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Sql azure june_2010

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SQL Azure June and July 2010 deliveries
Lynn Langit http://blogs.msdn.com/SoCalDevGal twitter - @llangit
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Lynn Langithttp://blogs.msdn.com/SoCalDevGal

twitter - @llangit

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Windows Azure Platform

Compute: Virtualized compute environment

Storage: Durable, scalable, & available storage

Management: Automated, model-driven


Database: Relational processing for

structured/unstructured data

Service Bus: General purpose application bus

Access Control: Rules-driven, claims-based

access control

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Data Storage ChoicesR






Low High“Friction”/Control

SQL Azure (RDBMS) Virtual DB server

Resource governance @ LDB

Security @ LDBAuto HA, Fault-ToleranceSelf-provisioningHigh RDMS


Hosted Hosted SQL Server or

other Roll-your-own HA/DR/scale Security @ DB Server/OS

On-premise SQL Server or other s/w on-

premise Resource governance @ machine Full h/w control – 100%

compatibilityRoll your own HA/DR/scale

Windows Azure Storage

Tables Queues Blobs (also


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Application Topologies

Application/ Browser


App Code


App Code(ASP.NET)




SQL Azure WindowsAzure

Code Near

App code/ Tools

SQL Azure



Code Far





/ D






SQL Azure

SQL Server App code/ Tools

App Code


App Code(ASP.NET)


QL /






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Database Replicas

Replica 1

Replica 2

Replica 3


Single Database Multiple Replicas

Single Primary

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SQL Azure focus on logical administration Schema creation and management Query optimization Security management (Logins, Users, Roles)

Service handles physical management Automatically replicated with HA “out of box” Transparent failover in case of failure Load balancing of data to ensure SLA

Logical vs. Physical Administration

DBA role places more focus on logical management

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SQL Azure portal - http://sql.azure.com

Demo – SQL Azure Portal

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Each account has zero or more servers Azure wide, provisioned in a common portal Billing instrument

Each server has one or more databases Contains metadata about the databases and usage Unit of authentication Unit of Geo-location Generated DNS based name

Each database has standard SQL objects Unit of consistency Unit of multi-tenancy Contains Users, Tables, Views, Indices, etc. Most granular unit of billing

Service Provisioning Model




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SQL AzureAccessing databases

Web Portal(API)


Your App

Change Connection String

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Use ADO.NET, ODBC, PHP (NOT OLE DB) Client libraries pre-installed in Azure roles Support for ASP.NET controls

Clients connect directly to a database Cannot hop across DBs (no USE) May need to include <login>@<server> Use familiar tools (sqlcmd, osql, SSMS, etc) Use connection pooling for efficiency

SSMS 2008 R2 CTP can connect http


Connection Model

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Connecting to SQL Azure with SSMS 2008 R2

SQL Azure Explorer for VS 2010 http://sqlazureexplorer.codeplex.com/

SQLCMD – can also be used SSIS – can also be used

Demo – Connect via tools

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Maximum single database size is 50GB Database size calculation

Includes: primary replica data, objects and indexes Does NOT include: logs, master database, system tables,

server catalogs or additional replicas No support for auto-partitioning or fan-out queries

(yet) Must handle partitioning logic within the application Also called Database ‘sharding’

Database Size Limits

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In Scope

• Tables, indexes and views• w/ clustered indices

• Stored Procedures• Triggers• Constraints• Table variables • Session temp tables•Spatial datatype

Out of Scope

• Distributed Transactions• Distributed Query• CLR• Service Broker•Physical server or catalog DDL and views

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Constants Constraints Cursors Index management and

rebuilding indexes Local temporary tables Reserved keywords Stored procedures Statistics management Transactions

Supported T-SQL

Spatial data and indexes Triggers Tables, joins, and table

vars T-SQL elements Create/drop databases Create/alter/drop

tables Create/alter/drop users

and logins Views

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CLR Database file

placement Database mirroring Distributed queries Distributed

transactions Filegroup

management Full Text Search

Unsupported T-SQL

Global temporary tables

SQL Server configuration options

SQL Server Service Broker

System tables Trace Flags

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Remove unsupported features, such as…

Migrating an existing schema

User Defined Data Types

Specifying Filegroups Extended Properties USE DATABASE NOT FOR REPLICATION

Various Index options Windows logins Unsupported XML features Indices need to be clustered

Full list at http://www.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2008/en/us/R2.


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Deployment Options

SSMS - Generate Script Wizard w/SQL Azure option SQL Azure Migration Wizard / CodePlex

Useful for catching unsupported features in SQL Azure Moves data efficiently

Data-tier Application Component (DAC)

New unit of deployment for T-SQL apps.Supports Install, Uninstall, and in the future Upgrade and Repair.Contains developer intent as policies.

