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OCTOBER 15-19,2018
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“Om Sarba Mangala Mangalley Shivay Sarbbarthasadhikay. Sharannay Trambawke
Gouree Narayani Namostu Te”.
Based on the Hindu scripture, Chandi, (or Devimahatmyam), King Surath and Samadhi
Vaisya, a business man, were first to worship Goddess Durga, the Divine Mother, at the advice of
the great Rishi (a sage ) Medhos. The Divine Mother represents the energy (or Sakti), which is
the source and sustenance of all creation. King Surath and Samadhi started their worship at the
beginning of Spring; that is why Goddess Durga is also referred to as Goddess Basanti. Accord-
ing to Ramayana, Lord Rama also worshipped Goddess Durga and prayed for her blessings in
defeating the wicked king Ravana.
King Surath lost kingdom due to the conspiracy of his own ministers. Similarly, Samadhi
Vaisya was insulted and driven out from his home by his own wife and the children. They both
went to Rishi Medhos and sought his advice in resolving their personal problems. The Rishi told
them to pray to Goddess Durga, the Divine Mother. Following their prayer and meditation for
three years, they achieved mental peace and happiness. The king got his kingdom back and re-
mained a lifelong devotee of Goddess Durga. Samadhi Vaisya realized the true nature of the Di-
vine Mother (She is the Ultimate reality behind the universe), thereby achieving Mukti or
“salvation”. Thus, to receive the blessings of the Divine Mother, we need to conquer our ambi-
tions, attachments, bondage, and selfishness. The Divine Mother exists in our inner soul (where
She is known as the Atman), therefore, we can worship her by first improving our moral stand-
ards and spiritual aspirations.
In the Rig-Veda, the Divine Mother has said: “Aham Ashti”, or I am the State, and the Soci-
ety; I am the Creator of this universe. Through the deity, she appears before us to bless us and to
give us knowledge, wealth, health, protection from enemy and overall welfare for the society, that
we need to survive and prosper. But, we should be spiritually and mentally prepare to receive her
blessings. Even the Gods ( Gods’ refer to the Devas or noble people who impart knowledge, in-
spire noble ideas, and men of genius by whom society is directly benefited) prayed to the Divine
Mother for the destruction of demons (or wicked people), like Mahisasura. However, to receive
her blessings, they had to be united, be spiritually strong, and be eager for the self-sacrifice we
have to pool together all the resources and strength. Thus, we have to do true ‘Yajna’ or unselfish
work, free from attachment, for the good of the society. Therefore, the worshipping Goddess Dur-
ga represents the team effort for the overall benefit of the people and the society through unself-
ish work.
At this holy and auspicious moment of Sri Sri Durga Puja, I urge you to join us in our pray-
ers to the Divine Mother to destroy all of our evil thoughts including greed, passion and selfish
ambitions, and ask for Her blessings and shelter at Her divine feet…’Sharanagata Deenarta Pari-
trana Paranayee, Sarbbasyarthi Hare Devi Narayani Namostu Te..’
Taken in part from an earlier article by Swami Purnatmanandaji Maharaj
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Saturday, October 6 Mahalaya function beginning 6:30 am
Tuesday, October 8 Mahalaya & Tarpan beginning 6:30 am
Tuesday, October 15 6:30 pm Sashti Puja, followed by Prasad & dinner
Wednesday, October 16 8:30 am Saptami Puja
12:00 noon Pushpanjali, followed by Prasad & lunch
6:00 pm Bhajan, evening puja
7:30 pm Pushpanjali & Arati, followed by Prasad & dinner
Thursday, October 17 8:30 am Ashtami Puja
12:00 noon Pushpanjali, followed by Prasad & Lunch
4:30 pm Sandhi Puja
7:30 pm Pushpanjali & arati, followed by Prasad & dinner
Friday, October 18 8:30 am Nabami Puja & Pushpanjali
12:30 am Kumari Puja followed by Prasad & lunch
6:00 pm Yagna, evening puja & bhajan
7:30 pm Pushpanjali & arati, followed by Prasad & dinner
Saturday, October 19 8:30 am Bijoya Dashami puja, followed by pushpanjali,
Bisarjan, Sindur Khela, Prasad & lunch.
Thursday, October 23 6:30 pm Laxmi Puja , Pushpanjali & arati followed by Prasad
& dinner
Thursday, November 6 6:00 pm Kali Puja followed by Pushpanjali & arati, Prasad &
Puspanjali, Arati, Prasad & Lunch.
