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Spring 2011 Blend

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Blend Magazine, an NSPA/Ball State University partnership publication.
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Spring 2011 // Volume 5 // Issue 2 // Ball State Produced
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Spring 2011 // Volume 5 // Issue 2 // Ball State Produced

Page 2: Spring 2011 Blend

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Page 3: Spring 2011 Blend

table l of contents

blendblend welcome l brian hayesThere has been a lot of discus-sion recently about education reform. Many states are cur-rently considering new legisla-tion addressing private school vouchers, charter school fund-ing and labor/union laws. Public schools across the country are cutting millions of dollars out of their operating budgets each year because the money they re-ceive from the state and federal government is shrinking. While school districts are doing every-thing they can to save teachers, some school programs are be-ginning to be impacted. Fund-ing for extracurricular activities and non-core course offerings is getting harder to maintain.

There is a bit of hope, however, at an inner-city high school in Indianapolis. Broad Ripple Mag-net High School for the Arts and Humanities opened in fall 2009 as a new magnet school option for Indianapolis Public School students. With four magnet pro-grams in Humanities, Perform-ing Arts, Visual Arts and Media Communications, students can get a strong education in a field they are interested in while meeting state graduation requirements for an academic honors diploma.

In just two years, student publi-cations adviser Kathy Jesse has coached her students how to

tell journalistic stories in both print and online. Recently, The Riparian, Broad Ripple’s student newspaper, won nine Colum-bia Scholastic Press Association gold circles for online journal-ism ranging from breaking news coverage to online video. This is the first national award for the Media Communications Magnet Program at Broad Rip-ple and the first for an IPS school in a number of years.

Under strong leadership from the media communications teachers and staff, Broad Ripple is on the verge of creating the most comprehensive media communications program in the state. With courses in broad-cast news, cinematography, digital editing, media law, inter-active media and newspaper/yearbook journalism, students in the magnet program are get-ting the first-hand experience they need to study media at a post-secondary institution and to pursue careers in the com-munications field.

This issue’s classroom spotlight features Broad Ripple’s student newspaper, The Riparian (page 12). Authored by student editor Arriel Vinson, her insights give us a glimpse into the life and times of working on student publications in a growing inner-city magnet program.

Brian Hayes is the director of Secondary Education at Ball State University. He is a former adviser of student publications at Lawrence North High School in Indianapolis. Hayes has worked professionally for several newspapers.


6ask kim


11q&a with Myra Borshoff Cook12-15welcome to... Broad Ripple HS18-22creating buzz

24-26time crunch

28-30graphics of the year

31more online

Spring 2011Volume 5 Issue 2

Blend Magazinec/o Department of Journalism

Ball State UniversityMuncie, IN 47306


EDITORMegan McNames




Logan AimoneKim Green

Arriel VinsonAndrea Giacalone

OFFICE STAFFSarah Bergsieker

Anna Kaiser

DESIGNERChelsea Kardokus

Blend Magazine is published by the Secondary Education Services office at Ball State University. Call

765-285-8900 for advertising information. You can always

e-mail the staff at [email protected].

FOR NSPALogan Aimone

executive director

Emily Griesser member services director

Kathy Hutingcontest/critique coordinator

Marc Woodcommunications director

Suzanne Taberadministrative assistant

Tahera Mamdaniaccountant

FIRST AMENDMENTCongress shall make no law

respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging

the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a

redress of grievances.

Page 4: Spring 2011 Blend

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Test Tube TeachingChemistry teacher Kurt Haldeman brings a new, experimental approach to his classroom, inspiring students to learn. News, Page 3.


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Photo by Kathryn Joe.

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Page 5: Spring 2011 Blend

nspa l logan aimone

Logan Aimone is the executive director of the National Scholastic Press Association.

Doubletrucks: Plan aheadIt happens all the time, and it’s probably happened to you: “What should we have for this month’s double truck?”

The idea of filling two full newspaper pages on a sin-gle topic is intimidating, and many staffs believe they must run an in-depth story each issue. Associations, like NSPA, who run contests bear some responsibility for the idea that the natural spread in a newspaper has to be some sort of in-depth coverage. It doesn’t. In fact, it shouldn’t unless the topic really merits two full pages. One-page features can be handled very well. Additionally, organize the paper in a way that allows for flexibility — one-pagers as the default and double-trucks when necessary.

One way to structure the paper is to develop sections that will yield specific content. Some ideas:

• You probably have a sports section, but do you have a page for leisure? The leisure page could cover every-thing that isn’t a school sport — hiking, video games, Ultimate Frisbee, Scouting, hobbies.

• Develop a page on health, and you will never have a shortage of topics. Scour newspapers such as The New York Times, which offer a bounty of national news items with health-related news pegs. Localize them. To do this, simply ask questions: Is this happening here?

Why? What do our readers need to know about this? Why? I guarantee you could find something health-related to write about (and localize) every week.

• Try a section on something that is of high interest to your student readership. Why not a section about family or faith? Maybe you could have a series of sto-ries that showcase the activities families do together. Make it a quick-read format and go photograph the family. A few of these could be prepared at once and printed over several issues.

• Teens are just entering the world of money and fi-nance, and they need more consumer education. A series of helpful stories on how to get a checking ac-count, be disciplined about saving money, get a credit card, buy a car (and the insurance) or rent an apartment would be of great value to your readers. Alternate story forms would make these more approachable.

Once you have structured the paper into sections such as these, the story idea-generation process is easier. Instead of asking “What should we write about for the double truck this month?” you’re now asking “What can we cover for leisure?” “What’s the most important health story this month?” For a winter issue in leisure, do a creative take on some snow sport. As the weath-er warms, switch to other pursuits: horseback riding, hiking, geocaching, etc. Health in the spring could be how students cope with allergies. It’s important to find students to use as your “representative sample” — kids at school who tell the story. Otherwise you just have an encyclopedia report on the topic — boring and useless and something no one will read.

