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Spoken Russian 1

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1. M. Lesnin and Luba Petrova ,vi th lingui stic analysis by Leona r d Bloolnfield SPOKEN RUSSIAN BOOK ONE Spoke.n Language Services, Inc.
Page 1: Spoken Russian 1

1. M. Lesnin and Luba Petrova ,vi th lingui stic analysis by

Leona rd Bloolnfield



Spoke.n Language Services, Inc.

Page 2: Spoken Russian 1

This is one of a series of self-teaching textbooks in more than thirty languages prepared under aegis of the American Council of Learned Societies and the Linguistic Society of America. There are four hours of recordings keyed to the printed text.

© 1945 Linguistic Society of America © 1981, 1990, 1992 Spoken Language Services, Inc.

ISBN 0-87950-190-1

Published by Spoken Language Services, Inc.

P.O. Box 783 Ithaca, N.Y. 14851

No part of this book may be reproduced in any f()rm or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the publisher.

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1. What We Are Trying to Do. This course in spo­ken Russian is designed as a general introduction to the Russian language. It contains all the essential gram­matical materials for learning to speak everyday Rus­sian, and its vocabulary, though small, is built around a number of the most useful common situations and cur­rent topics. It is based on the principle that you must hear a language if you are to understand it when spo­ken, and that you must practice speaking it in order to master its sounds and its forms.

A teacher of Russian will not always be available for those for whom this book is written. So the course has been made as nearly self-teaching as possible. This manual covers the course completely and requires the use of no other reference material. It explains in detail, step by step, how the work is to proceed, and sets the stage for the listening and talking which you are to do.

2. The Russian Language is spoken natively by about 200 million people in the constituent countries of the former Soviet Union. In addition, there are about 40 mil­lion speakers of Ukrainian and 10 million speakers of Byelorussian. These two languages are closely related to

Russian; the people who speak them understand Russian when it is spoken to them, and learn the standard Russian language in school. Furthermore, there are some 20 mil­lion people whose native languages (Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Romanian, and various Finnish, Caucasian, and Turkic dialects) are velY different from Russian who learn Russian as a second language. Altogether then, about 270 million people use Russian as their only language or as their most useful second language. Russian is also widely used as a commercial language in Mongolia and parts of Afghanistan, Persia and Sinkiang.

Russian is one of the Slavic languages; the others are Ukrainian, Byelorussian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Serbo­Croatian, Slovene, and Bulgarian. These languages are all very much alike, and a knowledge of Russian makes their acquisition relatively easy.

Russian is also distantly related to English and most of the other languages of Europe, and you will find, after you have overcome its first apparent strangeness, that its general structure is not very different from that of English.

Variations in language are perfectly. natural and are


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found in every language in the world. Americans from New England don't speak exactly like Americans from California, and Englishmen and Australians speak dif­ferently from all Americans and from each other. In Russian the differences between different regions are much less than in English and to a foreigner are barely noticeable. All the people you meet in Russia will under­stand the kind of Russian presented in this manual, and a great many of them, especially in the larger towns and cities and among the fairly well educated, will speak it exactly as you fmd it here. The people in the country areas and even some of the people in the cities may, however, speak a slightly different kind of Russian. So do not be surprised if the pronunciation you hear does not quite match what is given to you in this manual or what you hear in this course. Imitate the person with whom you are speaking. He, in turn, will do his best to pronounce so that he can be understood. Likewise, do not be surprised at the use of gestures; they are a normal accompaniment to the language; use the gestures your-self, if you can imitate them.


3. How to Use This Manual. To help you in learn­ing to speak Russian, this course makes use of two tools: a native speaker of the language, and this book. The two must be used together, as neither one is of any use without the other.

This manual has been so organized that it can be used to study by yourself or in a group. The group may or may not have a regular teacher; if you have no regu-


lar teacher choose one of your own number (caUed th. GroupLeader) to lead the oth:ef�"and to di:recftheir'work.

4. A Native Speaker is the only good source of first­hand knowledge of the pronunciation and usage of any language. The method used in this manual requires the use of a native speaker of Russian, preferably a person who can be on hand through the course, or next best the voice of a native speaker recorded on cassettes that were prepared to accompany this manual. But even when a native speaker is present during the course, the cassettes can always be used for additional study. The native speaker of Russian is referred to as the Guide. The Guide's job is to act as a model for you to imitate, and as a check on your pronunciation; it is not his busi­ness to be a teacher or to "explain" the language to you. The Guide should be, if possible, a person who speaks more or less the type of Russian found in this manual, not merely the dialect of a particular region; but he should speak this type of Russian naturally and without affectation. He should be neither overeducated nor too uncultured.

5. The Book is divided into two major parts, each containing five learning units and one unit devoted to reyiew. Each unit contains several sections, usually the following:

A. Basic Sentences (with Hints on Pronunciation) B. Word Study and Review of Basic Sentences C. Review of Basic Sentences (Cont.)

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D. Listening In E. Conversation F. Conversation (Cont.)

These six sections are followed in each learning unit by a Finder List containing all the new words in the particular unit. At the end of the manual is included a summary of all word study material. All the words in the manual are included in two complete vocabu� larief>, Russian-English and English-Russian.

6. The Basic Sentences in each unit are arranged so as to give you a number of new words and a number of new ways of saying things; first broken up into words or short phrases, and then combined in complete sen­tences. On the printed page, they are presented in parallel columns, which contain on the left the English equivalent, in the center and on the right the Russian material. The Russian material is given both in the Aids to Listening in the second column and in the Con­ventional SPelling in the third column.

When you have your book open at whatever unit you are going to study, and when the Guide is ready to begin speaking the words for you, or the Group Leader is ready to start th� cassette; records, you can start working on the Basic Sentences for that unit. If the Group Leader is working with the Guide, the Leader will read the English out loud, and the Guide will pro­nounce the Russian twice, each time allowing enough time for you to repeat the Russian after him. If you

are using the cassette records, two voices on the records will act as Leader and Guide for you. While you are listening to Guide, follow with your eyes the Aids to Listening. When you repeat the words and sentences after the Guide or cassette records, repeat them loud-good ,and loud. Never mumble. It is ab­solutely essential that you repeat after the Guide or cassette record each time, and that you imitate as closely as you can, and learn by heart what you have imitated.

7. The Aids to Listening which are given in the first twelve units, presenta simplified spelling, which is design­ed to help you in; remembering the Russian words as they sound. In the Aids to Listening, each Russian sound is represented by one letter or group of letters. Every letter (or group of letters) always stands for the same sound. Concentrate your attention first on the Aids to Listen­ing, especially through Part I; in Part II you should pay more attention to the Conventual Russian Spelling.

S. The Hints on Pronunciation are given you to help you improve your speech in Russian. No language has sounds exactly like those of any other; and in Russian you will find some sounds which are quite absent from English, and others which are somewhat but not exactly like English sounds. After you have been through the Basic Sentences of the unit at least once, read through the Hints on Pronunciation carefully, having the Guide repeat or playing on the cassettes the words and sounds which are being discussed. Then go back and


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listen again to the Basic Sentences, always repeating them after the Guide or cassette as you did before. Try to hear and imitate more precisely the sounds to which your attention has been called.

9. Pronouncing to Be Understood. Pronunciation is important for a number of reasons: if you expect to be understood when you speak a foreign language, you will have to pronounce it more or less the way the people

.are used to hearing it. If you are too far off from the usual way of talking the language, people won't be able to understand you at all. Furthermore, the nearer you get to pronouncing the precise sounds, the easier it will be for your ear to catch the sound as spoken by a native, and the more rapidly you will pick up new words and phrases and make progress in learning the language.

Learning to pronounce is really not hard, if you go about it in the right way. If you follow the suggestions and instructions given in this manual, and work care­fully through all the hints, practices, and drills, you can expect to acquire the kind of pronunciation you need. Many students who are good mimics and who get into the spirit of speaking Russian will learn to talk like na­tives.

The only way to learn to pronounce like a native is to imitate. You must get a native to pronounce the words, then say them right after him, mimicking everything, even to the tone of his voice. This manual will make it easier for you by pointing out the sounds you need to observe, and by describing their peculiarities. vi

10. Each Word Study shows you new uses and new combinations of materials studied up to that point; you are taught how to take apart the words and phrases which you hear and how to make new words and phrases on the same model. Read each part of the Word Study carefully, and make sure you understand thoroughly everything which is said in them; then go back over the Basic Sentences with the Guide or cassettes, exactly as you did before. By this time you can start going through the Basic Sentences with your book closed, and you should now be able to understand the sentences without looking at the English equivalent.

11. The Listening In section gives you a number of conversations, anecdotes, or stories, which use the vo­cabulary and constructions you have learned in each unit and in all those preceding. I ts. purpose is to give you practice in listening to and understanding the foreign language as you might overhear it in normal conversa­tion among Russian-speaking people, and to furnish you with models for your own conversation practice.

12. The Conversation Practice represents the cen­tral aim of the course. In order to converse well, you should know well everything that has been introduced in the unit you are working on, and everything that you have learned in previous units as well. When you take part in a conversation, do so as easily and naturally as you can. Don't try to bring in new words and phrases that you haven't learned in the material you have

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studied in this course; stick to what you have learned and practice it thoroughly.

13. Talkin� Russian. In speaking Russian you should not first figure out what you want to say in English and then translate it into Russian, word for word. This will get you nowhere. You should apply, instead, the words and expressions you already know to the given situation. If you cannot immediately rattle off a word or expression to fit a particular situation, go on to another, or ask a question, but under no circum­stances attempt to compose. As soon as you do, you lapse into English speech habits and stop learning Rus­sia:-n and Russian speech habits.

When people speak to you, they will frequently use words and expressions you do not know. If you can't guess their meaning, try to find out by asking questions in Russian, or by asking them to repeat slowly, or to explain in simpler terms. If you (and they!) are "good natured, and reasonable about it, you won't have any trouble. On the contrary you will constantly learn more

and will practice the Russian you already know in the process.

Your learning of the language will not stop, therefore, when you have mastered this material. You will, rather, be able to get around among the people, practice what you know, and steadily pick up more and more words and phrases. Try to learn them thoroughly. Carry along a notebook to jot down what you want to remember; you can then review this material from time to time.

You should not wait until you have finished this manual before you start using the language. Start prac­ticing at once. When you have done the first unit, try out the expressions on as many people as possible. When you try out your Russian at this early stage, make it slide off your tongue as smoothly as possible. Be careful not to slip back into a careless English-like pronuncia­tion. Listen closely to what the person says in response, trying to catch as much as you can. The first few times it may be hard to catch even the words you know, but you will improve rapidly if you keep on practicing every chance you get.

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1. GETTING AROUND. Greetings and general phrases. Places and directions. Comment on Aids to Listening. Buying things. 1

2. THE FAMILY. Cases. Nominative case. Mas-culine, Feminine, Neuter. Singular, Plural. 29

3, MEETING PEOPLE. Genitive case. 61


4. WHERE ARE You FROM? Accusative case. Verb forms. 88

5. THE WEATHER. Locative case. Verbs. 112

6. REVIEW. 137


7. AT THE AIRPORT. Higher numbers. Time by the clock. 144

B. LAUNDRY AND BARBER. More numbers. Imperative form. Reflexive form. Compound verbs. Dative case. 172

9. FINDING A ROOM. Short forms of adjectives. Instrumental case. 201


10. WRITING A LETTER. Regular verbs. Dura-tive and Punctual verbs. 229

11. EATING AND DRINKING. Ourative and Punctual verbs. Actual and Iterative verbs.







295 300 327 365

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To the Group Leader: Each Unit of this course is divided into six Sections. It is suggested that the group spend not less than fifty minutes on each Section.

Before you get the group together to work on this first unit, read carefully the following material up to the heading Useful Words and Phrases on page 4. When the group meets, read the material aloud to them or have some other member of the group do the reading. The students will follow the reading with their books open. Be sure that your Guide, or the cassettes and player, are ready before the group meets for work on Section A.

You should look through all of the sections of the unit, reading the directions carefully, so that you will have in mind the general plan of the work. Always get clearly in mind the directions for a section before you take that section up in group meeting.

This unit gives you the most immediate and neces­sary expressions that you will need in meeting people, asking your way, buying things, and counting. The amount of learning and memorizing required for the first unit is considerably greater than that for any later

unit. You are given such a large dose at the start be­cause this unit is meant to be a kind of " language first aid" which gives you enough useful expressions to en­able you to make ordinary wants known and to carry on a simple conversation in Russian from the very start.


In the list of Useful Words and Phrases which follows, the English equivalent of these words and phrases is given at the left of the page. Opposite, in the middle column, is a simplified spelling of the Russian which will help you in getting the sounds. In the third column

is the ordinary or conventional Russian spelling. The Leader of the group will first read the English Equivalent and pause after the Guide to speak the Russian. Every member of the group then repeats after the Guide. The Guide will then say the Russian a second time and

[l-Al 1

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everybody will repeat after him as before. The Leader will then read the next English equivalent and the Guide and group will follow the procedure indicated.

If no guide is available, the cassette recordings pro­vided for the course should be used. When the group is ready, the Leader will begin playing the appropriate recording and the group will repeat right after the Rus­sian speaker during the silences on the cassette. The cassette recordings can be used with profit even in cases where a Guide is available because they can be heard between meetings of the group, whenever it is conve­nient to you; they furnish additional practice in hearing Russian; you may listen only to those portions which you have found difficult and the cassette may be played as often as you wish. In case the speaker on the cassette has a Russian pronunciation different from that of your Guide, use the cassette recordings only for listening and understanding and not for imitating.

Whether you are working with a Guide or only with the cassette Tecordings, you must repeat each Russian word and phrase in a loud, clear voice, trying at all times to imitate the pronunciation as closely as you can. Keep constantly in mind the meaning of the Russian you are about to hear, glancing at the English equivalent when­ever you need to remind yourself. When you are hearing the Russian, keep your eyes on the Aids to Listening. But whenever the written form seems to you to differ from the spoken sound, follow the spoken sound always.

Learning to understand and pronounce a language is not really hard. Every one of us learned to do this as

2 [1-A]

a child, and all over the world children learn to speak all kinds of languages without any trouble. The diffi­culty that an adult faces in learning a foreign language as you are now learning Russian, is that the adult al­ready has a set of habits for pronouncing his own lan­guage and this makes it harder for him to learn new ones than for a child who is starting from scratch. That is why it is so important that you should not be afraid of mimicking even when what you hear may sound strange to you. Don't be afraid to let yourself go. You will never learn to speak a language if you don't plunge right in as soon as you can. Never mind if you do make mistakes at first. The important thing is for you to try to say the words and phrases. Imitate your Guide with the same spirit and enthusiasm that you use in mimicking a person whose speech sounds peculiar to you. You will find that if you do this, your Guide will not think you are making fun of him; instead he will probably smile because what you have said to him sounds like Russian.

In the first five units, do not attempt under any cir­cumstances to pronounce the Russian before you have heard it. You will only make trouble for yourself if you try to guess the pronunciation by "reading" the Aids to Listening.

If you are working with a Guide who does not under­stand English, ask the Leader of your group to demon­strate for you and the Guide what hand signals are to be used to let the Guide know when you want him to read more slowly or to repeat. They are as follows:

Page 11: Spoken Russian 1

1. Index finger raised: BEGIN 2. Hand raised, palm toward the Guide: STOP 3. Palm down, hand moved slowly in


else. You will learn fastest if, when your book is open, you follow these steps


1. Keep your eyes on the Aids to listening as you listen to the Russian being spoken.

4. Beckoning with index finger: 5. Hand held palm up and moved 2. Repeat immediately what you have heard.

quickly up and down: LOUDER Remember that each phrase you say has a real mean­

ing in Russian and hence you should always act as though you were really saying something to someone

3. Keep in mind the meaning of what you are saying. Begin the words and phrases as soon as your Guide is

ready or when the Leader of your group is ready to play the first cassette.

To the Group Leader: Give the members of the group a chance to ask questions about the instructions. Make sure that every one understands just what he is to do. Then have the students go through the list of Useful Words and Phrases once with the books open, repeating in unison after the Guide. Following this first practice, read with the group the Comment on the Aids to Listening on page 7. Make sure that everyone understands it.

Now go through the list a second time, much as you did before. And finally, go through it a third time, but let the students take turns repeating individually after the Guide-a sentence to a student. Indicate the order in which the repetitions are to go, who is first, who next, and so on. Continue this individual repetition as long as the fifty-minute period permits. Then, just before dismissing the group, read with them the paragraph headed Check Yourself on page 11.

Here are some hints that will make the work of the group more effective.

1. Insist that everyone speak up. Don't allow any mumbling! Each member of the group must be able to hear what is being said at all times.

2. Indicate to the Guide that he is to repeat whenever the pronunciation is bad and to keep on repeating until he gets a pronunciation that sounds like Russian.

3. Urge ,everyone to mimic to the limit every sound, every inflection, even the mannerisms of the Guide.

4. Keep the work moving. Don't let it drag at any time. See that everyone is listening, not only to the Guide, but to himself and to the others as they repeat after the Guide.

5. Go through all the work yourself. Repeat with the others and take your turn at the individual repetitions.

[i-A] '3

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1. Useful Words and Phrases

Here is а list о! useful words and phrases уои wi1l need in Russian. Уоu should 100rn these Ьу noort. Greetings and General Phrases

НОТЕ: Words enclosed ln brackets [ ] are not expressed ln the Russian. Words enclosed.in parentheses ( ) help to explaln the meanin� of the Russlan but are not necessary ln English. Words enclosed ln sln�le quotation marks' 'are literal or word-for-word equlvalents.


Неl10! (How do уои do?)

how уои (уои) are getting along

How are уои?

Fine оу аl1 right.


And уои?

аlЭ0 well

[I'm] fine too, thanks.

Not [эо] v,rell.

comrade оу friend Mr. lvanov. 4 [l-А]


КАК VI pazhiV 4yiji

КАК V$ pazhiVAyiji?



а VI?

TO zhi xaraSHO

ТО zhi xaraSHO , spa$Iba.

1ji xaraSHO.

taVAJishch ta VAJishch ivaNO P .


Здравствуйте I RaR вы поживаете

RaR вы поживаете?



А вы?

тоже хорошо

Тоже хорошо, спасибо.


товарищ Товарищ Иванов.

Page 13: Spoken Russian 1

Mrs. оу Miss Ivanov. ta V Arishch ivaNOva. Товарищ Иванова.

Mr. Smith. gaspaJ)IN SlJfIT. Господин Смит.

Mr. Smith. grazhdalfIN SlJfIT. Гражданин Смит.

Mrs. оу Miss Smith. graZHDANka SlJfIT. Гражданка Смит.

Do уои uпdегstапd? pa1}iMAyiji? Понимаете?

Do уои understand Russian? pa1}iMAyiji ра R Us�i? Понимаете по-русски?

УеБ. DA. Да.

No (оу There is по.) lfET. Нет.

1 УА я 1 uпdегstапd. УА pa1}iMAyи. Я понимаю.

1 don't understand. уа 1}i pa1}iMAyи. Я не понимаю.

[1] don't understand. 1}i pa1}iMAyи. На понимаю.

ЕхсиБе [те]. izyilflji. Извините.

what SHTO что уои VI вы (уои) said skaZAji сказали

What did уои Бау? SHTO v$ skaZAli? Что вы сказали?

please оу you're welcome paZHALsta пожалуйста (уоu) speak gаvаjПji говорите slowly lJfEdlina, lJfEdjinna медленно

Please speak slowly. paZHALsta, gavaJUji lJfEdlinna. Пожалуйста, говорите медленно. [l-А] 5

Page 14: Spoken Russian 1

(уои) !'epeat Please repeat.

where restaurant

Where [is the] restaurant? о, Where [is а] restaurant?

here is hote!

Here's [the] hoteI о, Here's [а] hote!.

(railroad) station toi1et

То [the] right.

То [the] left.



ТЬе restaurant is to the right.

ТЬе hotel is to t!le left.

ТЬе toilet is here. 6 [1-А]

paftaJUji paZHALsta, paftaJUji.

Places and Directions С!)Е ristaRAN

С!)Е JistaRAN?

VOT ga$TI1Jica

VOT ga$TI1Jica.

vagZAL uBORnaya

, na PRAva. па [.,Eva. г!)Е$. ТАМ.

JistaRAN па РМм.

ga$TI1Jica па [.,Ем.

uBORnaya г!)Е$.

повторите Пожалуйста, повторите.

где ресторан

Где ресторан?

вот гостиница

Вот гостиница.

воиэал уборная.





Ресторан направо.

Гостиница налево.

Уборная эдесь.

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what this

What [iз] \Ыв?

ТЫв [is the] station.



Еш vagZAL.

что это

Что это? Это ВОRЗRЛ.

After уои Ьауе gone through the Useful Words aпd Phrases опее, read the following: 2. Comment оп the Aids to Listening

ТЬе best way to learn апу language is to l isten to а native speaker of it, and then сору exactly what Ье зауз. That is why we ask уои to listen carefully to уош Guide (ос the speaker оп the cassette) and imitate Ыт as exactly as уои сап. It would .Ье ideal if уои could сететЬес everything Ье says simply Ьу listening and repeating. However, most of из need to have зоте­thing оп рарес to remind из of what we Ьауе heard. ТЫз is what the Aids 'о Listening are meant for. ТЬеу асе simply ап attempt to put down systematicaOy оп рарес the sounds that уои hear оп the tapes or that уош Guide will рсоЬаЫу зау. (Later оп, in Part 11, уои will learn to read the regular Russian spelling; рау по atten­tion to it now.) Remember, however, that they are only aids to listening. The listening itself is still the most important thing; the printed material is just а reminder.

In the Aids 'о Listening capital letters асе used to show which зуllаЫез in а word or phrase are most strongly accented, that is, spoken the loudest. For ех­ample, we would write for Engl ish: mister JONES wi11 conD UCT the SERvice; ос: his CONduct is VERy BAD.

Notice tllat words like MISter, WILL, ТНЕ, HIS, IS are strongly aecented iC they stand аН alone, but they are ивиаНу not accented in а sentence.

In the А ids to Listening уои will sometimes find ап aecent mark over а втаН letter ; for instance: а. ТЫэ means that the sound is а little louder than the sound indicated Ьу other small letters, but less loud than that which is indicated Ьу capital letters. For example, we would write Cor English Mпd тв the Р EN cil,' or MADison street (but MADison AVenue).

Also, in the Aids to Listening уои wШ вее that а good тапу lettel's Ьауе соттав ul1der them; for instance: j, Т. Уои Ьауе probably noticed that where we place these соттав the Russian Ьав а peculiar sound, тисЬ аэ if the sound of у in yes were mixed in. ТЫв will Ье explained later in this Unit ; уои will do best if уои try to get the soul1d Ьу 1istel1ing al1d imitating before уои read the explanatiol1. ТЬе soul1ds which we mark with а сотта are caHed palatal consonants. ТЬе soul1ds ch al1d у, which are тисЬ the вате аз in English church al1d yes, are also called palatal consonants. ТЬе remain.

[l-А] 7

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ing consonant sounds are called plain consonants; for in­stance: t, sh.

1. We сап begin with the vowels. Russian has five vowels. In the Aids to Listening we иве the five letters а, е, i, о, и to indicate the Russian vowels. The sounds of the Russian vowels are plainest when they are loud1y stressed; this is when the Aid to Listening writes them with capital 1etters: А, Е, 1, О, U.

Notice, first, that the Russian vowels are rather short; they are never drawled the way воте vowels are drawled in natural Eng1ish pronunciation. The Russian vowel sounds are quite different from ошв; уои will have to listen and imitate carefully. If уои have а chance to hear а Russian speak Eng1ish with an imperfect pronuncia­tion, уои тау find it helpful to mimic шв English; рroЬ­аЫу шв Eng1ish веетв queer in part Ьесаиве he is using Russian vowe1 sounds instead of English ones.

The Russian vowel sound which we write ав 1 or i has two varieties.

When the Russian i-sound сотев at the beginning of а word, or after а palatal consonant (that is, after ch or у or after а consonant that we mark with а сотта under­neath), it sounds like the Eng1ish vowe1 in eat, cheap, deep, or 1ike Eng1ish i in machine; only the Russian vowe1 is much shorter than ошв.

When the Russian i-sound сотев anywhere е1ве (that is,_after а p1ain consonant), it has а sound that воте­times веетв very queer to ош ears. It is something like ош i-vowel in Ьill, hill, but there is something muffled

8 [l-А]

about it. Тшв is Ьесаиве in the Russian vowe1 the tongue is drawn back in the mouth. Риll your tongue back, ав if уои were gagging. Imitate the Guide or the cassette recording and уои will soon get the right effect.

ТЬе Russian vowe1 which we write ав Е or е is much like the Eng1ish vowe1 of bet. Before а pa1ata1 conso­nant it is like1y to sound more 1ike the vowel of bait, on1y it is shorter. .

The Russian vowe1 which we write ав А or а is 1ike the Eng1ish vowel infather, except that it is much shorter.

The Russian vowe1 which we write ав О or о resembles the English vowe1 of four or board (and is never like Eng1ish о in hot). On1y the Russian vowe1 is shorter and Ьав an odd sound Ьесаиве the Russian is s light1y round and sticks out шв lips when forming this vowel. Ве вше to imitate this.

ТЬе Russian vowel which we write ав И or и resemble the English vowe1 of put, good, ри" (and never that of but, cut). On1y, the Russian и Ьав an odd sound Ьесаиве ав in Russian о, the lips are slight1y rounded and pro­truded. Ве вше to imitate this во ав to get the proper Russian effect.

When the Russian vowels are loudly stressed we write them with capita1 1etters: А, Е, 1, О, U. When they are weakly stressed they still Ьауе the вате sounds, only 1евв 10ud; we write them with an accent mark: а, с, f, 6, u. When the Russian vowe1s are unstressed they are short­ened and slurred, very тисЬ like unstressed vowels in Eng1ish; then we write p1ain, втаll а , е, i, и.

Page 17: Spoken Russian 1

Now l isten to the way your Guide (or the speaker оп the cassette) says the examp!es, and repeat after him. P R A C T I C E 1

Ве sure (о make аН t!le vowe!s good and short, and try (о get а rea! Russian sound into уоUl' words.

.--АIDS�r NEAREST ENGLlSH SO UND- ' ,.--.-..--. А I D S ----- , CONVENТlONAL i after palatal consonant, like our i in

тachine, but shorter. i after p!ain consonant, like our i in Ыll,

but риН back уош" tongue.

е like our е in bet.

а Iike our а in father, but shorter.

о like ош' о in foиr, board, but round уоис lips. (N ever Iike о ill hot.)

и Jike our и in pиt, рull, but round your lips. (Never Iike и in cut.)

2. ТЬе Russiall consonant sounds are very тисЬ like the EngIish ones, except only the Russian r and х alld the pa!ataIized consonallts, and even these wil1 give уои по trouble опсе уои make а good start.

ТЬе fo!lowing Russian consonant sounds are very тисЬ Iike EllgIish soullds; {ос еасЬ опе we give ап English word which has rough1y the вате sound as the Rt!ssian:

Ь as in ыи с means ts аэ in hats (never as in cat or il1 cent)

gaspa[JIN господин gentleтan

VI БЫ уои

Еш это УА R

SHTO что

R Us�iy русшtий

ch as il1 chиrch d as il1 do f as in four g as il1 go, get (never аэ il1 geт) k as in kit 1 аэ il1 weU т as in те! n as in net р as il1 ре! s as in sell






Page 18: Spoken Russian 1

sh as in shell tas in {еn v as in very у as !nyes Z as ш zero zh like Z in assure

Russian р, t, k sound а little different from English р, {, k: the RlIssian sOllnds have less of а pllff of breath after them.

RlIssian {, d, n sound а 1ittle different from English {, d, n becallse the RlIssian sOllnds are made with the tip of the tonglle tOllching the back of the lIpper front teeth.

RlIssian Ь, d, g, v, z, zh have more of а bllzz to them than do the similar English sounds. For instance, when а RlIssian says DА ('yes') it seems to Оllf ears almost as if he were saying nDA.

RlIssian shand zh have less of а hiss lП them than the English sOllnds in shell and azure. In the RlIssian sOllnds the front of the tonglle is lower, and often the !ips are а bit rollnded.

RlIssian I has а hol1ow sOllnd; some speakers make it sOllnd a!most !ike ап English w. It is mllch like the Еп­glish I-SОllпd in well or wool, and differs from the higher pitched English I-sollnd in less or 'еаn.

3. Russian r. The first thing to note about this sound is that it is never anything !ike Оllf American r. If УОll lIse Оllf r in RlIssian, УОll will make it hard for RlIssians to lInderstand УОll. 80 get rid of УОllf American r right fюm the start.

The Russians use а trilled sOllnd, like the ттг that сЫ!­dren say in imitating а te!ephone Ьеll or а running motor. The tip of the tonglle vibrates, making а few rapid taps against the rollnded ыlрp in the pa!ate right аЬоуе and behind the lIpper gllms. УОll сап find the р!асе Ьу рro­nOllncing ап Eng!ish d as in did. In ап English d the tip of the tonglle makes а rea! contact Ьщ in а RlIssian r it makes оп!у а vibration at this point.

4. RlIssian х. The RlIssian sOllnd which we write with the !etter х is а strong, very breathy h-sollnd. Мапу speak­ers of English have а simi!ar sOllnd at the beginning of words like hue, huge, huтan.

Now !isten to the Guide (or the speaker оп the (аре) and repeat right after Ыт. P R A C T I C E 2

pa1JiMAyu то zhi

ll::X [l-А]

понимаю тоже ЕаЕ

1 understand also how

.1 1 J


I 1 .�

Page 19: Spoken Russian 1

f I (

LAdna ладно mашКО молоко vagZAL вокзал RUs�iy русский xaraSHO хорошо

Now go through the Usefu! Words and Phrases again with your book ореп, following the same procedure as before. Repeat each word and phrase, immediate!y after hearing it, in а !oud, c!ear voice. Let yourse!f go and say the phrases right out.

Go through the Usefu! Words and Phrases опсе more with уош book ореп, but this time, take turns !etting each member of уош group repeat individually until everybody has taken part. Кеер оп the a!ert. If the

agreea milk railway station Rиssian good, well

Guide asks уои to repeat, do so with enthusiasm and try to mimic Ыт as best as уои сап until he is satisfied with уош pronunciation. When уои have satisfied Ыт, уои сап Ье sure that уои are speaking understandable Russian. Continue this individua! repetition as !ong as time permits. If уои are using оп!у the cassette re­cordings, уош Leader will see to it that уои repeat and that everyone gets the most out of this individua! performance.

4. Check Yourself

Did уои go through the Usefu! Words and Phrases at !east twice in unison and at least опсе more individually?

Did уои repeat each word and phrase in а !oud, c!ear voice immediate!y after hearing it?

Did уои follow the pronunciation уои heard even when it was different from that shown in уош book?

Did уои keep in mind the meaning of each word and phrase as уои heard and spoke the Russian?

If уои have failed at апу point to carry out the instruc­tions, go over the Usefu! Words and Phrases опсе again as soon as уои сап, being carefu! to follow every step in the procedure outlined.


Here are other useful words and phrases which уои will want to use immediately if уои are in а country in which the реор!е speak Russian. These are being given

to уои as а "!anguage first aid." Learn them ьу heart. In working with this material, fol1ow the same рro­

cedure that уои used with the Usefu! Words and Phrases

[l-БJ 11

Page 20: Spoken Russian 1

in Section А. After уои Ьауе gone through the list опсе, repeating in unisol1, read the following Hints оп Pronиn­ciation. Rtш through thc Pronиnciation Practices. ТЬеп

go through tlle list а second and а thil'd time, э.s in Section А.

how (to) say in Russian

How [do уои say] this il1 Russial1?

How [do уои] say this in Russial1?

(уои) wal1t What do уои want?

[1] want cigaIette*

1 want [а] cigarette.

Ьу те there is cigarettes

1 Ьауе some cigarettes. **

matches 1 haven't any matches.

('Ву те there are по matches' ) ---

1. Useful Words and Phrases (Саnе.)

Buying Things

КАК skaZAT ра R UsM

КАК Eta ра R UsM?

КАК skaZAT Eta ра R Us�i?

xaTlji SHTO vf, ха Т Iji?

хаСНU papiROsи уа xachu papiROsи.

и rttiljA УЕ$Т papiROsi

и 1pilj А уе§} papiROsi.

SPlchik и 1pi1Ja ljET Splchik.

*Not оп the tape. ** ТЬе tape, Ьу mistake, has "1 Ьауе а cigarette." 12 [l-В]


Еак это ПО-РУССRИ?

I\:aR сказать это ПО-РУССRИ?

хотите Что вы хотите?

хочу папиросу

Я хочу папиросу.

у меня есть папиросы

11 меня есть папиросы.

спичеI� 11 мен.я нет СIШчеR.

Page 21: Spoken Russian 1

give те [а] match

Give те а match.

to eat* 1 want [something] to eat.

some soup* 1 want some soup.

Do уои want some soup?

Please give те some soup.

some bread some butter some meat some potatoes some coffee some tea some sugar some mi1k sоше beer some water

СоНее or beer?

*Not оп the cassette.


DA Yji m1jc SpICHku.

K Ushij уа хаеМ K Ushij.

Supu уа хаеМ SUpu.

xajiji SUpu?

DA Yji m1jc SUpu, paZHALsta.

XI.rEba MAsla }.fAsa karTOsh�i KOfi СНАуu SAxaru mагаКА plva vaDI

KOfi iji Р Iva?

дайте мне спичку

Дайте мне спичку.

куша,ть Я хочу кушать.

супу Я хочу супу.

Хотите супу?

Дайте мне супу, пожалуйста.

хлеба масла мяса картошЮI кофе чаю сахару MoJ1oKa пива воды

Rофе или пива?

[ l-В] 1 Э

Page 22: Spoken Russian 1

I1 I j\ ,> �1 ';:,

how тисЬ SKO{.ka сколыю it is worth оу it costs STOyit стоит

How much does it cost? SKO{.ka ею STOyit? Сколько это стоит?

1 t costs two roubles. ею st6yit D VA уuВ{.А. Это стоит два рубля.

one rouble atJIN RUB{. один рубль two roubles D VA уuВ{.А два рубля three roubles TJUruB{.A три рубля four roubles chiTlri уuВ{.А четыре рубля ten kopeks tJE§ij kapEyik десять копеек

[I1's] two ten. DVA l)E§ij. Два десять.

orie atJIN один two D VA два three TJU три four chiT1ri четыре five РАТ пять six SHE§T шесть seven $ЕЦ семь eight VO§im восемь nine tJEyij девять ten tJE§ij десять will Ье BU{lit будет

, How much are two and two? SKO{.ka bU{lit D VA i D VA r Сколы�о будет два и два?

1 Two and two [are] four. D VA i D VA , chiT1ri. Два и два - четыре.

� 14 [l-В]

Page 23: Spoken Russian 1

Three and буе [are] eight. Good-bye!

TflI i PAT, VO§im. Три и ПЯТI, - восемь. da syiDA 1Jya! До свиданья !

2. Comment оп the Basic Sentences

Forms о] address. 111 talking to а foreigner whom they do not know very weH, Russians are likely to иве tlle foreign title, saying, for instance, }.fISter S}.fIT, }.fI§is S}.fIT, }.fIS S}.fIT. Or else, they rпay иве the very formal Russia11 word gaspa!) I N and саН а тап gaspa!) I N S}.f IТ. The corresponding word for ' Mrs.' is gaspaZHA , but they rarely 1lве this, and there is по corresponding word for ' Miss'.

In talki11g to each other, when they аге 110t weH acquainted, Russians иве two titles. One is ta VArishch ' comrade'; it is used regardless of sex: ta VArishchivaNOF ' Comrade Ivanov' , ta VArishch ivaNOva ' Mrs. Ivanov' or ' М iss 1 vanov'. The other ti tle is ' ci tizen' , grazhdalj I N for men, graZHDANka for women : grazhdaljIN ivaNOF ' Mr. 1.' graZHDA Nka ivaNOva'Mrs. 1.' or ' Miss 1.'

Notice that воте Russian family names have an cxtra endi11g -а whe11 they are used of а woman.

No ' the' or ' а' : [the] hotel, [а] hotel

"No ' do' : [Do] уои шidегstапd?

Often по pronoun with verb : [Do уои] understand? pa1JiMAyiJi?

Ав soon ав Russians know anyone at аН weH, they stop using the family пате; instead they саН people Ьу the combination of first пате and father's first пате : ' John Peter's�son' , ' Mary Peter's-daughter' .

Ivanov. The speaker оп the record stresses the last вуНаЫе of this family пате ; he ваув Mr. ivaNOF, Mrs. ivaNOva. Mostly this family пате is prop':>unced i VAnaj, iVAnava.

Ве, do, have, the, а. Each language has its own machin­ery for saying things. In English, such words ав Ье, is, are, have, has, do, does, the, а perform а great deal of work. In Russian there are по words to match these; the вате work is done Ьу entirely different forms of expression. Don't waste your time puzzling over this ; just learn how one ваув things in Russian. Observe the foHowing types of pht'ases which have appeared in the Basic Sentences.


Вы понимаете?

Поним::tете? [l-B] 15

Page 24: Spoken Russian 1

No verb ' to Ье': Here is the hotel. There is воте beer. There is по beer. There are по matches. Where [is the] station? The station is thel·e.

No verb 'to have': 1 have some cigarettes. 1 have the cigarettes. 1 have по matc11es.

Notice that Russian words like

VOT ga.JTI1}ica. YE.JT pIva. ljET pIva ljET Splchik. СРЕ vagZAL? vagZAL ТАМ.

Вот гостиница. Есть пива. Нет пива. Нет спичек. Где вокзал? Вокзал там.

и tpiljA YE.JT paPiROsi. V меня есть папиросы. papiROsi и tpiljA. Папиросы у меня. и tpiljA ljET Splchik. V меня !ЩТ спичек.

VOT, YE.JT, ljET do not match ир with is or has or апу other English word.

After уои have gone through the Useful Words аnа Phrases and through the Comment оп tJte Basic Sentences, read the following:

3. Hints оп Pronunciation

То the Сгоuр Leader: The folIowing section is divided into two parts, and eacll part is (о Ье taken up separately. First, read through with (Ье group (Ье introductory material and tl le explanations given in (Ье first part. ТЬеп Ьауе the Guide read the Examples with (Ье group repeating after him, first in unison, and tllen individually. Don't go оп to (Ье next part until everyone has а reasonable control over the items of pronunciation that are being taught. Follow this procedure with each of (Ье two parts.

You will find that the Examples are аН given оп the cassettes.

Аэ уои have already noticed, Russian has а lot of sounds that are almost like ош English ones, but sti1l not quite the same. Also, there are а few sounds that are totally different from anything we have in English.

16 [l-В]

If уои want to speak understandable Russian, уои will of course have (о learn (о say these two kinds of sounds. The only way to learn them is to listen to the way уоиr Guide (or the speaker оп the cassette) says

Page 25: Spoken Russian 1

f' "

them and to imitate him as well as уои сап. То Ье!р уои imitate him we shall give уои а few Hints оп Pronuncia­tion. These will cover, in small doses, the sounds that differ comp!ete!y from those we use in Eng!ish, as well as the ones that differ оп!у а litt!e.

Pa/ata/ consonants. Уои have probably noticed and imitated the pecu!iar

Russian sounds which we mark in the Aids 'о Listening Ьу putting а сотта under the !etters. These sounds are ра/а­'а/ consonants. Уои will have to practice them until уои recognize them without fai! when уои hear them, and unti! уои pronounce correct!y the words and phrases in which they occur. Otherwise уои cou!d not understand what а Russian is saying, and Ье cou!d not understand уои.

Russian pa!ata! consonants sound as if а у (as in yes) were mixed into the ordinary consonant sound. ТЬе

PR A C T I C E 1

midd!e part of the tongue is raised ир against the high­est part of the pa!ate whi!e the consonant is being pro­nounced. Р!асе your tongue as if уои were saying уее and keep it in this position whi!e уои produce the consonant sound.

Some Russian consonants occur in pairs, p/ain and ра/а­'а/. We mark the pa!ata! опе Ьу p!acing а сотта under the !etter in the Aids 'о Listening:

Ь d g f k l т n р r s t v x z !;!J,r:f� l tfl t} P I § j y � & Two other Russian pa!ata! consonants have по сопе-

sponding p!ain consonant Ьу their side. These are ch (as in Eng!ish church) and у (as in English yes). Note that these count in Russian as pa!ata! consonants because the tongue is in the characteristic pa!ata! position.

Now !isten to the Guide (or the cassette) and imitate.


р like р and у run together РАТ ПЯ'l'Ь five j like t and у run together xaTlji хотите уоu want !J, like d and у run together J)Eyij девять nine

f like f and у run together КОЛ :i\офе coJJee у like v and у run together izyiljlji извините excuse § like s and у ГlШ together $ЕЦ семь seven

[l-В] 17 .

Page 26: Spoken Russian 1

� like z and у run together tp like т and у run together

1J like n and у run together

J 1ike 1 and у run together

r like r and у run together

Some olher consonanls. ТЬе Russian x-sound is something like а strong, breathy

h-sound. Three Russian plain consonants have по corresponding

palatal consonant Ьу their side. These are sh (ш in Еп­glish shell), zh (like z in azure), and с (like ts in hats). ТЬе Russian sh and zh have а duller, less hissing sound than the nearest English consonants. ТЬе front of the tongue is lower in Russian, and the lips are slightly rounded.

�iMA зима winter MAsa мясо теае ljET нет 110 па J.,Eva налево ео the left тр.! три three

When Russian sh and ch соте together in the сотЫпа­tion shch, the sound is тисЬ as in ап English combination like fresh chips. ТЬе whole combination is palatal. Мапу Russians, however, pronounce this combination more as if it were sh-sh (as in English fresh ships), but they always keep the combination palatal, Ьу raising the middle of the tongue in the usual way. Imitate уош Guide or the cassette.


�АIDS� г�--- НОW ТО МАКЕ ТНЕ SOUND --�· .-- A�DS -----,r�---CONVENTIONAL---___..

х friction sound in the back of the mouth

sh 1ike English sh in harsh sh 1ike English z in azure shch like English shch in fresh chips

18 [l-В]

XJ.,Eba SAxaru хаСНU SHTO TO zhi taVArishch

хлеба сахару хочу ч'rо тоже товарищ

some bread some sugar I want what a/so сотуоое

Page 27: Spoken Russian 1

4. Check Yourself Did уои go through the Useful Words аml Phrases

at least twice in unison and at least оп се more in­Did уои keep in mind the meaning оС each word and

phrase ав уои heard and spoke tl1e Russian? dividually?

Did уои apply what уои learned about the vowel sounds in Hints оп Pronunciation?

If уои Ьауе Cailed at апу point to carry out the in­structions, go over the Useful Words and Phrases onct: again ав вооп ав уои сап, being careCul to Collow every step in the procedure outlined. Did уои Collow the pronunciation уои heard еуеп

",-Ьеп it was different from that shown in your book?


If your group Ьав time Cor outside assignments, вес- meetings of the group. Otherwise иве them ав indepen-tions marked Individual Study mау Ье done between dent study during а group meeting.

1. Covering the Engl1sh (Individual Study) Go back to the Useful Words and Phrases in Sections recall the meaning оС еасЬ word al1d phrase. Check the

А and В. Cover ир the English. Read the Russian aloud. expressions уои are not sure about and after уои Ьауе Кеер your voice down if уои are working with the rest gone through the whole list, ul1cover tl1e English and find ос the group. Follow your Guide's pronunciatiol1 ав nearly their meaning. Repeat this procedure at least three times ав уои сап remember, and test yourselC to вее iC уои сап or ul1ti1 уои are satisfied that уои know every expression.

2. Review о! Useful Words and Phrases То the Group Leader: Read again {or your informa:tion the numbered suggestions just preceding Useful Words аnа Phrases

оп page 3. Your Guide Ьаз been directed in Ыв manual to рау particular a'ttention to the correct pronunciation of the sounds. Не тау ask members оС the group to repeat words or phrases а goo<l тапу times Jn an effort to get а pronunciation that is more nearly correct. See that they listen сl0sеlу, that they repeat promptly and 10ud enough so that everyone сап hear them, and that they imitate the Guide to the last detail.

Go through the UsefuJ, Words аnа Phrases in Sections А and В twice. ТЬе first time Ьауе the members оС the group repeat individually after the Guide with books open, ТЬе second time, Ьауе them close their books. ТЬе Guide willgive еасЬ Russian expression twice аз before. Let the students take turns giving the English equivalent the first time they hear the Guide speak the Russian and repcatin� the Russian ав usual the second time. ТЫв wi1l help them to check оп the meaning оС аН Russian expressions Jn Usefиl Words аnа Phrases.

[l-С] 19

Page 28: Spoken Russian 1

Go back to the Useful Words and Phrases in Sections А and В. The first time уои go through the !ist, take turns repeating the. Russian after the Guide. Кеер уош book open, and get аН the he!p уои сап from the Aids /0 Lis­/ening. Рау particu!ar attention to what уои have !earned about tlle pronunciation of the vowels. Make every ef­fort to satisfy уош Guide with уош pronunciation.

The second t ime уои go through the l ist, check ир

оп the meaning of the Russian. Кеер уош books c!osed and take turns giving the Eng!ish equiva!ent the first t ime УОll hear the Russian expression and repeating the Russian ав ивиа! the second t ime. If уои have any trouble with the English, уои shou!d find time for more individua! study of the Useful Words and Phrases, cover­ing the English and checking ир оп the meaning when уои read the Russian a!oud.


1. Listeni ng I n

То the Сгоuр Leader: ТЬе conversations which appear i n this section will Ье read t o the group Ьу the Guide or played оп the cassette player. English equivalents are omitted from the Listening ln material so that students сап get practice in understanding spoken Russian which uses the vocabulary they know. Meaning, therefore, is to Ье empllasized.

Tlle first time уоu go through the conversatioris, Ьауе the Guide repeat а conversation, if necessary to help c!ear uр the meaning, before уоu go оп to the next conversation.

Оо through the conversations а second time without stopping. Рау about equal attention to pronunciation and meaning.

Finally, assign parts and Ьауе the students read the conversations. Give everyone а сЬапсе. Suggest that the actors actually take the parts, stand uр and тоуе around, sit at а table in the restaиrant, stand behind the counter in the store, etc. Кеер it moving. Get everyone to speak uр! Take а рап yoиrself.

Кеер уош book c!osed whi!e the GlI ide reads the foHowing conversation and repeat after him. If уои Ьауе по Guide, уои shou!d иве the cassette p!ayer, repeating the Russian immediate!y after уои hear it. At the end of each conversation take time out to check ир оп the meaning of

20 [1-О]

what уои have heard and said. Ask someone in the group to give уои to Eng!ish equivalent of any expression уои do not understand. A!most аН words and the expressions уои have had in Useful Words and Phrases оссш in the foHowing conversations.

Page 29: Spoken Russian 1

1. Smith asks Ivanov the way; Smi th: ZD RA stvuyji, ta V Arishch ivaNO Р!

КАК vt pazhiVAyiji? КАК ta VArishch ivaNOva?

Ivanov: xaraSHO, spa$Iba. а VI?

Smith: ТО zhi xaraSHO. xaTlji papiROsu?

Ivanov: пА , paZHALsta. SPICHku?

Smith: spa$Iba. и 1pi1}fl !jET Splchik. уа хаСН U K Ushij. С!)Е .ristaRAN?

Ivanov: уе§} ristaRAN па PRAva. Smith: izyi!jlji.

SHTO vt skaZAji? ristaRAN ТАМ?

2. Му. Smith enters a restaurant. Smith: ZDRAstvuyji! Waitress: ZDRAstvuyjil

SHTO 'l!t xaTIJi K Ushij?

Ivanov: !jET, па PRAva. vagZAL ТА М, ga$TTf}ica па fs.Eva, а ristaRAN па PRAva.

Smith: уа 1}i рЩJiМАуu. paZHALsta, gavajUji },fEdJinna. eta ristaRAN?

Ivanov: пА. TAM vagZAL, а ristaRAN Z!)E$.

Smith: vt xaTlji KUsltij? Ivanov: !jET, spa$Iba.

da syiDA1}ya, grazhda1}tn S},fIT. Smith: da syiDA1}ya.

Smith: пА Yji т1}е },fAsa i karTOsh�i, Xfs.Eba i M Asla.

Waitress: vt xajiji SUpu?

[1-О] 21

Page 30: Spoken Russian 1

Smith: DA. Waitress: т xaJ1ji тalaKA 1ji KOfi? Smith : !jET.

уа xaehUf'Iva.

З. Mr. Jones aпd Mr. Ilyin are in а restaиrant. Ilyin: paZHALsta, DA Yji m1Jc SUpи, lIfAsa, i

kq,rTOsh�i. Jones: paftaft.lji ееа lIfEdjina, paZAHLsta. l1yin: уа xaehu SUpи, lIfAsa, i karTOsh�i. Jones: M!jE ТО zhi, paZHALsta.

Waitress: xaraSHO. Smith : SKOJ.,ka ееа STOyit'l Waitress : RUBJ., !)E§iJ.

Girl: SHTO т xaTIJi, KOfi 1Ji еНАуи'l Jones: уа хаеМ еНАуи. l1yin: а уа xaehu KOfi i vaDI. Girl: xaraSHO.

2. Check Yourself Is there any expression in any of these conversations

that уои do not understand now? If there is, find the meaning of it or ask other members of your group Ье­fore уои proceed. If по one knows, refer to the Usefиl Words aпd Phrases.

Go through the conversations once more following the вате plarr ав before. Imitate carefully and Ье sure to keep in mind the English equivalent of everything уои are saying in Russian.

Finally go through the conversations again but this time take turns. ТЬе leader wi1l assign parts and the exercise is to continue at least until everyone Ьав had а сЬапсе to speak one оЕ the parts. Кеер this going аз 10ng as уои have time. When your turn сотев, speak clearly and with enthusiasm. Put yourself in the situa­tion and let yourself go. If the Guide asks уои to repeat, do во unti1 Ье is satisfied with your pronunciation.

S�CTION E-CONVERSATION 1. Covering the Russian (Individual Study)

Go back to the Usefиl Words aпd Phrases in Sections si1ently and test yourself to see if уои сап speak the А and В. Cover ир the Russian. Read the English Russian for еасЬ word and phrase. Check the ехрrез-

22 r1-El

Page 31: Spoken Russian 1


sions you are uncertain about and after you have gone through the who1e Iist, uncover the Russian and review them. Go through the Iist once more and continue for at least three times or until уои сап give the Russian readily for аН the expressions. То make sure of this,

pick out expressions at random and вес if уои сап speak out the Russian quick1y. Speak the Russian a10ud and try to imitate your Guide's pronunciation ав well аз уои сап remember it.

2. Vocabulary Check-Up То the Group Leader: Go to the UseJttl Words and Phrases in Sections А and В. Read to the group the English equivalent оС

the Russian expressions. Са1l оп differcnt studcnts not in апу fixed order, asking for the correct Russian for the English. For instancc, say to А, "КАК skaZAJ ра RUs!fi: Where is the hotel?" The students аге to respond witll theJr books closed: The Guide will indicate Ьу а negative sign wllenevcr he hears а Rttssian cxprcssion tllat is wrong, or, if there is по Guide, tlle other members of the group wШ indicate tlJat they do not agrce. Immedi­ately ask someone else to give the exprcssion corrcctly. Апу grdi.Jp mcmbcr WllO has difficulty in giviпg the corrcct Н.нssiап should Ьс told to revicw the UseJul Words and Phrases th01'oughly bcfore the пехt mecting of the group. Do поt sрепd апу time tаlkiпg abottt the why of the Russian; stick to the how.

Therc are two precautions which the Lcader must obscrve in аН cxcrciscs оС this sort and in tlle сопvсгsаtiоп practicc throughout the course. Ве sure that evcryone uпdегstапds tllem. Thcy are as follows:

1. Every Russian ехргеssiоп must Ье given smoothly and completely before the student's performance сап Ье сопsidегеd satisfactory. If there is ап crror iп the first attempt, ask thc studспt to givc the cxprcssion over аgаiп iп completc form. If Itе fumbIcs badly, turn to sоmсопс else.

2. Еvегуопс must �?�ak loud ,епоugh, so tltat аН �ап hea�. Every stud�n� should Ье encouraged �o �a1l <;JUt "Loudcr, please! 1f he сап t hcar. Check оп th1s occaslOnally Ьу pOllltlllg to tlle studcnt who 13 11stcn1llg to s01ueone else's Russian, апd ask "What did Itе Бау?"

If уои do поt observe thc,se ргесаutiопs, much time and cffort тау Ье wasted iп group шссtiпgs.

rn this section уои are going to have your first сЬапсе the instructions carefully, get everyti1ing уои are to do to engage in conversation in Russian. This, of course, is straight in your mind, and then p1unge in. the most usef111 part of the entire unit, and the part In order to fix in your mind thc expressions уои will you shou1d do with the greatest amount of рер and need in the conversation, check Y0l11'se1f оп YOllr ability realism. Оо it half-hearted1y and уои lose most of the to speak the Russian уои have 1earned. Ву now уои va1ue of the lInit. Оо it earnest1y and enthusiastically shou1d not have to grope {or it. ТЬе I.eader of thcgroup and уои wil\ find that уои сап readi\y say а great num- wil\ ask уои to supp1y in turn the Russial1 expressions ber of things in Russian, fluent1y and correct1y. Read (ог the English equiva1ents which Ье reads {rom the

[l-Е] 23

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Useful Words and PJzrases. If you have done а thorough smoothly when уон hear the English. Your Guide wШ job of recalling tIle Russian when уон are looking on1y 1et уои know if your Russian expressions are not cor-at the Епg1ish еquivаlепts, аБ suggested in Sесtiоп Е, гесt. If уои have по Guide, t11e тетЬеГБ of the gгоuр уои will lщvе по difficulty iп геsропdiпg promptly апd should Ье ready to correct faulty ехргеssiопs.

3. Simple Arithmetic in Russian Hel·e are Боте sample additions:

а. SKOfs,ka В U!Jit a!)IN i !)Eyij? сколько будет один и девять?

a!)IN i !)Eyij , !)E§ij.

PAT i TjU, VO§iт. 5+3=8 пять и три, восемь.

1+9=10 с. SKOfs,ka В U!Jit SHE$T i chiTIJi? 6 + 4 один и девять - десять. сколыю будет шесть и четыре?

Ь. SKOfs,ka B U!Jit РАТ i TjU? 5 + 3 = ? SHE$T i chiTIJi, !)E§ij. сколько будет пять и три? шесть и четыре - десять.



Оп а sheet of paper, write out the figures Cor similar not just the answer. For example, if уои have written problems which do not add ир to тоге than ten. Write, down 8 + 2 = 10, уои Бау: SKOfs,ka В U!Jit VO§iт i for examp1e 8 + 2 = 10. The Gгоuр leader will then ask D VA? and the опе who апswегs must Бау : VO§iт i опе of the members of the group to вау ЫБ problem iп D VA , !)E§ij , not just plain !)E§ij. Сопtiпuе this exer-Russian and another to answer it in Russiап. The cise until everyone has had а chance to ask and to person who answers must give the whole addition, and answer.

4. Conversation То the суоuр Leader: Read the fol1o\viag directions with the class. Encourage t!Je students to strike out for them,;elves.

Spend al1 the time уои сап 011 free conversation practice in an effort to get to the point where students сап speak easily and smoothly with а шinimum of ums and ers.

The Leader will assign parts and will ask уои to take turns in pairs, carrying оп the following conversations. The two persons who are talkirfg together should stand ир and act out t:heir parts, speaking ав smoothly and naturally аБ possible. Make it rea1 and get воте fцп 24 [1-Е)

out of it. The Guide will help уои if your Russiап is wrong or if your pronunciation is bad. The JJeader will prompt уои if уои are not sure what сотеБ пехt in your part.

Page 33: Spoken Russian 1

1 . Asking Directions 1. You walk ир to а stl'anger, beg his pardon, and tion over there, to the right, and asks

ask where the railroad station is. уои understand. 2. Не апswегs that it's to the right. 7. Уои say уои understand, and thank him. 3, Уои ask him what Ье said. 8. Не says уои'ге welcome.


4. Не [epeats. Со thгоцgll this convel'sation twice more, asking first 5. Уои beg his рагdоп, say уои don't understand for the hotel and then the [estaurant, and have the him, and ask him please to speak slowly. stгапgег [eply Ьу saying that tlle hotel is here to the

6. Не repeats vегу slowly that that's the гаilгоаd sta- [igllt, the геstаuгапt thеге to the left.

2. At а Restaurant 1. Уои walk into а [estaurant, sit down, say Ьеllо 10. After you've eaten, уои ask her how тисЬ that

to the wаitгеss, and ask how slle is. costs. 2. She says she's fine, and asks how уои are. 1 1 . She says it's 3 roubles and 10. 3. Уои say уои'ге fine too. You'd like to eat. 12. Уои рау, saying Ьеге it is (paZHALsta). 4. She asks what you'd like. 13. She thanks уои, and уои both say good-bye. 5. у ои ask how the meat is. 6. She says it's good. 7. Уои say good, you'd like meat and potatoes. 8. She asks whether you'd like tea or beer. 9. Уои say beer, please.

If it is so desired, рагtiсu)аг)у when the group is too large to give everybody а сlшпсе to рагticiраtе in the conversation, the exercise should Ье continued for а longer time. It is also а good practice to give people who are having difficulties а second trial.

SECTION F-CONVERSATION (Cont.) То ем Суоир Leader: Уои сап tell from the work that уои did оп conversation in Section Е, whether or not the group needs

to spend more time in preparing Cor successCul convcrsation. If necessary, spend t11e first part оС this section in individual study, having members оС the group вау the Russian о! the Usefиl Words аnа Phrases when they have the English expression covered. Check ир оп their vocabulary ав in Section Е. Тhtш continue the work wi.th conversation which уои started in Section Е.

[l-F] 25

Page 34: Spoken Russian 1

1 . 'i

In this section you are to continue taking part in conversation. lf the work didn't go well in Section Е, take time to go through the Useful Words and Phrases again with the English covered and to give the Russian of the English expressions as your Leader asks for it.

Put everything уои сап into the conversations. Act your part ; don't hesitate to ta!k for fear of making а mistake. Уои'1l make p!enty of mistakes at first, but the important thing is to practice ta!king. Уои can't correct an error unti1 уои have made it.

Try out your Russian whenever уои get а chance. Don't wait for meetings of the group to practice what уои ilave !earned. Pair off between meetings and Бее what уои сап do with Russian greetings and conversa­tion. When уои are а!опе, run over tl1e list of Russian expressions уои "ПО\У. Review tl1em in your mind. Try saying them. See how тисЬ уои сап improve your pro­nunciation and contro! of the language in whatever time уои сап find between meetings of the gt·oup. Make this а regular practice throughout the course.

FINDER LIST This is а complete alphabetical \ist of аl1 the words and expressions used in this unit. ТЬе сопvепtiопаl sреШпg

is enclosed in parentheses at'ter еасЬ entry. ТЫэ \ist is for rеfеrепсе опlу, but уои should know аl1 of these before going оп to the next unit.

а (а) and, but a!)IN (один) ОНе В U!Jit (будет) (it) wi1l Ье

СНАуu (чаю) (some) tea chiT1ri (четыре) four

DA (да) yes da (до) to, ир to, UHti1 : da syiDA1Jya (до С9иданья)

good-bye DA Yji (дайте) give !)E§ij (десять) teH PEyij (девять) nine D VA (два) two

26 [1-F1

Eta ( зто) this

gaspa!) 1 N (господин) gen tlemaH; Mr. ga$TI1Jica (гостиница) hotel gаvаjПji (говорите) speak С!)Е (где) where grazhdalfIN (гражданин) (male) citizen; Mr. graZHDANka (граждаюш) (female) citizen; Mrs. , Miss i (и) and iji (или) or iVAпaj, ivaNOF (Иванов) Ivanov (family пате) izyilflji (извините) excuse (те) КАК (как) how

Page 35: Spoken Russian 1

1юfЕyik (копеек) kopeks karTOshlji (картоШICИ) potatoes KOji (кофе) (some) coffee KUshij (кушать) to eat

J.,Eva (лево) the left; па J.,Eva (нaJIeвo) to the left

maюКА (молока) (some) milk }/Asa (мяса) (воте) meat MAsla (масла) (воте) butter }/Edjiпa (медленно) slowly tpi!fA (меня) те: и 1fli!fA (у меня) Ьу те: 1 have M!fE (мне) to те

па (1Ia) оп, at: па JrEva (налево) to the left: па PRAva (направо) to the right

!fET (нет) по; there is попе tji (не) not

ра (по) along, оп, in: ра RUSlji (по-русскн) in Russian pajtafilji (повторите) repeat patjiMAyiji (понимаете) уои undet"stand papiROsi (папиросы) cigarettes papiROsu (папиросу) а cigarette РАТ (пять) буе paZHALsta (пожалуйста) please: you're we1come pazhiVAyiji (поживаете) уои get along Plva (пива) (some) beer

PRAva (право) the right: па PRAva (направо) to the right

ristaRAN (ресторан) restaurant RUBJr (рубль) rouble: DVA ruBJrA (два рубля)

two roubles RUslji (русский) Russian; ра RUS�i (по-русски)

in Russian

SAxaru (сахару) (воте) sugar $ЕА/, $ЕМ (семь) seven SHE$T (шесть) six SHTO (что) what skaZAji (сказали) (уои) said skaZAT (сказать) to вау SKOJ.,ka (сколько) how тисЬ spa$Iba (спасибо) thank уои Sflchik (спичек) matches SfICHku (спичку) а match STOyit (стоит) it is worth; it costs SUpu (супу) (воте) воир syiDAtjya (свиданье) seeing each other: da syiDA1}ya

(до свиданья) till we meet again: good-bye

ТАМ (там) there taVArishch (товарищ) comrade ТО zhi (тоже) also TfiI (три) three

(1-F] 27

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u (у) near, Ьу, with; и 'lJ!.iljA (у меня) with те; 1 have uBORnaya (уборная) tailet

'VaDI (воды) (вате) water 'VagZAL (вокзал) railway statian VI (вы) уои VO§im, VO§i'lJt (восемь) eight VOT (вот) there (it) is!

'ХаСНU (хочу) 1 wank

k 28 (1-1'1

xaraSHO (хорошо) good, well, аН right xaTI# (хотите) уаи want XJ.,Eba (хлеба) (same) bread

УА (я) 1 УЕ$Т (есть) there is (same); thel'e are (same)

гРЕ$ (здесь) here ZDRAstvuyJi (здравствуйте) haw d'yau da; hello zhi (же) see ТО zhi

Page 37: Spoken Russian 1



То {не Сгоuр Leader: Adopt the followil1g steps ав а s tal1dard practice il1 cOl1ductil1g this сошsе; 1. Before еасЬ meeting of the group, Ье sше to read carefuHy al1d get clearly in mil1d the il1stl'Uctions coveril1g those

sections of а unit which уои expect to take ир in the group meeting. 2. Before each group meetil1g, вее that the Guide is available от that cassettes and recorder ате ready. 3. Науе the mеmЬетв of the group read together the instructions that precede еасЬ piece of work they ате to do

before they begin it. Let one mеmЬет of the group read these instructions aloud while the others foHow the reading in their books.

4. Take time, foHowing the reading of аН instructions, to make sше that everyone understands exactly what Ье is to do.

In Section А of Unit 2 follow the эате ргосеdше аэ that outlined for Useful Words ond Phroses of Section А in Unit 1 . ао through the Bosic Sentences once with everyone repeating in unison after the Guide 01' саэ­sette recording. Then take ир the Hints оп Pronuncia­tion which follow. Соте back to the Basic Sentences and go through them once more, with repetitions in unison after the Guide. Рау particu1ar attention to those items of pronunciation уои have been working оп. Finally, go through the Basic Sentences а third time with эо10 rep­etition. The Guide wi11 саll for аэ many repetitions аэ тау Ье necessary to get а pronunciation that sounds to him 1ike Russian.

Make everyone speak loud1y and c1ear1y. Кеер the work moving. Oon't let it drag.

Begin this section Ьу 1istening, in the manner a1ready out1ined in Section А of the preceding unit, to the Bosic Sentences which fo 11 ow. Ве sше to keep in mind the meaning of the Russian Ьу reading si1ent1y the English equiva1ent. Аэ уои listen to the Russian, keep уош еуе оп the Aids (о Listening. This wi11 he1p уои imitate accurate1y the pronunciation уои are hearing. Repeat each word and phrase loud1y and c1ear1y right after уои hear it. Аэ УОll pronounce the RlIssian, do эо аэ thollgh уои reaHy meant what уои are saying. 00 not forget that these words and phrases convey а rea1 meaning

(2-А] 29


Page 38: Spoken Russian 1

and it is uр to уоu to вау them ав though уои were actually using them. Go through the sentences in unison and with your book ореп.

The Basic Sentences are set uр as conversations 50 that уоu тау hear and speak the Russian ав уоu would hear and speak it if уои were talking with Russian реорlе.

Although numerous characters arc introduced in these Basic Sentences, it is not important for уои to try to keep in mind just who tlley are or theit· relationship to опе another. Уои are concerned rather with wltat they вау and how they вау it.

1. Basic Sentences

Му. Ivanov and Му. Sтith тeet each other оп their way ео the railroad station. ,--- ЕNGLlSН EQUIVALENTS -----. A/DS ТО LISTENING ---, ,-- CON VENTIONAL SPELLING --.

Неllо, Mr. Smith ! How are уоu?

Fine, thanks.

And уои?

[I'm] fine, too.

(уоu) tell whereto уои are going

Теl1 те, please: where are уоu going? ,

30 [2-А]

Ivanov ZDRAstvuyji, gasparj!n SAfIT! КАК v! pazlti V Ayiji?

Smith xaraSHO, spa$Iba.

а VI? Ivanov

ТО zhi xaraSHO.

skaZHlji kиDA iIЮji

skaZHlji paZHALsta: kиDA т iJ)Oji?

Здравствуйте, господин Смит I :Как вы поживаете?

Хорошо, спасибо. А вы?

Тоже хорошо.

скажите куда идете

Скажите, пожалуйста: :Куда вы идете?

�.'·.r '1

I I i I

, -�

f . " , i il

Page 39: Spoken Russian 1

1 go or ride to station to meet ту wife [ту] children

1'т going to the station to meet ту wife and children.

your children'" at the station

Are your children at the station?

[they] told те that'" your son in the атту

I 've heard уоит воn is in the атту.

ту daughter втаl1

*Not оп the cassette.

Smith УЫи NA vagZAL FSТJШJiJ тaYU zhiNU fJ,iTEY

:уа УЕдu па vagZAL, FSТJШJiJ та:уu zhiNU i fJ,iTEY.



па vagZAJi vashi PEji па vagZAJi?

mt}e skaZAJi SHTO VASH SIN v ARtpiyi

mt}e skaZAJi sJi,to vash SIN v А Rtpiyi.

Smith тaya DOCH MAlit}�iy

еду па во:кsал встретить MOIO жену детей

Я ер;у на вокзал, встретить мою теку и детей.

ваuш дети на во:кsaле

.вапш дети на во:кsале?

мне сказали что ваш сын в армии

Мне сказали, что ваш cЬЦI в армии.

мол дочь :маленький

[2-А] 31

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Ьоу bцt УIlУ* older

Му daughter and ту little Ьоу are at tЬе station.

Му older son is in tlle army.

уои krlOw Уои know, ту son is in the

army too.

his or to him furlougl1

But he lшs а furlough.

I 'т going to the station too.

him 1 \vant to meet him.

That's бпе.

MAI;chik NO МО У STARshiy

mауа DOCll i m6у MAI;i1J�iy MAfrchik** па vagZAji.

m6у STARshiy SIN v AR1]tiyi.

Ivanov v{, ZNAyiJi

т ZNAyiji, МО У SIN ТО zhi v AR1]tiyi.

и 1JiVO OTpusk

n6 и 1Ji VO OTpusk.

Ivanov уа ТО zhi YEdu па vagZAL.

yiVO уа хаСIIU yiv6 FSТJШJiJ.

Smith xaraSllO.

мальчИ1� но мой старшип

Моя дочь и мой маленький маЛЬЧИI\ IЩ ВОI�зале.

Мой стаРШИlr сын в армии.

вы знаете Вы знае'ге, мой сын тоже в армии.

у вего отпуCI�

Но У него ОТПУСI{.

я тоже еду на вокзал.

его Я хочу его встретить.


Where's your wife? С!)Е vasha zhiNA? Где ваша жена?

*Not оп the cassette. **Not usual. Огdiпагi!у, simply MAI;chik instead of MAM1Jkiy MAJ.,chik. 32 [2-А]


Page 41: Spoken Russian 1

she husballd ту daughter" s in the restaurant

She and ту daughter's husband are in tl1e restaurant.

who? your daughter's

Who is your daughter's husband?

Mr. Ilyin.

match Please give те а match.

oh ОЬ, excuse те; 1 haven't апу


nothing Never mind.

What's this to the right? ТЬе hotel?

Ivanov aNA МUSН ог ИUZН mауеу DOchiri v ristaRA 1ji

aNA i MUZH mауеу DOchiri v ristaRA 1ji.

Smith КТО vashiy DOcltiri

КТО MUSH vdshiy DOchiri?

Ivanov t.avarishch ilr YIN.

SPICHku paZHALsta, DA Yji m1je §PICHku.

Smith АХ

АХ, izyil'fIji; и '1)ti1ja l'fET §PIchik.

1ji chiVO eta 1ji chi VO.


Smith SHTO eta па PRAva? ga§TI1jica?

она муж моей дочери в ресторан!;)

Она и муж моей дочери в ресторане.

ЕТО вашей дочери

RTO муж вашей дочери?

Товарищ Ильин.

СПИЧRУ Пожалуйста, дайте мне СПИЧRУ.

ах Ах, извините ; у меня нет спичеlt.

ничего Это ничего.

Что это направо? Гостиница?

[2-А] ЭЭ

Page 42: Spoken Russian 1

о! the station No, the hotel is to the left оЕ the


Thanks, Mr. Ivanov.

You're welcome, Mr. Smith.

ТЬеу arrive ае ем station.

we ту wife'"

We're at the station, but ту wife is not here.

ту son . And ту son isn't either.

Would уои like some beer?


There's the restaurant .......

lvarlO'v ае vagZALa

ljET. ga$TI1}ica па l.-Eva ае vagZAla.

Smith spa$Iba. grazhda1}tn ivaNOF.

Ivanov paZHALsta, grazhda1}tn SlI1IT.

Smith МI mауеу zhiNI

МI па vagZA/i, n6 maуеу zhiNI �9-e§ ljET.

Ivanov mayiv6 SIпa

i ljET mayiv6 SIпa.

Smith xaTIJi I'Iva?

Ivanov spa$Iba.

Smith ristaRAN ТАМ.

*Not оп the cassette. **Тhe English оп the tape is an eITor.

34 [2-А]

от вокзала Нет. Гостиница налево от вокзала.

Спасибо, гражданин Иванов.

Пожалуйста, гражданин Смит.

мы моей жены

Мы на ВОI<зале, но· моей жены здесь нет.

моего сына И нет моего сына.

Хотите пива?


Ресторан там.

Page 43: Spoken Russian 1

Fine !

1 n the restaurant.

Miss, give те воте beer, рlеаве.

1 want воте beer too.

And give те some matches, рlеаве.

Оо уои want а cigarette?


Ье knows Теl1 [те], does your son know уои

are here in the restaurant? Ье* те'"

(Ье) wi11 meet Yes, Ье'l1 meet те here.

*Not оп the cassette.

Ivanov xaraSHO/

Ivanov (to tke waitress) graZHDANka, dayji m1je I'Iva,


Smith уа ТО zhi хаеМ I'Iva.

i DA Yji m1je, paZHALsta, SI'Iehik.

(ео lvanov) xaj1,ji papiROsu?

Ivanov spa$Iba.

Smith ZNAyit

skaZHlji, vash SIN ZNAyit sht6 V1, гРЕ$ v ristaRA1ji?

ON miJjA

, Ivanov FSТJШjit

DA. оп mi1ja FSТJШjit гРЕ$.

Хорошо I

Гражданка, дайте мне пива, пожалуйста.

я тоже хочу пива.

И дайте мне, пожалуйста, спичек

Хотите папиросу?


знает Qкажите, ваш сын знает, что вы

здесь в ресторане? он меня

встретит Да, он меня встретит здесь.

[2-А] 35

Page 44: Spoken Russian 1

ОЬ, here's ту son !

And here's ту wife too!

Good-bye !

АХ, VOT т6y SIN!

Smith а VOT i тауа zhiNA!

О.а syiDA1Jya!

Before you go through the Basic Sentences а second time, study the following:

2. Hints оп Pronunciation

Ах, во'! мой сын !

А вот и моя жена 1 До свиданья !

То the Сгоuр Leader: The explanations preceding each Practice should Ье read Ьу the group and discussed before the Practice is attempted. The practice for Hints оп Pronunciation is оп the cassette. Follow the same procedure in working with the practice material that уои have followed with the Basic Sentences. 00 through as тапу times as тау Ье necessary to give each member of the group reasonable control of the item of pronunciation that is being taught. Науе the group repeat after the Ouide, first in unison, then individually.

The Russian sounds р, t, k. The Russian sounds which we write with р, t, k in the Aids to Listening, are slightly different from English р, t, k as in spin, tin, kin. The Russian sounds ha"e less of а puff of breath after them. This differ

P R A C T I C E 1

POD or POT под paZHALsta пожалуйста ТА М там SHTO что КАК как K Ushij кушать 36 [2-А]

ence is plainest at the beginning of а word. When English р, t, k have ап s before them, as in spin, stone, skin, they do not have this puff of breath and are more like the Russian sounds.

unаеу please there what how [о eat

Page 45: Spoken Russian 1

Russian t, d, n, s, z. Russian t, d, n differ somewhat from English t, d, n, as in too, do, по. ТЬе Russian sounds are made with the tip of the tongue farther forward : the tip of the tongue presses against the backs of the upper front teeth.

P R A C T I C E 2

ТО zhi тоже Ееа это DA да D� � SUpи супу SIN сын za VUT зовут ZNAyiji знаете NAS нас aNA она

Palatal j, r), t}, §, !J. The palatal consonantsj, r), t}, §, � are made like the plain consonants /, d, n, s, z, with the

P R A C T I C E 3


тем тебя дети

Russian s and z are made with more foree than English s (as in see) and z (as in zero) : the Russian s is more hissing and the Russian z тоге buzzing.

also this yes two some soиp son they саи уои know us she

addition of the y-like effect eaused Ьу raising the middle of the tongue against the high part of the roof of the mouth.

Ьу that уои children

[2-А] 37

Page 46: Spoken Russian 1

A!)IN $ЕЦ §iSTRA liMA г!)Е$

один семь сестра зима здесь

!jET нет и 1JiVO у него

Contrast о/ p/ain and pa/ata/ consonants. ТЬе plain con­sonants are not 80 very different from English sounds, but the palatal consonants sound quite odd to ош ears, Ье­cause there is а kind of y-sound mixed into them. Re­member to get this effect Ьу raising the middle of the tongue.

P R A C T I C E 4

ТАМ там ТЕМ тем DA Yji дайте !)EJi дети SIN сын §iSTRA сестра ZAFtra завтра #МА зима NAS нас !jET нет Э8 [2-А]

оnе seven sister мnееу here по 01 Ыm, Ьу Мт

In the following exercise а word with а plain conso­nant is given first and then, after it, а word with the corresponding palatal consonant.

Imitate the Guide or the cassette.

there Ьу that give children son sister tomorrow winter us по

I I I I f 1 ! ! I I ! I ii j �' �

Page 47: Spoken Russian 1

РОТ под l'AT пять ВЛа было J3EZ бев ja}.fIJiya фамилия KO/i кофе VI вы

УЕ$ весь MAsla масло }.fAsa мясо

If уои are \tnc�rtain about апу of the points of pro­nunciation which have Ьееп discussed, ask your Guide to repeat the words and phrases with which уоu are baving trouble, and try to improve your рrощшсiаtiоп. Remember that these notes are опlу approximate and are at best ап imperfect description of the sounds.

When уои are satisfied that уои сап рсопоипсе fairly wel1 аН the sounds, go through the Basic Sentences опсе more ii1 unison and with your book ореп. Ав уои repeat

име, jive it was without jamily-name coffee 'Уои аll butter теае

after your Guide, keep your еуе оп the А ids to Listen­ing, and note in particular the ехатрlев of the sounds discussed. 00 not hesitate to ask your Guide to repeat if уои are uncertain about апу sound.

Finally go through the Basic Sentences again, tms time taking turns. Кеер your book closed, listen care­{иНу to уоис Guide, and make sure that your pronun­ciation satisfied Ыт.

3. Check Yourself

Oid уои go through the Basic Sentences at least twice with your book ореп and then at least опсе with your book cl0sed?

Oid уоu repeat each word and phrase immediately after hearing it in а loud, clear voice?

Did уоu follow the prQnunciatiQn уои heard even

if it seemed different from that shown in your book? Oid уоu keep in mind the meaning of еасЬ word and

phrase ав уои heard and spoke the Russian? If your Guide asked уоu to repeat, did уоu do во

with enthusiasm and ав тапу times ав necessary until he was satisfied with what уои were saying?

[2-А] 39

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1. Word Study (Individual Study)

If уош grotlp has time for outside аssigпmепts, do the Word Study between meetings of the group. Othel'­wise make i t iпсtерепdспt sttldy iп the group mcetinf(,.

Iп this sесtiоп we take uр эоте of the words and expressions уоu have just learned and examine thern to эее how the lапguаgе is built. First read t!le words and expressions in each list and make эиге that уоu

uпdегstапd the mеапiпg of the Russian. Тhеп read the cornment wblch goes with еаС!l list. This shou!d make clear to уои just how the wOl'ds fuпсtiоп and how they аге put together. If there are апу роiпts that are not c!ear to уоu, make note of them and ask other тетЬеl'Э of the gl'OUP about them. FoHow the эате procedure with each list and each соmmепt.

А. COMMENT ON ТНЕ BASIC SENTENCES kuDA vi iJ)Oji? ' Where аге уои going? ' The word used

here means going оп 1оое. If Smith were gоiпg to the stаtiоп оп foot, he would answer уа iD И па vagZAL. But iп the сопvегsаtiоп here given, Smith is р!аппiпg to drive or to take а street car ; therefore he answers уа YEdu па vagZAL: the word used hel'e теапэ going (riding) in а vehicle or оп the back 01 аn animal. 1f Ivапоv saw Sшith sitting in ап аutошоЫ!е or if he met hiш оп а street car or iп а train, he wou!d ask kuDA vi YE{tiji? ' Where are уои dгiviпg' (ar riding) to?'

ше tJli!jA иэ NAS уоu VAS him yiVO her yiYO thеш YIX

40 [2-В]

MUSH or МUZН ' husЬапd. ' lп s!ow, cal'efu! speech, especially when saying the word аН Ьу itse!f for уои to hear plainly, тапу Russians wi1l эау мuzн. lп ordi­пагу rapid speech it wi1l шоst!у Ье MUSH. We shall learn шоге of this later.

и yiv6 OTpusk ' he is having а fшlоugh' , literally ' With hiш [there is а] fшlоugh' . The words for ' ше, hiш, her' , and so оп are аэ fo1l0WS :

меня нас вас его ее их

Page 49: Spoken Russian 1

For example : Do уои understand те? Do уон understand HS? 1 don't understand уон. Do уои know Ыт? Do уои know her? Do уои k110W the::m?

vi 1pi1J,G, Pat}iMAyiji? т nas pa?}iMAyiji? уа vas ?}i pat}iMAyu. vi yiv6 ZNAyiji? vi yiy6 ZNAyiji? vt yix ZNAyiji?

Вы меня понимаете? Вы нас понимаете? Я вас не понимаю. Вы его :знаете? Вы ее знаете? Вы их знаете?

But after prepositiol1S (with, for, in, and the like) these last tllree words begin with ?} instead of у: 1 have cigarettes. u 1pi?}a papiROsi. У меня папиросы. We have cigarettes. u nas papiROsi. У нас папиросы. Have уои cigarettes? u vas papiROsi? У вас папиросы? Не has опе rouble. u ?}iv6 a[JIN R UB[.,. У него один рубль, Slle has two roubles. u ?}iy6 D V А уиВ[.,А . У пее два рубля. They have а furlough. и ?}ix OTpusk. У них отпуск

т?}е skaZA]i slzt6 vash SIN v AR1piyi 'They have told Eng1isll, the word ' that'. We have met SHTO also where те that your 8011 is il1 the army' . The word SHTO will il1 English we say 'what' ; for instal1ce, SHTO vi xaTlji? match several different Englisll words. Here we use, in (or, simply, SHTO vi?) ' What do уои want?'

Hel'e's ту wife, too ! 1 want to meet ту wife thet'e.

В. CASES УОТ i тауа zhiNA! уа [ат xachu FSTj(Ejij тaY1t


Вот и моя жена ! я там хочу встретить мою жену.

Му wife isn't 11ere. qlje§ lfET тауеу zhiNI. 3десь нет моей' жены. Russian nouns (tlшt is; words like station, тatch, wife, ' wife'. These different forms ш'е cal1ed the case forтs or

children) 11ave different forms in different sentel1ces ; for cases of the ПОН11. , instance, here �Te see zhiNA , zhiNU, zhiNI, аН meaning Notice tl1at the difference between the саве forms

[2-В] 41

'11 ii " 1, I! li [! I 11 I! 1I (' .\ I ili 11

Page 50: Spoken Russian 1


appears at the elld оЕ the word. ТЬе parts which differ are called the eпdings, such as -а, -и, -i in our ехатр!е. ТЬе different case Corms оС а noun Ьауе different endings.

ТЬе part of the noun which comes before the endings is called the steт of the noun. Thus, in our ехатр!е, the steni is zhin-.

But how do we know which case form to use? ТЬе rea! answer is : we тust iтitate the Russian speakers. We must !еаrn to ta!k as they ta!k. In the beginning we сап do this оn!у Ьу memorizing а big stock оС usefu!, сот­mon t\entences. Later оп, this difficu!ty disappears and, for the most part, one instinctive!y uses the right case form.

It тау Ье!р, however, if we tell something about this

as we go a!ong. ТЬе саве form of а noun depends оп the other words in the sentence. There are six cases. ln this and the following Units we shall tell about the case forms of nouns and about the connections in which еасЬ one is used.

What we tell about this тау Ьеlр уои keep things straight. But it wou!d Ье а mistake to spend time study­ing our statements or puzzling over them. Read them through and !et it go at that. ТЬе important thing is to study the Russian sentences until уои know them Ьу heart and сап say them without hesitation. Speпd your tiтe оп the Russian sentences aпd not оп the English explanations.


Where is the station? It is her�. Where is your son? Не is there. Here's our o!der son ! Му husband speaks Russian. Jt's а big house. ТЬе Russian !anguage is difficu!t. 1 Ьауе one rouble. This house is mine.

42 [2-В]

Masculine nouns. С!)Е vagZAL? ON �!)E$. С!)Е vash SIN? ON TAM. VOT nash STARshiy SINI т6у MUZH gavaJUT ра R Us�i. bajSHOY DOM. R Us�iy yiZIK TRUdnay. u тi!iA a!)IN R UBl.-. Etat DOM МОУ.

Где Бокам? Он здесь. Где ваш сын? Он там. Вот наш старший сын ! Мой муж говорит по-руссlЩ. Большой дом. РУСClшй нзык трудныЙ:. У меня один руБJ1.!>. Этот дом мой,

Page 51: Spoken Russian 1

Practice these sentences, covering first the English, and then the Russian. Then go through them and observe the following things.

(1) ТЬе nouns in these sentences end in а consonant: (4) АН these words пате or describe а person or vagZAL, SIN, MUZH, DOM (' house') , yiZIK (' tongue j thing that is soтewhere or is soтe way or does soтething. language'), R UB[.,. АН these words are in а case form which we саН the

(2) ТЬе word ' it' or ' Ье' referring to one of these Noтinative. nouns is ON. (5) ТЬе nouns in these sentences belong to а class

(3) ТЬе adjectives modifying or describing one of called Masculine. ТЬеу denote male persons and cer-these nouns Ьауе the foHowing forms : balSHO У (' big') , tain things. TRUdnay ('difficult' ) , STARshiy (' older') , R Us�iy, МО У, NASH (' our' ) , VASH, Etat, a!)IN.

We Ьауе seen the foHowing Masculine nouns. We give them here in the Nominative саве. tea СНА У чай house DOM дОМ gentleman, Mr. citizen little Ьоу husband furlough restaurant rouble 5ugar soп soир comrade

gaspa!)IN grazhdalj 1 N MA[.,chik MUSH, MUZH OTpusk ristaRAN R UB[., SAxar SIN SUP taVArishch

господин гражданин мальчик муж отпуск ресторан рубль сахар сын суп ТОВО,рищ

[2-В] 43

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station bread language

Where is the hotel? 1 t is here. Where is your daughter? She is there. Here's our older daughter ! Му wife speaks Russian.

1 t' s а big hotel. ТЫв work is difficult. 1 have опе сigагеttе.

vagZAL Xfs,EP, Xfs,EB yiZlB:

Feminine поипв. G!)E ga$TI1Jica? aNA Z!)E$. G!)E vasha DOCHka?

aNA ТАМ. VOT nasha ST ARshiya DOCHka!

mауа zhiNA gаvаjПТ ра R UsM. balSHAya ga$TI1Jica. Eta raBOta TR Udnaya. и milfA aDNA papiROsa.

ВОRэал хлеб ЯЭЫI{

Где гостиница?

Она эдесь.

Где ваша дочка?

Она там.

Вот наша старшая ДОЧI\а !

Мол жена говорит по-русски.

Большал гостиница.

Эта работа трудная.

у меня одна папироса.

Practice ttlese sentenccs, covering fiгst the English, and thel1 the kussial1. Thcl1 go through them and observe the followi11g thil1gs.

(1) The l1Dtшs il1 these sentences end il1 -а: ga$TI1Jica, DOCHka (' dаughtег') , zhiNA , raBOta. (' work') ,papiROsa.

(2) Тl1е woгd ' it' ог ' shc' геfепi11g to опе of these 110Ul1S is aN А .

(3) The adjcctives modifyil1g or describil1g 011е оС these 110UllS 11ауе the followil1g forms : bajSHAya ('big') , TR Udnaya ('difficult' ) , STARshiya (' older ' ) , mа УА , NAsha ('оиг') , VAsha, Eta, aDNA .

44 [2-В]

(4) АН t11ese words пате or describe а pC1'SOl1 01' thil1g that is somewhere ог is some way 01' does something. АН these words are in thei1' Nominative case form.

(5) Т11е noul1s il1 t11ese sel1tel1CeS belong to а class caHed Feminine. Т11еу denote female pe1'sons and cer­tail1 things.

Page 53: Spoken Russian 1

We Ьауе вееп the fol1owing Feminine поuпв. We 1ist them here in the Nominative саве form: army AR1Jliya армия daughter DOCHka дочка hotel ga$T 1 'f}ica гостиница (female) citizen graZHDANka гражданка kopek kaf Е Yka копейка potatoes karTOshka картошка cigarette papiROsa папироса work raBOta работа match SfICHka спич�а water vaDA вода wife zhiNA жена

Where is our butter? It is here. Here it is ! ТЫв is good butter. Where is ту letter? [1в it а] Russian letter? Опе letter is here.

Neuter поuпв. G[JE nasha MAsla? аNо г[JЕ$. VOT aNO/ Eta, xaROshiya MAsla. G[JE тау6 pi!jMO? R Uskaya pi!jMO? гРЕ$ aDNO pi!jMO. eta pi!jMO V Аslю?

Где наше масло? Оно здесь. Вот оно ! Это - хорошее масло. Где мое письмо? РУССlие письмо? Здесь одно письмо. Это письмо паше? [1в] this letter yours?

Опе word, please ! [1 ев а] big building. Here's воте cold milk !

aDNO SLOva, paZHALsta/ ba]SHOya ZDA'f}iya.

Одно слово, пожалуйста I Большое здание.

How тисЬ does this milk cost? VOT xaLOdnaya таlаКО/ SKO[.,ka STOyit eta таlаКО?

Вот холодное молоко ! Сколько стоит это молоко?

[2-В] 45

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Practice these sentences, covering first the English and then the Russian. T�ten go through them and observe the following things.

(1) ТЬе nouns in these sentences end in -о when the ending is stressed : malaKO, pi§MO (' letter' ) ; when the ending is not stressed, it is -а: MAsla, ZDAt}iya (' build­ing') , SLOva ('word') .

(2) ТЬе word ' it' referring to on� of these nouns is aNO.

(3) ТЬе adjectives modifying or describing опе of these nouns Ьауе the following forms : bajSHOya (' big') ,

xaLOdnaya (' cold') , xaROshiya (' good') , R Uskaya, ma YO, NAsha (' our') , VAsha, Еш, aDNO.

(4) АН these words пате or descl'ibe something which is somewhere or is some way or does something. ТЬеу are in t11eir Nominative case form.

(5) ТЬе nouns in these sentences belong to а class called Neuter. ТЬеу denote various things.

We Ьауе вееп the following Neuter nouns. We give them here in their Nominative case form : milk mашКО молоко meat J.fAsa мясо butter MAsla масло letter pi§MO письмо beer Р Iva пиво word SLOva слово building ZDAt}iya здание

Where are ту cigarettes? у our cigarettes are here. Here they are, here ! Our little Ьоув understand

Russian. 1 Ьауе the matches.

46 [2-В]

Plural поипв. GJ)E mayt papiROsi? vashi papiROsi ZPE$. VOT a1Jt ZPE$! nashi MA:L-chiki pat}iMAyиt ра

RUski. SPICHki и miIYA .

Где мои паrшросы? Ваши папиросы здесь. Вот они здесь I Наши мальчики понимают

по-русски. СnИЧI<и у меня.

Page 55: Spoken Russian 1

These young people are Russian. Where are ош wives?

ер malaDlya � Uфi, RUs�iya. G!)E ndshi ZHOni?

Эти молодые люди - РУССRИе. Где наши жены?

Here are some big buildings! These letters are mine.

VOT balSHlya ZDA1}iya! eji PI$ma ma YI.

Вот большие зданил ! Эти письма мои.

No, they are not yours, they are ours.

!fET; a1}t 1}i VAshi; a1}t NAshi. Нет, они не ваши, они наши.

Russian words are difficult. RUs�iya sla VA TRUdniya. Русские слова трудные.

Practice these sentences, covering first the English and then the Russian. Then go through them and observe the following things.

(1) ТЬе nouns in these sentences are Plural; they ZDA1}iya-ZDА1}iуа (building-buildings) mean тоуе than оре person or thing. А Singular nоиn means оnе person or thing. ЕасЬ Plural noun matches some one of the Singular nouns which we Ьауе been studying:

МА�сhik-МА�сhi�i (little boy-little boys) papiROsa-раpiRОsi (cigarett�cigarettes) Sp ICHka-Sр ICH�i (match-matches) zhiNA-ZНОni (wife-wives)

Those Plural nouns which match а Masculine or Feminine Singular noun Ьауе the ending -i in the Nomi­native case. Before this ending, the sound k is replaced Ьу palatal �. Some accent different syllables in the Singular and in the Plural. There is по Singular in every­day вреесЬ corresponding to � Udi (' реорlе') or to !)Eji (' children').

SLOva-slа VA (word-words) pi§MO-Р l$та (letter-letters)

Those Plural nouns which match а Neuter Singular noun Ьауе the ending -А in the Nominative Plural. The accent is often оп different syllables in the Singular and in the Plural.

(2) The word ' t11ey', referring to а Plural noun, is a!fl. (3) The adjectives modifying Plural nоиnз have the

following forms: malaDlya (' young ones') , balSHlya (' big ones') , TRUdniya (' difficult ones') , R Usljiya (' Rus­sian ones, Russians' ) , та YI, NAshi, VAshi, Eji.

(4) АВ the Plural forms in our sentences пате or describe pei'SOnS or things which ауе somewhere or ауе some way or ауе doing something. These Plural nouns are аВ in their Nominative case form.

Notice that the Nominative Plural form is not used after numbers. After numbers а different form is used, as we shall see in the next Unit.

(2-В] 47

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Here are воте more Singular and Рlurаl IЮUПS in the Nominative саве form : ristaRA N-ristаRA ni (restauran t-restauran ts) ga$ Т 1 1Jica-ga$ т TlJici (hotel-llOte!s) ta V Arishch-ta V Arishchi (comrade-comrades) yiZI К -уiziIf.! . (language-!anguages) vagZAE-vаgZАli (station-stations)

Sиmmary Ууе shall now sum ир what we have said about the describe the forms. If уои сап ta!k, уои don't need any

Nominative case form. If уои know how to say things, rules. But sometimes when one is studying а foreign уои don't need to bother with ' the statements we are !anguage, опе starts worrying about the forms, and then going to give here. 1Ъе native speakers (for instance, it he!ps to have а handy table or summary such as we Russians or Americans) speak their own !anguage per- shall now give. fect!y, but very few of them сап make statemp.uts that

Nominative case forms NOUI1S.

MascuIine : vagZAE (по el1dil1g) Femil1il1e : papiROsa (епdiпg -а) Neuter : mагаКО, SEOva (епdiпg -о, uпstrеssеd -а) P!ura! of Masc. or Fem. : papiROsi (епdiпg -i) P!ural of Neuter : sla VA (епdiпg -а)

Before -i the sоuпd k becomes palatal �: MAI,.chik­MAI,.chi"l}i.



Specia! adjectives апd рrопоuп,

Masculine : m6у SIN (по епdiпg) Feminine : mауа zhiNA (епdiпg -а) Neuter : mау6 pi}MO (епdiпg -6) Р!urа! : mау1 r 1 $mа (епdiпg -1)


Уоur : Маsсuliпе : vaslt SIN (по епdiпg) Fеmiпiпе : vasha zhiNA (епсIiпg -а) Neuter : vasha pi}MO (епdiпg -а) Р!urа! : vashi r I$ma (спdiпg -i)

ТЬе word NASH (' our') goes just like VASH. This, that : .