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Bharat Sevashram Sangha thanks all sponsors of puja events. Your kind support al-
ways help us to work for the community more vigorously. Following are the names of
the kind sponsors and volunteers for this year’s Puja events
Madhu & Sikha Kundu, Saivendra & Nupur Kayal, Bisnu & Suparna Chattopadhay, Dipak &
Mili Mehta,Pradyut & Sudipta Gupta
Asish & Sraboni Mukherjee, Dipak & Kajal Roy, Ram Ganguli, Deep & Kanika Ghosh ,Tapan & Swagata Sengupta, Arun & Kanthy Roychoudhury, Bijan & Rita Chakrabarti, Dipak & Chitra
Sarkar Soma Sarkar will volunteer for Saptami food cooking.
Manab & Mala Dutt, Partha & Basudha Sinha, Ajoy & Indrani Dutt, Jyoti and Mohua Chatter- jee, Ananta & Kumkum Mukerji Tridibnath & Soma Bandopadhyay, Ayan and Sa-
tarupa Roy, Ashok & Roma Roy, Pradip & Nivedita Chowdhury, Dwip & Bani Ghosh, Swap- na Ray, Subir and Debjani Bandyopadhyay . Debajyoti Ray and Ilona Maitra, Amar & Moyna
Banerjee, Dulal and Bandana Goswami, Amitav and Karina Chaki, Bikash & Mitali Basu, Dipankar & Papiya Mukherjee ,Debashis and Sudhanya Mallick
Tapas & Dipali Sinha,Asok & Swapna Nandi,Jayashri RoyChoudhuri,, Paritosh & Rina Majumder,Pradip & Kanika Paul,
Sugata & Papiya Banerjee, Amal & Hashi Adhikary, Jaydeb & Mitali Das, Sudip & Basanti Purakayastha, Pradip & Shima Majumdar
: Ashish & Sephali Duttaray & Ashram
Ashram(23 rd
Puja Co-ordinators : Sraboni Mukherjee, Sikha Kundu, Chitra Sarkar
Helpers : Lipika Majumdar, Soma Sarkar, Santa Chakrabarti Collection Counter : Ananta Mukerji,Asok Nandi,Bani Mukherjee,Benoy Samanta,Bijan
Chakrabarti,Deep Ghosh,Dipak Sarkar,Jayanta Majumdar,Kajal Roy,Madhu Kundu,Manab Dutt,Paritosh Majumdar,Ram Ganguly,Sapna Dattasarma,Somnath Sarkar,
Tapas Sinha,Debashish Mallick
Bharat Sevashram Sangha is a spiritual, philanthropic and charitable organization with a firm and
enduring commitment to improving the lives of the underprivileged. This guiding principle of con-
cern for the weak and deprived citizens has been the force empowering our members to dedicate
their lives serving people.
The cultural and spiritual ethos of India runs through our primary objective of emancipation of peo-
Our commitment is to serve people physically, mentally, morally and spiritually.
A disciplined system based on ideals and practices of renunciation, self-control, truth, continence
and honest labor.
A coming together of organizational ideals structured into a framework. 102 years old, the Sangha
has transcontinental presence with headquarters in Kolkata, India. Projects are driven by intense
sacrifice and dedication channelized through sustainable development strategies to alleviate suffer-
In 1911, Acharya Swami Pranavananda Maharaj opened the first ashram in Bangladesh. He
shaped the life and character of young boys after those of his own and these enthusiastic young
disciples were organized into a brotherhood of self-sacrificing monks. The Sangha soon estab-
lished an ashram in Kolkata in 1919.
The Sangha, headquartered in Ballygunj in Kolkata, is administered by able and experienced sen-
ior monks. The Sangha initiated several ashrams in east African states, Malaysia, Indonesia, and
other countries. It has also established ashrams in Trinidad, Guyana, Fiji, USA, Canada, United
Kingdom, West Indies, South America and Nepal.
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On behalf of Bharat Sevashram Sangha West & all other Bharat Sevashram ashrams out-
side India, I welcome you to join us in celebrating Durga Puja here in Brea, California. We
are trying to bring the entire Hindu community under one banner, and unite to form one
great organization. This year my message is on ‘Sangha Geeta’ as dictated by Acharya Sri-
mat Swami Pranavanandaji Maharaj.
