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Spring 2014

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Lark in the Park 2014 Mark Your Calendar - Fun for Friends
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Friends of City Park is thrilled to support the restoration of City Park’s Historic Carousel. The Carousel or "Flying Horses" is one of fewer than 100 hand-carved wooden Carousels in the United States. The Carousel has been a part of City Park since 1906 and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. City Park visitors can see our banner on Lelong Drive at the entrance of NOMA promoting Lark in the Park 2014 and acknowledging our premier sponsors.
Page 1: Spring 2014

Friends of City Park is thrilled to support the restoration of City Park’s Historic Carousel. The Carousel or "Flying Horses" is oneof fewer than 100 hand-carved wooden Carousels in the United States. The Carousel has been a part of City Park since 1906 and islisted on the National Register of Historic Places. City Park visitors can see our banner on Lelong Drive at the entrance of NOMApromoting Lark in the Park 2014 and acknowledging our premier sponsors.

Page 2: Spring 2014

2 0 1 4F r i e n d s o f C i t y P a r k

B o a r d o f D i r e c t o r s

O F F I C E R SP re s i d e n t

M a r y J o h n s o n

P re s i d e n t - e l e c tJ a c k i e P a l u m b o

Tre a s u re rK a t h l e e n S m i t h

Tre a s u re r - e l e c tL a n a L o v i c k

R e c o rd i n g S e c re t a r yL e i g h M o r g a n T h o r p e

I m m e d i a t e Pa s t P re s i d e n tD e s s a G i f f i n

B o a r d M e m b e r sK a r e n A d j m i

L i s e t t e B a y l eR o b i n B o r d e l o n B o r n eJ o e y M a r c o t t e B r o w n

K a r e n D e B l i e u xTa n i a H a h n

S u z e t t e H e r p i c hN i n a K i l l e e n

L u c i l l e M c D o n n e l lA d a m M c N e i lR o n O ’ R o r k e

M a r y H a s s i n g e r S c h m i d tA n n i e O r i l l a c T h i b o d e a u x

H e l e n R e a d Yo u n g

E d i t o rL i s e t t e B a y l e

E x e c u t i v e D i re c t o rC a s i e D u p l e c h a i n

M e m b e r s h i p / M a r k e t i n g / E v e n t sS t e p h a n i e K a s t o n G u t i e r r e z

A d m i n i s t r a t i v e A s s i s t a n t

N a t a l i e R o b i n s o n

A c c o u n t a n tM i c h e l l e B a r k e m e y e r

1 P a l m D r i v eN e w O r l e a n s , L A 7 0 1 2 4

5 0 4 - 4 8 3 - 9 3 7 6

Dear Friends,What a fabulous year

2013 was for Friends. I can’tbelieve the year has come andgone. Friends membership hasgrown from 3,450 to 3,760members. I would like to personally thank you, ourmembers, for your support of Friends and the Park. Tell your family, neighborsand friends about us.

2 • Friends of City Park • Spring 2014

The staff and the Board arehere to serve you. We have twonew Board Members for 2014.Karen Adjmi is chair of themarketing committee and AdamMcNeil is one of our legal representatives. Both of thembring tremendous talents to their positions and I am thankful they have joined theBoard.

Mark your calendar! Lark in the Park is March 14. Theproceeds will be used to restorethe historic carousel. The co-chairs, Ann Heslin andAndrea Frischhertz, and theircommittees have been hard atwork securing sponsors,restaurants and auction items.Thanks to the honorary chairsMr. and Mrs. Beau Bassich fortheir support. The patron partyand gala, set in the beautifulbotanical gardens, are sure to be the talk of the town. Listenfor our advertising on the radioand on TV and look for our adsprinted in various publications.Buy your raffle tickets for a2014 Subaru Forester or a 2014Vespa. Thanks to Bryan Subaruand Terminix for their supportof the raffles. See you at Lark!

Mary Johnson, President Friendsof City Park


The mission of Friends of CityPark is to maintain and increasethe value and importance of CityPark as a place of natural beauty,culture, recreation, and educationfor the public. All monies raisedby Friends of City Park (FOCP)will be used for the capital needsof City Park at the discretion ofthe FOCP Executive Board. FOCP is a tax-exempt, non-profitorganization pursuant to section501(c)(3) of the Internal RevenueCode and is a registered charitywith the Louisiana Secretary ofState’s Office.

