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Spring Guide 2013

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Spring Guide for Emmaus Rd Community Church, Guildford
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Part of 24-7 Prayer Spring Guide2013
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Part of 24-7 Prayer


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Welcome!from the Leadership TeamThere are so many exciting things happening at Emmaus this term that I hardly know where to start.

We’re growing quite quickly and will therefore be doubling the number of Collectives by Easter to accommodate so many new friends. If you’re not in one of these smaller communities, this really is the perfect time to join one!

I’m delighted to welcome a new team of Vision Course students plus our two new Youth and Community Workers; Matt Davis and Mike Crowne who are going to help us build a brilliant, fun environment for children and teenagers. Do please help them settle in.

We also have some great events lined up this term, including our ever-popular weekend away down in Chichester, a season of 24-7 prayer, and a special Guest Event with Premiership football player Linvoy Primus.


Scot & Misty

Dave & Liz

Pete & Sammy

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Come and join us at the CYE centre, based near the village of Bosham in Chichester Harbour, for an exciting weekend of teaching, worship, boating, muddy walks and time to relax.

Teaching will be from guest speaker Mike Andrea; a hilarious, passionate communicator who leads Global Generation Church in Ramsgate. Mikes faith is contagious.

For the youth and children, Matt Davis and Mike Crown will be heading up a programme specifically aimed at our younger generation.

The cost is £75 per person for the weekend, which covers all meals, afternoon tea, and outdoor activities run by qualified staff at the centre. Day passes are £5. To book your place or enquire about bursaries, email Becky Slack: [email protected]

Community Weekend Away15th-17th February

An Evening with Linvoy PrimusFaith & Football

Join us on Sunday 10th February, 5pm at The Stoke Pub where former Premiership footballer, Linvoy Primus will be talking openly about his career in top-flight football, his personal life and the difference his Christian faith now makes.

Linvoy played at Charlton Athletic and at Portsmouth FC under Harry Redknapp, where he won the PFA Fans ‘Player of the Year’ Award. One of the stands at Portsmouth’s Fratton Park stadium is named after Primus, in recognition of his enduring popularity and his community work for which he raised more than £100,000 by walking the Great Wall of China.

In 2007 Primus released an autobiography ‘Transformed’ about his new found Christian faith.

Free Gift!Red Moon Rising

If you’re new to Emmaus & have never read Red Moon Rising, please see Sammy Greig to enquire about a free copy.

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Bible School: The Salvation SeriesIn conjunction with the Vision Course

Week 1: Tuesday 26th February: The Incarnation - Roger EllisWeek 2: Tuesday 5th March: We are the Light of the World - Scot BowerWeek 3: Monday 11th March: The Cross & Atonement - Ruth ValerioWeek 4: Tuesday 19th March: The Resurrection - Carla HardingWeek 5: Tuesday 26th March: Receive the Holy Spirit - Brian Heasley

The weekly Bible School is a fantastic opportunity to go deeper in your understanding of theology and the Bible with world-class teachers.The theme of this term’s series is “Salvation”; Come along & learn more about the amazing way Jesus’ salvation message impacts and frames the whole of life, creation and reality.

For more detailed information see the website

5 Week Programme

24-7 Prayer10th-17th March

Welcome Party!23rd January

This Lent we are doing a full week of 24-7 non-stop prayer!

Based out of the Emmaus Rd Prayer Room in the centre of Guildford, you can sign up for blocks of an hour or more as individuals, families, friends & Collectives.


Join Pete Greig & Ian Nicholson from 7.30-9.30 at the Emmaus Rd Centre. Everyone is welcome! If you have become part of Emmaus in the last 12 months, or even if you’ve been around for a bit longer, it will be a great opportunity to hear the bigger and broader picture.

The Emmaus Rd Welcome Party is your opportunity to find out where we came from, how you can get involved and why we do the things we do in the way we do!

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Name: Matt DavisAge: 25

Hometown: SouthamptonAny interests and hobbies? I play drums in a band and I looooove

running and swimming. I also think I'd enjoy

being a Formula 1 driver but I'm still waiting for the phone call on that one.What's the best adventure you've ever had? I went to India a couple of years ago with some friends from uni. We met some amazing people, got lost in Bangalore and got chased by monkeys. That was a fun adventure.

