to tap into the creative solutions of the universe. I vow to have faith and trust the universe. I vow universal thinking, universal seeing and universal action. I vow to live from the highest point of view. I vow to live from the depths of my soul. I vow to help uplift the planet.

Vows For The Positive

I vow to speak my positive word knowing I am creating my positive life. I vow to dwell only on the positive in my life. I vow positive thoughts and actions in my life. I vow to observe and focus on positive thoughts. I vow to use my mind in a positive way to bring positive conditions into my life. I vow to accept positive feelings about myself. I vow to use my will to focus on positive thoughts. I vow to consciously monitor my thinking and choose only positive thoughts. I vow higher thoughts and build my life on a foundation of positive thought. I speak my positive vow and allow it to be fulfilled through me. I vow positive thoughts which attract other positive thoughts. I vow the optimistic life. I vow to maintain a positive attitude, regardless of what is occurring in my life.

Vows For Prosperity

I vow the consciousness of financial freedom. I vow the consciousness of giving. I vow I am ready to give and I am worthy to receive. I vow to be a cheerful giver. I vow to be an expectant receiver. I vow to open myself to the abundant wealth of the universe. I vow the nature of abundance in all my affairs. I vow to claim my prosperity which is already there for me. I vow a strong healthy body so I can fully express my unique talents. I vow I am healthy, prosperous, loving and giving.

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75 Vows For Relationships

I vow not to express negative emotions. I vow to be positive in my speech. I vow to release all negative energy in my life. I vow to release all negative attitudes and dwell on the positive. I vow my innate worthiness. I vow to be harmless in all my relationships with others. I vow to accept myself as worthy now while I continue the process of growing. I vow to be a positive person which attracts positive people to me. I vow to build up and never tear down.

Vows For Wisdom

I vow to rely on my inner wisdom. I vow to have faith and trust my inner wisdom. I vow to remove the blocks to my inner wisdom. I vow to be an unlimited being of great wisdom. I vow to unify with my inner wisdom and produce vital thinking and vital feeling. I vow to trust my inner wisdom.

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76Chapter Twelve: Conclusion: The Power Of Vow Leads To Liberation You have been given an awesome tool. The Power of Vow will change your life forever if you allow it to. The bottom line is that you get to choose. Make a decision to totally explore and use this system and you will have built the foundation for transformation. Truth is not relative. It does not depend on the situation. It is universal. It is simple. It is fresh. It is new. It is independent of any person, but is accessible to every person. It cannot be contained or conceptualized. It has nothing to do with the superstitions of the ages, the literature of the past or someone's theology. How do you know the truth? You can hear it when it is spoken because your inner wisdom rejoices at the sound. 1. You are the source of yourself. You create your reality yourself. Your purpose in life is to realize the truth of your being. Take responsibility for your life. Any good or evil that ever happens to you comes from you. 2. Blame and judgment are labels you give things when you are fearful. Give them up. Focus on what you need to do to live from the highest in you. You are here to know yourself. You are here to live your future by living here and now. Live from your highest truth, the inner wisdom in you. 3. Approval has nothing to do with truth. Do not seek approval. Do not look to society to show you the way. Society has hidden real spirituality behind fear, separation, creeds, dogmas, and forms. Do not look to institutions or religions to show you the truth. Do not look to other people, even people who are close to you, to find your happiness. You cannot be verified or validated by others. There is only one source of truth and it is the inner wisdom within you. 4. The power of Supreme Consciousness dwells within you. Allow It to claim Its power through you. Trust yourself. You are wiser than you know. Find the truth by turning away from fashion, custom and authorities and by relying on "immeasurable mind" within you. 5. Be willing to continually change. Everything happens for a reason. Be willing to continually change. Be always open to the new. "There is no truth so sublime, but that it may be trivial tomorrow in the light of new thoughts. People wish to be settled. Only as far as they are unsettled is there any hope for them." Emerson 6. Develop enthusiasm and expectancy. This leads to joyful perception. Your life is in order and you are disciplined to follow your inner guidance. 7. Let go of the old. Let go of the old, all the resistance, all the regret, all of the opportunities you think you missed. Forgive. Know the best is yet to come.

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778. You are not done yet. The universe, which has created you, is not finished creating you. You are continually becoming. You are becoming more aware moment by moment. You are immersed in and dwell in the presence of Supreme Consciousness. It is good. It is positive. It is benevolent. And because you are made from the same essence as the universe, you are good. You are positive. You are benevolent. Allow the genius within you to come forth and express as you. 9. The key to fulfilling your life is flow. Flow in balance and harmony. Use your intuition to draw strength from your inner wisdom. Use your understanding and compassion to live with humanity. Commune with your inner power and use it to make choices to fully live in the world. The true answers must come from your inner wisdom but you must creatively apply those answers to everyday situations in your life, always with balance, always in harmony. The right answer is always consistent with your honor and integrity. 10. The greatest secret in the universe is that there is an energy, a great universal power upon which you can draw. Take the risk, unlock your human doors and allow the tides of the universe to circulate through you. Leave your small self and enter the universal self. 11. You are immortal. Immortality is not something you earn. It is something that you are. Immortality is now, right this very moment. It has nothing to do with time or the future. It is not a question of duration, but daily living in this precious present moment. 12. There are two kinds of people, those who love and those who fear. Through this teaching you become a person who loves more and more often. The one who fears becomes a victim of society. Religions have played on our fears. They have made their doctrine into some neat plausible system to hide your true power. The old small-self, full of fear, thinks of subjects and objects. It thinks in terms of possessions, of protection, of security. When you realize your inner wisdom, you transcend all fear and you live from love. 13. Overcome any vestiges of fear with spiritual courage. Recognize, announce, proclaim and rejoice in the freedom of the independence of your true self. Focus your attention on the duties of today. Today, you build your future through the Power of Vow. 14. Use true prayer. Prayer is the contemplation of the facts of life from the highest point of view. As you commune with Supreme Consciousness, you will be given the right words to say, the perfect vows to make.

