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Spring 2010 hallucinogens morgan allison

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Hallucinogens Hallucinogens By: Allison Cullers & Morgan Smith

HallucinogensHallucinogensBy: Allison Cullers & Morgan Smith

What it isWhat it is Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD, Acid, Blotter)

Psilocybin (Magic Mushrooms, Shrooms)

Phencyclidine (PCP, Angel Dust, Boat, Ozone, Wack)

Ecstasy (E, X, XTC)


How they are How they are mademade

Hallucinogens may be synthetic (man made) or organic (occurring in nature, such as certain plants)

Mescaline can be naturally extracted from peyote cactus

New synthetic hallucinogens are more potent than naturally occurring counterparts

Forms of these DrugsForms of these DrugsLiquid Form



Blotting Paper

Squares of Gelatine


Psilocybin (Shrooms)

Ecstasy Pills

EffectsEffectsBlurred vision; Increased breathing rate;

Sense of relaxation and feeling of well-being; feelings of panic;

Dizziness; Increased heart rate and blood pressure;

Nausea and vomiting; Increased body temperature and sweating



In 2008, 3.3 % of 8th Graders and 5.5 10th Graders Reported ever trying hallucinogens over their lifetime

Statistics Cont.Statistics Cont.

Adolescents aged 10 through 14 are those most likely to begin using drugs and alcohol, and the afternoon hours between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. are when most new drug use by youth this age occurs

Hallucinogens UsersHallucinogens Users

  State Prisoners Federal Prisoners

1997 2004 1997 2004

At time of offense

      1.8%      2.0%      0.8%      1.9%

In month before offense

  4.0   5.9   1.7   5.8


11.3 13.3   6.4 11.9

Ever in lifetime

28.7 32.9 19.0 25.9

* Used drugs at least once a week for at least a month

Long Term UseLong Term Use

‘Flashbacks', which can happen days, weeks, months or even years after taking the drug

They feel like they have been transported back in time and space

They may experience distortions of their present reality.

Drugs that play havoc with your brain can totally mess up your life.

"You've got to help me," Raphael said, grabbing the emergency room doctor's arm. "The leprechauns are everywhere.“

Restraining the terrified teen took five people. The "friend" who'd dropped Raphael off in the hospital parking lot didn't stick around to tell anyone what he'd taken.

Hallucinogen Story

Story Cont.His skin was flushed and dry. Within minutes, he went into seizures. Finally a doctor with special toxicology training connected Raphael's rantings about little people to the hallucinogen jimsonweed. With no time to spare, the ER team gave Raphael medicine that saved his life.