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Sangha Geeta
“Whenever virtue declines and vice prevails, incarnate myself from age to age to secure
the virtuous and to destroy the sinners.” – Srimat Bhagavat Geeta
Prophets and spiritual masters are born time to time with divine missions to guide the
erring humanity; but rare is the advent of the incarnations of the Supreme Himself as the Lord
Srikrishna and the like, who appear with a universal mission and message,
Don’t allow the memory of your pre-Ashram life to crop up in you in any way. Don’t you
still realize where you are today? In what new state and in what new concern ?
Always keep yourself merged in the work of the Sangha, then shall you feel progress. Do
your duties at your own station, great good-will then come to you. Don’t be perturbed by physi-
cal ailments or mental troubles.
Always move armed with activity in one hand and the sharp sword of spiritual discrimina-
tion and dispassion in the other. With these swords cut to pieces all the passions, the sensual
propensities and the hankerings for enjoyments. Remember, with every incoming and outgoing
breath, the last state of this mortal body, and being thus strengthened, throw yourself into the
allotted duties of the Sangha; then shall no enemy dare to assault you, Remember, the enemy
may harass you every now and then if it finds you unarmed.
Subjugation of the passions and discipline of the senses are your primary spiritual pen-
ance (Tapasya). If you can constantly bear in mind the instructions that have been given to you,
you will be able to pass your time in perfect cheerfulness of mind and placidity of soul.
Instantly abandon any thoughts that causes mental distress by making you restless or
that debases your mind and makes it weary. How can you, driven by the importunities of your
passions, afford to pass your priceless time thinking about an ordinary person from whom you
can on no account expect any help; while abandoning one and all thoughts of Him who is the
soul of your soul, life of your life and your savior from worldly agonies ?
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Days, weeks and months are slipping by and you remain still a prey to ignorance. How
linger still shall you waste your life being puppets of your of your passions and senses and your
carnal hankerings? They are your greatest foes which appear in the disguise of friends and
bring in your ruin.
Give up at once all your caprices and save your precious life. Your reasoning and your
plans are still very immature. These have no value until spiritual discrimination and non-
attachment are established in you. Often you may think that what you have thought or done
was perfectly right; but such a conviction on your part is utterly baseless.
There is nothing much to be worried over. Very soon you shall see a change in yourself.
Work on heroically with enormous strength and infinite enthusiasm and perseverance. It will not
do to abandon all individual discreet. Always keep the memory and the consciousness of your
true self alive by remembering every moment, with every twinkling of your eye, the final state of
this body and youth.
Never give indulgence to any idleness or sleep or slumber under pretext of spiritual
meditation. These vices together with procrastination will often try to embrace you as friends.
Beware, never yield to their fascination. You will have to pass through much bewildering cir-
cumstances for the present. Many a thing, however, you will be able to adjust if you can hold to
your Sangha.
Give up all obstinacy and follow the path that is being shown to you, and very soon there
will be a change. It will bring in disaster for you if you follow your own caprices. Of course,
when your mind will be properly disciplined by obedience, a day will come when you will ac-
quire ability to be rightly guided by your own discrimination.
Though you are in the midst of a great battle-field today, the Supreme Dispenser has
granted you the necessary strength and stamina beyond measure to stand against blows and
counterblows, miseries, and mishaps. Per chance there may be times when, overwhelmed with
adverse thoughts, you will feel dejected. Never lose your self-possession at such moments, for
it will so happen that many a time you will not be able to measure your own strength due to ig-
norance and delusion. Such state of mind very often visits the lives of all seekers. But you must
remain strong in your self-confidence, firm in your self-reliance and invigorated with your sense
of self-respect and thus with an inexhaustible store of patience, endurance and fortitude, on to
the path of the Great Liberation. You must exert such spiritual influence over the whole land
that it will create new awakening on its soil.
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But you must be a burning example of patience, placidity and endurance. The serene lus-
ter of the smile on your glowing face and the light of knowledge in your heart must enlighten this
Sangha and inspire the Whole of this land to take to the great path of renunciation. Always re-
member that the body is not meant for the enjoyment of worldly pleasure; it is the abode of a per-
son (Sangha-Lord) ever pure and ever free and Knowledge Absolute personified. So always think
that there can be no excitement of passions, nor any tyranny of senses, nor ignorance, nor at-
tachment, nor delusion and distress in you.