When the editors commit to a section like those men-tioned above, it forces better content overall. You have to develop a structure of sections that works for your paper and your school. Don’t just get locked into News, Opinion, Features, Sports (and sometimes A&E). Think about what your readers need and want, and create a paper that serves them. Content ideas will come naturally.

And when you really need two pages to tell an in-depth story with multiple components, it will be obvi-ous. Your discipline in providing the most appropriate space for each story will pay off.

Spring 2011 | Blend Magazine | 5

Expand your coverage by brainstorming new sections. The Redwood Bark at Redwood HS in Larkspur, Calif., won an NSPA Design of the Year award for their double-truck on summer jobs (shown above).

Page 6: Spring 2011 Blend

ask l kim

With winter a distant, dismal mem-ory and summer shimmering on the horizon, this issue’s question is a great one! Then, take a quick course in four errors to fix immedi-ately! Here we go!

Sam: I’m in a rut in journalism. My adviser talked me into giving staff another try next year, but I’m not sure. I know I get some important life skills from being involved in it, but is it really worth all the stress?

Kim: Sam, are you trying to get me to talk you into trying again? Hey, just as with any dilemma, multiple solutions exist — and that fact can make life easier or harder, depend-ing on any number of factors, so I’ll address your request in a couple of ways.

The ‘Tough loVe’ anSwerNo. If you have to be “talked into giving staff another try,” it doesn’t sound like you really want to do it. Don’t. Journalism is an elective not a required course. It’s not for everyone. If everyone could handle it, everyone would take it. Do your-self, your staff and your adviser (whether he or she realizes it) a fa-vor and leave it off next year’s class schedule. Will next year be stress-free without it? No. But at least you won’t be short-changing or fun-sucking the life from the publica-tions room whining about it.

The ‘fInd The loVe’ anSwerTime for reflection! Sit down and write out answers to a few ques-

tions. Why did you get involved in journalism to begin with? What do you like best about it? What are your best memories of being in-volved? Complete this statement starter 10 (arbitrary number) times with specific affirmations about your involvement. “I like journalism because. . .” If you haven’t found the love and talked yourself into stick-ing around for another year, don’t put it on your schedule!

The ‘loVe The lIST’ anSwerClean sheet of paper. Two head-ings: Reasons to stay, Reasons to split. Longest list wins.

The real dealYou’re in high school. Does decid-ing not to take a class that causes you stress ruin your life? Nope. Does the decision prevent you from becoming a journalist? Not necessarily. Know yourself. Know what you need and what motivates you. Know what cripples you. That knowledge will serve you better than anything someone else is try-ing to talk you into doing. (And if your adviser sees your potential enough to try to convince you to stay, that wise soul will also leave a door or a window open should you decide to change your mind. I know I always do!)

SPrIng cleanIng TIPSLooking to spiff up some things in your journalism repertoire? Here are four suggestions to make you look smarter.

1. Put that comma or period inside the quote marks every single time.

This has never been correct: “But I am a punctuation rebel”, John said.

2. Get rid of indefinite pronouns. Their very name should strike them forever from journalistic writing. Specifics rule, of course, but that’s not the reason to dump the indefi-nites. It’s about pronoun/anteced-ent agreement.

This has never been correct: Every-body should grab their noisemakers and come to the game.

Everybody is singular; it means “ev-ery single person.” Their is plural. A no-no! But. . . Everybody should grab his or her noisemakers and come to the game is clumsy. Get rid of the indefinite pronoun and bad style disappears: Fans should grab their noisemakers and head to the game.

3. Every day is an adverb; everyday is an adjective. Know the difference. I don’t get on Facebook everyday; I get on it every day. It is an everyday occurrence. Substitute daily, which can be either an adjective or an ad-verb, if you can’t distinguish.

4. And for good measure, this has never been correct:

By: John T. Journalist

Prepositions are not separated from their objects by punctuation.

You don’t say “Hey, are you going to: the concert tonight?” “Are you writing a story about: teen root beer parties?” “Will you go with: me to: prom?”

Should I stay or should I go?

Kim Green directs the student publications at Columbus (Ind.) North High School. A 2006 Dow Jones Newspaper Fund Distinguished Adviser of the Year and 2009 JEA Distinguished Yearbook Adviser of the Year, the publications Green’s stu-dents create are consistent award winners.

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Spring 2011 | Blend Magazine | 7

q & a l myra borshoff cook

Myra Borshoff Cook, APR, is the founding principal at Borshoff, a full-service pub-lic relations firm located in Indianapolis.

Borshoff serves a wide range of clients including the Indianapolis Colts, City National Bank and Wishard Health Services.

So you want to go into PR...what kind of skills do students need in order to be prepared for the Pr field?

Our firm will be 26 years old this year. And I would say that the requirements today are no different than the requirements for when we started. And that is you need to be able to think and write. And we continue to be amazed at the number of students who come out, some even with public relations degrees, who think that they can be in public relations and not write. Plus, writing is an extension of your ability to think and or-ganize and strategize.

how is the public relations field different from what high school students might be doing at their high school publications?

I think in some ways it’s not enormously different than journalism. It’s obviously a different environment, but at the core of what you’re doing, it’s a communications job. And I tell people we’re in the communications business, and our job is to figure out what the client wants to do, wants to accomplish, then identify the audiences that can help get that done … So it’s prob-ably more directed than journalism in that journalists have a job of telling people fair and balanced stories about what’s happening in their community. Public relations practitioners are generally working for a cor-poration, or it might be an organization. It could be a state agency or a variety of different types of entities. They will come to you to get some help on how they can be better at what they do.

what does a public relations practitioner do and how did you get into the field?

I never took a journalism class in high school … I just worked on the yearbook and kind of liked it and ended up going to college, intending to be an English teach-er. My degree is in secondary education and I have a journalism minor. Thank God I have a journalism mi-nor because I don’t know what I would have done. The university didn’t have any public relations courses when I was an undergraduate there. It’s amazing how it’s changed. I think that the public relations profes-sion wasn’t as well developed 40 years ago when I was an undergraduate.

