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Srikanth ramanujam people best dna 2015.03.18

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PeopleDNA™ Results Srikanth Ramanujan March 18, 2015 Orange County, CA – Cincinnati, OH o] 714. 685.1020 – 513.843.4757 www.peoplebest.com [email protected] © The contents of this report are the exclusive property of PeopleBest, Inc. All rights reserved.

PeopleDNA™ Results

Srikanth Ramanujan March 18, 2015

Orange County, CA – Cincinnati, OH o] 714. 685.1020 – 513.843.4757

www.peoplebest.com [email protected]

© The contents of this report are the exclusive property of PeopleBest, Inc. All rights reserved.

Srikanth Ramanujan March 18, 2015

PeopleDNA™ Results

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About This Report

Our behavioral traits

We all have basic personality traits which determine how we are likely to behave. The PeopleBest Behavioral Assessment measures personality in 5 major categories, commonly called "The Big 5" personality measures. These major categories are known by the letters O, C, E, A, and N. In the PeopleBest Behavioral Assessment these stand for Originality, Channeling Effort, Extroversion, Agreeableness and Nature of Reaction. Each of these major categories have 5 to 6 behavioral traits grouped under them which determine the overall major category score. Definitions of these traits are presented on page 3 of this report.

How the scoring works

Depending on how assessment choices compare with the general population, a score for each trait is assigned based upon a 10 point scale. It is important to realize that high or low scores are neither inherently "good" or "bad". They simply represent how an individual is most likely to behave, all things being equal. Certainly, for every score on the continuum from 1 to 10 there is an upside and a downside. It is also quite possible to behave in a way which differs from one's most natural score, but it does take energy and effort and is most often in response to a specific situation. The score on this assessment represents the behavior which is most natural, takes the least energy and effort, and will be observed in the individual most often.

Behavior can vary with the situation

A unique characteristic of the PeopleBest Behavioral Assessment involves what we call "situational behavior". In these cases, the results will deliver two scores in a behavioral trait. This means there are two distinct behavioral tendencies within an individual behavioral trait - one of them the more "natural" trait or style and another which is typically exhibited in response to a specific situation or stimulus. We encourage you to reflect carefully to determine what you belive could be the cause.

Situational behavior can be a healthy response to the demands of the workplace. It is not unusual for us to make an effort to behave differently to meet challenges of the day. For example, your basic personality could cause you to normally avoid details, instead preferring to think conceptually, "big picture" if you will. However, if you have a job or are involved with a project which involves significant detail, you may alter your normal approach and pay much more attention to the details. This is entirely appropriate; just recognize that this may take great effort and diligence on your part. And situational behavior widely different from natural style could cause frustration and dissatisfaction over a long period of time.

Situational variance can also be a warning sign. If scores have a wide difference, we may be responding to a stressful situation by behaving in a way which is counterproductive.

About your scores

It is important to remember that there are no right or wrong answers or results contained herein. We all have a basic personality and we all, at times, behave in a way which is different or which requires either conscious or unconscious effort. This is all perfectly natural and is a tribute to the human spirit which is quite adaptable. The key to effective behavior is the understanding of our natural tendencies. In this way we can leverage areas where our behaviors meet the demands of our environment. And we can compensate in areas where our natural behavior is not as effective. Please accept our sincere encouragement as you embark on this important area of self discovery. By properly interpreting this data - and acting on it - you can greatly increase both your effectiveness and satisfaction with your endeavors. We wish you all the best!

Srikanth Ramanujan March 18, 2015

PeopleDNA™ Results

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Behavioral Trait Definitions

O - Originality Sense of adventure, imagination and curiosity

O1 - Creativity Creating new ideas and originating concepts

O2 - Learning Continuous learning of new ideas and concepts

O3 - Change Response Ability to adapt and embrace changes in ones environment

O4 - Detail Orientation Degree to which one tends to avoid details

O5 - Decisiveness Ability to make quick, fact-based decisions

O6 - Mobility Finding adventure in travel and changing work locations

C - Channeling Effort Efficient and effective pursuit of goals and objectives

C1 - Self Responsibility Accepting personal responsibility and avoiding blame of others

C2 - Structure Desire for orderly process and organization

C3 - Goal Oriented Setting ambitious and challenging goals in support of objectives

C4 - Follow Through Determination to fulfill one's commitments

C5 - Deliberateness Methodical analysis of data and facts

C6 - Self Assurance Trust and confidence to provide the right solutions

E - Extraversion How much one enoys the stimulus of people and groups

E1 - Friendliness Warmth, encouragement and approachability perceived by others

E2 - Sociability How much one enjoys working consistently with other people

E3 - Vitality How consistently one maintains their energy and stamina

E4 - Influence Persuasiveness in presenting ideas, views and opinions

E5 - Take Charge Desire to take charge and lead others

E6 - Tact Sensitivity to the consequences one's words have on others

A - Agreeableness Placing importance on harmony and agreement with others

A1 - Empathy Being concerned with others' feelings

A2 - Agreement Seeking agreement rather than challenging others' positions

A3 - Humility Neither seeking nor being comfortable with recognition

A4 - Collaboration Desire to be part of a work team

A5 - Trust of Others Naturally trusting that others will do as they say

A6 - Compliance Supporting and placing faith in direction from authority

N - Nature of Reaction How one responds to situations and stress

N1 - Worry How easily one is worried about situations and outcomes

N2 - Emotion How frequently we experience anger

N3 - Crisis Response Level of difficulty staying composed and thinking clearly in crisis

N4 - Recovery Time How much time it takes to regain positive outlook after adversity

N5 - Intensity Internal pressure to perform and work hard during stressful times

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PeopleDNA™ Results

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

O - Originality

Sense of adventure, 8

imagination and curiosity Tactical Executes Adaptable Originates Strategic

[8] The source of new ideas, an advocate of new technology, improved processes and organizational growth. Promotes change and is typically willing to learn enough to gauge if change can prove beneficial or is simply change for change's sake.

O1 - Creativity

Creating new ideas and 7

originating concepts Totally Practical Doing Improves Process Dreaming Impractical Dreaming

[7] is a good source of new ideas, sees the workplace as ripe for innovation and devotes time and thought to both incremental and transformational improvement.

O2 - Learning

Continuous learning of new ideas 6

and concepts Infrequent Pursuit Purposeful Interested Self Initiated Constant Pursuit

[6] Learns what is required to maintain expertise in chosen field, and ventures out from time to time to learn about broader areas of interest. Takes a practical rather than a passionate approach to learning.

