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Spyro Full Walk Through

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  • 8/6/2019 Spyro Full Walk Through


    2. Walkthrough.............................[1000]

    i - Dragon Village....................[1001]

    ii - Crocovile Swamp..................[1002]

    iii - Dragonfly Falls.................[1003]

    iv - Gnasty's Cave....................[1004]

    v - Coastal Remains...................[1101]vi - Cloudy Domain....................[1102]

    vii - Sunken Ruins....................[1103]

    viii - Boss: Ineptune.................[1104]

    ix - Frostbite Village................[1201]

    x - Gloomy Glacier....................[1202]

    xi - Ice Citadel......................[1203]

    xii - Frostbite Village...............[1204]

    xiii - Boss: Red......................[1205]

    xiv - Stormy Beach....................[1301]

    xv - Molten Mount.....................[1302]

    xvi - Magma Falls Top.................[1303]xvii - Magma Falls Bottom.............[1304]

    xviii - Dark Mine.....................[1305]

    xix - Red's Laboratory................[1306]

    xx - Completionism....................[1307]

    xxi - Boss: Mecha-Red.................[1308]

    3. Collectables Lists......................[2000]

    i - Dark Gems.........................[2001]

    ii - Dragon Eggs......................[2002]

    iii - Light Gems......................[2003]


    | [1000] Walkthrough |O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O

    o--------o /------------------------------------------------------\

    | [1001] |-----------| Dragon Village |

    o--------o \------------------------------------------------------/

    [ ] - Destroy Dark Gem

    [ ] - Collect 8 Light Gems

    Head back through the Nursery again o-----------LIGHT GEM 002/100----------o

    and over to the far side of the | Inside the chest at the entrance to |

    opening part of the level to where | the west-side of Dragon Village. |

    there was a ledge that required | Double Jump required. |Double Jump. And suprisesuprise, o--------------------------------------o

    you've got it now!

    Make sure to have a Lock-Pick here, as the chest straight away contains

    something very nice.

    Go through the tunnel here, kill the o------------DARK GEM 02/40------------o

    armouredGnorc and out into the large | Once you activate the switch in the |

    open area at the end. To the right of | far-west area of Dragon Village, |

  • 8/6/2019 Spyro Full Walk Through


    the entrance, you'll find a round red | several platforms will raise up. |

    and white target just at the right | Jump up onto the nearest one as it |

    height for charging into. | goes up, and then onto the next |

    | highest. Then jump off to the side |

    Jump back down to ground level, and | where this dark gem is awaiting. |

    talk to Sgt. Byrd over by the purple o--------------------------------------oportal.

    o----DRAGON EGG 03/80 - Flame Model----o

    [ ] - Clear Sgt. Byrd's Speedway | Just inside the small opening made |

    Say yes. Basically what you need to| visible by destroying Dark Gem 02. |

    do here is get all of the targets aso--------------------------------------------------------o

    specified at the start in the time limit given. Easy Mode is for a Dragon Egg,

    and Hard Mode is for a Light Gem. With Hard Mode you just get less time to

    start with really, though the things are also spread out differently too.

    Here you'll be getting Rings, Time-Gates, Targets, Gnorcs and Vultures. You'll

    also be given a 3 minute time limit in which to get all these, though going

    through Time-Gates gives you +5 seconds, so you could count that as 3:40.First off, take off and head down towards the time-gate on the right. Fly

    through it and along through a few more, shoot anything that gets a target to

    appear on it. Go through the rings at the end here, and then through another

    Time-Gate, a ring and then shoot a Gnorc. In a short while when you get to an

    island with several Gnorcs on, make sure to get all four.

    Right ahead, you should get the last two remaing Time-Gates as well as the last

    couple of Gnorcs, then head off towards the flock of Vultures and take all

    eight of them out. Just past the Vultures you should find the last of the

    Targets to blow up. If you're still missing anything, then fly around the level

    looking for it/them.

    Once you've completed it on Easy, go o---DRAGON EGG 04/80 - Sgt. Byrd Set---oonto the Hard setting in order to get | Complete Sgt. Byrd's Mini-Game in |

    the Light Gem. This requires faster | the far west part of Dragon Village |

    shooting and better tracking down of | on Easy setting. |

    things to shoot, the above strategy o--------------------------------------o

    is useless as the things are all in

    different places now. There are now o-----------LIGHT GEM 003/100----------o

    Gnorcs up on top of the towers in | Complete Sgt. Byrd's Mini-Game in |

    case you wanted to know. | the far west part of Dragon Village |

    | on Hard Setting. |

    After getting this Light Gem, charge o--------------------------------------o

    into the switch you used earlier, andfollow the platforms all the way up o-----------LIGHT GEM 004/100----------o

    to the opening in the wall. Also up | Inside at the top of a series of |

    there you'll find a firework to | platforms in the far-west section of |

    destroy a Strong Chest on one of the | Dragon Village. |

    platforms. Now, just to the left of o--------------------------------------o

    the entrance to this whole area,

    you'll see a cracked wall, charge into it.

  • 8/6/2019 Spyro Full Walk Through


  • 8/6/2019 Spyro Full Walk Through


    +------------------------------+ another tunnel, there's a piece of fire ammo

    on the left if you want it, watch out for the

    vines though.

    A simple tunnel with moving spikes coming out of the walls. Once you get to the

    end you'll see Moneybags with his shop, walk up to it and he'll tell you about

    his remote shop. You'll now be able to use his teleport passes which canteleport you to any one of his shops

    across the realm, providing you've o------------DARK GEM 04/40------------o

    walked over it at least once. | To the north-west of the first of |

    | Moneybags remote shops in Crocovile |

    Follow those newly created platforms | Swamp. This dark gem raises up three |

    up to a cave where Zoe is waiting. | large platforms which will allow you |

    | to get to the western section of the |

    Charge into the cracked wall on the | level. |

    right of the entrance. o--------------------------------------o

    Continue along the main tunnel now, o-----------LIGHT GEM 007/100----------o

    and follow it out into the large open | Instead of going to the left in this |area here. If you go over to the | tunnel at Zoe, charge into the wall |

    lefthand side of this place, you can | on the right to open up a secret |

    find a firework that will destroy a | tunnel with a large spider in. At |

    Strong Chest over to the right. Once | the end is a locked chest with this |

    you've flamed it, head over to where | light gem inside. |

    the chest was, and then follow the o--------------------------------------o

    platforms just to the west of it.

    o---DRAGON EGG 06/80 - Character Set---o

    Don't fall in the brown swamp, it'll | At the end of the set of platforms |

    kill you straight away. Also watch | in the far west section of Crocovile |

    out for the large swamp tentacles | Swamp. |which will pop out and try to knock o--------------------------------------o

    you into the swamp.

    That's all for this section of Crocovile Swamp, you won't ever need to come

    back here if you don't want to. Anyway, head back to Moneybags shop again.

    Follow the steps upwards on the pyramid with the spikes moving on it. Make sure

    to jump over the gaps as they contain the same deadly swamp water as the swamp.

    Once you get right to the very top of

    the pyramid, glide over to the cannon o-----------LIGHT GEM 008/100----------o

    to the north-west. | Use the cannon to destroy the top of |

    | the pyramid next to Moneybags' first |

    Jump back down to ground level, and | shop, and the Light Gem will appear |follow it around to the north-east | there. |

    now. Keep along the edge of the o--------------------------------------o

    swamp, and go down to where the

    Professor's hologram is waiting.

    [ ] - Collect 40 Light Gems

    He'll tell you about his Supercharge Gadget, one that requires 40 Light Gems to

  • 8/6/2019 Spyro Full Walk Through


    be powered. You won't be able to do this for a while, so ignore it right now.

    Continue on past here, and as you o-----DRAGON EGG 07/80 - Ember Set-----o

    reach a large doorway into a tunnel, | Past the temple, just before an |

    go off to the right of it and follow | entrance to a tunnel guarded by |

    a short path up to a locked chest. | dragon dogs, go off to the right up |

    | to a locked chest which contains |Now go into that tunnel you just | this egg. |

    avoided. Follow it round all the way o--------------------------------------o

    to Zoe. Once out in the open, follow

    the large plants along (flame them) up to a switch on the ground. Horn Dive it

    to open up the front gate of the temple permanently.

    Head down to Moneybags' shop, then go upto the temple itself, making sure to

    kill everything that gets in your way. On the right is another switch to Horn

    Dive. It'll open up the temple fully.

    Now go into the tunnel dead ahead of o-----DRAGON EGG 08/80 - Spyro Set-----o

    the entrance. Another pressure button | In the left-hand room of the temple |

    will open it up. Inside is a series | near Moneybags' Shop 'Forgotten |of platforms, all above a bottomless | Temple', simply walk over the |

    expanse, with swinging axes as well | pressure button to open it. It's |

    as Gnorcs on several of the | also inside a locked chest. |

    platforms. You'll need to time it o--------------------------------------o

    right, jumping just as the axe gets

    out of the way, and flaming whilst jumping so as to avoid getting knocked

    backwards by the Gnorcs, or you could probably use the ammo if you wanted to be


    On the way there, there is only one o-----------LIGHT GEM 009/100----------o

    Gnorc and two swinging axes, however | At the end of a series of platforms |

    on the way back, there is a Gnorc on | in the room dead ahead of the |each platform and all the axes are | entrance to the 'Forgotten Temple'. |

    swinging as well as some falling o--------------------------------------o

    rocks too.

