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Sports reporting: 2nd place- Sande Bashaija, Daily Monitor

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  • 8/17/2019 Sports reporting: 2nd place- Sande Bashaija, Daily Monitor


    are ready for whichever opposition thedraw will line up against them. You aregoing to see a motivated team playingwith hunger and a lot of passion.”

    From the Ugandan camp, Tooro’sRonald Rugumayo is the reserve playerwhereas Entebbe-based Henry Lujja willsit out the opening round.

    The rest of the Adolf Muhumuza-captained side is a mixture of tried andtested, bubbly young and experiencedcrop that made it through a rigorousprovisional squad of 70 players. At 19,Ronald Otile is the youngest, whereas49-year-old Gideon Kagyenzi, the UGCGreens Keeper, is the oldest.

    There is only one debutant in Entebbe’sstalwart Martin Ochaya, who is a youngbrother to former national team starsDickson Lagoro and Ronald Kidega.

    Muhumuza, too, echoed Kamya’swords. “We are not just talking big,” saidthe 22-year-old.

    “We are only speaking our minds be-cause we believe we can do something.We know all the corners of this courseand we are eager to make the most of thishome advantage.”

    But for Uganda’s words to yield any

    fruit, they must neu-tralize the elite op-position of Zimbabwe,Namibia and primarilythat of record championsSouth Africa, who havewon 19 of the 20 editionsheld since 1995.

    “The fairways are good andthe greens are holding well,” saidSouth Africa’s Tristen Strydom.“We have been training in Argen-tina for two weeks and are definitelyhere to win again. But in golf, anythingcan happen.”

    The Longest Drive competition, spon-sored by HTC Hub, will wrap up the day’sactivities at the par-4 402-yard long18th hole. Tomorrow, teams will playtwo rounds of foursomes and four-ballbetter-ball before the delegates conveneat UGC for the Africa Zone VI CouncilMeeting.

    sportsDaily Monitor   www.monitor.co.ug

    UFL: KYU keeper scores from own b40 THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 2015

    Hagler tips Mayweather

    to defeat PacquiaoBoxing legend Marvelous Marvin Hagler saysFloyd Mayweather’s quest to break Rocky Mar-ciano’s record of most undefeated fights, giveshim an edge over Manny Pacquiao on May 2 atthe MGM Grand. Page 39

    Published and printed by Monitor Publications Ltd, a Nation Media Group Company No 29-35, 8th Street, Industrial Area, P.O.BOX 12141, Kampala. Tel 0417-744100. E-mail: [email protected], News Editor 03123

    Kyambogo University goalkeeper Joseph Etyang receives Man of the Match award after scoring the longest goal in versity Football League history. Etyang’s effort from his obox helped Kyambogo secure a 2 -0 win over Mbarara Unsity of Science and Technology.

    Team Uganda go intoZone VI with belief


    [email protected]



    7am: First round singles

    1pm: Lunch at UGC

    4pm: Longest Drive (18th hole)

    7pm: Dinner at Sheraton


    Odds are heavily stacked againstUganda but coach Amos Kamya isconfident of a good showing going

    into the Africa Zone VI Golf Champion-ship that tees off proper at the par-72Uganda Golf Club (UGC) Kitante coursethis morning.

    “We are going for maximum points.Yes, all of the eight points at stake intoday’s opening round of singles,” saidKamya after Team Uganda’s last practiceround yesterday morning.

    “We have prepared well and the guys


    Adolf Muhumuza (captain), Robert Oluba, Ronald

    Bukenya, Lawrence Muhenda, Happy Robert, Henry Lujja,

    Martin Ochaya, Gideon Kagyenzi and Ronald Otile Coach:

    Amos Kamya, Manager: Oscar Semawere

    Coach Wemali arrestedBY SANDE BSAHAIJA

    [email protected]

     KAMPALA. Athletics coach Peter Wemali isin Police custody on charges of defilement andrape. Wemali, who has been grappling with

    accusations of sexual harassment for overa year, was arrested yesterday afternoon atKibuli Police Training School.

    Sipi Region Regional Police Commander(RPC) James Ruhweza ordered Wemali’s ar-rest after medical examinations on threeunder-age national runners, who accused the

    coach of sexually assaulting them, indicatedthey were defiled.