Маsсu!iпе : etat vagZAE (епdiпg -at) Fеmiпiпе : eta ga$TI1Jica (ending -а) Neuter : eta pi}MO (епdiпg -а) Р!urа! : eji J)Eji (Р!urа! stem ej-, епdiпg -i)

Опе : Masculine : a!;>IN RUBI,. (по ending ; vowel i

inserted before n)

Page 57: Spoken Russian 1

Feminine : aDNA kafEYka (ending -а) Feminine : xaRO�hiya papiROsa (ending -iya) Neuter : aDNO SLOva (ending -о) Neuter : xaROshiya malaKO (ending -iya)

PluraI : xaROshiya ristaRA ni (ending -iya) Не, she, it, they : If the stem ends in k, g, х, these sounds Ьесоте palatal

MascuIine : С!)Е vagZAL?-VOT ON (по ending) before the vowel i. Feminine : G!)E ga$T 11Jica?-VOT aNA (ending -а) After k, g, х, тапу speakers (including the one оп оиг Neuter : С!)Е mаТаКО?-VOT aNO (ending -6) records) have the ending -iy for the м asculine , instead Plural : С!)Е SfICH�i?-VOT a!'fI (Plural stem of -ау.

a1J-, ending -1,) Masculine : R Us�iy yiZIK (ending -iy) Feminine : R Uskaya ga$TI1Jica (ending -ауа)

Ordinary adjectives with accent оп endings : Neuter : R Uskaya SLOva (ending -ауа) Masculine : ba]SHO Y DOM (ending -6у) PluraI : R Us�iya sla VA (ending -iya) Femlnine : ba]SHAya ga$TI1Jica (ending -ауа) But many speakers use -ау in the Masculine: R Uskay Neuter : ba]SHOya ZDA1Jiya (ending -6уа) yiZIK. Plural : ba]SHlya ga$TI1Jici (ending -iya) After other plain consonants (that is, after аН except

Ordinary adjectives with accent оп stem : sh, zh, k, g, х) , the vowels о and i are weakened to а when unstressed :

When the accent is not оп the endings, the vowels Masculine : TRUdnay yiZIK (ending -ау) о and а are weakened to i after palatal consonants or Feminine : TRUdnaya raBOta (ending -ауа) sh, zh, and to а after other consonants. Neuter : TRUdnaya SLOva (ending -ауа)

Masculine : xaROshiy SUP (ending -iy) Plural : TRUdnaya raBOti (ending -ауа)

Не is а Russian. She is а Russian. They are Russians. The toilet is to the left.

-----------------------ON R Us�iy. aNA R Uskaya. a!'fI R Us�iya. иBORnaya па J.,Eva.

Он русский. Она русская. Они русские. Уборная налево.

Notice that some words which we should expect to Ье nouns are in Russian adjectives.

[2-В] 49

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lrregular nouns. Study the following sentences in the usual way unti1 уои сап say them fluently. Read the explanations ; they

тау Ьеlр.

This is ol1r daughter. Еш nasha DOCH. Это наша дочь. These are our daughters. Еш nashi DOchiri. Это наши дочери.

ТЬе Feminine noun DOCH has an irregu!ar form in the Nominative Singu!ar. ТЬе stem in аН other forms is DOchir-. There is also а regu!ar noun DOCHka (p!ura! DOCH�i) .

Here's your coffee ! VOT vash KOfi! ВОТ IЩШ кофе ! Some Masculine nouns do not end in а consonant.

There are big houses there. ТАМ bajSHlya ММА. Там большие дома. Some Masculine nouns Ьауе the ending -а (instead of -i) in the Nominative P!ura!.

Where are your husbands? GpE vashi muZHYA? Где ваши мужья? Му sons are in the army. mayt sanaYYA v AR1Jliyi. Мои сыновья в армии. How do уои do, gent!emen ! ZDRAstvuYJi, gaspaDA/ 3дравствуйте, господа !

Some Nouns Ьауе different stems in the Singu!ar and in the P!ura!. We Ьауе sееп three such поuпs, аН Masculint: : Siпgu!аг stem : P!ura! stem : muzh- (MUSH, MUZH) muzhy- (muZHYA) sin- (SIN) sanayy- (sanay YA) gaspar)in- (gaspaJ)IN) gaspad- (gaspaDA)

ProtlOUnS. ТЬе Nominative forms of the pronouns are УА , MI, VI, КТО, SHTO. Learn the following sentences :

Who's there? КТО ТАМ? Кто там? It's I . Eta УА . Это я. Who are уои? КТО V!? Кто вы? 50 [2-В]

Page 59: Spoken Russian 1

What's this? Here's what it is ! Where are уои? I 'm here. We're here. We're in the army.

SHTO Еш? Что это? УОТ SHTO! Вот что ! G!)E VП Где вы? уа �!)E$. я здесь. mt �!)E$. Мы здесь. т'" v AR1]tiyi. Мы в армии.

2. Covering English and Russian of Word Study Read a!oud severa! times the examp!es given уои in test, cover the Russian and see if уои сап speak out the

the Word Study. Then cover the Eng!ish and see if уои Russian expressions Ьу simp!y !ooking at the Eng!ish. know the meaning of every item. Repeat operation unti! Skip about and test yourse!f thoroughly. уои are sure that уои know every expression. As а fina!

3. Review of Basic Sentences Review the first ha!f of the Basic Scntences with уош

Guide or the cassette recording. Go through them as many times as уои сап, taking turns repeating the Russian indi­vidually. Try it with books c!osed and see how уои get a!ong without the he!p of the Aids to Listening. A!ways

keep in mind the meaning of the Russian уои are hearing and speaking. As уои go through he Basic Scntences Ье оп the !ookout for examp!es of the points in Word Study уои have just covered.

SECTION C-REVIEW OF ВЛSIС SENTENCES (Cont. ) 1. Review of Basic Sentences (Соn/.)

Review the second ha!f of the Basic Sentences with уош Guide or the cassette recording. For the detai!ed proce-

dure to Ье followed � read again the instructions for the review of the first ha!f of the Basic Sentences.

2. Covering the English of Basic Sentences (Individual Study) Here is уош chance to find out just how well уои have had ир to this point. Go back to the Basic Sentences in

!earned the meaning of the Russian expressions уои have Section А and cover the English. Read the Russian

[2-С] 5'1

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aJoud and вее whether уои сап supply the English equiv- the English and look ир their meaning. Cover the English alents of the words and phrases. Mark those уои are again and repeat the procedure until уои сап go through not sure about and after reading the list through, uncover the entire list giving аН the meanings without difficu!ty.

3. What Would You Say? For еасЬ of the following situations, three Russian situation. Ве sure уои know why the other choices are

sentences are given. Аll three of the sentences make not suitable. At the next meeting of the group уои wШ perfectly good sense and are written in correct Russian, Ье asked to эау what уои Ьауе chosen, and уои wi1l but only опе of them fits the situation. Read аН three Ьауе а сЬапсе to test your answers. Оо not write апу-of them оиt loud and pick out the опе that fits the thing down.

1. Уои meet Mrs. Ivanov оп the street al1d greet her. Ь. т 1Ji chiVO 1Ji pa1JiMAyiji ра R US/ii. Уои эау : с. '1.11, 1Ji xaraSHO ga'l.laFlji ра R US/ii. а. ZDRAst'l.luyji, grazhda1Jin ivaNOF/ Ь. ZDRAstvuyji, grazhdanka ivaNOva/ с. ZDRAst'l.luyji, gаsрщUn i'l.laNOF/

2. Уои introduce your friend Mr. IIyin. Уои say : а. f,zyi!flji, УА ta VArishch iJ., YIN. Ь. grazhda1Jin iJ., YIN па 'I.IagZA]i. с. Eta grazhda1Jin iJ., YIN.

3. Mrs. Ivanov asks where уои are going. She says : а. kuDA '1.11, i!)Oji? Ь. 'I.IasM zhiNA v ristaRA1Ji? с. еРЕ vasha zhiNA?

4. She compliments уои оп your speaking Russian. She says : а. т xaraSHO gavaj{Iji ра R US/ii,

52 [2-С]

S. She asks where your frjend js. She says : а. еРЕ vash SIN? Ь. еРЕ vasha zhiNA? с. еРЕ vash ta VArishch?

6. Уои want to teH her Ье is il1 the army. Уои say : а. оп па vagZA]i. Ь. 6n '1.1 ARt)tiyi. с. m6у SI N па vagZA]i.

7. Уои ask Ilyin whether Ье wants а cigarette. Уои say: а. vi xaJiJi papiROsu? Ь. GQE mayt papiROsi? с. u 'I.Ias ус§} papiROsi?

Page 61: Spoken Russian 1

8. Не wants опе. Не says: а. DA, paZHALsta; DA Yji т1je SpICHku. Ь. DA, paZHALsta; DA Yji т1je papiROsu. с. DA , paZHALsta; DA Yji т1je vaDI.

9. Mrs. Ivanov tells уои she is driving to the railway station. She says: а. уа xachu KUshij. Ь. уа YEdu па vagZAL. с. уа iD U па vagZAL.

10. She says her husband is going to meet her there. She says : а. тi1ja taт FSТJШjit т6у MUSH.

Ь. т1je skaZAJi sht6 m6у MUSH ТАМ. с. VOT т6у MUSHI

11 . Уои are driving to the station too. Уои say : а. уа ТО zhi юи v listaRAN. Ь. уа ТО zhi хаеМ FSТJШjij vashiva МUzha. с. уа ТО zhi YEdu па vagZAL.

12 . Your friend is gоiпg to meet уои there. Уои say : а. тi1'}li Мт FSТJШjit а{Иn т6у taVAlishch. Ь. уа xachu Мт РSТJШjij тауи DOCH. с. тi1J1i Мт FSТJШjit т6у SIN.


1 . What Did You Say ?

ТО the Суоuр Leader: Read the English describing the situations in What Would Уоu Say? of Section С, and саН оп different students, not in any fixed order, to speak the Russian which the situation саllэ fd/r. Encoura�e the students to give the Russian, if they сап, without re ading it from the simplified spelling in their books. Then ask different membe'rs of the group to give the meaning in English of the different Russian expressions listed for еасЬ situation.

Go back to the Iast exercise in the preceding section. choices made if they do not agree with them. TI1e The Leader wiII ask different members of the group to Leader wiIl aIso ask for the EngIish equivalents о! аН speak the Russian to Ье used in each of the situations tI1e other expressions offered as choices, taking turns given. Other members of the group wilI criticize the around the group.

2. Word Study Check-Up То the суоuр Leader: Аэ а further check оп the students' understanding of tIJe Word Study, read the EnglisIJ equivalent of tIJe

Russian expressions given in еасЬ comment under Word Study. СаН оп different students, not in апу fixed

(2-D] 5Э

Page 62: Spoken Russian 1

order, to �ive the correct Russian {or the English. For instance, вау to А: "КАК skaZA T ра R Us�ij ту son, уо", son? ' and 80 оп. ТЬе Guide will at this point indicate Ьу а negative sign whenever Ье hears а Russian expressidn that is wrong. If there is по Guide, the other members of the group will signal that they do not agree. Immediately ask воmеопе еlве to give the right answer. Апу member of the group who Ьав difficulty in giving the correct Russian should Ье told to review tl1e Wora Stuay thorough1y before the next meeting of the group. Do not take time in this exercise to talk about the why. Stick to the how.

ТЬе Leader wШ ask different members of the group the other members of the group wi1l indicate that they to give the correct Russian for the English equivalents think your answer is wrong. ТЬе Leader wi1l then im-of the expressions уои studied in the Word Study. If mediately саН оп вотеопе else for the right answer. If уои give the wrong answer, the Guide will let уои know уои have difficulty in giving the correct Russian, review Ьу making а negative sign ; or, if there is по Guide, the Word Study thoroughly.

3. Listening In То the суоuр Leaaer: Re-read the note То the Суоuр Leader in Section D l of Unit 1. Fol1ow the вате procedure a.s outlined

there. ТЬе first time уои go through the conversations, check ир оп the meaning at the end of еасЬ conversation. ТЬеп go through аН of them а second time without stopping. Final1y, assign parts and Ьауе tl1e students read the conversatiO'l1s. Get them to do а little acting if уои сап. Encourage them to speak loudly and clearly and to get into the spirit of the situation.

Кеер уоис book closed while the Guide reads the fol­lowing conversations and repeat after him in unison. If уои have по Guide, уои should use the cassette record­ing, repeating the Russian immediately after уои hear it. At the end of еасЬ conversation take time out to check ир оп the meaning of any word or phrase about wblch уои are in doubt. Ask some other member of the group to

1 . Аnna aпd Marya talk about Mrs. Ivanov's children. Anna : КТО eta graZHDANka? Marya: grazhdanka ivaNOva. 54 [2-D]

give уои the English equivalent or. in case по one knows, go back to the Basic Sentences of tbls unit and make sure that уои understand everytblng before уои proceed any further. ао through the conversations а second time, re­peating after the Guide individually. Then take parts in the conversations. This exercise contains almost аН the new words уои Ьауе learned in tbls unit.

Anna: АХ, DA/ Marya : v! yiy6 ZNAyiji?

Page 63: Spoken Russian 1

Anna: ljET. n6 тay� l)Eji mt}e skaZAJi sht6 yiy6 SIN v

AR1fZiyi. Marya : DA.

и t}iy6 SI N i DOCH. Anna: GpE yiy6 DOCH? Marya: аnа ZPE$ v ristaRAt}i.

v� xajtji FST jШjij yiy6?

2. Smith aпd Ivanov have а eouple 01 beers. Smith : ZDRAstvuyji еа VArishehl Ivanov: ZDRAstvuyjil

КАК V!? Smith : xaraSHO, spa$Iba.

УА хаеhИ plva. а V!?

1 vanov: У А ТО zhi. УЕ$Т ristaRAN па J.,E1Ja?

Smith : DA. ха Т Iji papiROsu?

Ivanov: DA. spa$Iba ..

Smith : in;iljlji; и 1fZit}a ljET Splehik.

Anna: DA. n6 уа УБdu па vagZAL. m6у MUSH Мт. а kuda V 1 iPOji?

Marya: f) ristaRAN. da syiDAt}ya, graZHDANka.

Anna: da syiDAt}ya.

Ivanov: t}i ehiVO. ZPE$ ristaRA.N.

Waitress : ZDRAstvuyjil SHTO ха Tlji?

Ivanov: Smith :

УА xaehu plva, paZHALsta, i Splehik. paZHALsta, DAYji mt}e ТО zbl Р Iva.

Ivanov : Smith :


Smith :

а КАК vasha zhiNA , taVArisheh? xaraSHO, spa$Iba. т ZNAyiji sht6 MUZH mоуеу DOchiri

ZPE$? DA . а GpE va�h SIN? 6n ТО zhi ZPE$.

[2-D] 55

Page 64: Spoken Russian 1

Ivanov: Smith : Ivanov:

ON 1}i v ARtpiyi? DA, n6 и 1}i'IJ6 OTpusk. xaraSHO. , graZHDANka! SКдf.,kа еш STOyit?

3. А stranger asks directions jrom Green. Stranger : ZDRAst'IJuyji еа VArishch!

т pa1}iMAyiji ра R Us/}i? Green : DA , уа pa1}iMAyu:

n6 pazhtf.lsta gavajUji }.fEdjinпa. Stranger: 'IJt ZNAyiji gge uBORпaya? Green : .DA .

fJ ga$TI1}ici уе§} uВОЯ.пауа. Stranget: G!;>E ga$TI1}ica? Green : ga$TI1}ica па J.,E'lJa а! vagZAla.

1s there апу word or phrase in these conversations that уои do not understand now? If there is, Ье sure to find out its meaning Ьу asking members of your group or looking it ир in the Basic Sentences.

Go through the conversations again following the вате plan аз before. Imitate carefully and keep in mind the meaning of everything уои are saying in Russian.

Finally go through the conversations а third time. 56 (2-Р]

Waitress: chiT1ri plva, aJ)IN RUBJ.,. spa$Iba. da syiDA1}ya.

Ivanov and Smith : da syiDA1}ya.

Stranger: vf, skaZAJi sht6 eta ga$TI1}ica? еш 1}i ga$TI1}ica. еш 'IJagZAL.

Green : paZHALsta, pajtajUji. Stranger: еш 'IJagZAL, t}i ga$Tlt}ica. Green : 'IJagZAL па J.,E'lJa,

а ga$Tlt}ica па J.,E'lJa at vagZAla. Stranger: АХ, izyi!jlji paZHALsta. Green : еш t}i chiVO.

Take turns speaking the parts and continue until every­body has had а chance to speak at least опе of the parts. Кеер this exercise going аз long аз уои have time. Get the most out оС this individual performance and when your turn сотев, speak clearly and with feeling. ТЬе Guide will correct аnу errors. he hears Ьу asking YOtl to repeat. Make every effort to satisfy Ыт with your pronunciation.

Page 65: Spoken Russian 1

SECTION E-CONVERSATION 1 . Covering, the Russian of Basic Sentences (lndividual Study)

Go back to the Basic Sentences of this unit. Cover ир test is hard, but if уои succeed in saying the Russian the Russian. Read the English silently and test your� for аН the sentences Ьу merely looking at the English, self to see how many words and phrases уои сап эау in уои are doing weH indeed. То make sure of this, after. Russian. Check the words you are uncertain about and you are certain уои knoVII the m:aterial, pick out expres-after уои Ьауе gone through the whole list, uncover the sions at random and эее if уои сап still speak the Rus-Russian and review them. Go through the list once sian quickly. As уои practice, уои must always speak more and continue for at least three times or until уои the RUBsian aloud and try to imitate the pronunciation сап give the Russian readily for аН the expressions. This of your Guide a�,wel1 as уои сап гесаll it.

2. Vocabulary Check-Up То the Group Leader:. Go to the Basic Sentences. Rea'd to the gюuр the English equiva!ents of the Russian expressions. Call

оп different students, nat in апу fixed order, asking far the correct RU8sian for the English. This check-up is to be conducted in the вате way аэ the Vocabulary Check- Up of Section Е '1 of Unit 1. If уои have апу question about the proper prooedure, review the note То the Group Leader in that section. Remember not to spend апу time ta!king about the why of the Russian; stick to the how.

ln this section уоц are going to have your second the leader о! the Group wil1 ask уои to supply in turn chance to engage in conversation in Russian. Remember the Russian expressions {ог the English equivalents that this is the most usefu1 part of уоиг study. There- which Ье reads from the Basи Sentences. Figure out fore, you should make the greatest effort to do this part how to вау the Russian {ог еаф English phrase or sen-as well as уои possibly сап. Get perfectly clear what уои tence whether it is your turn to speak ог not. Only in are to do and then plunge into it with enthusiasm. this way сап уои, get the most value out of the Check- ИР.

Before уои begin the СЩlvегsаtiоn, check yourself оп If there is тисЬ of the Russian ",ЫсЬ уои don't know, your ability to speak the Russian уои have learned up review the Basic Sentences at the ' first opportunify out· to this point. As in the Vocabulary Сhесk- ИР of Unit 1 , side of the group meeting.

3. Conversation То the Group Leader: This section represents the real purpose оС th� entire unit. ТЬе course is lntended to teach уои to speak

Russian and to understand it when you hear it spoken. Follow the instructions and give аН the time уои сап to (ree conversation practice. Апу members of the group W!1O have specia! difficu!ty recalting the Russian wcirds

[2-Е] 57 i i l

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and phrases they need to express а meaning should Ье told to do more work with the Uscful Words and Phrascs and Basic Scntcnccs. T hey need, in particular, more practice in covering the Russian and recalling it when they read the English. Practice in getting the meaning of the Listcning ln tapes will also help. Arrangements should Ье made for students to play and l isten to the tapes whenever they сап between meetings of the group.

Then turn to the outlined conversations which follow. Assign parts and ask the students to act them out. Vary the situations and suggest (о the students that they vary the Russian slightly as they gain confidence in their speaking. Remember to keep the speaking loud enough so that everyone сап hear. See that everyone is listening and trying to understand the Russian that is being spoken.

ТЬе Leader will assign parts and will .ask уои to reproduce the conversational situations wi1ich follow. A"t УОШ' part. Don't Ье afraid to vary· the conversation if уои are sure of your Russian and use. the Russian уои

1 . Two friends meet, А asks В if he'd like а beer. В asks where there is а restaurant. А tells Ыт where there is 6пе (to the right or left of the hotel, station, etc . ) . В sayshe is driving to the station to meet i1is daughter's husband, and asks where А is headed for. А says Ье is going to the hotel to the right of the station. ТЬеу go off together.

2. At tl1e station the daughter's husband is not there. ТЬеу go into the restaurant and tl1e waitress asks what they want. ТЬеу order beer Щ.1.d cigarettes. В asks А about i1is family. А says i1is wife and little Ьоу are getting оп бпе ; i1is older son is in the агту. В says i1is daughter's husband is in the army but Ье has а furlough. Не calls the waitress and asks

Throw yourself into these conversations. Do the best уои сав with pronunciatioB aBd with the Russian, but dOB't worry too тисЬ about mistakes. Think more of acting your part and speaking smoothly and as thougl1

58 [2-Е]

Ьауе learвcd iB Unit 1 as well as that of Unit 2. Соп­tiBue this practice until everYOBe сап speak апу part of the cOBversations еуеп though slight changes in the situations al'e introduced.

' How тисЫ' She says two beers and cigarettes are опе roubIe. ТЬеу рау, she thal1ks thеш апd say goodbye.

3. А Ьоу and git-l meet. Не asks her if sl1e'd like SОIШ�­ti1ing to eat. She accepts. ТЬеу go to а геstаuгапt and the waitress asks what they want. ТЬе girl orders tea and bread апd buttel' ; the Ьоу ordel's milk, meat, and potatoes. ТЬе waitl'ess is hard of heal'ing and asks if she wal1ts meat 01' butter. TI1e Ьоу says to give him some meat and the girl эауэ she wal1ts butter. ТЬе waitl'ess asks mт to repeat, and Ье I'epeats tЬе whole order. She thanks him and leaves.

уои must теап wЬаt уои are sayil1g. ТЬе Gt1ide wil1 help уои correct your errors. lf уои сав do ti1is work well, it теапэ that уои are actually cOBversing iп Russian , and that is your chief aim iп this course.


Page 67: Spoken Russian 1

SECTION F-CONVERSATION (Cont.) Read again the instructions given in Section F of the members of the group or оп native speakers around уоtl.

preceding unit. ТЬеп continue the conversations which Carry оп conversations with them whenever уои get а уои started in Section Е of this unit (2). сЬапсе. Ask questions. At this stage of the game, don't

Take every opporttlnity between now and the next try to use phrases or ::;entences which are different from meeting of the group to try out your Russian оп other those уоu Ьауе learned thus far in this course.

FINDER LIST This is а complete alphabetical list ос а1\ the words and expressions used in this unit which are in апу way new

or ипивиаl. The conventional spe1!ing is enclosed in parentheses after each entry. From now оп we shal1 not repeat words which have Ьееп dri11ed sufficiently in previous units. This list is for reference опlу, but уои should know а1\ these before going оп to the next unit.

aNA , a!jI, aNO, see ON FSTFEjij (встретить) to meet AR1}'tiya (армия) army ; v AR1}'tiyi in the army FSTFEjit (встретит) Ье will meet ае (ОТ) from, of; па PRAva ае vagZALa , iIIOji (идете) уои are going (оп foot)

to the right of the station т u (иду) 1 ат going (оп foot) АХ (ах) оь ! i".& YIN (Ильин) Ilyin (family пате) ba/SHO У (большой) big КТО (ICТO) who chiVO (чеro) of what : t}i chiVO (ничеro) iIOthing; it's kuDA (куда) whereto

nothing ; never mind ".& U{li (люди) people !)Eji (дети) children ; FSTFEjij {liTE Y (дитей) to meet тalaDO Y (молодой) young

the children MA".&chik (мальчик) Ьоу пОСН (дочь) daughter ; DOCHiji (дочери) daughters ; MAlinlyiy (маленький) smaH

MUSH тауеу DOchiri (дочери) ту daughter's МI (мь,) we husband МО У (мой) ту

DOCHKA (дочка) daughter MUSH, MUZH (муж) husband ; тuZHYA (мужья) пОМ (дом) house ; мМА (дома) houses husbands

[2-·F] 59

Page 68: Spoken Russian 1

NA (на) оп, at NAS (нас) иэ, и NAS we have NASH (наш) our 1}iVO, ljIX, 1}iYO, эее yiVO NO (110) Ьие

ON (он) he, it; aNA (она) she, it ; aNO (оно) it ; alj 1 (онн) they

OTpusk (отпуск) furlough

pi§MO (письмо) letter ; fI$ma (письма) letters

R Us�iy (русский) Russian

SIN (сын) son ; sanay У А (сыновья) sons skaZHlji (скажите) tell SLOva (слово) word ; sla VA (слова) words STARshiy (старший) older

TRUdnay (трудиый) difficult

60 [2-F]

V (8) in ; v /istaRA 1}i in the restaurant V AS (вас) уои ; и VAS уои have VASH (ваш) your

xaLODnay (холодный) соld xaROshiy (хороший) good

УЩiji (едете) уои are riding or driving, УБdи (еду) 1 аm riding or driving

yiVO (еro) Ыm ; u 1}iVO (у неro) he has YIX (их) them ; и ljIX (у них) they have yi YO (ее) her ; u 1}i YO (у Ilee) she has

уiZП( (язык) tongue, language ; yiziI}:I (языки) languages

ZDA1}iya (здание) building zhiNA (жена) wife ; ZHOni (жены) wives ZNAyit (знает) knows

ZNAyiji (знаете) уои know

Page 69: Spoken Russian 1



U N I T � То ем Group Leader: R�ad careCul1y the note to the Leader in Section А оС Unit 2. Then go through the Basic Sentences

once, and take ир the Hints оп руоnunсюиоn. Со through the Basic Sentences at least twice more in'dividual1y, paying especial attention to pronunciation.

Go throl1gh the Basic Sentences, in unison, in the same way уои did for Section А оС the preceding unit. Ве sure to put plenty of lifе into your repetitioll of the selltences. After уои have gone through the Basic Sen­tences once in ul1ison and have dOl1e the Hints оп Pro-

nunciation, соте back to the Basic Sentences. Рау par­ticular attention to the points of pronullciation уои have just been working оп and go through the sentences at least twice more individually.

1. Basic Sen tences

Mrs. Smitlt meets the Ilyins and they talk about their frieпds. .--- ENGL /SH EQUIVALENTS ----. AIDS ТО L/STENING ----,

girl Mrs. I lyill, do уои know that girl?

(female) friend Yes, she's one of ту son!s friends.

Mrs. Smith !)Evushku grazJuМnka i'[., Y1N,* т ZNAyiJi etu

!)Evushku? Mrs. Ilyin

Pri УА Jф,]iса DA; aNA Pri YAJi/YJica mayivo

S1na. *Not usual. ТЬе wife or daughter of Mr. i[., Y1N is commonly called iJyiNA.


девушку Гражданка Ильин, вы знаете эту


приятельница Да, она приятельница моего сына.

(3-А] 61

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уои* with her to make acquaintcd , to


1 want to make уои acquainted witl1 hcr. **

that о, this YOllng РС!"БОП

Who is tlle young тап with ller?

brotller 1 t's he1' olde!" brother.

with wllat Ье is occupied о, is busy

What does Ье do?

VAS s ljE Y


уа хаСНU vas s ljEY paznaK 01]ti}.

Mrs. Smith Ееае malaDO Y chilaYEK

КТО etat mаlаД6у chilaYEK s fjE Y?

Mrs. I lyin ВМ Т

Eta yiy6 stdrshiy ВМ Т.

M rs. Smith СНЕ М za1}iMAyitsa

СНЕ М 6n za1}iMAyitsa?

doctor DOKtar M rs. I lyin

He's а doctor. ON, DOKtar. ----

*Not оп the cassette. **Тhe English оп the tape is an error. 69. [3-А]

вас с ней ПО8наномить

л ХОЧУ вас с ней познаI\ОМИТЬ.

этот молодой человен

Кто этот молодоi1: человен с ней!

БРа'r Это ее старший брат.


заНИМается Чем он занимае'rся?

ДOI�тор ОН ДOI�тор.

Page 71: Spoken Russian 1

sister (female) teacher Eng1ish (of)- language

His sister is ап English teacher.

ту boys (she) speaks in Eng1ish

Му Ьоуэ told те Ihat she speaks Eng1ish well.

Please introduce п,е to ner.

wait for ту husband

I want to wait for ту hlisband.

Не doesn' t know that I 'm Ьеrе.

tЬет Your ЬusЬапd knows tЬет too?

§iSTRA uCHljilt}ica anGf.,IYskava yiziKA

yiv6 §iSTRA , uCHljilt}ica anGf.,I Yskava yiziKA .

тау!' MAf.,chi�i gavajUT ра anGf.,IYs�i

тау!, MAf.,chi�i тt}e skaZA/i sht6 аnа xaraSHO gavajUT ра anGf.,I Ys�i.

paZHALsta , paznaKOAfJi тit}a s JjE Y.

Mrs. Smit}} padaZHDA T тayiv6 MUzlxa

уа xachu padaZHDA т тayiv6 MUzha.

6n t}i ZNAyit sht6 уа г!)Е$.

Mrs. Smit}} YIX

vash MUSH yix ТО zhi ZNAyit?

сестра учительница английского языка

Его сестра - учительница английCIЮГО язьша.

мои мальчики говорит по-английски

Мои мальчики мне сказали, что она хорошо говорит по-английски.

Пожалуйс'га, познаномьте меня С ней.

подождать моего мужа

Я хочу подождать моего мужа.

ОН не знает, что я здесь.

их Ваш муж их тоже ЭJlШет?


Page 72: Spoken Russian 1

together (they) work in the hospital*

Уеэ, they work together in the hospital.

Here's ту husbancl, there, ,оп the rigllt !

Ье110 (familiar)* Boris (тап'э name)*

Неllо, Boris !

Vera (woman s пате)* Hel1o, Vera!

уои (familiar) (уои) know (familiar)

Do уои know Mrs. Smith?

уои (familiar) 1 want уои to meet her (' 1 want to

make уои acquainted with her').

Mrs. Smith-my lшsЬапd.

*Not оп the cassette.

64 [3-А)

Mrs. Ilyin v },fE§ji raBOtayиt v GOspitaji

DA,. a1J{, v },fE§ji raBOtayиt v GOspitaJi.

VOT m6y MUSH; ТАМ, па PRAva!

ZDRAstvuy baJUS

ZDRAstvиy bafl.IS!

Mr. Ilyin YEra

ZDRAstvuy УЕт!

ТI ZNAyish

Mrs. Ilyin

ti ZNAyish grazhdankи S},fIT?

Щ3А уа хаСНU Щ}(! s !fE У


t]'ti§is S},fIT; m6у MUSH.

вместе работают в госпитале

Да, они вместе работают в госпитале.

Вот мой муж, там направо !

здравствуй Борис

Здравствуй, Борис !

Вера Здравствуй, Вера I

ты знаешь

Ты знаешь гражданку Смит?

тебя Я хочу тебя с ней познакомить.

Миссис Смит - мой муж.

Page 73: Spoken Russian 1

very pleasant*

Very pleased to meet уои ('Very pleasant').

How do уои do, Mr. I lyin !

(Ье) wants (with the) sister (of) Dr. Ivanov to get acquainted**

Mrs. Smith wants to meet Dr. Ivanov's sister.

they Where are they?

(Ье) went away to the hospital**

She is in the restaurant, but Ье went off to the hospital.

*Тhe Eng1ish оп the tape is an епоr.

Mr. Ilyin Ochi1J pri YAtna

Ochit} Pri YAtna.

Mrs. Smith ZDRAstvuyJi, grazhdat}tn iJ., YINI

Mrs. Ilyin XOchit s §iSTROY d6ktara ivaNOva paznaK01j'titsa

grazhdanka SMIT x6chit paznaKOtpitsa s §iSTRO У DOKtara ivaNOva.

Mr. llyin al'fI

а G!)E at}t?

Mrs. Ilyin uSHOL v GOspita]

aN А v ristaRA t}i, а ON uSHOL v GOspita].

**Not оп the cassette.

очень приятно

Очень приятно.

Здравствуйте, гражданин Ильин ,

хочет с сестрой доктора Иванова познакомиться

Граждаш�а Смит хочет позна­Комиться с сестрой доктора ИЕанова.

они А где они?

ушел в госпиталь

Она в ресторане, а он ушел D госпиталь.

(3-А] 65

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to drink Would уои like [something1 to eat

or drink?

(we) want We'd like some tea or coffee,

thank уои.

let's go Good i let's go into the .restaurant.

What do уои want?

to us Bring us some tea, рlеаве.

1 want some milk and sugar, please.

АН right.

we'H meet We'l1 meet Miss Ivanov at the

hospital. 66 [3-А]

Mr. IIyin PIT

vf, xaj�ji р IТ �li к Usblj?

Mrs. I1yin mi xaTIM

mi xajtm СНАуu �li KOji, spa$Iba.

Mr. I1yin pay!)OMji

xaraSHO. pay!)OMji v ristaRAN.

Waitress SHTO v� ха т Iji?

Mrs. I1yin NAM

DA Yji пат СНАуu, paZHALsta.

Ml·S. Smith УА хаеhИ ташКА i SAxaru,


Waitress xaraSHO.

Mrs. I1yin FSTftEjim ·

mi FST ftEjim grazhdanku ivaNOvu v GOspitaji.

пить Вы хотите пить или Rушать?

мы хотим Мы хотим чаю или Rофе, спасибо.

пойдемте Хорошо, пойдемте в ресторан.

Что вы хотите?

нам Дайте нам чаю, пожалуйста.

я хочу МОЛОRа и сахару, пожалуйста.


встретим Мы встретим граждаНR;V Иванову

в госпитале.

Page 75: Spoken Russian 1

we'll go* with уоu (familiar) there (' to that place')

We'll go there with уоu.

Dr. Ivanov is there too.

Here's our tea.

It's so l1ice to meet уои here !

with те Му husband al1d children aren't

with те, уоu know.

Where are they?

ТЬеу are in the hospi.tal.

too bad (we) knew

Тоо bad !

No; we didn't know.

Excuse те ;

*Not оп the cassette.

mt pay!)OM s еаВО У tuDA

mt рау!)ОМ tuDA s t.aBO Y.

DOKtar ivaNOF ТО zhi ТАМ.

Mrs. Smith VOT nash СНА У.

Mk PJi YAtna FSТJШjij vas Z!)E$I

sa MNO Y т ZNAyiji, MUSH i !)Eji 1Ji sa

MNO Y. Mrs. Ilyin

G!)E аnа Mrs. Smith

a1Jt v GOspitaji.

Mr. Ilyin ZHALka ZNAji


JYET; т� 1Ji ZNAli.

Mr. Ilyin izyiJYlji;

мы пойдем с тобой туда

Мы пойдем туда с тобой.

Доктор Иванов тоже там.

Во'!' наш ч;аЙ.

Как приятно встретить вас здеСl !

ео мной Вы знаете, муж и дети не со мной.

Где они?

Они в госпитале.

жалко знали

Жалко !

Нет, мы не знали.

Извините ;

[3,-А] 67

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I'т going to the hospital.

to go ог соте'" Wotild уоц like to соте with те?

Good; we'll go together.

"'Not оп the cassette.

уа iди fI GOspitaJ.

рауТ! xaT!ji рауТ! sa MNOY?

Mrs. Ilyin xaraSHO; тt раурОМ fI },fE§ji.

Before уои go through the Bos;c Sentences а second time study the following: 2. Hints оп Pronunciat.1on

я иду в госпиталь.

пойти Хотите пойти со мной?

Хорошо, мы пойдем вместе.

1. Palatal, t, 8, �. ТЬе palatal sounds t, 8, � occur Compare аlso: only before the vowels е and i, and never in any other vagZAU ' stations', with plain 1 before il' position. The plain consonants k, g, х never occur before па vagZAji ' at the station', with palatal 1 before i. е and i. 2. The vowel ; after plain consonants. Remember that

N р висЬ rule wil1 hold good for the other consonants. Russian ; after а plain consonant has а special sound; to Whether а consonant (other than k, g, х) is plain or our ears it sounds queec and muffled. This effect is оЬ-palatal does not depend оп the sound that соПiеs after it. щiпеd Ьу drawing the tongue back, almost as though one It depends simply оп what word is being spoken. Thus, wece gagging. ТЬе muffled effect comes out clearest after we have РАТ ' five' , but РА Т in "аааРА Т 'waterfall' . р, Ь, v; foc instance, the wocds М/ 'we" and V/ 'уои' sound

vagZAL: vagZAli ' station : stations' : the i Ьав fЮ effect almost as they were MW/, VW/. оп the 1; Now carefully and vigorously imitate the Guide ос the

MAf.,chik: MAJ.,chi�i ' Ьоу : Ьоув' : when the i is added cassette. the k becomes palatal 8.

P R A C T I C E 1

VI МI 68 [3-Аl

ВЫ мы

уou we

Page 77: Spoken Russian 1

ЕЛа было ТI ты vaDI воды SIN сын yiZIK язык zhiNI жены VAshi ваши RIba рыба

3. Russian i. Remember that Russian i at the beginning of а word or after а pa!ata! consonant sounds 1ike the i in mocltine, on!y shorter.

We now give some practice оп this sound, contrasting it

P R A C T I C E 2

a!fI они vaDI воды flva пиво VI вы YIX их ТI ты xaTIJi хотите МI мы ра аnGJ.,IУsфi по-английски SIN сын

it was уои (familiar) some water son langиage (ту) wife's уои, fish

with the sound of i after p!ain consonants. Listen to the way your Guide (or the speaker оп the tape) says these sounds. Repeat each word right after him, imitating Ыт as weB as уои сап.

they some water Ьее, уои them уои (familiar) уои want we in English son

(З-А] 69

Page 78: Spoken Russian 1

izyi/j Iji ИЭВИНИ1'е zhiNI жены paftaJUji повторите yiZIK яэык ga$TT1Jici гостиницы uCHljil1Jici учительницы §iSTRI сестры

4. Russian о and u. ТЬе Russian о lesembles our vowe! in four and the Russian и resembles our vowe! in рull. Stil1 there is а big difference. ТЬе way а Russian makes these sounds is especial1y noticeable if Ье uses them in speaking English imperfectly. ТЬе Russian vowels о and и are made with rounded liрв ; tbls is the main cause of

P R A C T I CE 3

КТО ItTO VOT вот DOCH дочь ON он TVO Y твой SKO[.,ka сколько Sl'Oyit стоит R UBJ., рубль SUPU супу MUSH, MUZH муж 70 (З-А]

excuse (те) (ту) wife's repeat language hotels (woman) teachers (ту) sister' s

their peculiar sound. English spoken with Russian vowels is hard to understand ; Russian spoken with English vowels mау Ье quite unintelligible. Therefore practise careful1y оп Russian о and u.

Notice that Russian о never occurs unstressed. Now imitate as well as уои сап.

who here it is daughter he, it уоuу (Jamiliar) hmu much it costs уоuЬТе some sou!' husband

,-; � ;;

.� iJ i .. �

Page 79: Spoken Russian 1

ра R Us�i по-русски KUshij кушать

Now go through the Basic Sentences оп ее more indi­vidually, and with your book ореп. As уои repeat after your Guide., keep your eyes оп the А ids to Listening and note in particuJar the exampJes of the sounds discussed. Again do not hcsitate to ask your Guide to repeat if yo� are uncertain about апу sound.

in Russian to eat

Finally, go through the BaJ'ic Sentences at least опсе again individually. Кеер your book closed, listen eare­fully to your Guide and make sure that your pronuneia­tibn satisfics him.

3. Check У ourself

Сап уои шаkе а clear differencc Ьеtwееп plain and palatal consonants?

Сап уои pronounce the Russian vowels?

Are уои sure that уои make them good and short and never drawl them?


1. Word Study (Iпdividuаl Study)

АБ in Section Вl of Unit 2, read the words аncl expres­sions in each list and make sure that уои understand the meaning of the Russian. Тl1еп read the comments

which follow each list. When уои have fil1ished the Word Study ask other members of the group about points wl1ich are not clear to уои.


Familiar уоu. Mr. and Mrs. I1yin in i:alking to each other use the intimate word ТI ' уои' instead of VI. 1п talking to а near relative or а very intimate friend , Russians use this prol1t>Un TI. They also use it in talk­ing to а child or to апу 110n-human being, БиС!1 as а dog or hor�e. 111 talking to two or more sllch persol1S or beings,

they always иБе VI. Уои will have occasion to use the word ТI only if уои ta!k to а child-or if уои get very intimate with Russian people, and Ьу the time уои do that, уои won't l1eed tl1is book апу 10l1ger.

When опе says Т 1 опе also uses TVO У ' your' i'1stead оЕ VASH. The verbs, too, are different : ZDRAstvuy

IЗ-ВJ 71 I

Page 80: Spoken Russian 1

Ъе1l0' (literally 'Ье well') instead of ZDRAstvuyji; XOehish 'уои wai1t' instead of xaTlJi; ZNAyish ' уои know' instead of ZNAyiji.

ТЬе word T VQ у takes the same endings as МО У. v lifE§Ji means ' together', but lifEsta means 'рlасе' :

VOT vam 1vJEsta ' here is а рlасе (or seat) for you'. Непсе f) lifE§ji literally means ' in [the or а] рlасе'. Different languages say things in entirely different ways.

Reflexive ending. We see in the Basie Sentenees that paznaKOtpij means ' to make (someone) acquainted (with 50meone) j to introduce (sотеопе to someone) ' . For in-

That is not said (Опе doesn't say Ееа 1Ji gavaF./Tsa. it tl1at way). /

We'll meet Ыт. m-t yiv6 FSTFEjim.

stance уа хаеМ paznaKOtpij vas s maytm BRAtam • 1 ' want to make уои acquainted with (introduce you to) ту brother'.

ТЬе longer word paznaKO'flitsa means • to get ас­quain ted (with someone) ; to Ье introduced (to someone) '. For instance : уа хаеМ paznoKOtpitsa s vashim BRAtam • 1 want to get acquainted with' (to Ье introduced to) your brother'.

ТЬе syllable -sa or -§а tacked оп to the end оЕ а уегЬ is called the reftexive eпding. It has тапу different щеап­ings. For instance :

Это не говорится.

Мы его �стретим. We'll meet (еасЬ other) at the mt FSTFE.#msa па vagZAJi. Мы встретимся на вокзале.

station. 1 Сее! Jike drinking. (the usual way

of saying ' I'm thirsty'). Do уои feel like eating? (that is :

; Are уои hungry?')

m1Je x6ehitsa р [Т.

vam x6ehitsa К И shiJ?

After а vowel the reflexive ending is shorter : -§ or -s: Get acquainted with Mr. Ivanov. paznaKOtpJi§ s gaspa4inam

With what are уои busying yourself?

ivaNOvam. СНЕМ т za1JiMAyiJi§?

Мне хочется пить.

Вам хочется кушать?

Познакомьтесь с господином Ивановым.

Чем вы занимаетесь?

Ncw nouns. Here are the Nominative case forms, Singular and Plural, of the new nouns in the Basie Sentences.

11 [3-В]

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Masculine : baft.IS (Boris, man's given пате ; по Plural) BRA T-ВRAjуа (brother-brothers) chilaYEK (person, тап ; по Plural) DOktar-daktaRA (doctor-doctors) GOspitaj-GОspitаji (hospita!-hospitals) Notice that the Plural Nominatives BRAjya and

daktaRA Ьауе the irregular ending -а. ТЬе word ВМ Т Ьаэ а longer stem brajy- in the РIш·аl.

Feminine : PEvushka-рЕvush�i (girl-girls) Pri У Ajil1jica-Pri У Ajil1Jici (friend-friends, female) .§iSTRA-$Оstri (sister-sisters) uCHljil1Jica-uСНljij1jiсi (teacher-teachers, female) УЕуа (Vera, woman's given пате ; по P!ural)

Neuter : },fEsta-1fliSТА (place, seat'-places, seats)

В. GENlТIVE CASE Masculine and Neuter nouns.

She is the sistel' of ту friend. aNA , §iSTRA тayiv6 ta V Arishcha. Она -- сестра моего товарища. Give те а glass of milk. DA Yji т1je staKAN тагаКА . Дайте мне стакан молока.

Observe that the worcls ta VArishcha, таюКА are used like English phrases with the word ' оС : ' of ту frient1' , ' of milk'. Observe that these two Russian words Ьауе the ending -а. This case form is cal1ed the Genitive.

Masculine nouns (ta VArishch) and N euter nouns (тагаКО) Ьауе the ending -а in the Genitive case form.

Feminine nouns. Не is the brothe� of ту wife. 6n ВМ Т тауеу zhiNI. Give те а glass оС water. DA Yji т1je staKAN vaDI.

Feminine nouns Ьауе the ending -i in the Genitive case form.

Plural nouns.

Он - брат моей жены. Дайте мне станан воды.

She is the sister of ту friends. аnа §iSTRA тayix ta VArishchiy. Она - сестра моих товарищей. She is the teacher of our children. аnа uCHljej1jica nashix 4iTE У. Она - учительница наших детей.

Plural nouns ending in а pa!ata! consonant (except у) Ьауе the ending -еу in the Genitive саэе. Unstressed -еу is weakened to -iy.

[З-В] 73

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There are lots of big Ьоиэеэ here. There are lots of restaurants there. Не is а friend of ту brothers.

г!)Е$ MNOga balSHIX daMOF. ТАМ MNOga ristaRAna/. ON, ta V Arishch тayix BRAJyi/.

Эдесь много больших домов. Там много ресторанов. Он - товарищ моих братьев.

Plura!s of MascuIine nouns ending in а p!ain consonant or in у have the ending -о/ in the Genitive case. ТЬе vowe! о is weakened to а (and after у to i) when unstressed. '

1 Ьауе 10ts of cigarettes. и тi!jA MNOga papiROS. У меня много папирос. Не knows lots of Russian words. 6n ZNAyit MNOga R Us�ix SLOF. Он знает много русских слов. There are !ots of big bui1dings there. ТАМ MNOga bajSHIX ZDA1}iy. Там много больших :щаниЙ.

Plura!s of Feminine and Neuter nouns ending in а p!ain consonant or in у Ьауе по ending in the Gel1itive саБе.

She is the teacher of these girls. аnа uCHIJil1}ica eJix !)Evushik. Она - учительница этих девушек. 1 have lots of letters. и тi!jA MNOga j>I§iт. У меня много писем.

When а word has по ending added (аэ in these Genitive p!ura! forms) , а stem ending in two COl1sonant.s inserts а vowel between them.

This ho!ds true of аН consonant combinations except а уегу few, such аэ st: the Genitive Plural of MEsta is MEST.

Tlle hote! is to the left of the station.

М у brother has the letter (' The letter is with ту brother') .

ga$TI1}ica па [.,Eva at vagZAla.

pi§MO и тayiv6 BRAta.

Гостиница налево от вокзала.

Письмо у моего брата.

The Genitive case form is used after tlle prepositions ОТ (unstressed : at) and U. Give те some (оС the) miIk. DA Yji т1}е тalaKA . Дайте мне молока.

The Genitive form means part о/ soтething, as against the who!e оС it ; compare : Give те the mi1k. DA YJi тt}e тalaKO. Дайте мне МОЛОКQ, There is по mi1k. таюКА ljET. МОЛQка нет. 74 [3-В]

Page 83: Spoken Russian 1

Му children aren't here. maytx �iTE Y �J)E$ l'fET. Моих детей здесь нет. 1 have по matches. и 1)til'fA l'fET Sflchik. 'у меня нет спичек.

The Gепitivе denotes something оС which there isn't аnу or something which is not in а place.

1 don't driпk milk. уа 1}i f YU mаШКА. Я не пью молока. 1 don't know this word. уа 1}i ZNAyu etava SLOva. Я не знаю этого слова. 1 don't know these Russian words. уа 1}i ZNAyu eJix R Us�ix SLOF. Я не знаю этих русских слов.

The Genitive denotes something to which опе does not ао something or other.

How тапу children have уои? SKOJ.,ka и VAS �iTE Y? Сколько у вас детей? Не has lots оС cigarettes. и 1JiVO MNOga papiROS. 'у него много папирос. 1 have few cigarettes. и 1)til'fA МАш papiROS. 'у меня мало папирос. There is little water here. �PE$ MAla vaDI. Здесь мало воды.

ТЬе Genitive is used after words of quantity: SKOJ.,ka (how тапу, how тисЬ) , MAla (few, little) , MNOga (тапу, тисЬ).

There is no big hospital here. There is по good doctor there. 1 don't uпdеrstапd this Russian


�PE$ !jET bajSHOva GOspita]a. ТАМ l'fET xaROshiva DOKtara. уа 1}i pat}iMAyu etava R Uskava


Здесь нет большего госпиталя. Там нет хорошего доктора. Я не понимаю этого русского слова,

The Genitive of adjectives in the Мавсиliпе and Neuter Ьав the ending -6va: the о Ьав the ивиа! weakening when unstressed.

She is ту brother's wife. a1Jd zhiNA mayiv6 BRAta. Она - жена моего брата. 1 haven't еуеп опе roub!e. и 1)ti!jA l'fET t}i ааna VO ruBJ.,A. 'у мена нет ни одного рубля. There isn't еуеп опе seat here. �PE$ l'fET t}i мna VO AfEsta. Здесь нет ни одного места.

ТЬе specia! adjectives МО У and aJ)IN have the ending ·av6 in the Masculine and Neuter Genitive. [3-В] 75

Page 84: Spoken Russian 1

There's по big hotel here. [,J)E$ ijET bajSHO Y ga$TI1Jici. Здесь нет большой гостиницы. There's not even one good hotel [,J)E$ ijET 1Ji aDNO Y xaROshiy Здесь нет ни одной хорошей

here. ga$TI1Jici. гостиницы. There's по toilet there. tam ijET uBORnay. Там нет уборной.

The Genitive оС adjectives in the Feminine has the ending -оу (with the иеиаl weakening when unstressed) . Note that uBORnaya is an adjective, not а noun.

Не is ту sister's husband. 6n MUSH mауеу §iSTRI. The special adjective МО У has the ending -еу in the Genitive Feminine.

Он муж моей сестры.

There are по big hotels here. [,J)E$ ijET bajSHIX ga$TI1Jic. Здесь нет больших гостиниц. There are по good restaurants here. ['J)Е$ ijET xaROshix listaRAnaf. Здесь нет хороших ресторанов. She is а friend of ту daughters. аnа Pli У Aji11Jica mау1х dachiftE, У. Она приятеnьница моих дочерей. There are lots оС hard words here. ['J)Е$ MNOga TRUdnax SLOF. Здесь много трудных сnов.

The Genitive Рlшаl form оС adjectives Ьае the ending -ix, weakened to -ах when unstressed after а plain consonant (other than с, sh, zh) .

1 don't шidеrstапd tllese words. уа 1Ji pa1JiMAyи ejix SLOF. я не понимаю этих слов. The Geniti"'e Plural form о! the special adjective Etat is Ejix (plural stem ej-).

1 Ьауе two roubles. и 1JtiijA D VA rиB�A. у меня два рубля. Here are two letters ! VOT D VA pi§MA! Вот два письма ! Не has two sisters. и 1JiVO DYE §iSTRI. У него две 9естры. Here are tht'ee places ! VOT TJU MEsta! Вот три места ! There are four big hotels over there. ТАМ chiT1ri bajSHIX ga$TI1Jici. Там четыре больших гостиницы. These two Ietters are from ту eji DVA pi§MA at mayiv6 BRAta. Эти два письма от моего брата.

brother. After the Nominative forms of the numbers 2, 3, 4 а noun is in the Genitive Singular case form, and an adjec­

tive in the Genitive Plural case form. An adjective before the number is Nominative Plural. 76 [З-В]

Page 85: Spoken Russian 1

ТЬе Nominative forms of the питЬег 2 аге Masculine and Neuter D VA , but Feminine DYE.

1 haven 't two roubles. и 1jtilfA lfET D VUX ruBl.-Е У. У меня нет двух рублей. ТЬеге aren't theee big hоtеlз Ьеге. г!)Е§ lfET ТJЮХ bajSHIX Здесь нет трех больших гостиниц.

ga$Tlr}ic. We haven't got those fош гоиЫеэ . и NAS ljET ejix chitijZOX ruBl.-Е У. У нас нет этих че'гырех рублей.

ТЬе Genitive forms of the numbers 2 , 3 , 4 аге D VUX, TjZOX, chitijZOX. With these numbers, adjectives and hOUnS аге in the Genitive Plurat.

Не has five roubles. и 1JiVO РА Т ruBl.-ЕУ. У него пять рублей. She has ten kopeks. и 1jiYO !)E:jij kapEyik. У нее десюь нопеен. ТЬеге аге eight big hospitals there. ТАМ VO:ji1jt bajSHIX GOspitajiy. Там восемь больших Госпиталей. Here are уоиг ten roubIes ! VOT vashi !)E:jij ruBl.-Е У/ Вот ваши десять рублей !

Aftel' the Nomi11ative forms of 5 a11d l1igher 11шпЬегs, 110U11S and adjectives аге i11 the Gellitive Рlшаl fогт . Ап adjective Ьеfоге the питЬег is Nomi11ative Рluгаl.

Не has11 't those five [oubIes. и 1JiVO ljET ejix piTI ruBl.-Е У. She hasn't te11 kopeks. и 1ji YO ljET lji:jiTI kapEyik. ТЬеге агеп' t eig11t big hospitals ТАМ ljET va:jJl.fI bajSHIX

thеге. GOspitajiy.

у него нет Э'rих пя'ги рублей. у нее I-Ie'r десяти I�опееI�. Там нет восьми больших


With the Genitive forms of 5 and l1igЬег пuтЬегs, 11ОППS апеl adjectives ш'е in tЬе Gепitivе Рlпгаl form.

ТЬе Gel1itive fol'rпs of tЬе numbel's from 5 to 10 have tЬе e11ding -i. Tl1e second vowel in tЬе N отiпаtivе

VO:ji1jt is ап iпsегtеd vowel (and tЬet'еfоге will Ье abse11t i11 the Genitive) : piТl , shi$TI, :jiJl.fI, vщJl.fI, ljiyiTI, lji:jiTI. Note the wеаkе11iпg of П11stl'еssеd vo,vels.

Wlю 1щs the lettel'? 1 have the lettee. We have the letter. Have уои the letter?

pi:jMO и ka VO? pi:jMO и 1jtilfA . pi:jMO и NAS. pi§MO и VAS?

Письмо у IЮГО? Письмо у меня. Письмо у нас. Письмо у вас?

[3-В] 71

Page 86: Spoken Russian 1

Не isn' t there. I t isn' t here. , She isn't here. They aten't here. That's nothing.

yiVO гРЕ$ lfET. yiVO гРШj lfET. yiYO гРЕ$ lfET. YIX гРЕ$ lfET. Eta 1}i chiVO.

They don't understand те. Не doesn' t understand us. 1 don't understand уои.

а1}1, 1Jti1}a 1}i pa1}iMAyut. 6n nas 1}i pa1}iMAyit. уа vas 1}i pa1}iMAyu.

1 don't understand Ыт. 1 don't understand her. 1 don't understand them.

уа yiv6 1}i pa1}iMAyu. уа yiy6 1}i pa1}iMAyu . .

уа yf,x 1}i pa1}iMAyu.

The Genitive forms of the pronouns аге as follows:

1 we уои he (it) it

Не has five roubIes.

Nominative Genitive УА 1JtilfA МI NAS VI VAS ON yiVO aNO yiVO

и 1}iVO pAT ruBf.,EY. She has three roubles. Here's а letter from them.

и 1}i YO ТjП ruBf.,A. VOT pi§MO at lfIX/

she (it) they who wlшt

Его здесь нет. Его здесь нет. Ее здесь нет. их здесь нет. Это ничего. Они меня не понимают. Он нас не понимает. Я вас не понимаю. Я его не понимаю. Я ее не понимаю. Я их не понимаю.

Nominative aNA

уои (fami1iar)


Genitive yi YO YIX kaVO chi VO jij3A

у него пять рублей. у нее три рубля. Вот письмо от них !

The Genitive forms yiVO, yiYO, YIX have 1} instead of у after а preposition (at, и) ; an exception to this ар�аtБ in the next sentences. She is his sister. Не is her brother. Here) their h6use !

78 [3-В]

aNA yiv6 §iSTRA . ON yiy6 BRA Т. VOT y1,x DOM/

Она его сестра. Он ее брат. Вот их дом !

Page 87: Spoken Russian 1

Here's а letter from his brother ! Here's а letter from her brother ! Here's а letter from their son !

УОТ pi§MO at yiv6 BRAta! VOT pi§MO at yiy6 ВМеа! VOT pi§MO at ytx SIna!

Вот письмо от его брата ! Вот письмо от ее брата ! Вот письмо от их сына !

There are по adjectives for ' his, her, its, their' to match the adjectives МО У, llASH, VASH. For ' his, her, its, their' one uses the Genitive forms yiVO, yi YO, YIX.

In this use these Genitive forms keep their initial у after а preposition.

Irregular Genitive forms. Give те а glass of tea. DA Yji т1Je staKAN СНАуи

(СНАуа) . Дайте мне cTaI<aH чаю (чая) .

There's по sugar here. Уои don't eat soup?

г!)Е$ lfET SAxaru (SAxara) . vi 1Ji K UshiyiJi SUpu (SUpa)?

Здесь нет сахару (сахара) . Вы не нушаете супу (супа)?

Some Masculine nouns have а second Genitive form with the ending -и and иБе it more commonly than the regular form with -а.

1 don't know these gentlemen. уа 1Ji ZNAyu eJix gaSPOT. Я не знаю этих господ. 1 don't know her sons. уа 1Ji ZNAyu yiy6 sanaYE Y. Я не знаю ее сыновей. We don't know their husbands. т'& 1Ji ZNAyiт ytx тuZHE Y. Мы не знаем их мужей.

Some Masculine nouns are irregular in the Genitive Plural, taking по ending. The vowel е in тuZHE Y, sanaYEY is an inserted vowel (the plural stems are тuzhy-, sanayy-) .

1 don't drink coffee уа 1Ji Р Уи КОЛ. Я не пью нофе. Some nouns, mostly of irregular shape, such as KOfi (Masculine) , do not change for different саБе forms.

Read aloud several times аН the examples given in this section оп Word Study. Then cover the English and Бее if уои know the meaning of every item. Repeat this operation uпtil уои are sure that уои kпоw every ехргеssiоп. As а fiпаl test, cover the Russian апd see

if уои сап say the Russiап expression simply Ьу looking at the English.

Before уои go оп to the next section, turв back to the Basic Sentences апd look for examples of the things that have just been ехрlаiпеd to уои.

[3-В] 79

Page 88: Spoken Russian 1

2. Covering English and Russian of W01'd Study (Individual Study) Веfоге уои leave the Ward Study, covel" the English

equiva!ents in each list and make sше that уои know the meaning of еvегу Russian ехргеssiоп. Then covel"

the Russian and see if уои сап say each Russian ехргеs­sion when уои аге 100king оп!у at the Eng!ish.

3. Review of Basic Sentences Review the fiгst half of t!le Basic Sentences. Repeat

individual1y with books c!osed. Woгk a!ways to регfесt уоиг ргопuпсiаtiоп ; keep tht:: meaning in mind ; and

оЬsегvе examp!es of the points in Ward Study уои have just covered.

SECTION C-REVIEW OF BASIC SENTENCES (Cont.) 1. Review of Basic Sentences (Cant.)

Review the second half of the Basic Sentences. Fol1ow the ргосеdше suggested above. 2. Covering the Eng1ish of Basic Sentences ( Individua! Study)

Go back to the Basic Sentences il1 Sectiol1 А, covel" when уои have fil1ishec! ("eadil1g the Basic Sentences t!le Eng!ish al1d test yourself Ьу геас!i11g the Russial1 , a!oud, ul1coveг t!le El1g!is!l and look ир their meaI1il1g. just as уои did il1 Sectiol1 С of the ргеviOlIS ul1it. If уои Кеер this lIР 1I1l.til уои kl10w аl1 the meal1il1gs comp!ete!y. аге I1Qt sше abollt the meal1il1g of аl1У words 01' рhгаsеs,

What Would Уоп Say? (Individlla! Study) 111 t!le fol1owil1g ехегсisе УОll have сегtаi11 sitllations the soll1tiol1s foг each situation, al1d thel1 il1dicate foг

ргеsеl1tеd fot which уои are to choose the СOl'гесt expt'es- the l1ext c!ass meetil1g the al1swer which уои cOl1sideг SiOI1 il1 Russial1. Read the sitllatiol1 , !'epeat a!olld аl1 the most арр1'Оргiаtе.

1 . Уои ask М!'. Ival10v whetheг he wal1ts to have а g!ass of Ьеег. Уои say : а. tf, XOchish staMn Р Iva? Ь. vf, xaTlji K Ushij? с. vf, ха т Iji staMn Р Iva?

80 [З-С]

2. Уои wal1t him to go il1to the геstашапt that is гight c!ose Ьу. УОll say : а. рауl)ОМ v etu ga$TI1Jicu. Ь. рауl)ОМ па vagZAL. с. рауl)ОМ v etat ristaRAN.

Page 89: Spoken Russian 1

3 . у ои want to know whether Mr. 1 уапоу speaks English. Уои say : а. vi pa1JiMAyiji 1:fii1Ja? Ь. v!' gavajUji ра anGJ;IYs�i? с. k6k skaZA T eta ра anGJ;IYs�i?

4. Уои want to know how тапу children he has. Уои say : а. SKOJ;ka и vas dachifiE У? Ь. SKOJ;ka и vas {iiTE Y? с. SKOJ;ka и vas sanaYE Y?

5. Не has ·t\vo sons and two daughters. Не says : а. и 1:fii!fA TJU SIna i DYE DOchiri. Ь. и 1:fii!fA D VA SIna i TJU DOchiri. с. и 1:fii!f А D V А SI па i D УЕ DOchiri.

6. у ои are going to take а street car to the hotel. Уои want Mr. Ivanov to go with уои. Уои say : а. vi iJ)Oji sa тn6у? ' Ь. vi YE{iiji sa тn6у? с. kuDA v!' YE{iiji?


1 . What Did Уои Say?

То the Groиp Leader: FoHow the Бате procedure аБ for Section D of Unit 2. СаН оп different stt1dents (not in апу fixed order) to give their answers in Russian for the exercise What WoиJd Уои Say? in Sесtiоп С3 of this unit. Encourage them to give the апswеrs directly and not from the books, if possibIe. TIH'\h check оп the stt1dепts' knowledge of the meaning in English of the different expressions iп Russian.

Go back to the last exercises in the preceding section. The Leader wi1l са11 for your answers in Russian for tlle exercises. If уои 'сап, give the correct answers without reading from the book. Other members of the group

wi11 criticize thc choice made if they disagree. The Leader wi11 then са11 for the English equivalents of а11 the expressions in the exercises.

2. Word Study Check-Up

То the Groиp Leader: Follow tlle Бате рrосеdш"е аБ for this part оС Sесtiоп D оС Unit 2. Са1l оп various stиdепts Cor the correct Russian for the English equivale·nts оС the expressions given in the Word Stиdy. Make sure that а1l the students Ьауе learned the material thorough1y.

[3-D] , 81

I � i

Page 90: Spoken Russian 1

ао back to the Word Study in Section В. ТЬе Leader will ask different members of the group to give the cor­rect Russian for the English equivalents of the expres­sions уои went over in the Word Study. Ве sure уои are

able to give (Ье correct form without having to read it from the book. If уои have аnу difficulty, review the Word Study thoroughly.

3. Listening In

То IlIe Group Leoder: Follow the same procedure as for Lislening /n in Section О3 of Unit 2. Check "р оп meaning at the end of each conversation оп the first time through; then, after the second time through, assign parts and have the students read the conversations.

Кеер уош book cJosed whiJe the Guide reads the fol­lowing conversations, or while (Ьеу are pJayed оп the cas­sette player, and repeat the Russian immediately after hearing it. At the end of еасЬ conversation, check ир оп the meaning of аnу word ос phrase about which уои are in doubt, either Ьу asking some other member of the

1. Basil аnd Boris see а couple о/ girls.

Basil :

Eoris :

Basil : Boris: Basil : 82

ZDRAstvuy baft.IS/ КАК Н?

xaraSHO. m't}e skaZAJi sht6 tv6y ВМ Т иsh61 v AR1fliyu. G!)E 6n? m� 't}i ZNAyim G!)E 6n. ееа Ochi't) 't}i Pri у Аеna. .кто ееа !)Evushka?


group or Ьу going back to the Basic Sentences if по оnе knows. ао through the conversations again, with уош books

ореn, being sure to imitate carefully and (о keep in mind the meaning of everything уои are saying. ТЬеn take tшns speaking the parts. Make the conversations real. Sa'y уош part as though 'уои meant it.

Boris :

Basil :


ееа 't}e !)Evushka. ееа uCHIJiJ't}ica.

уа xachu s !jE У paznaK01flitsa. e� ZNAyish yiy6?

aNA Pri YAJiJ't}ica mа УЕ У §iSTRI. уа yiy6 't}i ZNAyu, i 't}i хаСНU yiy6 ZNAT. v6t maуа §iSTRA/ рау!)ОМ/

Page 91: Spoken Russian 1

(repeats:) УОТ 1ООуо. §iSTRA/ рау!)ОМ/

Basil : xaraSIIO. и }1.]1о. УЕ$Т papiROsa?

Boris : ljET.

2. Basil goes uр ео ем girls.

Basil : izvi/f l}i. и Vo.s УЕ$Т papiROsa?

Vera: DA. УОТ papiROsa. а и vo.s УЕ$Т SI'ICHka?

Basil : DA , spa$lba. т хаJЦi KO/i?

Vera: ljET, spa$lba

3. Аnпа аna Маууа gossip.

Аппа: КТО еше malaDOY ehilaYEK, МАпа? Marya : ееа ST ARs.hiy SI N ivaNOva.

Аппа: т yiv6 ZNAyiJi?

Basil : Boris:

Basil :

tt XOehish 1')1.i1}d padaZHDAT? а tt XOchish l' lva? па PRAva УЕ$Т ristaRAN. xaraSHO. da syiDA1}ya.

Teacher : spa$lba. kuDA т i!)OjU

ВааН : v r1.staRAN. ТАМ vash ВМ Т baftlS.

Teacher : УА хаеМ s NIM paznaK01')1.itsa. m1}е skaZAJi sht6 6n pa1}iMAyit ра anGJ.,IYs�i. УВуа, рау!)ОМ s 1}tm.

Vera: xaraSHO. рау!)ОМ.

Marya: DA. 6n raBOtayit s NA1fli v gа$Т11}Ш.

Аппа: СНЕМ 6n za1}iMAyitsa?

[3-D] 83

Page 92: Spoken Russian 1

Marya : уа 1Ji ZNAyu. 6n gаvа]ПТ ра anG[.,IYs�i, а yiv6 §iSTRA

uCHljil1Jica anG[.,IYskava yiziKA . уа YIX 1Ji ZNAyu. ivaNOF 1Ji XOchit yix s NA1j'li paznaK01j'lij. тi raBOtayiт v yiv6 ga$TI1Jici.

Аппа : ZHALka. Marya : DA , ZHALka.

АХ, VOT ВМ Т тауеу Pri У Ajii1Jici/


1 . Covering the Russian of Basic Sentences (Individual Study) Just аБ уои did in Section Е of Unit 2 , go back to the

Basic Sentences of this unit, cover ир the Russian and test УОШ'sеlf to Бее ho\v тапу words al1d phrases уои саl1 Бау in Russian when уои аге looking оп!у at the English.

2. Vocabulary Check-Up То the Group Leader: Ав in Unit II, go around the сlаББ calling оп various students and asking them: "КАК skaZA T ра

R Usbi?" for the Епglish equivalents in the Basic Sentences, with their books closed. If апу studепt does not , алswеr iп а reasonabIe time, do поt allow hеmmiпg апd hаwiпg; саll оп апоthеr student. Make sure that every

'studепt speaks 10ud епоugh БО tlшt аll сап hear. Do поt allow апу mumыig •. Апу studепt wlю саппоt give , satisfactory апswеrs пееds i:поrе review of tl1e Basic Sentences.

АБ you did iri Ui1it: 2, Бирр!у the Russial1 expressions {or tlJe English �quivalents f in ,th0'Basic Sentences, whеп

the Leader саНБ оп уои. Give youг answers il1 а clear, !oud voice, БО that everyone сап hear уои.

3. Conversation То the суоuр Leaden Follow ' t,he Бате procedure аБ for Sесtiоп Е3 of Uпit 2. Науе the studепts сопvеrsе, flrst foI1owing

oloscly.the l11<,>del of the сопvеrsаtiопs оutliпсd below and the'l1 changing the situаtiоп slightly.

Ав YOtl did in the Conversation il1 Section Е3 of Unit 2 , first ·go through the cOl1versations outlined be!ow, takil1g turns. АБ БОО11 аБ уои сап speak the

84 [3-E�

parts smoothly, раБS to acting them out in front of t:lJe group ; keep tms ир unti! уои сап do it easily and smoothly.

Page 93: Spoken Russian 1

1 . Two шеп шееt and greet еасЬ other. А asks В if Ье Ьае а шаtсh. В еауе Ье Ьае, but that Ье hasn't апу cigarettes. А offers hiш one. в tells А he'd like to meet Ые sister. А еаув that Ье was going to the hospital to meet her. В asks in surprise, if she is there? А says she works there. В says Ье had heard th�t she was а teacher. А says по, that was his sister Аппа. Vera works in the hospital. А ваув Аппа is ап English teacher. В says let's get going.

2. Two girls ' go into а restaurant and order tea and coffee. Q asks R who the young girl over there is. R вауе she's а friend of her brotber. She's the daughter of Mr. Ilyin. Q says вЬе heai'd his daughter was Doctor Ivanov's wife. R says yes, her brother met her at tЬе hospital. Q asks wЬеrе her brother is, and вЬе says that Ье went away to the army. R еаУ8 it's too bad, эЬе wanted to meet Ыт. Q caHs the waitress and asks how тисЬ the tea is. She эауэ tea i8 eight kopeks a11d coffee is seven. ТЬеу рау a11d go.

3. Marya and Alexa11det< are Ottt together. Не asks �er if she'd like somethi11g to dri11k. She accepts. ТЬеу order beer. She sees а young тап in the restaura11t a11d asks Alexa11der if Ье knows Ыт. Не еауэ it's Boris Ivanov. She asks wbat Ье does for а living. Не says that Ье works with hiш. She эауэ эЬе has а

girl friend who knows hiш and that she'd like to meet Ыт.

4. Alexander introcluces Boris and Marya. Не says he's glad to шееt her, эЬе эауэ ЬеНо and adds that she Ьаэ heard that Ье speaks E11glish. Не says Ье does and asks if she does too. She does, but Аlех­ander pttts in that Ье doesn't. Boris asks them if they'd like beer. ТЬеу both wottld ; so Ье саllв tlle waitress. Alexa11der says he'd like some bread a11d soup too. Boris says he'd 1ike воте шеаt a11d pota­toes a11d asks Marya if she would like 80methi11g to eat. Sbe says по thanks. Marya asks the boys to give her а cigarette. Alexander offers her 011е but Ье hasn't а matcl1. Боris brings 011е out and Mary<'t thanks them.

5. Alexander tells Boris that Ье heard Ые sister was ill the hospital. Не Бауэ that she 1S. Marya says that's very unfortunate. Боris says that Doctor Petrov works at the hospital. Alexander Rays that's good, Ье knows Ыт. Marya a8ks Боris how Ыэ sister i8 getting along, and Ье says she's б11е ; Ье is going (riding) to meet her. Alexander a11d Marya tell Boris that they'd Hke to wait for Ыт. Не says бпе and caHs the waitress and asks her what the Ыll is. She says it's three rubles ten. ТЬеу рау a11d go.

(3-Е] 85

Page 94: Spoken Russian 1

SECTION F-CONVERSATION (Cont.) Continue the conversations started in Section Е. If песеsэaгу to make the conversations smoother and тоге

successful, review parts 1 and 2 of Section Е. F INDER LIST

This Finder List lшв аН the new words and expressions used in this unit. The conventional spelling is enclosed . in parentheses after each entry. These as welI as those of the previous two units, are words and expressions whlch Ьу this time уои should know quite well.

anGJ.-IУs�iу (английский) English ; ра anGJ.-IУs�i (по-английски) in English

baJUS (Борис) Boris (man's given пате) BRA T (брат) brother ; BRAjya (братья) brothers

СНЕМ (1Iем) with wl1at chilaYEK (человек) person

J)Evushka (девушка) girl DOktar (доктор) doctor; daktaRA· (доктора) doctors

FST FEjiт (встретим) we'll meet (someone) ; FST FEJiтsa (встретимся) we'll meet еасЬ other

GOspitaj (госпиталь) hospital ; v GOspitaji in the hospital

ga$TIt}ica: v ga$TIt}ici in the hotel graZHDANka: graZHDANku Mrs., Miss

МАш (мало) few, little lIfEsta (место) рlасе, seat ; tpiSTA (места) places, seats

v lIfE§ji . in а рlасе ; together 86 [3-F]

MNOga (MIIOГO) тапу, much MNOY (мной) те: sa MNO Y (со мной) with те

NAM (нам) to us ; s NAtpi (с нами) with us ljE (не) not (stressed form of t}i) ljE Y, !jIM, !jItpi, see УЕУ, YIM, YItpi ljI (ни) not even

Ochit} (очень) very

padaZHDAT (подождать) to wait for pat}iMAyit (понимает) understands рауРОМ (пойдем) we'll go ; let's go ; payJ)OMji

(пойдемте) let's'all go рауТ! (пойти) to go оу соте paznaKOtpij (познакомить) to make acqua.i.nted, to

introduce; paznaKOtpitsa (познакомиться) to get acquainted, to Ье introduced

р [Т (пить) to drink PriYAjilt}ica (приятельница) friend (female) Pri YAtna (приятно) pleasant

Page 95: Spoken Russian 1

raBOtayit (работает) Ье (вЬе, it) worksj raBOtayiт (работаем) we work raBOtayut (работают) they woi-k

s, sa (с, со) with §iSTRA (сестра) sister ; $Ostri (сестры) sisters StaKAN (стаЕаН) glass

ТI (ты) уои (familiar, to опе person) ; tфА (тебя) Genitive ; s taBOY (с тобой) with уои

tuDA (туда) to that place, there TVO Y (твой) your (familiar)

uCHljil1Jica (учительница) teacher (female) uSHOL (ушел) b� went away, Ье Ьаэ gone away

VAM (вам) to уои ; s VA�i (с вами) \\Tith you

YEra (Вера) Vera (woman's g-iven Тlaтe)

mTIM (хотим) we want XOchish (хочешь) уон want (fаmiliя.r, to опе person) XOchit (хочет) Ье (эЬе, it) wants

УЕ У (ей) to her; s ;УЕУ (с ней) with her YIM (им) to them , him ; s ;YIM (с ним) with Ыm YI�i (ими) them ; s }JI�i (с ними) with them

2a1JiMAyitsa (занимается) he (эЬе, it) is occupied, busies himself

ZDRAstfJuy (здравствуй) heIlo ! (familiar) ZHALka (жалко) too bad ! ZNAli (знали) they knew, уои kl\ew, we knew

ZNA T (знать) to know ZNAyu (знаю) 1 know ZNAyiт (знаем) we know

[3-F] 8 7

1 , 1


Page 96: Spoken Russian 1



То еЬе Group Leader: From thls polnt оп уои wШ need special instructions on!y when new sections or procedures are intro-.

duced in the learning units. With other sections, simply fol1ow the procedures which Ьауе been recommended in the first three units and the instructions provided for the group at the beginning of the sections.

Go through the Basic Sentences in unison. Then go through the Basic Sentences at least twice more work оп the Hints оп Pronunciation . and after that individually.

1. Basic Sen tences

Alexaпder aпd Boris talk about реорЕе аnа places. ..-- ENGLlSH EQUI V ALENTS ----- .----- AIDS ТО L lSTENING -�

(they) are traveling to America

Му sisters are going to America.

(they) know ОО they know John Smitbl

from or out of (of) friends

He's а friend of mine. 88 [4-А]

Alexander YEdut v aMEriku

maу1 $Ostri YEdut v aMEriku.

Boris ZNAyut

lZ1J! ZNAyut i VAna SMlta?

IZ druZE Y

оп aJ,1n iz maytx ауu.гЕ У.


едут в Америку

Мои сестры едут в Америку.

знают Они знают Ивана Смитаt

из друзей

Ov один из моих друзей.

Page 97: Spoken Russian 1

пеуег so (' that') (they) said

They never saicl 80 (' They 1.1eVer told те that').

(ап) American (тап) He's ап American.

not 10ng ago (11е) arrived, (he) сате

Не сате from Ащегicа not 10пg ago.

friend (he) does

What does уош friend do?

(we) work We work together in the hotel.

waiter Не'э а waifer too.

Ооев Ье speak Russian?

Alexandel" 1]i kaGDA Etava gavajUji

а1]';' т1]е Etava 1]i kaGDA 1]i gavaftIli.

Boris a1'j'tiJiKA 1]ic

ON a1'j'tiJiKA 1]ic.

1]i DAvna PJi YExal оп 1]i DAvna PJiYExal iz aAfEJiM.

A1exander DRUK, DRUG J)Elayit

sht6 vash DRUK J)Elayit?

Boris raBOtayim

m?' raBOtayim v AfEjji \ ga$TI1]ici.

ajiCYANT ON ТО zh.i afiCY ANT.

A1exander оп gavaftIT Ра R Us�i?

nИI,:огда этого говорили

Они мне этого никогда не говорили.

американец Он американец.

недавно приехал

Он недавно приехал из Америки .

друг делает

Что ваш друг делает?

работаем Мы работаем вместе в гостинице.

официант Oli тоже официант.

Он говорит по-русски?

Г4-А] 89

Page 98: Spoken Russian 1

а little Не speaks (it), but (only) а little.

(she) told now in American schools (they) study (the) Russian language

Му sister told те that now they study (the) Russian (language) in American schooJs.

of course You know, оЕ course, that I'm

learning English too:

John and I ('we with John') (we) speak

J ohn and I speak English in the hotel.

good John's а good guy.

90 [4-А]

Boris t}i MNOga.

on gavaJUT, n6 t}i MNOga.

Alexander skaZA1.a JiPEF. v atpiliKANs�ix SHKOlax izuCHAyut R Us�iy yiZIK

тауа §iSTRA mt}e skaZAla sht6 v atpiriKAN s�ix SHKOlax Jiper izuCHAyut R Us�iy yiZIK.

Boris kaJYEchna, kaJYEshna

т ka1Jichna ZNAyiji sht6 уа ТО zhi izuCHAyu anGJ..IYs�iy yiZIK.

МI s iVAnam gavaF.IM

МI s iVAnoт gavartт ра anGJ..IYs�i v ga$Tlt}ici.

xaROshiy iVAN, Ochit} xaROshiy chilaYEK.

немного Он говорит, но немного.

СR.aзала 'теперь в американских школах изучают русский язык

Моя сестра мне сказала, что в американских школах теперь изучают русский язык.

конечно Вы нонечно знае'I;е, что я тоже

изучаю английский язык.

мы с ИваНОI\J говорим

Мы с Иваном говорим по­английски в гостинице.

хороший 'Иван очень хороший человек.

Page 99: Spoken Russian 1

(it) would ье nice It certainly would Ье nice to know

English. younger (feminine) ( they) speak

Му younger sister and ту brother speak English.

Where are they?

in Moscow* They're in Moscow.

(they) do What do they do there?

in всЬооl Му sister is in school ; (but) [ту]

brother is а doctor.

(уои) are traveling Where are уои going?

to Moscow I 'm going to Moscow. *Not оп the cassette.

Alexander xaraSHO ыla Ы

АХ, kdk xaraSHO ЫШ Ы ZNA T anGJ,.IYsl#y yiZIK.

MLA Tshiya gava]U. T

maуа MLA Tshiya §iSTRA i m6у ВМ Т gava]U. T ра anGJ,.IYsbi.

Boris G!)E a1J7,?

Alexander v maSKYE

a!fI v maSKYE. Boris

!)Elayut SHTO a1J7, tam !)Elayut?

Alexander j SHKOji

maуа §iSTRA j SHKOji,' а ВМТ DOktar.

Boris УЩiji

kuDA v1, УЩiji? Alexander

v maSKVU уа УБdu v maSK VU.

хорошо бьmо бы Ах, :как хорошо было бы знать

английский язьш. младшая говорят

Моя младшая сестра и мой брат говорят по-англиЙски.

Где они?

в Москве Они в Москве.

делают Что они там делают?

в школе Моя сестра в школе, а брат доктор.

едете Rуда вы едете?


Г4-Аl 91

Page 100: Spoken Russian 1

in Атепса* were

Have уои [ever] Ьееп to America?

No, never.

to take а trip there (to that place) after the war

1 want to go there after the war.

(it) wiII Ье Yes, that wiII Ье nice.

mother тапу times (she) was

Му mother's Ьееп to America often.

*Not оп the cassette. 92 (4-А]

Boris v aMEri�i Вц'/,

v� BIji v alIfErilfi?

Alexander !jET, 1Ji kaGDA .

ра УЕха} tuDA


POJli vayNI уа хаеhИ tuDA ра УЕха} POJli

vayNI. Alexande,'

B Urjit DA . eta bUrJit Ochi1J Pri У Atna.



mауа МА Т mn6ga RAZ biLA v alifEribi.

в АмеРИRе были

Вы были в АмеРИRе?

Нет, НИRогда.

ноехать 'руда после войНЫ

Я хочу туда поехать после ВОЙНЫ.

будет Да, это будет очень ПРШIТI:IО.

мать много

раз была

МОЯ: Мать много раз была Б AMeplJRe.

Page 101: Spoken Russian 1

fathet· Are your father and mother in


(they) liуе (they) used to liуе when

аТЕС vashi аТЕС i МА Т v maSKYE?

A!exander zhi VUT ZHIJi kaGDA

No, they liv� here now, but they !fET, j�'fEfl. a'IJ:l zhi VUT �!)E$, used to liуе in Moscow when n6 a1}t ZHI(i v maSKYE kaGDA 1 was а litt!e Ьоу. уа Ы! MAli'IJ:�iy MA[.,cltik.*

*Not the USl1a! expression. USl1aIIy kaGDA уа Ы! MA[.,chikam.

отец Вати отец и мать Б Москве?

живут жили когда

Нет, теперь они жиnут здесь, но они жили в Мосиве иогда л был маленьиий мальчиlt.

Before уои go through the Basic Sentences а second time, study the following:

2. Hints оп Pronunciation 1. Russian r. We recall that Russian r is very different from Ameri­

сап r. ТЬе Russian ,. is made Ьу the tip of the tongue triIIing (vibrating, giving а coupie of rapid taps) against

Now listen to the Guide or to the cassette.


ВМ Т karTOsh�i па PRAva

брат картошии направо

the bu!ge of the palate that is just аЬоуе and behind the upper gums. Ощ te!ephone operators sometimes make this kind of ап r in the word "thr-r-ree'.

brother some potato to the right

[4-А) 93

Page 102: Spoken Russian 1

ра R Uslji graZHDANka R UBJ., иBORnaya ,аВОш}

2. Russian 1.

по-русски гражданка рубль уборная работать

We recall that Russian 1 sounds somewhat. like the English l in words liI{е well, dull. In fact, it Ьав an even more hollow sound , Ьесаuве the Russian puIls down the middle part of the tongue, thc part that is back о! the tip. Even wllen it сотев at the beginning of а word, the P R AC T I C E 2

BIL был MLA Tshiy младший LUCIIshiy лучший иSHOL ушел skaZAla сказала LOshka ложка MAsla масло !)Elayit делает LAMpa лампа

3. Russian х.

in Russian citizen (Jeтale) ,оuЫе toilet to work

Russian 1 always has this hollow sound. ТЬе Russian 1 never has the clcarer l-sound that we Ьауе in English l at the beginning of а word Jike leaf.

Listen to the Guide or to the speaker оп the record and try to repeat rigllt after him.

he was younger Ьеие, he went away she said spoon ьuие, he does lamp

We recall that Russian х sounds like а close, breathy Л. Опе gets this effect Ьу somewhat raising the back of the tongue.

Listen to the Guide or to the tape and imitate.

94 [4-А]

Page 103: Spoken Russian 1

P R A C T I C E 3

АХ xaraSHO УЕха) v тaytx SHKOlax XOchit Х"{,ЕР, Х"{,ЕВ

4. Russian final х.

ах хорошо ехать в моих школах хочет хлеб

Оhl good to ride in ту sckools he wants bread

When Russian х comes at the end of а word, and the next word begins with certain consonants (especially Ь, d, g) , the Russian х sometimes Ьав а weaker sound.

Listen and imitate.

P R A C T I C E 4

aI;JIN iz тa YIX druZE Y aI;JIN iz ma YIX f/,iTE Y уа ZNAyu anG"{,IYs�ix daktaROF. РА Т R Us�ix baJNIX

один из моих друзей один из моих детей Я знаю английских докторов. пять РУССltих больных

3. Check У ourself

оnе 01 ту 1riends оnе 01 ту children 1 know tke Englisk doctors. five Russian patients

Are уои taking every opportunity to practice your Russian Ьу talking with other members of the group or with Russian speaking people whom уои mау meet? '


1. Word Study ( Individual Study) Work through the following as recommended in the previous units,

Page 104: Spoken Russian 1


New поиПБ, Herc are the l1ew l1Оиl1Б tilat соше il1 tl1is {]l1it. For еасЬ опе wc givc tl1c Nошil1аtivс Sil1gulaI' (N.S. ) , the Gel1itive Singular (G.S. ) , tl1c Nошiпаtivе Plural (N .P . ) , and tl1e GCl1itive Pluгal (G.P . ) .

N.S. G.S. N.P. С.Р. Mascolil1C :

waite1' a!iCУА NT a/iCУА Nta a/iCYANti a�iliKANci atCI druZ YA RAzi

a/iCУА Nta! a�iliKANci! atCOF druZE Y RAS, RAZ

Ашсгicаl1 (шаlе) a1J�iliKA t}ic a�iliKANca father аТЕС atCA fricnd (шаlе) DR UK, DRUG DR Uga tiше RAS, RAZ RAza

Fсшil1il1С : Ашегiса alllElika all1Eli�i Moscow maSK VA maSK VI mother МА Т MAjili school SHKOla SHKOli war vayNA vayNI

ТЬс поиl1 a�iliKAt}ic has the stеш a�ilikanc-; the пооп аТЕС ЬаБ the stсш atc-: tl1e cxtra vowels in the Nominativc Sil1gulaI' аге il1sсгtеd vowels.

ТЬе noun DRUK, DRUG has thc Singolar stеш drug-; in the Plural it ЬаБ а diffcrent stеш dru�y-. ТЬе Nошiпа­tive Plural Ьаэ the irregular endil1g -а. ТЬе Genitive Plural ЬаБ по ending: the е is ап inserted vowel.

96 [4-В]

MAjiri SПКОli VO Vl1i


ТЬе 11ООП RAS, RAZ l1аБ по ending i11 the Gel1itive plural : D VA RAza ' twice' , РА Т RAS I five tiшеs'.

ТЬе пооп МА Т has tile stem majir-; thc Nошiпаtivе Singular is iгregular, Шее DOCH.

ТЬс поип vayNA does not шsегt а vowel in the Geni­tivc Plural. Notice the accent of the Nошil1аtivе Plural.


Page 105: Spoken Russian 1

Jоlш and I . In Russian опе rarely says such things as ' John and 1 . ' Instead опе says We with John' : John and 1 МI s iVAnaт мы с Иваном ту wife and 1 МI zh zhiNO Y мы с женой уои and I МI s VA'1J'Zi мы с вами

Use of rJi. The word rJi ' пое often combines with а following word to express the 9Pposite : good xaraSHO хорошо bad rJi xaraSHO нехорошо pleasant Pri У Atпa приятно unpleasant rJi Pri YAtпa неприятно when kaGDA !{огда never rJi kaGDA НИI{огда of what chiVO чего nothing rJi chi VO ничего who КТО кто nobody rJi КТО никто much, тапу MNOga много little, а little, few rJi MNOga немного

Sometirnes the accent shifts when rJi comblnes with а following word : long ago, since long ago, for а long аа VNO

time already Гуе Ьееп here а long time. not long ago, since not long ago Не has only recently arrived. he was

уа da VNO гРЕ$. rJi DAvпa 6n rJi D Avпa Pri YExal. BIL


я давно здесь. недавно Он недавно приехал. был

[4-В] 97

Page 106: Spoken Russian 1

1· , !

Не was in America. ';N ыг 'v aNJEri�i. Он БЫJI в Америке. Ье was not lYE Ыl не бы;л Не Ьав never Ьееп in America. оп t}i kaGDA lYE Ыl '/J aNJEri�i. Он никогда не БЫJI в Америке.

New prepositions. ТЬе prepositions iz ' from' and p6§ji ' after' are followed Ьу the Genitive саве. Russians drink tea out of glasses. R Us�iya РУUТ СНА У is Русские пьют чай из стаканов.

staKAпaf· 1 want to go there after the war. уа xaehu ра УЕха} tuDA р6§1';' Л хоч:у поехать туда ПОСJIе воЙ'tIы.

Do уои know this young girl?

1 want to meet ту wife at the station.

Do уои know our younger sister?

ТЬеу drink this water. 1 met опе ос your (female) friends.



т ZNAyiji etu тalaD Uyu !)Evushku?

уа хаеМ FSТJШjij mауu zhiNU па vagZAli.

т ZNAyiji nashu MLA Tshuyu §iSTRU?

at}i Р УUТ ееи VOdu. уа Мm FSТJШjil aDNU vdshu

pri У AJilt}ieu.

Вы ЗlIаете эту МОJIОДУЮ девушку?

л хочу встретить мою жену на воизаJIе.

Вы ЗlIаете нашу МJIадшую сестру?

Они пьют эту воду. Л там встреТИJI одну вашу

прnятеJIЬНИЦУ .

Observe that the Feminine поипв in these bentences have the ending -и. ТЫэ саве form is called the Accusa­tive.

Observe that tlle поип vaDA Ьаэ tlle accusative VOdu with change оС accent.

ТЬе Accusative саэе denotes вотеопе or something to which воmеопе does something or other (the objeet of а verb) . 98 [4-В]

Ordinary adjectives in the Feminine Accusative have the ending -uуи: malaD Uуu, MLA Tshuyu.

ТЬе special adjectives in the Feminine Accusative have the ending -1,1,: mа УU, aDNU Etu, NAshu, VAshu.

Page 107: Spoken Russian 1

Let's go into this hotel. рауРОМ v Etu ga$TI1Jicu. Пойдем в эту гостиницу. I'т traveling to Moscow. уа УЫи v maSKVU. Я еду в Москву. 1 want to go to the post office. уа xachи iTI па POchtu. Я хочу итти на почту .

ТЬе Accusative саве after the prepositions v ' into, to' and па ' onto, to' tells the place to which вотеопе or воте­thing goes.

We вЬаll meet our daughter there. т$ Мт FSTFEjim nashu DOCH. Мы там встретим нашу дочь. ОО уои know ту mother? vi ZNAyiji maуu МА Т? ВЫ знаете мою мать?

Feminine поипв whose Nominative ends in а consonant have the Accusative like the Nominative.

1 want to вау опе word to уои. уа хасни vam skaZAT aDNO SLOva.

1 drink cold milk. уа Р УU xaLOdпaya таШКО. Neuter поипв and adjectives have the Accusative like the Nominative.

1 want to drink tea. уа xachu СНА У Р [Т. Give те а blg glass оС tea. DA УН m1JB balSHO У staKAN

Let's go into this restaurant. I'т driving to the station.

СНАуи. рауРОМ v Etat ristaRAN. уа УЫи па vagZAL.

я хочу вам сказать одно слово.

я пью холодное молоко.

я хочу чай пить. Дайте мне большой стакан чаю.

Пойдем в этот ресторан. Я еду на вокзал.

МавсиНпе nouns and adjectives that do not теап living beings have the Accusative like the Nominative.

Give те those matches. Give те ту letters. ТЬе doctors are nO\V driving to the


DA Yji m1JB Eji SpICH�i. DA Yji m1JB mayfpI$ma. daktaRA jiP ЕР YEdut v


Дайте мне эти спички. Дайте мне мои письма. ДOl{тора теперь едут в госпитали.

Plural поипв and adjectives that do not теап living beings have the Accusative like the Nominative. [4-В] 99

Page 108: Spoken Russian 1

-=,--=_ ..... _�- _ .. -(T�;�--- --- - -' -

Give Ыт two гочblеs. DA Yji yimи D V А yuB�A . Дайте ему два рубля. Give us two cups of coffee. DA Yji пат D УЕ CHAsh�i KOfi. Дайте нам две чаШRИ Rофе. Give us three cups of coffee. DA Yji пат Tj{I CHAsh�i KOfi. Дайте нам три чаШRИ Rофе. Give them four roubles. DA Yji у!т chiT1ri yuB�A. Дайте им четыре рубля.

ТЬе numbers 2 , 3, 4, when they do not count 1iving beings, llave the Accusative 1ike the Nominative.

Give us five cups of coffee. DA Yji пат f А Т CHAshik KOfi. Дайте нам пять чашеR Rофе . . Give theт ten roubles. DA Yji у!т !)E}ij yuB�E У. Дайте им десять рублей. At the school we met five (woman) f SHKOji т?' FSTj{Etiji РА Т Б ШRоле мы встретили пять

teachers. uCHljij1Jic. учительниц. 1 know six good doctors. уа ZNAyu SHE$T xaROshix Я знаю шесть хороших ДОЕТОРОВ.

daktaROF. ТЬе numbers from 5 ир have the Accusative like the Nominative.

What do уои want? SHTO т xaTlji? Что вы хотите? ТЬе pronoun SHTO has the Accusative like the Nominative.

Do уоu know ту brother? vi ZNAyiji mayiv6 BRAta? Бы знаете моего брата? 1 met опе of your friends there. уа Мт FSTj{Ejil adna VO vashiva Я там встретил одного вашего

DRUga. друга. Masculine not1ns and adjectives that теап living beings have the Accusative like the Genitive.

Do уоо know ту brothers? vi ZNAyiji тау!х BRAjyif? Бы знаете моих братьев? Did уои тeet оиг friends there? vi Мт FSTj{Etiji nashix druZE Y? Бы там встретили наших друзей? 1 know these girls. уа ZNAyu Ejix !)Evushik. Я знаю этих девушеR. We'll meet our children at the mi FSTj{Ejim nashix �iTE Y па Мы вс'гретим наших детей на ВОЕ-

station. vagZAji. зме. Plural nouns and adjectives that теап living beings Ьауе the Accusative like the Genitive.

1 00 [4-В]

Page 109: Spoken Russian 1

1 lшоw these two gil·ls. уа ZNAyu ejix D VUX J)Evushik. Я знаю этих двух девушек. At the school we met three f SHKOji m� FSTfiEjiji ТJШХ В школе мы встретили трех

(woman) teachers. uCHljij1Jic. учительниц. The numbers 2, 3, 4 have the Accusative like the Genitive when they count living beings.