What are you most looking forward to in Guildford? I'm looking forward to meeting all of you and having some new adventures!Any embarrassing stories you'd like to share? Well... a few years ago, the day before I was due to help host a conference, I really needed a hair cut and my friend convinced me that she was a really good hair dresser, so I let her cut my hair and promised I wouldn't get it re-cut for at least a week. Turns out she'd never cut anyone's hair before and I spent the conference and the following week walking around looking like I'd put a bowl on my head and shaved around the edges. I haven't let her cut my hair again.Describe your favourite pair of socks: A few Christmases ago my dad gave me a box of seven odd socks. They're not my favourite though. My favourite ones are my Muppets socks. They have Animal (the drummer) on them.

Stoke SundaysOn Sundays when the community meets at the Stoke, our Youth and Kids follow their own specialised programme.

Spending the first 30 minutes in the service, the 5-11‘s and 11-14‘s then head off to their own venues for games, prayer & teaching where they cover fun and relevant topics. Don’t forget to bring your Bibles. Year10+ can stay to hear some of the fantastic speakers or choose to go with the younger youth. If you’re an older youth and would like to get involved and help serve on our various Sunday teams, speak to Matt.

For Youth, ‘Open House’ follows on from the service and is a chance to hangout, kickback and have some fun at someone’s home. Don’t worry parents, we’ll be finished at 8.30pm so your darlings are in bed on time & refreshed for Monday morning ;).

Look out for information on the 24-7 prayer room happening in March, where there will be some dedicated youth slots. All in all, an EXCITING term!

All things Youth and KidsMeet one of our new youth & children's workers!

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Global Mission Partners are integral to our vision. We support them through prayer, finance and relationship.

Philip and Anna Evans live and work in Skopje, Macedonia with their 1 year old son Oscar. They moved in 2009 to serve and support Glasnost, a vibrant community in Macedonia. Anna teaches at an international school and Philip manages business ventures, including exporting a Macedonian meze range, Pelagonia, and running a web design company.

David & Joy James moved to San Francisco in August, to minister to gang members as part of ‘InnerCHANGE’. The focus of their work is showing practical care and hospitality to gang members, including visiting them in prison.

Beth has been living & working in the Middle East since Sept 2010. Part of a House of Prayer she lives in & supports a network of intercessors, running events & training. Below, she writes about her daily life as we enter the new year.

For further information or receive regular updates please contact [email protected]

Global VisionLife in our wider family

“Entering into my third year here has been encouraging in terms of feeling settled and seeing the depths of friendships built. Two friends in particular, one in the capital city and another in a coastal city I used to live in, have progressed well in their understanding of and appreciation for the truth. There still feels a long way to go and ultimately it needs a revelation of Him!

These last few months have been busy ones, with work (teaching English) taking me across the city and responsibilities with the international church adding to my weekly activities of spending time in the Prayer Room daily, trying to learn the language, helping to facilitate a

network of intercessors through admin & accounting support, and sharing with friends.

Upcoming, I have a trip to join a prayer gathering for those focussed on the Mediterranean region in February and I’ll be needing to renew my visa a month after my return which always feels like a gamble! I also have flatmates moving in and out in the coming months which requires some adjustment.

My hope in this new year is for my local friends and for myself to grow more fully into the people God designed us to be as we journey further from slavery to sin into intimacy with Him.”

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Spotlight on...Final Year Surrey Students’

Ann Poulton shares her thoughts on being a finalist...

Being a final year student has come round very fast and making decisions about our next move is probably on all of our minds. For final year students who have “flown the nest” the question of whether to stay on in Guildford after finishing is a prominent thought. I am sure that those who are trying to

make this decision would appreciate your prayers.

We’ve finished our first Semester and the second is poised to whizz past. The pressure of dissertations, exams and other coursework can make it easy to panic! As I write this I am still awaiting approval to carry out my dissertation which is a bit scary as it’s due on 26th March! I take a lot of comfort from the fact that Jesus has brought me this far, through starting university, making great

friends, joining a wonderful Church, doing a brilliant placement and getting married to an amazing guy. He did all that in less than 3 years; He can get me through the last bit!

I’m sure that every final year student is thinking about the last stretch and what God has in store. I know that Emmaus Rd will continue to support and encourage us all as we make important decisions and try to work hard up to the last deadline.

Involved in both 24-7 Prayer and Emmaus Rd for a number of years, Dan reflects on his current adventure as a GTP student in a local Primary School...