O3 - Change Response

Ability to adapt and embrace 4 8

changes in ones environment Preserves Status Quo Needs Convincing Evaluates Embraces Indiscriminate Change

[4] Does not readily embrace change and is more comfortable executing existing routine and processes. Not closed to change, however, if benefit becomes clear after study and inspection. [8] Enjoys change and welcomes the opportunity to experience the new and different. Welcomes the variety and looks for the opportunity to add value through personal growth spurred on by change.

O4 - Detail Orientation

Degree to which one tends to 8

avoid details Preoccupied with Detail Pursues Detail Reasonably Detailed Focus on Big Picture Avoids Detail

[8] Prefers to spend time in theoretical, abstract and conceptual thinking as opposed to addressing the details, but not point where detail is ignored and decisions lack attention to the facts. Quickly bored by routine details.

O5 - Decisiveness

Ability to make quick, fact-based 8

decisions Slow/Risk Averse Assures Outcome Evaluates Risk Comfort with Ambiguity Rapid/High Risk

[8] Prides self on ability to quickly decide based upon the available facts but does not totally ignore the downside and can slow down if needed. Quickly adds to personal knowledge base if required and often makes use of the expertise of others.

O6 - Mobility

Finding adventure in travel and 5 9

changing work locations Anchored Reluctant Accepting Welcomes Craves New Experiences

[5] Moderate business travel is likely acceptable, but finds less adventure and pleasure in it than many. Will generally travel as required to support objectives, but may be dissatisfied long term with a job requiring extensive travel. [9] Embodies the term "on-the-go", finds great personal satisfaction and a sense of adventure in extensive travel. Volunteers for travel, willing to go at a moment's notice, looking to add value.

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PeopleDNA™ Results

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

C - Channeling Effort

Efficient and effective pursuit of 3 9

goals and objectives Undisciplined Spontaneous Practical Focused Obsessed

[3] More spontaneous than disciplined, generally displays flexibility in pursuit of goals and objectives. Progress toward goals and objectives may be inconsistent at times as urgent matters and other priorities compete for time. [9] Extremely focused in pursuit of goals and objectives, unafraid to tackle big challenges. Likely known as disciplined and industrious, approaches work in a very organized manner. Delivers an unusual amount of high quality work.

C1 - Self Responsibility

Accepting personal responsibility

5 10

and avoiding blame of others Avoids Deflects Accepts Obligated Burdens Self

[5] Tends to objectively place blame and responsibility where it belongs. If is a mistake that different personal decisions or actions could have prevented, will step up, hold self accountable. [10] Willingly and proactively shoulders the responsibility for results of any endeavor involving them - individual and group efforts. Raises the group morale because they know "the buck stops here".

C2 - Structure

Desire for orderly process and 3

organization Chaotic Less Organized Orderly Extremely Organized Compulsive

[3] Loosely organized and somewhat neat, but may have some clutter in the work space. Has a system for tracking, filing and organizing, but it is not well defined and discipline to use it is spotty. "Files by piles".

C3 - Goal Oriented

Setting ambitious and challenging 9

goals in support of objectives Aimless Content Achieveable Driving Unrelenting

[9] Goals are typically well defined and reflective of fierce need to be the best in chosen field. Comfortable with continuously stretching capabilities, there is a willingness to sacrifice to succeed. Once goals are met, the "bar is set higher".

C4 - Follow Through

Determination to fulfill one's 1 7

commitments Unpredictable Inconsistent Generally Reliable Always Completes Unfailing

[1] Commitments may not be met, may be incomplete, or may be late. May make value judgments about whose expectations should be met if all commitments can't be completed. Things too often "slip through the cracks". [7] Fulfills commitments on time almost without exception, regardless of workload or personal effort required. Has great sense of urgency and doesn't take the chance that others won't contribute, will pitch in to finish.

C5 - Deliberateness

Methodical analysis of data and 3 8

facts Haphazard Analysis More Intuitive Methodical Systematic Analysis Wasteful Analysis

[3] Tends to be somewhat spontaneous, often allowing self to respond to the need, interest or priority of the moment. Enjoys producing quick results by jumping right into a challenge and is sometimes forced to "firefight" unexpected problems. [8] Devotes time to attention to planning work, analyzing data and facts. Proceeds on a sure footed basis, thinking through various possibilities and scenarios, but avoids "analysis paralysis" by placing time frames on deliberation.

C6 - Self Assurance

Trust and confidence to provide 5 9

the right solutions Insecure Unsure Realistic Bold Blind Confidence

[5] Reasonably self confident but realistically appraises abilities against challenges posed by problems and new projects. Thinks solutions stack up well with those offered by others but can objectively evaluate and select best solution. [9] Supremely confident in ability to solve complex problems, unafraid to tackle big challenges, likely stimulated by testing capabilities. Expects success, rarely second guesses self even if adversity is encountered. Sometimes over-reaches.

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PeopleDNA™ Results

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

E - Extraversion

How much one enoys the 9

stimulus of people and groups Tactical Task Oriented Varied Approach People Oriented Extravert

[9] Can't get enough of people, activity and sensory stimulation. Known as talkative, energetic, enthusiastic, warm, and easy to get to know. Loves the stimulation of group activities and meetings and won't often cut them short.

E1 - Friendliness

Warmth, encouragement and approachability perceived by others


Cold/Detached Distant Reasonably Friendly Engaging Forced

[6] Often seen as warm, friendly and enthusiastic, but may be inconsistent or may be more open and sharing with some people more than others. Can be encouraging to others and is viewed as moderately approachable.

E2 - Sociability

How much one enjoys working 7

consistently with other people Adverse to Interaction Infrequent Participation Some Interaction Desires Interaction Energized through

People [7] Enjoys and is fulfilled by working with people and being in social situations. Believes that best work is done in affiliation with others, is gregarious and energized when with others.

E3 - Vitality

How consistently one maintains 10

their energy and stamina Frequently Fatigued Inconsistent Energy Moderate Energy Healthy Habits Boundless Energy

[10] Extremely energetic, has stamina to sustain the most demanding work pace. Likely maintains good health and wellness habits. May project this vitality and be seen as charismatic.

E4 - Influence

Persuasiveness in presenting 9

ideas, views and opinions Passive Tentative May Contribute More Persuasive Forces Ideas

[9] Exhibits strong conviction when expressing opinions, likes to persuade others to change their mind and clearly enjoys the debate. Must guard against an overbearing manner which may cause others to remain silent.