    The path to the right of the entrance is currently unavailable due to the fact

    that you don't have electric breath just yet. You'll probably want to come back

    here once you've gotten that in order to get what's behind the door there.

    Now, out of the temple and continue o-----------LIGHT GEM 010/100----------o

    on along to the south-west, follow | At the major curve around in the |

    the windy path along killing Gnorcs | path, you should be able to see a |

    as you go. | slightly different coloured stone in |

    | the wall, charge into it and the |Finish up the tunnel to where Zoe is. | wall will open up to this Light Gem. |

    To the left you can go along a couple o--------------------------------------o

    of platforms to get to some gems, but

    there's nothing else so there's little point.

    Instead, go off and follow the path o-----------LIGHT GEM 011/100----------o

    of platforms ahead of Zoe, and since | Take the right path of platforms, |

    you can't Pole Spin, just yet, keep | which rise and sink, and work your |

  • 8/6/2019 Spyro Full Walk Through


    following them until there's a split | way up and around to place above the |

    in the directions again. | Zoe, which was just after Light Gem |

    | #10. |

    Step on the small button in front o--------------------------------------o

    of where the Light Gem was, and

    jump back down to Zoe. Follow the platforms along again, this time going leftat the second split.

    And here, you should easily see Blink locked inside a wooden cage. Quite why

    it's never said, but step on the small button infront of him to release him.

    [ ] - Let Blink explore

    Say yes. This is the first of many increasingly difficult mini-games for Blink.

    First off to get a Dragon Egg, you'll need to get five Dark Shards, then on the

    second run through to get a Light Gem, there'll be more dark gems to get, ten

    in fact.

    Read the Help if you want to know how to control him, or just refer to the

    controls section of the introduction to this walkthrough. Wooden Crates can

    simply be shot or punched, Horn Dive chests require you to perform Blink'sequivalent to Horn Dive, except that you don't need to double jump. Blink's

    bombs can be thrown a short distance and will stick to certain things. They are

    required for blowing up the Dark Shards as well as larger obstacles.

    Instead of Zoe everywhere, there are Blink Bomb rechargers which will save your

    progress in the current Mini-Game, so if you die and continue you'll go back to

    the last one you walked over with the amount of Dark Shards you had then.

    There are also several points that will require Blink to dig, these are in

    walls for getting around, and at certain points in the floor which will dig up

    a few gems. Trina will introduce all these things as you go along the level,

    eventually and in an annoying fashion.

    Anyway, with the level. Head straight ahead, and when you get into a pit withseveral green vines in, dig at the far wall which when looked at through your

    goggles, appears a light pink. Collect some bombs, and then proceed to use one

    on the cracked door on your right if you want some gems, and in HARD mode,

    there'll be a Dark Shard in here.

    Next, jump up onto the ladder type thing, and use Blink's wall kick ability

    (even if Spyro doesn't have it yet). At the top, shoot the large spider and

    drop a bomb next to the first Dark Shard.

    Jump down just past this (HARD: Dark Shard next to the bomb dispenser), and

    blow up a large stack of metal crates, you'll need to blow them up twice. And

    just beyond them are a couple of spiders and the second Dark Shard. Use the

    wall kick section here to get back up, shoot the spider at the top too. Jump upto the next level and then use the wall kick thing there too.

    At the top, shoot the two spiders across the large gap with dragon dogs in and

    then when the moving rock gets closer, jump onto the bottom of it and Blink

    will hold on. Wait for it to reach the other side and then drop a Blink bomb on

    the Dark Shard over there too.

    o-----DRAGON EGG 09/80 - Blink Set-----o

    Drop back down the wall kick place, | Complete Blink's mini-game on Easy |

  • 8/6/2019 Spyro Full Walk Through


    and dig through the wall to a new | Setting. |

    area. Straight away on the left is o--------------------------------------o

    the fourth Dark Shard. Jump onto

    the stone platform nearby and wait o-----------LIGHT GEM 012/100----------o

    for another one to swing by, jump | Complete Blink's mini-game on Hard |

    onto the vertical surface and again | Setting. |Blink will hold on. Wait for it to o--------------------------------------o

    get over to another platform and jump

    off. (HARD: On the platform just ahead is another Dark Shard to destroy) Wait

    for another, then do the same again.

    On the platform at the end (HARD: Use stone platforms to get up really high

    where there is another Dark Shard), jump down to the left where the fifth Dark

    Shard is waiting. (HARD: In the middle of the swamp water is another Dark


    Once you've done both of those, head off to the left of his cage to where

    another Moneybags' shop is, Elder's Tree.

    [ ] - Visit Elder Magnus o------------DARK GEM 05/40------------o| Just past Moneybags' Shop, 'Elder's |

    Head inside the treehouse and talk to | Tree' is this Dark Gem, it will open |

    the Elder Magnus. He'll explain a | up Elder Magnus' treehouse. |

    little more about Red, and then give o--------------------------------------o

    Spyro the ability to Pole Spin.

    [ ] - Use Pole Spin

    o-----DRAGON EGG 10/80 - Flame Set-----o

    Use the pole over to your right on | Charge into the wall just on the |

    The wall to swing to a higher pole, | right on the first platform of the |

    Then again to a platform. | Elder's tree house. |

    o--------------------------------------oAlso light the firework if you want.

    Turn around and go back into the o-----------LIGHT GEM 013/100----------o

    Tree house again. | Jump up to the third level platform |

    | In the Elder's tree house. |

    There are a couple more uses for pole o--------------------------------------o

    Spin around here, but none of which

    Lead to anything more than gems. So off back to where Blink was. Follow the

    Platforms away to the left, and then onto the green land on the second fork.

    Pole Spin up to the top.

    Follow the platforms in here, to the o-----DRAGON EGG 11/80 - Blink Set-----oSecond Crocovile. Jump up to where he | Behind a small fence in the far |

    Is. | South-eastern area of Crocovile |

    | Swamp which can be destroyed with a |

    Continue on through and you'll appear | small charge. |

    With Blink directly in front. Glide o--------------------------------------o

    Over to the platform above him, or

    Just use the poles next to him if you o------------DARK GEM 06/40------------o

  • 8/6/2019 Spyro Full Walk Through


    Dont make it. Watch out for the | Right at the end of the tunnel above |

    Spiders of this tunnel. | Blink's cage. |


    [ ] - Visit Fredneck the Frog

    It'll open up the entrance to where Fredneck is sitting. You'll need to talk to

    Him to get further on.[ ] - Clear Fred's Critter problem

    You'll once again need to o-----DRAGON EGG 12/80 - Spyro Set-----o

    Complete this twice. Dragon Egg for | Complete Fred's turret mini-game on |

    The first go, Light Gem for the | Easy. |

    Second. In order to win, you'll need o--------------------------------------o

    to get the green side of the bar to

    full, you'll lose if the red gets to o-----------LIGHT GEM 014/100----------o

    full. | Complete Fred's turret mini-game on |

    | Hard. |

    Shoot the critters as they appear on o--------------------------------------o

    your radar before they can get to thefood in front of you. Just hold down shoot and wave the turret around for a

    bit. It will get more difficult as you go along.

    Now go off to the left using the lily pads.

    And that is the last of the o-----------LIGHT GEM 015/100----------o

    collectables in this level that you | On the second lilypad after Fredneck |

    can currently get. Once you've got | the Frog, turn to the right and jump |

    both electric breath and 40 light | up to the Light Gem on the shelf. |

    gems, you should come back here in o--------------------------------------o

    order to gather up the last remaining

    Light Gems and Dragon Egg.

    Glide down to the lilypad again and continue on the same way you were before.You should recognise the place, now work your way back to the beginning of the

    level and through to Dragon Village again.

    Find the Ball Gadget near to where the nursery is, and get into it ready for a

    trip to Dragonfly Falls. There's very little to do inside the Ball Gadget,

    simply work your way to the other end of the short path to get to the next

    level. Select No when you fall into the hole at the end.

    o--------o /------------------------------------------------------\

    | [1003] |-----------| Dragonfly Falls |

    o--------o \------------------------------------------------------/

    +------Items and Tasks------+| 4 Dark Gems | After getting out of the Ball Gadget, you'll

    | 6 Dragon Eggs | appear next to Zoe inside a brown earthy cave.

    | 9 Light Gems | No new tasks just yet, so head forwards taking

    |---------------------------| out the Crocovile as you see fit, either for

    | Destroy all the Dark Gems | lunch or a barbecue, your choice.

    | Collect 70 Light Gems |

    | Clear Sparx Shooter | Couple of self-raising spikes ahead, make sure

  • 8/6/2019 Spyro Full Walk Through


    | Retrieve Dragon Egg | to jump over the one that just went down.

    | Retrieve Light Gem | Continue on the short journey until you reach

    +---------------------------+ Zoe up a couple of 'steps'. You'll notice a

    crack in the wall ahead, there's only gems in

    there so pick them up if you want. Now turn around and look back the way you

    came, you should see a Crocovile on a ledge with a locked chest behind him.Simply glide on over there, and kill the Crocovile.