Whom are уои going to meet there? ka VO v� tam FST fiEjiji? :Кого вы там ВС'l'ретите? Will уои meet те here? т 1')'ti1Ja :{,РЕ$ FSТJШjiji? Вы меня 8десь встетите? Will уои meet us at the restaurant? v� nas FSTfiEjiji v ristaRA1Ji? Вы нас встретите в ресторане? 1 '11 meet уои there. уа vas Иm FSTF.Echu. Я вас там встречу. 1 know Ыт well. уа yiv6 xaraSHO ZNAyu. Я его хорошо 8наю. We know her. m� yiy6 ZNAyim. Мы ее 8наем. Не knows them. 6n y�x ZNAyit. Он их 8нает. Do уои understand те? т 1')'ti1],a pa1JiMAyiji? Вы меня понимаете? Do уои understand us? 2';' nas pa1JiMAyiji? Вы нас понимаете? 1 uпdегstапd уои. уа vas РШiJiМАуu. Я вас понимаю. 1 uпdегstапd Ыт. уа yiv6 pa1JiMAyu. Я его понимаю. 1 understand her. уа yiy6 pa1JiMAyu. Я ее понимаю. 1 uпdегstапd them. уа у1х pa1JiMAyu. Я их понимаю.

The ргопоuпs (except SHTO) have the Accusative like the Gепitivе.

1 dоп't kпоw this girI. уа 1Ji ZNAyu Etay J)Evush�i (Etu J)Evushku).

я не 8наю этой девушки (эту девушку) .

1 dоп't lшоw this геstаuгапt. уа 1Ji ZNAyu Etava ristaRAna Я не 8наю этого ресторана (этот (Etat ristaRAN).

Jп Uпit Three we lеаrпеd that when one does not do sотеthiпg to а регsоп or thiпg, this регsоп or thiпg is in the Genitive саБе. That is : the object of а negative уегЬ

ресторан) . is iп the Genitive case. The аЬоуе sепtепсеs show that (whеп the Accl1sative is different from tl1e Genitive) they sometimes here иБе the Accusative.

[4-В] 1 01

Page 110: Spoken Russian 1


The verb forms in the Present tense differ according to who performs the action. There are two types о! Present tense forms.

1 drink уои drink (familiar, to опе person) Ье (зЬе, it) dl'inks we drink уои drink they drink

Туре 1 : PIT to drink (пить) . Р УU p YOSH РУОТ РУОМ p YOji РУUТ

пью пьешь пьет пьем пьете пьют

Туре 2 : gavaft.IT to speak (говорить) 1 speak gavaft. и говорю уои speak (Camiliar, to опе person) gavaft.ISH говоришь Ье (зЬе, it) speaks gavaft.IT говорит we speak gavaft.I м говорим уои speak gavafl.lji говорите they speak gava]U Т говорят

Consonant changes and other details will Ье explained When the endings are not accented. there is almost по in later Units. difference between the two types :

ТЬе Present tense оС тапу verbs means а future action.

1 know уои know (fami1iar) Ье (she, it) knows 1 02 [4-В]

Туре 1 : ZNA T to know (знать) ZNAyu ZNAyish ZNAyit

знаю знаешь знает

Page 111: Spoken Russian 1

we know уои know they know

I 'Il meet уои'll meet (fami1iar) Ье (she, it) ,чill meet we'll meet уои'll meet they'll meet

ZNAyiт ZNAyiJi ZNAyut

Туре 2 : FSТJШJiJ to meet (встретить) FSТJШсhu FSТJШJish FSТJШJit FSТJШJiт FSТJШJiJi FSТJШJit

знаем знаете знают

встречу встретишь встретит встретим uстретите встретят

ТЬе verb forms оС the Past tense differ according to the gender (MascuIine, Feminine, Neuter) оС the per80n or thing that performs the action ; in addition, there is а Plural form, for more than опе actor and for ' you' (not familiar) as actor.

ТЬе Past forms сап Ье derived from tl1e Infinitive form (' to do so and 80') ; Ьепсе we need only опе example.

Infinitive : to know ZNA T знать Past MascuIine:

1 knew (man speaking) ya ZNAL я знал уои knew (fami1iar, to а man or Ьоу) t1, ZNAL ты знал Ье knew on ZNAL он знал

Past Feminine: 1 knew (woman speaking) ya ZNAla я знала уои knew (familiar, to а woman

or girl) е';' ZNAla ты знала

эhе knew аnа ZNAla она знала [4-В] 1 03

Page 112: Spoken Russian 1

Past Neuter : it knew (speaking оС а Neuter noun) an6 ZNAla оно знало

Past Plural : We knew YOL1 knew they knew

m! ZNAji m ZNAji аn! ZNAli

мы знали БЫ знали они знали

2. Covering E ngIish and Russian of Word Study (Individual Study)

Review this Word Study Ьу reading aloud аН the Rus­sian words and sentences. Then, in Sections А and В, соуе!' the English and make sure that уои know the meaning of еуе!'у item; then соуес the Russian and see

if уои сап say each Russian sentence when уои асе look­ing only at the English. Read Section С carefully; it wШ help уои (о understand Russian and (о say things in Russian.

3. Review of Basic Sentences

With Guide ос cassettes, review the first half of the Basic Sentences for better pronunciation, meaning and examples of points in the Word Study.

SECTlON C-REVIEW OF BASIC SENTENCES (Cant.) 1. Review of Basic Sentences (Cont.)

Review the second half of the Basic Sentences.

2. Covering the E nglish of Basic Sentences (Individual Study)

Go back (о the Basic Sentences iri Section А, and read them aloud covering ир the English. Note any words ос phrases уои асе not sure about, and, when уои have fin-

1 04 Г4-С,

ished reading the Basic Sentences, uncover the English and look ир the meaning of what уои did not get. Кеер this ир until уои know аll (Ье meanings completely.

Page 113: Spoken Russian 1

3. What Would Уои Say? (Individual Study)

Read aloud еасЬ of the following апd then pick out the expression уои thiпk most suitable :

1. 111 the 10ЬЬУ of а hotel уои see your friепd, Mr. а. DA , n6 6njipEF- v aдfEJilji. Terentyev, and Ье says Ье is glad to ruп across уои. Ь. DA , n6 6n j(fEF- v тaSKYE. Не says : с. DA n6 и 1Jiv6 jiPEF- OTpusk. а. Ochi1J p,i У Atna ZHIT v etay ga$TI1Jici. '

Ь. Ochi1} P1i YAtna vas FSTF-Ejij &{Щ. 6. Mr. Теrепtуеv asks about your father. Не says :

с. уа хасни paznaK01]1itsa s VA1]1i. а. КАК pazhiVAyit vash BRA T?

2. Не asks уои what уои are doing llere. Не вауэ: а. SHTO vi �!le§ J)Elayiji?

Ь. КАК pazltiVAyit vash аТЕС? с. КАК pazhi VAyit vash SIN?

ь. SHTO vi xaTlji J)ElajjipEF-? с. СНЕМ vijifEF- za1}iMAyiji§?

7. Уои апswеr that he is wel1 апd that he is поw iп America. Уои say :

3. Уои tell Ыm уои are gоiпg to meet your friепd ILуiп here. У ои эау : а. уа FSTF-Echu �!le§ тayiv6 DR Uga ijyiNA. Ь. уа FSTF-Echu �!le§ тауи PJiYAti]1}icu i]yiNU. с. уа гРЕ$ s тayiт DRUgaт iJyiNIM.

4. Mr. Terentyev эауэ Ье has heard tllat Ilуiп is now in tlle army. Не эауэ: а. т1Je skaZAji sht6 6n 1}i DAvna pTi YExal. Ь. т1}е skaZAJi sht6 6n jif EF- zhi уот v тaSK УЕ. с. т1}e'skaZAji sht6 6n jiPEF- v AR1]1iyi.

.5 . У ои апswеr that Ье i!3, bt1t tllat Ье is поw оп fш" lough. У ои эау:

а. xaraSHO, spa$Iba; 6n jipEF- v aдfEJilyi. Ь. xaraSHO, spa$Iba; 6n 1Ji DAvna P1i YExal. с. xaraSHO, spa$Iba; 6n pa yEtjit v aдfEJiku.

8. Mr. Теrепtуеv asks what your father is dоiпg iп America. Не says : а. SHTO 6n taт izuCHAyit? Ь. еРЕ 6n taт raBOtayit? с. SHTO 6n taт J)Elayit?

9. Уои answer that уои don't kпо'W that. Уои эау: а. уа 1Ji ZNAyu еРЕ 6n. Ь. уа 1Ji ZNAyu SHTO 6n izuCHAyit . с. уа Etava 1Ji ZNAyu.

[4-Сl 1 05

Page 114: Spoken Russian 1

�O. Уои вее your friend Ilyin coming toward уои, and уои ask Mr. Terentyev whethcr Ье wants to Ье intro­duced to Ыm. Уоu вау: а. т ZNAyiji тayiv6 DR Uga ijyiNA? Ь. т r}i ZNA.yiji mayiv6 DRUga ijyiNA? с. т xajtji pazпaKOrpitsa s тaytm DR Ugam ijyiN 1 М?

11 . Mr. Terentyev says yes, so уои say уои will intro­duce Ыm to Ilyin. Уои say '

а. xaraSHO, уа vas s ljIM paznaKOтju . .

Ь. xaraSHO, pay!)OMji FSTJ(Ejim yiv6. с. xaraSHO, pay!)OMji v JifE§ji s r}�m.

12 . Уоu introduce them, and Mr. Terentyev says: а. Ochir} xaraSHO/ Ь. Ochir} da VNO/ с. Ochir} Pri у Аепа!


1. What Did Уоu Say? Give уош answers in Russian for the last exercise in

the preceding section, when the Leader саllэ for them. Оо it .without reading from the book, if possible. Other members of the group will criticize уош choice if they disagree with it. Then give the English equivalents of аН the expressions in the exercise.

2. Word Study Check-Up Give the correct Russian for each English expression in

the Word Study, without having to read it from the book. If уоu cannot do this easily, it means уои need to put in more work оп the Word Study. ТЬе Group Leader will give the English and саВ оп different members of (Ье group for the Russian.

1 06 [4-О]

3. Listening I n With уош book closed, listen t o the foIlowing conver­

sations as read Ьу the Guide or cassette recording. Repeat the Russian immediately after hearing it. After the first repetition of each conversation, check ир оп the meaning of anything уои do not understand, Ьу asking someone else ос Ьу goillg back to the Basic Sentences if по one kllows.

ао through the cOllversations again with books ореll, foJJowing (Ье эате pJan ав before, imitating carefuIly alld keeping in milld the mealling of everythillg уои say. Fi­паВу, take parts and carry оп the conversatioll.

Page 115: Spoken Russian 1

1 . А ndreyev and Ilyin run into each other а! the station.

if.,YIN : tavafishch аnDjШуijl Mk Pfi УА tпa F ST jШjij vas w"e§1

anDJ<Eyif : АХ, ZDRAstvuyji, ZDRAstvuyjil КАК v� pazhiVAyiji?

if., YIN : m1Je DOktar skaZAL sht6 т v maSKYE. anDJ<Eyif : .ljET; уа YEdu v maSK VU s may�m


2. They meet Mrs. Ilyin and Andreyev's brother, Boris.

if., YIN : VOT vagZAL. С!)Е MArya?

anDJ<Eyif : вмеа &#§ ljET, n6 VOT vasha zhiN А .

if.,YIN : АХ, DAI izyiljlji; уа уеу skaZHU sht6 т �!)E$.

anDJ<Eyif : paZHALsta. if., YIN : ZDRAstvuy, Ма!уаl

m6у DR UK аnDfШуij па vagZAji. 6n У E!iit v maSK V U.

MA.rYa: nashi !)Eji yiv6 ZNAyut?

if., YIN : 6n raBOtayit v GOspitali?

anDREyif : DA. а MljE skazaJi sht6 vash SIN TAG '9М fJ


if.,YIN : 6n pa YExal tuDA izuCHA T anGr.-IУs�iу yiZIK.

n6 6n TAG zhi Мm raBOtayit v GOspitaji.

i1-YIN : lfET, n6 yiv6 вм Т raBOtayit v GOspitaji s

iVAnam. tf, XOchish yimu skaZA T sht6 tf, biLA v

maSKYE? Матуа: kaljEshпa.

С!)Е 6n? if.,YIN : 6n ТАМ.

VOT 6n i!)Ot/ anDREyif : ZDRAstvuyji, tavafishch ilyiNA/

КАК vf, pazhi V Ayiji? МАтуа : xaraSHO, spa$Iba.

а VI? [4-D] 1 07

Page 116: Spoken Russian 1

anD.REyif : ТО zhi xaraSHO.

Матуа :

vash MUSH m1Je skaZAL sht6 vash SIN izuCI-IАуit anGJ.,IYsljiy yiZIK v maSKYE.

DA; i nash MLA Tshiy sin ТО zhi v maSKYE.

anD.REyif : а shto оп Мт J)Elayit?

3 . Andmyev аnа his brother join the Луins.

anD.REyif : ZDRAstvuy, bajUS! КАК и?

ba.RIS : xaraSHO. GJ)E ti BIL?

anD.REyif : УА Ыl s mayim DRUgam ijyiNIM i $ yiv6 zhiNO Y.

a1J1 гРЕ$. рауРОМ y,z,x FSTfiEjiJ.

IJa.RIS : xaraSHO; по У А хаеМ f Iт.

anDREyif : VOT т6у ВМ У baftIS. ba.RIS : Ochi1J pri YAtna. i1,. YIN : ZDRAstvuyji/

гРЕ$ па vagZAji 1Ji PriYAtna. payJ)OMji v ristaRAN.

1 08 [4-О]

Мапа: оп! SHKOJi.

УА PriYExala iz maSK Vl. уа biLA (ат s ;У 11Jti.

anD .REyif : izyi;Y Iji mi1Ja, paZHALsta. VOT f4,6t т6у BRA Т.

iь. YIN : vi nas s 1J1m paznaK01]Ziji? anD .REyif : kaIYEshna.

baF.IS: xaraSHO. уа Oehi'I'J хаеМ l' Iva.

anDREyif : kuDA т1 рауРОМ?

baRIS : ristaRAN па J.,Eva а! vagZAla.

anD.REyif ; graZHDANka iJyiNA , vi xaj1ji J'Iva 1ji СНАуu?

Матуа : flva, spa$Iba, n0 1Ji MNOga.

anDREyif : ba}US, u ji]Jd УЕ$Т SfICHka?

ba.RIS : l'jET; ПО VOT papiROsa.

i�YIN : VOT и 1pil'jA SfICHka.

anD]{Eyif : spa$Iba. graZHDANka, vi xaTlji papiROsu?

Page 117: Spoken Russian 1

baF.IS :

spa$Iba baJUS, vazh BRA T пат skaZAL sht6 т

ZNAyiji nashiva STARshiva SIna iVAna.

АХ, i VAN i[" YIN VASH SIN? уа yiv6 ОсЫ'/} xaraSHO ZNAyu. т1 s iVAnam v ЦЕ§ji gavar1# ра anGfs,IYs�i

v GOspitali.

Мцуа: baF.IS :

т t6 zhi izuCHAyiji anGfs,IYs�iy yiZIK?

lYЕТ; уа Ыl v аЦЕ!i�i р6§# vayNI.

MaJYa: уа '/}i kaGDA tam 1}i biLA. aI1DF.Eyif : т1 tuda pa YEg,im v ЦЕ§ji.


1 . Covering the Russian of Basic Sentences ( Iпdividuаl Study)

Cover the Russiап of the Basic Sentences апd practice sayil1g the Russiап еquivаlепts of t!1e Епglish expressions.

2. Vocabulary Check-Up

As in previous units, the Group Leader wi1l саl1 оп various members of the group to give the Russiап ех-

ргеssiопs which соггеsропd to tЬе English iп the Basic Sentences.

3. Conversation

Work thrQugh the fоllоwiпg otltlil1ed сопvегsаtiОl1S, takil1g parts. Act them out il1 ft'Ol1t of tЬе gt·oup ; keep tms ир Ul1ti1 уои сап do them easi1y al1d smootbly. WЬеl1 the outlil1ed сопvегsаtiопs go wel1, tЬеп сЬапgе tЬе situ-

аtiопs sотеwЬаt. У ои поw Ьаvе more таtегiаl which уои сап work iпtо аdditiопа! сопvегsаtiопs. Iпvепt topics as уои did for tЬе ргеviоus ul1its.

[4-Е] 1 09

Page 118: Spoken Russian 1

1. А meets В оп the street. They say hel10 to each other, and then А invites В to соте to а саСе with Ыт. They go into the cafe and А !1sks В what he'd like to drink. В says he'l1 take some coffee. А asks whether he wouldn't rather drink some beer? В says Ье likes coffee the best. ТЬеп А ca11s the waitress and gives her the order.

2. А asks В about B's English study : whether Ье uп­

derstands ; whether he speaks well ; whether Ье Ьав

Ьееп in America ; whether he wants to go there ; who his teacher (woman) is ; whether she speaks English we11. ,

3 . Q asks R about R's father, mother, brother, sister. R te11s Q something about еасЬ опе.

4. R asks Q about Q's wife and chi1dren. Q tells R something about each one.

SЕСТЮN F-' СОNVERSАТЮN (Cont.) 1. Conversation (Соn!.)

Continue the conversations started in Section Е, with а review о{ parts 1 and 2 of the section if necessary.


a/iCYANT (официаит) waiter aJifErika (Америка) America ; v aJifE!i�i (В АмеРИIСС)

in America Ш/JtiriКА1Jiс (американец) American (тап) a1]t'iriKA N sljiy (амеРИlшнскиit) American anGJ.JYsljiy (англиitскиit) English

аТЕС (отец) father Ы (бы) would ; BIla Ы (было бы) it would Ье BIT (быть) to Ье ; BIL (был) Ье was ; ULA (была)

she was ; BIla (было) it was ; Blli (были) wel'C

1 1 0 [4-F�

в U�it (будет) he (she, it) wi1l Ье

CHAshka (чашка) сир da VNO (давно) long ago, since long ago, for а long

time already ; 1Ji DAvna (недавно) not long ago, since not long ago

PElaf-(делать) to do, to make ; J)Elayиt (делают) tl1ey do, they make

DRUK, DR UG (друг) friend (male) ; drиZ YA (друзья) friends

1:Z (иа) out of, from

Page 119: Spoken Russian 1

iz.uCHAT (изучать) tc study ; izuCHAyut (изучают) .. they study

kaGDA (Iюгда) when ; 1}i kaGDA (иикогда) never ka!fEchna, ka!fEshna (коиечио) of course ka VO (ICOГO) whom

maSKVA (Москва) Moscow ; v maSKYE (в MocIcвe) in Moscow

МАТ (мать) mother MLA Tshiy (младший) younger

ра УЕха} (поехать) to drive, ride, travel to а plac�

POc}tta (почта) post оfбсе ; таН PO§/i (после) after Pri УЕха} (приехать) to arrive (not оп foot)

RAS, RAZ (раз) repetition, time

SHKOla (школа) school

TAG zhi (также) also IiPEF- (теперь) now

vayNA (война) war

ZHIT (жить) to Нуе; zhiVUT (живут) they Нуе

[4-F] 1 1 1

Page 120: Spoken Russian 1



Go once through the Basic Sentences in unison, then Hints оп Pronunciation, and then go twice more through the Basic Sentences individually. .

1 . Basic Sentences


Peter аnd Ivan talk about the weather.

what kind of (F.) weather in Russia

What sort of weather do уои have ill Russia?

possibIe any kind of (A.F.)

1n Russia. уои сап find any kind of weather.

112 [5-А]

kaKAya расоаа v ra$Iyi


kaKAya и vas расоаа v ra$Iyi?

Ivan MOzhna RAznuyu

v ra$Iyi m6zhna FSTfi.Ejij RAznuyu paGOdu.



какал погода в России

Rакал у вас погода в России?

можно раэную

В России можно встретить раэную погоду.

Page 121: Spoken Russian 1

rather оу enough. (it is) соо[ in spring in summer (it is) hot

It's rather соо[ Ьеге in spring, but it's hot in summer.

cold (Р.) winters

Оо уои Ьауе co[d winters?

iп winter (it is) cold in faH (in autumn) (it is) warm*

Yes, it's co[d in winter, but it's warm in the СаН.

p[eases (the) sout[l

1 like the south оС Russia.

large (Р.) mountains

ТЬеу Ьауе high mountains. *Not оп the cassette.

da VO,{,na praXLAdna yiSNOY ,{,Etam ZlIARka

�!)E$ dav6lna praXLAdna yiSNO У, n6 ,{,Etam ZlIARka.

Peter xaLOdnaya �Imi

и vas xaLOdnaya ZIтil

�iMO Y ХОШdna O§it}yu JiPLO


DA , �iMO Y XOladna, n6 O§it}yu JiPLO.


mt}e NRAyitsa R UslJiY УUК, balSlIlya GOri

ТАМ balS1IIya GOri.

довольно прохладно весной летом жарIЮ

Здесь довольно прохладно весной, но летом жарко.

холодные зимы

V вас холодные ЗИМЫ?

ЗИмой холодно осенью тепло

Да, зимой холодно, но осеныо тепло.

нравится юг

Mw� нравится русский юг.

большие горы

Там большие горы

[S-A] 1 1 Э

, i

Page 122: Spoken Russian 1

often goes* rain it rains*

fhey зау there's а lot о! rain there.

sometimes Уев, sometimes there's really a lot.

(in) the north always snow

In the north there's always rain or snow in the (аll.

(of) sick people Aren't there а lot о! sick

реорlе there?

only Only а few.

*Not оп the cassette. 1 1 4 ГS-А]


gavaflA T sht6 Мm CHAsta i,p,6t DOSHCH.

Ivan iпaGDA

пА , iпagdd Ochi1J CHAsta.

па $Eriri j§iGDA $!jEK

па $Eriri O§irjYu f§iGDA i,p,6d DOSHCH fli $!jEK.

Peter ЬаjNIХ


Ivan TOJ.,ka

TO[,.ka rji MNOga.

часто идет дождь идет дождь

Говорят, что там часто идет дождь.

иногда Да, иногда очень часто.

на севере всегда снег

На севере осенью всегда иде'!' дождь или снег.

больных Там много больных?

только Только немного.

Page 123: Spoken Russian 1

wintry (Р.) cold weather for (are) bad

Cold weather in winter isn't good for sick реорlе.

healthy (Р.) реорlе

We're а I],ealthy реорlе.

That's good.

in the east We h!:tve а lot of rain and snow in

the east.

But it's hot there in summer.

San Francisco Is San Francisco in the east?

Boston No, Boston's in the east.

Peter �Iтtjiуа xalaDA Р.{,А tji xaraSHI

гlmtjiуа xalaDA tji xaraSHI g,ja bajNIX.

Ivan zdaROvaya .{, Ug,i

МI zdaROvaya .{, Ug,i.

Peter Еш xaraSHO.

па vaSTO�i и NAS па vaSTO�i CHAsta ig,6d


n6 .{,ЕШm Иm ZHARka.

Ivan san franCI ska

sanfranCIska па vaSTOM?

Peter baSTON

!jET,' baSTON па vaSTO�i.

зимние холода для нехороши

Зимние холода нехороши для больных.

здоровые люди

Мы здоровые люди.

Это хорошо.

на востоке у нас на востоке. часто идет дождь

и снег.

Но летом там жарко.

Сан-Франциско Cah-ФраНЦИ(Ж0 .на востоне?

Бостон Нет, Бостон на востоке.

[S-A] 1 1 5

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in the west in California

San Francisco is in California, and California is in the west.

heavy rains But they have а lot оС heavy rains

there too.

the east 1 like the east оС Russia.

Гуе Ьееп told it's always very hot in summer and very cold in winter there.

Yes, but sometimes the weather's very nice there.

Ьу night Ьу day in Florida

In California and Florida it oCten rains at night, but it's nice in the daytime.

1 1 6 [S-A]

па ZAPa4i f kajiFOR1Jiyi

san franCI ska f kaJiFOR1Jiyi, а kaJiFOR1Jiya па ZAPa4i.

bajSHlya daZHDZHI по шm ТО zhi СНА sta юм,

bajSHlya daZHDZHI.

Ivan vaSTOK

m1Je NRAyitsa R Us�iy vaSTOK.

Peter m1Je skaZA/i sht6 tdm f§iGDA J.-Etam

ochi1J ZHARka, а �iMO У ochi1J ХОШdnа.

Ivan DA , по iпaGDA расоаа tdm

Ochi1J Pri У Atпaya.

NOchyu P!iOM va flaftI�i


f ka/iFOR1Jiyi i va flaJU�i CHAsta ФОТ NOchyu DOZHDZH, по P!iOM pri YAtna.

на западе в RaлиФорнии

Сан-Франциско в КалИфОРШlи, а Калифорния на западе.

большие дожди Но там тоже часто идут большие


BOCTOlt Мне нравится русский восток.

Мне сказали, что там всегда летом очень жарко, а зимой очень хо­лодно.

Да, но иногда погода там очень приятная.

ночью днем во Флориде

В Калифорнии и во Ф.пориде часто идет ночью дождь, но днем при­яти"

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yesterday went

l.t rained here yesterday.

аН the time* Yes, it often rains here,

but they told те [уои] always [had] good weather here.

And I was told that it never rains in California.

Who told уои 50?

А guy from California.

*Not оп the cassette.



fchira �PE$ sh6l DOSHCH.

!§6 VJШ1J1а �PE$ CHAsta i{l6d DOSHCH,

а m1}е skaZAj� sht6 �PE$ !§6 v JШ1J1уа xaROshaya paGOda.

Ivan а M!jE skaZAji sht6 f kajiFOR1}iyi

1}i kaGDA 1}i i9-6d DOSHCH.

Peter kt6 vam Е/а skaZAL?

Ivan chilaYEK is kajiFOR1}iyi.

вчера. шел

Вчера эдесь шел дождь.

все время Эдесь часто идет дождь,

а мне CIшэали, что эдесь все время хорошая погода.

а мне CI�аэали, что в R,алифорнии НИlюгда не идет дождь.

!{то вам это CI{аэал?

Человек ив Калифорнии.

Before уои go through the Basic Sentences а second time, study the following :

2. Hints оп Pronunciation 1 . Russian с. Russian с sounds like English ts in hats. In English

this sound is соmшоп at the end оЕ а word , but it пеуег comes at the beginning of а word. In Russian , however, it comes in аН positions. Russian с is опе of the three Russian consonants (the other two are sh and zh) which

Ьауе по similar palatal consonant to match thеш. ТЬе combination ts, аэ in paznaK01J1itsa, diffегs . fгош с (and fгош English ts) in having а slight break between the t and the s. Here are four w01'ds with с and then two with ts. Listen careful1y and try to imitate.

[S-A] 1 1 7

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P R A C T I CE 1

аТЕС отец a/iCУА NT официант · JiCO лицо ciNA цена BRA Tsa браться sa!)ITsa садиться

2. Russian sh and zh. Russian sh resembIes English sh as in shall, and

Russian zh resembIes English z as in azure, but the Russian sounds are less palatal. Уои сап get this effect

P R A C T I C E 2

SHTQ что SHE$T шесть MLA Tshiy младший zhiNA жена MUzha мужа ZHIT жить

3. Russian ch. Russian ch is like English ch in cheap. It counts in Rus­

sian as а palatal consonant, because the middle of the tongue is raised ир against the palate, in the characteristic palatal position. Russian ch is one of the two Russian pala-

1 1 8 [5-А]

father waiter face price /0 take uр 10 sit down

Ьу lowering the front of the tongue and Ьу slightly rounding the lips. Repeat each word right after the Guide or the cassette.

what six younger wife о! the husband 10 Uve

tal consonants (the other being у) that have по similar plain consonants to match them. Now imitate the Guide or the cassette.

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P R A C T I C E 3

MAI;.-ckik CHAsta ckiTlri DOCH

4. Russian shch.

мальчик часто четыре дочь

In the eombination shch, the Russian ch keeps its pala­tal sound, and the preeeding sh takes оп this palatal quality; that is, уои start raising the middle part of the tongue into palatal position at the beginning of the whole eombination, instead of raising it just for the ch. Most speakers, ineluding the speaker оп ош tape, turn the whole eombination into а kind of long palatal sh-

ииге Ьоу often four daugkter

sound. There is also а palatal eombination of zhdzh (or long palatal zh with the d almost or quite dropping out); the speaker оп ош tape used this onee in the word DOZHDZH ' ra in ' , bes ide Ыэ иэиаl pronuneiat ion DОSНСн. This sound always appears in daZHDZHI ' rains ' .

Now listen earefully to the following examples of Russian shch and try to imitate.

P R A C T I C E 4

taVArishch SHCHI yiSHCllO

5. Russian у.

товарищ щи еще

Russian у is like English у in yes, but it oecurs in more different positions, for iпstалее after а vowel at the end

comrade cabbage soup still, уее, as уее

of а word o r before а consonant. Russian у is always а palatal consonant j there is по рlэiп consonant to match it.

[5-А] 1 1 9 . 1

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J : i


УЕХа} STOyij СНА У yi YO уа ytx ZNAyu anG{,IYslJiy yiZIK

ехать стоить чай ее я их знаю английCI<ИЙ язьm

to ride or drioe to cost tea her 1 know them the English lanugage

Now go twiee through the Basic Sentenees, опее with book ореп and оп ее with book elosed.


1. Word Study ( Individual Study)


Vatiation in consonant sounds. Уоu have ргоЬаЫу noticed how the eonsonants of some words уагу. For instanee, MUSH (oeeasionally MUZH) ' husband' , bl\t genitive MUzha (уа 1]i ZNAyu yiy6 MUzha) ' 1 don't

know her husband') . Most Russian eonsonants belong to а elass ealled mutes. The mutes go in pairs ; опе in eaeh pair is ealled voiced, the other unvoiced:

Mutes voiced : Ь Р d q, dz dzh g glt f) у z � zh zhdzh lшvоiееd : р р j с ch k х f ! s § sh shch

When а voicecl mute сотеэ at the end of а word, it is voiced mute at the end of а word is replaced Ьу the sometimes kept unchanged, but this is done опlу in corresponding unvoiced mute, as in the tabIe аЬоуе. slow, сагеful speech, and not Ьу аН speakers. Mostly а 1 20 [5-Щ

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two friends D VA DR Uga а friend DRUK (DRUG) tl1ree times Т j(I Мю

Два друга друг три раза

тапу tiшеs MNOga RAS (RAZ) много раз два мужа муж

two husbands D VA MUzha the husband MUSH (MUZH) rains daZHDZHI дожди rain DOSHCH (DOZHDZH) дождь

Ап unvoiced mute in general dоеs поt change at the end оС а word : two little boys D VA MAJ.,chika два мальчика а little Ьоу MAJ.,chik мальчИI�

Bl1t if the next word begins with а voiced шutе (other than v), then, in rapid speech, а бпаl unvoiced mute becomes voiced : Ье (she, it) goes lt's raining.


Variation in vowel sounds. Unstressed vowels are slurred and weakened.

At the end оЕ а word, е when unstressed is weakened to i. Example : ending -е, f pi§ME (in the letter) , but unstressed -i, f SLOyi (in the word) .

At the end of а word, о when uIlstressed is weakened to а. Example : ending -о, таюКО (milk) , та УО (mine) , but unstressed Plva (beer) , VAsha (yours) .

Within а word, а, е, and о, when unstressed, after а palatal consonant or с, sh, zh, are weakened to i. Ех­amples :

идет Идет дождь.

ending -ах, аЬ alCAX (about their fathers) , па vagZAlax (at the stations) , but а J., Ug,ix (about the people), v ga$TI1Jicix (in the hotels) ;

stem сеn-, CEni (prices) , but ciNA (price) ; stem zhon- ZHOni (wives) , but zhiNA (wife) ; stem §ostr-, $Ostri (sisters) , but §iSTRA (sister) ; ending -01, ФОТ (is going) , but YEg,it (is riding) . Within а word, о, when unstressed, after а plain

consonant (except с, sh, zh) is weakened to а. Example : stem xolod-, XOlat (the cold), but xalaDA (cold spells) j compare also xaLOdпay (cold).

[5�B] 1 21

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, , '

Within а word, i , when unstressed, after а plain consonant (except с , sh, zh) is weakened to а in certain positions :

In а syl1able after the accent. Example : ending -ix, baJNIX (of sick people) , but TRUdnax (of difficult ones). Two or more syllables before the accent. Example : stem sin-, SIN (son) , but sanaYYA (sons) . ТЬе i is weakened (but not changed to а) in the syl1able just before the accent. Example: siNOK (little son) . Do not try to memorize these statements. We give them because they will answer occasional questions.

Rain, snow. In Russian they say ' the rain goes' , ' the snow goes' : It's raining. DOSHCH фОТ.

iJ)OD DOSHCH. It's snowing. $ljEK iJ)OT.

ФОТ $ljEK.

I like. Notice that the Russian says ' it pJeases те' where we вау ' 1 1ike it' : I like this hotel. m1Je NRAyitsa Ееа


Дождь идет. Идет дождь. Снег идет. Идет снег.

Мне нравится эта гостиница.

The form of the pronoun MljE in these sentences is а case form (called Dative) which we shall study later. For the present, just learn to зау the following sentences.


How do уои like Moscow? КАК vam NRAyitsa maSKVA? Как вам нравится Москва? We don't like this hotel. пат 1Ji NRAyitsa eta ga$TI1Jica. Нам не нравится эта гостиница. Не likes this weather. yimu NRAyitsa ееа paGOda. Ему нравится эта погода. She likes this house. уеу NRAyitsa etat DOM. Ей нравится этот дом. ТЬеу like Moscow. yf,m NRAyitsa maSK VA . Им нравится Москва.

Sick реорlе. The word for а sick person that we Ьауе been hearing , is not а noun, but an adjective. Later оп we shall explain the forms. For the present, learn .the following sentences : Не is sick. 6n BOlin. Он болен. She is Ш. аnа baJNA. Она больна.

1 22 [5-В]

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ТЬеу are iIl. ТЬе patient (таlе) is in the

hospita! now. The patient (female) was in the

hospital. ТЬе patients аге in tl1e hospital.

at}i balN 1. balNOY JipEP v GOspitali.

balNAya bild v GOspita.(i.

bajNlya v GOspitaji.

ТЬе ргероsitiоп 1-1a ' fог' is followed Ьу the Genitive case : Here's а letter for уои ! УОТ pi§MO 1-1a VAS/

Они больны. Вольной теперь в госпитале.

Вольная была в госпитале.

Вольные в госпитале.

Вот письмо для вас ! Неге аге some lеttегs for УОllГ friend ! VOT Р 1 �ma dla vdshiva ta VAtishcha! Вот письма для вашего товарища r

В. NEW NOUNS Here are the new nouns of this Unit. We give еасЬ опе in tЬе Nominative Singular, and tl1en add the other case

forms which we Ьауе stl1died. We use the following abbreviations : N.S. : NomJnative Sil1gular A.S. : Accusative Sil1gulal" G.S. : Genitive Sil1gulal"

N.S. J)E1J (day) DOZHDZH (rain) $Eyir (north) $1JEG (SI10W ; plural, sl1owfalls) vaSTOK (east) XOlad (co1d ; plнral, cold spells) YUG (south) ZApad (west)

Mascu1ine nouns: G.S.

J)1JA daZHDZHA �Eyira $1JEga, �1JEgu vaSTOka XOlada YUga ZApada

N.P. : Nomil1ative P!нra! А.Р. : Accusative Plural С.Р. : Genitive Plнra!







[S-B] 1 23

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Feminine поипз : N.S. л.s. G.S. N.P. G.P.

gaRA (mountain) GOru gaRI GOri GOR NOCH (night) =N.S. NOchi NOchi паСНЕ У O§ir} (autumn) = N.S. O§ir}i O§ir}i O§ir}iy paGOda (weather) paGOdu paGOdi ra$Iya (Russian) ra$Iyu ra$Iyi yiSNA (spring) yiSNU, YOsnu yiSNI YOsni YO§in �iMA (winter) �Imu �iMI �Imi ZIM

Neuter nouns: N .S. G.S. N .P. G.P.

f.,Eta (summer :J.,Eta jiTA :J.,ET VJШ1jlа (time) VJШ1jIir}i vri1jliNA vriMON

This last word has the stem vri1jlon-, but the N.S. and G.S. are entirely irregular.

They are now living in Moscow. In this letter there are тапу

hard words. 1'11 meet уои at the station. We were talking about your father.


ar}1,JipEft. zhiVUT v maSKYE. v Etam pi§ME MNOga TRUdпax

SLOF. уа vas FSТJШсhu па vagZA]i. т';' gavaft.Ili а vashim atCE.

Они теперь живут в Москве. В этом письме много трудных слов.

я вас встречу на вокзале. Мы говорили о вашем отце.

Study these sentences in the usual way until уои сап вау the Russian fluently. Then go оуег them and observe the following things.

The nouns in these sentences have the ending -, е; when this ending is unstressed it is weakened to -, i. The comma which we write hcre means that а preceding

1 24 [5-В] > , .- .�

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plain consonant becomes palatal. This сап Ьарреп only if the plain consonant has а palatal consonant to match it: the plain consonants sh, zh, с cannot Ьесоте palatal.

This form of nouns is the Locative case form. ТЬе Locative case is used опlу after certain preposi­

tions, namely:

а, when it means ' around' or ' about'. Before а vowel this word has the form аЬ:

Now tl1ey are talking about the army. jij> Ej<. gava]<.A Т аЬ AR1]tiyi. Теперь говорят об армии.

па, wl1en it means ' оп, at, in' , telling where someone or something is. Recall that па takes the Accusati.ve case when it means ' onto, to' , telling whereto someone or something goes :

ТЬеу are driving to the station. a1J1, YEdut па vagZAL. ТЬеу are now at the station. a1Jf,Jij>Ej<. па щgZJl Ii.

Они едут на ВOI�зал. Они теперь на вокзале.

IIJ (sometimes va) , when it теапв ' in; at', telling whet'e someone or something is. Recall that v takes the Accusative саве wl1en it теапэ ' into, to' , tel1ing whereto вотеопе or something goes : .

ТЬе cblldren are walking to эсЬооl. !)Eji Ш ИТ f SHKOlu. Дети идут в школу. ТЬе cblldl-en are now in school. !)EjiJiPEj<. f SHKOji. Дети теперь в школе. ТЬеу often eat in that big a1J1, CHAsta К Иshiуut v Ешт Они часто кушают в этом большом

restaurant. balSHOM ristaRA1Ji. ресторане. 1'т talking about опе of ту уа gаvаj<.И аЬ aDNOM та УОМ Я говорю об одном моем товарище.

comrades. ta V Arishchi. 1п your letter уои said nothing v vashim pi§l.fE v1. 1Ji chiVO 1Ji

about [your] brother. skaZAli а BRAji. в вашем письме вы ничего не

сказали о брате.

Adjectives in the Masculine and Neuter Ьауе the ending -от (unstressed -ат, -im) for the Locative саэе : balSHOM, та УОМ, aDNOM, Etam, NAshim, VAshim. We are living in that big hotel. m1. zhiYOM v Ешу balSHO Y Мы живем в этой большей

ga$TI1Jici. гостинице.

[5-В] 1 25

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1 1 ' 1

Iв Ье now in the Russian army or 6n jipEF. v RUskay AR1Jtiyi 1ji v Он 'rеперь в русской армии или Б in ours? NAshiy? нашей?

We are ta!king about опе of your m1 gavaF.IM аЬ aDNOY vashiy Мы говорим об одной вашей (woman) friends. p;i У Ajij1Jici. приятельнице. Adjectives in the Feminine have the ending -оу (unstressed -ау, -iy) for the Locative case : bajSHO Y, aDNOY,

RUskay, NAshiy, VAshiy. Tbls is like t!:1e Gel1itive.

What did БЬе say about ту SHTO аnа skaZAla а mауеу Что она скаsала о моей матери? mother? MAji;i? ТЬе specia! adjective МО У has the endil1g -еу il1 the Femil1il1e Locative. This is like the Gel1itive.

Маl1У реор!е live il1 these houses.

111 American schools there are тапу womel1 teachers.

1 dOI1't wal1t еуеl1 to talk about tl10se people.

v Ejix daMAX zhiYOT MNOga jul)E Y.

v a1Jti;iKANslyix SHKOlax MNOga uCHljil1Jic.

аЬ Ejix � U{iix уа i gavaF.IT 1Ji хаСНU ..

в Э'l'ИХ домах живет много людей.

в американClШХ ШI�олах много учительниц.

Об этих людях я и говорить Не хочу.

P!ural l1ouns Ьауе the el1dil1g -ах in the Locative case. Whel1 unstressed, -ах is weakel1ed to -ix after pa!ata! C0l1S011 . al1ts al1d sh, zh, с.

111 tlle big hote!s tllere are now тапу Americal1s.

What did she say about ту childt'en?

Did he talk ffil1ch abol1t Ol1r friel1ds?

v bajSHIX ga$TI1Jicix jiPEF. MNOga a1Jti;iKANcif.

SHTO аnа skaZAla а mау1х l)Ejix?

6n MNOga gavaF.IL а nashix dru-?, YAX?

в больших гостиницах теперь много американцев.

Что она скаsала о моих детя:х?

Он много говорил о наших друsьлх?

IJocative Plura! adjectives have the endil1g -ix. This is the Бате as the Genitive Plural. 1 26 [5-В]

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In winter they liуе in these two big houses.

Dr. Terentyev works in three hospitals.

We work in four different places.

1 don't know anything about your five roubIes.

Ош' armies are now in eight places.

�iMOY at}'t zh.iVUT v EJix D VUX baJSHIX daMAX.

d6ktar jiFENjyif raBOtayit f т JШХ GOspitaJix.

т';' raBOtayiт па сhitiJШХ RAznix 1pisT АХ.

уа 1}i chiVO 1}i ZNAyu а vashix piTI ruBI.-АХ.

nashi AR1piyijifEft. v щ§ЦI 1piSTAX.


Зимой они живут в �тих двух больших домах.

Доктор Терентьев работает в трех госпиталях.

Мы работаем на четырех разных местах.

Я ничего не знаю о ваших плти рубллх.

Наши армии теперь в восьми местах.

The l1umbers from 2 оп Ьауе the same el1dil1gs il1 the Locative as in the Gel1itive : D VUX, Tft.OX, chitifl.OX, piTI, and so оп. The adjectives and nouns that go with tllem are in tl1e Locative Plural form.

What were уои talking about? About whom are уои talking? About Ыт. About her. About them. About уои. They are always talking about us.

а СНОМ v-t gavaft.IJi? а к О м Vt gavafl.lji? а !jOM. а !jE Y. а !jIX. а VAS. a1}';'f§iGDA gavajU T a NAS.

The Locative forms of the p1'Onouns are as аЬоуе.

What did she say about те? There's nothing Cof) Russian

about те.

SHTO аnа аЬа M!jE skaZAla? va M!jE R Uskava 1}i chiVO !jET.

О чем вы ГОВОРИJIИ? О ком вы говорите? О нем. О ней. О них. О вас. Они всегда говорлт о нас.

Что она обо мне сказала? Во мне русского ничего нет.

ТЬе Lщ;аtivе of УА is Ml'fE. Before this word the prepositions have the 10nger forms аЬа al1d va.

[5-В] 1 27

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D. SOME VERBS Here are воте more verbs of Туре 1 . Notice that in

the Present tense а plain consonant gets palatal before the endings that begin with " , о (unstressed ", i) . Notice

ZHIT to liуе zhiVU I live zhiYOSH уоu live (fami1iar) zhiYOT Ье (she, it) liуев zhiYOM we liуе zhiYOJi уоu liуе z!tiVUT they liуе ZHIL ое lived (аlВ0 : 1 lived, тап

speaking, etc.) zhiLA эЬе lived (аlВ0 : 1 lived, woman

speakil1g, etc.) ZHlla it lived ZHIJi they lived (аlВ0 : we lived, уоu lived)

iTI to Ье gOil1g (оп foot) , ,valkil1g iDИ 1 ат going iJ)OSH уоu are going (fami1iar) iJ)OT Ье (вЬе, it) is going ФОМ we are gOil1g iJ)Oji уоu are going Ш ИТ they are going SHOL Ье was going

1 28 [5-В)

аlВ0 that the Past tense of the verb iTI :в irregular and that the accel1t shifts in the Past tense оС воте verbs.

SHLA , she was going SHLO it was goil1g SH[J they were goil1g

УЕха} to Ье goil1g (l1ot 011 foot) , ridil1g, drivil1g, traveling

УЫи 1 ат riding YEr)ish уоu are ridil1g (fami1ial0) YEr)it Ьс (вЬе, it) is riding YEr)im we are ridil1g YE4iJi уоu are riding УЕ"uе they are ridil1g YExal Ье was ridil1g УЕхаш эЬе was riding УЕхаш it was riding YExaJi they were riding

BIT to Ье B Udu 1'11 Ье B Ur)ish уоu'll Ье (fami1iar) В Иг)it Ье (вЬе, it) wi1l Ье В Uvлт we'lI Ье

Page 137: Spoken Russian 1

БUd-iji you'Il ье BlJi they were BUdиt they'lI Ье lfE bil Ье was not :Вп he was 1}i biLA she was not ULA she was lfE ЫШ it was not :В!ш it was lfE Ы# they were not

Here are some more Verbs оС Туре 2 : pajtaJUT to repeat paznaKOtpiJ to make acquainted, to introd� pajtaft.U 1 '11 repeat paznaKOmJи 1 '11 introduce pajtaft.I SH you'll repeat (familiar) paznaKOtpish you'll introduce pajtaJUT he (she, it) will repeat paznaKOtpit he (she, it) will introouce paftaft.IM we'll repeat paznaKOtpim we'll introduce pajtaft.1ji уои'11 repeat paznaKOtpiJi уои'lI introduce pajtaft.A T they'lI repeat paznaKOtpit they'll introduce pajtaft.IL he (I) repeated paznaKOtpil Ье (1) introduced pajtaft.Ila she (it, 1) repeated paznaKOtpila she (it, 1) introduced pajtaft.IJi they (we, уои) repeated paznaKOtpiJi they (we, уои) introducef2

ТЬе verb хаТЕТ I to want' has ап irregular Present :

хаСНU 1 want хаТА Т they want XOchish уои want (familiar) xaTEL Не (1) wanted XOchit Ье (she, it) wants хаТЕш эhе (it, 1) wanted хаТ!М we want xaTEJi they (we, you) wanted xaT!ji уои want

[5-В] 1 29

Page 138: Spoken Russian 1

2. Covering E nglish and Russian of Word Study (Individual Study)

Check yourself оп уош knowledge of the Word Study Ьу covering first the Eng!ish, then the Russian, and making sure уои know everything thoroughly.

3. Review of Basic Sentences

With the Guide or cassette, review the first ha!f of the Basic Sentences as in previous units.


1. Review of Basic Sentences (Cont. )

Review the second ha!f of the Basic Sentences.

2. Covering the E nglish of Basic Sentences (Individua! Study) Go through the Basic Sentences covering ир the оп anything уои do not know, unti! уои are sure of

E ng!ish and reading aloud the Russian. Check ир everything.

3. What Would Уои Say? (Individual Study) 1. Your friend Ignatyev takes you into а hGtel restau- 3. Mr. Ignatyev wants to know whether you Шее

rant. Уои \ike the looks of the place. You эау : Moscow. Не asks : а. m1je NRAyitsa vasha DOCH. а. G!)E т zhiYOji v тaSKYE? Ь. m1je NRAyitsa etat ristaRAN. Ь. Mk vam NRAyitsa maSK VA? с. уа хаеМ K Ushij v etam ristaRA1ji. с. kaGDA т PriYExali v maSK VUi

2 . Mr. Ignatyev points to а seat and asks if уои would like to sit there. Уои would ; во you эау : а. DA , m1je NRAyitsa vasha DOCH. Ь. spa$Iba, уа хаеМ р Iva. с. DA , ееа }ifEsta m1je NRAyitsa.

1 30 ГS-Сl

4. You liIее it very much in Moscow. You эау: а. уа 1ji DAvna Pri YExal v maSK VU.

Ь. уа Pri YExal v maSK VU jehiRA. с. m1je Oehi1j NRA:vitsa maSKVA.

Page 139: Spoken Russian 1

5. You want to know what sort of а hotel you аге in. You ask: а. kaKOY etat JistaRAN? Ь. kaKAya еш ga$TI1}ica? с. kaKOya еШ 1IfAsa?

6. Mr. Ignatyev wants to know how the summers аге in America. Не asks: а. �iMO У kaKAya раСОм v a1lfEJiM? Ь. yiSNO У kaKAya и vas tam раСОм? с. J.,Etam kaKAya и vas v a1lfEJi�i раСОм?

7. You want to tell Ыт that it is hot in summer in your соuпtгу. You вау : а. O§i1}yи и nas praXLAdna. Ь. J.,Etam и vas ZHARka. с. J.,Etam и nas ZHARka.

8. You want to add tllat it is cold there in winter. You эау : а. �iMOY и vas ХОШdnа. Ь. �iMOY и nds XOladna. с. �iMOY и nds MNOga $!fEga.

9. Mr. Ignatyev thinks cold wintel' weather is bad {ог people. Не ваув : а. l-Im1}iya xalaDA 1}i хаrаSIП !l]a ]и!)Е У. Ь. �iMO Y �!le§ MNOga ]и!)ЕУ. с. �iMO Y �!le§ MNOga ba]NIX.

10. You tell Ыт that Americans are healthy people. You вау : а. Ш/рiJiКАNсi, xaROshiya J., U!li. Ь. a1J1iJiKANci MNOga K Ushiyиt. с. a1J1iJiKANci, zdaROvaya J., U!li.

1 1 . Mr. Ignatyev doesn't know where Boston is. You tell Ыт : а. уа 1}i kaCDA !fE Ы! v baST01}i. Ь. baSTON па vaSTO�i a1lfEJi�i. с. тауа §iSTRA zhiJ10T v baST01}i.

12. You look out of the window and вее that it is raining. You вау : а. JifEF- i!)OT $!fEK Ь. CHAsta i!)OT DOSHCH. с. JifEF- i!)OT DOSHCH.


1. What Did Уоп Say ? Give your answers in Russian for еасЬ of the exer­

cises in the preceding section, when the Leader саНа

for them. ТЬеп, аа the Leader саНа for them, give the English equivalents of аН the expressions in the exercise.

[S-D] 1 31

Page 140: Spoken Russian 1

2. Word Study Check.Up As you have done in the previous units, go back to the

Word Study and give the correct Russian for each EngJish expression, without having to read it from the book. The Leader or one of the members of the group should read the EngJish.

3. Listening In With уош book closed, Jisten to the following conver·

1. Ivфn аnd Boris talk аЬоие Ivan's brother.

iVAN : ZDRAstvиyji ta VArishch! КАК УП

ba}{IS: xaraSlIO, spa$Iba. а VI? mt}c skaZAJi shto vash ST ARshiy BRA Т

PriYExal v OTpиsk iz maSKVI. iVAN : DA , оп PriYExal iz maSK VI. baj{IS : yimu NRAyitsa maSK VA? iVAN : DA , Ochit}.

ТАМ MNOga xaROshix ristaRAпaj i pri YAtnix J)Evиshik.

baj{IS: DA; J)Evиshbi еаm Pri YAtпaya, по paGOda t}i ochit} Pri У Аепауа. giMOY еаm MNOga baJNIX.

1 32 [5-D]

sations as read Ьу the Guide or cassette. Repeat the Rus­sian immediately after hearing it. After the first repetition of each conversation, check up оп the meaning of any­thing you do not understand Ьу asking someone else or Ьу going back to the Bos;c Sentences if по one knows. Re­peat each conversation if necessary; then take parts and carry оп the conversation.

iVAN : DA. mоу BRA Т ТО zhi bll BOJin. on bll v GOspitaJi. jifEfl yimu NAda УЕха} па УИК.

bajHS: kиDA оп YE4it v OTpиsk?

iVAN : maуа §iSTRA zhiYOT v gaRAX. оп pa YE4it tиDA.

baj{IS: v gaRAX ochit} XOladпa.

iVAN : !fET,' t}i Ochit}.

baj{IS: КАК t}i XOladпa? Мm $!fEK.

iVAN : DA; по aNA t}i zhiYOT ТАМ g�e $!fEK. v gaRAX NOchyи XOladna по J)!fOM jiPLO.

Page 141: Spoken Russian 1

bajHS: уа ZHIL v gaRAX v alifE,i�i, f kajiFORt}iyi, i ТАМ ЫШ XOladпa.

iVAN : DA , по t}i I"Etam. уа хаеhИ. рауеха} tuDA PO§ji vayN 1.

2. lvan аnd George ,un into еаеп other at the station.

iVAN : ZDRAstvuy, giOJqiy! GJ)E tt вп?

�iORl5iy : уа ые v GOspitaJi. тоу DR UK taт.

iVAN : SHTO оп taт J)Elayit? �iORl5iy : t}i ehiVO t}i J)Elayit.

оп balNO Y.

iVAN : ZHALka. уа t}i ZNAL.

l5iORgiy : ka!jEehпa tt t}i ZNAL. УА Нре t}i skaZAL.

iVAN : �#§ da VOI"пa XOladпa. l5iORgiy: DA.

па vagZAji /§iGDA XOladпa �iMOY, а I"Etaт ZHARka.

iVAN: M!jE paGOda �e§ t}i NRAyitsa. уа Oehit} хаСНU u YExaj.

ba.RIS: izyifjlji, paZHALsta; VOT m6у D,RUK. mt ig,6m па vagZAL.

giORgiy : kuDA tt XOehish и УЕхаJ'l iVAN: tuDA g�/§iGDA yiSNA i I"Eta,

i f§igdd jiP LO, i PriYAtпaya paGOda.

. giORgiy : GJ)E f§igdd jiPLO i p,i YAtпa? tt ZNAyish GJ)E?

iVAN : УА t}i ZNAyu. giORgiy : ZHALka.

АХ, Mk Pri YAtпa ЫШ Ы ра УЕха} tuDA! iVAN : Mk xaraSHO ЫШ Ы ZHIT Мт g�ejiPLO

J)!jOM i praXLAdпa NOehyu! 6iORgiy : DA , i t}i MNOga daZHDZHA ,

$!jEK Щkа iпaGDA. iVAN : N И, da VOI"пa da VOI"пa!

т1 t}i ZNAyiт shto тt gavaJUM. giORgiy : DA; уа t}i zdaROF.

�PE$ XOladпa. раурОМ!

[5-D] 1 ЗЗ

Page 142: Spoken Russian 1


1 . Covering the Russian in Basic Sentences ( Individual Study) Cover the Russian of the Basic Sentences and practice saying the Russian equ;valents of the English expressions.

2. Vocabulary Check-Up

Give the Russian expressions for the English equivalents in the Basic Sentences as the Leader calls for them.

3. Conversation

Аэ уои have done in the Conversation in the previous units, begin to converse Ьу following the models outlined below fail'ly closely; then change the situations somewhat. Ву now уои have а fair amount of material that уои сап bring into your conversations. Invent new combinations of subject matter.

Wогk through these situations, saying in Russian whatevel' fits the situation, taking parts as уои have done in previous units.

1. Two members of the gl'OUP compare the weathel' of different regions-the north, south, east, or west. Соmра1'е the weathel' at diffel'ent seasons of the year, whethel' it l'ains much 01' not, how соИ, and the Шее.

2 . Two friends discuss theil' plans fol' the next Уа­cation or fUl'lough (both words are OTpusk in Russial1) . ТЬеу tell where they were the last time. Соmра1'е the weather, whethel' 01' not thel'e are mountains, and the Шее.

З. Уои шееt а friend and ask Ыm how Ье is. He says he's not so good. Уои ask if he's sick, and Ье says Ье isn't well. Уои say it is rathel' cold whel'e уои

1 34 [5-Е]

two аl'е, and that cold weather isn't good for sick people. Не says, Ье is vel'Y warm ; it is hot there. Уои tell Ыm he's sick and should go to the hospital or to а dоСtог. Уои offer to go thеге with Ыm.

4. А fгiепd tells уои Ье is going to U.S.S.R. (in Russian the es-es-es-el'-same {О1'm (о1' аН cases.) У ои tel1 Ыm it is very соЫ thеге and it snows а 10t. Не says that реорlе аге healthy in the mountains, and it is cold thel'e al1d thеге's snow, too. Уои tell Ыm that they have ЬеауУ [ains in the U.S.S.R. Не says Ье is goil1g to the moul1tail1s in the south of Russia. Sick people go thel'e оп leave, so Ье is pleased at going thеге.

Page 143: Spoken Russian 1

SECTION F-CONVERSATION (Cant.) Continue the conversations started iil Section E with а review of parts 1 and 2 of the section if necessary.


/t, аЬ, аЬа (о, об, обо) about

baJNO У (больной) sick ; sick person BOJin (болен) Ье is sick ba]NA (больна) вЬе is sick baJNI (больны) tl1ey are skk

CHAsta (часто) often

dд VO�na (довольно) enough I)E!f (день) day

I)!fOM (днем) in daytime ; in the afternoon �la (для) for DOSHCH, DOZHDZH (дождь) rain

fchiRA (вчера) yestel'day f§iGDA (всегда) always Р$О (все) аН ; i§О VFEt]la (все время) аН the time

gaRA (гора) mountain

il)OT (идет) is going ; DOSHC,If iJ)qт:, iJ)OD DOSHCH (дождь идет, идет дождь) lt s гашшg

inaGDA (иногда) sometimes

kaKO Y (какой) what kind of

�Eta (лето) summer; �Etaт (летом) in виттег

MOzhna (можно) it is possible ; one сап

NAda (надо) it is necessary : yiтu NAda (ему надо) he has to

NOCH (ночь) night NOchyu (ночью) at night

NRAyitsa (нравится) it is pleasing ; т'f}8 NRAyitsa (мне нравится) 1 1ike it

O§i'f} (осень) autumn O§i'f}Yu (осенью) in autumn

раСОщ (погода) weather praXLAdna (прохлаДIIО) it is сооl priYAtnay (приятный) pleasant

ra$Iya (Россия) Russia RAznay (разный) various

$Eyir (север the north SHOL (шел) he was going ; SHOL DOSHCH

(шел дождь) it was raining

L5-F] 1 ЭS

Page 144: Spoken Russian 1

§l'jEK, §l'jEG (снег) snow ; ЦЮТ §l'jEK , §l'jEK i!)OT (идет CHer, сне!' идет) it is snowing

JiP LO (тепло) it is warm TOJ;.,ka (только) only

va (во) in, longer form of v (о) vaSTOK (ВOCТOK) the east yiSN А (весна) spring

yiSNO У (весной) in spl·il1g VJШ'1']Ш (время) time ; va VjШt)fа (во время) at the time

xaraSHI (хороши) they are good

1 36 [5-.-.1'.!

XOlat, ХОШd (холод) cold weather, the cold XOladna (холодно) it is cold УИК, УИС (юr) the south

ZApat, ZApad (запад) the west zdaROvay (здоровый) healthy �iMA (зима) wil1ter

�iMO У (зимой) il1 winter �IMt}iy (зимний) of winter; wintry ZHARka (жарка) it is hot

Page 145: Spoken Russian 1



ТО 'не Сгоир Leader: This uшt 1В intended to furnish the group with а thorough review of аН (Ье work done to date: under­standing of vocabulary, use of vocabulary, and grammar. Pronunciation should Ье the object of attention whenever the students are talking. Either the Guide or, if there is по Gui�e, the Leader and other students should correct faulty pronunciation. ' '

Section Л is а true-and-false .quiz which is to Ье read to the group Ьу the Guide or the cassette tapes. ЕасЬ student is to write the numbers from 1 to 80 оп а sl1eet of paper. Лftег hearing еасЬ statement in Russian, the students are to mark Т opposite the number of that statement if they consider it а true statement, and F if they consider it false. If the students understand the Russian they will Ьауе по difficulty in deciding whether or not the statements are true or false.

Use the first item in the quiz as а practice item. When уои are ready to start, аппоипсе "Statement 1," and give the signal to сЬе Guide to begin, or put оп the cassette tape. ТЬе Guide or саре will сЬеп read the Russian sta,tement : ''ristaRAN. 9i kaGDA 9i па va�ZA)i" and wi1l repeat the statement опее mО1'е, Explain to the group that, 5ince the meaning of this statement 15: ' А restaurant 15 never at а railway station" they should write ап F after the figure 1 оп their papers. ТЬеп announce "Statement 2" and continue with the Guide or cassette саре. ЕасЬ statement in Russian is to Ье presented twice. When working with а Guide, continue to саН the number of еасЬ statement throughout the quiz so that the students will Ьауе по troubIe keeping the proper place. Take the qtliz with the rest of the group.

Лt the very end of this book уоtl will find а list giving the correct answers (Т or F) for the Russian items, together with the English translations. Лftег the quiz is over, read to the group сЬе correct answers, Т or F for еасЬ item. ТЬе sшdепts are to check t11eir papers. Find the average number of correct answers per student for уош grotlp and include уош own answers. Лпу student who gets less сЬап сЬе average ntlffiber of answers or less than 80% (whichever is higher) correct, needs more thorough study and review of the preceeding lшits.

Use the rest of the period to repeat the Russian expressions for whicl1 students had (Ье wrong al1swer al1d give (Ье El1g1ish equivalel1ts of these statements if they wish to Ьауе them. Ве эше that the sttldents tlnderstand the meal1il1g of аН tl1e items which they got wrong; those are the items оп which their vocabulary is weak and l1eed further study.

[б-А] 1 37

Page 146: Spoken Russian 1

This unit provides several tests which will help уои to make sure that уо и have thocoughly covered the wock of (Ье first five Learning Units of the course. ТЬеу wШ show уои what уои тау need (о cestudy ос review.

Section А is а true-false quiz. After уои Ьауе marked (Ье numbecs 1 to 80 оп а sheet of рарес, уош Leader will have (Ье Guide read, ос will play the cassette tapes containing а number of statements in Russian. As уои hear еасЬ sentence, decide whether the statement it makes is true ос false. Oecide whether (Ье statement is usually true ос usua//y false. 00 not go into particular cases. If уои think the statement is (сие, mark Т орро­site the number corresponding to the ошnЬеr of the sentences that has just been spokeo. If уои think it is false, mark F opposite the питЬес. The first item will Ье а practice item and will show уои just how уои асе

to proceed with the rest of the sentences. After уои have done this work, the Leader will go

through уоис answers with уои as а group, and wш (е!l уои which statemeots асе (Сllе and which асе false. Score уош рарес, cOllotiog оое for each correct answer. The Leader wШ figure Ollt the average score for уощ grollp. If уоис score falIs below (Ье average of the grollp as а whole, УОll need тосе stlldy and review of the previolls 1I0its.

Use the rest of the period to go over the senteoces again with уош Guide ос tape8. For each item оп which уои асе wrong, Ье sure уои lInderstand why уои асе wroog, aod what the true meaoiog of the item is . .

If УОll соте Ollt well 00 this qlliz, that indicates that УОll have а pretty good understanding of practically all the work уои have covered to date.

SECTION B-How WOULD Уои 5лу IT? (Individual Study)

Go through the followiog Eoglish senteoces and рсе­расе to say the equivaleots for the English at уоис next group meeting. Do nо! w1ite anything down, Ьщ say the Russian equivalents out 101ld aod keep рсас-

1 . How d'yoll do, Мс. Ivanov? 2. How асе уои?

1 эв [б-В]

ticing them aloud lIntil УОIl have t11e RlIssian down 80 cold that w11en the Eoglish is fired at УОIl point­blaok уои сао бсе the Russiao right back without апу hesitatioo.

3. I'т fine, thank УОll; and УОll ? 4. 1 don't lInderstand.

Page 147: Spoken Russian 1

5. J?lease speak slowly. 6. Ехсиэе те ; where is the railroad station, please? 7. ТЬе railroad station is to the right.

1. Where Щ'е уои going (оп foot) ? 2. Where аге уои driving to? 3. Гт driving to the railway station. 4. Му brother is at the rai1way station. 5, Му older son is in the army.

1. Do уои know that girl? 2. 1 want to introduce уои to her. 3. She speaks English well. 4. Who is that young тап? 5. That is her older brother.

1. М у sisters аге going to America. 2. Do they know J ohn Smith? 3. Не is опе of ту friends. 4. Не has recently arrived from America. 5. 1 ат studying Russian.

1. Iеэ rather cool Ьеl'е in spring, but it's hot in summer. 2. It's cold in wintel', but wщ'т in the {аН.





8. 1 want сigагеttеs and matches, please. 9. Do уои want some tea or coffee?

10. ТЫэ costs three гоиЫеэ.

6. 1 wal1t to meet Ыт. 7. Не Ьаэ а furlough. 8. Не'lI meet те here. 9. Му wife iSI1 't here.

10. Please give те а match.

6. Не does not know that Гт here. 7. Не has gone off to the hospital. 8. Let's go into the restaurant. 9. Give иэ эоте tea, please.

10. 1 want воте milk and эоте sugаг, please.

6. ТЬеу are in Moscow. 7. What аге they doing there? 8. 1 ат going to МоэсО\у. 9. That wi11 Ье vегу pleasant.

10. Му mothet' has been in Amet'ica тапу times.

3. There аге big mountains there. 4. 1 t's rail1ing.

[б-В) 1 39

Page 148: Spoken Russian 1


5. 1 t's snowing-. 8. Sal1 FI"ancisco is in tllC west. 6. СоИ weathcr 1п winter is not good for sick people. 9. lп the north it is cold. 7. Boston is in the east. 10. 1п the south it is hot.


То the суоuр Leader: Simply follow the directions given below. This Section is а drill оп the work уои Ьауе done in

Section В of this ul1it. Кеер your book closed. ТЬе Leader wШ саН оп members of the group (but not in апу бхесl order) to speak the Russian equivalents of the English sentences given in Section В. ТЬе work must

Ье kept moving rapidly, and interest should never lag. lf the Guide is present Ье is to listen and correct your pronul1ciation and expl"essions.

This section is intended to give уои а clleck оп your abiJity to use the vocabulary уои Ьаус learl1ed.

SECTION D-How WOULD You SAY IT? (Cont.) (Il1dividual Study)

Go through these English sentel1ces al1d pl"Cpare to say the equivalents for the English, just as уои did il1 Sectiol1 В of this unit. Do 110t write anything down,

1 . What do уои wa11t to eat? 2. 1 want soup, meat, a11d potatoes. З. 1 haven't а11У mаtсЬеs. 4. How тисЬ does tbls cost? 5. ТЬеl"е is а restaUl"a11t to the rigЬt.

1 40 [6--DJ


but have eVel"ythi11g well fixed in your mind, and ready to speak in the 11ext gl"OUP meeting.

6. 1 Ьауе tЬе cigal"ettes. 7. 1 have some cigarettes. 8. Tllel"e is по beer. 9. 1 want а cigarette.

10. Give те а match, please.

Page 149: Spoken Russian 1

11 1. 1 don't understand уои. 6. Here's cold milk ! 2 . The Russian language is difficult. 3. 1 have one rouble.

7. These young people are Russians. 8. These lettet·s are mine.

4. My wife speaks Russian. 5. Is this letter yours?

9. Where's the hotel?-Here it is ! 10. Where's the letter?-Here it is I

ПI 1. Give те а glass of water. 6. Не has two sisters. 2. There are 10ts of big houses here. 7. She has five roubles. 3. 1 have lots of cigarettes. 8. She hasn't five roubles.

4. Му brother has the letter. 9. 1 haven't two l'oubles. 5. How тапу children have уои? 10. There aren't any good restaurants hereo

IV 1. Оо уои know our younger sister? 2. Wc'll meet our daughter there. 3. 1 want to drink tea.

6. 1 met опе of your friends there. 7. 1 know those two girls. 8. 1 know them well.

4. Give иэ three cups of coffee. 5. Give иэ five сирэ о! coffee.

9. Оо уои understand те? 10. Will уои meet иэ at the restaнrant?


1. Who told уои that? 2. Now they are talking about the army. 3. They often eat in that big restaurant. 4. 1 don't ev�n want to talk about those people. 5. 1 don't know anything about your five roubles.

6. What are уои talking about? 7. We're talking about the Russian army. 8. About whom are уои talkil1g? 9. We're talking about ту brother.

10. You're always talkil1g about him. [6-О] 1 41

1 :

Page 150: Spoken Russian 1


SECTION E-How Dш You SAY IT? (Cont.) То the суоuр Leader: Simply follow tl\c dircctions given bclow.

Аа in Section С, the Leader wШ go around the group and ask various members to supply (with books closed) the Russian equivalents for the sentences given in Sec­tion D. If the Guide is present, Ье wШ listen and correct pronunciation and expressions.

This section is intended to give уои а check 011 your understanding of the way the language is bui1t and functions.


ТЬе members оС the group wiIl carry оп short СОI1-versations lasting not more thal1 1 to 2 minutes, il1 wi1ich the entire contel1ts of the pre�edil1g units should Ье used. Everyol1e should have а сЬапсе to take part аэ тапу times аэ possible. ТЬе situations of the conver-

1 . Ask вотеОl1е where уои сап fil1d а hotel, restaurant school, etc. Не tells уои, but уои Ьауе difficulty undcrstal1ding, во уои ask him to repeat and to speak slower. He tells уои again, perhaps addil1g а few more dcfil1ite directions. Уои thапk hirn and вау goodbye.

2. Уои meet а friend апd ask Ыт if he'd like to Ьауе sотсthiпg to eat or dгiпk with уои. Не accepts and suggests а restaurant. Уои аау there is а good hotel to the right or left ; уои want to go there. Не аgгсеs. Уои go iп and огdег dinner.

З. After hаviпg огdегеd, уои ask him about Ыв fal11ily. His brother Ьав jtlst соте {l"Oт Moscow. Не was

1 42 [б-F]

sations should Ье varied апd combined ав тuсЬ аа possibIe. ЕасЬ conversation should begin with grcetings and inquirics after еасЬ otl1er's l1calth, al1d should end with for111al leave-taking. Here are just а fe\v Ollt of шапу possibilities fO!' COl1versatiOI1S :

wогkiпg there iп а hotel or а hospital. Уои tell hiш your brothel" is {п the агшу, but поw Ье is 011 lеауе. Не asks whеге Ье is and уои tell him-(Florida, California, the east, west, погth or south).

4. Не asks уои a.bOllt your sisters , Опе is Ш, the other is а teacl1cr of Епglish or Russian iп а асЬооl in Moscow, Воstоп, 01' эоте оtЬег рlасе. Не tells уои that Ье is stlldying English too. А fгiепd of Ыэ has Ьееп to America тапу tiшеs, and they l1ауе Ьееп speaking English together. Уои саН the waitress and ask how тисЬ YOllr теаl or dril1ks cost. She tells уои and уои рау.

5. у ои run into а fгiспd of yours and ЫЭ sistcr. Не

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introduces уои. She asks if уои are ап American. Уои tell her уои are, and вЬе asks from what part of the country уои соте. Уои tell her the section of the country. Your friend then asks what the weather is like there. Уои tell him. Не asks if there are mountains in that part and уои answer him. The sister then ваув she's hungry, and уои go off to а restaurant.

6. Уои meet ап older тап, а friend о! your parents' . Не asks уои about your family. Уои tell him about their health, and ask him about his wife and chil­dren. Не tells уои опе is in the army, опе - is in Moscow, опе is in America, etc. Уои tell him about your family and what they are doing---;-in school, working in а hotel, or restaurant or hospital-a teacher, waiter, or doctor.

7. У ои meet soтеопе оп the street and ask him where he is going. Не is going to Moscow. Нis brother is very sick. Уои say уои heard his brotller went off to the army. Не ваув Ье was оп furlough, but now Ье is in the hospital. The doctor told him that it would Ье good {or the brother to go to the mountains.

8. Someone сотев ир to уои and asks уои where the 110spital is. Не says Ье wants а doctor. Уои ask him

if Ье is not well. Не says Ье is sick. His friend had told him Ье would Ье here, but Ье isn't. Уои tell him how to find the hospital and ask if уои тау (т6zhna) go with him. Не thanks уои, and asks if уои know Giorgiy Ivanov. Уои do, so Ье asks уои to tell him that he is in the hospital. Уои say you. will.

9. Уои meet а friend from America. Уои start talking about how wonderful the weather was there. У ои compare notes оп the different seasons, the different parts of the country. Не says that Russia is а big country too, and they have аН kinds of weather there.

10. Someone comes ир to уои and asks if уои have а match. Уои offer him one and he asks if you'd like а cigarette. У ои accept, and Ье suggests а drink. Уои go off to order beer. Не teHs уои Ье was meet­ing his sister here, but вЬе isn't there yet. Уои ask Ыт what she does. Не says she works in Moscow and goes to school at night. Уои вау it isn 't good for people to work аН the time. Не ваув she's healthy, and she likes Moscow very much. У ои ask him if she knows where he is, and Ье replies that she always knows that where there's beer, tllere's her brother.

(6-F] 1 4Э

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1n this uпit уои wil1 get your first Hints оп Spelling. Notice that the Conventional Spelling is now given in the middle соlumп апd the А ids {о Listening iп the

right hапd соlumп. From this uпit оп YOl\ wil1 рау more аttепtiоп to the оrdiпаrу Russiап sреl1iпg.


Go опсе through the Basic Sentences iп uпisоп , соп­centrating оп the Aids {о Listening, as уои have done before. Then go through the Hints оп Spelling and Pronunciation. Go опсе through the Basic Sentences

individually trying to follow the Conventional Spelling as mисЬ as possible. The last time througll incliviclually, уои should Ье able to follow the Conventional Spelling without апу trouble.

1. Basic Sentences

Mr. Ilyin sees Mr. Stone hurrying down the street.


why 50 (уои) are hurrying (уои) are going away

Why are уои in such а hurry? Are уои going away?

1 44 [7-А]

почемУ TaI{ спеШИ'l'е уезжаете


ПочемУ вы1 так спешите? выI уезжаеТEJ?

ра сЫМU ТАК spiSHlji uyiZHDZHAyiji

ра ClliMU v';' ТАК spiSHlji? v';' uyiZI-IDZНАуiJi?

Page 153: Spoken Russian 1

because (it is) necessary tomorrow in Stalingrad

Yes, I 'т in а hurry because 1 Ьауе to Ье in StaIingrad tomorrow.

(уои) сап (to) Ье оп time today*

But уои can't make it today!

train leaves at 2 :17 now already after two o'clock (' the

third hour') ТЬе tгаiп for Stalingrad leaves at

2 :1 7, and (now) it's already after two.

Is it? *Not оп the cassette.

Stone ПIJТОМУ чт6 надо завтра в Сталинграде

Да, л спешу, потомУ Ч'l'6 мне надо БыIьь завтра в Gталин­граде.

м6жете успеть сег6днл


Н6 выl не м6жете успеть сег6днл !

п6езд отх6дит в два семнадцать сейчас


уже третий час

П6езд в Сталинград отх6дит в два семнадцать, а сейчас уже третий час.

Stone Да?

ра еамu sht6 NAda ZAjtra. f stajinGRAr)i

DA , уа spiSHU, ра штu sht6 тtjo NAda blj ZAjtra j stajinGRAr)i.

MOzhiji uSPET §iVO r)t}a

n6 vi tji MOzhiji uSPET §iVO r)t}a/

POyist, POyizd atXOr)it v D VA §iтNA Tcij §еу CHAS, §i CHAS uZHE ТjШjiу CHAS

POyist j sta]inGRA T atXOr)it v D VA §iтNA Tcij, a ,§i CHAS uzhe ТjШJiу CHAS.


[7-А] 1 45

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]1yin minutes (G.P.) ми",т ffl/iNUT (о! the) third (hour) T�ъeгo ТJШjyivа

Yes, it's (already) five minutes Да, уж6 пЯть минУт T�ъero. DA; uzh� РАТ tpinut ТJШjyiva. past two.

Stone (ьу) airplane самолётом samaf.,Otam

But I'm going there Ьу airplane. Н6 Ji �дy туда не п6евдом, а. no уа УБdи tшU lJi POyizdam, а (and) not Ьу train. самолётом. samaf.,Otam.

Ilyin ОЬ, уои don't зау ! да, чт6 выI говорите I DA SHTO т gavaftlJiI

wanted хотм xaTEL (to) fly летать liTA T

I've always wanted to fly. Я всегда хотм летать. "af§iGDA xaj�l liTAl'.

Stone I've flown а lot. Я мн6го lJaB летал. УА MNOga raz jiTAL.

1 1ike it very тисЬ. Мне это 6чень нравится. mlJ� �ш OchilJ NRAyitsa.

Ilyin weIl ! НУ I ни!

ОЬ well, уои'll have timeJ Ну, вы усп�ете l NU, vt uSPEyiJi/

(have) bought купили kuflji ticket бил�т l>if.,ET

' 1 Have уои bought [your] ticket yet? ВЫ уже купили БИJI�Т? vt uzМ kuf I/i l>if.,EN 1 46 [ 7 -А]

)� !

Page 155: Spoken Russian 1

No, that's why I'm hurrying.

flies off twelve

The plane leaves at three twelve.

wottld Ье at half past eight (' at half

оС the ninth') Ву train уои wouldn't Ье in

Stalingrad until half past eight (' уои wottld Ье in S. only at halC оС the ninth') .

without quarter, quarter hour* qllarter to five

But Ьу plane уои'Н Ье there at а quarter to five.

( they) are sold in town

Do they БеН tickets in town?

*Not оп the cassette.

Stone Нет, вот почему 11 спещУ.

отлетает двенадцать

Самолёт отлетае'l' в три двенадцать.

I1yin бьIЛИ бы в половине девятого

Поездом пыI были бы n Сталин­граде только D половине де­вятого.

б6з четверть без четверти пять

А самолётом пыI там будете n без четверти пять.

продаются в городе


Продаются билеты в городе?

NET; VOT ра chimu уа spiSHU.

atjiTAyit dyiNA Tcij

samaf.,OT atjiTAyit j Tft.I dyiNA Tcij.

BIji Ы j palaYlni �liYAtava

POyizdam т blJi ы j staJinGRA9-i t6Jka j pala у 1 'lJi 9-i У Atat'a.

IШZ, IШS CHEtyirj jJis CHEtyirji РАТ

а samaf.,Otam vl, еат в U9-iji v jJis CHEtyirji РА Т.

prada YUTsa v GOra9-i

prada YUTsa jJif.,Eti v GOr�i?

[7-А] 1 -4'

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(at the) ticket оffiсе (at the) airport

No ; only in the ticket оffiсе at the airport.

Сап [1] go with уои?

Of course ; let's go !

At the airport. Here's the ticket оffiсе.

Good !

Wait for те а minute, please.

(1) will Ьиу then о, next (to) drink ир (to take а drink)

1 '11 Ьиу the ticket, and then we'lI go and have а beer together.

Fine ; 1 '11 wait for уои.

Уои'11 make it, of course?

1 48 [7-А]

Ilyin в кассе на аэродроме

Нет i только в кассе на аэродроме.

Можно с вами пойтИ?

Stone Rонечно ; пойдём I

Цуiп Вот касса.

Stone Хорошо !

Подождите меня минУту, пожалуйста.

КУПЛIО потом выптьъ

Я куплю билет, а потом мы BM�CTe пойдём выптьъ пИва.

I1yin Хорошо, я вас подождУ.

вы1 успеете, конечно?

f KA§§i па airaDROtpi

!jET; TOfs,ka KA�§i па airaDROtpi,

MOzhпa s vatjti рауТ!?

ka1'fEshna,' рау!)ОМI

VOT KAssa.


padaZH!)IJi tjtit}a tjtiNUtu, paZHALsta.

kuPfs, U ра ТОМ VlpiJ

УА kupJU jJifs,ET, а ра ТОМ т� 2: }.fE§ji рауJ)ОМ VlpiJ plva.

xaraSHO; уа vas padaZHD и, т uSP EyiJi kat}eshna?

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Уев ; we'll have twenty-five minutes.

1п the ticket oifice.

Give те а ticket to StaIingrad, рlеаве.

How much is it?


[That's] 21 roubIes and 47 kopeks.

Не pays and joins llyin.

Stone Да, у нас будет двадцать пЯть


Stone Дайте мне, пожалуйста, билет

в Сталинград.

Сколыю он стоит?

Ticket Seller сорок

Двадцать один рубль COPOlt семь Iюпеек.

DA,. и ntis ЬЩlit D V А Tcij РА Т 1piNUT.

DA Yji m1je, paZHALsta, PiIs-Е1'f sta/inGRA Т.

SKOIs-kа 6n STOyit?


D VA Tcij aJ)IN R UBIs-, SOtak $ЕА! kapEyik.

The ticket costs 2 1 roubles. Билет стоит двадцать один PiIs-ЕТ st6yit D VAtcij a!)IN ,RUBIs-. рубль.

Why didn't 1 go Ьу train? Почему я не поехал посадом? ра chiMU ya 1ji ра УЕхаl POyizdam?

I1yin Соте and have воте beer with те. Пойдёмте со мной пыптьь пива. pay!)OMji sa MNO Y Vlpij plva.

Thanks ;

l'т really thirsty, but we [wШ] have to hurry.

Stone СпасИбо,

л очень хочу пить, но нам надо спешить.


уа Oehi1j хаеМ PIT, n6 пат NAda spiSHIT.

Г7-А] 1 49

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Before уои go through the Basie Sentenees а second time, read the following: 2. Hints оп Pronunciation and Spelling

Up to now уои have not Ьееп asked to рау апу par­ticular attention to the regular or conventional spelling. АН уои needed was something that would remind уои ав accurately ав possible оС the sounds уои heard, and for that purpose the simplified sреШпg was better. Beginning with this unit, however, уои should start learning the regular Russian spelling. То keep the two separate, where there might Ье confusion, we shall put the simp1ified spelling in square brackets, 1ike this : Я очень хочу пить [уа Oehit} хаеМ j'IrJ. Don't Ье in too тисЬ оС а hurry to learn the conventional spell­ing. In this and the next four units уои will still have the simplified spelling to help уои out; after that уои wШ get it only for new words.

ТЬе first time уои go through the Basie $entenees in this and the next few units, keep your еуеэ оп the simplified spelling, since it more nearly represents the sounds you hear. ТЬе second time through, try to follow the conventional spelling, unless it tends to

throw уои off оп the pronunciation. Ву the third repetition уои should Ье able to watch only the con­ventional spelling, .and still pronounce the words as уои have ир to this point. ТЬе most important thing for уои to remember IS that YOU ALREADY KNOW HOW ТО PRONOUNCE RUSSIAN. Don't let the different appearance оС familiar words change your pronunciation the least bit.

Here is the Russian alphabet as it appears in ordinary printing. In the left-hand column we give the capital letters, in the second column the small letters, in the third column the names оС the letters, and in the right­hand column the sound that is most commonly repre­sented Ьу еасЬ letter. ТЬе two left-hand columns con­tain Russian letters. ТЬе two right-hand columns con­tain directions about sounds ; therefore they are printed in our simplified phonetic alphabet, and enclosed in square brackets.

CAPITAL SMALL RUSSIAN NAME USUAL SOUND VALUE А а [А] [а] В б [lШ] [Ь] в в [УЕ] [v] Г r [(Ш] [g] Д д [РЕ] [d]

1 50 [7-А] /""'�,

� .J-;

Page 159: Spoken Russian 1

CAFITAL SMALL RUSSIAN NAME USUAL .soUND VALUE Е е [ УЕ] [уе, уо] Ж ж [ZHE] [sk] 3 8 [,?'Е] [�] И и [1] [yi) й й [1 s KRAtkay] [у] К к [КА] (k] Л п. [EL) [l] М м: [ЕМ] [т) Н н [EN] [n] О о [О] [о] П п [РЕ] [р) Р р [ER] [r] С с [ES] [s] Т т [ТЕ] [е] У У [и] [и] Ф Ф [EF] [Л Х х [ХА] [х] Ц Ц [СЕ] [с] Ч ч [СНЕ] [ch] m m [SHA] [sh] Щ щ [SHCHA] [skck] Ъ ъ [TYORday zndll] Ы ы [yiR1] [�1 Ь ь (.lIfAX�iy zttdkJ

[7-А] 1 51

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{е] Ю 10 я Я.

1. Accent. Russian writing and printing is like English in failing

to show which вуIlаЫев are accented. For instance, in English conventional spelling the поип convict ('ТЬе convict escaped') and the verb convict (' ТЬеу will convict Ыт of treason') look alike, though they are stressed оп different вуllаЫев. In the вате way, in Russian, GLAza Genitive Singular 'of the еуе' (D VA GLА:ш ' two еуев') and glaZA Nominative Plural ' еуев' are both written глава. ТЫв does not often disturb а native, but for foreigners who are learning the language it is very troublesome and often leads them to mis­pronounce words.

In Units Опе to Six the Russi.an conventional spelling in the right-hand column is printed ав the Russians print, with no marks to show the place of accent. If уоu thoroughly kJiow аН the words and phrases with their accent (аа shown in the Aids [о Listening) , уоu сап read aloud from the right-hand column ; if уоu don't know the words and phrases, уоu сап'е pronounce from the right­hand column, Ьесаиве it does not show the accent. In this and the following Units, where уоu will Ье paying attention to the Russian conventional spelling, we вЬаll put accent marks оп the vowel letters of accented .'Jyllabk'i>, ав fo1l0WS :

1 52 [7--Аl

{Е abaROtnaya] \ УU] [ УА]

[уи] [Уа]

We put two dots over the letter е when it represents accented [О, 6] or [ УО, у6]; for instance жёны [ZHOni] wives' , её {yiYO] ' her' .

V/e put ап accent mark over аН other letters that represent accented vowels ; for instance: два глаза {DVA GLAza] ' two еуев' , глава {glaZA] ' еуев' , хорош6 {xaraSHO] ' good', место {MEsta] ' place' , не было {!уЕ Ыш] ' it was not' .

2. Variation of vowels. Russian conventional spel1ing does not show the

ordinary variation of vowels which is due to their slш-гiпg or weakening when they аге unaccented. ЕасЬ vowel is represented ав though it were always stressed. Take for instance the ргероsitiоп {ОТ] ' fгom'. ТЫв is the way it sounds when it {в stressed, and the conventional spel1ing (от) fits this sound : от роду [ОТ ,шlи] ' fгот birth', 6ТПУСR [OTpusk] ' fш-lоugh' . When it is uпstгеssеd it Ьаэ the sound [at] , but the conventlOnal spelIing {ails to show this variation : от ВОRзала [at vagZAla] ' {rom the station', отъезжает [atyiZHDZHAyit] ' Ье (вЬе, it) leaves' .

Another example : the word холода [xalaDA] ' cold spells' in conventional spelling is written with the letter

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J in the first two sy1tabIes. ·Russian conventiona! spelling writes the о in the first syllabIe because in related words in which this syllable is stressed, the vowe! is reaHy [О]; Cor instance, х6лодно [XOladna] ' it is cold ' . In the same way, the second syHabIe is conventionally written with the !etter о оп account of related forms like хол6дный [xaLOdnay] ' cold'.

80 even if we know which vowel to stress in а Russian word, the conventional spelling is still likely to mislead us Ьу making us use the wrong vowel sounds in unstressed syHables. We Ьауе to get the hablt of weakening and slurring аН the unstressed vowels.

Always listen {о the Guide or the {аре and imitate. ТЬе Aids to Listening will help уои do this. ТЬе con­ventiona:l Russian spelling does not show the actual sounds.

3. Variation of consonants. Russian conventional spelling does not show the

ordinary variation of sound between voiced and unvoiced mutes.

А voiced mute becomes unvoiced usually at the end of а word and a!ways before an unvoiced mute, but the Russian conventional spelling does not show this. Thus, [MUSH, MUZH} ' husband' is spelled мУж because оС forms like [MUzha] мУжа Genitive Singular : [DVA MUzhal дв!t мУжа ' two husbands'. And they use the letter з not only for forms Iike [glaZA} глаза ' eyes' , btlt also for [GLAS, GLAZ] глаз ' еуе' and (GLA§�i] глазки ' little eyes'.

Ап tlnvoiced mute becomes voiced before а voiced mute (except (v]) , but the spelling does not show this. For instance, the word [ТАК) тан. ' thus, so' is written with the letter к always, even in а combination like (Т AG zhi] также ' also' .

4. Use of the vowel letters. The letters а, э, Ъ1, о, у represent vowels. Apart from

the slurring of unstressed vowels, their values are as follows :

а [а]: там [ТАМ] ' there' э [е]: это [Ею] ' this' ъ1 [i]: мы [MI] 'we' о [о]: он [ON] ' he' у (и]: ну (NU] ' well now'

ТЬе !etters я, е, и, ё, IO represent the same vowe!s, but tlsually tell a!so something about а preceding sound.

At the beginning of а word , after а vowel letter, and a{ter the letters ь and ъ, these letters mean у plus vowe! :

я [уа]: я [ УА] ' 1 ' , моя жена [mауа zhiNA] ' ту wife', друзья [dru,?TA] ' friends'.


е (уе]: еду ( YEdu] ' 1 ат riding' , моей женыI [mауеу zhiN/] ' оС ту wife' , отъехать [at YExaj] ' to depart'.

и [yi]: им [ У/М] ' to them', мои слова [mayt sшVА] ' ту words' , третьим п6ездом [Т]ШJуim POyizdam) ' Ьу the third tra:in'.

r, (уо]: ёлка ( YOLka1 ' Christmas tree' , моё место [may6 1JfEsta] ' ту place' , пьёт [Р УОТ] ' Ье drinks'.

[7-А] 1 53

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ю {уu]: ЮГ [ yиКl ' the south', стою [sta УИ] ' 1 stand' , пью [Р Уи] ' 1 drink' .

However, conventional spelling does not put the two dots оп the ё ; hence in ordinary Russian printing, the letter е has two different values, [уе] and [уо].

The letter и is u�d at the beginning оС words for [i] as well as for [yi]. ТЫэ causes по confusion, because (except for words with slurred vowels) only three Russian words begin with the sounds [yi]: им, Ими, их [YIM, Ylтi, У 1 Х]; аН three forms of the pronoun ' they'. The letter ы is not used at the beginning of words.

Tlle letters я, е, и, ё, ю coming after а consonant tetter mean that this consonant is palatal :

я [а]: щiть [PAТJ ' five' е [е]: нет [1УЕТ] ' по' и [�1: пИть [PIТJ ' to drink' ё [о]: самолёт [saтa.{.OT] ' airplane' ю [и]: говорю [gava"R U] ' 1 speak'

ТЬе letters е, и, ё are used also after ш, ж, which represent the consonants [sh, zh] that are never palatal. lп this case, the letters е, и, ё represent simple [е, i, о]: шесть [SHE$ТJ ' six', жить [ZHIТJ ' to Iiуе', жёны [ZHOni] 'wives'. lп the same way, е and и are used

eleven twelve* *Not оп the cassette.

1 54 [7-А]

одиннадцать двенадцать

after ц which is never pa1atal: цeны [CEml ' prices', отцы [atCI] ' fathers'.

5. The letters ь and ъ. The letter ь is used after consonant let(ers; it means

that the preceding consonant is palatal : мать [МА Т] 'mother' , пыо [Р Уи] , I drink'. lп soте words the letter ь is written аlso after ш апd ж, which represent the sounds [sh, zh] that are never palatal ; in such words the ь means nothing: знаешь [ZHAyish] ' уои (familiar) know', р6жь [ROSH, ROZR] ' rye' , мужыi [тuZHY А] ' husbands'. In this last example, the letter ь serves to satisfy the rule that я after ь means [уа].

The letter ъ is used after consonant letters to show that the consonant is not palatal еуеп though the sound [у] follows : объяснить [abyi$1YlJJ ' to explain' , отъехать [ае УЕхаЛ ' to depart' , съесть [SYE$ТJ ' to eat ир'.

6. Numbers. As an exercise in pronunciation and reading, we shal1

now give soте оС the higher numbers and some of the ordinal numbers (first, second, and so оп) . Listen to the Guide or the record and imitate carefully. After уои have learned to say the words fluently and correctly, study the conventional spel!ing.

aI)INnacij dyiNA Tcij

Page 163: Spoken Russian 1

tbirteen fourteen fifteen. sixteen seventeen* eighteen nineteen twenty* thirty forty* first second third* fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth* tenth eleventh twelfth *Not оп the cassette.

7. Раlа ta! Ш.

'l'ринадцать ч:етьrрнадцать пятшiдцать шестнадцать семнадцать восемнадцать девятнадцать двадцать тридцать C6pOI{ первый втор6й третий четвёртый пятый шест6й седьм6й восьм6й девятый десятый одиннадцатый двенадцатый

Russian palata! Ш is quite different from any English sound. Кеер the tongue in palata! position : the midd!e

triNATcij chiTIRnacij pitNA Tcij shisNA Tcij §imNA Tcij va§imNA Tci} {UyitNA Tcij D VA Tci} TJUTci} SOrak l'ERvay jtaROY Т]Шjiу chiTYORta'J l'Atay shiSTOY §i!)1v10Y va$1v10Y {liYAtay {li$Atay а!) 1 Nnacitay dyiNA Tcitay

оС the tongue pressed ир against the front part о! the roof of the mouth. Try to imitate the Guide or the record.

[7-А] 1 55 I

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налево рубль были т6лы{о хлеб мальчИR английский г6спиталь п6сле

па J.,Eva RUBJ., BIJi TOJ.,ka XJ.,EP, XJ.,EB MAJ.,chik anGJ.,IYs�iy GOspitaj POjji

8. Palatal [1]. Russian palatal [1] is like Russian plain [r] , а vibrating

sound made with the tip of the tongue, but in the palatal sound the middle of the tongue is raised at the эате 'P R A C T I C E 2

Марья говорили три ПРИЯТНО амерИRанец

MArya gavaJUji Tfi.I p.riYAtпa ШI}tiliКА 'lJic

9. Russian [k, g, х) and [gh). Russian [k, g, х) are peculiar in being plain or palatal

according to а fixed rule : they are always palatal before

1 56 Р-А]

to the lert rouble they were only bread little Ьоу English hospital after

time, so as to add а y-like color to the trilling sound of the [r]. Imitate carefully.

Mary they were talking three it is pleasant American (man)

the vowels [е] and и] and they are always plain in апу other position. .

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Ву [gh] we теап а. peculiar sound, the voiced mate of [х] . ТЬе [gh] is а ,veak h-like sound, voiced (buzzing) instead of being breathy like [х]. Russian [gh] is always Qalatal before [е] or [i] and plain everywhere else. Мапу Russians use this sound instead of [g] in the word for 'God' and in а few оtЬег words. Some Russians иэе this sound instead of бпаl [х] wllen tЬе next word begins with а voiced mute (other tlшп v). 1 t is not necessary to lеаrn

to make this sound, but it wil1 Ье well to hear it а few times, so that уои won't Ье thrown off wЬеп уои run into speakers who use it. We shal1 now listen to such а spcaker. То give уои tЬе general background, Ье gives first эоте words with plain and with palatal (k, g, х] and tЬеп а few with plain and with palatal [gh]. Уои need not imitate this speaker. If уоu Ьауе а Guide ; follow the Guide's pronunciation.