Data-tier Application Component


LOGICALTables, Views, Constraints,

SProcs, UDFs,

PHYSICALUsers, Logins,


Future - DAC Deployment ProfileDeployment Requirements,

Management Policies, Failover Policies

Unit o

f Deplo



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DAC Pack = Single unit (Package) for authoring, deploying, and managing the data-tier objects through the development lifecycle

Development Lifecycle (VS 2010) - editing DACs Schema and DB Code Development, Code Analyses, Deployment Policy Settings, Schema Comparison and more… Building DACs – the self contained database package

Management Lifecycle (SSMS 2008 R2) – managing DACs Registering existing database as DACs Deploying and Upgrading databases using DACs,

DAC (Data-tier Application) Packages

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Generating, then modifying, the SQL DDL script

Loading in the data (bcp, SSIS, etc…)-OR- SQL Azure Migration Wizard


Demo – Data into the Cloud

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SQL Azure Migration Wizard

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What Could Go Wrong?

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Scenario/Tool SSMA Generate Script Wizard


Mysql and Access to SQL Azure

√ (Schema

and Data)

√ (Data Only)

Move SQL Schema √ √ √

Move Data √ √ √

Move Large Data √ √

Summary– Database Migration

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Local and Cloud-Based

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Simple Application – just change the connection string! All compatibility requirements must be met (T-SQL)

in the DDL Create destination DB schema and populate with

data Firewall rules set up via SQL Azure portal (test

connectivity) Nothing to install, no SDK required!

Dem0 – SQL Azure application

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**Update** Pricing

Edition WEB BUSINESS Bandwidth

Max 1 GB $ 9.99 / month n/a 10 cents in 15 cent out *higher in Asia (see notes)

Max 5 GB $ 49.95 / month

n/a same

Max 10 GB n/a $ 99.99 / month same

Max 20 GB n/a $ 199.98 / month same

Max 30 GB n/a $ 299.97 / month same

Max 40 GB n/a $ 399.96 / month same

Max 50 GB n/a $ 499.95 / month same

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Storage Comparison

SQL Azure Tables Fully structured Strongly typed Relational (RDMS) Highly scalable

Windows Azure Tables Semi-structured Loosely typed Non-Relational (Not RDMS) Massively scalable

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Added new Dynamic Management Views (DMVs) Allows return of state information for health monitoring &

performance tuning sys.dm_exec_connections , _requests , _sessions,

_tran_database_transactions, _active_transactions, _partition_stats

Added ability to move between Web or Business edition ALTER DATABASE database_name { MODIFY (MAXSIZE = {1 | 10}

GB) }

Increased idle session conn timeout (from 5 to 30 minutes) Improves experience while using connection pooling and other

interactive tools

Improved long running transaction algorithm Allows import and export of much larger amounts of data without

having to chunk your data

Added - Feb 2010

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Added availability in 20 more countries (now 41 total) Complete list here Started with 21 countries, now doubled

Added support for MARS Simplifies the design process

Added support for ALTER (rename) Database Adds features found in RDMS to SQL Azure

Included support in Visual Studio 2010 to manage SQL Azure Allows direct management of SQL Azure databases via Server

Explorer Also found in SQL Server Management Studio

Added new labs feature - sandbox https://www.sqlazurelabs.com/

Added - April 2010

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Added upper size limit of 50 GB Available June 28, 2010 Initial discount on upgrading maximum size

Added support for Spatial Data Types Support for Geography & Geometry data types and queries

Added support DataSync Service for SQL Azure Initially available in CTP via sqlazurelabs.com

Announced SQL Server Web Manager Web-based SQL Azure management tool Initially available as CTP in suimmer 2010

Added Access 10 support for SQL Azure Support from Office 2010 to SQL Azure

Recently Added (June 2010)

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Database Engine

Relational Data



Full Text Search

Integration Services

ETL Processing

Data Profiling


Complex Event


Analysis Services

Classic OLAP Data Manageme


Data Mining

PowerPivot* Self Service


Reporting Services

Managed Reporting

Self Service


Embedded Reporting

Master Data


Master Data


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SQL Server 2008 R2 Editions

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SQL Web Management and Administration (SWA) Partitioning Utility Profiler-like traces / deadlock graphs Geo-location and geo-redundancy Distributed query Security w/AD, WLID, etc Support for multiple levels of hardware and software

isolation BI features – SSRS, etc…

Opportunities and Futures

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What’s Your Idea?

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Windows Azure Platform – here Windows Azure Platform Training Kit – here

MSDN Development Center – here Team Blogs – SSDS and SQLAzure

Want to Know More?

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Lynn LangitBlog: http://blogs.msdn.com/SoCalDevGalTwitter: @llangit

Contact Me
