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Splat September 2010

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  • 8/8/2019 Splat September 2010


    OCTOBER 2010

  • 8/8/2019 Splat September 2010




    When Via, our amazing sec-gen(and Best Boss Ever), asked me to be the

    EIC for this years SPLAT, I was super

    excited and worried at the same time. Id

    never been an editorlet alone an editor-in-

    chiefbefore, so I was excited to try it out,

    but also scared that I wouldnt do SPEED

    and the previous SPLAT issues justice. As

    the months progressed, however, I calmed

    down when I saw how lucky I was to have

    such a creative and hardworking group of

    editors, writers, and photographers to helpme out. It was great seeing how enthusiastic

    everyone was to do their part, give their time

    and efforts for SPEED, and come up with

    great articles, photos, and layout designs.

    Great job, guys!!! I apologize for my all my

    bugging and the stream of texts and emails

    that I flooded your inboxes with. Thank youfor being so patient and understanding and

    ever-generous with your time and ideas! I

    couldnt ask for a better SPLAT team.

    On behalf of the SPLAT Staff, Idlike to say that I hope what we have put

    together here gives you useful informationand tips to help your Ateneo and Speple life

    g o s m o o t h e r , s o m e l a u g h s a n d

    entertainment to lighten your mood, and,

    most importantly, a better picture of what we

    do as Speple and perhaps a better idea of

    and appreciation for the special people we

    all love and wish to help. Enjoy!


    Kristina Tan

    The first four months of the school year has

    passed and hopefully, we've all met the

    special kids and made new speple friends.Moreover, with SPEED's objective this year to

    train the members as SPED individuals, I hope

    you learned from the training that SPEED and

    UPSEC provided, the formation sessions, and

    the processing sessions after area visits.In a few days, we'll be on to the much-awaited

    semestral break. But before we have our well-deserved vacation, let SPEED help you relive

    some of this semester's memorable moments,

    update you with what has else been

    happening, and amaze you with the wonderful

    talents of our very own speple writers. I

    present to you, our first SPLAT issue of

    2010-2011! :)

    Hello Speple!

    -Dana CammayoSPEED President




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    by Via Hung

    It was during my freshmen year that SPLATs first issue EVER was

    released for everyones enjoyment. With SPEED news coupled with

    fun-filled feature articles, it was an idea that came into existence to

    further spread SPEEDs advocacy. Three years have passed andSPLAT continues to work for this advocacy. From simple changes of

    layout designs to drastic changes such as paper size, SPLAT surely

    has evolved to what it has become. Now, on its fourth year, SPLAT

    has proven to be a constant innovator. For the first time since its

    existence, a new SPLAT image is presented an image that will surely

    stay for many years to come.

    We are proud to present SPLATs official logo, a logo that embodies

    simplicity, cheerfulness, and cuteness. All credits go to the winners of

    the logo design contest, May Cruz and Sarah Sarmiento, two amazing

    speple, contributing to the advocacy that SPEED hopes to achieve.


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    The 28TH of August for the year 2010 marked a new

    event for Ateneo SPEED. SpFiesta, as it is called,

    was not the typical SPEED family day event. The

    SpFiesta had a special Filipino twist to it, making itdistinct from the parties for the kids held before.

    Kids from the Bridges Foundation and The Childs

    World were the stars of this event. To make the

    SpFiesta stand out from the previous parties, the

    Speple decided to dress up in colorful barot saya,

    barongs, and typical Katipunero outfits. Banderitas

    surrounded the San Jose Covered Courts to induce afiesta vibe to the place. Games played include

    Calamansi relay, sack race and stop dance. A

    pageant was also held for those best dressed in their

    Filipiana attire. Even the food had a Pinoy feel to it

    a sorbetes cart was also accessible to the


    The SPEED dance group SPRiBS held a dance session

    with the kids, and a performance by the SPEED singing

    group SpCarolers kept the participants entertained.

    May Cruz and Nico Garcia hosted SpFiesta, while

    Trishia Gerobiese and Steph Co teamed up to head and

    make SpFiesta a success.


    by PC Magnaye


    Photo by Sean Co


    THE SPEPLE had a tour as the SPEED Formation Session General

    Assembly took place last August 16, 2010. The SPEED Formations

    team emphasized the core values of SPEED creatively with an

    OrSem-inspired theme. In each station the members had to go to,

    there was emphasis on one core value, making the entire session

    very enjoyable.