E5 - Take Charge

Desire to take charge and lead 8

others Individual Contributor Avoids Opportunity Situational Seeks Opportunity Dominating

[8] Enjoys, readily accepts and often seeks the leadership role. Is comfortable with directing the work of others and can accept responsibility for the work output of the group.

E6 - Tact

Sensitivity to the consequences 3

one's words have on others Insensitive More Direct Diplomatic More Finesse Preoccupied with

Perception [3] Usually direct and to the point, speaking what is on one's mind, sometimes can be blunt. Doesn't believe in "sugarcoating" things and most concerned with candidly getting the point across.

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PeopleDNA™ Results

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

A - Agreeableness

Placing importance on harmony 2 6

and agreement with others Antagonistic Confronts Facilitating Harmonious Submissive

[2] A challenger, outspoken, tough, persistent and perhaps aggressive and combative. An independent thinker who will do things as they see fit, regardless of whether it meets the approval of others. Winning is major priority. [6] Exhibits a balanced give-and-take in their relations with others. Sometimes supportive of their own positions and needs while at other times focusing on the needs of others and the team.

A1 - Empathy

Being concerned with others' 1 10

feelings Indifferent Less Caring Thoughtful Compassionate Self Sacrifice

[1] Not often in tune with the emotions, feelings and problems of others. Even if aware does not typically take these factors into account when making decisions, instead objectively focusing almost solely on cold hard facts. [10] Acutely aware of the feelings, emotions and problems of others. Consistently attempts to be helpful, get involved, perhaps inconveniencing self and often sacrificing to better the situation of others.

A2 - Agreement

Seeking agreement rather than 5

challenging others' positions Confrontational Strong Negotiating Fair-minded Concedes viewpoint Seeks Harmony

[5] Can take a position and state viewpoint even if it causes conflict or disagreement, but may not consistently do so. Appears fair-minded to others and can rationally exchange differing viewpoints.

A3 - Humility

Neither seeking nor being 7

comfortable with recognition Craves Recognition Seeks Spotlight Appreciates Recognition Deflects Credit Avoids Recognition

[7] When credit and praise are handed out, there is discomfort even if deserving. Contests and reward systems are of little motivation - the simple reward of the "job well done" does it.

A4 - Collaboration

Desire to be part of a work team 1 5

Individualist Individual Effort Situational Team Oriented Group Dependent

[1] Thrives on individual competition, seeking out challenges which test own skills and abilities. Wants to be held accountable for individual contributions, apart from the contributions of others. [5] Equally enjoys both individual and group endeavors, believes there is a place for each approach. Comfortable operating alone at times, but can bring skills and talents effectively to a group effort at other times.

A5 - Trust of Others

Naturally trusting that others will 1 6

do as they say Skeptical Less Trusting Evaluates More Trusting Blind Trust

[1] Extremely skeptical when associates make commitments or promises. Believes that people are either over-promising or insincere. Suspicious of the motives of others, never trusts until others repeatedly fulfill their obligations. [6] Looks at each situation individually and consciously decides whether individual can be trusted to deliver on their commitments. This balanced approach allows taking people at their word, but being aware of evidence to the contrary.

A6 - Compliance

Supporting and placing faith in 1

direction from authority Resists Authority Questions Directives Evaluates Direction Believes in Authority Blind Loyalty

[1] Does not take direction well, fiercely independent, following personal preference and approaching work challenges as they see fit. Will always ask "why" in response to a directive and does not just tell management what they want to hear.

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

N - Nature of Reaction

How one responds to situations 2

and stress Resilient Composed Balanced Reaction Strong Reaction Anxiety

[2] Seemingly unaffected by crisis and stressors at work - unflappable, stress-free, clear thinking and able to proceed toward solutions immediately.

N1 - Worry

How easily one is worried about 1

situations and outcomes Untroubled Minimizes Worry Balanced Concern Heightened Concern Distraught

[1] Seldom worries about outcomes; nearly always exhibits a cool, calm, rational demeanor. Generally moves into problem solving mode instead of worrying.

N2 - Emotion

How frequently we experience 1 6

anger Detached Less Reaction Moderate Response More Passionate Outbursts

[1] Has a very "long fuse" and very seldom displays anger even if it is felt. This calm and restraint can be very positive, freeing up energy for constructive action - as long as the situation is taken to heart and not ignored. [6] Will generally not show signs of a quick or pronounced temper but will show moderate upset or anger on occasion. This does effectively highlight when a situation needs resolved while maintaining a constructive atmosphere.

N3 - Crisis Response Level of

difficulty staying composed and

thinking clearly in crisis

2 Totally Unaffected More Rational Gathers Self More Emotional Overwhelmed

[2] Completely controls emotional response in times of crisis, as if detached and unaffected by the magnitude of the situation, freeing capacity for constructive thinking and clear communication.

N4 - Recovery Time

How much time it takes to regain 3

positive outlook after adversity Recovers Immediately More Resilient Self Reflective Less Resilient Lamenting

[3] Recovers from crisis and setbacks relatively quickly, resuming a positive outlook and constructive activity. Recovery is not so fast that lessons cannot be learned , but emotional and physical energy is not needlessly spent.

N5 - Intensity

Internal pressure to perform and 4

work hard during stressful times Relaxed Demeanor More Relaxed Seeks Balance Feels Stressed Feels Extreme Pressure

[4] Has a generally relaxed working demeanor , even during stressful times. Does not typically feel stressed for any extended periods. Will work harder if required, but will evaluate if there is an opportunity to "work smarter".