    Once you've got that, jump back to o-----------LIGHT GEM 016/100----------o

    Zoe and continue down the path | In the locked chest by a Crocovile |

    outside. Once you get into the large | near the start of the level, |

    green open-ish area, go over to the | opposite a secret gem cave. |

    left and jump up onto a platform with o--------------------------------------o

    a Crocovile on, smash into the

    cracked wall behind him. Some bats o------------DARK GEM 07/40------------o

    will fly out, flame them as they do | At the end of a 'secret' tunnel in |

    or they'll hurt you. | the first outside area of the level. |

    o--------------------------------------oThat Dark Gem will cause the place to

    lighten up a bit and will open up another small area.

    Head out of this tunnel now, and o-----DRAGON EGG 13/80 - Ember Set-----o

    continue along with the level. | Inside the small area opened up by |

    Moneybags' shop 'Steep Canyon' is | Dark Gem #7. |

    right ahead. o--------------------------------------o

    Continue on past it, buy another Lock-Pick if you need one, and as you get to

    them, flame the goats/rams that charge at you. Very similar to those of the

    first game, they even have a shephard behind them. Now, when you reach the

    shephard, turn to the right and glide over to the platform with a button on it.

    Horn Dive it to activate it.Go up the platforms and use the cannon on the top to destroy the large metal

    door over to the other side, it should already be perfectly lined up for you.

    Take that Light Gem, and smash the o-----------LIGHT GEM 017/100----------o

    cracked wall on the right if you want | Through a strong door destroyed by a |

    some extra gems. If not, head back | cannon near the start of the level. |

    out again and once again it's back on o--------------------------------------o

    with the level. Watch out for the

    spikes here, they hurt.

    If you need some free gems, go left and explore the region below and around

    here as you get out of the tunnel. Else, just continue on along the path to

    another tunnel with moving spikes in, though take the path that doesn't havethem.

    Zoe'll zap you. Jump and glide over o------------DARK GEM 08/40------------o

    to the first of the platforms above | Over to the left of a series of |

    nothingness, and then head off to the | bendy platforms, it opens up a |

    left. | cannon for use. |


    Jump aboard that cannon, and shoot

  • 8/6/2019 Spyro Full Walk Through


    the large boulders across from you. Then, make your way over to where they were

    and use the cannon there to smash another boulder, you can also, and should,

    shoot the birds circling overhead.

    Use the newly cleared platform to get o---DRAGON EGG 14/80 - Character Set---o

    over to the green part, and go to the | Over a bottomless chasm on the left |

    left end of it. | near Dark Gem #8. |o--------------------------------------o

    [ ] - Collect 70 Light Gems

    Now head off to the other end of the place where you landed and go through to

    the 'right'. Just before you exit the tunnel here, jump onto the boxes and then

    up onto a ledge on the left. You'll find a few gems as well as a door locked

    until you collect 70 Light Gems. You won't have enough just yet, but you'll

    need to come back later if you want to complete the game to 100%.

    Now head back to the tunnel again and

    out the end. You should appear in an o------------DARK GEM 09/40------------o

    area with a large stone Elder statue. | Over to the right of where the |

    Explore the area for gems if you | Dragon Elder statue is looking, just |want. | before a pool of water. |


    The pool will fill up further, jump

    in and smash open the cracked wall. o-----------LIGHT GEM 018/100----------o

    | Through a cracked wall which is only |

    Head back out again. Jump to the | smashable by swimming into it. |

    left of the entrance to this area o--------------------------------------o

    again and around the corner a bit to

    land on a place with a small knee-deep pond on it. Then glide over to a

    mysterious floating platform in front of the Dragon Elder statue. Jump up to

    another and then glide on over to the signpost with a picture of Sparx on it.[ ] - Clear Sparx Shooter

    This is the first of the Sparxminigames. As with all other mini-games, you'll

    go through once to get a Dragon Egg and a second time for a Light Gem. The

    minigame here involves you controlling Sparx and flying him down a tunnel with

    loads of bugs and things flying at you and attacking you. Sparx will appear on

    screen sort of like a cross-hair, but larger and gets in the way of your view

    occasionally, though you get a cross-hair too.

    Shoot continuously if you want, I highly recommend it. You'll want to kill the

    spiders that drop down as they will hit you if you don't, though the rest of

    the bugs can generally be avoided.

    Once shot the spiders will sometimes o-----DRAGON EGG 15/80 - Sparx Set-----odrop powerups, and the bugs will | Complete Sparx Shooter on Easy mode. |

    either drop gems or very rarely a o--------------------------------------o

    butterfly to heal you. Your blue

    gauge will slowly regenerate so use o-----------LIGHT GEM 019/100----------o

    it if you want to slow down or speed | Complete Sparx Shooter on Hard mode. |

    up at any point. Oh, and shoot the o--------------------------------------o

    web when you get to it.

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    Just get to the end to win. The only difference with Hard mode is that there

    are a few creatures on the floor who will attack you much like the spiders do.

    Now jump down to the right onto a platform with a Crocovile on it. Go down the

    tunnel, flame the bats as they

    appear and out to the large open area o-----DRAGON EGG 16/80 - Sparx Set-----o

    at the other end. Glide down to the | Inside a cracked wall in the large |right and land on a platform with | watery open area after the Sparx |

    Wicker Baskets round a palm tree. | mini-game. Reachable by using Wall |

    Charge and flame the Gnorc as it | Kick. |

    appears. Then charge into the cracked o--------------------------------------o


    Jump down to Moneybags' Shop, 'Tropical Cove'. Beware of the water, if is

    infested with piranhas. I don't believe that you can kill the piranhas here and

    I don't recommend trying.

    Over to the left of the entrance to o-----------LIGHT GEM 020/100----------o

    this area, on a small island with a | To the left of the entrance to the |

    tree, you should find a locked chest. | piranha infested water area, inside || a locked chest. |

    Collecting this 20th Light Gem will o--------------------------------------o

    solve a task you've yet to get, so

    don't worry about it too much when the task icon appears but nothings changed.

    Use the floating wooden platforms to o-----------LIGHT GEM 021/100----------o

    get across to the other side of the | On the western side of the piranha |

    lake. | infested lake, it's on a short |

    | treetrunk. |

    Now work your way over to the north- o--------------------------------------o

    western side of the lake. On the left

    up the first step you should be able to see Hunter standing there. This is hisfirst playable level.

    [ ] - Retrieve Dragon Egg

    That's the whole point of this, though there is a Light Gem too. Unlike the

    other extra characters, Hunter isn't a mini-game guy, his levels are parts of

    levels and are just a simple change of character rather then being Spyro. If

    you want, you can turn around and shoot Spyro a few times. You've got Sparx so

    it won't hurt.

    Jump up the ledge here and go through a tunnel. Follow the platforms around,

    shooting Gnorcs as they appear. Try not to fall into the water below, this cat

    can't swim. Trina will give you some helpful pointers at controlling Hunter,

    though for the most part it's just common sense.On the ledges with Gnorcs that shoot at you, shoot them and then shoot the

    baskets if there are any, the gems will fly towards you so there's no need to

    try the impossible jump over to them.

    Once you reach Zoe again, go forwards a short way and then jump through the

    waterfall to a tunnel. In here you'll find a whole load of gems, a few Gnorcs

    and a couple of explosive arrows, similar to what Spyro has for a fire powerup,

    but more useful as they are required to be used if you want to get everything.

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    Head back out again, and jump onto the climbable surface at the end of the

    path. This is really just a demonstration of what you'll need to do in later

    Hunter levels as there are only gems to be gotten this way. Head back again.

    Now continue along the platforms, take the path to the right and land on the

    ledge with some fodder on it. Use an Explosive Arrow on the cracked wall for

    some gems and another explosive arrow.Now back to the main track again. o-----DRAGON EGG 17/80 - Flame Set-----o

    Quickly take care of the three birds | Work your way to the Dragon Egg in |

    flying around, and make the large | Hunter's portion of the level. |

    jump to the dragon egg you can see. o--------------------------------------o

    Carry on past the egg, shoot the o-----------LIGHT GEM 022/100----------o

    three Gnorcs left and work your way | At the end of the Hunter portion of |

    over the platforms to your prize. | the level. |


    Now just drop down, you're back at

    the start of the Hunter part, and walk back to where Spyro is waiting.

    Glide over to the green steps ahead and go up them to where an armouredGnorcis standing, kill it of course. Wander along the path, you can drop down to the

    water level if you want, and into a large area, the last part of the level.

    There's a Light Gem in here which is unreachable due to the fact that you don't

    have Wall Kick right now. So instead, head over to the top of the first

    platform you get to in there area.