    The runners, all attached to Police Ath-letics Camp in Kapchorwa, are aged15, 16 and 17 respectively. The ageof consent in Uganda is 18. Wemaliwas until recently the head coach ofthe Police Camp in Kapchorwa andit is suspected he defiled the girlsbetween 2013 and 2014.

    Athletics. Medical examinations confirmed that threenational runners, who accused the Uganda Policecoach of sexual harassment, were defiled.


    Team Uganda’slines up a putt at Kitante Golfyesterday. PHOTEDDIE CHICCO

  • 8/17/2019 Sports reporting: 2nd place- Sande Bashaija, Daily Monitor



    THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 2015

    sports   Daily Monitor WWW.MONITOR.CO.UG


    [email protected]

    KAMPALA. Going into the final game of therst round of the Women Elite League, Victoriaroup leaders Kawempe and Elizabeth Group’she Corporate were unbeaten.However, She Corporate who have blown

    ot and cold on the road this season fell 2-1Mityana-based side Ajax while season top

    orer (14 goals) Sandra Nabweteme’s thirdattrick of the campaign inspired Kawempe to4-0 win over Soroti’s Eastern Heroes. Hasifaassuna scored the other.

      Buikwe comfortably saw off Gafford in a4-0 drubbing as the two sides on nine pointsbefore kickoff battled for second spot in Vic-

    toria Group. Nassuna’s mother Annet Nakim-bugwe was on the score sheet but the momentbelonged to yet another hattrick hero Winnie

    Babirye. Mary Alayo’s brace inspired Alleluya to theirfirst win of the season as they beat Kakira 2-0.

     Elizabeth Group

    Goals from Goretti Namaala and MaurineAfoyo took Ajax to second place on nine pointsonly two behind now Elizabeth Group leadersWestern United, who beat Wakiso 1-0.

    Meanwhile, She Corporate are relegated tothird, level on points with She Mak but with abetter goal difference of three.

    Kawempe on the roll, She Corporate finally fall


    [email protected]

    KAMPALA. Exciting and dan-gerous almost in equal measure,accidents despite continuoussensitisation are common placein motor sport.

    For this reason, the domes-tic motorsport governing bodyFederation of Motosport Clubsof Uganda (FMU) on Tuesdayentered into partnership withKampala Executive Aviation

    (KEA) and Acute Care andEmergency Response Consor-tium (ACERC) starting withthis weekend’s rally sprint inBusiika.

    The partnership will see thetwo companies which workhand in hand, respond to medi-cal emergencies at rally eventsby airlifting the injured.

    Speaking at the launch of theevent in Kampala, FMU vicepresident Katende Mukiibi ex-pressed gratitude for the offer.

    “We are glad for the partner-ship which should be of greatbenefit to the fraternity,” hesaid.

    The two organisations con-sist of medical personnel andaviation experts that evacuatepatients by air from where theyare to places where they can betreated.

    The sprint, also the fourthround of the Clubman RallyChampionship will consist of a4.8km double circuit.

    FMU, Kampala ExecutiveAviation seal air rescue deal

    Wemali arrested, toappear in court overdefilement and rape

    The deal will see the firms respond to medical emergencies at rally events. PHOTO BY JB SSENKUBUGE


    [email protected]

    SHANGHAI.  Boxing legend Marvelousarvin Hagler says Floyd Mayeather’s

    uest to break Rocky Marciano’s recordmost undefeated fights, gives him an

    dge over Manny Pacquiao ahead of thechest fight in boxing history on May 2the MGM Grand.Mayweather is currently undefeated47 fights while heavyweight boxing

    gend Marciano never lost any of his 49

    ghts.Speaking at a press conference in

    hanghai, Hagler who was undisputedWorld Middleweight Champion from

    80 to 1987 said that desire will driveayweather all the way.“I know he wants to beat the (record ofe) greatest champion Rocky Marciano.

    e could play games and win this one,en give a rematch and he has one morebreak the record which is 50,” Hagler

    oted.However, Mayweather has already saidere will be only one more fight because,’s not fun like it used to be back then.“It’s business now and I don’t enjoy it

    nymore,” Mayweather said.These comments, according to Haglere just the usual bargaining tools and he

    xpects “Money” to get the 50 fights.Hagler, who was inducted into the In-rnational Boxing Hall of Fame, however,ys in Pacquiao, Mayweather faces theughest opponent of his career.“Mayweather is a very crafty, sleek andtelligent type of fighter but then you

    ave Pacquiao, you know it takes two tongle and I expect Pacquiao to bring the

    est out of Mayweather which shouldve us a good fight,” he said.Hagler’s comments are in stark con-ast to those of his former rival John