    Members were made to share their talents, act and sing, do a

    tableau, write something about themselves on sheets of paper, and

    go through an obstacle course not only to have a good time and

    enjoy themselves, but mainly to inculcate the core values of the

    organization in them.

    This years SPEED Formations Head is Rai Sanchez, who was the

    one who spearheaded this event.





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    with aNewYearKicks



    TO START off the school year with a blast, SPEED

    had a new gimmick to make the first meeting of the

    members memorable. Groovy and retro are the bestwords to describe it! On July 10, 2010, the SpOfficers

    came all clad in hippie attire, and danced to a medley

    of songs from the 70s as a warm welcome to the

    new and old members.

    This event was the first general assembly for the

    school year, making it also the first actual meeting of

    new and old membersa historic event in its ownway. SpOfficers gave the members an overview of

    what Ateneo SPEED is all aboutour goals, the

    perks, and what makes SPEED the amazing org and

    family it is today. Members were grouped according

    to their areas, and ice breakers such as Samson and

    Delilah served as a means of making the members

    loosen up and interact with each other. The activities

    for the entire year were explained creatively by atour of the booths of the different events.

    The make-up general assembly for those who missed

    the original schedule was held on July 12, 2010.

    by PC Magnaye

    Photo by Sean Co

    LAST JULY 17, 2010, SPEED, in cooperation

    with UPSEC, held the SPEED Orientation on

    Area and Responsibilities, or more commonly

    known as SOAR. It is a seminar whereinmembers of the organization are briefed on

    the things they need to know when they get

    to the area.

    Topics that were discussed included the

    conditions of the children from the areas,

    what to do in certain situations they may

    face, and what the members would need tobring or do when they go to the area.

    Members were grouped by area during the

    situationers not only to familiarize themselves

    with their area members, but to also facilitate

    better rapport with their area members when

    they get to the areas.

    A make up session for those who were notable to attend SOAR was held last July 19,

    2010, to prepare themselves for area.





    Sprummage: A Success!

    A WEEK in September was a good one for the

    Sprummage team. Sprummage, which is the

    SPEED Rummage Sale, was a success. Held last

    September 11 to 12 at Corinthian Gardens,

    September 16 to 17 at the Kostka Extension, and

    September 18 to 19 at Valle Verde 3, the project

    was able to raise Php 36,000 from the donations

    and another Php 3,000 for the charms that the

    children from the different areas made. Items that

    were sold during the sale were donations such as

    clothing and handmade items by the kids from our


    An inter-area competition was held to encourage

    members to donate items for the sale. The winner

    of this competition is the Advocacy Squad and CF,

    garnering 1283 points. Bridges Foundation followed

    with a score of 1103 points, while Servants of

    Charity placed 3rd with a score of 1080 points.

    Isa Lee and Mark Gaw are the project heads for

    Sprummage. Proceeds of the Sprummage will

    benefit the special children.


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    SPROOVE!!by Kristina Tan

    The lights dim. The crowd goes quiet. Everyone is waiting in anticipation.

    You can almost feel everyone holding their breath. Then the lights come

    on and the music starts. The crowd erupts in cheers! SPEED!!!

    WOHOOOOOO!! Poised on the stage stood Sproove, SPEEDs RIB

    dance troupethe orgs best dancers. The hard work and time they all

    put in the past few weeks really shone through, as they all moved

    together, synchronized and confident. Their French mime costumes andfacial expressions added to the delight of watching them perform. The

    music swelled and got everyone cheering, dancing, and singing along.

    Through their moves, music, expression, and style, the group was a

    living, breathing, dancing testament to the heart, beauty, happiness, and

    unity that is SPEED. This was evident to all present, particularly the

    judges, who awarded SPEED with First Runner Up and Best Music

    Award, to the thunderous applause of the entire Henry Lee Irwin Theater.Winning the awards was just an added bonus, however, to the pride of

    every SPEED member and the enjoyment the crowd got out of watching

    the performance. It was, without a doubt, the highlight of the night

    particularly for all SPEED members performing and watching.