    Wait for a moving platform to arrive, jump aboard and let it carry you to its

    destination, though you will need to jump as it doesn't quite reach where you

    want to go. Remember I mentioned a

    Light Gem you couldn't get yet? Well, o-----------LIGHT GEM 023/100----------o

    I lied. You can. At the end of the | Reachable via a Wall Kick, near the |

    journey of this moving platform, jump | Dark Gem #10. |off to the left and towards the Light o--------------------------------------o

    Gem. You should be able to make it if

    you're lucky, Spyro will most likely

    grab on to the side.

    o------------DARK GEM 10/40------------o

    Now go back up onto the moving | After a moving platform in the |

    platform again and jump forwards this | central area of the level. |

    time. o--------------------------------------o

    The wall will collapse and a task will be completed. You now have all ten Dark

    Gems of this realm collected, opening up the way to fight GnastyGnorc.

    Collect the gems and jump into what is now known as a 'thermal', it's basicallyjust the same as a whirlwind from previous titles though, except Spyro looks

    like he's about to sneeze whilst he uses it. You'll also need to jump off from

    the top yourself.

    You might recognise the place now, you're at the place with the spikes coming

    out of the ground. You'll now want to be heading all the way back to the start

    of the level and getting back into the Ball Gadget to get back to Dragon

    Village, as the remaining Light Gem and Dragon Egg can only be obtained once

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    you've opened the 70 Light Gem door. It's basically just left now and continue

    along until you get there.

    Head off to the entrance to Gnasty's o-----DRAGON EGG 18/80 - Flame Set-----o

    lair, the vines will disappear | Just after Flame and before Gnasty. |

    sharpish. Head in and you'll meet a o--------------------------------------o

    small red dragon who goes by the nameof Flame. As with Ember, this is the only time you'll ever see her/him apart

    from when you get all the eggs of her set. I'm not sure whether Flame is meant

    to be male of female really.

    o--------o /------------------------------------------------------\

    | [1004] |-----------| Boss: GnastyGnorc |

    o--------o \------------------------------------------------------/

    +---Items and Tasks---+

    | 0 Dark Gems | [ ] - Defeat GnastyGnorc

    | 0 Dragon Eggs |

    | 0 Light Gems | Continue on past the egg and you'll get to a place

    |---------------------| where the game will take over for a short time, but| Defeat GnastyGnorc | shortly before that, you'll be able to see Gnasty in

    | Use Electric Breath | the distance.

    | Activate Teleporter |

    +---------------------+ Sporting a new look, similar to the picture of him on

    the front of Spyro the Dragon, Gnasty has returned

    (properly) for the first time since the original game. No long chase sequence

    followed by one flame this time however.

    Gnasty's bar will appear onscreen with his little face on the right. He'll slam

    his club down to the ground, jump over the shockwave and go up behind him to

    flame his rear. He'll then smash the ground three times in quick succession, no

    chance to flame him yet though. Another slam which sends out mini tornados, andyou can flame him a second time. Again he'll do the three smashes followed by a

    larger one, this time with more tornados, jump over them and flame him for a

    third time.

    This'll 'beat' him and save your progress against him. Talk about making it


    Another burst of three, followed by a smash which starts rocks falling around,

    avoid them. He'll eventually do another single smash which will again leave him

    vulnerable to flaming. This will repeat the first part again, but with rocks

    falling around, flame him two more times to get to another save point.

    He'll do the three burst, and then turn his club into an electrical weapon,charge round him keeping just ahead of it, then once he stops he'll do a single

    smash again, and he's a ripe for a flaming. He'll now instead of having the

    thing chase after you, he'll smash one at floor level to jump over, and another

    at jump level to go under, make sure not to mix them up. Flame again. Next

    he'll change it to short bursts all the you will need to jump over. Flame him

    one last time to defeat him properly.

    [ ] - Use Electric Breath

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    A fairy called Amp appears out of Gnasty's club and gives you the ability to

    breathe electricity now. Press Up to switch to it, Left to switch back to fire

    breath. Jump onto the platform ahead and use the electricity to power the metal

    thing on it. The platform will now start moving along out of the cave. It'll

    require a second burst about halfway and a third too. Once you get to the end

    jump off and head back through to Dragon Village.The Professor will start yattering on about his Teleporter and how it's better

    then Moneybags'. You'll appear on the teleporter, simply press to activate it

    and you'll be given a screen with Dragon Kingdom on it, press R/R1 to select

    Lost Cities, then press to teleport there. The usual teleporter loading screen

    will appear.

    A short cutscene with Red will play out, introducing the new boss for the

    Realm. The Professor will again start talking and introduce you to the realm.

    o--------o /------------------------------------------------------\

    | [1101] |-----------| Coastal Remains |

    o--------o \------------------------------------------------------/

    +------Items and Tasks------+| 4 Dark Gems | Straight ahead you'll notice Moneybags and his

    | 7 Dragon Eggs | shop here in the Lost Cities Realm, he charges

    | 9 Light Gems | the same prices as his shop in the Dragon

    |---------------------------| Kingdom. The locked chest on the other side of

    | Destroy all the Dark Gems | his shop only contains 200 gems, so it's

    | Access the Cloudy Domain | basically a ripoff since keys, err Lock-Picks,

    | Collect 20 Light Gems | cost 500 gems.

    | Access the Sunken Ruins |

    | Activate 1st Water Wheel | Once you're done with this area, head over to

    | Activate 2nd Water Wheel | the forcefield protecting the boss, Ineptune,

    | Collect Reward | from Spyro until you've destroyed another ten| Let Blink Explore | Dark Gems. Just to the right of the forcefield

    | Save the Turtles | is a passageway up a short jump. Follow it

    | Defeat Inteptune | through to a small tunnel. You'll notice a

    | Activate Teleporter | couple of large blue crabs. These can be killed

    +---------------------------+ in either of two ways at the moment, either zap

    them with your electric breath (sustained) or

    charge into them after its attempted to claw you, it'll turn over leaving you

    to Horn Dive the round circle on its underbelly.

    Just after them you'll meet a few tribe-like creatures, flame these as

    electricity takes too long on each

    and they'll quickly attack you. Try o---DRAGON EGG 19/80 - Sgt. Byrd Set---oto avoid going into the water here as | At the end of a short tunnel after |

    there are piranhas, they can be | some floating seashells above a |

    killed but it's more trouble then | piranha infested pool. |

    it's worth. Use the floating o--------------------------------------o

    seashells to get across to a ledge on

    the far end of the lake.

    Once you've got that Dragon Egg, head on back to the first area of the level.

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    When you get to the end of the path which you followed into the area with the

    piranhas, turn right and follow the path there along. You'll find some more

    crabs and things along there before getting to Otto. He'll want you to fill his


    [ ] - Activate 1st Water Wheel

    Jump down into the shallow water and head to the other end smiting crabs as yougo. You should see some green platforms at the end with an armouredGnorc

    standing a bit back, head up there. Kill all the Gnorcs and things down this

    path, and then as you reach a large waterwheel, go over to the lefthand side.

    Get up to the highest point of the wall and then jump onto one of the poles

    sticking out of the waterwheel, if you have the Tail Spin ability you'll attach

    to it. Jump forwards to the other pole, this will turn the wheel and so turn

    you, repeat this process as many times as you can as quickly as you can.

    There's no need to wait for you to stop moving, you can jump as it's still

    going backwards in order to speed up the process.

    Once the red bar reaches full, the water outside will rise up half-way.

    [ ] - Activate 2nd Water Wheelo------------DARK GEM 11/40------------o

    Head back out to the pool again, and | Next to Moneybags' Shop 'Waterfall |

    go straight ahead to go through a | Walkway', it creates two green |

    hole in the side of a small tower. Go | bridges one of which leads to the |

    through the very short tunnel to come | second waterwheel. |

    out in an area with Moneybags' Shop o--------------------------------------o

    'Waterfall Walkway' and Blink

    standing behind it.

    Head along the left bridge, watch out o-----DRAGON EGG 20/80 - Blink Set-----o

    for the archers, and along through. | At the end of the section after the || left-hand bridge created by Dark Gem |

    Next, take the bridge to the right, | #11, jump on the second of the |

    the second waterwheel is found here. | electric platforms aim downwards and |

    To activate it, you'll need to jump | use electric breath on it. |

    on one three platforms attached to o--------------------------------------o

    it, the one required to start it

    moving is the one on the right. In the same way, jump from one to the other in

    order to get the wheel spinning faster. The water will now fully fill up.

    Back down the bridges again and over to Blink.

    [ ] - Let Blink Explore

    Another of Blink's underground missions, and as before it's basically the same.First time through for a Dragon Egg, second for a Light Gem.

    Jump down the ledge in front of you, and there's the first Dark Shard, though

    of course you don't have any Blink Bomb's just yet, you'll find a dispenser

    just a fraction away. Jump back up to the start again and then onto the

    platform infront, it'll move down towards you. Use the moving grabby platforms

    to get across to the second Dark Shard. Jump down off that platform and then

    dig through the wall here.

