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SpringOne 2016 in a nutshell

Date post: 23-Jan-2018
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SpringOne 2016 in a nutshell @JeroenResoort @jdriven_nl Tim te Beek
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SpringOne 2016in a nutshell

@JeroenResoort @jdriven_nlTim te Beek

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How is Las Vegas?

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How is Las Vegas?It’s Hot! 35 degrees Celsius…

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How is Las Vegas?It’s Hot! 35 degrees Celsius… at 05:00 in the morning…

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How is Las Vegas?It’s Hot! 35 degrees Celsius… at 05:00 in the morning…

45 degrees Celsius during daytime!

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● 2000+ attendees● 184 speakers● Great speakers, great talks● 9 parallel tracks● Superb venue

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TodayA variety of subjects

● Spring Boot 1.4● Spring Framework 5.0● PCF Dev● Microservices and DDD● The talent pool● Consumer driven contracts● Spring cloud Sleuth and Zipkin

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What’s new in Spring boot 1.4Uses Spring Framework 4.3

Run Unit Tests with only a ‘slice’ of Spring easily

● @WebMvcTest, @DataJpaTest, @JsonTest● Only setup controller for specific test● Setup MockMvc automatically● Less boilerplate code

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What’s new in Spring boot 1.4FailureAnalyzer

● Many common failures get easy to read failure messages● You can write your own analyzers

Spring REST Docs

● Combines hand-written documentation written with Asciidoctor and auto-generated snippets produced with Spring MVC Test

● Guarantees your documentation is in line with your API

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What’s new in Spring boot 1.4See keynote session by Stephane Nicoll and Josh Long


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Microservices and Domain Driven DesignMicroservices and DDD go hand in hand

DDD Aggregates are a useful concept when designing microservices

When communicating across contexts you use Events

Forget about ACID and XA transactions

Use event sourcing

Check the talk by Chris Richardson when it comes online!

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Spring Framework 5.0Roadmap:

● 5.0 RC1: Dec 2016● 5.0 GA: Q1 2017

Upgrades: JDK8+, Servlets 3.1+, JMS 2.0+, JPA 2.1+, JUnit 5

JDK9 compatibility

Startup performance

Junit 5

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Spring Framework 5.0HTTP/2

Lambda-oriented HTTP routing and processing

Reactive streams support Backpressure

Use Spring Reactor or RxJava

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Why reactive?

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Why reactive?

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More on ReactiveDon’t miss the reactive workshop by Bas and Riccardo at JFall!

"Making the paradigm-shift to Reactive Programming with Spring 5 Web Reactive"

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“We Transform How The World Builds Software”

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Keynote session: “Help Developers Do What They Love”by Onsi Fakhouri

Summarises quite nicely the main subjects of the conference

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How to transform your business into a software business?

Organisation structure

Cultural change

Continuous delivery. Continuously experimenting and taking risk.

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How to transform your business into a software business?

ComCast has made this journey, they are now doing 4000 deployments a day

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PCF Dev Run a cloud foundry locally from your laptop

Easy to install: download file and execute

Some additional steps required to run offline

To update to a new version you will need to download and install again

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PCF Dev Demo time

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Using 100% of the talent poolDon’t ignore women and people of other ethnicity

A Tale of Two Ladies: On Generating Opportunity for Women in Tech - Cornelia Davis

Inclusion through Lending Privilege - Anjuan Simmons

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Using 100% of the talent poolEducation


Unconscious bias

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Consumer driven contractsInteresting way of defining contracts

See http://martinfowler.com/articles/consumerDrivenContracts.html

Consumer contracts express a subset of the system's business function capabilities in terms of the consumer's expectations of the provider contract.

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Consumer driven contractsInteresting way of defining contracts

See http://martinfowler.com/articles/consumerDrivenContracts.html

Consumer contracts express a subset of the system's business function capabilities in terms of the consumer's expectations of the provider contract.

Spring Cloud Contract helps you with that

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Spring Cloud ContractSee https://cloud.spring.io/spring-cloud-contract/

Spring Cloud Contract Verifier is a tool that enables Consumer Driven Contract (CDC) development of JVM-based applications. It is shipped with Contract Definition Language (DSL). Contract definitions are used to produce following resources:

● JSON stub definitions to be used by WireMock (HTTP Server Stub) when doing integration testing on the client code (client tests). Test code must still be written by hand, test data is produced by Spring Cloud Contract Verifier

● Acceptance tests (in JUnit or Spock) used to verify if server-side implementation of the API is compliant with the contract (server tests). Full test is generated by Spring Cloud Contract Verifier

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Latency analysis and distributed tracing● Service architecture isn’t simple anymore

○ Multiple servers, instances, possible paths

● Troubleshooting becomes murder-mystery○ Is POST /things slow?

○ Where did this happen?

○ Which event was it?

○ Is it abnormal?

● Clues are scattered and hard to relate

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Spring Cloud Sleuth - SpanSpan - individual operation, contains timestamped events and tags

Unique, generated id

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Spring Cloud Sleuth - TraceTrace - end-to-end latency graph, composed of spans

Another unique, generated id

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Spring Cloud Sleuth - Log correlationLogs get Mapped Diagnostic Context tags of span and trace IDs

Correlate requests across services with Logstash / Kibana

Send traces to Zipkin for latency visualization

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Spring Cloud Sleuth - How to1. Add `spring-cloud-starter-sleuth` to classpath

2. Check instrumentationa. Out of the box: HTTP, Messaging, Feign, Zuul, Hystrics, @Async, Runnable/Callable

3. Send to Zipkin with `spring-cloud-starter-sleuth-zipkin`a. HTTP to localhost:9411 by default

4. Tweak sampling percentagea. 10% by default

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Visualize traces with Zipkin

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Zipkin - How toJust a jar, available from GitHub

Data stored in memory, cassandra, elasticsearch or mysql

Available as-a-service in PCF

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Sleuth / Zipkin summary● Log correlation allows you to match logs for a given trace

● Distributed tracing allows you to quickly see latency issues in your system

● Zipkin is a great tool to visualize the latency graph and system dependencies

● Spring Cloud Sleuth integrates with Zipkin and grants you log correlation

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What more?Spring cloud task and Spring cloud data flow (evolution of Spring Batch and Spring XD)

Google and Microsoft promoting their cloud platforms as cloud foundry compatible

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Watch listYoutube channel from Pivotal contains keynotes sessions and some other talks:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdw_9dADM-4&list=PLAdzTan_eSPQ1fuLSBhyB4eEZF7JQM0Mx

Recommended talks:

● Simplifying the Future - Adrian Cockcroft - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGK6jjamzfY● A Tale of Two Ladies: On Generating Opportunity for Women in Tech - Cornelia Davis -

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lFv3qknbqQ● Cloud Native Java - Josh Long - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5q8B6lYhFvE● Developing microservices with aggregates - Chris Richardson ● Consumer Driven Contracts and your microservice architecture - Marcin Grzejszczak● From Imperative To Reactive Web Apps - Rossen Stoyanchev● A lot more...

(hope they come online soon!)

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“Open source is a positive-sum game”Sam Ramji, CEO at Cloud Foundry

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SpringOne 2016in a nutshell

@JeroenResoort @jdriven_nlTim te Beek