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Message from the President Mr. Madhu Kundu :
Since Swami Purnatmananda Maharaj established the Temple at the present lo- cation eight years ago we have the opportunity to enjoy our most favorite Durga Puja festival for five days on the actual days as performed in India. This year also the Temple is celebrating the Durga Puja on those auspicious days. We are invit- ing you and your family to join the celebration. It is our privilege and pleasure to enjoy this wonderful facility in Southern California. As the years go by, the Temple is becoming more and more popular place to visit by the devotees. We can feel this Temple being our own place of worship. The Swamiji’s warm welcome makes the visit all the more attractive.
The Temple is growing with the help of generous donation from the devotees. Last year several improvements of the facilities including patio covers at the en- trance of the Temple and a beautiful water fountain were completed. We are thankful to several major donors to achieve those improvements. In addition we celebrated Rath Jatra this year with a brand new beautifully decorated Rath con- structed by one of our devotee.
The Temple does provide services like pujas, other Hindu rituals for the benefit of the devotees. The Temple continues to facilitate Yoga classes, lectures on Hindu Religion. The Temple is working to fulfill the ideology of Bharat Sevashram Sang- ha of serving poor and backward tribes in India and several different parts of world. In order to provide religious services to the devotees, another Swamiji, Swami Muktatmananda from India has joined the Temple. You are all encouraged to meet and greet him. Eventually he will be in charge of this Temple. Since Swa- mi Purnatmananda Maharaj travels so frequently, we feel a permanent presence of a Swamiji will better provide devotional and spiritual guidance to the devotees and visitors.
The Temple has reduced the loan amount to $278,000 with the help of generous donations from the devotees and patrons from all over the country. Your active participation will facilitate to establish necessary fund to pay off the loan and con- tribute funding for other philanthropic activities as per the Organization’s motto.
We thank Swami Purnatmananda Maharaj for his endless effort to make this temple a better place for us and our future generation. Let us help him with our active participations at the Temple activities.
The Temple wishes you all “Shuvo Bijoya”.
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Madhu and Sikha Kundu
With Best Wishes from
Arun and Kanthy Roychoudhury
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you, your family and friend
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• We would like to thank Dr Ankur Kundu for donating the industrial stove/oven for the ashram.
• BSS Website was renovated to make it easy to maintain. The cost of website maintenance was paid by Mr. Debashish Mallick.
• Two of the BSS Garages were completely renovated and rented to Bengali Asso- ciation of Southern California for a multi-year contract. The full cost of renova- tion was paid by Deep Ghosh.
• The full cost of the new Rath for Ashram was paid by Subhendu Roy.
• Pradip Maharaj went to India for his saffron attire ceremony on Janmastami day.
• Gopal Paul as assistant Priest, joined at the Brea Ashram in March, 2017. He is assisting in daily Puja and ritual performance of the Temple. He also helps in other social activities including office management. We are thankful to him for his voluntary service.
• We have a new Swamiji (Swami Muktatmananda ) in the ashram who will take over from Swami Purnatmanandaji Maharaj . Swami Muktatmananda ji Maha- raj was ordained in 1993 & was responsible for the Bharat Sevashram ashram in Ghatsila. Swami Purnatmanandaji Maharaj is now acting president of Bharat Sevashram worldwide & will spend more time in India.
• Please stop by to say hello & welcome Swami Muktatmananda ji Maharaj . He looks after day to day activities of the ashram. If you have activities you would like to start, please talk to him.
Durga Puja 2018
Jagannath and his family were seated in a brand new and beautiful chariot built right here in Los An-
geles by one of our fellow devotees, Subhendu Roy. Hundreds of devotees from all over Southern
California participated throughout the day in the age-old tradition of pulling this “Rath”.
The BSS community wholeheartedly thanks the Roy family for this incredible contribution to our
community. Subhendu and his family -- Mohua (Piu) and his two beautiful daughters, Riyana and
Rishita -- are now very special members of BSS West. Subhendu was entirely responsible for the con-
cept, design and construction of the chariot. Subhendu and Mohua are also amazingly talented
artists, and their handiwork is on full display in the graphics of the new chariot. Moreover, the Roy
family very graciously also financially sponsored this extremely significant project as a gift to the ash-
ram. The words “thank you” do not even begin to capture how grateful we all at BSS feel about this
grand gesture from the Roy family – we are truly moved by the initiative and send our heartfelt best
wishes to the entire Roy family.
Furthermore, we also thank Mr. Nitin Jindal who used his own resources to transport the chariot
from Torrance to the chariot’s permanent home at the Brea BSS Temple. Mr. Jindal, thank you very
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Good times and bad times are all but foul
work of creative mind
boat of oblivion grind
One that is flowing on in the name of Time
is Eternal and does not follow any reason or
about a change?
near that range?