People are beginning to understand and appreciate that someone who is an expert in communications ought to be at the table with the financial guy and the HR Person, and the operations manager and the law-yer and the CEO and all the other people when they’re talking about business strategy, business change, business problems. You really need to have somebody

that has that point of view because it’s different than most other aspects of business.

what advice would you give to high school stu-dents interested in pursuing public relations?

We’ve had some high school students who have come in and have shadowed someone for an afternoon or a morning and whether it’s somebody working in an agency or it’s somebody working in a corporation, or it could be somebody working for a not-for-profit orga-nization, there are lots of different places where public relations has a presence.

And I think that if you live in a community where there is a PRSA (Public Relations Society of America) chapter or even PRSSA which is a student organization, just check and see if you could go to a meeting of theirs and hear one of their programs. They usually meet year-round and while when you’re in high school you can’t always get away for a luncheon, you could prob-ably in June, July or August.

And I think even I learn a lot from reading the news-paper every day and I read a lot of things from the perspective of “how would I handle this situation and I wonder how that’s working and I wonder where this story will go.” To follow a story and see how it develops I think can be a really good exercise in sort of under-standing the dynamics of the company over here and the journalist over here on this side.

any other helpful information for our high school readers?

Go to a website of any large organization and pretend that you’re a reporter looking for something. There’s usually either a news section or a media section or something that has news releases that have been issued, it might have fact sheets that have been de-veloped, it might have stories about programs that the company has been involved with. All of that stuff comes from someplace, and it usually comes from the public relations department.

Talk to your parents and if your parents work for a company or are teachers or work at a hospital, it’s highly likely that they’ve got somebody within those businesses who is in charge of that; it might be in the personnel division where somebody is in charge of employee communications or it could be in the inves-tor relations division, or it could be in advertising. It could be in corporate communications or it could end up in a lot of places but it’s probably likely that there’s somebody like me everywhere.

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8 | Blend Magazine | Spring 2011

As a journalist, your job is to tell a story. But sometimes, explaining complex data through words can be difficult — this is

when an infographic can explain information and tell the story. Graphics are great visual tools for telling readers about huge amounts of information in a simpler way.

An infographic is any visual presentation of statistical data. It helps you, the writer, tell the story.

Your student body enjoys the photos and stories on the pages you publish. But to engage your audience one step further, use infographics. Here are a few tips to keep in mind while designing infographics:

Research your topic. As a journalist, you must research all your infographics thoroughly. The data must be presented and backed by facts. Once you have your data, you must sift through and condense what you have. Look for comparisons that go along with your story. Also, remember who your demographic is and who will be using and looking at your infographic.

Choose the right graphic format. Decide which type of graphic would best help you share the story to your readers. There are multiple types of formats such as a graph, pie chart, map or diagram.

Maintain proportions. A slice of a pie chart representing 25 percent of something should be half as large as another slice showing 50 percent. Don’t use software tools that skew or distort the size of your chart elements and don’t just guess!

Give information in multiple ways. If 30 percent of students responded favorably to a survey question, how many students was that? Was it 100 or 1000? Always include the total number of students surveyed.

Infographics serve as another method of effective story telling. They help you to creatively share visual data with your readers.

By Andrea Giacalone

the info oninfographics

Giacalone is a junior journalism graphics major at Ball State University. She is a designer for Ball Bearings Magazine, a blogger for CommLink and an Ingelhart Scholar at Ball State.

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Spring 2011 | Blend Magazine | 9

The parts of an infographicHeader: A headline is mandatory for all infographics.

Subhead copy: The subhead is here to explain the relation between the written story and the infographic that you have designed.

Chatter: The chatter is the body copy of the graphic. In this graphic to the right, it explains that the graph shows each symptom of the common cold.

Graphic: The graphic should always be the dominate image. Yes, your text is important, but the point of using an infographic is for the readers to understand the story visually.

Byline: Don’t forget to give credit to the designer. In the design to the right, credit is given in the bottom, right-hand corner.

Source Credit: You must give credit to the sources that you used when researching the infographic. This helps the reader understand where the information came from and adds credibility to your graphic. In the graphic to the left, credit is given in the bottom, left-hand corner.

The Common ColdSymptoms & What to Look forIt is that time of year again. Sniffling students are all over campus. If you notice some of these symptoms, grab a tissue. Chances are you have a cold.

Source: www.mayoclinic.com/health/common-cold Christine Bradway

Nasal congestion

Itchy or sore throat


Runny or stuffy nose

Slight body aches

Mild fatigue

Chest congestion

Watery eyes


Low-grade fever


Soothe your cold...• Stay rested• Blow your nose• Take Tylenol and/or decongestants• Drink warm liquids• Take a warm bath• Keep a balanced diet

You may feel like you have more tears than normal.

You may feel like you don’t have much energy.

Your body may feel achy due to the extra work your immune system is doing.

The congestion of phlegm and mucus causes you to cough.

Your chest may feel congested due to the excess fluid in your lungs.

We sneeze as a reflex to remove bacteria and other germs.

Low grade fevers help our body fight off infections.

different types of infographics

17.0 - 21.5

22.2 - 24.9

25.1 - 28.0

28.8 - 34.0

34.8 - 47.2

U.S. BACHELOR’S DEGREES BY STATEPercentage of people 25 years and over who have completed a bachelor’s degree in the U.S.

Data collected from U.S. Census Bureau 2006-2008






7.5 - 11.

13.3 - 15.

16.2 - 20.

21.5 - 31.

35.7 - 53.

No data

BACHELOR’S DEGREES IN INDIANAPercentage of people 25 years and over who have completed a bachelor’s degree in Indiana


TOP-RANKED COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES IN THE U.S.50 colleges and universities have been rated the best by usnews.com

Do you attend a top college?

In today’s world, it is rare that one can find a high-paying job with only a high school education. Factory jobs from forty years ago are no longer in demand. Instead, it is important that we have a wide base of knowledge in more than one area or field.