Srikanth Ramanujan March 18, 2015

PeopleDNA™ Results

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O - Originality Tactical

O1 - Creativity Totally Practical

O2 - Learning Infrequent Pursuit

O3 - Change Response Preserves Status Quo

O4 - Detail Orientation Preoccupied with Detail

O5 - Decisiveness Slow/Risk Averse

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10




4 8




Impractical Dreaming

Constant Pursuit

Indiscriminate Change

Avoids Detail

Rapid/High Risk

O6 - Mobility Anchored 5 9 Craves New Experiences

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

C - Channeling Effort Undisciplined 3

C1 - Self Responsibility Avoids

C2 - Structure Chaotic 3

C3 - Goal Oriented Aimless

C4 - Follow Through Unpredictable 1

C5 - Deliberateness Haphazard Analysis 3

C6 - Self Assurance Insecure


5 10




5 9


Burdens Self




Wasteful Analysis

Blind Confidence

E - Extraversion Tactical

E1 - Friendliness Cold/Detached

E2 - Sociability Adverse to Interaction

E3 - Vitality Frequently Fatigued

E4 - Influence Passive

E5 - Take Charge Individual Contributor

E6 - Tact Insensitive

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10










Energized through People

Boundless Energy

Forces Ideas


Preoccupied with Perception

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

A - Agreeableness Antagonistic 2

A1 - Empathy Indifferent 1

A2 - Agreement Confrontational

A3 - Humility Craves Recognition

A4 - Collaboration Individualist 1

A5 - Trust of Others Skeptical 1

A6 - Compliance Resists Authority 1

6 Submissive

10 Self Sacrifice

5 Seeks Harmony

7 Avoids Recognition

5 Group Dependent

6 Blind Trust

Blind Loyalty

N - Nature of Reaction Resilient

N1 - Worry Untroubled

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10





N2 - Emotion Detached 1 6

N3 - Crisis Response Totally Unaffected 2

N4 - Recovery Time Recovers Immediately 3

N5 - Intensity Relaxed Demeanor 4




Feels Extreme Pressure

Srikanth Ramanujan March 18, 2015

PeopleDNA™ Results

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Introduction to Competencies

What is a Competency?

A competency can be defined as "a set of underlying characteristics which, when applied in an engaged manner, results in effective and/or superior performance in a job". The behavioral trait scores presented earlier in this report have undergone another level of analysis to determine how supportive they are of each competency in the selected set.

Does a High or Low Competency Score Mean I am Strong or Weak in a Certain Area?

It is very important to note that these competency percentile scores do not reflect actual job performance. Rather, they simply represent the behavioral trait component of a competency. Actual competence and job performance in a given area may depend on behavioral traits PLUS technical skill, industry knowledge, cognitive ability, education, experience, motivation and attitude. While the behavioral trait component of this mix can be reasonably predictive of job performance, it is possible to perform adequately or even strongly in a competency even if the behavioral traits are not clearly supportive. However, it takes greater energy, focused effort, self awareness and perhaps some type of strategy to compensate for the lack of behavioral trait support. Conversely, supportive behavioral traits do not automatically result in competence, although they usually indicate that training and experience could quickly build competence.

How Do I Read and Use the Competency and Trait Scores?

Each competency is displayed with the behavioral traits that are typically called upon for proficiency in the competency. The composite supportive strength of the behavioral traits is expressed on a percentile scale (1-99) as compared with the PeopleBest database. Each behavioral trait scale shown for a competency has a range on the 10 point trait scale which is most supportive in relation to the competency. The range designation for a competency is indicated using a ‘rectangle’ shaped bar that shows the score in a black box indicating the mathematical formula for the supporting traits shown below. Trait scores are shown using a ‘wedge’ shape in which the direction of the wedge shows the direction that best supports the given competency. In some cases there may be intermediate “blends” scores which are expressed as percentiles and build up to the overall competency percentile score.

The narrative underneath each of the traits listed explains how the trait relates to the competency. This competency information should be used to make intelligent choices on how to leverage one’s behavioral traits that are supportive and how to compensate for behavioral traits that are not as supportive.

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PeopleDNA™ Results

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Competency Trait Support Score

Sales Prospecting 1 99 99

Stress Tolerance 1 99 99

Sales Effectiveness 1 97 99

Strategic Agility 1 97 99

Leadership Effectiveness 1 96 99

Ambition & Drive 1 95 99

Effective Questioning and Qualifying 1 79 99

Presentation Skills 1 79 99

Negotiating 1 78 99

Controlling & Closing 1 75 99

Time Management 1 45 99

Problem Solving 1 21 99

Relationship Emphasis 1 13 99

Customer Service Orientation 1 13 99

Technical Specialist Support 1 6 99

Team Player 1 4 99

Srikanth Ramanujan Leading Agile - Coach Candidate

March 18, 2015 PeopleDNA™ Results

Sales Prospecting Committed to look for new customers in a disciplined and energetic way. Doesn't let rejection get in the way and doesn't slow down even when new customer objectives are approached.

Competency Percentile Score


Focused Hard Work 97 Training one's mind and body to stay positive, clearly focus and sustain the effort on the right priorities, regardless of difficulty.

Vitality 10 Stress and hard work can suck the energy and life out of people unless the energy reservoir is filled before, during and after sustained efforts.

Crisis Response 2 Adversity brings with it a negative emotional state. How long the negativity persists is up to the individual – they can either flee or fight.

Intensity 4 There is no substitute for tackling challenges head-on by working harder, adopting a "do whatever it takes" attitude.

Resilient Drive 93 Has well defined goals and the optimism and confidence to overcome adversity and maintain focus.

Goal Oriented 9 Sets well defined and measureable goals that require a stretching of one's capabilities to meet them.

Recovery Time 3 Picking one's self up and dusting off for renewed effort is vital because pursuit of ambitious goals often takes a path through adversity.

Self Assurance 5 Has an optimism that allows the setting of stretch goals and the self confidence to rally one's self and others to pursue those goals.

Friendly Persuasion 73 Beginning in a friendly manner but with clear agenda to win others to point of view, carefully choosing words for maximum chance of acceptance.

Influence 9 Persuasiveness and persistence go hand-in-hand to gain acceptance of one's message despite perhaps initial skepticism.

Sociability 7 Enjoyment of the company of others puts one at ease when delivering the message.

Friendliness 6 A smile and amiable attitude can be disarming, melting down barriers to communication.

Tact Focusing on how the message may be received helps one search for and locate the right way to say something for maximum impact.


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Srikanth Ramanujan Leading Agile - Coach Candidate

March 18, 2015 PeopleDNA™ Results

Competency Percentile Score Stress Tolerance

Controls stress and worry, staying composed to allow clear thinking and problem solving. Sees the 99 possibilities and opportunity during times of change and crisis.

Unflappable 99 Avoids unnecessary worry and doesn’t dwell on the negative. Keeps wits about them, does not let emotions preclude an optimistic, rational, clear thinking response to stress and adversity.

Worry 1 Controls worry to the bare minimum, allowing only that which serves to spotlight clear and present danger.

Crisis Response 2 Maintains control of emotions and does not allow emotions to flood or adversely impact reasoning. Remains clear thinking during stressful times.