Bilbo Baggins: I just need to sit quietly for a moment. Gandalf: You've been sitting quietly for far too long!

When J. R. R. Tolkien wrote The Hobbit, he may as well have written it about me! When I look at my life, I can see I have the same tendencies as Bilbo Baggins to seek safety, comfort and to doubt myself and others.

I’m nothing special. I’m just a Jones.

Yet God, like Gandalf, sees something different in me and he calls me out on an adventure. He invites me to join him, with others, on an adventure that makes a difference for eternity. He knows my fears and failings, but more importantly, he knows what I could be.

He knows what I was created for.

This year, that adventure has taken me into education. If I’m honest, most days I feel out of my depth and my first instinct is to retreat and return to the comfort of something else, but I know that I am learning so much, that I am changing, that I am forming new relationships, that I’m making a difference.

My prayer for you is that you would accept God’s invitation to join him on the adventure he has for you too!

Real Life StoryDaniel Jones

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FAQ’s with Pete GreigEmmaus Rd. belongs to a family of communities mysteriously

known as ‘The Boiler Room Network’. What exactly is a ‘Boiler Room’?PG: A Boiler Room is simply a community of Christians centred on prayer, seeking to make a measurable difference amongst the poor and amongst those who don’t yet know the good news about Jesus. It’s as simple as that. We’re all linked with the 24-7 movement, which is a global network committed to prayer, mission and justice.

Where did the name ‘Boiler Room’ come from in the first place?PG: It was a nickname originally. Andy Freeman and I came up with it in about 30 seconds to describe the very first 24-7 community and it just kind of stuck. I suppose we were thinking of the way that a boiler room is a place of pressure, an unglamorous, dirty place which powers all sorts of important things. It’s a furnace of creative energy.

You said there are Boiler Rooms all over the world. Where abouts?PG: I get a bit nervous when I have to start listing them in case I forget somewhere but, off the top of my head there are Boiler Rooms in Macedonia, Spain, Ibiza, USA, Canada, Finland and the UK. They’ve all sprung out of the first little community in Reading in the last seven years. It’s amazing really.

So are all the Boiler Rooms the same?PG: Yes and no. We share a commitment to six common practices which are: prayer & creativity, mission

& justice, hospitality & learning. But these are outworked differently in each situation. For example, the Boiler Room in Burgos, Spain is very small and it works with refugees. In Ibiza the team run a drop in centre (with prayer room) for party-goers, bar staff and those working in the sex industry. We’re different but the same!

What’s your vision for Emmaus this year?PG: I long for us to know God better and to make him better known. I want us to become a service provider for the local community so that there would be an outcry if we ever ceased to exist. I want us especially to serve families who are in danger of falling into the poverty trap. I want us to play our part in reversing the terrible divorce rate in this area and caring for those who’ve been hurt. I want us to reach out to thousands of students and young people; to let them know that their lives have an incredible purpose and that God likes them a lot! And along the way I want us to have fun and simply to enjoy being a family.

Sounds great!You can find out more at our Welcome Party on 23rd January and for more information about the Boiler Room Network, check out...


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We are so grateful to those who give money on a regular basis to enable us to make such a difference in so many lives. We have a number of significant overheads such as running our Family Outreach initiative, sponsoring Global Mission Partners and providing local youth work. We currently operate under the charitable status of the Matrix Trust so are able to claim tax back on most gifts (just sign a GiftAid envelope).

There are a number of ways to give:By STANDING ORDER directly into our bank account. This is our preferred method as it involves less administration and enables us to budget more easily. Ask Sammy Greig ([email protected]) for details, or take a giving envelope at a meeting

In CASH & BY CHEQUE. These can be placed in a giving envelope at one of our Sunday meetings. If cash or cheques are being given under the Gift Aid scheme, please put it in a clearly marked envelope to say who it is from. Cheques are payable to The Matrix Trust.

Live to GiveFinances

Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

2 Corinthians 9:6-7

CollectivesKingdom Living

We express Kingdom Family through Collectives that meet in homes (or on Campus). This is one of the means by which we live out our shared life in Christ, growing in love for God, one another and our neighbours.  These

gatherings provide a context for a simple form of church, where everyone can be known, heard, valued and equipped. Collective times combine food, fun and friendship. There are collectives for everyone including students, families, and young professionals. Listen out for exciting announcements about new Collectives this term.