Higher education is not only beneficial to land-ing a better job. Attending college provides you with experience, resources and the opportunity to explore your interests.

17.3%of people 25 years and

older in the U.S. have at least a bachelor’s degree

U.S. Census Bureau 2006-2008

Data collected from U.S. Census Bureau 2006-2008

Top 10





Purdue UniversityTippecanoe County

Purdue UniversityBoone County

Hamilton County

Indiana UniversityMonroe County

DelawareCountyBall State University

Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis

Marion County

Check out other infographics you can use in your newspaper and yearbooks to tell your story

by the numbers

8percent of the study body voted last week in the student government elections.






ng th

e fo


ll ga



re th

e Co


s w

on 1

4-7. 12

weeks until finals week and winter break! Get to studying!

A by the numbers pull out box is an easy way to get out general information and news to the student body in a visually exciting way.

Maps are a great way to show where the gradu-ating seniors are headed off to college. This is a fun, easy way to present the information to the student body that isn’t as daunting as a huge list stating where everyone is going.

Popular Social networking Sites

41 32 30 29













Graphs, such as bar and pie charts, are a great way to visually get out information dealing with numbers and comparisons.






Page 10: Spring 2011 Blend

10 | Blend Magazine | Spring 2011

By Tom Gayda

There is a certain excitement that comes with attending a state, region-al or national journalism convention. Of course, you are out of school for a day or two, but during that time you get to interact with other like-minded students from other schools, allowing you to share ideas and recharge your journalistic batteries.

Every conference or convention can be beneficial, if you plan ahead and have a game plan. Let’s take a look at my top student tips for convention at-tending. You’re guaranteed to have an outstanding time!

1. The grass is always greener?It often seems the grass is always greener on the other side, but remem-ber, when you attend a session, you are hearing someone talk about their “best of.” I can remember as a student attending a conference and hear-ing about a staff that had couches, a fridge in the room and parties nearly every day. That all sounded great, but it quickly got me down about my own staff, despite all the good things we had going.

Today, my own students get excited when they hear things at a conven-tion that sound too good to be true. Even I let my jaw drop from time to time, but having been around the block enough times I now realize that you always take the good with the bad. Don’t get too down when you think everyone else is better. You’re likely only hearing part of the story.

Each staff has unique upsides and touchy downsides. I doubt there is such a thing as a perfect staff, so tread carefully. There is likely a student who

would rather be on your staff than the one they are on, so while the grass may always seem greener, it might not always hold true.

2. Thank your adviser.There is a lot of work that goes into planning a field trip to attend a confer-ence, so take a minute and make sure to thank your adviser either in person or with a short note. Advising can be a thankless job, so make sure to show a little appreciation and your adviser will be quite appreciative back.

3. when your questions are answered…Convention sessions are great for inter-acting with speakers who can provide fresh insight into an issue or problem you are facing at your school. Remem-ber, though: Not every problem can be solved during a 50-minute session. If you have an issue and the session has provided time for questions, un-derstand that the presenter will do his or her best to help, but might not pro-vide the answer you want.

I’ve gotten to the point at sessions to let kids know that I am happy to take questions, however in the interest of getting to as many questions as possi-ble, to please ask follow-ups after the session. There have been times when I have been asked about a staff dispute or legal problem that goes something like this:

“Tom, our two editors are always fighting. They used to date and now that they broke up all they do is fight and I am left to do all the work.”

“Hmm, that’s too bad. Have you dis-cussed this with your adviser?”

(Pet peeve alert: A first idea has been

presented for you to solve a problem. But it isn’t what you wanted to hear, so you keep going…)

“Our adviser loves the editors and won’t want to hear what we have to say about them.”

“My guess is your adviser would be open to a discussion if it is affecting your class. Is there perhaps another student who could go with you to talk to your adviser?”

(And still not making the attendee happy…)

“He only likes the editors.”

“Sometimes it is tough, but you have to stand-up for what you believe in, and if you believe the editors are a problem, a major problem, you should discuss with your adviser.”

This conversation could go on and on. I am not sure what answer the student was looking for short of me saying, “Al-low me to move halfway across the country, get your adviser fired, get hired at your school and then fire your editors!”

My point: be flexible, don’t monopo-lize time and understand not every question can be answered to your lik-ing in 30 seconds.

4. You are not the first kids to attend a convention. Be mind-ful of your surroundings.For years I have said that as soon as you take kids out of state, no matter how good of kids they are at school, they go weird.

So … if you are from even the small-est of towns, do some research ahead of time so you know what to expect.


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Spring 2011 | Blend Magazine | 11

Elevators have been in use for years. Tipping at hotels is appropriate. Walk-ing the wrong way on an escalator isn’t clever. Running in crowded halls is not fun. Getting up en masse while a speaker is presenting is rude.

Additionally, be extra mindful of cell phone etiquette. Speak respectfully to people and be patient. Convention trips can be a lot of fun, but make sure you do your part, too.

5. Be a sponge.We’ve established that getting out of

school can be a great reward, how-ever don’t spend an entire convention avoiding the good stuff. Don’t just at-tend sessions, but take notes so you can share with your classmates. Sketch designs. Take down web addresses. Be an active listener. When you get back to school, share what you have learned with the kids who didn’t attend the conference. And speaking of that…

6. don’t go exclusive.Chances are not everyone from your staff will get to attend the conven-tion. When you return to school don’t

focus on the inside jokes you and the kids who attended have created. Share what you have learned with everyone, and perhaps grab some small sou-venirs to give to the kids who stayed home. The experience should be about making your publication better, so avoid doing things that might divide the staff instead of unite it.

There are no doubt dozens of other tips that can help you plan for a suc-cessful convention trip, but these six are a good start for you to get the most out of your exciting experience.