It comes and it goes on it's own, this is true
Within a blink it changes your life too
The "Time" for which you are waiting with a
hopeful heart
about to start
So you must get up as soon as you hear the
For there is no time to waste to wait for the
whom I can call "my own"
Then I find them very close to me
every human, animal or a stone
What a wonder this feeling is!
Them whom I never looked back at before
are now all ahead of me,
They are entangled with my soul
as far as I can see
What a wonder this feeling is!
Those that I thought were all worthless
now seem so nice and high
I find invaluable jewel in each of them
when I see them and try
What a wonder this feeling is!
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How Corporates can transcend to levels of excellence by practicing Spirituality in Management - Prof (Dr) Goutam
In the era of cut throat competition in the market place enterprises worldwide are resorting to newer and newer management techniques to fight the battle to establish their supremacy in a sustainable manner. Such management techniques on the other hand are becoming ge- neric, outdated and losing its edge with passage of time. There are many such examples which the world is witnessing. Enterprises, therefore, are in quest of more advanced and hitherto unknown management arena to equip themselves to leap forward over the emerg- ing competition. It is in this context the ‘spirituality in management’ is gaining grounds and many successful organizations worldwide are practicing this concept and gaining re- sults. World is witnessing a new ‘wave in management’. The question is how is the con- cept founded? How it helps the organization to achieve its self actualization state and meet its ultimate holistic objectives? This article shall attempt to find answers to the above ques- tions.
Spirituality and Management
Spirituality in our context means development of our inner self to reach the state of self ac- tualization for achieving fulfillment. Management again does not only mean managing a business enterprise. It covers all topics, all fields and all subjects. There could be manage- ment of hospitals, NGOs, Government agencies or even own self. Spirituality in manage- ment is, therefore, a holistic approach of management to reach the state of organizational self-actualization through development of inner competencies of the organization which otherwise are latent in it, for achieving fulfillment. It brings resonating effect in the organi- zation, delivers best potentials at ease at no variations and at no loss to the society. To reach the state of organizational self-actualization which leads the way for holistic organi- zational excellence, role of spirituality in management is of a great relevance.
Spirituality is nothing but development of our inner being for achieving happiness, peace and fulfillment and has nothing to do with rituals – that is what Swami Vivekananda came to declare in this age. Swami Pranabananda defined goal of life as ‘Self realization, univer- sal Emancipation’ and described ‘self confidence, self reliance and self respect’ as real as- sets of mankind. Philosophy of disconnecting the self from feeling of owning the wealth goes in a long way to migrate to the path of self-actualization and relieves the organization from unnecessary stresses. Swami Vivekananda first spelt out this noble concept of ‘trusteeship management’ to John David Rockefeller, when he went to America to partici- pate in the Parliament of Religions that took place in 1893. Rockefeller was the emperor of the petroleum industry and was passing through an agonizing phase of frustration.
The author is Adjunct Professor at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur, India
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Swami Vivekananda advised him that he should develop his mind in such a manner that he considers himself not to be the owner of his wealth but only a custodian of the same and make best use of the wealth to remove sufferings of the mankind. Rockefeller followed the advice which gave him peace of mind. This was the inception of the famous Rockefeller Foundation. In his autobiography, Rockefeller wrote “Money is only a trust in one’s hand. To use it im- properly is a great sin. The best way to prepare for the end of life is to live for others”.
Waves in Management Styles
Waves in Management Styles have to be understood in the above context. As the appropriate technology for the mankind emerges in conjunction with the evolution of wisdom and the need of the society, likewise world has witnessed the emergence of various successful mana- gerial styles in conjunction with the evolution of maturity of the corporations and ever chang- ing challenges faced by them.
Let us examine the various waves in the Management Science which the world has witnessed during the growth of civilization.
The First wave was the British Style of Management when work-study, work-measurement, method-study, etc were in vogue, i.e., Taylor’s measurement of work-study was in vogue. Frederick Taylor (1856-1915) developed Scientific Management Theory that analyzed and synthesized workflows. The core ideas of the theory were developed by Frederick Winslow Taylor in the 1880s and 1890s and were published in Shop Management (1903) and in The Principles of Scientific Management (1911). The theory developed by Frederick Winslow Taylor was so much fundamental and popular in use that quite often it was called Taylorism. Taylorism however had its tremendous impact on enhancement of productivity and was close- ly associated with mass production methods in factories. The first wave of management style which was largely governed by scientific management theories developed by Taylor was in vogue during 1880 – 1930.