Recovery Time 3 Seemingly undeterred by setbacks, immediately resumes positive thinking and forward momentum.

Self Assurance 5 Trusting in one’s ability to meet most challenges provides a belief that a positive outcome can be reached.

Energy Reserve 99 Invests in physical wellness, maintaining the strength and energy to combat stress. Keeps things in perspective, has a relaxed demeanor and maintains work-life balance.

Vitality 10 Maintaining a healthy lifestyle provides consistent energy that doesn’t wear down during stressful times. Physical exercise relieves stress and builds stamina.

Intensity 4 Real attention to work-life balance, a more relaxed approach and a commitment to “work smart” can actually increase capacity.

Searches for Alternatives 94 Believes change may be desirable, will address the source of stress with new approach on a timely basis, undeterred by some degree of ambiguity and risk.

Decisiveness 8 Even attractive alternatives and methodologies carry with them some degree of risk and the unknown. Making a timely move to pursue alternative approaches requires good decision-making.

Change Response 8 Responds to external changes by considering alternate approaches and processes. Doesn’t try to hammer to old square peg into the newly round hole.

Learning 6 Being on the lookout for new ideas and methods that can be adapted to the current situation can limit the duration and severity of stressful problems.

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Srikanth Ramanujan Leading Agile - Coach Candidate

March 18, 2015 PeopleDNA™ Results

Competency Percentile Score Sales Effectiveness The ability to create sales results by being able to set and develop sales objectives in a focused manner, 97

creating successful relationships and displaying willingness to adovcate a strong position to achieve a desired outcome when necessary.

Courage of Conviction 97 Having an ambitious desired outcome supported by the willingness to take a stand to advocate for it, even if resistance is anticipated.

Goal Oriented 9 Commitment to "make it the best" and to maintain high standards provides the vision and bedrock upon which to persistently drive one's message.

Influence 9 Consistently speaking up with the intent to persuade others displays the conviction that helps to win others win.

Agreement 5 Displays courage to stand strong in the face of differing points of view, especially if internal or external customers are not in alignment on the path forward.

Resilient Drive 93 Has well defined goals and the optimism and confidence to overcome adversity and maintain focus.

Goal Oriented 9 Sets well defined and measureable goals that require a stretching of one's capabilities to meet them.

Recovery Time 3 Picking one's self up and dusting off for renewed effort is vital because pursuit of ambitious goals often takes a path through adversity.

Self Assurance 5 Has an optimism that allows the setting of stretch goals and the self confidence to rally one's self and others to pursue those goals.

Friendly Persuasion 73 Beginning in a friendly manner but with clear agenda to win others to point of view, carefully choosing words for maximum chance of acceptance.

Influence 9 Persuasiveness and persistence go hand-in-hand to gain acceptance of one's message despite perhaps initial skepticism.

Sociability 7 Enjoyment of the company of others puts one at ease when delivering the message.

Friendliness 6 A smile and amiable attitude can be disarming, melting down barriers to communication.

Tact Focusing on how the message may be received helps one search for and locate the right way to say something for maximum impact.


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Srikanth Ramanujan Leading Agile - Coach Candidate

March 18, 2015 PeopleDNA™ Results

Competency Percentile Score Strategic Agility Sees ahead clearly; can anticipate future consequences and trends accurately. 97

Future Focus 97 Envisions future change which will impact the organization, and looks for the opportunity associated with that change.

Goal Oriented 9 A drive to make an organization thrive in the future and the willingness to set stretch goals.

Change Response 8 Sees the opportunity in change, no matter how threatening it may initially appear to be.

Learning 6 Cutting edge advantage is seldom obvious and takes research and an appetite for learning.

Blue Sky Thinking 95 Original or creative thinking unfettered by convention, devoid of existing paradigms and not grounded in reality.

Deliberateness 3 Brainstorming future possibilities is by nature a spontaneous activity which requires one to proceed down some initially non-productive paths.

Detail Orientation 8 One can't think blue sky when one is lost in the weeds.

Creativity 7 Doesn't just come up with radical ideas for new challenges, but also matches up combinations of new/old technologies to new/old challenges.

Conceptual Planning 72 Thinks creatively and has an open mind about how to approach challenges.

Detail Orientation 8 Considers details and facts for the purpose of assimilating them into the big picture, allowing effective planning across the function or enterprise.

Creativity 7 Thinking of a new approach is the crux of effective planning.

Structure 3 An organized individual more effectively gathers the information required for planning and is more effective at balancing resources.

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Srikanth Ramanujan Leading Agile - Coach Candidate

March 18, 2015 PeopleDNA™ Results

Competency Percentile Score Leadership Effectiveness Personally committed and vested in the success of the organization’s endeavors. Establishes vision and 96

goals to take organization into the future, clearly and completely communicating direction to all stakeholders.

Providing Direction 99 Guided by ambitious objectives, decides upon course of action and provides clear expectations to followers.

Goal Oriented 9 Establishes the vision and supporting goals and objectives that provide clear direction for one’s area of responsibility.

Influence 9 Clearly advocates a course of action; persuasively and persistently “sells” others on what direction they should take.

Take Charge 8 Comfortable taking overall responsibility for one’s area and group output; desires to be the one steering the ship.

Decisiveness 8 Thinks through ambiguity more comfortably than most, can accept risk that causes some to become hesitant, and decides on direction more quickly than others.

Leadership Engagement 95 Setting ambitious yet achievable goals and objectives and internalizing the commitment of self and team to reach the goals.

Goal Oriented 9 The quest for achievement and the desire to be the best causes one to refuse to accept the mediocrity associated with settling for anything less than achievement of objectives.

Take Charge 8 Engaging in the leadership role carries with it a comfort level in directing the work of others and accepting responsibility for their work output.

Self Responsibility 5 Feeling a personal obligation toward fulfilling commitments causes one to intellectually and emotionally engage and redouble efforts when difficulties arise.

Leveraging Viewpoint 82 Confidently takes a position and persuasively defends it against challenging points of view with the surety that one is in the right.

Influence 9 Consistently and persistently advocates point of view; undeterred by all but the most compelling arguments presented by others.

Agreement 5 Readily challenges the point of view of others, can take a very strong position and is comfortable defending it even if conflict occurs.

Self Assurance Has innate belief that one’s decisions and problem solving ability will be up to the challenge. Believes one’s solutions are generally equal to or superior to those advocated by others.