Attending conventions is a great way to learn about other programs, generate ideas for your publication and im-prove your journalism skills. But don’t forget about the students who stay home – take notes and keep a journal of your ideas to share with your staff when you return to school. Photo by Megan McNames

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NEWSROOM12 | Blend Magazine | Spring 2011

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The staff of The riparian give us a look at life in their Indianapolis Magnet High School. «

Spring 2011 | Blend Magazine | 13

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12 Blend

Broad Ripple Magnet High School for the Arts and Humanities has an enrollment of 1,112 students. For the 2010 school year, the student

Riparianonline.orgJournalism students at Broad Ripple Magnet

High School also contribute to the school’s online

publication, The Riparian Online. Students use the

Wordpress content management system to publish

stories throughout the semester. Students also con-

tribute slideshows and videos to the site.

By Arriel Vinson

There is no “normal” day with the Riparian publication. Some days the staff is full of stress, and other days we are full of ideas! From working on yearbook to updating the website constantly, we stay busy. I wouldn’t trade the experience with this staff for anything.

Being a new program, I feel there’s a lot of room for improvement, but I know it will take time. Our news magazine is quite small, about 8-12 pages, and is printed monthly. Students seem to like to read it.

Mrs. Jesse, my adviser, and I are working to find new ways to get students engaged and reading our stories. We have created a Facebook page and a Twitter account to spark more interest among the student body. Luring students to our website is our biggest obstacle, but we try our best to promote our publications and get the word out about each new issue.

When “yearbook season”, as I call it, be-

gins, the staff is on a mission 24/7. Every-day at school we are writing stories and researching new information. If we aren’t ID-ing a picture, we are collecting quotes to jazz up a yearbook page, or Mrs. Jesse and I are sending a staff member out to take pictures of events.

I love to design yearbook pages and help out staff members when they’re stuck and don’t know what else to do with a page. Yearbook time can be one of the most stressful times of the year in high school journalism. I can admit, we will bicker and disagree when a page is not done or there are no pictures for a spread. In the end, however, all the hard work we put into the yearbook shows. Staff members seem to enjoy covering the life and times of at-tending our magnet school in the year-book (plus, we get in the events for free).

Not everything is all fine and dandy with our staff though. Sometimes, staff mem-bers are not enthusiastic about new ideas or stories and I feel like I’m a weirdo for enjoying journalism so much. I sometimes

StaffingOne staff contributes to both The Ripar-ian and Riparian Online, while a second staff contributes to the yearbook. Many students work for both staffs.

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newspaper, The Riparian, won nine Columbia Scholastic Press Association gold circles for online journalism ranging from breaking news to online video.

feel clueless as to how to get students mo-tivated. So, I struggle when it seems like no one wants to work, or no one cares. There are times when the staff is amped up to do something new. It’s like a roller coaster — the staff’s feelings about the publication go up and down. It also seems that we are spreading ourselves thin. Our small staff manages the yearbook, website and the news magazine.

For example, if we devote too much time to the yearbook, then our news magazine suffers. With us being a new program,

everyone works on all publications. As you can imagine, it takes a lot of work, time and effort to keep all of this running.

All in all, I love working on publications and everything that comes with it. We may go through stressful times, since we are new, but you live and learn. I am determined to make the staff better next year, and better myself. Everyone can improve, and there is progress to be made with the yearbook, news magazine and website. A day in the life of a Riparian staff member is never nor-mal, but that’s the fun of it all.

Media studiesStudents at Broad Ripple Magnet High School can graduate from a specialized program in media communications.

Spring 2011 | Blend Magazine | 15

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CELEBRATING A SINGLE SCHOOL YEAR CAN BE A LIFETIME COMMITMENT.It takes a special person to help teenagers with no experience in publishing turn their � rst yearbook project into a timeless classic, but that’s the challenge for adviser Susie Weidner.

While her expertise and limitless energy give her students a head start, Susie knows there are new challenges that arise with each yearbook. Fortunately, Susie also knows that Herff Jones is always there to support her and her students.

Our knowledgeable representatives get to know the little things that make each school unique. We offer new ideas and smarter ways to make a yearbook come alive. And we are genuinely committed to providing trusted solutions that make a difference for Susie today. So her students will have something truly special tomorrow.



© 2011 Her� Jones, Inc.


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CELEBRATING A SINGLE SCHOOL YEAR CAN BE A LIFETIME COMMITMENT.It takes a special person to help teenagers with no experience in publishing turn their � rst yearbook project into a timeless classic, but that’s the challenge for adviser Susie Weidner.

While her expertise and limitless energy give her students a head start, Susie knows there are new challenges that arise with each yearbook. Fortunately, Susie also knows that Herff Jones is always there to support her and her students.

Our knowledgeable representatives get to know the little things that make each school unique. We offer new ideas and smarter ways to make a yearbook come alive. And we are genuinely committed to providing trusted solutions that make a difference for Susie today. So her students will have something truly special tomorrow.



© 2011 Her� Jones, Inc.


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Not 15 minutes into the last class of the day, another student burst through the doors of C-2. Seeing me mid-lesson at the doc cam, she paused, smiled sheepishly and waited.

“Yes?” I asked with raised eyebrows and a slightly annoyed expression. “Um, we were wondering if you had any more copies of The Roar.” As it turned out, we didn’t. Journalism staffers passed out copies of the news magazine at break that morn-ing, tapped into the secret reserve stash at lunch, and by the start of last block had parted with copies usually reserved for advertisers and exchanges.

Everything was gone.

The student returned to her class disappointed, but I smiled inside. People were reading the paper. They wanted copies. They were talking about it. 

It wasn’t always like this. In fact, despite cover-age of important topics and professional-looking design, it took about five years for the news maga-zine at Whitney (Calif.) High School to evolve into a relevant and popular commodity on campus, which was a bit odd considering that the yearbook had been a sellout sensation since day one.     Yearbook is a big deal to us, and luckily it’s a pretty big deal at our school. But the Details staff works at creating a buzz and keeping the momentum.    “Each year the book has become even more about what people want and seeing how they re-ally are,” editor Katie Rogers said. “It’s important for students to see what we make for them as we’re making it, because everything we do is for them.”     Whether your publication is new or just in need of a boost, promotion can make a big difference in generating the buzz you desire. Looking to in-crease readership, boost sales, recruit staff, expand coverage? Sharing ideas can kick-start your publi-cations staffs into spreading the excitement, just as it did for us. It boils down to four key concepts.