The second wave in management science was the American Style of Management when Peter Ferdinand Drucker (1909-2005) emerged as the most eminent person in the arena of manage- ment science. Drucker’s work would be marked by a focus on relationships among human be- ings, as opposed to the crunching of numbers. His books were filled with lessons on how or- ganization can bring out the best in people and how workers can find a sense of community and dignity in a modern society organized around large institutions. During his long consult- ing career, Drucker worked with many major corporations including General Electric, Coca Cola, Citicorp, IBM, Intel, etc. He consulted with notable business leaders such as GE’s Jack Welch, Procter & Gamble’s A.G.Lafley, Intel’s Andy Grove, etc. Drucker’s thirty nine books have been translated into more than thirty languages. Contrary to the central theme of the first wave which was more on “Command and Control Model”, during the second wave Drucker discounted this model and asserted that companies work best when they are decentralized. The second wave of management science worked during the years 1930–1980 although influences of Peter Ferdinand Drucker was more visible during 1940–1980 and more so during the sec- ond half of the twentieth century. Although during the above period most of the experimenta- tion and the theories of Drucker were developed, however, teachings of Drucker shall lead the management science for ever.
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The third wave in management science was the Japanese Style of Management. Japanese managerial style and decision making emphasizes the flow of information and initiative from the bottom up, making top management a facilitator rather than the source of authority. Con- sensus is stressed as a way of arriving at decision, and close attention in spread to workers’ well being. The Japanese term ‘Hourensou’ refers to important attributes that are said to char- acterize collaboration within effective Japanese Corporate Culture. ‘genchi genbutsu’ refers to getting your hands dirty, to identify or solve immediate problems and leaders are not ex- empt from this. Another insight into the Japanese style of management is provided by an inci- dent involving an employee of a commercial firm who suspected of graft committed suicide and left a note saying ‘the company was immortal’. A strong sense of belonging, what might be called enterprise familism and an intense loyalty within an organization that operates ac- cording to a quasi-family principle and governed the Japanese Style of Management. This style is characterized by life time employment, a seniority wage system and formation of competitive groups within the organization. It is generally true in Japanese management style that workers select their employers, not their occupations. Third wave in management which was predominantly governed by Japanese Style of Management showed its supremacy to the world during the period 1980-2008 although there are always overlapping parts of these waves with central theme of such waves remaining valid for ever.
We are now witnessing the emergence of the fourth wave in management. The seed of this wave was embedded in ancient India’s scriptures. This wave is based on spirituality and talks about taking the organization to its self-actualization state. Management in its self actualized state redefines its vision and looks beyond the boundaries of its organization and touches the society at large for its long term sustainability. It shows its deepest concern for people, envi- ronment and the planet. It raises its concern against inequalities in the society – it earnestly looks at the Bottom of the Pyramid (BOP) societies and shows its concern for unequal distri- bution of wealth. It realizes that its business shall survive only if the inequalities in the socie- ties are removed. In short, in the self actualized state organizations break their shackles of confinement and look beyond its own boundaries and touch the societies at large for its long term sustainability.
Maslow’s ideas surrounding the hierarchy of needs suggest that individuals shall cross one state of need and go to the next higher level once the need is satisfied. Therefore, the migra- tion from one need level to the other shall be gradual till it reaches the state of self actualiza- tion to fulfill its own unique potential, whereas, spirituality shall accelerate the process to achieve the self actualized state faster. There are many great examples where spirituality has helped to attain finest realizations. Before meeting Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa, Swami Vi- vekananda grew restless about the various riddles that religion presented to him. He particu- larly wanted to meet a person who could talk about God with the authority of personal expe- rience. Finally, he went to Ramakrishna one day and asked him straightaway, if he had seen God. He said he had and if so wished, he could even show God to him. Swami Vivekananda realized that Ramakrishna was the only man he had so far met who had completely mastered himself. Spirituality as taught in ancient India’s scriptures help to attain the ultimate state of realization or self actualization much faster than any other techniques which were developed in the West.