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Srikanth Ramanujan Leading Agile - Coach Candidate

March 18, 2015 PeopleDNA™ Results

Competency Percentile Score Ambition & Drive

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Sets ambitious goals and energetically, confidently drives to achieve those goals. Has perseverance to 95 overcome obstacles and the initiative to make informed and timely decisions to move the process forward.

Sustained Effort 86 Has the inclination and ability to work as hard as required over whatever time is needed.

Vitality 10 Personal investment in health and well being is required to sustain high energy and to keep going without wearing down, no matter what the effort.

Intensity 4 Being inclined to work harder than most and to put pressure on one’s self to succeed often tips the balance toward achievement

Goal Focused 93 Has well defined goals and the optimism and confidence to overcome adversity and maintain focus.

Goal Oriented 9 Sets well defined and measurable goals that require a stretching of one’s capabilities to meet them.

Recovery Time 3 Picking one’s self up and dusting off for renewed effort is vital because pursuit of ambitious goals often takes a path through adversity

Self Assurance 5 Has an optimism that allows the setting of stretch goals and the self confidence to rally one’s self and others to pursue those goals

Takes Initiative 67 Initiates setting of objectives, selects course of action and demonstrates a sense of urgency which drives purposeful action.

Goal Oriented 9 Stretch goals provide the inspiration to get started on new initiatives with a well-defined sense of purpose.

Decisiveness 8 Acceptance of reasonable risk and ambiguity makes it easier to quickly chart a course of action and to take on things that others perhaps may not try.

Follow Through 1 The absolute intention to follow through to meet goals and objectives brings a sense of urgency to both individual and group efforts.

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Srikanth Ramanujan Leading Agile - Coach Candidate

March 18, 2015 PeopleDNA™ Results

Competency Percentile Score Effective Questioning and Qualifying

Employs effective questioning technique to determine potential needs and pain points. Has the courage to 79 ask the right question, the tact to ask the tough question and the emotional composure to ask delicate questions.

Emotional Composure 99 Capable of challenging others' points of view without displaying emotion or allowing emotions to impact clarity of thinking.

Emotion 1 Does not readily display how one feels about a situation, can be difficult for others to "read" and react accordingly.

Crisis Response 2 Does not let emotions impact thinking when the stakes are high; always in a clear thinking, problem solving mode.

Agreement 5 Likelihood of conflict or disagreement does not deter from taking a strong position in a comfortable and convincing manner.

Organized Discovery 76 Recognizes that accurate information can be elusive, prepares in advance and uses a structured process to come up with as much pertinent information as possible.

Trust of Others 1 Recognizes that effective due diligence requires skepticism as to whether one is receiving the whole story, particularly early in the process.

Learning 6 Displays an inquisitiveness, engages and asks clarifying question. Resists the temptation to jump to conclusions without full understanding.

Structure 3 Organizes beforehand and generally takes a systematic approach to covering all the required possibilities.

Maintaining Rapport 5 Pays attention to preserving the relationship as situations inevitably arise that hold potential for upset.

Friendliness 6 Maintains friendly approach which encourages continued cooperation as conversation becomes deeper and more complex.

Tact 3 Formulates questions and responses carefully, phrases things in such a way that response is more likely to be positive and cooperative.

Empathy 1 Conveys sensitivity and respect for the position of others, seeks to understand likely reactions and emotions as a means to positively guide the interaction.

Srikanth Ramanujan Leading Agile - Coach Candidate

March 18, 2015 PeopleDNA™ Results

Competency Percentile Score Presentation Skills

encounter memorable.

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Bonds quickly with the audience, adapting the message to appeal to their interests; is passionate, energetic, 79 and persuasive. Prepares thoroughly, is confident in ability, and moves others to the desired action.

Instructiveness 86 Proficiency in sharing information and teaching others.

Influence 9 Effectively persuading others is vital to educating others as it helps convince them to consider the message and to perhaps expand their comfort zone.

Learning 6 People who are constantly learning are likely to be deeply knowledgeable in their area of specialty and are better equipped and normally more eager to teach others.

Self Assurance 5 Good instructors have self confidence and the belief that they can and will positively impact the situation.

Enthusiasm 81 Brings a zeal to the message, conveying thoughts in a passionate, lively and persuasive manner.

Vitality 10 Those with a high level of energy can make the message sparkle, quickly drawing others in, often exhibiting charisma.

Influence 9 The belief in one's message creates an urgency to advocate for the message in a very persuasive manner.

Emotion 1 Displaying how one feels about the subject in a passionate manner adds zest to one's message.

Connecting With Others 29 Quickly establishes a connection due to approachability, caring about others and enjoyment of social situations.

Sociability 7 Enjoyment of social interaction and gatherings increases the number of potential acquaintances to which one is exposed.

Friendliness 6 Maintaining a friendly, approachable demeanor draws people in and makes acquaintances quickly.

Empathy 1 Asking people about themselves – and caring about the reply – puts others at ease and makes the

Srikanth Ramanujan Leading Agile - Coach Candidate

March 18, 2015 PeopleDNA™ Results

Competency Percentile Score Negotiating

Skilled at analyzing the situation and crafting a unique approach and strategy, comfortable taking a position 78 and defending it, composed during debate and discussion, even when the stakes are high.

Emotional Composure 99 Capable of challenging others' points of view without displaying emotion or allowing emotions to impact clarity of thinking.

Emotion 1 Does not readily display how one feels about a situation, can be difficult for others to "read" and react accordingly.

Crisis Response 2 Does not let emotions impact thinking when the stakes are high; always in a clear thinking, problem solving mode.

Agreement 5 Likelihood of conflict or disagreement does not deter from taking a strong position in a comfortable and convincing manner.

Leveraging Viewpoint 82 Confidently takes a position and persuasively drives it to prevail against challenging points of view with the surety that one is in the right.

Influence 9 Consistently and persistently advocates point of view; undeterred by all but the most compelling arguments presented by others.

Agreement 5 Readily challenges the point of view of others, can take a very strong position and is comfortable defending it even if conflict occurs.

Self Assurance 5 Has innate belief that one’s decisions and problem solving ability will be up to the challenge. Believes one’s solutions are generally equal to or superior to those advocated by others.

Formulating Strategy 16 Thinks of approach unique to the situation, analyzes likelihood of success and pushes forward with calculated risk.