By Sarah Nichols

Get word out about your publication in just four easy steps


Page 20: Spring 2011 Blend

“Promoting your publication and promoting your staff are two different things, but they directly benefit each other. Wear staff shirts, not just for distribu-tion events but on a regular basis so that kids at your school start to identify members of the student press. Accord-ing to staffer Kelci Davis, journalists at Francis Howell Central (Mo.) have five staff shirts this year. 

utilize morning announce-ments, bulletin boards and hallways or high-profile areas to post photos, pages or teasers from upcom-ing stories. (Here’s where social media plays an important role, but we’ll get to that in a moment.)

Jump on any special opportuni-ties – or create your own. While yearbook is not a “club“ on campus, our yearbook staff runs a carnival-like booth at Club Rush with face painting, photos, prizes, games, surveys and other enticements in hopes of bringing every student our way during the hour-long club event. We use the opportunity to tell students about the book, ask their

opinion, promote sales and generate interest in upcoming coverage oppor-tunities. We also attend Back to School Night in the fall and Showcase Night in the spring, using every opportunity to get people excited about the book and about being part of it.

when reporters are out cover-ing an event in the commu-nity or on the sidelines at a big game, make sure they are wear-ing staff shirts and press passes to raise awareness for your publication. For big events like Homecoming or play-offs, reporters can distribute small promo cards to fans – or leave them as windshield fliers – with a message such as “For complete coverage of tonight’s game, visit us online at …” or “Amazing photos from tonight’s game will appear in the 2011 yearbook...”)

In general, the key is to main-tain a constant connection with your student body rather than isolated time periods like at each newspa-per issue distribution with nothing in be-tween. And for yearbook staffs, meeting that challenge is even more important.

1 LET pEOpLE KNOW yOU’RE OUT THERE 2For starters, get your identity out there in as many places and ways possible. From giving away promotional materials at freshman orientation to a meet-and-greet on summer registration days, be as visible as possible. Make copies of your publication available at the district office, school office, counseling office and anywhere else students and parents might visit. Every student at your school needs to know about student publications and how to get them.

“We embrace the unity and fun of T-shirts. It’s easy to tell considering we have shirts (for print, online, a joke shirt, FHC publications and 45words), and some-times we organize it to have the staff wear the same shirt. On the day the paper comes out, we all have matching paper Day shirts. This is a really easy way to create a buzz, and it’s fun showing that you’re a part of the publication,” — Kelci Davis, Francis Howell Central (Mo.)

High School

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If your publications aren’t using social media to their advantage, it’s time. In fact, it’s past time.

But since each school operates differently and school districts may be getting in the way, there are other ways to involve people in your coverage process. Make posters to hang around school asking for photos from specific events. Use a digi-tal photo frame in a display case on campus to showcase outstanding photos or to tease layouts. Create a paper survey if you can’t use Web-based sites like Survey Monkey to conduct polls.   

Focus groups create buzz, too. Select students from each grade level and all walks of life, sending them a special invitation to participate. Host a pizza luncheon or bagel/muffin breakfast as an opportunity to talk personally with these panelists. As you ask their opinions on content and coverage and use their feedback to drive decisions, you’ll build relationships and word will spread quickly that you’re a reader-driven publication with students’ best wants and needs at heart.

With the amount of time students spend

using Facebook, Twit-ter, Tumblr and other

social networking sites, it’s easier than

ever to connect with students for free. Hav-ing a profile, fan page

and new equivalent helps you stay in the

conversation. Once you’re online and

connected to a large group of students,

consider these forms of outreach:

• Solicit input about possible yearbook cover designs, themes or colors based on examples posted. [Which of these yearbook covers do you like best?] • Pose an open-ended question about coverage. [What would you like to see in the next issue?] • Measure student interest about a particular topic. [The cafeteria has a differ- ent kind of breadsticks this week. Discuss.] • Call for photo submissions. [If you’re going anywhere cool for spring break, send us your photos.] • Ask a question to find sources for interviews. [Were you at the flash mob when it happened? If you’re willing to be interviewed, please contact us!] • Comment on news to tease the publi- cation. [Great talent show tonight! Good thing we had four photographers there to bring you amazing photos in the 2011 year- book!]


You can make your publication a page and make announcements through status updates and messages. Try asking readers to comment on your content.

tHave people from your school start following your publication. Send out tweets about upcoming events, release dates and fund-raisers. Following other students at your school can also help you generate story ideas.

Use Tumblr to share informa-tion to students throughout the school. Start a blog for them to fol-low what your publication is up to and involve them in surveys, etc.




GOOGLE DOCS:Have your staff use Google Docs to generate a list of story ideas that everyone can contribute to and change. Having your whole staff contribute will help you get your resources together.

ISSUUUploading pdfs of your publica-tion to Issuu will allow people who can’t get a physical copy to read your paper and see your de-signs. Creating your own website is even better — its contents will show up in online searches.

TWEETDECK:Get the most out of Twitter with Tweetdeck. This free software lets you sift through tweets and lump tweets into categories. Creating a search for the name of your school or a hashtag many students use can help you filter out information that’s relevant to you and your staff.

Page 22: Spring 2011 Blend

At Rocklin (Calif.) High School the switch from monthly newspaper to quarterly news magazine brought a new design and the introduction of spot color on every page, but the real game changer was when the editors decided to build each issue around one theme. Going beyond the idea of a cover story and various related packages inside the issue, The Flash staff now selects one concept for each edition and every story inside follows that angle. Readers love their fresh approach and it gives a cohesive feel to the publication.