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The basic foundation of process of self-actualization of an enterprise lies in the famous theory of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs invented by Abraham Maslow. As the organization matures, it moves from the state of control to a state of self-actualization. During its ma- turity cycle organizations worldwide have embraced various waves of management which were described earlier. As the competition in the market place is becoming stiffer and stiff- er as well as economy and technology are facing newer challenges organizations need to reposition themselves to stay competitive and re-define their goals. In this context what shall become most important for the organizations is to realize its full potential and operate from the state of actualization. Concepts of spirituality in management shall help the or- ganizations to attain self-actualized state much faster and thereby reach the level of organi- zational excellence in its true sense.
Best Wishes from the Chakrabarti
1. It is the ideal which shapes life. The determination to realize an ideal is
the driving force of life. A man worthy of his name is prepared to sacrifice his
life for maintaining his ideal and for the realization of the greatest vow. He
never forsakes ideals to pursue his personal interest. A life without ideals is an-
other name for death. Life is not worth living if the ideal goes and the determi-
nation is given up. A man pursue his humanity through relation of his great ide-
als and his high objectives.
2. A real man is he who has sympathy in his heart for others. Service to
the country and upliftment of the society are at the root of broadness of heart
and in the feeling of sorrows and sufferings of other. If a man does not cordial-
ly feel for the suffering, miseries and needs of others and if his heart is not
moved in pity for the pangs and pain of others, how would he render service
to the Nation and work for the good of the Society? Every man tries to remove
his own sorrows and sufferings at the risk of his life. Likewise, feeling the sor-
rows and sufferings of others in the core of his heart when he would try his best
to remove these at the risk of life, the then and there the service to the Nation
and the welfare of the society will really be achieved.
3. He who is firm is his vow and steadfast in resolution can attain every
success in life.
4. You can achieve what a man has achieved. It you fail, you should real-
ize that you certainly lack effort, attention and
5. Boundless and infinite strength, power valour and gallantry lie dormant
in man. These are developed only by proper exercise and by constant appli-
cation and culture.
6. Man acquires power through struggles and encounters. Prepare your-
self to face all kinds of hostile situation heroically.
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9. Man’s power develops and up folds by shouldering responsibilities.
10. Weal and woe and hazards and adversities usually accompany human life. So
one should not be perturbed on that account.
11. Do not lose your patience at the time of danger. Go on performing your duties
with firm patience. One day you will be amazed to see your own power.
12. Always subject yourself to strict discipline. This strictness will protect you from
contamination of polluted environment prevailing outside.
13. If you can create an atmosphere of good ideas within and keep your mind
attached to it, then no impurity or contamination of outside atmosphere will be able to
touch you.
14. Ups and downs of a man may come about at a random fashion. So, always
keep away from allurements.
15. Self-confidence and sense of self-respect are at the root of all success in the
Swami Nirmalananda (Bharat Sevashram Sangha)
The concept of Devihood is fully analysed in Sri Sri Chandi which is a
part of Markendya Purana.
In this Treatise three divisions have been made. The First is concernd
with the slaying of the demons Madhu and Kaitav; the second with the destruc-
tion of Mahisasure and in the third part Sumbha and Nisumbha are exterminated.
Devi slayed the demon Mahisasura with her own hands. The evil one
had banished the Gods from, and established himself in, the heaven. The de-
feated devas, led by Brahma, appealed to Vishnu and Shankara for help. Vish-
nu and Shiva were enraged to hear of the exploits of the demon. The fire com-
ing out from the anger of Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma and the other Gods crystallised
into the form of a mighty energy. A Mountain of fire appeared to encompass the
horizons. The concentrated force of the Gods took on the shape of a woman.
This is Devi’s rajasic shakti known as Mahalakshmi .The Gods made her even
more powerful by individually arming her with various weapons. Mahisasura
crumbled against her onslaught and the Gods got back their heaven.
Devi, as Mahasaraswati, defeated the asura brothers Sumbha and Ni-
sumbha with their cohorts Dhumralochan, Chandamunda, Raktabija etc. Like
Mahisasura these brothers had dethroned the Gods from heaven and let loose
a reign of terror. The devas turned to Devi for help and her motherly heart melt-
ed at their call for assistance. She appeared once more amidst the mountain
glory of the Himalayas. Chanda and Munda, dazzled by the brilliance of the di-
vine sight, rushed to tell their masters, Sumbha and Nisumba, about it. They ea-
gerly suggested – ‘‘ Why don’t one of you accept this jewel amongst women?
You possess the best of everything. ’’
Devi scorned Sumbha and Nisubha’s messenger Sugriba, when he came with the
proposal. She said that she was promise-bound to garland only that person
who would defeat her or prove to be her equal in combat.