Decisiveness 8 Has a comfort level with ambiguity and risk that allows consideration of a myriad of possibilities while maintaining focus to arrive at a decision.

Creativity 7 Oriented to think of new and potentially unique approaches, perhaps unconstrained by convention or paradigm, that may offer significant advantage.

Deliberateness 3 Careful analysis of data and/or facts constitute due diligence that allow one to proceed on a sure-footed basis during negotiations.

Empathy 1 Has ability to understand the emotions and motivations of others without being too accommodating or giving away advantage.

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Srikanth Ramanujan Leading Agile - Coach Candidate

March 18, 2015 PeopleDNA™ Results

Competency Percentile Score Controlling & Closing

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Positions and controls the sales process toward closure. Creates, evaluates and presents ideas early in the 75 sales process then leverages viewpoints and steers one's own sales agenda towards closure.

Independent Direction 99 Addresses the issue according to their best individual judgement and conveys direction to others with a sense of urgency.

Compliance 1 Thinks things through independently of existing paradigms and convention, formulating opinion based upon personal observation and judgement.

Influence 9 Persuades others to join in the effort, strongly suggesting that their charted direction and process is the right one for the situation.

Decisiveness 8 Has good comfort level making decisions and setting direction despite some degree of ambiguity and risk surrounding the situation.

Leveraging Viewpoint 82 Confidently takes a position and persuasively defends it against challenging points of view with the surety that one is in the right.

Influence 9 Consistently and persistently advocates point of view; undeterred by all but the most compelling arguments presented by others.

Agreement 5 Readily challenges the point of view of others, can take a very strong position and is comfortable defending it even if conflict occurs.

Self Assurance 5 Has innate belief that one’s decisions and problem solving ability will be up to the challenge. Believes one’s solutions are generally equal to or superior to those advocated by others.

Closure 6 The willingness to firmly push one's self and others through an organized process to achieve the committed outcome.

Agreement 5 Clearly stating one’s position, even if conflict or a negative reaction is anticipated, is required to move others to actions they ordinarily wouldn’t undertake.

Structure 3 A consistent and organized approach is necessary to know when to step in and push self and others to maintain committed progress.

Follow Through 1 The commitment to finish the effort, no matter what, is a prime catalyst for closure.

Srikanth Ramanujan Leading Agile - Coach Candidate

March 18, 2015 PeopleDNA™ Results

Competency Percentile Score Time Management

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The ability to effectively determine priorities in support of well defined objectives, to plan the work around 45 those priorities, and to concentrate on efficient execution of work to accomplish those priorities.

Priority Setting 98 Having a frame of reference that allows one to differentiate that which is really important from that which is simply urgent.

Goal Oriented 9 "If you don’t know where you are going, any road will take you there". Clear objectives are essential to clear priorities and high quality decisions.

Decisiveness 8 Those who are “willing to make the call” are essential to the priority setting process because they are comfortable setting direction without all the facts.

Intensity 4 Those with lower Intensity scores tend to seek to leverage their efforts toward the most important things and prioritize well as a result.

Concentration 25 Focusing on the task at hand, proceeding in an organized fashion with the intent and ability to finish regardless of the effort required

Vitality 10 Bringing a high degree of energy to the communication adds compelling enthusiasm which can sweep others into action.

Structure 3 The quality of being organized often includes bringing structure to thoughts and observations in addition to keeping "things" neat and tidy.

Follow Through 1 Those who always do what they say allow others to plan their efforts around the deliverables, increasing everybody's efficiency and output.

Balanced Planning 17 Balances current methodology and new ideas while identifying facts and details that contribute to the bigger picture. Approaches things in an organized fashion for maximum efficiency and effective utilization of resources.

Creativity 7 Balanced consideration of both current methodology and new approaches helps one to arrive at the best course of action

Detail Orientation 8 The ability to consider the details, then to assimilate them into the bigger picture is key to planning an effective approach.

Structure 3 An organized individual efficiently gathers the information required for planning and is more effective at balancing resources.

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Srikanth Ramanujan Leading Agile - Coach Candidate

March 18, 2015 PeopleDNA™ Results

Competency Percentile Score Problem Solving

Defines complex problems involving people and process, then collaboratively crafts a solution that 21 addresses the root cause of the problem.

Rallying the Team 63 Takes personal ownership of the problem, steps up and takes charge of a team effort committed to a positive outcome.

Crisis Response 2 Clear thinking during trying times inspires confidence and is crucial to both speed and quality of problem solving. Problems sometimes deliver unexpected, multiple crises

Take Charge 8 Stepping up and showing leadership at a time when a problem is causing worry or discouragement in the troops inspires confidence that a solution is possible or probable.

Self Responsibility 5 Definition of the problem is incomplete if it does not contain the words “I or my”. Personal ownership is required even when the problem was caused elsewhere.

Collaboration 1 Conveying a “we’re in this together” mentality inspires the team to throw their collective shoulders into the problem solving effort.

Investigating Solutions 45 Drives root cause analysis, brings one’s own new ideas to the table, pursues new developments in the field to build a list of possible solutions, then analyzes the best course of action.

Creativity 7 The best solutions often require creative thinking and the ability to think outside of conventional or traditional methodology

Learning 6 The commitment to maintain cutting edge knowledge often locates ideas pioneered by others that can be adapted to solve the current problem. It doesn’t have to be “invented here”.

Deliberateness 3 The ability to thoroughly analyze facts and data helps to both define the problem (root cause) and to evaluate the best solution among the many possibilities suggested

Closure 7 The willingness to firmly push one’s self and others through an organized process to achieve the committed outcome.

Agreement 5 Clearly stating and defending one’s position in a fair manner constitutes effective negotiating and a sense of urgency which serves to move the problem solving process along.

Structure 3 The problem solving process is most often a project which requires a consistent and organized approach

Follow Through 1 The commitment to finish the effort, no matter what, is a prime catalyst for closure.

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Srikanth Ramanujan Leading Agile - Coach Candidate

March 18, 2015 PeopleDNA™ Results

Competency Percentile Score Relationship Emphasis

Makes it a priority to network and make acquaintances; invests in and builds deeper relationships over 13 time. Likely to provide service and be accommodating to others.

Serving Others 27 Cheerfully assists others without the expectation that something will be given in return.

Humility 7 Acting without expectation of recognition defines the action as service instead of self-serving.

Friendliness 6 Providing service with a smile, being happy to do it, makes the action seem sincere and genuine.