If you’re not yet part of a collective, speak to Sammy Greig or email [email protected]

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Dates for your DiarySunday, midweek & one-off eventsJanuaryJanuarySun 6 Stoke Sunday [4.30pm] - New Years Revolution - Ian Nicholson

Thu 10 Prayer Meeting [7-8pm @ The Emmaus Rd Centre]

Sun 13 Stoke Sunday [4.30pm] - How to Waste Time - Pete Greig

Thu 17 Prayer Meeting [7-8pm @ The Emmaus Rd Centre]

Sun 20 Stoke Feast & Communion [5pm] - Wendy Andrews

Wed 23 Welcome Party [7.30-9.30pm @ The Emmaus Rd Centre]

Thu 24 Prayer Meeting [7-8pm @ The Emmaus Rd Centre]

Sun 27 Collectives [See Collective Leaders’ for details]

Thu 31 Prayer Meeting [7-8pm @ The Emmaus Rd Centre]

FebruaryFebruarySun 3 Stoke Sunday [4.30pm] - Carl Wills

Thu 8 Prayer Meeting [7-8pm @ The Emmaus Rd Centre]

Sun 10 Stoke Sunday [4.30pm] - Linvoy Primus

Thu 14 Prayer Meeting [7-8pm @ The Emmaus Rd Centre]

Fri 15 Community Weekend Away See website for detailsSat 16 Community Weekend Away See website for details

Sun 17

Community Weekend Away See website for details

Sun 17 Stoke Feast & Communion [5pm] - Scot Bower

Thu 21 Prayer Meeting [7-8pm @ The Emmaus Rd Centre]

Sun 24 Collectives [See Collective Leaders’ for details]

Tue 26 Bible School 1: Incarnation - Roger Ellis

Thu 28 Prayer Meeting [7-8pm @ The Emmaus Rd Centre]

[ [

MarchMarchSun 3 Stoke Sunday [4.30pm] - Hannah McVeigh

Tue 5 Bible School 2: We are the Light of the World - Scot Bower

Thu 7 Prayer Meeting [7-8pm @ The Emmaus Rd Centre]

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March cont.March cont.Sun 10 Stoke Sunday [4.30pm] - Pete Greig


Mon 11 Bible School 3: The Cross & Atonement - Ruth Valerio

Thu 14 Prayer Meeting [7-8pm @ The Emmaus Rd Centre]

Sun 17 Stoke Feast & Communion [5pm] - Andy Freeman


Tue 19 Bible School 4: The Resurrection - Carla Harding

Thu 21 Prayer Meeting [7-8pm @ The Emmaus Rd Centre]

Sun 24 Joint Collective [Details to be confirmed]

Tue 26 Bible School 5: Receive the Holy Spirit - Brian Heasley

Sun 31 Easter Day Celebration [TBC @ The Emmaus Rd Centre]


[Week o


-7 Prayer

**Bible School runs from 7.30-9pm at The Emmaus Rd Centre

*Prayer: For info and prayer requests email [email protected]

AprilAprilSun 7 Stoke Sunday [4.30pm] - Dave Slinn

Thu 11 Prayer Meeting [7-8pm @ The Emmaus Rd Centre]

Sun 14 Stoke Sunday [4.30pm] - Vision Sunday - Pete Greig

Thu 18 Prayer Meeting [7-8pm @ The Emmaus Rd Centre]

Sun 21 Stoke Feast & Communion [5pm] - Gift Sunday - Pete Greig

Thu 25 Prayer Meeting [7-8pm @ The Emmaus Rd Centre]

Sun 28 Collectives [See Collective Leaders’ for details]

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Find us!In person or online

Emmaus Office: [email protected] / 01483 385216


York Road

Nightingale Road

Woodbridge Road

Stoke Road

North Street Upper High Street


on R

oadChertsey Street

Eastgate Gdns

G. Live


The Stoke Pub103 Stoke Road,

Guildford GU1 4JN

High Street

Guildford Station

this way


on R

d St





The Emmaus Rd CentreAllen House Pavilion, Allen House Grounds, Eastgate

Gardens, Guildford GU1 4AZ

York Road Car ParkPark on the top floor & walk across the bridge

into Allen House Grounds

To arrange a lift to or from any Emmaus meeting,

call 01483 385216