Even if the publication is top-notch and has a strong readership, staffers can push themselves. The 2010 Details editors felt a strong sense of pride in the yearbook, but they wanted to add value to the printed book and explore various forms of digital media to bring coverage to readers in new ways. This drove them to provide additional year-book content in the form of a web-site, detailsyearbook.com, which included Soundslides presentations, photo galleries on Flickr, profiles and pages linked to Issuu and the ability for students to comment.  The HiLite staff at Carmel (Ind.) High School hosted a live online chat during the State of the Union address. The chat was embedded in the news website so students could follow along with and comment on the State of the Union while reading the comments of their peers as well. Two managing editors followed along to monitor comments.

Some aspects are easy to measure and monitor, such as yearbook sales, website page views and “likes” or follow-ers on social media sites. In some other areas, though, you’ll have to rely on observation, student surveys and anecdotal evidence to learn what’s working. Creating buzz is especially important for a new publica-tions. Promotion is critical when a staff first goes online or expands the online presence. In 2009 when the Whitney High School staff started WhitneyUpdate.com, nobody knew the site existed. Driving traffic to the site was just as important as creating the site’s content, so the staff planned a blitz week of promotional activities that includ-ed giveaways, announcements, signage and costumes. Monday: Staffers arrived early to chalk the campus walkways with the website URL. They hung posters at each entrance with balloons and had a message on the morning announcements. Tuesday: After borrowing a button-making machine from a club on campus, staffers made and distributed 250 small pins with the website logo. Students also wore their staff T-shirts. wednesday: With permission from the activities director, the mascot toured campus at break and lunch to distribute candy with notes attached promoting the Facebook page and website. Staffers wore plastic armor, sombreros and capes to attract attention. Thursday: Before school, students went to each classroom to write the URL on the white board. Wear-ing homemade shirts splatter-painted with the website logo, students passed out flyers in the parking lot and left windshield notes. friday: They distributed the first print issue of the year, which had teasers to online coverage and a news story about the new website. Based on a contest promoted on Twitter, staffers gave cupcakes to the first 10 responders. After attracting visitors, the key is maintaining a steady stream of fresh content so readers have a reason to revisit the site regularly.


This [live chat] was a really cool way we could not only draw people to our website, but also encourage dialogue amongst students.

“”- HiLite editor Sara Rogers



If you’ve created a buzz about your publication, you’ll know. You’ll feel it. But as with any goal, it’s good to establish some-thing measurable and monitor your progress periodically. Early in the process, staffers should ad-dress a few key questions:

are students reading our publication?

  what’s our typical sales rate?

do we run out of copies of the paper?

do people know our url? what’s the perception/reputation of the publication around school?

“I asked every reporter (on a Monday) to invite all of his/her friends and set a goal: “500 friends by Friday” in the fall and promised the staff we would have a party if we made our goal. We had 513 friends that Friday!” — Meghan Morris, The Spoke; Conestoga (pa.) High School

“I’ve found that we especially get a lot of attention when we have press credentials to big-name bands or important events like the gubernatorial debates I went to this year or the Taylor Swift concert we published photos from.”— Zoe Newcomb, The Broadview; Convent of the Sacred Heart (San Francisco) High School

We wanted a new way of getting kids involved. In honor of Scholastic Journalism Week, we had a raffle for a column in the newspaper, allowing them to write about whatever they want.— Brittany Valencic, The Red & Black; Hillsborough (Fla.) High School

Page 23: Spring 2011 Blend




Emerging Media Journalism Classes

Learn to produce multimedia journalism using real-world techniques and software.

n Courses in multimedia include: video, audio, still photography, design

n Credit or non-credit options

n Self-paced, online classes

n Award-winning faculty

n Guest presenters from The New York Times

n See website for details on admission

Open to teachers and students

* Courses in multimedia include: video, audio, still photography, design

* Credit or non-credit options

* Self-paced, online classes

* Award-winning faculty

* Guest presenters from The New York Times

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12 123




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Spring 2011 | Blend Magazine | 25


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Avoid the crash with communicationBy Megan McNames

If meeting deadlines puts you and your staff in a panic, take a deep breath. There may not be a per-fect recipe for getting students to meet deadlines, but there are a

few things you and your staff can do. We recently asked student edi-tors and adviser Gary Lindsay of The Torch at John F. Kennedy High School in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, how they make deadlines less dreadful for everyone.




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birthday party


History test

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Article due!17 18 1



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anniversary! get roses

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meeting 7


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history test



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Enforce the deadline systemAPRIL

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Article due!

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meeting 8 am

history test



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register for class


6H tH

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math project due!

designs due


The Torch publishes every four weeks, so deadlines are pretty tight. Student editors begin planning for each issue with a staff story idea session, after which editors choose the story ideas they want to use and set first and final draft deadlines.

Editors also assign stories and photos, giving writers and pho-tographers about a week to work on the content. Students who don’t meet the final draft deadline have to come in for a Saturday morning work ses-

sion, or the following Monday or Tuesday evening before the paper is due to the printer.

“We don’t let someone get away with just not doing an assign-ment,” Michael Hoefer, manag-ing editor, said. “If it’s not in we know about it. We’ll contact them and make sure they do it the Monday or Tuesday before we go to print.”

Missed deadlines, reported to the adviser by editors, result in lowered grades.

Communicate with staff daily

Strike a balance with fun

Try high-tech accountability

Each journalism class starts with two to five minutes of an-nouncements from editors about what needs to be done for the day. Then editors meet with their writers for five to ten minutes for something they call Table Talk.

“Each section has a different table in the room and each writer goes to his or her section and discusses how their writing

is coming along,” Hoefer said. “The writers don’t want to say they haven’t started. They know Table Talk is happening so they do their best to get started.”

Table talk keeps editors in touch with their writers and allows them to perform quality checks along the way. Student editors can see interview questions, possible sources and story an-gles ahead of time.