    Congratulations, SPROOVE!! Were all so proud of you!!!



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  • 8/8/2019 Splat September 2010


    N e rv e -w r a c k i n g .H e a rt - st o p p i n g . Ex

    c it i n g .

    Howeveryoudescribeit,beinganewmemberis defin

    itelynotyourordinaryexperience.Inmycase, I had

    several fears andanxietieslongbeforearea visitsstar

    ted,even priortoSOAR,myfirsteverSPEEDactivity.As

    ajunior, Ithought itwas hardtobondwitholdmem

    bers.Theyjustall seemedtohaveestablishedatight


    le byanyoneoutsideornewtothecircle.Moreover,I

    fearedthatthekidswouldnt likeme.Iamoftenimpa


    usuallyan engagingpersontotalktoallthesedonte

    xactlymakeme akidmagnet orMs.Popular.

    Thatfeelingwasnotuncommonamongusnewbies. Myblockmateandarea-mate,JamieSim,was

    excitedyetunsureatthebeginning.She andLeanD

    aguio, afellowjunior,bothfearedhaving ahard time



    Anotherjunior,Franz Daleon,washopeful andnervousa

    tthesame time. Ididntknowwhattoexpect.

    Perceptionsquicklychangedoncewe became more

    involvedwiththe organizationss activities.




    reshmanSamantha Co. Theorgis

    maayos,liketheprojects andevents arecarriedoutw

    ell, andtheofficers arenotall overtheplace.Franz

    met orgmates that are superfriendly andapproacha

    ble,andsaw an organizationdeterminedandfullof

    compassion tomakespecial kidshappy.



    The activities didnt surprise himmuch, but being p

    art ofthe organization,which came alongwith his


    e adjustment. Nanibagoako,saidBenjhoe.Akala


    magigingmalungkotakopagdatingsaareakasi tahimiklangakong tao,pe



    PriortoSOAR,I hadlittleknowledge ofSPEEDbesides t

    hatit caterstospecial children. Iguessmy


    nxietiesthatIhad. Myfirstorgactivitygavemea

    glimpseofwhattoexpect,butI still didnthaveaclear

    graspofthings, soevenuntilmyfirstareavisit,Iwas

    apprehensive.Inspiteof this, allmy fearsevaporatedw

    henIenteredthe gatesofChildsWorld. Suddenly, I

    wassurroundedbykids and co-membersallready tointeractandhavefun w

    ithme. Afterthat,I realized




    nceofbeingnew totheexperience,butatthesame

    time, actresponsiblyandwithconsiderationforthenee

    dsofthekidsandotherpeoplewedeal with.





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    Area visits are always peaches andcream to a week. It comes with a mix of

    relaxation away from the schoolwork and the

    excitement of seeing and playing with our

    special kids again. But what happens when little

    cute Charlie spills bright red paint all over your

    favorite yellow Speed shirt? *gasp*

    Im not saying dont wear anything you are not prepared to lose, but if you must, you

    might as well. Activities we do in our respective

    areas are 100% fun but are also that much

    unpredictableyou never know what sorts of

    surprises await you! So this section presents to

    you some points to remember when dressing up

    for an area visit.

    As always, seek comfort in your

    clothes. Select attires that will let you

    dance, run, and jump, roll over, and

    have fun at the same time. Some

    special kids like to play taga lot.Other kids just like to run around so

    lets make sure that we can keep up

    with their good time.


    Keep it simple. A neat shirt, jeans

    and your good ole sneakers will do.

    No need for flashy signatures; Zara or

    Topshop cocktails are way too snazzy

    for a day of play and fun. You wanna

    lose the heels as well, maam. Its hard

    to keep up with all the fun in those

    shoes. Youre cool Levis jeans aintgonna be so cool anymore with paint

    on them either, pal. So lets look out

    for those surprises as well.


    Hold the bling-bling. You want to take off

    all your colorful and shiny earrings, fancynecklaces and classy charm bracelets

    before you go for a visit. Some kids get

    distracted with jiggling, chiming and

    dangling things and they dont focus on the

    task at hand anymore.