друга Ге6ргий картошки кем кушать х6чет хихiшать Б6га о Б6ге Я иХ ЗН3ЖI. н6вых друзей

DRUga о! the friend CiOR1Jiy George karTOsh�i soте potato l}.EM witЬ whom K Ushij to eat Х Ochit Ье wan ts xi)J Ikaj to snicker BOgha, BOga of God а B01Jhi, а BOCi about God уа yigh ZNAyи, уа yix ZNAyи 1 know them n6vagh drиZE У, n6vax drиZE У of new friends


А. COMMENT ON ТНЕ BASIC SENTENCES Ticket offIce. ТЬе word !{асса [KASsa] means the part

of а room or building where топеу is handled : the cashier's desk оС а sЬор, hotel, or restaurant and the ticket window or ticket office of а theatre, movie, and so оп.

[7-В] 1 57

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Preposition. The preposition без [j3EZ] ' ,vithout' takes the Genitive. Уои can't ride without а ticket. выI не можете ехать без билета. vt 1}i MOzhiji УЕха} pez pi[.,Eta.

Special adjective. The word третий [T,REjiy] ' third' ТЬе other ordinal numbers (' first', ' second' , and во оп) is а special adjective. ТЬе stem is [trejy-] and the Мав- are regular adjectives. culine Nominative has по ending ; the [i] is an inserted Higher numbers. The numbers from 1 1 to 30, given vowel. The endings are like those of [ VАSН], ав : [vasha in this Unit, have the Accusative like the Nominative. §iSTRA] ' your sister' , [T,REjya §iSTRA] ' the third The Genitive and Locative have the ending [-i] , stressed sister' ; [vasha AfEsta] ' your place' , [T,REjya AfEsta] ' the in [dvaciTI, triciTI] and unstressed in the others : third place'. [a!)INnaciji] and во оп. Nouns and adjectives that go

with them are treated ав after [fA ТJ : Over there are those twelve Ьоивев. ТЬеу live in those twelve Ьоивев.

Over there are twenty big Ьоивев.

They live in twenty big houses ..

Вот там эти двенадцать домов. VOT ТАМ Eji dyiNA Tcij daMOF. Они живут в этих двенадцати a1}l zhiVUT v Ерх dyiNA Tciji daMAX.

домах. Вот там двадцать больших

домов. VOT ТАМ D VA Tcij balSHIX daMOF.

Они живут в двадцати больших a1}l zhiVUT v dvaciTI balSHIX домах. daMAX.

The number 40 is [SOrak] in the Nominative and Accusative ; in the other саве forms it is [saraKA] : Here there are forty big houses. Здесь сорок больших домов. �!)E$ SOrak balSHIX daMOF. They live in forty big houses. Они живут в сорока больших a1}l zhiVUT f saraKA balSHIX

домах. daMAX. Compound numbers. In а compound number (висЬ as ' twenty-one') each part takes its own endings. Nouns

and adjectives are treated according to the last part оС the compound number: Over there are twenty-one houses. Вот там двадцать один дом. VOT ТАМ D VA TciJ' a!)IN DOM. They live in twenty-one houses. ОНИ )кивут В двадцати одном a1}l zhiVUT v dvaciTI aDNOM DOt)'ti.

1 58 [7-В] доме.

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Иеrе there are thirty-two big houses

ТЬеу Iive in thirty-two big houses.

Иеrе are twenty-eight houses.

ТЬеу Нуе in twenty-eight houses.

3д�cь тридцать два большИх д6ма.

Они живут в тридцати двух больших домах.

В6т двадцать в6семь дом6в. ОнИ живут В двадцати восьмИ


�PE$ TJUTciJD VA ba/SHIX пОта.

a1J! zhiVUT j triciTI D VUX bajSHIX ООМАХ.

VOT D VA Tcij VO§i1p daMOF. a1J! zhiVUT fJ dvaciTI fJa§MI ООМАХ.

Compound numbers that end in [apIN] ' one' Ьауе the Accusative forms like those оС [apIN] : ТЬеу bought twenty-one big houses. Они :купили двадцать один a1J! ku/, I/i D V А cij аР 1 N bajSHO У

We met thirty-one girls.

We met forty-one little boys.

больш6й д6м. DOM. Мы встр�тили тридцать однУ

Д�ВyШRу. MыI встр�тили соро:ка одног6


т! FSTp.Eji/i T$.ITcij aDNU PEvushku.

т! FSTp.Eji/i saraKA adna VO MAf.,chika.

Compound numbers that do not end in [apIN] Ьауе the Accusative like the Nominative: ТЬеу bought twenty-two big houses. Они :купили двадцать два a1Jt ku/'Ili D VA Tcij D VA bajSHIX

больших д6ма. DOтa. We met thirty-three girls. MыI встр�тили тридцать. три m!�FSТJШji/i TJUTcij Т$.I !)Evush�i.

We met forty-two little boys.

We met twenty-five 1ittle boys.

Д�ВУШRи. MыI встр�тили с6ро:к два

мал:ьчи::ка. MыI встр�тили двадцать ruiть


т! FSTp.Eji/i SOrak D VA MAf.,chika.

т! FSTp.Eji/i D VA Tcij /,AT MAf.,chikaj.

[7-В] 159

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" !I · 1

i l


Masculine : N.S. G.S. · N.P. G.P.

airport airaDROM airaDROma airaDROmi airaDROmaf ticket jJiJ.,ET jJiJ.,Eta jJiJ.,Eti jJiJ.,Etaf hour CHAS CHAsa, chiSA chiSI chiSOF city GOrat GOrada garaDA garaDOF train POyist POyizda payiZDA payiZDOF airplane samaJ.,OT samaJ.,Ota samaJ.,Oti samaJ.,Otaf

Feminine : N.S. A.S. G's. N.P. G.P.

quarter CHEtyirj CHEtyirj CHEtyirji CHEtyirji chityirTE Y ticket оfбсе KASsa KASsи KASsi KASsi KASS minute tjtiNUta tjtiNUtи tjtiNUti tjtiNUti tjtiNUT half palaYlna palaYlnи palaYlni palaYlni palaYIN

С. NEW VERBS For each уегЬ we give the Infinitive, the Present tense forms for • l' and • he (she, it) ' , and the Past tense form for

the Mllsculine. Additiona! forms аге given to show the р!асе of accent.

1 60

Pre&ent Туре 1 : Infinitive 1 he, she, it

to Ву {iT А Т liT Ауи liT Aytt to Ье аЫе МОСН таС И MOzhit

other torms : MOt.Mm, MOzhiji, МОgиt-maGLА , maGLO, maGJ.,I


Pst Ma:;;culine liTAL МОК

.. �

Page 169: Spoken Russian 1

to seH рушla V АТ рушla УU руаоо УОТ рушla V AL to Ье оп time uSPET uSPEyu uSPEyit uSPEL to depart uyiZHDZHA T uyiZHDZHAyu uyiZHDZHAyit uyiZHDZHAL

The compound atjiTAT ' to fly away' goes like the simple verb jiTAT ТЬе compound Vlpij ' to drink ир' goes 11ke the simple verb PIT, but with the accent оп the syllabIe т-: Vlpyit ' Ье'lI drink it ир'.

Present Туре 2 : Infinitive 1 Ье, she, it

to go away atxaJ)IT atxaZHU atXOg,it Past Masculine

atxaJ)IL other forms : atXOg,iт, atXOg,iji, atXOg,it (' they go away')

to Ьиу kиPIT kuPJs,U KUpit kuPIL other forms : K Upiт, K Upiji, K Upit (' they wil1 Ьиу')

to hurry spiSHIT spiSHU spiSHIT spiSHIL

D. TIME ВУ ТНЕ CLOCK What time is it? Rот6рый теперь час? kaTOray jiP Efi CHAS? ('Which hour now?')

In tel1ing time Ьу the clock опе uses the word [CHAS] ' hour'.

l t is опе o'clock now. Теперь час. For 'опе o'clock' опе says simply [CHAS] ' hour'.

jiPEfi CHAS.

It's three o'clock. Три часа. TJU chiSA. After the numbers 2, 3, 4 опе uses the Genitive Singular [chiSAj, with accent оп the ending.

It is five o'clock. ПЯть час6в. РАТ chiSOF. After 5 and higher numbers, the Genitive Plural is used, in accordance with the general rule.

[.1-В] 1 61

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ТЬе train leaves at 7 :48. Поозд отх6дит В c�:мь с6рок вООемь.

Railway time is stated Ьу simple numbers.

[It is] now between 12 and 1 (' the Теп�рь п�рвый час. first hour').

[It is] between 1 and 2 (' the second hour') .

Втор6й час.

Poyist atXO{lit j $ЕЦ SOrak VO§i�.



[It is] between 6 and 7. Седьм6й час. §ig,MOY CHAS. [It is] between 11 and 12. Двенадцатый час. dyiNATcitay CHAS.

For time between {иН hours they вау ' the so-manieth hour'. For instance, the ' third hour' is the hour from two o'clock to three o'clock, and so оп.

[1 t is] now 2 minutes after 12 (' 2 minutes of the first') .

[ It is] 10 minutes after 1. [It is] quarter past 2. (1 t is] .25 minutes past 3.

Теперь две минУты первого.

Д�слть минУт втор6го. Ч�верть третьего. Двадцать пЛть минУт

четвёртого. [1 t is] half past 4. Половина пЛтого.

jiper D УЕ rpiN Uti Р ERvava.

PE§ij rpiNUT j'taROva. CHEtpirj Т p.Ejyiva. D V А Tcij РА Т rpiNUT chiT УOrШм.

palaYlna pAtava. То teH the exact time they вау that so many minutes

(or а quarter hour or half an hour) have passed of the \so-manieth hour. ТЬиз, at 3 :10, for instance, ten min-

utes of the fourth hour have passed ; at 3 :30 it is (there has passed) ' half оС the fourth' .

ТЬе Genitive forms are regular : [shiSTOva, sig,MOva, M§MOva, {liYAtava, {li$AtaM, apINnacitaM, dpiNA Tcitava].

ТЫз way of talking is used ир to the half hour. OCCC:1sionally they also иве it of 'three quarters' :

It's quarter to six (' three fourths of the sixth').

Три четверти шест6го. т РI CHEyirji shiSTOva.

162 [7-В]

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[It isj now 25 minutes to 1 ('without Теперь без двадцати пяти час. jipe; piz dvaciTI piTI CHAS. 25 an hour') .

f lt is] 20 minutes to 2. Без двадцати два. ]Jiz dvaciTI D VA . [It is] quarter to six. Без четверти шесть. ]Jis CHEtyirJi SHE$T. [Н is] 12 minutes to seven. Без двенадцати семь. ]Jiz dyiNA Tciji $ЕЦ. It is now 2 minutes to one. Теперь без двух минУт час. jiper ]Jiz D VUX tpinut CHAS. It is 3 minutes to 2 (o'clock) . Без трёх минут два (часа) . pis ТРОХ tpinut D VA (chiSA). It is 4 minutes to 3. Без четырёх минУт три. ]Jis chitiPOX tpinut TpI.

After the half hour, they зау that it is 'without во тапу minutes (or without а quarter-hour) во much o'clock', For 'without' they use [J3EZ] with the Genitive сазе.

At what time will you соте? В кот6ром часу вы придёте? f kaTOram chiSU т Pri!)Oji? 1'11 соте between 3 and 4. Я приду в третьем часу. уа PriD U f TflEjyim chiSU. Here they eat between 7 and 8. Здесь I,ушают в восьм6м часу. Z!)E$ K Ushiyиt v va§MOM chiSU.

For ' at what time?' they вау ' in what hour?' ТЬе form with the ending [-и], accented. Similarly, they вау, preposition is [v] with the Locative саве. ТЬе noun for instance, ' in the third hour' for ' between two and [CHAS] in this expression Ьав an irregular Locative three o'clock'.

1'11 соте at 1 o'clock. Я придУ в час. уа PriDU f CHAS. She'll соте at 3 o'clock. Она придёт в три часа. аna Pri!)OT f ТРI chiSA. Не'll соте at 1 :15. Он придёт в четверть втор6го. 6n Pri!)OT f CHEtyirj ftaROva.

In telling exactly at what time, they use the preposition [v] followed Ьу the Accusative саве.

Соте at ЬаИ past six. Придите в половине седьм6го. Pri!)Iji f palaYlni §i4zMOva. Не arrived at half past twelve. Он приехал в половине первого. 6n Pri YExal f palaYlt}i J'ERvava.

However, after the preposition [v] they. mostly use the Locative саве о! [palaYlna] ' half' for the half-hour.

[7-В] 1 63

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1 '11 meet уоц here at 1 :45. Я вас встречу эдесь беэ четвеР'fИ два.

ТЬе train leaves at 10 minutes to 3. П6еэд отх6дит беэ десяти три. Before the phrases with [lШZ] the preposition [v] is ивиаllу omitted.

1 Ьауе to Ьиу а watch. Мне надо купить часыI. Му watch is fast. Мои часыI пешат •.

ТЬе Plural [chiSI] теапв also 'watch' or ' clock'.

уа vas F ST JШсhu �1,.e§ J>is CHEtyirji D V А.

POyist atX01,.i,t J>iz 1,.i§iTI TF.I.

m1je nt1da kup IT chiSl. maу! chiSI spiSHA Т.

2. Covering E nglish and Russian of Word Study (Individual Study) Check yourself оп уош knowledge of the Word Study Ьу covering first the English, then the Russian, and make sure

уои know everything thoroughly. 3. Review of Basic Sentences

With the Guide or cassettes, review the first half of the Basfc Sentences as in previous units.

SECTION C-REVIEW OF ВЛSIС SENTENCES (Cont.) 1. Review of Basic Sentences (Cont.)

Review the second half of the Basic Sentences.

2. Covering the English of Basic Sentences (lndividual Study) Go through the Basic Sentences, covering ир the English and reading aloud the Russian. Check ир оп anything уои do

not know, until уои are sure of everything.

3. What Would Уои Say? (lndividual Study) Read aloud each of the following and then pick out the expressions уои think most suitabIe:

1. You meet your friend Petrov оп the street. Не Бееmв to Ье in а hurry. You ask him : а. Где выI живёте? G!)E т zhiYOji? Ь. Еуда выI спешите? kuDA т spiSHlji? с. Rот6рый час теперь? kaTOray CHAS jiPEft?

1 .64 [7-С]

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2. Не says Ье is going to tlle railway station. Не says·. а. Я еду в Москву. ь. Мне надо спешить. с. Я иду на вокзал.

3. Не says Ье is going to Moscow. Не says:

уа УЫи v maSKVU. m1je n<ida spiSHIT. y(t iD И па vagZAL.

а. Я еду в Москву. уа УЫи v maSKVU. Ь. Я живу в Москве. уа zhi VU v maSKYE. с. Я приехал из MOCKBbI. уа Pri YExal iz maSKVI.

4. Не says the train is leaving at quarter after five. Не says : а. П6езд отх6дит в четверть пЛтого. POyist atXO{Ut f CHEtyirj pAtava. Ь. П6езд отх6дит в четверть шест6го. POyist atXOr)it f CHEtyirj shiSTOva. с. П6езд отх6дит без четверти шесть. POyist atXOr)it jJis CHEtyirji SHE$T.

5. Не asks уои the time. Не says : а. Rот6рый теперь час? Ь. В кот6ром часу выI кушаете? с. у вас MH�ГO времени?

6. I t is twelve minutes to five. Уоu say : а. Без одиннадцати пять. Ь. Двенадцать минУт пЯтого. с. Без двенадцати минУт пять.

7. У ои tell Ыт he has lots of time. У ои say : а. У вас мало времени. ь. у вас мн6го времени. с. У вас нет времени.

kaTOray jiper CHAS? f kaTOram chiSU т KUshiyiji? и vas MNOga VFE:rpi1ji?

jJiz aJ)INпaciji pAT. dyiN А Tcij 1]tinut Р Atava. fJiz dyiN А Tciji 1]tinut РАТ.

и vas МАш VjШ1]ti1ji. u vas MNOga VjШ1]ti1ji. u vas !j ЕТ V jШ1]ti1ji.

[7-С] 1 65

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8. You tel1 Ыт Ье'll Ье in time for the train. Уои say : а. П6евд подождё't. Ь. П6евд. идёт медленно. с. выI успеете на п6евд.

9. Не says Ье has to Ьиу а ticket. Не says: а. Мне надо продавать билеты. Ь. Мне надо купить билет. с. Мне надо дать вам билет.

10. You want to know how much а ticket costs. Уои say : а. Ск6лы(о копеен в рубле? Ь. Ск6лько у вас рублей? с. Ск6льно ст6ит билет?

11 . Не says it costs 20 roubles and 30 kopeks. Не says: а: Двенадцать рублей и тридцать нопеен. Ь. Двадцать рублСй и тридцать нопее}(. с. Двадцать рублей и тринадцать нопеен.

POyist padaZHJ)OT. POyist i!)OT lJfEdJiпa. т uSfEyiji па POyist.

mtje NAda pradaVAT jJiJ.,Eti. mtje NAda kufIT jJiJ.,ET. mtje NAda DAT '/Iam Н{,ЕТ.

SKOJ.,ka kafEyik '/1 ruBJ.,E? SKOJ.,ka и '/Ias ruBJ.,EY? SKOJ.,ka STOyit jJiJ.,ET?

dyiNA Tcij ruBJ.,EY i TJUTcij kafEyik. D VA Tcij ruBJ.,EY i TJUTcij kafEyik. DVA Tcij ruBJ.,E Y i �riNA Tcij kaPEyik.

12. Не says tickets are soId both in town and at the ticket window in the station. Не says: а. Билеты продаfотс,я т6льно в нассе на вонзале. jJiJ.,Eti руМа YUTsa TOJ.,ka f КА $.# па '/IagZAji. Ь. В г6роде и в нассе на вонзале продаётс,я '/1 GOrag,i i f КА$# па '/IagZAji руМа YOTsa

мн6го билетов. MNOga jJiJ.,Etaj. с. Билеты продаютс,я в г6роде и в мссе на jJiJ.,Eti руМа YUTsa '/1 GOrag,i i j КА$# па '/IagZAJi.

вонзале. 1 66 [7-С]

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1. What Did Уои Say? Give уош answers in Russian for еасЬ of the exercises

in the preceding section, when the Leader calls for them. Then, as the Leader calls for them, give the English equivalents of аН the expressions in the exercise. 2. Word Study Check-Up

As уои Ьауе done in the previous units, go back to the Word Study and give the correct Russian for еасЬ English expression, without having to read it from the book. ТЬе Leader ос one of фе members of the group should read the English.

Аnna тeets Ivan оп kis way ео the airport.

Анна : Куда выI спешите, граждании Иван6в? Иван6в : Я еду в МоCIЩУ. Анна : Вам нравится Москва? Иван6в : Да, 6чень.

Моя сестра там. Анна : Чем она занимается? Иван6в : Она учительница.

Она раб6тает в хор6шей ШR6ле" Анна : выI едете п6ездом? Иван6в : Нет, самолётом.

З. Listening In With уош book closed, listen to the following conver­

sations as read Ьу the Guide ос cassette tape. Repeat the Russian immediately after hearing it. After the first сер­etition of еасЬ conversation, check ир оп the meaning of anything уои do not understand, Ьу asking someone else ос Ьу going back to the Bosic Sentences if по one knows. Repeat еасЬ conversation if necessary, then take parts and сассу оп the conversation.

kuDA т spiSHIji, grazhda1}tn ivaNOF? уа УЫи v тaSKVU. vaт NRAyitsa тaSKVA? DA , Ochi1}. тaya jiSTRA ТАМ. СНЕМ аnа za1}iMAyitsa? аnа иСН Ij#1}ica. аnа raBOtayit f xaROshiy SHKOji. т ущ,iji POyizdaт? !jET; saтa�Otaт.

[7-D] 1 67

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Анна : Иван6в :

Анна :

Ах, я всегда хотела летать ! Я сейчас иду на аэродр6м. выI хотИте пойти туда со мн6й? Спасибо. Я там никогда не была.

Иван6в : Нам надо спешить. Анна : Хорош6.

They arrive at the airport. Иван6в : Извините, мне надо пойти купить билет.

Где продаются билеты? Анна : В6т касса.

Я вас подожду здесь. Иван6в : Спасибо . .

In tlte ticket office. Иван6в : Я хочУ билет в Москву.

Ск6лько 6н ст6ит? Clerk : Я вам скажу в однУ минуту.

Тридцать два рубля и двенадцать копеек. выI Iюнечно знаете, чт6 самолёт отлетает в

три с6рок. Иван6в : Спасибо.

Clerk : 168

Сейчас четвёртый час. Да, три пЯт».


АХ, ya !§iGDA xaTEla jiTA TI ,'а §i CHAS iD И па airaDROM. т xaTIji рауТ! tuDA sa MNOY? spa$Iba. уа Мт 1}i kaGDA 1}i biLA. пат ndda spiSHIT. xaraSHO.

izyiJjIji; т1}е NAtЮ рауТ! kuPIT jJiI.-ЕТ, С!)Е рratЮ УИТsа PiI.-Еti? VOT KASsa. уа vas рatЮZНD и г!)Е$. spa$Iba.

уа xachu jJiI.-ЕТ v таSКVИ. SKOI.-ka 6n STOyit? уа vam skаZНИ v аDNИ 1jtiNИtu. ТJПТсij D VA ruBI.-А i dyiNA Tcij kapEyik. т kaJjEshпa ZNAyiji sht6 saтa!.-OT atjiTAyit j

TfiI SOrak. spa$Iba. §i CHAS chiTYORtay CHAS. DA,. Tft.I РАТ.

Page 177: Spoken Russian 1

f1 •.

Outside. :Иванов : Вот БИJIет .

у менЯ: тридцать пЯ:ть минут. Здесь хБJIОДНО. Пойдёмте на аэродром.

Аниа : На аэродроме и на вокзале всегда хблодно. Теперь Я: хочУ выптьь чаю.

:Иванов : Хорошб, поЙдём. Over the tea.

Анна : Почему вы1 уезжаете? :Иванов : Мне нравится Москва. Анна : я была 'raM :в П1к6ле.

Мне тбже нравится Москва. Там большие рестораны.

:Иванов : Rонечно, и мнбго молодыIx девушек. Авиа : В6т почеМУ 6н туда спешит 1 Иванов : Rонечно, иет !

Сейчас три четверти четвёртого. Авиа : Ах, нет !

у вас десять мииУт. Иванов : Мне иадо итти. Аииа : До свидаИЬJI l Иванов : До овидаиЬJI !

VOT jJil,-ЕТ. и 1fli1Ja т JUTcij Р А T 1fliN ит. Zl)E$ ХОШdпа. payl)OМJi па airaDROM. па airaDR01fli i па vagZAji fJiGDA ХОШdпа. HP Ер' уа xachu v.f,piJ СНАуu. xaraSHO, рауl)ОМ.

ра смми vt uyiZHDZHAyi}i? mt}8 NRAyitsa maSKVA. уа ыи Мт f SHKOli. m1J6 ТО zhi NRAyitsa maSKVA. Мт bajSIlIya ristaRA ni. kaljEshna, i MNOga maltiDIX l)Evushik. VOT ра сМти оп tudd spiSHITI kaljEshпa ljET! §i CHAS Tfl.! CHEyirJi chiTYORtava. АХ, ljET/ и vas !)E§iJ 1jtiNUT. m1J6 NAda "'Т/. da syiDA1Jya! da syiDA1Jya!

[7-DJ 1 69

Page 178: Spoken Russian 1


1. Cover the Russian in Basic Sentences (Individual Study) Cover the Russian of the Basic Sentences and practice saying the Russian equivalents of the English


2. Vocabulary Check-Up Give the Russial1 expressions for the English equivalents in the Basic Sentences аэ the Leader calls for them.

3. Conversation Аэ уои have done in: the Conversation in the previous units, begin to converse Ьу following the models outlined

below fairly closely ; then change the situations somewhat. Invent new comblnations of subject matter.

1. Уои are packing for а trip. А friend соmеэ in and asks уои where уои are going. У ои tell Ыm where уои are going, and Ье asks if уои like it there. Уои tell Ыm уои do and why, or that уои have never Ьееп there, but уои have heard . . . etc. Теll somе­thing about the place, the weather, hotels, friends or relatives living there, etc.

2. Уои ask воmеопе where Ье is going. Не ваув he is going to the station to Ьиу а ticket. У ои ask Ыm if де сап Ьиу а ticket in town, but Ье ваув they are sold only in the ticket-office at the station. У ои ask Ыm when the train leaves. Не tells уои, and уои вау that if Ье doesn't hurry, Ье won't make it оп time. Не ваув по; Ье Ьав twenty-five minutes.

З. Уои meet а friend, and Ье asks where уои are hurry-

ing. Уои эау уои are not hurrying, that уои are going to the airport. Не asks if уои are going away. у ои вау уои are not, but а nice girl works there. Уои met her yesterday. Не asks if Ье сап go to the airport with уои. Не Ьаэ always wanted to Ву. Уои tell Ыm whether уои have flown often or never. Не asks again why you аге hurrying. Уои tell Ыm уои wanted to meet her at half past four, but it's past five now.

4. Two теп discuss the advantages of trains and planes--the cost of а ticket between опе city and another, the time опе leaves and arrives Ьу train and Ьу plane. Use both the conversational and the time-table forms for telling time.

SECTION F-CONVERSATION (Cont.) Continue the conversations started in Section Е with а review of parta 1 and 2 of the sectiQ!\ if nf;:Cf;:66�ry.

1 70 [7-F]

Page 179: Spoken Russian 1

FINDER LIST From now оп, аН words wi11 Ье 1isted a!phabeticaHy according to their conventionaI spel!ing For Numbers, вее above under А2.6 in this Unit.


аЭРОДРОМ [airaDROM] flying field без [J3EZ] without БJlлет ['рЦ.ЕТ] ticket ВТОРОЙ [ftaRO У] the second

вьшить [ VlpijJ to drink ир, to take а drink ; въшью [ VIPYu] Гll take а drink

гороД [GOrat] city �Bтpa [ZAjtra] tomorrow касса [KASsa] савЬ desk, ticket window который [kaTOray] which купить [kupIТJ to Ьиу ; куплю [kuP.{,u] I'/l Ьиу летать [jiT А ТJ to Ву

минута ['1JZiNUta] minute

МОЧЬ [МОСН] to Ье аЫе ; могу [таС И] 1 сап ; может [MOzhit] Ье (вЬе, it) сап

надо [NAda] it is necessary, опе must НУ [NU] we/l ; соте оп ! отлетать [atliTAТJ to Ву away отходить [atxaVIТJ to go away, to depart пОезд [POyist] train

поездом [POyizdam] Ьу train

половина [palaYlna] half; ha!f ап Ьоиг потом [ра ТОМ] after that ; then потому [ра шМU] оп account of that

потомУ что [ра шМU sht6] Ьесаиве ПO'lему [ра chiMU] оп account of what? why? продавать [pradaV А ТJ to веН

продаются [prada YUTsa] they are воН

самолёт [sama.{.OT] air plane самолётом [sama.{.Otam] Ьу plane

сеГОДl1Л [§i VO dna] today сейчас [§i CHAS] just now ; right away спешить [spiSHIT] to hurry СтаЛИllград [staJinGRA T] Sta!ingrad так [ТАК] in this way, во, thus, ав усажать [uyiZHDZHA ТJ to go away (riding or driving)

to depart (Ьу train or car) ,

уже [uZHE] already успет� [uSPEТJ to succeed, to get somewhere оп time;

успею [uSPEyu] I'/l get there ; I '/l make it час [CHAS] hour; час', [chiSI] watch clock

.. ' четверть [CHEtyirjJ а fourth, а quarter ; quarter of

ап hour

r'l-F] 1 71

Page 180: Spoken Russian 1



Go once through the Basic Sentences in unison, con* vidually trying to follow the Conventional Spelling а!) centrating оп the Aids ео Listemng, ав уои Ьауе done much аэ possible. The last time through individually, before. Then go through the Hints оп Pronunciation уои should Ье аЫе to follow the Conventional Spelling aпd SpeUing. Go опсе through the Basic Sentences indi- without any trouble.

1. Basic Sen tences

Boris needs а shave, а haircut, а pair 01 shocs, and is down /0 his last clean shirt .


(I) сап to find laundry (A.S.) launclress (A.S.)

Where сап 1 find а laundry or а lаuпdrеsз?

one (G.F.)* clean (G.F.) smrt (G.)

могу найти прачечную прачку


Где я мог:}' найти прачечную или npачку?

однОй ЧИС'J.'ой рубаwt{ц

-=,,--= *F. = Femininei М. = Masculine; N. = Neuter, L. = Locative.

1 7� [8-·А]

r--- AIDS ТО USТENING -.-.....,

maGU naуТI PRAchishnuyu PRACHku

GI)E уа magu naуТI PRAchishnuyu tji Р RA CHku?

aDNOY CHIstay ruBAshl$i

Page 181: Spoken Russian 1

1 haven't even опе с1еап shirt.

(I) will send Pasha (woman's nickname)**

1 '11 send уоu Pasha.

to wash 1 'т the laundress. What do уоu need to have washed?

аl1 dirty (N.) clothes о, unclerwear bed (L.)

АI1 the dirty clothes are оп the bed.

1 ' 11 count Good ; I ' 11 count it.

el�ven handkerchiefs (G.P.)

Eleven handkerchiefs.

*Not оп the cassette.

у менЯ нет ни одн6й чистой рубашки.

пришлю Паша


я вам пришлю Пашу.

стирать я - npащщ.


Чт6 вам надо стирать?

всё грязное бельё постели


Всё грязное бельё на постели.

Pasha посчитаю

Хорошо, я посчитаю. одиннадцать HocoBыIx платков

Одиннадцать HocoBыIx платков.

и 1pi1,Jd NET r;i aDNOY CHIstay ruBAsh�i.

priSHfs,V PAsha

уа vam priSHfs, U PAshu.

§jiRAT УА , PRA CHka. sht6 vam NAda §jiRAT?

F$O GjUznaya Pifs, УО pa$TEJi

F$O GjUznaya 'pifs, УО па pa$TEJi.

pashchiT Ауи xaraSHO,. уа pashchiT Ауи.

a!)INnacij nasa VIX platKOF

a!)INnacij nasa VIX plaTKOF.

[В-А] 1 73

Page 182: Spoken Russian 1

11 ! 14 I



shirt (G.) рубаШRИ ruBAsh�i Four shirts. че'l'ыIеe рубашки. chiTlfi ruBAsh�i.

pairs (G.P.) пар PAR socks (G.P.) нос6к naSOK

Теп pairs of socks. Десять пар нос6к. PE§ij PAR naSOK.

receipt расписка raSpIska And here's the receipt. И в6т расписка. i VOT raSp Iska.

Boris when l�огда kaGDA уои wi1\ bring back* вернёте yirlfOji

Wllen will you bt'ing ту laundry back?

Rогда выI вернёте моё бельё? kaGDA vf yir lfOti mау6 pi!- УО?

Pasha not earlier не раньше t}i RAlfshi week (G.S.) недели t}iPEli

Not sooner than а week [from now]. Не раньше недели. t}i RA!jshi t}il)E]i.

Boris hurry поспешите paspiSHlji bring back* верните yir!jlji (а bit) ear1ier лорз,ньше paRAlfshi

Please hurry and get the laundry Пожалуйста, поспешите, и paZHALsta, paspiSHlji, i yir lf Iji back as soon as уои сап. верните бельё пораньше. pi!-УО paRA!jshi.

1 *Тhe English оп the tape is an error. I

1 74 [8-А] 1,; ,

Page 183: Spoken Russian 1

remaincd (М.) 1 haven't any clean clothes left.

I'll try АН right, 1'11 try.

shoemaker Теll те, please j where's there а


not far barber shop (G.)

ТЬе shoemaker is not {ar from the barber shop.

to repair two (F.) pair (G.S.) shoes (G.P.)

That's good. 1 need to have two pairs of эЬоеэ


it эеетэ to the barber

It seems to те уоu need to go to the barber, too.

остался я остался без чистого белья.

Pasha ilостараюсь

Хорош6, постараюсь. Boris

сап6жник Скажите, пожалуйста, гд�

сап6жllИR? Pasha

недалек6 парикмахерской

Сап6жник недалек6 от парик­махерскоЙ.

починить ДB� пары ботинок

Это хорош6.


MH� надо починить дв6 пары ботинок.

Pasha кажется к паРИКj\iахеру

Вам, кажется, к парикмахеру т6же надо.

aSTAL§a уа aST AL§a jJis CHIstava jJiJ.. УА.

pastaRAyUJ xaraSHO, pastaRAyu§.

saPOzh1Jik skaZHIJi, paZHALstaj G!)E


1Ji da1iKO parikMA:r;irskay

saPOzh1Jik 1Ji da1iKO at parikMA�irskay.

pachi!jIT DYE PAri baTlnak

ееа xaraSHO. M!jE ndda pachi!jIT DYE PAri


KAzhitsa k pajikMA�iru

VAM, KAzhitsa, k parikMA�iru то­zhi NAda.

[8-А] 1 75

Page 184: Spoken Russian 1


to get а haircut to (get а) shave

у es, 1 need to get а haircut and а sЬауе.

I ' ll bring as possible sooner

Goodbye. 1 '11 bring the clothes as soon· as


Boris постричься побриться

Да, мне надо постричь(Щ И побриться.

РавЬа принесу ltaK м6жно скорее

До свиданья. я принесу бельё

скорее. Boris

как м6жно

paSTflICHsa paBflITsa

DA , ffl1JC nt1da paSTflICHsa i paBflITsa.

Pri1JiSU kak MOzhna skaflEyi

da syiDA1Jya. уа Pri1JiSU 'рЦ, УО kak MOzhna


Goodbye and thanks. До свиданья, и спасибо. da,syiDA1Jya, i spa$Iba. Before уои go through the Basic Sentences а second time, read the fo110wing :

2. Hints оп Pronunciation and SреШng ТЬе vowel [е]

ТЬе Russian vowel [е] before а palatal consonant it is something between the vowel of met and the vowel sounds almost like the English vowel of а word like of mat. му. This effect is especia11y striking if there is also а palatal сопsопапt before the vowel. At the end о! а word or before а plain consonant, the Russian [е] sounds more like the English vowel iri а word like met; in fact, P R A C T I C E 1

хотеть встретить 1 76 [В-А]


Russian [е] hardly ever occurs unstressed.

Now listen to the speaker оп the cassette or to the Guide and try to imitate exactly.

to want to meet

Page 185: Spoken Russian 1

теперь если Это дешевле еду

JifEft YE§ji Еш r)iSHEvji УБdu

The vowel [а]

now if this cheaper 1 ат riding

The Russian vowel (а] when accented is pretty close of а word and after plain consonants other than [с sh to the English accented vowel in а word like j'ather. zh]. In the syllabIe just ЬеСоге the accent ог at the 'end However, between palatal consonants it is almost like of а word it sounds like the а in father, In other syllabIes the English vowel о! fat. (that is, after the accented syllabIe, or two ог more sylla-

Unstressed [а] after а palatal consonant 01' [с, sh, zh] bIes before tl1e acce�t) it, 11:ls а we.ak, obscure, and very

occurs опlу at the end of а word, and it there sOl1nds short sound, sоmеthшg 11ke the а 10 sofa. somewhat like thc а of fat. Now listen and imitate.

Unstressed [а] occurs very commonl"y at the beginning


ltуда Юl,К там nЛть изучать дя:дя молодая хорошая хорошо

kuDA КАК ТАМ РАТ izuCHAT PAr)a malaDAya xaROshiya хаrаSИО

whereto how there бvе to study uncle а young one (F.) а good one (F.) it is good

[8-Аl 1 71

Page 186: Spoken Russian 1

ТЬе vowels [о] and [и] ТЬе vowel [о] occurs опlу in stressed эуIlаЫеэ. ТЬе vowel [и] occurs in аН positions. Remember to round your Нрэ

for both these vowels. PRACTICE 3

раб6татъ пьёте ушёл уйдёте живут тонь дрУг л{оди н6вую ученик узнаю

,аВОш} fYOji uSHOL uуIЮji zhiVUT iYUfj DRUG, DRUK J.,U{li NOvuyu uchifjIK uZNAyu

More numbers

to work уои drink Ье went away уои'll go away they Нуе June friend (male) people а new опе (A.S.F.) рирil (male) I ' ll find out

We now give воте higher numbers, from SO оп. Imitate and practice saying them. fifty пятьдесЯт pid {li$A T sixty шестьдесЯт shiz {li$A Т веуеп ty семьдесят $ЕМ {li§it eighty в6семьдесят VO§im {li§it ninety девян6сто {liyiNOsta опе hundred ст6 STO two hundred двести DYE §Ji three hundred триста Т /и sta

1 78 [В-А]

Page 187: Spoken Russian 1

four hundred five hundred .

si}{ hundred веуеп hundred eight hundred nine hundred опе thousand mШiоп* Here there are fifty big houses.

ТЬеу liуе in fifty big houses.

Without eighty roubles 1 can't travel .

четыIестаa пятьсот шестьсот семьсот восемьсот девятьсот тыIячаa МИJIJIИОН Здесь пятьдесят БОJIЬШИХ

домов. Они живут в пятидесяти

БОJIЬШИХ домах. Без восьмидесяти руБJIей я не

могу еха'гь.

chiTlri sta pit SOT shist SOT, shi$ SOT §im SOT va§im SOT {tiyit SOT TI§iclta miJ., YON г!)Е$ pid r/i$A T baISHIX daMOF. ·

a1'}t zhi VUT f piTI r)i}iji bajSHIX ООМАХ.

jJiz va}}.fI r)i}iji ,иB�E Y уа 1'}i maGU YExaj.

ТЬе numbers 50, 60, 70, 80 consist of the words 5, 6, 7, 8 and а queer special form of the word 10. Note that in these combinations опе of the two words a1ways loses its accent. In the саэе forms other than the Nominative

and Accusative, the words 5 , 6, 7 , 8 and 10 Ьауе their ordinary forms. Nouns and adjectives are treated as with [РА Т).

1 know а hundred Russian people here.

There aren't опе hundred Russian people here.

Here there are ninety big Ьоиэеэ.

*Not оп the cassette.

я знаю здесь сто русских JIIодей.

Здесь нет ста РУССRИХ JIюдей.

Здесь девяносто БОJIЬШИХ домов.

уа ZNAyи �r)e} STO R Us�ix Iиp'E Y.

l-!)Е$ lfЕТ STA R Us�ix Iи!)E Y.

г!)Е$ r)iyiNOsta bajSHIX daMOF.

г'В-А] 179

Page 188: Spoken Russian 1

� ...

ТЬеу Нуе in ninety big houses. Они живут в девяноста больших домах.

а1}1. zhiVUT 'iJ �iyiNOsta bajSHIX daMAX.

ТЬе number 100 has the ending [-а] in cases other than the Nominative and Accusative. ТЬе number 90 i8 the вате throughout. ТЬе conventiona1 spelling writes -о in the Nominative and Accusative and -а in the other

case forms, but since the vowel is unstressed, the sound i8 always just [-а). Nouns and adjective8 are treated as with [РАТ!.

We know two hundred Russian мыI знаем здесь двести русс�их people here. людей.

There aren't two hundred Russian Здесь нет двухсот русс�их people. людей.

ТЬеу Нуе in two hundred big Они живут в двухстах больших houses. домах.

ТЬеу Нуе in eight hundred big Они живут в восьмистах houses. больших домах.

т1. ZNAyiт ��§ DYE §ji R Us�ix ]u!)Е У.

��e§ !jET dvux SOT R Us�ix ]u!)ЕУ.

а1}1. zhiVUT v dvux STAX ba]SHIX daMAX.

а1}1. zhiVUT 'iJ va§tpi ST АХ ba]SHIX daMAX.

ТЬе numbers from 200 to 900 consist of the numbers (rom 2 to 9 and forms of the word [STO). Опе part is always unstressed. In [D УЕ §ji) both parts Ьауе ап odd shape. In [TJU sta] and [chiT1ri sta] the second part is the Genitive Singular оС [STO). In 500 to 900 the second part [SOT) is the Genitive Plural оС [STO) treated as а Neuter поип (по ending and ап inserted vowel).

In cases other than the Nominative and Accusative, the l1umbers 2 to 9 Ьауе their usual Corms, and 100 is treated as а Plural : Genitive [SOT), Locative [STAX).

Here is а thousand roubles. Give те а thousand roubles. Without а thousand roubles Ье

cal1't travel. 1 80 [В--А]

Nouns and adjectives are treated as with [РА Т].

Вот тысчаa рублей. Дliйте мне тысчуy рублей. Без тысчии рублей он не может


VOT TI§icha ruBJ.,EY. DA Yji т1}е TI§ichu ruBJ.,E Y. jJis TI§ichi ruBJ.,EY оп 1}i MOzhit


Page 189: Spoken Russian 1

There are two thousand реорlе living there.

ТАм живут ДB� Т'IСЯЧИ JIЮд6й. ТАМ zkl,VuT ЬУЕ TI§icM JupEY.

Here there are eight thousand big houses.

Здесь в6семь тысчч больших дом6в.

�PE$ VO§i1}t TI§ich bajSHIX аамор.

Тliey liуе in eight thousand big houses.

Они живут в восьми тысчахx больших дом6в.

a1}i zhiVUT 'lI 'lIa{AfI TI§ichix bajSHIX аамор.

ТЬеу liуе in опе thousand big houses.

Они живут в тыIячеe больших дом6в.

a1}i zhiVUT f TI§ichi bajSHIX аамор.

One mi11ion реорlе liуе in this city. В этом г6роде живёт милли6н людей.

'lI Ешm GOra4i zhiYOT mil.- YON ju!)E Y.

In New York the реорlе Нуе in а В Ныо-И6р:ке люди живут в 'lI 1}YU YOR�i l.- UrJi zhiVUT 'lI mi11ion houses. милли6не дом6в. mil.- УО1ji daMOF.

ТЬеу liуе in two million houses. Живут в двух милли6нах дом6в. zhiVUT 'lI D VUX mil.- УОnах аамор. ТЬе word [TI.#cha] is а Feminine поип and the word and adjectives that tel1 what is counted are usual1y in

[mil.- YONj is а Masculine поип. Непсе (TI§icha] has the Genitive Plural form. (Some speakers treat them ав Accusative form [TI§ichu]. With these words the nouns after РАТ).

Нints on spel1ing. Ког6 выI здесь встретите? - ka VO т ;rje§ FST;REjiji?-тауi'll6 Whom are уои going to meet here?-

Моег6 младшего брата. MLA Tshi'lla вмеа. Му younger brother. ТЬе Genitive Masculine and Neuter ending оС adjectives and pronouns [6va, -ava" -iva, -av6, -iv6] is spel1ed with

the letter г : -ого, -его.

Еогда выI уеажаете? kaGDA т uyiZHDZHAyiji? When are уои leaving? Нет дождя. 1'fET daZHDZHA. It isn't raining.

There is по letter for the sound [ ZHDZH ]. 1 t is written with two letters, such as аж, жд.

[В-А] 1 81

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А. COMMENT ON ТНЕ BASIC SENTENCES 1 haven't even опе clean shirt. 'у мешi нет ни одн6й чИстой и tpitJlJ lfET 1}i aDNOY CHIstay

рубашки. ruBAsh�i. 1 haven't ever told апуопе anything Я никогда никомУ ничег6 не уа 1}i kaGDA 1}i kaMU 1}i chiVO 1}i

about that. сказал об этом. skaZAL аЬ ЕШm. If the main part of а sentence, висЬ ав the verb, Ьав а negative ([1}i, 1}et) , certain other words also have negatives.

1 have to go to the post office. Мне надо на п6чту. m1}е 1}Ма па POchtu. 1 have to go to the barber's. Мне надо к парmсмахеру. m1}е пdda k pa!ikMA�iru. 1 have to go there. Мне надо туда. m1}е пdda tuDA. Where are уои going? Rуда вы1? kuDA v$?

When а sentence contains ап expression that теапв whereto ('to the post office') , а verb meaning ' to go' is often unnecessary.

Walk faster. Идите скорее. i!)Iji skаjШуi. Bring back ту laundry fairly вооп. Верните моё беJIьё поскорее. yirlflji maу6 ]Ji-L- YO раskаjШуi. 1 can't bring it back earlier than Я не могу вернуть ег6 раньше уа 1}i maGU yirNUT yiv6 RAlfshi

in а week. недМи. 1}i!)EJi. Не'в older than 1. Он старше мешi. 6n STARshi t)ti�.

ТЬе comparative form of adjectives (' more, faster, older') Ьаэ various endings like [-eyi) or [-shi). With [ра-] prefixed it mеапв ' а little more' .

With а comparative, the Genitive саве теапв ' than'.

I 'll come back ав вооп ав possible. Я вернУсь как м6жно скорее. уа yirNU$ kak MOzhпa skаjШyi. With [kak MOzkпa) ' ав possible' they иве the comparative.

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sock barber kerchief shoemaker

shoe week pair РавЬа (nickname) bed laundress receipt shirt

N.S. naSOK parikMA�i1 рюТОК saPOzht}ik

N.S. baTINka t}if)Eja РАуа PAsha pa$TEf., PRACHka raSpIska ruBAshka

В. NEW NOUNS Masculine : G.S. N.P.

naSKA naSI}.I parikMA�ra pa!ikMA�ri рюТКА pktTI}.I saPOzht}ika saPOzht}i�i

Feminine: A.S. G.S.

baTINku baTIN�i t}if)Eju t}if)Eji РАуu PAri PAshu PAshi pa$TEf., pa$TEji PRACHku PRACHlji raSpIsku raSpIs�i ruBAshku ruBAsh�i

Neuter : N.S. G.S.

Hnens, washing jJif., УО jJif., УА

G.P. naSOK,'naSKOF pa!ikM4�iraf pktTKOF saPOzht}ikaj

N.P. G.P. baTIN�i baTlnak t}if)EJi t}if)Ej PAri PAR

pa$TEJi pa$TEjiy PRA CHl;i PRAchik raspIs�i raSpIsak ruBAsh�i ruBAshik

Note that the words [parikMA#rskaya] 'barber shop' and [PRAchishnaya] ' laundry' are not nouns but adjectives. in Feminine form. . ' ,

с. VERBS Imperative form.

COUl1t the laundry (familiar form). Посчитай бе.лъё. pashchiT А У jJif., УО.

[В-В] 1 8Э

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Count. the laundry, рlеаве (ordinary form).

Посчитайте бельё, пожЗ.луЙста. paschiTA Y#InL YO, paZHALsta.

ТЬе Imperative form of the verb is used in commands. There is а fami1iar form and an ordinary form. ТЬе ordinary form is made Ьу adding the ending [:Ji] to the familiar form.

If the Present stem of the verb ends in [у] the fami1iar imperative adds по ending : Present : [pashchiTAyu] familiar Imperative : [pashchiTA У] Present stem : [pashchitdy-] ordinary Imperative : [pashchiTA }1i]

Drink the milk (familiar) . Пей молок6. РЕ У maШКО. Have воте tea, рlеаэе (ordinary Пейте чай, пожалуйста. j'E Yji СНА У, paZHALsta.


If the Present stem ends in [у] with another consonant before it, the vowel [е] is inserted : Present : [РУU] familiar Imperative : [РЕ У] Present stem: [ру-] ordinary Imperative : [j'E Yji]

Please tell те what time it is. Скажите, пожалуйста, кот6рый skaZHlji, pazhalsta, kaTOray jipcr теперь час? CHAS?

Please bring те а сир ОС coffee. Принесите мне, пожалуйста, Prir.z.i$Iji т1}е, paZHALsta, CHAshku чашку к6фе. KOji.

Виу this Ьоиве. Rупите этот д6м. ku!, Iji еше DOM.

If the Present stem does not end in [у] ' and if it accents any endings, the Imperative has the ending [-,� : Present: [skaZHU] ' 1 '11 say' , [Pri1}iSU] ' 1 '11 bring' . Present stems : [skazh-, Pri1}is-, kup-]

[kuPl-U, KUpit] ' 1'11 Ьиу, Ье'lI Ьиу' Imperative : [skaZHlji, Pri1}i$Iji, kuj'Iji] Introduce те to your sister. Поэнак6мьте менА с вашей paznaKOlr/ji rpi1jO, s vtishiy §iSTRO У.

сестр6Й. Meet те here at half past Бvе.

1 84 [8-В]

Встретьте менА эдесь в половине шест6го

FST PEТJi rpi1}a �!)E$ f palaYI1}i shiSTOva.

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н й1е Presel1t stem does no.t end in [у] and accents по endings, the Imperative is made with [-,] ; that is, it takes по ending, bllt t!le Iast consonant gets palatalized : Present : [paznaKOmlu, paznaK01flitJ ' 1 '11 make acqllainted, he'lI make

acqllaintecl ' , [FST jШсhu, FSTftEjit] ' 1 '11 meet, he'lI теее Please clean ту shoes. Пожалуйста, почистите мои


Present stems: [paznak6m�, jstret-] Imperative : [paznaKOA1ji, FSТJШТJi] paZHALsta, paCHIJJiJi mау7, baTINbi.

Instead of tl1e form with по ending and [-,] , tl1e ending [-,i], lInstressed, is used when the stem ends in two consonants. Present: [СIПsh.сhu, CHI§jit] ' 1 сlеаn, Ье сlеаnв' Present stem : [cblst-] Imperative: [CHI§jiji1

Пгivе to the left. Поеажайте налево. payiZHDZHA YJi па J.,Eva. ТЬе verb [ УЕхаЛ has по lmperative forms ; the command ' ride, drive, go (not оп foot) ' is made from а longer verb.

Reflexive fш'ms. Please sI1ave те. Пожалуйста, побрейте меня. 1'11 shave уоu rigllt away. Я вас I�ейчас побрею. ! l1ave to shave (myself). Мне надо поБР{IТЬСЯ. Cut ту l1air, please. Постригите меня, пожалуйста. 1 mllst get ту hair Cllt. Мне надо постричься. Не has !1ad his hair cut. Он постригся. Get а shave and а haircllt. Побрейтесь и постригитесь. You've got а shave and а haircut, BbI, I�ажется, побрились и

it seems. постриглись,

paZHALsta, paBftE YJi 1fIit}a. уа vas §i CHAS раВJШуu. mt}e 1tada paBftITsa. раstri(;Щi 1fIit}a, paZHALsta. m1je nada paSTRICHsa. 6n paSTftIKsa. paBRE YjiJ i pastri(}Ijis. VI, KAzhitsa, paBftlji§ i paSTftIgji§,

1'11 soon bring back your laundry. Я cI�6po вернУ ваше бельё. уа SKOra yirNU vasha jJiJ., YO. 1'11 soon соте back. Я ск6ро вернУсь. уа SKOra yirNU$.

ТЬе reflexive forms, as we l1ave seen, add [-§а] or [-sa] to the verb Corm after а consonant, and [-J] or [-s] after а voweI. ТЬе meanings оС Reflexive forms уагу greatly.

[8-В] 1 8$

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I t sеетs to те уои aren't well. Мне Jciжется, BbI нездор6вы. Will уои stay here? выI здесь останетесь?

Some verbs occur only in the Reflexive form.

1 drank lots of water. 1 drank [ир] three glasses of water. ТЬе little Ьоу is already walking. ТЬе train leaves at quarter past two.

He's just now coming in о the restaurant.

Compound verbs. Я ПИЛ много водыI. Я ВЬШИЛ три стакана воды. Мальчик уже ходит. П6езд отх6дит В четверть

третьего. Он как раз вх6дит в ресторан.

mt}e KAzhitsa, vi t}i zdaROиi. vi �PE$ aSTAt}iji§?

уа Р IL MNOga vaDI. уа VIpЦ TjU staKAna vaDI. MAJ.-chik uzhe X01-it. POyist atXOr,litf CHEtV. У] ТjШjyiva.

6n kak RAS FXOr,lit v ristaRAN.

Verbs аге compounded with various prefixes, sисЬ as [т-, at-, v-]. Most of these have the same shape as prepo­sitions. The forms of а compound verb are like those of the simple verb. ТЬе mеапiлg 1б sometimes slightly different and sometimes very different. .

1 have . to go now. Мне шtдо теперь итти. 1 Ьауе to find а laundress. Мне надо найти прачку. Не has to leave right away. Ему надо сейчас уйти.

After а ргебх, the [i] of the verb [iTI] ЬесотеБ [у].

т1je NAda ji#f iTI. mt}e NAda пауТ! PRA CHku. yiтu NAda §i CHAS uyTI.

1 Ьауе to go to the third floor of Мне надо пойти на третий этаж mt}e NAda рауТ! па ТJШJiу еТАSН this ЬоиБе to look {ог опе о{ этого дома, исщiть одного etava DOтa, iSKAT adna VO ту friends. моег6 товарища. mayiv6 ta V Arishcha.

Соте to the third floor j 1 Нуе оп Подите на треТllЙ этаЖ i Л живу . paIJlji па TfiEjiy eTASH; уа zhi VU the third floor. на третьем этаже. па ТjШjуem etaZHE. ТЬе compound [payTI] Ьаэ the irregular: Imperative [paIJIji] , with 1088 of [у].

1 86 (S:"'B]

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'J? '.-

New verbs. We give the new vel"bs of this Vnit in their shortest form, leaving off prefixes and the Reflexive endings wherever


to shave to read

to Iook (or to Ье going (оп foot)

to веет

to carry

to send

to try hard to begin

Present of Туре 1 : Infinitive 1 Ье, she, it

BJUT Bj{Eyu ВJШуit chiTAT chiTAyu chiTAyit

Compounds: shchiT А Т, pashchiT А Т ' to соипе



Ishchit iPOT

Compounds: nауТI ' to find ' , рауТ1 ' to go to а place'.

kaZA Tsa


kaZHU� KAzhitsa Compound : skaZA т ' to tell' .

1}iSU ni�OT

Compound : Pri1}i$T l ' to bring' .

SLAT SH[.- и SH[.-OT Coтpound : PfiSLA T « to send ир, over'.

staRA Tsa stаRAущ staRAyitsa STA T STAnu STA1}it

Compound : aSTA Tsa ' to stay, remain, Ье left'.

Past Bj{IL chiTAL




lfOS, 1}iSLA, 1}iSLO, 1}iS[.-I



[В-В] 1 87

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to wash (clothes) to cut (hair) to bring back

to repair to сlеап to walk

'\ §JiRAT §JiRAyu §jiRAyit ST ftI СН striG И striZHOT yirNUT yirNU yir1jOT

Reflexive : yir N UTsa ' to соте back, go back' .

Present оС Туре 2. chi1jIT chi1jU CHlrJit, chi1jIT CHI§jij CHIshchu CHI§jit xaJ)IT xaZHU XO�it

Compound : fxaJ)IT ' to go in, to соте in' .

§liRAL STftIK, SТjUgla yirNUL

chiljIL CHI§Jil xaJ)IL

Give this young тап five roubles.

D. DATIVE CASE Дайте пЯ:ть рублей этому

молодому человеI{У. DA Yji РА Т ruBfs,E У еютu

malaDOтu chilaYEku.

Mascu1ine and Neuter nouns 11ave the ending [-и) in the Dative саве form. Мавсиliпе and Neuter adj�ctives Ьауе the ending [-6тu). ТЬе accent is the same as in the Genitive.

When а verb has two objects, а person and а tblng, the person is in the Dative саве, and the thing in the Acctlsative.

1 Ьауе given the letter to опе оС Я дал письмо одному моемУ уа dal pi§MO adnaтll, тayiтu ту friends. товарищу. ta VArishchu. ТЬе special adjectives [МОУ) and [aJ)IN) Ьауе the ending [-аmu] in the Dative МавсtlНпе and Netlter.

Give the laundry to this yotlng girl. Дайте бельё этой молодой пА Yji jJifs, УО еюу тalaDO У J)Evush�i. деВУШltе.

Гуе given the letters to your wife. Я дал письма вашей жене. уа DAL PI$тa vashiy zhiljE. Feminine поипэ in the Dative саве Ьауе the ending [-,е), unstressed [-,i]j Feminine adjectives Ьауе the ending [-оу).

This is the вате ав the Locative.

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Give the receipt to ту sister. Дайте расписку моей сестре. DA Yji raSj'Isku тауеу §iSTF.E. The special adjective [МО У] has the ending [-еу] in 'the Dative Feminil1e. ТЫв is the вате ав the Locative.

1 gave the tickets to your вопв. Л дал билеты вашим сыновьям. They аге selling tl1e lюusе to these Они продаfот д6м этим молодыIM

young рсорlе. ЛIОдям. Plвral поипв in the Dative саве Ьауе thc cndil1g [-ат]; adjectives [-im].

Give тс а receipt. Дайте мне расписку. Give нв the tickets. Дайте нам билеты. 1'11 find а laundress for уои. Л вам найду прачку. Give Ыт the letter. Дайте ему письм6. Give hcr воте tea. Дайте ей чаю. Give thcm буе roubles. Дайте им пять рублей. То whom did уои give tl1e letters? I{OMY выI дали письма? Why do уои вау that? Почему выI так говорите?

The Dative forms of tl1c pronouns а1'е [kaMU, chiMU, MljE, NAM, form for ' уои' in tl1e Dative is (Jij3E].

уа dal jJi["Eti vashim sanaYYA M. a1J!, prada YUT DOM ejim malaDIM

[" Ut,lim.

DA Yji m1Je raSj' Isku. DA Yji пат jJi["Eti. уа vam nayD И Р RA CHku. DA Yji yimu pi§MO. DA YJi уеу СНАуu. DA Yji у!'т РАТ ,uВ["Е У. kaMU т DA# j' I$ma? ра chiMU v!' ТАК gavaF.lji?

VAM, yiMU, УЕ У, YIM]. Thc fатШаr

She gave а thousand roubles to l1er Она дала 'l'ысчуy рублей двум аnа daLA TI§ichu ,uВ["Е У D VUM two daughters, al1d nothing to дочерям, а трём сыновьям ни- dachiF.AM, а TF.OM sanaYYAM her tl1ree вопв. чег6. 1Ji chiVO.

We gave the tickcts to four friends Билеты мыI дали четырём jJi["Eti mt da# chitiF.OM nashim of ошв. нашим друзьям. dru�YAM. Thc Dative forms of 2, 3, 4 а1'С [D VUM, TF.OM, chitiF.OM]. Nouns aI1d adjectives that go witl1 them are Dative


[8-В] 1 89

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They gave tickets to five people. Они дали билеты пяти ЛIОдя:м. atJ'/, daji PiJ.,Eti piTI J., Ur,lim. Tl1e numbers from 5 оп Ьауе the Dative like the Genitive and Locative.

Не has already told this to а Он уже сказал это тысчеe 6n иzhe skaZAL еш TI§ichi jиpE Y. thousand people. людей.

Уои are talking to а million :выI теперь говорите милли6ну vf, jiper gava]Uji miJ., УОnи jиPE У. people now. людей. The words [TI§icha] and [miJ., YON] are nouns.

Don't talk to те about that. Не говорите мне об этом. 1ji gavaftIji m1je аЬ ЕШт. ТеН те, please : what time it Скажите мне, пожалуйста : skaZHlji m1je paZHALsta: kaTOray

is now? Rот6рый теперь час? jiper CHAS? Tie verbs [gavaftIТJ and [skaZA ТJ Ьауе ап object (the perS011 to whom Оl1е talks) i11 th.; Dative саэе.

How do уои like Moscow? I{aK вам нравится Москва? k6k vam NRAyitsa maSK VA? lt seems to те that she is not well. Мне кажется, чт6 она m1je KAzhitsa sht6 аnа 1ji zdaROva.

нездор6ва. ТЬе verbs [NRAyitsa] a11d [kaZA Tsa] take а11 object i11 the Dative case ; this object is the perS011 to whom эomе­

thing is pleasing or to whom somethi11g 8еет8 to Ье 80 a11d 80.

l'll like that very тисЬ ('That will Это мне будет 6чень приНтно. eta m1je Ьщjit Ochi1j Pri YAtna. Ье very plea8a11t for те') .

We shall have to go to the p08t обiсе Нам надо будет пойти на пат NAda bUrJit РауТ! па POchtи. (' it wШ Ье nece88ary for и8'). п6чту.

Гт thirsty (' to те there i8 want Мне х6чется пить. m1je XOcltitsa PIT. to drink') .

1 {eel cold ('То те it's cold') . Мне х6лодно. m1je ХОЫnа. Do уои {eel warm here? Вам здесь тепл6? vam �r,le§ jiPLO? 1 90 [8-В]

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- I

1 feel very sorry Cor hirн ('То те it Мне 6чею,> жалко ег6. т1je Ochi1j ZHALka yiv6. is very much too bad of Ыт').

Why don't уои go there? ('Why ПочемУ вам не поitтИ? ра сЫМU vaт 1ji рауТ!? not for уои to go?')

What arн 1 to do? Чт6 мне делать? SHTO т1je РЕю}? 1 don't know what to do. Я не знаю, чт6 МНе делать. уа 1ji ZNAyи SHTO т1je РЕю}.

ТЬе Dative case is used with тапу expressions where something acts оп а person. With ап Infinitive the Dative means that the action is suggested for а person (' it's ир to шт to do it' ) .

1 'т going to the barber's. Я иду }{ парикмахеру. уа юи k parikMA�irи. 1 '1 1 go to the second floor, to ту Я пойду на втор6й э'гаж, к моим уа payD U па jtaRO У eTA SH, k

friends'. друзьям. тayiт drиZ YAlvf. 1 [ат] nc,w [going] to their place. Я теперь I� ним. ya }iper k Jyllvf. Why are уои doing that? Почему выI делаете это? ра chilvfU vi pElayiji Eta?

The preposition [k] takes the Dative case. In some meanings the preposition [ра] takes the Dative case.

2. Covering English and Russian of Word Study (lndividual Study)

Clleck yourself оп уош Iшоwlеdgе of the Word Study Ьу covering first the English, then the Russian, and making sure уои know everything thoroughly.

3. Review of Basic Sentences With the Guide or cassettes, review the first half of the Basic Selltellces as in previous units.

SЕСТЮN C-REVIEW OF BASIC SENTENCES (Соn!. ) 1. Review of Basic Sentences (Сот.)

Review the second half of the Basic Selltences.

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1 ' 1 1

7:, Covering the Eng1ish of Basic Sentences (lndividual Study) Go through the Basic Sentences covering ир tlle

English and reading aloud the Russian. Check ир оп anything уои do not know, until уои are sure оС everything.

3. What Would You Say ? (Individual Study) Read aloud each of the following and then pick out the expression уои think most suitable.

1. Уои want {о know where there is а laundry. Уои ask : а. В этом здании прачечная? Ь. Где Л: могу найти пра,ч:ку? с. Где Л: могу найти прачечную?

'lJ Etam ZDA1Jiyi PRAchishnaya? G!)E уа magu nауТI PRACHku? G!)E уа тagu nауТI PRAchishnuyu'?

2. Your friend answers that there isn't апу good laundry in the place. She says : а. Я не знаю, где прачечная. уа 1Ji ZNAyu grJ,e PRAchishnaya. Ь. Здесь нет ни одн6й хор6шей прачечноЙ. �!)E$ !fET 1Ji aDNO Y xaROshiy PRAchishnay. с. Я не могу вам CIщзать, где прачечная. уа 1Ji maGU vam skaZA T gfl,e PRAchishnaya.

З. Уоu don't know what to do. Уои say : а. Я не знаю, чт6 мне делать. ь. я не знаю, где купить рубашки. с. Я не знаю, где HocOBble платки.

4. Уои haven't а single clean shirt. Уоu say: а. У менЛ: т6лько две чистых рубашки. Ь. у менЛ: т6лы{0 одна чистая рубашка. с. у менЛ: нет ни одн6й чистой рубашки.

1 92 [8-С]

уа 1Ji ZHAyu SHTO т1Je !)ЕШ}. уа 1Ji ZNAyu G!)E kufIT ruBAsh�i. уа 1Ji ZNAyu G!)E nasaVlya plaTI}.I.

и '/fli1Ja t6Jka пУЕ CHIstix ruBAsh�i. и '/fli1jd t6Jka aDNA CHIstaya ruBAshka. и '/fli1Ja !fET 1Ji aDNOY CHIstay ruBAsh�i.

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5. \"ОШ' friend says sЬе wi11 send уои а good laundress. She says: а. Я вам ПРИШJПО хор6шего паРИItмахера. уа vam PliSHIrU xaROskiva ParikMAJfira. Ь. я вам пришлю хор6шую прачку. уа vam PliSHIrU xaROshuyu PRA CHku. с. Я вам пришЛIО чистых рубашек. уа vam PliSHIrU CHIstix ruBAskik.

6. ТЬе laundress comes and asks whether уоu have cou.nted your laundry. She says: a� Вам надо будет посчитать бельё? vam NAda bU9.-it pashchiTAT 1>iIrYO? Ь . выI уже посчитали бельё? т uzbl pashckiT Aji 1>iIr УО? с. выI ищете хор6шую прачку? т Ishckiji xaROshuyu PRA CHku?

7. Уоu have twelve soiled shirts. Уоu say: а. У меня двести грязных рубашек. и 'l}ti1'}a DYE §li GFAznix rиBAskik. Ь . у мени двадцать грязных рубашеlt. и 'l}ti1'}a D VA Tcij G]Uznix rиBAskik. с. у меня двенадцать грязных рубашек. и 1fli1'}a dyiNATcij G]Uznix rиBAshik.

8. Уоu ask her when вЬе сап bring back your laundry. Уоu вау : а. выI принесёте мн6го бельЯ? т Pli1'}i$Oji MNOga PiIr УА? Ь. Rогда выI вернёте моё бельё? kaGDA т yir1'iOji тау6 PiIr YO? с. Rогда выI вернётесь? kaGDA т yir1'iOji§?

9. She can't bring back the laundry sooner than in а week. She says : а. Я не могу вернуть бельё раньше недели. уа 1'}i maGU yirNUT PiIrYO RA1'ishi 1'}iJ)Eji. Ь. Мне кажется, чт6 вы 6чень грязный человек. m1'}е KAzhitsa sht6 т осм1'} G]Uznay смгаУЕК. с. Я не хочу стирать это бельё. уа 1'}i хаСНU §jiRAT eta jJiIr YO.

10. Уои want her to bring the laundry to the second floor when she returns it. Уоu say : а. Rогда вы вернёте бельё, принесите распИску. kaGDA т yir1'iOji jJiIrYO, Pri1'}i$Iji raSplskи. Ь. Rогда вы вернёте бельё, дайте мие девян6сто kaGDA т yir1'iOji jJi",- УО, пА Yji m1'}е #;iyiNOsta

копеек. kapEyik. [8-С] 1 93

Page 202: Spoken Russian 1

с. Rогда выI веi>нёте бельё, принесите его на второй этаж.

1 1 . She asks whether уои live оп the second floor. She ваув :

kaGDA т yirljOji friI- УО, Pli1Ji$Iji yiv6 пajeaROY eTASH.

а. Вы живёте эдесь на :втором этаже? т zhiYOji �{M; пajtaROM etaZHE? Ь. выI живёте на третьем этаже этого дома? т zhiYOji па ТJШjуim etaZHE Etava DOma? с. Bbr живёте в большой гостинице? т zhiYOji v baJSHO Y ga$TI1Jici?

12. У ои tell her that of course уои live here. Уои вау: а. Rонечно я живу в большой гостинице. Ь. Rонечно я хочу раСЦИСRУ С. Rонечно я эдесь живу.

kaljEshпa уа zhiVU v baJSHO Y ga$TI1Jici. kaljEshпa уа хаСНU raSfIskи. kaljEshпa уа �!#; zhiVU.


1. What Did Уои Say?

Give уош answers in Russian for еасЬ of the exer­cises in the preceding section, when the Leader calls for them. Then, as the Leader calls for them, give the Eng1ish equivalents of аН the expressions in the exercise.

2. Word Study Check-Up

As уои have done in the previous units, go back to the Wопi Study and give the correct Russian for each English expression, without having to read it from the book. ТЬе

194 [8-D]

Leader or опе of the members of the group should read the English.

3. Listening In With уош book closed, listen to the following conver­

sations as read Ьу the Guide or cassette recording. Repeat the Russian immediately after hearing it. After the first repetition of еасЬ conversation, check ир оп the meaning of anything уои do not understand, Ьу asking someone else or Ьу going back to the Basic Sentences if по опе knows. Repeat again if necessary, then take parts and сапу оп the conversation.

Page 203: Spoken Russian 1

1. Boris has .iust moved into Mrs. Semeonov!s house.

Boris : Здравствуйте, граждающ Семе6нова ! Landlady : Здравствуйте l Boris : Мне всё здесь нравится.

Скажите, пожалуйста : где А могу найти прачку?

'у менА нет ЧИС'fОГО бельJi. Landlady : выI хотИте прачечную или прачку? Boris : Л хочу праюtу. Landlady : Хорош6, А вам пришшо Пашу. Boris : Паша - прачка? Landlady : Да, она 6чень хор6шая прачка.

Я вам её пришшо сег6дня. Boris : Я буду на B'fOp6M этаже. Candlady : Она вас там наЙдёт.

2. Pasha comes in to get Boris's laundry.

Boris : Кт6 там? Pasha : Это А, Паша. Boris : Пожалуйста, входите. РавЬа : Гражданка Семе6нова мне сказала, чт6 BbI

ищете прачку.

ZDRAstvuyji, graZHDANka §iAfOnava/ ZD RA stvuyji! mt}e Р$О �r)e§ NRAyitsa. skaZHlji paZHALsta: СJ)Е уа magrt naуТI

PRA CHku? и 1jtiljA 1jET CHIstava jJiJ., YA . v1, xajfji Р RAehishnuyu 1# Р RA CHku? уа хаеhИ Р RA CHku. xaraSHOi уа Vam:PliSHJ., U PAshu. PAsha, PRA CHka? DAi аnа Oehit} xaROshiya PRA CHka. уа vam yiy6 PriSHJ., И §i VO r)t;a. уа bUdu na jtaROM etaZHE. аnа vas Т А М nауJ)ОТ.

КТО ТАМ? eta УА , PAsha. paZHALsta, jxaJ)Iji. graZHDANka §i}.fOnava mt}e skaZAla sht6 vi

Ishehiji PRACHku. [8-DJ 1 95

Page 204: Spoken Russian 1

Boris : Да, у меня мн6го грязноrо бельЯ. Pasha : Ничег6.

Где ваше бельё? Boris : В6т там на постели. Pasha : Я посчитаю.

Двенадцать носовых платк6в. ПАть рубашеl�. Шесть пар нос6к.

Boris : Еогда выI вернёте моё бельё? Pasha : Не раньше недели. Boris : Пожалуйста, постарайтесъ поранъше.

Я остался без чистого белья. Pasha : Это ничег6 !

вы� будете здесь? ГраждаНl�а Семе6нова мне сказала, чт6 вам всё здесь 6чень нравится.

Boris : А кт6 пойдёт раб6тать в г6спитале? Pasha : Г6спиталь подождёт ! Boris : Нет !

Мне надо туда пойти. Pasha : Ну, хорош6 1

Верну ваше бельё в три дня * . .,.......,--.,-*Not tlle usual expression. 1 96 [8-D]

DA, и 1}tit}(i MNOga G]Uzпava jJitYA. t}i ckiVO. G!)E vaska 9it УО? v6t ТАМ па pa$TEJi. уа paskckiT Ауu. dyiNA Tcij пasaVIX рШТКОР. РАТ ruBAskik. SHE$T рау naSOK. kaGDA vf, yirIYOji may6 9itYO? t}i RAIYski t}i!)E/i. paZHALsta, pastaRA Yji; paRAljski. уа aSTAL§a jJis CHIstava jJit YA . eta t}i ckiVO/ V$ b#iJi �!)E$? graZHDANka §iДfOnava mt}8 skaZAla sht6 vam Р$О

�!)E$ Ochit} NRAyitsa. а кто рау!)ОТ уаВОш} v GOspitaji? GOspitaj padaZH!)OT/ lYET/ mt}8 NAda tuDA рауТ!. NU, xaraSHO/ yirNU vasha 9it YO f ТРI DIYA •

Page 205: Spoken Russian 1

Bori$ : Спасибо, спасибо. Скажите, пожалуйста : далеlt6


Pasha : Нет, недалекб.

Boris : Я хочу хорбшего парикмахера. Мне надо постричься и побриться.

Pasha : Парикмахерская недалек6. А почему вам не найти гражданку Петр6ву? Она всё знает.

Boris : Я её не знаю. Я т6лько недавно с ней познакомился. .

Pasha : Она не ваша приятельница?

Boris : Нет, но мыI познакомились на аэродр6ме. Она мне 6чень нравится, и она нашла мне

эту гостиницу.

Pasha : Это хорошб, чт6 выI здесь. выI гражданке Семебновой T6�Ke нравитесь.

Boris : Спасибо, Паша. выI хороший чеЛовек.

РаsЬа : Ну, хорош6. Я принесу бельё IЩК м6жно скорее.

spa$Iba, spa$Iba. skaZHlji, paZHALsta: dajiKO parikMA:firskaya?

IYET, t}i da]iKO.

уа хаеМ xaROshiva parikMA:fira. mt}e ndda paSTJUCHsa i paBJUTsa.

parikMA:firskaya t}i dajiKO. а ра ehiMU vam t}i пауТI graZHDANku piTROvu? аn4 F$O ZNAyit.

уа yiyo t}i ZN Ауи. уа t6jka t}i DAvпa s IYEY pazпaKOtpil§a.

аnа t}i VAsha Pri YAji]t}iea?

IYET, по mt pazпaKOtpiji§ па airaDROtpi. аn4 mt}e Oehit} NRAyitsa, i аnа пaSHLA mt}e Etu


ееа xaraSHO shto т .zPE$. vt graZHDAN�i §ilJfOпavay ТО zhi NRAf}iji§.

spa$Iba, Р Asha. vt xaROshiy ehilaYEK.

NU xaraSHO.

уа Prit}iSU Pil- YO kak MOzhпa skaft.Eyi. [8-О] 1 9')'

Page 206: Spoken Russian 1

I Ih'


1. Covering the Russian in Basic Sentences (Individua! Study) Cover the Russian о! the Basic Sentences and practice saying the Russian equiva!ents о! the English expressions.

2. Vocabulary Check-Up

Give the Russian expressions for the English equiva!ents in the Basic Sentences as the Leader са1lэ for them.

3. Conversation

As уои have done in the Conversation in tha previous units, begin to converse Ьу following the models outlined be!ow fair!y c!ose!y ; then change the situations somewhat. Invent new combinations о! subject matter.

1. Уои ask the land!ady where уои сап find а !aundry or laundress, because уои need to have some c!othes washed. S!1e tells уои there is а laundry not far away, and that а laundress wil1 соте today, at ten o'c!ock. Уои thank her and эау that уои wil1 bring the dirty c!othes when she comes. У Ьи say уои need а shave and а haircut, too, and the landlady tells уои where уои сап find а barber.

2. У ои are watching а friend pack and trying i:6 he!p Ыт. Уоu are both counting things as уои put them away, and commenting оп whether they are с!еап or dirty, good or not so good. Socks, shirts, shoes (needing repairs or not) , handkerchiefs. When he gets packed уои ask Ыт where he is going. Не tells уои and adds that his train leaves at quarter past four. Уои tell Ыт to hurry, and эау goodbye.

1 98 [8-Е]

3. У ои meet а friend оп the street. Не tells уои that he is going to Ьиу а pail' of shoes. У ои ask ЫIД why he doesn't go to the cobbler ; he repairs shoes. Your friend says he can't find his second pair and he'd left without апу shoes. Уои ask if he has оп!у two pair. Не says yes, his brother has опе pair of his shoes and didn't return them when he told him he wou!d. Уои say that then he really needs а pair.

4. The laundress comes апа уои give her your soiled c!othes. She counts them, and уои ask her when she'll bring them back. She says she wi11 try to get them to уои before а week's time. Уои ask if she сап hurry. She says she сап bring them tomorrow, but that costs three rubles seventy. Уои say that уои wil1 wait.


(N umbers are perhaps the hardest things to learn in а

Page 207: Spoken Russian 1

foreign language. If уои теаНу want to Iearn how to handle Russian numbers, do аН your counting in Russian. Уои will Ье surprised how тапу times each day уои have

to do а bit оС simple counting. Do this counting in Russian and уои will quickly get the hang оС Russian numbers.)

SECTION F-CONVERSATION (Cont.) Continue the conversations started in Section Е, with а review of parts 1 and 2 о! the section if necessary.


белъё [Pi.{. УО] washable clothing, linens ; clothing to Ье washed, washing

ботИнка [baTINka] shoe

вернуть [yirNUТ1 to bring back ; вернуться '.:0 соте back, to go back

входить [!харIТ1 to соте in, to go in

грязный [GjUznay] dirty

далеко [dajiKO] it is far

искать [iSKA т1 to look for

IC to ; IC парикмахеру [k pa!ikMA�iru] to the barber's казаться fkaZA TsaJ to веет

найти [naу т I] to find недалеltО [1Ji dajiKO] not far неделя [1Ji.pEJa] v/eek носовой [nasa VO У] for the nose ; НОСОВОЙ платок [nasav6y

ршТОК] halldkerchief

носок [naSOK] sock

остаться [aSTA Tsa] to Ье left, to remain

пара [РАуа] pair парикмахер [pa!ikMA�ir] ЬатЬет

парикмахерсlWl [pa!ikMA�irskaya] barber shop

Паша [PAsha} woman's nickname

плат6к [ршТОК] piece of cloth, kerchief побрить [раВjUТ1 to give а shave ; побриться

[paBjUTsa] to give oneself а shave ; to get а shave пойтИ [paYTI] to go to а place пораньше [paRAJYshi] а bit earlier поспешИть [раspiSНIТ1 to hurry

постараться [pastaRA Tsa] to make а hard try постель [ра$ТЕ.{.] (Feminine) bed постричь [PQSTjUCН] to give а haircut ; постричься

[paSTjUCHsa] to get а haircut {8-F] 1 99

Page 208: Spoken Russian 1

ПОС'Iитать [pashchiTA rJ to count ир починИть [pachi!jIТJ to repair почистиТJ> [paCHI§Jij] to clean прачка [PRA CHka] laundress прачечиая [PRAchishnaya] laundry прииести [PJi1}i$TI] to bring прислать [priSLA т1 to send раllЬше [RA!jshi] earlier, sooner

200 [8-FI

расписка [raSpIska] receipt рубашка [ruBAshka] shirt

сапожник [saPOzh1}ik] shoemaker скорее [skaftEyi] faster, sooner сшрать [§}iRArJ to wash (clothes)

чИстый [CHIstay] clean

этаж [вТ АSЩ storey

Page 209: Spoken Russian 1



Go оп се through the Basic Sentences in unison, соп­centrating оп the Aids to Listening, as уои have done before. ТЬеп go through the Hints оп Spelling and Pronunciation. Go опсе through the Basic Sentences

individually trying to follow the Conventional Spelling as тисЬ as possible. ТЬе last time through individually, уои should Ье аЫе to follow, the Conventional Spelling without апу trouble.

1 . Basic Sen tences

Smith, in Moscow, asks at the information desk about а room.


room (А.) Теll те, please, Miss, where сап 1

fшd а room?

(уои) are looking for (in а) boarding house (L.)

Are уои looking for а room in а hotel or (in) а boarding ЬоиБе?

Smith I�6MHaTY

Скажите, пожалуйста, граж­дающ, где fI могу найти I�6MHaTY?

Clerk ищете в панси6не

выI ищете к6мнату в гостинице UЛИ в пацси6це?

KOmnatu skaZHlji, paZHALsta, graZHDANka,

GJ)E уа magи nayji KOmnatu?

Ishchiji f pan$YO'l}i

v� Ishchiji KOmnatu v ga$TI'l}ici iji f pan§YO'l}i?

[9-А] 201

Page 210: Spoken Russian 1

.. #4 .

cheaper than more (it is) comfortable

А boarding house is cheaper than а hotel, but (in) а hotel (it) is (more) comfortabIe.

street (L.) 1 know а very comfortable boording

Ьои!'е оп ту street.

if too [тисЬ] (it is) expensive

I 'd like а room there, if it's not too expensive.

address Here's the address.

Thanks. Goodbye.

Не goes to the aМress.

The girl at 'the station gave (те) the address of your boarding Ьоиэе.

202 [9-А]

дешевле чем б6лее уд6бно

Панси6н дешевле чем гости­ница, н6 в гостинице б6лее уд6бно.

улице Я знаю один 6ченъ хор6ший:

панси6н на мщSй: улице.

если СЛИШRом д6рого


Я бы хотел Е6мнату там, если там не СЛИШRОМ дорого.

адрес В6т адрес.


Smith Спасибо. До свидания.

Smith ДевуШRa на ВОRзале дала мне

адрес вашего паllси6на.

ff,iSHEvji СНЕМ BOjiyi uDOBпa

pan$YON ff,iSHEvji сМт ga$TI1Jica, n6 v ga$TI1Jici BOjiyi uDOBna.

UJici уа znayu a.rlin Ochi1J xaROshiy

pan$YON па тауеу UJici.

YE§ji $J.-Ishkam DOraga

уа ы xaTEL KOmпatu ТАМ, ye§li ТАМ 1Ji $l.-Ishkam DOraga.

Adris УОТ Adris.

spa$Iba. da syiDAnya.

!)Evushka па vagZAli daLA тис A,dris vashiva раn$ УОna.

Page 211: Spoken Russian 1

соте in free, vacant* floor (L.)

Соте in ; 1 Ьауе а vacant room оп the second floor.

(take а look) эее Look, this is а good room.

The bed is very comfortabIe.

(1) see (it is) furnished (F.)

Yes, 1 see (that) it's furnished vcry wclI.

tabIe chairs window (G.)

1 likc [the w1101e thing], thc table, tl1e chairs, and the three big windows.

*Not оп the cassette.

Landlady войдите свободный эта�де

Войдите ; у менЯ есть своб6днал l�OMHaTa на втором этаже.

посмотрите Посмотрите, это хор6шая


Постель очень удобная.

Smith вижу обставлена

Да, я: вижу, чт6 она очень хорош6 обставлена.

стол стулья одна

Мне нравится - ст6л, СТУЛЪJI и три больших ОIща.

vay!)I}i svaBOdпay etaZHE

vay!)IJi,' и 1}'ti1j(i уе§} svaBOdпaya KOmnata па jtaROM etaZHE.

pasmaTjUji pasmaTjUji, Eta xaROshiya КOmnaш.

ра$ТЕ!; Ochi1J uDObnaya.

Ylzhu aPSTAvjina

DA , уа Ylzhu sht6 аnа Ochi1J xaraSHO apST Avjiпa.


m1JB NRApitsa-SТОL, ST Ujya, i TJU bajSHIX aKNA.

[9-А] 203

Page 212: Spoken Russian 1

i I

bathroom next door dining room downstairs

ТЬе bathroom is next door, and the dining rOOlll is downstairs.

(we) have lunch* (we) Ьауе dinner

We Ъауе lunch* and dinner there.

we'll look at kitchen (А.) living rOOlll (А.)

fJet's look at the kitchen and thel1 go to the living rOOlll.

I like аll this very llluch.

How lllисЬ does this rOOlll coet?

per lllonth including IUl1ch оу breakfast dinl1er

*The English оп the tape is an eIТor.

204 [9-А]

Landlady ванная рядом стол6вая внизу

Ванная рядом, а стол6вая внизу.

завтракаем обедаем

мыl там завтраlшем и обедаем.

посм6трим кухню гостиную

Посм6трим кухню, а пот6м пойдём в гостиную.

Slllith Мне всё это 6чень нравится.

Ск6лыю ст6ит эта к6мната?

в месяц включая завтрак обед


VANnaya мааm staLOvaya v 1}iZU

VANnaya мааm, а staLOvaya v 1}iZU.

ZAjtrakayim aJ3Edayim

m1 еаm ZAjtrakayim i aJ3Edayim.

paSMOtJim КUХ1}и ga$Tlnuyu

paSMOtJim К UХ1}и, а ра ТОМ рауJ)ОМ v ga$Tlnuyu.

m1}е Р$О ееа ОСМ1} NRAyitsa.

SKOJ.,ka STOyit ееа КОmnaеа?

v AfE;ic jk1uCHAya ZAjtrak аJЗЕТ

Page 213: Spoken Russian 1

Fifty roubIes а пюпth ; а hundred roubIes including lunch* and dinner.

That's expensive, but 1 like this rooffi.

тауЬе МауЬе уоu have а cheaper room

than this.

such (N.F.) Уев, 1 have, but it's not ав


(1) wШ take Wel1, o.k. ; Гl1 take this room.

Without lunch alld dinner* that's fifty roubles?

Yes, that's llot too expensive.

let's sigll papers

Let's sigll the papel'S. *Тhe English оп tlle tape is an elТOC.

ПятьдесЛт рублей в месяц ; ст6 рублей ВI{лючая завтрак и обед.

Smith Это д6рого, н6 мне нравится

эта к6мната.

м6жет БыIьь М6жет Быlьь у вас есть к6мната

дешевле этой.

Lalldlady 'гакаЯ

Да, есть, н6 она не такая уд6бная.

Smith возьмУ

Ну, хорош6 ; я возьму эту к6мнату.

Без завтран:а и обеда она ст6ит пятьдесЯт рублей?

Да ; это не слишком д6рого.

Smith подпишем бумаги

Подпишем бумаги.

pid r;li$A Т ruBJ..E У 7} ME}ic; STO ruBJ..E У jkluchdya ZAjtrak i аIЗЕТ.

eta DOraga, n6 т1Je NRAyitsa еШ KOтnata.

MOzhid Ы} MOzhid Ы} и VAS уе}} КОтnaш

r;liSHEvji ЕШу.

taKAya DA , УЕ$Т, n6 aNA 1Ji шКАуа


va�MU nu xaraSHO; уа va�MU etu KOтnatu.

jJiz ZAjtraka i aj3Eda аnа st6yit рш r;li$A Т rив.т.,Е У?

DA; Eta 1Ji $J..Ishkaт DOraga.

patpIshim buMA�i

patpIshim buMAlJi.

[9-А] 205

Page 214: Spoken Russian 1

ОС course. Here they are. Landlady

I\онечно. В6т они. ka!fEshna. УОТ at}'b.

Before уои go through the Bas-ic Sentences а second tiше, read the following :

2. Hints оп Pronunciation and Spelling

1. Double consonants. Notice that where our Aids 'о Listening write а double

consonant the Russian speaker really pronounces а long or doubled sound. In Ещ;1ish we do this when two words


ванная ресторана оттуда пот6м шестьс6т час6в cынa медленно одиннадцать ботинок

VANnaya fistaRAna а! TUda ра ТОМ shis SOT chiSOF SIna l{Edjina, l{Edjinna aJ)INnacij baTlnak

2. Russian [ts] and [tc] . Russian [с] is like Епglish ts in hats. Russial1 [ts] has а

s1ight separation Ьеtwееп tlle [t] and the [s], sошеwhаt

206 [9-А]

соше together, as il1 'еn nights or pen-knife with double n; hot time with double t; this side with double s. Observe the diffеrепсе between dotlble апd siпglе Russian СОI1-sOl1al1ts апd try to iшitаtе:

Ьаtht"Oош оС the restaurant frош there after that six hUl1dred of hours of а sоп slowly elevel1 оС shoes

as il1 that summer. There is also а сошЫпаtiоп of [t] with [с]; it sotll1ds 1ike а lопg [t] with ап [s] closely joined оп at the епd, Listеп апd iшitаtе :

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, _ i �" '


отсюда отца двадцать браться от сьша от супа от саПОЖНИl\а

at SUda, at $Uм atCA D VA Tcij BRA Tsa at SIna at SUpa at saPOzht}ika

З. Russian [у] after consonants. Russi,щ [у] occurs after both p!ain and pa!ata! con­

sonants. These сошЫпаtiопs are quite different fгош pa!ata! consonants that are not followed Ьу [у]; the litt!e [y]-like glide sound оп а pa!ata! consonant is шuсh weaker and shorter than а full-fledged [у].


чья СНУА час CHAS пьёт Р УОТ Пётр POTR рубля ruBJ:-А для lJJ:-А отъезд at YEST, at YEZD

from here of the father twenty to take hold from the son {гош the soup fгош the shoemaker

Notice the conventiona! Russian spel1ing: after а plain consonant [у] is represented Ьу the !etter ъ, and 'aJter а palatal consonant Ьу the letter ь, and the following vowe! is written я, е, и, 10. Sошеtiтеs they write и instead of ь.

whose (F.) hour Ье drinks Peter of а rouble for departure

[9-А] 207

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! ,'

аТЕС отец обед объезд побьёт объём

а]3ЕТ, a]3ED аЬ YEST, аЬ YEZD ра]3 УОТ аЬ УОМ

4. VoweI spe!lings. Most Russian consonants occur in both plain and

palatal varieties. Whether а conso11ant is plain or palatal is shown i11 Russian conventional spelling Ьу the choice of the letter which represents the 11ext vowel. Ву way of review, we give the fol1owing table: we take [6] ав ош­ватрlе consonant :

sound: [ВА spelling : ба

Plain consonant: ВЕ В1 ВО бэ бы бо

Palatal consonant:

ВИ] бу

sound : []3А ]3Е ]31 ]30 13 И] spe1ling : бя бе би бё бю When по vowel folIows, palatal consonants are marked

Ьу the Ietter ь : (РА Т] пять ' five' , [MAZ,chikJ мальчин ' little Ьоу'.

ТЬе consonants [у, ch, schJ exist only in palatal form. ТЬе conventional spemng of [у) was explained in Unit 8. After [ch] and [shch] the conventional Russian spelling uses the vowel letters а, е, и, е, у :

sound : [СНА СНЕ СН! СНО speJ1ing : ча че чи

208 Г9-Аl чё

СНИ] чу

(ather dinner detour he will beat circumf erence

Examples : [СНА У] чай ' tea' , [СЯЕК] чеI( ' check', [SHCHI] щи ' cabbage soup', [а СНОМ] о чём ' about what' , [иСНИ] учу ' 1 teach' .

At the end о{ воте words the conventional spelling adds the sign ь after [ch, shch]. ТЬеу do this оп the Nominative form of Feminine nouns: [DOCH] дочь ' daughter', [YESHCH] :вещь ' thing ' ; also оп infinitives : [STj{ICIIJ стричь ' to cut (hair) '. Оп other words they do not write ь : [кz,ИСНJ нточ (М.) ' key' , [BORSHCH] борщ (М.) 'beet soup'. Ап entirely irregular sреШпg is that of [DOSHCH, DOZHDZHJ дождь СМ .) ' rain ' .

ТЬе consonants [С, sh, zh] exist опlу in plain form. After [с} the conventionaI speIling uвев the vowel

letters а, е, Ы, о, у : sound : [СА СЕ С1 со СИ1 spelling : ца це цы ЦО цу Examples: [at atCA] от отца ' from tlJe fatlJer ,

[аЬ atCE] об отце ' about tlJe fatlJer', [atC!] отцы ' fatlJers' , [а' atCOF] от отцов ' from tlJe fatlJers' , [k аtСИ] I( ОТЦУ ' to tlJe fatlJel-' . lп а few words tlJey write и iш\tеаd of ы : [CIRK] ЦИРК ' c.ircus'.

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After [sh, zh] Щlssiап conventional spelling ивев the vowel letters а, е, и, е, у.

sound : [SHA SHE SHI SHO SHUj sреШпg : ша ше ши ше шу Ехатрlев : [ZHARka] жар:ко ' it is ьое, [uZHE] уже

' already' , [ZHIrJ жить ' to live' , [SHOL] шел ' Ье was going' , [SHUM] шум ' поisе'.

At the end оЕ воте words they add the letter ь to [sh, zh}. ТЬеу do this оп the Nominative form of Femi­nine поипв: [MISR] мышь'тоusе'. AIso on the famiIiar form of verbs : [iIJOSHj идешь ' уои are going'. Оп most words they do not write ь : [DUSHl душ (М.) ' shower bath'. То indicate [у] after [sh, zh], they write :ь iustead of ъ : [SHYOT] шьет ' Ье sews' [ruZHYO] ружье 'gun',


1 . Word Study (Individual Study)


ТЬап. In Unit 8 we saw опе way of saying ' older than' or the like . . We now вее а second way, which is more ивиаl : the word [СНЕМ] : Не is older than 1. Он старше меня.

Он старше чем А:. 6n ST ARshi t]titjd. 6n ST ARshi сМm уа.

Insteacl of the comparative form оЕ ап adjective, the Russians often иве the word [BOjiyi] ' more' "rith the ordinary form, just as we вау kinder and mоуе kind:


ТЫв chair is more comfortabIe. Этот стул уд6бнее. Ешt STUL uDOB1}iyi.

ТЫв is а very expensive hotel. 1 сап't live in such ап expensive

hotel .

Этот стул б6лее уд6бныЙ. Ешt STUL BO[.,iyi uDOBnay.

Short forms о! fLdjectives. Это 6чень дорогая гостиница. Я не могу жить в так6й дорог6й


Еш Ochi1} daraGAya ga$TI1}ica. уа 1}i magu ZHIT f шk6у daraGO Y


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ТЬеу <tre always living in expensi,'� Они всеrда живут в дорогих ar;';' f§iGDA zhiYUT v dara9IX hotels. гостиницах. ga$T Ir;icix. Adjectives used with nouns have the endings which we have Ьееп studying right along. These endings are called

the long endings о! adjectives.

This restaurant is very expellsive.

ТЫв hotel is very expensive.

Meat is now very dear.

These rooms are too expensive.

1 have ап inexpensive room. This хоот is сЬеар.

That's very сЬеар.

Этот ресторан 6чень дорог6Й. Этот ресторан 6чень д6рог. Эта гостиница 6чень дорогая. Эта гостиница 6чень дорога. МАсо теперь 6чень дорог6е. МАсо теперь 6чень д6рого. Эти к6мнаты слишком дорогИе. Эти к6мнаты слишком д6роги. 'у менА дешёвая к6мната. Эта к6мната дешёвал. Эта к6мната дешева. Это 6чень дёшево.

etat ristaRAN Ochir; daraGO У. etat ristaRAN Ochir; DOrak. еш ga$Tlr;ica Ochir; ООуаСАуа. еш ga$Tlr;ica Ochir; ООуаСА . lifAsa jipEft Ochir; daraGOya. },fAsa jiP Efi Ochir; DOraga. eji KOmnati §]';'shkam dara9Iya. eji KOmnati §j1,shkam DOraci. и t}tir;a g,iSHOvaya КОmnaШ. еш КОmnaеа g,iSHOvaya. еш КОmnaш g,ishiYA. еш Ochir; pOshiva.

In meanings like ' 1S expensive', ' is во and 80' (the predicate use of the adjectiye) , they use the Nominative оС the long form or else the short forms of the adjective. ТЬе short forms are Nominative опlу and have по ending

for the Masculine, [-а] for the Feminine, [-о} for the Neuter, and [-i] for the Plural. ТЬе accent оС тапу adjectives shifts in the short form ; in тапу the Feminine is accented О!l the ending.

