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I. Title page

Research topic: Motivation in multicultural environment.

Name & ID of the student Muhammad Salim Ullah Khan MSBA 140200078

Major field of study: Management

Name of Research Supervisor: Ms. Maryam Qurashi

Name of the University: Virtual University of Pakistan

University Logo :

Date of Submission:

AI. Table of Contents

S #Page #

1Table of contents1


3Literature review3

4Beneficiaries of research4

5Rationale of the study5

6Problem statement6

7Questionnaires for managers7

8Questionnaires for employees8,9


10Research design11,12

11Data Processing, Analysis Techniques and Interpretation13




Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. Napoleon HillMy uncle was running a tuition center in Islamabad. A boy aged about fifteen years Aslam was working in my uncle tuition center as peon. My uncle offered and insisted him to appear in metric exam. My uncle always motivated him to continue his education. Aslam at that time sent his exam forms as private student in Islamabad Board. Inside my uncle motivation was inspiring him. Aslam did hard work day and night and when his metric result came it was entirely astonishing. Aslam got 1st position in Islamabad board of education. It encouraged him to continue his further education. Then he cleared his inter, graduation exams with remarkable positions. After it he prepared for public service commission exam and again passed this exam with positions. Now he is working in foreign office as bureaucrat and always says that my uncle motivation and inspiration have changed his entire life.Motivation is the power and motivation behind efforts. Without motivation any task if performed may not achieve its full efficacy. Motivation is a reality and realism which is significant ingredient in the mix of achievement. Motivation is a psychological process which involves psychosomatic variables. In uniethnic working environment the uniform motivational strategy may be applied to get the desired results. But in multiethnic environment a uniform motivational policy may or may not be successful. In these circumstances motivational plan mix have to be designed which guarantees the desired outcomes. In this research exert effort is made to answer of this question. My research is based on especially Middle Eastern countries where the working force is from multiethnic background. As a student of management sciences I always observed that to motivate the employees in multiethnic working environment is difficult task and it should be addressed. Lot of conflicts arises at work place due to ethnic variation. What motivational strategies managers have to craft to ensure the required results? The counter of this query will be hunt in my proposed research view.

Literature ReviewOn motivational factors of ethnic and multicultural environment relevant literature review with work completed is offering an invitation for new researchers to improve the area under discussion.Okoro and Washington (2012) has done work on impact of globalization, workplace diversityRiccucci argues that as the multiculturalism is increasing there is needed to create new organization culture. Multiculturalism has its most important force on the organizational performance. Lumadi (2008) has worked on diversity management and is of opinion that each individual is unique in his performance. Olsen and Martins (2012) have emphasized on importance on management diversity. Diverse workforce has its special attributes like 3beliefs, understandings, and values. Shen, Chanda, DNetto and Monga (2009) workforce diversity has given challenges to management policy makers. Javidan and House (2001) Mangers have their own culture; their culture is influenced by their societal attributes. It may be difficult for them to work in multicultural environment. Manolopoulos (2006) there is much importance of technology and knowledge but much focus has not been put on professionalism with respect to international viewpoint. Gannon (2008) standardized motivation practices do not work across borders.M. Hrakhouskaya and H. van Schuppen in his work Motivation in a hybrid R&D structure(2011) has invited future researchers to contribute on motivation across cultures.

Beneficiaries of this research work Describe the intended audience for your research (e.g., the public, family therapists).The beneficiary of my research may be the human resource consultants, administrators, managers, entrepreneurs who want to know the effects on the performance of employees by the application of motivational measures in multiethnic environment. They will be acquainted with that how motivation is diverse if the workforce is from multiethnic background. The employees working in multiethnic environment may also be advantageous from this research that how they can increase their efficiency.

This research endeavor has tried to advocate the fitting ways of motivational measures and presumption in multiethnic and multicultural working environment. In this era of knowledge expulsion and application of modern tools in the field of research and technology one cannot claim the final words for anything. The knowledge is going on and new theories are being discovered.

Rationale of the study

Motivation has its strong effects on the outcomes of the employees. Leaders and managers cannot ignore the effectiveness and importance of the motivation. Management always in strives to get utmost output from the employees. With the provision of other inputs the motivation is a central one. Now the organizational environment is becoming more complex. To apply a uniform motivational strategy may be successful in uniethnic environment but not in multiethnic environment. Motivation relates with human cultural experience and expression. It has been observed that in multiethnic environment due to disparity cultural experience and expression of employees an effective motivational mix has to be determined. The nature and psyche of man is controlled by his social, economical demographic and cultural background. How a uniform motivational policy may be applicable on all employees.

Problem statement

Whether a uniform motivational strategy successful in multiethnic and multicultural environment

Research Questionnaire(For managers)

1. In your organization how many nationalities employees are workingsa. Less than fiveb. Six to tenc. Eleven to fifteend. Sixteen and above2. Do you think that uniform motivational strategy is successful a. Very successfulb. Successc. Unsuccessfuld. Very unsuccessful3. Do you think that a uniform motivational strategy may motivate some and de motivate others at the same timea. I do not think sob. May bec. I think sod. I strongly believe it happens4. Do you think that a uniform motivational strategy is successful for male and female employeesa. I strongly agreeb. I agreec. I disagreed. I strongly disagree5. What is the main reason for high labour turnover in organizationsa. Good opportunities offeredb. De motivation at existing workplacec. Less chance of promotion at existing workplaced. Any other If any other then please explain _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________6. According to you what may be the potential causes of conflict between employeesa. Ethnic issuesb. Work loadc. Peer relationshipd. Deprived anxiety7. According to you how employees may be more motivateda. By giving monetary rewardsb. By non monetary rewardsc. Mix of monetary and non monetary rewardsd. Any other appraiseIf any other measure then please explain_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Questionnaire (for employees)



Do you think that ethnic concern in your organization has its effects on employees motivation

Do you think that in multiethnic organization a uniform motivational policy is successful

In your organization Is there any discrimination on the basis of faith.