    Dont show skin. Sorry, ladies! Short shorts

    and tube tops in this warm weather arent

    exactly as convenient to wear in area visits

    as we would think. Sometimes, kids like tofeel things and we cant avoid occasional

    touching because to them, that is amusing.


    Bring extra clothes. This may especially

    come in handy for those who have class right

    after the area visit. If in case you enjoyed

    rolling on the floor or squatting or doing art

    work too much that day, a quick outfit change

    would be good before you go back to class.


    For more tips, just ask your friendly area heads!!

    Theyd be more than happy to help! For now, lets

    all just keep in mind these pointers. Have fun!


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    by Anna Gabriel

    ! Laughter fills the org room until the first bell rings. You know this is the signal for youto stand up but it seems as if youre stuck to where youre sitting. If you leave, youre going to

    miss out on the rest of the fun! But youre in school and you know you are here to study.

    Besides, you really arent sure if youve overcut already. This cut may be the one that will put

    the big bad W on your record. You stand up and x your laughing friends behind. And themoment you get to class, you immediately wish it was over so you could get back to having fun

    with your org mates.

    ! But unfortunately, theyre not called EXTRA-curricular activities for nothing. Theyremeant to stay outside of our regular academic curriculum but nevertheless supposed to

    enhance our student life. So here are some tips on achieving the golden mean between

    academics and student organizations:

    Once the work starts piling up, it gets very hard to decide which to put first.

    You can get easily distracted as newer activities come up and forget about

    the old ones youve already started. If you assign levels of importance to

    each type of work, or even as specific as each task, it will be easier to decide

    which to finish first and time wouldnt be wasted on deciding or switching

    from one task to another.Though it seems as if nothings due anytime soon,

    theres bound to be work that needs to beaccomplished in the long run. If times wasted on

    nothing now, then time for something important

    has been robbed for later. Imagine that you have

    two papers, one quiz, and an org meeting due a

    day from now. If you do nothing on your 4-hour

    break today, then tomorrow, youll be left

    cramming for all the work that still needs to be

    done. When its 2 in the morning and your bed isbecoming more attractive than it usually looks,

    you cant wish to have back the 4 hours that were

    wasted yesterday.

    If you feel overworked and off-balance, and are no longer

    enjoying what youre doing, then youre totally missing

    the point of joining organizations! Like mentioned earlier,

    theyre there to make your student life more enjoyable!

    Consider org work as your break from academics. Aside

    from being productive, resume-filling work, they comewith the bonus of being fun as well.


  • 8/8/2019 Splat September 2010


    Stress; De-stress By this point of the school year, I am positive thatevery student knows what it means to be stressed. We all

    know what gives us stress: those infamous Hell Weeks,

    heavy workload, Malabong Usapan relationships, tough

    profs, cramming, and the list goes on. Of course, it isnt

    enough that we feel stressed; our bodies have to show the

    effects of stress in some way. Stress can cause headaches,

    sweating, constipation, and body pains to name a few.Aside from this, stress can affect us emotionally; possibly

    making us more irritable, depressed or aggressive.

    Given all this, it really is important to know how tode-stress. Its easy to say prevention is better than the cure,

    but most stressful things cannot be avoided. Attempting to

    avoid stressful things could, in itself, be a cause of stress.

    So here are a few tips on de-stressing. Its all aboutfocusing on YOU.

    by JB Gamboa

    First of all, take some

    time to do what you

    love. Something that

    isnt stressful. It could

    be reading a book, orsomething else. I have a

    friend who recently told

    me that she watches

    Gossip Girl to de-stress.

    Another way to de-stress

    is laugh. Do something

    that gets you in a better

    mood, something that

    gets you laughing for a

    few minutes. After that,

    you will feel better and

    more ready to go back to

    whatever stresses you


    Engage in physical

    activity to release your

    stress. This could range

    from simple stretching to

    hitting your pillow to

    taking a jog. Think of it

    this way: if youre

    stressed and youre

    jogging, the stress youfeel leaves with every

    step you take away from

    your stress.