Не speaks English very weB. Он 6чень хорош6 говорит по­анI'ЛИЙСКИ.

ТЬе Neuter оС the short form is used аа ап adverb ('dearly, well') . 210 [9-В]

6n Ochir; xaraSHO gavaftIT ра anGfs,IYs�i.

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1 [ееl fine now. It's very hot today.

Мне теперь хорош6. СегОдня бчень жар:ко.

m'f}e jiper xaraSHO. §i VO d'f}a Ochi'f} ZHARka.

ТЬе Neuter of the short form is used to make а СиН sentence, like а verb (' it's good, it's ьое).

Не took а more expensive room.

ТЫв room is more expensive than mine.

Он взлл б6лее дорогую :кбмнату.

Эта :к6мната бблее дорогая чем мол.

Эта :к6мната дор6же моей. Эта I�6MHaTa дор6же чем мол.

6n v�al b6jiyi daraGUyu KOmnatu.

Ееа КОтnaеа b6jiyi daraGAya сыт та УА .

Ееа КОтnaеа daROzhi та УЕ У. Eta К Omnata daROzhi сЫт та УА .

In meanings like ' more expensive' (' more во and во') they иве [BOjiyi] ' more' with the long forms. For ' is more expensive' (' is more во and во') they иве also the comparative form. ТЬе comparative form Ьав only опе ending [-i], but the preceding part оС the word Ьав various вЬарев (skaftEyi, BOjiyi, diSHEvji, daROzhi) .

Не is older than 1 . 1 Ьауе ап older brother. She is younger than 1 . She is ту younger sister.

Он старше менЯ. "у менл старший брат. Она мол6же менл. Она мол младшая сестра.

6n ST ARshi 'l']ti1}a. и 'l']ti'f}a ST ARshiy BRA Т. аnа maLOzhi 'l']ti'f}a. аnА тауа MLA Tshiya §iSTRA .

Only а few adjectives Ьауе а long comparative form, wH:h fuH adjective endings, beside the ивиаl short compara tive.

Meals. ТЬе Russian breakfast is mostly just tea and rol1s or bread. ТЬеу саН it ' tea' or 'morning tea'. We breakfast (' drink tea') at мы1 пьём чай в половине т?' ру6т СНА У j palaYI'f}i va§MOva.

half past веуеп. восьм6го. А light теаl in the earlier part of the day is caHed [ZAjtrak]. Ап American breakfast (вау, with Ьат and

eggs or cereal) веетв big to the Russians and they саН it [ZAjtrak]. Ordinarily, [ZAjtrak] is а meal like our lunch.

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We lunch at half past twelve. мыI завтраRаем в половине первого.

mt ZAjtrakayim j palaYI1}i pERvava.

Lunch is at опе o'clock. 3автраЕ в час. ZAjtrak j CHAS. The principal теаl of the day is called [аРЕТ]. I t тау соте anywhere from two to six or seven o'clock. It

corresponds to our dinner.

Dinner is se1"ved. Обед на столе. They eat dinner here at half past буе. Обедают здесь в половине


аРЕТ па sta'f.-E. aj3Edayut �r)e§ j palaYI1}i shiSTOva.

А 1ightel' теаl, later than the main теаl, and often quite late in the evening, is called [ Uzhin].

The supper at the restaurant was 'УЖИII в рестораIIе был хорош, Uzhin v ristaRA1}i bfl xaROSH, good but expensive. но дорог. n6 DOrak.

We had supper at half past ten. MbI УЖИIIали в половине n� Uzhinajij palaYI1}i al)INnacitava. одиннадцатого.

Downstairs. The expression [v 1}iZU] ' downstairs' means 1ite1"ally ' in the low place'. ТЬе ending [-и], always accented, is а second Locative form which some Masculine nouns have after the prepositions [v] and [па]. We have already met [ fpERvam chiSU] ' in the first hour'. Like тапу other expressions, [v 1}iZU] is written аэ one word in cOllventional Russian orthographY i compare нлево, направо, почему.


'dinrrer AfET aj3Eda aj3Edi арваа! , address Adris Adrisa Adrisi Adrisaj /'Alexadder alikSANDR ajikSANdra

Ivan iVAN iVAna penci1 karanDASH karandaSHA karandaSHI karandaSHEY month !JfE§it; !JfE§ica lfE§ici !JfE§icif

21 2 [9-В]

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]ow part boarding house row table chair supper breakfast

razor paper room kitchen apartment street

JyIS pan$YON М Т STOL STUL Uzhin ZAjtrak

N.S. BjUtva buMAga КОmnаш K UX1ja kvaRTlra Ujica

Jylza раn$УОna Мм staLA STUla Uzhina ZAjtraka

Feminine : A.S. G.S.

BP.Itvu BP.Itvi buMAgu buMACi КОmnaеи KOmnati KUx1ju K Ux1ji kvaRTlru kvaRTlri И1iсu UJici

'N"euter :

1jiZI 1jiZOF pan$YOni раn$УОna! JiDI JiDOF staLI staLOF STUlya STUjyij Uzhini Uzhinaj ZAjtraM ZAjtrakaj

N.P. С.Р. ВJШvi BP.ITF buMA�i ЬиМАК KOmnati KOmnat K Ux1ji KUxa1j kvaRTlri kvaRTIR UJici Ulic

N.S. G.S. N.P. С.Р. window aKNO aKNA Okna Okan

Observe that [ga.$Tlnaya] ' Iiving room, parIor', (staLOvaya] ' dining room ' , l VANnayal ' bathroom' are not поuпв! but adjectives in Feminine form.

Infinitive to eat dinnel' аРЕм} to write piSAT

Compound : patpiSA T ' to sign'.


Present ос Туре 1 : 1

аРEdлуи piSHU

Ье, БЬе, it aj3Edayit fIshit

Past aj3EdaZ piSAL

(9-В] 21 3

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to eat supper uzfmшj Иzh�naуu Иzhina-yit U�hinal ' to take VZAT va�МИ vа�ЛfОТ VZAL, v�iLA ,

VZAla, VZA/i to breakfast ZAjtrakaj ZAjtrakayu ZAjtrakayit ZAjtrakal

Present of Туре 2 : to look smaTFET sтаТF-И SMOtrit sтaTFEL

Compound : pasтaT ftБТ ' to take а look'. to see YI{iij Ylzhu YI�it УЦЛ

Note that [vayTI] ' to соте in, to go in' is а compound of [iTI] ; Ьепсе [vaypOT] , Ье wi1l go in' , [vaSHOL] ' he went in'.

D. INSTRUMENTAL CASE Не writes with а red репсil. ОН пишет красным карандаш6м. 6n р Ishit KRAsnam karandaSHOM. 1 always write with а fountain реп. Я всегда пищу вечным пер6м. уа !§iGDA рiSНИ YEchnam piROM. Are уои going Ьу train, by auto, BыI едете п6ездом, автомобилем т УЩiiji POyizdam, a1tamal3IJim,

or Ьу plane? или самолётом? ",и samaJrOtam? Masculine and Neuter nouns have the ending [-от] in the Instrumental case. Masculine and Neuter adjectives have

the ending [-im] (unstressed -im, -ат) . The Instrumental case tells Ьу means 01 what something is done.

1 can't write with this реп. Я не могу писать этим пер6м. уа t}i таGИ piSAT Ejim piROM. (То say it) in опе word : 1 don't Одним сл6вом : л не хочУ. aD!fIM SLOvam: уа t}i хаСНИ.

want to. The adjectives [apINj, stem [adt}-],. and [Etat] , stem [eJ-] take the ending [-,im] in the Masculine and Neuter

Instrumen tal. 1 shave with а safety razor. Я бреюсь безопасной бритвой. уа BF-Eyus jJizaPAsnay BF-Itv�y. 1 always wash with cold water. Я всегда м6юсь хол6дной вод6Й. ya !§iGDA MOyus xaLOdnay vaDOY.

Feminine nouns and adjectives have the ending [-ау] in the Instrumental cэsе. Sometimes, in slow speech, they use а longer ending [-ауи], as [xaLOdnayu vaDOyu,l.

21 4 [9-Bl

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'{ои сап shave with ту razor. выI м6жете бриться моей т т6zhiti Bfi.ITsa та УЕУ Bfi.ITMY, бритвой.

The adjective [мо у] has the ending [-еу] in the Feminine Instrumental.

1 was talking with your brother. Do уои want potatoes with the meat? Не has gone to Moscow with ту

.я говорил с вашим браТОJ .. Хотите Rарт6ШRУ с мясом? Он поехал в MOCRBY С моим

уа gavafi.IL s vashiт ВМШт. xaTlji kaRTOshku s AfAsaт?

brother J ohn. братом Иваном. 6n ра УЕхаl v тaSKVU s тaytт

ВМшт i VAnaт. The preposition [s, sa] with the Instrumental caв� means ' in сотрапу with, along with, together with'.

1 want а clean room with а .я ХОЧУ чистую R6MRaTY � уа xachu CHIstuyu KOтnatu s clean bed. чистой постелью. CHIstay pa$TEJyu.

She is living in Moscow with her Она живёт в MOCRBe со старшей аnа zhiy6t v тaSKYE sa ST Arshiy older daughter. д6черью. DOchi1Yu. Feminine nouns whose Nominative form ends in а consonant, such ав [pa$TEJ.-, DОСЩ, have tne t;пJiпg [-yur

in the Instrumental саве. ..

Не wants to talk with our friends. Он х6чет говорить с нашими 6n XOchit gavafi.IT s nashi1pi друэьЛми. druгУА1рi.

Не is now working in а hotel, Он теперь раб6тает в гостинице, 6n jiper raBOtayit v ga$TI1}ici, v together with ту brothers. вместе с моими братьями. 1pe§ji s тayt1pi BRAJyi1pi. Plural nouns in the Instrumental case have thc ending [-a1pi] ; plural adjectives have Нlе ending [-i1pi].

1 don't even want to talk to С этими людьми я и говорить s Eji1pi Jи4AfI уа i gavafi.IT 1}i those people. не хочУ. ха СН u.

Mr. I lyin has gone to Атепса Гражданин Ильин с жен6й и grazhda1}tn iJ.- УIN zh zhiNOY ;' with his wife and children. детьми поехал в АмеРИRУ. rJijAfI ра УЕхаl v aAfEriku. The Plural nouns [PEji] and [J.-U1.il have the ending [-1pt], accented, in the Int,trumental саве.

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Не Нуеэ there with two friends.

1 waR dining with three friends. She came with fottr friends.

Он там живёт с двумя товарищами.

on ит zhiYOT z dvttдfA ta,V Arishchitpi.

я обедал с тремя друзьЯми. уа аlШdаl s triдfA dru.?YAtpi. Она пришла с четырьмя аnа PriSHLA s chitirдfA

приятельницами. Pri У Ajil1Jicitpi. ТЬе numbers 2, 3, 4 Ьауе the Instrumental forms [dvuдfA , triдfA , chitir1l1A].

ТЬеу arrived with five children. Не went away with the twenty

rottbles. With thirty rottbles а week уоп

сап Нуе very well here.

Они пришли с пять(о детьми. Он ушёл с двадцатью рублЛми.

с тридцатью рублЛми в неделю выI м6жете 6чень хорош6 жить здесь.

a1J! priSHI.-I s piTYU y,ijдfI. 6n uSHOL z dvaciTYU ruВJAtpi.

s triciTYU ruBI.-А1]ti v 1JiPE]u v! m6zhiji Ochi1J xaraSHO ZHIT �y,e§.

ТЬе numbers from 5 to 10, ав well ав 20 and ,30, Ьауе the ending [-уи], accented, in the Instrttmental.

There goes the teacher with fifteen or sixteen little Ьоув.

В6т идёт учительница с пят- VOT iJ)OT uCHljil1Jica s pitNA Tcijyu Нllдцатью или шестнадцатью !li shisNA Tcijyu MAI.-chika1]ti. мальчиками.

ТЬе nttmbers from 1 1 to 19 Ьауе the ending [-уи] , unstressed, in the Instrttmental саве.

Off they went with ту httndred fOl·ty rottbles.

With ninety nine people Ottt of а httndred уоп can't talk that way.

Ушли они с моими ста сорока рублЯми.

С девян6стэ, девятью людьми из ста lH�J не м6жете так говорИ'Н • .

uSHI.-I a1J! s та YI1]ti ST А saraKA ruBI.-А1]ti.

z y,iyiNOsta y,iyiTYU l�дfI is STA т 1Ji MOzhiji ТАК gavaJUT.

ТЬе numbers 40, 90, 100 h:-tve the Instrumental 1ike the Genitive, Locative, and Dative. 21 6 [9-В!

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With five hundred fifty гоиЫеа 1 can't go to America.

с ПЛ:Тьюстами пл:тьюдесSlТЫО рублЛми: Ji не могУ поехать в Америку.

s piJyu STA1j'ti i>iTYU фi§ijуu ruBJ.-А'!Рi уа 1}i тaGU раУЕха} v aJ.fEriku.

The numbers 50, 60, 70, 80, and the hundreds {rom 200 to 900 take the endings оп the separate опе part has ап accent. [ST01 has the Plural form.

I 've already spoken about that Я уже говорил об этом с уа uzhe gavaft.IL аЬ ешт s with а thousand people. тыIячьюл юдей.. TI§ichyu ju[JE Y.

parts. Unly

With three thousand roubles уои С тремА тыIячами рублей выI s triMA TI§ichi1fli ruBJ.-ЕУ vi сап go to America. м6жете поехать в АмерИRУ. m6zhiji ра УЕха} v aMEriku.

Не сате back from America with Он вернулся из i\мерИRИ с 6n yirNULsa iz aMErilJi s а million roubles. милли6ном рублей. 1JliJ.-УОnaт ruBJ.-Е У. ТЬе words [TI§icha] and [1JliJ.- УОN] are поипэ. [TI§icha] has иэиаllу the ending [-уu] in the Instrumental саэе..

With whom were уои talking? What are уои studying (working at)

now? ('With what are уои occllpying yourself?')

Соте with me. Соте with иэ. Уои and 1 ('we with уои') wШ

soon talk about that. Не and 1 (' we with Ыт') often

lunch in this t.estaurant. 1 have recently got acquainted

with her.

с кем вы говорили? Чем выI теперь занимаетесь?

Подите со мн6Й. Подите с нами. мыI с вами clt6po будем

говорить об этом. мыI С ним -часто завтракаем в

этом ресторане. Мы с ней недавно


s I}.EM vf, gavaft.Ili? СНЕМ vi jiper za1}iMAyiji§?

pa[Jlji sa MNOY. pa[Jlji s NA1Jli. mf, s VA'!Pi SKOra b#im gavaft.IT

аЬ ЕШт. mf, s 1jIM CHAsta ZAjtrakayim v

Ешт ristaRA 1}i. mt s I:jEY 1}i DAvna paznaK01)'tiji§.

[9-В] 21 7

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1 have never ta1ked with 'ЬВет. Я с ними никогда не говорил. уа s J:ijlt}ti t}i kaGDA t}i gavaJUL. The Iпstгumеиtа! lorms of the pronouns are аэ above. Beside [MNOY] there is а longer form IMNOyu]. The

.familiar form for ' у@и' is (шВО Уl or .[taВOyu].

When 1 was а little Ьоу, we <onсе went to America.

Ве ту friend ! Ве ту wife ! She is ту wife. Не is ап Аmегicай. Не Ьесате ай Аюеriсап <ii:tizen.

Rогда я: был маль'Щком, мы поехали раз в Амер1ЩУ ..

Будьте моим другом I Будьте моей жен6й1 Она мол жена Он амеР1Шаие-ы;. ОН 'стал американским

гражданином. Не is ·а good регsой. Он хор6ший человек. ln time Ье will Ьесоте а good Со временем 6н станет хор6шим

person. человеком. А noun which tells what someone is or was or becomes for а time or at

case. What one is permanently is in the Nominative case.

It is very hot here in summer, and Здесь летом 6чень жарко, а very co!d in winter. зим6й 6чень х6лодно.

In spring we shall go to America. Весн6й мыI поедем в Амер1ШУ. In faH we'H соте back to Russia. Осенью мыI вернёмсн в Россию. We work in daytime. Днём мыI раб6таем. We d9n't want to work at night. мыI не хотим раб6тать н6чью.

kagda уа Ыl MA'f.,chikam, m� ра YExa1i ras v aAfEriku.

B UJji mayfm DRUgamJ BUJji mауеу zhiNOY! ,аnа mауа zhiNA. vn GllJ'tiriKA t}ec. .оп slal at}tiJiKANs�im grazhda!jInam.

6n xaROshiy chilaYEK. sa VjШt}tit}im оп STAt}it xaROshim

chila YEkam. а certain time, is in the Instrumental

�{И; lrEtam Ochit} ZHARka, а �iMO У Ochit} хошаnа.

yiSNO У mf ра УЩim v aAfEJiku. O§it}Yu mf yir!jOMsa v ra$Iyu. J)!jOM mf raBOtayim.


mf t}i xaTIM raBOtaJ NOchyu. А certain few nouns are used in the Instrumental case to tell the time when. Ве sure to study аll the Russian sentences until уоu сап say them neatly and without hesitation. Don't spend

your time studying the rules and statementS j they are only given to help уои understand, and there would Ье very little use in Iearning them.

21 8 [9-В}

Page 227: Spoken Russian 1

2. Covering English and Russian of Word Study (Individual Study) Check yourself оп уош knowledge of the Word Study Ьу covering, first the Ellglish, thell the Russiall alld making

sure уои know everythillg thoroughly. '

3. Review of Basic Sentences With the Guide or cassettes, review the first half of the Basic Sel1tel1ces as in previous units.

SECTION C-REVIEW OF ВЛSIС SENTENCES (Cont. ) 1. Review of Basic Sentences (Col1t. )

Review the secolld half of the Basic Sel1tel1ces.

2. Covering the English of Basic Sentences (Individual Study) Go through the Basic Smtmces covering ир the Ellglish and reading aloud the Russiall. Check ир оп allything уои do

not know, until уои are sше of everything. . '

3. What Would Уои Say? Read aloud the following alld pick out the expression уои think most suitabIe:

1. Уои want to kllow whether Mrs. Petrov has апу rooms vacant. Уои say :

а. У вас есть тёплая Е6мната? и vas уе}} ТОршуа КОmnаю? Ь. у вас есть своб6дные 1�6MHaTbI? и vas уе§} svaBOdniya KOmnati? с. у вас есть хорош6 обставленные Е6мнаты? и vas уе}} xaraSHO apST AvJinaya KOmnati?

2. Уои say уои are lookillg for а clean alld Ilot too expellsive room. Уои say : а. Я ищУ чистую и не слишком дорогую уа iSHCHU СIПstuуu i 1Ji $f.,Ishkam daraG Uyu

к6мнату. KOmnatu. Ь. Я ищУ уд6бную I�6MHaTY с двумя 6кнами. уа iSHCHU uDObnuyu KOmnatu s dvuAfA Oknatpi. с. Я ищУ чистую к6мнату с 6кнами=на улицу. уа iSHCHU CHIstuyu KOmnatu s Oknatpi па Иliсu.

�9-C1 219

Page 228: Spoken Russian 1

3. She has опе. She teUs уои it costs forty roubles а nlOnth. She ваув: а. Эта кбмната стбит четыIнадца'fьь рублей в ею КОmnaю st6yit chiTIRnacij ruBJ.,EY 'IJ МЕ§и.

месяц. Ь. Эта кбмната стбит четыIестаa рублей в месяц. с. Эта кбмната стбит сброк рублей в месяц.

ею KOmnata st6yit chiT1ri sta ruBJ.,EY 'IJ }.fE§ic. cta KOmnata st6yit SOrak ruBJ.,E У 'IJ ME§ic.

4. She ваув it's оп the second floor, next to the bathroom. She ваув : а. Она на третьем этаже, рЯдом с ванной. аnа па TflEjyim etaZHE, ]U.dam s VANnay. Ь. Она на вторбм этаже, рядом с кухней. аnа na jtaROM etaZHE, ]U.dam s K Ux1jiy. с. Она на вторбм этаже, рядом (; ванной. аnа па jtaROM etaZHE, ]U.dam s VANnay.

5. She asks whether уои want to take а 100k at it. She ваув : а. выI хотите взЯть эту кбмнату? т xajfji V�A T etu KOmnatu? Ь. выI хотите жить в этой Itбмнате? vf xajfji ZHIT v ееау KOmnaji? с. БыI хотите посмотреть кбмнату? vf xajiji pasmaTFET KOmnatu?

6. Уои do ; во вЬе invites уои to соте in. She ваув : а. Ну, хорошб ; уйдите поскорее. ь. Ну, хорошб ; войдите и мыI посмбтрим

кбмнату. с. Ну, хорошо ; войдите и я вас побрею.

N U, xaraSHO; uy!)Iji paskaflEyi. NU, xaraSHO; vay!)Iji i m! paSMOtrim KOmnatu.

NU, xaraSHOi vay!)Iji i уа vas paBFEyu.

7. Уои ask about теаlэ and вЬе ваув dinner costs one rouble seventy-five kopeks. She ваув : а. 'Ужин стоит рубль шестьдесЯт пять KOneeI�. Uzhin st6yit R UBJ., shiz r)i$A T РА Т kapEyik. Ь. 3автран стбит рубль вбсемьдесят пять ZAjtrak st6yit R UBJ., VO§im r;bl§it РА Т kap Eyik.

копеек с. Обед стоит рубль семьдесят пять нопеек. аJЗЕТ st6yit R UBJ., $ЕМ r)i§it РА Т kap Eyik.

220 [9-С]

.. '"

Page 229: Spoken Russian 1

8. She tells уои dinner is at six thirty. She says: а. Обед у нас в половине шест6го. Ь. Обед у нас в половине седьм6го. с. выI м6жете обедать, когда хотите.

9. Уои r1ecide to take the 1'оот for опе month. Уои вау :

аJЗЕТ и nas f palaYlt}i shiSTOva. аJЗЕТ и nas f palaYlt}i §i!JMOva. v{, m6zhiji sJЗЕdaj kaGDA xaTlji.

а. Хорош6, я купЛIО этот д6м. xaraSHO, уа kuPf., U etad DOM. Ь. Хорош6, я возьму к6мнату на месяц. xaraSHO, уа va�MU KOmпatu па }.fE§ic. с. Хорош6, я возьмУ безопасную бритву. xaraSHO, уа va�MU pizaPAsnuyu BJUtvu.

10. Уои ask about а laundry, and she tells уои her daughter does washing cheaper than the laundry. She says: а. Моя д6чь бреет людей дешевле чем тауа DOCH ВJШуit juJ)E Y r)iSHEvji сЫт

парикмахер. parikMA:!fir. Ь. Моя д6чь чинит ботинки дешевле чем тауа DOCH CHlt}it baTIN�i r)iSHEvji сЫт

сап6жник. saPOzht}ik. с. Моя д6чь стирает бельё дешевле чеМ тауа DOCH sjiRAyit pif., УО r)iSHEvJi сЫт

прачечная. PRAchishпaya.

11 . She tells уои that in autumn three young Americans stayed at her place. She says : а. Летом у меня жили три молодыIx американца. '-"Ешт и 1]tit}li ZHIJi Tfti malaDIX a1]tiriKANca. Ь. Осенью у меня жили три молодыIx O§it}yu и 1]tit}a ZHIIi TftI malaDIX a1]tiriKANca.

американца. с. Осенью я познак6милась с тремя молодыми O§it}YU уа pazпaK01]tilas s tri}.fA тalaDI1]ti

американцами. a1]tiriKANci1]ti. 12. She teJls уои she has Ьееп in America three times. She says :

а. Я вам это уже три раза сказала. уа vam Еш uzM Т ftI RAza skaZAla. Ь. Я вам это уже тысчуy раз сказала. уа vam Еш uzM TI§icha RAS skaZAla. с. Я уже три раза была в Америке. уа uzhe TftI RAza biLA v аЦЕri�i.

[9-С] 221 , 1

Page 230: Spoken Russian 1

г i


1. What Did уои Say? Give уош answers in Russian for each of the exercises

in the preceding section, when the Leader cal1s for them. Then, as the Leader cal1s for them, give the English equivalents of аl1 the expressions in the exercise.

2. Word Study Check-Up As уои have done in the previous units, go back to the

Word Study and give the correct Russian for each English expression, without having to read it from the book. The Leader or one of the members of the group should read the English.

3. Listening In With уош book closed, listen to the fol1owing conver_

sations as read Ьу уош Guide or cassette recording. Re­peat the Russian immediately after hearing it. After the first repetition of each солvеrsаtiоп, check ир оп the mеап­ing of anything уои do not understand, Ьу asking some­one else or Ьу going back (о the Basic Sentences i f по Опе knows. Repeat again if necessary, then take parts and сапу оп the conversation.

Ivan meets Alexander and they set out looking for а boarding house.

Иван : Здравствуй, Александр !

Александр : Здравствуй !

Иван :

Куда тыI спешишь?

я и:щУ панси6н, н6 я: не знаю, где эта улица.

Александр : У теБЯ есть адрес?

Иван : Да, в6т 6н.

АлеItсандр : Н6 тыI теперь на улице, ·где панси6н.

Иван : Хорош6 ; теперь мыI ег6 наЙдём.

222 [9-D]

ZDRAstvuy, ajikSANDRI ZDRAstvuy/ kuDA ti spiSHISH? уа ishchu pan$YON, n6 уа 1Ji ZNAyu С!)Е cta Иlиа,

u jipa УЕ$Т Adris? DA; VOT 6n.

n6 ti jiper па Ujici g�c pan$YON. xaraSHO; jiPEF. mi yiv6 nау!)ОМ.

Page 231: Spoken Russian 1

Александр : Кто тебе дал адрес? Иван : Борис Иванов. Он один иа друаей моего

старшего брата. Он мне скааал, что этот пансион очень


Александр : Хорошо. Вот пансион налево. Можно с тоБОй пойти?

Иван : Пожалуйста. тыI тоже ищешь комнату? Александр : Может БыIь.. В моей комнате не очень


They knock at the door. Landlady : Здравствуйте ! Чт6 вам надо? Иван :

Landlady :

Иван : Landlady :

я хочу комнату. Борис Иванов мне скааал, чт6 у вас

есть комнаты. Да, входите. Борис ваш друг? Он 6чень приятный человек. В6т м6й друг, Александр Ильин. Здравствуйте.

Александр : Здравствуйте. Landlady : выI хотите однУ комнату или две?

КТО jipe ddl Adris? baJUS ivaNOF. 6n aIJIN iz dr�E Y тayiv6

ST ARshiva вмш. 6n т1Je skaZAL sht6 etat pan$YON Ochi1J uDOBпay.

xaraSHO. VOT pan$YON па l.-Eva. MOzhna s шВО У рауТ!? paZHALsta. tt ТО zhi ishchish KOтпatu? т6zhid BlT. v тауеу KOтпaji 1Ji Ochi1J jiPLO.

ZDRAstvuyji! SHTO vaт NAda? уа xachu KOтпatu. baft.IS ivaNOF т1Je skaZAL sht6 и vas уе§} KOтпati.

DA , jxaIJlТi. baft.IS vazh DRUK? 6n Ochi1J Pri YAtпay chilaYEK. VOT т6у DRUG ajikSANDR il.- YIN. ZD RA stvuyji. ZD RA stvuyji. vf xaJ1ji aDNU KOтпatu iji DYE?

[9-D] 22Э

Page 232: Spoken Russian 1

Александр : Я не 8наю. 'у меня есть к6мваТIt, :з6 .ша мне не

6чень нравится. Я т6же хотел бы В8nТЬ однУ 118 ваших

в6мнат. Landlady : ХОрош6. 'у менЯ к6мната на втор6м

этаже. выI м6жете её посмотреть.

They go upstairs.

Иван : Я вижу, чт6 эта в6мната хорош6 обставлена.

Александр : Мне нравятся ст6л и стулья. Иван : В ней т6лько одн6 окн6, н6 он6 больш6е. .А.пександр : Где ванная? Landlady : Ванная налево, недалек6. Иван : СI�6лько она ст6ит?

Landlady : С6рок ПJIТЬ рублей в месяц.

Иван : Это не СЛИШЕом д6рого. Я ВО8ЬМУ эту к6мнату.

Александр : Есть у вас к6мната дешевле этой? Landlady : Да, у меня есть к6мната ВНИ8У.

Александр : мыI её посм6трим. 224 [9-О]

уа 'f}i ZNAyu. и 1]ti'f}a УЕ$Т КОтпаеа, n6 aNA т'f}C 'i}i

Ochi'f} NRAyitsa. уа ТО zhi xajcl Ы V�AT adnu iz VAshix KOтпat.

xaraSHO. и 1]ti'f}a КОтпаеа па jtaROM etaZHE.

vt MOzhiji yiy6 pasтaTftET.

уа Ylzhu sht6 сеа КОтnaеа xaraSHO apSTAv/ina.

т'f}c NRAyitsa STOL i SТИJуа. v 'f}cy t6/ka aDNO aKNO, n6 aNO ba/SHOya .

g# VANпaya?

VANnaya па J.,Eva, 'f}i da/iKO.

SKOJ.,ka аnа STOyit?

SOrak РА Т ruBJ.,E V v lIfE§ic.

Ееа 'f}i §lf,:jhkaт DOraga. уа va�MU ctzt KOтпatu.

УЕ$Т и vas KOтпata fl,iSHEv/i Ешу?

DA , и 1]ti'f}a ус§} КОтпаеа v 'f}iZU.

тt yiy6 paSMOtriт.

Page 233: Spoken Russian 1


Landlady : В6т стол6вал. Здесь' мы завтраRаем и о(Юдаем.

АлеRсандр : А где Е6мната?

Landlady : Она рядом. Нет ! эТО RУХНЯ I К6мната направо.

АлеRсандр : В ней два ОЕна, ст6л и три стула. Эта Е6мната большая. Она б6лее уд6бна чем Е6мната на, втор6м


Landlady : Да, немн6го. Эта ст6ит пятьдесят рублей в месяц.

Иван : Не д6рого. Эта Е6мната 6чень хоР6шал. Ванная рядом?

Landlady : Да.

Иван :

В этой Е6мнате зим6й тепл6, а летом прохладно.

я возьмУ эту Е6мнату. А, АлеRсандр, TыI' м6жет быть,

возьмёшь Е6мнату на втор6м этаже.

VOT staLOvaya. ZJ)E$ mt ZAjtrakayim i аjШdayim.

а GJ)E КОmпаш?

аnd ММm. !fET! Еш к UХ1}а! КОmпаш па PRAva.

v 1}еу D VA aKNA , STOL, i TJU STUla. еш КОmпаш ЬajSHAya. аnа BOjiyi uDOBna сМm KOmпata па jtaROM


DA , 1}i MNOga. Еш st6yit pid r)i$A T ruBf.,E У v lt,fE§ic.

1}i DOraga. eta КОmпаш 6chi1} xaROshiya. VANпaya Ммm?

DA. v ешу KOmпaji �iMO У jiPLO, а f.,Etam praXLAdпa.

уа va�MU etu КOmпаеи. а, ajikSANDR, tt m6zhid BIT va�lt,fOSH KOmпatu

па jtaROM etaZHE.

[9-D] 225

Page 234: Spoken Russian 1

iil Щ ([ Ilil l

АлеRШ1НДР : !\'онечно, зсли тебе TaR нравится. LandIady : Хорош6.

Бумаги в гостиной.

kaijEshna, ye§Ji JiI3E tdk NRAyitsa. xaraSHO. buMACi v ga$Tlnay.

SECTION E-CONVERSATION 1. Covering the Russian in Basic Sentences (Individua! Study)

Cover the Russian оС the Basic Sentences and practice saying the Russian equivaIents оС the English expressions. 2. Vocabulary Check-Up

Give the Russian expressions {or the English equiva!ents in the Basic Sentences ав the I.eader саВв {or them. 3. Conversation

As уои Ьауе done in the Conversation in the previous units, begin to converse Ьу foBowing the models outlined below fairly closely ; then change the situations somewhat. Invent пе", combinations of subject matter.

1. Уои ask your landlady if уои сап eat lunch in your 3. Уои go out looking for а rooffi. А friend tells уои room. She says уои сап, and that the maid (Аппа) of а hotel and а boarding-house. Уои 'talk over with wш bring it at half past tweIve o 'cJock. Уоu ask if Ыт the advantages о{ each-the ехрепае, the уои сап have it ав early ав possibIe, because уои comfort, whether meals are served in опе'в room or are going to the station and want to make it on in the dining-room. ТЬе boarding-house is p.ear а time ; your train leaves at half past опе. She ваув Jaundry, but in the hote! t11ere is а barbershop, she will try to send Аппа earlier, but if уои want and so оп. to eat lunch ав early ав possibIe, they have lunch 4. Уои go to the boarding-house. ТЬе landlady asks in the dining room at twelve. У ои thank her, and уои to соте in, and уои look at the room. Comment say уои will eat downstairs. оп the size, comfort, cleanness, convenience. She

2 . Уои and your friend discuss the food and the room8 tells уои the price with and without meals. YOl\ at the boarding-house ; whether they are cold or decide to take the room, and sign for it. hot ; the bed, chairs, tables ; whether comfortabIe or not ; Iarge or small ; good or bad. How far away the bathroom i8.

226 [9--Е]

Page 235: Spoken Russian 1

SЕСТЮN F-СОNVЕRSАТЮN (Cont.) Continue the conversations started in Section Е, with а l"eview of parts 1 and 2 of the section if песеввзrу.


автомобиль [aftamapIJ.,] automobile адрес [Adris] address Александр [ajikSANDR] Alexander

безопасный [pizaPAsnay] safe ; безопасная бритва [pizaPAsnaya BJUtva] safety razor

б6лее [BOJiy�l more бритва [В .,RItva] razor бумага [buMAga] paper

ванная [ VANnaya] bathroom вечный [YEchnay] everlasting; вечное перо [YEchnaya

piROj fountain реп взятЬ [ V�A ТJ to take : возьму [va�MU] 1'11 take видеть [У I{iij] to see включая [JkluCHAya] including внизу [v 1JiZ И] downstairs возьму see взять войти [vayTI] to go in, to соте in

гостиная [ga$Tlnaya, ga$TINnaya] living room

дешёвый [�iSHOvay] сЬеар дёшево [.{JOsMva] it is cheap дешевле [rjiSHEvli] it is cheaper

дорогой [daraGO У] dear, expensive дорого [DOraga] it is dear дороже [daROzhi] it is dearer

если [ УЕ§И if

завтрак [ZAjtrak] lunch завтраI�ать [ZAftrakaj] to eat lunch

Иван [iVAN] Ivan, john

Iсарандаш [kаrаnDАSН] lead репсН комната [KOmnata] room красный [KRAsnay] red кухня [К UX1Ja] kitchen месяц [jlfE§ic] month MbITb [MIТJ to wash ; моюсь [MOyus] 1 wash (myself)

низ [ijIS] lower part, lower place внизу [v 1JiZ И] downstairs

[9-F] 227

Page 236: Spoken Russian 1

: I

обед [а]3ЕТ] dinner обедать [а]3ЕааЛ to eat dinner

обставленныii [apST AvJinay] furnished окнб [aKNO] window панси6и [pan$YON] boarding house писать [piSAТ] to write подписать [patpiSAТ] to sign посмотреть [раsmaТJШТJ to take а look рид [М Т] row ; ридом [мааm] in а row ; next;

ридом с кухиеii [мааm s К UX'11iy] next to the kitchen своб6дныii [svaBOdnay] free

228 [9-F]

CJIИ:шком [S�Ishkam] too much, too смотреть [smаТJШТ] to look ст6л [STOL] table

стол6вая [staLOvaya] dining room стУл [STUL] chair так6iй [шКОУ] that kind, this kind уд6бныii [uDObnay] convenient, comfortable ужин [ Uzhin] supper

ужинать [ Uzhinaj] to eat supper улица [Ujica] street

чем [СНЕМ] than

Page 237: Spoken Russian 1


U N I T а® Go оп се through the Basic Sentences in unison , соп- viclually trying to follow the Conventional Spelling as

centrating оп the Aids [о Listening, as you have done much as possible. The last time th" ough individually, before. Then go through the section Check Уоиу Руо- you should Ье аЫе to follow the Conventional Spelling nunciation. Go once through the Ba,sic Sentences indi- without any trouble.

1. Basic Sen tences


Ivan prepares [о write home with A lexander's help.

Please give те some\writing] рареl'.

(to) write home letter

Mine is too dirty, and 1 have to wl'ite а letter home.

for а long time (back) (1) have wгitten (М.) heard (М .)

ИШ1Н Дайте мне, пожалуйста,


написать дом6й письм6

Моя слишком грязная, а я хочУ написать дом6й письм6.

давн6 писал слыIал

DA Yji m1Je pazhiilsta buMA�i.

napiSA T daMO Y pi§MO

та УА §l'/'shkam G jUznaya, а уа xachu napiSA T ммо У pi§MO.

da VNO piSAL SLIshil

[ lО-А] 229

Page 238: Spoken Russian 1

1 haven't written (to) thcm for а long time, and 1 (have) heard (that) ту brother is sick.

(it) worries And 1 ат worried about it.

it's а pity (for те) Гт sorry, but 1 lшvеп't any

(paper) .

post оfбсе (А.) still 01' yet

Go to the post оfбсе;

уои'l1 still have time to Ьиу the paper there.

(it) closes It closes at six.

time (G.) (one who) must (М.)

1 haven't time.

JIve got to hurry. 230 [lО-А]

я давн6 им не писал, а я слыIал,' что мой брат БОлен.

беспOI{ОИТ И это меня очень беспокоит.

АЛeIщандр мне бчень Жаль

Мне очень жаль, но у меня нет бумаги.

пбчту ещё

Пойдите на почту ;

выI ещё успеете там купить бумагу.

эакрывается: Она эаКРЫВllется: в шесть.

времени должен


у меня нет времени.

л дблжен спешить.

уа da VNO ytm 1Ji piSAL, а уа SLIshil sht6 m6у ВМ Т ВОНn.

jJispaK Oyit i eta 'lpi1Ja Ochi1J pispaKOyit.

m1jc Ochi1J ZHAJ; m1Jc 6chi1J ZHAJ." n6 и 'lpiIYA 1Jet


POchtu yiSHCHO

рау!) Iji па POchtu.;

т yiskck6 uSPEyiji tam kuPIT buMAgu.

zakri V Ayitsa аnti zakriVAyitsa f SHE$T.

VJШ'lpi1ji DOLzhin

и 'lpi1Ja IYET Т7JШ'lpi1Ji.

уа DOLzkin spiSHIT.

Page 239: Spoken Russian 1

whose (F.) under book О.)

But whose paper is that under the book оп the tabIe?

What paper?

that (F.) ОЬ, that !

ТЬаев ту brother's tabJe, and everything оп i t is Ыв.

(1) think (is) glad (М.) а few (of) sheets (G.)

But 1 think (tllat) Ье'll Ье only [too] glad if уои take а few sheets.

take* Please take [а fewl.

*Not оп the cassette.

чья п6д Книгой

А чьЯ: эта бумага под Книгой на столе?

Александр Какая бумага?

та Ах, та !

Это ст6л моег6 брата, а всё, чт6 на СТОЛе - ег6.

думаю рад несколько лист6в

Н6 я: Думаю, чт6 6н будет т6лъко рад, еСли выI вовьмёте неСКQЛЫЮ лист6в.

берите Пожалуйста, берите.


а СНУА еш buMAga рае KliIgay па sta[.,E?

kaKAya buMAga?


Еш, STOL mayiv6 BRAta, а Р$О shto па sta[.,E, yi VO.

D Umayu RAD, RA T ljEskajka jiSTOF

n6 уа D Umауu sht6 оп b1i!Jit TO[.,ka RAD, ye§ji vi va�lifOJi liEskajka jiSTOF.

PiftIJi paZHALsta PiftlJi.

[lО-А] 231

Page 240: Spoken Russian 1

уои wi1l give also, too* реп

МауЬе уои'1l give те а реп, too?

have given back (М.)** 1 took (have taken) mine [back]

to Ье fixed.

ready (N.) for

When 1 went to get it, it wasn't (yet) ready.

Here are two pens.

Ыие (N.) red (N.)

The Ыие one is mine, and the red one belongs to ту sister.

Thanks а lot!

*Not оп the tape.

дадите также пер6


ВЫ, м6жет БыIь,' мне дадите таКЖе и пер6?

отдал, 6тдал .я отдал моё починИть.

гот6во за

Когда я пошёл за ним, он6 ещё не было гот6во.

АЛeItсандр В6т два пера.

синее красное

Синее моё, а красное моей cecTpbI.

Иван Больш6е спасибо !

** The English оп the tape is ап error. The next word is оп the tape Ьу шistаkе. 232 [10-А]

M!)lji TAG zhi piRO

vt MOzhid Ы} т1}е M!)Iji Т AG zhi i piRO?

adDAL, ODda1 уа adDAL та УО pachilJIT .

gaTOva ZA

kagda уа paSHOL za 1}1т, aNO yishch6 lJE bila gaTOva.


$I1}iya KRAsnaya

$I1}iya та УО, а KRASnaya та УЕ У §iSTRI.

bajSHOya spa$Iba!

Page 241: Spoken Russian 1

remaining (N.) Have уоu got everything eIse?

(1) thank Yes, thank you.

ink envelopes stamps

1 have ink, envelopes, stamps­everything 1 need.

to help 1 'т always gIad to help УОI1.

уоu wiII l'eceive they wi11 receive

МауЬе you'II get а Ietter from them before they get yours.

That [certair.ly] would Ье o.k. [with те].

Але:ксандр остальное

Есть у вас всё остальное?

Иван благодаРIО

да, благодаРIО щ1с.

чернила :конверты марки

у менА есть чернила, нонверты и марки - всё, что мне надо.

АЛeI{сандр помочь

Я всегда рад вам помочь.

получите получят

Может БыI,' выI получите от них письмо, раньше чем они получят ваше.

Иван Это былo бы очень хорошо.

astaINOya УЕ$Т и vas F$O astaINOya?

blagadaFU DA , blagadaF U vas,

chirljIla kanYERti MARl;i

и 1JZi1Ja уе§} chirljIla, kanYERti, i MARl;i-F$О sht6 m1Je NAda.

раМОСН уа f§iGDA RAD vam раМОСН.

paL Uchiji paL Uchit

MOzhid Ы} vi paL Uchiji at ljIX Н§МО, RAljshi сЫт aljI paL Uchit VAsha.

eta ыш ы Ochi1J xaraSHO.

(1 О-А] 2ЭЭ

Page 242: Spoken Russian 1

1" 1

Before уои go through the Basic Sentences а second time, read the following;

2. Check Уопr Pronunciation

1 . Voiced and unvoiced mutes. We recall the pairs of mute consonants :

voiced : [Ь d g v z zh gh dzh zhdzh] unvoiced : [р t k f s sh х ch shch)

At the end of а word, in rapid speech, а voiced mute is replaced Ьу the corresponding unvoiced mute. ТЬе conventional spelling, however, writes the letter for the voiced mute :

мужья muZHY А husbands муж MUSH, M UZH husband

BlIt, also in rapid speech, if the next word is closely joined оп and begins with а voiced mute other than [v], the fina! mute is voiced ; мУж д6чери MUZH DOchiri the daughter's husband

Also ап original (real) unvoiced mute is voiced when such а word foIlows in rapid speech : м6жет MOzhit it сап, it mау м6жет БыIьь MOzhid BIT it mау Ье

Now listen to the way уош Guide or the speaker оп the tape speaks the fol1owing sentences. In the Aid to Listening we have given the pronunciation used Ьу the


speaker оп the tape. If УОll Ьауе а Guide and the Guide pronounces differently, then imitate the Guide: а living model is better than а recording.

Ваш муж, м6жет БыIь,' уже приехал.

vdsh MUSH MOzhid Ы} uZHE Pri YExal.

Your husЬапd, perhaps, has already <tпivеd.

234 [lD-Л]

Page 243: Spoken Russian 1

Мой друг хочет ЖИТЬ в ГосТинице.

Я рад, чт6 BbI пришли. П6езд сейчас прИходит.

m6у D,R UK x6chid ZHIT v ga$TI1Jici.

уа RA Т sht6 V 1 priSHI;J. POyist §i CHAS priXOrjit.

Му fгiепd wants to live il1 the hotel.

l 'т glad уои'уе соте. ТЬе trail1 is just now coming in.

2. Russian [l, т, n] . Неге is some тате practice оп Russian fl. щ n]. See how really Russian уои сап make the words sound.


мУж там дома надо cьrн жена лучший был была

MUZH, MUSH ТАМ DOma NAda SIN zhiNA L UCHshiy вп biLA vagZAL

husЬаl1d there at 11OI11e it is l1ecessary S0I1 wife bettcl' (М.) was (М.) was (F.) l'ailway station

З. Russian palatal [1, r)1, 1J] . Неге is some тоге practice 011 Russian palatal [1, r)1, 1J]. See how like the геаl R�ssial1 уои сап rnake the words sOUl1d.


мАсо семь

MAsa $ЕМ, $ЕМ

meat эеуеп

[ 10-Al 235

Page 244: Spoken Russian 1

� .

Б�"jЯ нет день синий лето или рубль

VFErJШ time lfET по J)Elj day $I1Jiy Ыие СМ.) J.,Eta sUlnmer I]i or R UBJ., rouble


1. Word Study (Individual Study)


1. Ноте, at home. Where are уои going?- :Куда BbI идёте? - kuDA v?' iJ)Oji?-Ноте. ДОМОЙ. dлМОУ. Now we have to [go] home. Теперь нам надо дом6Й. JifEJZ пат nаdл ааМО У.

The word [dлМОУ] ' home' answers the question [kuDA] ' wIJereto' . 1 t is formed with ап irregular ending from tIJe поип [DOMj ' house'.

Where is your father?- Где Баш отец? - СРЕ vash аТЕС?-At llOme. Д6ма . DOma. М у brother is Ш today ; Брат сег6дня б6лен ; BRA Т §i VO d1}a BO]in; Ье has stayed at home. 6н: остался д6ма. 6n aSTAlsa DOma. 1: :. The '.vord [DOma] • at Ьоте' answers the question [СРЕ] 'where'. It is the Genitive саэе form, with ап ilTegulal'

I meaning, of the поuп [DOMj ' Ьоuве'.

:1 236 [lО-В]

Page 245: Spoken Russian 1

2. [ VFE?/za).

Time is preeious. Время д6рого. ро уои have time? 'у вас есть время? No; 1 have very little time ; 1 have Нет, у меня мало времени ; мне

to hurry. надо спешить. In time уои wi11 Ье speakil1g Со временем вы будете 6чень

Russian very well. хорош6 говорить по-рУсски. ТЬе seasons of the year are spril1g, Времена г6да - весна, лето,

summer, (аН, and winter. 6сень и зима. At times Ье goes off traveling, Временами 6н уезжает, никт6

nobody knows whereto. не знает, куда.

V FE1j1-а DOraga. и vas УЕ$Т V FE1j1-а? lfET, и 1fli1Ja МАш VFE1j1-i1Ji,' m1Je

nааа spiSHIT. sa VFE1}'ti1Jim vt bu�iji Ochi1J xaraSHO

gavafilT ра R UslJi. vri1j1-iN А GOda, yiSN А , IrEta, O§i1J,

i �iMA. vri1j1-iNА1fli 6n uyiZHDZHAyit, 1Ji

КТО 1Ji ZNAyit kuDA . ТЬе word [YFE1j1-а) ' time' is one of а атаl1 set of

irregular Neuter nouns. In the Singular, the stem is [vre1j1-i1J-), but the Nominative (and along with it, the Aeeusative) is [YfiE1j1-а), al1d the Genitive al1d Dative

are Jike the Loeative : [ VFE1j1-i1J�J. ТЬе Рlurаl has а dif­ferent stem : [vri.i110N-) ; this takes the regular endings and aceents them.

1 was in Moseow only onee. Я был в MOCI�Be т6лько раз. уа Ыl v maSKYE t6]ka RAS. Не was in Ameriea three times. Он три раза был 1з Америке. 6n Т fil RAza Ыl v a.i11ErilJi. 1 have many times already told Я это емУ уже мн6го раз уа Еш yimu uzhe MNOga RAZ

Ыт that. говорил. gavafilL. ТЬе word [ VfiE1j1-а] mcans any amount or streteh of time. ТЬе word [RAS, RAZ] refers only to the numЬеу 01

times somethil1g happens.

This restaurant is eheaper than that one.

3. [ТОТ]. Этот ресторан дешевле чем т6т. Etat ristaRAN �iSHEv]i сМm ТОТ.

Этот ресторан дешевле тог6. Etat ristaRAN �iSHEvli ta VO. [lО-В] 237

Page 246: Spoken Russian 1

r.r.""'11 1

This bed is more сотfогtаЫе than that опе.

Give те that book over thеге оп the table.

Эта пос'гель б6лее уд6бна чем та.

Дайте мне 'l'Y ю{игу, там на столе.

These people аге Russians, and Эти щоди - РУССlще, а те -those аге Americans. американцы.

With this реп 1 сап write, but with Этим пер6м я: МОГУ писать, а that опе 1 can't. тем не МОГУ.

Eta ра$ТЕ{, BOjiyi uDObna сЫт ТА.

DA Vji т1}е ТИ KJjIgu, ТАМ па sta"{,E.

Eji J., Иrji R ИsМуа,. а ТЕ, Ш/JZiriКАNсi.

Ejim piROM уа magu piSA T, а ТЕМ, 1}i таGИ.

ТЬе adjective (ТОТ] has the stem [t-] and goes Iike [apIN], only where [apIN] has ап ending with [i] , there [ТОТ] has [е]. The word [ТОТ] is uscd for ' that' when there is а stгопg contrast between а nearer thing [Eta]

al1d а farther оле [ТО]. 1 t is used also in Боте specia! expressions, such аБ [ТО zhi] , also' , [ра ТОМ] ' after tlщt, afteгwards' , [ра taМИ sht6J ' because' .

4. [СНЕ У] Whose chair is this? Чей это стул? Whose реп is this? Чьё это пер6? Whose book is this? ЧьЯ: это I-шига? Whose book did he take? ЧЬУ ШIИГУ 6н JЗзЯ:л? Whose рарегs are these? Чьи это бумаги?

ТЬе adjective [СНЕ У] 'whose' has the stem [chy-] and takes the вате endings as [МО У]. Whеге thеге is по el1d­ing (Masculil1e Nomil1ative) , the voweI [е] is iпsегtеd. ТЬе forms other thal1 the N ominative al1d Accusative are гагеlу used.

These аге ту fгiel1ds. Это мои друзьЯ:.

They wilI aIso иБе [Etat] as аl1 adjective : Whose are t11ese books? ЭТИ IШИГИ чьи?

2зв (lD-БJ

СНЕ У еш ST ии СНУО eta piRO? СНУА eta KljIga? СНУИ Kl'jIgu 6n VZAL? СНУ! eta buMAl}i?

Notice that ' tbls' and ' these' in the above sentences are a!ways just [Eta) , tl1e Nellter form. ' Tbls' or ' these' just pointing at somethil1g al1d 110t modifying а noun is plain [Eta] :

Eta тау1, druZ VA .

Eji KJjI�i СНУ!?

Page 247: Spoken Russian 1

1 lшvе to leave (Ьу train ог ею", оп а trip-not оп foot) .

We must write the letter at опее.

S. Have to, nced . Мне надо уехать.

Мне нужно уехать.

я должен уехать.

Нам надо сейчас же наIШсать IШсьмо.

Нам нужно сейчас же написать IШсьмо.

мыI должныI сейчас же написать письмо.

m1Jc nada и YExaj.

m1Jc nuzhna и YExaj.

уа d6lzhin и YExaj. пат nada }i CHAZ zlti napiSA T

pi}MO. пат nuzhna }i CHAZ zhi napiSA T

pi}MO. mi dalzhni }i CHAZ zhi napiSA т

pi§MO. The WOl"ds [NA da] and [NUzlщаJ теап ' it is neeessary'. The words [DOLzhin], МаБеиliпе, with iпsсгtеd vowel ;

[dalZHNA), Fешiпiпе ; [dalZHNO) Neuter ; [dalZHNI] Plural аге the sllОгt fогшs of ап adjeetive [DOLzhnay] ' il1debted' ; they l11еап ' 11е, she, it is ul1der оЫigаtiоп, has to ; they аге ul1der оbligаtiоп, t11ey have to' . The регsоп who 11аБ to do sошеthiпg is N ошiпаtivе.

The регsоп for whom it is пеееББагу to do sоmеtl1iпg is in t11e Dative саБе. The word [NAdaJ has опlу tl1is 011е forl11 (it is Ul1iпflееtеd) . The word [NUzhna] is the Neuter ShOl·t {ОГI11 of ап adjcetive [NUzhnay] ' needed, neeessary' .

1 need that book.

We need епvеlореs апd stашрs.

Оо уои need ап automobile?

She needs а. fоuпtаiп реп.

Мне надо эту ШIИГУ. Мне нужна эта шгИга. Нам надо Iинвер'гы и марш!. Нам нужны конверты и марки. Вам надо [I.втомоБИль? Вам нужен автомобиль? Ей надо вечное перо. Ей вечное перо нужно.

m1JC nada ctu KlfIgu. m1Jc nuzhnd eta KlfIga. пат nada kanYERti i MAR�i. пат nuzhni kanYERti i MAR�i. vam nada aftama]3n? vam 1tuzhin ajtama]3n? уеу nada YEchnaya piRO. уеу YEchnaya piRO nuzJma.

[10-В] 239

Page 248: Spoken Russian 1

, l ' ) , : ! iI, '1\ 1 1 111 iI' !I

With [NAda] а thing which опе needs is in the Аеси­sative. ТЬе short forms of [NUzhnay) асе: Мавсиliпе [NUzhin] , with inserted vowel ; Feminine [nuZHNA1,

with accent оп the ending; Neuter [NUzhna] j Plural {NUzhni}. ТЬеэе words теап ' Ье, she, it is needed j they are needed' ; that which is needed is in the Nominative.

Не owes те бvе roubles. She owes us а few roubles.

Он мне должен пять руб.т.rей. Она нам должна несколько


6n т'У}е DOLzhin f А Т ruB{.E Yr аnа пат dalZHNA ljEska1ka ,uВ{.Е У.

We owe the shoemaker twenty-one мыI должныI сапожнику тl, llaZZHNI sаРОzlщikи D VA TciJ roubIes. двадцать один рубль. aJ)IN RUB{.. ТЬе sl10rt forms of [DOLzhnay] mеап ' Ье, s11e, it is indebted ; trtC�y are indebted' . That v/hich опе owes is in tl1e


Гт sorry {or your mother.

We're very sorry for Ыт.

Не feels bad about those twenty roubIes.

6. Sorry {or. Мне жаль вашей матери. Мне жаЛI�О вашей матери. Нам бчень жаль его. Нам бчень .жалко егб. ЕмУ жаль этих двадцати

рублей. ЕмУ жалко этих двадцати


m1Je ZIIAJ.. vdshiy MAjiri. m1Je ZHALka vashiy MAJiri. пат Ochi'Y} ZHA{. yivo. пат Ochi'Y} ZHALka yiv6. yimu ZHA{. ejix dvaciTI ,uВ{.Е У.

yimu ZHALka ejix dvaciTI ruB{.E Y.

The words [ZHA{., ZHALka] теап ' it is а pity or а shame ; it's too bad'. The ресвоп who feets sorry is in the Dative case. The ресвоп or thing he feels sorry abollt is in the Genitive саэе.

7. Prepositions. The letter is оуес there оп the Письмо там на столе, под pi;MO tam па staJ.,E, pat KljIgay.

table, under the book. книгой. The prcpositiol1 (РОТ, POD] with, the Instrumel1tal case means ' under', answering the quеstlОП [СJ)Е) 'where' .

240 [lQ-B]

Page 249: Spoken Russian 1

Walk behind те. The kitchen is bacl� of the dining


Идите за мн6Й. R-ухня за стол6воЙ.

iJ)IJi za MNOY. K Ux1ja za slaLOvay.

Не has gone down town to get the Он пошёл в г6род за билетами. 6n paSHOL v GOrat za jJif.,Eta1jti. tickets (' after tickets') . Уои owe ('beblnd уои') forty За вами сброк рублей. za VA..i1fi SOrak ruBf.,EY.

roubles. She is married (' behind а husband') Она замужем за американцем. аnа ZA muzhim za Ш/JZi/iКАNсiт.

to an American. The preposition [ZA] with the Instrumental саве теапв ' behind, after' , answering the question [СРЕ] where Observe that translations or statements of meaning don't help тllСЬ ; опе simply Ьав to lеаrп to say tblngs.

8. [ТО, ZHE]. 1 don't even want to talk to him. Я с ним и ГОВОРИ'lъ-то не хочУ. уа s 1}im i gavafl.IT /0 1}i хаСНU. There is а privy beblnd the house, Уб6рная за д6мом, а ванной-то uBORnaya za DOmam, а VANnay to u

bllt we hаvеп't апу bathroom. ' у нас нет. nas ljET. Ав for understanding, 1 und€:rstand, Понимать-то ПОIIИмаю, а pa1JiMA T 'О pa1jiMAyu, а gavaft.IT

but 1 can't talk. l'ОВОРИТЬ не могу. 1Ji таСИ. The word [ТО] , Nellter Nomil1ative and Accusative of [ТОТ] throw,':) а strопg emphasis оп the preceding word.

Не has gone away, bllt she Ьав Он уехеЛI она же эдесь ON u YExal, aNA zhi �g,e§ aSTAlas. stayed here. осталась.

Со (or соте) right away ! Подите сейчас же ! paJ)IJi §i CHAZ zhi! I 'il give уои three roubles, but five Я вам дам три рубля, пяти же уа vam DAM Tfl.I ruBf.,.A, piTI zhi

1 haven't got. у меня нет. u 1jti1Ja ljET. The word [ZHE] emphasizes а preceding word, especial1y in contrast with something else. Notice the combinations

[ТАС zhi, ТО zhi] ' also, too'.

[1 О-В] 241

Page 250: Spoken Russian 1

уеаг envelope sheet (of рарег) Peter

book stamp

N.S. K!jIga MARka


В. NEW NOUNS Mascu1ine :

C.S. соаа kanYERta jiSTA piTRA

Feminine : A.S. C.S.

K!jIgu K!jICi MARku MAR�i


N.P. С.Р. GOdi gaDOF kanYERti kanYERta1 jiSTI jiSTOF

N.P. С.Р. K!jICi K!jIK MAR�i MArak

The word [chir!jIla1 ' ink' is Plural only ; Genitive [chir!jIL] , Locative [1 chir!jIlax] ' in the ink' , and so оп. С. NEW VERBS

1 . Regular verbs of Туре 1 . Уои have probably noticed that most (but not all) verbs whose Infinitive ends in [-аЛ make their forms in exactly

the same way, with по shifting of accent. Неге are two examples : Infinitive: !)ElaJ ' to do' ChiTA J ' to l'ead' Present : РЕшуu ChiTAyu Infinitive stem : {ига- chita- J)Elayish chiTAyish Past М . J)Elal chiTAL J)Elayit chiTAyit Past F., N. РЕшга chiTAla !)Elayim chiТА yim Past Р. !)ElaJi chiTAji J)Elayiji chiTAyiji Present stem : {lBay- cMtay- J)Elayut chiTAyut

When а verb goes this way, we shall simply call it 'Туре 1 Regular' and we вЬаll not give its forms. 9.42 Г10-Вl

Page 251: Spoken Russian 1

In this Unit we have had several new verbs whose forms are Туре 1 Regular :

to take

D Umа} ' to think' paluCHA T ' to receive, to get'

Infinitive BRAT

2. Other verbs of Туре 1 . , I ' Ъе, БЬе; it'


zakri V АТ ' to close'

Past BRAL, braLA , BRAla, BRAli

The other new verbs of Туре 1 in this Unit are compounds of verbs which we already know : napiSA T ' to write' Iike piSA T ' to write' paMOCH ' to help' like MOCH ' to Ье аЫе'

u УЕха} ' to go away' like УЕха} ' to go' (not оп foot) 3. Regular verbs of Туре 2 .

Уоu have probably noticed that most verbs whose Infinitive ends in [-ij] make their forms in exactly the Бате way. Here are two examples :

Infinitive : YI{lij ' to Бее' gavajUT ' to speak' Present : Ylzhu gavaF-U lnfinitive stem : yi{li- gavari- YI{lish gavaF-ISН Past М . YI{lil gavaF-IL YI{lit gavaF-IТ Past F. , N. YI{lila gavaF-lla YI{lim gavaF-IМ Past Р. YI{liji gavaF-Iji YNiji gavaF-Iji Present stem : уЫ- gavar- YI{lit gavaF-А Т

WЬеп а verb goes this way, we sha11 simply саН it 'Туре 2 Regular' and we shall not give its fогms. Quite а few vcrbs with Present tense of Туре 2 differ [d, zl Ьесоте [zh] : [YI{lit] ' Ье БееБ', but [Ylzhu] ' 1 Бее' ;

from tЬе regular form il1 shifting tЬе accent : they are [para�IT] ' he wШ strike', but [paraZHU] , 1 will strike' stressed оп the endings in most forms, but draw the ас- [zd] ЬесотеБ [zhdzh] : [ YE�{lit] ' Ье rides' , but [ YEzhdzhu] cent back оп the stem in tЬе Present tense, except in the ' 1 ride' form {or ' 1 ' : [kuPIТJ ' to Ьuу' , [kuPIL] ' he ЬоugЬt' , [t] ЬесотеБ [ch] : [FSTF.Ejit] ' he wi1l meet' , but [kuP.{,u] ' 1 '11 Ьuу' , but [К Upit] ' he'l1 Ьuу' . [FST F-Echu] , 1 will meet'

ТЬе Present tense of Туре 2 has some consonant [st] ЬесотеБ [shch] : [CHI§jit1 ' Ье cleans' , but [CHIshchu1 changes in tl1e fОЛ11 for ' 1 ' . ' 1 clean'

[1G--B1 243 , 1

Page 252: Spoken Russian 1

I! Ii

1,/ ,

[s] Ьесотев [sh] : [BRO;it] ' Ье wil1 throw' , but {BROshu1 • 1 wШ tllrow'

[р, Ь, т,!, v] add Ш : [КИрit] ' he wiJl Ьиу', but [kuР.{, И] ' 1 will Ьиу' ; [L- U1>itJ ' Ье loves' , but [/uВ{ Л] ' 1 love' i [paznaK01j1it] ' Ье will make acquainted' , but [pazna­КОm{и] ' 1 wil1 make acquainted' ; [LOyit) ' Ье catches' , but [ю V.{,Uj ' 1 catch' .

[1>ispaKOyij] ' to disturb, to worry' [blagadafl.Ir] ' to thank [SLIshij] ' to hear'

Опе new verb is like Туре 2 Regular except tllat the accent shifts:

In this Unit we have had several new verbs whose forms are Туре 2 Regular :

[paluCHIТJ ' to receive' : [рагuсни] ',1 вЬаll receive', but [paL Uchit) ' Ье will receive' .

3. [DA Тl. There are only four Russian verbs whose Present is neither Туре 1 nor Туре 2, but entirely irregular. Опе of thещ

is [xaTEТJ ' to want' , wlюsе forms we already know. Another is [DA ТJ ' to give' : Inf1nitive [DA ТJ : Опе has to give him а rouble. Надо дать емУ рубль.

Present [DAM, DASH, DAST, dal}IM, dal}Iji, daDUT]: 1'Н give уои fifty kopeks. She'lI give them the letter. We'll give уои the tickets right

away. How щuсh will уои give? They won't give ив anything.

Imperative [DA У) : Please give те а glass о! tea.

244 [lО-В]

я вам дам пятьдесят нопеен. Она им даст письмо. мыI Щ1М сейqас дадим билеты.

Снольно дадите? Они нам ниqего не дадут.

Дайте мне, пожалуйста, станан qaIO.

nам DAT yimи R UB/.-.

уа vam DAM ри �i$A T kapEyik. аnа ytm DAST pi;MO. mt vam ;i CHAS dal}IM Pi.{,Eti.

SKO.{,ka мl} Iji? a1}t пат 1}i сМ VO 1}i daD ИТ.

DA YJi т1}В paZHALsta staKAN еНАуu.

Page 253: Spoken Russian 1

Past [DAL, daLA , DAla (or мШ), DAb1. Notice also the accent оп the preceding [.�EJ with аН fonns ex:cept the Feminine: ge gave те а ticket. Он мне дал билет. 6n m1Je DAL jJi'.[.,ET. Не didn't give те апу ticket. Он мне не дал билета. 6n m1Je ljE dal ji["Eta. She gave them ten roubles. Она им дала десять рублей. аnа у1,т daLA J)E.�ij ruB'J.,EY. ТЬе ten roubles, though, еЬе did ДесятiI рублей она им не дала. g,i§iTI ruB.[.,E Y аnа у1т 1Ji daLA.

not give them. ТЬе summer in Russia gave ие much

that was pleasant. ТЬе summer in the south gave ие

nothing that was pleasant. The Ietter, did they give уои the

letter? Didn't they give уои the letter ?

Лето в России дало нам мн6го приятного.

Лето на IOгe ничег6 приятного щiм не дало.

Письм6-то вам дали?

Вам не дали письма?

.[.,Eta v ra$Iyi DAla пат MNOga PliYAtnava.

["Eta па YUCi 1Ji chiVO P1iYAtnava пат ljE ааШ.

pi§MO ео vam DA]i?

vam ljE daJi pi§MA?

The verb [adDA rJ ' to give back, to hand over' is а compound of [DA T1 and has the еате forms. In the Past tense аН the forms except the Feminine accent the prefix [ОТ] :

Не'll give уои back your ticket. When will уоu give ие back the

tickets? Уои haven't yet given ие back the

tickets. Did 1 give уои back the letter? Did еЬе give уои back your book?

Не is writing а letter. Не is writing а book about the war.

Он вам отдаст билет. Rогда выI отдадите нам

билеты? выI нам ещё не 6тдади билеты.

6n vam adDAST jJi'J.,ET. kaGDA v1 addaJ)Iji пат jJi["Eti?

vt пат yishch6 1Ji ODda]i jJi'J.,Eti.

я вам 6тдал письм6? уа vam ODdal Pi§MO? Она вам отдала вашу ннигу? аnа vam addaLA vashu KljIgu?

D. DURATIVE AND PUNCTUAL VERBS Он пишет письм6. 6n PIshit pi§MO. Он пишет ннигу о войне. 6n pIshit KljIgu а vayljE.


Page 254: Spoken Russian 1

Не writes her letters twice а week. Он ей пИшет письма два раза в неделю.

оп усу J'Ishit pI$ma DVA Мт 'lJ 1jфЕ1u.

у ои write Russian very welI. BbI очень хорошо пишете по-русс:ки.

vi Ochi1j xaraSHO Р 1 shiji ра R И sM.

The Present tense of some verbs tells of ап action (or happening or state) in present time. ТЫв action тау Ье асtшtl; that is, now going оп, like the English -ing form (' is writing') . Or else, the action тау Ье itcrativc; that is, repeated, habitual , or general, t110ugh not necessarily

going оп at the very moment while опе is speaking ; this is like the English plain fo':m of а verb ('writes' ) . These Russian verbs, whose Present tense tells of ап action in present time, are called Durativc verbs.

He's goil1g to write а letter. Tomorrow 1 '11 write Ыт а lеttег. Is Ье going to write а book about

Он напишет письмо. 6n napIshit pi§MO. Завтра я: емУ напишу письмо. Он напишет :книгу о войне?

ZAjtra уа yimu napiSHU pi§MO. 6n паР Ishit KJjIgu а vayl'jE?

the wаг?

The Present tel1se of some Russian verbs tells of а single action (or happenil1g) il1 ftltuгe time. Such verbs are called Рunсtшtl verbs. А Russian verb is either Dura­tive or PUl1ctual.

А simple verb (that is, а verb that is not Compoul1ded with а prefix) is Dtlrative : [piSA rJ.

А compoul1d verb which cOl1sists of а simple verb al1d а prefix, is Punctual : [napiSA Т).

In тапу instances, such ав this Оl1е, the prefix does l10t add illtlch meanil1g beyol1d just makil1g а PUl1cttla! verb Otlt of a 'Duгative.

А very few simp!e verbs are Punctua! ; for instance, [DAТJ ' to giv�'.

Very таl1У compoul1d verbs are Durative ; in these, hоwеvег, the prefix is added not to а simple verb, but to а lOl1gel' kil1d of wогd. We shall now look at these verbs.

Give те the letter, 1 '11 sign it. I don't thil1k he'll sigl1.

Дайте мне письмо ; я подпишУ. я не дУмаю, что он подпишет.

DA Yji m1jc pi§MO; уа patpiSHU. уа 1ji D Umауu sht6 6n patp 1 shit.

In тапу instances а prefix added to а simple verb makes а big chal1ge in the meaning, as well as making а Punctual verb. Thus, [patpIshit] ' he will sign' is PUl1ctual, from IPIshit] ' he writes' , Dtlrative.

246 [lО-В]

Page 255: Spoken Russian 1

Гт just now sign'ing the Ietter. Я как ра'3 подпИсываю IШсьм6. It's she that a!ways writes the Она-то всегда пишет письма ;

!etters ; he оп!у signs them 6н же т6лько вместе с ней .a!ong with her. подписывает.

уа kak RAS patpIsavayu pi§MO. aNA to fjiGDA PIshit pl$ma,' ON

zhi TOJ,.ka v lJfE}ji s 1}еу patp 1 savayit.

When а compound Punctual verb differs in meaning from the simple Durative, then there is a!so а compound Durative verb with the same prefix and the same теап­ing. This compound Durative verb consists of the prefix and а !onger verb, called а Compounding Durative. Thus, to the compound Punctua! [patpiSA т] there corresponds the compound Durative [patpIsavajJ.

The Compounding Durative is !onger than the simp!e verb ; for iпstапсе, [-рisаvаjJ is the Compounding Dura­tive of [piSA rJ. Compounding Durative verbs end ii1 [-ivaj, -аvаjJ or [-аЛ ; they are of Туре 1 Regu!ar.

Compounding Duratives оссш опlу with prefixes. Here is ап ехатр!е of а verb whose Compounding

Durative ends in [-aj) : Simp!e verb [МОСН) ' to Ье able' :

Не сап't go there поw. Он не м6жет пойти теперь.

Compound Punctual [раМОСН) ' to he!p' : Не will he!p us. Он нам пом6жет.

Compound Durative [ратаСА т] ' to he!p' : Не is he!ping us. Он нам помогает . Не often he!ps Us. Он нам часто помогает.

Не was writing а !etter. Он писал письм6. Не was writing а book about Он писал книгу о войне.

the war. When 1 сате into tlle room, slle

was w1'iting а !etter. She wrote to ller husband twice

а week.

Когда л вошёл в 1�6MHaTY, она писала письм6.

Она пИСала мужу два раза в неделю.

6n 1}i MOzhit рауТ! jiPEp.

6n пат paMOzhit.

6n пат pamaGAyit. 6n пат CHAsta paтaGAyit. 6n piSAI, pi§MO. 6n piSAL ICI'jIgu а vayJlfE.

kagda уа vaSHOL f КОтnаеu, аnа piSAla pijMO.

аnа piSAla MUzhu D VA RAza v 1}i!)E]u.

[10-В] 247

Page 256: Spoken Russian 1

[1 '

We met several Americans who spoke and wrote Russian quite wel1.

МЫ встрffrили весдолыю ам:е­рmшнцев, кот6рые дов6льно хорош6 говорили и писали по-русски.

т-! FSТJШjiji JyEskaIka atpiriKANciJ koTOraya da VO!-na xaraSHO gava]Uji i piSAji ра R Us1Ji.

ТЬе Past tense of а Durative verb teIls of an action in form ('was writing'). Or else the action тау Ье itсгаtivе; past time. ТЬе action тау Ье actual ; that is, going оп that is, repeated, habitual, or general ; this is like the at the time spoken of, and, especially, going оп when English simple form ('wrote') when it теапэ action more something else happel1ed ; this is 1ike the Eng1ish -ing than опее. Не wrote the letter. Он напис,\л письм6. оп napiSAL pi§MO. Не wrote а book about the war in Он в три м:е,щца написал оп ! TflI lrfE§ica napiSAL Kl'fIgu

three months. книгу о вuйне. а vayljE. She wrote to Ыm just опсе. Она емУ написала т6лько раз. аnа yimu napiSAla Щkа RAS.

ТЬе Past tense оС а Punctual verb tells оС опе simple , tense оС а Punctual verb is like the English simple past action in past time, with по allowance made Cor anything ('wrote') when it теапэ а single act (not repeated, IщЫt .. else happening while this action was going оп ; the Past ual, or general) Write to us oCten. Пишите нам часто. Don't write to him. Не пишите емУ.

piSHIJi пат CHAsta. 1Ji piSH Iji yimu.

ТЬе Imperative оС а Durative vlrb is used in ot'dering repeated actions and in telIing somеопе not to do sometltillg (prohibition). Write him а letter. Напишите емУ письм6. napiSHlji yimu pi§MO.

ТЬе Imperative оС а Punctual verb is used in commands for а single action. 1 can't write to уои so often. Я не могу вам так часто уа 1Ji mаСU vam t6k CHAsta piSA T.

ACter dinner 1 must ье writing letters.

248 [lО-В]

писать. П6сле обеда л д6лжен письма

писать. р6§Н аIШda уа d61zhin pI$ma piSAT.

Page 257: Spoken Russian 1

" :,:-_. "

] вЬаll write to уои оnее а week. я вам буl1Y писать раз в недМю.

:уа vdm ЬШlu piSAT ras f) tJiPEJu.

ТЬе lnfinitive of а Durative verb tells о! ап aetion eovering а streteh о! Нте during whieh other things тау Ьарреп, or о! а repea-ted, habitual, ос general action. Wlth [B lJdu, B UrJit) they use only Durative infinitive8; this combination mеапз а future action eov�ring а stretch о! time, or else repeated, ha.bitual, or general.

Study these and the fol1owing Russian sentences in the иэиаl way until уои сап эау them eorreetly without hesitation. Do not spt";nd your time studying the rules and statements of meaning. Statements like these, even if опе knows them уесу well, do Iюt help much in speak­ing or understanding. Also, our statements give only а rough outline; уои will hear and read тапу Russian sentences which are not covered Ьу our rules, because our rules are not complete. А complete set of зисЬ rules would бll а big book and would not Ье о! тисЬ practical value. Don't s�nd time puzzling over rules and state­ments of meanlOg; they are given ority to help you find your way when you study the Russian sentences.

Examples of Durative (О.) and Punetual (Р.) verbs:

ТЬе Durative and Punetual {оrшэ are often ealled the Aspeets о! the verb. lп English, the Aspects ш:е actual (М was writing) and iterative-punetual (М моее). lп Russian the aspects are Durative (actual-iterative) [оп piSAL], and Punctual [оп napiSAL].

Rough correspondenee of English and Russian Aspeets: Aetual: aetion going оп during а streteh of tiше during

whieh other things тау Ьарреп: English: Russian:

-ing {оrш: Ье was writing Durative: [оп piSAL] Iterative: aetion that is repeated, habitual, or general .

English : Russian : simple {оrш : ле моев (oJten' Durative: [оп piSAL] Punetual: aetion oceurring опее, with nothing said

about other happenings during the time it takes: English: Russian :

simple Соrш: he моев (опее) Punctual : [оп napiSAL]

аlШdаj (О.), рааlШdaj (Р.) to eat di1J11er We always eat dinner at five.

Тodау I'm having dinner at Ilyins'.

мы� всегда обедаем в m1ть mt/§iGDA аlШdayiтJ l'AT ehiSOF. час6в.

Сег6дня Ji обедаю у .ИльинЫх. рУО d1J4 :уа apEdд,:yu и il:yiNIX.

[lО-В] 249

Page 258: Spoken Russian 1

We'l1 first have dinner and then we'l1 start.

Соте and have dinner with иБ.

What are уои doing in the bath­room ?-I 'm shaving.

Sometimes Ье shaves twice а day.

Sometimes he has to эЬауе twice а day.

1 have to shave now. Please give те а shave. Гуе just now shaved.

Не repairs shoes very well.

Сап уои repair these shoes?

Сап опе get а shine here? Do they shine shoes here? These shoes have to Ье cleaned.

What did уои do (were doing) in summer?-I did а lot of reading.

250 [1О-В]

мыl сперва пообедаем, а пот6м поедем.

Придите к нам пообедать.

Bfl.IT (О. ) , paBfl.IT (Р.) to БЬауе

mi s pir VA рааlШdaуiт; а ра ТОМ pa YE{Jim.

Pli!)Iji k пат paaJ3Edaj.

Чт6 выI делаете в ванной? - Я sht6 v$ J)Elayiji v VANnay?-уа бреюсь. BF-Eyus.

Иногда 6н бреется два рааа в inaGDA 6n BF-Eyi,tsa D VA RAza v день. !)E!j.

Иногда ему надо бриться два inaGDA yimu nааа Bfl.ITsa D VA рааа в день. RAza v !)E!j.

Теперь мне надо побриться. jipel mt}c nada paBfl.ITsa. Пожалуйста, побрейте менл. paZHALsta, paBF-E Уji 1Jtit}a. я т6лько-что побрился. уа TOfs,ka sht6 paBfl.ILsa.


chi!jIT (О.) , pachi!jIT (Р.) to repair Он 6чень хорош6 чинит 6n Ochit} xaraSHO CHlt}it baTJN�i.

ботИНRИ. выI м6жете починить эти .

ботиНRИ? vi m6zhiji pachi!jIT eji baTIN�i?

CHI§jij (О.) , paCHI§jij (Р.) to clean М6жно адесь чИстить ботиНRИ? MOzhna �{Jc§ CHI§jij baTINlji? Здесь чистят ботиНRИ? �{Je§ CHI§jit baTINlji? Эти ботиНRИ надо почистить. Eji baTIN�i nMa paCHI§jij.

!)Ешj (О.) , Z!)Ешj (Р.) to do Что выI делали летом? -

Я мн6го читал. sht6 v$ !)Ешli IrEtam?-уа MNOga


Page 259: Spoken Russian 1

Don't do that.

ОЬ, what have уои done here? Рlеаэе do that for те.

Не делайте этого. Не деJIaйте это. Ах, чт6 выI здесь сделали? Пожалуйста, сделайте это для


1'}i [JЕшуji Etava. 1'}i J)Ешуji ЕШ. АХ, SHTO vi �#e§ Z[JЕш]i? paZHALsta, Z[JЕшуji еш dJa 1piijA.

pajtaJUT (Р. ) , pajtaFAT (D.) to repeat (simple verb not used) Repeat what I 've just said to уои. ПовторИте т6, чт6 я вам сейчас раjtаfiЦi t6 sht6 уа 'vam §i CHAS

сказал. skaZAL. That word is bad ; don't repeat it. Это сл6во нехор6шое ; не еш SLOva 1'}i xaROshiya; 1'}i pajtafiA Yji

повторяйте ег6. yiv6. ТЬе little boys repeat everything

theit, teacher teIls them. Мальчики повторлют всё, чт6 MA]chilji pajtaft.Ayut Р$О sht6 ytm

им говорит учительница. gavaJUT uCHljil1Jica.

zaKRIT (Р.) , zakriVA T (D.) to close (simple verb not тисЬ used)

Why have уои closed the windows? ПочемУ выI закрыли 6кна? - ра сЫМU vt zaKRIJi Okna?-m1'}e -1 felt c()ld. Мне былo х6лодно. blla XOladna.

Please shl.lt the window. Пожалуйста, закрбйте окнб. paZHALsta, zaKROYji aKNO. ГIl shut it right away. Сейчас ЗaI�рбю. §i CHAS zaKROyu. Why do уои always close the ПочемУ выI всегда закрываете ра chiMU vt !§iGDA zakriVAyiji

windows? бкна? Okna? ТЬеу close tl1e ticket window at

half past nine. Шссу закрывают в ПOJIOвине

десятого. KASsu zakriVAyut j рашУI1'}i

#i$Atava. The post office closes at half past.

five. Пбчта закрывается в половине

шестбго. POchta zakri V Ayitsa j раш YI1'}i


[10-Вl 251

Page 260: Spoken Russian 1

г [;

i, "

1I ii 11, I i [ : 1 : 1

1 1 1 1 , [ '

I ! !

ра1uСН1Т (Р.) , paluCHAT (D.) to receive (simple verb not used) 1 think 1 ' 11 SO(JI� get а letter {rom Я дУмаю, чт6 ск6ро получУ от уа D Umауи, sht6 SKOra paluCHU at

Ыт. нег6 DИсьм6. 1jiv6 pi§MO. 1 got а letter from N ew У ork today. Я сег6дня получил письм6 из уа §i VO d1}a paluCH 1 L pi§MO iz 1jYu

Уои'11 get а letter from Ьег tomorrow.

Do уои often get letters from Russia?

ТЬеу used t,� get letters from their son twice а month.

Нью-И6рка. YORka . . выI завтра полУчите от неё т ZAjtra paLUchiji at 1jiy6 pi§MO.

письм6. ВЫ часто получаете пИсьма из т CHAsta paluCHAyiji Р1$ma iz

России? ra$lyi? От cьrнa получали пИсьма два at Slna paluCHAji p1$ma D VA Уаш

раза в месяц. v lIfE§ic.

NRAytitsa (D.) , paNRAytitsa (Р.) to рlеазе, to seem nice Do уои like this? 1 know you'l1 like this.

Это вам нравится? Ееа vam NRAytitsa? Я знаю, чт6 это вам уа ZNAyu sht6 Ееа vam paNRAytitsa.


Р1Т (D.) , V1pij (Р.) , vipiVAT (D.) to drink What are уои drinking? 1 never drink beer. What wi11 уои drink, tea or coffee?

What did уои drink at their [Ьоиве] yesterday at dinner?

1 '11 drink another сир of coffee. I 've already drunk two glasses

of tea. 252 [lО-В]

Чт6 выI пьёте? SHTO т l' YOji? Я никогда не пью пИва. уа 1ji kaGDA 1ji p yu 1'100. Чт6 выI будете пИть, чай или SHTO т ЬЦiji l' 1Т, СНА У iJi KOji?

к6фе? Ч т6 выI пили у них B'lepa за

обедом? Я выпью ещё чашку к6фе. Я уже выпил два стакана чаю.

SHTO vt l' Ili u 1jtx jchiRA za а13Бdam?

уа V1pyu yiSHCHO cMshku KOji. уа v.zhe V1pil D VA staKAna СНАуи.

Page 261: Spoken Russian 1

Не [always] drinks по more than Он выпивает не б6лее двух оп vipiVAyit 1'ji BO/iyi D VUX two glasses of tea. CTaRaHOB чаю. staKAnaj СНАуu. ТЬе prefix {vi-] is always accented when it сотЫпев the liquid in some.cont<!-i�er, висЬ ав а сир or glass. ТЬе

with а simple verb to make а Punctual. J t is not accented Compound Duratlve [mPi VA ТJ means this same action when it combines with а Compounding Durative. repeated. Мапу verbs Ьауе such special twists of теап-

ТЬе Punctual verb [ Vlpij] says that опе drinks ир аН ing for the Aspects.

I'уе heard she is married. Науе уои heard the train?-No, 1

haven't heard it. Не doesn't hear (рау attention to)

anything. Не doesn't want to hear уои (to

listen to what уои say) . lt's hard to hear him. (to listen

to him). It's hard to hear him (to catch

what he's saying).

Сап уои see аН right? Did уои see well? 1 don't see anything. 1 don't see апуопе. 1 see that this is very difficult. What did уои see there?

SLIshij (О.) , uSLIshij (Р.) to hear Я СЛЬ1Шал, чт6 она замужем. уа SLIshil sht6 аnа ZA mиzhim. выI слыIалии п6езд? - Vt SLIshiJi POyist?-!jЕТ, yiSHCHO

Нет, ещё не слыIал.. 1Ji SLIshil. Он ничег6 не слыIит.. ОП 1'ji chiVO 1'ji SLIshit.

Он слыIатьь вас не х6чет. оп SLIshi} vas 1'ji XOchit.

Трудно СЛЬIшать ег6.

Трудно УСЛЬIшать ег6.

YIg,ij (О.) , иYIg,ij (Р.) to see выI хорош6 видите? выI хорош6 видели? Я ничег6 не ВИ'Itу. Я НИRог6 не вижу. Я виЖу, чт6 это 6чень трудно. Чт6 :выI там видели?

TRUdna SLIsJti} yivo.

TRUdna иSLIsh�� yivo.

vt xaraSHO YIg,iji? т xaraSHO УЦiji? уа 1'ji chi VO 1'ji Ylzhu. уа 1'ji ka VO 1}i Ylzhи. уа Yfzhtt sht6 eta Ochi1'j TRUdna. SHTO vt Мm УЦiJi?

(10-В] t53

Page 262: Spoken Russian 1


! : i

I i

у ои will see Ыт there. We'l1 see later. у ои and 1 will soon see each

other (agail1). We'lI see each other again. When 1 went into the living room,

1 saw (caught sight of) her.

выI ег6 там: увидите. мыI пот6м: увИдим:. мыI С вами ск6ро увИдим:ся.

т yiv6 'ат uYI{liji. т';' ра ТОМ uYltjim. т$ s VA�i SKOra uYltjimsa.

мыI ещё увИдим:ся. т'" yishch6 uYltjimsa. :Когда л вошёл в гостиную, я её kagda уа vaSHOL v ga$Tlnuyu, уа

увидел. yiy6 uYltjil.

ZAjtrakaj (D. ) , paZAjtrakaj (Р.) to eat lunch We lunch at half past twelve.

Науе уои had lипсЬ? At what time are we gOil1g to

lщvе lunch? Shal1 we have some lunch? Let's go Ьауе some lunch here in

tbls restaurant. Соше and have lunch at ош house.

What Ы'е уои waiting for? Whom is he waiting for? I 've been waiting for уои а

1011g time. 1 ' 11 Ье waiting {Ol' уои here. We were wаitiпg there fol" three

hours. 254 [lО-В]

мыI завтраI{аем: в половине mi ZAjtrakayim j palaYI1}i rERvava. первого.

выI завтраI{али? vi ZAjtrakaji? В Iют6ром: часу м:ыI будем: j kaTOram chiSU mi butjim

завтракать? ZAjtrakaj? ПозавтраIЩТЬ нам:? paZAjtrakaj пат? Пойдём: позавтракать в6т в рауl)ОМ paZAjtrakaj v6t v Etam

этом: ресторане. JistaRA 1}i. Приходите к нам: позавтракать. pJixal)Iji k пат paZAjtrakaj.

ZHDAT (D. ) , padaZHDA T (Р.) to wait Чег6 выI ждёте? chi VO vi ZHl)Oji? Ког6 6н ждёт? ka VO оп ZHl)OT? Я вас :жду давн6. уа vaz ZHD U da VNO.

я буду вас здесь ждать. мыI ждали там: три часа.

уа bUd�t vaz гl)Е$ ZHDAT. т';' ZHDAji tam TJU chiSA.

Page 263: Spoken Russian 1

Don't wait for те. 1 '11 wait for уои. Сап уои wai t а quarter of ап hour?

Wait for те, please.

Не ждите менА. 1Ji ZH!)Iji 1Jti1}d. Я вас подождУ. уа vas padaZHD U. выI м6жете подождать четверть т MOzhiji padaZHDA T CHEyirj l'

часа? chiSA? Подождите менА, пожалуйста. padaZH!)Iji 1Jti1Ja paZHALsta.

2. Covering English and Russian of Word Study (IndividuaI Study) Check yourself оп your knowledge of the Wопl Study Ьу covering, first the EngIish, t!len the Russian and making

sure уои know everything thoroughly. '

3. Review of Basic Sentences With the Guide or cassette, review the first ha!f of the Basic SCtltCtlCCS as in previous units.


1. Review о' Basic Sentences (Cont.) Review the second half of the Basic Sentences.

2. Covering the Ещ�1ish о' Basic Sentences (Individua! Study) Go through the Basic Sentences covering ир the English and reading aloud the Russian. Check ир оп anything

уои do not know, until уои are sure оС everything.

3. What Would Уои Say? 'Individual Study) Read aloud each оС the fo11owing and then pick out the expression уои think most suitable :

1 . Уои want to know at what time the post оfбсе is closed. Уои ask : а. В Iют6ром часу п6чта эаI{рываетсл? j kaTOram chiSU POchta zakri VAyitsa? Ь . В кот6ром часу вчера эакрыли п6чту? j kaTOram chiSU jchiRA zaKRIJi POchtu? с. В кот6ром часу сег6днл закр6ю'l' п6чту? kaTOram chiSU §iVO d1}a zaKROyut POchtu?

[ 1G-C] 255 I

Page 264: Spoken Russian 1

1 : I

2. Уои haven't received any letters from America for а long time. Уои say: а. Я с:к6ро получу пИсьма ИЗ Амери:ки. уа SKOra paluCHU pI$ma iz aAfEli�i. Ь. Я часто получаю письма ИЗ Америшr. уа CHAsta paluCHAyu Р I$ma iz aAfE,i�i. с. я давн6 уже не получал писем ИЗ АмеРИItи. уа da VNO uzhe 1Ji paluCHAL pI§im iz AAfEli�i.

З. In summer уои used to get а letter twice а month. Уои say : а. Летом я получил письмо. J.,Etam уа paluCHIL И§МО. Ь. Летом k получу письмо. J.,Etam уа paluCHU И§МО. с. Летом я получал письма два раза в месл�. J.,Etam уа paluCHAL Р 1 $ma D V А 'ат '/1 ЦЕ§и.

4. Уои want your shoes mended. Уои ask the shoemaker : а. BbI почините мои ботиlШИ? т paCHI1JiJi maу! baTIN�i? Ь. выI чините мои ботиlШИ? т CHI1JiJi may� baTIN�i? с. выI починили мои ботиlШИ? т pachiljlji may� baTIN�i?

5. Уои want to know whom your friend is waiting for. Уои ask : а. Кого выI ждали? ka VO т ZHDAJi? Ь. Кого выI ждёте? ka VO '/IZ ZHPOji?

. с. Кого выI подождёте? ka VO т padaZHPOji? 6. Your friend is going to write а letter to certain people ; уои want to know what Ье is going to write to them.

Уои ask : а. Что выI им напишете? Ь. Что выI им пИшете? с. Что выI им написали?

SHTO т у1т паР lshiji? SHTO '/11 ytm Р 1 shiJi? SHTO т ytm пapiSAli?

7. ТЬе hotel cashier tells уои that уои owe 17 roubles. Не says: а. Я вам должен семнадцать рублей. уа '/Iam DOLzhin §im.lilA Tcij ruBJ.,EY. Ь. За вами семнадцать рублей. za V A?Jti §iff1�l.ATciJ ruBJ.,E У. с. Вам надо семнадцать рублей. '/Iam NAda §'tmNATcij ruBJ.,EY.

256 [1О-С]

Page 265: Spoken Russian 1

8. Уоuг friend asks уоu where уоu are bound for. Уои аге going Ьоmе; во уоп answer� а. Я теперь д6ма. уа jiper DOma. Ь. Я теперь дом6Й. уа jiper аамо У. с. Я теперь в д6ме. уа jiper tI DOtpi.

9. Не wants уоп to go воmе place with Ыm, but уои have по time. Уоп вау: а. 'у менА: теперь мн6го времени. u rtti1]djiper MNOga VPE'tJZi1}l. Ь. Времл теперь д6рого. VPErtta jiper DOraga. с. Теперь у менА: времени нет. jiPEft. u 1j'ti1]d VPErtti1}i ljET.

10. Уоu Ьауе Ьееn in New York тапу times. 1n answer to а question, уоп вау: а. Я всё времл БЬ1JI в Ныо-И6РRе. уа F$O VPErtta ыl tl 1}yu-УОR�i. Ь. Я мн6го раБ был в Ныо-И6РRе. уа MNOga RAZ ыl tI 1}уи- YOR�i. с. Я неСIЮЛЬRО раБ БЬ1JI в Нью-И6РRе. уа ljEskaJka RAZ ыl tl 1}yu- УОR�i.

1 1. Уоu вее аn interesting book and want to know whose it is. Уоп ask: а. V Еог6 та Rнига? u ka УО ТА KljIga? Ь. Rнига у ЕОг6? KljIga u kaVO? с. ЧьЯ: эта Rнига? СНУ А ееа KlfIga?

12. Уоuг friend is carrying а ЬеауУ trunk, and уон want to help Ыт. Уон вау: а. Я вам помогаю. уа tlam pamaGAyu. Ь . .я вам буду помогать. уа vam Ьиаи pamaGAT. с. Я вам помогУ. уа tlam pamaG U.


Give yout answers in Russian for еасЬ of the exercises in the preceding section, when the Leader са11в for them. ТЬеn, аз the Leader саl1з Cor them, give the English equivalents Qf аН ф� expreSl:iions in the exercise.

[10-D] 251

Page 266: Spoken Russian 1

2. Word Study Check-Up As уои have done in the

· previous units, go back to the

Word Study and give the correct Russian for each English expression, without having to read it from the book. Tlle Leader or опе of the members of the group should read the English.

1. Boris meets Ivan hurrying down the street. Борис : Здравствуйте I

Еак поживаете? А как ваш отец и мать? Мне сказали, чт6 выI давнn уже от них не

ПОJlУЧали пИсем. Иван : Да, это меня 6чень беспок6ит.

М6й отец уже не молод6й человек, а брат и сестра нездор6вы.

Борис : Ах, щiк жаль I А I�уда выI идёте? Дом6й?

Иван : Нет, я д6лжен спешИть на п6чту. Борис : Н6 п6чта закрывается т6лько в половине

седьм6го. 258 [lO-D]

.3. Listening In With уош book closed, listen to the, following cOnVer_

sations as read Ьу the Guide or cassette recording. Repeat the Russian immediately after hearing it. After the first repetition of еасЬ conversation, check ир оп the meaning of anything уои do not understand, Ьу asking someone else or Ьу going back to the Basic Sentences if по оле knows. Repeat again, if necessary, then take parts and сапу оп the conversation.

ZDRAstvuyjil kdk pazhiVAyiji? а КАК vash аТЕС i МА Т? m'le skaZAJi sht6 vf, da VNO uzM at 'ltx 'li paluCHAji

fI§im. DA , еш 1]ti1]d Ochi'l frispaKOyit. т6у аТЕС uzM 'li тalaDO Y chilaYEK, а BRA Т i §iSTRA 'li zdaROvi. АХ, kdk ZHAfsJ а kuDA vf, ФОji? аамо у?

!fET,' уа DOLzhin spiSHIT па POchtu. n6 POchta zakriVAyitsa t6Jka f palaY1'li §i9-МOvа.

