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Squats Keep your butt and shoulders back, head up,...

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WORKOUT #1 “GET IN SHAPE AT HOME FOR MARCHING BAND” WORKOUT Perform each exercise for one minute without stopping. Rest 30-90 seconds in between. (3x per week for two weeks, then do it TWICE THROUGH 3x per week for two weeks) Squats Keep your butt and shoulders back, head up, and weight in the heels. Mountain Climbers Move your feet as fast as you can. Side Lunges Left then right… butt and shoulders back, head up, and weight in the heels. Plank Pushups Push up then rotate to one side and reach your arm to the sky. Pause then other side. Jump Squats Do not touch back knee to the ground (the closer the better) then leap to other side. Ab Crunches Do not put stress on the neck. The hands are just lightly behind the head.
Page 1: Squats Keep your butt and shoulders back, head up, …dynamicmarching.com/.../uploads/2017/06/cmb-workout-2017.pdfKeep your butt and shoulders back, head up, and weight in the heels.


Perform each exercise for one minute without stopping. Rest 30-90 seconds in between. (3x per week for two weeks, then do it TWICE THROUGH 3x per week for two weeks)

Squats Keep your butt and shoulders back, head up, and weight in the heels.

Mountain Climbers Move your feet as fast as you can.

Side Lunges

Left then right… butt and shoulders back, head up, and weight in the heels.

Plank Pushups

Push up then rotate to one side and reach your arm to the sky. Pause then other side.

Jump Squats

Do not touch back knee to the ground (the closer the better) then leap to other side.

Ab Crunches

Do not put stress on the neck. The hands are just lightly behind the head.

Page 2: Squats Keep your butt and shoulders back, head up, …dynamicmarching.com/.../uploads/2017/06/cmb-workout-2017.pdfKeep your butt and shoulders back, head up, and weight in the heels.


Directions: Perform this routine 3 times a week, with at least a day of rest between sessions. Do one pair at a time by alternating between sets of exercises of the same number (back and forth between 1A and 1B, for example) until you complete 3 sets of both. For each pairing, rest 30 seconds after the first exercise and 90 seconds after the second. Don't move to the next pair until you've completed all the sets of the previous pair. For the dumbbell exercises, use the heaviest weight that still allows you to complete all your repetitions.

1A Lateral squat (6-8 Reps) Stand with your feet about twice shoulder-width apart. Keeping your right leg straight, push your hips back and to the left. Then bend your left knee and lower your body until your left thigh is parallel to the floor. Your feet should remain flat on the floor at all times. Pause for 2 seconds, and then return to the starting position. Complete all reps and switch sides.

1B Low-box lateral shuffle (30 seconds) Stand with your left foot on a low box and your right foot on the floor about 2 feet from the box. Bend your knees slightly and keep your chest up. Push through both feet and jump to your left, landing with your right foot on the box and your left foot on the floor, absorbing the contact with knees bent. Jump back to your starting position. That's 1 repetition.

2A Dumbbell bench press (6-8 Reps) Lie on a bench holding a pair of dumbbells with your arms straight above your chest, palms facing forward. Lower the dumbbells to the sides of your chest, and then push the weights back up to the starting position. That's 1 repetition.

Page 3: Squats Keep your butt and shoulders back, head up, …dynamicmarching.com/.../uploads/2017/06/cmb-workout-2017.pdfKeep your butt and shoulders back, head up, and weight in the heels.

2B Plyometric pushup (6-8 Reps) Place two boxes side by side, leaving a gap between them that's a few inches narrower than shoulder width. Assume a pushup position, your hands on the floor between the boxes. Lower your body and then press up explosively so your hands come off the floor and land on the boxes. Lower yourself again, and then press up and land back on the floor. That's 1 rep.

3A Dumbbell deadlift (6-8 Reps) Set two dumbbells on the floor, one outside each ankle. Squat and grab the dumbbells with a neutral grip (your palms facing each other). Keep your back flat and head up as you stand, thrusting your hips forward and pulling your shoulder blades back and chest up. Then reverse the movement back to the starting position. That's 1 repetition.

3B Box jumps (5-6 Reps) Stand facing a low box, your feet slightly wider than your hips, hands at your sides. Push your hips back, bend your knees, and swing your arms backward as you lower your body into a squat. Then reverse the move as you swing your arms forward, jump, and land on the box with both feet. Step down. That's 1 repetition.

Page 4: Squats Keep your butt and shoulders back, head up, …dynamicmarching.com/.../uploads/2017/06/cmb-workout-2017.pdfKeep your butt and shoulders back, head up, and weight in the heels.

4A Chinup (6-8 Reps) Grab a chinup bar with an underhand grip, your hands slightly narrower than shoulder-width apart and ankles crossed behind you. Pull your chest to the bar, pause, and then slowly lower yourself back to the starting position. That's 1 repetition.