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    Head to the right and throw one of your bombs at the large mine sitting on a

    platform. Then jump onto the freed up platform and get aboard the platform that

    moves down to you. Wait till it gets you to the top and then jump onto the

    monkey bars. Follow them along, you'll need to jump down and up again about

    halfway, all the way to the other end. There are a couple of spiders here,

    shoot them and then jump over to where the third Dark Shard is.Now simply jump down to the large o-----DRAGON EGG 21/80 - Blink Set-----o

    platform below, look before you leap, | Complete Blink's mini-game on Easy |

    and shoot the spiders. Then destroy | mode. |

    Dark Shard number four. Throw a bomb o--------------------------------------o

    at the nearby mine, use the platform

    to get over to the fifth Dark Shard, and relax.

    For Hard mode, you'll need to now dig through the wall here. Collect any extra

    bombs you need and drop down to a shelf below the place you're standing on,

    make sure not to fall into the water. Dark Shard #6 is here. Once it's taken

    care of, a rock will fall allowing you to get over to a spider and continue on

    with the level.Next to this spider is the seventh Dark Shard. Jump across a couple of

    platforms and then shoot a couple of spiders in an area below you. That area

    also houses Shard 8. Use a bomb on the cracked wall here, shoot a spider and

    then get over to where it was, which is where the ninth Shard is found.

    A platform comes down which will take o-----------LIGHT GEM 024/100----------o

    you a short way up to a Wall Kick | Complete Blink's mini-game on Hard |

    thing, use it to get up higher. There | mode. |

    are some monkey bars up the top which o--------------------------------------o

    you'll need to use, then wait for a

    moving platform to arrive and take o-----------LIGHT GEM 025/100----------o

    you to a second set. Shoot the | In the most northern part of the |spiders before dropping down and | most western part of the level, go |

    taking care of this final Dark Shard. | into the bottom of a cracked tower. |


    Back in Spyro's world, go to the

    right (west) and through a short tunnel to a large open cove. Watch out for the

    swinging seashells and tribesmen things.

    Note that you can jump over the

    fencing at the edge of this area, I just don't recommend it as you will die

    upon touching the water for some reason.

    Now head to the opposite side of the o------------DARK GEM 12/40------------o

    area and work your way up to the top | On top of a blackened tower in the |of the blackened tower. | far west region of the level. |


    [ ] - Access the Sunken Ruins

    This will cause a large dome to rise up out of the water nearby and for you to

    get a new task, one which isn't immediately needed to be completed, but you

    should probably do the first part of it now. Go towards the dome and use the

    pillars circling it as steps, get right to the middle of the dome and perform a

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    Horn Dive on the circle there. This gives you access to a lift which will take

    you to Sunken Ruins. If you want you can go there now, but for the purposes of

    the walkthrough, I'll do that later.

    [ ] - Collect Reward

    o-----------LIGHT GEM 026/100----------o

    About time to go get what Otto | On a platform in Otto's pool. |promised. Head back through the caves o--------------------------------------o

    to the pool area. On your way back

    through the pool though, jump up onto o-----------LIGHT GEM 027/100----------o

    the platform with a Horn Dive chest | Collect your reward from Otto for |

    on it and then glide over to the | filling his pool up. |

    Light Gem. o--------------------------------------o

    Once you've got that one, head back to where Otto is still standing.

    Now head all the way back to the starting area, and go through the path

    opposite the one you just came out of. This should be leading to the eastern

    section of the level.Here you will find a couple of buildings which spawn tribesmen, Horn Dive them

    to stop this, much like you may have done in Year of the Dragon with Sheila.

    Head into the far left corner of the area and go through to where there is a 20

    Light Gem door, and luckily, you

    should have 27 by now if you've kept o----DRAGON EGG 22/80 - Concept Set----o

    up with the walkthrough. Walk up to | Chase down the thief in the 20 Light |

    it and the doors will swing open. | Gem area. |


    In the main part of this area is a

    thief. Much like the thieves of the o-----------LIGHT GEM 028/100----------o

    first game, he's carrying an egg. | In a cave at the far end of the 20 || Light Gem area. |

    Now head down the far end of the area o--------------------------------------o

    and jump up into the cave.

    All the way back out of the area now, go along the first path to your left as

    you get back out. Make sure not to fall into the browny green stuff on the

    floor, it will kill you. Continue through the area with a couple of platforms

    in, and into a second here.

    Go over to the large red and white button and Horn Dive it. This will raise the

    two platforms you saw previously. Race back to them and use them to get up to

    the slightly higher solid platform. Then jump and glide over to a pole spinning

    pole which is used to get to a solid bit of land. It looks over a set of polesand windmills.

    o-----------LIGHT GEM 029/100----------o

    This will require some good timing. | At the end of a series of pole jumps |

    Wait for the windmills to go round | and windmill avoids. |

    and jump as it passes the point when o--------------------------------------o

    you'd get hit. If you're lucky you

    should be able to make it to the final pole with little trouble. You will need

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    to do a jump and glide from this final one in order to reach the target Light


    Another tunnel with the same swampy killy stuff in is at the bottom of this

    platform which you'll need to jump off now. Go through to where the shop

    'Domain Doorstep' is. Jump across

    to Zoe and then up to the armoured o-----------LIGHT GEM 030/100----------oGnorc. Then use the electricity | Use a few electric platforms to get |

    powered seashell to get across to | to this one near 'Domain Doorstep'. |

    another part of this area. Kill the o--------------------------------------o

    large crabs here and then use the two

    powered seashells here to get up to a Light Gem. It's easier to just use the

    second one, aim downwards at it and activate it with your breath.

    Another seashell nearby will take you almost all the way back to where the shop

    was, though you'll have to do a bit of gliding yourself. To the right now, and

    you'll find yourself by the entrance to Cloudy Domain. Again, you can use it if

    you want, though for the walkthrough I won't be just yet.

    Head back out of this area again all the way past the windmills and the swampybits, once you're back in the area that leads to the Light Gem door as well as

    the path you just came out of, go to the left and follow a third path out of

    here. Make sure to kill the armouredGnorc right at the start of it.

    You'll emerge in a large pool area o------------DARK GEM 13/40------------o

    with a Dark Gem on a platform | On a platform which causes another |

    directly in front of you. | platform with a cannon on to rise |

    | out of the water. |

    Now jump back to where Zoe is, and o--------------------------------------o

    then use the poles that go along the

    wall. The first three are easy and just require a bit of timing. The fourth

    pole moves away and so requries you to jump slightly before it reaches its endpoint nearest you, then again to jump off right at its other end. The next

    requires the next one to be at the top, then jump and glide off this one to get

    to a solid platform. Jump to a

    second and then to a third. o-----DRAGON EGG 23/80 - Spyro Set-----o

    | On top of a platform in the water |

    The easiest way of doing the next | filled area with a cannon. |

    part is to go all the way back to o--------------------------------------o

    where Zoe is, getting onto the

    platform where the Dark Gem was and gliding over to the whirlwind near the

    Strong Door. Use it to get to the cannon platform.

    Use the cannon to shoot several things, though the only one required is theStrong Door. Jump over to where the door was and go through the tunnel. Dodge

    the swinging seashells and charge

    into the cracked wall at the end. o------------DARK GEM 14/40------------o

    | After a cracked wall which is down a |

    Glide down to a green platform | tunnel after a Strong Door. |

    sticking out of the water and jump o--------------------------------------o

    over to a second which is closer to

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    some moving seashells. Use these to o---DRAGON EGG 24/80 - Character Set---o

    get across to a tower at the far end | On a tower in the south area of the |

    of the cove. | level. Use a series of floating |

    | seashells to get to it. |

    [ ] - Save the Turtles o--------------------------------------o

    Drop down to the beach nearby and you'll be next to a piece of cracked wall.Smash it to reveal a short tunnel to the Turtle Mother.

    This is another of Spyro's Turret Mini-Games, not really what would first

    spring to mind of a mini-game designed for Spyro, but whatever, it hardly

    matters who's doing the shooting. First Person here, and the task is to protect

    all the baby turtles from being stolen by the birds or crabs so that they can

    get into the water safely.

    o-----DRAGON EGG 25/80 - Spyro Set-----o

    Your best bet is to concentrate on | Complete the Turtle Mother's |

    the birds if you see any as these get | shooting task on Easy. |

    away much faster then the slow o--------------------------------------o

    crabs, there's basically nothing moreto it then shooting them as they try o-----------LIGHT GEM 031/100----------o

    to take them away, once 20 turtles | Complete the Turtle Mother's |

    have gotten into the water, it's | shooting task on Hard. |

    complete. Hard mode requires you to o--------------------------------------o

    save 27 of the little mites.

    Level nearly complete. You'll only be able to get that last Light Gem above the

    waterwheel in this area once you've gotten Water Breath, and you won't be

    getting that until you beat this realm's boss. Onwards to Cloudy Domain!