I am very happy toannounce that Casie Duplechainhas re-joined Friends asExecutive Director. Casie hashit the ground running to serveyou raising funds for capitalimprovements in City Park. I would also like to welcomeour new Special Events,Membership and MarketingCoordinator, Stephanie KastonGutierrez!

Don’t forget to use yourmember Park Perk for theSpring Garden Show on April5-6. See the full list of ParkPerks later in the newsletter andonline.

It continues to be an honorto serve you and I look forward to the next year.

Mary JohnsonPresidentFriends of City Park


Welcome our newest Friends: Milly and Camille, daughters ofFOCP Board Members Robin Borne and Annie Thibodeaux. We would also like to extend congratulations to FOCP BoardMember Adam McNeil on his new bundle of joy!

Give your special Mom apiece of New Orleans thisMother’s Day! We have theperfect gift, the 2013 Friendsof City Park beloved LanglesBridge ornament! Many NewOrleanians fed the ducks andswans, got engaged or tooktheir wedding photos on thisbridge. The ornament is $20 and is available atwww.friendsofcitypark.comwith a $2 shipping and handling charge or at theBotanical Garden Gift Shop,City Park Gift Shop atMorning Call or Earthsaverslocations. For further information, call 504-483-9376.

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Spring 2014 • Friends of City Park • 3

Lark in the Park is featured on the February issue of “St. Charles Avenue” magazine. Pictured from left to right,Friends’ President Mary Johnson, Lark Co-Chair AnnHeslin, Lark Honorary Chair Beau Bassich, Friends’President Elect Jackie Palumbo, and Lark Co-Chair AndreaFrischhertz.

A special thank you to Bryan Batt for starring in the 2014Lark in the Park video and to Fire on the Bayou for producing the spot! Bryan’s great grandfather, Harry BattSr., managed the City Park Carousel from 1948 – 1980. In the 1980’s, Batt sold the carousel to the park for a reasonable figure of $300,000. On the open market it couldprobably have been sold for twice the figure.

Lark in the Park 2014 co-chairsAndrea Frischhertz and Ann Heslinhave been working hard to ensure this year’s success! A huge thank you to our sponsors and donors (as of print deadline).

Car Raffle presented by • Bryan Subaru

Event Sponsors

Grand Oak• Capital One Bank


Enterprises, Inc.• Anonymous

Crepe Myrtle• Mr. and Mrs. John H. Burke, Jr.• Entercom New Orleans • FirstNBC Bank• The Shane and Holley Guidry

Foundation• The Prentiss C. and Dolores M.

Havens Family Foundation• The Gustaf W. McIlhenny Family

Foundation• Peoples Health• Republic National Distributing

Company • Schlumberger• Superior Energy Services, Inc. • Terminix Pest Control - Vincent


Antique Rose• Inside Northside Magazine• Bill and Leslie Kramer• Lupo Enterprises• Textron Marine and Land Systems

Camellia• Bank of New Orleans• Béjé Wholesale Diamonds• Couhig Partners, LLC• The DeBlieux and Johnson Families• Sally Duplantier• Dyna-Play, LLC• Frischhertz Electric Co., Inc.• Mike and Sue Guarisco• The Heslin Family• Denise and Bill Hoffman• IBERIABANK• Richard’s Parish Disposal• River Parish Disposal• Kathy and Edmund Schrenk• Second Line Stages• Bruce and Jackie Shreves

• Claire and Harry Stahel• Rodger and Gretchen Wheaton• Whitney Bank• Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Young

Oak Leaf• Aguillard Accounting, LLC• Anonymous• Air Effects Sky Tracker• Brian and Michelle Barkemeyer• Big Easy Photobooth• Elizabeth A. Boh• Robin Bordelon Borne• Bourgeois Bennett, LLC• Mr. and Mrs. Gary H. Brewster• Jane and Walter Brooks• Carver, Darden, Koretzky, Tessier,

Finn, Blossman and Areaux LLC• Joe and Dianne Caverly• Dots Diner - JoAnn and Larry Katz• Ed. Smith’s Stencil Works, LTD.• Mr. and Mrs. David F. Edwards• Bart and Cherise Farris• Jeanie Favret and Family• Dr. and Mrs. Jerry and Carolyn Fortino• Brad and Andrea Frischhertz• Marc and Emily Frischhertz• Gambit Communications• Dessa and David Giffin• Hahn Family Foundation• Hammond Law Firm, LLC• HCA MidAmerica Division• Herman, Herman, and Katz, LLC• Bill and Susan Hess• KPMG, LLP• Laitram, LLC• Law Offices of Dan A. Robin• Legier and Company, APAC• Andrea and Georges Legrand• Vanessa Loiso• Paul Manister• Nancy and Michael Marsiglia• Martin Ins. Agency• Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan McCall• McGlinchey Stafford, PLLC• Mr. and Mrs. L. Richards McMillan II• Rob and Tiffany Mouton• NOLA Pilates and Xtend Barre