Page 267: Spoken Russian 1

у щiс много времени. Пойдёмте в ресторан.

Иван : Извините, Ji не могУ. П6сле п6чты Ji пойду за моим пером. Я ег6 отдал починить.

Борис : Я пойду туда с вами. А пот6м мыI пойдём В ресторан. Хорош6?

Иван : Хорошо.

2. Ivan and Boris arrive at the stationery store.

Иван : здраВС'l'вуЙте. Гот6во моё пер6?

Storekeeper : RаJ�бе онб?

Иван : Оно небольш6е, RpaCHOe. В6т онб там. Мне ТаRже надо бумагу.

Storekeeper : RаRУЮ бумагу?

Иван : Бумагу для писем.

Storekeeper : Вбт бчень хорбшая бумага.

Иван :

Она стбит один рубль C6POR семь RопееR.

она СЛИШRОМ дорога. Есть у вас дешевле?

и V A S MNOga VftE1}1i1Ji. payl)OMji v ristaRAN. izyi!jlji, уа 1Ji таGИ. p6§li POchti уа payD U za maYIM piROM. уа yiv6 adDAL pachi!jIJ.

уа paydu tudd s VA1}1i. а ра ТОМ тl, рауl)ОМ v ristaRAN. xaraSHO? xaraSHO.

ZD RA stvuyji. gaTOva тау6 piRO? kaKOya aNO? aNO 1Ji balSHOya, KRAsnaya. VOT an6 ТАМ. тчс ТАС zhi nам buMAgu. kaK Иуu buMAgu? buMAgu rJ1a f I§im. v6t ОсМч xaROshiya buMAga. аnа STOyit al)IN R ИВI; SOrak $ЕМ kapEyik.

aNA §fishkam daraGA. УЕ$Т и vas rJiSHEvli?

[lO-D] 259

Page 268: Spoken Russian 1

Storekeeper : Да.

Иван :

Эта бумага т6же хороша ; н6 она ст6ит т6лько один рубль. Посмотрите.

Нет, мне нравитса б6лее дорогая бумага.

Storekeeper : Это 6чень хор6шая бумага. Ваши ДРУЭЫI и ;приятельницы будУТ

рады, когда выI им напишете.

Иван : М6жет Быlь •. Я её воэьмУ. А пер6 гот6во? Ск6лько это ст6ит?

Storekeeper : Один рубль.

Иван : В6т три рубля.

Storekeeper : А в6т ваши пятьдесят три l(опеЙЮl. До свидания.

Иван : До свидания.

3. Outside in the street, Boris aпd lvan converse again.

Борис : Если вам нужны марки, у менЯ их дов6льно мн6го.

Иван : Благодарю вас, н6 у менЯ 6сть всё, чт6 мн6 надо.

260 [lO-D]

DA. ееа ЬuMAga ТО zhi xaraSHA , n6 аna STOyit t6Jka aJ)IN R UB!.-. pasmaT]Uji. 1jET, M1'jE NRAyitsa BO/iyi daraGAya ЬuMAga.

ееа Ochit] xaROshiya ЬuMAga. vashi druZ УА i Pri У AJiJt]ici bUdut RAdi, kagtМ т ytm

napIshiji. .

MOzhid BIT. УА yiy6 va�MU. а piRO gaTOva? SKO!.-ka ееа STOyit? aJ)IN R UB!.-. VOT т fiI ,uB!.-А. а VOT vashi pid 1-i$АТ TfiI kapEY�i. da syiDA t]ya. da syiDAt]ya.

ye§/i VAM nuzhni MAR�i, и rpi1'jA ytx daVO!.-na MNOga.

blagadafiU vas, n6 и rpi1Jd уе§} F$O sht6 mt]e NAda.

Page 269: Spoken Russian 1

Борис : Я 6чень хорошо знаю вашего брата Петра. Иван : Да, 6н мне это СRазал, Rогда л БыIл д6ма. Борис : RaR 6н поживает теперь? Иван : Я не знаю.

Он уехал в г6ры, . в 6ТПУСR. Мол сестра мне писала, что он ещё нездорОв.

Борис : Ж3.лRО. Я д6лжен ему написать.

Иван : Да, он БыIл бы очень рад. Борис : Дайте мне неСRОЛЬRО лист6в бумаги. Иван : В6т, берите. Борис : Спасибо.

Я емУ напишу после обеда. Иван : Хорошо.

Сейчас уже шесть. Мне надо спешить. До свидания.

Борис : До свидания.

уа Ochi1J xaraSHO ZNAyu vashiva BRAta piTRA. DA , ON m1je ееа skaZAL kagda уа bll DOтa. КАК 6n pazhiVAyit jiPEf.? уа 1ji ZNAyu. 6n u YExal v GOri, v ОТрщk. maуа §iSTRA m1je piSAla sht6 6n yishch6 1Ji zdaROF. ZHALka. уа DOLzhin yimu napiSAT. DA , 6n bll Ы Ochi1J RAD. DA Yji m1je NEskaJka #STOF buMAci. VOT, !;if.lji. spa$Iba. уа yimu napiSHU Р6§# аjШdа. xaraSHO. §i CHAS uаМ SHE$T. m1je NAdд spiSHIT. dд syiDA1Jya.

dд syiDA1jya.


1. Covering the Russian in Basic Sentences (Individual Study)

Cover the Russian оС the Basic Sentences and practice saying the Russian equivalents ос the English expressions.

[10-Е] 261 , I

Page 270: Spoken Russian 1

2. Vocabulary Check-Up Give the Russian �xpressions for the English еqпivаlепts in the Basic Sentences ав the Leader саllв for them.

3. Conversation Ав уои lшvе done in the Conversation in the previous ппits begin to converse Ьу following the models опtliпеd

below fairly closelY i then change the sitпаtiопs воте what. Invent new combinations of subject matter.

1 . Уоп ask someone to give уоп а реп and paper во that уои сап write to уопr girl friend. Не asks how вЬе is, and уоп tell him уои are worried. У ои heard вЬе was stпdуiпg Russian with а fellow from Stalin­grad, and уоп thil1k уоп опght to write her. Не asks w11el1 вЬе met the fellow. Уоп reply that during the sшптеl' they worked together il1 Sal1 Francisco. Уош friend ваув Ье'll Ье glad to help уои, and offers il1k and stamps. У оп thank him.

2. Уоп ask the landlady if dinner is ready. She ваув it will Ье ready at six o'clock. Уоп ask her if уоп have time to go to the post office. She ваув уев, if уоп hпrrу and asks if уоп will bril1g back soте stamps for her. Уои вау уоп'll Ье only too glad to. She ваув вЬе heard her sister was Ш, and wants to

write her sister's hпsЬапd. Уои вау уоп are вопу, and leave before вЬе сап tell уоп more family l1ews.

3. Уои go shoppil1g fш' clothes, picking опt socks, shirts, and handkerchiefs, commel1ting оп the ex­pensiveness, the size, the colors. ТЬеl1 уоп stop to Ьпу реl1 and ink for а letter.

4. А friend сотев to уоп and asks уои to give him а few sheets of paper. Не ваув Ье will rеtпш it ав ВОО11 ав possible. У оп tell him that Ье will find ink and paper оп the table in уош brother's room. Не ваув Ье doesn't know уош brother. Уоп tell him уоп are sure Ье WOl1't mind. Не thanks уоп and ваув Ье also l1eeds а реп. У ои give him one and Ье thanks уоп again.

SECTION F-CONVERSATION (Cont.) Сопtiппе the conversation started in Section Е, with а review of рrеviопs lessons, if necessary.

беспок6ить []JispaKOyij] D. to worry благодарить [blagada]UrI D. to thank брать [BRA rI D. to take

262 [lO-F]

FINDER L IST выпивать [vipiVA rI D. to drink г6д [СОТ] year roт6вый [gaTOvay] ready

Page 271: Spoken Russian 1

да'l'Ь [DA l] Р. to give должпый [DOLzhnay] owing ; я должеп ИТ'lfl [уа

DOLzhin iTI] 1 must Ье going дбма [DOma] at Ьоте домой [daMO У] Ьоте дУмать [D Uma}] D. to tblnk

ещё [yiSHCHO] still, yet, more

жаль [ZHA.&] it's too bad ждать [ZHDAl] D. to wait

заltрывать [zakriVAl] D. to close закрыlьь [zaKRIl] Р. to clos�

кпига [K.iYIga] book копверт [kanYERT] envelope

лист [.&IST] sheet (of paper)

марка [MARka] postage stamp

I1аписать [napiSAl] Р. to write I1ебольшой [1Ji ba]SHOY] not big, moderate-sized Jlесколыю [NEska]ka] а few, severaI нУжпый [NUz7tnay] needed, necessary ; мпе I1УЖПЫ эти

IШИГИ [mче NUzhni eji K.iYICi] 1 need these books

остальпой [asta]NO У] remaining отдать [adDAl] Р. to give back, to hand over

Пётр [POTR] Peter повторять [pajtajUl] D. to repeat пбд [РОТ, POD] under подписывать [patp 1 sava}] D. to sign позавтракать [paZAjtrakaj] Р. to have (Боте) lипсЬ получать [lю1uСНА Т] D. to receive получить [paluCHlj] Р. to receive помогать [pamaGA l] D. to help помочь [раМОСН] Р. to help поправиться [paNRAyitsa] Р. to Ье pleasing пообедать [paa]3Eda}] Р. to eat dinner притти [P/iTI] Р. to соте

рад [М Т, RAD] Ье is glad

сделать [Ц)Ею}] Р. to do, to make сипий [$I1Jiy] Ыие слы�атьь [SLIshi}] D. to hear

тот [ТОТ] that

увидеть [uУЦi}] Р. to Бее, to get sight of уехать [u YExat] Р. to go away (not оп foot) услы�атьь [uSLIshij] Р. to hear, to catch the sound

чей [СНЕ У] whose черпила [chir .iYIla] ink (plural only)

[10-F] 263

Page 272: Spoken Russian 1



Go once through the Basic Sentences in unison, con­centrating оп the Aids ео Listening, as уои Ьауе done before. Then go through Check Уоиу Pronunciation. Go once through the Basic Sentences individual1y trying to

follow the Conventioпal Spelling as much аэ possible. ТЬе last time through individual1y, you should Ье аЫе to follow the Conventioпal SpeUing without any trouble.

1. Basic Sentences


Peter Smith and Boris ауе walking ауоиnd the city.

Are there тапу good restaurants in your town?*

almost every

Yes, there's а restaurant оп almost every street, and а lot of good ones.

Пётр Мн6го ли хор6ших ресторанов

в вашем г6роде?

почти �кдый


Да, ресторан почти на каждой улице, и мн6го хор6ших.

*ТЬе word "Ьоте" оп the tape is an error.

264 [1 1-А]

�-- AIDS ТО L/STEN/NG ---,

MNOga li xaROshixristaRAпaj fJ V Ashim GOrag,i?

раСНТI KAzhday

DA , listaRAN pachjt па KAzhday UJici, i MNOga xaROshix

Page 273: Spoken Russian 1

4!::'J '.'(

which (N.P.) (they) serve dishes Qr foods

What kind of foods do they serve' in them?

one's own* ЕасЬ restaurant Ьаэ its own


(1) wil1 tell 1 will tel1 уои. Here's ап American restaurant in

this street.

in it ТЬеу only Ьауе American food


true Real1y? What will 1 get (find) there?

*Not оп the cassette.

накие пода(от бшода


Rакие там подаIbт блЮда?

Борис св6й

в каждом ресторане есть свои блюда.

расскажу Я вам раСCI�ажУ. В6т на этой улице американ­

СIШЙ ресторан.

в нём В нём, т6лько американские


верно Это верно?


А чт6 л там наЙдУ?

** The word "served" оп the tape is ап error.

kal}Iya padaYUT BJ.,Uda

kal}Iya ТАМ pada YUT BJ.,Uda?

SVO Y f KAzhdam ristaRA1Ji УЕ$Т svay!

BJ., Uda.

raskaZHU уа vam raskaZHU. VOT па Etay Ulici ШI:rtiriКАNs�iу


v ljOM v l'fOM, TOJ.,ka a1JliriKANs�'iya

BJ., Uda.

YERпa eta YERna? а SHTO уа Мm пayD И?

[Н-А] 265

Page 274: Spoken Russian 1


t I

for example (fried) eggs (with) ham made of apples pie

For example, ham and eggs and apple pie.

fish They serve meat and fish there

too, of course.

usually !Jeet soup

In Russia they usually give [уои] borshch.

Do уои like borshch?

Yes, very тисЬ.

is cooked* (with) v�getables О.Р.)

1 t's made witll meat al1d vegetables.

*The English оп the tape is an euor.

266 [1 1-А]


например личница с ветчин6й яблочный пир6г

Например, ЛИЧfшца с ветчин6й и яблочный пир6г.

рыIаa Там l{онечно подают также

рыIуy и мясо.

обьшновешro б6рщ

В России обыкновенно да{от б6рщ.

Пётр Вам нравитсл б6рщ?

да, 6чень.

варитсл 6вощами


Он 1J9РИ'l'СЛ С мясом И 6вощами.

па pJiMER yi YIsh1jica s yichiNO Y YAblachпay piROK

па PJiMER, yi YIsh1jica s yichiNO Y i У Ablachnay piROK.

Rlba ТАМ kaljEshпa pada YUT TAG zhi

Rlbu i ЦАю.


v ra$Iyi abiJmaYENna м уuт BORSHCH.

vaт NRAyitsa BORSHCH?

DA , Ochi1j.

VAJitsa Ovashchitjti 6n VAritsa s }.fAsaт i Ovashchitjti.

Page 275: Spoken Russian 1

(1) like оу lo"e meat baIIs

1 'т very fond of borshch and meat ЬаНэ.

sometime tl'Y (command) catch [your] Iiking

Some time tl'y Russian meat baIIs.

у ои 'Н Iike them а lot.

Good, let's try them.

bring (command) glass (G.)

Bring lIS two glasses of tea, please.

vodka (G.) 1 don't want any tea.

1 want (some) vodka.

Do the RlIssians dt'ink much vodka?

люблю :Котлеты

Я 6чень люблю б6рщ и Rотлеты.

:когда-нибудь попробуй'ге поправиться

l{,огда-пибудь попр6буйте РУСCI�ие :котлеты.

Они вам 6чень понравятся.

Пётр Хорош6, давай попр6буем.

принесите C'l'aRaHa

Принесите нам, пожалуйста, два ста:кана чаю.

Борис в6д:ки

Я не хочу чаю.

я хочу в6ДIЩ.

Пётр Мн6го ли в6др:и пью'г РУСClще?

luBJ., U kaTJ.,Eti

уа Oehi1J luBJ., U BORSHCH i kaTJ.,Eti.

kaGDA 1Ji Ьu] paPRObuyji paNRAyitsa

kaGDA 1Ji Ьu] paPRObuyJi rusMya kaTJ.,Eti.

a1J{ vam Oehi1J paNRA1,itsa.

xaraSHO, davdy раР RObuyim.

Pri1Ji$Iji staKAna

Pri1Ji$Iji пат, paZHALsta, D V А stakrina СНАуu.

VOt�i уа 1j,i хаСНU СНАуu.

у А хаеМ VOt�i.

MNOga 1i VOtM pyut R Us�iya? [ 1 1-А] 267

Page 276: Spoken Russian 1

\' ! � I

(they) get drunk Уев, but they don't get drunk.

What, never?

Oh , sometimes.

drunks (G.P.) (they) respect

But they haven't much respect for drunkards in Russia.

however (just the same) provel'b

Neverthe!ess, there's а Russian sаушg :

(he) wi11 wake ир fool

The drunkard wi11 wake ир; the foo! , never.

1 like that one. �68 Гl l-А]

Борис напищ\ются

Да, н6 они не напиваются.

Пётр Шк? Никогда?

о, иногда.

пьЯ:ных уважают


Н6 пьЯ:ных в России не 6чень уважают.

всё-таки посл6вица

Н6 всё-таки есть русская посл6вица :

проснётся дурак

ПьЯ:ный проснётся ; н6 дурак никогда.

Пётр Она мне нравится.

napiVAyиtsa DA , n6 a1}t 1}i napiVAyutsa.

КАК? 1}i kaGDA?

О, inaGDA.

p YAnix иvaZHAyиt

n6 Р У А nix v ,а$I yi 1}i Ochi1} uvaZHAyиt.

Р$О ta�i paSLOyica

n6 Р$О ta�i УЕ$Т R Uskaya paSLOyica:

pra$JyOTsa dиRAK

Р УАnау pra$ljOTsai n6 dиRAK, 1}i kaGDA .

aNA m1Je NRAyitsa.

Page 277: Spoken Russian 1

(he is) ricl1 (The) Russian language is {н1l оС


hospitality In еуе!'У RlIssian Ьоте уои'll find

vodka, proverbs, and hospitality.

(1) гететЬег 1 never l'ететЬсг proverbs.

We Ьауе а few Р1'Оуе1'ЬБ in Аmе1'icа, but 1 don't 1'еl11етЬе1' them.

ТЬаеБ too bad.

I 'd 1ike (' 1 very mllch want') to hear them.

Борис богат

русClЩй. языR богат пословицами.

гостеприимство В щiждом русС!им доме выI

найдё'ге воДIЧ, пословицы и гостеПРИ(IМСТВО.

Пётр помню

JI нюигда не помню пословиц.

'у НаС в Америке есть несколько пословиц, по л их не п6мню.

Жалко. Борис

JI 9чень хочу их услыIать •.

ЬаСА Т rusMy yiZIK ЬаСА Т paSLOyici?Jti.

ga§jipri YI Mstva f KAzhdam R Uskam DO?Jti vi

nayr)6ji VOtku, paSLOyici, i ga§jipri У 1М stva.

POm1jU уа 1ji kaGDA 1ji POm1jU paSLOyic.

u NAS v aME!i�i УЕ$Т IYEskajka paSLOyic, n6 УА yix 1Ji POm1ju.


уа Ochi1j хаСНU у/'х uSLIshij.

BefOl'e УОll go throllgh the Basic Sentences а second time, stlldy tl1e following :

2. Check Your Pronunciation

Observe carefully al1d imitate the stl'ess al1d the pitch 01' щеlоdу of the followil1g Russian qllcstions. Notice that the pitch at the el1d does not go ир blgh, as it does

il1 siшilаl' English qllestions. Notice also that ап ипс stressed vowel iп the syllabIe immediately befol'e а stl'essed vowel is fail'ly сlеаl' and. strong.

[1 1-А} 269

Page 278: Spoken Russian 1

, I

P R A C 'I' I C E 1

RаШIе там подаIОТ блюда? Ет6 этот молод6й человеR? Чт6 выI хотите? Где 6н раб6тает?

kaI}Iya ТАМ рcиla УИТ Bf.-Uda? КТО ешt тalaDOY chilaYEK? SHTO т ха Tlji? GJ)E 6n rаВОшуit?

What sort of food do they serve there? Who is that young fel1ow? What do уои want? Where does he work?

In the fol1owing sentences, notice that questions which contain the little question word [Z,I] have pretty much the melody оЕ statements, but questions without апу question word sound rather like similar English questions. PRACTICE 2

Не хотите ли хлеба? выI хоти'ге хлеба? Поехал ли Пётр В MOORBY? Пётр поехал в MOCRBY? Я не знаю, говорят ли дети

ПО·"РУССRИ. Понимаете ли BbI, 'Когда fr

ГОВОРIО медленно?

1}i ха т Iji Ji Х Z,Eba? т ха т Iji X"f;Eba? ра УЕха! Ji fOTR v тaSKVU? POTR ра УЕха! v тaSKVU? уа 1}i ZNAyu, gavajU T li J)Eji

ра R Usl}i. pa1}iMAyiji li VI, 'kagdd УА

gavaJu A/EdJina?

Don't уои want воте bread? Do уои want воте bread? Нав Peter gone to Moscow (or not)? Peter has gone to Moscow? 1 don 't know whether the chi1dren

speak Russian. Do уои understand when 1 speak


. уУе now give а couple of Russian exclamations. Listen carefuHy to the Guide or to the speaker оп the tape, and try to lffiltate exactly the tune or melody of the Russian. PR,ACTICE 3

Кад хорош6 малЬЧИI� говорит I Чт6 за пог6да I 270 [1 1-А}

kdk xaraSHO MA"f;chik gavaF-IТl SHTO ва paGOda!

How well the Iittle Ьоу talkst What weather !

Page 279: Spoken Russian 1

We now give first some simple statements and then some longer and more complex ones. Listen careful1y and try to imitate the intonation of the Russian. Remember that our way of intoning а sentcnce seems natural to us.

but it is likely to seem very queer if we transfer it to а foreign language. Try to stress and intone your Russian in the Russian way.

P R A C T I C E 4

я пойдУ с вами. Хорош6. ОН знает, чт6 мыI здесь. Она мне сказала, когда выI

будете д6ма.

Если праЧI{а не придёт, Я останусь без бельЯ:.

Я её возьмУ, если эта к6мната тёплая.

у менЯ есть красная кнИга.

у вас красная книга, н6 эта lшига моя.

В6т ваш брат. - М6й брат? Нет, это м6й мУж.

В6т lIаш мУж. - М6й мУж? Нет, это, муж моей cecTpbI.

уа payD U s VA1pi. xaraSHO. 6n ZNAyit sht6 т! ZJ)E$. aNA mt}e skaZAla kaGDA vt

Е U�iJi DOma. уе§# Р RA CHka t}i priJ)OT, уа

aSTAnus piz pi� YA.

уа yiy6 va�MU, уе§Н еШ КОmnaш ТОРЮуа.

и 1piljA УЕ$Т KRAsnaya K!jIga.

и VAS KRAsnaya KljIga; 1/1,6 Еш K!jIga, mа УА .

VOT vazh ЕМ T.-m6y ЕМ т? !jET, Еш m6у MUSH.

VOT vdsh MUSH.-МО У mush? !jET, еш MUSH maуеу §iSTRI.

1'11 go with уои. АII right. Не knows we are here. She told те when уои would Ье

at home. If the laundress doesn' t соте, 1'11

Ье left without cIothes. ГIl take it, .if this room is warm.

1 have а red book.

Уои have а red book, but this book is mine.

Here's your brother.-My brother? No, this 1s ту husband.

Here's your husband.-My husband? No, that's ту sister's husband.

[11-А] 271

Page 280: Spoken Russian 1


1 . Word Study ( Individua! Study)


1. The.question word [.{-I]. Do уои want а cigarette? ХотИте папиросу? xaTlji papiROsu?

выI хотИте папир6су? т xaTlji papiROsu? выI папир6су хотите? vi papiROsu xaTlji? Хо'rИте ли выI папир6су? xaTlji li т papiROsu?

If а question caIls for the answer yes or по and contains а verb, they sometimes speak tlle verb at the beginning. If the verb comes at the beginning, they occasional1y (but not very often) add to it the litt!e unstressed question word [.{-I].

Are there тапу good геstэurапts Здесь мн6го хор6ших ш)е§ MNOga xaROshix ristaRAnaf? here? ресторанов?

Мн6го здесь хор6ших MNOga &#§ xaROshix ristaRAnaf? ресторанов?

Много ли здесь хор6ших MNOga li �{Щ xaROshix ristaRAnaf? ресторанов?

If а question саIlв for the answer yes or по and does not contain а verb, they often put the most important word first, and then fair!y often they add to it the question word [.{-I].

1 don't know if Ье'в gone to Я не знаю, поехал ли 6н В уа t}i ZNAyu, pa YExal 1i 6n v Moscow. Москву. maSK VU.

Do уои know whether tllere are выI знаете, много ли там т ZNAyiji, MNOga 1i Мm тапу restaurants there? ресторанов? ristaRAnaf? If а question саlIв for the answer yes or по, and is part of а longer sentence, the question has the form with [,{,I].

In English we then иве whether or if. 272 [1 1-В]

Page 281: Spoken Russian 1

She took her ticket and went away. Не took ту book and gave те his.

2. ТЬе adjective [SVO Y). Она взяла свой билет и ушла. Он взял мою книгу и дал мне

свою. ТЬеу gave иэ their (own) tickets. Они нам дали свои билеты. ТЬе Petrovs are staying Ьоте, and Петровы остаются дома, и

the Ivanovs Ьауе brought иэ their Ивановы нам принесли их (the Petrovs') tickets. билеты.

ТЬе Petrovs Ьауе sent us tl1eir Петровы нам прислали свои tickets билеты.

аnа v�iLA sv6y pi[.-ET i uSHLA. 6n V.?'AL та УU KlfIgu i DAL m1Je

sva YU. a1J?, пат DA]i svay?' pi[.-Eti. piTROvi asta YUtsa DOma, i ivaNOvi пат Pli1Ji$[.-I у!х pi[.-Eti.

piTROvi пат PriSLA# svay?, Pi[.-Eti.

ТЬе adjective [SVO Y] Ьаэ forms like those of [МОУ]. person as the actor, the Genitive саэе forms are used : It is used for his, her, its, their when the possessor of [yiVO] ' his, its ' , [yiYO) ' her' , [ YIX] ' their'. Thus, ап something is the same person (or persons) as the actor Eng1ish sentence 1ike He took his book теапэ two different of the sentence. When the possessor is not the same things from the Russian point of view: Не took his book (his own book) . ОН взял свою книгу. 6n v,г:АL svayu K!fIgu. He took hisbook (the other fellow's) . ОН взял его I{НИГУ. 6n v,г:АL уiv6 К!f!gu.

Very often [SVO Y) is used also for ' ту, your, their' in sentences where the possessor of something is the same person as tl1e actor of the sentence : We are very welI satisfied with our


Did уои see your Ьгоthег?

1 'т looking for ту book.

МЫ очень довольны нашей квартирой.

мыI очень довольны своей двартИроЙ.

выI видели вашего брата? ВЫ видели своего брата? я ищУ MOIO днИгу. Я ищУ свою I{НИГУ.

т?' 6chi1J da VO[.-ni nashiy kvarTlray.

т?' 6chi1J аа VO[.-ni svayey kvarTlray.

т YIg,ili vashiva BRAta? т УliЩi svayiv6 BRAta? уа iSHCHU тауU K!fIgu. уа iSHCHU svayu K!fIgu.

[11-В] 273

Page 282: Spoken Russian 1

" 1

3. Eggs. Give те аn egg. Дайте мне яЙц6. DA Yji m1je yiCO. Give me two eggs. Дайте мне два яйца. DA Yji m1je D VA yiCA. Do уои like eggs? выI любите яйца? vt :{, UPiJi УА Уса? Уои don't eat eggs? выI не Rушаете яиц? т 1ji KUshiyiji yiYIC? Give them some ham with eggs. Дайте им ветчину с яйцами. DA Yji у1,m yichiNU s УА Ycitpi.

The word [yiYlch1jica] means аn egg dish : fried eggs, scrambled eggs, or аn omelet. It is formed from [yiCO] ' egg', Р. [УА Усаl, with irregular С.Р. [yiYICJ.

Give Ыт опе apple. Не didn't give Ыт the apple. How much are the apple8? There aren't апу apple8 today.

4. Apples. Дайте емУ одн6 ЯБЛОRО. DA Yji yiтd aDNO У Ablaka. Он ему не дал ЯБЛОRа. ,6n yiтd !jE dal У Ablaka. СR6ЛЬRО ст6ят яблOIЩ? SKOf.,ka st6yit У Abla�i? Сег6дня нет ЯБЛОRОВ. .§iVO !/1}а !jET YAblakaj. Сег6дня нет ЯБЛОR. .§iVO !/1}а !jET YAblak.

The adjective which we saw in the expression [ УА black- (and Accusative) Plural : [ У А bla�i]. The Genitive Plural пау piROK] ' pie made of apple8' {8 derived from the form of [ YAblaka] {8 often made with the ending [-оf] , Neuter поип [ У Ablaka] ' apple'. Most N euter поиП8 who8e like а Masculine. stem ends in [k] take the ending [-i] {п the Nominative

5. More word8 f0r drinking. Не took tea and went out. Он чаю напИлся и 'ушёл. 6n СНАуu па}' ILsa i uSHOL. At half past веуеп we take tea (have В половине восьм6го мыI пьём j palaYI1ji 7Ja§MOva m1, Р УОМ

breakfast) , and then we go out. чай, и затем ух6дим. СНА У, i za ТЕМ uХОфiт. The compound t'unctual verb [пaj'ITsa] ' to drink one's бll' is alwaY8 reflexive. That which опе drink8 is in the

Genitive case. The compound Durative {8 [пapiVA Tsa]. '

274 [1 1-В]

Page 283: Spoken Russian 1

Не got drunk. At times Ье used to get drunk.

Он напИлся пьЯным. Временами 6н напивался


оп пaj'ILsa l' УАпат. vri1piN А 1pi оп пapi V ALsa l' У А пат.

ТЬеве verbs are used also оС getting drunk, especiaIly with the' Instrumental саве Corms оС the adjective rl'YAпay] Idrunk'.



Masculine : N.S. C.s. N.P. С.Р.

beet soир BORSHCH barSHCHA {ооl duRAK duraKA duraI}I duraKOF Theodore FOdar pOdara store magaZIN magaZlпa magaZlni MagaZlпaf pie piROK piraGA Jn,a(;[ piraGOF example PriMER PrilifEra priMEri PrillfEraj lesson uROK uROka uROl}i uROkaj

Neuter : dish BJ.,Uda BJ.,Uda BJ.,Uda BJ.. UT hospita1ity ga;jiPri У 1 Mstva ga;}iPriYIMstva apple YAblaka YAblaka YAblal;i У Ablak, У Ablakaf

Feminine: N.S. A.S. C.S. N.P. С.Р.

meat Ьаll kaTJ.,Eta kaTJ.,Etu kaTJ.,Eti kaTJ.,Eti kaTfs,ET Olga Ofrga Ofrgu Ofs,ci vegetables Ovaskchi Ovashchiy

[Н-В] 275

Page 284: Spoken Russian 1

proverb fish bathtub, bath ham vodka egg dish

to give (D.) to try (D.) to wake ир (Р.)

paSLOyica Rlba VANna yichiNA VOTka yi YI ch1Jica

Infinitive daVA T PRObavaj praSNUTsa

paSLOyicu Rlbu VANnu '!}ichiNU VOtku yi Ylch1Jicu

paSLOyici RIbi VANni yichiNI VOTlji yi У 1 сlИ}iсi

С. NEW VERBS Presen t of Туре 1 :

1 da YU PRObuyu praSNUS

paSLOyici RIbi VANni

yi Ylch1Jici

he, she, it da YOT PRObuyit praSljOTsa

Prese11t of Туре 2 : Туре 2 Regular : POm1Jij ' to remember' .



Past da VAL PRObaval praSNULsa

Compoundi11g Duratives, of Туре 1 Regular : napi VA Tsa ' to dri11k o11e's БIl' goes with naFITsa Р. prasiPA Tsa ' to wake ир' goes with praSNUTsa Р. uvaZHA T ' to respect' goes with (rare) u VAzhij Р.

Same, but with shifti11g acce11t : luJЗIТ' to love' , va!Ur ' to boil, to cook'.


Не will give уои а ticket. Он вам даст билет. 6n 'оат DAST ]JiJ.,ET. She gave the waiter а tip (' for tea'). Она дала официанту на чай. аnа daLA ajiCYANtu па СНА У.

The verb [DAТJ ' to give' is PU11ctual, although it is 110t compou11ded with а prefix.

She ofte11 gives the boys apples. Она часто даёт яблоки аnа CHAsta da УОТ У Ablalji

276 Гl 1-В] мальчИIЩМ. ИАJ.,сhikаm.

Page 285: Spoken Russian 1

She used to give us apples. Она нам давала яблоки. аnа 1tam da VAla У Ablabi. Don't give the children any coffee. Не давай'ге детям к6фе. 1Ji da VA Yji !)Ejim KOji.

Tlle vel'b (daVA J] ' to give' is the Durative corresponding to [DАТ) . Thc Present of [daVA J] is [daYU, daYDT). The Impel'ative is [da V А Yji].

They are going to seH tlleir house. Они продадут св6й д6м. a1Ji pradaD UТ sv6y DOM. They llave sold their house. Они пр6дали св6й д6м. a1Ji PROdaji sv6y DOM. She has sold her house. ОНа продала св6й д6м. аnа pradaLA s�'6y DOM. There is the cash window where В6т касса, где ПРОДaIОТ билеты. VOT KASsa gtje prada YUT jJЦ.Еti.

they seH tickets. Не used to seH apples 011 tlle strect,

but n.ow he has Ьесоте а rich Он продавал яблоки на улице,

а теперь 6н стал богатым человеIЮМ.

6n prada VAL YAblabi па U/ici, ajipEfi. 6n STAL baGAtam chilaYEkam.

тап. The compounds of [DAJ] are Punctual. In the Past

form tlley accent the prefix, except i11 the Femini11c. The verb [da V А J] serves as thc Compoundi11g Durative of

(DA Т). 1 t is 011е of the half doze11 Compoulldi11g Dura­tives whose forms are 110t Туре 1 Regular.

[kuPIT, pakuPAJ] 1 ат gOillg to Ьиу а house. JI I{УПЛIО д6м. уа kuPI;.. U DOM. Wi1l уои Ьиу tickcts for иа? выI купите билеты для пас? vi K Upiji jJiI;..Eti tjJa nas? I've bought t,vo Russian books. Я купил две русские IШИги. уа kuPIL DYE RUsbiya KljICi. Виу this ! Rупите это ! kuP Iji eta!

The simple verb [kuPIJ] ' to Ьну' is pt1nctual. The Ргеsе11t is [kuPI;.. U, K Upit) , with shifting accent.

Не buys lots of books. Он ПOI{упает мн6го книг. 6n pakuPAyit MNOga KljIK. She used to Ьиу meat or fish for Опа Rаждый день ПОRупала для аnа KAzhday !)Elj pakuPAla {JJa nas

us every day. нас мясо или рЬrбу. lrfAsa i/i RIbu. Don't Ьиу that. Не покупай'ге этого. 1Ji pakuPA Yji etava.

ТЬе Durative verb correspolldillg to [kuPIJ] is tllc Compound Durative [pakuPA ТJ.

[11-В] 277

Page 286: Spoken Russian 1

[FST JillJij, jstriCHA Т). 1'11 meet уои at the station. Я вас встречу на вокзале.

The simple verb [FST JШЮ] ' to теее is Punctual. уа vas FST Jillchи па vagZA]i.

1 often meet her оп the street. Я часто встречаю её на улице. уа CHAsta jst!iCHAyи yiy6 па UJici. She and 1 often meet at our Mы� с ней часто встречаемся у тl, s 1jey CHAsta jst!iCHAyiтsa и

friends·. наших друзей. nashix drи�E У. The Durative verb corresponding to [FSТJШJij] is [fst!iCHArJ, Туре 1 Regular.

I 'm taking lessons in Russian. Не takes а warm bath every day.

In that store they charge very high prices.

We sha11 take Russian lessons every day.

1 want to take lessons from somebody.

From whom did уои take lessons? She alv.rays took ту books. Поn't take that ! Take what уои want, рlеаве do!

1'11 take а little ffiore of this dish.

They'll charge а lot.

278 [H-Вl

[ВМТ, V�A rJ· Я беру урбки русского языR •. Он каждый день берёт тёnлую

ванну. В этом магазине берут бчень

дброго. МЫ будем брать урбки русского

JIзыка I�аждый день. я хочу у когб-нибудь брать

уроки. выI у кого брали урбки? ОНа всегда брала мои кнИги. Не берите этого l Берите, что хотите,

пожалуйста l Я возьму ещё немножко этого

бшОда. Они дорого возьмУт.

уа ИуU иRO�i R Uskava yiziKA. 6n KAzhday !)E!f рiJЮТ TOplиyи

VANnи. v Ешт таgагI1jе jJiRUT Ochi1j

DOraga. т1, bU{liт Ьуа] иRO�i R Uskava yiZiKA

KAzhday !)E!f. уа хаСНU u kaVO 1ji Ьи} ВМТ

иRO�i. т u ka VO Ьуа# иRO�i? апа j§iGDA ЬraLA тау!' K!fIgi. 1ji jJij{Iji Etava! PiJUji sht6 xaTlji, paZHALsta!

уа щ�МU yiSHCHO 1jiтn6shka etava Bf.,Uda.

a1j1, DOraga vа�МПТ.

Page 287: Spoken Russian 1

'"'." �, cr · -

She took the receipt and went away. How much did they charge (уои) ? Уои'уе taken very Iittle. Уои must take а receipt. Take your five roubles and go!

Она взяла распис:ку и ушла. С:к6лыю взяли? ВЫ 6чень мало взяли. Надо взЛть распИс:ку. Возьмите ваши пять рублей и

уйдите !

аnа v�iLA raSp 1 sku i uSHLA. SKO!.-ka VZAji? т OcM� МАш VZAji. NAda VZAT raSpIsku. va�Aflji vashi РАТ ruB!.-ЕУ i uуJ)IjЙ

The simp!e Durative verb [BMТJ ' to take' is matched Ьу the Puncttla! compound [ VZATJ, which consists of prefix [vz·, voz·J and а different verb. ТЫв verb has irregu!ar forms. I t occurs оп!у with prefixes. 1 shan't understand anything. Я ничег6 не поймУ. уа �i chiVO �?, рауМU. If уои ta!k that way, they won't Если выI та:К говорить будете, ye§fi т ТАК gavaft.IT bug,iji, MS �i

understand уои. вас не поймУт. рауМUТ. Did уои understand те? выI меня п6няли? т 1Jli�a PO�ili? 1 misunderstood уои. Я вас не та:К п6нял. уа vas �i Т АК PO�il. She misunderstoor1 ив. Она нас не та:к Поняла. аnа nas �i Т АК pa�iLA. 1 don't understand а (sing!e) word. Я lШ сл6ва не понимаю. уа �i SLOva �i pa�iMAyu. Do уои understand El1gIish? Вы ПОlШмаете па.англиЙс:ки? т pa�iMAyiji ра anG!.-IУs�i?

The Punctual compounds, such ав [paijA ТJ ' to understand' , ,are matched Ьу Compound Duratives, such as [pa�iMA ТJ, made with а Compounding Durative [·�imaJJ.

[gavaft.IT, skaZA ТJ 1 often ta!k with them. Я часто с ними говор{о. What language will they Ье На :ка:к6м ЯЗЫRе там будут

speaking there? говорить? 1'11 have а talk with them. Я с ними поговорю. Уои'll have to have а ta!k Вам надо будет поговорить с

with her. ней.

уа CHAsta s �i1Jli gavaft.U. па kaKOM yizi4E Мm budut

gavaft.IT? уа s �i1Jli pagavaft. U. vam NAda bUr,Jit pagavaft.IT s �ey.

The verb [gavaft.IТJ when it теапв ' speak, talk' is matched Ьу the Puncttlal compound [pagavaft.IТJ. [1 1-Вl 279

Page 288: Spoken Russian 1

ТЬеУ !аУ вЬе'в married to ап Ашегicаn.

I 've шаnу tiшеs already told уои that.

Dоп't tell hiш. Don't say апуthing. I 'Il tell уои later. Why won't уои tell те? Не'l1 tel1 уои how to go there.

Who told уои that? She didn't teI1 те anything. What did уои say? ТеI1 (ше), pIease, how is that

(said) in Russian? ТеI1 hiш to соте sооп.

Говорят, чт6 она замужем за американцем.

Я мн6го раз уже говорил вам это.

Не говорите ему. Не говорите ничег6. Я вам скажу пот6м. ПочемУ вы мне не скажете? Он вам CI�ажет, как надо туда


gavaJU, Т sht6 аna ZA тuzhiт za ШlJtiriКАN ciт.

уа MNOga RAS uzh8 gava}UL vam eta.

1ji gavajUji yiтu. 1ji gavajUji 1ji chiVO. уа vaт skaZHU ра ТОМ. ра сММU V$ т1Je 1ji SKAzhiji? 6n vaт SKAzhit Mk NAda tuda iTI.

RT6 вам это сказал? КТО vaт Еш skaZAL? Она мне ничег6 не сказала. аnа т1je 1ji chiVO 1ji skaZAla. Чт6 выI CIщзали? SHTO V$ skaZAli? СкаЖИ'l'е, пожалуйста, I�aK это skaZHlji, paZHALsta; КАК еш ра

по-русски? R Us�i? Скажите емУ, Ч'I'6бы 6н скорее skaZHlji yiтu sht6 Ы 6n ska.l�Eyi

приезжал. PriyiZHDZHAL. When [gavaJun шеапs ' to Бау, to tell' , it is шаtсhеd Ьу the Рuпсtuаl сошроund [skaZA n. ТЬе siшрlе fогш of

this verb occurs onIy in the Reflexive [KAzhitsa] ' it sеешs'.

W11ere are уои trаvеIiпg (гidiпg, driving) to? .

I 'ш gоiпg to Moscow. Tomorrow I'ш driving to town. 280 [ 1 1-В]


[ YExaj, YE�r)ij] Rуда вы едете?

я еду в Москву. Завтра я еду в г6род.

kuDA т YEr)iji?

уа YEdu v тaSKVU. ZAjtra уа YEdu v GOrat.

Page 289: Spoken Russian 1

Where were уои driving to when 1 saw уои yesterday?

We were d1'iving to the station. Do уои already want to Ье going (Ьу

саг) ? (Areyoualready leavingus?)

Н,уда выI ехали, Еогда л вас видел вчера?

мыI ехали на ВОЕзал . выI уже хотите ехать?

kuDA т YExali kaGDA уа vas YI!J,il fchiRA?

m-t УЕха# па vagZAL. т uZHE xaj1ji YExaj?

ТЬе verb [ УЕха}] ' to Ье going (not оп foot) , riding, driving' is used only in Actual Durative meanings.

1 often go to Moscow. я часто езжу В МОСЕВУ. уа CHAsta YEzhdzhu v maSK VU. a1Ji KAzhduyu гlтu YE�t;lit па УUК. v!. kaGDA 1Ji Ьu] YE�t;lili v aAfEriku?

ТЬеу go to the south every winter. Науе уои ever gone to America?

Они Еаждую зиму ездят на юг. выI Еогда-нибудь ездили В

АмеРИЕУ? She never went to visit them (in

her car 01' Ьу train) . Она НИIщгда не ездила Е ним. аnа t}i kaGDA t}i YE�!J,ila k t}im.

t}i YE�g,iji tak CHAsta tuDA. Don't drive over there во often. 1 often Ьауе to go to New York.

Не ездите таЕ часто туда. Я д6лжен часто ездить В

Нью-И6РI�. уа d61zhin CHAsta YE�t;lij V t}yu


The verb [ YE�,#j] ' to go (not оп foot) , to ride, to drive' is used only in Itcmtivc Durative meanings.

For the most part, Russian does not distinguish between Actual (roughly like the English -ing form) and Iterative (roughly Iike tl1e EngIish simple verb when used of repeated action) ; the Russian Durative verbs are used in both meanings :

Actual : [р I shit] ' Ье is writing' Iterative : [fIshit] ' Ье writes'

But there are а dozen or во pairs of Durative verbs

which make this distinction : опе verb of the pail' is ап Actual (Durative) verb, and the other is ап Itcrativ� (Durative) уегЬ :

Actual уегЬ : [ YEt;lit] ' Ье is riding' Iterative verb : [ YE�t;lit] ' Ье rides'

ТЬе verbs wblch соте in pairs Iike these are mostly verbs which have to do with locomotion.

ТЬе distinction between Actual and 1 terative is not exactly the same as in English ; уои wilI find quite а few discrepancies.

[ 1 1-В] 281

Page 290: Spoken Russian 1

Гll go tomorrow. Я поеду завтра. This winter we'll go south. 3им6й мыI поедем на юг. Where has he gone to? Rуда он поехал? I'd like to take а trip to Russia. Я бы хотел поехать в Россию.

ТЬе Punctual of [ УЕхаЛ is [paYExaj].

1 '11 drive round to the station for tickets.

у esterday we drove over to 1 vanov' s.

я съезжу на вонзал за билетами.

Вчера мыI съездили н Иван6вым.

Tomorrow 1 must drive round to Мне надо завтра съездить в town. г6род.

уа ра УЫи ZAjtra. �iMO У т';' ра YE{liт па УUК. kuDA 6n paYExal? уа ы xaTEL раУЕха} v ra$Iyu.

уа SYEzhdzhu па vagZAL za YiJ.,Eta1fli.

jchiRA тi SYE�{li1i k ivaNOvaт.

т1je nааа ZAjtra SYE�{liJ v GOrat.

ТЬе Punctual of [ YE�{lij] is [SY�{lij] ; it is used of making а . round trip, driving or riding somewhere and then coming back.

Both [раУЕхаЛ and [SYE�{lij] are just ordinary Punc­tual verbs ; the distinction of Actual and Iterative does not exist for Purictual verbs.

When did 'уои get here? Rогда вы приехали? They ",ill arrive at one o'clock. Они приедут в час. We shall soon get there. мыI сн6ро приедем. We shaH БООП leave now. мыI теперь сн6ро уедем. They haven't left yet. Они ещё не уехали. She drove off quite а while ago. она давн6 уже уехала.

Punctual verbs are mostly made from the Actual verb of а pair.

They соте here every spring. Они приезжают сюда на,ждую весну.

1 shaIl соте to Russia every Я буду приезжать в Россию st'.mmer. на,ждое лето.

282 [l1-'В]

kaGDA vi PJiYExali? a1Ji PriYEdut f CHAS. тi SKOra P1i YE{liт. тi jipeJ SKOra u YE{liт. a1Ji yiSHCHO 1Ji u YExali. аna daVNO uzbl u YExala.

a1J1, PJiyiZHDZHAyut §uDA KAzhduyu yiSNU.

уа ЬИdи PJiyiZHDZHAT v ra$Iyu KAzhdaya J.,Eta.

Page 291: Spoken Russian 1

I 'т leaving tomorrow. Я уезжаю завтра. Don't Ье leaving us so soon. Не уезжайте таи. скоро от нас.

ТЬе Compounding Durative of [ YExaJ] is [-уizhdzМj].

уа uyiZHDZHAyu ZAjtra. 1Ji uyiZHDZHA YJi td.k SKOra at nas.

Drive to the right. Поезжайте направо. payiZHDZHA Yji па PRAva. ТЬе verb [ УЕхаЛ has по Imperative. In commands they иэе the Imperative of the Compound Durative

[payiZHDZHA ТJ· [iTI, xaI;>IТJ

Where аге уои going? :Куда выI идёте? Where were уои going when 1 :Куда вы шли, когда л вас

met уои? встретил? ТЬе verb [iTI] ' to Ье going (оп foot) ' is an Actual (Durative) verb.

kuD А vi iI;>OJi? kuDA т SHf.,I, kagda уа vas


1 often go to this restaurant. Я часто хожу в этот ресторан. уа CHAsta xaZHU v Etat ristaRAN. The little Ьоу is already walking. Мальчик уже ходит. MAf.,chik uzhe XO!Jit. In summer we often went there. Летом мы часто туда ходили. f.,Etaт тt CHAsta tuDA xaI;>lji. 1 don't like to do а lot of walking. Я не люблю много ходить. уа 1Ji juBf., U MNOga xaI;>IT. Don't go there today. Не ходите сегодня туда. 1Ji xaI;>I;i §iVO !/J1J4 tuDA .

ТЬе verb [xaI;>ITJ ' to go (оп foot) , to walk' is ап Iterative (Durative) verb.

I have to go Ьоте now. Не will go to the post office

rigl,1t away. The children have gone to school.

ТЬе Punctual of [iTI] is [рауТ!);.

Мне надо теперь пойти домой. Он сейчаС пойдёт на почту.

Дети пошли в школу.

After а prefix, the [i] of [iTIJ is replaced Ьу [у].

т1Je NAda Jiper рауТ! daMO Y. оп §i CHAS рауl)ОТ па РОсЫu.

I;>EJi paSHf.,I f SHKOlu.

[Н-В] 283'

Page 292: Spoken Russian 1

Соте hel e ! n оди'ге сюда ! рар Iji §uDA! In the Imperative furm, the verb [f)ayTI) is иБиаl1у spoken without the [у) sound.

1 ' 11 go round to the post office. Я схожу на п6ч'гу. уа sxaZHU па POchtu. Не'в gone round to the barber's. ОН сходил к парикмахеру. 6n sxa[JIL k parikMA:гpiru. We'll go over to the station for мыl сх6дим на ВОЕвал ва т$ SXOdim па vagZAL za J;iJ"Eta1pi.

tickets. билетами. ТЬе Punctual of [xapIJ] is [sxa[JIJ]. It is used of going somewhere and coming back, covering the whole round

trip (оп foot) ав а unit.

Не will соте to our house for dinner today.

ТЬеу said they would соте at quarter of six.

ТЬеу сате at quarter past six.

Он придёт l� нам сег6дня обедать.

Они скааали, чт6 придут беа четверти шесть.

Пришли они в четверть седьм6го.

Yesterday he came at seven o'clock. Вчера 6н пришёл в семь час6в. Нав the train arrived? П6еад пришёл? 1 must leave now. Мне надо теперь уйти. She took the ten roubles and Она ваяла десять рублей и

went off. ушла. ТЬе train will leave right away. П6еад сейчас уЙдёт. ТЬе train has just left. П6еад сейчас ушёл.

Punctual compound verbs are made mostly from [iTI).

6n PriPOT k пат §i VO dr;a a13Edaj. '

a1J$ skaZAJi sht6 PriD UТ !Jis CHEtyirji SHE�J,

PriSHJ"J a1J$ f CHEtyirj §idMOva.

fchiRA 6n PriSHOLj' �EM chiSOF. POyist PriSHOL? m1Je N Ada jiper иу Т I. аnа щiLА de§ij ruBJ"E Y i uSHLA.

POyist §i CHAS иурОТ. POyist §i CHAS uSHOL.

ТЬе absence of [у) in [priTI) is due to the unstressed position : unstressed [iy) before а consonant loses [у).

Не often comes to our house. Он часто н нам прих6дит. 6n CHAsta k пат PriXOdit. I соте here every day. Я прцхожу сюда каждый n;eHb. уа p.rixaZHV juDA KAzhday [JElj. 284 С1 1-В1

Page 293: Spoken Russian 1

She often сате for dinner. Она часто приходила обедать. аnа CHAsta prixaI)lla af3Edaj. Don't соте tornorrow . Не приходите завтра. 'lJi Plixa!;>Iji ZAjtra. Are уои Ieaving already? Bhr уже уходите? vf., uZHE uXOrjiji? When доев the train leave? Еогда уходит поезд? kaGDA uXOr;lit POyist?

For the СоmРOlшdiпg Durative оЕ [iTI] they иве the Regular. It is Туре 2 Regulat', with shiftiпg ассепt in Iterative verb [xaI)IrJ . Thus, [xaI)IrJ lJas to до доиЫе the Present tепsе. duty. Some соmроипдв of [хаI)IТ] аге Punctual, being Remember that ощ' stаtеmепts about grammar or treated as ordinary compounds of [хаI)IТ] with а prefix, about mеапiпg аге mеапt merely to Ье read over ; they as [sxaI)ITJ. But most сотроипдв with [xaI)IrJ are mау Ьеlр уои keep track of things. Do not spend time Durative, with [xaI)IrJ serving as the СоmРОllпdiпg оп them апd до not try to remember them. But до lеагп Dtlrative of итп Notice that [xal)IТJ is опе of the tЬе Russian sentences lIпtil уои сап вау tI1em fluent!y very few Соmроuпdiпg Duratives that аге not of Туре 1 апd il1 а паtнrаl way.

2. Covering English and Russian Of W01'd Study (Iпd ividuа! ВСllду) Check yourse!f оп your knowledge of the Word Study Ьу covering, first the English, then the Russian, and making

sure уои know everything thoroughly. 3. Review of Basic Sentences

With сЬе Gtlide or cassette, review сЬе first ha!f of the Basic Sentences ав iп previotls tlnits.

SECTION C-REVIEW Of< ВЛSIС SENTENCES (Cont. ) 1 . Review of Basic 8entences (Cont. )

Review tl1e second half of the Basic Sentences.

2. Covering the English of Basic Sentences (Individtla! 8ttldy)

Go through the Basic Sentences covering ир the English al1d readil1g a!otld the RlISsial1. Check lIР оп anything УОll do not know tlnti! УОll are sше of everything.

[1 1-С] 285

Page 294: Spoken Russian 1

3. What Would You Say ? (Individual Study) Read aloud each of the following and then pick out the expression уои think most suitable :

1 . Уои get into а conversation with а fellow traveler оп а train to Moscow. Уои want to ask Ыт where he is bound for. Уои вау : а. Куда BbI идёте? Ь. Куда BыI ехали? с. Куда BыI едете?

kuDA vt фол? kuDA т YExaji? kuDA vt YE1.-iJi?

2. Не is going to Moscow. Не ваув: а. Я часто езжу в Москву. уа CHAsta YEzhdzhu v maSKVU.

уа Jiper YEdu v maSK VU. Ь. Я теперь еду в Москву. С. Я ск6ро поеду в Москву. уа SKOra pa YEdu v maSKVU.

З. Не tells уои that he often goes there. Не says : а. Я часто хожу туда. уа CHAsta xaZHU tuDA.

уа CHAsta YEzltdzhu tuDA. уа CHAsta piSHU tuDA.

ь. Я часто езжу туда. с. я часто пишУ туда.

4. Уои want to know what time the train is due to arrive. Уои ask: а. В кот6ром часу приедем? J kaTOram chiSU P1i YE1.-im? Ь. В нот6ром часу поедем? J kaTOram chiSU paYE1.-im? с. В кот6ром часу придём? J kaTOram chiSU РrФОМ?

5. Не says at 7 :20. Не says :


а. В двадцать минут седьм6го. Ь. Без двадцати в6семь. с. В двадцать минут восьм6г()


v D VA Tci} 'I}'/,iNUT §i1.-МOvа. 'piz dvaciTI VO.#'I}'/,. v D VA TciJ 'l}'/,iNUT va§MOva.

Page 295: Spoken Russian 1

6. The train makes а fifteen minute stop at а station. Your acquaintance asks whether уои want to go for some lunch. Не asks : а. выI вдесь BaBTpaRaeTe? т &g,c§ ZAjtrakayiji? Ь. выI уже вавтраRали? vt uzhC ZAjtraka]i? с. Хотите повавтраRать? xaTlji paZAjtrakaj?

7. Уои want meat balls with vegetables. Уои give your order : а. Принесите мне нотлеты с яйцами. Pri1Ji$Iji m1Je kaTJ..,Eti s УА Yci1fli. Ь. Принесите мне нотлеты с нарт6шноЙ. Pri1Ji$Iji m1Jc kaTJ..,Eti s karTOshkay. с. Принесите мне нотлеты с 6вощами. Pri1Ji$Iji m1Je kaTJ..,Eti s Ovashchi1Jti.

8. Уои want а second glass of tea. Уои say : а. я вьшил ещё CTaI{aH чаю. уа Vlpil yiSHCHO stakdn СНАуu. Ь. Я пыо ещё станан чаю. уа f УИ yiSHCHO stakdn СНАуu. с. я вьшью ещё станан чаю. уа Vlpyu yiSHCHO stakdn СНАуu.

9. Уои want to know how much of а tip опе gives the waiter. Уои ask : а. Сlt6льно дадут официанту на чай? SKOJ..,ka dаD ИТ afiCYANtu па СНА У? Ь. Сн6льно даIОТ официанту на чай? SKOJ..,ka da УИТ afiCY ANtu па СНА У? с. Сн6льно выI дали офицнаН'l'У на чай? SKOJ..,ka т DA]i afiCY ANtu па СНА У?

10. Не tells уои they don't take tips here. Не says: а. Здесь на чай не берут. Ь. Здесь на чай не вовьмУт. с. Здесь на чай не дадут.

11 . Оп the way out уои see some apples {ог sale. Уои say : а. В6т там вам продадут яблони. Ь. В6т там понупают яблони. с. В6т там продают яблони.

�J)E$ па СНА У 1Ji jJiR ИТ. �J)E$ па СНА У 1Ji vа&МИТ. �J)E$ па СНА У 1Ji daDИТ.

v6t Т А М vam pradaD ИТ УА bla1ii. v6t ТАМ pakuPAyut YAbla1ii. v6t ТАМ рrаda УИТ YAbla1ii.

[1 1-С] 287

Page 296: Spoken Russian 1

12 . ')Тои \\'ant to Ьtlу some apples. Уоu say: а. Я хочУ купить яблок. Ь. Я хочу купить яблоко. с. Я хочу продавать яблоки.

уа хаСНU ku;PIT YAblak. уа хаСНU ku;P IТ У Ablaka. уа хаСНU prada VA T YAbla�i.


1 . What Did Уоu Say? Give уош answers in Russian for each of the exercises

in the preceding section, when the Leader calls for them. Then, as the Leader calls for them, give the English equivalents of all the expressions in the exercise.

2. Word Study Check.Up As уои have done in the previous units, go back to the

Word Study and give the correct Russian for each Englisll expression, without having to read it from the book. The Leader or one of the members of the group should read the English.

3. Listening In With уош book closed, listen to the following conv�r­

sations as read Ьу the Guide or cassette recording. Repeat the Russian immediately after hearing it. After the first repetition of each conversation, check ир оп the meaning of anything YOll do not understand, Ьу asking someone else or Ьу going back to the Basic Sentences if по one knows. Repeat again if necessary, then take parts and сапу оп the conversation.

1. Boris goes out to тail а [еиеу еауlу оnе тorning, аnd оп the way back jroт the post office тeets Feodor.

Борис : выI хотите позавтракать со мн6й? Фе6дор : СпасИбо.

Хор6tп ли завтрак в панси6не?

Борис : Да, довольно. Гражданка:Петр6ва там завтраI{ает.

Фе6дор : Кт6 она'?

288 [l 1-D]

т xaTlji paZAjtrakaj sa MNO Y? spa$Iba. xaROSH # ZAjtrak j раn$ Y01Ji? DA , da VO!-na. graZHDANka piTROva Мт ZAjtrakayit. КТО аnа?

Page 297: Spoken Russian 1

Борис : Еад? выI не знаете её? Она 6чень приА:тная девушка.

Фе6дор : Где выI с ней познак6мились?

Борис : На аэродр6ме. Она там раб6тает.

Фе6дор : Где она живёт?

Борис : В панси6не.

Фе6дор : Там, где 11 выI живёте?

Борис : Да, конечно. ОНа мне дала адрес панси6на.

Фе6дор : Теперь А: знаю, почему выI БыIии в парикмахеРСIЮЙ.

Борис : Мне надо было постричьсн и побрИтьсн.

Фе6дор : Теперь, щl,жетсн, выI всегда в парикмахерскоЙ.

Борис : Я вам сказал, чт6 А: был на п6чте.

Фе6дор : Я вас слыIал..

2. They arrive at the boarding house. Паша : Здравствуйте, товарищ.

ГРМlщанка Петр6ва т6же пришла завтраI�ать.

Она теперь в стол6воЙ.

КАК? т 1}i ZNAyiji yiYO? аnа ОСМ1} PriYAtnaya J)Evushka. GJ)E vt s l'fE У pazпaK01JliH�? па airaDR01Jli. aNA tam raBOtayit. GJ)E аnа zhiYOr? j pan$Y01}i. ТАМ g# i VI zhiYOji? DA, kal'fEshпa. aNA т1}е daLA Adris раn$УОпа. JiPEj-::" уа ZNAyu ра сЫМU т bljij parikMA'firskay.

т1}е NAda bila paSTfi.ICHsa i paBfi.Tisa. jiPEfi. k6zhitsa т j§iGDA j parikMA'firskay.

уа vam skaZAL sht6 уа Ыl па POchji. уа vas SLIshil.

ZDRAstvuyji, ta VArishch. graZHDANka piTROva ТО zhi priSHLA ZAjtrakaj.

aNA jiper j staLOvay.

г ll-D] 289

Page 298: Spoken Russian 1

liорис : Хорош6. А выI вернули моё бельё'l

Паша : Да, т6лько-чт6,

Борис : СпасИбо. выI ег6 принесли скорее, чем выI сказали. Скажите, чт6 сег6дня на завтрак?

Пашэ, : Я не знаю. Гражданка Симе6нова в стол6воЙ. Она вам скажет,

3. They go to the dining ,оот. Борис : Здравствуйте, гражданка Петр6ва.

М6жно вас познаlt6мить с моим другом Фе6дором?

Ольга : Очень приЛтно. вы завтракали?

Борис : Нет. М6жно с вами позавтраltать?

ольга : Пожалуйста, пожалуйста, почему нет?

Фе6дор : Спасибо, это будет 6чень приЯтно.

Борис : Чт6 на завтрак?

Оль: �a : Яичница с ветчин6Й. Граждашtе Симе6новой понравился Пётр


290 [l 1-D]

xaraSHO. а 'lI� хп' N Uji ffШу6 Pil УО? ПА , t6Jka SHTO. spa$Iba. т yi'll6 Pri1}i$f.,I skaFEyi сМт т skaZAji. skaZHlji, SHTO §iVO r)1}a па ZAjtrak? уа 1}i ZN Ауи. graZHDANka §iдfOna'lla j staLOvay. aNA 'lIaт SKAzhit.

ZDRAst'lluyji, grazhddnka piTROva. MOzhпa 'lIas paznaK01pij s ffШу�т DRUgaт FOdaraт?

ОСЫ1} Pri У Atna. т ZAjtrakali? lfET. MOzhпa s VA1pi paZAjtrakaj? paZHALsta, paZHALsta, ра chiтu lfET? sl(a$Iba, еш bUr)it Ochi1} Pri У Atna. SHTO па ZAjtrak? yiYlch1}ica s yichiNOY. graZHDAN�i §iMOna'llay paNRAyilsa ;POTR SlifIT.

Page 299: Spoken Russian 1

11 теперь она подаёт т6лько американские блюда.

Фе6дор : Это ничег6. Американские блюда дов6льно хороши.

Ольга : М6жет БыIьь это хорош6 в Америке, н6 не когда Симе6нова их делает.

Борис : Вчера она нам п6дала яблочный nир6г. Он мне 6чень понравился.

Ольга : Да, верно. Н6 за обедом я люБJIЮ русский б6рщ.

Фе6дор : Я т6же. И котдеты.

Борис : Вчера я: сказал Петру, чт6 русские никогда не напиваются.

Одъга : Я не люблю пьяных, н6 я пыо в6дку И пиво.

Фе6дор : Т6дько дурак никогда не пьёт в6дки.

Борис : Н6 всё-таки мне не нравится просыпаться на УJIице.

Ольга : Я ещё этого не пр6боваJIа.

Фе6дор : Вам и. не надо. я могу вам рассказать.

i jiPEfl. аna рааа уот TOZ,ka a1piriKANsbiya BZ,Uda .

ееа 1ji chiVO. a1fliriKANsbiya BZ,Uda аа VOZ,na xaraSHI.

MOzhid blj ееа xaraSHO v a},fEribi, n6 1ji kaGDA §iMOnava ytx !)Elayit.

fchiRA аnа пат роапш у Ablachnay piROK. оп m1jC Ochi1j paNRAyilsa.

DA , YERna. n6 za а/3Бdaт уа JuBJ.,U R Usbiy BORSHCH.

уа · то zhi. i kaTZ,Eti.

fchiRA уа skazal piTR U sht6 R Usbiya 1ji kaGDA 1ji пapi V Ayutsa.

уа 1ji JuBZ,U p YAnax, n6 УА руu VOtku i plva.

t6Jka duRAK 1ji kagda 1ji py6t VOtbi.

n6 F$O ta�i mnc 1ji NRAyitsa prasiPA Tsa па UJici.

УА yishch6 etava 1ji Р RObavala.

VAM i 1ji NAda. УА тagu vam raskaZAT.

[11-D] 291

Page 300: Spoken Russian 1


1. Coverin� the Russian in Basic Sentences ( Individual Study) Соуег the Russia11 of the Basic Sentences and practice saying the Russian equivalents of the EngIish expressions.

2. Vocabular:y Check-Up

Give the Russian expressions for the EngIish eqHivale11ts i11 the Basic Sentences аа the Leader саНа for them.

3. Conversation

Аа уои Ьауе dOl1e in the Conversation i11 the previous units, begin to СО11уегае Ьу followil1g the models out-1i11ed below fairly closelY i then chal1ge the situatiol1s somewhat. Il1ve11t new combi11ations of subject matter . .

Suggested Conversation Т opics

1 . Уои соте into the house a11d ask уоиг mother if dil1ner is ready. She аауа it will Ье when the coffee boils. У ои ask what уои Ьауе al1d аЬе tells уои­vegetable воир (вонр with vegetables) , fish ог meat, potatoes, vegetables, a11d then apple pie a11d coffee. у ои tell Ьег tllat уои had Ьат al1d eggs for lU11ch i11 tlle city ; уои want the coffee to boil аа ВОО11 аа possible.

2. у ои саН 011 а girl a11d ask Ьег to have dil1ner with уои if she has11' t eatel1 yet. She accepts, and уои ask ller whether she'd like Russia11 ог Americal1 foods. She teHs уои of а good restaura11t where they иви­аllу serve good Russian food. У ои ask what kind of foods уои'1l find there. She эаув the borshch a11d meat Ьаllв аге good. Уои вау you'd Ье glad to go there.

292 [1 1-Е]

З. А t di11пег уои ask her what slle would like to dri11k. Slle orders vodka and а glass of tea. У ои order coffee al1d а glass of beer. She asks уои if уои вее та11У drunks in уоиг Ьоте town. У он tell Ьег that the young people used to get drul1k after the wat", but that people now tblnk it iSl1't nice. Slle ваув that аЬе hasn't тисЬ respect for drunkards, but nevertheless, she thinks that vodka and Ьеег oHght to Ье served.

4. Уои have just had dil1l1er at а friel1d's hOHse. Some-011е а11110Н11сев that coffee is beil1g served il1 the livil1g-room. У ои go il1 the other гоот. У ои вау that perhaps after the coffee уои wi1l wake ир. У оиг friel1d asks if уои have Ьееl1 working too тисЬ. У ои аау 110, but 11evertheless уои 11eed to wake ир. Your host ваув there is а vacant bed il1 the room 011 the

Page 301: Spoken Russian 1

second floor if уоu want to Ье there аН night. Уоu thank them and say уоu must go. Add that уои

remember hearing that the Russian folk are rich in hospitaIity,and thatyou Ьаус found it in everyhome.

SECTION F-CONVERSATION (Cont.) Continue the conversations started in Section Е, with а review of previous lessons if necessary.

блюдо [в.{, uм] dish, food богатый (boGAtay] rich БОрщ [BORSHCH] beet Боир

ванна [ VANna] bathtub, bath варить [vajUТJ to ЬоН, to cook ветчина [yichiN А] Ьат водка [ VOTka] vodka всё-таки [F$O taqi] just the Бате, nevertheless встречать [fstyiCHAТJ D. to meet гостеприимство [ga§jipyiYIMstva] hospitality

давать [da VAТJ D. to give дypaIC [duRAКj stupid fellow

еадить [ YE�4ij D. (Iterative) to go (not оп foot) 3атем [za ТЕМ] after that, then каждый [KAzhday] each, every квартира [kvarTlra] apartment, flat


когда-нибудь [kaGDA 1Ji ЬuЛ ever, at апу time котлета (kaT.{,Eta] cutlet; meat Ьа1l

ли (.{,I] whether любить [JuJ3IТJ to love, to like

магааин [maga.?'IN] store

немножко [1JiMNOshka] а little bit напиваться [napiVA Tsa] D. to drink one's бll ; to get

drunk напИться [паР ITsaJ Р. (Бате meanil1g)

о [О] Oh! овощи [Ovashchi] (Plural) vegetables Ольга [O.{,ga] Olga отдавать [addaVAn D. to give back i to hand over

пирбг [piROK] pie подавать [рам VAТJ D. to serve llр

[11-1<'] 293

Page 302: Spoken Russian 1

11 i

подать [paDAJ] Р. (same meaning) покупать [pakuPAJ] D. to Ьuу помнить [POт1jij] D. to remember ' попробовать [paPRObavaj] Р. to try пословица [paSL(}yica] proverb почти [paCHTI] almost приезжать [priyiZHDZHAJ] D. to arrive (not оп foot) пример [pli.i1fER] example, model приходить [PlixaPIТJ D. to arrive, to соте (оп foot) пробовать [PRObavaj] D. to try продать [praDAJ] Р. to seH проснуться [praSNUTsa] Р. to wake uр просыпаться [prasiPA Tsa] D. (same meaning) пьяный [РУАnaу] drunk

294 [l 1-Fl

рассказать [raskaZA ТJ Р. to narrate ры�а [Rlba] fish

сходИть [sxapIJ] Р. to go round (оп foot) съездить [SYEwi}] Р. to go round (not оп foot) сюда [§uDA] to this place, here

уважать [uvaZHAТJ D. to respect урОк [uROK] lesson

Феодор [FOdar] Theodore

яблоко [ YAblaka] apple яблочный [ У Ablachnay] made оС apples

яйцо [yiCO] egg яИчница [yiYlch1jica] egg dish ; fried or scrambled

eggs; omelet

Page 303: Spoken Russian 1



This section is а true-fa!se quiz exact!y !ike the опе in Unit 6, except that the first item is not а practice item. Prepare paper with numbers from 1 to 80 and mark the statements that уои will hear from уош Guide or the cassette recording either Т or F. After уои finish the quiz, the Leader will read out the correct answers for each statement. Check уош paper and give уош

score to уош Leader. Не will figure out the average for уош group. If уош score is !ess than the average пит­ber of correct answers or !ess than 80% correct, уои need more review of the previous units.

Spend the rest of the time going over the items оп which уои had difficu!ty.

SECTION B-How WOULD You SAY IT? (lndividua! Study)

Prepare to give orally the Russian for each of the following sentences. 00 not write anything down.

1 1 . Why are уои in such а hurry? 2. The train for Sta!ingrad !eaves at 2: 1 7. 3. It's a!ready five minutes past two. 4. I 'm going there not Ьу train, but Ьу airp!ane. 5 . You 'll get there оп time.

6. Have уои a!ready bought а ticket? 7. The airp!ane !eaves at 3: 12 . 8. 00 they sell tickets in town? 9. P!ease wait for те а minute.

10. P!ease give те а ticket to Sta!ingrad; how much is it?

[12-В] 295

Page 304: Spoken Russian 1

1. 1 lщvеп't а single сlеап shirt. 2. Where can 1 find а laundry? 3. 1 ' 11 send уои а laundress. 4. АН the dirty liпеп is оп the bed. 5. When wi11 уои bring back ту laundry?

1 . Are уои looking for а room? 2. А boarding house is cheaper than а hotel. 3. She gave те the address of your boarding ЬоиБе. 4. ТЬе bed is very comfortable. 5. ТЬе room is wel1 furnished.

1. 1 want to write а letter Ьоте. 2. 1 Ьаvеп't written to tЬет fOl' а long time. 3. 1 Ьаvеп't апу time. 4. WЬоsе is tЬаt paper tЬеге оп tЬе table? 5. 1 Ьауе ink, епуеl0реБ, and stamps.

1 . WЬаt wi11 1 find there? 2. 1 like this very much. 3. РlеаБе bring иБ t\VO glasses of tea. 4. Не'11 БООП wake ир. 5. Не took ту book and gave те ЫБ.

296 [12-В]




6. 1 Ьауе to have а pair of sЬоеs mended. 7. 1 need а БЬауе and а haircut. 8. 1 know 10ts of Russians here. 9. Two thousand реорlе live there.

10. А million реорlе live in tшs city.

6. Тшs room costs fifty roubles а month. 7. Науе УОl1 а room lеББ expensive than this? 8. Не is older than 1 . 9 . Тшs геstiщгапt i s very expensive.

10. Lunch is at опе o'clock.

6. МауЬе уои'1l get а lettel' from them. 7. That w0111d Ье very nice. 8. Where are уои going?-Home. 9. Where is your brother?-At home.

10. Науе уои time?

6. They gave иБ t11eir tickets. 7. I 'т looki11g for ту book. 8. Не buys 10ts of books. 9. 111 that store they charge very шgh prices.

10. Гт taki11g RlIssia11 leSS011S.

Page 305: Spoken Russian 1

SECTION C-How Dш You SA У 1 Т?

Quiz Ьу the Leader оп the sentences in Section В, asking various members of the group : «Кан скавать по ­русски . . . 1»

SECTION D-How WOULD You SAY IT? (Cont.) (Individual Study)

Рrерю'е to give oraHy the Russian for eac11 of the fo11owing sentences.: 1

1 . I 'm very thirsty. 2. It is now опе o'clock. 3 . I t is now between опе a11d two o'clock. 4. It is 110W half past four. 5. 1 t is 110W quarter to six.

1 . Whom are УОll going to meet here? 2. I t isn't raining.


6. At what time will уои соте? 7. 1'11 meet уои here at quarter to two. 8. 1 arrived at half past twelve. 9. Му watch is fast.

10. Не will соте a:t quarter past опе.

б. Meet те here at half past бvе. 7, Please cut ту hair.

3. I've 11еуеl' told апуопе anythil1g about that. 8. Не has to lеауе (011 foot) right away. 4. 1 ' 11 соте back as soon as possible. 5. Please bril1g те а сир of coffee.

IП 1. We eat lUl1Ch at half past twelve. 2. Are уои travelil1g Ьу train, Ьу auto, or Ьу airpla11e? 3. 1 cap't write with this реп. 4. 1 was talking with your brother. 5. 1 want а cleal1 room with а cleal1 bed.

9. 1 Нуе оп the third floor. 10. Give те а receipt.

б. Не wants to talk with our fr:iends. 7. 1 was dil1i11g with three frie11ds. 8. Не we11t away with twenty roubles. 9. Не a11d 1 often used to lunch in this restaurant.

10. III autumn we shall return to Russia. [12-D] 291

Page 306: Spoken Russian 1

I � I I

IV 1 . At times Ье goes bff traveling, nobody knows where to. 6. She is married to ап American. 2. I 've Ьееп in Moscow оп1у опсе. 7. Уои haven't given ив back the tickets. 3. Не'в Ьееп in America three times. 8. Tomorrow 1 '11 write Ыт а letter. 4. I've 11).апу times a1ready to1d Ыт that. 9. Не wi11 Ье1р ив. 5 . 1 owe the shoemaker 21 roubles. 10. Не often he1ps ив.

V 1 . 1 '11 take а litt1e more of that dish. 6. 1 вЬа11 соте to Russia every summer. 2. She didn't te11 те anything. 7. Не'в gone round to the barber's. 3. 1 often go to Moscow. 8. Соте here ! 4. They go to the south every winter. 9. ТЬе children have gone off to school. 5. Where were уои driving to wщm 1 saw уои yesterday ? 10. The train will leave right away.

SЕСТЮN E-How Dш You SA У 1 Т?

Quiz Ьу the Leader оп the work уои did in Section D. Кеер your book c10sed. The Leader wi1l ask уои to take turns in speaking sentences Ьу saying : {<1{ак

скавать по-русCIШ . . . ?» If уои have а Guide, he wi1l check оп your pronunciation ап(1 the correctness of your Russian.


Ho1d а series of conversations, from опе to two minutes each, оп ав тапу of the topics which have Ьееп deve10ped in Units 1-12 ав уои сап, combining

298 [12-F]

and varying them ав уои wish. АН members оС the group should have а сЬапсе to t�kp. part. А few sug­gested topics :

Page 307: Spoken Russian 1

1. Уои go into а hotel to get а room without bath. After finding out the price, уои ask to see the room and the bathroom. У ои also ask whether the hotel Ьав а restaurant.

2. At the barber эЬор--уои get а haircut, but don't need а shave. ТЬе barber talks about the weather, where уои соте from, where уои liуе, etc.

3. У ои ask а stranger directions to get to various places. Уои want to see а few of the sights in town, go to а restaurant and to the movies. Уои also want to know how to get back to the station.

4. У ои ask the porter in а hotel w'here уои can get your sllOes shined and уоиг laundry done. Не t�lIs уои how to get to the various .places.

5. Уои go to a store and Ьиу some ar:ticles of c1othing. У ои give the clerk large Ыllв, and he counts out your chaui"e.

6. Уои go to а restaurant and order а {иН теаl for yourseIf and а lady.

7. Уои and а Russian compare the weather .in New York and Moscow (or any other two cities) .

8. А friend is helping уои тоуе into your new room in а boarding house. Не asks уои where various things belong, and уои teH Ыт. After everything is ill the room, уои offer Ыт а smoke and suggest а glass of beer in а cafe. Не gladly accepts.

9. Уои Ьауе to write а letter Ьоте, and уои try to borrow writing matet'ials from а friend.

10. Уои tell а frielld уои are going out in tl1e evening. Теll Ыт whell уои Ьауе to Ье where, whom you're going to meet and where, alld what уои Ьауе to do to get ,ready.

[12-F] 299

Page 308: Spoken Russian 1

!" "


§§1-7. VOWEL SPELLINGS 1 . The letters а, э, ы, О; у represent the simple

vowels [а, е, i, о, и] : лампа lатр' . 2. At the beginning оС а word, after vowe!s, and

after 'Ь,. Ь, the letters л, е, и, ё, 10 теаn [у] plus, vowel : .я: 11 ' . However, и at the beginning of а word теаnэ [yi] only in the pronoun forms ИМ, ими, ИХ, §103; otherwise it means [i] : игла 'needle '.

8. After а consonant letter, л, е, и, ё� 10 теаn that the consonan,t is palatal �. няня 'nurl:ie ' .

4. Аftеr.ж, ч) Ш, Щ the vowels are writteu, а, е, и, ё, у:

чао 'hour', жёны 'wives'. Hut stressed о is in еоте words written о: ОО.rrыдОЙ Ъig' .

5. After Ц the vowels are written а, е , ы , о, у: �. OТЦ�M 'with the father'. B�t the unstressed fo�m of [о] IS Wrltten е: с перцем 'wlth pepper' ; and щ sonie foreign words [i] is written и : цирк 'circus'.

6. The sounds [g, k, х] are palatqlized before [i] i the spelling иэеэ и : лампы 'lamps'J but РYюt 'hands'.

7. The letter ь means that а preceding consonant is palatal : соль 'salt ' .

8-1 1 . VOWEL INSERTION 8. When tWQ consona.nts соте to stand at the end of

а wOl"d (or before the consonant о! а suffix) and the last consonant is [с, g, k. 1, 1, n, r;, r, r, 8, §, ;v] , а vowel is iI1serted before this cOI1soI1ant, as follows :

9 I f one o f the tWQ consonants i s [g, k , х], the in· serted vowel Is [о], spelled о, ё, е: ша1Ща, 'сар', G.P.

10. If the last consonant is [с] or а palatal con� sonant, the inserted vQwel is [;е ] : отцьх 'fathers' t N .S. отец; друзья 'friends', G.P. друз.ей.

11. Otherwise the inserted vowel is [,о}, written Ё!, о, e� :КОВРЬ! Irugs', N.S. RовёРi с,мешн6й 'funny', short М смеш6н.

UIаПОКj чаШRа. 'сир', G . P. чашеR. 12, 13. ACCENT

12 •. Sets of forms are regularly stressed either оп the out (accent В) : А еду, едет ; в иду, идёт. But some stem througbout (accent А) or оп the endings through� sets h.ave shifting accent (accent С) : могу, м6жет. 300

Page 309: Spoken Russian 1

Accent С in 3. noun ptural mcans that аН forms cxcept the N . accent the ending. Acccnt С in а prcsent tcnse verb means that only the '1 ' form accents the ending. Accent С in а set of gendcr forms ffi�ans that only the F accents thc ending.

13. In а set оС forms with accent В, а form with по cnding is stressed оп the last vowel : :карандаmИ 'реп­сНв' , N .S. нарандаш. ТЫв тау Ье an inserted vo\','e\ : отцыI 'fathers', N.S. отец.

14.-70. NOUNS 14. ТЬе А.Р. of noипв is l ikc the N .P. {or non-\iving G.P. собаЕ: .н вйжу собаЕ '1 вее dogs' . But there аге

things and like the G.P. for living bl'ings: N.P. ЕН(IГИ, а Сс\у sрссщ\ expressions, Iike поехать в г6сти 'to go G.P. :книг: Ir. вижу книги '1 все books" N.P. собаЕИ visiting'. '

15-26. FIRST DECLENSION 15. First dec1cnsion : N .S. in [а ] . ТЬе nouns аге F,

except for воте М which теап male persons: мужчина 'тап' ; some 1\1: which mean pers,ons of cithcr sex:

Endings; stem [shk61-] 'всЬоо\' : N. А. G.

S. ШI�6л-а -у -ы Р. -ы шк6л

The I .S. has also а longer {огт ШЕ6лою.

16. Stems cnding in [iy] have ending [i] in the D.S. and L.S. : армия 'army' , в армии.

17. Shifting accent occurs almost опlу in words which accent the ending ill tl1e S. Согтв.

18. Some accent the stem in the A .S . : вода 'water' : в6ДУi голова 'hсаd ' : г6лову.

19. Some have accent А ill the plural : весна 'spring', N .P. вёсны, G.P. вёсен, D.P. вёснам.

судья 'judgc ' ; and вате which аге М ог F according to sex: сирота 'orpl1an ' .

D. -е -ам

1. -ой -ами:

L. -е -ах

20. But а few оС these stress the last vowel in the G.P. : сестра 'sistcr', N.P. сёстры, G.P. сестёр, D.P. сёстрам.

21. Some have accent C in the plural : голова 'Ilead ' Р. г6ловы, гол6в, головам; деревня 'vil lage', Р: деревни, деревень, деревнЯм.


22. Some have accent А ог С in tl1e plura l : pel�a Iriver', Р. реIШ, рен, peI�aM.

30 1

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" 1

23. 'l'ыIлчаa 'thousand' Ьаэ I .S. т:Ыслчью о, 'l':ЫслчеЙ. 24 . .some Ьауе plain [n 1 instead of palatal [1J J at

the end о! the G.P. : сп8,лЬНJl 'bedroom ', С.Р. спален.

25. Some ЕаН to insert а vowel in the С.Р. : ИГЛа 'needle', С.Р. Ирл.


26. ТЬе Р. of :курица Ъеп' is ивиаНу replaced Ьу lt;VPbI Ъепэ'.

27-44. SECOND DЕСLЕNSЮN 27. Second declension : N.S. with final consonant

and по end.in� The поипэ are М. The A.S. is l ike the N.S. Со, пor. .,.ing things and like the G.S. Со, living

Endings: stem U6kt-] 'Cact': N. G.

S. .ФаRТ -а Р. -ы �B

Since the N.$. form, 'in which nouns are named апд 1isted in dic'tionaries, has по ending, it does not show whether а поип зtrеssеs the stem (А) or the endings (В) : гараж 19arage', гаража (А), but багаж 'baggage', багажа (В). Therefore, the vocabulary gives the G.S. for those which accent the .endings: багаж, -а.

Аlб0, the N .S. form does not show whether the 1ast vowel is ап il1sel·ted vowe! : ветер 'wil1d', ветра, but вечер 'еуе11il1g' I вечера. Therefore, the vocabulary gives the G.S. for these which have ап il1serted vowel : beteP, -тра; отец, -тца.

Nouns el1ding in [zh, shl о, а paIatal cOl1sonat'ft other than [у] Ьауе the ending [еу] in the С.Р. : н6ж 4knife', ножей; рубль 'rouble', рублей. 302

beings : А вижу ст6л .'1 эее tlte table' ; А �ижу СQлдата. '1 эее the soldier '.

D. -у -ам

У. -ом -ами

L. --е -ах

.28. Some Ьауе accent АВ (tha:t is, о!). stem in S . ; оп endings in Р.) : сад 'garden ' , C.S. сада, but Р. садыI' сад6в, садам.

29. Some with accent АВ have the endil1g [6] in the N.P. : д6м 'Ьоиэе', G.S. д6ма; Р. дома, дом6в, ДОмам.

30. Some Ьауе acceryt АС (that is, оп ste1)1 in S. and in N .Р. , оп el1dings in the rest) : Г9СТЬ 'guest', C.S. г6стл, Р. г6сти, гостей, гостям.

31. Accent ЕС: гв6здь (паВ', ·G.S. rвоздл, Р. гв6зди, гвоздей, ГВО3ДЛм. .

32. Some fail to insert а vowel in the. N,S, : ' рублъ "rouble'. Some insert al10ther than the иБиаl vowel : р6т 'mouth', G.S. рта. А few with accent В [аа to

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accent the inserted vow�l : Угол 'сотег', G.S. yrла. Since the vocabulary gives the N.S. and, when there is ап inserted vowel, the G.5., tl1ese пеоо по special indication.

33. In number expressions час 'Ьоиг' (АВ) accents the G.5. ending: два часа 'two hours, two o'clock', четвеРТL часа 'quarter о! ап Ьоur'.

34. Some Ьауе а second G.S. with ending [uJ, used {ог а whole о! which part is taken, or in special phrases: Kyc6R сахару 'а piece о! sugar�, пз дому 'out о! the house'.

35. Some Ьауе а second L.5. with ending [иJ, always stressed, tlsed after в and на, either always ог in special expressions: в лесу 'in the woods', на домУ 'at опе'в residence' (на д6ме 'оп tlle house').

36. А few have по ending in the G.P. : раз 'time', мн6ro раз 'тапу times'.

37. ТЬе G.P. of г6д 'уеаг' is in nearIy аН expressions replaced Ьу the G.P. лет о! лето 'виттег' : два г6да 'two уеагв', nЛть ле'!' 'five years' .

38. Some add [у) in the Р. and Ьауе N.P. [а]: стул 'chair', Р. С'l'улья, стульев, сrУЛЫDrl.

39. Of these, а few Ьауе accent АВ, по ending in the G.P., and additional irregularities: муж 'husband',

Р. МY�KъН, мужей, мужьЯм; дрУг 'friend', Р. ДРУЗМ, друзей, друзьЯм; сЫн 'soп', Р. сыновъН, сыновей, сыновьЯм.

40. 50те drop final [in] in the Р. and Ьауе N.P. [. е] and по ending in G.P. : Rрест:ьЛнин 'реавапе, Р. Rрест:ьЛне, Rрест:ьЛн, Rрест:ьЛнам.

41. А few of these have other irregularities: господин 'gen tleman', Р. господа, госп6д, господам; гражданИн 'c'itizen', Р. граждане, граждан, гражданам; хозЯин 'Jandlord', Р. хозяева, хозяев, хозяевам.

42. Some whose S. ends in [onk J drop this and add. {at] in the Р., with N.P. [а] and по ending in G.P. : ребёНОR 'child', <';.5. ребёнщt, Р. реБЯта, реБЯт, реБЯтам.

43. сосед 'neighbor' Ьаэ [�] in the Р stem: соседи, соседей, соседям.

44. ТЬе Р. оС ребёнок 'child' is ивиа1lу replaced Ьу дети 'childl"en', §69. ТЬе Р. оЕ цвет6к 'flower' is ивиа1lу replaced Ьу цветыI. ТЬе Р. оС чеJIOвеR 'Ьитап being, тап I is replaced Ьу ,rподи 'people', §69, except for the G.P. in number expressions: пsiть человеR (§36) 'five persons'j also мн6го, (мало) нар6ду 'тапу (few) people', with second G.5. (§34) оС нар6д 'реорlе'.

45-56. THIRD DЕСLЕNSЮN 45. Third declension : N.S. in [о], unstressed [а], the endings аге

wl'itten о, е. ТЬе поипв аге N, except {ог а few М. [bJUd-J 'dish' : ТЬе А.5. is like the N.5. Except {от N.5 . • N.P . • G.P.,

аэ in the second declension. Stem


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'1 1 1 ul : l '

N. С. В. блЮд-о -а Р. -а блЮд

Stem� ending in [iy] have the L's. enr;Hng [iJ: 8давие 'buiJding', в здашIИ.

Stems ending in [zh, sh] or in ,а palatal consonant other thiш [shch, у ] have G.P. ending [еу]: п6ле lfield', полей.

46. Some Ьауе accent АВ: меето 'рlасе', G's. места, Р. места, мест, местам.

47. Some Ьауе щ:сепt ВА: ORH6 'window', G.5. oRHa, Р. 6RHa, 6ROH, 6ШIaМ.

48. А few accent different syIIabIes of the stem in S� and Р. : 6зеро 'Iake', G.S. 6зера, Р. озёра, озёр, озёрам.

49. утро 'morning', G.S. утра, accents the G .S. and D.S. endings in special expressions: с утра 'from morning оп', I� утру 'towards morning'. 1 t optionalr.ly has accent С in the Р. : YTpEt, утр (§51), утрам.

D. 1. L -у -ом -е -ам -ами -ах.

50. А few have N.P . . [il: яблоко 'apple', ЯБЛQJЩ. 51. Same fail to insert а vowel in the G.P. : г6рло

'throat', G.P. горл; G.P. утр, §49. 52. Sщпе Ьауе С.Р. [ол: платье 'dl"eSS', п.латьеВj

яБЛОRО 'арр!е', яблоков ог ЯблО1�. 53. яйц6 ВА 'egg' inserts accented [!.! in the С.Р. :

G.S. лfща, Р. Айца, ЛИЦ, ЯЙДам. 54. А Ее"," add [у] in the Р. forms with stress Qn tЪе

preceding syI lable and G.P. [ол: дерево 'tree't C.S. дерева, Р. деревья, деревьев, деревьям.

· 55. небо АВ 'sky' adds [, esJ in the Р. forms: G.S. неба, Р. небеса, небес, небесам.

56. Ухо 'ear' has Р. stem [ush-] with accent С and N.P. [i) : G$. Уха, Р. уши, ушей, ушам.

51-65. FOlJRTH. DECLENSION 57 .. Fourth declension : F поиnв whose N.S. ends in

а. consonant ( [zh, sh) 01" palataI) i the М nYTb 'way' ; E'ndings �. stem [krovaj-J 'bed! :


N. В. RpoIlat-ь Р. -и


and а few N nоuпв with N.S. in [а). ТЬе А.В. is Jike the N.S.

D. -u �s.rм

1. -ъю -лми

L. -u -ях


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58. Мапу have accent АС : дверь 'door', G.D.L.S. двери, Р. двери, дверей, дверА:м.

59. Some accent the L.S. ending Ю after в, па, either always or in. special meanings: грязь 'dirt', G.D.L.S. грязи, but в грязи 'in the dirt, аН dirty'.

60. сажень АС 'fathom' Ьав G.P. сажеп or regular саженей.

61 . л6шадь АС 'horse' has I .P. лоUIaДЬм:И:. 62. ТЬе stem [cerk:v-] АС ichurch' inserts а vowel

in N.S. and I.S. and Ьав plain [v] in D.I.L.P. : церковь, цеРI�ВИ, церковью, Р. церкви, церквей, церквам;

63. ТЬе stems [maJer-] 'motIler', [docher-] IdaugIl­ter', accent АС, drop [6]] in the N.S. : мать, д6чь, д6чери, д6черью, Р. д6чери, дочерей, дочерЯм; д6чь Ьав I .P. дочерьмИ.

64. ТЬе N поипв go ав fol1ows : stem [iwo?1-] 'пате': S. имя, имени, именем; Р. имена, имён, именам.

65. ТЬе only М. поип, пУть ВВ 'way' has I.S. путём.

66-69. NOUNS WIТИ PLURAL ONLY 66. Nouns which occur only in Р. form Ilave N.P.

[i] or [а] and G.P. [оЛ or [еу] or with по ending: очки, очк6n, очкам 'eyeglasses' ; н6жницы, н6жниц,

. н6жницам lscissors' ; чернила, чернил, чернилам link'. 67. Some have accent С: сани, саней, санЯм Isleigh'.

68. деньги 'топеу' G.P. денег, optionaIIy accents the otIler endings: деньгам.

69. дети IcЬi ldren' (§44), людИ' 'people' (§44) go thus : детей, детлм, детьми, детях.

70. INDECLINABLE NOUNS 70. Indec1inable поипв remain unchanged in аН cases Icoffee'l- СССР [esesesERJ М IUnion of Socia1ist

and both numbers: пальт6 N 'overcoat', R6фе М Sovief Kepublics'. 71-92. ADJECTIVES


71 . In most ивев the adjective has the ordinary long forms. ТЬе А. of the М and of the Р. is like the N. for inanimate tЬings and like the G. for living beings: я видел этот н6вЬ1Й д6м '1 saw this new Ьоuве', Ji: зВ:аIО

этого молод6го человеIЩ '1 know tЬis young тап', я знаю этого щужчину '1 knvw this тап'. ТЬе А. . о! the N is like the N. Only the F Ьав а special А. form. Except for the N. the neuter forms are Iike the masculine.


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1 i

:[1 ' ' , 1 ':I i

Endings ; stem [Pram�J 'straight' : N.

М npлм-6й N -6е

А. С. -6го

D. -6му

1 . -ьIМ

L. -6м

F -ал -Ую -6й -6й -6й -6й Р. -ble -ьхх -ЬIМ -ыми -ьхх

ТЬе N. М ending is speHed ый (ий) when unstresвed : старый 'old ', мягкий 'soft '. ТЬе С. М ending is [avo], but is spel 1ed with г. 73. Stems ending in coI1sonant plus [у] have поип-ТЬе 1. F ending Ьав also а longer form: прлм6ю. lik� forms in the N. forms and the A.F : stem [treJY�] ТЬе accent оС the Iong fопns stays in the same pl<il,,,: 'thlrd ' : М третий, третьего, etc . ; N третье ; F третьи,

оп the stem (А) ог оп the endings (В) . третыо, тр.етьеЙ; Р. �ретьи, ;гретьих, and so

. оп.

72. Some adjectives are used 1 ike nouns in опе ог 74,. Faml1y патев ш (ov, 'tn] have noun-l1ke forms another gender or number; in the vocabulary we mark also ш the G.D.L.� : М Петр6в, Петр6ва, Петр6ву,; these as fol low8 : портн6й АМ 'tai lor ' (C.S. портн61'О, Петр6вым, Петр6ве, F Петр6ва, Петр6ву, IIетр6вой, and so оп) , стол6вал АF 'dining гоот' (A.S. стол6вую, Р. IIетр6вы, Петр6вых, and so оп. and so оп), слаДJще AN 'dessert', лёl'Iше АР 'lungs' (С. лёгких, and 80 оп).


75. The ordinary short fопns оС adjectives are nomi­native onl y and Ьауе prcdicativc тeaning. ТЬе endings аге М по ending, F [а1, N [о], Р [i}: :красивый Ъеаи­tifuI ' ; :красив '(Ье) is beautiful ', нрасива, Jtрасиво, ItрасИвы.

ТЬе short N (огт serves aIso as аl1 adverb: :краСИJЮ ЪеаutifuIIу'. In Боте words it serves also ав ап im­personaI predicate : хорош6 'that's good ', мне хорош6 '1 Еее! good' . . 306

If the stem ,has only опе syllable, tl1e short F accents the ending and the other short forms accent the stem : бедный 'роог', беден, бедна,. бедно, бедны; плох6й 'bad', пл6х, плоха, пл6хо, пл6хи.