4B Straight-arm resistance-band pulldown (10-12 Reps) Attach a resistance band to a chinup bar. Grab the handles and stand with your arms directly in front of you at shoulder level. Pull the handles down as you keep your arms straight, elbows locked, and body upright. Then reverse the move back to the starting position. That's 1 repetition. 5 ABS (8-10 Reps) Do three sets of ab crunches, combining twisting ones with normal ones.

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Do The Spartacus Workout 3 days a week. Perform the Spartacus Workout as a circuit, doing one set of each exercise—or “station” in succession. Each station in the circuit lasts for 60 seconds. Do as many reps as you can in that duration (with perfect form), then move on to the next station in the circuit. Give yourself 15 seconds to transition between stations, and rest for 2 minutes after you’ve done one circuit of all 10 exercises. Then repeat 2 times. If you can’t go for the entire minute on an exercise, go as long as you can, rest for a few seconds, then go again until your time at that station is up. This will allow you to customize the workout to your current fitness level. Also, if using weights makes some exercises too difficult, simply perform the same movement without holding the dumbbells.

Grab a dumbbell and hold it vertically in front of your chest, with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart [A]. Keeping your back naturally arched, push your hips back, bend your knees, and lower your body until the tops of your thighs are at least parallel to the floor. Pause, then push yourself back up to the start. If that’s too hard, do a bodyweight squat instead.

Assume a pushup position with your arms completely straight. Your body should form a straight line from your head to your ankles [A]. Without allowing your lower-back posture to change, lift your foot off the floor and slowly raise your knee toward your chest [B]. Return to the starting position, and repeat with your left leg, alternating back and forth each repetition.

Grab a dumbbell with an overhand grip and hold it in front of your waist at arm’s length. Keeping your lower back slightly arched, bend at your hips and knees and swing the dumbbell between your legs [A]. Keeping your arm straight, thrust your hips forward, straighten your knees, and swing the dumbbell up to shoulder level as you rise to standing position. Now swing the weight back and forth. At the 30-second mark, switch arms.

Page 6: Squats Keep your butt and shoulders back, head up, …dynamicmarching.com/.../uploads/2017/06/cmb-workout-2017.pdfKeep your butt and shoulders back, head up, and weight in the heels.

Grasp a pair of hex dumbbell handles and set yourself in pushup position, your arms straight [A]. Then bend your elbows and lower your body until your chest nearly touches the floor [B]. As you push yourself back up, lift your right hand and rotate the right side of your body up as you raise the dumbbell straight over your shoulder until your body forms a T [C]. Reverse the move, then repeat on your right side.

Stand in a staggered stance with your feet about 2 to 3 feet apart, your left in front of your right. Keeping your torso upright, bend your legs and lower your body into a lunge [A]. Now quickly switch directions and jump with enough force to propel both feet off the floor [B]. While in the air, scissor-kick your legs so you land with the opposite leg forward [C]. Repeat, alternating back and forth each repetition.

Grab a pair of dumbbells, bend at your hips (don’t round your lower back) and lower your torso until it’s almost parallel to the floor. Let the dumbbells hang at arm’s length from your shoulders [A]. Without moving your torso, row the dumbbells upward by raising your upper arms, bending your elbows and squeezing your shoulder blades together [B]. Pause, then lower the dumbbells back to start.

Page 7: Squats Keep your butt and shoulders back, head up, …dynamicmarching.com/.../uploads/2017/06/cmb-workout-2017.pdfKeep your butt and shoulders back, head up, and weight in the heels.

Grab a pair of dumbbells and hold them at arm’s length next to your sides [A]. Lift your left foot and take a big step to your left as you push your hips backward and lower your body by dropping your hips and bending your knees. As you lower your body, bend forward at your hips and touch the dumbbells to the floor [B]. Do all your reps with your left leg, then repeat with your right. If that’s too hard, do the same move without the dumbbells; simply reach for the floor with your hands.

Grasp a pair of hex dumbbell handles and set yourself in pushup position, your arms straight [A]. Keeping your core stiff, row the dumbbell in your right hand to the side of your chest, by pulling it upward and bending your arm [B]. Pause, then lower the dumbbell back down quickly, and repeat the same movement with your left arm.

Grab a dumbbell and hold it vertically in front of your chest, with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Keeping your back naturally arched, push your hips back, bend your knees, and lower your body until the tops of your thighs are at least parallel to the floor. Pause, then push yourself back up to the start. If that’s too hard, do a bodyweight squat instead.

Stand holding a pair of dumbbells just outside of your shoulders, with your arms bent and palms facing each other. Set your feet should be shoulder-width apart, your knees slightly bent. Dip you knees [A], then explosively push up with your legs as you press the weights straight over your shoulders [B]. Lower the dumbbells back to the starting position and repeat.

Repeat one or two more times…