    This could be

    overlapping with thefirst tip, but find some

    time to sleep. Im sure

    youve heard of those

    Power Naps. Sleep clears

    your mind and rests

    your body, thus making

    it easier to focus when

    youre handling the task


    These techniques haveproven useful and effective duringstressful periods in my life. However,

    different sources of stress need

    different methods to combat them.

    Furthermore, some techniques that

    are effective for one person may not

    be effective, or worse, could cause

    even more stress to others. As such,

    these are just suggestions that workfor me personally. Finding different

    ways to de-stress is a journey of

    discovery that one must make on his



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    Umbrella. ID. Tumbler

    These are the things an Atenean

    MUST have in his bag. Whether

    be it during rainy days, at times

    when you need to go to the lib,

    or when youre thirsty, these

    things are necessary to survive

    in Ateneo.

    Sign up for an org.

    With 40+ orgs in the school, its impossiblenot to find one which doesnt suit your

    needs and talents. *winkSPEEDwink* Not

    only do you get to have a life other than your

    academics but also orgs can be a way for

    you to actually apply all the things you

    learned. Plus, its a great way of meeting

    new people with the same interests!

    Hang out with your blockmates

    No man is an island, right? Navigating through this

    first year would be even better when you have it

    with your blockmates, who are as worried and as

    excited as you. From solving that Math problem to

    complaining about Mr. ___, your blockmates will

    surely be there for you.

    Spend your breaks wisely.

    Unlike high school where you have

    straight classes, your schedules will

    usually have longish breaks in

    between so its important to know

    how you should spend it. You can

    use it to study for tests, finish yourhomework, or take a nap. Familiarize yourself with the school.

    Its important to know the go-to places in school.

    Need food? Gonzaga Caf, JSEC, and Manangs

    offer a wide variety of sumptuous food thatll surely

    fill up your stomach without emptying your

    pockets. Looking for a photocopy place? Kostka

    Extension and Sec B ground floor (where you canalso find the lovable Ate Alma) are the popular

    ones. These and a lot more are just some of the

    great facilities our school has to offer.













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    Whats in Your Bag? by Cara HenaresThe Bag Raiders Project has been a very notable undertaking

    circulating around the Ateneo campus. There has been talk of it everywhere. People just cannot wait to see what kinds of bags their peers bring around and what lurks

    inside the private spaces people use to guard, carry and protect their belongings.

    ! Equally important, as SPEED members, arent we also curious and dont wewant to know more about what kind of looks our officers sport? What do you think do

    they carry around in their bag?!! Well, worry no more because weve also selected four random SPEED officersand asked them to describe their typical look and asked them what they carry aroundin THEIR BAGS! Think of it as raidingSPEED style.

    Homie Beltran describes his typical look as

    something that is simple and basic. He usually wears

    maong and couples the bottom with a plain white shirt.

    If he runs out of white shirts, he opts for a black one.

    When asked why he prefers this get-up, he answers,

    Para wala nang terno. Indeed, it is a simple look butnevertheless, a classic something one will never

    grow tired of.

    Dictating the essentials of his bag, he says his most

    important possession is his i-pod which has to be with

    him all the time. Along with this, you can find his

    readings and a filler notebook. The most absurd thing

    he carries with him is Colgate Plax mouthwash. Healso mentions that he prefers a backpack but since its

    been hot, he has been using a laptop bag and makes

    everything fit in there.

    Joaqui Manahan describes himself as the

    shorts, t-shirt and shoes kind of guy. He admits to

    wearing pants only when required to do so. Two of his

    wardrobe staples would be a SPEED baller fromUPSEC (the UP counterpart) with the words Its the

    ability, not the disability inscribed and a necklace his

    sister gave him. Thinking there was a deeper and

    greater value to it, I was asked about it. To my

    surprise and amusement, he said, I cant take it off.

    Its stuck.

    Being a BS Psychology major, he always carries with

    him his scientific calculator. Aside from this, you canalso find his notebook. Naglilipat kasi ako ng notes

    from the book to my notebook. Because of this fact,

    his notes are one of his most prized possessions. Also

    found in his bag are his reading glasses and a folder

    used to organize his papers.