Stems ending in нн preceded Ьу ап unstressed vowel drop . one н in the short М {огт: медленный 'fOlow', медлен, медленна, -о, -ы.

76. Past FаЭ6ivе participles ending in ин drop опе н in аН 'the short forms: сделанный 'done', сделан.

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сделана, �o, -ы . If the accent is оп а prefix (§143), the personally: больной 'sick', б6лен, больна, -о, -ы (§80), F short form ивиаllу accents the ending: узнанный but б6льно 'painfully' and '(it) hurts' . 'known', узнан, узнана, узнано, -ы. I f the accent i s 84. А few stems о! two syllables accent the short оп the vowel before the НН, the short Еоrшэ accent the F, N, and Р. еп ings (like §80) : хор6ший 'good ', ending: разделёпный Idivided', раэделёН, разделена, хор6ш, хороша, -6, -Н. -о, -ы�. 85. А few stems of two syllables accent the ending

77. Past passive participles ending in [t] which in thб short F form and optionally in the N and Р. accent а pt"efix uвuаllу accent the ending of the short (l ike §81) : выс6ЕИЙ 'high ', высоюl" ВЫСОЕ6, высОЕН. согт : ванлтый 'occupied ', ванлта, ванлто, -ы. 86. А few stems of two syllables which accent the

78. The adjective рад '(he) is glad' has only short second syl1able in the long forms, accent the ending in [огтв and accents the stem throughout : рада, -о, :-ы. the short F and the first syllable in the other short

79. Some [аН to insert а vowel in the short М form : [огтв : дешёвый 'cheap', дёшев, дешева, дёшево, добрый 'good', дббр, добра, д6бро, -ы. дёшевы.

80. Some accent also the short N and Р. endings : 87. Мапу adjectives have по short forms. Those in лёГI\ИЙ 'J ight', ЛёГОR, леща, -6, -Н. [sk] make ап adverb with ending [i], often with ПО­

prefixed : автомати<rеСЮI 'automatically', nO-РУССЕИ 'in 81. Some do this optionally: Т1Зёрдый 'hard ', твёрд. Russian' . тверда, твёрдо ог тверд6, твёрды ог твердЬх.

88. большой 'big' and ма.лены�иЙ 'l ittle' have по 82. Some accent аlЭ0 the inserted vowel in the М : sl10rt formsi instead they иэе the short forms о! веЛИIЩЙ

смешной 'funny', смеш6н, смешна, -6, -ы. 'great' and малый 'smaH ') but with accent оп endings 83 . Some that go Ьу §§80, 81, 82 accent the stem in (§§84, 80) ; веЛИЕ, велииа, -6, -и 'is Wg', мал, мала,

the sIJort N [огт when it is used as ап advcrb ог im- -6, -ь! 'is l ittle '. 89-92. COMPARAТlVE FORMS

89. ТЬе long cQmparative Согт is made with the beautiful ' . The meaning о! the long comparative form suffix [, eysh] , accented if апу of the short forms accent is 'most . . . . ' (superlative meaning) . ап ending : ЕрасfIВЫЙ 'beautifu l ' , Rрас(шсйший 'most For real comparative meaning опе ивеэ the ordinary beautifu l ' i бедный Ipoor', беднейший 'poorest' . Some- long Согт with б6лее 'тоге' (ог менее '1ess') before it : times наи- is prefixed : наИRрасивейший 'the most б6лее (менее) Ерасивый г6род 'а тоге (less) beautiful


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ci у'. For super1ative meaning опе uses, more often than the long superlative, а рЬгаве of the adjective самый 'same, very, most' and the ordinary long form: самая :Красивая Itартина 'the most beautiful pictиre'. These statemen ts do not 'арр!у to the short comparative Согт ог to the irregular comparatives of §92.

90. ТЬе short coтparative' form is made for аН genders and Р. with the ending [, еуа], accented if апу оЕ the ordinary short Согmв are accented оп the ending: Ерасивее ' (Ье, вЬе, it) is, �they) аге тоге beautiful ; тоге beautifuJ !y', беднее 'poorer; тоге poorly'. Often по- is prefixed, meaning 'rather' : придите ПОСЕорее 'соте real вооп' . lt is often preceded Ьу гораздо 'тисЬ' : :гораздо теплее 'тuсЬ warmer'.

91. Quite а few adjectives Ьауе irregular comparative forms, with ending [i] in the short {огт: выс6ЕИЙ 'high', выIеe 'higher', выIший (also высочайший) 'highest'.

92. Six comparatives аге very irregular in form and mcaning :

больш6tJ: 'Ы�', вел[ший 'great', мн6гий 'пuтегоив'

(мн6го 'тисЬ') : б6льший CЬigger, greater', . б6льще 'blgger, greater, more'; as adverb, ЬеСоге adjectlves and adverbs, б6лее 'тоге'

малеНЬЕИЙ 'litt1e', малый 'smaH' (мало 'little') : Меньший 'втаl lег', меньше 'smalJer, less ' ; as adverb, before adjectives and adverbs, менее 'less'

молод6й 'young' : младшИI'i:, моложе 'younger' плох6й 'bad ' : худший, хуже 'worse' старый 'old' : старший, старше 'oldee хор6ший 'good' : лУЧШИIJ:, лучше 'better' ТЬеэе six long comparative forms Ьауе real сотращ­

tive (аэ wel l аэ superlative) meaning: ЛУЧШIfЙ поеад 'а better train', 'the best train' . ТЬеу (and not theordinary long forms) аге used with самый in superlative теап­ing (§89) : самый лучшпй п6езд 'the (very) best train'. Also with наи- they Ьауе superlative meaning: наи­лучший поезд 'thc best tгаiп'.

Also а few other irregular long comparatives Ьауе real comparative meaning : выIшийй 'higher', низший 'lower'.

93-106. PRONOMINAL ADJECТIVES AND PRONOUNS 93. Ргotlоt'I11лаl adjectives and pronouns bay� nоип­

like fotms in the N. and the F А., except for some entirely irregular forms. When they accent the endings [000, оти] the accent is on the I�st vowel : Eor6 lwhos�?' :кому 'to whom?'. In the fol1oWlOg we рlасе an astetlsk befo.re other irregular forms, 308

94. [nash-] 'our' and [vash-] 'your' : М наш, нашего, нашему, наIШIМ, нашем; N наше; F наша, нашу, нашей; Р. наши, наших, нашим, нашими, нз'J.IЩX.

95. [тоу-] 'ту', [tvoy-] 'your', [svoy-] 'опе'в own . М� м6й. моег6, моемУ. моим. моём; N моё ; F мол.

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J,10Ю, *мо�й; Р. мои, моих, and 50 оп . Different 5tress in the expression по�мбему 'in ту opinion'.

102. Ап old stem [§-] 'thi5' occurs in а tew ех­pression5: сейчас 'right now', сегбдня 'today' сию минуту 'in jU5t а minute'.

. , 96. [chy-l 'whose? ' : М чей, чьегб, чьемУ, чьим,

чьём; N чьё; F чыt, чью, *чьМ; Р. чьи, чьих, etc. 97. [odn-] 'опе, alone ' : М *ОДИН, одногб, одномУ,

*одним, однбм; N однб; F одна, одну, однбй, Р. *одни, *одних, etc.

98. [saт-] 'oneseIf' : М сам, самогб, самому, *самим, самбм { N самб; F сама, *самоё, самбй; Р *сами (note accent) , *самих, etc.

99. [еН 'this' : М *этот, этого, этому, *этим, �TOM; N это; F эта, эту, этой; Р *эти, *этих, etc.

103. [оn-] 'Ье, 5he, it' makes only N. forms: бн, Она, онб, *они. The other f01'ms are made from а stem [у-] : М, N ег6 емУ, *им, о нём; F ей ' Р. *их, *им, *ими, *0 них. АН А. forms are always 1i/ce the G Ав object after а preposition t11e forms have [1J] instead of [у]: у нег6 Ъу him', R нему 'to him', с ним 'with him', О ней 'about her', в них 'in them' (but у егб отца Ъу Ыэ father', с ИХ отцом 'with their father' where the G. forms are possessive modifiers of поипв) .


104. [k-] 'who?' : *RT6, Rогб, ROMY, *нем, :кбм. 100. [е·l 'that' : М *тбт, тогб, томУ, *тем, том; N

'rб; F та, ту, тбй; Р *те, *тех, *тем, *теми, *тех. 105. [ch.] 'what?' : *tlT6, чего, чемУ, *чем, чём.

101 . [v§-] 'al l ' : М весь, всего, всемУ, *всем, всём; 106. The personal pronouns are entirely irregular: N :всё; F Iщti, всю, *всей; Р. *BC�, *всех, etc.

'1 'уои' 'oneself'

'we' 'уои '

N. А., G. D., L. л меня мне ты теБЛ тебе

сеБЛ себе N. G., А., L. D. M�1 нао нам J,!�1 ваО вам


1 . мнбй, иною тоббй, тоббю соббй, соббю

1 . нами вами

107. Question words, such аз ктб 'who', чт6 'what', где 'where' , -Сlt6лыю 'how much, how тапу', are сот-RОТОРЫЙ 'which' JtаRОЙ 'what kind of', как 'how', pounded in several ways. Rуда 'whereto' (ОТRуда 'wherefrom'), lюгда 'when', 108. Witb ни- prefixed they form negatives: НИRт<$


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(по оnе', цигд6 'nowhere'. А preposition comes between : ни с Е6м 'with по оnе'.

109. With accented н&. prefixed they form predicative expressions meaning 'there 1s по • • . ' : негде 'there 18 по р!асе', н6когда 'there is по time', нечего 'there is nothil1g' . А preposi tiol1 comes betweel1 : не с Еем гово­рить 'there 's по опе to ta!k with'.

1 10. With accented не- prefixed some form indefil11tes: некто 'а certain person', несROЛЬ.RО 'а certain amount, а certaii1 llumber, а few'.

111. With Е6е- prefixed 'оnе and' another • . . ' : Е6е­кто 'somebody now al1d then', Е6е-Еогда 'at ol1e and al10ther time'.

1 12. With -то suffixed, 'some' : нт6-то 'somebody' где-то 'somewhere', шiк-то 'in some way' .


113. W1th -нибудь (or, in o!d-fashiol1ed !anguage, -либо) эиffixed, 'any' : Rт6-нибудь 'anybody' J'Ae­нибудь 'anywhere', чт6-нибудь 'anything'.

1 14-128. NUMBERS 114. With один 'one' (§97) or longer numbers el1d1ng

in i t, nOUBS and adjectives have the'ir usua! iBflection,

115. The numbers from 2 tO .4 inflect as fol1ows : N. G., L.

'two' М, N два двух 'two' F 'две ". 'three' три трёх 'four' четьrре че'l'ырёх 'both' М, N 6ба об6их 'both' F 6бе обеих

'ове al1d а half' М , N : полтора; other cases полутора 'one and а half' F: полторыI; other cases полуторы

When ап express10n with these numbers or with а tonger питЬет endil1g in 21 3, 4 1s in the N . case (or, when inanimate, in the А. case) , а precedil1g pro-3 1 0

in S. l1итЬет : двадцать один рубль '21 roubles' с двадцатью одним рублём 'with 21 rouble8'.


D. двум


трём четырём об6им обеим

1 . двумЯ


тремя четырьмя об6ими обеими

nomil1al adjective i8 N.P., al1Y other adjective i8 G.P. (or, less oftel1, N.P.) and а поип is G.S. : эти Два БОЛЪШIIХ (боль:шие) стола 'these two big tables' ; эти

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две ДеВОЧЮI 'those two l ittle girls'. Iп the other савев, a1l the words .are in agreement: под этими двумЯ: QОЛЬШИМИ столаМИ 'under these two big tables' ; мы видели этих двух девочек 'we saw these two l ittle girls' (an imate А. like G.) .

Expressions with lon�er numbers ending in 2, 3, 4 havc the А. l ike the N. evcn for animates, except {or а, pronominal adjective before the пиmЬег: эти двадцать две девочки 'these 22 l ittle girls ' ; мыI видели этих двадцать две девочки 'we saw these 22 little girls'.

1 16. The numbers пЯ:ть '5', шесть '6', семь. '7', девять '9', деслть ' 10', двадцать '20', тридцать '30' inflect as nouns of the third declension with accent оп the el1dings : G.D.L. плти, 1 . плтыО.

в6семь '8' has simi lar forms, but with inserted vowel in the N . : восьми, восьмыО.

1 17. ТЬе numbers од(шнадцат:r. ' 1 1 ', Д:lеl'iадцать '12', -тринадцать '13', четьrрна;щцать '14', пМ'надцать '15', шестнадцать '16', семнZtдцать '17', восемнадцать '18\ девлтюiдцать ' 19 ' have simi1ar forms, with ассепt оп the stem : G.D.L. двенадцати, 1 . двенадцатью.

1 18. ТЬе l1umbers ПЛТIoдесЛ:т '50', шестьдеclт '60', сем;ьдеслт '70 ', в6семьдеслт '8�' iaflcct both parts, wi th acccnt оп the endin:g of the first part, and plain fin1l1 [t] in the N. : плтидеслти, плтьЮ,в;есJtтIoЮ.

1 19. 'Тме l1umbers 'c6poR '40', де�я.1[6ст. '90', ст6 �100', полтораста ' 150' in '3.11 casts except N. are сорока, :девлн6ста, ста, п�лУтс>раста.

In noun-like ивеэ ст6 has also Р. forms оС the third declension : N. ста, G. с6т, D. стам, 1 . стами, L. стах ..

120. ТЬе питЬегз двести '200', трИс'.t'а. '300', че­тьхреста '400', плтьс6т '500', шестьс6т '600', семъс6т '700', }Юсемьс6т '800', девлтьс6т '900' illflect both parts v:ith noun-l ike Р. forms of С'1'6, accented : G. двухстах, D . двумстам, 1. двумлстами, L. Д'Qухстах:

121. When exprcssions with the numbers {rom 5 to 9РО (except thoie that end ih 1, 2, 3, 4), or longer numbers ending in these, аге in the N. case, pronominal adjectives before the number аге N.P. and other ad� jectives and ПОШIS аге G.P. : эти шi'lъ больших {Jтол6в 'thelDe fivc Ы� tabIcs'� The А. of such expressions is l ike the N., cvcn for апiп.щtеs, except {or pronominal adj�tivelO : мыI IIИДели этих пЯть девочек 'we saw those i.ve little �irli'.

In CHi\!4J othcr than N. &nd А. аН the words аге in a�r�::;l(\e!a t: под этими :ая'l'ЬЮ большими столами 'under thcie five bi� tabI�'.

1!2. Larger шnits, &uch 1.8 тьщлча 'thощщпd' (§23) , милли6У 'miIl ion\ миллиард 'thousand millions, (АЮJl.сгic<l1'\) ЫШоп' , билли6m 'million mi1lions, (Brit. ish) ЫШGП', аге nouns; wh�t is counted is G.P. : тыIлчаa километров 'а th�usand ki1ometers', две ТЫСЛ'Wil I<илометро� '2000 km. ' With тыIлчаa the noun. is occasionally put in the same case: с тыIлчьюIO (тысл­чей) рублей (рубллми) 'witk а thousand roubles' .

123. А number after its поип is approximate: r6да два 'about two year�l.

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124. Ordinal nuтbets, such ав первый 'first', втор6й Isecond', третий 'third ' (§73), четвёртый 'fourth', are regular adjectivcs. In compound numbers only the last part is ordinal and Ьав inflection : в. тыIлчаa девлтьс6т с6РОЕ шtтом году 'in the year 1945',

125. The cQUective nuтbers are дв6е '2', тр6е '3', четверо '4', пятеро '5', шестеро '()', семеро '7'; :в6сьмеро '8', девлтеро '9', деслтеро '10' . ТЬе саэев other than N. have Р. adjective endings, accented : Двоих, двоим, двоими. When .expressions with these numbers are N. (or А.) the accompanying words are G.P. : дв6е братьев 'two brothers' ; Ji встретил двоих '1'ова'рищей '1 met the t\'"O comrades'; с двоими това· рищами 'wi th t\'"O comrades'.

Тl1е collective numbers are used о! таlе persons who form а set ; also in stating the number of children in а fami1y : у них тр6е детей 'they have three children' . ТЬе N. forms of 2, 3, 4 and occasionally of the others, are used with nouns that are Р. only or have а speoial meaning in the Р. form: дв6е н6жниц 'two pairs о! scissors', тр6е чаС6в (three watches or clocks'.

1 26. Fractions are the поипв половина Ъаи', треть F (third', четверть F 'fourth' : три четверти RИЛо. метра 'three fourths of а ki10meter' . ТЬе other fractions are the F forms о! ordinal numbers, sometimes with ЧаСТЬ F (part' added : одна пятал Rилометра 'опе fifth о! а kiIQmeter'. After 2 and higher nuтbers thes� are ,з 1 2

·treated l ike other adjectives (§§115, 121) ; the noun о! which а part is taken is G.S. : три пЯтых Rилометра 'three fifths of а kilometer', с ПЯТЫQ шеСТhIМИ литра 'with five 5ixth5 of а l iter'.


For odd halve5 опе uses forms like два, с половиной Rилометра 'two al1d а half kilometers'.

There are some 5pecial forms, 5исЬ аэ ПОЛТИННИ:R 'half rouble' al1d compounds with ПОП·.

127. Noul1s compounded with пол- 'half' have their G.S. ending iri the N.S. (and inanimatc A.S.) : пол­фунта 'half а pound ', полнедели 'half а week'. In the other савев they have their usual endings, but пол­optional 1y adds -у: G.S. пол(у)фунта, пол(у)недели, D.S. пол (у) фунту, пол(у)неделе, and во оп.

128. After the preposition по il1 the meaning /во тuсЬ а piece; 50 тапу each', expressions with один are D. : 6н дал :Им по одному рублю 'Ье gave them опе rouble each'. Expressions with 2, 3, 4, 200, 300, 400, полтора, полтораста, and col1ective numbers are in their А. form: п6 дв!\, рубля (two roubles еасЬ', по двести рублеЙ (200 roubles each ', п6 трое саней 'three sleighs еасЬ '. Exprcssions with hundreds froт 500 оп have the number in G. form: по плтис6т рублей '500 roubles еасЬ'. Expressions with the remainil1g nUnlbers have the number D. with the noun G.P. (occasionally D.P.): по пяти рублей (рублJiм) 'five соиЫез еасЬ'. .

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129-133. РRЕРОSlТЮNS

129. Most preposltions have their object in the G. h б / 'th t' . 'f ' ' t ' саве; вис are ез Wl ои , для or , до ир о , из

'from out of', из-за 'out from behind; оп account of', от Ъ'от", после 'after', у Ъу, at, in the p9ssession of'.

130. ТЬе EQllowing take other савев: А. : про 'аЬоие, сквозь 'through', через 'across'. D. : к 'toward, to'. 1 . : между 'between', над 'over', перед 'in front of'. L. : при 'in the prese'1ce of'. Some take different савев in different meanings: за А. 'for; into а position behind', 1. 'behind, after'. под А. 'into а position under', 1. 'under'. в А. 'into', L. 'in'. на А. 'onto', L. 'оп'. о (об) А. 'against;, L. 'аЬоие. с А. 'approximately', G. 'down Erom', 1. 'with'. по А. 'ир to', D. 'along', L. 'after'.

ТЬе meanings here given аге onty samplesj Rllssian and English prepositions do not cover the вате ground ав to their meanihgs.

131. BeEore vowels об is used instead оЕ о: о войн6 'about the war', об армии 'about the army'. Before мне and а few other words beginning -with two соп. sonants, the form is обо. But об with А. is ивоо also in воте special phrases: 6б стену 'against the wal l ' .

132. ТЬе prepositions без, 13 , из, К , над, под, с , and lевв often от, перед add -о before· various words that begin with two consonants: во рту lin the mouth'.

133. ТЬе prepositions до, за, из, на, по, под take the stress be-fore certain nouns, which then lose their stress : до земли Ito the ground', на пол 'onto the floor', по двору 'along the yard', под гору 'down hi1l ' . Опе-вуllаЫе numbers after за, на} по . аге simi1arly treated: за три рублл 'Еог tl1ree roubles'.

Other опе-вуllаЫе prepositions do this less оftеп: об стену 'against the wal1', ОТ. роду 'from .Qirth' ..


134. Each verb has two stems, а present slem and ап infinitive stem.

135-141. PRESENT

1з5. ТЬе forms of the present stem аге оС two types, Туре 1 and Туре 2.


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i I

136. ТЬе presents оС Туре· t Ьауе the Coltowing forms; stem [?;QS-] 'carry' : '1 ' 'уои' Ъе' 'we' 'уои' 'they'

present:' нес-у -ёmь -ёт -ём -ете -ут imperative : нес-и 'carry' Before the endings that begin with ё, the sounds [k, g] active participle : нес-Ущий 'carrying' are replaced Ьу [ch, zh): леку '1 bake', лечёт' 'he passive participle : нес-омый 'being carried' bakes' ; стригу '1 shear', стрижёт 'Ье shears' gerund : нес-я 'while carrying'

137. Presents оС Туре 2' Ьауе the following formsj stem [tvor-J 'make' : '1' 'уои' 'Ье' 'we' 'уои' 4they'

present: твор-ю -ишь -ит -им -ите -ят imperative: твор-и 'make' [Л is 1'eplaced Ьу [ch): лл6.тит 'he раув', плачу active participle: твор-Ящий 'making' '1 рау' ; passive participle: твор-Имый: 'being made' [�l1 is replaced Ьу [shch]: чистит 'he cleans', чищу

'1 сlеап' ; gerund : '1'вор-л. 'while making' [��} is repIaced Ьу [zhdzh]: ездит 'Ье rides', езжу ТЬе ending о! the 'they' form, when unstressed, '1 ride'.

is ивиаllу pronounced [ut]: мерят 'they measure' 138. ТЬе Согтз оС the present are regularly accented [ЦВrut]. thгощ?;hоut оп the stem (accent А) ог throughout оп

Before the ending оС the '1' form, consonants are tlle endings (accent В): еду, едет '1 ат riding, Ье is chan:ged аз follows: ridlng', accent А; иду, идёт '1 ат walking, Ье is

walking', accent В. [9t /, rp, Р, 1'] add Ш: любит Ъё !оуев', люблю 139. , After [у] the ending оС Фе imperative, drops: '1 love'j стою, стоит; ст6й 'stand'j делаю, делает : делай 'do'. [9. �) 'are repJaced Ьу [zhJ: х6дит Ъе goes', хожу When the ending оС the imperative is not stressed, it '1 go' ,' разит 'Ье strikes', ра' ж.(, '1 strike' ,' . d d 'C 1 " 1S roppe 1 оп у опе consonant precedes, but this соп-[�I is replaced Ьу [shJ: бр6сит 'Ье wi II thrQw', бр6х:ху sonant is then palatalized : сяду '1 '11 sit down ': сядь

'1 wШ throw'; 'sit- down' (but чИСТИ 'clean', with two consoi1ants). 3 1 4

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140. Speaking to а person whom опе addresses аэ BыI' or speaking to more thап опе person, опе adds -те to the imperative : несите 'carry', сядие 'sit down'.

141 . ТЬе 'we' form of the present is used in the meaning 'let's ' : пойдём 'let's go there' . It adds -те just аэ does the imperative (§140) : поЙдёмте.


142. ТЬе forms о! the infinitive stem are as follows ; stem [�ela-] 'do' ;

infinitive: д�ла-ть 'to do' м

past : дела-л

active participle : дела-вший 'having done' passive participle : дела-нный 'done' gerund : дела-вши 'after doing'

F -ла

After vowels and when по reflexive ending is added the gerund Ьаэ also а shorter form дела-в.

If the infinitive stem ends in [g,. k], these sounds сотЫпе with the ending [t] of the infinitive to give [ch]: stem [§ek-], сечь 'to cut', stem [mog-], м6чь 'to Ье аЫе'.

If the stem ends in [d, t] , these sounds are replaced Ьу [s] before the infinitive ending, and drop before the [1] of the past and the [!] of the active participle and gerund : stem [§ed-]: сеС'fЬ 'to sit down', past сел, села, -о, -и 'sat dоwп', севШИй, севши 'having sat down'.

If the stem ends in а consonant other than [d, t], the endil1g [1] drops in the past М al1d the [л drops

Р. -ло -ли

in the active participle and gerund : stem [strig-J: стричь 'to shear' , past стриг, стригла, -о, -и 'sheared' стригший, -ши.


If the stem ends in а consonant the vowel ё is added for the passive participle; stem [11os-], несённый ' (опе that was) carried' . Before this vowel [g, k] are re­placed Ьу [zh, ch]: stems [pok-, stlig-], печённый 'baked' , стриженный 's11Orn' . If the stеш ends in [i], this vowel is dropped and ё is added with the соп� sonant changes of §137: stem [bro§i-], 6рбшенный 'thrown '.

143. ТЬе accellt оЕ the forms that are made frotn the ii1fillitive stem is regularly 011 the stem (accent А) . If the illfinitive stem ellds ill accellted [6], the accellt is drawn back опе syl1able in the passive participle : читать 'to read', читанный '(опе that has Ьееп) read' . This mау bring the accent оп а prefix : узнать 'to recognize', узнанный '(опе that has Ьееп) recognized '. ОП the sl10rt forms оС these participles See §76.

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144. REFLEXIVE FORMS 144. The reflexive forms add (са], written -ся, to the

infinitive аnc:! to the Ъе' form of the present : YMЫ� щiться 'to wash (oneself) ' , умывается. То forms t.hat end in а consonant and to аl I participle forms they add [sa] , written -ся: он УМ:ЫБалсЯ: Ъе was wаshiцg

(himself) ', умывающийся: '(опе who is) washing (Ыт­self) ' , F умьrnающаяся. То аН other forms they add [s], wri tten -сь: R умываroсь : • 1 ат washing (туэеlf) ' , она умышtлась 'sl1e WaS washing (herse1f) ' t


145. Compounds о! prefi" and verb regularly inflect Prefi"es that end in а consonant add [01 ЬеСоге various like the simple vel-b : сделать 'to do (completely) ' l ike combinations of two consonants : ПОДписать 'to sign', делать 'to do'. 1I0Дставитъ 't() set under', but подождать 'to await',

Punctual compounds (§173) with вы- accent this (гот ждать 'to wait'. However, С-, аэ in сделать, prefix in аll forms : Быдлатьь 'to work оие (but выде- adds [о] аlЭ0 in эоте other forms : содержать 'to con .. JIывать 'to Ье working оие, because not punctual). tain', from держать 'to hold',

146-150. REGULAR VERBS 146. Regular уегЬэ are оЕ Соиг classes. In аll regular

verbs the infinitive stem e11ds in а vowel. 147. Class 1 : аН regular verbs 'except those whose

infinitive e11ds i11 -овать (-евать), -нуть, -ить. ТЬе present stem adds [у] to the infinitive stem and is inflected Ьу Туре 1 with accent оп stem (А) . Infinitive stem [}lela-J 'to do' : делать; делал, -а, -о, -и; делан­НЫЙ; present stem [{lelay-] : делаю, делает: делай: [chita-] 'to read ' : читать ; читал, -а, -о, -И ; читанный: [chitay-] читаю, ЧИ'l'ает; читай.

148. C lass 2: tl1e infinitive stem ends in [ovaJ: in the rresent stem this is replaced Ьу [иу] The present is о Туре 1, accent А. Infinitive stem [trebova-] 'to 3 1 6

demand' : требовать; требовал, -а, .. о, -И; требован .. JIЫЙ; .present stem [trcbuy-]: требую, требует; требуй.

If the final [а] of the infinitive stem is accented., the present stem accents the [и]: (injeresova-] 'to interest': интересовать i интересовал, -а, -о, -и ; интересован­JIЫЙ; [injeresuy-]: интересую, интересует; интересуй.

149. Class 3 : the infinitive stem ends in Сnи); the present stem drops the [и] al1d inflects in Туре 1 . Th� past passive participle takes [t] instead of [nn]. In­finitive stem [��nи-] 'to fling' : кинуть; кинул, -а, -о, -и; к'инутый; present stem [�in-]: ш'1:ну, I<fше'l'; ItИl;lЬ.

If the [и] of the infil1itive is accented, the present accents the endings (В), and the past passive participle

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draws back the accent: вернУть 'to bring back' ; вернУл, а, -о, "П; повёрнутый Iturned' ; верну, вернёт ; щ�рнW:. 150. Class 4 : the infinitive stem ends in [i), pre­

ceded Ьу [zh,sh] or Ьу а palatal consonant. The present stem d rops the [i] and is of Туре 2. The past passive partlciple replaces the [i] Ьу [о], with the вате соп­sonant changes ав in the '1 ' form of the present, §137.

Infinitive stem [cM§}i-] Ito сlеап' .: чистить; чистил, -а, -о, -И i чищенный; present 'stem [сЫ;'}-]: чищу, чИС'l'ИТ; чисти.

If the [i] of the infinitive stem is accented, the present acccnts the endings : творить ; творил, -а, -d, -И ; творённый ; TBopro, творит; твори.

151-171 . IRREGULAR VERBS 151 . Some verbs have shiftinr accent (accent С) in the past (accent В) : м6чь 'to Ье аЫе', м6р, морла,

the present tense : thcy accent the endings in the 11' МО1'Л6, морли. !orm, the imperative/ participlcs, and gcrun

.d, but dr�w 154. Some опе-вуllаЫе verbs have shifting accel1t lt �ack оп� вуl1аЫе т the five other form!). варить to (accel1t С) i n the past ; they stress the F el1ding : бьrтъ b01 1 ' : варю, варишь, варит, варим, . варц:те, варят ; Ito Ье' был была былo Был •.

вари" варящий, варимыи, варя. Prcsents of Туре 1 " " with 'acccl1t С draw back the accent also in the active 155. Some of these stress а prefix in the other three participle : пишу 11 write', пишет, пишущий I(опе who {огт. (accent О) : 8анлть Ito оссиру', занял, заняла, is) writing'. занЛJIO, 8анлли.

152. Verbs which have accent С in tke present draw 156. Some past forms with accent С or D either back the accent also il1 the past passive participle: always ог optionally stress the last вуllаЫе il1 the' щiренный Ъоilеd' . reflexive forms: заняться Ito оссиру oneself', sанял<h1,

153. Som� one-syllable vcrbs strcliis t}qe endings in заrIллась, заНЛJI6сь, 8анялИсь. 157-164. I RREGULAR VERBS WITH PRESENT OF ТУРЕ 1

157. Some with infinitive stem in [а] drop this make the present stcm : надеяться Ito Ьоре', надеюсь, vowcl in the present &ет, a,,-d take the consonant надееТСЯi над6йся. changes о! §137 : резать Ito сие, режу, режет; режь. Some of these accent the [а] and have accent В in

Some of these accent the [а] and Ьауе accent С in the present : с:меМьсл Ito laugh', смеюсь, смеётсл; the prescnt : писать 't6 write ', пишу, пишет; пиши. см6йсл.

158. Some with infinitive 15tem irt [Уа] drop {а1 to 159. Three vcrbs with infinitive stem in [avd] have З l 7

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1 1 ; "

the present stem in '[аУ1 with accent В, bt1t (опn the iinperative and gerund regularly : давать 'to give', даю, даёт ; давай; дай:>щий, даёмый, давал. ТЬе othet' two are �знавать, �CTaBaTЬ, §181.

160. Some verbs of Class 3 drop {nи] in the past : мёрзнуть 'to freeze', мёрзну, мёрзнеТ i мёрз, мёрзла, -о, -Н.

161. Some уегЬв with present о! Туре 1 аге entirely' irregt1lar; only а few of tllese Ьауе stems of тоге than опе вуllаЫе: _

eXaTI, 'to ride' has present еду, едет ТЬе imperative is supplied {гот а longer verb : поезжай; similarly in compounds: yeXaTb 'to depart' , уезжай ; сотраге §185.

RОЛбть 'to prick', IЮЛIО, R6лет ; past passive par­ticiple I�6лотый

умереть �to die' умру', умрёт; past with accent D: умер, умерла, умерло, Умерли

162. Quite а few verbs whose infinitive stem Ьаэ only опе эуllаЫе (apart Егот prefixes) аге irregular. We give the infinitive, the present '1 ' and 'he' Согтв, the imperative, апd the past М i we add other past Согmв al1d the past ,passive pat"ticiple only when these are irregular.

163. ТЬе fol lowing Ьауе опе-вуllаЫе infillitive stems ending in a vowel :

бить 'to Ьеае ; бью, бьёТj бей; бил, битый брать 'to take'; беру, берёт; бери; бра.тl, брала;

бралсл 3 1 8

брить 'to эЬауе' ; брею, бреет ; брей ; брил ; бритый Быlьь 'to Ье' ; present (punctual, with future теап­

ing) буду, будет ; будь; бъш, была (не был, не БыJl)i ; -бЪIТЫЙ. ТЬеге is по durative present', but compare есть 'there is, there are' , вет 'there isn 't, there aren't'. ТЬе compound заБыIьь 'to forget' is regular in the past: заБыJl' забъшаi заБыlыый

взЯть Р 'to tal<e '; возьмУ, возьмёт; ВОЗЬми; валл, взяла; ВЗЯ:ЛРЯ:j взЯтый, short F взлта.

вить 'to wind', like бить, bt1t with accent С in t'he · раst : вил, вила; вилсл

врать 'to tell Нев' i вру, врёт; ври; BpaJI, .врала деть Р 'to рие; дену, денет; день; дел; детый ждать Ito wait' ; жду, ждёТj жди; ждал, ждала жить Ito liуе' ; живу, живёт ; ЖИВИ ; жил, жила (не

жил, не жила) i пр6житый I(one tЬаt Ьав Ьееп) l ived through'

звать 'to саН'; зову, З0вёт; ЗОВИ; звал, звала; ЗВaJIСЛ

I�PbITb Ito соуег' ; Rр6ю, Ер6ет; Rр6й; RрыI;; :крыlыый лить Ito ронг', l ike бить, but with accent С, D in the

past : лил, лила; лился; compoul1ds залИJI, залила; залилсл

мы'lь Ito wash' , l ike RPbI'l'b -НЯ:ТЬi with prefix ending in а vowel the present is

thus: занЯ:ть Ito оссиру' ; займУ, займёт ; займи; with pr�fix eQding in а consonant, поднЯ:ть Ito ше; под ..

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J;IИмУ, поднимет ; подним1I . ТЬе past f.rmi аге tke Ito arrive', приду, придёт ; пришёл, пришла, and 60 sarme in both cases : эанJ'iЛ, ЭМIЯла ; занялся ; эаНiIТЬШ:, оп ; аlво optionally ia the impcrative after по- : подй S�1Ort F эанлта j simi1arly п6ДНiIЛ, etc. Igo ' . Otherwise after prefixes tl1e и] is replaced Ьу [у):

петь 'to sing ' ; пою, rzOi3T; п6й; пед; щзты:Pt наIlТ{! Ito find ' ; Ш\'JIДУ, найдёт; нашёл, and so оп ;

пil'гь �to drink', l ike Q{ITb, but accent С in the past : поI"Iт{r Ito go to а placc ' . Prcfixcs ending in а consonant

JffИ.ч, пиJ'rа (не пил, не пила) add [о] in а1 1 forms : сойти 'to go do\vn' , сойду, сойдёт : , еошёл, al1d 60 оп

рва-ть 'to tear ' ; рву, рвёт; рви ; рвал, рвма R.JIaCTJ> ' to 1ау' ; Iшаду, кладёТ i клади ; клал ОiШ1'1'Ь 'to 6end' j шлю, шлёт ; шли ; слал лезть Ito сНтЬ' ; лезу, лезет; деЗЪi лсз, лезла ста"1'Ь Р 'to take one's stand' ; стану, станет ; стань; лечь Р Ito 1ie -down' i лягу, ляжет ; лнгi лёг, легла, c'l'М -6, -и --чать>' начать 'to bcgin" ; на.чну, наtj:!'[ё'l'j оочн{!; м6чь 'to Ье аЫс' ; могу, м6жет (accent С) ; помоги

начал, начала; началсн; начатый Ihe1p ' ; м6г, могла, -6, -й

шить 'to sew', like бить неСТ./.I (to саГl'У' ,' НСС.(', .. ./.. .. nп�

. h 11 ыl . fi . . kJ .у несет ; неси ; нес, не •. ..,."'" 164. The followmg ауе one-sy а е tn шtlvе stems -6, _{! ; несённый

el1ding in а consonant: пасть Р 'to {аН ' ; паду, падё'l' ; пади; пал В�Э'l'и 'to саге ; ве8У, веэёТj вези ; вёз, везла, -6, -И j печь Ito bake ' i пе�у, печёт ; пеl{И ; пё�, пе�а, везённый -6, -(1 ; печённый

Ьести (to lead ' ; веду, ведёт ; веди ; вёл, вела, -6, -И j ПЛLIТЬ 'to swim' ; плыву, плывёт ; плывfI ; плыл� ведённый плыла

жечь Ito burn' j жгу, жжёт ; ЖГll ; Жёг, жгла, -6, -и j расти " to grow' ; расту, растёх; раСТИj р6с, росла, сожжённый 'burnt ир' -6, -и .

иттИ: Ito go' ; иду, идёт; ИД{I ; шёл, шла, шл6, шлИ:; сеет. Р 'to sit down ' ; сяду, слдет; сядь; сел past active participle шедший, gerund шедши. Thc стрfrчь Ito sheat" ; 'Стригу, стрижёт; стриги ; 'стриг, initial [i] c1.rops after the prefix nри- : притт(r (прий:rfI) стрuгл", -о, -И i стрfrженный

165-170. IRREGULAl� VERBS \VIТH PRESENT OF ТУРЕ 2 165. QUlte а few verbs оС Class 4 havc acccnt С in the present : I�VПИТЬ Р Ito Ьиу ' ; �yuлю, кYtшТ; I�УПИ ;

купил, -а, -о, -И j �УпJ1енныЙ.

3 1 9

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"fhe verbs -ложить 'to lау', садить 'to всае have this accent: положить Р 'to lay' , положу, пол6ЖИТj усадить Р 'to веае, усажу, усадит; but their rcHexi:ve forms without prefix are regular : ложитьсл 'to lie down', ложусь, ложитсл; садитьсл 'to sit down'. сажусь, садИтсл.

ТЬе verb -лучить has acccnt С in получить р. 'to receive', получу, получит, but is regular (В) in случитьсл Р 'to happen' : случитсл 'it wШ happen'.

166. Some verbs of Class 4 in [d, t ] Ьауе irregular co.nsonant changes : победить 'to conquer' , побеждён� нн!й 'conquered' j посетить 'to visit'; посещу, посетит; посещённыЙ.

167. Some verbs with infinitive stem in [а}, preceded Ьу [ch, sh, shch, zh, yJ, drop tms vowel in the present stem, which has forms of Туре 2 : слы1атьь 'to Ьею" ; сл:ыIу,' сл:ыII1т • .

Those which stress the [а] Ьауе accent В in the present: стоять 'to stand' ; СТОI0, стоит. But а few draw back the accent in the gerund : ст6Я: 'while stand .. ing ' ; лежать 't6 lie', лежу, лежит, лёжа.

Accent С in tlle present': держать 'to hold', держу, держит ; держи. .

168. Some verbs with infinitive stem in [е] drop this -vowel in tl1e present stem, which has f.orms оЕ Туре 2: видеть 'to все ', вижу, видит.

Those which stress the [е] Ьауе accent В in the present : лететь 'to Ну' ; лечу, летит; лети.

Accent С in the present: CMO'l'peTb 'to look'; смотрю, ем6трит j смотри.

169. ТЬе one-syllable verb СIliiть 'to sleep' Ьаэ сплю, еПИТj СПИj спал. спала.

170. род{rть 'to give birth' has the past родила (а150, родилсЯ: 'was Ьоrn') in punctual meaning.

i 7 1 . VERBS WПН IRREGULAR PRESENT 171. Four verbs, two of them with one-sy\lable in- бежать 'to run ', Хотеть 'to want', дать Р 'to give",

finitive stems, are entirely irregular in the present: есть 'to еае : '1 ' 'уои ' 'Ье' 'we' 'уои' 'they' imperative

бегу бежишь бежит бежим бежите бегуr беги хочу х6чешь х6чет XOT{IM хотите хотят хоти дам дашь даст дадим дадите дадут дай ем ешь ест едим едите едЯ:т ешь

In the past1 дать has дал, дала, дал6, дали (не даЛ1 не дала), далсЯ: ; compounds, продать 'to эеН' , пр6дац, продала, пр6дало, -и, продалсЯ:. ТЬе otllers are regular in the past : бежал, хотел, ел. 320

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172. ЕасЬ verb has опе оС two aspects; it is either ilurative (D) or punctual (Р).

Durative verbs Ьауе two meanings: Actual durative: something is actually going оп at

the time spoken of: л пищу '1 ат writing ' ; я. щюал '1 was writing'. Some aetions which, Ьу their nature, take ап appreeiable amount оС time are spoken оС in this way; thus, я. сшiл means not only '1 was sleeping', but also '1 slept, 1 Ьауе slept ' ; ЕаЕ �ыI спали? 'how did уои Б1еер? '

Iterative durative: the aetion is repeated or consists of parts (sueh as moving in scveral direetions or in по бхеd d ireetion) or its occurrenee is considered аз а gencral question ( Idid уоu ever?') or аз а matter о! prineiple : я. час�I'О пищу 11 often write' � 6н х6дит назад и вперёд 'Ье is walking (Ье walks) baek and forth' j выI ему писали? Ъауе уои (ever) written to Ыт?'

Punetual verbs tell of а single eompleted action, without regard to repctition, tiine taken, or parts of the aet : я. lIаписал ему '1 wrote- (опее) to Ыт ; 1 have written (this опее) to Ыт'. ТЬе present о! а Р verb has future meaning : я. напишу письм6 ' 1 ' 1 1 write а (the) letter (опсе, and get i t done) '.

ТЬе iпбпitiv� after verbs Шее буду '1 wi1l ' , стану '1 ' 1 1 start, 1 will' , начну ' 1 ' 1 1 begin', R6нчу 11 ' 1 1 finish' is always durative: Ji буду писать '1 ' 1 1 Ье

writing; 1 '1 1 write repeatedly, l 'll do some writing' · а Р verb speaks о! the аеНоп without regard to it� parts.

173. Simple verbs (that is, verbs not compounded with а prefix) are D : писать.

Simple verbs compounded with а prefix are Р : H� писать. Some висЬ compounds Ьауе nearly the зате meaning as the simple verb, exeept for the difference, of aspect, In the vocabulal'y we пате the prefix or prefixes whieh do not plainly ehange the meaning, as, "писать D 'to 'write' (на-) ".

In some instanees the simple verb does not octur: поиЯ:ть Р 'to understand', ответить Р (to answer' .

Most compol1nds differ plainly in meaning from the simple verb : .подписать Р Ito sign' . For these, а сот .. pound durative verb of the эате шеапiпg is made Ьу means о! а com,bounding durative verb, whieh is de­rived from the siшрlе verb. ТЬиэ, подписывать D (to sign (to Ье signing, to sign repeatedly, ete.) ' is made from -писыва'fЬ, the compol1nding durative оЕ писать. Most eompol1ndir;,g durative vcrbs oceur onl;v in this way, witl1 prefixes.

ТЬе eompounding dш'аtivе verbs are made аэ follows. 174, If the infinitive stem of the simple verb ends in

а consonant, the eompol1nding D adds aeeented [6] to this stem : м6чь 'to Ье able', stem [mog-], compol1nding D -могать: ПОМ,6чь Р Ito help', помогать D.

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175. If the infinitive stem of the simple verb has оп[у опе эуllаЫе and ends in а vowel , the compound­ing D adds accentcd [v6] : MbITb 'to wash ', соmроuпdiпg D -мывать : YMbITb Р 'to wash off' , умыпа:гь D .

176. I f the iпfiпitivс stcm o f thc simple vcrb ends iп а vowcl otl1er thап [i] ог [nu] and has тоге than опе syllabIe, the compounding D drops this vowel and adds [iva] with stt'ess оп tl1e preceding syllablc : писать 'to write ' , compounding D -писывать : подписать Р 'to sign ' , подписывать D. If the syl lablc bcfore [iva] сопtаiпs [о], tl1 is is rcplaccq Ьу [6] : раб6тать' 'to work ' ,

соmроuпdiпg D -рабатывать : зараб6тать Р ,'to еагп' , зарабатывать D.

177 . If the inf1n itive stem of the si;-nple уегЬ has more than опе syllable and ends in [i], the compound­i l1g D drops this vowel апd adds accented [6] with the COI1SOl1al1t changes of §137 : чистить 'to сlеап ', сот­роuпd il1g D -чищать: выIис'l'итьь Р 'to сlеаl1 out" вычищать D.

178. If the infinitive stem of the simple verb ends in (nuJ, the соmроuпd iпg D drops this and adds acccnted [6J: мёрзнуть 'to freezc', соmроuпdiпg D -мерзатъ: замёрзнуть Р 'to frecze ир' , замерзать О.

179-192. IRREGUL,AR FОRМАТЮN OF ASPECTS 179. Somc усгЬэ in [i] form thc соmРОUl1diпg D Ьу

dropping this vowel апd adding [ivaJ with the соп­sonant сhапgеs оЕ §137 : rrросить 'to request ', сот­pounding durative -IIРашивать : спросить .Р 'to ask' , спрашивать D.

А few do th is withбut consonant change : выIроситьь Р 'to throw оие, выбрасывать D.

180. Some verbs add [6] wit11 various irregularities: брать 'to take' : собрать Р, собирать D <to соl1есе дохнуть Р 'to take а breath ' : отдохнуть р, отды-

хать D 'to rest ' :кипеть 'to boil ' : эающетр Р, эаI{ЩIать D 'to соте

to а boi l ' 322

-НЯ1Ъ : понять Р, понимать D 'to understand ' п6мнить 'to remember ' ; нап6мнить Р, �апоминать

D 'to rcmind ' рвать 'to tear' : сорвать Р, срывать D tto tear off' слать -'to send' :. прислать Р, . присылать D 'to send

оуег' -сйуть : проснутьсл Р, просыпатьсл D 'to wake ир' -чать : начать Р, начинать D 'to begifl ' 181 . знать 'to know' and стать Р 'to takci опе 'э

stand' Ьауе аэ c.ompounding duratives the irregu}ar уегЬэ -знавать, -ставать, § 159 : узнать Р, у:щаватъ D 'to l'ccognize' , А: узнаю '1 shall recognize', А: У:ЩaIО '1 rесоgп izе' : встать Р, встаВ,ать D 'to get ир', n lIC�AJlY 'I ehaH get иР'1 fl l3CTaIO (1 get ир'


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Simi1arly, дiть Р uses давать D, §190, 182. Other irregular compoundil1g duratives арреаг in the following sections.


183 . Some simpIe D verbs are tlsed оп1у in acttlal meaning (§172) and have specia1 iterative verbs Ьу thei r side : 6н идёт в школу Ъе is going to scho01 , Ье is оп his way to school ' , ОН ходит в школу Ъе goes to эсЬооl, he attends schoo1 ' .

184. The verbs видеть Ito see' and слыIатьь Ito hear' have the iterativcs видать, слыха'l'Ь, which are used only in the past and the infil1itive.

185. Punctua1 compoul1ds аге made mostly {rom the actual vегЬ, lсээ often {гот thc itcrative; they are matched Ьу опе ог two compounding durativc vегЬs.

бежать: бегать ito гип ' (он бежит в ШI�ОЛ:У Ъс is rUl1l1il1g to school ' ; он бегает в саду Ъс is rUl111il1g аЬоut il1 the gaI'den ') ; thc compounding D vсгЬs аге -бега:rь al1d -бегивать: убежать Р, убегать D ito [ип away' ; сбегать Р Ito run tЬеге and back' ; выIегатьь Р, выбегивать D Ito fUn аН over а place'.

ехать : ездить Ito ride' ; compoundil1g D �езжать : уехать Р, уезжать D Ito depart ' ; съездить Р Ito dt'ive there al1d hackJ i изъездить Р, изъезжаТh D Ito travel all оуес а р!асе'. Соmрасе §160.

лезть : лазить 'to сliтЬ ' ; compoul1ding D -лезать: взлез'rь Р, взлезать D 'to с!iшЬ ир' ; слазить Р Ito clim)) ир al1d back'.

плыIь: : плавать ito swim, to travel оп water' ; сот­pounding D -плывать: переплыIьь Р, ' переплывать D ito swim or эаН across' i исплавать Р ito saH al1 over' .

186. In sevet'al instances the iterative verbs serve also аэ compounding duratives. Some of them a1so ЬаУе pUl1ctual compounds which are matched Ьу longer сот­pounding duratives.

БыIь: : бывать Ito Ье'; заБыIьь Р, забыв§/rь D Ito forget'.

везти: возить Ito cart' i довезти Р, ДОВОЗIIТЬ D Ito cart а11 the way' .

вести : водить ito lead' ; довести Р, доводить D Ito 1ead all the waY' i проводить Р, ПРОВОЖ8!l'Ь D 'to escort'.

иттИ:; ходить Ito go' j' :уйти Р, уходи'l'Ь D Ito go away' i сходить Р Ito go there al1d back' i уходить Р, ухаживать D ItQ tend, to cot1rt'.

лететь : летать Ito fly' i compounds : улететь Р, уле,. тать D 'to fly away'; излетать Р Ito fly а11 over а рlасе',

нести : носить 'to carry' j принести Р, приносить D Ito bring' i износить Р, ИЗНашивать D Ito wear оие.


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187-189. ' SIMPLE PUNCTUAL VERBS' 187. Som� si11iple verbs аге punctual al1d Ьауе corre­

spolldil1g D verbs Ьу their side. Compoullds аге made Сгот the Р verb and аге matched Ьу а compounding D уегЬ:

бр6сить Р, бросать D Ito throw' ; выIроситьь Р,' вы .. брасывать D 'to throw оие

I{ОПЧИТЬ Р, КОНчать D 'to elld ' ; докончить Р, до­канчивать D Ito Ьгiпg to completion ' ./'

пасть Р, падать D Ito fal l ' ; вьщасть Р, выпадать D 'to {а Н out ' .

188. Some such pairs have compoul1ds also (ог only) from the D vcrb, with опе compounding durative match il1g tl1cse Р compounds. То this type belol1g espccia l ly some Р vCl'bs in -путь, Class 3 .

I{Р(ШНУТЬ Р, lфичать D 'to yell ' j всItРИIШуть Р, ВСI{риюrвать D 'to ау out ' i заI<РИЧать Р 'to са) 1 out '.

л6пнуть Р, л6паться D 'to burst' ; влопаться Р, влопываться D 'to gct into а fix '.

лечь Р, ЛОЖИТЬСЯ: D 'to Не dOWll ' j see for the сош .. poul1cls § 190.

сесть Р, садит'ься: D 'to sit down ' j пересесть Р, пересаживаться D 'to change cars ' i усадить Р, уса­живать D 'to веае

стать Р, С'l'ановитьМ D tto take а stand·, to begin, to Ьесоте' ; встать Р, вставать D .'to get ир' (§181) ; остаповй'гь Р, ос'rанавливать D 'to bring to а stop' . �t

189. А few simple Р verbs have по D verb Ьу their side : вернуть Р 'to bril1g back' j for D meaning опе uses возвращать D 't6 bril1g back', compound D of возвратйть Р'; compounds : завернуть Р, завёр"'J.'ыва'J.'Ь D 'to wl'ap ир' .

190. Some simple Р verbs have Ьу their sid'e а D verb which serves also as compoul1dil1g durative :

дать Р, давать D 't6 give ' ; продать Р, продавать D Ito sel l ' .

деть Р, девать D Ito рие ; на,деть Р, надевать D 'to put оп (а gапnепt) ' .


пуст(!ть Р, пусшl,ть D (to let go' ; ОТnyстить р, ОТПУСI{ать D 'to gral1t leave' .


решйть Р, решать D (to decide' ; разрешить Р, раз ..

решать D 'to give pefinission' . ступ{rть Р, ступать D 'to step' ; ОТСТупитЬ Р, от.-

ступать D 'to withdraw'. .

явить Р, являть D Ito show' ; проявить Р, пр� являть D 'to display, to develop (а photograph) ' .

189. Besid� купить Р 'to Ьиу' the D is покупать; compounds: закупит'ь Р, закупать D Ito bиy иp� . .

190-192, I RREGULAR. SETS 190. Some aspcct sets are elltirely irregular брать О, взЯть Р Ito take ' ; собрать Р, собирать D (to collect'.


Page 333: Spoken Russian 1

вешать D, повесиТЬ Р 'to hang ир' ; also вешать D, свеСИ'fЬ Р 'to weigh (something) ' ; these Р verbs are compounds of весить D 'to have (such and such) weigh1'. Compounds : завешать Р, завешивать D 'to cover with hangings' ; развесить Р, развешивать D 'to weigh ои1'.

говорить D, с1tазать Р 'to speak, to say' j the Р is а compound оС -казать (казаться 'to seem') . Сот­pounds: разговорить Р, разговаривать D 'to соп­verse' ; приказать Р, приказывa'J.'Ь D 'to command'.

1tЛасть D, положить Р 'to lау' ; the Р is а compound of -ложить (ЛОЖ{IТЬСЯ 'to Не down ', §188) . Сот­pounds: разложить Р (less po!itc, раскласть Р) , рас-1tЛадывать .D 'to distribute in ..рlасеэ' ; разло:жить Р,

разлагать D 'to analyze' j уложить Р, укладывать D 'to pack (one's things) ' .

ловить D, пойм:ать Р 'to catch' j уловить Р, ущ:iвли­вать D 'to catch ир'.

191. Some verbs are both D and Р: женитьсл 'to get married (of а mqn) ', ранить 'to wоuпd ', родить 'to give birth' (§17б), телеграфировать 'to telegraph'.

192. Some c01J1pounds or seeming compounds о! simple verbs aI'е durative: надеяться 'to hope', п6мнить 'to remember', предвйдеть 'to foresee', содержать 'to contain' , состоять 'to consis1', стирать 'to was11 (clothes) ', считать 'to cqun 1 ' , уважать 'to respect' .

Compounds witl1 без- .а(е dtiПltivе.: бесдо1t6ить 'to disturb'.


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А. accu�ati'Ve L. locative AF (АМ, AN, АР.) adjective in feminine (mascut inel М masculine

Ileuter, plu.ral) form used l ike а поиn N neuter D durative N nominatjv� D. dative р рuпсtщ\l F feminine Р. plur<ti G. gcnitive S. singutar 1 . instrumcntal tr. transitive intr. intransitive

. 1 326 '1" i

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Nouns Qf the seeonc1 deelension which accent the endings or whieh -have ап inserted voweI in the N .S. are givcn with the G.S. form : ключ, -3.; Бетер, -тра; отец, -тца.

Nouns whose N.S. is written with finat ь are marked М if they are masculines of the second declension, and 'F if they are feminines of the fourth declension.

Irregular forms are shown in parentheses; for the present tense of irregular verbs the ' 1 ' form апд the 'Ье' form Щ'е given. For words of very irregular form reference is made to sections of the Summary of Russial1 Grammar.

То help show the meaning оС the English words lIsed in translating the Russian words, we add brief hints in parentheses: JI6патьсл . . . . "to blow o!lt (оС а tire) ".

The words "whereto?" and "where? " are used in this

а but, and август At.gust авиатор aviator; ЩJJiЗЦИЯ aviation, air (oree автОбус auto-bus, Ьиа автомобиль М automoЫle

way. Thus, t lтуда thither, there (whereto?)" mеапа that this Russian word' is used of movement to а рlасе (tll 'm going tllere") ; 'and "Tar< there (where?)" means that this Russial1 word is USP-G of position (or тоуе­ment) in а рlасе ("Не is there"J "Не is playing there").

The abbreviations I 'intr. " �for t lintransitive") and ( Itr." (for "transitive") are used in а similar way. "Intr ." теапа that the English word is to Ье taken аа intransitive, not acting оп апу persQn or object ; thus, "просыпатьел . . . to wake ир (il1tr. ) / 1 теапа that the Russian word is used in the sense of eeasing to .sIeep ("1 woke ир early"). "Tr. " means that the EngI ish word is to Ье taken·as transitive, act,ng оп some pel"SOn or objeet; thus, "будить . . . . to wake ир (tr.) " теаПЗ that the Russian word is used , in the sense of rousing someone from slcep ("Don't wake Ыт ир").

адрес (Р. -а) address Азия Asia акр acre Александр Alexander amIO hcllo (ovcr the telephone)


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АмерИlШ America ; амеРИlсанец, -нца American (тап) ; , амерИlШНIШ American (woman) i американский American

англиiiскии Engl ish j англичанин (Р. -чане, -чан, -чанам) Епgl ishmаП j англичаНI\а Englishwoman j Англиn. England

Андрей Andrew Анна Апnа апельсин orange апрель М April 8QTcкa pllarmacy, drug store 'рмня army артнллерия arti1lcry ; артиллерИйский of artillery аршин (G.P. аршин) агsl1 iп ; 0.711 mctcr Астрахань F Astrakhan (city) aTarт attack АтлантичеСIШЙ океан Atlantic Осеап ах ОЬ ! аэродр6м: airport i аэроплан airplane

багаж, -а baggage, luggage бак tank (for liquicls) Бащу indecl . М Baku (city) баш\ bal1k (bankil1g 11Ouse) банка сап (upright) , jar, cOl1tainer баранина muttol1 328

баталь6н batta1ion батареn battery бегать D (iterative of бежать) to I'IЩ about бедный poor бежать (бегу, бежит, §171) D to run (по - ; iterative

бегать) без, безо without безопасный safe белый (бел6, белыl) white бельё l inens, wasblng, underwear беllЗИН gasol i l1e, pctrol i бензиновый оЕ gaso1 i/1c б€рег (G. -у ; на берегу ; на берег; Р -а) shorE:, bal1k

(of strcam) беспокоить D to disturb (0-) библиотека I i brary билет ticket бить (бью, бьёт; битыii) D to hcat i -ел to fight (по-) благодарить D to thal1k (ил·.) БЛИЗIШЙ (ближе ; ближайший) l1ear i (вокзаrI) близко

it's near (to t11e station) блюдо dish б6б, -а Ьеаn бог god богатый (богаче) rich боец, -iiца fighter, sold ier

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БОй (В бою; Р. бои) fight, battle бблее l'nore (before adjectives and adverbs, §89) болеть (болит) D to hurt (intr.) , to асЬе, to pain бблт, -а bolt ббль F pain больница hospital больнбй (БОЛЬНОt -ЬI) sick; АМ and больная AF siek

person, patient ; больно (adverb and impersonal) painfullYi it hurts

больше more, апу тоге, bigget' ; больший bigger (сот .. parative оС большбй, веЛИIШЙ, мн6го ; see a1so более)

большинство majority больш6й (sllOrt forms replaced Ьу велик, велика, -б,

.;и; compaгative, see б6льше) big, 1arge бомба ЬотЬ ; бомбить D to ЬотЬ БQрис Boris борщ, -а beet soup, borshch ботинка (5. also ill М form, ботинOIС, -ика) вЬое бt>чка Ьаггеl ; bochka, 492 li ters бояться (боюсь, боится) D to Ье afraid, to [еаг (G.) брат (р, -ья, -ьев, -ьям) brother брать (беру, берёт ; брала, брался) D, взять (возьмУ,

возьмёт; взяла, взялся ; взятый, взята) Р to take бригада brigade бридж bridge, wll1st бритва raz6rj безопасная бритва safety razor

брить (беею, бреет; брИтью) D to shave (tr.) i -сл to shave (intr.) (по-)

бросать D, брбсить Р to throw брюки (БРЮl�, -ам; Р. only) trousers будить (бужу, будИ1') D to wake (tr.) (раз-) буцущий future, next буква letter (of the alphabet) булаВIШ pin ; английская булавка safety pin бумага paper j бумажка scrap ОС paperi Ыl1 (раре!

money) ; оумажник bill-fold буря storm бушель М busllel бы (added to past tense) would бьmaть D (itel'ative of Бы1ь)) to Ье l'epeatedly, ever

to Ье БыIтрыый (Бы�тр)) quick БыIьь (была, не был; Р present будУ, будет; сощраге

есть, нет) D to Ье (itet'ative бывать) бюро (indeclinable) N office, Ьигеаи

в, во (with A.) intoj (witl1 L.) in вагон railway car вам, вами, Бее BbI ванна (С.Р. ванн) bathtub; ванная AF bathroorn Ваня м J ohnnie (Sh01't пате [ог Иван) варить (варю, варит) р to Ьоil (tr . ) , to cook (с-)


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вас, вее вЬ. Василий Basil ваш (§94) your вбегать D, вбежать (вбегу, вбежит, §171) Р to run in вдевать D, вдеть (вдену, вденет; вдетый) Р to put in;

вдеть нитку в иголку to thread а need le ведро (Р. вёдра) pail ; vedro, 12.2 liters везде everywhere везти (везу, всзёт ; вёз, веЗJlа, -6, -и) D to cart, to

convey оп а vehicle (по-; iterative возить) веЛИIШЙ (fOl- comparative вее больше) great (short

fOl'ms with irregula1" accent replace tllOse of большой) величина size Вера Vera верёвIШ ["оре, cord, st1"ing верить D to believe (D.) вернуть Р to bring back ; -ся to соте 01" go back верный trlle, faitЬful ; верно that's true верста (А. вёрсту; Р. вёрсты, вёрст, вёрстам) ve1"st,

1 .067 kilometer верх (G. -у ; на верху ; Р. верхи) top, иррег BнrCace;

верхом оп horseback веРШОIС, -шка vershok, 4.445 ce!ltimeters вес (С. -у; Р. веса) weight; Р. Becbl scales, Ьаlапсе;

весить D to weigh (intr.) весна (А. пёсну; Р, вёсны) sp1"ingj весной in sp l-ing ЗЗО

вecm (ведУ;, ведёт; пёJr, вела, ..о, в,) D to lead, to conduct (по- ; iterative водИть)

весь (§1О1) аН ; всё everything j аН the time, always ' всегО in аН, аН togetheri все аН (of them) , everybod;

ветер, -тра (на ветру) wind веТ'IИlli\' Ьат вечер (Р . . веч:ера) evening; вечером in the evening печньШ permanent вешать D, повесить Р to hang иР; свесить Р to

weigh (tr.) вещь (Р. вещи, вещей) F thing взлезать D, взлезть (-лезу, -лезет ; -лез, -лезла) to

сНmЬ пр взлетать D , Dзле'fеть (-лечУ, -летит) Р to fly ар взойти Р оС всходить взять Р of брать видать D (itепitivе оС виде'l'Ь, lIsed onty in infinitive

and past) to see repeatedly, to Ье аЫе to see, to have (ever) seen

виде'fЬ (вижу, видит) D to эее (у- ; iterative видать) вид view; арреагапсе ; видный visible; (деревню)

ВИДНО one сап see (the vil lage) вилка fork виноград (G. -у) grapes (collective) винт, -а screw; ВИII'rИть D to 6crew винтовка l"ifle

Page 339: Spoken Russian 1

виwть (вишу, висит) D to hang (intr.) вить (ВЬЮ, вьёт; вила, ВИЛСЯ ; витый) to wind, to twist включать D, включить Р to include вкус taste ; вкусный tasty, good to eat Вла�ивост6It Vladivostok (cit,y) влетать О, влететь (Щlечу, влетит) Р to fly in вместе together вначале in the beginning вниз down, downstairs (whereto?) i вннзу down below,

downstairs (where?) во, for в во-время оп time Вовсе аl togethe( вода (А. ВОду; Р. воды, вод, водам) water водить (вожу-Г'в6дит) D (iterative of вести) to lead

repeatedly ---

водка vodka военный о! war, mi1itary ВОЗдУХ air возить (вожу, возит) . D (iterative of вести) to cart

repeatedly, to carry about оп а vehicle возле beside, next to �озрастать О, розрасти (-расту, -растёт; -рос, -росла,

-6, -и) Р to grow ир, to grow greater война (Р. в6йны, ВОЙН, войнам) war

войтИ Р of входИть вокзал large rai1way station Волга the Volga (river) волос (Р. волосы, волбе, волосам) single hair; Р.

hairs, hair вопрос question восемь (§1 16) eight; восьмой eighth j восьмеро (§125)

set of eight ; восемнадцать (§117) eighteen j восем надцатый eighteel1th ; восемьдесят (§118) eighty; восьмидесятый eightieth; восемьсот (§120) eig11t hundred

воскресенье Sunday восток (thc) east; восточный eastem восход risil1g,. rise восьмеро etc., вее восемь вот here (it) is, here (they) are впадать D, впасть (вцадУ, впадё'г; впал) P to {аН in вперёд forwa1"d, ahead враг, -� спету; вражеский of the еl1ету врать (вру, врёт ; врала) to tell l ies (со-) врач, -а physicial1, doctor j зубной врач dentist 1Jремя N (§64) time; во время (войны�) dш'illg (the war) всегда always всё, всегб вее весь; всё-ТaItИ l1evert11eless вскоре 80011


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вспоминатЬ D, вспомнить Р to rcmcmbcr вставать (встаю, встаёт ; вставай) D, встать (встану,

встанет) Р to gct llр встреча I11cct i l1g; встречать О, вс'гретить Р t.o 111cct всходить (-хожу, -хо;з;ит) D, взойти (-иду, -йдёт ;

-шёл, -шла, -о, -и) to go нр, to , ' isc всюду evet'y\vllcrc втбрник Tl!csclay второй secol1d вход сп tГ;:lI1СС ; пходiiть (вхожу, входит) D, ВОЙТИ

(-йдУ, -идёт ; �шёл, -шла, .6, -й) Р to go in вчера усstсгсlау ВЬ' ( § 10б) УOL\ выезжать D, BCJeXaTb (-еду, -едет) Р to l110ve out ВЬJЙТll Р of выходить вымьшать D, BblMbITb (-мою, -моет ; -мытый) Р to

\VaSI1 cleal1 выпивать D, Ш;ШИТЬ (-пью, -пьет ; -питый) Р to

С\l' iпk llр ВЫСОJШЙ (высока, BbICOICO, ВЫСОIСИ ; выIе,' выIший,,

§(2) 11 igl1 ВЫСО1'а Ьсigl1t BblCTlIpaTb Р to \vаsЬ Ol\t, tO \vasl1 (clot11cs, l inen) выIтрелл а s11Ot ; Вi;IстреШIТЬ Р to fi,'e а sl1Ot, to sЬооt выIодд cxi t ; выходить (-хожу, -ходит) D, вы�тии (-йду,

-йдет ; -шел, -шла) Р to go Qllt


вышина hcight вязать (вяжу, вяжет) D to tic, to knit (Са)

l'аЗета I1cwsp<lper гаЙIШ scrc\v llllt галстук I1ccktie гараж gat'age гвоздь, -здя (Р. гвозди, I'Во:щей) М 'nаЩ rвоздиr:

sшаl l l1аil , tack где \vЬеге fCI�Tap hectare, 2.471 acres геkерал gCl1cml Георгий Gcorgc Германия Gerl11any глава (Р. главы) hcading, chapteri главиый principal,

cmef '

глаз (в глазу ; Р. глаза, глаз, глазам) еуе rлубина depth

глуБОI'ИЙ (глубока, глуБОI,Б, глуБОI,И ; глубже, глу­бочайший) decp

говорить D, с"азать (СIШЖУ, СIшжет) Р to say, to tell i говорЙть D to speak (по-)

говядина ЬееС

год (в годУ ; за' год, На год ; Р. гОды, годов ; G.P. ЩQstlу replaccd Ьу лет) уеаг

Page 341: Spoken Russian 1

годИться D ' to Ье good (for something, па with А.) (при-)

rолова (А. голову ; аа ,голову, на голову ; Р. головы, Х'олов, головам) l1e<ld

голод huпgсri голодный (голоден, голодна) huпgrу гора (А. гору ; на гору, пбд гору ; Р. гбры, гор, горам)

mountain гораздо .muсh (bcfore comparatives, §90) гореть (горю, горит) D to burn (intr.) горло (G. P. горл) throat город (31\ город, за городом; Р. города) citYi ГОl)ОДОI�,

-дка small city, tОWП i городсш5й of the city, тuпiciра!

горбх (G. -у) peas (collective) горький (горче, горчайший) bitter; Гбрький Gorky

(city) горлчий (горлча, -б, -и) hot госпиталь М lш'gе hospital, mil ital'y hospital господин (Р. господа, госпбд, господам) master;

gentleman i Mr. гость (Р. гбсти, гостей) 1\1 guest i поехать в гбсти to

go stay with реорlе ; гостеприимство hospitalitY i гостИная AF l iviпg [оот, par!orj гостиница 11Ote!

готбвый reaclYi готбвить D to make rc<tdYj to prepare; to cook (при-)

('радус degree ; градусник thепnоmеtеr

rpaждаwн (Р. -граждане, rpаждан, rpажданам) citi­zen (тап) i Mr. j rpажданка citizen (woman) i Miss, Mrs.

грамота rеаdiпg and writingi грамотный 1 iterate граница boundal'y, border (of а country) i аа границу

to f01'eigl1 parts, abmad (\vhereto?) ; аз границей il1 fогеig11 рагts, аЬгоаd (where?) i П3-аз границы fгот abroad

гребёнка ; гребень, -бнл М i гребешбl\, -Шl\а еотЬ гроаа (Р. rрозы) tlшпdеrstопn грбм (Р. громы, громов) thuпdег, реаl of thul1der грудь (на груди ; Р. -ди, -дей) F chest, breast ГРУ30ВИI\, -а truck груша pear ГРЛ3I, (в грлзи) F dirti грлзный (грлзнб, грл3ны�) dirty губа (Р. губы, губ, губам) Нр гуллтъ D to take а walk, to stroll, to idle (по-)

да yeSj да апd, but давать (даю, даёт ; даваii) D, дать (дам, даст, §17 1 ;

дала, дало, не дал, �алсл) Р to give давно lопg ago, ever 8iпсе lot1g ago, Со!' а 10ng time

already даясе ,also, еvеп ДaJJёкиii (далека, далёК6, далёки ; дальше, далее) far:

дl\Jlекб it's far ззз

Page 342: Spoken Russian 1

: �

1';альный distant j дальнейший further данные АР data дать Р of давать два (§115) tWOj двое (§125) sct of 'two; двенадцать

(§1 17) twelve j двенадцатый twelfth ; двадцать (§1 16) twcnty; двадцатый twentietll; Двести (§120) two hundred j двухсотый two hundredth

дверь (Р. двери, дверей) F door двор, -a yard, farm, court ; на дворе out of doors;

дворник house porter, janitor двухместный with two places девать D, деть (дену, денет ; детый) Р to put деВОЧI,а 1ittle gi rl j деВУШI\а YOllng UI1mапiеd woman девяносто (§1 19) п iпсtу девять (§1 16) niI1e j девятый пiпtl1 ; девятеро (§125)

set of nil1c ; девятнадцать (§117) пil1сtссп; девят­надцатый l1i l1сtсспt.h ; девятьсот (§120) nine hllпdrеd

декабрь, -бря М Deccmbcr делать D to do, to make (с-) делить (делю, делит) D to divide Дещ') (Р дела) affair, matteri В самом деле real1Yi на

самом реле actual1Yj Р. дела affairs, busiI1ess j по делам оп busil1ess

День, дня М day ; третьего дня day before yesterdaYi днём iп c!aytime, in the afterlloon


ACHLm (Дf!нег, деньгам) Р. топеу деревня (Р. деревни, деревень, деревням) village; в

деревне in the countt'y ; в AepeBHIO to the country дерево (Р. деревья, -ВI,ев, -вьям) tree i wood держать (дережу, держит) D to holdj -ся to hold fast

(to, за А.) десять (§1 16) ten j десятый tenthj десятеро (§125) set

of ten десятина desyatil1e, 1.0925 hectare дети (де'rей, детям, детьми, детях) Р. chi1dren (gen ..

erally replaces the Р. of ребёнок) деть р of девать дешёвый (дёшев, дешева ; дешевле) сЬеар дивизия division (in army) длина ICI1gth длинный long для for Дмитрий Dmitry, Dcmetrius Дненр, -а the Dnepr (river) до L1р to, to ; bcfore (the time оС) добрый (добр) good, kind довольный satisfied, contentj Довбльно enoughj that's

enoL1gb. доезжать D, доехать (-едУ, �eдeT) Р to ride or drive

alI tlle way дождь, -ждя М rain

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дойти р о! доходИть доктор (Р. доктора) doc.tcr долгий (lasting а) long (time) i долго (дольше, долее)

for а Jong time дблжный (должно, -ЬI) owing, proper; short forms:

needing to, supposed to: я должен' пойти 1 have to go there

доллар dollar д6м (на домУ ; из дому, на дом; Р. дома) house, Ьоте;

дома at home; дом:ик little house домкрат jack домой home (whereto?) дорбга road, waYi желе�шал дорога railway дорогбй (дорог, дорога; дороже) dear доска (А. доску ; Р. доски, досок, доскам) Ь'.жrd доставать ( -стаю, .стаёт; -ставай) D, достать (-стану.

-станет) Р to manage to get, to pro�llre достаточно enough доходить (-хожу, -ходит) D, дойтИ (-ИдУ, -йдёт; -шёл,

-шл', -6, -и) Р to go all the way (not in а vehicle) дбчь (§63) F; д6чка daughter дрова (дрОв, дровам) Р. firewood друг (Р. дРузья, дРузей, дРузьям) friend другОй other, anot4er, different дУмать D to think

дураК, -3 btockhead, (001 дюйм Russian inch, 2.5 centimeters

Евгениit Eugene Европа Europe; европеffСlшff European ег6, see 61( едИнствеllllыii only, s9le 00, see 6н сздить D (iterative of ехать) to ride repeatedly ей БОгу honest to goodness! ей, see 6н Екатерина Catherine Елизавета EIizabeth емУ, see 611 если, еслнбы, еслиб if есть there is, there are; compare Бы1ь,, :нет есть (ем, ест; e� §171 ; ел) D to eat (съ-) ехать (�ДY, едет; поезжай) to ride, to drive (ПО-J

iterative. ездить) ещё still, yet

��, see же жалко; я�ь it's too bad яшркиit (жарче) hot (о! weather) ждать (ждУ, жд(\т ; ждала) to wait (подо.)


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ше (sometimes sbortened to ж; emphasizes the ргесеа­ing word) however; он же but Ье; тот же the Бате. опе

желать D to wish, to desire (по-) ; желание wish, desire

железо iron ; железный (of) iron ; железная дорога йiIwау

жёлтый (жёлт6, жёлты�) yellow желудок, �дкa stomach жена (Р. жёны) wife ; женатЫй married (of а тап) ;

жениться (жешось, женится) D and Р to get mal'ried, to тапу (на L. ; of а тап)

жечь (жгу, жжёт; жёг. жгла, -6, -Н) D to btJrIJ (tr.) (с-) живот, -а belly животное AN animal жизнь F Ше ЖИJlет vest, waistcoat жить (живу, живёт; жила, не жил) D to tive

за (with А.) behincJ, (wI1ereto?) , fOl' ; (with 1.) behind (",-'Ьеге?), after; что за wlшt kind о!

заБОр Сепсе забывать D, заБы�ьь (-буду, -будет ; -бЬIТЫЙ) Р to

forget завёртывать D, завернуть (-вёрнутый) Р to wrap ир завинчивать D, завинтить Р to screw оп

, ; i ЗЗ6 li : l '

завбд Iarge factory, works завтра tomorrow завтрак lunch, breakfastj аавтракать D to eat lunch

01' breakfast (по-) загораться D, загореться (-горюсь, -горится) Р .to

catch firc зад (на задУ ; р, зады�) l'ear part, rear заезжать D, заехать (-еду, едет) Р to dl'ive in Jor а

whi l e .

зажигать D, зажечь ( -жгу, -жжёт; -жёг, -жгла, -Q, -и) Р to set 011 fire, to l ight ; -ся to start burl1itig, to catch fil'c


зайти Р of заходить заказ ol·der (as, at а t'estaural1t) ; ЗaI,ааывать D, за ..

казать ( -кажу, -I,ажет) Р to ordel' закалЫвать D, заколоть ( -IЮЛЮ, -I,олет; -I,олотыii) р

to pin fast закипать D, ЗaIшпеть ( -киплю, -кипит) Р to соте to

а boil заколоть Р of закаЛЫRa'I'Ь 3а1,рьщать D , зaIсры�ьь (-I,роlO, -I,роет; -кры�ыы)) Р to

covez', to close, to sl1Ut ЗaI,уривать D, заI,УРИТЬ (-курю, -I,УРИ'l') .р to ' start

sтоkiпg (tobacco) , to I1ауе а sl110ke залив Ьау, gulf замерзать D, замёрзнуть (�мёрз, -мёl)ЗJiа) Р to freeze�

to freeze ир (iпtг. )

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замуж: ВЫХОДИТЬ, Bblm замуж to get married, to marry (за А . ; of а womal1) ; замужем ma,rried (за Т . ; оС а \vomal1)

занимать D, занлтъ (займу, займёт; занял, заняла, занялсл ; занятый, занята) Р to оссиру i -сп to оссuру ol1eself, to study

запад the west i западный western запас supply, provisiol1 ; запасной spare, extra заплатцть (-плачу, -платит) Р to рау (for, за А.) запломбировать Р to Ы! (а tooth) зарабатывать D, заработать Р ·to еат заранее b�forehand затем after tllat, then зато (to make up) for that заход going down, setting i заходить (-хожу, -ходит)

D, зайти ( -идУ, -идёт; -шёл, -шла, .6, -и) Р to go dowl1, to set Cof the suп), to go in {ог а while

захотеть ( "хочу, -хочет, § 171) Р to want зачем wllat Cor, why заявлять D, заявить (-явлю, -явит) Р to al1nounce,

to proclaim звать (зову, зовёт ; звала, звался) D to саl! (по-) ;

как его зовут? \vhat is Ыэ пате? звезда (Р. звёзды) star звонить D to ring; to саН (someol1e, D.) 011 the tele.,.

pbol1c (по-) ; З80НОК, -нка Ьеll i ril1gir).g

здание buildil1g здесь here (where?) здоровый healthy, il1 good health,. well здравствуй, здравствуйте how do YOl\ do? helloY зеJlёный (зелен, зелена) greel1 земледелие agricul ture i земледельческий agriCul tural землл (А. землю; д6 земли, на землю, Р. земли)

earth, groul1d, 1and i зеМllоЙ terrestria! зеркало (Р. зеркала) mirror, 100king glass зима (А. зиму; Р. зимы, зим, зимам) winter i зим6й

in wil1ter i зимний of wil1ter знакомить D to make acquail1ted ; ·ся to get acquainted

(по-) ; знак6мый aCQ.uail1ted ; АМ, знакомап AI:t' acq uail1 tal1ce

знать D to kl10w (1-) зуб (Р. зубы, зуоов) tooth i зубной оС the teeth, del1tal

и al1d i аlБО, еуеп : и 6н even Ье, Ье too i и • • • и both . , , and : и ои и она both he and . she

иван 1 val1 , J ohl1 игла (Р. иглы, игл, иглам) ; иголка needle играть D to play из, изо from out of, {rom (the inside of) извинять D, извинить Р to ехсиэе i извините pa.rdon

те l из·за out {rom behind i оп account о!


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!I '

� I . ' \ : 1 ':11 I .1 · 111 1"

измеРЯ1'Ь D, измерить Р to mcasure Outi измерение measuring, measurement

изнашивать D, износить (-ношу, -нбсит) Р to Wear out (tr.)

изо, вее ИЗ изучать D, изучить (.учУ, -учит) Р to study или or; или • • • или either . . . or Илья Elija .имя (§64) N . (given) пате · иногда sometimes инструмент instrument, tool интересный interesting; интересовать D to interest ;

-ся to Ье interested (in, 1 . ) инч inch искать (ищУ, ищет) D to look for, to scck (по-) Италия Italy итти (иду, идёт ; шёл, шла, -б, -и) D to walk, to go,

to соте (not riding 01: driving) (по-; iterative ходить)

июль July IIЮНЬ June

к, ко (with D.) toward, to, to the Ьоте or place оС 1Швалерия cavalry каждый every, еаф Казань F Kazan (<;i ty)


казаться (кажусь, кажется) D to SI�t. каК how ; ItaK раз just now, just then какбй what kind of, which, what калбша overshoe камера inner tube Канада Canada канал сапаl капитан captain карандаш, -а репса карман pockct картина picturc картбшка potatoes (col 1cctive) Каспiiйское море the Caspian Sea касса cash dcsk ; tickct office катУшка spoo\ кaloTa саЫп (оп а ship) кварта quart квадрат sq,uare; квадратный square квартира apartment, flat Киев Кiey (city) килб (indcclinable) .N ; килограмм kilogtam, 2.205

pounds километр kilometer, 0.621 milc кино (indeclinable) N moving picture show, movies кипеть (киплю, кипит) D to ЬоН (intr.)

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IслаСТf;a (КJIaдr, lCJIaД�T) D, положить (-ложу. -ЛОЖИ'r) Р to lау, to place, to put

мюч, -1\ key ; wrench i францУзский lCJIЮЧ monkey wrench

u Iшига book j книжка l ittle book, handy bookj книжны" of books, for books

ко, sce к ковёр, -вра rug, carpet когда when кое- (prefixed to question words) оnе and another:

кое-когда at оnе time and another кожа skin, hide, leather колесо (Р. lюлёса) wheel коллективный col lective колоть (IЮЛЮ; колет ; I�блотый) D to prick, to pin колхоз collective farm кольцо (Р. Itольца) ring комната room ; меблированная I�OMHaTa furnished room конверт el1velope IЮНдУктор conductor конец, -нца end ; конечно of course ; кончать D,

кончить Р to finish, to end (tr.) ; -СЯ to соте to аl1 end,. to el1d (intr .)

Iюнтора office копейка kopek корзина basketj корзинка little basket

коридор corridor, hallway коричневый brown короБIШ package (in which something сотее, as ciga­

rettes) , flat container, flat сап (as, for sardines) корова cow короткий (короток, коротка, коротко, КоРоТIСИ ; короче)

short IЮСТЮМ: sUlt оЕ clothes котлета meat ball который which кофе (indeclinable) М coffee красивый beautifu l , pretty красный red крепКий (крепче) firm, solid, strong крестьянин (Р. l�рестьяне, крестьян, крестьянам)

peasant, farmer; креСТЬЯЯIta peasant woman j кресть­янство .peasantry, farm population

кричать (ItричУ� IСРИЧИТ) D, крикнуть Р to cry, to уеl l

IcpoBaTb F bedstead, bed кроме except, bcside, in addition to KPhlTb (крою, кроет ; кры�ыы)) D to cover крыIаa roof ; крыIка cover крючок, -чка bool� кто (§1О4) whQ


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куда whereto куйБыIевB Kuybishev (city) купе (indec1inable) N compartment (in а railway

carriage) купить р of покупать I�УРИТЬ (I�УРЮ, курит) D to smoke (tobacco) (по-) курица (P . . usually куры, кур, курам) Ьеп, chicken кусок, -ска piece КУХШI ki tchen J�ушать to eat

лавка shop, stol'e лазить D (itегаtivе of лезть) to c1 imb about лампа lamp .левый lсft-Ьапd JIёГIШЙ · (легко, -И ; .легче, легчайший) 1 ight (not

hcavY i comparc светлый) ; саБУ ; .лёгкие АР Iungs .лёд, .льда (G. -у ; на .льдУ ; по .льду) icc лежать (лежу, лежит) to .1ic, to rccline (по-) лезть (.лезу, лезет ; лез, лезла) D to сl iтЬ (iterative

JIазить) лекарство mcdicinc Ленинград Lcningrad (city) лес (В лесу ; из лесу ; Р. леса) woods, forest лестница ladder; stairway


летать D (iterative of лететь) to fly летеrrь (лечУ, летит) D to Ву (itcrative летать) лето (Р. лета) summer; летом in summer (for G.P.

лет, see aIso rод) лётчик Byer лечь Р of ложиться ли w11еtЬеr : л не знаю, щшдёт ли он 1 don't know

wЬеthеr Ье will соте ; also in qиеstiопs that саН Со!" yes or по : дома ли он? is Ье at Ьоте?

линия 1 ine лист, -3 sheet, leaf; (Р. листья, -стьев, -стьям) leaves

(of plants) , foliage литр l iter, 1 ,057 quarts лить (лью, льёт ; лила, ли:лся ; литый) D to pour (tr.) j

-ся to pour (intr.) лихорадка fever лиц6 (Р. лица) Сасе ловить (ловлю, ловит) D, поймать Р to catch ложечка Бтаl1 БРООП, tcaspoon ложиться D, лечь (лягу, ляжет ; лёг, легла, -6, ои)

Р to lie down ЛОЖI�а БрООП ЛОКОМОТИВ 10comotive лопаться D, лопнуть Р to burst, to blow out (of а


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лошадь (Р. лошади, лошадеii, 1 лошадьМii) F Ьогве; иа лошадях in а horse-drawn vehicle

луна mооп лучше, лучшиii better (comparative of хороцшii) любить (люблю, любит) D to 10ve, to like ,jJюбовь F Lubov (woman's пате) люди (людей, людям, людьми, людях) Р. people

(used as Р. of человеI\, cxcept in number cxpressions)

магазин (big) stare мазать (мажу, мажет) D to smear, to !5rease (с-) май Мау майор major маленышй (short forms replaced Ьу мал, мала, ·o� �LI;

comparative, see меньше) l ittle малый (for compJ.rative see меньше) smal1 ; мало littlp.,

а l ittIe, а few (the short forms with irregulat· accent replace short forms of малеuышЙ) . .

мальчик l i ttle Ьоу MaPIt Mark марка postage stamp март March Марья Mary. масло oil ; butter мать (§63) mother

Маша short name {ог Марья машина тасЫпе (as, automobile, typewriter) мебель F, furniture; меблированный wit:h furniture.

fur1:· ished fiIедицина (art or study of) medicine; медицинский

medical медленныii slow между (with 1 .) between, among Меl\СИка Mexico мелочь F smal1 coins, change money (col1ective) менее less (before adjectives and adverbs, §89) мера measure, size мёрзнуть (lIIёрз, мёрзла) D to fl'eeze (intr.) мерить D to measure (с-) место (Р. места) рlасе; piece of baggage. месяц montl1 металл metal ; металловыii (of) metal метать (мечУ, мечет) D to fling метр meter, 3.280 feet; метрический metric мешок, -Шl\а bag, sack милиционер policeman миллиметр millimeter миллион million мИлость F kindness ; милости нросим please do ! (used

in inviting or welcoming а guest ог in putting SQme­thing at someone's disposal)

34 1

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1 " I

i ;

! : I' " 111,[

мИля m!!'о': мИмо (with G.) past минУта minute; мииутка (just а) mil1ute мИр реасе; world ; мИриый реасеаЫе, реасеСиl Михал M ichael младший younger (comparative оС молодой) миогий llumerous; миогие АР. тапу people; миого

(comparative replaced Ьу больше) much, тапу, а lot

можно it i8 possible, оnе сап, оnе тау мой (§95) ту молния lightning молодой (молод, молода ; моложе, младший) young молоко milk молот big hammer; МОЛОТОIС, -тка hammer момент moment море (на море, за море, по морю; Р. моря) sea мороз frost ; морозить D to freeze (tr.) ; морОженое AN

ice cream мортира mortar (in artillery) Москва Moscow (c;,ty) ; Москва-Река the Moscow

River мост (с мосту ; на мостУ ; Р. MOCTLI) bridge мочь (могу, может ; мог, могла, -о, -и) D to Ье аЫе

(с-) ; может Быlьъ maybe, perhaps


мУж (Р. мужья, мужей, мужьям) husband мужчина М тап «)8 opposed (о woman) музей museum музыка music MYlm flour мУха fly MLI (§165) we мылo soap MLITb (мою; моет ; мы�ыы)) D to wash (Bbl-, ПО-, у.) мягкий (мягче, мягчайший) soft мясо meat

на (with А.) onto; (with L.) оп, at наверно surely, doubtle8s, probably наверх ир, upstairs (whereto?) ; наверху ир. �Ьоуе,

upstairs (where?) над (with 1 . ) over, аЬоуе надевать D, надеть (-дену, -денет ; -детый) Р to put

оп (а garmen t) надежда 11Ope; Надежда Nadezhda (woman 's пате) надеяться (надеюсь, надеется) D to hope надо it is necc8sary; мне надо 1 have to назад back; (неделю) томУ назад (а week) ago наи- (prefixed to long comparative) most: наилучший

the best

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наПrn р о! находИть накачивать D, накачать Р to риmр ир (а tire) накладывать D, наложить (-ложу, -лбжит) Р to

lay оп наконец finally, at last накрывать D, HaKpblTb (-крбlO, -кроет ; -кры�ыы)) Р

to cover ир; to set (the table) налагать D, наложить (-ложу, -ложит) P to lay оп налево to the left, at the left наливать D, налить (-лью, -льёт; налил, налила) Р

to pour оп or in нам, нами, see Mbl нападать D, напасть (-падУ, -падёт; -пал) Р to assault,

to attack (на А.) ; нападение assault, attack напиваться D" напиться (-пьюсь, -пьётсй; -пилась)

Р to drink опе'Б fill (of, G.) j to get drunk Il8писать (-пишу, -пишет) Р to write down, to write наполнять D, наполнить Р to fill напоминать D, напомнить Р to remind (D.) напраВ9 to the right j at the right например for example, for instance напротив opposi te народ (G. -у) nation, people (collective) j MHOro народу

lots of people j народный of the people, people'-s нас see мы�

I18секбмое AN inse.ct насе.цЯть D, населить Р to settle, to populate j насе­

ление population наступать D, I18СТУПИТЬ (-ступлю, -ступит) Р to

approach, to set оп, to attack (на А.) ; наступление attack

научить (-учу, -учит) Р to teach (Ботеопе А. , !10те­thing D.) j -ел to learn (D.)

I18ХОДИТЬ (-хожу, -ходит) D, найти (-йду, -йдёт; -шёл, -шла, -6, -и) Р to find j -ся to Ье (in а place)

нациоцальный national j Ilациональность F nationality на.чало: Ьеgiппiпgj I18чинать D, начать (-чну, -чнёт ;

начал, начала, начался) Р to begin (tr.) ; -сл to bcgin (intr.)

наш (§94) our не not; не- (prefixed to question words) there is по;

some небо (Р. небеса, небес, небесам) sky Ilебольшой not large, small негде there is . по place нег6, Бее бн. неграмотный i l1iterate недавно not long ago, recently, since I'ecently недалеRО (it is) not far, (it is) near неделя week нсздорбвый unwholesome; unwell


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ней, эее ОН некогда there is по time некого (§104) there is по one неКQТОРЫЙ воте некто (§104) someone неJIЬЗЯ it is impossible, one can't, one mау not нём, эее 6н Ilемец, -мца German (тап) i .Iемит German '(woman),

немеЦIШЙ German немного а l ittle, а few; немн6жко а l ittle bit нему, эее 6н ненужный not needed, useless неожиданный unexpected неправда untruth, Не, falsehood неправнльный illcorrect неправый not right, (in the) wrong : ОН неправ he is

wrong непрнnтель М enemy непрнятный unpleasant пераз тоге than опсе, repeatedly несерьёзный not serious несколько а few, эеуеl"аI нести (несу, несёт ; нёс, несла, -6, -и) D to carry (по- ;

iterative носить) несчастне unhappiness, misfortune, accident


нет по; (negative оС есть) there is по, there are по: МЯса иет there is по meat

неужели сап it Ье? уои don't mеап to эау? нефть F crude oil ; нефтян6й of oil 11ехорбший not good ; нехорош6 not weB нечего (§105) there is nothing ни not even, nori ни • • • ии neither . . . nori (prefixed

to question word) по: нигде nowhere -иибудь (suffixed to question words) апу : где-нибудь

anywhcre нигде nowhere ииа (Р. иизы�) 10wer part, bottom иизкий (ниже, иизший) low никак in по way, not Ьу апу теапs никогда never Николай Nicholas никто (§104) nobody никуда to по рlасе, nowhere (,;vhereto?) ним, ними, эее 6н


НИСlс6JIЬКО not in the least нить Fi нитит thread, piece оС thread ; Р. нИткн (sоmс)

thread них, эее 6и ничего (§105) notbing н6 but

Page 353: Spoken Russian 1

новый new нога (А. ногу; на HOryt Ha ноги; Р. ноги, ног, ногам)

foot, leg ноготь, -гтл (Р. ногти, ногтей) м паВ (оп finger or

toe) нож, -а knife; нбжик smaIl knife, pocket knife ножницы (ножниц, ножницам) Р. scissors иоль, -лii М zero помер (Р. номера) number (as а lаЬеl, as оп а hotel

(оот, оп а telephone) j hotel (оот, rented room; Р. rooming ЬоиБе, hotel

нбс (на носу ; Р. HOCbl) nose носильщик baggage porter носить (ношу, .нбсит) D (iterative оС нести) to carry,

to wear носовой of or for the nase носбк, -скi\" (G.P. носок or IIOCKOB) sock ночь (Р. ночи, ночей) nightj ночыо at night ноябрь, -бря М November нравиться D to look good, веет pleasing, please (О.) :

мне нравится Москва 1 like Moscow (по-) ну welJ, now, соте оп нужный useful , needed, necessaryj (short forms) эта

книга мне нужна 1 need this bookj нужно one ffitlst; не нужно one mustn't

нуль, нумер, for нол, нбмер

6 0Ы о, об, обо (with А.) againstj (with L.) about оба both (§115) обед dinner; обедать D to eat dinner (по-) обещать D to promisej обещание promise 6блако (Р. облаЮi, -кбв) cloud область (Р. ббласти, областей) F territoryt proviace обо, вее о обойти Р of обходить 6браз manner, way (of doing) j таl\ИМ ббразом in this

way обратно back (again) обручать D, обрУ'IИТЬ Р to affiance; -ея to get en­

gaged (с 1 .) ; обручённый engaged (to Ье married) обставлять О, обставить Р to furnish (а Ьоиве; а

room) обходить ( -хожу, -ходит) D, обойти (-йдУ, -йдёт;

-шёл, -шла, -б, -и) Р to go around ; -сл to deal in БисЬ and БисЬ а way (хорошб, нехорошо) with (е 1 .) ; to manage without, do without (без G.)

объезжать D, объехать (-еду, -едет) Р to drive around (а place, А.)