    Located in the far east part of Coastal Remains, use the fan to access it.

    o--------o /------------------------------------------------------\

    | [1102] |-----------| Cloudy Domain |o--------o \------------------------------------------------------/

    +------Items and Tasks-------+

    | 3 Dark Gems | After what is basically a loading screen,

    | 7 Dragon Eggs | though you can wander around and flame and

    | 8 Light Gems | stuff, you'll arrive in the Cloud Domain, famed

    |----------------------------| for being cloudy. On your right you'll

    | Destroy all the Dark Gems | imediately spot Moneybags' hologram with the

    | Visit Elder Titan | usual banter as well as a nice strong chest

    | Use Wing Shield | infront.

    | Clear Sgt. Byrd's Speedway |

    +----------------------------+ Go down the path covered with gems and flamethe large Gnorc wandering it. Into the room at

    the end and charge into the target on the wall to your right. Back out of the

    room again and jump onto the target on the right (north) onto the platform that

    lowers and fly towards the winged

    Gnorc flaming it as you pass. Go o-----------LIGHT GEM 032/100----------o

    round to the left and glide over to | Just to the right of where you start |

    where another winged Gnorc is waiting | is a locked chest with this inside. |

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    to attack. o--------------------------------------o

    Out the other end and another Horn o-----DRAGON EGG 26/80 - Flame Set-----o

    Dive switch. Follow the series of now | In a locked chest found along the |

    moving platforms along until you | path to the left right from the |

    reach a blue circle platform. If you | start of the level. |

    stand on a part of it that part will o--------------------------------------oturn white and then vanish, if you're

    still on it when it vanishes you'll o-----------LIGHT GEM 033/100----------o

    fall, so get moving over this one | Right at the very end of the path to |

    quickly. Through another room and to | the left at the start of the level. |

    a firework which will destroy a o--------------------------------------o

    strong box as per usual. Jump


    Jump down to the start of the path and back to near the start of the level. You

    could go across and Horn Dive the other switch, but there'd be no point at the

    moment as you will need a new skill in order to get all the way.

    Go left and into the room with the o------------DARK GEM 15/40------------otwo switches, Horn Dive the one in | After a couple of moving platforms |

    the middle this time. Glide over to a | quite near the start of the level. |

    moving platform and flame another o--------------------------------------o

    blue flying Gnorc, followed by

    another platform and Gnorc.

    Destroying this Dark Gem will fix a fan and cause a thermal to turn back on

    again, very useful if you want to get any further. If you happen to want three

    pieces of free ammo, jump over to the now fixed platform and go around the

    other side where a firework is sitting. It will destroy the strong chest next

    to Zoe for you. If you don't have enough room for them all, they'll turn see-

    through and not let you pick them up,you will still be able to pick them o-----------LIGHT GEM 034/100----------o

    up at any later date though so don't | Just after a thermal which was |

    fret about it. | created by Dark Gem #15. |


    Time to use that thermal. The usual

    Gnorcs are up here, charge and flame and err flame again.

    [ ] - Visit Elder Titan

    Glide forwards next and you'll be at the second Moneybags Shop of the level,

    'Elder's Homestead'. Wander around to the other side of the building, charge

    and flame the Gnorc, and ram into the red and white switch on the wall. This

    will open up the door to Elder Titan who will promptly teach you Wing Shield.Very useful for this level and parts of others.

    [ ] - Use Wing Shield

    o---DRAGON EGG 27/80 - Character Set---o

    The door behind Elder Titan will open | At the start of the Wing Shield |

    after talking to him and some steps | course behind Elder Titan's house. |

    will rise up. o--------------------------------------o

    After grabbing the egg, move closer to the Gnorc being held up by a balloon and

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    he'll throw a boomerang at you. Quickly hold Wing Shield and the boomerang

    should rebound off you and hit his balloon, giving you the gems. This will be

    required for killing all Gnorcs like him.

    Glide to the platform behind where he o-----------LIGHT GEM 035/100----------o

    was and then follow them around to | At the end of the Wing Shield test. |

    the other end. The path is littered o--------------------------------------owith balloon Gnorcs and those green

    flying Gnorcs which tend to get in the way a bit.

    Jump down to the start of the mini-course again and back through the Elder's

    house. And all the way back through

    to the start of the level again. Horn o-----------LIGHT GEM 036/100----------o

    Dive the other switch now that you've | At the end of the right-hand path at |

    got Wing Shield, use it against the | the start of the level, take the |

    balloon Gnorc straight away. When you | right path of that path and you'll |

    get to a split in the path, take the | find this at the end of a few blue |

    right-hand direction. | circle platforms. |

    o--------------------------------------oHead back to the split again and take

    the left direction this time. Defeat o---DRAGON EGG 28/80 - Sgt. Byrd Set---o

    a couple of balloon Gnorcs. | At the end of the right-hand path at |

    | the start of the level, take the |

    Watch out though as the egg is on a | left path of that path. |

    blue circle platform and the only way o--------------------------------------o

    off it is to jump onto another

    platform which likes to go upwards, so time your stay there right. It'd

    probably be best to wait for your current platform to raise high enough to get

    onto the platform above the egg, then use the other moving platform to quickly

    grab the egg and jump back onto it.Either way, go to the top of the platform where Zoe is. Then jump onto one of

    two small circular platforms a little off to the south-east of you. These will

    act as your transport for getting to another platform further along. Standing

    on one will cause the other to orbit you can so manouvre it into a position

    ahead, then jump onto the moved platform and repeat all the way to the other


    Once you finally reach it, head round o----DRAGON EGG 29/80 - Concept Set----o

    the back of the building and you | A thief on the far south island has |

    should notice a thief with an egg. | this egg. |

    For some reason if you don't go into o--------------------------------------o

    the building he won't run muchleaving you to simply flame/charge him easily.

    Now, head off to the right where you'll find a new set of platforms to use.

    This should lead to a platform north-east of you, there are several gems

    floating along the way. At the end you should find a platform with Zoe and a

    Dark Gem Shard on it. Go past where

    the shard was and glide over the gap o------------DARK GEM 16/40------------o

    to another platform with another | Shortly after the end of the moving |

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    shard on it. Go into the building and | platforms, use another similarly |

    jump up onto the platform sitting | styled vertically moving platform to |

    there in the middle. | get to it. |


    Another fan will be fixed and a new

    path will arise a short way away. Jump over to it and continue on toMoneybags' Shop 'Tallest Tower'. Use the large thermal over to the left and

    you'll be up by Sgt. Byrd.

    [ ] - Clear Sgt. Byrd's Speedway

    Fly through the rings straight ahead all the way, shoot anything you can along

    the way but don't worry too much at the moment. Once all eight rings are

    collected, fly through the archway right near the last one, then down to the

    right for the next, continue on through these arches, through a tunnel and out

    to another arch with a couple of turrets nearby, destroy all those and fly

    upwards, you should see another platform in front of you now with another

    couple of turrets on. Off to the left and destroy the turret on a large

    circular platform before continuing on to the right where there are a couplemore as well as the final two arches. Head over to the other end of the level

    where you should hopefully find the

    Balloon-a-rangs all lined up nice and o---DRAGON EGG 30/80 - Sgt. Byrd Set---o

    neat for a quick finish. If you still | Complete Sgt. Byrd's level on Easy. |

    have any birds or turrets to get then o--------------------------------------o

    I suggest searching the level for


    Hard Mode is basically the same as o-----------LIGHT GEM 037/100----------o

    easy but harder. The part that's easy | Complete Sgt. Byrd's level on Hard. |

    to miss is the last of the turrets, o--------------------------------------o

    it's found on top of one of theplatforms, just under the outer rim so you have to be close and higher to see


    Once you're done with Sgt. Byrd's part, walk down the walkway behind you

    leading away from Byrd. At the end of it you should find yourself standing over

    a glass pane with a Light Gem beneath you. You can't get it yet, you'll need

    Wall Kick in order to do so. Horn Dive the nearby switch anyway, it doesn't

    really make a difference. Glide forwards to the blackend platform ahead. Try to

    keep level with the line of gems and once you land, go around to the left and

    activate a switch. This isn't especially useful except that it opens up a path

    back to where the as yet unusable

    supercharge gadget is still sitting o------------DARK GEM 17/40------------onear the Elder's house. Anyway, turn | On top of a platform after Sgt. Byrd |

    around and go inside the place here | and his maxi-game. |

    and use the platform inside to get up o--------------------------------------o

    to the top.

    The Dark Gem will heal the final fan of the level and cause yet another set of

    stepping stones to appear. Follow those steps over to the Ball Gadget.

    You'll be better off holding down speed and forwards for most of the duration

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    of this task, as the timer is very unforgiving. Make sure to watch out for a

    couple of bumpers that rise up a

    short way in, and don't use or do o---DRAGON EGG 31/80 - Sgt. Byrd Set---o

    anything when you're being bumped | Complete the Ball Gadget on Easy. |

    along by the large red bumpy things. o--------------------------------------o

    'Hard' mode is just a different path o-----------LIGHT GEM 038/100----------owith slightly more time. Though I've | Complete the Ball Gadget on Hard. |

    found it to actually be easier, but o--------------------------------------o

    since the game doesn't actually call

    it Hard mode I'll forgive them.

    Once you get the Light Gem, select No to exit the Ball Gadget. This brings you

    out on the opposite side of the level and a single firework to destroy the

    strong chest at the very start of the level. With 1 Egg and 1 Light Gem still

    left in the level, there's nothing you can do to get them right now so head on

    down with the same thing you used to get into Cloudy Domain.