    May Cruz says her style is laid back. She admits

    shes not one of those fashionistas or stylish girls. She

    usually just wears a t-shirt paired with jeans. She

    carries with her a backpack because its easier to

    bring around and more things fit in it. Inside, you can

    find her handkerchief if she has a cold and her books

    and perfume. When its time for area, she normally

    does not bring a bag with her because she feels it

    may restrict her. But shes always ready with her

    attendance sheet and name tags.

    Pao Asuncion believes that in choosing an outfit

    for area, the important thing is that youre comfortablewith what youre wearing and it is something youre

    okay with getting dirty in. Worrying about your clothes

    will only distract you and will make you less immerse in

    what youre doing.

    In his bag, you will always find an extra shirt. Also

    found are additional arts and crafts materials like

    scissors, paper and coloring pens. One thing he can

    never leave without is his planner. I need to have aplanner with me always so that I can keep track of

    attendance and division of members per class. He

    also brings with him an umbrella, in case it rains, and a

    pack of tissue. Knowing this, Im sure we can all agree

    that Pao is that perfect Boy Scoutalways prepared

    for any situation that may come his way and always

    thinking of others!


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    When we watch movies, sometimes weremember certain lines or even dialogues

    because of how they were delivered by the

    actors. Gollum rose to fame when he whispered,

    My precious... (LOTR: The Twin Towers). Joker

    once more proved his delight in others suffering

    by sarcastically asking the man whom he was

    about to torture, Why so serious? (The Dark

    Knight). On a lighter note, Agnes became the

    viewers favorite when she shouted, Its so fluffy!

    Im gonna die! (Despicable Me). Usually, we

    mimic these lines because they are said in a way

    that one cant resist saying them too.

    There are also those lines which thecharacters keep saying throughout the movie

    and, hence, they become embedded in our

    memory. The classic May the Force be with you

    by Obi-Wan Kenobe (Star Wars III) has turned

    into an everyday line which people sometimes

    use instead of Good luck. And, of course, who

    doesnt adore Buzz Lightyears tone whenever he

    says, To infinity and beyond!? (Toy Story)

    We also remember movie lines because of the

    circumstances in which they were said. Some

    are way too funny like when Jerry shouted

    Show me the moneeeeeeyyy! (Jerry Maguire)

    inside his office without realizing that everyone

    outside was already wondering whats wrongwith him. Others are so sad they could make youshed buckets of tears. I remember crying for

    Basha when Popoy told her why he chose his

    current girlfriend instead of her:She loved me at

    my worst, you had me at my best...and you

    chose to break my heart." (One More Chance) I also felt Landons longing for Jamiewhen she was already gone. He said, Our love

    is like the wind--I can't see it, but I can feel it." (A

    Walk to Remember)

    For girls, there are those sweet lineswhich we often wish to hear from our guy. Anygirls heart will surely melt when someone tells

    her, You complete me, and means it as

    sincerely as Jerry Maguire did. And, no wonder,

    Edward won Bellas heart when he told her,

    You're like my own pe rsonal bra nd of

    heroine. (Twilight)

    Individual lines, taken together, create a largerstory, the movie. But each line is also a movie on

    its own. And the reason why we remember some

    lines better than others is because some lines are

    better movies to watch.







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    What you will need:

    Glue, Scrapbook Paper,

    Colored Paper, Scissors,

    Glitter Glue, Gel Pens, Coloring

    Materials, Pictures of your

    area visits, bits and pieces of

    anything for designs

    Guide in Making a

    Scrapbookto preserve yourArea Memories!


    HellothereSpeple!ImsureyouenjoyedeveryareavisitwithotherSpepleandthekids!Doyouwanttoremembereachofthemsothatyoucanshareitwithyourfriends, butcluelessonhowtopreservethosewonderfulareamemories?Worry


    one: On the first piece of paper, make a

    paragraph or two of your thoughts

    during the first time you visit your area.

    This will be your introduction page so

    that others will have a feel of your first

    impressions of the area.two:

    On the next few pages, put pictures of

    you with the kids or Speple while in the

    area. It would be best if you take one

    picture per area visit. Don't forget to put

    captions! This is what will truly define

    your area memories. Write what madethat area visit unforgettable. For

    instance, you can mention the name of

    the kid whose story touched you, a time

    where you have applied what you

    learned in SOAR, or anything that made

    a spark during that certain visit.