обыкновенный usual, customary 6вощь F (usual!y in Р., овощи) vegetable огонь, -гня М fire огромный huge, vast


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1 1 �, I

одевать О, одеть (одену, оденет ; одетый) Р to drcss (tr.) ; -ел to get dressec\

одеяло bed cover, blanket один (§97) оnе, alone, (аЩ Ьу oneself; одиннадцать

(§1 17) eleven ; одиннадцатый eleventh ожидать D to expect 6зеро (Р. озёра) lake оказывать О, ОItазать (ОItажу, окажет) Р to show

,forth ; -ся to turn 9ut to Ье, to show ир as (1 . ) океан осеаn окно (Р. окна) window около around, near октябрь, -бря М October Ольга Olga он (§103) he, she, it, they опасный dangerous ; опасность F danger ,операция operation I()пять again осень F autumnj осенью in autumn осматривать О, осмотреть (осмотрю, осмотрит) Р to

inspect, to examine; осмотр inspection оставаться (остаюсь, остаётся ; оставайся) о, остать- ,

С1! (останусь, останется) Р to remain, to stay оставлять О, оставить Р to leave (tr.), to park Сап

automoblle) ,


остальнбй remaining, other останавливать О, остановить (остановлю, OCTall�

вит) Р to brlrig to а stop, to stop (tr .) ; -ся to соте to а stop, to stop (intr .)

останбвка stopping place, stop (of trains, buses, street cars)

остаться р оС оставаться осторбжный carcful ; остор6ЩllО look out l от, ото from отвёртка screw driver ответ answcr; отвечать D I оТВетить Р to answer (О. i

на А.) , отвинчивать О, отвинтить Р to unscrew отдавать (-даю, -даёт ; �давай) о , отдать (-дам, -даст,

§171 ; бтдал, отдала) Р to hand over, to give back отделять О, отделить (-делю, -делит; -делённый) Р

to divide off, to separate отдыхать О, отдохнуть Р to rest (intr. ) ; 6тдых а rest отец, отца father открывать О, OTKPbITL (-Itр6ю, -кр6ет ; -крыlыы)) Р

to open· _

откуда from where отлетать О, отлететь (-лечу, -летит) Р to Ву away,

to leave (Ьу plane) отличный excellent

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ОТМОFаживатъ D, отморозить Р to freeze Са part of опе 'з body)

О'fНОСИТЬ (-ношу, -носит) D, отнестй: (-несу, -несё'l' ; -нёс, -несла, -о, -и) Р to carry off, away

отойти Р of отходить оторвать Р of отрывать ОТПУСlt leave, furlough ; отпускать D, отпустить

(-пущу, -ПУСТИТ) Р to grant leave отрывать D, оторвать (-рву, -рвёт; -рвала) Р to tear

off (tr.) .

отступа'rЬ D, ОТСТУПИ'1'ь (-ступлю, -ступит) Р to step away, to withdraw (intr. )

отсюда f rom here оттуда fi-om there отход dерагtиге ; отходй:ть (-хожу, -ходит) D, отойти

( -иду, -идёт ; -шёл, -шла, -б, ои) Р to go away, to depart, to leave (intr.)

отчего why бтчество patronymic, Russian middle пате офицер officer официан'1' waiterj официантка wаitгеss очень very очки (очков, ОЧltам) Р. eyeglasses

ПавеJJ, -вла Раи1 падать D, пасть (паду, падёт ; пал ; more usual1y

упасть) Р to {аН

паItC�Т package палец, -льца f1nger, toe палуба deck (of ship) пальто (incleclinable) N overcoat памятник monument ; память F memory паненбн Ьоагdiпg house папироса cigarette пара pair Париж Paris парИI\махер barbel' j паРНI,махеРСltaя AF barber эЬор naPIt park пар steam j паровоз 1ocomotive ; пароход steamship паста paste j зубная паста tooth paste пасть Р of падать Паша short пате for ПраСl\ОВЬЯ (woman's пате) первый f1rst перед (with 1 .) in front of передавать (-даю, -даёт ; -давай) D, передать (-дам,

-даст, §17 1 ; передал, передала) Р to give over, hand, равв (something to someone at table)

пере еЗжать D, пере ехать (-еду, -едет) Р to ride ог drive across, to run over (tr. )

перейти Р of переходить переltрёсток, -етка crossroads, crossing пере менять D, переменить (-меню, -менит) Р to

change (tr.)


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переодева'l'Ь О, переодеть (-дену, �дeHeT ; -детый) Р to change the clothes of i -ся to change one's clothes

nереписыватъ D / переписать (-пишу, -пишет) Р to write 6ver, to сору over/ to catalog ; переписъ F сору, list, census

. переходить (-хожу, -ходит) Р, перейти (-йду, -йдёт ;

-шёл, -шла, -6, -и) Р to go across, to cross (intr. and tr.)

перо (Р. перья, ·рьев, .рья�) featheri реп ; вечное перо fountain рщ

перчатка glove Петербург St. Petersburg (citYi old name of Leningrad) Пётр, -а Peter петь (поЮ, поё'.l'; петый) D to sing (с-) пех6та infantry печь (пеI�У, печёт; пё�, пеIсла, -6, -и) D to bake печь (на печи ; Р. пе'lИ, печей) F j печ�а stove (for

heating) пиво Ьеег пиджа�, -а coat, jacket пила (Р. ПИJ1Ы) saw пир6г, -а pie, pastry писать (пишу, пишет) D to write (на-) ПИСЬМо (Р. письма) letter (that опе sends) пцтъ (пью, пъёт ; пила, не шш) D to drink (В'I-)


плавать D (iterative of плыlfь)) to swim, to travel Ьу water

пла�ать (плачу, плачет) D to weep, to сгу платить (плачу, платит) Р to рау (за-) платок, -тка (piece of) cloth j носовой плаТОl� hand-

kerchief ПЛ8тформа platforт платье {G.P. платьев) clotblng j (woтan's) dres9 плита (Р. плиты) stove for cooking плбмба fil1ing in а tooth ; пломбировать D to fill

(а tooth) (за-) пл6ский (площе) flat . плохой (хуже, худший) bad площадь (Р. -ди, -дей) space, areaj open square in

а city плыlьь (плыву, плывёт ; плыла) D to swiт, to trйvеl

оп water, to sail (iterative плавать) по (with А.) ир tOj (with О. ) aJol1g, overj (with L.)

after j (before numbers, §128) so much each j по- (pre­fixed to adverb form) il1 the mal1l1er of : по-русски: in Russial1 j (prefixed to short compa:rative) somewhat quite : поскорее somewhat faster, геаl fast, as fast a� you сап

победа victory j победи'l'Ь Р оС побеждать побежать (-бегу, -бежит, §171) Р to run

:'.\ .. �.:.�

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побеждать О, победить Р to have tlle victory, to dcfeat

побить (-бью, -бьёт; -битый) Р to give а beating to (А.) побрить -брею, -бреет) Р to shave (tr.) ; -ся to эЬауе

(intr.) повеати (-везу, -везёт ; -вёз, -везла, -б, -и) P to cart,

to convey (оп а vehicle) повёртывать О, повернУть (-вёрнутый) Р to make а

tum, to tum (intr. and tr.) повести (-ведУ, -ведёт; -вёл, -вела, -б, -и) Р to lead повбаlШ wagon поворбт а turning, а tum повсюду everywhere (whereto?) повторять О, повторить Р to repeat поговорить Р to have а talk погбда weather погулять Р to takc а walk под, подо (with А.) under (whereto?) ; (with 1 .) under

(where'?) подавать (-даю, -даёт; -давай) О, подать (-дам, -даст,

§ 171 ; пбдал, подала ; подался) Р to presen t, to serve ир

подваJI сеllаг, basement поднимать о, поднять (-пиму, -пимет; поднял, под­

няла ; поднялся ; поднятый, Ilоднлта) Р to l ift, to raise ир i -ся to go ир

продождать (-ждУ, -ждёт; -ждала) Р to wait а Ыt, to wait for

ПОДОЙ'fИ р' оС ПОДХОДИ'fЬ подписывать О, подпнсать (-пишу, -пишет) Р to

sign j подпись (Р. -сн, -сей) F signature подсщвлять D 1 под ставить Р to set under подУШIca pi1Iow подъеажать О, ПОд'ьехать (-еду, -едет) Р to drive ир

to а place поезд (Р. поеада) rai1way train поездlШ trip, joumey поезжай (imperative form supplied {or ехать, §161) поехать (-еду, -едет) Р to ride, drive, travel пожалуйста please ! пожелать Р to wish пожнвать D to get alongj К31С B'I пожиnаете? hоw are

уои? позавтраIШТЬ to Ьауе lunch or breakfast позаниматься Р to stlldy а Ыt позвать (-зову, зовёт; -звала) Р to саll позвонить Р to give а ring, to cal1 ир оп tlie tele­

phone (О. ) поздно (позднее, позже) latej it's late пшшакбмить Р to make acquaintedj -ся to get

acquainted 349

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f 11 I I i I i , i i

ПОИСltать (-ищ9, -ищет) Р tQ make а search for, to look for, to seek

поймать Р о! ловить пойти (�йдУ , -йдёт ; -шёл, -шла, -б, -и) Р to go пока for the present, in the meantimej whi1e ; пока (не)

until показывать D, ПОRaзать (-кажу, -кажет) Р to show покупать D, купить (куплю, купнт) Р to Ьиу ПОltурить (-курю, -курит) Р to have а smoke п6л (на полу ; на пол, 6б пол ; Р. полы�) floor пол· (prefixed to поипэ, §127) half : полчаса ha1f ап

hour пбле (Р. поля) field полежать (-лежу, -лежит) Р to Не (recline) а Ы t п6ЛIС, -а (в полltу) regiment п6ЛIЩ shelf ПОЛIс6ВНIIК colone1 п6лный full ПОJlовина half положить Р оЕ класть полотенце towel ПОЛ'fИННIIК half rouble полтора (§1 15) опе and а halfj полтораста (§1l9) а

hundred fifty получать D, получить (-лучу, -лучит) Р to receive,

to get


п6мнить D to remember (вс-) помогать D, помочь (-могу, -мбжет; -мбг, .моrл4, -б.

.и) Р to help (D.) помы�ьь (-м6ю, -м6ет; -мыlыы)) Р to wash понедеЛЬНlllt Monday понести ( -несу, -несёт ; нёс, -несла, .б, ои) Р to carry понимать D, понять (пойму, поймёт ; пбющ, nОlщла ;

п6нятый, поията) Р to understand понравиться Р to look good, to please (D.) понять Р of понимать пообедать Р to eat dinner попадать D, попасть ( -пацу, -падёт ; -пал) Р to g�t

(somewhere) , to land (in а рlасе) поправлЯть D, поправить Р to correct .попр6бова'J.'Ь Р to try out, to take а try попросить (-прошу, .пр6сит) Р to ask (эотеопе, у С.)

for something (А.) пора (А. п6ру) proper time; it's Нте : мне пора it's

time for те (to Ье going) пораб6тать Р to work а while порвать (-рву, орвёт ; -рвала) Р to give а pull , to

pluck, to make'a tear in; -СЯ to get torn портн6й АМ tai10r порядок, -дка order, good order i в порядке in ()rd�r,

all righti не в порядке out оС Щ'dеl,"

Page 359: Spoken Russian 1

посадить (-сажу, -садит) Р to seat посидеть (-сижу, -сидит) Р to sit а while посла.ть Р of посылать пбсле after последний last, latter послезавтра day after tomorrow посл6вица proverb послужить (-служу, -служит) Р to do а service, to

serve посмотреть (-смотрю, -смотрит) Р to take а look, to

look поспевать D, поспеть (-спею, -спсет) Р to get to а

place оп time .

поспешить Р to hurry, to get somewhere or get воте­thing done in а hurry

поставить Р to рlасе (in а standing poeitjon), to stand (tr.), to set


постаратьсл Р to make ап effOl:t, to try постель F bedding, bed постоять (-стою, -стоит) Р to staiJ.d а while постригать D, постричь (-стригу, -стрижёт; -стриг,

-стригла) Р to cut the hair (оС sотеопе, А.) ; -сл to get а haircut

постр6ить Р tp Ьпild посчитать Р to count посыла.ть D I послать (пошлю, пошлёт) Р to яепd

потерять Р to Iose пот6м later, afterwards потому оп account of thatj потому что Ьесаиве потребовать Р to demand потушить (-тушу, -тушит) Р to extinguish, to put out

(а fire, а light) поужинать Р to eat supper почему why починить (-чиню, -чинит) Р to mend, Бх, repair почистить Р to clean почта post оfБсе; почтамт post оfБсе (building) IIOЧТИ almost почувствова'гь Р to [ее! поэтому for this reason правда truth правильный cOlTect править D to drive (1 .) правьiй rightj right-hand; 6н прав Ье is rightj право

really, truly прачечнал AF laundry прачка laundress предвИд.еть (-вижу, -видит) D to foresee при (with L.) in the presence of, at the time оС приближать D, приблизить Р to bring near i -ся to

соте near, to approach (до G.) ; прибдизительный approximate

35 1

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! '

l ' i I


прибывать D, приБы�ьь (-буду, -будет; прибыл, ПрИм была) Р to апivе at tl1e appointed place (train, troops)

приглашать D, пригласить Р to invite пригот6вить Р to ргераге, to cook приезжать D, приехать (-еду, -едет) Р to arrive, to

соте (riding, driving, travel ing) приём reception, office hours при ехать Р оЕ приезжать прийти� for притти Р оЕ приходить приказ соттапdl order; приказать Р оЕ прикRзывать ПрИl,азчик salesman, store clerk прикRзывать D, при казать (-кажу, -кажет) Р to сот-

mand, to order (D.) при мер cxample, instance примерять D , примерить Р to try оп принести Р оЕ приносить принимать D, принять (приму, примет ; принял, при­

няла ; принятый, принята) Р to accept, receive, take (а medicine) ; -СЯ to start to do sometblng

приносить (-ношу, -н6сит) D, принести (-несу, -несёт: -нёс, -несла, -6, -Н) Р to сапу to а placc, to bring

принять Р оЕ принимать приостанавливать D, ПРИОС'I'ановить ( -становлю. -

>становит) Р to bring to а stop for а whi le


прислать Р оЕ прнеылать" прнстань (Р. -ни, -нсй) F landing place, dock присылать' D, прислать (пришлю, пришлёт) Р to

send to а place or person приход arrival ; приxuднть (-хожу, -х6дит) D, приттп

(придУ, щ;идёт ; пришёл, -шла, .6, -Н) Р to arrive (not оп а уешсlе)

пришивать D, пришнть (-шью, -шьёт; -шитый) Р to sew оп

приятель М fгiспd (тап) ; приятельница ft-iend (woman)

приятный pleasan t про (with А.) about пр6бовать D to test, to try (по-) проверять D, провсрить Р to test, to ch§ck, to inspect ПРОВНЗИЯ ргоvisiопs (collective) проводннк, -а guide, сопdllсtог провожать D, проводить (-вожу, -водит) Р tb con­

d llct, ассотрапу, escort, gllide прОволока wire продавать (-да1О, -даёт ; -давай) D, продать (-дам,

-даст, § 17 1 ; продал, продала, продался) Р to seH ; -ея to Ье sold

просзжать D, проехать (-еду, ,-едет) Р to ride, dr�ve� travel through or past

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производИть (-вожу, -водит) D, произвести (-ведУ, вщёт; -вёл, -вела, -о, -и) Р to produce; произвол-ство production, product


пройти Р of ПРОХОДИ'l'ь пролетатъ D, пролететь .(�леч'у, -летит) Р to flу

through or past промысел, -ела . tщdе, craft, cal ling; промы�леииыый

industrial ; промы�леиностъъ F industry проп6рцил proportion j пропорци()налыIйй propor­

tional прорыватъ D, прорватъ (-рву, -рвёт; -рвала) Р to

tcar through проситъ (прошу, просит) D to ask (Ботеопе, у G.)

for something (А.) (по-) ПРОСIIУТЪСЯ Р оС просыпаться простить Р оЕ прощатъ простой (просто, прБстыI ; Ilроще) simple, plain j

просто simply простуда а cold i простужатъ, простуживатъ D, про­

студить (-С'rужу, -студит) Р to expose to а c01d ; -СЯ to catch соИ ; я простудился 1 (have) caught а cold ; он простужен he pas а cold

ПРОСТЫIIЯ (Р. простыни, простыней) bedsheet просыпаться D, проснуться Р to wake ир (intr.) против opposite, against

прохлалныit соо! Проходить (-хожу, -ходит) D, пройти (-йдУ, -йдёт;

-шёл, -шла, -6, -и) Р to go through 01' past, to pass процент per cent Ilрочитать Р to read through, to read прошлый 1ast, past : на пр6шлой неделе last week прощать D, простii:ть Р to forgive: простите beg

pardon ! прощайте good-bye ! прям6й (прямо, прямыI) straight; прямо straight,

straight ahead прятать (прячу, прячет) D to hide (tr.) i -сп to blde

(intr.) (с-) птица� ПТИ1JКа bird пуговица button пуд (Р. пуды�) pood, 16.38 ki10grams пулемёт тасшпе gun ПУJIЯ bulIet пускать D, пустить (пущУ, IIУСТИТ) Р to let go, alIow,

admit пУсть let it Ье ; пусть он придёт 1et him соте путь (§65) М way, road ПУШIШ саппоп пьяный (пьяно, пьяны�) drunk пятилетка five-year period, five-year р1ап ; пятилетний

оС бvе years .


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пятница Friday пять (§1 16) five ; пяты�й fifth·; пятеро (§125) set of five;

пятнадцать (§1 17) fifteen ; ЩIтнадцатый fifteenth j пятьдесят (§1 18) fifty; пятидесятый fiftieth j пять� сбт (§120) five hi.шdrеd

раббта work; раббтать D to work (по-) равный (равно, -ЬI) equal, аll the юте; (мне) всё

равнб it 's аll the same (to те) рад (рада ; sllOrt forms only) glad ; Mbl вам рады we're

glad you've соте радиатор radiator радио (indecl inable) N radio раз (Р. разы�' раз, разам) (single) time : раз опсе ; два

раза twice ; мнбго раз тапу times j ни разу not а single time j не раз more than once j как раз just now, just thеп

разбивать О, разбить (разобью, разобьёт; разбитый) Р to break

разбудить ( -бужу, -будит) Р to wake С tr.) разве it isn 't likely that : разве бн дбма he isn't l ikely

to Ье at home развивать D, развить (разовью, разовьёт; развила ;

развитый, развита) Р to develop (tr.) j -ся to develop (intr.) j раЗВИl'ие development


раздевать D, раздеть (-дену, -денет ; -детый) Р to undress (tr.) ; -ся to undress (intr.)

разделять D, разделить (-делю, -делит ; -делённый) to divide

раздеть Р of раздевать разменять D, разменить ( -меню, -менит) Р to change

(money) разный various разойтись Р of расходиться разорвать Р of разрывать разрезать (-режу, -режет) Р to cut разрывать О, разорвать (-рву, -рвёт; -рвала) Р to

tear ир, to tear рана wound j раненый АМ wounded тап ; ранить D

and Р to wound рано (раньше) early раСПИСI�а receipt раССI\аз story; рассказывать D, рассказать (-кажу,

-кажет) Р to narrate, to tel l Са story) расти (расту, растёт ; рбс, росла, -6, -и) D to grow

(воз-) расходиться (-хожусь, -ходится) D, разойтись

(-йдусь, -йдётся ; -шёлся, -шлась, -ось, -ись) Р to part, to separate Cintr.)

рвать (рву, рвёт; рвала) D to pul1 out, pluck, tear (по-)

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реб�нок, -нка (Р. ребята, ребят, ребятам, usual1y replaced Ьу дети) child j ребята (аэ term оС address) lads, boys, fellows

революция revolution резать (режу, режет) D to cut (раз-) река (А. реку; Р. реки, рек, рекам) river рельс rail (оп railway track) ; Р. рельсы rai1way

tracks респуБЛИI� republic ресторан restaurant рецепт (doctor's) prescription речка little river решать О, решить Р to decidej -ся to make ир one's

mind ровный level , flat, even родить (past, when Р, родила, родился) D and Р to

give birth, to bearj -ся to Ье born Россия Russia рот, рта (во рту) mouth рота сот рапу (in army) рубашка shirt рубль, -бля М rouble ружьё (Р. ружья) gun рука (А. руку ; на руку, об руку, под руку; Р. руки,

рук, рукам) hand, arm

рукавица mi tten русский Russian j АМ Russian (тап) j русская: AF

Russian (woman) i по-русски in Russian рыIаa fish ряд (в рядУ ; Р. РЯД�I) row j рядом alongside of, nex�

ta (с 1 .)

С , со (with А.) approximately, about ; (with G.) down {rom, from; (with 1 . ) with, along with, in сатраnу with

сад (в садУ, Р. caAbI) garden садиться D, сесть (сядУ, сядет ; сел) Р to sit down сажень (Р. сажени, сажен or саженей, саже"ям) F

sazhen, fathom, 2. 134 meters сам ( §98) oneself, Ьу oneself : я саМ поjiдУ 1 '11 go there

myself самолёт airplane самый the same, the very, the most (§89) сани (саией) Р. sleigh сантиметр cen timeter сапог, -а (G.P. сапог) bootj сапожник shoemaket сарай barn, shed сахар (G . • у) sugar сбивать D, сбить (собью, собьёт ; сбитыii) Р to knock

off or down; ·ся с дор61'И (с пути) to lose OM'S wa.y, to get lost

355 , 1"

Page 364: Spoken Russian 1

пятннца Friday пять (§116) five ; ПЯТЬJЙ fifth ; пятеро (§125) set of five;

пятнадцать (§1 17) fifteen ; пятнадцатый fifteenth ; пятьдесят (§1 18) fifty; пятидесЯтый fiftieth j пять­сот (§120) five h1шdrеd

работа work ; раббтать D to work (по-) равный (равно, -'1) equal , аl1 the same; (мне) всё

равно it 's all the same (to те) рад (рада ; sllOrt forms only) glad ; M'J вам рады we're

glad you've соте радиатор radiator радио (indec1inabIe) N radio раз (Р. раЗ'f, раз, разам) (single) time : раз опсе; два

раза twice ; много раз тапу times j ни разу I10t а single time j не раз more than опсе; как раз just now, just tцеп

разбивать D) разбить (разобью, разобьёт; разбитый) Р to break

разбудить (-бужу, -будит) Р to wake (tr.) разве it iSI1 't l ikely that : ра:ше он дома Ье isn't l ikely

to Ье at Ьоте развивать D, развить (разовью, разовьёт ; развила ;

развитый, развита) Р to develop (tr.) ; -ся to develop (intr.) ; развитие development


раздевать D, раздеть (-дену, -денет ; -детый) Р to undress (tr. ) j -ся to undress (intr.)

разделять D, разделить ( -делю, -делит ; -делённы.it) to divide

раздеть Р оf раздевать разменять D, разменить (-меню, -менит) Р to change

(тОI1еу) разный various разойтись Р of расходиться разорвать Р of разрьшать разрезать (-режу, -режет) Р to cut разрывать D, разорвать (-рву, -рвёт; .. рвала) р to

tear ир, to tear рана wOl1nd ; раненый АМ wounded тап ; ранить D

and Р to wound рано (раньше) early раСПИСI\а receipt раССl\аз story; .рассказывать D, рассказать (-кажу,

-кажет) Р to narrate, to tell (а story) расти (расту, растёт ; рос, росла, -б, -и) D to grow

(воз -) расходиться (-хожусь, -ходится) D, разойтись

(-йдусь, -йдётся ; -шёлся, -шлась, -ось, -ись) Р to part, to separate (intr.)

рвать (рву, рвёт; рвала) D to pull out, pluck, tear (по-)

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реб�НОI�, -нка (Р. ребята, ребят, ребятам, usually repla.ced Ьу дети) child j ребята (аэ term оС add'ress) lads, boys, fellows

революция revolution резать (режу, режет) D to cut (раз-) река (А. реку ; Р. реки, рек, рекам) river рельс rail (оп railway track) j Р. рельсы railway

tracks республика republic ресторан restaurant рецепт (doctor's) prescription реЧIШ li ttle ri ver решать D, решить Р to decidej -ся to make ир оnе'э

mind ровный level , tlat, even родить (past, when Р, родила, родился) D and Р to

give birth, to bear j -СЯ to Ье born Россия Russia рот, рта (во рту) mouth рота сотраnу ОN army) рубашка shirt рубль, -бля М rouble ружьё (Р. ружья) gun рука (А. руку ; на руку, об руку, ПоА руку ; Р. руки,

рук, рукам) hand, arm

РУIшвица mitten русский Russian i АМ Russian (таn) i русская AF

Russian (woman) j по-руСски in Russian рыlаa fish ряд (в рядУ ; Р. РЯД�I) rOWj РЯДОМ alongside оС, nex�

to (с 1 . )

С , со (with А . ) approximately, aboutj (with G.) down from, fromj (with 1 . ) with, along with , in сотраnу with

сад (В садУ, Р. caALl) garden садиться D, сесть (сядУ, сяд�т ; сел) Р to sit down сажень (Р. сажени, сажен or саженей, саженям) F

sazhen, fathom, 2. 134 meters сам (§98) oneself, Ьу оnеэеlf: я саМ поitдУ 1 ' 11 go there

myself самолёт airplane самый the эате, the very, the most (§89) сани (саней) Р. sleigh сантиметр сеn timeter сапог, -а (G.P. сапог) bootj сапбжиИR shoemaket сарай barn, shed сахар (G. -у) sugar сбивать D, сбить (собью, собьёт ; сбитыii) Р to knock

off or down j -СЯ с дорбl'Н (с пути) to lose оnе'в way, to get lost


Page 366: Spoken Russian 1

1- 1

евежий (свежо, свежи) fresh свёкла beets (co\lective) сверху from or at the top, down from above, down

Crom upstai l"s свесить Р оС вешать to weigh свет light; world j светлыii l ight (not darkj compare

,!Iёгкий) bright свидаlше reunion; appointment; ДО свидаиия БО long l

goodby l

«:винья (Р. свииьи, свиней ; СВИНi)ЯМ) pig i свннина pork

своБОда liberty, frееdОШ j своб6дныit free' свой (§95) опе'э own связывать D, свя.mть (свяжу, свлжет) Р to tie, to

knit сгорать О, сгореть (СfОРЮ, сгорит) Р to Ьиrn ир, to

Ьиrn down (intr.) сдача change топеу (given back to buyer) сделать Р to do, to make себя (§106) опеэеН север tl1e north i севеРШ>IЙ northern еСI'ОДИЯ today седьмой seventh сейчас right now, right awaYi just а moment ago


сел6 (Р. с�ла) larger village j сеЛЬСRиii of the vi1lage, ru_ra� i сеЛЬСRохозяйствеиныи оС farming, agricul .. tural

семь (§1 16) seven; семеро (§125) set оС seven i ceм:�

надцать (§1 17) seventeen i семнадцатый s�venteenth i семьдесят (§118) seventY i семидесятый seventiethj семьсот (§120) seven hundred

семьЯ (Р. семьи, Семей, семьям) СатНу сентябрь, -бря М September Сергей Sergius сердце (Р. сердца) heart сержант sel"geant серый gray серьёзный serious сестра (Р < сёстры, сестёр, сёстрам) sister сесть Р оС садиться сжечь (сожгу, сожжёт; сжёг, сожгла, -6, "И ; сож:л�ён-

ный) Р to Ьиrn, to burn ир, to Ьиrn down (tr.) Сибирь F Siberia сигара cigar сиделка siclv-nurse сидеть (сижу, сидит) D to sit (по-) сила strength i сильныii strong синий Ыие сию: сню минуту in just а minute

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сказать Р of говорить to вау, to tel1 СIШОЗЬ (with А. ) through сколько how much, how тапу скорый rapid, fast ; Cltopo quickly, soon СI,УЧНЫЙ boring, tiresome ; мне скучно 1 feel bored слабый weak слава pl"aise, glory ; слава Богу thank goodness ! сладкнй (слаще ; сладчайший) sweet ; сла}l,кое AN

dessert слать (шлю, шлёт) D to send (по-) следовать D to fol1ow (за 1 .) ; следУЮЩИЙ fol 1owing,

next слетать D, слететь (слечу, слетит) Р to Ну down, off слишком too т uch, too слово (Р. слова) word служба service служащий АМ attelldant служить (служу, служит) D to вегуе (D .) (по-) случаться D, случиться Р to happen слушать D to listen ; -ся to оЬеу (D.) слыхать (infinitiv-c and past only) D (iterative of

слыIать)) to hear слы�атьь (СЛЬJШУ, СЛ'IШИТ) D to hear (у- ; iterative


смазывать D, смазать (смажу, смажет) Р to grease (ав, а machine)

смерить Р to measure смеЯться (смеюсь, смеётся) D to latlgh смотреть (смотрю, смотри'!') D to look (по-) смочь (смогу, сможет ; смог, смогла, -6, -и) Р to Ье

аЫе, to manage to сначала in the beginning, at fiгst снег (G. -у ; в снегу ; Р снега) snow снизу from below, from downstairs снимать D, снять (снимУ. снимет ; сняла) Р to take

down, off со, вее С собака dog собирать D, собрать (-беру. -берёт ; -брала. -брался)

Р to gather, to collect (tг. ) ; -ся to gаthег, to аввешЫе (intr . ) , to get ready (for а t6p)

сове'!' advice ; cotlnci!, soviet; I'ОРОДСIс6й совет city соиl1СН ; совеТСIШЙ of а soviet, of soviets

соврать ( -вру, -врёт ; -врала) Р to tell а Не, to Не совсем altogether, entirely содержать (-держу, -держит) D to contain соединять D, соединить Р to unite; СоеДlIнённые

Штаты tl1e United States сойти Р of сходить


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солдат (С.Р. солдат) soldier солнце sun соль F salt сорок (§1 19) fortYi сороковой: fortieth сосед (Р. соседн, -деИ) neighbor (тап) j соседка neigh­

bor (woman) составлять D, составнть Р to set ир, to make ир, to

amount to состоять (-стою, -стоит) D to consist of (из, С.) сосчитать Р to count ир, to count сотый: hundredth Софья Sophie соцнализм socialism j соцналист socialist j социалисти-

ческиii socialist(ic) союз union спальня (С.Р. спален) bedroom спасибо thanks, thank уои спать (сплю, спит ; спала) D to sleep сперва at first, first спеть (спою, споёт ; спеты ii) Р to sing спешить D to hurry (по-) спнна (А. спину ; на снину ; Р. снины) back спичка match (for making а Вате) спокоiiныii quiet спрашнвать D, снросить (снрошу, сппосит) Р to ask

(а question)


спрятать (спрячу, спрячет) Р to hide (tr .) j -ся to hide (intr.) ,

СПУСIШТЬ D, спустить (спущУ, спустит) Р to let down (tr.) j 1:0 go flat (of а tire)

сражать D , сразить Р to strike down j сраженне battle сразу аН at опсе, right off среда (А. среду ; Р. среды, сред, средам) Wednesday средннй: central, middle, average СССР [esesesER] (indeclinable) М the USSR, the

Soviet Union ставнть D to put in а standing position, to stand (tr . ) ,

to set (по-) стакан tumbler, glass (for drinking) Сталннград Stalingrad (ci ty) становиться (становлюсь, становнтся) D , стать (ста­

ну, станет) Р to take standing position j to Ьесоте, to get (intr.) j Р to begin, to start : он станет нграть Ье will (begin to) play

станция station стараться D to make ап effort, to try (по-) старый: (старо, CTaPbI ; старше, старшиii) old стать P of становиться стеltло (Р. стёкла) glass; рапе стена (А. стену ; об стену ; Р. стены, стен, стенам) wall стирать D to wash (clothes, linen) , to launder (BbI -)

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стИ:Рlta (tl1e process of) laundering ; отдать в стирку to send to the !aundry

сто (§1 19) l1undred , опе l1undred стоить D to cost, to Ье wortl1 стол, -а table ; столИlС little table С'l'олица capi ta! ci ty столовая AF dining room столько so тuсl1, so тапу сторона (А. сторону ; Р. стороны, сторОн, сторонам)

side стоять (стою, стоит) D to stand (intr .) (по-) страна (Р. страны) country (politica! or geographica!

unit ; compare деревня) стрельба sl1ooting, firing стрелять D, стрельнуть Р to 8hoot стричь (стригу, стрижёт ; стриг, стригла) D to cut

the l1air (of someone, А.) ; -ся to get опе'Б l1air cut (по-)

стрбить D to build (по-) ; строитель М builder; стро-ительство construction

стул (Р. стулья, -льев, -льям) cl1air ступать D, ступить (ступлю, ступит) Р to step сукнб (Р. сукна) cloth суббота Sаturdау сундУк, -а big Ьох, chest, trunk

суп (С. -у) soup сухбй (суше) dry суша dry land сходить (схожу, схбдит) D, сойти (-йду, -йдёт ; -шёл,

-шла, -б, -и) Р to соте or go down, off ; -ся to соте togetl1er, to assemble, to meet (intr.)

счёт (Р . счета) account, Ыll считать D to count (по-, со-) съездить Р to drive to а р!асе and back, to drive

round (intr.) съесть (-ем, -ест ; -ешь, §171 ; -ел) Р to eat uр, to eat cын (Р. сыновья, -вей, -ьям) son сюда hitl1er, here (whereto?)

табак, -а (С. -у) tobacco так tl1is way, SO ; Talt как ЬесаиБе, since ; таItже а!БО,

too; такой this kind of такси (indeclinable) N taxicab там tl1ere (wl1ere?) TaНlC tank (military) тарелка p!ate твёрдый (твёрдо, твёрдыI ; тверже) l1ard (not soft ;

compare трудный) твой (§95) your (familiar to опе person) театр theatre


Page 370: Spoken Russian 1

телеl'а wagon, cart телеl'рамма telegram ; телеграфировать D and Р to

telegraph телефбн telephone ; телефонировать D to telephone ;

телефбнный of telephones тело (Р. тела) body телятина veal тёмный (темнб, о"�) dark температура temperature теперь now тёплый (теплб, тёплы�) warm термометр thermometer терЯть D to lose (по -) тихий (тише) qtliet ; Тихий OI�eaH t11e Pacific Ocean '1'6 then, in tl1at саБе ; а т6 оthегwisе ; if one doesn't; аБ

it is now ; -то (added to а wогd, emphatic) : 6н-то ушёл bllt аБ faг Ыm, Ье has left (see тбт)

товарищ соmгаdе тогда then тоже also, too толпа (Р. тблны) сгоwd толстый ('rолще) thick; fat (of а регsоп) толщнна thickness только only; т6лыю -что only jllst nQW тонна ton


топ6р, -а ахе тормоз (Р. тормоза) brake тОт (§100) that, the оthег; тот же (самый) the Бате;

тотчас гight away трава (Р. травы) grass трамвай street саг требовать D to demand (по-) третий (§73) third треть (Р. -ти, -тей) F thiгd три (§1 15) three ; трое (§ 125) set of thl'ee ; тринадцать

(§ 1 17) thiгtееп ; тринадцатый thiгtееп th ; тридцать (§1 18) thiгtу; тридцатый thirtieth ; триста (§120) three hundred

труба (Р. трубы) pipe, tllbe, 11Ose ; трубка small tube ; pipe (for smoking)

трудный difficlllt, hard (to do) туда thither, there (whereto?) тут Ьеге (where?) тушить (тушу, тушит) D to extingllish, to Pllt Ollt (а

fiге, а light) (по-) тыI (§ 106) уои (familiar to опе регsоп) Т'lсяча (1 . тыIячью,' тыIячей)) thollSal1d, Оl1е thousal1d ;

тыIячныый thousal1dth тяжёлы (тяжела, -б, -bl) hea'v'Y; тяжёлая рабб'rа hard


Page 371: Spoken Russian 1

у at, Ьу, with ; у :менЯ есть билет 1 Ьауе а ticket убегать D, убежать (убегУ, убежит, §171) Р to run

away убивать D, убить (убью, убьё'г ; убитый) Р to kill уб6рная AF toilet уважать D to respect увеличивать D, увеличить Р to enlarge, increase (tr.) ;

-ся to grow !arger увидеть (увижу, увидит) Р to catch slght of (А.) ,

to see угодный suitable, p!easing; что вам угодно? what сап

опе do foг уои? угол, угла (в углу, на углу) corner, ang!e уголь, угля М соа!, coals (collective) удар blow, stroke, shосk ; ударять D, ударить Р to

hit, to stгike удобный comfol'table, convenient удовольствие p!easure уезжать D, уехать (уеду, уедет) Р to !еауе (intr.) , to

d�part (riding, dгiviпg, trave!ing) уж for уже ужас terror ; ужасный tеггiblе уже already ужии supper ; Уж.инать D to eat supper (по-) УЗltиU: (узко, узки ; уже) narrow, tight

ysнaвaть (узнаю, узпаёor ;, узнавай) D, узп.ать Р to recognize ; Р to find out (intr.)

уйти Р of уходить YRЛадыВ8ТЬ D, уложить (уложу, уложит) Р to pack ;

-СЯ to pack one's things Украина the Ukraine ; украинец, -lIца , Ukt'ainian

(тап) ; УItраинКR Ukгаiпiап (woman) ; У1сраИIIСКИЙ Ukrainian

улетать D, улететь (улечу, уле'гит) Р to Ву away, to !еауе (Ьу р!апе)

улица stгееt уложи'l'Ь Р of укладывать умереть Р of умирать уметь D to know how умирать D, умереть (умру, умрёт ; умер, умерла) to

die умывать D, yмbITb (умою, умоет ; умы�ыы)) Р to wash

(а person, рагt of а регsоп, tr.) ; -ся to wash (intr.) университет uпivегsitу упасть Р of падать to fal1 Урал the Ura! Mountains ; уральский of the Ura!s урожай harvest, сгор урок lesson услы�атьь (услы�у,, услыIит)) Р to hear успевать D, успеть Р to get somewhere оп time, to

get time to (do something)


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УССР [uesesER] the Ukrainian Soviet Republic

уставать (устаю, устаёт ; уставай) D, устать (устану, устанет) Р to get tired ; дети УС'J'али the children are tired

утро (in telling time, G.S. утра, D .S. утру ; Р . утра, УТР, утрам) morning, fOl'enoon ; в девять часов утра at nine o'clock in the morning ; IC утру tоwагds morning ; утром in the morning, in the fогепооп

ухо (Р. уши, ушей) еаг уходить (ухожу, уходит) D, уйти (уйду" уйдёт ; ушёл,

ушла, -о, -и) Р to go away, to leave (il1tr., 110t 011 а vehicle)

учитель (Р. -ля) teacher (таl1) ; учительница teacher

(womal1) ; учить (учу, учит) D to teach (someol1e,

А. ; somethil1g, D .) ; -ся to learn (D .) (на-)

фабрика factory факт fact фамилия family l1ате, surname Фаренгейт Fаhге11hеit фебраль, -ля М February Фёдор Theodol'e Финляндия Finlal1d ; финн Fil1n; финка Finnish

woman j финский Fil1l1ish


Фома Thomas Франция France j францУз Fl'enchman ; француженка

Fге11сhwоmа11 ; французский Frel1ch фронт front (mil itary) фРУIСТ fl'uit; фРУIСТОВЫЙ of fruit фунт (Р. футны�) pound фут foot (as measure)

хлеб bread, 10af of bread ; (Р. хлеба) grain ход (G. -У ; на ходу ; Р. ходыI) motion, movemel1t ;

тоуе ; ходить (хожу, ходит) D (iterative of итти) to walk, to go about, to go repeatedly (оп foot)

хозяин (Р. хозяева, хозяев, хозяевам) landlord ; хозяй-ка lal1dlady ; хозяйство household

холод (Р. холода) co1d, co1d spel l ; холодный (холо­ден, холодна) соИ ; мне холодно 1 [ее! cold

хороший (хороша, -о, -и ; лучше, лучший) good XOTe'J!b (хочу, хочет, §171) D to want; -ся : мне хочется

спать 1 ат sleepy (за-) хребет, -бта backbone, moul1tail1 гэпgе хуже, худший worse (comparative of плохой)

цвет (Р. цвета) color j Р. цветы� flowers (usual1y re­places the Р. of) цветок. -тка flower

целый whole, el1tire

Page 373: Spoken Russian 1

ЦельсJIЙ Celsius, centigrade ценЛ. (Р. цены) price цент cent центр center церковь (§62) F church

чаи (G . чаю) tea час (G.S. after numbers часа ; в часу ; Р. часыI) hour j

четверть часа quarter of ап hourj в два 'часа at two o'clock j в третьем часу between two and three o'clock j Р. часыI watch, clock

частыи (чаще) fгеquепt, dense j часто often часть (Р. частн, частеи) F рагt j body of troops чашка сир чей (§96) whose чек check человек (Р. replaced Ьу люди, except G.P. человек

aftel" numbers) hl.lma11 bei11g, perS011, та11 ; несколько человек а few реГSО11S, те11

чем tha11 чемодан suitcase, tгаvеli11g bag через (with А.) across, thгоugh j (of time) after, i11 :

через неделю after а week, i11 а week (from 110W) чернила (чернил, чернилам) Р. i11k чёрныи (черно, -ЬI) black

четверг, -а ТhиrЮау четверо ( §125) set оС fourj четвёртыи fOl.lrth j четверть

(Р. -рти, -ртеи) F quarter, fourth j quarter hOl.lr четыIеe (§1 15) four; четыIнадцатьь (§1 17) fOl.lrtee11 j

четыIнадцатыЪIй fourtee11th j четыреста (§120) [оиг hU11dred

чинить (чиню, чинит) D to me11d, fix, repair (по-) число (Р. числа) 11итЬег; date чистить D to сlеа11 (по -) ; чистыи (чище) сlеа11 читать D to read (про-) что (§105) what j что за what ki11d of j что, чтобы,

чтоб that j что-то somethi11g j что-нибудь a11ythi11g чувство feeli11g j чувствовать D to [ееl (по-) чуть jl.lst Ьагеlу ; чуть не 11еагlу, comi11g 11еаг to, just

Ьагеlу missing: он чуть не упал he сате пеаг havi11g а fal1

шапка (soft) сар шесть (§1 16) siX j шестОй sixth j шестеро (§125) set of

siX j шестнадцать (§1 17) sixteen j шестнадцатый six­teenth j шестьдесят (§1 18) sixtyj шестидесятый sixtieth ; шестьсот (§120) six hU11dred

шея 11eck шИна tire ширина width


Page 374: Spoken Russian 1

IIIИpбюdi (nmpoка, -6, ·и ; шИре, широчайumit) wide шИть (шью, шьёТ; шИтый) D to sew шкап, ШIШф (В шкапу) cupboard, closet, stand школа БсЬооl шляпа hat шпинат spinach штат state шуба fщ- coat щёща, щёточка brush ; зубная щёт(оч)ка toothbrush

этаж, -а storey этот (§99) this, tl1at

юг the south ; Ioяшый soutllern

я (§106) 1 яБЛОIСО (Р. яБJlОКИ, яблок or яБЛОIСОВ) apple ; яблоч-

ный of apples являть D, ЯБИТЬ (явлю, явит) Р to show язьщ, -а tongue; language яйцо (Р. яйца, яиц, яйцам) egg ; яичница egg dish,

fried or scrambled eggs январь, -ря м J al1uary Япония Japan ; японец, -нца Japanese (тап) ; японка

Japanese woman ; японский Japanese ярд yard (measure) ящик Ьох, drawer

Page 375: Spoken Russian 1

ENGLISH-RUSSIAN INDEX This index: names, {or each English word, опе or more items of tl1e Russian-English word list which give infor­

mation about Russian equivalents. ТЫв index does not tell how to translate апу given expression into Russian ; еуеп а big book could not do that.

аЫе : to Ье аЫе м6чь about о, про, о, 6RОЛО аЬоуе над ; наверху abroad за границу ; за границей accident (misfortune) несчастие ассотрапу провожать account счёт ; оп account of И8-ва асЬе б6ль ; болеть acquaintance, acqllainted знан:6мый ;

get acqllail1ted познаI�6миться ; make acqllainted познаI�6мить

address адрес admit ПУСRать advice совет affair дело afraid (to Ье) бояться after п6сле, за; after that затем

afternoon : in the afternool1 днём afterwards пот6м agail1 опять ; ещё раз against пр6тив, о, об ago тому назад agricllltнral земледельчеCl�ИЙ, сель­

С!щхозяйственный ; agricul ture земледелие

ahead вперёд ; straight ahead прямо air в6здух ; air force авиация ; ai,"­

plane самолёт, аэроплан ; airport аэродр6м

a1l весь, все; аН the same всё равн6 ; аН the time всё

allow ПУCl{ать

almost почти ; чуть не

alone один

along по ; вместе already уже also и, таЮIЮ, т6же al\vays всегда, всё America АмерИIЩ among между and и, а, да al1g1e угол animal жив6тное аППОllпсе заявлять anothel" друг6й al1swer ответ ; отвечать anybody Rт6-нибудь; anything чт6-

нибудь; anywhere где-нибудь ; in апу way haI{-нибудь

apartment Rвартира appearance вид


Page 376: Spoken Russian 1

appointment свидание approximate приблизи'гельный approach пр:uблиз:uться, наступать April апрель area пл6щадь arm ру!{а аrmу арм:uя arrival прцх6д ; arrive приходить,

пр:uтти, пр:uезжать, пр:uбывать artillery арт:uллерия ask (for something) просить ; (ques­

tions) спраш:uвать assault нападенце; нападать at у, в, на; at first сначала, сперва ;

at last на!{онец attac� наступл�н:uе, нападен:uе,

а'га!{а; нападать, наступать

attendant служащий

August август

autobus авт6бус ; automobile авто-мобиль

autuml1 6сень

average средний

aviator лётч:u!{, авиатор

ахе топ6р


back спина ; назад, обратно ; back-Ьопе хребет

bad плох6й ; too bad ! жал!{о bag меш6It baggage багаж ; baggage porter но-

сильщи!{ bake печь Ьаlапсе весь! bank бан!{ ; берег barber паринмахер ; barber shop па-

РИI{махеРС1tая barn сарай barrel б6ч!{а

basemel1 t подвал

basket !{орзина

bath ванна ; bathroom ванная ; bath­tub ванна; take а bath брать ванну

battalion баталь6н

battery батарея

battle сражение, б6й

Ьау залив

Ье бьrть ; Ье (in а place) находиться ; Ье аЫе мочь

Ьеап б6б

beat бить beautiful Rрасивый because потому что, таЕ ЕаЕ Ьесоте становиться, стать bed постеJIЬ, Itроватъ ; bed cover

одеяло ; bedding постель; bed­room спальня; bed sheet просты­НЯ ; bedstead ItPOBaTb ; go to bed ложи'l'ЬСЯ спать

beef говяд:uна beer пиво

beets свё!{ла

before перед, ДО ; прежде, прежде чем ; beforehand заранее

begin нач:uнать, стать ; beginning начало; in the beginning сна­чала

Ьеhiпd за

believe верцть

Ье" ЗDOн6!{

belly жив6т

beside в6зле, Itp6Me, рядом С

best лучший

better ,лучше, лучший

between между

Page 377: Spoken Russian 1

big большой Ыll (account) счёт ; (paper топеу)

бумажка ; bill-fold бумажнИI{, bird птица bitter ГОрький black чёрный blanket одеяло blow (а knock) удар ; to blow out (of

а tire) JIопаться Ыие синий board доска boarding house пансиОн body тело ЬоН Iщпеть; варить bolt болт ЬотЬ бомба ; бомбить book книга boot сапог bordel' граница bored : 1 {ее! bored мне скучно ;

boring скучный Ьоrn, to Ье родитьсн both оба; both . . . and и . . . и Ьох ящик, сундук Ьоу мальчик

brake тормоз bread хлеб break разбивать breakfast завтрак breast грудь bridge мост brigade бригада bright светлый bring приносить ; bring back

B�PHYTЬ brother брат brown I{.орИчневыЙ brusll щётка build строить ; building здание bullet пуля Ьиrn гореть ; жечь ; burn ир, burn

down сгоре'l'Ь ; сжечь bureall бюро burst лопаться bus автобус business дело busy занятый but но, а, да butter масло button пуговица

Ьиу IIОКУШ1ТЬ, купИть

саЫп каюта саll звать сап (tin) банка, кор6бка сап : опе сап можно ; he сап он

может ; опе сап 't нельзя canal канал саппоп ПУШI<а сар шаш,а capital (city) столица captain каПИ'l'ан car (railway) вагон ; (motor)

машина, автомобиль careful осторожный carpet ковёр carry нести cart телега ; везти cash desk касса catch ловить, поймать; catch cold

простуди'гься; catch fire загореть­ся ; зажигаться

cavalry кавалерия cellar подвал census перепись


Page 378: Spoken Russian 1

cent Ц�HT center центр centimeter сантиметр сеп tral средний chair стул change (топеу) мелочь ; сдача ; to

change переменять ; разменять; change one's clothes переоде­ваться

cheap дешёвый check чек ; to check проверять chest (breast) грудь ; (Ьох) СУНДУI{ chicken курица chief главный child ребёнон; children дети church цеРIЮВЬ cigar сигара cigarette папирбса citizen гражданин city гброд clean чистый ; чистить climb лезть; climb ир взлеаать closet шнап cloth сукнб ; (piece of) cloth платБI{ clothing платье


cloud бблано coal y-r.оль coat пиджан ; fur coat шуба coffee нбфе cold холод ; хол6дный ; а cold про­

студа ; catch cold npостудиться ; he has а cold он простужен

collect собирать colonel полк6внИI� color ЦB�T сотЬ гребень соте итти, притти, приходить, при-

езжать ; соте back вернуться comfortable удббный command приказ ; прикз,зывать compartment (in train) купе comrade товарищ conduct, to вести, провожать ; con­

dl1ctor ПРОВОДНИI�, кондуктор consist состоять contain содержать; container баНIЩ,

корббка convenient удббный сопуеу везти cook готбвить, варить

cool npохладный сору перепись; переписыватъ cord верёвна corner угол correct правильный ; поправлять corridor IЮРИДОР count считать country страна ; in the country в

деревне ; to the country в деревню cover нрыIка,' одеяло ; нрыIь,' за-

нрыщiть, накрывать cow корбва crop урожай cross переходить ; crossing, cross-

roads перекрёсток crowd толпа crude oil нефть cry плакать, нричать сир чашка cupboard IIIl{ап cut резать ; cut hair стричь

danger опасность ; dangerous опасный

dark тёмный

Page 379: Spoken Russian 1

date число daughter дбчь day день; day after tomorrow

послезавтра; day before yester­day третьего дня

dear дорогбй December деIcl.брь decide решать deck (of вЫр) палуба deep глуб6:кий . defeat побеждать degree градус demand требовать dentist зубнбй врач depart отходить ; departure отхбд depth глубина desire желание ; желать dessert сладкое develop развивать ; проявлять different другбй; разный difficult трудный dinner обед dirt' грязь ; dirty грязный dish блюдо disturb беспокбить

divide делить, разделЯть division дивизия do делать dock пристань doctor врач, доктор dog собака dollar доллар door дверь down вниз ; downstairs внив, вниву;

down from С; down {rom аЬоуе

сверху drawer ящик dress платье; одевать; одеваться drink пить drive .ехать ; править drug store аптека drunk пьяный ; get drunk напи-

ваться dry сухбй during во время еасЬ каждый ear Ухо early рано earn зарабатывать earth вемля

east восток easy лёгкий eat есть, кушать egg яйцо eight восемь; eighth восьмой ei ther . . . or или . . . или eleven одиннадцать end конец; кончать enemy враг, неприятель engaged (to Ье married) обручённый England Англия; English англий-

ский ; Englishman англичанин enough довольно, достаточно en ter входить entire целый etitrance вх6д envelope конверт escort провожать equal равный Europe Еврбпа even и, даже; рбвный evening вечер every каждый ; everybody все;

everything всё; everywhere везде, всюду, повсюду


Page 380: Spoken Russian 1

, I

i Ililll

examine осматривать ехатрlе примеРi for example

например excellent отличный except :крбме excuse извинять exit вьrход expect ожидать extinguish тушить еуе глаз ; eyeglasses очки

Сасе лицб fact фа:кт factory фабри:ка, :завБД faithful верный faH падать, упасть falsehood неправда family семья ; family пате фамилия far далё:КИЙ j it's far дале:кб farm двбр, l{олхбз, совхбз farmer :крестьЛнин fast (rapid) С1�брый ; (firm) дреПl{ИЙ father отец, fear бояться feather перо 370

February фебраль Еееl чувствовать ; feeling чувство fence заббр Ееуе! лихора,дда few мало, немнбго ; а few нес:коль:ко field пбле fifteen пятнадцать ; fifth пятый ;

fifty пятьдесят fight БИться ; бой ; fighter боец бll наполнять; (а tooth) пломбиро­

вать ; (а tire with air) на:качиваТЬi filling (in а tooth) плбмба; filling station бен:зиновая станция

finally на:конец find находить finger палец ; fingernail ноготь fire огонь; firewood дрова; to fire (а

gun) вьrстреJIИТЬ firm l{реll1ШЙ first Щ�РВЫ:Йj сперва fish рьrба буе пять бх чинить flat плБС:КИЙ j двартира; go flat (of а

tire) спусшiть

floor п6Лj (storey) этаж flour му:ка flower цвет6к fly мУха fly лететь follow следовать fool дурак foot нога; (ав measure) фут for для; за; (Ьесаиве) потому что ; ·

for instance например foresee предвидеть forest лес forget забывать forgive прощать, И:ЗВИНИТЬ fork вищ{а forty саро:к forward вперёд fountain реп вечное перб four четьrре ; fourth четвёртый;

четверть France Франция fl-ее .своббдныЙ ; freedom с�оббда freeze мёрзнуть, замерзать, мор6-

:зить, отмораживать

Page 381: Spoken Russian 1

French францУзский ; Frenchman францУз

fresh свежий Friday пАтница friend друг, приАтель {1°0т от, с, и з ; {ют here отс{ода;

from there оттуда; {rom where от­куда ; {rom above сверху ; from below снизу

front (military) фронт frost МОРО3 fruit фрукт fuH полный fur coat шуба furlough отпуск furnished room меблированная

I�OMHaTa furnitнre мебель future будущий

garage гараж garden сад gaso1ine бензин gather собирать general генерал German немец; Gегтапу Германия

get (гесеivе) получать ; (obtain) до­ставать; (Ьесоте) становиться, стать ; get into а place попадать ; get something done in time успе­вать ; get somewhere in time по­спевать ; get ир вставать

girl девочка, девушка give давать ; give back отдавать glad рад glass стакан; стеило ; looking glass

зеркало; eyeglasses ОЧКи glove перча'ша go итти ; go away уходИть ; go back

вернуться; go flat (of а tire) СПУСI�ать

god бог good хороший ; добрый; good to eat

виусный ; good-bye ! до свидания ! прощайте ! good night ! спокойной ночи !

grain хлеб grant leave отпусщiть grapes виноград grass трава gray серый

grease мавать, смавывать great велиний green зелёный ground вемлА gгоw расти, возрастать guest гость guide проводнин; провожать gulf залив gun ружьё

hair в6лос half половина ; half ап hoUl" пол­

часа ; half а rouble полтинНJШ; опе and а half полтора

halIway I�ОРИДОР ham ветчина hammer м6лот, молоток hand руна ; передавать ; hand over

отдава'rь handkerchief носовой ,плат6I{ .

hang висеть ; вешать, повесить Ьарреll случаться hard твёрдый ; трудный harvest урожай hat шллпа

З7 J

Page 382: Spoken Russian 1

I , 1 .

Ьауе : Ье Ьаэ у нег6 есть; Ье has to он д6лжен, ему надо, ему нужно, ему прих6ДИТСJI

Ье 6н healthy здор6вый head голова hear слыIатьь heart сердце Ьеауу тяжёлый height высо'rа, вышина hel 10 здравствуйте ; (оп telephone)

алл6 help помогать Ьеп I�урица her её here здесь, тут ; сюда ; here it is в6т hidc к6жа ; to hide прАта'rь high выс6кий his ег6 hi t ударЯть hold держать Ьоте дом6й ; at home д6ма hook н,рюч6к Ьорс надежда; надеят.ься


horse л6шадь ; (оп) horseback верх6м

Ьоэе труба hospi tal больница, г6спиталь hot горячий, жаркий hotel гостиница ; hotel room н6мер hour час how Kal\ ; how тапу, how тисЬ

ск6лько ; how do уои do? здравствуйте 1 KaI\ вь! пожи­ваете?

huge огр6мный hundred ст6 ; hundredth с6тый ; опе

hundred fifty полтораста Ьитап being человек hunger г6ЛОД j hungry гол6дный hurry спеШить h urt болеть j i t h urts б6льно husband муж

I я if если, еслибы, еслиб ice лёд j ice cream мор6женое illiterate неграмотный impossible : it is impossible нельзя

in в j in а week через неделю include включать incorrect неправильный industrial промыIленныыj ; industry

промыIленностьь infantry пех6та ink чернила, inner tube камера insect Hacel�6Moe inspect осматривать, провеРЯТЬj in�

spection осм6тр instance пример; for instance на­

пример instrument инструмент interest интересовать ; interesting

интересный into в introduce (people) познак6мить invite приглашать iron железо ; железный it 6н, она, он6

jack домкрат jani tor дв6рнИI\ January январь

Page 383: Spoken Russian 1

}арап Яп6ния jar банка journey поездка July июль June июнь just now т6лько-что, как рав

key ключ kill убивать kilogram кил6, килограмм kilometer нилометр kind д6брый; this kind так6Йj what

kind наI�6й, чт6 ва; kindness милость

ki tchen нухня knife н6ж; pocket knife н6жик knit вязать know знать; know how уметь kopek нопМна

Iadder лестница lake озеро lаmр лампа land земля ; to Iand somewhere по­

падать ; landing place пристань

landlady хозяйка; landlord хоз/!Ин language яз:Ьш large больш6й Iast последний; пр6шлый late п6здно j Iater пот6м, п6зже laugh смеяться launder стирать; laundress прачна;

laundry прачечная; бельё; to the laundry в стирну

lay нласть, положить lead вести leaf лист Iearn учиться leather It6жа Ieave 6тпусн; уходить, уезжать,

улетать ; оставлять left-hand левый ; to the left, at the

left налево leg нога Iength длина Iess меньше, менее lesson ур6н Iet, let go nyснать Ietter письм6 j БУI<ва level пл6ский, р6вный

liberty свобода library библи6тека Не (untruth) неправда; (tell l ies)

врать ; (recline) лежать ; Не down ложиться, лечь

lifе жизнь lift поднимать light свет ; ог6нь ; (not dark) свет­

. лый; (not heavy) лёГltий; to light заЖИгать

lightning м6лния Шее равный ; Шее this так ; to Шее

любить ; 1 like this это мне нравится

line линия Hnens бельё Нр губа l iter литр literacy грамота; literate грамотный little маленький, малый; мало, не-

мн6го ; а little немн6жко ; l itt!e Ьоу маЛЬЧИR ; 1ittle gir! девочка

l ive жить loaf of bread хлеб locomotive локомотив, паров6в


Page 384: Spoken Russian 1

long ДЛИННЫЙ; а long time долго ; for а long time now, (ever since) long ago давно

100k смотреть; look for искать ; look good нравиться; look out ! осторожно !

100king glass зеркало lose терять i lose one's way сби-

ватьСЯ с дороги love люБИть low низкий luggage багаж 1 unch завтрак lungs лёгкие

machine машина ; machine gun пулемёт

major май6р majority большинство make делать ; make ready готовить man мужчина, человек manner образ many многие, много March март marry жениться; выходить замуж j

married женатый, замужем

match спичка Мау май тау: опе тау можно ; one тау not

нельзя тауЬе может быть те меня, мне, мной measure мера; мерить, измерять meat мясо; meat bal1 котлета medical медицинский medicine лекарство ; медицина meet встречать i meeting встреча memory Ш1МЯТЬ mend чинить metal металл meter метр mile МИJJJI milk молоко minute минута mirror зеркало misfortune несчастие mi tten рукавица Monday понедельник топеу деньги nlOnkey wrench францУзский КЛЮЧ month месяц

monument памятник moon луна more более, больше; more than oncft

нераз most самый morning утро mortar (cannon) мортира mother мать mountain гора ; mountain range

хребет mouth P0'l' movement ход movies кино much много ; гораздо municipal городской museum музей music музыка mutton баранина mу м6й

nail гв6здь; (оп finger or toe) ноготь name имя ; фамилия ; what is his

нате? как его зовут? паrrоw 'узкий narrate рассказывать ; narrative


Page 385: Spoken Russian 1

nation нар6д ; national националь­ный; nationality национальность

near БЛИВRИЙ j недалеR6 ; 6RОЛО ; it is near БЛИВIЮ ; nearly чуть не, IIОЧТИ

necessary нужный ; it is necessary нужно, надо


neck шея ; necktie гаЛСТУR needle игла neighbor сосед neither . . . nor ни . . . ни never НИRогда new н6выи newspaper гавета next будущий, следующий; next to

136вле, рядом с night н6чь n ine девять ; ninety девлн6сто по нет nobody НИRт6 nose н6с north север not не nothing ничегО N ovember ноябр�

now теперь nowhere нигде, НИRуда number числ6, н6мер nurse: sick-nurse сиделна nut (оп machine) гайна

оссиру занимать осеап OReaH o'clock : two o'clock два часа October ОRтябрь of у, из ; of course Rонечно off с office ROHTopa, бюр6 ; office hour

приём officer офицер often часто оН масло; crude оН нефть old старый оп на; оп account of из-за опсе раз опе один only т6ЛЬRО, единственный onto на ореп ОТRрывать operation операция

opposite пр6тив, напр6тив or или orange апельсин order ванав ; ПРИRав ; ваRавывать,

приназывать ; (good) order по­рядон

other друг6й, остальн6й our наш out-of-doors на дворе over над, по ; overcoat пальт6,

шуба ; overshoe нал6ша owing д6лжен

Pacific Осеап Тихий онеан pack завёртываТЬ j (one's things)

УRладывать package паRет, Iир6бна раН ведр6 pain б6ль ; болеть ; painful б6льно pair пара рапе стенлб paper бумага; newspaper газета pardon извинять, прощать ; pardon

те ! извините ! простите ! park парR ; to park (а car) оставлять


Page 386: Spoken Russian 1

parlor гостиная 1 part часть ; расходиться pass проходить ; (something, at the

, 1 tabIe) nepeAaBa'l'Ъ I past мимо , i рау платить i реасе мир ; реасеаЫе, peaceful

1.1 I pe::�;;�a I ! ре •• rop6x :1 1 peasant Rрестыiнин 'i l реп перб ; fountain реп вечное перб ;1 i репсil карандаш

:11 1 �:;��:��;��е:а:БД

i i perhaps мбжет быть 1 1 • permanen t вечный : person человек 1 ·, petrol бензин

pharmacy аптеRа picture Rартина pie пир&г piece RусБR; piece оС baggage место ;

piece оС cloth платБR; piece of paper лист бумаги


pig свинь� pil low ПОДУШRа pin булаВRа; safety pin английсRaЯ

булаВRа; to pin Rолбть, заRалы­вать

pipe труба, трубка place место; плбщадь; RЛасть,

ставить plain прост6й plate тареЛRа platform платфбрма play играть pleasant приятный · please нравиться; please I пожа-

луйста l pleasure удов6льствие pocket карман; pocket knife нбаtИR роliсеmап милиционер poor бедный population население pork свинииа porter дворник; НОСИЛЬЩИR possible мб'RНО post office пбчта potatoes Rарт6ШRа

pound фунт pour лить; pour in наливать prepare готбвить prescription рецепт pretty красивый price цена prick; Rол6ть principal главный probably наверно proclaim заявлять рrосurе доставать produce производить; product, pro-

duction произв6дство pt·omise обещание; обещать proportion проп6рция province ббласть provision запас; provisions про­

IIИЗИЯ put девать, Rласть, положить,

ставить; put оп (а garment) надевать; put out (а fire, а light) тушить

question вопр6с quick бысрыы;; СRбрый quiet СПОIiбйный, тихий

Page 387: Spoken Russian 1

radio радио radiator радиатор raB (оп railway track) рельс; rai1-

way железная дорбга ; railway car вагон ; railway station станция, ВОRзал; railway train поезд

rain дбждр raise ир поднимать rapid СRбрый, бысрыы:й: razor бритва; safety razor без­

опасная: бритва read читать ready гот6вый; get ready готовить;

собир!iться: rear зад recei pt раСПИСRа rece\ve получать; (visitors, patients,

etc .) принимать recently недавно reception приём recognize узнавать red Rрасный regiment пБЛR remain оставаться; remaining


remelllber помнить, вспоминать remind напоминать repair чинить repeat повторять ; repeatedly нераз,

много раз republic респуБЛИRа respect уважЗ!l'Ь rest отдых; to rest отдыхать restaurant ресторан reunion свидание revolution революция: rich богатый ride ехать rifle ВИНТОВRа right праВЫЙi at the right, to the

right направо; right away сейчас, тотчас

ring Rольц6; to ring звонить river реЕа road дорога гооЕ крыIаa гоот Еомната; hotel room нбмер ;

rooming house пансион, номера rope верёВЕа rouble рубль

row ряд rug Еовёр гuп бежать; run away убегатъ; run

over переезжать Russia РОССИЯ:i Russian РУССRИЙ sack меш6It safe беЗОЩ1СНЬiЙ; safety razor без­

опасная бритва salt сбль same Тот же (самый) i аН the same

всё равно satisfied довольный Saturday суббота saw пила say говорить, сказать scales (balance) весы� school ШRола scissors ножницы screw винт i винтить ; screwdriver

отвёРТЕа; screw nut гаЙRаi to screw оп завинчивать

веа море second второй see видеть; опе сап вее видно seek искать


Page 388: Spoken Russian 1

1 1 1

i i 1 1

seem I�азаться seH продавать send посылать, присылать separate О'fделять; расходиться;

разный September сентябрь sergeant сержант serious серьёзный serve служить; serve uр (food)

подавать; service служба seven семь ; seventh седьм6й set Rшiсть, положить, ставить i set

оп fire зажипiть ; set (the table) наЕрывать

several неСI�ОЛЬRО sew шить ; sew оп пришивать shave брить she она shed сарай sheet (оп bed) простыня; (of paper)

лист shirt рубаШRа shock удар slюе БОТИНRа, БОТИНОR ; shoemaker

сап6ЖНИR 378

shoot стрелять, выстрелить shop шiВRа shore берег short Rор6ТRИЙ shot выстрел show ПОRазывать sick больн6й side сторона sign (to) подписывать ; signature

п6дпись simplt прост6й sing петь sister сестра sit сидеть; sit down садиться, сесть six шесть size мера, н6мер, величина skin R6жа sky небо sleep спать; I 'm sleepy мне х6чется

спать sleigh сани slow медленный small малый, малеНЬRИЙi smaH

change мелочь liimear мазать

smoke (tobacco) RУРИТЬ snow снег so таЕ soap мылo sock нос6Е soft МЯГRИЙ so1dier боец, солдат solid нреПRИЙ some Н(�RОТОРЫЙ, неСRОЛЬRОj some­

body неЕТО, Ет6-то; something не­что, чт6-то ; sometimes Иногда; somewhere где-то

son сын soon cI�6po, ВСЕоре soup суп south {ог soviet совет ; Soviet Union С6вет-

СRИЙ Союз space пл6щадь spare запасн6й speak говорить spinach шпинат эрооl RаТУШRа spoon л6ЖRа, л6жеЧRа spring весна

Page 389: Spoken Russian 1

square Rвадрат, пл6щадъ stairway лестница stamp MapRa stand Шltап i to stand стоять i CTa�

вцть; to stand uр вставать star ввевда ' station станция, ВОRВал i fiШпg sta-

tion бенвиновая станция stay оставаться steam пар ; steamship парохбд stШ ещё ; тихий, СПОRбйный stomach желудон stop, stopping place останбвнаi to

stop оставаться ; останавливать store лаВRа, магавин ; ваШ1С storey этаж storm б§ря story paCCRaB stove печь ; плита straight прямбй; straigl1t ahead

прлмо street улица ; street car трамвай strength сила strike ударять string верёВRа

stroke удар strong сильный, ltреПltий study ваниматься, учиться,

ивучать such таRбй sugar сахар suit оС clothes RОСТЮМ suitcase чемодан summer лето sun сблнце Sunday ВОСRресенье supper ужин supply вапас surely наверно surname фамилия sweet слаДRИЙ swim плыIьь

table стбл tack гвБВДИR tailor портной take брать i принимать tank баR i танЕ. taste ВНУС i tasty ВRУСНЫЙ taxicab таRСИ

tea чай i teaspoon ложеЧRа teach учить tear рвать, порвать, раврывать ;

tear off отрывать telegram телеграмма; to telegraph

телеграфировать telephone телефбн; телефонировать tell говорить, СRавать ; (stories)

раССRавываТЬi (l ies) врать temperature температура ten десять terri ble ужасный terri tory ббласть terror ужас test прббовать i проверлть than чем thank благодарить i thank уоu I

спасибо I theatre театр their их then тогда i ватем there там, туда; from there оттуда;

there is есть; there isn 't нет ; there it is вбт

thermometer гра,дУСНИlt, термометр 379

Page 390: Spoken Russian 1

they они . thick т6лстый ; thickness толщина thing вещь think думать third третий; треть thirsty : I 'm thirsty л хочу пить thirteen тринадцать ; thirty

тридцать this этот ; this way TaR thousand тыIячаa thread ни'rRа ; вдевать three три throat г6р;т:о through СRв6зь throw бросать thunder гр6м; thunderstorm гроза Thursday четверг ticket билет ; ticket office RaCCa tie вязать ; necktie гаЛСТУR tight УЗRИЙ time время; пора ; раз ; оп time во­

время; get done in time успевать; get there in time поспевать

tire ЦIина 380

tired устал ; to get tired уставать ; tiresome СRУЧНЫЙ

tO R, до tobacco 'l'абак today сегодня toe палец; toenail ноготь together вместе toilet уб6рная tomorrow завтра; day after

tomorrow послезавтра tOn .T6HHa tongue язьщ too, too much слишком tool инструмент tooth зуб; tooth brush зубная

щёТRа j tooth paste зубная паста

top верх toward R towel полотенце town город, городок track (railway) рельсы train (railway) п6езд travel ехать ; (Ьу water) плыть;

traveling bag чемодан

tree дерево trip поездка trousers брfоки truck грузовик true верный · trunk (Ьох) сундук truth правда try пробовать ; стараться ; try оп

примерлть tube труба Tuesday вт6рник tumbler стакан turn, turning повор6т; to turn по­

вёртывать; turn out to Ье ока­зываться

twelve двенадцать twenty двадцать twice два раза two два

under под understand поним:ать uпdегwеаг бельё uпdгеss раздевать unexpected неожиданный

Page 391: Spoken Russian 1

union СО1О8 unite соединять ; United States

Соединённые Штаты university университет unpleasant неприятный unscrew отвинчивать until пока untruth неправда unwell нездорбвый unwholesome нездорбвый ир, ир аЬоуе, upstairs наверх,

наверху useful нужный useless ненужный usual обыкновенный

various разный уеа1 телятина vegetabIe бвощь very бчень vest жилет victory победа view вид village сел6, деревня visibIe видный

wagon поnБЗIЩ, телега waistcoat жилет wait жда'l'Ь waiter официант ; waitress

официантка wake ир просьшаться; будить walk итти, ходить, гулять wall стена want хотеть war война warm тёплый wash мьrть, вьrмыть, умывать,

стирать ; washing бельё ; for washing, to the wash в стирку

water вода way дорбга, путь, ббраз i this way

так; in this way таким образом we Mbr weak слабый wear носить; wear out изнашивать weather погбда Wednesday среда week неделя weep плакать

weigh весить; вешать, свесить; weight вес

welcome ! милости прбсим ! You're welcome ! не за что t

well хорошб, здоровый west запад what чт6, каr{бй; what for зачем ;

what kind of какбй, чтб за wheel колесб when ногда where где; wherefrom откуда;

whereto нуда whether ли which rщтбрый while пока white белый who нт6 whole целый whose чей why отчегб, почему, зачем wide широкий ; width ширина wife жена wind петер ; to wind вить window окнб winter зима

38 1

Page 392: Spoken Russian 1

wire пр6волока wish �IteJIl1Ime; желать with С; without без woman женщина; девушка wood дерево, дрова; woods лес word CJI6BO work раб6та; раб6тать; works зав6д world мир, свет worse, worst хуже, худший


wound рана; ранить; wounded раненый

wrap завёртывать wrench ключ wri te писать wrong неправый ; неправильный

yard дв6р year г6д уеll Itричать

yellow аtёлтый yes да yet ещё yesterday вчера ; day before yester­

day третьего дня уои BbI ; your ваш young молод6й zero н6лi.

Page 393: Spoken Russian 1

КЕУ TO EXERCISES AND ТESТS Тhe following pages give in condensed fonn а Кеу to the ехегсiseз

contained in the What W оШd у оu Вау 'f Sections о! each regu1ar Unit, and to the tests and exercises contained in the Review Units.

ЕасЬ рап о! the Кеу is identified Ьу а Ji�g givinK the U�t and the Section in wblch the exercise occurs.\

UNIT 2. SECTION С. КЕУ. 1. Ь. 7. а. 2. с. 8. Ь.

3. а. 9. Ь.

4. а. 10. 8.

5. с. 11. с. 6. Ь. 12. 8.

UNIT 3. SECTION С. КЕУ. 1. с. 4. Ь. 2. с. 5. с. 3. Ь. 6. Ь.

UNIT 4. SECТION (J. КЕУ. 1. Ь. 7. з,. 2. а. 8. с. 3. �. 9. с. 4. с. 10. с. 5. с. 11. 8.

6. Ь. 12. с.

UNIT 5. SECTION С. КЕУ. 1. Ь. 7. с. 2. с. 8. Ь.

3. ъ. 9. а. 4. с. 10. с. 5. Ь. 11. Ь. 6. с. 12. с.

Page 394: Spoken Russian 1


English Equivalents 1

F 1. А restaurant is never in а railway station. F 2. А little Ьоу has three daughters. F 3. А doctor works in а hospital. т 4. Of сошsе her older son has а mother. F 5. Воуз never want sugar. т 6. Уои аге studying Russian. F 7. Now а wПе is working. F 8. John Пyin is ту female friend. т 9. In Moscow they speak Russian. F 10. Eight and two is ninе.


F 11. This man has two fathers. F 12. In the hotel there is neither bread nor coffee. т 13. The waiter was in the restaurant. т 14. Му sisters understand when 1 speak slowly. т 15. The little Ьоу is оп his way to school. Т 16. А young man drinks Ьеег. т 17. We speak а little Russian. F 18. Little children have gone off to war. F 19. ТЫз female citizen knO\VS ту brother's husband. т 20. An American зреаkз English.

F 21.

Т 22.

F 23.

F 24. Т 25.

F 26. Т 27.

Т 28.

F 29. Т 30.

ПI Fathers are never going into th& аrшу. Children live "ith fathers. They аге walking from Атепса to Moscow. Mountains аге always small. In Атепса there is а hospital. We don't do anything in the arшу. Нiз younger brother often wants to eat. Mter the war your mother will sЗ.у to уои: "Уои have сош&

from the аrшу; уои аге here." T\vo roubles are \уоп1l ten kopeks. It is very pleasant not to Ье working.

Page 395: Spoken Russian 1

IV Т 31. We want а furlough. Т 32. Five and [оиг is nШе.

Т 33. А husband is never а daughter. Т 34. ТЬе EngIish teacher is in the schooi. F 35. Six and [ош is nine. Т 36. А mother never has а wife. Т 37. А young man in the arm.y knows that ,var is very unpleasant. F 38. It is never соИ in Russia. F 39. Moscow is in the south, and it is warm. there. Т 40. In Атепса there аге all kinds of weather.

V F 41. А sick person feels good when it is very соИ. F 42. In Атепса there аге по mountains. F 43. Tomorrow there will Ье по Шу. Т 44. А teacher works in а school, and а waiter in а restaurant. F �5. It is raining in the restaurant. F 46. Boston is in the west, and San Francisco in the east. F 47. ТЬе doctor doesn't knO\V where the hospital iз. Т 48. Му mother's son is ту brother. Т 49. George Washington never lived in the south оЕ Russia. Т 50. It sometimes гаins in winter.

VI Т 51. Sick people аге always in роог health. F 52. It always sno,vs in Florida. т 53. In the агту реорlе work а lot. т 54. Spring comes after winter, and after summer comes autu.mn. Т 55. We are here. Т 56. Му brother's daughter is not а Ьоу. F 57. А man never wants to eat. Т 58. It snows both at night and in daytime. т 59. Нег woman teacher has по wПе.

F 60. ТЬеге аге no children in Russia.

ИI F 61. У ои аге your brother's son. F 62. ТЬеу eat bread only in Атепса. F 63. It гаinЗ all the tiше.

Page 396: Spoken Russian 1

F 64. There аге по Russians in Moscow. Т 65. People live in а hotel. F 66. In the mountams it is warm at night. т 67. 1 know what 1 knQw. Т 68. Sometimes the weather is unpleasant. т 69. In daytime people work. F 70. In Ameriean sehooIs there аге only \vomen teachers о!


VПI F 71. Му father has по ehildren. F 72. It is never соИ in the north. F 73. In the army there аге only young women. т 74. There аге Russians in Атепса. т 75. Му father's mother is not ту sister. т 76. We have both а mother and а father. F 77. Railway stations аге always оп mountains. F 78. It's уегу hot in winter. F 79. It never rains in Атеnса. т 80. Young women аге аIsо in the агту.


1 1. ZDRAstvuyj:i, grazhda�IN ivaNOF. 2. КАК vf pazhiVAyij:i? 3. xaraSHO, spaSlba, а VI? 4. уа I}i pal}iMAyu. 5. paZHALsta, gavaJHj:i l\.jEd}inna. 6. izyi�Ij:i, аРЕ vagZAL, paZHALsta? 7. vagZAL па PRAva. 8. уа хаеМ. papiROsi i SРIСЩр., paZHALsta. 9. vf xaTlj:i СНАуи ili кор?

10. eta stбyit T.RI гuЩ •. А. 11

1. kuDA vf iPOj:i? 2. kuDA Уl УЕфj:i? 3. уа YEdu па vagZAL. 4. т6у BRAT па vagZAli. 5. т6у STARshiy SIN v ARlpiyi.

Page 397: Spoken Russian 1

6. уа xaCHU yiv6 FST.REpj:. 7. u J].iVO OTpusk. 8. 6n rpiJ].a FSTj(Ej:it �PE$. 9. ша.уеу zmNI �e$ :rjET.

10. даур ШJ].е SpiCHku, paZHALsta.


1. vf ZNAyip �tu PEvushku? Z. уа xaCHU pt!znaKOrpij: vаз s �EY. 3. аnа хагаВНО gavalHT ра anG�IYs�. 4. КТО etat шаlаd6у chilaYEK? 5. Eta yiy6 вМгвту BRAT. 6. 6n J].i ZNAyit sht6 уа �p�. 1. 6n uSHOL v GOspital. 8. рауРОМ v .ristaRAN. 9. dayp паш СНАуи, paZHALsta.

10. уа xaCHU ташКА i SAxaro, paZHALsta.

IV 1 . шауf �Ostri YEdut v aME.riku. Z. ZNAyut aJ].f iV Anа SMlta? 3. 6n ac;;lfn' iz шауfx druZEY. 4. 6n J].i DAvna p.riYEx;1 iz aMEP�. 5. уа izuCHAyu RUs�y yiZIK 6. arjI v таВКУЕ. 7. ВНТО щ! tam pELayut? 8. уа YEdu v maSKVU. 9. �ta bUфt ОСШJ]. рлУ Atna.

10. тауа МАТ mnoga RAZ biV Ма v aMEP�.

v 1. �рщ; dav6!na praXLAdna yisNOY, n6 J.,Etam ZHARka. 2. ziMOY XOladna, n6 О$щуи pPLO. 3. ТАМ balSHlya GOri. 4. DOSHCH ipOT. 5. §rjEK ipOT. 6. �I�I}iya xalaDA J].i хагаВНI 91а ba}NIX. i baSTON па vaSTOl):i. 8. вan franCIska па ZАраф. �. па �Eyip XOladna.

10. па YU�i ZHARka..

Page 398: Spoken Russian 1


1. ВНТО Vl xaTIj:i KUshij:? 2. уа xaCHU SUpu, МАза i karTOsh�i. 3. u I]1il]8. J'ЯЕТ Splchik. 4. SKOI.-ka eta STOyit? 5. YE�T ristaRAN па PRAva. 6. papiROsi u I]1iIJ8.. 7. u I]1il]8. papiROsi. 8. plva �ET. 9. уа xaCHU papiROsu.

10. даур ml]e SPICНku, paZHALsta.

II 1. уа V AS IJi paIJiMAyu .

. 2. RUs�y yiZIK TRUdnay. 3. u I]1iJ'ЯА apIN RUBI.-. 4. тауа zhiNA gavaJHT ра RUs�i. 5. На pi!jMO V Asha? 6. VOT xaLOdnaya malaKO. 7. ej:i malaDlya I,.Ugi RUs�ya? 8. ej:i pI$ma та YI. 9. GpE gаSТIt].iсз,? • . . VOT з,NА.

10. gPE pi§MO? . . • VOT aNO.

III 1. DA Yj:i mt)e staKAN vaDI. 2. ZPES МNОgз, ba}SHIX daMOF. 3. � I]1iJ'ЯА MNOga рарШОВ. 4. pi§MO u mayiv6 BRAta. 5. SKOI.-ka u vаз giTEY? 6. u IJIVO DYE �iSTRI. 7. u IJiYO РАТ ruBI,.EY. 8. u IJiYO rjET piTI ruBf.,EY. 9. и 1J1iNA J'ЯЕТ DVUX ruЩ,.ЕУ.

10. ZPE$ J'ЯЕТ xaROshix ristaRAnaf.

IV 1. ZNAyip у! nазhu MLATshuyu �jSTRU? 2. Шl FST.REj:im we� naвhu DOCH.

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3. уа xaeM. pIT СНА У. 4. DAYj:i пат TRI СНAБh!р. КОр; 5. DAYj:i пат РАТ СНАвhШ KOfi. 6. уа tam FST.REj:il adna УО iz УМЫх dru�EY. 7. уа ZNAYJl E}ix DVUX PEvushik. 8. уа yfx xaraSHO ZNAyu. 9. vi IJliy.a pay.iMAyij:i?

10. vi nas FSTREj:ij:i v ristaRAy.i?

V 1. кто уат Eta skaZAL? 2. j:iPER gavaRAT аЬ ARIJ1iyi. 3. ay.f CHAsta KUshayut v etam ba}SHOM .ristaRA.tJi. 4. аЬ ЕjЗx �U!;Iix уа i gavaRIT y.i xaCHU. 5. уа y.i еЫУО y.i ZNAyu а vаsшх piTI ruB�AX. 6. а СНОМ vi gavaRlj:i? 7. mf gavaRIM а RUskay ARrpiyi. 8. а КОМ vi gavaR!j:i? 9. mf gavaRIM а maубm BRAp..

10. vf f;;iGDA gavaR!Ji а I'jOM. UNIT 7. SECTION С. КЕУ.

1. Ь. · 7. Ь. 2. е. 8. е. 3. а. 9. Ь.

4. Ь. 10. е. 5. а. 1 1 . Ь. 6. е. 12. е.

UNIT 8. SECTION С. КЕУ. 1. е. 7. с. 2. Ь. 8. Ь. 3. а. 9. а.

4. с. 10. е. 5. Ь. 11. а. 6. Ь. 12. с.

UNIT 9. SECTION С. КЕУ. 1. Ь. 4. С. 2. а. 5. с.

3. с. 6. Ь.

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1. с.

8. Ь. 9. Ь.

UNIT 10. SECТION С. КЕУ. 1. а.

2. с. З. с.

4. а.

5. Ь.

6. 8..


1. с.

2. Ь. 3. Ь.

4. 8..

5. с.

6. с.

10. с.

11. Ь. 12. с.

1. Ь. 8. Ь.

9. с.

10. Ь. 11. с.

12. с.

1. с.

8. с.

9. Ь.

10. а. 11. с.

12. а.


English Equivalents. 1

F 1. Every womin citizen likes dirty linen. т 2. А i>arlor is in а house; а hotel is in � city. Т З. А shirt is bigger than а handkercblef. F 4. То а laundry people go to drink Ьеег. F 5. In cities there аге по streets. Т 6. Everybody wants to live. F 7. It· isn't шее to вау thank you. F 8. People Зlwауs respect drunken people. F 9. In Russia there аге по гоотз оп the second Ноог. т 10. Amerieans often eat ham and еggз for breakfast (or lunch).

П т 11. Тhe post .office is sometimes closed. т 12. сIiпdren in school hВ.ve Ьооkз. т 13. Letter рарег is sometimes sold in railway stations. 'т 14. А fool never knows that he knows nothing. F 15. All Americans spea.k nothing but Russian.

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т 16. Borshch is not made \vith 68h. Т 17. Не can't write Ьу реп without ink. F 18. In the boarding house there is по! еуеn оnе bathr66tn. т 19. Оnе сап 6nd paper at the post отсе, in а schoo], and in the

bathroom. т 20. Every young woman wants to Ье young.

III т 21. it is cheaper to eat at home than in а restaurant. F 22. Уои always eat lunch а! night. F 23. It is cheaper to пу Ьу plane than to ride Ьу train. т 24. In the dining гоот there is а table and а chair. F 25. It is hot in winter and cold in summer. F 26. When ту brother and ту mother шnе with те, we need

three tables and оnе chair. F 21. 1 ат going to the laundry because I need а haircut and а.

shave. т 28. .AD. airplane is faster than а tram. т 29. А free week is а iurlough. т 30. Without paper 1 can't write а letter.

IV т 31. Almost еуегу father loves Ы8 own воn. т 32. Sometimes эл older daughter is bigger than а younger

daughter. F 33. Snow is red. т 34. Letters from the агту have по stamps. т 35. А few sheets are enough for а letter. т 36. There are по vegetables, there is по meat, there is по water:

there won't Ье any soup either. т 31. If the dining room is next door, it is close Ьу. F 38. The train leaves at six; 1 have to get to the station а! ha1f

past 6ve. т 39. I don't think anything 1 hear is true. F 40. У ои always like to wash ту socks.

V Т 41. тhis реп costs fotty roubles; that is too dear. F 42. San Francisco is in the south of Russia.

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т 43. 1 never write home when neither ту mother nor my father nог the. children аге there.

F 44. Americans like to drink vodka with milk and sugar. F 45. W е know that Ыие рарег is sometimes red. т 46. In daytime 1 like to talk with friends. F 47. Тhe bathroom is in the parlor. F 48. Тwo twenty is twenty mШutes to three. F 49. Coffee is made о! meat and potatoes. т 50. People 1ive in cities.

v1 т 51. Веег is cheaper than vodka. F 52. А ЬагЬег washes clothes. т 53. In Ашелса there аге тanу cities. F 54. There is по door in the room. F 55. I-have а Russian book; therefore 1 am studying English. F 56. Тhe train leaves at half past five; if we get to the station

at five thirty-five we shall get there оп time. т 57. If he lives close Ьу, зhе, тауЬе, has seen him recently. т 58. In Ашелса they speak various languages. т 59. When 1 am sick 1 сan drink lots о! milk, but only по vodka. F 60. If the train leaves at four o'clock, and the airplane leaves

at half past thrM, the train ,УШ arrive earlier than the airplane.

VП т 61. People usually like to have а good теаl and а good drink. F 62. In the arшу they eat lunch at ten o'clock. F 63. А shoemaker washes shoes. т 64. In а restaurant everybody is always eating. F 65. 1 need а haircut; Рт going to the shoemaker's. F 66. In Russia they never drink either vodka ог tea.

F 67. In Boston people have по underwear. F 68. А laundress works -in а barber зhОр. т 69. You have heard еvеrythШg 1 have said to you. F 70. Quarter to ninе is quarter to ten.

VHI т 71. In big cities there аге restaurants оп a1most every s-treet. F 72. Russians never eat fish.

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т 73. When Ьег ЬивЬаnд сате into the hotel, Ье said. "1 want а

гоот with а bath."

т 74. А doctor tries to help sick people. т 75. Every restaurant needs lots of tables. т 76. А laundress counts тапу handkercblefs. F 77. People never walk оп ihe street. F 78. She dbes not make meat balIs out of meat.

F 79. А son is always older than Ыв father. F 80. А drunken тan never drinks vodka ог Ьеег.


1. ра chiMU vi ТАК spiSHIp? 2. POyist f sta}inGRAT atX09it v DVA �;imNATcit. 3. uzhe РАТ minut TRE.tyiva. 4. уа YEdu tuda ni POyizdam, а sаща1,.Оtащ. 5. у! uSfЕуф. 6. у! uzhe kuPIIi bif..ET? 7. samaJ:,.OT atliTAyit f TRI dyiNATcit. 8. prada YUTsa biJ:..Eti v GOro<;ii? 9. padaZHDlp IJ1iIJa IJ1iNUtu , paZHALsta..

10. DAYj:i illIJe, paZHALsta, bif..ET f stalinGRAT. SKOJ:,.ka ОП STOyit?

II 1. u IJ1iIJ8. tlET IJ.i aDNOY CHIstay ruBAsh!p. 2. аРЕ уа шаgti nayTI PRAchishnuyu? 3. уа Vaill PJiSHJ:,.U PRACHku. 4. FSO G-R-Aznaya biJ:,. УО па paSTEli. 5. kaGDA vf yirtiOji mауб Ы1-УО? 6. M�E nada расhЩIJ' РАщ baTlnak. 7. illIJe шidа pa.B-R-IТsа i paST.RICHsa. 8. уа ZNAyu Zge$ MNOga RUslPx. 9.. taill zhiVUT DVE TI$ichi lupEY.

10. v еtащ GОгоф ;ruYOT miI.-YON lиРЕУ.

IП 1. Уl Ishchij:i KOmnatu? 2. pan$YO'N фSНЕvli сЫт gaSJIg.ica. 3. апа daLA illIJ.e Adps уавЫуа panSYOna.

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4. pa�TEIr Ochi!]. uDObnaya. 5. KOmnata xaraSHO apSTAv]ina. 6. eta KOmnata STOyit piQ ф�Аr ruBIrEY v l\jE�ie.l 7. ye�} li u VAS КОщnаtа ФSНЕvli Etay? 8. оП ST ARshi IJ1i!].a. " on ST ARshi сЫт уа.

9. etat ristaRAN Ост!]. DOrak (Ochi!]. daraGOY)� 10. ZAftrak f CHAS.


IV 1. уа xachu napiSAT daMOY pi$MO. 2. уа daVNO yiffi !].i piSAL. 3. u IJ1i!].a �ET V.REIJ1ilJi. 4. СНУ А eta buMAga tam па staIrE? 5. u IJ1i!].3. ye�} chir�Ila, kan YERj:i, i MARIJi. 6. MOzhid Ы} Уl paLUchij:i at �IX pi�MO. 7. eta blla Ы OchilJ xaraSHO. 8. kuDA vf Ц)Ор? . . . ЦаМОУ. 9. аРЕ vash BRAT? . . . DOma.

10. u vas YE�T V.REQIa?


1. ВНТО уа tam nау DU? 2. Eta ffilJe Ост!) NRAyitsa. 3. prilJi�Ij:i пат, paZHALsta, DVA stakana CHAyu. 4. оп SKOra praS�OTsa. 5. 6n V�AL та YU K�Igu i DAL ffiI]e. svaYU. 6. alJl пат DAli svayi biIrEti. 7. уа iSHCHU та.уЙ K�Igu(svayU K�Igu). 8. 6n pakuP Ayit MNOga К�Iк. 9. v Etam magaZIlJi biRUT Ост!) DOraga..

10: уа Qiru uROl;i RUskava yiziКA.


1. уа OchiI) xachu PIT. 2. pPE.R CHAS. 3. pPE.R ftaROY СНАВ. 4. ,tiPE.R palaYlna 'pAtava. 5. .ti'pE.R biz CHEtyirji ВНЕВТ.'

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6. f kaTOram chiSU у! ртЦ)Ор? 7. уа vаЗ FSТJШсhu �!;M� bis СНЕТуПр. DVA. 8. уа ррУЕхаl f palaYIqi pERvava. 9. тау! chiSI spiSHAT.

10. оп рРРОТ f CНEtyirt ftaROva.

II 1. ka VO vf �ge� FST.REj:ij:i? 2. 1'jET daZHDZHA. 3. уа qi kaGDA I].i kaMU 1].i сЫУО qi skaZAL аЬ Etam. 4. уа yirNUS kak MOzhna skaJШyi. 5. pJiqiSlj:i т1].6, paZHALsta, CHAshku КОр. 6. FST.RETj:i I]1iUa �PES f palayJl]i shiSTOva. 7. past.riQlj:i I]1il]a, paZHALsta. 8. yimu NAda �Ъ СНАВ uyTI. 9. уа zhiVU па T.REj:yim etaZHE.

10. DAYji ml]e raSpIsku.

III 1. т! ZMtrakayim f palaYIl]i pERvava. 2. Уl УЕфр. POyizdam, a.ftama!Нlim, ili samaf..Otam? 3. уа qi maGU piSAT �Pт рШОМ. 4. уа gava]HL s vashim БRАtаm. 5. уа xachu CHIstuyu KOmnatu s CHIstay paSTEJyu. 6. 6n XOchit gavaJНT s nashiI]1i druZYAIJli, 7. уа аБЕdаl s t.ril\1A druZYAI]1i.

8. 6n uSHOL z dvасiтyu.$ruБf..АI]1i.

9. mf s 1'jIM CHAsta ZMtrakali v Etam .ristaRAqi. 10. О�inуи mf yir1'jOMsa v raSlyu.


1. v.riI]1iNAIJli 6n uyiZHDZHAyit, qi КТО qi ZNAyit kuDA. 2. уа ЫI v тaBКVE tolka RAS. 3. 6n T.RI RAza ЫI v амЕр1Р. 4. уа Eta yimu uzM MNOga RAZ gavaJНL. 5. уа DOLzhin sаРОz1Щiku DVATcij: apI:rj RUBf...

6. ana ZA muzhim za a1J1i;iКAN cim. 7. vf nam yishсhб qi ODdali �if..Ej:i. 8. ZAftra уа yimu napiSHU pi�MO.

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9. 6n nam раМ Ozhit. 10. 6n nam CНAsta pamaGayit.

V 1. уа vazMU yiSHCНO nimnoshka 6ta.va B!,.Uda.. 2. ana mqe qi chiVO ф' ska.ZAla. 3. уа CHAsta YEzhdzhu v maSКVU. 4. aql КAzhduyu ZImu 1:""Ефt па YUK 5. kuDA Уl YExali ka.GDA уа уав YIgil fchiRA? 6. уа bйdu рРуiZНПZ.НАТ v raSIyu КAzhdaya !,.Eta 7. оп sxapIL ka parikMA!iru. 8. papI}i �uDA! 9. РЕр paSH!,.I f SHKOlu.

10. POyist �i CHAS иуРОТ.

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