    To complete this level when you come back, you'll require 40 Light Gems and the

    ability 'Wall Kick'. That won't be for a short while now so head on over to theentrance to Sunken Ruins (far west inside dome that rises out of the water). Or

    you could just buy a teleport pass to Moneybags' Shop 'Waterfall Walkway'

    instead of using the fan. This is very close to Sunken Ruins and saves a lot of

    unnessacery walking.

    o--------o /------------------------------------------------------\

    | [1103] |-----------| Sunken Ruins |

    o--------o \------------------------------------------------------/

    +------Items and Tasks------+

    | 3 Dark Gems | Directly ahead you should spot a Dark Gem Shard,

    | 6 Dragon Eggs | smash it and go on through to a room with a

    | 8 Light Gems | trident Gnorc and three dogs. As well as that|---------------------------| there's a nice locked chest for you to open. It

    | Destroy all the Dark Gems | has a couple of Lightning Breath power-ups,

    | Collect 24 Light Gems | definately not worth the 500 gems if you ask me.

    | Clear Sparx Shooter | The door on the left is locked at the moment and

    +---------------------------+ won't open for quite a while. Head down the

    other passageway with another Shard in. You'll

    find Moneybags' Shop 'Atlantian Entryway' here. Go through the large doors on

    the left.

    Jump into the water here and swim

    through following the line of red

    gems. It's not exactly a maze down o-----DRAGON EGG 32/80 - Ember Set-----othere so go collect other gems whilst | Inside a locked chest after the |

    you're down there too. When you | water section which is right after |

    emerge from the water, you should be | Moneybags' first shop here. |

    in a small room with another trident o--------------------------------------o

    Gnorc in as well as a locked chest

    and a large door on the other side, most likely the way you'll be facing.

    Once you've picked up that egg, head o------------DARK GEM 18/40------------o

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    through the large doors to a room | Inside a room after the first water |

    filled with several metal chests, a | section of the level. It turns on a |

    few strong chests, quite a few Dark | series of thermals. |

    Gem Shards and one large Dark Gem. o--------------------------------------o

    Smash it!

    Jump into the thermal that just got o-----DRAGON EGG 33/80 - Ember Set-----oswitched on and wait a short period | At the top of a set of four thermals |

    before gliding forwards to another | in the room with Dark Gem 18. |

    thermal that will appear. Repeat this o--------------------------------------o

    process with another two thermals.

    o-----------LIGHT GEM 039/100----------o

    If you glide around up here you | Up near Dragon Egg 33 at the top of |

    should find a whole load of gems ripe | a series of four thermals. It's |

    for a collecting as well as a | inside a locked chest. |

    firework to destroy the strong chests o--------------------------------------o

    below, oh and a locked chest too.

    Jump back down to the ground again o-----------LIGHT GEM 040/100----------o

    and collect those gems, then go up | In a locked chest behind the mermaid |

    the nearly invisible stairs to a | Lily. |

    large keyhole shaped doorway on the o--------------------------------------o

    opposite side, you'll find a

    passageway with a Shard in it as well as a mermaid sitting at the edge of a

    pool of water.

    Talk to Lily and she'll tell you to follow some markers, I believe she's

    referring to a line of gems, but I'm not sure. But whatever, follow the line of

    gems if you need guidance of getting through this underwater section, it's not

    all that difficult really it's just full of gems and a few enemies.[ ] - Collect 24 Light Gems

    Once you get out the other side, kill the large blue crab and talk to the

    hologram of the Professor. If you have enough Light Gems (24) then you'll be

    able to power the Invincibility Gadget. It's only temporary and runs out quite

    quickly, if you want to proress all the way through the level I believe that

    you need to use this at some point, though the reason for it being here is a

    completely optional Light Gem.

    Use the gadget and dive into the o-----------LIGHT GEM 041/100----------o

    green water which would otherwise | In a small room after the first |

    kill you, and will do if you don't | green water section, use the |

    make it out the other side in time. | invincibility gadget to swim through |Quickly turn around and swim along | to it. |

    past a couple of turning fans, and o--------------------------------------o

    jump out of the water as fast as you

    can as the gadget is designed only to last this long giving you the minimum

    time to get through.

    Don't worry about swimming back though as the Light Gem will open the window

    next to you back to where the gadget is. Now go along the tunnel on the left of

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    the green pool, guarded by a trident Gnorc. You should fall down to where

    Moneybags' Shop 'The Depths' is.

    Through the door and you'll emerge in an area with several Dark Shards as well

    as an invincibility gadget, a wall kick that also requires the use of the

    invincibility gadget, and a Sparx level which is in the far left corner. If you

    accidently fall down to the layers below, there's an electric platform you canuse to get back up again.

    [ ] - Clear Sparx Shooter

    Another one of those shooting levels. o-----DRAGON EGG 34/80 - Sparx Set-----o

    The only real difficult part of this | Complete Sparx Shooter on Easy. |

    level is figuring out how to open the o--------------------------------------o

    large circular door things, simply

    shoot at the chain next to them, it o-----------LIGHT GEM 042/100----------o

    should spin round opening it, make | Complete Sparx Shooter on Hard. |

    sure to get through before it closes o--------------------------------------o

    again though. Also getting past the

    closing doors, slow down to wait for it to close and then as it opens againspeed through. Also use the same sort of tactics for getting past a fan near

    the end of the level, though you should obviously avoid the blades.

    Hard Mode is just more of the same but more. Also with a couple of things on

    the ground and one room full of spiders, other then that it's basically the

    same as before.

    Once you've gotten them both, or one or none, jump down to the bottom of this

    place and collect up all the stuff down there, smash about a bit and ignore the

    strong chests, they're related to the currently impossible Wall Kick.

    Go through the passageway at the end o---DRAGON EGG 35/80 - Character Set---o

    of this area, and go through into | Inside a locked chest near the set |

    another large room, destory all that | of fishheads spurting out green |is on the ground and then hop up a | flames |

    couple of steps at the end that you o--------------------------------------o

    came in at.

    Make your way to the other end of the o-----------LIGHT GEM 043/100----------o

    fishes, jump over the green 'flames' | At the other end of the room with |

    and get to the other end. Once you've | the large fishheads flaming green. |

    picked up that Light Gem, get onto o--------------------------------------o

    the electric platform and power it


    This will take you to an opening in the wall above the fishes. Jump onto the

    fan powered elevator at the end just past a Dark Shard and let it take you tothe bottom, failing that just jump down to the bottom and go on through the

    passageway/door there. Now comes the first bit with required Invincibility

    Gadget to continue on, so it you don't have the 24 Light Gems required by now,

    you'll have to turn around and go search for them in previous levels.

    If you do have access to the gadget, o-----------LIGHT GEM 044/100----------o

    simply use it and swim to the other | In the long green water tunnel with |

    end of the green pool. There's not | debris that falls through it. |

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    much you can do down there, just o--------------------------------------o

    avoid the large objects that appear,

    collect the Light Gem and swim out the other end.

    Head into the corner of this room and jump up onto a pole spin pole. Activate

    the button up after the first couple and it'll release a few more, though

    unfortunately they're back at the other end of the green water. Head backthrough, remember to use the gadget first, and then make your way up to where

    the couple of poles now are.

    Activate another switch after them, o------------DARK GEM 19/40------------o

    and then head all the way back | After a few pole spins which need |

    through the water again. | activating by a couple of switches, |

    | this is paired with a green water |

    This should all finally bring you up | section too. |

    to where a Dark Gem is planted. o--------------------------------------o

    Smashing this will fix an archway o---DRAGON EGG 36/80 - Character Set---o

    below, allowing you to get on with | Inside a locked chest in the area |

    more of the level, though of course | with a compulsory invincibility |there's a bit more to do before doing | section. |

    that. Go through the passage next to o--------------------------------------o

    you and you'll end up in the first

    area again, flame the firework to free a load of gems, and then glide over to a

    locked chest nearby.

    Now head back through to the area with the newly created doorway, and go on

    through. You should eventually find yourself at Moneybags' Shop 'Toxic Rise'

    before a large door. In case you were wondering whether that referred to the

    previous section, you're wrong. Head through the door to see why.

    Over to the left of the large pool you can see another crumbled doorway that

    you'll need to get fixed. Go around to the opposite side of the pool where anelectric platform is sitting. Jump off it to the site, either left or right,

    you'll have to do both ways, and Horn Dive the switches on them. These will

    partially rise a statue out of the pool. On the lefthand one, electrify an orb

    thing on the wall and then jump over

    to the now moving pole inbetween you o-----------LIGHT GEM 045/100----------o

    and another place with another switch | Inside a locked chest in the large |

    on, this will allow you to get over | green pool area. |

    to it easily. Then head further o--------------------------------------o

    around, this time however you can

    just stand on top of a locked chest to get up to the place with the switch on.