New Orleans• National Recreation System• Orleans Parish Sheriff’s Office• Peter Mayer Advertising• Schrenk, Endom and Flanagan• Sheridan Seating• Kathleen and Tom Smith• Michael Snow• Stewart Enterprises, Inc.• Annie and Paul Thibodeaux• Leigh Morgan Thorpe• Transportation Revolution• Kathryn Wiedorn• Keith and Kimberly Zibilich

Page 4: Spring 2014

Bob Becker, CEO

If you are like me, Springcan’t come soon enough!While I am a big change ofseasons guy (I grew up in theNortheast), this winter hasbeen harsh in terms of coldweather and rain.

The Park has been negatively impacted by the

The ropes course has a new shade structure designed by architectural students at Tulaneworking via Tulane’s City Center Department. The students divided in teams to present 8 preliminary design ideas that were then presented to City Park and LOOP staff. Favorites werechosen and then the students went back and developed a final design. Outside of fabricatingsome of the steel beams, the students did all the work which included pouring concrete, stackingrailroad ties, erecting the steel beams and the roof of the structure. The roof/shade portion of the structure is an incredibly creative use of unpainted yield signs. They hang and undulate in a way that adds a very distinct flair to the facility.

The shade structure is used to welcome and provide instructions to participants to the ropescourse and provides ample seating and standing space.

weather in terms of lower atten-dance at one of our signature events, Celebration in the Oaks, the loss of a substantial amount of plantmaterial, and the seeminglyendless water and sewer linebreaks as the Park’s mostly 100 year old utility systemstruggles with the cold temperature.

Since we must raise over85% of our operating revenuethrough activities in the Park (a far greater percentage thanvirtually any other Park) recovery from events of thiswinter is challenging.

Spring should see the revival of some of our plant loss and we look forward to thereopening of our AmusementPark where we are completing$2 million dollars in improvements including newbathrooms, a new café andpaving and landscaping additions!

Runs, walks, festivals,

Letter fromthe CEO

4 • Friends of City Park • Spring 2014

2 0 1 4 N e w O r l e a n s C i t y P a r kI m p r o v e m e n t A s s o c i a t i o n

O F F I C E R SP re s i d e n t

M r. B i l l H o f f m a nP re s i d e n t - E l e c t

M r s . S u s a n H e s sVi c e P re s i d e n t

M r s . K a r e n D e B l i e u xVi c e P re s i d e n t

M r. R o n n i e S l o n eVi c e P re s i d e n t

M r. E d m o n d S c h r e n kTre a s u re r

M r. L a r r y K a t zS e c re t a r y

M r s . J a c k i e S h r ev e s

B o a r d o f C o m m i s s i o n e r sM r. S t e v e n B i n g l e r

M r s . J a n e S . B r o o k sM r s . J o h a n n a h B r o w n

M r. E d g a r C h a s e M s . J a c q u e l y n C l a r k s o n

M r. B i l l y C r a w f o r d M r s . K a r e n D e B l i e u xM r. S . S t e w a r t F a r n e tM s . K a r e n F e r n a n d e zM r. T h o m a s G . F i e r k e

M r s . D e s s a G i f f i nM r s . S u s a n G u i d r y

M r. B e n H a l e sM r s . S u s a n H e s s

M r. Wi l l i a m D . H o f f m a nM r s . M a r y J o h n s o n

M r. L a r r y K a t zM r. E r r o l L a b o r d eM r. T i m L a F r a n c a

M r s . A n d r e a L e G r a n dM r. R o b e r t E d w a r d S m i t h L u p o

M r. P a u l M a s i n t e rM r s . M a r i a S o n i a t M c K a yM r s . M a r j o r i e M c K e i t h e n

M s . J a c k i e P a l u m b oM r. D a v i d P a y t o nM r. S t e v e n P e t t u s

M r. C l e l a n d P o w e l lM r. M a r k C . R o m i g

M r. E d m u n d S c h r e n kM r s . J a c q u e l i n e S h r ev e s

M r. R o n n i e S l o n eM r s . E l i z a b e t h S l o s s

M r. Wi l l Tr e g r eM r s . R i t a Ve s i c h

Represent ing Botanical Garden Foundat ionM r s . A n n e A b b o t t

C h i e f E x e c u t i v e O f f i c e rM r. R o b e r t W. B e c k e r , P h . D .