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7815. You are not a limited human being. You are an extraordinary universal being. No longer misrepresent yourself. As you allow your wisdom to breathe through your intellect, you become virtuous. As you allow your intuition to breathe through your emotions, you become love. As you allow your authenticity to breathe through your body, you become healthy and powerful. Allow your true self to breathe through all of you. Let it beat your heart, let it shine through your eyes. Let it listen with new ears. Let it laugh with your joy and love with your love. The past is swallowed up in the light of your inner wisdom and there is only the here and now. Behold the Power of Vow.

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79Publications by Dr. Tom Sannar Consciousness of Thomas Troward $18.00 Email Price: $10.00 Thomas Troward was the greatest single influence on Dr. Ernest Holmes and his formulation of Science of Mind. The study of Troward is essential to a deeper understanding of Science of Mind and the consciousness of the founder of Science of Mind, Dr. Ernest Holmes. Creative Mind by Ernest S. Holmes. $15.00 Email Price: $8.00- New 2004 Publication Original lessons by Ernest Holmes given 1918 at the Metaphysical Institute in Los Angeles. These lessons are a must for all serious students of Science of Mind. Gospel of Thomas and Science of Mind. $14.00 Email Price: $8.00 The Gospel of Thomas is a collection of sayings attributed to Jesus. Many Bible scholars now believe that Thomas is the most important historical source for knowledge of Jesus that exists outside of the Bible. It is the most significant manuscript ever found for the history of earliest Christianity. Lessons From Pathway of Roses. 18.00 Email Price: $10.00 This all-time classic by Christian Larson will inspire you. Reading it along with the powerful summaries and affirmations are guaranteed to lift your consciousness. Must reading for all serious students. Mind of Ernest Holmes. $15.00 Email Price: $8.00 This workbook is divided into three parts. Part One is an introduction to the teaching of Science of Mind in the words of Ernest Holmes. Part Two is a detailed analysis of the Declaration of Principles of Science of Mind by Dr. Holmes, and Part Three discusses the life of Ernest Holmes. Mystical Secrets of Prosperity. $8.00 - Email Price: $5.00 A Twelve Step Approach To Spiritual Freedom and Permanent Prosperity. Using this system will enable you to find your vision, set meaningful goals and totally organize your life. Original Textbook of Science of Mind with Lessons. $20.00 Email Price: $12.00 For the first time the Original Textbook has been published with accompanying lessons all in gender inclusive language. We invite you to study these lessons, knowing they are a great adjunct to the understanding of Science of Mind. Power of Prayer. $18.00- Email Price: $8.00 -New 2004 Edition The purpose of these lessons is to explain the theory behind "scientific prayer" and to encourage students to use prayer on a daily basis. Spiritual Mind Treatment and other forms of positive prayer are discussed in detail.

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80 Power of Vow. $16.00- Email Price: $9.00 - New 2004 Publication The Power of Vow is a transformational teaching that allows you to experience miraculous and positive changes in your life. Practical Mysticism. $12.00- Email Price: $6.00 Every person is potentially a practical mystic. Learn the five ways to court the presence of God and to develop the awareness of a practical mystic. You will find that you can live the spiritual life in the material world. Pioneers of New Thought. $18.00 Email Price: $8.00 - New 2004 Publication Discover the greatest influences on the Science of Mind movement. They are Thomas Troward, Ralph Waldo Emerson, P.P. Quimby, Emma Curtis Hopkins and Sri Aurobindo. You will find a detailed discussion of these teachings and more. Sources of Science of Mind. $15.00 Email Price: $8.00 The purpose of this course is to explain that while Science of Mind is called "New Thought", it is actually based on ancient thought going back to the Greeks. It is based not only on spiritual revelation, but also on the inspired ideas of the great philosophers. As we explore the foundations of this great teaching, we acquire deeper appreciation and greater personal insight into this profound spiritual philosophy. Spiritual Synthesis: A Complete Course in Transformation: $20.00 Email Price: $12.00 Spiritual synthesis is a complete program designed to manifest wholeness in every aspect of your being. You are not only a physical being. You are an emotional, mental and spiritual being. Learn a proven method to discover the emotional, mental and spiritual causes behind any physical symptom including weight problems and how to release excess weight in order to manifest your natural wholeness. Wisdom of the Bible-Old And New Testament. $20.00 Email Price $12.00 "The Bible is a book about the emancipation of humanity, the end of suffering, the end of limitation, the end of death itself, the way of loving, the way of abundance and the way of living life." Thomas Troward This set of lessons fully explains the Bible in light of Science of Mind. How to Order Send payment to Dr. Thomas C. Sannar, 1264 Via Portovecchio, Lake San Marcos , CA 92069. If you are ordering hard copies and not e-books, please add $2.50 for shipping and handling for each book for shipment by book rate. Express mailing on request.

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