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Hearing this the brothers flared up in rage. With sixty thousand soldiers their general
Dhumralochana was despatched, followed by four divisions led Chanda and Munda. But all met
defeat at the hands of Devi. Eventually brother Nisumbha gathered together his forces and
marched towards her. One by one Raktabija, other wariors, Leaders and even Nisumbha too
were killed. Only Sumbha was left on the Battlefield.
Sumbha thundered – ‘‘Devi, do not be proud of your strength. I am alone but you are
aided by so many. ’’ Devi then decided to impart Advaita knowledge of non-dualism to the
asura. She said – ‘‘ In this universe I alone am there. Who else is there but me? All these others
are but my energies. See – all are concentrated fully in me. ’’ Having said so she withdrew all
that was outside into within herself. She could no longer be accused of waging an unfair battle.
But even in that equal contest Sumbha was defeated. Easily she cut off his head and assured
the three worlds of a return to peace. The Gods were once more reestablished.
Scholars are of the view that Madhu-Kaitav, Mahisasura and Sumbha, epitomize arrogance
and pride arising from tamas, rajas and sattwa respectively. The three constituents constantly
dwell within and battle with us.
What is the philosophy behind the concept of Devi Chandi ?
In the Chandi, Devi is eternal. She is universal and omniscient. Nevertheless to help
the Gods she takes on specific forms. She is indestructible. She is the eternal flame, self-
effulgent, the primal Mother in whom this universe is contained. Creation and destruction are at
her disposal. In her is personified grace, modesty nourishment, satisfaction, peace and beati-
tude. Her arms uphold various weapons – hatchet, mace, spear, conch shell etc. The Devi is un-
paralleled both in beauty as well as in ferocity. Beside her all is naught. Her net of enchantment
snares us into the depths of illusion, but yet again it is her strength that gives us the strength to
tear apart the web and rise upwards. In The hearts of the evil she dwells as Alakshmi but she
herself is Lakshmi the Queen in the abode of the good. She personifies wisdom and respect.
How to describe her greatness? Even Vishnu and Shiva could not assess Devi in her totality. She
is Sound itself upholding the Vedas with her vibrations, suckling and nourishing us as we cross
the ocean of life, rocking safely on her lap. In her is amalgamated the contradictory qualities of
compassion and cruelty. Enraged she destroys the demons; appeased she grants boons, shel-
ters us under her shadow and quenches our thirst. Strength, peace, beauty, art, memory, moth-
erliness, skill, aptitude and even disillusionment – all flow from her. As pure consciousness she is
knowledge itself. All of womankind represent her. From her comes supreme liberation. The
gunas are in her but she is not in them. To crush evil, time and again does she appear with
teeth bared, wearing a garland of human heads and holding another in her hand. Countless
are her names – Nanda, Sakambhari, Durga, Bhima, Brahmari, Raktadantika, etc. The Devi is
committed to help whenever the need arises.
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In Markendeya Puranas, Sri Sri Chandi, the goddess herself say – ‘‘ In this uni-
verse I alone reign. Other than me who else is there? ’’ This Advaita principle is the basis
for the philosophy underlying Vedic, Pauranic and Tantric ideals. Lakshmi, Saraswati,
Jagadhatri, Uma, Parvati, Bharati, Ambika, Kali, Chandi, Maheshwari, Barahi, Kaumari,
Bhagawati, Gouri, Brahmani,
Katyani, Chamunda etc. are but different names and forms for the one great goddess.
Kali, Tara, Shoroshi, Bhubeneswari, Bhairavi, Chinnamasta, Dhumavati, Bagala and others
are the ten different manifestations of the one. Sometimes she has two arms but other
times four, eight, twelve or even eighteen arms. In one passage of the Chandi, she is wor-
shipped as the one with one thousand arms. Varied are her images – uncovered and na-
ked like sky or richly attired, her complexion takes on various hues – black, blue, yellow,
ash, or fair. Mahakali, Malalakshmi or Mahasarawati symbolise the constituents of tamas,
rajas and satya respectively. Manasa, Sitala, Sashti, Gandheswari, Subachani and Anna-
purna are all parts of the one Mother Nature. Indian Philosophy has its roots deeply en-
trenched in the concept of the divine primal female energy.
(Compiled from the book ‘‘Hindu Gods and Goddesses’’ written by Swami Nirmalananda )
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