In your organization Is there discrimination on nationality basis

Is there leg pulling on the basis of specific ethnic class

Female employees are better motivated than male employees

Employees at this organization are increasingly de motivated

Do knowledge and skill of a specific country is preferred.

Management behavior is not a problem at this organization on ethnic concern

Are you fully satisfied with my job

Is there any discrimination in your organization on ethnic basis?

Is it easy to continue job in uni cultural environment?

Do you believe that at the time of induction discrimination is made on the basis of specific ethnic class?

Your colleagues of other nationalities appreciate your achievements

Are you facilitated to perform your religious affairs during job

Are you given holiday on your religious rituals

Is there biasness on your promotion on the bases of your specific nationality/religious background

You feel more comfort if your boss is your country/cultural fellow

Are you satisfied with the existing motivational measures of your organization?


The underlying research work will be beneficial for policy makers, human resources managers in formulating motivational strategies in a multiethnic environment. Motivation is an outcome of a mindset which enforces the individuals to work .Mind set is influenced by many variables. Cultural back ground is most important and powerful influencer to set a mind. The effort is made to search out the factors which may or may not motivate the individual in multiethnic working environment.

Human nature and habits are set by the society in which he grooms. His likings and disliking are influenced by the surroundings in which he survives. To change the mind of individual is other name to motivate him for work. How the motivational efforts may be differ due to multiethnic aspects is the underlying presumption of this research work.

Recommendations of this research task which may be used for crafting effective motivational strategies in multiethnic and multicultural environment. This exert may provide some guiding principles which may be used by managers to stimulate the efficiency of employees belong to various cultural and social background.

To motivate an individual it is greatly recommended to study his nature and mind set. Unsuccessful motivational efforts cause losses for organization. This research effort will provide a framework to understand the situation and then apply effective motivational measures. With one stick all animals cannot be handles (see the quotation). Multiethnic environment has its special attributes. Uniform motivational procedures may not be very successful in such working environment where the social and cultural background of employees varies. One word may motivate one but not for other. The research effort will search and recommend any middle way of motivation for all.

Research Design

The data will be collected about ten to fifteen international companies hold international employees located in Sultanate of Oman. The major source of data collection will be questionnaire but alongside the personal interviews will also be carrying out to make the data more accurate. Two types of questionnaires will be setup for employees and for managers.

In quantitative research logic and data is used to know the response of people on a topic. Then statistical and numerical formulas are applied. Questionnaire with Likert scale to measure the strength of response is used to collect the data.In qualitative research it is examined that how people feel and what they think and how they make decisions on a matter. This research based on discussion with open questions. Motivation, association and behaviors are examined. Interviews and focus groups are tools used for examination.If I perceive my research exercise then I may believe that my research will be a mixture of both qualitative and quantitative aspects. Data will be collected through questionnaire side by side behaviors will be observed by conducted certain interviews. Focused groups will be observed. Combination of these two types of research will produce insightful results.

The research paradigm is positivistic in a sense that the reasons and facts will be searched which relate with motivational variables of multiethnic environment. This research work may guide the motivation policy makers in a way that how employees from different cultural backgrounds may be motivated. Pragmatism is the perception which makes a theory into practical. Motivation is the key success variable of organizations today .This research assignment is practical in a logic that it relates with motivation and inspirational aspects.

Data is the strength of character of any research exert. Accuracy of data has its vital importance in authenticity of the research work accomplished. In proposed research work the data will be collected by specially designed questionnaires. Two questionnaires are designed one for executives and other for employees. Side by side personal interviews will be conducted. Interviews option is considered when questionnaires may not be considered seriously.

I have concluded my research in Sultanate of Oman. From 1970 to date the era of Sultan Qaboos Bin Saeed has attain exceedingly high economic and societal escalation and progress. I have selected 10 to 15 international companies having more than 150 employees. The companies are selected from manufacturing, trade and services sectors. The questionnaire is distributed on simple random basis by personal visit in these companies. From each company thirty employees and five executives are selected as sample.

Data Processing, Analysis Techniques and Interpretation:

The response acquire in the course of questionnaire is further examine by assigning numerical values to each reply.It is a process of inspecting, cleaning, transforming and modeling data. Data analysis is also called as data modeling. In data analysis process the raw data is collected, analyzed and hypothesis are tested.Procedures for analyzing data, techniques for interpreting the results of such procedures, ways of planning the gathering of data to make its analysis easier, more precise or more accurate, and all the machinery and results of (mathematical) statistics which apply to analyzing data.(Johan Tukey). Data when collected then it is organized for analysis. Then data cleaning is required to culture it into more meaningful form. Now exploratory data analysis is performed. The real meaning within data is understood. In data modeling and algorithms the variables are defined in the data. In regression analysis is described as Y = aX + b + error. In data product the software application is done which creates the relationship of input and output. All this defined steps will be taken in my research exert.

The proposed computer software which will be used to process the data is SPSS. It is window based software which is used to analyze data in to tables and graphs and other statistical tools may also be applied. This software is used in social sciences.


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