    This will again solve a task you haven't been given yet.[ ] - Destroy all the Dark Gems

    o------------DARK GEM 20/40------------o

    And once all four switches have been | On a statue that rises out of some |

    pressed, glide over to the now | green toxic water after pressing |

    emerged Dark Gem and smash it. | four switches. |


    As before, this will fix the archway

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    all ready for you to complete the o-----------LIGHT GEM 046/100----------o

    level back to the start and to go off | Inside a locked chest in the final |

    and fight Ineptune. Anyway, head | room of the level. |

    through that archway and kill the few o--------------------------------------o

    enemies through it. When you get to

    the deadend, you should look up and see a fan elevator that will come down toyou eventually. Use it to get to a level higher.

    Head over to the other end of the room and jump up to an opening. Horn Dive the

    switch there and the door will open leading to the very start of the level. Use

    the elevator to get back to Coastal Remains and go on over to the start area of

    the level, or just use Moneybags' Teleporter to take you to his main shop which

    is right near it anyway and is overall just simpler to do.

    o--------o /------------------------------------------------------\

    | [1104] |-----------| Boss: Ineptune |

    o--------o \------------------------------------------------------/

    +---Items and Tasks---+

    | 0 Dark Gems | Walk over to the purple covered entrance to her cave| 0 Dragon Eggs | and it'll all recede into nice entrance if you have

    | 0 Light Gems | collected all 20 Dark Gems that you're supposed to

    |---------------------| have done. And unlike Gnasty's Cave's entrance which

    | Defeat Ineptune | had a dragon and egg, Ineptune's Watery Tomb has

    | Use Water Breath | neither and is just a passageway with a few crabs

    | Activate Teleporter | along the way. Onto the boss fight then!


    Nice subtle hint as to her weakness in the opening

    scene, it's her belt if you were still wondering.

    Wander around and keep as far away as you can from her, she'll breathe some

    green stuff which doesn't reach very far and then yawn, charge into her beltbuckle to injure her. One of the sections will now go underwater with her so

    just stand in the middle part to make sure you're safe, and then an electric

    swipey thing will appear on the part that just went under, calmly jump over the

    electricity a few times and wait for Ineptune to return.

    She'll throw a couple of green bombs in your direction, simply charge a little

    out of the way and then she'll repeat her breathing exercises. Again just the

    one section will go under, this time appearing with what is probably slightly

    faster and reaches further quicker. Just a simple jumping routine will suffice.

    Another couple of bombs, another breath another hit and she's 'defeated'. Fear

    not she'll still continue on, it's just that the place will sink a little

    further for no reason.She breathes first so just keep back for that, it's no different any time so

    the distance required is always going to be the same. Two sections will go

    under this time so stand on the third and await both to return with electric

    lasers on. A few double jumps will be all that is required to avoid them, just

    time it right to jump over both in the same jump. She'll arise again and throw

    a single large bomb and then breathe again. 'Nother two sections will go, same

    double jump routine as before. She'll next send two single bombs at you not

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    immediately one after the other but a while after each other, then again with

    the breathing, another 'victory' is upon you.

    Single bomb and breathe in quick succession. Still just the two platforms going

    under again. And use the same jumping tactics again, though now it doesn't

    really matter if you're hit as you should have enough hits left to survive to

    the end as she gets injured when you hit her. A couple of small bombs and thena breath attack. She'll be down to just the one hit now. The two will go under,

    but this time with a twist. One of them will have a top laser as well meaning

    you have to time your jumps not to hit it. She'll now bombard you several times

    with bombs, a mixture of the two and one variety. Then as usual it's breathing

    time. Charge into her one final time and she's properly defeated at last.

    [ ] - Use Water Breath

    Aqua, a fairy, will now give you the power of Water Breath. You'll need it to

    get out. The water has also turned blue meaning you can now swim in it, though

    there's little reason to. Go through the exit door and use the water breath on

    either of the two water wheels there.

    Before going to the next realm youcan get one more Light Gem in Coastal o-----------LIGHT GEM 047/100----------o

    Remains to finish it off. Head to the | Above a waterwheel, it requires |

    southern water area of the level and | Water Breath to be able to get it. |

    jump up onto a platform next to a o--------------------------------------o

    waterwheel with a Light Gem above it.

    Use the water breath on the wheel and the platform you're standing on will spin


    [ ] - Activate Teleporter

    Now head over to the Professor's teleporter and use it to get to the Icy

    Wilderness Realm.

    o--------o /------------------------------------------------------\| [1201] |-----------| Frostbite Village |

    o--------o \------------------------------------------------------/

    +------Items and Tasks-------+

    | 5 Dark Gems | Upon arriving, a short cutscene involving Red

    | 6 Dragon Eggs | and a giant mammoth will occur. Then the

    | 9 Light Gems | Professor will introduce you to the level and

    |----------------------------| tells you to find an Elder in Icy Citadel.

    | Destroy all the Dark Gems |

    | Turn on the Electric Nodes | [ ] - Turn on the Electric Nodes

    | Let Blink Explore |

    | Peggy's Playground | As soon as you gain control, turn to the left| Collect 95 Light Gems | and saunter towards the penguin there. Phil'll

    | Defeat Red | tell you to activate his security system to

    | Main Teleporter | open his gate. Six switches to use your

    +----------------------------+ electric breath on, and all in this area.

    1. Right next to Phil

    2. Behind the teleporter

    3. Inside giant blue crystal

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    4. Behind fence next to Moneybags

    5. On top of fountain

    6. Behind a blue crystal on opposite side of the area

    [ ] - Peggy's Playground

    Once all six are activated, go through the now opened gate behind Phil. When

    you get out of the short tunnel, ignore the waterwheel for now and jump down towhere Peggy is standing on the ice. She'll give you a Spyro Shooter challenge

    to protect Peggy's playground from Eskimoles and Yetis.

    As with previous Spyro challenges, o-----DRAGON EGG 37/80 - Spyro Set-----o

    keep an eye on the radar as well as | Complete Peggy's challenge on Easy. |

    the shoot button pressed down, though o--------------------------------------o

    at the start it begins slow with a

    few Eskimoles popping up in the ice. After a while they'll stop appearing and

    then Yetis will start appearing on top of the ledge ahead. When they pause in

    their appearances, the next wave will me a mixture of Yetis and Eskimoles

    concentrated on the righthand side of the playground, the Yetis are behind some

    trees at ground level this time.Hard Mode is much faster paced at the o-----------LIGHT GEM 048/100----------o

    start then Easy was, immediately they | Complete Peggy's challenge on Hard. |

    appear in large numbers in the ice o--------------------------------------o

    and as well a load of Yetis will also

    attack you, leaving little time for aiming. Keep shooting! You can destroy

    their projectiles once they've thrown them so don't just stop shooting if you

    see a barrel flying at you. Very quick shooting and swivelling is required.

    Upon completion, jump back up to the o-----------LIGHT GEM 049/100----------o

    waterwheel and use your water breath | Behind a gate in the icy area with |

    on it. A platform will spin up | Peggy the penguin. |

    allowing you to get to a button next o--------------------------------------oto a snowman. Horn Dive the button,

    and also kill the Eskimole hiding inside the snowman. A moving platform is what

    is required to get over to what you

    just saw. o------------DARK GEM 21/40------------o

    | Inside a tunnel off the ice rink |

    Jump back down to the ice and head | next to Peggy. |

    left into a tunnel. o--------------------------------------o

    Go down the newly formed steps and o-----DRAGON EGG 38/80 - Flame Set-----o

    into an area filled with Eskimoles. | At the end of the area after Dark |

    Flame them all and get to the other | Gem 21, next to a locked chest. |end where you'll find a locked chest o--------------------------------------o

    and a Dragon Egg.

    The Locked Chest itself holds nothing more then four pieces of Lightning Ammo.

    Great. Head out of this area now, it's useless. Two doors to the left, the one

    with a large switch infront of it. Horn Dive it to activate it. The tunnel has

    a giant snowball that rolls through at intervals, follow along after it to

    avoid being squashed.

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    There's not that much to do in this o------------DARK GEM 22/40------------o

    part, head over to the opposite side | By a snowfall across from the |

    of the area where there are a few | entrance to the area. Once destroyed |

    Dark Shards as well as a big ol' Dark | it leads to Blink. |

    Gem. o--------------------------------------o

    [ ] - Let Blink exploreYou'll find Blink in the area that Dark Gem opened up. He's all ready to go

    exploring again. You start off on a Bomb dispenser, so there's no need to worry

    about that. This starting area has a few gems, and if you look up at the top of

    a wall above an ice pond, you can see a digging section, you can't access this

    now and I don't recommend using it when you can as it's one way taking you from

    the end of the level right back to here, the start.

    Anyway, wander along and go down the tunnel here, avoid the snowballs as you

    go. Go over to the left and go down into an area full of skeletons and bear

    traps. The traps need to be destroyed with a bomb, the skeletons just take a

    single shot however. (HARD: There's a Dark Gem Shard up at the top of the left-

    hand platform, kill the large bug to get to it). Use a nice bomb on the metaldoor at the end to destroy it. Blow up the Dark Shard in here and go up to the

    right. Bomb the couple of green things and then the large bl