Empathy 1 Consideration of the needs and well-being of others provides a focus and direction for acts of service.

Connecting With Others 29 Quickly establishes acquaintances due to approachability, caring about others and enjoyment of social situations.

Sociability 7 Enjoyment of social interaction and gatherings increases the number of potential acquaintances to which one is exposed.

Friendliness 6 Maintaining a friendly, approachable demeanor draws people in and makes acquaintances quickly.

Empathy 1 Asking people about themselves – and caring about the reply – puts others at ease and makes the encounter memorable.

Deepening Relationships 7 Building stronger relationships through caring, sharing and creating a trust that makes others comfortable working closely and revealing confidences.

Trust of Others 1 Trusting others to do the right thing and giving them a good reputation to live up to is a powerful influence on others to invest more deeply in a relationship.

Collaboration 1 The feeling that “we’re in this together” establishes common purpose and deepens the bond between team members.

Empathy 1 An attitude of wanting to be helpful creates a two way street of people who look out for the best interests of the other person in the relationship.

Srikanth Ramanujan Leading Agile - Coach Candidate

March 18, 2015 PeopleDNA™ Results

Competency Percentile Score Customer Service Orientation

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The demonstrated ability to be sensitive to customer needs, with personal advocacy and commitment to 13 drive organization’s performance to meet those needs.

Advocating Others’ Needs 57 Focusing on the well being of others, putting one’s self in their shoes, then publicly and persuasively expressing support for the organization to meet needs of others.

Influence 9 Advocacy for others requires speaking up and being heard, with a willingness to be the persistent “squeaky wheel”.

Humility 7 The tendency to not focus on one’s self makes it easier to draw attention to the needs of others.

Empathy 1 Understanding the emotional reactions and well being of others allows service to be effectively positioned to fulfill their expectations.

Issue Ownership 30 Noticing a potential issue earlier than others, accepting personal responsibility for resolution, and not letting emotions or pessimism dampen one’s commitment to see the issue addressed.

Crisis Response 2 The ability to control one’s emotions during adversity and to focus calmly on the issue makes it easier to maintain personal commitment and optimism that the issue will be handled.

Self Responsibility 5 Those who consistently accept ownership of issues don’t worry about who made the mistake or caused the problem. If they discover a problem, they own it until it is resolved.

Worry 1 Those who worry about outcomes will typically be on alert and signal that action is required. They don’t hesitate to sound the alarm as the conscience of the organization.

Closure 6 The willingness to firmly push one’s self and others through an organized process to achieve the committed outcome.

Agreement 5 Clearly stating one’s position, even if conflict or a negative reaction is anticipated, is required to move others to actions they ordinarily wouldn’t undertake.

Structure 3 A consistent and organized approach is necessary to know when to step in and push self and others to maintain committed progress.

Follow Through 1 The commitment to finish the effort, no matter what, is a prime catalyst for closure.

Srikanth Ramanujan Leading Agile - Coach Candidate

March 18, 2015 PeopleDNA™ Results

Competency Percentile Score Technical Specialist Support

analysis until answers emerge.

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Responds to technical support requests with a sense of urgency and ownership. Does not resent being 6 called upon even if a problem is due to the negligence of others.

Issue Ownership 30 Noticing a potential issue earlier than others, accepting personal responsibility for resolution, and not letting emotions or pessimism dampen one’s commitment to see the issue addressed.

Crisis Response 2 The ability to control one’s emotions during adversity and to focus calmly on the issue makes it easier to maintain personal commitment and optimism that the issue will be handled.

Self Responsibility 5 Those who consistently accept ownership of issues don’t worry about who made the mistake or caused the problem. If they discover a problem, they own it until it is resolved.

Worry 1 Those who worry about outcomes will typically be on alert and signal that action is required. They don’t hesitate to sound the alarm as the conscience of the organization.

Task Orientation 5 Focusing on completion of tasks as a measure of success, working persistently and avoiding unnecessary distractions along the way.

Structure 3 The search for orderly process increases productivity and the bandwidth for completing more tasks than others.

Detail Orientation 8 Paying attention to the details means not overlooking small tasks that may be important to a larger effort or project.

Follow Through 1 The urge to cross completed tasks off of one’s “to do” list is a driving force for people who are proficient in task completion.

In-Depth Expertise 14 Maintains current knowledge in area of technical expertise, is good at troubleshooting and is proficient at root-cause analysis when presented with a problem.

Learning 6 Consistently looks for opportunities to expand knowledge base and is committed to being on the cutting edge of field of expertise.

Detail Orientation 8 Digs in the details, notices seemingly insignificant details and patterns that others might miss.

Deliberateness 3 Thrives on analysis of the facts and details. Proficient at determining root cause of problems, stays with the

Srikanth Ramanujan Leading Agile - Coach Candidate

March 18, 2015 PeopleDNA™ Results

Competency Percentile Score Team Player

effective team effort.

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The ability to make decisions and execute for the good of the team rather than for self-consideration. A 4 member of a group who cooperates with other people and who subordinates personal interests in order to achieve a common goal.

Individual Engagement 35 Personal commitment to high standards and holding one’s self accountable to continue to execute until the objective is accomplished.

Goal Oriented 9 Being a team player does not mean coasting along in the safety of the team. It means setting challenging objectives requiring the team effort.

Self Responsibility 5 Feeling personally accountable for results, even if those results require contribution from others, is typical of those who deliver on commitments and avoid a “not my job” attitude.

Follow Through 1 Failing to deliver on commitments is not an option for those who realize that other team members are counting on the deliverables.

Team Orientation 6 Enjoys operating in a team setting, seeking to understand and motivate team members. Inspires self and others to fulfill commitments and not let team members down.

Sociability 7 Truly enjoys working with others, gains energy in group settings and looks forward to future interactions and success.

Collaboration 1 Thinks “team” first and believes that most initiatives are more effectively accomplished through teamwork.

Empathy 1 Seeks to understand the motivations and feelings of others ; doesn’t ever want to let team members down by not fulfilling personal commitments to team effort.

Servant Attitude 7 Executing, pursuing objectives and giving of oneself for the benefit of others.

Humility 7 Believing that personal contributions don’t need accolades, that recognition should go to all who contribute; finding satisfaction simply in a job well done.

Trust of Others 1 Believing that people will live up to expectations if they are treated inclusively and with respect; giving others a good reputation to live up to.

Collaboration 1 Providing service to others with the expectation that those served will be inspired to serve, building an
