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Sponsorshippack 2015 15jul15 pdf use

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North Somerset is full of community champions.Each and every day hundreds of volunteers do their bit, often quietly and behind the scenes, to make North Somerset a better place to live for us all.

From litter picking to fundraising, being a good neighbour or caring for others, every minute they give voluntarily makes a difference to the place we have the privilege of calling home.

The Mercury Hero awards recognises and celebrates these often unsung heroes.

Each month we have been telling the stories of these very special people and organisations in our Mercury Hero features.

Many have been nominated from the local community for their selfl ess work.

We hope you will join us in celebrating and recognising these remarkable people in our community.

Event Categories

Volunteer Hero


Community Hero

Public Service Hero

Long Service Hero

Caring Hero Educational Hero

Unsung Hero

Public Choice

Environmental Hero

Fundraising Hero

Voluntary Organisation/Charity of the Year

Weekly Reach 3k +

Monthly online browsers 14k +

Monthly page views 27.5k +

Twitter followers 320 +

Facebook likes 2.6k +

Objectives of Event Sponsorship• Raise the company profi le within the community highlighting your support for the local community

• Increase and maintain awareness of your business through the North Somerset Mercury

• Inform and introduce potential new customers

• Complement existing advertising and communications strategy

Benefi ts of Events Sponsorship

This exposes your business to a wide cross section of the community and affi rms your brand values with valuable stakeholders in your business.

The North Somerset Mercury Hero Awards provide your company with an opportunity to raise your company profi le with an established and trusted source of local media.

Source: * JICREG 01/04/15; Omniture April 2015

• Logo permanently incorporated into the awards logo

• Opportunity to present the main award as sponsored

• Opportunity to have one representation on the judging panel for the awards

• Prime position table for 10 at the gala awards lunch, including four bottles of wine

• Guest speaker/keynote speaker for 3 minutes option at awards

• Full page business profi le to appear in print and on specifi c events online channel outlining involvement in awards and reasons for wanting to be involved

• Pre/post event awards association (with logo) to appear alongside/throughout editorial campaign

• Logo to appear on all promotional material pre/at and post event. To include in-paper, online and at event.

• Branding opportunities / product placement at event subject to any restrictions

• Permanent logo placement / link to your website from specifi c awards channel

• Launch to the event marketing campaign prior to awards

• Online, email and social media marketing from launch to event

• Welcome Pack for sponsor containing digital ads and HTML links to sponsorship page on awards website for self promotion

• Feedback lunch

Sponsorship OpportunitiesTitle sponsorship - £10,000

• Exclusive sponsorship of chosen awards category

• Opportunity to present the award sponsored

• Two tickets to join your sponsored winner at the awards ceremony

• Half page business profi le to appear in print and on specifi c events online channel outlining involvement in awards and reasons for wanting to be involved

• Pre / post event awards association (with logo) to appear alongside / throughout editorial campaign

• Logo to appear on all promotional material pre/at and post event. To include in-paper, online, emails, social media and at event

• Permanent logo placement / link to your website from specifi c awards channel

• Launch to event marketing campaign prior to awards

• Welcome pack for sponsor containing digital ads and HTML links to sponsorship page on awards website for self promotion

• Weekly coverage updates

• Feedback lunch

Sponsorship OpportunitiesCategory sponsorship - £1,000

• 2 tickets to the awards ceremony

• A mention in the awards programme

• Profi le / logo and contact details on the Awards website with a link to your website

• Logo on the power point presentation and on screens displayed in the drinks reception

• The option to capture attendees data in the drinks reception

• 2 tickets to the awards ceremony

• A mention in the awards programme

• Profi le / logo and contact details on the Awards website with a link to your website

• Logo on the power point presentation and on screens displayed in the drinks reception

• The option to capture attendees data in the drinks reception

Sponsorship OpportunitiesMenu - £250

Drinks Reception - £500

• 2 tickets to the awards ceremony

• A mention in the awards programme

• Profi le / logo and contact details on the Awards website with a link to your website

• Logo on the power point presentation and on screens displayed in the drinks reception

• The option to capture attendees data in the drinks reception

Sponsorship OpportunitiesTable Centres - £250