E x e c u t i v e D i re c t o rM r. B e a u L . B a s s i c hC h i e f O p e r a t i n g O f f i c e r M r. R o b e r t D e Vi n e y

C h i e f D e v e l o p m e n t O f f i c e rM r. J o h n H o p p e r

C h i e f A d m i n i s t r a t i v e O f f i c e rM r. G e o r g e P a r k e r

C h i e f Fi n a n c i a l O f f i c e rM r. K e v i n C o x

concerts, sports programs,tournaments and many otheractivities make spring a joyoustime in the Park. Time to pushwinter aside and make use ofthe better weather. Come andEnjoy it at City Park!

Robert W. Becker Ph.D.Chief Executive OfficerCity Park

Follow Friends of City Park on

Shaping a Shade Structure

Page 5: Spring 2014

Spring 2014 • Friends of City Park • 5

Carousel GardensAmusement ParkSpring Opening -March 8Gates open at 11 a.m.Join us for the Spring SeasonOpening of Carousel Gardensin New Orleans City Park! As a Park Perk Friends ofCity Park members receivefree admission into theAmusement Park and receive10% off of Amusement ParkSeason Passes. The amuse-ment park features 16 ridesguaranteed to put a smile on your face. For more information, visitwww.neworleanscitypark.comor call 504-483-9402.

NOLA City BarkFourth Anniversaryand Safety Week March 22-23, March 25 and March 27Bring your pups to the CityBark Fourth AnniversaryCelebration and Safety Week!Join us for dog park safetypresentations, advice from dog trainers, ask a veterinari-an and more to celebrate ouranniversary and help keep permit holders informed about best dog park etiquetteand practices. Check out thewebsite, nolacitybark.org forhours and more information.

67th annual Big BassRodeo & Fishtival -March 299 a.m. - 12 p.m.Drop those lines! The 67thannual Big Bass Rodeo &Fishtival will be held onSaturday, March 29th. New this year is “Boats onthe Bayou.” This new category will allow non-motorized boats (kayaks,canoes, etc.) to fish

Fun for Friendsin Bayou St. John. On-line registration for all categorieswill open up on March 10thand close at noon on March28th. For more informationplease visit the website at bigbassfishingrodeo.com or call Julie LaCour at 504-483-9415.

Spring Garden Show - April 5-610 a.m. - 5 p.m. Friends of City Park membersreceive free admission! The annual Spring GardenShow is an educational experience for the home gardeners and the professional.Admission is $8.00 for Adults and Children 5 to 12are $4.00. Children under 5and Friends of City Park enterfree. There will be plant andgarden products, exhibits andsales throughout the garden,a kids discovery area,educational programs, music,arts & crafts, and more. For more information call 504-658-2900.

Easter Egg Hunt -April 12Gates open at 9 a.m. Search for more than 15,000Easter eggs hidden around theamusement park, includinggolden eggs with special prizes inside! Kids can visitwith the Easter Bunny andenjoy face painting and more entertainment. No need to bring your ownbasket or bag, you’ll place

your 12 collected eggs into aprovided egg carton. Ticketsare available ahead of timeand at the door (but get yours now so you don’t have to wait in line!)www.neworleanscitypark.com

Living Green in New Orleans:Earth Day 2014 -April 22 5 p.m. - 9 p.m.Earth Day at the New OrleansBotanical Garden in City Parkis a great event! This is thefirst year of this event whichis certain to grow to be verypopular. Have a great time listening to music, learningabout being Green, and ofcourse having delicious foodwhile watching great enter-tainment! The celebrationpromises farm stands withlocal products, cookingdemonstrations, art and plantvendors, live bluegrass music,activities for kids, and programing/lectures. Cost:Free (donations are accepted)

Mark Your Calendars

Page 6: Spring 2014

6 • Friends of City Park • Spring 2014

Lark in the ParkParticipating Restaurants:• Acme Oyster House• Angelo Brocato’s• Bravo! Cucina Italiana• City Park Catering• The Columns Hotel• Commander’s Palace• Criollo• Dorignac’s Catering• Galatoires “33” Bar and Steak• Hilton New Orleans Riverside• Lagniappe Luncheonette Catering• Langenstein’s Uptown/Old