“If you are too relaxed kids will blow deadlines off,” Alex Bus-bee, editor-in-chief, said. “If you are too tight kids will cut corners and the quality will go down. Stress that it has to be done by a certain time but that it has to maintain quality. “

To keep deadlines from being

overly stressful, the Torch staff invites parents to provide meals at work sessions and sometimes gives out prizes for good work.

“Have fun too,” Hoefer said. “Make it fun and people will want to work on staff and make a good paper with the other staff members.”

put the editors in charge“The real key thing that makes all of this work is that idea of student ownership of the pro-cess,” adviser Gary Lindsay said. “My editors feel that they really are in charge. They have earned the right to lead this newspaper … They really believe that this is their paper and they want it to be the best it can be.”

“ The real key thing that makes all of this work is that idea of student own-ership of the process.”– Gary Lindsay, The Torch adviser

If your editors aren’t able to meet with staff or if you are publishing on the web, where deadlines are a lot tighter, Tracy Anne Sena, adviser at Convent of the Sacred Heart High School in San Francisco, suggests doing what her staff does: Use Google Docs.

With Google Docs, students can share documents, see each other’s progress at any time throughout the writing process and make edits from any computer.

“You know exactly where ev-eryone is every minute of the day as far as working on their stories,” Sena said. “If you’ve asked someone to make re-visions and they haven’t, it documents everything that you’ve done. Absolutely ev-erything. There’s no ‘I lost my story.’ All the excuses really disappear.”

With Google Docs, Sena’s staff is not only using technology to collaborate on stories and create accountability, they’ve also cut down on paper costs, printing only proof sheets for each issue.

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anniversary! get roses

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Geography test

28 929Dad’s birthday


ArtArrtticle due!ticle due!meeting 7


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ng 7g

meeting 8 am

history test



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register for class


6H tH

7 8t t ll

math project due!

designs due


Join us on campus at The University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa for The Long Weekend journalism camp June 17-19, open to middle or high school students. For more information, contact ASPA at [email protected] or visit the website at www.aspa.ua.edu.

The Long WeekendFocus on Journalism

Page 28: Spring 2011 Blend

BBEST OF 2010newspaper art & graphics

Cub ReporterLawrence Central HS Indianapolis, Ind.

Sam Gorsuch, Callie Bretthauer, Kelsey Blackwell The Talon Times Lake Community HS Lake Villa, Ill.

West Side StoryIowa City West HS Iowa City, Iowa

The Viking Vanguard Puyallup HS Puyallup, Wash.

Page 29: Spring 2011 Blend

BEST OF 2010newspaper art & graphics

The Black & White | Walt Whitman HS | Bethesda, Md.

Hawkeye Mountlake Terrace HS Mountlake, Wash.

Eagle Edition Episcopal School of Dallas Dallas, Texas

Sabrina ghaus | El Estoque | Monta Vista HS | Cupertino, Calif.

Page 30: Spring 2011 Blend

30 | Blend Magazine | Spring 2011

Phoebe Unterman | The Harbinger | Shawnee Mission East HS | Prairie Village, Kan.

Jag Wire Mill Valley HS Shawnee, Kan.

Blue & Gold Findlay HS Findlay, Ohio

The Peninsula OutlookPeninsula HSGig Harbor, Wash.

Communicator Community High School Ann Arbor, Mich.

NSPA AWARDSNThe infographics and illustrations presented here come from the NSPA Design of the Year competition and the Art & Graphics section of the NSPA publication, Best of the High School Press.

Page 31: Spring 2011 Blend

Spring 2011 | Blend Magazine | 31


this issue l online

Check out our extra features

Illustrator pen tool

The Chicago Tribune

If your staff is considering setting up a publications website, this video is for you. We’ll show you how to set up a hosting service and domain name as well as load the Wordpress content management system onto your site. In just 15 minutes you’ll have a publications site up and running!

In this video tutorial, paced for beginners, we’ll show you how to use the pen tool in Illustrator to create objects you can use for illus-trations or infographics. Just a few simple steps will get you started!

Journalism students at Ball State University recently visited Chica-go for a tour of the Chicago Tribune offices. See what they learned about how the Chicago Tribune and its staff works.

online at blendmagazine.org

So you want to go into PR...Our page 7 interview with Myra Borshoff Cook is just a small portion of what Borshoff Cook wants you to know about the public relations field. Read the full interview online!


Video tutorial

«Video tutorial


Media tour


Extended interview

Set up a publications site

Page 32: Spring 2011 Blend

Check out our website for more details and updates: NSPA.STUDENTPRESS.ORG

• Editorial Leadership

• Beginning InDesign

• Advanced InDesign

• Basic Photoshop

• Advanced Photoshop

• Intense Writing

• Advising Digital Media

• Outreach Academy

• Adviser Teach-In

NATiONAl SchOlASTic PRESS ASSOciATiONSummer Journalism WorkshopsJuly/August, 2011University of Minnesota Minneapolis

Join us this summer, and be ready to start the year!

CreAte A Combo thAt WorkS for You. Are you an editor in chief who also wants to improve writing? How about a new section editor who wants to learn InDesign and Photoshop? Maybe you just need to work on your InDesign skills? You can take as many seminars as you want to improve your skills. Create the perfect mix to meet your needs.

Each student can enroll in one or more seminars. Additional two-day seminars are less expensive.

three free opportunitieS for AdviSerS!. Advising Digital Media and Outreach Academy each require separate applications. The Adviser Teach-in is free to all advisers — just sign up.

Plan carefully. Once registration is received, cancellations and refunds are not provided, but substituions are allowed.

We’ve restructured our workshops

to get the most learning to your

students through a series of

seminars for those at every

experience level. Join us in

Minneapolis this summer, and get a

head start on the skills you need to

be the best editor, writer, designer or

adviser in the 2011-12 year!


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Blend is published by the Secondary Educational Services office at Ball State University. NSPA is mailing complimentary copies of Blend to its members as a benefit of membership.

blend winter 11 back cover.indd 1 3/28/11 2:19 PM