    Put designs on the pages ofyour scrapbook. Experiment!

    Be creative! Any kind will do :)



    To make the cover of your scrapbook,put your name and your area name on it.

    Be sure to make it unique! For example:

    My rocking moments at CW!!



    Finally, compile the pages of your

    scrapbook. You can punch holes in it

    and use a fastener, or get a yarn and

    stitch it. You can also have it bookbound.

    Let your juicy ideas flow! You can revise any of

    the instructions here as you may.

    Tips for a more personal touch:

    Bring the scrapbook to the area andhave kids put their mark on it! You can

    have them hand painted and ask them

    to stamp their hands on a page in your

    scrapbook. Or you can also ask them

    to draw on it! But first, make sure that

    you ask permission to the area

    moderator before asking kids to do

    Ask your area mates to sign on your

    scrapbook. Let them write anything

    that made the area visit with you

    memorable for them. The more area

    mates you approach, the better!

    Lastly, do it with all your heart and

    passion for the special kids




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    2- From the movie Rainman, Raymond

    Babbit (played by Dustin Hoffman) was

    diagnosed with what disease?

    4- Included in the SPECABULARY,

    defined as a physical or mental


    7-Name of the organization from UP

    Diliman, which caters to the same

    advocacy as SPEED

    9- Acronym for the appropriate and

    more general term that should be usedin calling disabled persons

    12- Type of Cerebral Palsy

    17- What does H in ADHD Stand for?

    18- A trait that Speple should possess

    in dealing with kids in areas

    19- Guiding the hand of a kid while he is

    coloring an example of _____________.

    20- A strategy used for delaying



    1- Included in the SPECABULARY,defined as a disadvantage that limits or

    prevents the function or activity of a


    3- A natural and exceptional ability that

    a Speple could share in entertaining the


    5- Included in the SPECABULARY,

    defined as any loss, diminution or

    aberration of function

    6- The confidence in ones self is also

    known as?

    8- An important gesture that should be

    applied to know if a kid understands

    what a Speple is communicating

    10- SPEED is an organization that

    caters for individuals with ___________.

    11- Special children should not be

    treated with sympathy but with _______.

    13- A strategy that should be used for

    kids who often show tantrums

    14- Positive ________ should be given to

    children with special needs in order toincrease or maintain their behavior.

    15- A common cause of most disorders

    or disabilities is ______________.

    16- Negative or inappropriate behavior

    of the kids should be channeled into

    ___________ tasks.


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    SPEED Calendar of Activities


    2-4: BAFTA: Speple Friends

    11-12, 18-19: Sprummage Sale

    24: Release of SPLAT Vol. 1

    Trick or TreatSem Ender


    11-16: Final Exam Week

    17: Start of Sembreak!

    18-20: EVSEM

    November2-6: Class Registration

    8: Start of Classes

    12: 2nd GA

    18,25: BAFTA: PAC Orgs

    30: Bonifacio Day(No Classes!)


    1: SpCaroling Month

    2: BAFTA: PAC Orgs

    11: Sparkle: SPEEDs Christmas Carnival

    23: Start of Christmas Break


    3: Start of Classes

    11: Wishlist Program

    16: No SPEED Limit

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    The Splat Staff


    Editor-in-Chief: Kristina Tan

    News Editor: PC Magnaye

    Features Editors: Rach Esguerra and Kat Manongsong

    Fun Pages Editor: Charisse Dalida

    Layout Editor: Mikko OnaContributors: Chanchan Carrillo, Leki De Los Santos, Anna Gabriel, JB Gamboa,

    Lean Daguio, Cara Henares, Meimei Oxemer, Trishia Gerobiese, Celina Villalon, Sean Co

    President: Dana Cammayo

    EVP / SecGen: Via Hung

    Vice Presidents: Raisa Sanchez, Joaqui Manahan,

    Fatty Go, Sarah Sarmiento, Tasha Galbraith

    AVPs: Sean Co, Eric Racho, Homie Beltran

    Area Heads: Pao Asuncion, Chel Gan, Joyce Uy,

    May Cruz, Sam Bautista

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