Metairie Road• Lakeview Harbor• Little Tokyo Japanese Restaurant• Maple Street Café• Martin Wine Cellar• MONDO• Mr. John’s Steakhouse• Mr. Mudbug/12 Seasons Catering• Naked Pizza• NOLA Snow Balls• Oceana Grill• Quintin’s Ice Cream and Sorbet• Ralph’s on the Park• Riccobono’s Peppermill• Royal House Restaurant and Oyster

Bar• Short Stop PoBoys• Swiss Confectionary Inc.• Tableau (Patron Party)• Toots-n-Bunny• Velvet Cactus• Vincent’s Italian Cuisine• VooDoo BBQ and Grill• And many more….

Come help build a new memory inyour City Park! Sponsorship andpatron packages are still available.Individual tickets for the gala are$100 and discounted to $90 forFriends of City Park members. Guests between the ages of 21 and 35are invited to join the Party Flock,with $75 individual tickets.

For tickets, more information, andevent updates, please visitwww.friendsofcitypark.com or call 504-483-9376.

Page 7: Spring 2014

Spring 2014 • Friends of City Park • 7

• 504FIT• Acadian Landscaping• ALG Style• American Luxury Limousines• Anytime Fitness• Apolline• Astor Crowne Plaza• Audubon Nature Institute• Austin James • Banbury Cross• Beau Chene Country Club• BéJé Wholesale Diamonds• Bevolo Gas & Electric Lights• Blo Dry Bar • Boucherie• Bourbon Orleans Hotel • Café Amelie• Café Degas• Carousel Gardens Amusement

Park• Chalk Hill Winery• Charlotte Bollinger - Hostess• Chateau Golf and Country Club• Deanie’s Seafood Restaurant• Delta Festival Ballet• Dorignacs• EARTHSAVERS• English Turn Golf and Country

Club• Fetch! Midcity• Fleur de Lis Framing and Gifts• FrenchyLive• Friends of City Park • GW Fins• Hampton Inn and Suites

Convention Center• Hotel St. Pierre• IP Casino Resort Spa• Jackie and Vincent Palumbo• Jennifer Cheatham Designs and• Sarah Griffith• Katie Malone Makeup Studio• Kayak-iti-yat• Krewe of Tucks• Lakeside Shopping Center• Langenstein’s • Limousine Livery• Longue Vue House and

Gardens• Lux• Massage Therapy Works, LLC• Massey’s Outfitters• Mathes Brierre Architects/

Bryan’s United Airconditioning

Timothy and Bartholomew Murphy stand in front of the Audubon ParkCarousel, the success of which prompted Bart, to erect the carousel inCity Park. In April 1906, the pavilion and the carousel it housedopened near City Park Avenue and soon became a popular city attraction.

• Maurice French Pastries• Metal Fusion, Inc.• Mignon Faget• Monmouth Historic Inn• Morgus the Magnificent• Mosca’s Restaurant• National WWII Museum• New Orleans Athletic

Club• New Orleans Botanical

Garden• New Orleans Pelicans/

Friend to City Park• New Orleans Saints• NOLA City Bark• NOLA Gondola• NOLA Pedicab• NOLA Pilates• North Course at City

Park• Organize Dat• Perlis Clothing Stores• Pine Mountain Chalet• Ramsey’s Diamond

Jewelers• Raymond’s Jewelry

Creations• Romaguera Photography• Roosevelt Hotel New

Orleans• Royal Sonesta Hotel• Rusty Nail• Sandler Training • Sheraton New Orleans• SÖPÖ• Stacey Warnke• Stage Door Canteen • Swirl• The Blues Jean Bar• The Court of Two Sisters• The Grill Room• The Line King• The New Orleans School

of Cooking• The Ritz-Carlton• Toup’s Meatery• Two Sprouts• W.I.N.O.• Windsor Court Hotel• And many more…

Lark in the Park Picture from the Past

Auction Donors

(Photo courtesy of The Historic New Orleans Collection)

Friends of City Park members, Jason and Nicole Villemarette, enjoy aday in City Park with their kids! Do you have a picture in City Parkthat you would like to share in our next newsletter? Email your pictureto Casie Duplechain at [email protected].

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NEW ORLEANS, LAPermit No. 572

“Every great city needs a great parkthat needs great friends!”

Sept. 19, 2014

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