    The Beast” Mugabi who, while speak-g in Kampala early this year, dismissedayweather as a great fighter.Hagler knocked out Mugabi in the 11thund on 10th March 1986 at Caesar’s Pal-e in Las Vegas to retain the WBC, WBA

    nd IBF middleweight titles.A year later, Hagler lost to Sugar Ray

    eornard at the same venue, and retired


    Hagler tips

    Mayweatherover Pacquiao

    Rape and defilement are capital ofences, which attract a death sentenceCourt, however, has the discretion to giva lighter sentence depending on the circumstances.

    “We carried out examinations witour Police surgeon in Mbale on Mondaand the report indicates that all the girllost their virginity. Since they accusethe coach, we had to arrest him. He is thprime suspect. There is no smoke withoufire. We have preferred charges of defilement and rape against him. Let him provhis innocence in court,” Ruhweza tol

     Daily Monitor   in a telephone interviewyesterday.

    Wemali spent several hours incarcerated at Jinja Road Police before beintransferred to Kapchorwa last night.

    Ruhweza said he will be produced ithe Kapchorwa Chief Magistrate’s Courtoday. By press time, the Police wermaking arrangements to put the coacthrough the necessary medical check-upWemali has been the biggest newsmakein Uganda’s athletics since last Marcwhen female junior national team runners accused him of sexually harassinthem during a training camp in Bukwahead of the Africa Cross-country Championships.

    The Kipsiro cry

    The girls confided in national team captain, Moses Kipsiro, revealing to him thaWemali advised them to get pregnant anabort after three months in order to rubetter. Others claimed he physically as

    saulted them.Kipsiro demanded that the coach i

    fired and investigated but that put thstar runner at loggerheads with UgandAthletics Federation (UAF).

    The Commonwealth Games gold medalist was dropped from the team tharepresented Uganda at the World HaMarathon Championships in Copenhagen, Denmark. UAF later said they cleareWemali after thorough investigations bua Police report indicated he made sexuaadvances on a female athlete and usevulgar language during training sessions.

    Accusations against the coach resurrected last month after Kipsiro claimehe sent him a life-threatening phone message.

    Last week, a stakeholders meeting waheld in Kapchorwa and the three girlmade confessions that the coach defilethem. Ruhweza, only in Sebei Region fotwo months, said he was moved by thgirls’ confessions during the meeting anpromised to arrest the coach after investigations.

    “We were told there is another youngirl, who he impregnated and forced tabort. We are still trying to trace herRuhweza said yesterday.

    Olympic and world marathon champion Stephen Kiprotich, who hails fromKapchorwa, told Daily Monitor  in a receninterview that Wemali has ruined severacareers by fathering children with promising runners.

    “I don’t know why UAF is shieldinhim because he is a wrong character. Thpeople in Kapchorwa don’t like him,” Kiprotich said.



    Victoria Group

    Kawempe 4-0 E. Heroes

    Buikwe 4-0 GaffordAlleluya 2-0 Kakira


    Elizabeth Group

    Ajax 2-1 She Corporate

    Wakiso 0-1 Western United

    UCU 0-1 She Mak


    [email protected]

    KAMPALA. Kyambogo andMakerere universities havehad a good run in this season’sNile Special University FootballLeague.

    The two sides that have a long

    rivalry in the league are cur-

    rently tied on points at the topof the table separated only bygoal difference.

    Kyambogo coach, Deo Sser-wada says home advantage andpast records will count for noth-ing when the two sides face offespecially as Makerere is cur-rently having a good run.

    Makerere’s Douglas Bamwey-

    ana, wants to leave Kyambogowith atleast a win.

    Meanwhile, yesterday UgandaMartyrs University and KampalaUniversity drew 1-all in Nkozi.

    Moses Buga had put the visi-tors ahead in the 33rd minutebefore Nkozi’s Godfrey Ochanpulled off the equaliser through

    a penalty in the 66th minute.

    Makerere, Kyambogo meet in varsity league
